The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, June 17, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Rkmovr IIio awninga ami hanging
ni(! frfim the HtreetH o( Naluin, ami they
mill look better ami mure,
not ho much like a villas trailing pott.
Thk Drain, P-iuglas county, "Kelio,"
claim t.'itit thai town is biiginnmt! to en
joy a buiiui. This will be tins report
from all Hie town in western Oregon
next y, .ir.
Tin? xviplc of Salem a'-e. not unenter
prising. They uro alive to their future.
They will encourage mamibictming en
terprises, whenever they have tho oppor
tunity. We are on the right Trad to a
city of twenty thousand people.
Tub past school year has been the most,
successful one in the histoiy of the Wil
lamette univemity, of Salem. Thin school
is growing in popularity, and will no
douht next year have even a larger at
tendance, than during the past, year. Sa
lem should he proud of her schools.
Now that Salem will tie in a position to
take rate of all the fruit of this tun.. ion,
and that this is also becoming the wheat
market of Oregon, let uh next see what
we ran do towaid taking care of the
wool kniwd all abound us. The estnhlish
inent of a woolen mill would Kettle thin
A I'kn'di.kton man ban received a letter
f-om the Kant stating that his brother in
law had been defeated for the office of
constable by a negro named Pat Jones.
This is the most important item of news
the KaHt Orcgonian has had the Measure
of publishing for a long time. KaHt Or
ogoniari. Hkiik is another victim of the grinding
monopolies. Hill Johnson, a Htu'je robber
now languishing in an Idaho jail, gives
vent to his despondency as fallows :
"Stage after stage has been held tip wit h
out ge tin 1! a nickel, and it seems as
though all the money in the country was
in the band of toe hankers, tho railroad
managera, or the express companies."
Tim coffee crop is reported to lui a
tial failure in I'.ran'l, in Java and in Uey
lon, and cod'ee drinkers will no doutrt be
eonielled for Home tune to pay dearly
for tlieir beverage to whet their whistles.
It is Haul that the coll'ee drinkers of this
country will pay many million dollars
more for their beverage this year thr 1
last year.
Fitrrr laiiil is selling from $1000 to
$ U0 ) (air acre in different sections of Cal
ifornia. As many bushels of apples,
plums, jiears, prunes, eherrieB and other
like fruit can he raised on an acre of land
in the Willamette valley as on any land
in California, and it is of a lietter quality
here, and crops nevir fu:l here. The
lesson in a very simple and plain one.
Ah as evidence that business ib im
proving in Salem, the fact is cited that
the Statesman iH full and running over
with advertisements. This is a very fair
barometer of the status of business. e
Bpite the e Hurts, and predictions of its
enemies, the Statesman was never ho
prosorotm before, Its subscription bsts
are booming.
Tiikuk ate now ten thousand Chinese
in Mew York city, aud the Mongolian
population of the great city is increasing
rapidly. This is a practical solution
of the question. Ttie etfete East will get
enough of the pig-tuils for all practical
and philanthropic purposes very soon.
The New York VNorld Hays there are
only about I .icily wives of all these ten
tliousa d iii'joii-eved Mongols in the great
Ir is Haid that Queen Kapiohmi was an
enthiiHiastic Htudent of the English lan
guage till she met Senator William M.
EvartH. She gave up all hope of ever
mastering it when he acknow ledged an
introduction in a quarter-co'iimn sentence
in which elongated wordB clamriered
and enterlaced like ivy around an old
mill. Oneen Kai'iolani shouldn't give up
BO easilv nobody but Senator Lvurts
speaks Laigtish that way.
The Sun Francisco Chronicle warns
miners and others interested in unpat
ented mining claims along the lines of
the Central l'acific. Southern Pacific, and
California A Oregon, or within the land
grunts nf these roads, will do well to
keep an eye upon the lands which the
managers "of these roads are now " list
ing," preparatory to asking patents there
for. A large proportion of the lands so
listed is in "the mineral reservation."
