The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1884-1892, May 19, 1876, Page 5, Image 5

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FRIDAY, s : . i MAY 12, 7C
;Fmm "nliii'lay N.'irnli't'a Pall ,!
I"rrjai In
Mr. niiaul will in a h rt time con -
mniicc work on hi contract with lie Arrii-uU-urul
Society in uppl. ing iuf.
Hull. XX. P. Watson, Priinlu t of tlc Oregon
Stale Agricultural Bieipty, i in city yos
l,.rdi. on a visit to examine itit.i the condition
of the l-'sir Oronn Is, Ha is aaiii'nirie r ll o
.,., of tiie mitt ummt.1 l,.ir ritixt fall.
Mr-aiurr Alice IjII I p.
A number of ctis-m 01 tho l",'ur Willsm
, t.e, UKin biarniti;.; that the ste imor Alice is to
lie Ituil up. d wl irn that If Ca t. Till ml Deo
MeCully tire not furnished a boat they, the p. c
jilo, will build one f..r them.
OrfiiN Ity Wm.lrs I'll.
These mills have prepare! Mil sent sone
splendid aamplc f th tr line wora to tho Cct:
tt nnial fur cxhibtiou. Tie work in claimed to
bo the best iv r turned out at the mill. nd it
I'lotttrht il! eoiii-uuo favorably wit'.i that f
evdern m mtttVttsu t.
At t:it- I i . ri;y.
Vinti i lay a una! t!u lo was Uil at tie Vni
t;ws.Iv i...!iii ; rx true, which alio-wed do-
elded inij.n-vcm rut over en iiom exercise. i:h re
jre tairt.scn -.viX 1'ilioi whj ron-lred 100
a:i.l ten of tie g-:itlen-Mi. Too HtuJutita ro
prep-trios firi'i'' II iil otit-Mt f r the,; I1 med
al valiKxl ut $- Njxt Friday will duU-rniino
who are ti (Hitit.n 1 l it die prise, those reociv-
ic? b -1 w .'' p -r " ' l3 allowed to
enter Hi.' final ' fit'.V.
f n Tit n ,
H-m. llh hard, mxt
fiain On-gnii, i ami up from,
Portland last
NIK 1 1 Mi Ul- IKE ltd I Kit fir MRKO
M. t iuirli.
Kcv. Puiln of ll.i- Oregon Conference
ll pipiti'li in Ihe M. K. I hnrch momiisff anj
uvtiiiug. this Sunday Tih ii at. at tin usual liour.
Mr. nermann luie of tlio l.i m of Herman A
lliriicb I mm p.m'h il a half tuWrcxt in tin
bmwing liaxin'a.4 of S. A.lilj h; an 1 ill - fl.ra
will h lifuiwn aa Ailn'p'i.
Rpccial to the S.titi.sruan.
Tlir Pei-Moni Drowuil !
Aarnsn, Or.,- May fi.
Ex 9TTTsais : Mr. J. Smnll, Ji hn I tick
anil wifr wi ro clrotiiMl on the tl.iid insti lit
wlnle b'Mt nil.tu at LiiikViIIr.
Eriira.lirr Coni ral M. V. if in the city.
Ilia wfnl ia cinwins rusty airico t!ie Wallow
"onpletmaiitniiw," anJq lartrinaatfin aro grow
InfctnixirlinirW thin. T 10 Ctc neru.1 will irul-
aUy sivo tlntn aimtctUnK '1 1 !' r :i
tc;.e l;.ti.
Tliol'.irnl .i 1 Ann r.Ciii b i- ba'l cb.ln v'RI
cil t match came on Satm.l.iy tie fu.
owmn2 out aliiu.l. Tlioaff n o a ouil 17u7
The Urals ara tiuins fur ll cti.Umiul gau e
at Purtlan:!, nn.l iil j--r;.Uuty luing uniiy U c
priticitial prizfl.
''Ilio IIkiim u."( J. lK lir.lll."
Rob ni-w iHc.rtimriit in mmtliir cultunn
Mr. Date, our tutonirinint; lrIit Ian o;i ni
out'Iila new eBtabtkbrni-nt, nj la evirj thing
inenkr. It will pay U el an.l 1.U at hi
"Kida near En vtnu's CJi aur on Coir.tiicrda!
atroi t.
Arrlit"l !"lintna.
