The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892, February 04, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Prohibition Amendment Has
Passed tlie Senate.
Wallow Count jrA Question of PriY
llegc The Swamp Land In
vestijation, etc
January 27.
The house tu called to order pursuant
to adjournment, and the roll called.
Toe Journal of yesterday was read and
8. B. 10 To re to burse certain coon
ties for taxes paid. .Amended, by Pom
eroy. 37 Toproride for official publication
of derisions of the supreme coart.
20 To prevent fraud ia registration of
cattle, etc Ket erred, sgricolture. ,
17 Creating health officer at Umpqua
river. Commerce.
11 To regulate fees of clerk of su
preme court.
16 ro amend charter of PriaevUle.
H. J. XL 4. pravinz conzreas to improve
the Willamette river at Corvallis. Adopt
8. J. B. 10, providing for annotation,
etc, of school laws. Adopted.
8. J. R. 9, instructing soperintendent
of public instruction to take steps to se
cure publication of text books on phys
iology ana liygiene, lor use in public
schools. Adopted.
II. B. 216, raulsen To appropriate
$15,000 for purchase of lands for sUte
! t. I II T - 1 1
agricultural cuiiee. xieau oeconu time.
217, Hammers To properly brand all
goods manufactured by convict labor.
Read second time. Daly amended, ex
cept brick and other material used in
construction of state buildings. Labor
Smith's amendment to discontinue
school at Corvallis till completion of the
building, was lost.
II. J. M. 4, Biggs For removal of Col.
John O. Parks, C 8. A., engineer corps
from the position of chief of bureau of
engineers, on ground of incompetency.
II. B. 218, Benjamin To change time
of holding circuit court in Second dis
trict. Read second time. To Douglas
8. B. 15 To anthorize construction of
railroad bridge across the Willamette
river at Portland.
II. B. 219. layman To repeal sec. 16
of the act providing for snnport of the
university of Oregon.
220, Layman lo repeal acts for sap-
port of state university.
221. Lafollett Relating to the insane
222, romeroy lo appropriate money
for expenses ef the legislatnre. Read
second time.
223, Thompson Relating to firemen.
224, Palmer For protection of deer
and elk.
8. B. 3 To incorporate Cottage Grove.
84 To amend charter of Albany.
45 To amend civil code.
47 To amend 491-494 of civil
II. R. 44, Layman For night session.
R. A. Miller moved to lay the resolu
tion on the table. Carried.
222 To appropriate money for pay of
officers, members, and clerks of the 14th
legislative assembly. Passed.
34. Goodsell Relating to wills, etc
27 To increase salary of assessor of
Mnltnomah county. Passed.
15. McLean For relief of Klamath
ranntv in sum of SG.725. Failed to pass
Pendleton moved a reconsideration of
vote on II. B. 15, which prevailed, and
the question being put again, the vote
was. aves 30. noes 27. absent 3. Failed
to pass.
8. B. 103, Waiter Defining how wire
fences shall be constructed in- eastern Or-
II. R- 54 To incoroorale Albina. Bill
- - - a
29. Bowditt-h To amend charter
Ashland. Laid on table.
31, McCully To incorpo' Joseph
33, McCully To create Wallowa coun
ty. 1
8. J. R. 12 For relief ol Oregoi Pio
neer Association. Adopted.
8. R. Declarinir what shall const!
tute the irreducible school fund, and pro
viding for its investment.
H. B. 46, Roberts To provide a boon
ty on certain wild animals. Passed.
sim ATE.
Called to order ; roll call ; prayer ; jour
nal read and approved.
The senate took special order the con
sideration of railroad bill at Portland
and after a short discussion the bill
passed. Ares 29: nsys 1. Veatch voting
PmkiKitrtrv 1 in nor rlanse referred to
the education committee.
133, Stanley Prevent murder or ma
licious destruction of property by dyna-
139, Barin Alternate election of coun
ty commissioners.
140, Waaer Allowing county
tila mmI r.f -hft.l mortirasrs.
clerk to
141. Rinehart Appropriating $5,000
for the completion of the Pine creek w
142, Irvine Prohibit removal of books
from state library.
a nun pmW f.ra insurance
M-mm-p ,. as - ' - - - . m
HI V.. Uxxmlatinir actions Ul Vtt
circmt coart.
145, Hare Allowing women
office, when elected by people.
