The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, May 27, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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News of the Week from Be
yoiid the Eockies.
It will be a Factor In Politics George ami
New York, May 19. The Commercial
Advertiser this afternoon publishes the
following : It is already stated on very
good authority that the Henry George
iator party lias already hegun to prepare
lor me lau campaign, uiscrict leaders,
with their assistant!, are making a house
to house canvass in the tenement districts,
and are said to be largely recruiting their
ranks from lukewarm democrats. It has
been intimated that the object' of the
whole affair is to swell the labor vote in
the approaching election to such an ex
tent that George could then be in a posi
tion to make a profitable deal with Blaine
in the presidential election of 1888.
George this morning said: "You can
authoritatively deny there is any deal or
agreement, either past, pending or to be
made in the future, between Blaine and
myself. I am opposed to Blaine. He
represents all I have been fighting
against for years in monopoly and the
worst form of capitalistic power."
v ui mere re a labor presidential can
didate in 1888 ?"
"It is strongly probable that there will,"
answered George.
News bv Teleffranli fi
West of the Eockies.
were told that if they kept qniet they
nuinu noi oe moiesiea. uue ot the pas
sengeis was shot in the head and a
brakeman named White had his cheek
glased by a bullet. The express agent
refused to ojen the express car and the
roDDers broke open the doer and knocked
me expressman uown. xne sate was
then broken open and robbed. The
amount of money obtained was variously
estimated at from $21,000 to $55,000. Af
ter the robbers had secured the "boodle
they told the trainmen to roll the lot? off
the track and tlinv I'railil j T1iq. than
mounted their horses and" rode inv. Portland, May 1!). The mniwri. Iwn.
The train was delayed only about half an ellt for the Nanaimo sufferers eivnn at
hmir " I . o v " "
iNew Market theater to-night by local tal
ent, was a success in every particular.
The programme was well received and
excellently rendered. The theater was
crowueu 10 tue Uoors. The receipts were
about a00, which, added to the amount
aireauy sunacribed, makes a totul for
uub city lor tue JNansumo widows and
The Nanaluio Fund Increased $.1110
the Portland Relief Concert.
o'clock this morning the body of a wo
man was seen floating in the river at the
lower imrt of the city, and was taken out
by men from the steamship Columbia,
fche was identified as Mrs. Catherine
Uuinney, a former resident of this citv,
but now of Mt. Tabor. It is supKed
thatthedeceased, while under the influ
ence of liquor, foil into the river. She
was until recently possessed of consider
able property, hut the loss of a great part
of it drove her to drinking. The coroner
is holding an inquest this evening.
Ottiiial Want No More Konwiue
from Winnipeg.
Montreal, May 20. Mattors between
the Canadian Pacific railroad company
and the Manitoba provincial government orphans of about $4,500.
over the construction of rival roads to
the boundary line have reached a climax.
The provincial legislature want j to grant The People of Sublimity F.xdted
on Carlo ha been Asked to Lend a
0 Hand and He a Leader.
New York, May 19. A special from
the City of Mexico, says that it is stated
in upper government circles that a plot
on the part of the conservative partv has
oeen discovered. A government mem-
ner ot congress, m the confidence of
President Diaz and several cabinet mem
bers, stated yesterday that there is no
ioubt that Mexican conservatives have
actually invited Don Carlos, the Soanish
pretender, to visit this country for the
purpose ox entangling rum in Mexican
politics and of eventually making him
head their party.
charters giving this privileee. desDite the
opposition of the federal government and
notwithstanding the monouolv clause of
the great lranscontinental company.
George Steuben. riresiiient of tl
adian Pacific, wired Premier Korquay, of
Manitoba, last nicht. statin? that, if th
latter's intention of granting a charter to
the Northern Pacific to build an inde
pendent line from the boundary line to
v innipeg is carried out the result will be
disastrous te that city. He, in effect,
threatens to establish the principal west
ern shops of the railroad at Fort William.
it is understood that the Canadian Paci-
Golden Discovery.
Ti'rnkr, May 1!). Dick Kays, of Slav-
ton, discovered a rich deposit of gold in
a gulch on the Mehama and Turner wag
on road, one half of a mile east of Sub
limity, a few days ago. A Bhaft is to be
sunk to-day. Great excitement prevails
in that neighborhood over the milium
A China Steamer with Smallpox on llourd
San Francisco, May 21. Steamer
Gaelic from China and Japan arrived
outside this morning with smallpox on
board. She is now coming into the har
bor Nc particulars yet obtainable.
