WEEKLY OEEGON STATESMAN. PELTON'S 6-FOLD HORSE POWER i.i::;ai. MISCELLANEOUS. PATENT RIGHT -AM- COUNTERBALANCE V1BRATJK3 SEPARATOR. imjlH PREPARED TO M ATFA(Tl'RK Atl Hit- AtX OHt'KKS FUR TUKfK CN V rivalled machine.. All mr work I iwlljf warranted. , t pan tut clrcu.affl aW urtce liata, wbkvh UI la wmliy aiail aooonna aUbtwa. ,., ' Amierahniild he a. nt (-arty, lo avoid uu-ainwutniri.1, na we w!l! iranurevIiigHyli el.lly bn order lor Die cooling r.ou. AdUrcae . . . . . ' ( !' iTH ' pfltom & i iinarltMliui 8. FEI.TOX. PBIJ9.J0 P ?$$.P3 ?M? P THE " HATCIiLE83liaDETT ORGAHS AEEMADE AT . ; ERIE,P-Ejsr. Cjr S-ntl to ilic CunJutt Orffiti Cou.pwy, T"j!. Ivaiila, i-.r Clivnlai. jylt:(im ROC ( Win soap i. . r.TiiS,,ivv than mom A IUUh. bu.1 ZJiSX "ru-i. n" . -i .,n,.u Kold aud ailvur; rvmoTeu tU a Wl nrraw Irum uib.ea ait awoia. ai a r-f -17. iiih.t wear and tear of clotUua. . K.-l-i'lA " ABE YOU GOING TO PAIKX? TUtN USE KEW YOrtK EftAtL FA'NT GO'S e CHEIVllCtt.NTri Berty for lailnWhl - ntMle f urictly rH WhU. Lead, uc ...... i..t.. tt Wf.kam H rriWB the I'uWm, mud fcRH.4W -i . 4- . . AlWrean, A KEW PBiCiaa mawcaia. aVAaOT-t. '' .pav-" Unsio lias Paorzxis! L PRICE MEDTTCHB. " THE.BEST HIITHE'Vi'ORLD. WILL. LAST A LIFE-TIME. A 5,0 0 on SHOHfflGOL ; OEGAHS " Tin DAILY use v 1 run 4 itlopt In ton emmtry reeonanenda U,ee iri TM niotwt aaJ bert. Mom for the mouey Aii jira naiaOl than made. Ibej cotnpi Urn , ij; " " 5U IIi:TUAL. ' . - I lAKAGO and ' " CRA)'DRG.t. C1"Illr.tr.iul fiitalogno aent by mail Jinnt mid to any adduce, upon aiiplicaiiou to B. .SHOMINGER ORGAN CO., 47 to 61 CIIKSTNVT CTKKKT, i. ii:iiin Now Haven, Ccnn. Oregon'Stcainsbip Company's STEAMBOATS. ' ary a. THK tTEAIKK AM K Wil l 'f"'i.T. 1. vo Salem forff.rTal!l nodiuN" inou.o tuaU a kt.MHia.v ami TbnrioUiv of en. L fi-k, alwul 3 f. n. Keiuruuig lui efnn for IVrtiaiiU at A. al. Sieuinera WA. and r1 nill leave Mr Uie euine pou.ln ou 1 uvaiiai ami trt'taya., rn-icnr iirup mniaiana .bciafn nrriral 1 f neat. SZ.VAC-. Salem. Ororron- LtWlS A AUE. S O A P ! i , .. , VENTURA ROCK SOAP CO., SAN FPHCyCr. f WflVrrut CIr Llud 4 prmlcr coniMurf MtKMJMt H-rn-T the Ptnte FmIis YORK EHAKtLTAItlTCCHPANYr M e. THttHABIIOmC' PIAHO THIS KKTIKKLT HEW WlMm lwvli aUtbetmeHilal qualuiea it aon exn.-vea4 Intlier-tMicud Pmnoo hi olicieti ut i lower tn-k- Uian aar wuular one now in llaiiiw kn. Ii ladm-aule, rl h a maicnill.vjoit tin e bard ly -.ur-aaoil mM il eau- kw joiixhi--l a( o lot ami 01. terma lll'ln the reacn ul all. TbixJaiairii nt ha all tlit nb-rn iinpi-oToine' l, ineiwlfi lbel-!lelllu!l-Alul,, treble and la fjllf wai ranted. Wrculaia malle4. New Scale Piaaos 1 . - ,.,'41 " . v are the lwW made. The ton- la e'a'l.