t WISTSKJY ORJSGONT STATESMAN. TELEGRAPHIC. frjr I.nltsl Vwa J ftrla. EASTERN NEWS. faiirca ai Mntonsra. Paris, May fl.-Frnra rietiiU of the out raj,'" t Knlonh reoilve.l here, it appear that Hie l iiilt-ci Slate enisnl interfered for tft tiroteetion of a (atvek girl, who vm the innocent eatise of iliaturtiauce, and comlucted her t the conaulute in a carriage. An exelteil mob thereupon surrounded the conau lato, hikI the French ami Herman enn imla, who were brothera-ln-la w, mid. both related by marriage to the Amer ican consul, believing lilm to bo in danger, proceeded to his itasistuuee' and on the way were attacked. The Italian ooiihuI informed the Uov ornorofth atate of nflUiro, and lie wilt troop to the relief of the Ariiet i can consulate, which wits beolctiod by the rabble. A special from lierlin say Hernia ny Jihd uotw-pled the 1'ort'u otter to liive aatiafaction for the Kalonica out rape, provided the promises be carried into tfl'ect immediately. 1'ap.ik, May 9 A t'.iipateh my the reports of t tie outiao at Kalonick re eeived represent th-i the Freucli and (.icriiiau c.-iimiIh were dniitijt-d from the at recta into the moKiitie ai.d there ! tubbed. The Uoverner arrived at tlie luonque after the murders imd been oompLHeJ. eerelarj' tUtmtnm, Vaiiim';to M T ft. A-Md'emenf bus been lili-lal to the h"--et llial Iliistnw suspended pf-w'ediitj(4 against .In, i'.tuk iter, who via clt. i-mr nl i ..I-ruii I revenue kt i,otJillet f .. a ilefinlti r ti) t! the ex tent of tH'-' '"'eati-e jlii t-t r. lather ol M'- I'' i-tow, " hii ilictl ifi-.-i.tly K-nvitig Mr. Kri-iow a l.ai.d.-nnie 1 r-n-y. is on llm UhhI of lite ilrtiiulit r. 1'nou till Milihef Ih- treasury reco'ils -how that .latin i JiiukMr lout In-en lr - rul year-' a-l co.ltemr of inivi i.nl n vi inu' f..r the 5 h illtrht. K-iilm y. lie 1- il f mi ter lr i i lOU.l'HO. or any otl.i r Mini; Lnt tliirin;; last u inner In I'n-u ci-hier. Jackon siilwaaiin.nl I v ' imnnii n d Mi'ie'ide. The 1h- .i- nl-.:oi-r d hyl'.il-toiv lie fore It known lit I.omI- Hie, Ail of IUK-kuer's ImmI. are mi tlie in I he I enemy he-e ami an mi in illation ol liiini show that II lute Mr. Miii was never on any of lliem. "Ike In-1 bni.ilatt;!y Minrtii in the government by Hie collet-tor's bonds ,f aJl.ili.UOO Mini curt-tie ttiii.-b Hit) worlli more tlmii 1 (tOO.OOO. Ibickner liax now a m tiou t"r rt lit f befoie lioiiir tif lit-pn --iit).tiit . !) -M-tl ly tliizcus tl Kentucky tvh hu re'ird to pmty. " Lr r ieBlil- rillLADKl.fUlA. May 10. Tlie .city pre sented a leuiai kulle appt-arniiu; hMlay. Clival illt at reel anil nil llieiiiiiii tlroiij:l. lure were dm-ru'ed with biiiilbig.ainl lie. llependi-m-e Hull Oiled witli a I. umber ol ttaiiFpHreni-ieis calcium li'hlt. ' Ureal pi-ogrea iaen unUe In clenulng tlie exlnlillioii building ol ititiUeh. I ruin ol cars UiuHid with empty btixt. old lum ber, t tc, bnve Iweu oitij out of I lie ground all day. The uniiii piwage wiy of me prineipni uuntiiit niv nuw m reectahle ile lor piit-..liiari. There remain, however, much inr.eiilerlitg t be dune in tlie fotvln dertMient. Ol tlie great exliibil urn bui Id iocs that ol the government U in the tluest order and Hie nioxt advanced atate of preparation, and nothing 1 to be done, but to clear amy debrl. The Invitation to participate in the opeuiuc cere aim den to-MKnruw tmuiber from 3U.00U to 40,000 ; tlien! include Kin peron". Kings, Qrerua. aud Pn-Hideuw of foreign couutriea, loreigu uihilHera, coo lula, judgea ot tlie bonreiue courta, ooo ; greanuibn, etc., with their wives. Capt. Warner, ot tlie 4th U- S. regular artillery, arrived tw-dajr alia hi com mand. The Krnpp cannon from Germany. will not be D'f 'I on exbpiil ion Oil week, owing to UiellC'euliy ( removing it from tlie Ve-I. " Tla mpre ol Itrazil hns been re ' qtMwiod and canifd to alart I tM ma ' cliloery in the ladUi'a pavUliea mi the )ieiihig d.ty. Tlie Boston Lancer. Capt. Kuiory, liUiula-riiig 1 H nun, arrived this atleriiiHHi. They will, dnriuir the three day of their May, do guard riuty fur Maw- acbu-etu. 1 lie e-iver..uii-iit uik of pn-p-arutiou on the viand luniijrural platlurm was tiul-bed llu eveninj; Hud everything U ready fur the uerenionlea. Mo-l vt nu- tuU in vicinliy ( tlie grouixU are crowded to-nitl't. 1'ivsi lent limn: and f , !Sv relary and Mr, i'l-h, jtola-aon, Tuft, Chandler, Juw. ll and llieir iv.