146. Weatheriord Culling of
to hold
1 consti
tutional convention.
147, Dimick To encourage normal
' Dimick introduced resolution for ap
pointment of additional clerks for sneciat
swamp land committee; to committee.
6. B. 91. Earh To nrevent tha anrMd
of contagioQS animal diseases: judiciary.
i, ifcinenart auuung salary ol register
of land office at L4 Grande to be $1,000;
public lands.
94. Ubaodle Eeevlaiat me.ta aad
brands of stock ; Agncaltu-r. .
101, bteele Prommz for navmeat of
property condemned for public uses ; ju
diciary. 103. Wager Eegnlal 102 coastroctioii
wire fences in i-oonUes east of tha CLix-
cade mountains; tosoecisi committee of
senate s east of Cascade mountains.
1 12, Wazer Amendi ai act incorporat
ing Pendleton ; ordered io third reading
115, Simon Provide a more efficient
method for collection of delinquent taxes :
jodiciarv.s .
18. Ihmick Stay of execution when
judgment is rendered for recovery of
money or property; judiciary.
aitzktooh skssiob".
Called to order and roll called.
96, Hare Prevent foreign insurance
companies transferring suits from state to
Lotted bUtes courts, etc. Special com
mittee. 113, Dimick Creating office county re
corder. Judiciary.
114, Lee Regulating practice medi
cine. Judiciary.
116, Dimick Securing to all children
the benefit elementary education. ' Edu
117, Gray Amending incorporation
Astoria. Corporations.
120, Miller Relating to water rights.
121, Vager Dividing state into three
normal school districts. Education.
122, Gray Boatman at Astoria for
quarantine purposes. Commerce.
124, Wager Regulating fees officers
certain counties. Judiciary.
8. B. 103, Wager Regulating construc
tion wire fences east Cascades. Passed.
8. B. 125, Hare Providing for a loan
of irreducible school fund. Passed.
8. B. 135, Cart wright Fixing time
holding court in Crook. Passed.
Watts reported substitute bill which
prohibits sale tobacco, firearms, etc., to
minors, 18 years. Bead twice, third to
8. J. R., Lee Appropriating 500 print
ed proceedings pioneer association '86.
H. B. 222 Appropriating payment
per diem and mileage members legislat
ure. Passed.
8. J. M. 8,fc'bupe Praying congress for
appropriation improvememt Umpqua
river. Adopted.
U. B. 22 Incorporating Albina. Read
second time.
Watts presented petitions on temper
ance. Education.
Watts reported from education prohib
itory amendment. Adonted. Aves 25.
nays 4, Chandler, Gray, Hamilton, Stan
ley, in negative.
In the bouse yesterday morning, Mr.
Goodsell, of Multnomah county, attract
ed the attention of tbe entire house by
arising to a question of privilege. He re
ferred to a couple of articles in tbe daily
Oregon ian, of current date, which inti
mated that be (Goodsell) was an "ob
structionist "a "ringleader." and that he
had said be would use his endeavors as a
member of the committee on judiciary to
delay action of that committee, in rela
tion to tbe investigation ordered oy me
house a few days since. Mr. Goodsell. in
substance said : "I desire to say that I
have not used any such language as the
Oretronian says. I have no. manner of
protecting my honor as a man or a citi
zen against such attacks, other than to
rise and by denying, refute the chances
made by the Oregonian. rteitner in uie
halls of this assembly nor any where
eldt; have I used such language. I have
at all times proposed to have a full inves
tigation to hear both sides 01 tne ques
tion, and to thoroughly understand it.
These articles place me in a very differ
ent light. It has been my wish that care
should be taken in the investigation, and
if tke gentleman had acted in a disorder
ly tnauner, then he should, .as proviuea
by the constitution, be expelled.
brand all these charges as false. Th
tMonle of Multnomah county, where
hav been known for fifteen years, wil
nil believe thetn false, and know that
am above language as is imputed to me.
I think that unless the correspondent
should retract his statement he should
nt Im allowed the courtesy of this house
I Wv the matter in the hands of tbe
hmiw to sji thev mav see proper."
Mr. Roberts then arose and cor firmed
rtljwir claims regarding his "tand on
th invalidation auetion. He wanted
th bottom of tbe matter reached,
fhr va anv bottom, "and wanted tbe
hnnaa full v nnderstand the matter.
