THL OREGKiK STATESMAN FRIDAY, MARCH 16. 1887. 8 PACIFIC COAST. News by Telep-aph from West of the Rockies. Te KMtk oat Raodall, LUaai.iBcao, ilxrch 9. Tbe republi can members of the bonne of representa tires of Pennsylrania held ft caucus Lb if evening, when it wu dedled (o knock Congressman Kandall oat of hi district tor ltiiladelphi. This vill be done by apportioning the city of Philadelphia o that the district in which Randall resides :tl i M.,1A MrjiV.TiMn Kv. a larroo ma. nm uo uw; njniwwMMi w jority. Foktlasd, Ok., March 10. CUra J ones, of this city, eighteen years of age, was declared insane te-day. Xn. Kaadall Beleaaed. Poktlaxd, Oa., March 10. Mrs. Ran dall, w ho was held as an accomplice with her husband in the robbery of a trunk, a few days ago, was released to-day, on her own recognizance. Hhe is believed not to have been in her husband's confi dence. A Klg Scare. rosTUAXD, Oa., March 10. A story is in circulation here that the "intemational itM will attempt to rescue Itoberts, the man convicted of burning Ladd's barn in Kast Portland, when the sheriff starts to taktf hi'm to Salem. The authorities think the story is all foolishness. Will So Doabt Dl. Portland, Or., March 10. The condi tion of the man Gallagher, who slitted his goozle string, at Ht. Vincent's hos pital, yesterday, is unchanged. His death in believed to le only a question of time. The Shotgun Idiot. Portland, Or., March 10. Tl- trial of James for manslaughter, n t..o killing of Mrs. Newton, at AlMnn. i, in progress. The case will prohah'v g the jury be fore morning. The Wrong; Man. Portland, Or., March 10. A man was captured at Vancouver to-day, Rupposed to be IIohh, who solved the prison puz zle. He proved to be the wrong man. An Inquest being; Held. Portland, Or., March 10. A coroner's inquest is in progrens on the body of Sam uel Taylor, who died from injuries re ceived in the capsizing of the steamer Mew York yesterday. A searching in vestigation will be made, to establish the question of where the responsibility rests. C. A O. R. R. Work. Sam Francimco, March 10. The recent wet weather, though retarding tempora rily wora on the California & Oregon railroad, has not by any means put a stop to the work of construction thereon. Kven through heavy snow storms, which raged with heavy violence, there was not a man of the construction lorce laid oft. Grader are now ten miles aove Monta- -.1 i, I 1.. i.:. I mil' i iiMk i ion LK-tru iai l uu swell and a half miles of tikis route. Yester day ten and a half miles of the heaviest steel railing was sent up to the front, so that there is no lack in this particular. Grades and steep cuts render this road susceptible to slides, particularly in the early stages of the road's existence. When this road is in thorough workiug oruer it is the opinion of railroad men that it will tie ponmble to keep it clear throughout the entire year, with the ex jienditure of very little trouble. Portland, Oregon, March 11. John nie Mooney, the youthful culprit, waived examination on the charge of perjury, and was committed to jtil, failing to fur nish i0 bonds. The condition of Gallagher, the man who stilted hi goozle string, remains un changed, that is, he is not yet dead. Child Klllrd. Portland, Oregon, March 11. Dis patches received in this city give the in formation that a three-year old child named Theresa Coyle, was killqd at the Cascades yesterday. She wa-'Uing in me nouse, wnen a maul was "1 near by, and a piece of rock flew through the window, striking the child in the head and killing her instantly. 