-., and . line aulng loue, ikjwoUuI, jure and eeu. WITER'5 CONCERTO ORGANS , ' cannot be excelled in Ttr or wkavty; they ile fv noinre II bm. Tb 4 nik-er o otop In a tine inula linn of ihe Human Vnhie. VMCh,n KXIHKMiH.Y lAiVf tot caali ilurint ibia iiionili. Moni'.ilr Ina'aHmonia nicclvod: 41 ftanoa, 10torin; iirpiaa, S to iOj Kocond ham Inianirwnw, Wtofj, aaontbly afier flri Ir"lt. AuKhTx WnaTFH. A lllieral dl-vount to T.-a.n we. Mmiatvn, tJhurctma, Huhoola, l-oliK, eic HiAil inilnot'iiAiita to tbe iraik-. II imram 4 aiabtrneamailwl. HOKACE W ATKK4 A bUMS 4ai liroad nrity, H ew Y i m k. Itoa ii07. , TESTIMONIALS OF VATERS' PJAM33 AKD ORGANS. Wat"r Xow l1e llnnea hare ciillr nn.-1'K. New York 'l ribuinj. . , The taw 01 Hie Wn'ora' Ptouof if )Mi. motion llllfl (. moro'.W. 'l l.l'V pnio.vM.Rl-i.iU vnlMl'...rll.. and ihi'.inniii. tuition id komih! or sliii;lii)j ioor t out! ol an li' niait inni'Led feaitin. ii. V. 'X'iniiw 1 Wfi'orMVin -4-r'oiii-vHii la mi Ton-ml ii-.Uil-Hvi I a tone like a mil raih aito voice, il Is e",4y;iaii: bmnan In ii.,tvi-. ixnullll Jfcl fttu-l - lm.i ! New Yorker. Iv?l:lv ,VM Y HOT RAISE GOOD STOCK? Of all kln-f-, i--p..'.-4a'ly hIkoi It I1J1J 4 w iiiih-.l' U-:ti-r iloin .s.-rwb atoi-k. R, C iCALCEER, Han- .oTt;intlr ft- aale POI.AM CIIISA dyfijri, MKlUf-HllUN aud IllTKIN I AT r, . ;,, mi au.. iMklVii JUtaLKlK J Xt;irku, Hiv..-,Ui io. kju,yj ii;.ii. . Sheriff's Sale. JY VIKTl'K OK AN ESECtTIOV. ISSIKI) I tin. i l no lluunraliie Irc.uii Conn the - a e ol Or- g.m, lr M.e conn'y ol . n mn, on Mie Hh ilav of March A. I". Ih7's In favor ol Mon- rinlilo Fn-ke. n aimiu. and rvu 8. J. I.. tutt-man null Miiatie A. Whlirinan, his ir... t liiinlum. for ll.e kiiiii ot threw thouaaud four hiiiiilrod ami tx and thirls iwn.hiindrelha.hillnr a-oid cisn, anil ihii hi rt her Mini u ihiriv-ilirve.iti'i -iMi-thi-ee-huialmth .tot la r coats, together mn mepcr ornt. Iniereal per monih from the l'lh day I November. 173, aral .wnili eo a, 1 have lev- iiil up .n ami Kill Mill at pub'lo i.-il..n on 8alr lie tnu on" or uy, a. i. win, at i nvin i . at the tn llinne rtir In Oonnlv and 4 a e, a" th rijrht, ill ami Initrom of the Bid 8. i. i.. Whui itviii ami xaavia A. w iniinwii, mi vll'o. hi auU lw ibo iiiilouing uccilbe I prfcinlava, i-Wl ilimalinu land claim fit Vim. netlam'a. V mI ,r. : aim Ni -Vl ami In tv.tiiii 1:1, i.i ana 2- in T, It 4, wvJ of Wllame u Unrklian. ex- i I , f nm I l'i 4,.Ui.i in ilu; .N h. corner ot aald :nm. -np ki .wlnin al) wit one arre.lt ortnj H nl mid ulaini Ijina; on ihe N H tale of the akn, a-nl i lie ww tiU. to IVcr lMy. Also thv I.v.hi nm Inn I cla m of Win. Nir-lvke and wlfu, I H In.