The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892, May 19, 1876, Page 6, Image 6

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MAY 12, 1S7.
Ui rr Hrattwen-t. .
It U stated that the steamboat cniiatiy
W.di ba jt bud up ft Wis on the n
rcr "VViUmnrne. Im isot sold out but have
keeu losing fifty tltousand dollars ier an- j
wra, wbic'i tliey do not care to continue.
We understand Mitt Of. Cn'tn will re
tfgn hi pnsjtliito on tbe Governor's Stan"
(agire place lo auoiber gentleman who
tax (b-tnf:stntted greaier ab:i re to fill
the p!.ae wi;h credit to the Exnnirive.
tit.rr.itkiiiils Is excedii:gly carcm! about
Ar-pointiig waft fifi'tviN.
Dsu M;.F rfiHr ever trade a revolver for
4 lH-.'!!r ;m.. an,! 'bPis -Pt! the gnu If he
.1 b' ph-ae ware who ftirnMied the
sei-i tin?! tl en iim.llmwii will idVase take.
bold of tiie matter and we If the article
was rrnru the State. If o it would
Se in order to seize it wherever he ran fi id
U, ai:d nrosecn'e the speculator.
IkiAXwriu the Yamhill eotn ty sc'toni--naut-r
! m the polk crm ty 1 fc-in.HTO-;
Tiorttirstt d for Sei eol MitserinieiioViit a
f "jn-i-ini-Jr"i! e Ti'hi on Satitrlay
irwi tmd..y !nt. From what we civ an
Hpp-raiii-s hii'lente thai l. rleerhnt i
giiee i! Uncle P-eil- give B!) ftiiirtttativt-
? .
eW fNwa firf-.
0.r ream-M lr tuts cv.i.ty w: he p'.eft
vt T" letrw that sf-r Mi:ci.i-1 ha. mr-
Cv'"' In itnivn-it'C ! t'ejKiHmewt to re
,C?tKb"ish the. pot cili it lh-w-l Pifcirie
smd !. W. E'li-lpe las' l-ren "t.poUeHU
Tost M i-'ir.
liMlf we.
- la autirJjii-r with the it-ual m f.mi ti e
Uui.-s raPrf.a! I I-wtie halt tore tickets
visitor to PUt-utr E.-ttiiio:i v.t.U'ti tsVt
f !ace at the far gr'U:;K June l".h ami
ticket txiii ,mJ fur Sour ihji'.rant
ilf 14,'h to the ITrii iiur!n-!V.
Frank E. Ho E- - i nn;h'v-i.: il
i tn:i.d i 1 at-t a. heat n i; ur I'":' ii
The City ol SsU-iu itased i" r Cirf ul
lis I it inigltt wiU rernni tlii-i e-s-iihig and
leatrn htsf !' FanUud, i'ri luy tOt.riiiig
tiiiui! titaaar. i
S're t Cnimuis4iHier Price i- ut'ii'g a
fjioii work, ia ujit'rmteiKH:is the jfXCBV-
(urn ! ra:t fi!fh frnm tle "-wer
n TTil's 'rtm. la fiiet IIHiry
f.fK ' eve i(wl"l a: alt tuaM aittl stretil
'T 1
Aim. , ' : .' . ? ?V:,r?'";H .D"
- " air
. On that 9tb M' ilAJ, 1376. of coMnmpiiuB, at
rtidee f D S-wome iu Murion ooaatj,
Crefei., Laneiia, wiia of Goorgc fi. Seom.
and da.tghtur of aad utii iUjaiaa. Xbe
eaJ"d wa Tw nty vean of age.
I r. Ya.lker, tbe pantstuoned female
llry, who ba Jecturiug ia tbe
lerrtmries, lua k Df Beuantiua at
fcilvT City, IiUlio, Monday ni"ht
avtt M2ri (Btf 6ue.yrlu$i near
vtrov tug luiai. a geiitif man wno iook
lit-rdown iu a nuinhad jtiij audacity
lo Kag tier. otwrihtanriHg ii?ra;
ttaxum and spjsieut indignation t
fcenSd "to ii..e 11 iifeUV- welL KJ.
Ua.rr s i the reckli;.jj-re.-di;.vil wtio
aTijf tim vriit hotij ff-joXUv I:3-
4W' i :..-!" S it. 'f-iiit
A wlnoniion e-iitor iiiu-trtes tl
fr-Vttii ing extr-aeuifte of the people
Jf he preaeut Hay'y cnilins atten
t"iu u the cst!y foj.ty eurriagfc in
Bj uaf. witUe. r:itii lie wo a ituty,
they liku 1 lilai wuai'ly tbe hair
aflftte.lieaa.--t.'-.. ' , -ar, ;
The Seattle Tribune any : There
m rre of a eo;v an I houie like appeaBwiee
f-j rlie r.isra o! Pim" (Jim'ile thin w po-
.jrf t,y any ot ;iie itther mill itowias.
Tin; residence are arraugi d ibi tret.and
tu rvarycM back "i!8:ietly far to -r-tuii
1 girUe.i iu inrnt. Fruit tieeft.
jerry biKlim and vines, fl MVer-aud vegut-1 can b! iuiiil in every yard, l'he'
s.iieiK- are not rxcelbti iu a rem f size,
jipv-sraiK'e ami eo:iv.-nieuce by UwHe ol
"' ftewttie. Port Towaaeinl or Oiyuipia.
