The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892, January 07, 1887, Page 1, Image 1

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    CI T GATIglA v JTRIU AY. J AJSTTJAItY 7. 1887.
Its Nearly Thirty-Six Ycir
of Uziz
Oilier Newspapers is Early Times ia
Oregon some Interesting
At the beginning of the year 1851 there
were only two newspapers published ia
the territory of Oregon the "Spectator;
at Uregon City, and the "Oregoniaa," at
rortland. The former of these Journals
had been established in the early part of
lota, the first somber appearing Februarr
6. It was owned by the Methodist mis
sion, which organization was then of great
mnnenoe in the infant territory, and in
for some years afterward. The paper
changed managers frequently, and main-
tamed nothing more than a precarious ex
. istenee annng the whole of its career.
which lasted, including the interruptions
to its publication by the Caynse Indian
ar and the discovery of gold in Califor
t At 1 . a -
nia, eacn oi wnicn events cad a re-
. tarding eifcjct upon its prosperity, until
March, 1855, when it quietly lay down
and gave np the ghost The Oregonian
was started at Portland, bv T. J. Drver.
the first number bearing date December
It was issue4 distuetively as
whig paper, as an "organ of the party
then in power in the national government.
Ail the territorial officers of course be
longed to the same political organization.
As a party, in the territory, the whigs
made up nothing more than a respectable
minority, but in intellectual capacity they
were probably su perior to their democratic
opponents. The new organ of the whigs
was of the blatant species peculiar to ru
ral districts twenty-five or thirty years ago.
It was full of sound and fury, literally
signifying nothing to the edocated reader.
but the paper took with wonderful effect
among the scattered adherents of the
same party throughout the territory, even
at the moderate price of $7 a year. In
the meantime, the democrats, being out
or power, felt the necessity of a local
journal to prepare and furnish the politi
cal pabulum for which they yearned.
Party spirit was running high, and was
vituperative to an unreasoning degree on
the part of the democrats. The writer
recollects hearing the whigs branded as
tories" by their opponents, and this not
in heated political discussions, but in the
calmness of private conversation, and
often the accuser and the accused belong
ing to the same religious organization.
(The terra ttory" then meant one who
adhered to King George during the revo
lutionary war, and was of as vile signifi
cance as 'copperhead" became during
the war for the Union, which apUy
characterized one in the loyal states who
t . ... . .
uj uia Toice ana vote lavorea toe confed
erates.) Hon. Samuel K. Thurston was
delegate in congress from the territory of
Oregon, and being anxious for the es
tablishment of a democratic paper here,
began to cast about for a suitable person
to take charge of and conduct Ihe same.
Asahel Bush, a young man from Massa
chusetts, then in Washington, was recom
mended to Mr. Thurston, and soon ar
rangements were made by which the form
er started to Oregon with the necessary
outfit for a newspaper. Arriving here in
the latter part of the year 1850, Mr. Bush
was elected territorial printer by the
legislature, which then met annually on
the first Monday in December, at Oregon
City. His printing material not reaching
Oregon until late in the winter, the pub
lication of his paper was delayed until the
21st of March, 1851, on which day the
first number of the Obbsojc States ax
was issued to the world Asahel Bub,
editor. Its motto was, "N favor sways
as; no fear shall awe," All the materials
used in the publication of the paper were
bought second hand, nevertheless the
issues presented a very creditable appear
ance. The circulation of the paper had a
rapid increase, and soon its weekly edition
reached two thousand in number, which,
considering the paucity of the inhabitants
of the territory, was remarkable indeed.
Its proprietor was the public printer, and
his nanernf flnnm vm th nfwiul nrmr.
territnrv rtnsitirma vhwh auh re
tained throughout the remaining rears of
the territorial existence and during the
nrs six years or mat or toe state, in all
about thirteen years.
Tn IHTi'l. th Boat of mrnmmn( nt tha
territory was changed, by act of the legis-
1 . 4.. A - 4J 1 . 1 I t i-o t
uiuic, to cMuein, uu lu m uuf, i,-vx, me
office of the Statesyas was removed
hither, and its publication continued as
before. In 185!, the proprietor purchased
isa entirely new outfit in New York, in
eluding a power press, and shipped the
same around Cape Horn to 8an Fran
cisco. At that port, the materials were
shipped on the steamship Southerner, for
Portland, but alas! this proved to be her
last trip, for the wind and waves were too
strong tor the old vessel, and she was dis
abled and driven past the mouth of the
Columbia, far northward, and foundered
on the coast of Washington territory. All
the freight On hrasrd waa Inmt liuIn1in
a thousand volumes of the general laws
a .ft. . .... . ..a
n iu M-mwry, winoa naa ueen pnntea
-" v vri v u mam iniinic utium. ail.
