THU OREGON GTATTLIAIJ : miY, JZ TUZyj 7. 1- 7. KJ ' : 1 1 J EARLIER DAYS. jidins of SalemFirst 3etilement by Whites. ! of all lots or land so divided with the aid trustees. This contract was signed by Dr. Willson, but not by his wife, and after congress had passed the donation A HISTORICAL SKETCH. and Retarded GrowthOre-1 ron's Early GovernmentSa- lem's Pioneer Industries. act giving to the daimant'a wife one half ot a is cuura la uer own ngui, an. ? u on refused on her part to convey to the I trustees of the Institute two thirds of her individual portion of said claim, except ing a email portion. This led to a serious trouble between the parties, which was finally settled, bat not antil after a rig orous application of the ecclesiastical tourniquet had been made upon the re- I fractory member. The city of Baiera opened in the "winter of 147-8, by the -hi eastern) Dana " jujuusmc i late Thomas Cox. senior, who was an lm- . Te in the midst of a beautif al agrical-1 migrant of the previous falL The build- -1 region. The main portion w we TCTi . , , i t I on comer u vumiueiviu am cim :yU nearly a lel phun, formed opon a gtifetaf north of the present Chemekete -avelly foondauon wa buwi '-'"l hotel. This building formed part of the fKu, time, m U urumaui FMkt I u uiuu uutci uiw was uenuyrcu uj uio iu vered with water, me conioraaiion --- r, J the country above, and outheasterly, ownerB the North Silem town site, rild lead one to we conciaaiou mat iuo i opened the second dry-goods store in : once ioined we Ulamette I baiem. which he purchased in Ban ran- I J s lain clu ,... -J. . I L1BLU 1X1 lOTil. U11UI anl V SSIrs wamaua 1110 it this poini. . . late Jon. Ilolman and Darid Carter went The first settlement at fcaiem was maoe mcintnft hmit in a bnildins? ome time in the year 1840, in what is that stood (about where Ford's livery cow North Salem, and some where in the stable now is. BeiZBDUTUlW w I T... I T n 1f .r rvnriotw . - m i uuouu aim jai,j r. aa w aa w espied by W. L. Wade, ine nr ooiia- Uie North H4jem Und claim, laid oat the growth and improvement of the aiy in late years woold swell this article to too creat a length for these columns. Wherefore, a sommarr of the pubiic en- terprises, aside from those above given, is all that need be farther made. The bank of Ladd A Bosh was pot into ope ration April 1st, 1879, the building hav- . a . . . - ing rjeen erect ea we year previoaa; Keed's opera noose was bout in isoa; the Chemekete hotel in 1870; the gas works a ere begun in 1870, and in Sep tember of that year the city was first lighted with gas: the water works were erected and pat in operation in 1871 ; the U. A U. railroad was nnuned to baiem and beyond in September, 1870, and in fall operation: the new court house was built in 1S73. and finished in 1873 ; also in 1872. that beautiful building, the Acad emy of the' Sacred Heart, was begun, and completed the following year; the foundation of the state house was laid in 1873, and the building was so far finished in 1876. that the legislature occupied it that year; in the summer of 18S6 the streets were lighted by electricity; bot the crowning event of this year was the beginning and completion of the bridge across the Willamette, a full account of which will be found elsewhere in this tDer. In the foregoing review of the public progress and improvements no mention has been made of the destruction of prop- ertvbv the elements of fire and water. The first of any note was the bnrning of mniGRATioir. A Retiew of the Work of the Immigration Board. WORK THE BOARD MAPPED OUT. Character and Extent of the results ! Accomplished. A Very Grat ifying Showing:. The State Board of Immigration organized April 1st, 1885, with Chaa. 1L Dodd, H- W. Corbett, Win. N. Ladne, H. B. Miller and 3. Eothcbildomniissioners, and L B. Carliale, secretary. The rales adopted contemplated the preparation and distribution of information about the state; a display of prod actions; informa tion of farm properties offered for sale; to meet and make welcome the immigrant. and to aid him in finding a suitable location. In the preparation of the printed infor mation, the commissioners have been careful that, in every respect, it should be reliable and trustworthy, commending itself by a conservative, practical tone. In this matter, it has been the policy of fag erected was for a sawmill, which mill and recorded a town called North Salem, the state boose in the latter part of De-L. commiggioners to dircriminate in fa- iweuij-uuw urum, wuiwijiiwu. 