1 a M v w i oktlasd, kjt., .Man ii J.. i be jury in the I rinille embezzlement case has ln"ght in a verdict of not guilty. It is expected that the Morrison street bri.!,;e will le open for travel by April lKorar loads for the draw arrived here to-day. A Humor shoot Ski AT. Portland, Or., March 12. letectlves now claim that they have reliable infor mation that Willis Skiff, the merchant of Union, who disappeared mysteriously last fall, was not murdered, but skipped on account of his debts. Portland, Or., March 14. Pan. Mo ran, the murderer, w ho has been granted a new trial, will appear for his second trial to morrow. , Ship Agronnd. Portland, Or., March 14. The ship Andrita is aground at Sauvie's island near this city. She will probably have to be lightered before she will be able to get off. Collapeed. Portland, Or., March 14. It is report ed currently in this city that the Thomp son opera company went to pieces against the rocks of bad management in San Francisco on Saturday. To Investigate the Causee. Portland, Or., March 14. The in spec tors' investigation of the disaster of tne "ew York" steamer, which capsized and sunk in the Willamtl here on Wednesday last will commence to-morrow. 8AINDERS IX CO CRT. Time for Arzalaa; the motion for Change er Venn Set Alb ant, Or., March 14. W. W. Saun- den, convicted of the murder of Charles Campbell, was breoght to this city to day, from 8lem, by Sheriff Minto, for trial. On the convening of court, at one o'clock, the attorneys for Saunders filed a motion for a change of venue, on tbe ground of existing prejudice in Linn county. Sa uxuler was brought 'into court by Klieriff Smith. Tbe prisoner waa dreaeed, as usual, scrupulously seat, lie wore a dark, fashionably-cut suit, with a white bat, and with a pair of gold-run med ereglasses upon his vest. Within the bar eat his affianced, Miss Minnie Allison, and Mrs. K. S. Strabaa. Tbe counsel for the state asked permis sion of the court to file counter affidavits to the motion for a change of venue. The time for arguing the motion was set for nine o'clock in the morning. Railway Cellialoa. San Francisco, March 14. Dispatches received in this city give the news that trains seven and eight collided at Bine Canyon, on tbe western slope of Sierra evadas, about forty miles west from Trockee, California, this morning. Both were double-headers. Four loco motives and a number of cars were badly wrecked. No one was hart. LoeAagelee Smallpox. Los Axoeles, March 14. Three deaths from smallpox occurred at the pest house to-day and one new case reported, the first since last Friday. Portland, Or., March 15. The second trial of Moran, the murderer, was post poned till Friday, owing to the absence of important witnesses for the prosecu tion. Portland Newt Note. Portland, Or., March 15. No eastern mail has arrived in this city since Sun day. There was a washout on the Yel lowstone river. The trains will connect at Wallula to-night, and the delayed mail will arrive to-morrow. The petition for the arrest of judgment in the case of Norton, the Albina bur glar, was denied to-day. He will be sen tenced to-morrow. John Horner, of Stayton, Marion coun ty, who has been confined in jail here for two months, pending his trial upon the charge of passing counterfeit money, was admitted to bail in the sum of $2,000, to day. The steamer New York, sunk here last Wednesday, has drifted from the place where she sunk, and no. trace of her can be found. It is feared that the will drift into the fehip channel and be smashed. A Change of Venae. Albany, Or., March 15. W. W. Saun ders was granted a change of venue to Marion county to-day by Judge Boise He will come up for trial there at the J une term of court. Notable Death. San Francisco, March 15. Charles Lux, one of the largest cattle dealers and land owners on the Pacific coast, died here to-day. A Slight Shiver. San Francisco, March 15. Dispatches state that three slight shocks of earth quake were felt at Palisade, Nevada, last night. A Portland-Hound Yreael with Cholera Aboard. San Francisco, March 1G. Advices received by tbe City of New York, which touched at Honolulu on her voy age from China, state that it is reported at Honolulu that the British ship Swan sea Castle, with cholera aboard, has sailed from Valparaiso bound for Port land, Oregon. She was not allowed to enter V alparaiso, but was supplied with provisions from the outside. Conilng Into Southern Oregon. San Francwco, March 15. S. L Clements, chief engineer of the Pacific improvement company, has gone to Kastern Oregon to make the preliminary surveys, it is presumed, for the Southern Pacific line through there. It ha been definitely settled there that the base of these surveys shall le Edge wood, not Klamath river, as originally intended. Portland, Or., March 16th. Norton, the Albina burglar, was to-day sentenced to serve a term of three years in the pen itentiary. Portland's Loral News. Portland. Or., March 16. Zetterman, arrested for shooting the Salvationist, was to-day released on $.500 bonds. Keith' ocr house was burglarized at 3 oVIo. k t:.