A,v ly the tama of l'Hi .ti, rti.lins
aU'lit twi-nly niil'. fmui Sul ;in. wai arc idea tully
poUi me 1 "ti 1-u-t TT.nn.Jiy uifiliU It ruaulloJ
from c:i'i:'.'T m i.'.r i"nn whit-ti gr,) in h ' li.lia
a.ijmftit 1 1 I'i; rv il itu.i tin vri ty of wh.ob
u vnrt mi; ni'in". Tiiln poli-inon article tml
paru.1.011 of ty th wliulo fa.inly. fivu in nuin
Uvr, ,ip;T, au 1 ifviJuntnn i f tlw p liaon waa
imaiaiiainly dcveiopej. Dm. MoLauliy and
Kitcht n, of Htiiyton, wfio ritUxl J aJoiini.
turcd Mich aiitid itoa a. they cJU'.JeomnianU and
' the time our u.l srniant l ft all Wire ye! li
jng, but tlin i) of the Cvo r.ic in a vory rritical
1 o. r. Il'la:lin.
At a n gnlur ni'ti:is of Bueu Vwt Lojj'',
So. 21. I. 0. 0. P., the f itlowinj preamble and
rcitolntions were niiiuiim iu'ly adapted :
Wni'.KKAH, It ha ilfn -1 t!i all wine D"tnj to
remme from our midst late llro. A. K. Brown ;
V. nr.EK. It U b'll at that a n'tiiisr re-oci
tion of lu ui:iny virtiiw ' y had; tliprt fore, b it
Iltieolvvd, in at til Miu ttaam ot urn. a., u.
flrowu thin liKiif lament th 'om of a brother
who wr.a cvrr riady to offer the hand of alJ and
the voice of iiu n.ithy to the wia-ly Mil du-
IUmiItdJ. That we ti-nJcrlr ci;idolo with the
family of onr (lo'iitifd broth r 'n the boor of
trial and aflliction, and d-vuntly commend tlmnt
to the kw pinc of him who look with pitying
eye np'Ui the wtilow and latlierhwa.
JUtmiIvwI, That an fai'ilnr token in mem
oryof crnr deoai4 br.ithor. tiiat onr lod.'o
Twm lx Ural in ni inrnmi; for thirty day.
ItuaoWed. That our Sjeroury be iuntrnrted te
forward oopy of thwie reilutinn to the wife
of oar duct! brother, alio copy to the Oke
oom bTiTl'jiAl, 8al-m Mcrrnry and Curraill
Oaxette. 11. M. ilouiaa.
L. M. H.u.
' A. J. lUcHaBlutoX.
tu P.. R ilanl. Ea azirut for tlm new U ok
entitlid Wife N. ID, winc'.i mi .inplc'e ox-
now of M rm "uUm, U n; iu the city und wi
rem.dn for acvo.-t l Java ukt:i orileia f ir tl
mik. Mr. 11 iUii I wili r.l on yon and snow
v m aainnliw of tiriutini a i l biudi is an 1 ll-
4 '
uUIa f ally Uaouaract. r of the won:.
A'IiiIji t.airt.
The oonnty coai t wliich has benn in o,sii
lur ac-veral day jituit cloaed ths labors of the
amnion on Watardiy. Among tho li'iriotable
items of iiiU-rt-st, was au orjr a proj r .aling a
tarn eqrial to one f.i-jrtli tho ct of trecting a
bridge acrona tho Bantiaai at Oruon'a Vcrrj'-pio-rided
the turn dota not exceed tin tbou.aLd
CAra-Mire 4ttelttn.
rjht atndoutu bdonmi to t!i .Vnivorsity
dnhated the a mutton. " itcwol n d, that the
Orange organization U ilttriintntal to the lt
intertsta of tho comaiiu'.ty." on Eri lay night.
Airntxlerowl of ladi.a a id K nili-mi a wim
prejeut. The avbjret i naid lo fcuve 1k. n ably
handle J ou both aiika. Tin crowd win iilo m-
ttr U:ut J with o:ne Bui ni a-r. .
A I'nrluwtl;.
A scntlenian wlws nanaa we did not get,
brought in a carioaity ye-tterday which u of pi
cud interOBt. It ia a aeeuon of au oak tree about
a foot i ahicb oouUiiua a buck's born.
the cuds of which protrude on each aido. It
atn that the hum was deposited iu tlio fork
of a amall tree and the wood has crown solid
around it. It U on exhibit on at this oP.i.'c.
SALtH, 1'ay 4, 1876,
Iioaid o D.rtctors nn t p tiai it -f adjourn
ment. ,
rrcf tnt, n n. J. W. Orim, riosidcnt; lion.
N. Cooke, Jon. Watt knd W. II, Ilurrcn,
Hon. 1". X. Matl.i w. J. Hi tiry Brown, Secreta
ry, an.l Vi:l;vn H. Iteei (.'onoipondin; Secro
Jlr. Rons moved that tlio re union be extend
ed to cuutiuue for two dava, 13th nd 16th of
Jane next.
On motion, Mr, Jo. Witt and S. G. flood was
appointed a eotntutttee ul araatiEetiKUtH, in ro-
ard to fatiw w ith the ili:5',.iont companioa
Can iml,
Tho unl j.-el of :r ir.miniu was t tUn lip and
ronhidori'd in J .tail.