Waaia up J)iake.
s '. V u. 1' nut in l .01 gtf l. ttrat titiiar nf
hr College Base "lfcAl Club I t la-cotuing
, -fclia;eut ol pracCce ii a tact kuowtj aud
. i w- - r: 1 i... .'.,1.
r v
a etu a a city t juntiy pro.m ot tnetr is
C.-cor.l ami la tliia tlte ceuttuuU!yt-ar aiieo
.'H-tr r-jiutatiio an hall torveni ir tuore al
jttaka than evi-r bt-tora ausl wliea Hio-e ol
VA-bkJi (be possession wUl bring ereilit tn
P'ir itr a:j are up f.a- cwmpetitton it cur
tunly beb"ave She boy lo , beUr tbeat
AVlve and by ctm-'taut and amtidu-iue prae-
dice, make lht-tn:lve it poseible luaiten
f tlie art and winners ot laith tnnl its ant'..
ar!iaii-.nionshi,.. Vh'hc however tlr y ;tbc- i
, ,ice iure they teaed not expect lo win al
. I'ortlautl aid not allow them to walk away
with tlie laurels whlmti'. Ciirly eanihig
'""them and tliey are atrictly attending to
lusiuess. In tlie stay ol practloe. Ve sng
- 'jrMtibt-y praciice Ie re-after at 6.30 P. X
a ltd iet every man ot tlte first niue bp
giroaiptly on band and plaj la their regn
- la ' M-it una. Ti seunrtl nine can furu-
tsb fiehi wlt'i p act ce at least aud utiles
f (bey wake up eomewlutt the O'nes will
' tare to be rearganutd souiewliaf.
Jt l 1.41.. '"...""
lMnU' Ma-XiU Trr .
In the mattor it tl ate ot W. W.
IlnrKrovo dicvn'ifd ; onhr I'm- le ol real
t-stKlc craitted. ;
Iu Hie matter i! tltc etBte f Anna E.
LaiigtKad d-ceaed : same order.
In tlte matter ol the estate ot Ilsuicoik
Jackson dt-tTaicd ; liiTentory on the ap
prainlng ot property belonging to aiJ es
tate rewirvd, esamlned by tile court, ap
proved and ordered placed on file.
Iu the matter of guardianship of Elno
ra Cox ; uvtii to vacate order of fl. ml
ittlemeul ot EHanlians acvmmt. On
trial L. F. Brriii i fur plaii.ti.T ai:d
SIcCo'n fur j,u mllan.
l'Bice lti rllrmrl.
Thi t lait m'tiK- Vi!l..naite l.r.i'r
4ty have in rt lk-rai! au lntenriiii!. entcr
t iuiiH i.I to he given lit Heed's ijeni
lni- on I:iu1;it evening ol e-juinn
meiit nfk. the pmetelof which will lie
itevoVd Uvwal ilefrayhx theeXieMe n
jwiuliiij: tlte ni.iversity huildhig. It will
voni! tirvt. t the prix- f"aki;ig after
hich there vi'. I a mnica! charade, tin
Wiwil Ivin -KsLvl-leiit. It will l tlte
praniM-! ii.ii-'khI exhihitinii ever p-ven iu
tiie city wherein ail the h-male .tu(leit
l-irM;i-H". I'here-will he a 'Qn - n tt
K:rd-"a -F iry Qnent" etc. etc. Skuv
r.irh'ul-flirt hnrdt !.ii!s tliU in iniii g. Lin
we wiliahude to the P'.ihji-ct a;-iln.
( sian.ltt-r Sreilss
The cotuuiittee I arraii!eni.'ttt to
lKecaie Bud ndtaeiit lw been ett-tru-ird
the Pioneer iiici.ic Oil Ju.e U:h
amllTMi, ".l! wet on &tml.iy m-st .it j
ihe Jjciiate cuiUiVr in-Sea l r te i Ri.v o!
Pionrer Oil Coiupai.y as heret.-i'tre a;i
nouiiced. The f.!;ii.j well kunwa f:i
lemites co!i'i:n(c tl-cosuiiiktee: .!i. F.
chairman. J.n. iloiman. .fun. U
Miutc, Sir'!
Miuto, Mt
Clarke, Mr-
11. 11. rj'iii;ii!, 5.r. Jim. i
. J. F. Milier. Mrs. ii- A . !
I. A. llllU'rt, Ail-ses Ciira
Watt and 11 r.e E. Sin'uh.
7hc n. Vclnl.le.
The Rlte.-nlauee at tlie 'fitiaUIe g'v.'n hy
riie young U-Vuf tiie II- E. Cl.un.ti at
t':e wi-siiai;e j;i-i evening, was tl itteriiij:
in tiie extreme, "'el a auticijatted proved
a very plea-int aSUir. Every body saiemeil
iu excellent iiriw iutrui ou enjoyment.
Tl-yiat ig iadie were very atlenrive t
the want ot Ihwir rt-s. while th yoti'ia
getitle'ie'ii emfi perfectly willing to lie
w.titel niHMt. Tlie n-Ireihtnetita wt re it-o-lli
nt ai.d the P-ccijit eiirTesnondiiig'y
1 ae t'eiHesriaav.
ThU spicy little lttast isaiu ia circula-
tion.ttwiiresent nninta'r beinar ehntk full
ot good things tiie ear mark of our auburn
IraimI frieinl IJliiip ton bt-iiij visible here
there ami evory where. If rontahi iiiik.1i
matPT of Intere to !ti U-rtM am! a tm it
ber of red lint basil b? utrth-r t! lipsl tr
tt'iiUinette Da'uTr.iri.'" It dt -rve.
sueand we b.p taar . Im.g ami
until alii wtrii. " ....
' ,- tailtarl aVauawtaeet - w
Hie Portland Be inliirww lis rraaVrx
tliat II. D. banhom of Uiat cily I ad con
tracted with tbe WTU imette Woolern MilU
to (uippiy hli tor tte during ecutctiuial
week with 1.0V0 pair of avoolco blanket
fiir which lie vu to pay rixtr cents per
pair, aimply enough to pay f.rr wshing
and retn'u frelgbt to tlat milis. T'uder
exisfiif cir.mstaan tle voniroct may be
salelr calh d ati'ial'e'1.
' lldsr 3. E. Enrpny eV-rarterl tba. H-aIT
7th, at 2 o'eleek and li minatta, t. ., the lu
oeral took phwe from tLe OiHege C'lup-.L Huo
moatfa, at 3 v'ehKk r. May tJth, fouowed by
a Ure eaneottrat cf frten&f tad relat'.rai to the
CkOtutery aotitii ol fiouaiuatb.
