The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892, January 14, 1887, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI-No. 46.1
News of the Week from Be-
yond the Rockies.
Is the Political DMth
of Henry
CixcnrxATi, Jan. 8. The Sun will pub
lish a sensational article to-morrow,
bearing on the prominence of Henry
George in the labor world. Sum Mr.
George's candidacy in New York the la
boring men have been paying considera
ble attention to hi views, and Henry
George clubs, composed of Knights of
Labor, have been organized all over the
country. A member of the Henry
George club of this city, in an interview,
declares that the Catholic church is
bitterly opposed to the Henry George
land policy and that it will use all its
efforts to crash the Knights of Labor in
case the latter organization sustains Mr.
(ieorge. The article says that a meeting
of Catholic bishops was held in Baltimore
before the Richmond convention, and
that the Knights of Labor were given to
understand that they had best re-elect
Mr. Powderly, who, the San says, is de
voted to his religion.
The Holladay ramlly Vault.
New Yobk, Jan. 6. Ben. Holladay, of
overland stage roate fame, many years
ago owned the Ophir farm, in the town of
Harmon, Westchester county. He built
a chapel there, and when his wife and
son Joseph died, many years ago, their
bodies were deposited in the chapel
vault. He with bis son, Ben. Holladay,
Jr., and two daughters soon afterward
left the farm. He now lives in Washing
ton. Six years ago the farm was sold to
John Roach, the ship builder, who now
lies on his deathbed in his Fifth avenue
house. Yesterday Charles Ohle, a friend
of Holladay, appeared in White llains
with the remains of Ben. Holladay, Jr.,
who died in Washington on Sunday. It
was the wish of his hither to have the
body deposited in tha chapel vault, be
side the remains of his mother and
brother, but when Mr. Ohle arrived in
White Plains be learned that Roach had
requested that no more interments
should take place there. He had not re
fused to permit tlte remains already in
the vault to remain there, but had ex-
Eressod a deire to have Mr. Holladay
nd some other res tin place. Therefore
the body of Ben. Holladay, Jr., was de
posited in the receiving vault of the ru
ral cemetery at White Plains, to await
the action ol the Holladay family.
DUgostlag Sycophant.
Washington, Jan. 6. The M. E. con
fere nee of West Virginia has sent a most
piteous appeal to congress,, which was
presented to the house to-day, praying
that action be' taken at once to protect
the inoffensive Chinese in California, Or
egon, and Washington territory, from the
ungodly and barbaric treatment which
they there receive. It recites outrages
which it claims are of almost daily oc
currence against the persons and proper
ty of this meek and defenseless people
Printed circulars are being sent to all as
sociations of ministers in the hast, auk
ing them to raise their voices to congress
in a protest arainst the treatment which
the Chinese are now suffering on the Pa
cific coast.
Tta O. K. N. Uur.
New York, Jan. 6. The directors of
the Northern Pacific Railroad company,
at a meeting to-day, voted against the
proposed lease of the O. R. & N. Co.
property jointly with the IT. P. Railway
I.O., on a Dasis oi n per cem. on me mock.
Two of the directors, who have been
earnest advocates of a joint lease, were
unavoidably absent. It is understood
the vote was Ave to four. The directors
unanimously voted to continue negotia
tions with the iJnion Pacific for hannoni
ous traffic relations in Oregon and Wash
.4 aether Position for IWcher.
Washington, Jan. 6. Capt. Herbert
F. Beecher was to-day appointed special
atent of the Treasury department, for
Oregon and Washington Territory, with
headquarters either at Portland or Port
Townsend. Mr. Beecher is a son of Rer.
Henrv Ward Beecher.
Mr.trriou Wrack and Terrible Lorn
Life air the Virginia Coast.
Norfolk, Va., Jan. 9. Later particu
lars from the wreck of the German ship
Elizabeth, which went ashore yesterday
morning on the Virginia beach, fourteen
miles sooth of Cape Henry, give the
number of the crew at twenty instead of
fifteen, not a man of whom was saved.