- ,-.ln Vn.M. In aeiMlnaa VUti awl IV in T i, - K 4 W, ami c m.n 4, n v. i-m is, lit and , In T . i K 1 W, of WHIameita Meridian, rx (!j:ii tl 7 IOn a-.ren luxronl, tiennutire deeileii iv haw to B. t'. Hanlmg. axl excenilnf, alan, ?J .'rri of timburad lan.t on Nil I Nor-fyke claim, itretntor oonrived aoamnel levin, all being in n coumy w n.inon, w i no nut'e ot ,e of Ofeeon. T V, rHAVV, Rlic r iT ol MhiIiui Coun'y. SAI.I.M, April 27, 187ii -4w Sheriff's Sa!e. J Y VIRTUE or AM KXECUTIOX, IS.H BH out of Ihu Hfiaorab'e rirvlill IVurt of ! In laie of Orea-on. tor the Conmy of Marlon, on Itiv jilili riy 01 April A. U 1-i7S in favor ol J iliaii Vht'iircr. p'uniiiJ. aiolaitaiHH J. J. Fmzer.Tlion linrrnwa an I fim.wm Smnli. ikdeiHlanu, fr I in nun ol M teu hualn-4aail IweUeaiMl fori T-neri-ii hunilrmha doliara. coin, a mi the furiber iim nl Uiinir-ioiirdoilaMooals loetber wiih II fn .e it. ii4're4t pt-r anmim, limn toe 14,h iU 01 lnr.ib. and aMmntf do-44. I hare tevie: iiiain ami wtii ae'i al tinl. ic aiatiioa on ISaiurdav. ilw 27 h dav H Mitt, lrt7il, hi t o'ciu;i r. M , a heijiiart ifniMe doi- in siu 1 ihiuiv aim maiv1" lie Hitht: 1 li e and Ini.'.ru-n of the mi I .1. J. Fad er, in an I ui ilw tilloiug i.-a jtiImxI rrinie-i. lottit: O imOMMii-Int at a atak'i al the lter-c4lon o: IHri4!n ami L!i-rrtv -4irn U In 1 lie oily of Kalein nd toeaiiiiff nori b li-otn Uie nortbw'e4 om-ir ot mock No. i'i. In raid ci y.aui iliManl tt) li-et am, rtinnini; nrth a'onjf the ent line of aaid Lilarty iirfL l-ifi f-l in a iafc; tticno exat ln5 feet to a i ike: (bonce mh li I S i'fi. 10 a ak-; iheno il l lu" liut UHhe n'4oi4 bt rini luK. ami silnau 111 M irioa eoauly, iiitno, toge ber wub the Uiic- iimhii- aere.iiiabmira an 1 apMirieiiain-o-- were lino b-o,iJ:ig or til any ari-e aianinaini-ic. l.C. MI AW. ShH-riiT ol ai4i hju Couuty. f A April 27, litti, - 4 ShorffT's Sa! II1 Y VlitTUKiT AN EXWTI'TI IV, ISM ED ll ol lie llonorahe l ir.-.uil lmrt of im la.eoi Oieon, tor tut-. coimiv of yia-i'n, on the Uitt'inr March, IS.". 1.1 la or ol ia,el l'r:i;i. n a n nl'. ait i-az l ib' l li eii- II .1:, iMeixUiil. fin . he aiim ol one hiindrH and (wvew r-tHree ami oxiv luii drmh iol!iir. end the 'tir lit-r mm ol w..-i.: -i .. and ibinj-linndreih d-lbira '-. c it mi h il-.' inji c ni 11 1' 1 -r .-i..n rrom 1 ho i3ib dav ol' Marcn, A I'. IfTrt. a;xl a.-. .-.riniiK omia, I hare lerted nja.a and l!l tell a rfilt L: j 1-,'ioii 0.1 ."-.i npl..i. Ilic l.'i h d-iy of Mav ,-u.i, o'.-.huk f- M . al ii" 1 o h i liM-i e 1. .l 1 v''.iinn 3 nd -;a-, ivl llie 11ii lit'fc a.wli;. ci : 111 the rJiid Tlinnim H"!i in an-t l-i Hie foi nviiiot. !iriu...j.. ii of tin- --o'l'liweal iii.uiird be liouaiian tn.il e'aixi of TlHinaf loc and wile, kto.n 11 aa No'lll alion No. l.ilio. uiin o Hi. Tonhln ! ..u!h of llani-c s ul Jin- Wil uiiile l.