Mayok Hewitt, of New York, does not
proMje to allow himself to be made use
of as an advertising medium. Last week
lie informed a nianuiactu"-er who wanted
him to appoint a committee to distribute
a certain sum unions charitable institu
tions as an advertising scheme, that he
would not in his official capacity counten
ance unv such project. If the manufac
turer wanted to give utiohtentatiously and
not as un advertisement he would see that
the money was procrly applied.
Kam-.m is waking up to the realization
of the fact that the way to build up a
citv iH to build it to encourage the es
tablishment of enterprises that will bring
people here and give them work, that
will disburse and distribute money here,
which will be spent and added to the
sum of our advancement and prosperity.
We can't build a large city without peo
ple, and the people cannot live here on
wind, nor on our glorious climate. They
must have something to do. That's
what we must furnish them as fast as
ever we can, and the boom that is now
gathering will not slow up or stop.
The bicvc.le races alone on the Fourth
of July iu' Salem will be worth coming
many miles too witness. The parade,
also, will Ik a feature that, will be intei
estinif and imoosing. The fireworks at
night will he an attraction. The ti-e-men'B
raecB will intuit the attention ol
all w ho take an interest in the noble
work of the brave boys who are ever
read v to risk life and limb to save pinper
ly. "Tim exercises at the grove will d-
serve the interested presence of ul' who
c like to bear good speaking, reading and
vocal and instiumentat music.
Boston has some respect for p'ya'ic.
t but the common eople area little ii.rn.-n'
it now as the amount of the bills i n .ne
reception to her dusky majesty iii-gm to
leak out. The committee of .ighi ..b
stantiul Jiostoncse, who went down lo
Washington to invito Kapiolani to come
to the Hub, were gone tb-ee days, and
they absorbed between eight and nine
hundred standard dollars lor the ex
penses of the trip. The bill rendered to
the mavor for flowers was $4,r(H. The
hotel bill of the regal party at the Parker
house wan $2,800. Only one hundred
guests wre admitted to the banquet at.
Mechanics' hall but the liquor bills show
that tw hundred gallons of intoxicating
hevorsges were consumed by the
notables that got cards. Two gallons is
tpiite a load to carry even for a resilient
of Leacon bill or the P.lack bay. These
were the big items of expense. There
were other little expenses connected with
the blowout Unit swell the total to 2"-OlK).
The story of the old woman with the
quilt which contains ten thousand pieces,
more or less, or tho grandmother of
eighty who can "work all around her
weakly daughter-in-law and carry a rail,"
or the well preserved and energetic dame
of seventy-five who can cook three meals
a day for a crew of hat vest hands and
milk six cows morning mid evening, is
Varied at lust by the sh.ry of a "smart
old man." Strar ;e to s iv, he lives in
Marion county, and not in Yamhill
county. It is related that on last Friday
iiiorniug, at 8 o'clock, ho took his ax,
laul and wedge, went o the timber,
,.iade 'J1D rails (goo 1 ones, too) and re
turned home at 4. p. in. 1 lis muscles still
clamoring for exercise, he tixik bis hoe,
hoed one-half acre water melons, walked
to town, a distance of two miles, got bis
mail, toen returned home, not feeling the
leat bit exerted. He weighs 124 pounds,
and is only seventy-two years of' age.
And the Htory is vouched for by the
Statesman and is supplemented by the
remark that is given "for the benefit of
tl'C young men who were born t ired and
no reformation has taken place."
The old man, spry and capable as he
is, does not wish to bite out, and to pro
tect him from a multitude of applica
tions fanners who wish to eschew new
fangled machinery and cut their grain
w ith a sickle and thresh it with a flail,
we withhold his name. Besides, being
a man, he i diffident and of course does
not want his extraordinary gifts heralded
to the world. Evening Telegram, Port
land. The name of this hearty old man is
P.enjamin Yatighan ; his address is Tur
ner, Oregon.