Before the vessel came to anchor sho
was boarded by a quarantine officer who
on investigation found twocasesof small
pox among the Chinese misseiim,
She was at once placed in quar-
An Insane Murderer.
San Frakcihco, May 19. The trial of
A. P. Chuich, charged with killine Wm.
nc otticere also telegraphed subsequently Baxter, clerk of the Case house, in Ite- U..II.1 J: a. f r I . - '
luiuaujlliu; w UUUU U
Seven Chinamen anil Tr.. ivi,n. m....
Killed In the SUktyous.
Henley, Cal., May 21. News has
reached hew that at Siskiyou mountain
tunnel Thursday night a large cave oc
curred which caught seven Chinamen
and two white men. All were instantly
killed. J
uirctH uue irorn cemner. 1878. was iol u,u u-uuv or nr. f.u
to i'ortasre-La-1'raine. thus pivmo I nffjTnnrn iu i.,. ni.. . I nor ot first and liriniiiuli,;,,
. ' d d i wj.. , iu m i miiuiik' iimrrii m iv I . . .
tne go by. of manslaughter. The . i ,oH.S. taming sixty -seven feet
I , - 'ntnui IfXJ i 1 kii
iMi.Ti.. . I cuuar, as Church became insunn almrtiv
Real Estate Transfers.
Albany, May 21. Cowan & Cusick,
owners ot the County bank, pur-
loole the cor-
streets. con
front, paying
i tue of hh execution ami decree dulv laiied
out of the lion. Circuit Court ni the Htate of 0
egon fur Marlon niiuutv, mid tu rue directed on
me via uuy ot April, IW7, wherein Milton w
Hmlth, plaintiff, recovered a jiiilKineut mm tl
oree RKHlnnt Jhuu Weston, defendant, nalil
JiulKmuiit keinir for the mi in of three hundred
and two mid rMOO diillnra, with interest thorium
at the rate of ten er cent, neraiiniim from July
li, iw, Him uiu km Httomeya leea, nun then
cosU and illHhiirsomeiitH herein twxed nt liS.MJ,
I have levied upon nucl will aell at putiHc hii
Natiinlay, the Hth day of May, 18H7,
At the court house door In Halum, Marion
county. Orexiin. Rt II o'clock a. in. of sslil 1h
to the hliihest hlilder for i'hsIi in lmnd on the
Hay of miIu, all the rlirlit. title and Inlure
of the dcfemlHut, .Isne Weston, in or niter the
awn uay of July. IWi (the date or said Jiiil
nient) in and to the following ilcscrihed jirem
i!h, mi-wu; jieuiK ine uouaiion laiiii ciami o
David Weton in Marion county and stale o
Oregon, cliilm No. hi, ami helnij parts of anntion
n Him in iiiwnsnip 4 s k 1 n , nun claim N
41, beiiiB parta of nentlons 1 and la in townthl
s K , tiuuniiHU as follows: IU'kmiiuiik at
piuui niiains soutii nt the H K comer of sal
section one and riinnliiif thence east27.'24nlialn
thence mirth 10 denreea HII iiiiniiiea wt ft
chaliia; thence mirth HI deKrees Wi mliiutuM cast,
ii.jn chuuim; inence nortli 4:i.MJ chains; tlienc
aoutli tauifitreca west, lJchalna: thence ninth
.yj uegreea weat, 7.ilf chains, thence aoutli 77 d
(trees ii mliiutea west, 10 chimin; thence mirth
no ueirreem.i inuiiiteN went, lli.nUclialiiK; tlione
north 7( deif ree.i 4ft minutes west. '2t;.i'i7 nliHlm
thence north H9 denreea m minutes wen, HIM)
uimuis; iiimice aoutn ib.m chains, and theur
east cnaina to the place of lieKlniiiiiK.
Dated at Halom, April , IsS".
Sheriff Marion County, Oreiiou
Tke Toronto Pram does not Approve the
Action of the Mob.
Toronto, Ont., May 19. The Globe,
referring to yesterday's disturbance,
says : "The ruffians of yesterday doubt
less expected to overawe the eloquence
and courage of O'Brien, and this they
vainly attempted. They have thrown
over to him a volume of public sympathy
which he could not have otherwise ob
tained. He stands now identified with
the cause of free speech in Canada ; free-
aom to wait tne streets, and freedom to
aner ine Homicide, and was sent to the
ntocKton asylum, where he remained
until a short time ago, when, having
recovered his mental faculties. 1 IO U'MH
. . '
lui iiu trial.
