The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, June 17, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Sunatorand Mrs. lHlh will start (or
Oregon booh.
SonulintB had a row at a New Jersey
piuniq, ami aeverul pr moiih were iiijnied.
Too much betr.
(Jov. Torres, o( Sunura, Mexico, has
offered $500 a head (or every hostile Apa
che warrior killed.
Edward A. I Mid, of Ernst Portland,
was run over by the cable cars at San
Francisco, and badly injured.
Powderly, while shaking in Boston,
was taken '-ith a nevere pain in bin
breast, and bad to leave the roatrum.
An old Indian chief says the Apuche
war will be a big one. One hundred
warriors are said to be on the war path.
Gen. "Tecnnip" Sherman says be don't
believe the Iowa boys will "mob" Cleve
land should he visit St. I-ouis during the
G. A. K. encampment. It is likely there
is more danger from Chicago.
June ll.
Failures under the eofl'ee panic aggre
gate several million dolliirs.
Distillers will make no whisky between
July 1, 1S87, and July 1, 18S8.
Indians are in favor of selling most of
the Cicur d'Alene reservation.
Secretary Lamar has returned from the
South, and is again at his oHt.
State flues captured from southern
states during the war are to be returned.
One-third average crop in the hop dis
tricts of New York will probably be har
vested. Ex-speaker Keifer says that Sherman
will surely be nominated by republicans,
and that Blaine has gone to Europe for
his health.
Lieut. Johnson teleirraptis from San
Pedro that he capture the Indians'
camping outfit, stock, saddles, etc., bat
the Indians managed to escae on the
11th. Gen. Miles uow has charge of the
Francis Patterson, knw s '"Wind
Patterson," who has n iiaiioiial reputa
tion as the man who !.u:uuie blind and
wandored away from the armv '.in war
times, has jupt had the charge of deser
tion removed, and has been allowed $l,'i
31!" overdue pension.
The Sharpe jury is yet incomplete.
.The London Times Bnys the Poie has
nb sympathy with Puniell's lrudi cam
paign. The Massachusetts legislature refused
by a vote of 135 to in the house to
adopt a prohibition constitutional amend
ment. In the. hearing ot 71 hubacs corpus
cases at New York the court held that as
sisted immigrants were not puuers.
The ToKlobamjo colonists are said to
be suffering very much. Apalliug tales
of misery, starvation and distress are told
by a party just arriving at Nogales from
The will of the late Win. A. Wheeler
was opened at Malone. It gives $25,000
to home missions, $5,000 to foreign Hus
sions, $5,000 to his housekeeper, Betsy
Chambers, and a few liequests to various
The German parliament has passed a
bill providing for temporary extension of
the electoral franchise pending complete
revision of the coustitutiun. The bill
raises the number of voters from 130,000
to 300,000.
Col. Crocker, of the Southern Pacific,
nays the statement published in a morn
ing paper that while be was in Portland
arrangemente were effected with a ter
minal company in that city by which the
Southern Pacific will participate in the
Union depot there, is a mistake. The
matter is still in abeyance.
Professor Kobb, late of Tucoma, W. T.,
is at Merced, Cat., making an effort,
which gives promise of success, to raise a
fund to start an academy. Over $3,000
tias been subscribed by citizens, out of
$5,000 required to be advanced by the
public. The balance of the capital will
be furnished by Mr. Kobb.
Some time this week a change of time
in the departure of the Oregon express
over the California road is to go into ef
fect. It is to leave San Francisco at 0 :30
at night, arrive at Sisson'u at 7:30 next
morning tor breukfast, reaching Cole's
station at 11 a. m., Ashland at 5 p. in,,
and arriving at Portland at the same time
as at present.
"On our run yesterday," remarked a
-inductor of the Kock Island, "we had a
passenger that was so drunk that I came
near putting him ofr the train. He was
in the smoking car, where lie wanted tu
fight with every body, and was making
himself so obnoxious that the passengers
appealed to me to have him taken out,
I was about to drop him in a frog jond,
when some friend of his came in from
the rear car and agreed to take care of
him. So I allowed him to stay where he
"In a few minutes, however, he was
kicking up another row, and so I called
my brakeman, and was about to put him
off when a lady came in from the other
car and begged so hard for him that I
relented. She said that if I put him off
it would be very hard on the rest of them,
causing them to disappoint an audience
in the next town and lose the money
which they would take in at the door,
and which was absolutely necessary to
pay their hotel bills and railway fare.