W. P. If carirr.
' a Btala aiailaatiawray.- -
Tlie aiajrua org .a Uut crawua tbe edifice
of man is not euly kue seat of raQectioa and
the home of the reality, b ttit ia I be uerniug
ctntn.. of th ntiaa aTitera W'tiea it ia oeer.
wrooght, anduiy excited, or aSacted by irrigu
kfilaraof lhoe bodily etrraaa with wnieb ii
aiont dose'y ixmrMtbizr-al all the' nerve an (f.jr,
aud tbe Keaend aaalta impairwiT Tiie reaaon
why HusiettersBtumach liuumi exarewu each
a suoihiae; iufluenoe upon the brain at, thai they
remove tboae dijjue and billirrai dorange
nvrnti) which react injaruioaty npoa It and that
re lie ing irrtutioa .-or weakness M lbs preai
sympatueae Bervs wiiieb mmueef tbe uomadi
and la braia, they bane&aaliy aff-et tbe hitter
orpui mt well a thd ibraav. Ban ad aiaep
ekaraeia nf mind, eev.J digeatioa and fretdon
from btlUotMueai are uuoxed by that prime reg
alative bsnn.- aod nervine.
Tlas city dock b-ul m yet struck the
htsarot twelve WtTbaj-vliyniglit tsbeii
two voting UJiesj on ate street were
awakent-J bent sweet steep bv some
strange vuices U uath tlieir bed nrom
wmooar. Cantimtsly ejieaiugthe blitaU a
sly peep was indulged In and a single
glaiMje waa all suffitaoct, Tl quartette
was iissonipiete, t'at leading instruioeiit
being a triangle.' Oite aweet oitttl sing
er did all tlie work while iii-t eotnpaiiious
arged htta ou. ' 'flat besebzeU bdiea plead
Wis aim eanH2Hi o:iore lias n aniti:rii M
... J - R ,
the eutertainnieut consented to w.tlklraw
Ul -ir basse pnifutalo wlmse dhilt lu ert-
Std aa mucii senaaliMn ui bouie circus.
tleviiiliea irein
gre w a?4in.
..(, pe-t;
1, 14 n.
(-a:Hlt-Jate for C.01
t 1.
' thir g. cd LxiLing frirnd Jon. W. ll. lmul, cf
Jeffrnoo has boea ia the city lor two d pl
Rtoruiisg horn last erratng. Ha to aa j. a'
ueier, and iauginca Salem a ill aviur muuu
to much, it bauig ko fr fntui tba ragirg Va
8. reltau, tiq., ai be a rwa;er u U.e
outgiug atcaaiw fur &ia -rancaioo, wliitljer I
or u a buiui trip.
F. W Jooetand H. A. Kimball, of the Tai ifio
Mail Kirniwhip C'cinpanjr are rr'wlewj at tlie
Cuttnt-keta hotel. '
A. 8. Maroer and fuuilv will Icaw KhurtSj on
an exteinltj to I'ioo nu-nuul auj Itwj el
era Buioa.
31a). W. E. lUachur!, i.f Lo Auielua, Cl
loriiu, Uhl; j.KiK.iiiiid Ajiat for tin J,I! em j
luihaoK. a-'Jiilim iu bt nijjLt He oui
o Ule ciwrs- of the trtwt the c niiiig week. !
A. Bkn lWiat of Craat atmary.
i. t. ar,, - U ana frorbSj iiu-wn U: !
tiibrity war :ickins lTt ia KibTii!o Tn:. al
last aix-uunta, aiui ai.suud lo roturn to Ona'U.
3x Anna l-oixl, fornterly ol this laty, a
tuiiiiuS tine Tjuili'al tuuid at l'rwurbin,
Al WlllKaueit I alfimix, IHTt.
!tMdy, May SS Aiu.iiat S-rmo i
l"V. Uii r; UeMi'y.
Momlay evening. May 23 Piize Coiiti si
ami Mu-icil Charade.
I m-iliiy t -veiling, May 30 Oininence
meiil Ex -ni-e of Jii-dicil I Vmrtuei.t.
t thtedayeveuiig. May 31-t Kxereis
f" t.t the Aluuiiii Asiuxlatioii and A.ti.n.i
l'liiii-l.'y, June 1-tl Coniinencen.e tt dity
Oniliil.t nf the Senhir Ci at 3 4ek I'
ll. Animal aihln by Hon. 5!. P. 1 e y
a! 's l !. iV: ock p. H.
1 rr i-Mii'ti t-
T ie St. Charles htiu 1 at Pnrt.'.ti..l uu'er
llie iifwji-in nf Cnl.i : llsriii.wi. i- r
Cfivii!' extemive e.ilar'miit. 13 nimi-
riiTiis iK-i.iir .iu h'u; nciv lii.i.rri ruiiiu in
tin- lirst fl mr; new
riumi i.i jr xxl -tv!e
W llks 'I'i jrvI : " ul,:" n.iiiiia .o a
, , . ,l;ui... and Luli.i; luu bnsr ulna it to liuli U tv
cu.i oui.
KteMtuer ArrtvtMl.
The temr Jolm L. Jkejil-etw arr'vtd
in Pur land Wodarsd iv evening. Amoia
iln. it."i.i! M re h'ix'v iinuiraiiii. iit
ml frnui ii Tin; a.viiz.-r!a.'id who ill lo
rate iu Wshi;igi.t county, 'l'hree f.i:ni-
iies taine il; wnu; arjr't:e ini.ii.n r
auiiiuuted to f.irty ve Mnis. Su:li addi
tion, to mir young and groa'tng Slate art
trniy flaJinring.