The American Medical Association is
holding its annual convention at Chicago,
and no douht a great variety of interest
ing questions wil1 be discussed. No
science, except perhaps the law, has de
veloped ho vast a literatne as that of
medicine,and if we are to trust the decla
ration of t ome very eminent professors of
it, no other has made so little satisfactory
progress. The charms of the unknown
and the unknowable are ever before the
devotees of this most noble of all profes
sions, for while there seems to Vie only
tine way of being well, there is an incred
ible variety of ways of being ill. These
afford a ncope for investiuation and dis
cussion which is not found anywhere else,
and the doctors are not slow to lake ad
vantage of it.
There are some subjects, however,
which a'-e rarely touched upoa. The pub
lic has always been curious to know bow
far medical etiquette transcends the pub
lic good, and whether a patient's life is of
more or less value than a principle in
medical ethics. This ouht to be tinal'v
settled by the national convention. It
would also lie interesting to know wheth
er it is not BR much the duty of physicians
to hunt down iniltv memlie'-s of their
profession as it is to bar out those who
have not reached a certain degree of per
fection in text-book knowledge. It would
be g'atiiying, too, for the association to
decide now iar the state mav extend
to a trade union of dociors a power of au
mitiing men to and expelling tiiem from
business w hich has no counterpart in any
other occupation. These matters would
do for a la-ginning, and should be a mere
incident in the excellent work which
these conclaves u'e capable of accj'u-
A plivsiciiin noticing a ladv reading
"Tw-elii.ii Night," said : "When Khnke
Hpere w rote ab iut ' Patience on a monu
ment,' did he mean doctor's patients?"
"No," she replied promptly; " you don't
find them on monuments, but under
Tliat. was u vivid remark of un unmar
ried lady living in Cambridge, w ho was
being chaffed about her state of single
blessedness. " It's no'hing to he ashamed
of, being un old maid," said she to her
tormentor ; "hut to he an old bachelor,
like you, is a disgrace, in .Massachusetts."
Somerville (Mass.) Journal.
An old lady of our acquaintance, hav
ing noticed and admired, as it turned
out a small observatory on the newly
built house of Mr. J l , insists that
when she and her "old man" build their
new house she is going to have "a purga
tory on top, jiit.1, like Mr. 1 's,'' or
"there shall he no bouse built."
One morning Henry Compton, the fa
mous ticor, and Douglas Jeriold, pro
ceeded together to view the pictures in
t he "eiullery of Illustration." On enter
ing the ante room they found themselves
opposite to a number of very long looking-glasses.
Pausing bofore one of these,
('umptoii remarked toJerrold: "You've
come here to admire works of art! Yery
well, first feast your eves on the work of
natuie," pointing to his own figure re-
tlect ing in the glass, look at. it ; there s
a picture for you 1" "Yes, ".said Jerrold,
regarding it intently, "very line, very
line, indeed !" Then turning to his
friend : "Wants hanging, though."
"P.ut the railroads in
maikable. 1 like the
Mexico are rt
way Mexicans
take life. 1 don't believe we know how-
to live here in lOurope. We go so fast
and we work all the time. Now it took
me a whole day to go about fifty miles."
"I'y railroad?"
"Yes, by railroads. We went very
si ''v and took it easy, but we might have
arrived at our destination a little earlier
if the conductor hadn't bad a lot of
gamecocks along and an engagement for
a cock-tight at every statiou. It was in
teresting, don't you know, but I don't
think I'll go to Mexico again for some
Miss Lois Abruuis, who has been at
tending Hcliool here for the past, year, left
yesterday morning for her home in Lincoln.
Xew-i Notes CoKceniiiijr this Institu
tion, its Students, Teachers,
nml Friends.
Miss Jennie Caldwell, of Junction City,
was present during commencement w eek.
Harold OUcrg is canvassing the city for
Pr. Dorchester's work on temperance,
and is succeeding well.
Jessie Stoops will probably go east dur
ing the summer and enter North univer
sity, EvansRin, 111., next fall.
W'm. C. Alderson will foon start a
steam wood-saw, and will be prepared to
saw all the stove wood in the citv.
Robert Eowrie went immediately from
the schoolroom to take charge of a team
and to supply the residents of Salem with
Frank Griffith, who made the greatest
improvement in writing for the year, will
receive a nice piece of flourished penwork
for his perseverance.