Harris introduced H. R. 43, that if the
correspondent of the Oregonian refuse to
correct his statement made in the Orego
nian with reference to Mr. Goodsell, that
he le refused the privilege of tne noose,
nn motion of Paulsen, the considera
tion of the resolution was postponed until
It is thought that the committee ap-
nointod under tbe Veatch resolution to
investigate the "swamp land matter,
411 ril tr have a revort during the pres-
. nn.lor th tmMBt action of
eat - - ,
one of its clerks, who imagines he repre
....ta all the investigating brains on the
itt It la stated that this clerk
wbo at one time, as a member of the
legislative assembly, failed to submit a
report made to a committee of which be
was chairman, for reasons best known to
himself, does not desire to "investigate"
anything bearing a date prior to the
commencement of Gov. Moody's admin
istration, and that the only thing he de
sires to see reported 10 uw -
something that will apparently throw
ftittm mi the administration lost closed.
It is farther stated that this committe
clerk is making "notes" as be goes
thro igh, not fur the enlightenment of the
committee, but for his own penwiiaJuse
hereafterr What troth there may be in
tia reports, the writer does not know;
tlw committee, and if such is troer a
cVae x i-s ce -iab'p wod obVy
ptove to the jest iterests of the' Mala of
Oegoa. Jou jtj ia toe l'vt of " a W
scl s cba2e woa'd- not njr a 1 e 'itr -est
o toe stale, aa way.
. tfl FtBSf ArTBO."RiA'nOB BILL.
Tbe flt special aporopriation bill came
up on its final jus&age, in tbe bore, yes
terday. It was to appropis- e the sum of
$6,723 for the relief of Klamat h county
that sum Laving been expended in the
construction of a wagon bridze across
Liik river, on the only wagon road from
southwestern to southea4era Oregon.
be bill was introduced or licLexn. who
was absent from the bouse at tbe time
the vote was takeo, and tne bill failed to
M, yeas 29. says 30. absent I. Mr.
McLean then secured a reconsideration
of the bilL by three votes, and then oro-
ceeded to explain the bilL R. A. Miller,
of Jackson, also spoke in favor of tbe
measure. On the final rote on tbe mat
ter, tbe bill again failed to pass, ony 30
votes Teing cast in favor of it. It is plain
to see that all local aDDroDriaiion bills
are going to have "close work" to get
throag'a tbe house.
Mr. BlandeQ, from the committee on
education, reported the bill provididg a
government for, and appropriations for
the support of the state normal school at
Monmouth tills morning, without recom
mendation. Tbe matter lay in the hands
of the clerks until in the afternoon, when
it was called up, and several amend
ments to the bill were adopted. One of
these amendments on motion of Bilyen
struck out all the section which provides
an appropriation for the support of the
school. Another struck out that portion
of tbe bill which prescribed a religious
test for qualifications to be a member of
the board of regents. The bill as it now
stands, gives the state entire control and
management of tbe scaool, but provides
no support nor financial aid for the insti
In the senate, Mr. Dimick, of
Marion county, has introduced a bill
which was referred to a special com
mittee consisting of Messrs. Dimick, Hare
and Weatheriord, which appropriates
uie sum of flow, or so much thereof as
may become necessary to be expended
under the direction of the governor, for
returning the body of ex-Gov. Addison C.
uibbs, from London, Lneland, where his
death occurred recently, to Oregon, and
providing for its burial here. Tbe bill
was reported favorably yesterday, and
will probably pass without material op-
Mr. Gard has introduced a bill in the
bouse, which is just from the hands of
the printer, which will, if passed, increase
the salary of the- superintendent of tbe
Oregon state penitentiary from (800 to
11500 per year. The salary baa been
rather "moderately low" in the past, to
say the least, but in the past there have
been very numerous applications made to
the governot for appointment to the
place even at that salary.
Mr. Lee has introduced a bill in the
senate granting rights to the Oregonian
Kauwav linage company, to construct a
toll, wagon and railway bridge across the
Willamette river at Kay's landing, in
Marion county, Oregon. The bridge is
to be more particularly for the use of the
present narrow gauge system of railways
that traverses the V lilamette valley. It
6hould pass. ,
McCully's bill for the creation of Wal
lowa county passed the house yesterday
afternoon without dissent. Tbe new
county embraces about one-third of the
prenent county of Union and will be the
extreme northeast county of the state.