Joseph llohnau, of Marion, Amis Cook, of
I'mnhill, A. h. I,ivej-iy, of ClaeltamM, and Me
hirani Crawfor l, of M iltiioiuali, wero elicted
.-ilandard hijarei-i. '
Tiio piece of nmsio known aa Oreicon, (a
Quickstep) coinponed by A. Metz, iu 1S13, the
ouly copy in exlt-'eii'i', was seloclo 1 to bo plaed
by the hand as t!u-l -ading pioeo of music.
1 ne cointattioc ot arrangements to appoint
fio fl-mr man ictera of tlta ball..
Mr. Co'ike n.oved Ihat the l.iil ticUts be
pi a;t.-J at 2 wiihout ftiptu r.
Alt. r cor.sI.Krahlj diicusion in r-irird to fi
nancial mat'CM the Board alioi.rned until
Im k r. H.
p jrxisAXirE or crcacttM t thi f.uh o Rorstw
Tha proci-ssion will firm oud t tho dircctio:i
of the Chief Manual. Tiios. C. ti'na.v, at 10S3C
oVl H-k, A. M., J inn 13, 1173, on the plank wall
cnHtndinz east from the raiiro.i l traclt at
Fair gfound.-i, in the following order:
Fust Band Musi'-, "Oregon."
Sevon J Pioneer Similar J.
Toird Proidi nt and Vied President.
Fourth Chaplain and O.ator.
Fifth Me nitre of fie ricuot-r anl Hlolor-
ical So: ill of Oregon.
Bixth Uosord tig an l Cjrre'piuJing Sserc-
Uriea and Tica nreri.
Scvo ith Invited gac-atu, male and female
E.g'.itli Membora of the society, male and fe
male, who ctiu-j into the Territory prior to J n
narv, IHl, followed bv the threa divisions to
January, Hoi, each uiyision with an appropn-
ata btune-.
Ninth FiitnJi of the iVx;ia:io.i, mi'.a and
feiiiul' .
First ataxic Hail Coiunabia.
Seaotli Prhaei by the Caaplain, Etv. W. H.
Third -Innrudi Al.lre?j. by Sjn. ft. T.
Foartli Muaic.
I ifth Itecets.
Firt ! o'o'sck, Picnic Dinner.
S.-coud 3 o'clfaclt, Address by Mi's. Jennie
E. Dawn?, followed br musical entertaiumen
in the Paiillioo by I'ionoer ymng ladies anu
Tlitnl At 7 oiil lck, daiein? in the Pavlllion.
Fourth 7 o'l jck. Pioneer Love Feast, open
ing address by Hon. 8. F. CUaJwiek, who will
bo followed by oihorJ, with lima limited to 15
miiiahs to each speaker.
Pioneer hoa l inartera in Portland, during the
Centennial Celd ration, for tlio prpoiK of en
rolling the uames of those who may ehora? to
liccomo membcra.
There was some discussion on vovornl mi:Hnrs
not necoaaarj to bo maile public.
On motion adjourned.
J. W. GtttJt, President
J. Hrnhv Brown, Bec'y.
'O R R E l' S D K X ' I " .
i.r.riTJt i'ku.m ohi:ioi i it.
Omxiox City, May 4, 1S70. '.
Stopping uttlia ni'itiy little stations be
tween Sttli'in ami Oregon City, for several
lays, we reached tltU place yestenViy mid
fott nl miioh to admire. In tl"' v! -in'M- of
Aurora everything as times an an oi u.o.e
than ordinary iudii-try; the liotno nro
tniH'li better constructed, luttd better culti
vuted ntul the liotnes lnul an appearance of
comfort that In I not been ob-erved In
other phices bv the writer. Arriving t
tltrjron Cilv- I v ''in !it". i- ' i train we
liinnd everythioj.. i .,tli r Utto a rcaaril
luttiru bnsiites pto'ieeH. 1 he (. S. N.
Coinpanv have ' imrclwoeil about all
tlio hints ou the river. . anil now
the ehtnees nro favorable tint the
n;) conaltv trillic of the river will pass
ilir;i-li the lock, and tliTi Weenie a l itire
""tion ot the truth- and hu-lne-'S Irom
Oregon City to the o h r iile of the river.
i , llilngs ire ruiher unit tor tills pKiee.
antl cvet y crowiNit' men wo met leAiilii tl
to the I iot that ' IhlitRs look hhte ;" ami.
indeed, everybody we me', wore a blue
'ook. or, at lea.jt, had a bine appearance
1 1 o mi t them.
The Ilcpnlilicin Stale Ticket meet the
approval of Clackamas folks '"! tlieio h
nii Upw lor I.ane in Ibis enmity.
.lo-eph rn,Met. formerly a slteletit o(
'lie Wiiluuiette Ciiiver-iiy, :it Salem, died
few (lavs since' - A Watl.