My drunken passenger was the star
of a fly-by-night theatrical company
playing the great temperance drama,
"Ten Nights in a Bar-room." Chicago
"Many cases of fever and ague, dumb ague
and C4MiKuve chllU were promptly arrested
and entirely bsnoisned by the ise of Himmims
Liver Regulator. You don't nay half enuueh In
regard to the etlicafly of thin valuable medicine
in cases of ague, intermittent fevers, etc. Every
case nan ueeu arresieu immediately. I wu a
sufferer for years with tbe liver disease, aud
only found relief by using tbe Regulator."
KOBKKT i. KKKS, UaUtVUt, KaUC IO,, 111.
Use Dr. Gunn's Improved Lfver Pills for sal
low complexion, pimples on the face and bil
iousness. Never sickens or gripes. Only one
ler a dose, samples iree at ueo. K. Good a.
In a horn, menthol pencils at
& Co.'s drug store.
U. W.
Proeofdinjrs f the June Term of the
Circuit Court for Marion County- -Cusea
Disposed of.
Boisk. J., June 13, 1887.
The Juno term of the circuit court for
Marion county convened at the court
house at 1 p. in. yesterday.
Of the thirty-one jurors, the following
comprise the grand jury : Frank Man
ning, foreman ; E. P. Walker, Wm. Ilan
egan, J. (1. Eherhardt, F. S. Smith, II.
B. Condit, il. T. Baughman.
Scott Taylor was appointed bailiff of
the court and Jumes Coffey of the grand
The following business was disposed of :
State of Oregon vs. Samuel E. May ;
confirmation ; sale confirmed.
Levy vb. Bluir; action for money; de
cree according to pravor of complainant.
Elijah Smith vs. Jacob King ; foreclo
sure ; settled and dismissed.
Kiley vs. Graham ; suit for possession
of real estate; demurrer withdrawn and
answer filed.
Jackson vs. Moshberger ; foreclosure of
mortgage ; decree.
Dnwson vs. Liggett; action for money ;
settled and dismissed.
Johnson vs. Swartz ; action for money;
default and judgment.
Cook vs. SttYuge ; foreclosure ; demur
rer withdrawn and answer tiled.
First National (tank vs. Phelps; action
for money ; settled and dismissed.
Bylsnd vs. Wants ; suit for partition ;
settled and dismissed.
Pickens vs. Pickens; divorce; default,
and M. W. Hunt apiointed referee.
Hubbard vs. Ilubhurd ; confirmation;
sale continued.
Gilbert Bros. vs. Bashor; confirma
tion ; sale confirmed.
Pelland vs. Bergevin ; confirmation ;
sale confirmed.
Settlemier vs
sale confirmed.
Kaminsky vs.
sale confirmed.
Clark ; confirmation ;
Brown ; confirmation ;
A. N. Bush vs. August Giesy, treasurer
of Marion county ; mandamus proceed
ing; argued and submitted on demurrer
of defendant.
Adjtiurned until to-morrow at 9 a. m.
June H.
McCann vs. liivet; review; motion by
Kaiser to dismiss appeal argued.
Dawne vs. Dawne; divorce; default;
and Samuel Huyden appointed referee.
Pickens vs. Pickens; divorce; enter
divorce when costs are paid.
Janney vs. Jatiney ; action for money;
demurrer withdrawn, and answer td be
tiled ro-duy.
Ga.ley vs. Kuble; action for money;
demurrer of Wm. Uuble withdrawn ; an
swer to be tiled to-morrow at 10 a.m.
Itomurrerof Walter withdrawn; answer
to-morrow morning.
ischer vs. llaitev ; confirmation : sale
Caroline Jones vs. F. I). Jones; di
vorce; default, and referred to P. H.
V alter ltuble vs. Wm. Kuble: leave
to amend answer by to-morrow.