President and Mrs. Yan Scov left for
the home of the latter Fridav, where
thev will spend some time resting up
from the overwork of commence merit
The art room, which was open for in
spection Wednesday and Thursday, was
visited by many persons, and the work of
Miss i raig anil her pupils was much ad
mired hv them.
Miss Lottie French returned to her
homo at Jefferson yesterday. She will
stay out of school and teach for a year
or two, and will then return and take a
complete course.
Francis L. T'.crrv r.r.d Jas. V). Hamilton
left Friday evening for tlieir homes at
Fort Jones, Cat., where the former will
run a dairy and the latter a hoot and shoe
store, fhey took the business course,
and will put it into effect immediately.
Yv' tl EH E WOM EN A 1! E S. V P.BED.
Before Fpending twenty-four hours in a
Holland family it is plainly seen that here
at least man is lord of all he surveys and
that woman is a secondary cons: leratio.i-
a poorsecond at that. Tic i'.r: thing- h
served is that no Dutch j.-.-nlh man ' ...1
this word is used adviscdiv w'.e-n v lik
ing on sidewalk w ill uiu.c out "i his a
for a lady; the woman turns out into ;ie
road invariably, and the danger and mn I
diness of the street make no difference.
The male biped keeps the pave always.
The "place aux dames" under-tood and
acted upon in all other civilized c.juntries
cannot be translated into Dutch, there
being no place for it here.
The ladies are principally to blame for
much that is rude and uneouth in gentle
men's bshaviour; they regard a man as
something terrible, and act as if believing
that the masculine community go about
like roaring lions. 1 hey seem atraidto
look a man in the face or they might ob
serve by the ear-extension that not all the
stronger sex are carniverows.
In accordance with the roaring lion idea
ladies unescorted must not pass a club,
and yet frequenters of clubs in the day
time are principally raw youths of an ex
ceedingly non-hirsute appearance, and it
looks idiotic to see ladies go out of their
way two or even three squares to avoid
being gazed at by club habitues. In Ut
recht, the ultra-aristocratic city of this
land, where every other house covers a
nobleman's family, these prim restrictions
are carried to an even greater extent.
The lovely boulevards are a pride to
the city, and it is the fashion, w hen ladies
take a promenade to drop into a confec
tioner's to eat "taatjes" or drink chocol
ate in the small, cosy rooms adjoining
these shops. When a bevy of Holland's
fair ones, intent upon sweetmeats, un
luckily find the room occupied by one or
more of the masculine persuasion, are
treat is made for the Ftreet door, which
looks unladylike and undignified.
loexiiect that gentlemen would p.av
those delicate attentions to the fairer sex,
such as turning the leaves of music, band
ing a chair, &c, as is done in America,
would be erroneous. Conversing with
hcveral ladies and gentlemen at an even
ing party, and wishing to use a book ly-
' on the piano in the hack parlor, I
politely requested a young gentleman to
bring it. The look of absolute bewilder
ment that appeared on his physiognomy
snowed me that m some unknown man
ner I had committed an offense, lie did
bring, it but quietly informed me that
such a request had never been made by a
Holland lady. Correspondence of the
Millwaekee Sentinel.
Dntn'iy DoJ.e is an old-time amtiler,
who lias a game le and is noted for his
eccentricities and quaint expressions.
Some years a;;o, when the Buffalo driving
ark was the only trotting (rack of any
consequence in the country, Dujiely at
tended the races there. Jie stopped at
the best hotel in the city, and went out
to the track in a hack with three of his
gamblitnr acquaintances.
One afternoon his companions eotilcud
ed to put up a job on him and leave him
at the track to get. to to the city the best
way lie could. They agreed to meet him
at a certain place and go with him to
wht"-e their hack was located. Instead,
they went direct to the hack and ordered
the driver to hurry to the city. J)ueley
waited for them until almost cverv vehi
cle had left the ground. Then lie con
cluded that, lie had been run away from
and started to walk to the gates.