-, and LKiiii IVdro and member ol bis Kitite. Hie JSuprenieCoiir , lUinjjieSMiien, army and naval ollla-rs and others ai rived thin afei nooo. tllvrr t ln DMuikiI. . Kkw Yikk, May 9. The total amount ol f-ule.Nlnr.yi.vei- .IiiiiimiI Iw-re niuee April 20. i l;t.aU.U0. Tlie prein uiii. Ixxnever, iia not Jel entirely diauppeureti, it to-day bringing a half to one per cetit. which i paid ty broker, who find a i no- tit in ahipplng l lie new cnhi to tSau Fran- cIdco, wlieie there U a fceurciiy. 1 lie new ailver coin, worth about V5 eeuta in gold, can be ot. lalned here at oar in e-eenlm.k". or 8H4 gold. It U naid that fdO.OUO were aoliliMnl yentenlny. I lit- It yll in Uuforluiiate that the teiideuev of tlie li Ml atep toward npucie payment should be lo level down the currenev of 'lit- only cc- tiouof cuu itiy tfiat h i-, iimhitiiined specie paymeiit througlHHit ad cur currency trouble. Mvlljr Neitiil.r MiMatetral. I'oTTSVlU.t May 9 -Iu the Voh Diurder trial !-liiv. tieteetive Jas. Mi l'hardeii coin inn. d iii leliitiouy hi regard o tne M.Tt-i i ru(H)ii ol tti fi.-c:leil Molly M.igtih-es. or tin- Ancient Order of Jlila ruiaim. i'lie witi a tt'stirled lo hav ing been asked by ri. ne l oixlon, x waicliii.au at tlie jail, lor a pi-lol, with v men to miioot a ctrlaiu party cusiH-cled of having laien coiieetned in the klldug of juci.u luster anu ul waggiai 1 atc.i. He also testified he knew wnu nhot Oottier; that llie piatui Willi w hi .ti the deed wa lone waa now in hi IHixsession. V ttness atUindcd the ouuty convention mi (;inu.l- Vllle on the 4 ll of July la-t. lie appeanal i there in ihe ciiieitv of secretary of the i bh i.m.d mIi diiisiaui of ("lie oidi r. A llll llb r of pr-:ill lei t llie il'i. l nl kin o; ' d-r v. p.t. (.-:, -.hi it: 'a n-s Km rlun, now in Ui-llilelieui juii wailing the penalty ol llm Iiw for Hie miirdt rof .l.me.. NViti-en furl her twtiliexl that John .1. Stut ter, at one lime a cindidate for the as-H-riaie jtnlge-dtip of t.hi county, wa ex-ielh-d from the order for giving inlni mo tion a to the Intention of tlie order, he liHV-ing told the iiihii that lieWMa innik liir a pi-ttol, and thua liiHtmred llitlr plauH. Mwre Trawpa In KradlMma. Cj.EVM.iNH, May 9. Tlie Hernld's Maitailoti, Uhio, ap-cial nays: (Jov. Hayea haa written lo Ad)ntant (Jen erul Wyckhoti; ex punning fer that the preaent force at Maasiloii would prove iiiHufHcient ahould IheJO be any I'm tl.ur disturbances in the mining diatrict. lie furthur inatrueta him to lake evry precaution audio liuve it thomuglily uudei'HtHd that t lie mili tia will remain until the lawlcsetieH In elHctually quelled. The Adjutant General haa xutnmoned two more eompanlea, who will arrive to night. The grand jury haa found numx-iou ludictmtuin againut pattieipuuta in the recent riola at FaimiriRU.u mi; e, but Ha yet no arreata liuve been inude. ml BnrbdM-a. In the hoiine of cohhiioup, today, Iowtber, under wecretury for colunial department Mated no liirlhur lin ing Uati oceured ut li irbacIoe!i. Uov lleu lieney teleKrupbed to tlie Ctilonial ol fii!rf that (tistui'baiu-ea oceured at To baio; i-4iU! unknown. A man-of-war had gone to Tobago. The ijiri of Carnarvo i, (Secretary of ri ate for the co o.dal department", telegraphed for furthur particular. Itlenictt I'ulitlr. Chicago, May 9. The city council to day held a action at which Colviti presided and approved the boiel given by Mr.IIoyne aa mayor. A ivmiIu! ion uus ottered which iir. Co'vio refused M enleitaiii, iin rucl ing ll.n lua.I.s of ifi parlineliia -o nt-oguize only Jl i.ytio a mayor, ami dt-claillig him ckclt-d mayor ol ClilCJigo. Altera hut debate in wl.ich ( inwn I'l.d Li auppurtcM liMik m I, a in inner nit tlie motion and the n m!u:.oii Ui.s carl ietl. To- i nightColiu bus isKUcd a p.nicliuiia- tiou te the Inuiia d" depart incuts or- eermg that llo-y do not recojuie Hoy ne. In another prnclamat.nii, nu dlffiti "to the guild citiz. tin of Clli CHgo," he declurca the city council, proce. duigf illegal, revolutionary and void, and onlla mi i lie citixrim to pro tect him lu hi right, an I bewaiviiow tut-y encourage ucii pioceeduif. laisub( run ti" r.iul. . ClllCAOO. May 8 Tla-re a rlot tl:i nioruii. in tlai lumber district Li l li - city. The slnkieg liiinln ryanl wnikmeii t nil er'y hour made mion vioh'i.t demonstra tion Hjalii-t il e men wlin were v.in kii i; for reduci d pay. that t!.e po ice n.Iei f-n d Slid a hand' to hand fi.t cu-ili'd. duriiis which -veral -h.its well' tired; Maine ol bicll bank ell' it riiepnliccar- rented a larzc number ot rioter m.d re Mored order. ChiCaoo, M iy 8. T!e riot-m lutntv-r wtwkiiicii lield a im-eiuig lo-ulght, at which a coticllialoiy apirit prevailed. TlH? atiggi-alluii