3 - I Qf jjmj class of immijzrants wno eouid i 1 1 J .u . tn urtmr1nmVvr tri bnild other I which contained " I 1 m . I I . . 1 1 . a 1 I inhAjl ft.., ava.. f 'HI IVII hal FtAAfl AV. I J . ... tutu in the vicinity. At the time, and w" irac-iionai. vw. " . ."r j:, oome with wine meaM in nana, ana ine w " i Ant tii v itiA(i rw lava am i ui n cw n m hi i vmniiiafi nntm i im mm iiim -m ini'ii miiiuuiii. a a a.v iu a.; for sometime thereafter, the location was ciZcr&7&sZZ hadn riTt ' by gnee for WZL22 UZZ K- mrit nrotnLfiinaT tor tae incipien. Til-1 mt am Camtol street. Th6 nnfoftanate the Darooee. A tine misceuaneoaB i ; MMfa.Lti Miv4iw fnwin Usrti but various causes, the most power- litigation between J. D. Boon and J. B. I library, bought by money furnished by immediate employment for support, has I banks is of semce. Making a compari Ir: -a . 5 Ijrltjrmsrs.... .........7 X Tjm"V ..... . S Labcrbj rti.... ........... 2 Prc'rtKiJ tJ bczees iaea 8 Ainerieaa born .3 Tne reaord of anivala a!w za gate for time under raecCsn, 14,713 heads of faisilis or 2111 persons repre sented. Yearly average 83; monthly average 771; daily average 27. Of the small per cent of laboring men who have visited the rooms, perhaps one-third have depended somewhat on the Board for aid in . procuring employment. Generally, places have been supplied. Iuriiigthia twenty months only four persona nave asked Cos financial aid, and ten dollars will cover all expenses ot this kind. . uxutxox or pnrfcnuTcr As the entire work of the Board is gra tuitoas, and with nothing contingent or conditional tor the new-comer, upon the issuance of an order for a reduced rate, the important matter ot his location is redoced to courtesy on his part, the owner who sells, the county agent, or in direct information. The ticket orders are something of s guide. This shows 88 single trip orders, against one round trip order. So many come into the rooms who have through tickets or lacalltickets, or who go out by river or stage or other wise, that this is only a partial guide. Aside from this, hundreds come into the state at the eastern or southern extremity who do not come to the city of Portland aialL . ! , In regard to this feature, the corrobo ratire testimony of election returns, revi val and expansion ot business, and the immigration paper passing through our Om of tat TmtpmMmr Haafcdrlaa Swath f rartlaavd. I si of which was a protracted lawsuit to determine the title to the land on which i$ is siti ated, tended to retard the growth of the town for many years. Population and improvements in the mean time moved a little south and covered the gravelly plain to south Mill creek. The name given to the location by the abor igines was Cbe-mek-e-te. In the year 1841. Rev. Gustavus Hines built a house, McClane over the orth Salem land claim, as already stated, was a serious drawback to the settlement and prosper ity of that portion of town. It began in 1863, and was only terminated by com promise, in 1869, between McClane and the heirs of Boon, the latter having died in 1864. On the 13th of January, 1851, the ter ritorial legislature, which held its ses sions at Oregon City, passed an act re- movinz the seat of government to baiem. This law was declared void by Judges yet standing, in the oak grove now in the Nelson and Strong and Gov. Gaines, but wlnanre of the Pioneer oil mills. This congress confirmed the act making the building for a long time was used by the Methodist mission as a parsonage, and was known by that designation. That same year the old Institute building, erected for the mission school, was be gun, and completed the following year, to which was removed the. Indian mis sion school from Chemawa. a short dis tance on this side of the river from the nresent town of Wheatland. In the win ter of 1845-6, the section of land held as belonging to the Oregon Institute having been considered to be in d inger of being "jumped,' an arrangement was made by four, surrounding claimants xr settlers, who were each holding and occupying under the laws of the provisional govern ment of Oregon a section of land the laws of the United States not yet having been extended over this country by which the said claimants each abandoned removal, and settled the question. The sesHion of 1851 2 was held in the old Willamette university building. The irovernor called an extra session of the legislature, to meet on the 26th of July, 1852, at Salem, but that body met at we appointed time, and, after three