Killed by a Switch Engine.
Mrqinia City, May 19. Daniel
the fechwartz was rlm over "d killed by the
coke-yard of Col. Shoemaker, at the Jim- lrgin'a & Truckee railway, in the yard
town works, without warning. Thev at G'd Hill, this afternoon. Schwartz
macie a savage attack on the men en- started to cross the track, but the switch
gaged in drawing out coke from the ovens engine pushing an emntv car nn aii
mere, cucn laoorers as eoulu not escape iraca hituck mm.
were crueny oeaten, one man being so
iney ueatroy Worth of Property
and have High Old Time.
iiT-rsBLKG, ra., aiay u. A serious
phase in the coke strike at Everson de
veloped this morning when a mob of 300
negro and Hungarian miners armed with
Diudgeons suddenly appeared in
Wonderful Popularity ol the Re
nowned Medicine.
The Greatest Curative Suet-ess ol
the Ajre A Voiee from
the People.
badly kicked that his life is desoaired nf.
Having destroyed all movable projertv,
the rioters marched to the works of Jas.
Cochran & Sons, and destroyed the Droi-
erty there. The total destruction of
property probably amounts to over 50.
Much Snow Ilenorted on th ru.,..i.
Mountains The O. P. Kailroad.
The Toronto Board of Trade Sweating In-
der the Collar.
Toronto, May "20. The closins scenes
express nis opinion, and these common at the board of trade last night were ex
rZ.Tr,y Z eV tremey exciting. The discussion of the
. - 1 - LUllilUClllO
of the other papers are of the same tenor.
Albany, May 20. A. M. Arnold, who
arrived in this city to-dav over the Cas
cade Mountains, states that there are
at least twentv-five miles of snow nn
the Cascade mountains vet. In the
opinion of old mountaineers, it will be
three or four weeks before the road can
be traveled. The snow is eiuht feet Hwm
and at one place this side of Fish lake a
snow slide
No medicine introduced to the public has
ever met with the success accorded to Hop Hu
ters It stands to-day the best known curative
article in the world its marvelous renown la
notductotheadvertisinitit has received It is
famous by reanon of iu inherent virtues, it
does a 1 hat is claimed tor it. it is the most
powerfti , speedy and effective agent known for
he buildinst up of debilitated systems. The
following witnesses are offered to prove this.
What it Iid lor un Old Lady.
Coshocton Station, N. Y., Dec, 2fi, lmt.
Gents: A number nf nennin h.H i.
vonr hitters here, and with marked effect In
fact,, a lady of over leventy yeara, had
been sick for years, and for the past ten years
1 have known her she has not been able i i,
mw 1 l.l .1 : . " HI
.i.o . i ,7, 11 ' 1X nioutha aito
she (jot o feeble- ane was helpless. Her old
remedies, or physicians, bein? of no avail, I
sent to Deposit, forty five milesrand got a bot
tle of Hod llin..r ii 1,0,1 ...-i. 1 f ' "T .
containing rocks, logs and effect on her that one bottle improved hersoslfe
. . v.,Wo!5 oersen aim wallf about f w.
Won't Like Divorces.
Washington, May 19. It will not be
an easy matter hereafter to get married
in Washington. An alliance which con
trols nearly all the principal ministers of doorsF while the "loyal coterie" took pos
the district of Columbia have adopted a 8e88ion of the floor, and shouted the
resolution that declares no members of national anthem at the top of their
the alliance Bhall solemnize a marriage v.0lces- Ihe result of tue meeting prae
tor any person who has a divorced wife tically closes the discussion of the nues-
U 1 .1 : 1 1 i - . , .. I i:nn f - ..: : . .. I . i 1 ,
uuiuwu diiu uving u sucn wile or I " iue Doara
uEanuu ui uuujuierciui umun wun me I , ... - "'"V xne party house Wh ,h. u i . - m
United Ktatei. stin, ti, M1 f L. which Mr. Arnold was with RttPmml ti ?h"uLe; S ' 8.h.lhuk'.' ,h ind bottl
x virtue in an execution, duly issued outoi
the honorable circuit court, of the state of Ore
i. on, for the county of Marlon, and to me (II
recieu on ine jau nay of April, IKS7, upon
jiuliiuieiit from a trauscrlnt issued out of tin
justices court of (Uiampocit precinct, rendered
the th day of February, lMRfi, wherein C. O.