Joseph will be the temporary county
seat, and tbe governor is instructed, by
the hill, to appoint the temporary officers
of the county, as soon as convenient after
tbe passage of the act.
January 28.
Called to order, pursuant to adjourn
Prayer by Rev. J. W. Webb, of galem
The journal of yesterday was read, and
8. J. M. 5 Praying congress for appro
priation to improve the Umpqua river.
8. B. 135 To amend act creating Crook
H. R. 47, Goodsell Instructing state
printer to print II. B. 36, the Grant's Pass
charter bill, a soon as possible, and to
lay the bill before the boose.
Summers, military affairs, favorably
with amendment, on H. B. 30, for organ
ixation of militia. To committee of the
whole house.
Smith, assessment and taxation, favor
ablv on 11. B. 153, bill reported bv as
sessment and taxation commission.
Blundell, from education, with amend
roents, on II. B. 6, relating to school
elections, and voters at school meetings.
Several amendments were offered, and
with some changes, the report was
S. J. R. 11 Allowing swamp land
committee to employ additional clerks,
and that said committee be required to
report to this
McLean moved to nostoone considera
tion until Monday. Lost, McLean voting
"no," and no "yeas." Tbe resolution
was then adopted unanimously,
8. J. R. 6 Abolishing advisory board
M pardons. Adopted.
Roberts, from asylum investigating
committee, submitted a report.
Harrington, judiciary, favoraWy on H.
ts. 87, lor pa bushing county finances
also, favorably on II. B. 101, with amend-
menu, to provide for the court s ssse
ing costs on motion of attorneys; also,
on II. B. 204, East Portland charter bUl
re-referred to Multnomah delegation.
Culver, claims, favorably on claim of
jrrea. iennxee.
sxeoNO RRAorsa.
Manger moved' to read H. B. 106, to
estate issasttcv tec cod t-me es of
Order. ' Soorxleeft and retried, to
townee. - - 3 ' - .
Gocdseii moved to read second t'ote
tJerorUsodVidbi'L Ko.;oalaU.
Aojoo'ed. ; "
' HOC . '
Fe-coovensd at 1 iJQ ; lo'lcaJ'ed. ; ,
Coodae" "fa view of tbe Tact tbat Ue
editor of the Oegonien has justly placed
my version of tne coau overs v before tne
people, I am satis Bed, and I ask leave 10
wiudaw the resolution of Mr. Harris."
&ooetd. .
House went ia io commiuse of wbo'e,
Bi'yen ia chair, on H. B. SO, for otganua-
Iran of xnmua. Coan ttee atxe. and
recommended adoption of certain ameod-
meots proposed by cob mil tee on military
s flairs. The ssme were onled ptn e,
od tlie bill to be eng'oxsed.
H. li. 44, for p'z'Jt session, la ten up,
rod passed.
- coMtfitYEB Etrorrs.
Gard, roads and highways On H. B.
64, fa amend sec 3, title 1, chap.
50, road laws; also, on H. B. 53, relating
to public roads, without recommenda
tion ; also, on H. B. 47, for improvement
of Wallow Canyon road, favorably.
Langhhn, corporauoos r a vara o' v on
H. B. 38. to incorporate Medford: also.
favorably on 11. B. 128, to incorporate
Drain; also, without recommendation,
IX. B. 16, relating to foreign eorpofsliona.
JSctJuUy, connues t avorabfy on 11. B.
52, to amend act creating Morrow countv,
with amenoments; also, lavorau'y on 11.
66, to 'create Malheur county, with
amendments: also, favorably on B. B.
93, fixing time for boiding circuit court io
Uilliam county ; also, favorably, on ll.B.
104, creating flarney county .
Benjamin, Irom Douglas delegation
Favorably on bill regarding time of bold
Log court in Second district.
btafloru, internal improvements Un
favorably on H. B. 50, to appropriate
12.000 to aid Uoos and Douglas counties
to const met a wagon road.
Layman, alcoholic traffic Favorably
on II. B. 13, giving circuit court jurisdic
tion over cases where liquor is sold to
minors ; also, favorably on IL B. 49, to
prohibit collection of accounts for liqqors
sold st retail ; amended to except drug
Smith, assessment and taxation Un
favorably on H. B. 153, bill reported from
assessment and taxation commission.
Roberts, special, to investigate asylum
favorable report, with recommenoa-
tion for three-story-wing addition with
capacity of 33 patients, and other im
provements, including fire escapes, lie
port adopted.