that tla-y lorni tlieuiK lves into Motective union met with much tavor. and aiiiillier uieeliug wa uppninu-d for to morhe night. One ot the laborer, who waa ahot during an wcouuter with one of; llie firemen, died to-night. The workmen are chiefly Bolatnlan and German-, and liuve been urged to tlii strike by the no torious (JomiininUt of tlii city, l'oliee- men and s apanHal patrol of tlreinen are auardliic the aectiuii of toww wht re the oul break occarred. ' KaaMtae r ajartetn. IjttleRock, May 8. Eight convict ear ped from the stone un try near tlie penitentiary thl evening, by knocking tlie gnard dowu. They re all desperate char acters. Hanavjr Bnlw Ntvraa. SHMVKTWtrr, Iji., May 8. A very heavy rain atorm paai-ed over thiscliy at unUy nliiit and Sunday forenoon, lasting 17 iMMirs, A mil iivi r i iu vii ibie. I-l a y 1-aatloa.a, fur jMliig Utr ( cw Ivuu 1 I Cabtblilvai. PlIll.Alirt.I'IilA. May 8 Great progtess haa heeu made aluce riatuniuy in the prep aratiwna for llie opening ot tlie O-utetmial Exbihi'bati. 1'orti.Mis of Memoriul Hall arr ready, but there atill remain a l.irg ipiantby ot citfoldiiig and material in Ihe ivnter of tlie btdlding. Many car of the narrow gunge railway are on the truck and the manager promise to haie tl.uu reatbig to-iuorrov. Tlie Kiel eh exhibit of ilk Im been partially uncovered, but that pax-age way at tilled with boxe. The Kugii-h de mi tim-nt is progressing mpid!y. and must of tlie exliibitiuus prouii'ie to be n-ady Wednesday. Gen. Hawley iay the ground af tiie exhibition may possibly lie.araetiedoii (Sun day, but I lie d' uisioii cuii-rruiog the build ing U dual. ' Mt lrr Kli. Clkvelasd Ohio, May 8. It is re ported that about tifteeu old atrlKing nilnera wetit to work in ailver creek thia morning at 60 cent per ton, uu. der Uie protection of the Oiiio militia. All manner of threat a were male aval nut them by the r,tri kern, and J r ib ably a guerilla warfare will be reorj. ed to. , llirro Xen irMael. TMOMWKVHJ.K, Conn., May 8. V'eteriay tsjiueon MillM, John John aou and Kzra Marka drowr-iwi while crowing the river by the upsetting of m boat. KaMll(iMi arfalataat laaallMii, Fokt LAKAMir, May 7. Capt. Eg au, witli compuiiy K, aecroud infant ry, Lieut, liogera and 100 gisxl men in all, left l Ina morning fur the xceiu of the late Indian trouble in ited t'uliou. They are elllcient offi cer a aud wiil make it hot tor the lu dialia if they aee any. Kftsarui It IM Entit'. ClllCAOO, May 8. Di-patchev from va rious .iii( indicate that tlie alorui of Saturday waga ucral throughout States of Mi-si.uri and Kausa, and tiiat the plant ing of corn will be considerably delayed. Nr. M u tutor d Uratd. Hai t 1ak May ft. Mr. Mtunlord, of H'.clH sier. N. Y.. iinlherof the late Geo. tl. M unit, ii it. iee pre-idei.l V. I'. 'I'. Co.. illi .1 II I 'a u'ei.r M ilaopli XV at Ihe Towa r.e..w CUj III li.l-(.i; JoUlO.i). IHer, (lie Wurtler. 1tvs, M:iy ft. Thimvi W.Wper.opx tnn of U'urri'ii avenuo- church, under cn temv or death firtlie murder ol the child, Mabel Voting. I-, the belfry of the church lei voi deed that he wa the miKdererof Bridget Uiid. giin, hi 1S73, and the prin cipal in tlientr.iiigo and nearly fatal ftault on May Tyner in lliU city, two year, ago, l'!-r declares ho had no motive foi Hie crimes particnlary lor the murder of the child and cannot understand why he came to cVnnuilt the crime. It I 'itpposed he was actuated only by a lii-ndl-h l ive fur IInhMiciI. like tlw loy, ..se I'omeroy, who U mill in J til. 1'ipi-r nay lie ll.n hilherto lied nb .nt the matter to" blind Id cousel. knowing be could nt get their aid if they believed him guilty. In hi coiifct-doii ot ttie iiiiinicr ol Mabel Young. I'ia-r ftild. " I pv.k a cat Ironi the lower tooui Ht commencement ol scIkkiI to kl'l the -a inc. At thai timn I carried it up into the an lilorium, Inn during the ftwdmi. of the Stiad.iy miIkhiI I took it from I he sin lilnriuiii and carried to the beltrv. Alter the cli; of tlie achnol I ci ne down stair and opened the or; then 1 weiit up again. I neut awny (he buys who ' were plavh.g in the ve-tibulc. Alter the lay had gone out and I w in Rllll in tlie v'ii 1'iiln. ' little girl came up atair and I iu-lina-d her to go Willi me btlnthe la lt'rv. There I slnick her with a clilhtwo nr three lime. Hu.l -lie loll vvlieie tlie blood wa f.Hind; then I picked her up and carried lla-laxly (o the place vihcrc it wa dis covert id. Hi cnnfe-l.ii nf llm murder of IJ-idsjet Tiietcgnii hi 1S7.'I wa iiii-tiiy evplieir. He w n iinih-r the infl lence ot ivhi-ky and opium, end dt-lilH-ralely prepared a club tn Kid some one. am) he was liie rlrst per n lie h ippeia-d to meet. Cotton Mill Mint (timn. Ii istcn. May 7. Tim Aquidheck cotton mill at Newport, H I., wa shot (Inwn indefinitely last liblit, ow insr to tin; refusal of the Imiul to tie e,.l Til per Cetit reduction ill W'Uifea. a:i ctt-t Ht i .svin.ii. Ci.vvki. imiO.. Mil v 7 Everything 1 qnieat Massiliui lo day. I. t.