The fire at Mr. McC.iS.linK' yelurd.iv after
noon reminds us that there are many other
hous.s in Salem that are apparently a tit piool
as this one on which there is not a dollar of
insurance. It is folly to argnr; that because
your house is bardlluished and care-fully built
that it is safe. II -re was as well built a bouse a
we know of in S,.l m and eonsid -red as safe.
Even Mr. McC&alin hf eituted aVont renewing
the insurance last mouth, suggesting it wa al
most fire proijf. Tiio dry weather is Coming on
and we msy look out for frequent b and
sound business men never hesitato to invent in
legitimate insurance. The Phoenix of Hart
ford bears the loss yesterday. Messrs. Feed A
Orawford are agents for that company, tile.
North British, Mercantile nd Edinburg.
. Jacksonville May J, lWO.
lCn.STATKfMAN : A 'g"iitlo mist" of-
the Willamette stylo lias been to-day pat- !
terlng on the roof occtsioually, Apparently
to remind ih of what wc tn iy expect next
winter again. The people of Juck-onvilla
aeein to et joy a sliowc-r more thuttdowo
of tlio more iiil;:enoiH portion ol tl.e
State. .I.icksonvillu J looking up foaiiu
and notwltlthndiii"; tho universal cry of
hard t'unea in this valley buiiK.-M U very
good for ft place fo Itir ttoni market.
Mr. Clieesl)ioiih of our place (who linn
'ie.u here for few days) ntul Thomas
iuunlnghnm, your popular hardware
dealer (who came by titag ! last iiight;hao
both gone on to Yieka.
To-tliiy I liad the plea-tire ot a visit with
A. 15. and Mrs. Maltio Ctinlwell, recently
Miss Mattie Crave-, the . on'omplMad
datizhter ol Wesley Graves, lite well and
favorably known lautlloid of ll;o Cotniner-
ci il hotel of S iletn. They arc at present
making then- home in I Ii- vi ry pleastint
t'liiiilv and under the htniiital tout ol
lmi;e Caniwell the la!lier-in-!;tw of the
hapy coupiilc. Tliey are preparing lur
the const-iietion t it n nee on
i hetiiiltlul site on their own
lands ahoiit one in'.ln I'toin the u'ly. Mat
in tells tne that on their i'av out Irom
Ito-clmrg llio staot) only up-i t w'tili llieni
twice v inch served to s iuie t-xtri.t to re
lieve the inono'.onv of the "joit, iolt
My old friend ami tutor. 15. l-.Duwell,
took nie down to bis beaut tlul resitlenci
ibis alteruoon and showed tne hn largt
collection oi (teuio"iv,-ii nun iossii peel
nviis. II- has llieni nirnoce'1 '
many of them are beautiful and reallyu
vi nniiei tut. It is the Illicit KiilecUun I
the State.
I have to-night, with the n-?l-tance ol
Slate Deputy, Hev. J. S. AloCain otgan-
i.ed a bulge of Cooil litnplars here, with
twenty-three charter applicants. It gives of sncce-s in baltling the evils of
inleinueninOe. Frank Knpafcr is W. C. T
Maria Caniwell U . U.S.: Wal'nce,
I,. 11. S.: Elva McCain, V. V. TV: Dora
E. t.;anlwe!l. V. XV. C.T.: and J. W. Dol-
lathide, Eodgd Deputy.
Stage ready iiixl I mti-t ('ate ns U i?) ofl
for A'hland, sixteen miles away. Iu
haste. Yours etc.
XV. Tl. DirxBAit,
W. I'. MUTil, IW.
I'll vhIcIiii iiikI fit i-ir"m
ma 5 3! f
.1. w. nioAi i:i:, m. i., .
L'la.yaslc-iitit n J i ; i .
OFFICE-Orlswold's Block, TTj Btalrs.
ui l
lra. Hull A. licj iioIcHm,
:ivsk I lS AM) hi Iiili:0!VS
UiKires' ItliK-k, Salem. ftepsdawtl
Dr. E. Y. CHASE,
OIU in Diiiliiu'i
block up
Attomev-at-Law and Notary Public,
F.iif?ene City, Orenrm.
A 1 1 ti-n ey-'tl-LM'W,
Will heveal'ter lie found nt the soutbeaat eornear
room ol' Kccil'a i iisaa IIoukc, iiiiaos.
Siileiii, (h t. 4- hi.
1)11. I,. S. SSili-'i1",
Assisted by C F. TUCKEH,
Over the Bank,
f.Ai.i:i. .... oiuiio.1.
WeaUae Ui'SMart -April, 1IIT.