Keurus vs. Kearns; divorce; demur
rer withdrawn ; answer to-day.
w . 11. Adams vs. (jity of Salem ; ac
tion to recover money ; argued and sub
mitted on demurrer.
Elliott vs. Elliott; divorce; granted.
State vs. Saunders ; murder ; on trial.
Following is the jury in Saunders trial :
J. A. Pooler, John Pernell. W. H. Lenon.
1. W. Gibson, Oliver Aral, Chus. Benson,
W. B. Cox, J. K. McCoy, B. E. Kobert-
son, 15. t. Davenport, Y ui. llolcomb,
Jumes Walker.
"Now, gentlemen," said the boisterous
man in the smoking car, "this thing of
eating thirty birdB in thirty days is easy
enough to do, unless you are betting you
can do it. 1 be idea of having it to do
makes it repulsive. INow, for instance, I
will bet five dollars that there is not a
man in this car that can take thirty
drinks in thirty davs."
"1 will take the bet," said u tail, raw
boned party across tbe aisle.
"All right, sir. Where did you say
you were from?"
"I am from that creat Commonwealth
of Kentucky, sir."
"Good; put up your money.
"Here is the chink. Now, what drink
do you name?"
"Water," said the boisterous passenger
as he put up a V.
"Water! water!" screamed the gen
tleman from the dark and bloody ground.
"The money in yours, stranger. Io
yon 'Kpw I w.iulu drown myself for $5."
Niiel, . ti i- American.
"Say, Gaddersby," said Mr. Smith, as
he came into the fish-store with a lot of
tackle in his hand, "I want you to give
me some fish to take home with me.
Kind o' fix 'em up so that they'll look as
if they've been caught to-day, will yon ?"
"Certaiuly, sir," said the grocer. "How
"Oh, you'd lietter give me three or
four boss. Make it look decent in quantity
without appearing to exaggerate, you
" Yes, sir. But you'd better take white
fish, hadn't you?"
"Why? What makes you think so?"
"Oh, nothing, except that your wife
was down here early this afternoon and
said if you dropped in with a fish pole
ov.-r your shoulder and a generally woe
Ite gone look, to have you take white tish
if possible, as she liked that kind better
than any other."
Mr. Smith took white fish. Merchant
For proof that Dr. Ounn's Improved Liver Pills
cure sick headache, ask your druggist for a
trial package. Only one for a dose. Regular
sized box Xt cents. Sold by Ueo, K. (iood.
A fine display of perfumery, several rare and
choice odors. uch as harvest green, edenia, wild
rose, alpine violet, etc., at It. W. MaUUewa 4c
Co. 'a drug store. i
E. Schoettle has a very fine line of casimeres,
tweeds, etc., for gent's t'Utliliig. 1'lu guaran
teed. 1
Chamois skiua in a variety at P. W. slatthewa
A Co.'s drug store. 1
For nice hand mlrror.fsilnt I. W. Matthews
& Co.' drug store. I
Salsm, June 13. 1S87.
The supreme court met yesterday with
Lord, C. J., and Thayer, J., present ; ab
sent, Struhan, J. The following nixes
were decided :
11. T. Bingham und E. W. Bingham.
upiH. and re.;ps., vs. Chas. Sulene mid
Christina Salene ; appeal from Columbia
county. This is a suit in equity to enjoin
defendants, Sulene and Salene, from in
terfering in any manner with the exclu
sive right and privileges of plaintiffs to
go upon und over, and invite others to go
upon and over certain lands for purposes
of shooting and hunting wild fowl upon
certain lakes, hIoukIis, etc., winch de
fendants had leased lor such purMses to
plaintiffs. Both parties appcul from find
ing of court lielow. liecree reversed, and
complaint ordered dismissed, each party
to pay his costs. Opinion !y Lord, l. .1.
Stute ot Dregon, resn , vs. hrtwaru Al.
Clements, app. ; appeal from Buker coun
ty. The defendant. Clements, was con-
icted of manslaughter in the circuit
court of Baker county, alleged to have
lieen committed by producing abortion
upon one Lena Dakota, from effects of
which she died. Judgment is reversed,
and case remanded for u new trial. Opin
ion by Thavor, J.