When he got outside the grounds the
only rig in the street was a buvkboaid
wagon drawn by a jaded animal and oc
cupied by five colored individuals, all of
them of the darkest African shade. I lad
ing the driver he arranged to go to the
eity along with the darkies for half a dol
lar. The driver, to earn his money,
w hipped up his nag and drove to the city
so fast that Pupeleji- overtook his compan
ions just as they entered the hotel. When
he ambled up to them they allccted great
surprise at having missed him, and one
of them asked :
"How in the world did you get in so
Boon V"
"K-ri topher!" said Ihipely, -'I came
iu on a flush of spades I" IC'hicugo Tri
bune. Mrn. P. 8. Knight and daughter, Lulu,
left for Eugene yenterday morning, and
will remaiu thtre during the comuH.'nce
merit of the State university.
x -.- vr.- v
'9 vaLMtMS!JIMt. ''4.
ro. '
I' D-; nsitr Ttrdlir ( V.
!-.e i'r !-:, v ' . iw ills i,f the human
dv :l.rS, :i diwensed Liver. Sim-
e- i.iv.v I;-vulutor lias Ijcen the means
r.. :ir-:n more people to health aud
-piiios by Ktvini; tliein a healthy
-. .'i- ! !i:;n uuv other agency on earth.
r that )t) ;i:t the GE3C"si.
rsaulied n-ltli a full Staff ef eighteen
Experienced and Skillful Physicians
and Bnrgeonf for the treatment or
all Chronic IiIscuk),
Chronic Vasal ff .farrh, Throat and
taus lieae, Livor and Ttiduey
Diseases, madder !..-sensei, IMseases
of Women. Blood iii vcawrs and Nerv.
cus Affectiona, cured here or at home,
wiin or without seeing tho patient. Come and
sv? ua, or send t n centu in stamps for our
' Invalids' Guide fciookj" v.iiicb, gives
all particuiai'3.
rcervotn ue&nf t y, impo.
tencr. Nocturnal IjOss'cs.
and all Ptorl'id Conditions
caused tiy Itouthtul ft'ol'
Ilea unit Pernicious Soil
tary Practices are speedily
and permanently cured ty our
tsooK, poEt-paia, w ct8. m sumta,
Ittiptnre. or Broach, radi
I Rupture.
cally cured, without tho Jini'e,
without dependence UTina
trusses, and with very little
Tir;n. fte:.r. frn tn .itia
in stamps,
treated with the greato fucufc. Book Bent
for ten cents in 6timi. AcJi"-c3 World'3
I)ir-FAKY Medicai. AssOUAltOM fa(3 Main
Mroei; uuiiaio, i. x.
The trfatment of many
n,rpl... I thousands of e:ies of lioss
LijCaiLi UF I custai.-s peculiar to
of fKa T-T'IMc TTr.l nr,A
Smcier.l Institute. Las af-
tucii' euro, uuu
mfm Prescripiioo
19 the result of this vast experience,
It is & riowerfnl Tlfitnrjtfl ta "Tr,r'r
and Nervine) imparts vigor and strentn
to thio system, and cures, as if ly macic, L,cu
corrliea, or "white," excessive
tlou iuar. nainfnl meiiktrnaiioit. uit
natural t-uppremions, prolapsus or
Sailing of the uterus, weak back,
n:!tevcrslon. retroversion, bearins
down iiat ioiiN, chronic coneea
uuii, luiiaiuiuuuon ana ulceration
ot the woieib. inflammation, unin
and tendernexs in ovnrlew, internal
ui'bi, ana "'leRtaio veuKiiestj."
it Tronmttv relievea nnrl fiirefl VnnflAll
and Veakitpw of Stomach, Indices,
tiott, ISIOKt imf, NervcuiN I'rosiratioUj
auu isieci'iuMueits, xii ciiuer sex.
1 UU $G.OO,
Sold by rrnrpits everywhere. Send
tea cer,:s in f-r.uiips lor r. l'iere.?'s iixru
ireaiiMS ou i;slms(.ij oi voucu, muto-aio.
6Q3 iCain Etroet, ETJFFALO, IJ. Y.