- morning, of fifty dollars. O T.rien the mining witness in the Moran murder case, arrived from Astoria to-day, and will ie ready to testify Sat urday. U.S. Kowe, superintendent for the O R. & N. Co., resigned his position this morning. The first arrests under the new curfew ordinance were made last night, in the case of three boys twelve years of age. The report in the papers of this morn iag that tbe ship bwansea Castle had left Valparaiso for Portland with cases of cholera aboard is a mistake. The Swansea Castle arrived at Astoria two weeks ago, and had no sickness of any kind on board. ALBANY COt'RT NOTES. Oeorge Roger Indicted for Libeling O. T. farter. Albany, Or, March 16. Geo. Rogers editor of tbe Salem Lance, was to-day in dicted by the grand jury for libel, in pub lishing alleged defamatory articles against O. T. Porter, editor of the Albany T" . 1 1 a " la r 1 a a . - ouiieun. i ne ieeung prevails nere thai Porter was not badly libeled. The case will probably be continued. Rogers' Don as were nxed at two hundred dollars which be promptly furnished. Foead Gatlty. San Francisco, March 16. John Stites the man charged with an attempt to ob struct the Sutter street railway with dy namite, on February 16th ultimo, was to-aay louna guilty ot ihecnarge. Ladies. Notice the display of fine new underwear and infants' robes in window at Wagner & Co. 'a. the FOREIGN. Record of News from Orer the Atlantic Earwpeaa Alliance. London, March 9. The Times pub lishes a dispatch from Vienna positively affirming that the alliance between Italy, Germany, and Austria, has been renew ed, but for three instead of five years. BUM ARCH'S VICTOR T. The Kept annate Faaaea the Relehatag Amidst the Wildest nthulacnu 'Berlin, March 11. Tbe septennate bill, the question over which tbe old reicbstag was dissolved by Bismarck, and the new elections held, passed tbe Ger man reicbstag to-day, without debate by a vote of two hundred and twenty-seven- to tbirty-one, eighty-four members not voting. Tbe announcement of the result of the vote was received with great ap plause, and there is much enthusiasm throughout the country. This puts the German army on a seven years' footing. A Kewapaaer Banter. London, March 11. Tbe London Tel egraph publishes a sensational story, as serting that the admiralty has informa tion to the effect that the Russian govern- ment now has drawings of British naval designs, sold to them by a draughtsman named Terry, recently discharged from tbe navy yard at Chatham. Poor Little Bulgaria. London, March 11. Russia has invited the powers to join in warning the Bulga rian regents against cruelties practiced upon insurgent prisoners. Aa laenrrectlon. London, March 12. Dispatches state that several bands of Montenegron des peradoes, numbering fifty each were re cently brought to Sofia, with a view of creating an insurrection. The plot was discovered and the leaders arrested. Mark of Cordiality. St. Petersbi'ro, March 12. Czar Vladimir will send Grand Duke Michel with a large suite to Berlin on the occa sion of Emperor William's birthday, which occurs on Tuesday, March 22, when the Emperor will be 90 years of age, as a mark of cordiality. FeUng Hie Friends. Berlin, March 12. Bismarck gave a dinner last night to the leaners of tbe va rious parties who voted for the suptennate bill. There was general good feeling. Dynamiter Arrested. London, March 13. A dispatch from St. Petersburg says that six students were arrested on Newski Prospect, near Ant- chin Palie, having in their possession a quantity of explosives. They were await ing the coming of the czar on his way to the cathedral to take part in anniversary services. THREE BOLD STUDENTS. i They Wanted the Life of the King of All the RoMias. London, March 16. Dispatches state that on Sunday last three students of the St. Petersburg