Jrn'a 1.. St,.- .1; i i
" mvmm uua uimwi mam inn km
""f&OOO, not i dollar of which was in
f It is said that for weeks after the
to piece typeia small quan
. ,rfJ" hed ashore, and occasion
ally some 4 thered up by the
washeaw of ricimty, and wrought
SVL2 """ta for the sdornmeut
iKJTu1"?- It is likely, ako,
fi!?!lmetM by them
,fI xhicb broke out
the following year and ScsoUted that
thmly-pcQpled region.
The legislature that met Salem in
- .. ..a Av X. -
; 1 i v j w -i i j ci a
er- ccr-; a lis rzjzzz -: " -3 cf 1-
i-i.cra. - i c- v cursor
;-- w., um joanuB tae
tcmion-1 VT.irr-'r ! K--r A- w.
built, by money arrropristed by the gen-
w gownnirm. uauan men was an
eyesore to many of her neighbors of the
Willamette valley, and at the first ABmr.
tanity she waa deprived of the conse
quence that was supposed to follow the
location or. tne seat of government within
her precincts. . So, in the spring of 1855,
the ofSee was put on wheels, sad followed
the territorial oOcers to their new abiding
tuaco. xn ute meantime we aatnonties
wasningion naa beard of the con-
oioon of aaaus in Uregon that the legis
lature was roaming about the territory
and official notification came front the
disbursing officers of the U. 8. treasury.
uim j wwua recognize oniy ue legis
lature that met at Salem, the seat of gov
ernment for thA trritnnr. Til. w l;V
a thunder-clap to the originators of the
w.jcime vi mnoru, as iney reauzea that
it WMS S dAftih-Hlnw in manv nt
laid plans. On the -first Monday of De-
cemoer ioiiowmg the members
oc ue legislature met at Corvailis, in
the anartera th&t tia1 Iwum
and immediately went to work dieussing
. wmiwbiiii oticr mil BBliuBieu ue-
bate, they voted to adjourn to Salem, and
Without delsT th whn1 Wvlv Arwrvk
first boat for this place, beg and bag
gage, the States ax office, editor, typos,
and "deviL" cominir down with thorn r.V
u lumus tooa: up ue same quarters thev
. .1 i X . . . ,mm- .
uau uie sprmg Deiore. 'inis lu
(Ucrous hasoo was greeted with universal
lausrhter throatrtvmt ttut twiritnr ITrx.
ever, the promoters o the scheme of re
moval naa ineir revenge, ror, before the
session of the legislature was ended, the
building was set on fire and burned to
While th Stittu wni nnKK.lia,l -
- - P " VWWU..d,
UlCa well illustrates the mirfh-maHn
j . . . v ... . . ...c
cucier oi ue late i. w. fiesmitn.
Adjoining the printing office was a room
in which a justice of the oeace hLl
court. A door opened from one room to
the other, near which s nrnnnrwiinr atswvi
at us case, it seems mat on one occas
ion a case was to be tried before th
justice, in which a certain lawyer, who
snail be nameless here, was counsel on
One Side, that of the nlmntifT unit .T
Quinn Thornton was employed for the
ueienaant, xne ower lawyer, whom,
however, we shall for convenience call
Smith, when thnensA wna nallAil anA inat
before he was to make his speech, stepped
urourn uexioor. nun nnnninir th tma
stkker a bottle of whisky, requested that
whenever he f Smith! during hi rvwh
called for a drink of water, the former
would band him some in a dipper, after
pounnir into 11 a lew oror rmm th hnt-
tle. Nesmith came in shortly afterward,
and hearing of the request, got the flask,
sou Mia ne wouia aeai out ue contents.
Jrrettv aoon Smith heron anon Vint tn
the jury, and, desiring a drink of water,
ue primer Hastened to fulfill his request
Nesmith than trrk- littlo vsI.f jn
dinner, and ooured a liberal onnntitv at
whisky from the flask into the same.
wnicn was nanaed in to the thirsty law-
. wn ' . i . . . .
yer. luuonni strpnotnAnArf him ami
he warmed up with his subject. It was
not xong before be became thirsty again,
sua cauea tor more water, and again the
accommodating tVnn Vinitfrv1 in vn.'t
upon him Nesmith, of course, in his con-
ctsaunent, aoaing more wnisav than wa
ter. This rjotatkm
half a dozen times, the lawyer in each in
stance growing snore vehement in his
requests. Ihe effect of the liquor wart
Soon anrtarent on Smith nt flmt ha v.
very voluble, then his voice gradually
prcw mica ana nusxy, ms words became
incoherent, his attitude unsteady, his
erei rollinir. and hia imitnmi wii,i r
ue umt amazement or ue court and
jury, who were unable to comprehend
ue attorney s mnralar nn,lnt vNvwi
ently Smith staggered to his seat, com
pieteiy oewuaerea, and Thornton won
the case. Nesmith tml thn tm-aottar
: , T J '
cujeu ineir ewn ran.