days' session, contemptuously adjourned until the first Monday of the following uecem- ter, that being the time for the regular session. The house on Commercial street known as the Rector building was oceu pied by the legislature and the state h hrarT. while the supreme court met in the Bennett house. The former building was burned down last year. - . ... In the vear 1856 a woolen mill was built in North Salem, by the Willamette Woolen Manufacturing company, ine building at first was small, but was en . - . . a nr w w larced as neceuv require!. vm. xi. Hector was appointed superintendent of contruction by the company, and it was under his direction that the work was carried forward to completion, and that water from the Santiara river was. brought into Salem for milling purposes. i ; t f .u ti a portion of the outer extremities of their This introduction of water from the San- respective land claims, and so reducing I tiam was a great event in the history of .h said four surrounding asvtions to the growing village, and was properly to about three sections 'and five-sixths, gj by h'iKttanc.T S leaving one section for the oenent oi ine introduction of the New river water into Oregon Institute, and the parwnage I Ixmdon in the time of James I., and each claim lying east from the Institute sec- enterprise met with like opposition from . . . I real extate owners, who claimed that tion;anawnenweunesoi8ai.iTra. ftenjjtheir wouM in' hy the established, a partnership claim of four flowine of water through them. In the persons, namely, II. B. Brewer, lavid congress, was also destroyed at he same time. The building was no doubt de stroyed with a purpose. At the session of the year before, the legislature had a . . m . 'a. a . 4" cnaneea we seal en government 10 vor- vallis, but upon learning that we act was disapproved by the authorities at W ash- lngion, wac Doay reversea ua acuonaau moved back to Salem. In a few weeks after their return the state bouse was burned. On Sunday morning. May 10, lsr3, a fire broke out and burned all the build' ings on the east side of Commercial street from t erry street to we lot now occupied bv Cunninghams brick: we loss was 120.000 or more. On Saturday. July 23. 1864. a fire Bwent away all the buildings from where the Capital Engine Co.'s house stands up to Shiel's law office, now Catterhn's pho tograph gallery. The Mansion house owned bv J. D. Smith, was destroyed. and he was the heaviest loser. The to tal loss was about 18.000. On the night of April 16th, 186, all the buildings between (iris wold s block and Holman's brick were destroyed by fire, and it was with difficulty that una wold's brick was saved. Loss about $20,000. In the latter part of Slay, 1867, uur- bin's livery stable, a large building on the northeast corner of Commercial and State streets was burned, at night, with eighteen valuable horses. Total loss, about 110,000. After midnight, November 1st, imi, the Capital hotel, owned by Hon. K Mallory, and occupying the corner where the Mansion formerly stood, and where the Capital Engine Co.'s and other build ings now stand, took nre, ana was burned to the ground. The house was three stories in height, and the total loss, house and contents, was about $20,000. Tbe foreeoinir enumeration of the hres that have occurred embrace only the principal ones, and the approximate losses. W e can not close, however, with out reference to the great freshet of De- much de- been persistently discouraged, not only in the printed matter, but by letters, whenever occasion offered. So much trouble, hardship and expense, not to say injustice to the new-comer and the state, has been heretofore caused by ignorance of Oregon, and her condition, by over wrought pen pictures, hy irresponsihie notioe-writing tourists, and by curb-stone railway runners and agents in the east. that it has been we constant enon or. we commissioners to counteract all this, and to educate the intending settler, that it would be impossible for any of their agencies to take advantage ot him. axouht or ranrrxD matter. months the Leslie, W. II. Willson, and L. II. Judson, was recorded in the office of the recorder of the provisional government, including the aforesaid 640 acres as the property of the trustees of the Institute, and of the society of the church as s parsonage. In 184S an effort was made to establish a claim to a portion of the land so recorded, by a man named Joseph Caples, but legal proceedings were instituted against him, and he was ejected