Paring the month of April. 1876, there men
19 d7 during which rain fall, giving au aggre
gato waterfall of 1.37 iacfae. diatrlbatcd M fol
low : On the Ji .01; Oth, .03; 8th, 23; &ih 14;
10th, .1G; 13th, 14th, .fi: lfrth, .40; 16th,
17th, .Ti 21at. .43; 22d: .52; SM. 14; S4th, 82;
!B,63i !. ati 23, 22; 30, PU.Tkar were
olear, and 8 cloudy day other than those on
which rani Ml. Frwta ocenrred on lb 4, 5,
II, and 19. A bail atirm at 1 r. a. o the 10 Jj
eonUnutag about 30 minute covering the
ground with had of an Inch dwp, the itone
buinc about the rzc f buck -slut. Thnnder
and lightning on (he iilst from K, W, to K. E,
at S r. at. aoeompauieJ with rain. Lunar baioa
on the 3d and SUth.
The mean temperature fur the month war
47.81 deg. The highest daily nieaa temper
ature for the month waa SS dei;., on the 2HUi."
Lowost daily mean 4!) deg, onthe 21.
Mean tem;-ratiire (m the loontliat 2 r. M..
tl.23 dog. Uighmt tliorni-im t;r f ir the month,
tl deg., 2 r. at. on tlie 27th, Invest thermome
ter 3C deg. on the 10th at 7 a. at.
The prevailing wind were final the sou In
during 11 days, K. W., 7; 8. E , 1: N. 8.
During April H75, there wore 7 dy which
rain fell with tu i.giegate ruitifall tf 123
inohoa, 13 clear and 7 cloudy days other than
thuae on which rain ft 11.
Mean U-mporotnre for the month. 54.72 deg;
highest daily. 70 dug. on the 13th: Iowwt, 80
dg. on the 4th. T. PKaaett
, Com, May ' ' '
Lavater thought that your taal ae'.f is a av
erage somewhere between the upiuiuu vi year
enemie and yuur friends.
i It ia not qnite certain how muck 8U warl.left.
It in quite eurtaio, iiowover, tbiit be loft all be
i ' "
When woman Cud., alio has in rritd a prod.
B;ll '' s bould ariae au I o to ht-r fkiher.
1 Fbntyofgiin la tii !tl-k HiUn ' -on
' ji" and "poker" nrelimiinttc. '
j Kelkv fsirvat tJ
I F. E. Ilo Ikins. E-T .is anihorUis 1 tv re
1 Culpt for neO'iit i' -lue or Ihat may k-piw
d'10 the ST ATM-MAS ' nit ndvortt-lng or
' Stlbscriptiini. ii'l w ill i"o act as hnrt1 10
. porter lor the pier.
llUUllI" ll.-iMl- ll Oil '.
Thu womlcrfiil, living. Unttbip-hesded
i CH that Imn attracted o much attention
In Port land, wilt b on exhibition to-day
In Salem. TM freak of nalure I as one
liead, two ho lies and aeveii lejjs an I leer.
' Tlie feet on the legs of the smaller body
! are like the hoofs of a horse. The animal
i W owned hy Iiho'ic! WiUoti of '".'n!hl;.gton
Territory, who 1- now on his wujr to the
t.Ientetinial exliibit oil at I'liiladelphia.
Admi-I hi. 23 cents ehihli.-n' u ;.ln Id
years ol iie, ll til puce,
The Santa Ulta mUn-s arc yielding well CO
ouacta yvrri bwnghj An on, Jm. 8th lii-t.;
lltree onnoeabtilrt it wie nugget. I.ivhig
Is ahout as cbep at the places as iu Tul
it. Cooking for Mtnvr'.f and furuUhlng
hi' own food a man can live for ('20 a
mouth. Akizoka Citizen.
Tstaimi His Ieprlure.
Capk 0. C. Appleeate leavu the Capital City
on Monday next for his home in Lake eonnty,
to rotor iu 8 -ph-mber next aa a member ol
our fitate lae-uislatHin. H ha made many
friend during hU stay in Halcm, aod it is re
ported formed a little aitat lunent Uich ia liable
to exist aa long aa he lives. We wish the Cap
tain health aanl prosperity, and hope to aje hix
agaui in a few mouths. r
Captain Bo-bia'on and l.ieiiV nant Adoliih of
the Capital Ouards, bav reaiguod their Com
missions, ami the company will bo called upon
to nil tlwir places at the next tnoPtiug. The;
leave tlie company with arms and arocnid, iu
good condition. Good and active tmn should
oe eleck-d, who will push forward the work ol
Itiing the ooiujwny tu the in.ximnm. and pre
mrnia thuui for t lad ' tu: dve duties of the
olduir. . .
a-ulrHdltl U inner.
Hon Matthew F. Deady, Joaeph Watt anl J.