This fact is learned from the men of the
life-saving crew who survive, and who
recovered consciousness to-day. The
bodies of five men of the life-earing crew
and four of the ship's crew, which were
recovered yesterday, were in life-preservers,
and three more of the ship's crew
without preservers were picked up lower
down the coast this morning. The cap
tain's bodv was among those recovered.
This evening the masts of the ship were
still standing, although , the sea was
was breaking over her violently. Mr.
Pover, of the life-saving service, will
board her in the morning, if possible.
As reported last night, not a word was
spoken between the ship's crew and the
hfe-eaving men, when they boarded in
th?!r desperate attempt at rescue, and
the cause of the wreck can never be pos
itively known, although it is supposed
that, attempting to make the Capes of
irjrixua under reefed sails, sufficient al
lowance was not made for the strong
currents, which have caused several dis
astrous wrecks along the lower Virginia
and North Carolina coast during the last
few years.
Voting Themselves Clerks.
. Washington, Jan. 8. The house com
mittee on revision of laws, to-day author
ized a favorable report to the house of a
bill to authorize the appointment and fix
the compensation of clerks to senators
and representatives who are not chair
men of committees. A favorable report
was also ordered on the bill to permit the
appointment of congressional committees
to attend funerals at the public expense
out of the District of Columbia, but lim
iting the expense in such cases to the usu
al cost of burial. One section of the bill
prevents the draping of the public build
ings, except upon the order of the presi
dent. Aaother I took from Blaine.
Norwich, Conn., Jan. 9. -The Henry
Bill Publishing company, of this city,
publishers of James G. Blaine's "Twenty
Years of Congress,", have arranged for
the publication of another book from
Maine's pen. The title of the work will
be " Speeches and Diplomatic Papers."
The book will be an octavo volume of
about 500 or 000 pages, and will contain
iwo nne sieei portraits, one oc ciaine ana
one of Garfield. It is expected to issue
the book about Feb. 1. It is edited by
John L. Stevens, formerly United States
minister to Sweden, and at one time
Sartner with Blaine in the Kennebec
A Millionaire's Daughter.
Nkw Yobk, Jan. 9. The engagement
of Miss Harriet V. Crocker, daughter of
Charles Crocker of the Southern Pacific
Railroad company, to Mr. Charles B.
Alexander of the hw firm of Alexander
& Green, is announced.
SUE WILL xot supper.
Mr. Logan will 1
In the war of
amply Provided for
to Live On.
Washington, Jan. 5. Considerable
curiosity is felt by republican senators to
know what Senator Stanford of Califor
nia will do for Mrs. Logan. He was ap
proached with a subscription paper re
cently, and replied that he had never
signed a subscription in his life, and did
not propose to begin now. He said that
Gen. Logan was a very dear friend, and
that he entertained a very high regard
for Mrs. Logan. He said, further, that
he knew the general died poor, but that
Mrs. Logan should not suffer. He inti
mated that in good time and in his own
way he would add his gift to those of
other citizens for Mrs. Logan's relief.
Senator Cameron of Pennsylvania is
another wealthy man who declined to
sign the subscription. He said that Mrs.
Logan would hear from him at the pro
per time, he hoped, in satisfactory man
ner, and in a manner that would do her
just as much good as if his name were
printed in the newspapers with figures
beside it. Senator Cameron holds Gen.
Logan's notes for money loaned in
amounts said to be about $2500. He may
make the widow a present of them, can
celed. Crime la Han Prnnrlaro.