from the land by tlu slieriff." In 846 the wustees of the Orepm In stitute laid off a town on the site of Che mekete, but including in the survey only that part of Salem lying between Church street on the east and the river on the west. The only building then standing within the limits of the first town survey is the one now occupied as the "Cali fornia Bakery," which stood in an oak grove, on the same block, a little to the north and east of its present location. It was built in 1843, by the late L. II. Jndson. and was occupied by him as a family residence until the latter jart of 1S44. In the fall of 1846 Rev. J. L. Par- rish bought thirty-four acres of land near Salem, and built a dwelling thereon, and for forty years he has continued to reside m and improve the same. Judge J. Ouinn Thornton and Virgil K. Pringle, now residents of Salem, arrived bv the immigration of 1846, and settled here, though their residence has been else where a good part of the intervening time. A few Iocs of tlie newly-surveyed town of Salem were sold at auction, pay ment to be made therefor m wheat the war after the sale. Nit none of the lots so old von improved or built upon for some tears afterward. Durina tbe summer of 184 an ar- ranmn was made between the trus- i Imx of the Ore iron Institute and Ir. W. II. vnan. bv which Willson disposed of his land claim previously held in order to make and perform we conutuons am afnwmint. The claim which Willson held was that part of the present farm of J. Lf Parrish which lies east of the pub lic road running In front of Parrish rs res idence. Th contract between Willson and the trustees was in substance as fol lows : Willson. gave to said board of trus tees his bond for $100,000, conditioned that he would take charee of the section of land claimed by said Institute, since known in we U. . government survey as the claim of Wm. II. Willson and wife, and that he would nse all necessary means to secure a title by donation from the United States, and, as the agent of th aaid trustee, be would sell the town lots and pay over to them two-thirds of tha Proceeds of all sales of lots or lands unon the fla'm, and that, on final set tlement, ha would divide with said trus tees all unsold land or lots, retaining him elf one third, and conveying as good a till as ha should receive from the United States, to the said trostees, of two thirds cember 1861. which caused so struction of property throughout the val- !..... iu:rtk.m;i)kiiillui nrtn( mm. lar ant fmin which Snlfm did not es- - . .. . . I J ' . t. il:lt L. tifacturing goods, under we supennien- cape, ine nriage over rcuui lumcrvr, lenceof Capt. L. E. Pratt, who came from the East to take charge of the fac tory. Oregon wool was used, and blan kets, flannels, and cassimeres were turnea Out. the first goods of the kind ever man nfactured on the 1'acihc coast. M n was the quality of goods made at this mill, and so creat was the demand, that in three vears the siie and capacity of the works were doubled. In 1876, near twenty vears after theirahrst construc tion, tbe mill was destroyed by fire, no loubt the act of an incendiary. Mr. Rector left Salem about the year!86j, and went to California, where he now re sitles. Through his instrumentality, the fintt cotton mill was established in Oak land, in that state, in the year 1866, The Pioneer Oil Mill commnjr was formed in 1866, and the latest and most approved machinery was ordered from the East. Toward the latter part of 1867, the mill was started mi. and the first oil was manufactured. The capacity of the works is much greater than the supply of seed, or the demand for the manufac tured products, consequently the works are not kept in continuous operation. U a a w. Grav A Sons are now. ana nave been for some vears. the owners of this enterprise. .. . ... The question ot estaniisinng a perma nent seat of government hal heen sub mitted to the people in accordance with provision of the state constitution, at the general elections held since the ad mission of Oregon into the Lnion, but no place had received a majority of the votes cast, as required. At we election neiu on the first Monday in June, 1N4, We question was again submitted to the peo ple, and this time aiem reeeiveu a ma jority of 79 over all other points votea for, ami thus tne vexing miner was net tled. In the legislature that met in Sep tember, 1872. Hon. T. McF. Patton, a member of the house of representatives from Marion, introduced a bill appro priating $100,000 for the