After returning to Salem, the Statks-
ept ue even tenor or its way. The
times were tranquil, except during the
Indian war, which occupied public atten
tion for a few months in 1855-6. The
successive immigrations brought addi-
uuns 10 ue population or the territory.
um noi mucu in ue way or financial in
creese. There was very little export
trade, but an occasional report of newly
i , .... . -
uiscoverea goia aiggings would raise ex
travagant hopes of a return of the flush
umes or in iaiirornia. There was
one unfailing source of excitement, how
ever, the annual recurrence of which pre
vented entire stagnation of the human
intellect "Politics aroused the dormant
energies or ue people, and it is tafe to
sav that the Statickva'c in Anmmnn
with the other political papers of the ter-
A 1 A 1
niory, um not auow thia mine to remain
nnwurked. The citation nvpr tlis nna.
A . 1 . ...
"n oc wiarerj, in conjfTwa ana tnronb-
s m A a a ' r
oat i ue Auantio ana iuississippi states,
extended to far-off Oregon. Through the
efforts of W. L. Adams, of the A rtm nt
Oregon City, the republican party was
organizeu in me territory, and placed in
regular opposition to the democratic pol
icy. The Statesman, as the organ of
the latter, maintained its hold upon the
party, which was already beginning to
show signs of ultimate disintegration
over the great question of the day the
modern Enceladus, which would not re
main quiet, even under the finalities of
compromisers. It was a period of politi
cal discussion, in and out of congress,
probably the greatest the world ever
aaw the most able, the most intense,
and the most bitter culminating in the
most terrific conflict of arms since the
beonning of history. During this heated
agitation the Statksvax waa managed
mid remarkable ability, and its weekly
issues were seized with avidity and read
with lively interest by men of all shades
of political opinion. Probably no journ
al ever exercised such an influence over
the minds of its readers aa this paper did
daring the time under contemplation.
The discerning eye might discern that
at no distant day the democratic party
would be split in twain over the disturb-
in a ftmnt knt klan it mnM Ka AiwinA
that the Statesman would naturally and
necessarily cast its lot on the side of
freedom. In 1858 came the dinrnntion of
the democratic party in Oregon, and in
lfifk) fnl lrtwtvl th liivision in th nttinnil
organization over the question of shivery.
Thdt fnManil 1Tnent fntlmnhl th l.oa.1
of Douglas, while the pro-slavery taction
iooa oj liio oiu parry. ioe otatbsmax, ,
r - - '
rsclla cf tla rrptiblicaa camp that ia
fc wty, xtr LiertTs bests were rallv-
iog. Ax ewlance of the complete com
maiid thai the rMr it tnii.
ew, may baeltad the result erf theelee-
the previous election there wasa demo
cratic majority or over two thmn m
the temtorr. which was mxlnmui n Aim-
puted majority of barely sixteen in 185a
county had been, np to that year, about
500. but the election of 1859 thmxl that
it waa buried under a republican majori
ty www. juvery one knew that the main
factor producing that result was the
Oaxoos Statxshax. under the admit
management of Asahel Bush, its editor
and publisher. As further evidence of
the oomnleteneaa of tha wnrV it ma u
stated that Marion county has ever since
wa memoraoie era maintained bar stand
aa a republican stronghold; frequently
and justifying James OHeara'a dechxra-
A-Z A 1 A, A 1
uun uat ue revolution in Alarion county
in 1859 was nnnrallArf m rmlitMl
nala. The momentous year of 1860
came on apace, and the result of the
general election in June and the senato
rial eleetkm in Vtnhr damnn.tH4AJ
that the influence of the Statxsx as waa
unaiminishM. The election of Nesmith
and Baker to the United States senate,
tWO Of the most mwnfnl fafaewian that
the imperiled Union afterward had, was
isxgeiy aue to its eautious and concilia
tory poucy, and won for it unqualified
praise from all lovers of the Union.
When the war bmWt rait in h
Statesman spoke in no uncertain voice
for the Union, aa ita litni-ial mlnmn.
at that time abundantly testify. Hsrvey
ufuruuu, a wnier or unquestioned ability,
was then the managing editor, which po-
biuuu ue retain ea until bis dath. in
J une. 18G1L He was elected state printer
on the Union-republican ticket a short
time previously, but died before he could
be sworn into office. He, in fact, had
purcuaaea an interest in the office short
ly before his death. In the spring of
1863 Messrs. R. P. r.nn.UH 'anA v t
mm - mm mm laa U4Vi mmm m Mm
Waite leased the office of the proprietors,
tuux ramea on ue ousmess until Kovem
ber, 18C3, when the late J. W. P. Hunt
ington. Ben Simnson. and nthpr nnrtioa
purchased the Statesman office of Bush
and Nesmith, and with D. W. Craig, of
the Argus, which paper was then pub
lished in Salem, formed the Oregon
rnnua? ana rnDiishmfr mmranv miwr.
pointed under the laws of the State,
The new eomnnnv rontinnvl th nnhli.