Ill Uil KtJ.i.i.llU
I KlUTOl! fTATff-MAX: C'!l!.l
,t i-
iiiailp every Iwiul aUui; I Ik- i.oii ilejiv - -
up, ,f ( i, .it.,- 1',. I..,, t 11 . u i 1. .
...i. . - - j prupuriT asouciKU to. j-uuiugtapij .i ei-rj
tin- Meilu.ville or Ik llL-vne ,wf um.ter. ja, bmU , .javcwlnr aud .a warranted,
anil siitvcrihtr lo tlie bTATl-WAS v!.iM , . , . . , ,
flwf at l.MdV l.ulf ..f llu. tin... I... ,..,Uy- 1.
iveeived at all. and lite o Iter ha't .Jt II I (
Ill a week or tell day a tier pu! imi. i
i yite ,,r.ip-r ainiMH-iitis "hiailil lake thin i
inatif-r tu bauil a:id see that pa.d oTCctare j
-tlo tltcir duty. .
(.w.H re abritit tvo-thtnls plnnrl. ami
.siajiini wtritlit-r prove faVOTabir, it; fi i i si i
bv iJif lU liivt. lmir.
f Uli-b aiaall 1 Take.
Ti.U i. oftea a mm qataUo. with tht -
i . a, uuua ine uur&n iiuvut-u iia iw
priektry medinuee, aeeie of which are recti m
aiendcd aa osrlain enrca for hm peculiar aliment.
Ue reada the papera, eiretuara, and aimanxca,
and finda each atiistaiutd bj UbU ariumenu
setting form ia virtues and aptrlfic actiun: Tbe
recommcodauotui am as strung fat ones for!
., I
anoiaer. J ue enrca cuutku hi nave neen
wrooght by one are aa wondVrtol aa titter
claimed lo nave been wronetit bv another. In
his Bcrplexiry and denbt, tlie suit trr it aome
bmee fed to reject alL but it auuuld be burne
in mind that liiu soudiLos cf Ciiui is onatbat
caauot be remedied. Iua Und abere all are
free, the gnodl toe truly valuable must eume
uih enmpeuubti with tbo vile and wurtbbas.
most be brotitlit to tcblre auties bv tbe same
iuatTBrntniahtv, abkib at adreruaiuic. In aut-b j reeetveti I.-otu vt. briawutd, taw,.. v ti.e
a ease, perhaps the ouly aUoiute Drotrf that a i lfxi ti'1 ,he Wiilamutar Wunbn Mills would be
r mdy bmual ilclainis tn be, iato try it. Tbe ' rebuilt at once. WV can find n fuambitiun for
"hat uf a paiidini tbe eti&s of it." 'Trove nch ":lKir, b,,t ti"u" u aI be enrrect, ntv
all things, bold fast that wiiieb is gied," ia tbe j tbt lo.
apostolie Uijettcti'rn. Tatre may. however, be j The committee of arrangements of the Pio
strung r presumptive evidrnei- in tivor of one ' neer Awueisuin will meet at tbe lluueer Oil
remedy tban there is hi favt;r uf ano-.txT, aud . atUU in Uiu city un Eaturday next,
this siwnud he atlowcdf its doe weight, A due) Tiie MeOibeny T.onps w. 11 and tav.rrahly
regard to Ibis may save a vast amount of ex knows in this vicinity were in Bon Fransutcu at
pcrimecting and a usctus sntoont of vatlay of twt acomnts playing to good bonnes,
money. As presumptive evidence ui favor of j jt atwma that Hnerry Cor by n with tbe Wor
c. raaee'a Family iUdictm. tltf prirpricbir , .UU;tm, Usi.rxe Knight and oUu-ra wboae
desires to say ttnU taey are prrwred by a new pwm,- at PortUud have gives each el
and scientific process by wteh tlie virwee uf ,e.ikmt mualtum, has g.veo hah-m tl eold
tbe crude plants and roou are txtrseted wilbout ; bo11ia., ,d will return to Ban Frandveo on
ineaaern aparucieoi auouot. nut a partatic
of this destroyer of our race enters icto UteexHo.
' . , 1 Portland sbortlv. It to bs hoped flat capital
or Favonte FrtaciiDtuw. Tnnt eonauloratioa . ' , ' r
, , ' , , . will be haewiae favored.
atone ought eer auily to rank Ibem ., . , . .
. . . , .7 , Ex-Attorner Williams eotilen.plaUs betnz in
high sbovw the us compounds sat- ... . 1.
. ... ,,. T Portland daring tbe eentcnnud week.
nra ml with alevbol, Jamaoa rum, soar
beer, er vinegar, wb eb are every- bevnva! deaf mntes at tiie school in this city
were ofiertrd fur sale. Aaiu, Ui-j are of nui- have learaed to pot new sests in chaira designed
form strength and their virtue can nerer be far eaoe. They tb a aiee ubataulial J b at ria
impaired by age. Tliey are abo tuade from '. onaaile prk. J'ersuiis bavins ebaus out of
fresh berba sud roou, gathered in tb ir apprv ' repair can bavi. tbi-m made as good as new.
prtale atsaioa when tht-y flush wi:h metbcuaal
proper ues.