xuuniiu was pun nun aim Aniable IterKevlnwaa
defendant, said Judgment beiiin for the sum of
1118.00, together with cost and lilslmrseiiieuts
laxeu at ai,i.4a, ami accruliiK costs and Interest
for want of personal proierty to satisfy said
execution i nave levied upon ami will sell i
public miction to the hl(,'liet bidder, for cas
la hand, ou
Saturday, the UKlb day of May, 1HH7.
at the door of the county court house, in Salum
lllarion COIllltv. (Irpirnti ( II ..'.il.u.l. u K.
said day, all the rignt, title and ititerest'thatthe
urn Aiuniiie nernevin nad on or after the 9th
day of February. liiKfi, In or to the following-
uCTvnireu reai estate, to-wit: heulniilnu li. ij;
uuaius, n iu ueirreos 4. mliiutea V of the N
corner ot the Theodore nervals claim ; thence
o i .ucsreni.1 iiiiiiiues n, u sacnalns to corne:
. ulr?,""""0' J'i ucsress w HI. W. chain
i" " iiiaianir river, tneuce pi. aiu deirrees W
w.iciiains to corner of lots 4 and 6. b. WW de
erees r... IV'70 clialns in nli.. of l.....i..,?i....
nl:res, aiiuatu iu .Marluu emm
j, si'iie oi ureiron.
uaiea April ai, 1HS7.
Sheriff Marlon County, OreR-nti
tending factions to a white heat. Mr.
Jicuonaid's resolutions were carried by
"vcivwieimiiig majoruv. ine previ
ous question was then carried, after
wiucli a wild rush was made for the
come from l'rineville on horseback, but t to her neighbor s ami has improved alUlie
i7V 1 v ' J"" cnuuren also have de
rived great benefit from their use.
Agt. U. 8. Ex. Co.
had to leave their horses and come over
on foot. He also reports all the build
ings at Fiah lake crushed in anil do.
Wm. Hoae. who is in the citv atutna
that engineers and surveyors will" resume
work on the Oregon Pacific eastward ex
tension of this city on Monday.
Sacramento Salmon.
husband has been put away for any
cause arising under marriage, but this
resolution win not De neia to apply to an
innocent party divorced for the cause of
adultery, nor to divorced persons seeking
iv uc reuiuieu in marriage.
Poor Hop Crop.
Utica, Jf. Y., May 19
An EiithtiNiastie Endorsement.
u i. Oorham, N H., July 15, Imx;.
th.SD hveT you". ' don't know, but 1
.? . . .5? lMTd'n tee1 urateful to you to know
that In this world of adulterated medicines there
is one compound that proves and does all It
vertisea to do, and more. Four years airo. I had
Sherman's Taxas.
Mansfield, Ohio, May 20. Senator
Sherman has arrived in this city in re
sponse to a citation to appear before the
county auditor and explain his supjKwed canners are trying their luck in Alaska
river salmon pack which has dei-reased
from season to season, will not, it is said,
be any improvement this year, on what
iias Deen oi late, home Sacramento
vmiiiteu axxm. me senator stated un-
A gloomy feel- oer oatn tnat he does not own now, and
ine pervades the hon district, nf rwri ver has owned, any stock in the First
Wovi, t ... Aational bank of New York, and that he
1"u' "8" e growers own8 no 8tock in thfi rinn pflnifil.
Hew York
nardiy realized enough from hops to pay way. He fuither stated that he owns
Uie COSl OI raising. IftOSe Who Drofited SlO OOTl worth nf in tl, IV.. At- al.i.w nnci ':.: . .
materially wprs ih ki " i. .".. ... . " v" " B-T,,c V,w"fv w",u"8 cargoes oi cannea
u.ij IT"?. j . i . "u . p"mui6urMii. Hsu win ioaa as soon as thev can cet a
where the hsh is obtained n)imu
-l.l 1 X. . . . w...v.. ,
uiiuuugu xne cost ol getting them to
market is greater. It is not believed
that outside river canners will have a
favorable year as the weather and small
runs have been great drawbacks. The
make me shake like the ague. Last May I was
lnilUf.0,1 film tl..r. 111.. ... . 1 . .
v. .. j j .juitMp. i us one bottle,
bin did not see any chaiie; another did so
change my nerves that they are now as steady
as they ever were. It used to take both hands
to write, but now my good right hand writes
this, how, If you continue to manufacture a
honest and good an article as v,.n ,i .ui
accumulate an honest fortune, and confer the!..iuij nil your tellow-men tliai wi
ever conferred on mankind-
riIlt:itIFF'H KALK.