-rl.!riii, .o.irM.r. co-.nti oni n.e .1 ioi4. iit,-ai 1 qcMf'r oon-i.ii..ir ; ! Kj u.:cr, or Tl.fHAW. PLoriif ..i M. 10.1 ciioty Sa.em. iKn.. Aprl' 8 h, Ih;.-4w. . Citation. In ihnCoimtT (oiirt of tbe tate ef Orrg-ai, foi "theCi:untv of Mari.-n. In Ibe matter 01 Ilw exaleot W. W.IIartrovr on pt ULItm to aeil real jjro-rty. CiJt ion: To hua C Iivlrum, J. B. Hargrore. flarak lanaVkoan. V. r. tlarar4. Ktiin A. Kenain Waa. V. Hargnrre. Mary L. Jonea, K. M. liar froeeawl M. :. Harerore. noo-re.t-ierit belra. and Tnianaa L. Hargrore, reableM. of Marwa oouni v, tffgnn, grwinr MS THE KAMI iW TtlT. ftkTZ IW ORE 1 nun. roe are hereof rued and required 10 m- iiear In tbe taiaiy 4 nun at taw al imn In- Ibe county of Marion, at Ihe eeort reeni " heVeoX. ai -a'em, iw ttio oounM ol Wari -ti..i Honda r. thn elb day ot May, 1H7, e le o'clock 1 a tbe forenoon of that tiay. then and there le sb -w eaoae why lloraa aball net be giTna tb Admlnlatratriit of eaid eatn to wll the ma or open r ihe reef. oaMMtug of 141 acrea In T. a. 4. at. 1 K la aabl eonntr, betag a pan; ef tb mmi mnuaM nonntten amn t-.atiaa, Wimeaa. the Hon. J.C. rele, Jeden of tax Onntir Onrl of Ibe atate oflfregna, erttb Ibe seal or aMaUMHtnmxeAliua sia any of April A. IK B7ev A tie-: p. H. Mt'KPllY, Clerk. Administratrix Sale. ; frr nr-4er of theomintycotirt of Marlon mnty ol tirecon. I will aell at wnbik; aud ten a ihu c rt hoii-e door In Sal.-m. In aal.l conniv. nn ibe 17lh ilav of Jnne 17. at the hour or oVle L Ii m., en aid dae Ibe real property of the etaf f Win. W. Har-rroie de.ie.l. i-ommi-n.-i ng 01 tne ec Ion line heiut-cii roclioua e and 7 HI loiiH Hl--haln K o Ihe WillaraMte nierl Han, I T. b S.. R.IK of Aad aaen Ii.h. Tleve 8. til -hains thence K t-i.7.'.cbaiiM.lbem-o chain lience h 7iechaiiiM. Ihen.je N. 411 cltalna, thence W. .tl. Mthriln "1 p'aoe eibvvinniiig, cvntaiaiD 141 acre-, uwre or lens. . ,' , . Terms t-h olH enln. In hand . PAUiaNA ., HAR'iUOVB M iv I'lb !". A dwin'-rlrU. Administration Notice. kTOTHK H HKEJJllf lilVKM Til AT WK, ti H. It. M)i 'au ev and llavi 1 slmtNi'ii. eeco- 111 111 HIT nUT. . ' D. r .ixni, n. .. jonntv, orejiiai, ile--aied, willajinlv I4 ' be totinty Nnirl oj aal I Marbm aounty, al ita June term. I-ir iCHve 10 Trr irn wii 1,0.1 hmvummi 01 -aid t-Uio, ai-' app ication tola; heurd on 1 lnira iaihuBib iU) ot June al'oie-nu I, al lOoVlock . I. M M'l.r;t, p.tVUWMPsJ.V. vlrjrX -" Guardian's Sale. tn tVa in it e "f ' i1u:-?iisr-,la.i'--ti!i nl K' Jlli le lai.'i i.i , .1 i 1 oi .fc .ift.-Hj.. ,ii. i. Y Viien'K '' Af 4IKDKM (ir TIO S t'oiuii) Co"' u ol ' ,bc ' 'onniy ol Marlon, ami 4-a'e of 1 ceje m, nm ' on thi- cm dav ol Miv, a. I). IMih. hiiiiioi Uinii til' , iiKinirdian "f ibe al'on mm ii warilr.m e l a l ilie rtaht. IM'i) und ntliT- .I' I nam- niivi'i i r nc- . " 1 ti-iv ,...