university were arrested. They had in their possession a number of bombs charged with dynamite. Each bomb was arranged to throw eleven balls, filled with strychnine. The pris oners admitted that they belonged to a secret criminal society. The Berlin l ost takes a gloomy view of the plot to assassinate the czar, and savs that it "will require a superhuman effort on the part of the czar to oppose tb tempest ol voices calling for war as a remedy for Russia's woes. Heavy Failure. London. March 16. Stewart Bros., timber merchants of this city, failed to day. Their liabilities are placed at the sum of foOO,0H). LESG STATION ITEMS. Mrs. McFadden is visiting in Salem. MiHS Emma Powell has gone to Al bany, to learn dressmaking. There will be an oyster supper at E. E. Hammock's to-morrow (Tuesday) night. David Smith ment down to Albany to day. He is summoned there as a jury man. E. E. Smith, telegraph oierator, has left this place. We are sorry to lose him. Mia Iell lyeedy has been having a se vere spell of bram fever, but is now con valescent. 1110 nurma miuurA pnintkanv Kttra tArn dln tliir dpnof hiliMinir that thov had i o - at the Iebanon junction, and moved it to AumsTiue. Died, one mile south of here, Miss Mary Luper, March 5th, of consumption. Her remains were laid to rest in the Ma sonic graveyard at Lebanon, on Monday, Marc i in. hhe was U years old. John Leedy has been engaged the last week in moving his steam saw mill down to where the Yaquina Bay R R. crosses tbe South Santiam river. He will commence sawing out timbers for the railroad bridge there this week. At the annual school meeting in dis trict No. 17, the following officers were elected: David Smith, director; and E. E. Hammock, clerk. Also the name of the school house was changed from the Bent ley to Tallman school house. In district No. 17 (this one) the following officers were elected: Marion Arrant, airector, ana vm. Hammer, clerk. School will commence here this week, wiu Air. aiagee as leacner. March 14th, 1887. Swobs is. At the meeting of directors on Tuesday evening, the newly elected director, John G. Wright, was sworn .in, ana wui serve tor me next three rears, doubtlessly as efficiently as be has served in the past three. Daid Simp- oiru, uo vc-ia, mmm iuovri MTU uaja lu which to file bis bond of 110,000. STATE A5D TERRITORY. The Case "of the Scissors, Pen, and Paste-pot, vers us Northwestern Exchanges. It is confidently expected, says a Cheney paper, that a surveying party will soon be put on to run the preliminary survey for the Big Bend branch to leave the main line at Cheney. We do not bear of any great loss of either cattle, sheep or horses in Baker county thus far, and tbe weather indica tions are mot favorable to tbe stock in terests, says the Democrat. Dalles paper: It is feared that the peach crop has been killed. In conver sation with Mr. Benson, of Five Mile, he says he does not think bis trees will pro duce any fruit this season. A party writing from Rockville, Gil liam county, says that Ben Snipes has lost 4500 bead of cattle, and that Hendrex Bros, have lost cattle at the rate of twen ty a day, and another cattle firm at the rate of from six to fifty head. It is said that tbe Northern Pacific railroad company has purchased eighty acres of land north of and adjoining the town of Wallula, where tbey will erect a depot, shows, etc. Already a number of buildings are talked of in tbe new town. The Oregon Pacific ran into a flock of sheep about two miles this side of Albany on Tnesday. Six head ran into a cattle- guard and before the train could be stopped tbey were run over and killed. Several others were thrown from the track and injured. Engineer in charge Huson, of the Cas cade division, says there is but thirteen miles of track to lay on tlie switchback, and the road will be finished between tbe 1st and 15th of May, and the tunnel will be finished in a year, provided the same progress is made in the future as in the past. Last November a Hungarian named John Bino, who had worked for Thomas Lister for about two years, left Prine ville on foot, intending to go to the Dalles, and has not been heard of since. When