In support of tiieae ciaiowi tbe fol-
tow lug teaUasoov a. offered : your mother or sister s new 'Itomesiic.- If
fi. V. fir.acx, M. D.: S.J. no mother or slater, find some good
Dear Bir -l have sold a grrai deui of your t,mlurl fallow that baaand be and the ma -bine
excelkait remedies aud I prefer to s.11 tliem br- uKI)mr nav belp you to s eofwfortsble place in
fore others, bteaoar Uiev give good aaUdfacm n ' (h famii, if jQ sbins Bp to tb sir.kvr ia tbe
1 1 thoae who oat tl.-.wi. I brar aueb remarks 1,1 arey.
ss, "Jug-'a pjmed,- cared me; it is a splendid j YVab. numpsr.D snd I w Tuompson, form
thing," or "I'ierct'a Diuorery ia j ust w bat I erly of tUia anv, art at pvtaa-ct in ban franciaco.
wanted, snd I fe ;I beuor tluui I ever did." One tbe former en route to the raatoro titate.
of our celebrated aingfcra naes it to WMiKtbtni Mrs. Dr. McCurdy is s'.ill viaiung friencbi in
ber voice and aayn therg is nothing enala it ;" Clay county. Mo. Hbe will viait the Ct-ntonuial
and ao 1 mir-tit ri, imhitw nf Mm.. w...:- mlarti in tbe fall.
ji ,., 1 . i a
auml yonr prepataitooa. A eoloetd woman bs-
j JMlt V.err, .ui aftor uku.g tbree but-
ties was, complete tv enrtd. Bi Uing to the
store, said to me, "I don't aaut nodo'tors
t j round me s i hmj ai, I u gl tbe Iiocovery :
- ! i: beats all yoor um;u.'
Au-J so I Biighl go
un. Yoorv,
A. fi. ( K-1-K.
Tl WUr.i.:J xl il.iii.-n o;-vu at Pi-ilmiol-
Amtat-r lorv!t dr D.4R'i:lttuidiis tie
UirxatoiuNl )uwi r.
lite eapinrtng of a wnn of bees tMl'wItsl a
eid on Connncreial tn & Twilor.luv.
Mr. X. N. het ln a Wri;-' eiaxi in rr
BMiutii at l;nuvi.l.
Tlx fluTornur W ijuiuwd C. A. 1 :,. iuu,
uf ronlaiid, aSoiary 1'ublic.
Tli CoiBty Court f C"Bimi.kJw- ;. i
jonrmd for nw pnwat tioia.
II. P. Cruuk eoivd U t.'i, i.. .i ati.;nt ot
lua friend YwldT. It aax a U. . f Hiaujard
T. H. tTnmS rd E-q.. i embetins U-m f ir
ni!. Iuunu.iw Elno ivn.k, a Kuuidir;! work u
.ueti niaitora.
Tt damage to a beat by Wrbwb. at tl
UlUian- KmhMm yl uiU-us, only .bout
a.-iv bu.cU btiug daoitl.
V m-b 8amtnjr Albna' coodiii a n e'owiug
e farutablB uu.b day boiug uuablo Iu lake
uourwhuisut of any kiud.
Tifrnr Engine Company wore oat on drill la
twuiiiR. and it nwk our iruu ;i;var euhvu
1 ins 'u the extrvnte.
j l'oet UanU'r Ibi-Uey was the reciri 'er
bj I lay of tbuwi uioo-iU-r tn-culnivd (. an di-
j riptue of tbe prvnuttd bio out
.u TurLaiid.
Tiial dwareuebb) l.itlo moot ci'.i.i 13 an t
iua..e a raid on aa.oui M.imUy u.ul, wiu iuiut:
iuto riiduucua aud imni by tlie
kircir dt-oariurt) aaa aa aumtl a iuivvui
a nuuaikd fur.
Tbe funeral uf Hub N, llie, intuit duiii.'ht. r
f JBr. and 51. C. tk-ar, took (uuce t.mntly.
IU v. U. Teak, of tiu rruibk rua uhuruh i Hi
A Sal- m enrrcpoiidt nt in I .
.iiiirnjdi.; ;.P!pv Ivod. u IM? I-.u-'I.thI Even
iS JuuraJ. We notice a f lui"li r i
o.-ililK bi.l Lor i' tuusl f tucnt bt belt
sart J.
Oat rinilU'-alu are oidrtttif iaelite'd to k t
tl aua! caittaw f If ei'ui.rj p I y i'i u-tilt.
t .ai w. aiiu i.uvb auiau; auuau.
iitt. SavTti ot the hutte b,.pt,rimonj tl-iti
Hie BUtr tl.ri Ui ttie bneiui iu L.u...r iik.
. . '
M.ui iwoi.rj MiUm loo miu, tint tv,; w'a
tiwl we art at'kaei ibat wucb abtaU of luae la
U.cou aovi.oa.
j. f, n . , , , ,. ..
U. D. Boon ba f.lactd unn lT 'j!s;ii)io!iii
tor a tnad, pruned paaipbh-t eutitkd.' Ivc.
nU 1'oriraiuj of all ium l'ru..iloai.," Ii una!-
nble aa a aiurce no library
la complete sitnoul a uo.r. Cmii iu and wcaio
mt an a rcuieiiuuil aouvuuoir.
Motitgonien'a Art Gall-ry over Lro Wal'ia
;: a now i.-ju and oar cu. u can r.i aa-
.urtd iba ork it.uuatl to "Mjui" ill be
. . . . - i
a pa-J aa tlre i. ia Urn Ban-.
bi au.i hk around at hiL
All are
Tat new dru Crta of F. C. Bni:b t Co. on
h. . uVu-hiiidmI to be ati! liu.
tryliiinc Tim. buna addiliou to liisiir ratubtiah
! ineiit ia M r. W. V. HoukrwoB a conpetcut
jdrawiand alUhbi gcntkiriau rbo marl
luuua on liana al all tniiea, (lav or s .'lit. 1'ar-
j vnmsritauM 9lli .a ,
una ia Bind.
lira. A. I. Beily haw rented the Width y prop- j
erty opposite A. B. ateacbarr and moved ia
j jeatrrday . We bare tliat Ir. Carpenter baa
"ed boaae just vacated by h..r.
Beih llamiuee ia al prraarut eUiiaiceJ in U'-uic
.. .7 "
ooian n.tmo etty at bruiiu rrj on u
' tjajiuaai
Mart L. CbatolaMlin rHnnd Inn I Ibml
00 fas- ev. nn.g - eaprea. tn,n.
C1V H. HlimpitrT Esq., r.,tnrnt froto to.11
- ... ,
Franeaveo via Kwrn but evening liroaic Wfcil
and bearty sopurtot uu aitaer sido by v biakotB
a la Carnaide.