(.1 ...ll.ll' I ,!. I ilu-oai! tin 1 01 1 111 itoii;ri..ii rtii'l .-'jtnij "l l'.'.t-r w ni:jioi-ir and win-, in n 'ii:ilv and .-..:i!i- .-,11- Hn l t-.-.-t l.imu'. iMenl1 t.-.re.M.ld to oi-v Tailor, ami -ave and ec.i lit '' Ion of tlic C4i half liiiirlii lo ibe ml-' fi-.. 1 Win'tfoiu-r .1-llil- jnirvtvol' of M rtit 1 win-, x.niuh.inu fitioitt one liuivlfml n-. loin-urn a.:r Ol MUD. 1 will expo! for Kilt) in 1 lib: ancM.ni al Ihe fot.rl lloii-e d -air. in ald I'ni'iilv and Halo, in he Lour of it-n o'-'ivl; a. M . on ibe Bl il-iv i Intnl. A. I. a'i i In.' im ureal ol lllC sai l rd 11 ilH-tiVne IkN-r!'' 'I M 'lni 1- l. r c- 'd c'-hi i'i in,;,.!, H.llAll I'iJJiAMI. - Mav :t. liM liv iiarlian. ,L,I tviot ce. ulli'l-; l Ili.UKIIV tilVKN TO Al.l. wii-Oil. miy co .vrn. tt-a,. ii.-ui a:.4 af er Mi.- I'i .-' I .- 1.1 I' mi il. e l..r any ilelm; pi- .h.. 1 i r: 1 IV1V.1:;, eli'i la h i -i1 1 ..I hp ' n1. h in- md li.ni flll.,1 WIUll.V. . A . tl' ;7. H(..- 4vr , I-:' A "t v:i.i.' Mill 4 re la Ijanuttijr. UavI-jj lirbiJ tip a Ural cUa Utindry on I. ti ertr lixt, near Mill Crevk, I aolicil fie pa - i. - . - . Uwi .od.nrr.nt fnila-tiafa. iua aiui i-.uJ. 1.4. ; LIFE INSURANCE ; Ot California. Proal'lon ....'lco Pliwloen. So.-n-.tni Admir; j. )i -u;oi A. I!. VAI.I.IANT liKN J. U KhNNKPY.. Assets, $ 1 ,300,000, Death Claims Paid in 1875, FIFTY Amounting to I4I,000. Income 01 Interest Bearinir Asset. 1 1 flercent. TllBPACiriCMi:TUAI,,lon all I'V ftin-v nn llila cvit. It boa perfeotol new plan of in- tirancecallcl the Mutual Inreatraon Plan. 1 .luranteea a rlenulte rare- of diridend ami t.Hi.llo t.ab Surrender Value. Kacb ai ite eleota hi own term and la nm eon ,wliVd to pay for lueuranoe aur longer than Ii. iceo n.. , It i a plain coniraof. eaallr nodertood and no. wea erery eltmcnt ot rnilel, wctiritr and ntti cllin. It h .w not alone how to et ImoAnanr ince, and but bow to cm out pleaand and laubined Unlike the e'd Hew p. dice, it doe not bind thi n.tire.1 to an Intermlnaldi-contrMcl, mit the hold r nu realise Ii a cjk.Ii ralue al anr time, ami rH ATI'AKU V ALl k 114 KX PItlASKD L'N TIIK Hill - v i viut;uut,u being tbe 10.b condition of lr ollcy. To cover a nrMn aocm-e a d-li. iimrect i "amily, toauar l aviln-4 Willi IihwhI of busine- Mijji.ai ny a nner'a death, or to provno lor oh it I Pro-cmi aunt and aurpusea :iM oilier jilan. ' WHEN A M AS WKS A rOUTUKB -PEk ISIIhS."- l-i.-tet a .'OiH In H.aar.ta lb Thnnrai nid bnfi-nt mode taf maklux cwrtnln arei Villon lor oiirla r.iiully."