he left here be expected to meet his wife at the Dalles, having sent money to her to pay her passage from Hungary to that 1lace, and then return to near Shear's rldge on the Deschutes, where a countryman of his resided, sad take a place. He had about $200 with him, and he was very careless about showing his money, it is feared he has been put out of the way by some one to get his money. For many mornings a noble looking chanticleer was in the habit ofVettingJn to Charles Uurran s barn and lustily an nouncing and approaching day by vigor ous crowing. Mr. Curran has a horse possessed with a little more sense than is usually allotted such animals, and be ing aroused before his customary hour was more than he desired. He quietly stood it for some time, however, but final ly forbearance ceased to be a viture, and one morning the rooster sought his ac customed stand for business, the horse, apparently with premeditation, was there and waiting, and with the first crow came a kick, and now tbe rooster is her alding the break of day on the other side of the dark river. Albany Herald. J. R. McCollum, of Curtis, Nebraska, writes to the Boise Statesman that the extension of the Chicago & Northwestern west from Fort Fetterman, Wyoming, the point to which the road has been completed, will be pushed very rapidly this spring and summer. The firm with which be is connected has a contract for one hundred miles ot the grading with eighty miles of the track to lay, work on which to begin April 1. Ihe proposed Eint of entry into Idaho territory is near .gle rock, where the road will cross tbe Snake river. By a short cut to the Boiue river it will then strike a good grade to Boise City. This road, it is generally understood, wui connect at lioise City with the Oregon f acinc. In the United States circuit court on the 9th indictments against the following iersons charged with conspiracy in con nection with the anti-Chinese riots of the winter ef 1886 were dismissed: Sam uel F. Wiltermood, Joseph Wilson, John W. Gioeon, Wm. Mevers, Lewis Hamil ton, George Brown, John Belisle, Allen White, I.yton Miller, W. B. Stafford, Nat I.. Baker, Wm. McLaughlin and Hisam Straight. The indictments against these persons were dismissed because the United States supreme court recently de cided that United Stateeourts had no jurisdiction in the matter of trying cases of tbe nature which the accused were in- licted, and that only the local courts had power to deal with offenses of that cliar acter. We are informed that a shooting affrav took place at Antelope a few days since, in which Mr. Kenneth McClennan shot at and wounded two men named Morgan and Slocum. It appears that Mr. Mc Clennan and a man named Sandy went to tbe house of Mr. Slocum and picked a quarrel with Mr. Morgan, Slocum 's sheep herder. As soon as the quarrel com menced, Mi. McClennan pulled his re volver and commenced shooting. Mr. Slocum was an old roan, very deaf, and not knowing what the quarrel was about, stepped in to part the combatants. At which juncture McClennan shot Slocum, striking him in the arm. Mr. Moran re ceived a slight flesh wound across the ab domen, amounting to nothing but an abrasure of the skin. A warrant was sworn out against McClennan, and he is now under arrest. Times-Mountaineer Baker City Reveille: A serious cutting an ray occurred at tne school noose about four miles above Vale, in this country, one nigm iai weex, in which one Tbeho. an elderly gentleman and an innocent party, was seriously injured. It seems that the two Btacey boys came to the schoolbouse in company with others for the purpose of breaking up the literary society. Harry Stacey got into trouble wim anoiner person wnose name we could not learn, when Mr. The bo Inter fered, and n trying to separate the fight ers received a cot across the left breast from knife in the hands of Harry Ta W at tmtm a a a a oiacey. sir. inerjo tainted and was car ried into tbe school house where the doc tor took several stitches in the wound and pronounced it not a fatal one. After the cutting a man named Frooman drew a pistol which was promptly taken from bun, after which be went into the school