W. Orim, the commit toe appointed at the last
annual mowting of tlie Fiomr Society to devujc
and provide au appropriate banner for tlieuaeol
die Society, menu Baleai ou the 4lh mat. ana
adopted the following deecriutiou of a design :
size of the banner is to tw 7x10 lout ; the
field to bj divile.l in a six compartnients,
la'geoue lathe ceuirj, tliree smaller ones on
the bottom, and two ou the lop. Iu the oeolre
compartment is to be a j stating representing
(lie arrival of au miuiiaail baiu at the Dalles,
with a vu-w of M innt Hood. The front of the
train is ciaitml. ui!hi 1UJ ationui'. aliilu tb
rear is vo, arriving. The lower middle cm
jurtunmt is to ooutain a view of the mouth ol
tlie Columbia river, wiih an English ves--l anil-
rng away and an Aoisdoi w tswiwK. The
duaigu for tlie other two lower conipoi'toinnk
have not et be.u twrfieted. One of the uppei
oompartuaeBta is to too lain . ue ia the Will
amette valley, on tho WJlaim ttc l iver, and th
nie. ling f cvlii ilsts iu tl y at is4: at wbi -h i
wasvou-l to'estahllVn (lie' provisional govern
inent. The otiier upojx compartment is not yet
ooiupleted. Al the outor au I lower edge of the
uiiddlt- compartiiK tit are two supporters, one i o
Indian kneeling with a dawn U ami tho o'h
ur a Piouevr with l itleat his "shutibler, taking
aim at hi Indiuii adversary on 'ti e opposite
side. The whule to ha surmmntid by the
Anioricau Einlv wi'h a streamer pendant from
bis beak conlaiuing tiiu l.-gtn.l "Alis Volat
Propriis." t she Hie, withhuronu wings. llou.
C. A. 11 xd is i se'U'.ing th i work, a id his well
kn n n-puti-'U as ati artis; i i;p-9 the work
lur. ml iit. sj.iir vi-iate i'hurae..-r ol the denin
T:a in a 5.;.u'l b i-.i-n.-'.e'.i-.l ia time 1- t
the r'-TMoii which 'uke. pi ice m at uv nib.
Fii-at 9 o'clock, election of office rs and busi
ness meeting of Society.
Becond 11 o'clock, form a procemion and
marub to the stand where Hon. John 14 into
will deliver the Descriptive address and cull the
roll ca'd ofl814. , , .
Third 1 o'clock, Pieuic Dinner.
Fourth 2 o'cl-jck, Pjttn-Capt. O. C. Apple-
gatt-. . '
FifiU Singing by students of the schools of
Salem, nnder the direction ot Prof. T. H.
On motion, E. II. Limsou, of Dayton, was
chosen Chief Marshal. Aula Daniel Clark and
Jam's Elkins.
Htandard Beareiw Ben Cornelius, Hiram
Smith. Frank Biiaw and B. F. NichoU.
mviUOH STSMlAlill bKiKEll-.
1840-r. L. Parrish.
ltWl Francia Bjruier.
lMf- Mederam Crawfoid.
1813 W J. Qarrison.
1814 Wm. M. Case.
1815.-Oreenbery ami Ji.
18 7-F. XV. Over.
1817 Chris Taylor.
13r ALioB. Watt.
1K49Capt O. H. 1 landers.
1830 Geo. Come. ye.
1H.11 )
1S52 , Will be announced in few d, vs.
Board met at 7)0 o'clo k.
I'roM-ut, all membei- who were at the ifter
uocaa session.
First busiu' ss being tho programme, it was
perfeetc 1 . .
Mr. Rocs read th ; following presmble and
resolutions, which was on motion adopted:
Whereas, An invita ion his tn-ea exietnlod
by the Centenuia' Exicutirt; Committee iu the
name of the citizens of Portland, to the Pio
neer Association, its niemb rs to be present and
join iu e lebrating the biindrelh auuiversary of
Our National Iadepeudence, anl
Wheukas, ,T. W. Grim, President of the As
K-iatioo, has iu behalf of its members accepted
the invitation ttins cxtrnduil, then foro the fol
lowing snggesflons are rCTiie-ctfully sal-mitted to
th consideration of Uiis mi eting.
Fiiht That the Board of Oiroctors be rvtpics
ted to confer with thj Ce-itcuuiil Executive
CoiniiiH toe for tlie purpose of so 'uriie; a suita-
hlo hall or plai-vfa the city to be used as head-
piartors of the I'ionoer Association, durjng the
xntirtii.U ci'lobi atioii. .
fciecond Tiiut this lues ting doi-igua'e a ine-ni
Is-i of the organization to perform tlie duty of
pnkesuniti or orator, and when oci'asi-m may
repiiri iu the regular order of exccrciacs, io re
spond in behalf of the Pioito?!' Associatioa.
Thi.d Tnat a Marshal an.l two aids lie
lot ted to act during the celebration under the
goneral order of the Chief Marshal of the Cen
tennial jubilee.