-rrnubllH. H V 'TItiStiEtliat moa 8huM be uarefa to insure ihi-lr abips g"oU and horuus, wbk-k 4 Y or rav iut alnk. b'irn or be d.wtrnved and retii.tiui4'.iruih .ir lives, which are oktau o oeaae ... In am Ordinary Li fell me, imaslli'y to :lay,n'l refine, too, wrheo tej- know hat Uic cowt'irl of their biniiieaaiul Hie Mity o iieir eilate dupeniia on their tierxmial at4Hty ane nia-iftutiiiciit,- wuich kjoa -H ihe s.ender Lhreoe d ibctr e xifft m;. In lhej lira of m oey ri dji;nc" i-vcrya bet It would lit wuil lo Pause a Moment . 11 oi.rlwtlleof Hie to consider Ibo poiaibiiilto an I iVHiti-a n that Mirrounii r-earJy ever; kin ! of basinets an.l oontequejtly the hippine ol Ihiw) wh i au d mjii lent on our lalxir for then ij...rt, . . Vo ynn lkifD for our U::prtul'mtt it wUq'tab which n n l hum dull', fur tl 'tin m-iy be tm i . thir eUi:iy. tiaior our manaemint, may b worth iboiiiinnd. to utir heirs liondrils. He '.hit prret! n.F-. fur bin own, ant fp .irtHy for b ax.t Ii iiiseh ild, ii worietliao ar inli la1 and tim .i,'nii I the iui-'l."' : , FIT INK & CAREY, "AGENTS AX Tlla TEKKlTt.KIE". nvir!8-3 JHSCKLLAXKOUS. HORSE MEN LO 5K to your:sest interests The In-ported PKchmii StillitM, WHITE PRINCE, ' -ajsi 3 ? ..'1 f ' " & PRIDE OF PERCHED ltril.l. HAKE THI IJCCOMWO BKA80K, If lr.n April Mb to July 13th, a. follow : Ai be stable of BEAN ft HA VIi-S.', Nalem, o aitMiwe - tM., rrtn7 .. and Halar. abajr t al the alable of A. II. MAKHA1.L, Allieny. feMMioy t. an., wennaenaingr ana Tbnrina ) . an., -f each wet k during the s-axin. WHITE PRINCE Haa nrn en li-tnxelf Mirperlor atnek borne, bU coll are hlKlily priced ihemereeen.aiKl are. and will lie lor aotae tune Meeme in aeatwua m good pric4s for ato-k irMwe, PRIDE OF PERCHE, . me ef tbe boraes 1 brmtirhi 0111 from H e eant Ii 4 ,ki winter, came out from Fran,- loU)in 1 74. Ma le ibe avaaon of ld.a In Wi onii ; Is a beiiillliil ilapple gray, well Inrmed. with r.x dn-'inv-ltion. wiih u irr.ii-eftil frecea,-y ai-iion hat 1 iuivc never ajeu eijiuliedln any horaenl bis slae igh at niaturiiy. In good eotuli'.ion, l.tKK pound. .. ....c ia ilieraat II. I last liip I nnde it an ob aid to nee ami learu how Ihu I'eio'ieroa atoci Ii Ulnar ih- wants or ex-4allonof tbe pnliik ind ihe colta ol ' WnLe l'rlnoe" would couipar. wlib thvtn. ii i- now Vt yir lne Ha ln'roncttoa In Oh o, and 1! veara in HUiiolx; Ihe one fourth and 01 e iin'l blowia made die valuable animals, brlmrini il least double ihe J.ri.e of rno.) common stnek ind not ab e to supply Ibe neman.l for tbea l thai, and llial Ihe celts from While Prince Irred in hu)!oii, eju.'il auy ol Uil Meek I a A liliel i the east. 1 baie not learned of a amsr'e per ana that lia lir.jl or bought a Prince colt but are well please ii h Ibem ai d regnH that Ihey n have niori .f ill; ni. I do n.a wir-h to be understood to ula n .bat ihia do.sk ot horse Is the only one lhatal iiieelfri. timiild j.utroul.e ox.-litKtvely; but Ihu ilMTe is no breod or family nl larie bo'rwa knowi l.a crona so well wph Ibo .