John Hobson, et ill., resps., vs. Thos.
Monteith, "t al., repps. ; apoal from
Clatsop county. This is a ease involving
certain property rights in Astoria. Judg
ment reversed and remanded fur a new
trial. Opinion by Thayer, J.
S. A. NeppechrcHP., vs. W. P. Jordan,
app. ; apieal from Slultnomuh county.
This a case of forcible detainer by de
fendant, Jordan, in retaining pos
session of certain projierty in Port
land. Plaintiff secured jossession in cir
cuit court, and case is apjiealed. Judg
ment reversed and a new trial ordered.
Opinion by Lord, C. J.
J. G. Elliott, app., vs. Wm. Stewart,
etaL.resps. ; appeal from Clatsop. This
is a suit tiegun by plaintiff, Elliott, to en
join defendants from fishing on certain
premises claimed by him, and alleged by
defendants to belong to government, be
ing a sand bar of Columbia river. De
fendants won in lower court. Tbe de
cree is affirmed, except as to nuestion of
damages involved. Opinion byl.ord, C.J.
Laura Lakin, resp., vs. Oregon Pacific
railroad coinpunv, app. ; apeal from
ltenton county, This is a elite whetein
the pluintitf, Laura Lakin, obtained from
defendant in the circuit court $1050 duni-
aces fur injuries suHtuined in a railroad
accident at Summit station w hile en routu
from Corvallis to the Bay. The judg
ment of the lower court is affirmed. Opin
ion by Tbaver, J.
Court adjourned until 11:30 a. in. to
day, when it is exjiectt'd that Strahsm, J.,
will deliver several opinions.
Tuesday, June 14.
Stute of Oregon vs. I'un Moran ; ap
peal from Multnomah; judgment of lower
court affirmed. Defendant was found
guilty of manslaughter in the circuit
court of Multnomah county in November
lHHti, for killing Frederick Kalusoha, and
sentenced to imprisonment in the etii
tentiary for 15 years. Tbe cuse was ap
pealed to the supreme court, and is af
firmed. Opinion nv htruiian, J.
Henrietta N. Kelley, resp., vs. William
t . Hightield, app. ; umx-al from Multno
mah county ; judgment affirmed. De-
began an action for damages for breach
of promise to marry, ami recovered $14,'
000, which was cut down to $7,000 by the
court. Defendant apHals, and judgment
of lower court is sustained. Opinion by
Ntrahan, J., Lord, C. J., concurs, except
m two points.
Abliev K. Clark, et al., am., vs. Murv
A. Pratt, et al., rasps.; appeal from
Wasco county. This in an action involv
ing ival property. Decree of lower court
iB affirmed. Opinion hv Strahun, J.
Motion in case of Fred hcott, resp., vs.
0. K. & N. Co., app., to tax certain costs
to appellant, allowed, .
Motion to tax costs us per stipulation in
caHe of bcoggin vs. Hall, allowed.
Petition for rehearing and time to pre
pure specifications in case of John, resp.,
vs. 1 canton, app., denied.
In mutter ol m-tition lor relieuring in
cuse of State vs. ISaniutt; motion allowed
and time of rehearing set for June "5th.
Lord filed dissentiiik opinion in case of
Stute vs. Elijah Smith ex rd. S. T. Keed,
delivered some time since.
Adjourned to meet June 1!3.
Following is ,e list of letters remain
ing in the postoibce, ut Hulem, Oregon,
June 15, 1HK7. Parties calling for them
will please say "advertised" :
Bates Will E Buckley Miss Grace
Buckley Miss Nellie liiirley Mrs Allie
Bushev William
Collie Mrs
Davis Noah
Fdgar J K
Gash Mr
Hill Frank
Dclaslimutt Abide
Gilbert Henry 2
Ileal lrTS 2
Mutton Albert
Isaacson Miss Birdie
Kruse J F
Munkers Henry McF.voy Wm
McClung Miss Martha
Keed Mrs Mable
Savage Mrs Hat tie Sliiel Geo K
Stroop Samuel
Thompson Mrs Addie
Waggoner L E Wakins Mr
Walker A
W. II. Odkli,, P.
In a first-class railway carriage in Ger
many an Englishman was observed to be
constantly putting his heud out of the
window. The train Aits going fast, und
a sudden uust of wind blew his hat off.