Thompson moved to indefinitely post
pone further consideration of U. B. 153.
Mr. Harrington, from the committee
on the judiciary, submitted the following
Mr. Speaker: Your committee on itidi-
ciary wbo was directed, by li. R. 37, to
investigate tbe charges in Uie Daily Ore
gonian of Portland, Oregon, of the 20tb
and 21st Inst., to the effect that a chair
man of one of tbe committees of this
bouse, to whom two young women had
applied for clerical work, bad offered
them employment on certain dishonora
ble conditions, with instructions to your
committee to investigate said charges,
and ascertain if any member of this
bouse is guilty of such conduct, beg leave
to report:
That tbey have carefully and patiently
investigated the matter, and in pursu
ance of tbe authority conferred in such
resolution, have subpoenaed and examined
witnesses, including the two young wont-
en referred to in the charges in tbe Ore
gonian, and bave found no evidence of
any member of this house ever having
made any dishonorable propositions on
condition of employment to any woman
now empioyea, or woo nas sought em
ployment in the service of this house
1 our committee have not found any ev
idence of impropriety on the part of the
women wbo have sought or obtained em
ployment of this body; but do find that
there was an idie rumor, or street talk,
which gave rise to extravagant and ab
surd rumors that might naturally lead an
enterprising journalist into a belief that a
serious wrong and impropriety bad been
The report is signed by each member
of the committee. Adopted.
Adjourned till 7 :30 p. m.
Senate called to order by the president
Prayer by Rev. Harris, of Salem.
Reading of kramal suspended.
House message announcing passage f
bill creating county of Wallowa had
passed. Also bill incorporating Joseph.
Also bin providing tor bounty on certain
wild animals.
Senate joint resolution 11, investigating
management of swamp lands, requiring
report at this sessioq of the legislature
was adopted.
S. J. R. 6, providing for abolishment of
board of pardons reported favorably, and
resolution adopted. Also bill simplifying
proceedings in t he jtist ices' courts was re
ported unfavorably. Also senate bill al
lowing Portland to issue 1500,000 bonds
for water purposes ordered engrossed.
Also 8. B. 85, providing for connection of
wagon road system of Willamette vallev
and eastern Oregon, unfavorably, ordered
engroased and third reading to-morrow.
Also Dtu regulating practice of dentil
1 grossed
with amendments, ordered en
to third reading to-morrow.
b. a. sy Reported favorably and or
dered to third reading to-morrow.
8. B. 79 Relief for Murphy, reported
back without recommeiidaaon. Ordered
to third reading to-morrow.
li- B. 10 Reported . favorably. Or
dered to third reading to-morrow.
o. d. zo tteported back without rec
ommendation. Recommitted to senators
from Marion county.
IL B. 36 Reported favorably. Or
acred to third reading to-morrow.
8. B. 75 Reported without recommen
dation. Ordered recommitted to com
mittee on judiciary.
8. B. 18, Gray Reported enfavorably,
Ordered to lay on table.
Memorial of Portland board of trade
ordered recommitted to judiciary.
8. B. 62 Reported without recommen
dation. Ordered to . third reading to
morrow. .
8. B. 107 Reported favorably. Or
dered to third reariing to-marrow.
8. B. 32 Reputed without recommcn-
dWon. OxVed to vbi-u reaulai to-
mo ow. . -
&. JL S Cepoed .rvorab'v with
amecbsientv AepdsM9tsa0ojcdand
on'ed reconmiUed to JfiT'cUry.:
8. B. 13 fepoteu fr ro-aUy. Onier
eJ o Ui d erdiJ3 to-morrow.. -
8. R. .rrvAd fjTnrahl. with
aroeauirejfc . Aaeedtceat adopted. O.'-
dereu o third reading to-morrow.
raner, re areu w-thSiaeodmenfs. was
adoeu, a h! o eeJ t) tuird teadiag t
AujouTied to 7:30
As d beseea by the rejrlar report
eissiere,' tbe jpcicisry committee has
reported tbat it found no soonds oa
which the chav-ges .' 1st chairman J.
tLKoberta could be based, other than
common rrmor. Tne report ol the com
nutvee is according o toe expectations
and w soes of s't oe members ox the
hones, ana of Eooe 1s' trends. The
feeling hss st last gained credence that
the rest animus of the Otegon tan's charr-
es lay ia toe feci lUat M. Roberts voted
aooordinz va the washes of bis constitu
ents instead of the wishes of the Oregon-1
1 4- : 1 1 l: if... I
the e'ose of the session yesterday, Mr.