cation of the Statesman, and supported
ue government unconditionally in the
war for the suppression of the rebellion,
A few vears before thia rwriv1 iha iunn
. i " " 2
had received an entirely new dress, and
an Aaams power press bad been procured
to mint its b1i-ai1t Urm vlit
was the first power press ever brought to
Oregon. The interest of the people in
the war then at the height of its intensi
ty, and the desire to snnnlv thn nnhlin
demand for the latest news from the
East, induced the publishers to under
take the issue of a dailv 1itirm A.
cordinfflv. the first nnmher nf tlw Dailv
vras issued July 19, 1804, coming out as
aA. ; a mi a . -.
u aiiernoon journal, ine latest dis
patches. UD to the honr nf rrnincr trk nmaa
were received, and all the local news of
interest was given. But the additional
expense was too great to warrant the
continuance of the dni'v itunp ami on it
waa discontinued on the 20th of Novem
ber, 1864, just four months after the first
Dumber was printed. In addition to the
rearular editorial force. P. 8. Knight
employed as assistant editor. His vig
orous and pungent style added so mnch
to ue interest or ue paper that he was
offered a permanent oositinn
His education and literary taatpo. how
ever, lea nun to another neld of labor
and be declined the nrononitinn. Ji
Gaston, Esq., who had but lately become
a resident of this city, was next emnW
ed as editor. For near two years he was
retained in that position, to the antutfn.
tion of the paper and its patrons. He
was a ready, versatile writer, and well in
formed upon every subject of general in
bfML Tn th itipantiniA hir tk. nn -
-. ... .i.VJ JiUl'
chase of the interests of other sharehold
ers, D. W. Craig had become practically
the nmnriptnr anl hnainooa manou ?
the Stateshax, and he and Mr. Oaston
labored in barmsny together, until the
Buoaequeni saie or ue rormer s mterest
in the establishment dissolved their
It was during this time that the youth
ful Fred. Schwatka was employed in the
office as mailinc clerk. Th wnrl nt o.i.
dressing the papers then was done with
F?n ana pencil, ont in tins business
red was Quite an adept. He remained
at this poet until a short time previous
to nis appointment as cadet in the United
mates military academy at west Point.
He was quite a diffident hov. and rather
inclined to mincbief, but he showed no
signs of possessing the spirit of adven
ture that has since prompted him to
roam in hyperborean regions. He was
given to studying mathematics and to
writing poetry," and was proficient in
both occupation, although the two are
as opposite as the poles. His effusions
were sent anonymously, through the post
office, to the Statesmas, but only s pass
im? notice was accorded to tWm nnA
often, while at his desk, the vonth
would, with inexpressible anguish, see
his cherished poems unceremoniously
pitched into the fire, before his astonished
gaze, by the practical but unsentimental
In August Ben Simmon hnncrht
the interest of Mr. Craig in the paper
and installed his sons Sylvester C. and
Samuel L. as editors and managers.
This venture of Mr. Kimnnon'a waa
ly political in its nature, its object being
xrntuuu uj iimt tuiKu oiaic oenate,
but the attempt miserably failed; and
was financially disastrous to Mr. Simp
son. The editorials of the vonnir mpn
were models of crraoffnl ami
composition, but they themselves had no
taste for newspaper work, and at the
close of the year Mr. Simpson sold ont
to W. A. McPhersnn A fVi vKa
publishing the Unionist in this eity, and
this was the end of the Oregon Printing
and Publishing company. After aorwrat
cbanires, the pnoer finally fell into the
hands of J. W. P. Huntington, the super
intendent of Indian affairs fnrOmmn
nnder whose charge it remained until
the time of his death, in the sorinir nt
1H69. In Aiurust following, the admin.
ifitrator of Hnntintrtnn'a atat nltik.
newspaper to S. A- Clarke, who changed
the name back to the Snrenir and
proceeded to enlarge the journal, and to
increase its caoacitv for mx fr f!larV
was widely known in literary circles as a
graceful and accomplished writer, and he
was favored beaidea with much and va
ried jowjraalistia experience, having been
editor of the Daily Oregonian, and also
of the Balem Daily Becord, and for sevr
erai years a regular correspondent of the
Sacramento Union, New York Times, and
many other Eastern journals. The town
and country had made rapid strides in
prosperity, but Mr. Clarke kept the paper
abreast of the tide, and lost no opportu-
nitv to extend its nvfnhwxut FTtuW
his management it was distinctly re pub-.
ixmn in iia political character and waa
largely sncceatful aa a business venture,
which waa solely dne to hia own effort
for Mr. Clark was his own business man
ager, as well aa editor. It may be stated
that the publication of the daily edition
waa resumed in March. 1868, and has
been ecu tinned without interruption nn
til the present time. A fine job office
was connected with the paper up to the
time of the administrator's sale, but the
same was bought by A. I Stinson, who
united the best of the material with his
own office, which eventually went into
the hands of E. M. Waite, who yet runs
ue same.