purpose of be irinnimr the construction of a state house. The bill passed both houses without ma terial opposition. ad was approvea oy Gov. ti rover, and the next year work waa heimn. and the corner stone was laid, with appropriate ceremonies, Hon. K K. Chad wick, secretarv of state, deliv arinv the address noon the occasion. The r . -nr.. I Ifxnslatnre of 1874 mane an aaoiuonai appropriation and the work was so far prosecuted that in 1876, all the state otfi cas were removed to the new building, and the legislative assembly met there t arond Monday in September of that vmp R liberal appropriations of snc- Manm leirialatures the building is fast Marin completion, and when finished it will be an ornament to the state and to th Pat-inc coast. It occupies the site of the old territorial state bouse that was burned in 1855. or rather the center of Km knildin does. We have now brought the main events In the history of Salem down to wiwin period of recent memory, bot to recount r- .: . i ... . T..,11 on VAHiimen ii pircei, i'uic o mm, and a few other buildings, were carried away,, but the loss otherwise was not irreat. It was a notable event, however. The water backed up through South Mill creek, and ran through the center of town, being about four feet deep where the court house stands, and. backed up State street, barely reaching (ommercial street near where the banking house of Ladd A Bush is now. The W illaniette river, from its source to its mouth, was hiirher than ever before known, at least since the expedition of Lewis A Clarke m tlie early part of this century, as the sweeping away of trees more than a hun dred years old fully attested, anil which had withstood the storms and floods of so many winters. P. J. ARMSTRONG & CO. Illark.mith and Carriage Manufacturers. Wood and Iran Jobbing. Every body residing in the surround ing country knows where "Kelly's black smith shop" is located. P. J. Armstrong A Co. are now in possession of this es tablishment, and are prepared to do all kinds of general hlacksmithtng at a mo ments notice. They are the leading blacksmiths and carriage makers in Salem. They are now engaged in build ing some very fine buggies, hacks and carriages for the spring trade. They do all kinds of jobbing in wood, iron and steel: and make horse shoeing a spec ialty. Tbey are required to keep five. men in tne an op at aw times, in oruer io accommodate their very heavy, and steadily increasing cnstoni. They issue, herewith, an invitation to everybody. desiring any work done in their line, to call and see them, at Kelly s old stand, Commercial street, between State and Court. ROBERT rORD. Feed and Sal Stable fine I.I t fry Outfit M Tm4. -ft During the past twenty Board has printed 90100 pamphlets, "Or egon As It Is." The first edition had sixty pages. Making matter out ot questions by intending settlers, swelled the book to 80 pare. Additional, the Board has print ed 42,000, 16-page folders, half in German, and the balance in Hcaodanayian, and 185,000 8-page leaflets in English. Aside from this the Board has received and dis tributed 56,000 county descriptive pamph lets and papers, 4,600 annual Oregonians, luuu copies oi tue j. a. xv cuiuuu ui that paper, 600 copies of the News, 200 copies of the Standard, 800 copies of the Rural Spirit, 300 copies of a Willamette vallev circular m Uerman. ouu copies or the Willamette Farmer. 50,000 maps of the state, an aggregate of 432,700 pieces of immigration literature. DIsTBIBtmOS From the start it has been the opinion of the commissioners that the best results in the way of a desirable class of immi gration, would come from the overflow of the northwestern states, east of the Rockies, and it has been the constant ef fort to reach these localities with this literature. Through the most cordial help of all railways hsving direct west ern connection, this object hss been st tained, and a wide dissemination of infor mation regarding the state, been made. In addition to this an open mailing book is kept at the rooms of the board, and each immigrant is made an adver tiser of the state, by procuring from him the names of hia friends in the east In this way 20,000 new names have been ad ded to the mailing list. THS EXHIBIT CAB. Tbe board has sent an exhibit car on a tour of the eastern states for each year of 1 its organization. The last one, for 1886, visited eight different states snd thirty two cities and towns, besides stopping snd exhibiting at as many different places in the interior ot