5tv TfilionB Headarhe
'Jjf ! UuiineiM, t'oitMtipaa
v W-.- tinti. I d i cpfitinn.
WW arwi itilious AttaeU.
H y promptly cured by lr.
la V Ptirr-ative Pellets. S!fi
( 'its i vi'il, l7 IJrugglBtU.
$3 SHOE.
The only 3 SKAMI.ESS
hhoe iu the world.
BTli-- r'nir vtirfni'1 fit nii
warranttid. ;unKi'ss, llulton 4
aim iaot!, an eiyics lot1.
vtvliih anil fiitrlliil! ilH
thost co'lnff "r 1
U.' . IIIIIffl.ilN a
trie f,i tihot-A adver-
liat'ti by vtuer
-fvert od UEUbdI mb Bboa
Rovsall wear the W. I,. rMr;rAS'4 SHOE
If vturit'alfrloee not kf'i 'hciu. wwi your uineon
pu&Ul U W. L. DOl il AS, lirockion. Mass
K cry one's duty is to not allow the liver, the
st'Hiiarh and thr kiiiueys, three Krettl orgas,
to heroine :1ok2 :ii or torpid, and In time expel
all liniMirit les of the blood. 1 he Oregon Hmmh.
1'iinfitT, h purely vcaetHble eoinpound, is The
Keiuedv to cure ull (lKea,es ol the kidney aim
liver, also those caused hy impure M'd. as hil
J lousnes. ironstipution, su-k headache, dyspep
ih. MToiulH. eruutlons of the fkin. riieuma-
tisHi, etc. Try it and yon will find it always
v.ctorioii in it tmttiewitn disease, roia every
where. l.U?r bottle. Hix bottles lor f.w.
4 2-n3-dw
Delicate I
iea. ir' -J5i
10 OTl)
This in much clieaiK'r tlitin I expeeted
will be found fide by Fide with the other
OPERATING HOURS FHOM :30 n. m. to 5:30 p.m.
T. J. CI I
6-10-tlw-lin Up StairM in
Iron and Steel Ko;id Scrapers,
Farm Jlaehniery, ana V e
liicles, lielting, Oils,
Binder Twine,
And machine supplies of all kinds.
Bole agent for
Hardware. Stoves
232, 234, 230, COMMERCIAL ST., SALEM, OR.
lislibiivii, Scliomaker & Co.
Have secured the agency for this state far the
F"ir manufacturing woven wire fence. It makes a fence stronger, more durable'and cheaper
than any other kind of fence made. Those in need of a fence of any kind will find it to their in
terest to call on them and examine their machines and fence before purchaiiug. No. 'JSft1. Com
mercial street. Second door north of K. M. Wade A Co's. 8-3
Portland, Oregon, dealers in
Most complete line of buggies, tarriiies and Hprinp wagons on the Pacific coast.
Having received our goods diirinj; tlio low rates of freight from tho East, we are
going to give our ciiHtomers the benefit, and sell tliein goods in our line lower than
ever before. Write for cat al now and prices.
5 (i im2 Portland, Oregon,
Or AV. J. 11EUKEN V SON, Salem, Oregon.
Horner Front ami Slate streets, Salem, Oregon,
15. h DRAIvE,
l nil1
And Harris' Ilo
gjypelton liorse powerH repaired,
short notice. Agent for 1 legroat's patent
New Patterns Iteivtii I'o-Day !
Fashion plates for .June and .July now ready, to
be had on application at the
v i i vrv: CORNER
.1. 31. 110SEN1JEUG & CO,
in .ii 1 1
JUUll likJt
IN rUOroiiTiON..
to make photoLTiplis when 1 name, hut I
photographers in !-;ilem in priees.
New Hank ISIoek. Salem. Ort-iron.
-Wholesale dealers in-
mr n oTAii
41 I
Presses mid Heaters.-
lirass and and iron casti : furnished on
ornamental iron fence.
l'AT'l': :!NS,
ctttt i imrvrwi Qr ft
Mill Machinery. Water AVhccl flovcniops