I Toe Aibany DntnocratasTS ad vie a Issetbren
; OOIglng teltuer
D-me rumor says that Illind Tom will viait
i Tonus man ? Don't wsste yrmr ebance in
friion aniuaemeula, but aave it op. and boy
j Ciav B ompbry and Will AU xantkr wnut to
Er,grae ,mlv. tht ir fimt r.ii borne siree
, .it n-w from San Frr jciaeo.
Judge W'U-n trd ha Wen aeleeU-d to
deliver the urui ion al Wjilht Vv tiiia on
u,t. 4'U i, next Ja'y.
Itt-otaiBtnc l Poaiodoa, Sa'em at Oil itala. j
I'vnoo obIUiii fcw Umms leuari au4 alve Hie 1
taiv oa bfcli lUe.v are aJverUaed : j
Apse Marilia
Awleri lonara
lioter ti.
tUtl.u-n .l-'lin
- man M i Jane
It."" W A
ILinieil n r
IWil yt mw .i
IWv-lor M i. t-aara
Itvniiv It I.
i; ii ti r
t owno IbMirT
Curiis .M. Martha
i iaiwiiiu il II I
i'raa iomI Mi E
t:ir1.n W K
( aim Ml M iraarr Mrs A I'
t::.iiii a K
k. urn It S
Kkileer l 1 M ir?
Kiaili-r Aiilh'Hiy
Kin ov liatiH'l
t'l oh Mr 1 II
I k Mi J.i'm
Fill er J U
llnmi.i ! a T
Hire l
IbuiH J
lln.-vev Mi K
llaHMtn 4
lliili.l H"!t .1 O
lllr:liHHi Ml. B
Hnril.llt S
tlimrtker 11 la
llimler 1 .1
II ll.i.ii l t:
.lnl,.K .ll W W
Jthiif..)n Mt i J
.liu-S V
hh- L
l.i U
bnmtln C ()
Madam J
Jlvn Nh J K
tiarun V II
Martin Mm R
Mariio It K
Mh4:Iiii2 J.ihn
M. Il.iual.l Mrs F.J
M.iDonnld Mm U 1)
lni-feer Mrii t
lti'it V II
fm I Mm Mi M J
loituvnb.ilt I W tivuiu
iiovai i; i;
t;.i4tl Mtxa M A
S'lmrtl rt Mlax I'. K
K i ltHI 'f J
.1WI Ml A
hmi Ii J H
Siniib Mto k;
Sun. I. Mm II
TIioit J
1 : lor Mr A
Ta r J
I avlor JIM? t
Invlor J C
I t-iii Mr '
1'ho Vn-rtP !
Tiiau-Mim) K
V .R.lrtiu .IU S
M l'tii T
WllllTlO II It
Wi-'-a tr.
XV .-..i-r ,'lii.i C
W i ll-
Wii-K W
W :l im. Sl A
W.uriil i.Jlf
t 11 i:n;rr, r, m
s.i'em Ma !.), li'TJ
la'tlu Via .baud.
T.ic ahuVi- le ;-l:n iuvlii U s a e!as too-Wi-li
kun'.v.i In tlii Sra!-. niiru'V'i Inir.cUy
(irnviui no -Xit'jji' iiiti t t i lie j,i.i!iiil rule.
Ve m- tl'.eiii u't'-n on ei.r dm Is I" lu re,
U i'irr vijfilitut eye- tin y npja-ur a tt'nrth-ir-s
a!:.h:u:;h npjiarenl'v n hsrm!i,s. ilu.s.
;t tV:ti'v e b ive h ard f va.n a l,it
'V tM -i
i. a hi l;-tii-. am! tv.';: i, -ssaa -!
lad;- ;' ;ii.'
-i i.;i"i-s wia r- in. in.e bn!iiie'
i.' Itotl i- U ptvst-nt lin y hsv.-j
(v -r -t I'l-.I in!." ahhe hew
I'i"-.! in;.", anile ?:k are tioiinn i
jj ,
r--iji "unit in mtn.e tm have til,
l the imuite by lla-ir Khu'hv
lit ,
U'l'Z-. 1 ;src-.t ir a eniiile ol li thv
, ..... t .i. ..r - . ..ii
" . ci.vci ir.. i iht in a wi ll
Liii. A'iI .liifi;.. liW .Iu. niw f.h.
i iliMlA Uliti a-ltll,lll!. klllll'Lilt f illll!!' l'llt.l- 1
! Uw '""m "J Ueommbal fowl.
Nut emiteiil w i.h thi 'bey Untx'rt-UHUii-
' nnsiy baiulled h.MiliolJ apuarek k-welry
" J '
H"U ui'H,r v ''" "Tieitty beSsliig
j H'',c1' 'article, anti when rt fu-ed tllrnt-il on
I -be tlefeucelciM la ly en earing Mini Using
all kl:id nf ahns.vo epit bet without stint.
holJiiig the diwir ;i ite c nilil mil r.ill a
riist juct. Tli-y r. uiaiued a,mie time and
j Wcr oulv 1 Hiinvl to leave when lltiir ac
,,v n-i. .1 I1,- .t ....ri i 1..
lairn. Such i.istaiiciM Bre bs-ciuiiiiij; more
frfjinmi, and rfiiiiiilj he nejnired hiio by
tlh prn-ier aulliui ilics or by die inairtiui of
aneli auiiMiritim tair hmutM are iUhie lo btt
rmiatcketl by atrolllng tiiw nudi-r tlie
garb ot hunting for work, and otir wive
and chlldreu ni!j -ited to y ite atni-e troin
those whose Very prvaeiita Is abhorrent.
Tla-rc are proper pliitt-s provided Inr rlila
clav, and tlu-y .Imuidlic taken chargrol or
else made U kaoe, tlieir plaeeV lieu al
lowed lo roam.