boose and broke out windows and demol t. a ft tanea uungs generally. A warrant was sworn out for Stacey, but he has left for parts unknown. Frooauan is under ar rest. TCEXER ITEMS. TraNER, March 14. Every thing is quiet on the Potomac. Miss Ada Thomas is visiting at Rose burg. Rev. Starr, of Salem, will dweourfe here Sunday. Prayer meeting seems to have died a natural death. The band serenaded the "families of note" Friday night. "Jumbo" and II. H. Courtney are in the city, relative to the Baker-Wilson trial. Mrs. R. O. Thomas snd daughter Hallie are visiting relatives and friends at Arlington. Several of our citizens attended Richard Keene's sale at Sublimity Sat urday and report the property as selling well. The spring term of school commenced this morning. W. T. Vanscov and Miss Mary McKinney will wield tbe persuad ers and instruct the young idea. MARRIED. WOODWORTH SWEGLE. At the residence of Amer Wood, on Howell Prairie, Marion county. Oregon, at 10 :3d a. m., March 16, 1887, by Hon. T. C. Shaw, county judge, 3Iiss Ella Swegle, daughter of Matthias Swegle, of Cheney, W. T., to J. M. Wood worth, a young farmer of Howell Prai rie. After the wedding, an excellent wed ding breakfast was served by the bride's aunt, Mrs. Anna Wood, after which the young couple were driven to Brooks' sta tion, from where tbey took the north bound train for Portland. They will spend probably two weeks in traveling and visiting friends, after which they will return to their future home on How ell Prairie. DIED. TOWNSEND In East Portland, March 11, 1887, at 8 a. m., Mrs. Nellie Town send, wife of J. M. Townsend. SMITH. At Oregon City, March 1, 1887, Mrs. Allie Smith. Mrs. Smith was a sinter of Mrs. James Morris, of Turner. THE MARKETS. Portland and Salem Markets Cor rected Weekly from Re liable Sources. PORTLAND MARKET. rwholeIe Prices. I Wheat Good valley, fl.40 per ctl; Walla Walla. ftl.S-i. Oat Per buohel. .H(iOc. Flour Standard brands, per bbl, 11.50; other brands. $4 . Butter Fancy irekh roll, per pound. 2.; common, LVJDc. Ecks Per dozen, I2',e. Chickens Quote $3($M. according to quility SALEM MARKET. Buying Prices.) Whkat Gone op. The mil companies for all food here are paying Tl to 75c per bu marketable wheat. Flour Per barrel. M 25 Oats Per bimhcl, 4Urc. Barley- Per bushel, ':. Bran Per tun. f 16. Shorta Per ton, 1S. Chop Per ton. $J0. Hop Offering all the way from IS to inc. Eggs 10 to Vc per dot. Potatoes Per bushel, 7.V Corn meal Sc per pound. Oat meal Selling at .Vaw. Cheese 20c per pound all round. Beans 3c per lb. Iried apples Per pound, 9c. Dried plums Per pound, 6c. Iried peaches Per pound. 10c. Driedprunes Per sound. I0c. Butter 225c per pound. Lard WaMOc per lb. Hams Per pound. 10c. Bacon sides He per lb. Shoulders c per lb. Shoulders Hugar cured, selling, per lb, 10c Breakfast bacon Helling at 12V. Hams Sugar cured, selling, per lb, 15c. Beef oelllnf , ,c. Pork- C10c. Matton 10e. Veal 10ta)12'c- Chickens Buying, IIWXSM per dot. Hog Kuylag, 4c. Beef On foot, 2', 8c. Green apples Per bunhel, COc. Onions Per bushel. 11.25. Cabbage Out of market. Timothy Seed Per pound, 7c: selling. Red Clorer Seed Per pound. 14c. White Clorer Seed Per pound, i'. " TRIED IS Rl CRUCIBLE. I ago I tfhwovaiad a Bttla sore ob say atusk, ami tha I oat on pronoaaoaa Bcaaeer. I aaa trlaa aambar of phrsiciaaa, bat wttaoat wiring aaj paramaaaat baaedt. ajnoat tkaaaatbat wwaoaaoctwoapactallata. TVs rtlrlas Uwy applied waa Uka Bra to Uva ore, eaoalag latsu pala. I saw a atatamant ia taa papars taUlag waat a. a. a. aad dona for iaanalaailarlyaSUetad. I proaarad aotaaat awigabora aoald aotlee taat say i aeaUagap. Ky gaaaral aaalta had beam bad tor twt or tares yaars I aad a aaOtag eoaca aa4 aptt Mood eoattaaally. I had a awrtra pala la ty tiriaat. Aftar taalag tlx bottles of a a a. my aoaga left ae aad I gtwar atooter taaa I aad baea for aararal yaars. Ky eaaoer aaa asaligo-rerall bat a Uttle spot asowt taa staa of a aelralate, aad K It rapidly dtoeopeer lag. I woald adrkta every oe wtta eeaeer to giro 8. a. a. a fair trtaL Has. XAXCT I. XoOOVACOHXT. Aaae Orwe, Tippecanoe Co.. lad. rcfe.1. MM. SwW Sped So Is eaOrely regetahla. aad