Fourth That m firming the Pioneers in pro-
cession the same ordr r usel at the annual re
union shall be ob.orrjd, and the national flag,
the prund and division banners of tho Associa
ting when not in use, shall be placed iu charge
f tin Marshal of the Association .
K.tV. r,.,iil..- ,. -,:!-iig bee., laiy of tie
1 A .soeiuti in be authoi iie 1 to keep the register ut
tiarn Burned.
The city bell give the alarm of fire last
evening at C o'clock and S ilent turned out
almost en masse to see the Inn. It pn ved
to be a stable immediately b ick of the cen-
tptl school house, the property of Gottllsh
Borringer. The fire department was on
hand promptly Hnd did inot excellent
service in wiving surrounding huildii gs,
several of which were hut a lew yards dL-
tant wiiilc citizens generally lent a help
ing hand in protecting the neighboring
resiliences. Tl e loss va probahly about
$230 and it is stippo-e-.l the fite was star
ted by some children playlu; In and about
the building. .'.','..
Ctualliy ol' l hi Ulood.
Cpon the quality of the b'.oo.l dJpeuds, in a
great measure, the vigor and heltu of the
body If the blood is wanting in nutritious
properties, the muscles, ate sure lo bo weak ana
flabby, tho nY-sh deficient !u ciuaDtlty, the skin
shallow and dry, the cheeks holbw, and the
eye-s lustreless. To improve tho quality of the
blood, stimulate digestion and assimilation with
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Under tho influ
ence of this strength-creating cordial the body is
efficiently nourished and tlie flesh con
sequence, more abundant, the muscles become
compact, the cheek is tinged with a healthful
color, and the eye retains its brightness. tTbe
Bitters also free the blood from impurities by
stimulating the kidneys and bun-els to thor
oughly perform their duty of carrying off the
refuse of tho system, which, if not entirely go
rid of, poisons the vital current.
In the city May 8. 1S7H, Nellie, on'y
daughter of C. W.'and 1. M. Sears aged
is mouths and two days. Funeral takes
place at 2 o'clock r. M,, to-day, Irom tlie
parent, one door noith of Prof.
f'nril of Ttinnk
I herebv extend my sineere thank to
the Sa'e tl Fire Department and ell.e:is
geueral'v for their promptness and vaiut:
ble assistance rendered on faturduy be.
iu subduing the flames that threatened to
destroy my dwelling In this city.
J. W,
uocroit w. hi:ato,
Iliyic;Inn und Siir;coa,
Olliec w Itli C. XV. & Co, Brokers,
Commercial Sireet,
ry streets, Salem, Oregon. marttUt
Reiil Estate Agent, City Survey
or, Civil Engineer and o- !
tary Iublic. 1
aT Office In ration's Brick Buirdints, lis
11. AUtE5iTEa,
l'ltvwloian tintl Hurgcon.
tc Onjiosite Bennett House.
apr2S75 Salf.m.'.Okegon-.
tir,t. v It,? . 1A 1S7C 'Ihn I'i .Unwtliir urtmi.rlT
lo-wit: . One sua n oi annul work maics and three
sets of harnesf. one xat milch rtw, mm aooil
breeding sow awl nine pigs, rtuo Mock liegs, one
two horse wagon and other Tarmtng tin plelnents.
one set blacksroltb tools, oiio shut u,un, etie cook
ing store, two bedsteads, and nuup' otfior articles
too numerous to uioullim. i 1 '' '
, Terms of sale, six tniiith" creiljt -ob all sum
over slO. All sums under suit, i-ai In harm.
.-: ,' ,-A. WiXUiluTON
May 1876. ?,
tate Agents, office in Ihe old Court Hnwn,
Salem. Oregoe.
C. H. DAVIS, M. D.,
Pliy&icitin nutl JSm-yt-oii,
Temlers bis services to the people
of sjeiuand vicinity. lie will go anywhere in the
state to act surgically wnun caueu uiou. amc
' Krliool nesllnr.
An adjourned meeting of the electors ol
school district No. 21, was held at Rei d's
0Kra House l ist evening. The directors
to whom was referred the subject, alter
of erecting new buildi.ig,teported adverse
ly suggesting rather that a (in and tm f
mill tax bo levied (in addition to the pres
ent thive; for the purposeol building ad
ditions to tho No-th and -South Silini
building' and otherwise rf ptlrii g tb6 rc
ntalng buildings whic'i report wa adopted.
E. F. Williams the retii h g clerk fclibmlt
ted his usual repirt alter wIlc'i tlie meet
ing a ljouraeJ sli die. - : ... ;
.Ttanslnsixliler t
Dr. A. JI. Kelt of this city was a pas
senger on the southern bound train this
morning checked through tu Ttosi burg ;
he had lieen summoned una I encli war
rant lo lestif in the case of the Suite v.