Roberts rece red the hearty eoorata!a-'
Kmsof ke members of tne noose, on his
being c'Vj of the cia'ges made asalast
rim. , , .
rununuiurfc. L
Yeste'dav, in tae boose, Sjoitb, irom
the eeseesmeat Si'd taxation eoounlttes,
srhsltted aa nofsvoaoe repoH 01 wee
b'll reported f 'om the commission on as
sehsmeni. snd taxation that occupied
fortv davs aod forty nlgbts. at tbe capttot.
last summer, aod farther consideration
of the bi'l was at once, on motion of
?"bomneoa of Line, lndellnile!y post-
The legialati re appropriativc bill passed
both houses, and is now being enrolled.
t is nnderstood that the "hurry" was
a dodge to keep the bill from being loaded
down with other appropriations in tbe
way of riders.
The two bouses held evening sessions,
for the Teading of incorporation and
county bills. Tbe bill creating Lee
county (from Umatilla) passed the bouse,
and the bill to allow Portland to issue
1500,000 more water bonds passed tbe
senate, and there were several amend
ments to incorporation acta.
liotb nouses adjourned until Z o dock
Araree4ifltarb4atBlfMak4Vroksa of year
reat by a rick eaU4 oSarlag aa4 erring with
pain of eainag tastat li so, sb4 st ones ass
get a bottl of tho Wuulows SooUit Srrop for
ChilSrsa'g TaatMng. Ra ralaa U laeaieaUbV
It wlU rsUove tks poor llttla nffaror taaadl
ataly. Dapa&d pa U, wxXhm, Utoro ia mm
atiaURs aaovt It B aoraa Uantary aa44Un
boea, rorolatss ta stoatacb and bowata, suras
wind soils, aofUna tha ranasdoeao tnlaiaa-
ttoa, aad firm too and narry tm UMwaAla
yrtem. Mm. WfnaloW SoothUtf Syrar asr
Cliildran'i Tacthing ia sUaaaat to Lba taata, aa4
u ia praaertpooa ot obo of im OMortaaSbaai
Icmala aoraaa aa4 phymlelaaa la tbo Cnlla4
btaica, aad U for aV fcy all SmrrljU taroaga
tMWorld. rrlea U oa&U a boo!.
ctkk roa PILES.
Piles are freaaenilv praesdad br a of
walgM la tha back, loiaa aad lowar Dart of ths
abdomen, eaoalnf tha patient to lappnaa ba baa
nw aoacuoa 01 ioa ciaoeyt or naigBDonag
orcaaa. At times irmtiuni of ladlaeatloa are
present, nataieosr, tiaaaatoasa of tas lUNnach.
eta. A molatora. like paraplration, prododag
a very dtngraeabla itehinjr, after getting warn,
it enaana aoeaaaat. iiiiaa. Meeaiog ana
Itching pile yield at ones to tbe application, of
it. jfoneaaEo i rue tiemeoy, wnicn acta anect
1 v opon the parts effected, abaorblng tbe tamara,
allaying tbe Intense ttehlnguid eflaetlag a per
manent en re. Price M eenta. Address, tbe Lr.
Bosanko Medicine Co.. Pluaa. O. Bold bv Geo.
Reovlll't SarMparflla aod Btllllnf la or Blood
end Liver Syraa wiU restore verlect bealtb to
the physical organisation. It Is. indeed, a
trengtbealag syrnp. pleaaaat to take, aad baa
often prove a Itself to be tbe best blood partner
ever dinoovered, effectually earing eerofola.
sypblliue disorders, weakness of tbe kidneys,
eryntpelaa, malaria, all nervous disorders and
debility, billons complaint, and all diseases
indicating an impure condition of the blood.
liver, kidneys, stosaacb, etc It correct Indi
gent! on, especially when the eoraplaint is of aa
exhaustive nature, having a tendency to loosen
the vigoc of tbe bra! a i
ana 1
i nervous system.