With a frightful oath lie reached down bis
hut box and hurled it ufter the hut. llien
he sat down and smiled on his fellow
passengers, but, of course, did notsieak.
Hie Germans roared with laughter, and
one of them exclaimed: "You don't ex
pect your hatbox to bring your hat back
to vou, do you f
"I do," said the Englishman. " No
name on the hat, full name and hotel ad
dress on the box. They'll b. found to
gether, and I shall get both ; d'you see
now "
Then those Germans subsided, and
said they had always considered the En
glish a great and practical nation. Paris
Morning News.
The "Prohibition Leajrtie" Humiliated
und CliHS-rined About Nothing, hm
Nliow ii by the Commit tee.
At a regular meeting of the Prohibition
Amendment league, of SuViu, held in
the W. C. T. U. ball, June 13, 1SS7, tbe
following preambles and resolutions were
adopted :
Wiikiikas, The general coniuiitte of ar
rangements for the Fourth of July cele
bration in Saiem did agree to allow the
temperance tteopleone hour on tbe after
noon programme on that day, and
iikkkak, Kev. k. B. 1 il worth, of
Portland, was invited and kindly accept
ed tbe invitation to deliver the address
on that occasion, and
Yyhkkkas, the said committee has
now relused to allow the said arrange
ments to be carried out ; therefore be it
Kesolved, V hat the tern iierance people
of Salem are deeply humiliated and cha
grined at being compelled to write to
Key. K. K. lhlworth, explaining the cir
cumstances and declining his services for
that occasion ; also
liewilved. That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to Kev. It. B. Dilworih, and
to tbe Vntrv, Statksman anil Vidette,
with tbe request thut they 1 published.
T, V. Shaw, President.
AV. II. Bvaks, Secretary.
The statement in the preamble to the
above resolutions, that "the ceneral com
mittee of arrangements for the fourth of
July celebration in Salem did agree to
allow the temperance imople one hour on
the afternoon programme on that day,"
is totally at variance with the facts. No
member of the committee except one, J.
W. Webb, ever consented to such an ar
rangement, and the statement in the
above preamble originates entirely with
him. fiiere was something said about a
prohibition meeting in the scmare after
the celebration exercises were over, but
a place or time on the programme was
not granted. The comnutte feel justified
in this action, because the celebration is
not for detmxTttts, republicans or prohi
bitionists us such, but is intended for all
tbe jteople, ami not for the propagation of
any particular tiolitical theories.
K. J. Hknduickh,
John G. Wkkiht,
Geo. J. I'KAKt k,
Majority of the Committee
Anger makes a
very bad master.
good servant, but a
Self is a poor center for a man's actions
to turn about.
riouu hearts and lotty mountains are
always barren. Hemans.
me love ana me hate ol people are
equally dangerous. Oliver Cromwell
uarner up pleasant, thoughts ui vonr
mind ; fur pleasant thoughts make pleas
ant lives.
Be not afraid to say "No" many a
man bus pined in misery for years for
wunt of this courage.
Fortune is like a uiurket, where many
times if you w ait a little the price w ill
fall. -Lord Derby.
A sound discretion is not so much in
dicated by never making a mistake us by
never repeating it. Bovee.
In warm momenta form your resolu
tion, and in cool moments make that
resolution good. Prof. Tyndall.
When a rich tjuaker was asked the se
cret of his Huoeeiw in life, be answered:
"Civilty, friend, civilly." Bright.
Tbe man who tdves his children habits
of iudustry provides for them better than
by giving them u fortune. Whately.
Study is the supiiort of youth, tbe or
nament of prosperity, the solace and
reiuge of adversity and the comfort of
domestic life.
He who seldom thinks of heaven is not
likely to get there; as the way to hit a
mark is to keep the eye lixed upon it
Ilisbop Home.