In the springof 1872 Mr. Clarke sold
the office to a P. Crandall, who publish
ed the paper until December 18? 3, when
ioi iuhi um naiKin 01 vxarae s vraig,
of the Willamette Farmer. The latter
soon discovered that they had bought
into a vexatious lawsuit, but they pnb-
ivuea ue paper until some time in April,
1874. when, bv the denaion of th
the office was returned to CrandalL It
aoon passed into the hands of a eomnanv
With Cant. T. H Lnrtt aa twaino
ager, andC B. McDonald as editor. E.
f ien- . , . ,,
y. muiwu wna mi wrwaru mauiliea 8S DUS-
mess manasrer and local editor. In 1X7.1
Cant A H. Waters and brother wmcht
the Statesman office, and carried on the
puDucation or ue, paper, itn w. H. H.
Waters as editor, until June, 1877, when
W. H. (Xlell nnrrhnjuv,! th auK1i.h.
ment, and fitted the office ont with an en
ure new areas. Mr. Udell kept up his
ownership of the paper for over sewn
years, . retiring finally in August. 1KH4,
f or brief periods of time he had hhivh.
sively as partners, Jackson, Geo. E.
Good, C. W. Watts. Geo. Dorris. and A
Gesner. From Jnlv. 1H81. until IWin.
ber, luben I'. Boise, Jr., snd Whit
ney ju IK) we were business managers and
local editors, and were nrvvii ttv a
Vesner. AU or these orentlemen wer
successful in these departments, and the
local columns were kept full of life while
they had charge. In August 1883, W.
II. H vara. thA atnte nrintar twnrrht
uaii oi ue omce, and took the bnsroees
dnties on himself, with H. H. Hon-.riWa
uen isteiy graduated rrom the State uni
versity, as local editor. Each proved
himself a snocess in bis position, and es
pecially Mr. Hendricks, who. thontrh a
total straneer in the citv at the hirin.
ning of his career as a journalist here,
made a remarkably lively local
On the iHth of August, 1M84, Mr. Odell
sold bis half of the Statesman office to
B. J. Hendricks and George 1L Saubert,
two vounir men from Riwphnn? t)i far
mer becoming business manager and lo-
- 1 - 1 11 li. .a a
cai eaitor ana ue latter taking cbXrge as
foreman of the mechanical department
Mr. Odell retired from the office, and was
soon thereafter appointed postmaster at
Salem, which position he now holds.
While nnder his control, the paper fully
maintained its character as an able ex
ponent of republican policy, the editor
ials beinir mainly devoted to nnMtinni
that had a national bearing. Mr. Odell's
writings were deeply studied, logical,
and artromentative. devoid of otTnir
epithets, and courteous to political op
ponents. In December of the same year
Mr. Byars disposed of his interest in th
office to D. W. Craiii. whieh the lntter
ntainpl nntil KontATniwr IKKTi m-l.nn V
- . . ....... . ' ( , " A. I IIU
sold the same to his partners, and shortly
thereafter the "Statesman Publishing
Company was incorporated, under which
organization Mr. Hendricks is editor snd
Dusiness manager, and Mr. rtaubert fore
man. The paper is now meeting with
unprecedented prosperity, both in the
subscription and advertising nVnnrt-
inents, which sufficiently shows that its
course commends itseu to public sp
The nrpaa nnon vhirh thA RTimmif
is now printed was purchased in Chicago
in 1UT1 Ik. MAI! 44- T.' 1
iu iui uic7 n itinujriic x aimer, UJ
the late A. IV Ktinaon. anl waa naorl in
the publication of that paper until the
1 . aa . a m m Lmt a . .
latter pan oi ini, wnen it was sold to
the proprietor of this office, who had pre-
Viotlhl V disnoaJd of tha Aiinma rnmor
press to the state printer, Eugene Sem-
1 W A . a)4 . a .
pie. it was anerwara rxraght by A. u.
Walling, and taken to Portland, for use
in his job office. In January, 1874.
Messrs. Clarke Crai? first anrtlitnl
steam to the printing of the Statesman',
but upon the return of the nffic to ita
former publisher, the power of muscle
was sgain resorted to, which was kept up
until December, 1883, when Messrs. Odell
fe Bvars purchased a steam An inn A from
E- M- Waite, and set the same up in the
press-room of the office, thus permanently
dispensinff with the services of Hiram
Gorman, who had steadily acted as the
motive power of the Statesman printing
press for twelve successive years. He
Was losth to deoart from the nmu-mnni
however, which bad been a second home
to him for so many years, and he jet
lintrera about its noisv nrfvinrta nnrl ia
nightly busied in the light work of fold
ing the Daily sheets as they come from
the press. The present proprietors have
in contemplation the purchase of a new
steam engine as well as a new press.