-t night ti bout 8 o'clock, six oreiLfht slioln were bivd at picivela il itione I at tlie astl- intoii mine, llie nc.iets re lirned ;the Ore and started in pursuit, but the . alUckitijj party made their cscjih'. Asia llli-kitin. T.O-TOS. May R.Tiie del'llt of Anna llic'aitiison upon the dram itic stag -. I i her, own play. "A crown ot Thorn." was made thl ev.-uhig at ihe Globe. Theater hi foie t lie largest audience ever asemhlc(l hi tie- building. It i thought to bnve liulvh driiit 'I ic ,sijre at:i Uickuisoii's ile liiieation of Ihe character of Ann Bo'vn made a fa von hie liiiiiralnu. She wa j ratvived iih etiilmsiasin and a profu-ion of floral otl'.-r'ni,;. .Maauulialal Jlenaj jw Murtlprrr. HKAVKK. May 8. Lee and I)iie, in dictial for p irtioipiition in the Mountain r.....i..u. ...i i.. ..t :.. court tbi morning. It is uu.ler-f'Kid that they will I- tried aeparately. iieednn. proeu'iiig attorney, decline.l tn net, liU principal. Carey, having been removed. Jlost of llie time wa c rnsitmed in the ar gument nt this question. Southerlaud tor llatne, coiitending that Caia-y removal did not nnect lieetlon. l ho questinu will lie decided thin tifiernooii. Dime i prenent and l.ee will Imj here tomorrow. Tht dillletilty a to tlie prosecuting at torneyship lias been ettlcd by the pro tetn apiaoiuttnetit ot Presley Denny by the eoi'rt. Kvervllilng indicates that the trial will lie pu-lied to a conclusion. It i nt morvd tliat Judge IJoreman will dUposi- of t!ee easea at this term or di.-chaige tlie prisoner. tttajr Catwatloai aQraatsd JlrKre aud MHBlre. Bt. Iouis, MaylO. The ftayofex ecAition for two week9 grantee by Judge Dillnn in the McKee And Ma guire caae having expireil to day, a motion waa made ft the circuit court this afternoon for another atav fora week, until certain papers now before the department can lie examined. After Rome dim"iasioti, the slay waa irtnnted by JudguTn-ut, w ho, however required McKee to give an additional bond of ifij.OOU ami Maiijr; .$M,iW. McKee returned from Washington Iii in afternoon, aud bia cnunaei atated in court there waa a renonHbIe prtw peet that liia sentence wouid be coin muted. It. alia of nr. Hull. New York, May M Dr. Win. H Hall, editor of Haft's Journal of Health fell in the atreet to night In a lit and expired. CuUiio of death unknown. A. M. The Inauguration cere-monii-s are now fully under way. At 10:-'M Horn IVIro arrived ami was e tiorled to hi seat by Gen. Hawley. At 10:45 Gen. Hheridan and wife passed over from the building to the aland In front of Memorial Hall, during the rendition of the national airs, and was greeted witJl great apnlau.se, which be gracefully acknowledged. He was cloaely followed by Hon. J. G. I'.laine, and Senator Jonea of Nevada and wife. At 11:53 the President entered the Memoriul Hall and was conducted to hi eat in front of the platform. Gov. Haltranft, General Hawley and II. D. MorriJ occupied seats on hi left, while Mrtwni. JoUu Welch and A. T. Goa horti were on hia right. Considerable nmiiHcmcnt waa canned liy the sudden aptearance of Fred Douglas., who had by enine mi-hap worked hi way through the crowd and was helped over the rojiea oy the oKicer and con ducted tn a aeat on "'e platform. He wus greeted with c'ra. rit MKih IIHIinsfiiu I'ra maiiletl I.ONtios, May II. Special" dispifcln-s ti-om Oila-sa represent that the Saloiiica outrage wa premeditated. All the con sul, exivpf the Urilish, bad warned the governor and the Porte that a nriss.-icre wa intended. A feelli g of insecurity prevail- among the Christiauaaml Kuroja-j an In Turkey. 