Trie Tleirnhtk-an trtTf Orerai tn enwventkm
mciuIiImI. aataea luiaiiavlarataia ui as jmiaslplea
UlMI Mli.'T
, T 'bl('wlaT.a:al yeaaef Atw-
' ban loliietirW-m;r we again lire nor !!. oj.
in rmt fuiflamental i:rtiK-.ii!t a uiavn whst tim
r-tiuiiiM at.ti ii- i.i.-ihl
u ai..l 11. (a.l.i.u. isrl) at ie (aiified.
: il.e are - .
I t WfTir rb'iiv tn tbe emuitfirllna so-l
J 'T'.'r.wTra S Hber l-, ,,,.t
tohit u,-t n tl.rwirtowt rtm nsthai, ami
tae iiiiin-l aJiai.ra.i.i l !he laa 11.
1 art of Hit- .aMiutrv (.a- lb,- au-lei.tor.-e-
""'J "J I6 te " r!:,l "aM-
13. f uira:!UniMjin.j'a.lminier;l.n.rifeceT
d..airi nvui f il,e a.Oimirra.t'r. rsat anil nail. te
al, aifl ws fiteilaw tl auntawt nlihr Ketmliiaain
pirlr to all m..-atlr!rt'ilM'.,-U trrisrlanil a I e
tv .!.-airirtl to rtrnnvae ltu moral and material
pro.ja-1 Wjr nt ibe t.ii e.
4. 1 hat B well tost nailed p.i!e abma eaa be
!rrm tie rill? free, u a tln-rt'lori- eMatmiul tuat 1 to
uuiiia- a.;tiot ai aium Ntiail lie nanii anaat In ont.,r
timt every elilf.l rn.iv re-o .u.:b elik?itiori an
will Ht fona tor u-eiu) ntiiiumbl. awl wearennal
ternbiy iiiaMeii to anv invHi,Mi uf eciiooi
mouev N.ranv porpiMe a bsimrrr.
A. Tliat while we are in favor nt a rm-enne fr
the atrrt tl tbe sKneml aoverHtneni by ilntiea
upon iirtxirt. souih! re.iilre. au,-h adtioM if Impni as 10 erH:tainur Ibe ikveU
.unanliit Umt iiHlitstrial i.itereait of tbe whole
.Hiri'ry, aii'i we utantianal ibai imlli-r of national
ex.baiijre wbk:ti etir to titr wnrklua aain liUtr
al moaun, le affrtciiiiura remiinerwte (irk-oa, to
rravtiaiiWii atul DmuiiUcinrera an adequate reward
Hr im-tr skill, ksbor ami entrrivw. mid to Hie tat
l am eoneusrriral triMrtiv eiat nnlefaHHbn-e.
a Uial the beat lulert-ssa nl all ri-lms nr nt.
err coialiiloa arnt piirwiiu IniDrrraii.ely .livnnnit retom ni afan-i. i. ot valnea an. I
ciir.em-i . sud we ball with araiilkaumn ihe aot 01
a hefaikikan C01 grma UuUiiueiy provkting tor
lluU end.
7. Thirt we are la fans- of nnt it-tug trmaecaitoii
and uii.bmewt of aibile fraud ami ,.rnae.airaw.
bakliB); ami pe.-ai!ailin In, rlem exist
lac, and we repeal tbe ndUBeUoa, iart as gin ay
an esaais
a. We dtnwtml thai nor na' tonal randi bttes
hall la? nvu of irieilinn-grity, who will carry not
Ihia r-e a:y n( rsrlorwi. anil vrtterve iavioiale the
grew rmuluuf tbe war.
H. WeariaiKn Ibepreaenl fUste B'lnrlnKratlow
sail I la mipiMrner aa crrrupt aod imrfligaw.
Ttiev have ruiaWit the eunmina aual fund; they
have Imb siii'ty of leKtabtiiim; tltey
nave Miato el ewr pal ri ruin v ia la.sls. and
lieaoMl Un u a ia la d oer U,0to In 101 ct
ilo.aaou si tbe cotiannn-n.
Tilt' establi-hment Is now open and ready lo lake
pkatire of all size, and neweet styles.
Float, I'remeaadea, Cabinet aV
(ardu, a taptt-iall),
!Co wfi. k Unves thin gallery nn'eax nWrta -Kivr-.
& iriiie stock of fraae.-s, of all sUea.
farm can liate their pUdurei tnkti. flu.
; i.fc:andf.aiJ at tbegallerr.
Mute lr-t.
mis rarai is on fiue vsttu
are Adeertiabis Cuutraut aaa be naatte.
aa rrwaieiaea ran t.
(i.r niauum,
Kar f'Aftneo, At ir 12.
Fl.tnr Hupernne, E0&5 35; extra. Si SO
riiippuu; lom; 9'4.6 fiS. for jobbing.
hat 1 air uliipplltK. f 1 '0 i peed lo choics,
fl W j piKd lo d'otee niiilinR. tl SO
Bar!iy-rd kimla. $1 IT; brew-big, tl SO
0tR S2 Hiii2 IU; mcdibin, ti 10; elioka
a-ar . 1 60. .
BnT f l"(iM9 ordinary to clu.ino.
Puiabaa-nvila 1 H&fi biti tl 9.'21n
ill kuitlH and conihiH'iia.
Bncla lieal-N..niiiil t 75.
Grill Jiiii-r for l!vr te-day.-Trade dnllara,
3 haying, l i nlling: 1 lf duJUtra, 117 bryhig
Uvi-rjKMil leal market t.l y. Da 5tl(a.l0a
or attirae CuUti.rria ; 10a ;M10 bd for
fitl l'VI MtiKtT.
el Tin. b is tmlue, b,-; Rent
1 Li t v., (iiists, 1 u
'hi-nt, Im-st tihiiti j ei" Im.hid
Hi-. 1.1 1 11-hil
.ri, iim 1, mr II.
t iir, vt, t sn. k.i; ivtrreli....
h-l.,w hi ii- t mm', 10:1
M'l. lit !-11
I. f 1 .. 'en .,
11 i"ni hnl, tor ton
r -i m-i-i, l' H.
i.I" "- '!:, ISW ..