Tea are allowed a free trial of thlrtv dave ef
tbe use of Dr. Dye's Ce'ebraied Voltaic Bait
with elect rio snmensorr sttl lance, for tha
speedy relief and permanent care of ner-
voas debility, lose of vitality and manhood,
and all kindred troubles. Also, for Rtaav other
diMaaea. Complete restoration to health, vigor
and manhood guaranteed. Mo risk ie Incurred
nioatrated pamphlet, with fall Information,
terms, ete stalled free by addressing Voltalo
sen jaarsaau. jtieaigan.
ScovIU's Sarsaparilla or Blood and Liver
Syrnp for the care of Scrofnlocs taint, Rheo
mattimWhlte Swelling. Oout, Goitre, Conauop-
uob, Brooeaitia, erroat aeouiir, Mtuana,aiia
all other diaeaaes arising from aa Inoare con
dition of the blood. CerUSeates eaa be presen
ted rrosa many leading physicians, asiaistera,
and beads of families threw (boct the land, ea
lorving ScovQl's Blood aad Liver Syrnp. Wa
are eon nanny in receipt of eertt&eaMs of cares
fru the most reliable source, and we recom
mend it as tbe beet known remedy for the ears
01 tne anove najneo aiseaaea.
ixnjiBLATioM or tub: kidwets.
Hon. Edward A. Moore, If ember of Assembly
btoi lucnmona county, itw I ore writes
" two years ago 1 was takes with la flats
matUa of tbe kidneys. The nein was intanaa
I spv led aa soon as pnasible aa Allcock's roma
riaaar over earn Kidney, wonderful to aav
tbe wis aad iaflamarioa began to abate ia three
aoor. ia two oars 1 was entirely eared. I el
wsy tke great pleas or la recommending All'
ones riaecers; uiey are eertaiaiy tae heat ex
terna: remedy known. I aead tbem ae cheat
prot crtors, aod looad tbem moat emelent."
Tie ds no aearls that eaa exreed la aeaatv
teeth wbttewed aad eteaaaed with that tnennv
aarao.e dasttifrtoa. tbe fracraat SoZOPOX r.
Sor b coral rosier than tbe gems la whlcb sorb
seeaa are sea. so tae leaiee nay, woe are tae
seat j&ages ia soea mauera.
S. I Vortoa CrroIL resldiag at Far Eocka
war. Queens Co., E. T.. was so crippled with
taaammatorv rheamatlsm. of tea years' stand
ing, that be had to e'eratebea. Be wsteors
pietely eared by taking two Braadreth'e pills
every nign war umy nagnia. aaa wlU aaa
aay wriitea or personal loqnlrtea.
la a para, sweet breath. This 4eldratam 1
one W the reanlts o naing SOZODUXT. which
not oaly lavigoratea aad greeerves the teeth.
bat readers the mooth 1
; aaa rose.
Emtl Scbeetla. tha annular tailor, ores Ooo.
E Good's drug taore, wfU make 70 a Sac salt.
sen e geoa euaa, at
leet It guaranteed.
. . 7777 . tne Boruweet. Mereoaaia, larmcrs aad tar-
Tor criton dUhad ap ia every style, go to dawars are relocated to write tor prioea. Ua
Clsaa. BaUembraads. t trated eatabsyaa aaaliael frea, H4wZ3.
.;A., v-pE. . LinEia
a ai J.- -
1 . v. mr-
i la tbe Cattad Itatsa. wWi
m,m vf a T S'rteaa. a.
Twraas st
e( t XJt4, 1 Ta, i. U
, Uaaiar, A-,ss,
Ca aaras, ntu-M sr
sore aioaia. iur g
- eeatioal la sua, sextsai aeaay,
C saeatal aad aSrateal weagnej 1,
eS laUina: aaiaisry. weak orfs
Z2 staaiTl aieilsaiasal, laBMeA.
a aaeata o asarri-, sa, b-esa
excesses et yos' al foJsa, er
aay canae, rpseoUy. saialy 1
TiirmateS amlTTH His
a should 00 oRUto sua Earnaeea rbymetarv
at aace. ada oaiaieai eosta aejtai" aad aaav
save rutare misery aaa eae mej, aewm
veaieat to visit the dty tor tree tm ant, mtaiaaaa
eaa be aenS anywhere by express rasa most.