eeeeM to emre aaaw ri ey forrtag oet the laipa rlOae from tbe Uood. Truth i aa Wood aad I Diseases aaaOed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., D1UWIR 3, ATIAVTA. OA. WaBjaaaa 4aaBaaBBBMBBBmmBMBJpj AVbtMat twaaty yaan bottlatlM SPECIAL 9 tm. affuwirmiT fiAvorta MOST PERFECT MADE rmarad with strict regard to Parity, Strength, tat llealthfalneoa. Dr. fru a Baking Powder contain no Ammonia,! Jraa.Aliim or Phoephalee. Dr Prtci'l Kxtracta, Vanilla, Lemon, ate, Satoc daUckMal. Q.f 6.000.000 PEOPicus; FERRY'S SEEDS D. M. FERRY A CO. asoemimtsasobstho LuatiT stusau O.K.rERRTICCt Hewtaarftaaj SEEOatlUftl For IMF J' FREKtoaa appbaaaav aad tetaatimna denag a. alLaw- WU sr lUMMMU efara. Addraa a. a. rniT a ta. Dwtroit, a, toft. The BtrrKR' GUIDK hi anaaat SepC aad March, I aave Is year. - 31S paces, IHiUU lmcata,wltJa arer 3.BOO Ulaatratloma a whole Ptetaure Gallery. GIVES Wkoleeale Prises cUreef atetaer all gooda far pereomal er Caaallw sua. Telia how ta rater, aavd arlraa exact coat of arery thissa; worn sue, eat, drtavk, wear, ar ktawe reua wltla. Tlteee IBTVAX.tJABLJE BOOKS romtaiat lauTteraaagtoa frleauaeel rraaa tave aaarketa of the world. We wui small a oopy FR3K o amy ea drees aipoa receipt of 10 eta. to defray expeaee ef aaalllaa;. Let aa hear fire an yoau Rapeetrally, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. StT eV TT9 Waeaea Aveaae, Ckleaca, 1U Cox Bros., Of Maclesjr. need money and room, and will sell out their entire Mock AT dUpote of old stock, and make a general settlement by April 1st. No credit during this time. Produce taken as usual. Customers pletae rail and settle. 2-4-2m Mil LAY, January si, ihmv. THE DING EE A CONARD CO S It MA IT I FX' La KVEH-HI.OO.HINI J r t i : ril vperlaltr ia arowta aad dkanhatiDr WalimiUltheUtaatBoralUaeandniM lk. J rU. m diHanat auasand pnoMtnauM mil I . Ovr j'tO rrn 9nrt to cbnoea fnm. Mill unni ViA Kma safall br mall to all P '. pvnliWf ctuaue ot ranetwa all Inkimifl. J TO 12 PLANTS S I . tftiJtt .'v. l i iWinua. Twojear Hrmwm b wpna (ri:;r: a t iaim .. hum aNtwanllr UlastraiMi. r rt ASTHMA UREQ CCRMAH ASTHMA CURC tcstantly rahvraM the awa rtnient attack, and mamw enfafiwUMe alaep SO Warm far S at tlx. Retajr iwl b IntuUttoa. Ha ertina ba mediata, dirart and rertala. and a ran ai U raealt hi all eorel4e sauna. A atnale trial ee rinoaa tba B sk-ptMial Price tie. and tl UU of aejr draawiK. or br m11 Sunnla Vrrr Im SEEDS ! . J. HOWKN 9 LARGE ILM'STKATED VK rj acrlptlveand priced catalogue of vegeta ble, Howet. clover, crass, and alfalfa seeds, and containing valuable Information for the gar dener, tbe farmer, or the family mailed free to aii apprcant., A unrein K. J. tut WK.N, bKKD MEKCilANT, Hiiand M7 Hausome street, Han KrancUc i, Ctl. i;H w2w I. J. SHAW. J. T. OKEGG SJIAW & UllFAHi, ATTOKXKYH ATT IVW SALEM. OREGON. M"-Ofr.ce tn Patton'a block, np stairs orer belt's drug store. VOR SALE . OKK SPAN OF IIOKSitH. 17 weighing llw pounds each. This team Is f ood for heavy draught purposes, au for drlr ng, either together or singly. A flrst-clsas op portuultr for a buyer. Apply to Frank Tooxe, three miles from Hslem, on the Turner road. l:l-'2w-w ftCvo CUM"0- Thej are tm. pedally lUble to sadden Colds, CooghM, Croap, Whooping Coorh, etc. We go aran tee Ackers Ccgliah Bemedj a poeiUre cure. It aarea hoars of anxious watching. Bold by Geo. E. Good, druggist. V0T1CE. MONEY TO fLOA!.-1 HAVE from 1' one to eight thouaand dollars to loan on good Marlon county farm security. Enquire of the undersigned, at J. H. Bridges, 202 Trade street, or of Kamser A Bingham, attorneys, Sa lem. I -Tim HEKKY OL8CHLAOKK. TANTED. A GOOD SPAN OF MARES, NOT V T over els years ef age, aad to weigh about 1 100 to 1200 pound. Also a set of harness with breeching. For particulars call at corner of Court and Liberty atreeta, Salera. H7 lw-dw MM asafhstwaaawawinrj Isillll l" 111 a. a 1,1 i a ce, ia.a.A, :FOB ALL. n0 A WEEK AND EXPEN8- ciPald. Valuable oatfit end tartlcn- lars free. P. O. TICKKRY, Augnsu Maine. FOB THE OREGON PEACH BITTERS, CALL on your lrurrit or addree H. Ktaas.Aams rille, Marlon county, Oregon. 3-2&4r P3 m 1 1 Tleaw ii ii COST FOR CASH naif MWii WORI