-oinmon ato-k of th 'oiiii.t v,aid llmir nr.aluce v. til e'ial iherti bi cotiic'. ""lid fi'iin. alze, aiy'e and a.Mlon; this I ... .IomIH Irom 1 lie fact of their A radian origin, a all I Ui seen by ibe following: "Liilii,'' do-lgtia eil by spor'li'B men n "fjntcn of tin Turf," ha. lug niiwle ibe tbn-e hen turuia o i-e.-nrd, llei sire was a oiie-l'it'l" IiIimmI Nornian Tlu'i'o waw a I'nrclu'ron KlHlli.ni iinii- riod fi-op Krucce by Mr. Jeff K. IJlark. id St, I oula, Mo. ri:liii;i.r 1.7(4) j'ruir.d.-., who trnticd with two met in a la'..ii-he one mile In 8 minute and At mm i 1 .1-. 1 Imveneen tlii- liorio. Ihe (iermaulown Telej-rapli stales that at thi Fair of Nmlrilk count v, a ni- i.i'.imII.ius of Per Ii 1011 Iji-.'. d, a liii lu il to a onuilbna cin'ainliif t. 'i njile. dii-v it one mi'e in 4 iiiiuiiies Tin I llilnk u bi'iu-r iliiw ih 11 innst horsei bvul from .eiebratel liotlets iviiild malewilb ilit mine load. I I.KUH fS ;li nr lour marc f -r lino hi C - -Mi'ii coin tl.e at-a-onex.-eiilitiit While Priika H. Ii wiio will only I'., brc I by api cuti iree iii ill t. A l.lm. l Or. w. c. Mai. If, lM7i. tt' MYtn. KM- 4ol Aaf(4ee. - Mil. I". ('. (JuJii. h and Mi Sf. U..rt!et, Will cai ry on the biKinese 1 f (tn-twuiakiiit; Jiu wi:l 41 goustauily on bafifl a ni.a- aurtfji-if4 of jaibriis from Siuivli'. Woikl of Fashion Tin ir place of butdui s ia in the rooms now ix-i-npii-d by ttieaK'-nt ! tlie Htnti-r kVwiitK M cliiue, on Blaie ttrt-et, Bal-. ru. mar) f ItJJIO i(4r)a tiasr al h sne Aa.H4 nnmiai . 4(Ai IVik nau HMmr.-M. bM m vu. ' AUiac lUtrglwl r y r- i-- r . ,. . ? FOR SALE FOR THE . STATS OF OREGON. TLo Bcuglas fe Van V'-" Hern Patent Win- dow Blind, declared by till Architects, Builders and Com petent .Judges to be - superior to 'any c th-or-o Address for tes timonials and terms W.PAYZANT. 539 IeAmey1 Street, Sau Francisco, Cal. JOHN IlIIGHT, Manufacturer of Tools for Moulding, Turning Planing, Etc. SAW TEETH LAYEB & GUASASTEEE. rarsn Im;lt?nj4 iit4 Rrnii3re1 a a w i . 5 1 sjiout aotici:. k . Has also ifefgfittollaruracture Ke!!og' Improvement on Plows. SSiT Stt:iifa.)llon on all work guaranteed. A' hO)iln Fotmilry lllook, Front afreet, Rii'em. 5g. ;,'y-s iiifi 1; 1 "t r" n n " ii'i k i 2 i-r vi- af FAHBAH3' :BH0S.i ; wMkAlE AO RETAIL SEO CBSS, Corner Court jpnti CMnmercia! ana Cor." Forfv nrui Commercial Street. ,c?;U.. ... . IMPROVE " YOUK POULTRY ! Light BnHnoJts Brown IasKoma, . yHl;nl1iin4,B.Cwa 8IK1) Xf IGQBgWmKKUTKa. For anle by i , 4. W. HO BART. TttttJtm . . . . .