Niw Yobk, Jan. 2. The Commercial
says editorially: "There were more
than thirty murders in San Francisco
last year and only one hanging, the con
demned man in this case being a China
man. The railroad strike has assumed
the form of a riot, and the police are
overtaxed to keep order, the militia be
ing kept under arms. On election day
in November there were regular shops
open for the purchase of votes. There
were men even upon the streets with
handfuls of gold pieces, buying votes at
the regular market rate. The newspa
pers kept silent, their plea being that the
men who did these things control the
selections of juries and grand juries and
can snap their fingers at the law, as mur
derers and other offenders do. But there
is a deep indignation felt at all these
things by the better people of the town
and a remedy of some kind will be found
ami applied. Doubtless, if all else fail,
the vigilance committee, to which many
of the best men belong, still has its orga
nization intact, and at any time may re
sume activity. It will be a pity and a
shame if that heroic remedy is permitted
to become a necessity. Public opinion,
as we in New York have many times had
proof, is powerful enough to compel even
a corrupt legal authority to exercise its
functions for the enforcement of law."
Hermann and Fort Klamath.
Washington, Jan. 5. Representative
Hermann, of Oregon, is endeavoring to
secure a large detail of soldiers at Fort
Klamath. It was stated some time ago
that the war department intended to
abandon the Klamath post. Dot so many
urgent protests against that course were
received that the plan was given up.
Secretary lamar (Carried.
Macon, Ga., Jan. 5. Secretary Lamar
was married this morning, at the- resi
dence of the bride, to Mrs. Wm. 8. Holt,
of Macon. The aecretarr and his bride
I will leave here this afternoon to visit
Ml 1
UOV. uoraon, ana lo-marrow ww lenTo
for Oxford. Mississippi, to visit relatives
of the secretary, and will then go to
The Albany Postemee.
Washington, Jan. 7. The president
has nominated Bums Thompson to be
postmaster at Albany, Oregon.
Some Poppycock A boat the Canadian
Paelfte Railroad.
Philadelphia., Jan. 7. The Press's
St. Paol, Minn., special says: CoL Wil
liam P. Clougb, attorney for the Northern
Pacific railroad, has prepared for use be
fore congress an exhaustive statement of
probable results should the interstate
commerce bill become a law. He says it
would draw through business from the
Northwest to Canada. He states at great
length the subsidies and other advan
tages granted the Canadian Pacific by
the dominion government, including its
exemption from taxation, and says this
railway system stretches along the Amer
ican border from ocean to ocean. It has
already arranged to tap all the great
American traffic centers within twelve
months. It will be in competition with
American railroad systems to all promi
nent points in the northern states for the
American carrying trade, and it must
have a share of that trade to live, even
under the extraordinary conditions which
it enjoys. No Canadian railroad system
can live one year excluded from the
American carrying trade. The Canadian
svstera will be nn trammeled by any of
the restrictions which American legisla
tion will impose on American lines. It
will not be under obligations even to
make its rates public It will not be
perplexed by any problem of long or
short hauls, and will be free to change its
rates from day to day, from hour to hour,
and from shipper to shipper. American
roads must go out of competition with it
unless equally free.
Pear of n Small pox Epidemic.
Nsw York, Jan. 7. An epidemic of
smallpox is feared in Brooklyn. The
first cases occurred a week or more ago in
a densely populated section of the Hrt
where there are 100,000 people in ho eg
illy built, on land which has mn re
claimed from a swamp. It openly
charged that the board cf ealth has
been derelict in the matt?. , has suffered
a number of cases ef smallpox to pass
unnoticed ; has removed patients to the
pestheuse without due regard to. the safe
ty of the neighboring citizens ; permitt
ing the children to congregate near by
when the parents were being removed
from the house ; and that persons whose
clothing was infected were permitted to
go about the streets ; that in one case a
woman who had been watching beside
her husband, who was ill with smallpox,
was taken without having changed her
garments, into a police court on a charge
of having concealed a case of contagious
disease. A vigorous ceurse of vaccina
tion is now being applied.
The Salem Indian School.
Washington, Jan. 7. The house com
mittee on Indian affairs to-day decided
to report favorably to the house several
measures, including the senate bill au
thorizing the purchase of a tract of land
near Salem, Oregon, for an Indian train
ing school, and the house bill granting
a right of way to the Fort Billing,
Clark's fork and Cook city railroad,
through the Crow Indian reservation in
Another One of the Gang.