'I la-plot was discovereil in ((instantinoiile last week, ot which Durowii p.tshn. the ilinnterof War. was at the head. He persuaded the Sultan that ait attack on the Sultan' Palace wa med itated. The Governor el Uodouto ha 1 al so armed I lie Maliominel Mpnlation of that place, but received order to dUarm theai. On receipt of the New, of the Salouiia mil rage the insurrection in Bul garia gained ground. The insurgent h aid le ltoa ami a ,i.;t ..u of tl.e lint :u-. linn i lia-.aj ;..!; ;ct..t ll.cit.lo. IVjer l y lil.hop Muipon n( (ulniall WM-Hlaa. Almighty and evorlaatlng G1, our Heavenly Fatla r, Heaven la Thy Throne and tho earth Thy haitatwil. IJefore Thy Majesty and Holiness, the angel veil their luce, and the spirit ot tho Just miule per-, feet bow In humble adoration. Thou art the Creator o all thing, the preserver of all that exist, whether they be throne or dominions, or principalities or power. The minute and the vast, the atoms and Ihe worlds alike attest tlio ubiquity of Thy pretence, and tlie omnipotence of thy sway. Thou alone art the sovereign ruler of nation. Thou ratseth up onnand cit eih down another, and Thou give the kingdom ol the world to whomsoever Thou wilt.. The pat with all record ' I' v-. tnldlng of Thy counsel, and the u . i. i- ti' f Thy grand design. We hail Thee a our right lid ruler, the king immortal ami hivi-iUe, the only true God blessed Inr evermore. We cmne hi thl al id day, oh Thou Gild of our father, l.lto these court with thanksgiving, and Into these gates with praise, We bless Thee for s'liy wonderful g..i ' i i ; ,..i pit; for tlie laud which Thou gavest to our talhet. alaiiilvi ilisilr.ini the age, from the an cient world, but revealt'l in the tullnes of time In i'hy chosen people, whom Thou ilidi lead lay Thy own right hand through llie billow of tlie deep a laud of vast ex tent, of Intverhit; mountain ni d broad plains, ot tiuuiiiubcre I products and in - nil. I treasure. We tliai.k Thee lor the lather of our country, men of mind, of might, wlui endured privation and sfiCri tices. who braved multiplied danger rath er ill an tlctlle their o S ience nr to be 1 1 1 1 1 in.- to their Go I, who laid on tlie hro id foundation of tnn 'i a id ju-tice llie great structure of civil IVeed'oni. Wtt prai-m Thee tor the clo-ing century; for Hip found er ot the republic; for the immortal Wa-h-Ington and his iis-ociate-; fur the freedom which they planted and the Amine and lieroisin which, under Thy bh-ssimr, led them to triumph lat succfs it, wn their shield in Ihe lioiir'of danger, their pillar of cloud by day and their pillar of hie by niglit. M iy we lh-r s ih walk ill their footstep and imitate ll eir s'atnre. We Ihank Tliec for soci il and national pro--h rily and proiit-'ss; f .r Inn bible disci. v eri. s and nmliip'icd inventio i ntid liihor saving iiinchiuery. rtdievm the loll ot the in aes lr cl.o U, free a th" moruiiig Hahf for million nt the rising ".em-rat inn; far h Us ami periodical, aealterefl like the leavt! of autumn over tins laud; fur arts and eience; for freedom to worship God according to the dictates of our cou seieiitv, for a church uutt-lti red ''V tr.-iui-niel of the State. IJles. we pray Thee, the President of these United slil'e and hi const itmioiiiil 'adviser, tlie .fudge ot the Supreme Court, lie Senators and U.-preseuUlive' in Congre. the Governor ol our scial vniiunouwealch, the officer of ihe arnir aud navy, and all win are i l , nmV'nl ' position tlinatgliout our laud. Guide tin m. we pray, with counsel of wisdom, and may they ever rule in righfi onsnes. 'iV'c n-k I by lilessing to ri-st upon the rretoei.t nnd tneuilier of the Centennial Coiinui nioii. and upon tho-e asoci ted with them in Jlie various dep.-irttnut. who have la h red loiij and eai nesily innidst nnxiitles and iliflliti'ties for tha 'ticces of tbi en terprise. May Thy a",iactal blessing, our God of all the nation of earth, reet upon our national unest. our visitor trom h t ant lauds. We welcome them to our shore, and we p joie? hi the'r prifsence among u whomsoever they represent, whether they come loving culture and re search, or whetlie- they come to exhibit the triumph, of genin or art in the devel opment of Industry and in the progress nf civilization. Preserve them, we beseech I'liee, in health and safety, and in due time may they lie welcomed by their loved one lagain to their native lands. Let Thy htesiiig ret w holly upon tbi Centennial eelebratimi ; may tlte live and health of all Interested be preciou in Thy sight. Proide in its acmlille. Grant tlmt-thH associallon in It ettort may hind more closely together every part- of our great P.epublie. so that our Union may be per- petual anil hidissnluble. - M ay it influ ence draw the nations of the earth Into a happier unity. Hereafatr we prny Thee, may all dispute aud question W settled by arbitration and not by tlie sword, and may war forever cease among the sou of men. .May tlie new century tie i e'ter than the past, more radiant with llie holy light of true philosophy, warmer w