' execution duly issued out of the
lion, county court of the State ot Oregon lor
t ie county of Marion, and to me directed, on
the Hth day of May, Inst, upon a judgment
.... tu Luit nuove nameu court on the 4lh
; , ... i.wuii was oeienuHiit, said
Judgment being fur the sum of 73.4:i, and costs
ami disbursements taxed at SO, together with
accruing costs and interest, for want of per-
......... ,, ,, ,, (omaxesald Claim
1 have levied unmi ami will .ell i . 1 1 ,.
lion, te the highest bidder for cash hi hand, en
Saturday, the lKth Hay of June, 18H7,
ni one o ciock p. m . of said day, at the court
" in ouiein, marion county. (Iregnii
all the right, title mid interest which the ai 1
ueiemiani, ii u. no,,,,, ht, , , followll
described real estate on or after the 4th riav of
ciovemuer, im,, n follows, to wlt: Lot iiimiUer
vi. in uiws uiimuer slxty elght (tin), as
.. -.-...,....,.,,.,, nu mie 0, oregon: save
and except that portion ot laud iu lot five (A)
in block sixty-eight (iW), heretofore deeded by
H. V. lliKin to his daughters, Cora I .miu and
uu me a.)u uav oi February, lust;.
J.-t. w. .Ml.VTO
Dated Slay K, 1M7. 8h"' 'm
hold their product for a better price,
uiuu came uie year later, tast vear
the crop was almost a total failure. The
two years' misfortune brought distress tu
many, ana taiiure to more than a few.
The third year means ruin to a still
greater number. Uniform reports by hop
farmers are that they have a third bad
year betore them.
Bellicose Senators.
C...r,.n.... Til St f:
urinurijil,jj, j.u., may ly. i Me uigni-
A vtaiihington Territory Man Pound In
sane in Chicago.
Chicago, May 21. An old gray haired
man dressed in black and wearing a long
mustache was brought to the insane de
partment of the county court yesterday
having been found at the Union depot by
ty of the senate was violated yesterday the train from the west mi,i ;., "
llW tvn fltilnnnn r. . f.'LL . 1 i nlil 1 i i,anl t 1 ' . .
j vun.agu reiittiuiu, ana '""-iii6cuv aiuuut, ui iiuuseit. a stibse-
Crawford, who had a jersonal encounter quent eff?? wa8 made to a-ertain his
upon the floor of the senate, each calling name' w'th?ut "'suit, but in an inside
the other hard names. Thev then en- P00 of '8 vest was found a letter of
irurouucuon to United fStates .Senator J.
N. Dolph, of Oregon, who is at present in
Washington. The letter was dated May
13, at Port Townsend. Y T onri
signed by A. W. Bash. Bearer was des
cribed as being A. L. Blake, ex-deputy
collector of customs at Port Tnn.n,l
gagea in a regular knock-down fight.
eeverai ot their colleagues separated the
com Da tan ts before serious results fol
lowed. .acti made an apology.
Another Protest.
tlAMH.TOX, Ont.. May 19. Wm
O'Brien is to lecture here on Monday a,nd wll9 na(1 for four years been in
night under the au8tiifs of th hw.-l ?.'ar.of the ?fIi,:e -'orreronrlence and
iL. T , . " ". ninese nusiness. The etter ex
, .. irl8n league. It is pro- plained that Blake, who was honest and
posed to call a public meeting for 8atur- capable, had recently teen Sawd
dav evenini' to nrnteHf am nm M- ri'ii.: f,., n. ' , , . motnargi.u
en's coming here to continue his attack
on lxjra LandHowne.
An Actress in Trouble.
from the employ of the uovernmeuf ul
went to Washington for the purpose of
l,,S 131UIC HIM ireHHlfinr f,r avfratn rt
of the treasury certain cl
Chicago, May 19.-After the perform- CXf
ance of "ClothilH." it n;i,t o. C. Y"l m.Ke Pfareu
-' me tun- w ire Buimruu' n m iint.riiia na .....n
4 J . . . .If,, '-' " " ' .-1 1
uu uox omce receipts of Mrs mental illness,
Jeffreys-Lewis were attached on a suit for
fiuou, Drought by Aew lork costumers.