Their growing bnsiness will necessitate
this measure at no distant lnv in
addition to their own larce editions. thp
do the press work for four other ni.
papers, with a likelihood of an increased
number of publications in the near
We have now pone throncVi the hiatr
of the Statesman, in chronological order,
and have noted, as accurately as possible,
from memory alone, in the absence of all
1 ! . 11 m
regular mes, ue various changes in its
proprietors and editors, from the date of
its inception to the present time, embrnc-
mg a period of nearly thirty-six years.
Of many incidents, both serions and
amusing, that might have proved id ter
es tin it in the recital, we have refrained
from speaking, out of regard for the act
ors therein, some of whom are yet living,
while others have crossed the narrow line
between time ami eternity. Perhaps,
when this paper shall celebrate ita aemi.
centennial anniversary, in the year 1.101,
it will then bs in order for aotne rnrinna
chronicler to recount in fulL fA-the
amusement of himself and Lis real em
its unwritten history, in its ronnecfS.n.
With that of the time. Tn aneh an eT
the foregoing summary may serve as t
1 AT il . . . -..
uaais ior una i oi ue period which it cov
er, We may say, however, in passing,
that the Statesman has been remarkable
for the number of its editors and propri
etors who have risen to high and honor-
uc lJ-jijopa in ue government, and, in
deed, in this respect, its career may be
said to be unexampled in all the previous
hitory of journalism. One of its editors
oecauiMsiiccessively representative in con
gress, covernor of the atata. ..j rrn;ti
States senator, five of its stockholders at
oinerciu umes were elected to the United
States senate, and another held a seat in
the national bnnoe nt n...t.t;.u
of those who aspired to such ex-
f' inuu, ana ieu snort or their de
sires, it would be needless to speak, and
perhaps tiresome to enumerate. It is to
be regretted that the allotted time and
space for thia article are insufficient for
uequate mention or the many talented
writers who have contributed from their
stores of literary wealth to these col
umns, m the past years. Their influence.
however, thontrh nnuim .nnt.i
baa nevertheless been as the falling of the
dA- o . AVl it. a .
v Y? , ru. And. in closing, we
aball add that the aim of the present pro-
nriAtnnt ia tn h, fnMnuoi i
ment for Jhe advancement of the moral
sua material interests of the country,
and. with that end in naw tKo ;n
; mv w ...
spare neither pains nor expense in hold-
Inn that navwkw mm 4 Ik. , . , ,
' t wf we reqairea standard.
A Brief Hiatory of tbbnuarUl In.tjta
tion Aa Eaerg-etle llaalaeaa Uou.
Dannsths lanmcr of 1885. R. 8. Wal-
Uos arrived ia Salem from Grtclev. Colo-
rsde, moA sooq thereafter, he. ia eoosectioa
with Hoo. A. A. McCally, J. M. Martin.
W. T. Gray. V. W. Martin. V. J. Pli.
Squire Fsrrar, and John H. Alaert. orno-
isad tbs Uaptal National B-nk, of Salem,
nPSOAfl ffaVttk SA aWSia.1 rni m K. fWt a" a.
br 30. this bank s civen nthnt.-r Kr
th comptroller of the currency for the
United State to commence buineM. On
January 13, 1886, Hon. A. A. McCally, R.
8. Wallace, Kaq., Dr. H. Carptrr. H. W.
Mart in, W T. Ory, J. M. Martin, sod J.
ti. Albert wtre elected airector. and R. S.
naiiace preaideot. A. A. AIcfTnllv
Prtudent. and J. H. Albart. raaKi.t- t.
Albert baring reaigned the poeitioo of cuh
ier nf Ladtl & Rash a hack to asaociate hira
elf with the Capital National bank.
Ihe bank seenrtd the room at ?1 Pm.
mercial atreet, and fitttd np a tine banking
wnn paxior in me rear, and not in
the lateat improved fire-proof vanlt, and
buralar proof safe with tint look it.
inoeption, thia bank baa gradua ly gathered
in aod increased ita baaineaa, until to-day
the Capital National ranks with the leading
fioancial inttitationa of the north wee t. In
Anguat laat Hon. A. A McCnily was killed
by the kick of a home, and Dr. IT r
ter auccoeded him a vies preaidrnt, and II.
V. Watthewa waa e!ectd dirwotnr Tk.
Captal National bank haa been very ener
ffetic in many wava ainea ita
and many imoroyonienta of intereat nr valni
to Salem haT been aided by it. Tn th
bridire matter. PreaiJent Wallas an4 ruh.
ier Albert took a very active intcreat. an.l
their labors did mnch taward aecurina ita
Ilvalers In Drug. I'aU-nt Mell lne Sta-
tlonerr, etc
Among the l-tading baaineaa firm of thia
city, ia found I). W. Matthewa A Co. Thia
firm haa a ft 3odhare of the local drug trade.
and ia rapidly increasing ita bnaineaa by a
proper bnaineae-like treatment of their cue
tomere. Their atore ia at 106 Stats atrert.
where they alwaya hare on hand a foil and
complete eaeortmeot of drag, medicinea.