ith the HutuiHliou af the world's sympathy. M iv cipital aud labor be heed of all antagn--iiisui be the establishment ot eneli princi ples f ju-tice aud equality n shall recon cile diversified interest, and bind In im perishable bond nil part of society. We pray t hy benediction, eqieci ally upon the women of America, who tor the tir-t time, in the history of onr race take so conspicu ous a place ina National celebr-ninn. Miv the light ot their intelligence, purity and enterprise shed its beam afar in distant land, so that their sister may rehearse the beaut v and glory of christian freedom and elevation. We beseech Tim-. Almigh ty Father, ever loving, that the Hepuhlic may be strengthened in every element of true greatness, until her iuiiou 1 aeconi. plishcd ly presenting to the W add an H-lu-tr.itiou nf Ihe happiness of a free state under law of their own enactment, ami under rti'esol their own selection. acknowl edging supiemo allegiance only to the Kiugot King and Lord of Lord, and a l'hoii didst give to one of it Illustration sans to draw experimentally the electric spark from the heaven, which ha since girdled the globe in it celestial whisper ot "Glorv to thai in the highest, peace on earth and good wiil to men" In-Uie late-t time, may the mission of America, under Divine inspiration. Is- one of atiec'i.iii. brotherhood and love for all our race, and may the coining centuries tat tilled, lib ihe ineinorv of our Christian i Iv.li.aiiou. And iiii'o I'liee. onr Father, tlnougli llim whose life Is the light ol men, will wo as crlbe glory and praise now and forever. Amen. lilnrli If III Train A(tHrk"tl by liaillaa CllKMOO. May 9. A Tribaim S'umx City special sivs it is rean ted lint the hi dian near Fort Perre yesterday attacked a Illack 111 Is train and killed ami sc ila-d a number ol men. Tlie report need con tirmatioii, -but it I reganled here as prob ably true, a it is known that foi- some time I he Indian hi I hat seta inn have been only waiting for a favorable oi( orluulty to commence ho-filiiie. ( him of Ihe Jery4 lty Kxlnsl..n. NliMT YOllK. May !. At the luve-tlfl-tin.i into I he lain- of the recent expio-i..u at .a-rey l.'liy lieih'-. yesterday, con tractor McAndrew stilted that Ihe mngu zino contained about 300 barrel of rend rock powder and 7 keg ol common blast ing now der. Iteod rm-k powder he con sidered entirely salo and said It could te burned in the same way as tin ordinary torch and could only be exploded by mean of electricity or by conclusion, McAndrew added that he saw twelve or thirteen tunnel men ennio from the direc tion nl llnhoken Saturday night and go up the hundred teps. After they reached the ton of tlie hill he heard the report of a pis tol soon alter which the explosion occurred. He stated that the Iron door of the maga zine "a found two miles distant. Pi H.AnKi.riiiA, May 10. To-dny being a legal holiday In thl State, all places of htidue tn tho city are closed and bunting ' .1' -closed in profusion In all the tlior ougl.i'ire. and to-night thcro will bo a grand illumination. Tlie gates of the ex hibit Ion were promptly opened nt 9 A. M., nnd since that hour there have been ut the different entrance a continuous Jam. The cloud which had, un to 7 A. M., been very threatening, have now entirely dlsappered nnd indications are that the day will be extremely hot. Foreign commissioner and other (list ingiilslieil visitor and guest lire being sealed with very little contusion, their entrance liebisr ffl'ected through .the main exhibition hall, which will remain closed till noon. The Ceremonies opened nt precisely nt 10 A. M , the national air of nil nation being performed by tho large nri'he-tra. It I estimated that 50.000 peo ple are on llie ground, and the populace are still presinij at all the var'mut eiitrau ia,J. Kvrry available pot In the neigh borhood of the grand stand In front nf Memorial Hall I occupb'd by crowds who tire now lmpatieii'ly awaiting the arrival nf the President of the United States, w ho In been escorted to tlte main entrance by the military. Tlie P 's Ilnliy lry Kiirne'a oai vciillne. Mir.WAUKKE, May. 10. Tne Inde pendent Greenback State Convention was lield at Madison- to day. Dele gates were chosen to the National Convention at Indianapolis. Among Hie resolutions adopted was one nom inating Judire Davia for President. MEHICAL. OR. W. K. DOHERTY'S A.Sll Surgical 'Iiistitnto, Mo. 649 C!sy 3treet, . Between Kearny and Ivlontgomery-sts SAN FRANCISCO. tilt tiOHKRTY'S Lavely analStca-IHylncrms-Ini; fraclu-, Mhicti lias constant Iv kepL -tice Willi the iiiitxanipleil iiicreatmaii.t Hleady gi-ottilinl'ihe l'.tcili.