" I,.'1! U J t l t 'U
ft f-74
! (.1
!t 6
. 1 ....
4 . 5
.IK lliMl'
.a ii j! 27 u
.III ....
" ' ....
1- i,:..r
,1 ft'.!
. lis ia
. )v 17
. 1 1. . 1.1
. 1
.rsb ) na
. 1 s . . 1 mi
. '.m EJ
. Si. ai S7
.. nr. S7(
i.c 1 All
' 1 OU
( 1 7
I.', f
fit fl
. 7. ItH
IS ....
, . S a Vt
H't 1
)sw tM
.. ltw St)
. i l.a ....
, 1 (iws
1 t -.4 1 75
gva ax
. 1 lt S w
tfit a
.... a H
.... Ural II
.... t Is
.... t IS
.... in M
.... 4 S
.... US li
.... 11 9B
.... tost 14
i.r.r '-mi rn,.'sr 1 rt fbit... iv r Idd
- l-:aii-l.
1 T M.tll.. ..... ... .
f ..,'.vl.
t.iti. 11:. -'..
.-p .r',.1.
r-s, Jaimn is-r o..
V" '. tlllfM" Hi'
in'",', t 1... a Ix-a, l-er .b
u Komi
- .1.1. a
tiK, Carmm. Ih'ai.d l (!..
I .n eri.sil, i-ivsr-e
tlai.-v , . .... ..
" taty
.tiiiVs dr..-(, r
'(.ir., .tri- !. is?r ".
.ltO, all ol, I'r III.
t ats Kir bulHil
I ;. s-r Hi
, s-r bu. tod-
iMU, Jilt ill...... .
III"! 1 K, KGUS, rrt ,
liuls-r. treli ro'la, .'r ib
liu-.t-r, i.'kwt.
vrfv-. er .liuuH.......
uru, jair lb
eiivi, rrc.
btnaroH Oil, IsM'e.l, porrallon
- ma
.art iK', i-er sallon..
UMI t.'.. Mrui"
itOMliaK I'll, lir ylklliMi
raltow, per u
A Srllln
Vf oinr .
Stom ....
'al - ..
Jru-I fleer.
.'SOU IlSll. ...... . .
k.Kkeva ...
& "
6 -
'', LkATuaa, arc
fravb rf 45 S0 78 SO
rnmiw grp. eer !.... ..TIV aiialiai IW
.Jt. aval tn qiiifi I ,11, larr ikeunw at 41 SO
" Kit.. " taw as SO
anu Trwe (Me, pr tb ... tow as
Haw, airy..,.... ....... ....-i.... !
greea. " a
!,trv. t to s to
- dnaaeU. per lb, 1' 1
ibeep I'elta. - lst li
Kk?-1 BUrfA
I IHrt kllHlVAl, te.
a t vti.
WASIIirGTOff, Jan. 13. The next Un
ion lu-pulilicau Xwtliiuat Convntitltm for
i-atidblutes tor president ami V Ice I'retil
deiit of the L'nitesl S!at-s will be held at
Clucfiinati on tVediielny. tlie 11th ot
lone HT'i. at 12 o'clock, tioou, atttl cm
it of (h-ltgitea from each Ktale, eo,nal to
laicr I lie i.tnuljer of tienntors and liepre
eutativtrs tu Ctotgre, anil two delegates
from t-atii organised Territory and tiie
bwtriut ol Columbia, in cillleg couven
tlons lor lis? uievtiou of (It-legates the com
mittee) f the several Htate are recoin-UH-uibtl
to Invite nil Keimlillenii clt!etor
and all mlwr voters, wit limit
wst ailitli-al (l;!l. remtr or rty ainna
liiHi. a Imi re opiioscd to reviving section
al bn-iies, ami dt-iie to protnole friendly
leeliiiK mid ;rtniuitiiL harmony lu the
couniiy by luaititaiiiing the constitutional
rltht it everv citizen. Including IlieVfull
and Irre exi rcl-e of the riglit 01 suffrage,
alt Unit Intimidation ami fraud; of tlie
ciHitn.ued prtaowtition ai.d ptiiiishmeut of
all ottlcial tlislMMiesty. aotl of an economi
cal admiuislratitMi tif (ioveruinetil by lion
et, litithlnl and capable ofUeers; a lioara
hi btvnr ol inakiidf stid relorui in tlie
Gov r mient a- aprr'a-ta! may suggest;
Iro are iniNewl to Impahlng tlie credit
of tlte nation by tb-reclatiiii ils oidiga
lioo. and hi fiiviirofsustaiuing In itevury
wav. with fail Ii and tinai.cinl honor; who
hold that tlte common school system b th
tmrsery of Am-rican Utterly; and should
be maintained absolutely Inte Irom sete
ton eontntl; who believe, lor tle promo
tion of these end, flatt tlie direction ot tlie
Guvertiineiit liotild contlime to becotifided
to t twine who ailltere to tlte principle, ot
1K7C and stifitoit thetu as incorporated la
lite constitution aud laws, and alio favor
.1 .l...l. 11. r,,..,la.
rectnzuiziiig ao mici.);...,....
menial iirtiictple ot national unity in th
aeuteiiuial year of tlie KeouMie (xl .ed
K. V. M0K0AX,
l.sirinau of the ltepuUieau a.niua
t . CltAMvlJ K, Secretary.
Isn't it a little too mueli to crowd
into Ps"6, 3(i days, lifty-tliree Hun
(lava, leapyeavr Centennial celebration
and tbe rrei-idetiliul ebctioit ?
Tlie Ci.ief CU rk and Cashier of tl ri
Kraneisio Mint ate lth proviilni fur Ii
the A p ro iriatlsm bill 1 ...m.o" I 1 (V.n
gr. , The attempt to consolidate the tw