Particulars of
the Texas
Train Kob-
They Get a Half Holiday.
New Y'obk, May 21. The Saturdav
i n , .. . .
uau nonaay rule was generally com
plied with to-day. In the afternoon there
was a general cessation nf hnami,.. i
.l.., J' ... . ami
uunu wnu lilt' sireRTfl nan a s,,n. ....
iir r r . uuiiubi ap
"fi Aexau, iuay zu. ltie to ow inn trauce. r.xcnani'e courts, citv ,,!
particulars of the train robbery on the cunty offices, etc., were closed promptly
T) : i t. r- i it. ., . at-noon.
mioiusuuiiai a ureal junnern railroad .
McNeil station have been learned. THE mumident ok the nkh-voru-
Twelve mounted men did the work, and
r? v m,u eyeiem, anu L. Pitts, the f,.lH"
waou uidub nuiHKii Hfi hmii mar rtiatr UAa.otA .. . j i
.,wl. .Z.ll .T r." "- "K.u:","1 peer.
. ... H 1 UI Krr BU1UUIIL I J I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 ' V irnm thn e 11 C 1III1IJH IS Til I .. . I ... I ... . n .
j.tiuc xxpresH company, a passenger
i, j lan 8ays: " Ben the train
pulled out at McNeil station it was found
that the agent and two centlempn .m
jncuarge. xne rot) berg were mounted
and armed. They had rolled a log in
front of the eppintv and th 1
1 ,T c"B""c' anu have in several iulm,.i..n
rutYi -T!J BUarQea ?y.fl0me J tu.em- Vi'V!"' "i'hweak and lne baksT and the.
tn tiM ir iiBvts luvariHhiv fiipHri AA..ut . . '
euiiicient; quantity, tnglish exporta
tions will be quite as heavy as formerly.
IJ row ned In a Ditch.
Nevada Citv, May 20. Last ninlit
Mrs. Jonathan Tengilly while crossing
the Eureka Mining company's ditch on a
plank twenty inches wide, fell in and
was carried Uown by the current and
Probable Transfer of the Orognn Pacific
to the Chicago & Northwestern.
Albany, May 21. Much speculation
lias of late been indulged in concerning
the future of the Oregon Pacific railroad
and its connection with the Chicago
inorin western, it seems now that the
tardiness in tne work of crinntrnti.,r.
A Husband's Testimony.
aiy wne was troubled for years with blotches
moth patches and pimples on her tace, which
nearly annoyed the life out of her. She spent
Tnflnv I il lira n. .1 V
j ......... lumnituu lniaiiinie t'J
cures, with nothing but injurious etlects. A
lady frieud, of Syracuse, N. Y., who baa had
similar experience and had been cured with
Hop Hitters, induced her to try it. One bottle
has made her face as smooth, fair and soft as a
child s and given her such health that it seems
almost a miracle.
A Kith Lady's E.jri-iiff.
I traveled all over Europe and other foreign
countries at a cost of thousands of dollars, In
search of health and found it not, 1 relumed
discouraged and disheartened, and was re
stored to real youthful health and spirit? with
less than two bottles of Hop Hitters. 1 hone
others may profit bv mv evnei.i.r,..o ......
at home. A LADV. AI!(;i:sTi up '
i Oregon Peach Bitters
Nil bltl KF'S SALE.
tue of an execution duly Issued out of the
Hon. circuit court of the atate of Oregon for
t he county of Marion, and to me directed', on
the Ath day of April, 1.VI7, upon a Judgment
leudered in the above named court, ou the 2UI
n.f,!br"1Rry' '" fllvor of w' iluimes,
Plaintiff, and against 0. A. Keet and K C
Small, defeiKlauts, said iudgmeut bcinir for the
..nn oi io.ui, mid costs taxed at ipji', to
gethcr with sccriiing costs and interest. 'i have
levied upon and will sell at public auction, or
Saturday, the lHth Duy or June, 1SK7,
At the dnorof the county court house, In Ha
lem, Marion county, Oregon, at two o'clock p
m.iif said day, p. the highest biililer for fasti
in hand on the day of sale, all the right title
and ntereit which the said defendant : A
Heed had on or after the alat day of February;
1-M, in and to the billowing described preni
Ises. to wit: Ixils numbers six (li), seven (7i ami
eight (8) in block number nine (9;, in the town
of .North Salem, according to the plat of Salem
on file in the county clerk's ollice of Marlon
county, situated in the town of Kurth Salem In
the county of Marlon and Ctate of Oregon' '
lined Mv ,7 ,kt H1"!r",' Mttrim c,""y-
John G. Wiiulu,
Tn the circuit court of the atate of Orpimn in.