nne toilet aooda. nertamee in balk and in
mail iara. trusses and ahonlder brecea. Ther
ml-o keep a fice line of clinical thermome
ter and byperdemic ayi insee. They jnaks
a apecialty of fine pocket knirea, of which
thev keen a atock cf the flnaat nmht. 1.
peart and other fancy handle; alao the best
J A f t M . ' .a a
Kraue oi raxora. ji aiationery, tbey bare s
large awes, including acnool trooka. pape
tenea, blank books, etc. To each person
purchasing an oonoe of perfnmee from bulk,
they make a present of a fine cot-tleae toilet
jar. Thia firm ia alto introducing "Euxenia,"
a new perfume extract The firm conaiaU
of D. W. Matthew- and L. F. W.lliU, both
very agreeable aentlemen, and men of ezoel
lent baaineaa qualification, and they are
rtpidly increasing their trade by steady per
aoml application to their baainra.
Tfca rtaoMwrOrewery Store mt Bmimm Or
With the immigration of 18J3,
John O. Wright, ex-mayor of Salem,
to thia wty, and, ia 1S57, he eatabliahed
a grnoery in the old buaiaeva boas that
atood where ia now looated, the Chemektte
hstd. Ia the latter part of that ysr, he
moved np to near the center of the row oa
the east aids of Commercial between Stat
aad Ferry street, where he consolidated
with Chaa. IlcGinn, Ha only remained
hers one yer, howerer, disposing of hia
interest the buaineaa ther ta Louie Byrne
in tft aatama of 1S5S.
After being oat of baaineaa for Just three
daya, he bought oat Charles Uzafovaf,
who was doing a grocery buaineaa where
Mr. Wright's present baaineaa it looated.
DOW 227. 229 Gammamil atro.t A ft .
feVf' Uxaiovage became a partner
with Mr. Wright in the sams boaiasas, aad
continued so until 1871, when he retired -from
the firm to enter another lias of trad.
and learing Mr. Wright alone. During--the
time they were partner, (in isqq) s fir i
destroyed their store, aad atock, ceasing '
th firm a loea of tSOOO, Not to beput "
down by a litUe thing hk that, howtyr. V
they immediately set about the ereotioa of , '
the atore building la which Mr. Wright ia
still doing buaineaa. la 1878. E. L. Bria- '
tow became associated with Mr. Wright ia 1
the buaineaa, bat withdraw, affain leaving '
Mr. Wright solo proprietor, io Jaaaarv.
1880. Sines that time, Mr. Wright has on- -; '
tinned to oonduct the buaioee of this, the I
pioneer arocerr of Salem, amt tK. .....
and at vie of J. O. Wrhrht. '?
Mr. Wright has always on hia shelves
and ia hia warehouse as complete a atock of
fancy and atanla ffraoariaa. nmriaina.
dace, fruits and vegetable, notions,' fins
crockery and glassware, lamps, ate, as on
wmu pvniuif wian to una 1 ana verytblaa'
. a a. t a . aa Q
mw mat pronerif beioega to any of
lines of cooda can be fonnd thara.
one wants
Mr risht haa entlemanly employees,
who are alwaya ready to ahow aaythimg or
en anytning to the enquirlnr customer.
For the naat three veara Mr Wricks V.
1 7- j "ft " 9 mm
been derotina a m od deal of hia mhamI
time and attention to the aale of -tUnro.
Steiritt'a Walla Walla earden. cxaaa and
field aeda.n for which he ia eenaral
agent. Thia ia a new departure, bat Mr.
v naht has found it verv aatiafactorr. dnino-
an increased huainea each sncoeeding year.
He, aa general arent, haa the wholesale aad
retail depot for Western Oreonn anl
Weatern Wfahincton Tern'tnr
aeeda, from which he auppliee hia customers
in thnee sections. During the paat three
aeaaons. Mr. Wriffht haa trareled nr nr.t.
ty nearly the wh. le of that part of Oregon '
and Waahiogtcn Territory lying weat of the r'tfi
Caacade MounUina, until now thee aeeda f
are need in aearlv everv tart nf thnoa Aim.
tricU, and ia bow the principal garden seed
sold on the Pacific Coast.
fomlner. Tiffany, A Co., Proprirtota.
Iealer In General Merrhandlae.
This firm haa bten in business now for a
little over a year, and has gradually drawn
htary trade to itself. Mr. Tiffany, who ia
the manager, ia an actire and energetic busi
ness man, and is aa effective salesman. The
atore ia well named "The Farmers' Store,
aa on ita she! res can be found every th'ng
tnat a farmer could poasiblv want to eat.
drink or wear. Foratncr, Tiffany A- Co. are
a.;ent for the Ashland woolen milla. of
Ashland. Oretron. and thev rarrv a fnll an1
complete atock ot Ashland caaaioiera, blank.
ft, nosier y, yarns, and other woolen Roods,
besides havincr a camnlete and wall mmmotmA
stock of general merchandise, which includea
men'a and bora' clsthinv. irenta fnrniahino
goods, ataple end fancy dry goods, notion.
st pie ana iancy groceries, crockery and
clavsware. table and pocket cutler, and an
excellent assortment of boot and ahoe.