"I ira '.Ivlng In a nelghboorhood surrounded
witn aiptiicria and was attacked with ulcera
ten sore tiirnst. l at once commenced to use
Dsrbys Prophylactic Fititd, diluted about one-
naif as a gurgle, when great clots of hard mem
brane aud iiiiinous came from my throat, and
the attack passed off. 1 am satisfied of its fill
cbpv as a preventive aud cure for diplheria.'
P. Wuodwakii, Koi KIOKP, Pa.
UKU.MM..-ln fsalem, hatunlav, June
11, 18K7, at 1 ::i p. in., to the wife of
T. J. Cronise, a daughter, weight eight
DAVIDSON. On Thursday, June 9
1HK7, near Salem, to the household cf
1. L.. Davidson, a son.
Mr. Davidson savs that in twenty-one
years be will have another democratic
l'OT Ii VI K-E AG LK B EUG E II . At the
Sargeant house, in Sulem, June i), 1887,
by Kev. W. H. 1'almer, T. W. Potevin
and Miss Sylvia Eagleberger, all of Ma
rion county, Oregon.
WOLF On Howell prairie, Sunday, June
12, 1887, the infant son of S. Wolf.
The funeral will take place this morn
ing at 11 o'clock, from the Baptist church,
Kev. Mr, Jordan otliciating.
PLAMONDON. At the residence of her
daughter-in-law Mrs. K. M. Plamon
don, in this city, on Saturday, June
1 1 , 1887, at 8 :il0 p. in., Mrs. Angelique
Plumondon, mother hi tbe late E. M.
Plamondon ; aged years and eight
Funeral from Catholic church at 2
o'clock p. in. on Monday, June 13th.
VENliN. In Salem, June 11, 1887, John
Venen, aged about 70 years.
This is the old gentleman who met
with the accident on the railroad.
Mr. Venen was an old residont of Con
neaut, Ohio; be was in the jewelry busi
ness there a good many years, and was
universally liked. He left Conneaut in
1870, and went to Iowa, and lived there
for a number of years with Mr. Hoyt.
Then they all moved to Salem, where
they have resided since. He lived and
died a true Christian.
funeral at half past 2 o'clock to-dtiy,
from the residence.
The Prices Paid for Produce, and
General Summary of the Salem
Market, Each Week.
Buying Prices.
WliKT-Stlll quote at'..S to 9ft 0.1 ats, but quite
unnertaln: very little left to sell.
Flour Per barrel, I4.W)
fiats Per bushel, 50 to 00c.
Hsrlcj -Pnr biiKhel, f0(
Ilraii Per ton, $19 at the mil'..
bhorts Per ton, 121.
Chop Per ton, I'JO.
Hops OfTeriug ail tbe way from 15 to tic.
Kggs If per dnc.
potatoes Per bushel, II,
florn meal He per pound.
Oat meal Hellfng at Mate.
Cheese If per pound all round.
Beans 8c per lb.
Pried apples Per pound, 9c.
Dried plums Per pouad, sc.
Pried pesches Per pound, 10r.
Priedprunos Per pound. Vl0c.
Hotter l'-S to 20c per pouad.
I.ard fKoluc per lb.
Hams Per pound 12c.
Hnoon sides luc per lb.
Shoulders 7c per lb.
Shoulders Sugar cured, selling, per lb, 10c.
HreamuHl nacon selling at 1
llama Sugar cured, selling, per lb, 15c
lteef selling, 8(a)12VsC.
Pork- H(l0c.
Mutton WalOc.
Veal HKgiitV.
Chickens Buying, l2.Mg.. ;or dot.
Hogs Buying, 4c.
Beef 'Jii foot, Sc.
Onions Selling at 4c.
Cabbage Out of market.
Timothy Seed Per pound, 7c: selling.
Ked mover Heed Per pound, He.
White Clover Seed Per pound, 2ftc. "
Wool Paying i'jc in Balein, aud 26 to 27c in
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung tn Castoria,
When she hsdchildren, shegavetbem Castoria
Prepar.'vl with strict resard toTnritv, Strength, and
lluulitifulut'n. llr. Price a Baking Powder contains
no Amnionia,l.tine.Alura or Phosphates. Pr. Price's
LitmctH, auilla, Lemon, etc., flavor delicioaely.