Mariiiu county. ur
K. Mullonald and Joseph F- Kelly, pin u vm
The Salem (Oregon) Caiiltol Klour Mini, com'
pany limited, First National bunk of Halem
Oregon, the (!lty of Halem Hoiupany, William
Stuart and James Uulionald tiustee, deft '
To The Salem (Oregon) Capitol Flour Mill's
limited, First National bank of Salem On
gun, The City of Halom company, wllllam
Smart, and James McDonald trustee, defiiiiii
1 gnu you are hereby reouired to appearand
atiswer the noinplHliit filed against you In ti.
above entitled action on or before the Brat tliiv
of the next regular term ot the above eutltled
court to wit: the second Monday Iu June n.JI
being Monday June 111, Kn7, and If you fall ,
to answer for want thereof the plaintiffs win
apply to the court for the relief dumauded in
the cniiinlaliil, being the decreeing and daclar
ing of a certain mortgage given by the City of
Salem company to William Stuart, which aald
mortgage is dated the second day of Angast
ltwi, and duly recorded 111 the records of Wr!
Ion county, 111 the slate of Oregon, at page 1KR
01 sei. of book hi Uiiiionls of Mortgagos of said
Marlon county, suite ol Oregon, void as against
the creditors of the City of Salem company
The decreeing anil declaring void a deed nf
conveyance made by the Citv of Halem oom
pany to James McDonald trustee, which aald
deed Is dated the tunth dav of July, ISM
duly recorded Iu the records of Marion co'uutv
In the state of Oregon, at page lim et sen Af
book 81 itecords of Deeds of said Marion 'coun
ty, state of Oregon, as against the creditors of
the City of Halem company.
The decreeing ami declaring void a deed of
conveyance given by James McDonald trustee to
the Halem (Oregon) Capitol Flour Mills coin,
(.any limited, which aaid deed Is dated the first
dayof July iHKtand is duly recorded Iu the
records ol Marlon county in the state of Ore
goe at page Hi. et ae, of hook 38, Records of
Deeds of said Marlon county, state of Oregon
as against the creditors of the City of Halem
The decreeing anil declaring void a mortgage
given by tUe Salem (Oregon) Capitol FloSr
Mills company, Incited, to the First National
bank of Halem, Oregon, which said mortgagnia
dated the seventeenth day of November IMSii
and Is duly recorded In the records of Marlon
county, In the atate of Oregon, at page ftnl et
sei., of book 17, Itecords of Mortgages of aald
Marlon county, slate of Orcgou, as auainst the
creditors of the City of Halem cmipaiiy
That said William Stuart, James McDonald
trustee, First National bank of Salem, Oregon
and the Salem (Oregou) Capitol Flour Mills
company, llmltea. b held and decreed to lie
trustees so far as they have any I merest In aald
uita of
trustees so lar as they have any I merest In sal
property and premises lor the creditors of tl
City of Halem company and for the payments i
the Judgments of the plaintiffs against the Cll
oi umeiii eiimpany sin i mat said property be
" . . . . . iiuis auu uuniaiiila of
tnese pialnlllfs aud such others as may loin
herein, aud that the same be sold to satisfy
aui'ii ueiiiHlinn.
hat nlaiutilT'a muv iisv (HaIp ... .11.
btiraemeiita. "u
That plaintiffs may have such other and
further re ef as in tula conn .......-"!!
and equitable. ' " ml
You will further take notice that this sum
mons is published In IheWecklyOiiKiioNHTATks
m an pursuant to au order made by the Honora
ble K. 1'. HoImi. mine of Mm .,i,i..,.
court, ou the Ulth dny of April. Iwi7.
Altoriieys for plaiutlffa.
In the circuit court of the suite of Oregon lor
the county of Marion, as.