The tore is located at 93 State atreet, near
t ie corner of Commercial.
Ten years sgo, Col. (n-o. Williams.
and William Kn gland, both residents erf
Marion county for over thirty years. !-
ean a general banking business in Balem.
The firm of Williams A Kn eland now
ranks among the wealthiest and most
solid business firms of the city. Thev
do banking and general financial busi
ness at 2SH Commercial street. Both
members of the firm have been, at differ
ent times, and are now interested in
some of the heaviest, corporate enter
prises in Balem, and everything with
which tbey hsve been connected has
proved suecessfnl. larwlv in
doe to their personal efforts. '
A Iadv in Scotland aonda tha.
version of "Now I lav nuiW. .1,. .1
to the Brooklyn Magazine :
idis nignt, when I lie down to eleep,
I gi'e my soul to Christ to keep,
J"k a' noo, I wake a' never,
Olcbeat Kxrlaalvs Gnrmrm I.
Salem Katabltahed la 1893.
The oldct establifhed house in Salem
dcrotod exclusively to the sale of groceries,
is that of J. M. Martin Co. at 2.VT Com
mercial street, which boar data from the
year 18rt5. Tht but-ines waa first opened on
Norembrrr., 1855, by Jf. Martin tlJDavid
Allen, wtio ewntiniitHl to conduct the busi.
nns und-r tho name of Martin & Allen un- l
til October 11, im, when J . W. Cot became f f
a tartner in the Jfrtn. by nurchasing Mr. ,!
Allen's intri.t. Sim-o it began business, h
this firm ha. rotiflmwl .,.i...i.i .. I!
. , " i .viu-ncij il
rroccri( ami nrnvumni n.t v..n ti
ouUide lines of g.Hl at all, and this ia the i
nnlv rmrcrv Hrm in C 1 . . A
doing. The buiiifM i till conductwl in the
same store room in which Martin tk Allen
flrnt began bui-iuc.. at i7 Commercial
J. M. Martin it Co. always hare on hand
a complete and well selvcUxl tock of family
groceries, -vegetables, and truiu (California
in season), cigars and tobacco; and they
hold their immense trade by fair dealing,
and a due cotirty to their customers. They
aio make a sKialty of the celebrated
?Ut" lkjnF Pwdt r manuJactured at the
Cleveland Laboratory in Cleveland Ohio,
by Stuart & Schneider.
roth a Rvrr.
CommlHlnn Merrhanta,
1'rarUlona, I'rodi
. et.
Theae young gentlemen are rapidtv mak
ing their way into th rank among th lead
ing commission merchants and grocers of
Kaletn. Though thev hare han ia hnainaaa
her for a few month, comparatively, yet
in that time they have eatabliahed a repu
tation for honesty and inteirritv. aonnlaA
with a never ceaaiair business visrilanna that
any house, no matter of hoar long standing,
might be proud of. Thair tratahoa mrmAmi-
ally increased, from the time thev besaa -
baaines, and they are doiog everything tbey
can to cive satisfaction tn thalr snafriMAaak
They always keep on their shelves a fall
siocb oi groceries, crockery, glaaaware, cigars
and tobacca, provisions and vegetable aad
Other produce. Ther alaohnv ant a. II nmtm
hay, atraw, wheat, mill-feed, and all kiadt
oi graina aD4 leeda. Their atore is on the
northwest corner o State and Liberty
Principal Ilea! Estate Agency la
Sairm Fir Insurance, .
I gi'e mv BOUl to Christ lniw
This ia a rtat rM.'r..t.. ' .-
- - i- -' c j me vunsuan
tlian the one our children use.
. Leo Willi, who ia agent for the Phoenix
Fire Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn., the
Home- Fire Insurance Co., of 'Nw York.
which companies issue toiat policies, tha
North British and Mercantile Fir Iosar.
ance Company, besides several other of the
leading fire onderwritinv com nam', a ).'
bcaioeee in the United iitate. is also the
only person actively eogagrd ia the real ae
tata baaines in Salem. Persona having
farm or other real property which they
wian. to sell, will find Mr. Willi ready to
undertake ti dispose of the same for them.
He also negotiates loans and does a general
brokerage baaineaa. Offioe at 118 Court
atreet, in Reed' opera bouse t lock.
. o. roHTAise.
Tlie refreBhment parlors over which
the gentleman, whose name heads thia
article, presides, are located at 111 State
atreet, near Liberty, and are fitted np in
every way, so that a visitor may find
them pleasant. The finest liquors, wines,
and cigars are always kept on hand, and
as for real fine mixed drinks, Mr. Fon
taine is fully np with the times. To-day
be will makn a trnalt rJ