states. It was visited by at least 200,000 different persons indeed the journey was a perfect ovation. The car traveled 7000 miles and made a stay of seventy-four days. From this car 65 000 pieces of immigration literature were distributed. Since the car left the state, about twenty heads of families have vis ited theState Board rooms, and volunteer ed their statement that a visit to the car in the east, caused them to decide to come to Oregon. Scores of letters bearing the same testimony have been received by the Board. It is the opinion of the man ager of the car, as well as the commis sioners, that the work will result in large accessions to our population during we year '84. MEET! KG IM MIOBAICTS The plan of meeting immigrants before they reach tbe city, and again at tbe moms, where there is a magnificent dis play of all the product of the soil, has been continued. The new-comer finds here, the proof ot the claims made by the state as an agricultural region,and just tbe disinterested, practical information be needs. Besides this gets an order on the railway company for a reduced rate ticket, good for thirty days stop over privilege. Here. also, the new-comer finds a farm list, from which he can make memoranda and go out into the state, well informed, as to prices, etc From these rooms the new-comer is gen erally sent to the care of a county immi gration agent, who wiwout cnarge, snows him properties in that locality, and assists him in other wsys. STATISTICAL son of the census figures for 1885, and the population ot 1886 based on the vote of last June, and we have 243,418 as against 207,45a The vote of 82 was 41 678; the vote of S4 (June) was 49,337; the vote of 1H (Nov) was 521551; the vote of 86 was 54.947. This table does not in clude voters who have j made settlement since Dee. 1885, they not being eligible. Taking 14JJ00 as two-thirds ot the new comers, we have about 4,000 to add, which will swell the population to about 260, 000. ...) ITHA HCES OF THB KXW-OOVKB. By a system adopted at the start by the Board, it has been found that a very close estimate of the money value of each immigrant may be had. This estimate shows S3000 as the average ot each head ot family, tor the first half year. During the last half this was increased fully $300. There i data enough to show that 8200 is but a fair average ot the amount brought by more than two-thirds ot those who make settlement This ag gregates several million dollars. A post al card, with blanks for the new-comer to fill up, showing date ot arrival, state, lo cation, purchase price, and name waa adopted in June 1886. Since then the Board has received enough to show a to tal of SLP09.450. There are several hun dred cards still in tbe hands ot intending settlers. Replying to a circular from the Board, issued in October, a number of bankers and business men throughout the tste have siren figures from their ex change accounts, showing conclusively that the averages made by the board are rather below.tban above, tbe figure asset forth in bankable paper, and other money transactions. A banker at Albany who Nearly every person who has visited Salem daring the past two, three or four years, has either become personally ac quainted with, or has heard of the genial host of this, now almost famous hostelry. It is safe to asy that there is no hotel proprietor in the state of Oregon that more folly and completely consults the comforts of his guests than dees C. H.. Monroe. For a long time, Mr. Monroe had charge of the Reed boose in this city, but afterward opened the Monroe house, on the corner of Marion and Commercial streets. Ills rapidly increasing patron age soon demonstrated fully to Mr. Mon roe that the building he was then occupy ing was entirely to small, and he began casting about for a more commodiooa building, and one nearer we DU3ines center of the city. In September, fire destroyed a large portion of tbe building on the southeast corner of State and High streets, then oc cupied as the Thompson house. Mr. Monroe then secured a lease of this place of Dr. Jessup, and the carpenters and other mechanics were at once pot to work remodeling, and repairing the ruins of the old building. The walls, which were largely of brick, remained standing, and after two months and a half of work and at an expense of $2500 the old "Thompson" house had given way to the new "Monroe House," a hotel to which Salem can well point with pride. The Monroe house is three stones in height, and has broad verandahs entirely