-. i .si, li.iluoc.1 Ii.h lemnvul tri m his long es nli islioil snil well-kiinwn (piaiicm, nil I lie eor iter ol' ficraraun-o ami Lt-iilestiorlls' reels, in thla .-.i-v, lo more cenim'stliais anil eligibly locititi.1 air incuts m No 649 Clay Street, where he lias a MifaWiiua uiie ol hiiniL-oineix-tincsl nu and ciiiiveiueiitty arranged Examluiatlnn and Consi.l Uitii.n Rooms, (occctivme the vliote of ihe Iwo ii(ier strries) wim-.n (iaueni8 may uuui tuneimii a lei see oulv the lanjtor anil hie assistants. W I Ii the most gratelul lei.liimjnts i i'rejrard for tlie lilanal tiatronaite bestowed on liini fur I he iat thirteen vtans, at hiti old ollioe, DR. DOKEBTY Iieslrestolnlormthenenci-al PubHvj.Rml estXMial ly all thoaie lalioriiig under alt toi nis of t'hrnnlu Complaints, that lie can he consulted at 649 Clay atreet, on every variety nf Utscase m ai Lui.s, Liver, Kidneys, Digeniive and Uenllo t'rinury Urga , and all - SPECIAL DISEASES. Of nluob the Ilia i iinmenHai, and lilob are more closely connected with the teneml health lhaa the majority of people are aware. l:nlutiiy Inva lids lor vuar ir:t In uonuealiug their cnndl tlon tronia motive ori'lnatlne in mistaken itellca cr. and auffer ia ilenca until their miseries be come too acute to 11 rcpreste-l, and mttntal and ih , alca hleliil Hy unlit the en O'er er tor the active du ties of life. Thia latter tyne of afllk-iiim maulicata luctrin the complaint 'professionally knowa as Srphilia, in all li.aa form aud aiaao; Bvmlnal Wen knew, and all the dlstretisiiig lorioH of 8elf A base, or Onanism ; (ionori hoia, ttlei, Stricture; Nih'.turual and linirual KinissloiiR, Si.ximl tiebill ty, IHsensesof the Hack and Lolun. Intlummutionbf liie Bladder and Kidnovs, eUi., uus. Tho niimlier ol'riersorii suflerUift from these horl lhlu IHJtuse, In whom the Doctor Iwa ed'ucled a radical cure, can bu counted by iliethouaiiiiil,aHdlhevoluniary ocrliicaeKin hia pusKun-lnn, roeelvist I'niin persons latt lias restored lo health, aruenouicli lo aa. lal'y all ' tliat the l)oiorV a-ktii ia thelroaiinont of these af lu.il Look, enable him to warrant nive.ly cures, e 'eu iii obmliia'e eases, inseasos whlh tornua-lv hatlled the mclical cktll of the m ist teurned and e.erienced Pra,;.i-loners of ihe liwrinc art, and were renanleu ur llie nnjoi-iiy oi rnysk-ians ae iiiie.-lv liiouriib!e. now .Held lo imi.icrii renicilies, w lien "pre-i abed by the Intuliljteiit Pra.-.titionor, win makes the hiiinan systoin. Hint llie-pe gpeciul nl iiR'i.ts, bis cons. ant study ami eu'.jtvt of obsur vniii.n. In no rase nt publk'.i'y pernii'tifl except lliey cviircs wlih or the iniiieiil : and tlie iHacinr r duui Iv trusu that liisloi'ttexia-riiau-u and dticcess Hit iiru tli'ti "111 conttnuii 'o Insure him a lilierul sharo of niiblic intromit, liv tlai maictli-e ol inn n v veiiri) In Euroiieand Ihe ttnt e l Siaies. he Is ennliled to apply die most oilh-h ut and a.icceas lul ruinedies aKatnst iH-t-ases -.f all kuida. He cures wbhoiit inetviury, cliarites moderate lees, treats his paileius lu a i-.u-ie I and honorable way. and has relereinajH i.f iui(tue-itionub'e venu itv, fi-om men ol kuow respucitihiiity and hitth Bliot'liiiK In society. All nermnis who may con sult him bv letter or olhcrwt-e, n til reva ivo Ihu best and gentlest trcatna nl. To Females. W hen a female is alliv.led with disease, a? wunk iii's oi ihe back and limlia. luiln in tho head, dine lie, ol slfttil, kaais tit miieciilur powa r, lailiillalioa ot the hettil. n rllabultv. nervousness, iteranite luwait ot . i.c-inv -ii..n, k.tiiitimi . ,-.,'., ,. i. ...i...... -. i ...... ...J.:ii... ...I .ilsL-ases ol'lbe womb, livsluna, sunlUlv. ami all oilier iliseases peculiar tu f, ana Irs, shet-hould go or wiiieaii.Qceiol.lt. W. K. litiHK.KT Y, al his Alolk-al liiHtiiute, audslia will ine ory ) siiile relief and help. l-t no false Uelktcy pravont you, but a.ply ln medlulelv, and save vournell from palLfiilstiOVrtug and premnitire utaatn. To Corrac-'OJideiita. 1'iillants (male or remalel ruwtdlujr In anv partol the couiiiry however ilialaul, w ho may dcsiie the oitiiton aud advuie ot )r. llolieriy in then- resw live ,-aia.is, and who think proper'to stilinilt a wrii- tan aiiiciil ol stkU, 111 iireiL-reiu e lit uolillug ijersoual feiiervtew, are rtfsptv.ttuily asstirud (hat tliadr cooauiiiik-atloiis will be held mo-4 sacred, The l.ik. I or U a re;ii.ar graduate, and may be cotiftttitasi wiin atvery coniutviK-e. If ibedlMMse be fully and ,'aiidilly itcvrit.ed. Hrs.ial i'4MniaMiik.