PWCt PfWTPnwnrPtV Cnr St lrtr.
Something New.
This is a cut of the new
Straw Stacker.
Elevating as high as desirable to place the
the straw and chair In a Black. It oscillates aud
stands in any position wittiout guy ropes or
props. The above machine is for sale by W. .1.
IIERKEN & HON at 55 State street. Also a full
line of farm implements, consisting of
Wnltor A. Woods' twine binders, also the Vic
tor chop mill.
Come and see us at 65 State street.
W. ). HEltltEN V SON
To The Fanners of Marion Cuuufr
The undersigned has opened a hardware store
iu Htaytou, Marion couuly, aud will keep cou
stautly on hand, a full assortiueat of hardware,
stoves and tinware, wooden aud willow ware,
cartridges, and ammunitions of all kinds. Will
also sell the (amous Milchel wagons aud bug
gies, aud the ruuowned "tiale," aud "Oliver'
chilled plows.
We will not be undersold for cash. Call aud
see us before purchasing elsewhere, for we can
suit you iu price aud quallly.
4-22 6m J. 0. C. WEIMER.
.SHAW & iiltEGG,
fjar-Ottioe iu Pattou'
ult's drug store.
block, up stairs over
ftcYWO tbe cuidren- They are es-y-JWVTV,
peciajiy ilaM to sudden
Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough,
etc. We guarantee Acker's English
Remedy a positive cure. It saves
hours of anxious watching. Sold by
Geo. E. Good, druggist.
Farmers, now Is the right time to go for these
pests aud save your crops front their devasta
tion. t se Vt nkelee's squirrel and gopher extermi
UHtor, for fcslc by 1J. V. Jlntlhews A Co.. 106
HHte s'reet. 4-22 tm
II yS5a' r spec I
I j mm
v'fSsr -fOJ EitfruRAirmjrt
It 12 A L
2ft6 Commercial street (Room 2 over Ststrsman
office), have many
Fine Bargains
To offer, and the list still Increasing.
Among them may be mentioned:
uer, with improvements; Man acre.
l) and barn, one mile from Salem; good place
for market gardener; 11,600.
' of Salem; small house and barn; good or
chard; well watered; a fine home; very easy
terms ; 15,000.
from the fairgrounds on the Oregon City
road, with house and bani; half acre in straw
berries; 2000.
east of Eugene City on the Mohawk, the
Selfridge homestead ; A50 The house and im
provements cost more than this
12 miles from Oregon City, with improve
ments; 11600, half down, balance on time, Land
selling for $.10 an acre all around ft.
miles from Salem, on the Turner road. $M
acres of fine land, with all improvements, will
be sola lor tsuou. i ne original con ot tne
house, barn and improvements alone was more
than $10,000. This is a most splendid bargain.
For sale or trade. A No. 1 two run custom
flourlnc mill, with warehouse and sawmill at- '
tached, in the best wheat section in Oregon on
tbe Willamette river. Fr sale very cheap, or
will trade for a farm in the Willamette valley.
Magnificent farm of 6S.1 acres, nine miles
from Salem, one and one-half mile from boat
lauding; $:io,li00. One of the finest bodies of
land in Oregon. Can be conveniently divided
into three fine farms.
1J7 acres choice land 4 miles south-east of
Salem, 75 acres under cultivation, 10 acres in
orchard and 15 acres pasture, good largo new
nouse anu oarn, good water; stuuu.
20 acres choice land opposite fair grounds.
all level, cleared land aud under cultivation,
no house; $75 per acre worth $125.
Farm of 320 acres 11 miles south of Salem, a
fine piece of laud; $00. Also 200 acres land 4
miles from Jefferson, good house and well Ira
proved; Iam
Farm of 320 acres, with a good bouse and
barn, seven miles from (ialem, 1C0 acres in cul
tivation, balance timber; $t400.
The A. D. Pettyjohn place 220 acres land, well
improved, in Polk county, Ave n.iies from Lin
coln, $:i500. Worth $-sJ0.