across the front of both tbe first and sec ond floors, while a broad grass lawn leads out to the sidewalk. The ho tel is situated just across the street from the county court house, five blocks from the state capitol building, nine blocks from the passenger depot, and only a block from the main business part of the city. The house is entirely new inside, a a awa . a and is handsomely lornisnea wroagnoui. In no dining room anywhere, can one find a better, nor a cleaner meal of vic tuals than at the Monroe house. No Chinese are employed about the hotel, and Mrs. Monroe, whose reputation stands at the head of the list of caterers with whom the traveling public come in con tact, is, with her sister, at the head of the culinary department, and oversees all the work in the kitchen and diningrjoom, in person. She also devotes her every en ergy to doing everything that will con duce to the comfort, and pleasure of the guests. On the main floor, beside the kitchen and dining room, is the office, a neat quiet room, well fitted with writing ma terials and on the table of which are the leading newspapers, a Bitting room, handsomely furnished, a parlor suite with a open fins place in the chambre. and each room of the suite handsomely famished. On the second floor, the to front rooms, each have stoves, while an other room just back of the east of these, has an open fireplace. There are ten rooms on this floor, all tarnished in the latest style, and with elegance, and com fort. The third or upper story has also ten rooms, and all well famished, the two front rooms, as are those below, fitted with fire. Everything will be found as neat as a pin around this house, and it T wuu I ... i . ... i ,..ii ha. handled nearly $100,000 worthof this - " kTci h of Ported. nar iinnnj th pant Tear.makes the av- I 7 V. ' ... .. . i -" . . .-. eram about 83.500. A banker at Eugene city, having about 1 125,000 of this kind of transaction, writes that the average is folly $3,000. The first National Bank of Portland, having an exchange transaction daring the past year of $20,000,000 reports an increase, daring that time, of 11,277 pieces of exchange. And after an exam ination of its character places a fair pro portion of it, to the credit of those who have come into, and made settlement in the state daring the period in question. On all sides we hear of a revival and ex pansion of general bosinees. It has been of a substantial, wholesome, permanent character. It is not confined to cities bot is general throughout the state. IX so long as Mr. Monroe, and his estimable and amiable wife continues in its management. THOMAS HOLM AN. Manufacturer of tha Wmtara Fannlng MUla and Grain Cleaner. One of the largest stable in the city is located on the northeast corner of Com mercial and Trade streets. Robert Ford the proprietor, tries in every way to keep the fullest line of road vehicles, and the best stock of horse flesh, for hire, Wat is to be found in Salem. liis stables are large, ' and are always kept clean. He has plenty of extra stalls for feeding, and for transient custom. In fact he keeps one of the most complete livery, feed and sale stables in Salem. Personally Mr. Ford is one of the most accommo dating bosinees men in Salem, and by a doe courtesy to his customers, couple with reasonable charges, his business is steadily increasing. aTerr raaaialta tor a Brut eUa narttneat la aoderrtood aad provided lioceijr i fi tor by dc- The following statistics are taken from the records ot the Board: Average age of immigrant years Average age of children under age. 11 years Married men 76 per cent Married men with famlies 95 " Able bodied...; SH Looking for climate to benefit health Able to read and write 99 Those who state that they have eometostay 65 " Men in doubt until they examine. ................. .35 M Witk caah purchase 90 " Looking tor government land or cheap claims 10 M From states west of New York and east of the Rocky moun- tains 90 Middle and eastern states 8 COSCLrBTOH This immigration work, carried on at the start, under somewhat untoward cir cumstances, has to-day the character of an unequivocal success, and permanency; and in view of what has been accomplish ed, it ought to be looked upon by every right-thinking interested citizen, as a sue-, cess not only justifying the appropria tion heretofore made, but warranting the expenditure of a mnch larger sum per snnnm. Plainly, the progress of the state, and the developementof all her resources most be contingent npon the