Kansas City, Jan. 6. Oscar Cook, one
of the Cummings gang, was brought be
fore the recorder this afternoon on a
charge of receiving stolen money. He
waived examination, and was bound over
for trial.
Car Shop Burned.
hrarNG n eld, Jan. 8. lne large car
shops of the Ohio Southern railroad, at
this place, burned to-day. lhe loss is
about $100,000.
Terrlflp Storm la England.
New York, Jan. 8. Cablegrams re
ceived here, tell of the tearful snow
storm which has been raging in England
The storm is unprecedented in its fury
Great loss of life and property is feared.
John Roach Dead.
New York, Jan. 10. John Roach, the
great shipbuilder, died in this city at 8
o'clock this morning The immediate
cause of his death was a cancer in his
mouth, similar to that which killed Gen
urant. but toe indirect cause, as in
Grant's case, was despondency and dis
appointment, lie has not been the same
man since his failure, caused by Secre
tary Whitney's action in not accepting
the Dolphin, bunt for the government.
The New Terk World Cornea oat tor Conk
ling for Senator.
New York, Jan. 10. The New York
World (democratic) comes out squarely
for Conkling for United States senator, to
succeed Warner Miller, in its issue this
morning. The New York legislature is
is now in session.
Street Car Tie Cp.
Boston, Jan. 10. There was a general
tie up of all street railways in Boston to
day, the result of a strike.
A Palace Bnmed.
New York, Jan. 11. Cablegrams an
nounce the burning to-day of the Alca
zar palace, in Toledo, Spain. The loss
was over $1,000,000.
Damaged h j Fire. '
Washington, Jan. 11. The residence
of Prof. Bell, in this city, was 'damaged
by fire to the extent of fifty thousand dol
lars, to-day.
Ladle viiMnr to take lessons in art n-
broidery, call at Mrs. BamtU'a. KB Court street.
1 opera aoaae building.
News by Telegraph from
West of the Rockies.
Snppeeed SaJcide.
Sax Francisco, Jan. 5. The body of
Major Robert Beck, who diappeared Dec
23, was found floating in the bay this
morning. He had been a sufferer for
years from rheumatism and neuralgia,
and it is supposed that, made insane by
his troubles, be wandered away and
drowned himself.
Sacbaxxxto, Jan. 5. Frank J. Lewis,
fisherman, of Freeport, this county,
was assassinated at 7 o'clock last night.
He was landing opposite Freeport, and
was shot with a full load of buckshot be
tween the eyes. Lewis was 45 years of
age, and he leaves a wife and three chil
dren. New Steamer for Paget So and.
Sam Fraxcisco, Jan. 5. To-day the
keel of a new iron steamer was being
hud in the yard of the Union iron works.
The steamer will be of 1200 tons burden,
and is being bout for the Canadian Pa
cific Navigation company, and intended
by them for the passenger trade on Puzet
Alleged Tnhnman Treatment ef
lea gallon.
Sax Fraxcisco, Jan. 6. Harry Fletch
er, first assistant engineer of the steam
ship Alameda, and James Smith, a water
tender in the same vessel, were arrested
to-day on a charge of causing the death
of a fireman named James Schroeder.
The warrant was sworn out by Charles
Jammer and F. J. Sullivan, two seamen.
The sailors in their statements alleged
that on the last voyage of the Alameda
to Australia, the vessel had not been out
two days before the officers in the en
gineers' department began to abuse the
men. On the 28th of October, the filth
day, Schroeder came out of the fire room
and complained of feeling faint. He was
ordered back to work by one of the offi
cers with the foulest language. He
obeyed, bat when near the smokestack
dropped to the floor. . Fletcher saw him
and ordered two men, one of whom was
Smith, to pot bim close to the furnace
doors. . They were thrown open ard be
was kept near the fire for several min
utes. His head fell back and be never
uttered another sound. His body was
buried at sea. Fletcher and Smith take
their arrest coolly, asserting that there is
not the slightest foundation for the tale
of the men. Both of the accused men
have given bonds for $1000 for their ap
pearance before the U. S. commissioners
next Saturday.