Farm of 120 acres 5 miles south of Salem, com
fortable house and good largebarn. SO acres un
der cultivation; $8000.
Eleven acres land 4 miles east of Salem poet
otlice, good house aud barn, iuured for $1400,
good title, for $2000.
Small farm of 15 acres 1 mile from the fair
rounds nesr Salem, good house and barn;
1400. Worth $2UI0.
Tract of 75 acres on Howell Prairie seven
miles east of Sslem, 4i acres in cultivation,
per acre, or $K75.
rarm ot eighty acres line land eight miles
below fcalem, near the river, new bouse; $2000.
The Ilrower place, three miles west of Salem.
iu Polk county, 24H)i acres; $21 per acre.
Farm of SO acres tea miles south of Salem.
with nice little liou-e and barn; $so0.
Farm of 56 acres i mile from the asvlnm at
Sslem ; $100 per acre, iy terms.
Fine farm of 140 acres 4 miles from White-
aker; $2500. A positive bargain.
Fine farm of 160 acres In Polk oountv. five
miles from Buena Vista: $2000.
Flue farm of 66 acres three miles from Salem:
$50 per acre. Easy terms.
Farm of 125 acres 3 miles from Salem, In Polk
county; $0000.
Farm of 17S acres rich land 19 miles from
Salem; $KXX).
Fine farm of 200 acres in mott excellent loca -
tion ; $7000.
Seventy acres of land fire miles south of Sa
lem; $700.
Farm of 166 acres 4J miles from Salem; $3350.
257 acres of land 1 mile from Salem ; $3200.
Farm of Vi acres in Douglas county: $1000.
Over 6,000,000 PEOPLEUSE
admitted to tm thm
ths world.
IllsstraStd, Dm
erirUia Tries
For 1887
will t mailed
FREE to all
applicants, and
to law sessuo a
without or
dering it.
son Mtn9 Gar
U. Held or
Flmttr SKEIHI thoutd
tend for it. Addraaa
I. M. FHR1 et.
Detroit, Mloh.
taaued Sept. and March,
i esveh yesr. - 31a pagea,
8ill4 lnehea, with aver
3, 600 illustrations a
waole Picture Oallerw.
GIVES Wholeaavla Prices
direct to eoiMMmr on all roods for
personal or family use. Telia how to)
order, and gives exact coat of every
thing yon use, eat, drink, wear, or
have fan with. These IN VAIAIABLK
BOOKS contain Information gleaned
from the markets of the world. We
will mall a copy 'IIKK to any ad
dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray
expense of mailing.' lt us hear (roan
yon. Respectfully,
ttl fc 919 Wabash Avenue, L hi case, lit.
Our : rent Specially isgrowinganddistriuutinaT
KOSICS. Wehiive Muauuf u'aiMaa vrir. The
Mient .-v..rriM sna rHe Tttt Sortg. Wo deliver
Mroiy Hot Planu safely by mall, at all MM Ojfirt;
Your 4'holre, all labeled, for lf M m
Htoraxi llMorWa. Alsootner Varle-
IUmo Growers. Weat throve, ('bealer t'e., Pa
I In-tAntly rihev- the nmm vitdent atUti'lc, nd
t lUhurts) iMinifurtHble Hlp. ISO HAlTINU tw UK
I xi I- i s. Btui atMMl by iubjUatioa, its tvution iia
I meniate. diroot nd rrrtaiu and cure is tbe
oamm. A nnfri trial wu-
I of tuiy
iicai. rnoe wtc. ana 91
rtUmip. Ir. K.M H t ! KM ANN.Hi. r..l
mail. amv4e rn i
tj . OreKou. Teeth extracted without paia
by anew prooetiti. Teeth filled with die Uietrt
iinuroved fllliugii. Plates made on hhort notice
aud at reasonable tenuis. utd flUlngv a spec
ialty. Auy and all work iu the dutal llue.
Otliee, over White Corner.
Bsi IOr l. ih CM cur. juu, omv 1
ulf.rar, wt will null nouk UeoeTloo.,1
osaasca a Co., Mwk,a.4,