steady in flux of a new population, trained and ed ucated np to the highest standard of thrift and industry, and enterprise in all agricultural matters, and a liberal invest ment of capital in commercial and manu facturing enterprises. This is the immi gration needed; it has been the immigra tion sought, and as the records show, the bulk ot that already received. This class can be bad as a result of a steady, persistent practical, judicious presenta tion of ihe inducements held out by Ore gon ; and it is only right and fair that we annul 1 share largely in the immigration of a t irifty, forehanded people; accessions to onr population of that industrious, en terprising class which means the develop ment of resources, unmatched anywhere in the common country. In regard to foreign immigration, it is tbe experience ot the commissioners, that everv attempt to extend the work beyond the limmits of tbe United States, or even to remote portions of our own country has been a failure, or wholly inadequate to tbe effort and the expenditure of money. The long and expe nsive journey, the gauntlet of clamoring state and railway agents, which each new-- vor to this country is forced to run. and U.V at norance of Oregon all these operate against snd nullify immigration 'Jbrt So far as tbe experience of the state Board goes, we class coming direct from th old world, do not possess ready means, with which to make a settlement by pur chase. As the records show, folly ninety per cent of those coming here daring the veers of 85 and '86. have been from the northwestern states, east of the Rockies, the overflow ot these localities. It is made np of practical fanners, who will add a moral and social, as well as finan cial strength to the community in which settlement is made. Liberal expenditures of money will, unquestionably, bring good returns to the people of the state. What has been accomplished, is all in support of this opinion, and the work is certainly During, the past three or four years, Thomas Ilolman has been adding at least, his quota to the manufacturing in terests of Salem, during which time sever al hundreds of the now famous "Western" wheat and grain cleaners have been made in, and shipped from Salem. Mr. Ilolman, at one time, bad an opposition in Albany, which for a season, appeared to divide the honors of manufacturing machines for cleaning grain in this state ; hot Mr. Holman's mills. "Tbe Western," proved too much for the opposition fac tory, which retired from the field, and leaves Mr. Ilolman standing alone, as the only manufacturer of grain cleaners in Oregon. During 1886, over 600 mills were made in his factory, and sold. He manufactures two sizes each of the Wes tern Fanning mill, and of the Western warehouse grain cleaner. The mills are all made with patent sacking attach ment, so that the grain is cleaned and re sacked with only one handling. These mills have been sold all over Oregon and Washington Territory, where he con stantly has wagons traveling, selling and delivering them. These sales have brought him, in return, the highest tes timonials from persons using them. In fact, the "Western" factory is an insti tution for Salem, and Oregon, to point to with pride, and one that will grow as Oregon grows. Mr. Ilolman is also pro prietor of the Salem electric light fran chise. There are now 38 arc lamps on the circuit, together with several incan descent circuits, and Mr. Ilolman uses two dynamos to generate the electricity. This electric system gives perfect sat isfaction. ' SALEM BATHS. Prof. H. Dlaaiond, tha PI of Salem. A Kaat Shop. oaaar Barbae- At 208 Commercial street, II. Diamond has one of the neatest barber shops, with baths to be found in Salem, and be and bis able assistants can always be found ready to do the best work in their line.. Prof. Diamond is one of the oldest ton sorial artists in Salern, and has always held his trade by doing satisfactory work. 1. C SMITH. In room 3, Patton's block, pa Stale street, T. C. Smith has his dental par lors, where be is prepared to da all kind of dental work. Dr.Smi'i cakes a spec ialty of fine gold frtt does not in the least neglect y I and platina, alloy, nor other ft- "'ings. He Is prepared to s- ft er, Nitons; Oxide gas vitr:-d ah,;cc;.r freezer, chloroform, r any of tla cth: ; Modern pain obto-Jnw. in we pais.; rao tion of t-i-i- Dr. Smith has a i .end entitled to the cordial and hearty co-op-1 stead.' increasing practice, ana v ..x; eration of every citizen. proves Bauajacwry. . '