Dynamiter at Work in San Francisco
t! pedal d It patches to the Statesman.
Sax Fraxcisco, Jan. 6. A dynamite
cartridge was placed in the cable slot on
the Larkin street branch of the Sutter
street railway, and the cartridge exploded
at a late hour last night. The cable is
perhaps broken, and the foundation of
the tunnel badly cracked. There was no
damage except to the road. Two men
were seen at the trap a few minutes be
fore the explosion.
Need n Vlgllaare Committee.
.Sax Fraschh-o, Jan. 7. The Examiner
this morning publishes a letter from the
alleged authors of the dynamite explos
ion on the Cable road on Wednesday
night. The letter is written in red ink
on coarse brick colored aper, and is
signed "August Howiltz." The letter
states that the parties responsible for the
explosion are members of a secret and
Eoweriul organization, which nad its
irth in Chicago directly after the Hay- j
market riots. The letter further states
that the dynamiters have no connection
with the Carmen's union, and that the
latter is entirely ignorant of who the
dynamiters are. The letter concludes:
" We have a programme laid out for a
series of dynamite explosions, and shall
go forward in earnest, if the i oads persist
' e . .i .Lr 2 a i . m
in reiusing uie carmen uieir jun nguis.
The Riotene Striken.
Sax Fraxcisco, Jan. 8. A crowd of
striking car drivers attacked a Sutter
street car about midnight last night,
severely injuring Conductor Griproan
and several passengers. No arrests have
been made.
Portland, Jan. 8. The missing Seat
tle insurance agent, Mickel, who came to
Portland on bosiness about a month ago,
and who so mysteriously disappeared ,haa
been beard from a rain. The rwhoe re
ceived information from Colorado that be
was seen there, in good health, and not
looking like he had been murdered, as
is supposed. This Is the second time
he has been heard from, the first time
being at Ashland. It was found after
wards, however, that that was not Mkkel.
The police now think they have discover
ed their man.
Portlaxd, Jan. 10. The body of
Theodore Miller, who disappeared from
here about a month ago, was found
on tWVancouver road, about four miles
north of this city to-day. He committed
suicide by hanging himself with a sus
pender. Miss Maod Howe thinks that women
ought to be allowed to vote for superin
tendent of street hi order to protect their
skirts from a mod batb.
Pint Train OTer tha Hew Bridge ef the
O. P. B B. tat Albany.
Albany, Jan. 6. The celebration of
the crossing of the first Oregon Pacific
train over the Willamette into this city
to-day. was a great event. The morning
opened auspiciously and tha son shone
brighUy through the day. A great throng
of people assembled at the foot of Second
street, where the maiden trip was to be
ended. Promptly at 12 0 the whistle of
the engine on the other aide announced
that the first regular passenger train from
the Pacific ocean was about to cross the
bridge into Albany. A few seconds later.
tha train, consisting of two passenger
coaches and a baggage car. attended by
two engines appeared on the bridge and
steamed slowly and majestically across.
Their approach was greeted lry cheers,
waving of handkerchiefs, and inspiring
music Dy the band.
On the train were officers of the Or
egon Pacific, prominent citizens oi Cor
vallis. and fifty passengers. Mayor
Weatberford delivered an address of wel
come, which was responded to by Vice
President Wallis Nash. The draw-bridge
was formally opened, and citisens of this
city were invited to a free ride over the
new road to Corvallia. Many availed
themselves of the opportunity of making
an inspection of the road, returning in a
special train at 4 p. m.
Three cheers were given for CoL Hogs
and the Oregon Pacific Two thousand
people witnessed the celebration of the
event. There were present representa
tives of the Oregooian, News, Corvallis
Gazette and Leader, Albany Herald and
State max. Trains commence running
next Tuesday, making close connection
with the Oregon & California.