-ation all I, In niort -ais, lie tiHoc-essary, a iiistru,: ions for diet, regimen and the femoral trtiaimeiil of ilia ,-ase ii.-e'f Including lite remedies!, will 1st turvtanlml waitiotit delay, and In such a in inner as lo convey no l ien of the iniria.rt ot Ihe letter or parcel so iraiismitted. .shiiiild visir cotidllion raniiilre HtliiVHiilais atten tion, sen I ten dollars Incolu.tor iliut value in cur rency I by Mail, or Walls, r aiy" I (i s. fcxpreas, and a ickaite of me'liclneM will be fortvaidud lo your tiddreM, with the necessary histrtioilims for line. ....... ,.!.. l.- b t ll.n nffl , I... I.U.... rilL-tf Addrtras VV. K: lHJIIKttl V, M. Ii.soi, FiancUeA, I4tl. I. S. -The I'octor will send his pamphlet on SKH-,lnl Msisses, to any uddress on rucclit ol six i3eut4 In postaKesiampa. lor retiira iHwiagu. inav i l 7 4- li. I'Htroaj, !! ii;se i' mx rKit a vii p pk h tvr.f.R I-.-; ...nonla r e,o l-iai r. W :. fv.iavtmt an saiisfHctiuii.K'iara iiua-e. 'S'u;,: j COMMERCIAL MAKKETI THOMPSON s LAFORE Buuoesanrs tn I. A A. A. McCutlr, keep uon utantly cm band all kinds of FRESH MEATS AIo a trorsl stock ofRrOAK MRKD HA MS, sIPUJlDeKS, IIKKAKFAhT BAIdN, fliVU TltV, el.-... delirere-l tu all jflrts of Ihe uity otm aliori notice. pTCattle, Hogs and Poultry 8oughf."EI FchlilAwSiB J. M. METZLER'S RAWHIDE BOTTOM CHAIRS r iAN TIE flAO IN 8AI.KM AT A MTERA W Fnmltare Rooms, only, uu Cianmcroial slreet. In t-tarkey'. BUs-.k. The Best in B-.TCall and aoe them. Jcllorwui, April 1U I". the State. All w i k warrant. THE PORTLAND BALLY BEE! so oo .rrrj:A .m. .THE ! DOLLAR V,tK'LY BEE, Eight PaKes Thlrty-l wi f 'ol nmns. THE . ONLY E0LLAE? TAPEE! (in the Pnclllc ('east. One dol'ar mvl lem-llTt i-.cilts lil- nil o l in, lliclllilbig li. ail g j. D, H. STEARNS. Manager. Eureka Market ! W4 n. j:. .ikii;i:im, ivuiiricior. l.o..'is On.Biaiuly on hand a full Assortmer.lof fr'esu beef, pork, veal mutton, chickens, smoked weats. ETC. ETQ. M'I'ATE STUFFI', ".alem gtlrPKian PUBLICSAXE. fWILL PKIX AT PUr.UfT RAI.K OS SAT ur la y. May Id. lriTIl, I he fi.Pow ing in operly, lo-wi. : tine span of good work mines and Hire sets of harness, one good mi'cb cow, one gnasl breeding sow and nine pigs, l ine 'lock hogs, one: two horse wagon and oilier farming implements, one sci blackbmll Ii to-ils, one shot-gin., one cook ing rtove, two bedsteads, and many other ar.icles too numerous tn mention. Terms of sale, six months credit on all earns over $10. All sums under 10. ca.-h In hand. A. WOOblNoTOX. . May 2, OLIVER DITSON & CO., BOSTON. C. If. Bitaon ic Co., 1 J. E. Ullnon tc Vm.t 714 Broadtr&T, Successors toLse Walan New Vol k. I Philadelphia. JUST OPENED I PIOHEERBAKERY. Commercial direct Cpposite tke Slatesman Office. 1'reah Urcnd Daily. E-2T Pira AND CAKES for families and ivwintrs trade ha ked to order. EST UBNAMKMTAL TAKES for Weditinatt. so. uiables, picnics, etc., linked su short not'ue. may STRONG A MAIN. CrST The National Hold Meilal was snurdaxl la. t! i unl ;y A ttuh.fson lorthebest PhotorraiaS in Ihe L'niied Stales, and (he Vienna Medal lor I ho beet in ino worm, mouiki mery-si. r-an rram-iHt-o Tho People's Chorus Book An nnnsnally Hisst re'tVlion of choruses, foi mixed voices, nearly all now. "When Alen-a-I ailo went n liimting, "t hoson One," "The )," are capital glet .s, and are l'.dr specimens ol una line coutMiion. PKIt'E $!.). Pkr Dozes 0O. Centennial collection OF NATIONAL EOS 03. A bock for tl.e limes, with Ihe lstnoic aoniMaf many nallons, very well airuiiged. Hhuiilit beia universal use during Ihe festival nioulhs of this, famous year. II I ! IN PAI-EK, 10 CTS. c ASM GO CT3. Dictionary of Musical Icformatioiv II y J. W. MotiitK. A Iss.k that 1 altracUiar much attentlou, and Is the mo; t uonvenieut IxxX of relemae on luuslcal subjects, extant. PmcKtlij. Shining River. A Sublmtli School Song Itook, which has bee nut a few months, just long enough lo prorat it one of the best, lluy it and try It. PttteE Sj CTS. -KT33"TO- WINE AND LIQUOR DEPOT. J. VERDIER Kespet-lfully annoimces tn his friends and IK k. (jaibllc in general, that he lias Just re- feajl ciaved a choice ha tl WINES AND LIQUORS. In bottles and cak, which ae offers tn Ihe trad on reasonable, terun. hlatu slHjet.Balem, th-eaotk inuy5-tf Conimcrcial Hotel, rOKTLWM), OCi. NEW IIlll.'IS-NK.B PAnPId WIIAKV; Knmt at met. I.nw prices. No t hiaw .-is.ks. tiive un-u call, Ti v it. , , J Vf. W iKiliWAItn, dc.-.tltt Pronrlotor.