- ..Ibiotin VIsU.AJrej-on. DRESSlMAIima MRS. C. II. BOWREB ,,,,, L CARUY OX THE BUStXttRI OF Winter mid lurry streets, teal of the Umvci nity. a-here she will be most happy Am cetY all hei ild eitatomert. and na ma ny new ones aswtll fftvoi ler with their putrooagj kly motto will be I. o'ea-eail. , apiadlf r BOOTHBT fISTAPLETON. ' MatnuWnrnr anrl toenlar in Sash. Doors. Blinds, Moldings, BILLY STANTON, COXbTANTLY; OS HAND CKJA It- AVD CHpiCS Commercial St. Iebt:tli T,-!fs.! OBACCO. Salem,' Oregon. ? 0 R T L D E'X C H k:N Git Comer - " wl LllKirtys, ta'enj. roTLAXi 1. u.ric nrcit, 1 hj best III the ftmo. tt l ! - C .OiSE LIQUORS AND ATKH', TO UK OPK.KI SATIIKHAY KVEV- ii.k- Apiii i.t, vnb a ii;i:t; iiiktu Drop 111 and try mv .-uniples. uiar.iiif c. CLA3E, Prop'r. 1. rv . 1 i . 1 r . 1 , r- SAS r STEAM FITTING By M. J. RH AWL. AI,WAV VHAM) LA'tOK A-t-4KT-meut of Iron tt-vl Pnes, r r and l.lfl Pnm . Aium Fiui iga, l,a rixturea, etc, ma ii-tl in -tOA r"r ,li' UL"0"8 8iBpli ) It w1kJ IV -"S.V Jt 11CV. SliM;0- & U'.. Io I- ita Maine, Btt!81wl ' NEW,, GOOBS "-AT ' Direct ijroijij Eastern B&iyt, j ? ALLEGANY LEATHER, OVER-DRAW pHCKS AND BARS, HOltSl. COVKliH. ' tMbj atarjauajwiriatieiil of , SADDLERY, Team, ri and .Buggy Our own make, of lie-i I n'U'omia and KaKiom f L,nei-i t i ' j , -Xa-AT-I. WOHIL WAIIRANTED.'- ftepatrlre! well done a n! dicuii Mtitawii FIRE IHSUBiHCE OF CALIFORNIA. 8 A-Z KrVX!-, HAL133I. Tliltli tW jitvoTilejCoroiiaa 11 mf i'atif.npl V tit Ptm'und. ihe motieyed city -of " .v : . Oi'i-if 011. It 1h a STRICTLY REL11BLE HCftlE Woikins3 onL-'i Hi, Witlvn'3. UiEiliflJ p C.tTITAtlabJt In- . . 1' uro t Ihe : 5 VERY LOWEST RATI & " A I.I. IieSES PROMPTLY TAI1 wilbont refer ' : i ar to f-ireig.i aiUuwera. Daux, Feb, li, 176. - - daw tt THE tUlhVl 0? BlBlhm TO MAP A7iii 8A3T j ll 3 IJM4".irt'oia -IT"' MUSTANG- LINIMENT, WHICH HA8 STOOD Tllki TEST of FORTY YEARS. J tHKBEISNO bonK IT WILL NOT HEAL, kp iV-iMSNIiSS IT WII.L XOT CCRK, KO Afcui, JTO 1A1 fHi AFFtidTS THE. Hr MAN BODY, rt DOM EST IC ANIMAL, THAT D0E8 NOT YIELD TO ITS MAGIC TOUCH. A BOTTLJE COSTlSa 2Scr Mc. or 1 00, HAS OFTEN 8AVKKD THK LIFS OF A HUMAK BfEDfG, AKD UEOTOKEU TO LIFE AND USE- FtLNFSS MANY A VALUABLE HOKSK. IFYOU WAUTI0T6ET SHAVED CO TO BEN. KELSAY'S AT MIS. PUD STAMP . 'i n. -if :j is, hi,., ! 1,'riKfcUe Brcyman Itn., t'onimeivial Strt-ol, 5r lent, Oregon. J. A. KEEli, Noiary I'ublk!. T. II. CR ,V FOUI-. REED & CRAWFORD, fJEXEI! AL- AOENTS OF TIIK ?ii!inix F!r, mum OF HARTFORD CONN. North British a Mercantile ; FIRE if.SUJ.A?iC CO. OF LONDON AHQr epiNEUpCH, if mm- v am. i ,1 .'i'i 7'KN1,I J1Q JIIJ3 IIIJ Yl f mid HIOLLIINC. REAL ESTATE, Rentin-; and Selling City Property, COX.LCCTINO ACCOUNTS, ' NEGOTIATING LOANS, And e-very thing, parlalnlng to a General Agemi 4 Jlnaineaa. "fiMcrlrjt d'i-r lo tlinrii'ti'r r; "tViv ' tee':' I' Ooern Bdtum, Sulem, Orcg. a. n.aj.l(f 5 rewawu . t .AAwcaai on, AjirU 17, 1870.-1 m.