osasavATioB, ItU sevideattlay4iyaica,
who givee his waou attentioa to a clasoef eja
eaaee attains greater aaua. sad . physloiaa a
tAUaz, iy aheia every rbowi
aaed. The Pocsor Ago aad
very knows, good remed y
. fTBwbeeaUeeoaeessslfheDo
loCesamttatlos frae, ai aaeredJyMitri
raiAS. Caeee whlcb bave UlVsd U ebttJ alp
reUeS sssswbsrs eapeelaUy. owfetted. feaaa-
aiscinina at aoi
Ms eaweeetfally treasea. xae uomow wla
toteit sieoe jor a ease rese
un am ill. If ualto. na
lt.atoiaa.llil eremlacsi Saadays, 1
ts IS oaly. Bead tor tas SAsrtARirr Ovtaa ss
rr Tae set lee at we eeieorawa e
barg. bare been secured, as taa umi v aa
rajtSABT. His fame as a speoiellet tor dieeaees
W ntaa U aaiversaUv ksowa, ad handradsarv -
dally avaCIng tbemaelvea of tha opportualty of .'
. ..n. "- bslatlaa.aaaa,.
acaagaa, maw
SermaaenUy prevenu an TJnaataral
tha maseles, shacks the waste, lavlgoreuo the
whole system, and restores tas affilcted to Haat.S
aad Ramtlaaaa.
gJT- the reaeoa so many cannot get i
Bemiaai weaKaeaa, Aeas 01 me
nwina to a amoticatioB. called FROST A'
anil with HTEJLAETESlA.whtohre aires
bTeely rSverefof1 iSsT ATfciHX A
with peculiar Special 1
uxua risnjiaAET.
Orwwnayvalna ef theasretum. Ofla tbeaa
uspeoted caoae of test manhood, debility, eta.
11 tea a LavigwreAar. Is. Cass of sta be
Use ia Sent to any address, oovered esswl'
from obeervetlen.
Most powerful eleotne sal la rree wpaaaaia
To Paeva raa Woassaroa Powaa or tas L
fssftml Qui uMarvpa
J0 Oeary ek. Saa Praaetaaa,
rrrrato Eatranee. 0 Maaaa straec four blacks
as Oeary street from Eearpy aUla aatraaos
through Dispsamry Drag Stora
Arts rsaala Oafrfdirta, AemtCfasf
Wai ranted the) moat perfect Sulag traae extaaa,
Alva tbe beet resaRa. Eooaoaeal aad dura.
bia, iaa oeet ei resieeot reiereaoea DVUBb
Por sale by J. U rarrtsh. Salem. Oe. -
0? lHTEtlEOT to um
, Vaay Wrw, Weaknese or Loss of yemorypsm
maacauy raatortd by the ase ef aa entirely new
remedy. Tata werbet aoaUl from Spain, ftp
Ish Trochees never faS. Oar lilaetratad.Si)aae book
and testioinntsla (arnt eesledV Every ptaaahoald
amd it VOIf RA K W THOCHKK Ctt, Cea
MFsrhrlass, ftawVsra, rEJ
oroW Elocd EiLr is ws only-
nVVI IS Rlood Brnadv wnaraa.
ed. It isapoaitlvaearafor Cloara. Erap-
tions or Sypbilltle Poisoning, It parijSet thsv
wboio system, ana pazuaneaau iinsomauo.
and Hwoxalgio pains. We fnsrsatee itv
Po' 1 be Geo. E. Good drng-itat.
11 to M0 mne the shortest and 13 to
48 boors
This tMonlar Una oa aseanst nf Its anntharav
location, fe eapecially preferable for travel dar
ing tne winter montba. It also affords aa oppor
tonlty to visit Salt Lake City, and Denver with
out extra charge, and gives a choice of rout
via coo nc 11 itiuna. umana, si. joaepa, Leaven
worth or Kaaaaa City. Fall particulars regard,
lag route aod fare famished ca appllettlon.
Local paesenerer aaeot.
OfRc at SrsrsaiiAX office. SM Comaoercial .
street. Salem. Oregon. dw
Bold oaly to the retan drug trad at sebsdnie
j rVtoSS,
C. W. COBTJliN 5& CO,
. , So's AgBta,-i -SIMS
Front St, ll--m-dw aaa Eraneiacov
- -S.
' E root street, rorCaJ,Orfov -Tanaef
aad meet aomnlata stcck of mm, f
' " c
; arra-bcv
r: r- . " are
W . V sad
O ) "1 C boos
i f te(?LAM.
s- red a4 esaaioJed twssal
. . ... k .