Trnak Line Pool Demand.
Sax Francisco, Jan. 6. It is stated
that the executive committee of the
trunk line pool has adopted a resolution
demanding 28 per cent, of the net through
freight rates from the Pacific coast to the
Atlantic seaboard, with a proviso that the
result shall vield not less than 25 cents
per hundred pounds from Chicago to
New York.
Special to the Statesman.
Portlaxd, Or., Jan. 7. The Northern
Pacific shops burned at Fargo, Dakota,
to-day. The estimated loss is two hun
dred thousand dollars.
Jeat Uke His Pa.
Sax Francisco, Jan. 7. Frank B. May,
cashier for J. C. Johnson St Co., this city,
and son of the ex -secretary of the state
of Oregoa, is defaulter, one to twenty
thousand dollars. He is missing, and
cannot be found.
The Day ef Beckoning.
Portland, Or., Jan. 7. The grand
jury to-day indicted ''Billy'' Boone, pub
lisher of a sheet in this city known as
the "Oregon Sittings," for criminal libel,
upon Mrs. M. A. Kennedy.
For the Ceant Trade.
Sax Francisco, Jan. 8. The tug Don
ald has been entirely rebuilt at the Un
ion iron works, and will soon-leave for
the Columbia river and Gray's .harbor,
where she will be permanently employed
Drug Store Palled.
Sax Francisco, Jan 7. The whole
sale druggist firm of J. Greensfelder &
Co., 537 Market street, have assigned for
the benefit of creditors. The firu carried
a stock estimated at over f 10? 000. The
liabilities are not yet known. The fail
ure is due to a redaction in the prices of
goods dealt in by the firm.
that I
What la
Men la
Looked for by Shrewd
Sax Francisco, Jan. 10. In railroad
circles there is apprehension of another
war in railroad rates, but a desire for
peace is expressed at all the offices. The
situation to-day is thus explained by a
resident railroad agent: " Cutting so far
relates to agents' - commissions. The
Southern Pacific and the Atchison, Tope-
ka and Santa re are wholly outside the
controversy. The parties concerned are
the Union Pacific. Denver A Klo urande,
the Iowa roads, and the trunk lines. For
instance, a ticket is sold to New York
from this dty. There is a commission of
to to $7. accordipg to the class ot the
ticket. If it be a first-class ticket the
road to Hie Missouri river pays $3, the
Iowa roii-lstl. and the trunk lines 3. It
has been the custom, for example, if the
Chicago A Northwestern, or Chicago,
Milwaukee A St. Paul sold the ticket,
that the com mission derived would be
credited to the company selling it and the
money go into the fund for the mainte
nance of the company's office in this city,
selling tw-ket. Agents now simply sur
render tintir comissions entire or in part
to set pa-aengers."
Althibeh it is said in some quarters that
there is no signs of a general war, yet i
clear-headed railroad man of aee and ex
perience said this forenoon: if the
Southern Pacific and Atchison, Topeka A
Hants Fe should make the slightest cut,
then stand from under, for everything
will tumble." The great transcontinen
tal lines are viewing the scene compla
cently and closely watching each other.
A single infraction of rates may precipi
tate aaother contest, and in the end the
railroad people will come oat ahead and
thousands of eastern people will be at-
(orded the pleasure of visiting California.
The Park Saletde.
Sax Francisco, Jan. 10. Doctors who
examined the body of Nellie Hatch,
which was found in Golden Gate park
Saturday last, have come to the conclu
sion that it was a case of long-premeditated
suicide. A bottle containing poison,
the contents of which she had taken, was
found to have been purchased East,
where the deceased had lived before com'
ing here.
The Wheat Sapply.