I'almer arraigned for uiaiisluughtcr.. T' e
ih'lfudant was the attendant physician at
a cise ol childbirth wherein it Is claimed
the patient died lor W'liit' of proper treat
ment. Tlw cae Is attracting considerable
attention and Drs. II iwtliorne and Wat
kliis, ol Fortland. aeunmpauletl liiai, all
b'ing siuninoued on behalf of the de'ense.
; 86 00 ,PEIt;ASSl'.H.
E'ght l agee Tlilrty-tW(i?olurans.
On Ihe ra.-.llh: Coast. Ouedjllar and twenty-flve
cents iH-annum, tncludlrg psstt g ,
, D. H. STEARNS, Manager.
' ': SALEM, 0RE0OX. , .';
Ollce opposite tho Bank.fn Grlswold's ltVock.
I Ol 1 . : V (lUt-'iaf j, ,-
Office and resilience on Liberty street, opposite:
tlie Itaotist t liureli, Sjilein, Oretron. decll.TJf
Attorney mid Couiireelor nt laaw
Salem, Oveou.
lairs, r
A ( bnllenae.
Kt). Siaii'man : V'u the alllniiatlve
ot the (pii st'.on, 'TU-solvcd, That the
U range as c'at'o i is ('etr nient tl to the
best interests ot tl.e eountiy," ditcussed
at the University list I riaday, c al i j.e
the negat ve to a t.i b ic d battt on tl e
same quest'ot, at fi ; Willamette Univei
slly, May 2 ill', 1S73. Mg n il,
ClIAS. .InllNs'.
.1. II ! il l , May-,
1 II. vvnt .
Eureka Market !
R. E. NURKIM, Ii'oii-letov.
lCeeiK Con-aautly on kind a full
Assortment of ;
STA f: NTHERT. iHem (rcicnn. , j
SiicH ta D. . A A, U.iOiily, Ji.f IVw'OJ--
t-t Hi;l on ll.lltta Hi) Mil -l.- i 1
Also a c-onit stack of SSt'dAH (TKHIl II A MA,
IHH l.lit.Rs. HKKAKFAfiT HVCoS. 1'OCL.
l it V, e'.i . ile lveieil tu all pulls ol Ike ulty oa
suor notice. .,.., , ; i : , (i ; ; . , . ,
SaTCattle, Hog$ and Poultry Bought.!
Furniture Knems, ouly, on 'Cemm ;ro al
street. In htarkey's Block.
The Best in
ti7 a 1 1 and s e tliem.
Jcr-s..n, Aull IU ld73
All woia.war t
Oltl.-e in Pall. iii'a Bitc.k Bmlding,
VHoritey tiiul Comiiselor at Law4
It innis in Butler's Store, Dallas, Oi-cgon.
Will maul Ice In the S'ale and r. S. Courts. !-
tatlnn a specialty. JNO. J. 1ALY.
Allriicj-Ht-I.utv. t
fllll -e In Pin-tlnnd In I Offlcdtn Oreoron Wt.
Opltz's new brick. No. I Chai-inau's Bluck, Mtihk
13, First street.. I street. ,
j. UukIjAT, Portland. E. U F.ASTitAM
noviaiiui Oregon Ctty
Y'amhlU l ouulv, known as tho Armstrong
Hu m, lor sale at a treat saoritlee. Will sell aay
where fi-oni 100 to liooaiiref, all improved.
joNKi exn Kittsosr,
feb29ll ' Salem, Oregon.
'STOD:::;:200TH .EDITIQaL "
1 A 13 H 0 0 D
E. le 1". t l KT1S, M. !., Ktk
A Me essay on the cniife and cure of pn
inalurc dtvline In man, slum I ng haw health Is lot
and how regained. II gives a ulnar synopsis ef
die Impediments to marriage, .the treat meat oft
nervous and physical debility, onliausteU vitality,
and all other ainici taliiing thereto; tbare
suit of twenty years siic-essfiil iraollce.
Cl RTia os "MANHiHiii. "-There is no inrm.
bor of am-letv by whom this bxk will not he-WHiirt
uaotul, Tho her in- tureiit, jireceiaor (S'oleriry
inau. Zsmdon Tim, i.
'CrRTta o " M.MHKin." This Imok sBonM
herea.l bythe you ig li.r Ui-trnciinn, and by th
affllotsl rorirllfl! it will inline uo enu. -iinitait
TimriandQuirttt. x.
fiie -one Hollar, t,y nmi (), expressi AiV-
ilreis Ihe author, UK. I TR l is, -,(, Sutler atme
or P. O. Ilox J7 san Frim lwo, Cat. auL,
The, BpYiJ' OWN" is mii ft
FR E E lor one inomh. A tilrasa
IKy' . i. in wsi, ll-ion, atf..