Sax Francisco, Jan. 10. lhe pre ' ice
exchange finished to-day taking stock of
wheat on hand January 1, In the state
and aboard vessels in harbor. The stock
on band is 400,000 tons; required for con
sumption, seed, carry over, and ship-
ments to Pacinc ocean points, ldO.OUP
tons; balance available for shipment for
Europe, 250,000 tons, equal to 8.UUU.W.V
bushels. . During tha first six months of
last year, California sent to Europe 402,-
000 tons of wheat, being 60 per cent.
more than the total actual quantity at
present in the state for export to Europe.
The present season so far has been very
dry, as this is an "off" year, due to the
smaller amount of summer lallowing
done in the even years. The next sea- 1
son's surplus is likely to be small, with a
small carry over only to add to it.
East Portland, Jan. 11. William B.
Welch has been appointed to the position
of postmaster of the East Portland office.
The name of the other applicants was le
Earthquake Shock.
San Francisco, Jan. 11. There was a
slight earthquake shock felt in this city
at 4 o'clock this morning. There is no
damage reported.
Portlaxd, Jan. 12. Judge Shattock's
decision in the Kelly-Highfield case to
day orders the plaintiff to remit seven
thousand dollars of the verdict within
ten days, or a new trial will be granted.
The verdict was for 14,000, for a breach
of a promise of marriage.
Third Spaa Completed.
Portlaxd, Jan. 12. The third span of
the Morrison street bridge, connecting
the cities of Portland and East Portland,
was completed to-day.
Damage from Hemp.
Victoria, B. C, Jan. 12. A brother
of Sproule, executed at Victoria some
time since, has sued the province of
British Columbia for fifty thousand doll
ars damages, for wrongful execution.
Opera Hemae Baraed.
ScxcooK, N. H., Jan. 11. The Sun-
cook opera house and hotel, one of the
handsomest buildings in New Hamp
shire, was burned to-day. Loss, eighty
thousand dollars.
A Big rire.
Batavia, N. Y., Jan. 11. Seven large
buildings were destroyed by fire in this
city to-day. Loss, two hundred thousand
Oregon's Hnndaeme Womon.
Philadelphia, Jan. 10. The limes'
Washington special says: Tha families
of the senators from Oregon fill a prom
inent place in the fashionable world of
the national capital during the present
season. The drawing-room receptions
of their ladies were the events of last
week and inaugurated gaieties in honor of
their daughters, who are acknowledged
belles, it is no disparagement of many
ii muiuwu wiwh . iiu m v. viie at
tractions of the social world this year, to
say mat Miss Aiattie Mitchell and Miss ,
Agnes Dolph are most beautiful, accom
plished and popular young ladies who
are creating such a furore in this gay'
world. Tbev have just entered their
twenties, Miss Mitchell being a trifle
older. It is a singular coincidence that
the former Portland law firm oi Mitchell
& Dolph should represent the senatorial
firm of the young distant state of Oregon ;
that Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Dolph
should be among the most attractive and
popular ladies In the senatorial circle,
and that Miss Mattie Mitchell and Miss
Agnes Dolph should be among the
brightest social Jewels of the season.
California Wines.
New York, Jan. 10. Bonfort's Wine
Circular says: There is nothing more
striking than the large increase in the re
ceipts of California wines. If there is aa
much increase in the next ten years aa
there has been in the past, the resources
of that state will be taxed to supply the
There are no newsboys Jn the City of
Mexico. The papers are sold by women
who hald them out to passers-by ,oot never
say a word.
The Empress of Russia is said to be an
excellent marksman, and rifle-shooting
ranges have been made for her at all her
Mrs. Rachel Francis, who died recently
In Atlanta, Ga., left about $30,000. which
she bad made mostly from her dairy and
truck farm.
It is reported that Miss Alice Whltacre.
a former church choir singer of Brooklih
has made a tremendots hit as an oratorio
soloist in Liverpool.
One of the features of the ''Woman's
Section" at the Edinbors: International
exhibition is a seat little pamphlet issued
by the ladies the Duchess of Eoccleuch
and others wlo form the committee of
that section. It is entitled "Woman's In
dustries." The type wsa set, proofs read,
and covers designed by women.