Wm.f'orhett.Il.Macleay 1
ou neuoctn .iiacteav.
partners, doing huaiuesa
under the firm name and
style nf Curiam .ti .M I
cleay, Halutltls. V
vs I
li W ll.ll ... i
. ... iirnuii'T. i iflptt
Ilradloy. J. H. Hcttlemlre
and J. A. Louglimlllcr,
To the above ln
1 you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against y m la tlii
above entitled suit, ten d.ya from the
date of the service of this aumm.iis upnu you
If served within this couiitv: or if LL,T i..'
ary other county of tbta state, thou within
ys irom tne date of the aervice of this
iiuin una ujMin you; or, if served by iiublica-
:. ' ' ' ouiiiie, inn, .tnat lieiliB-
tbe nrsl d:tv ..( the next regular term of .aid
curt, following the cxpirat od of The t"
prescribed in the order for i1,il,li...iY.., .U'.!
s iminons; and if you fall ,o loanswor, for wan"
the relief demanded Iu ,ld complaint which Is
as follows, to wit: First, that the mortgage men
loned in aald complaint tie foreclosedand the
land mentioned iu said moriimne ...Vi
plaint which 1, described as lulTowrto wu
.-,. ,, in mors 4, n, t!l(. ,(lwn ))f Wo(m).
..i ii, tiiiimy oi ..iitriiiii. aim mihia hi i t...
aim tuata thereof, be sold
howu by the ma
: i "'"I me proceed of such sale
be applied to the payment of plaintiffs i,X
Thal,.me,l,tl:,m"1 ",' , ''" d:
i or lo
an- deoTi-d1 '"r
.aid mortgage lien of iVai.Vtifrs Third J n-,'..
pieiuillls have liidgiiient against ;i,.f...T
urn' of ZX''.h
December uth. iM, , "f",'"" ".?
per annum, amounting to and for llin rsi
said land when sold falls inn.. ,mB.
amount to pay plulntilVs ilemnud liiclnding the
tlfls have Judgment over against said defend,
"fa-n-rtenu. """"'A
and further r.tiis.r au
hi., t v "evm J""1 'iu
further i,otr( . Vi,..v."..r."u .B.r" yu
i,,..,!.. i.r. " " l '." Hummons I
W X;u " u' Hrndley
For such other
i ta
eastward from this city was due to nenti- ,A ""i'er,"v,e ',)nie nd appetizer. ThiMmed
panies. Telegrams have been frequently Vl
pvr-hiinimil li.l,... 1. t i . J I bl
uullllu lllt 11HI. II1U' I j.
' .... . ' uiai i lien, UIAIII J, UilUC tn Orillllfi MlCuimnu tin
ii liver and laiwels, stomach, kidneys mid
tiff the uaflt few ikvs l.- ""."' eent remedy for chronic
M. Hoati. of this citJ on,l S'Srrm5,IM!'e
x. c. nogg, 01 rew York, principal ""-''"irea at. Aumsville. Marlon comity, Oregon
;rsof tlie Oregon Pacific enn..L.J Kegiatered .In patent office November 9th. ihm;
these iieitotiationnrit is iimtein fZ X"?JVJ l ' P'.P'
rename lniormauon ttiat such uentlinir
tween Win
business is nothing more nor less than
the transfer of the Oreimn iwit;,.
i . . ., . - wm
vuicagoix inorinwestern. Those in posi
tion to know of what they are talking
state that a syndicate of ton irittn
$l,fH)O,000each. mak
$10,000,000, is about to assume charge of
To The Farmers of Marion County !
i nc undersigned hasopened a hardwarestore
... unjuiii, amiiiin couiiiy, and will keep con
suintly on hand, a full assortment of hardware,
auu nu"it, womien ana willow ware
cartridges, and ammunitions of all kinds. Will
also aell the anions Mitchel waons and bn.
nu-nora t. iu.: ., gies, and the renowned "liale " "i.h.....
k iioiuiweHiern, ciiiiieu pi
men are
F.?,r."P.edl.tlnK.1.eK1tlTe business, Edmund
of the New York State.
Hitch a
ViuTJ f6.' power" of eDdurauc. One of Mr.
terUgi;euetlorrte"WUlbe ee" in hi" le';
otate or Hem York, Sfnate Chambkb,
I have nd ah o" ""I "."v-
ly ay they are a r.mrf.. ... .
great cures. I would not be without th. .
"Uale," and "Oliver'
wm '")t be undersold for cash. Call and
Y.u- uoiore purciiasing elsewhere, for we can
nilt you in price and quality.
4 Tl f'm J. 0. C. WEIMEK.
among them bein? Wm. Blair, who vis
ited Albany last summer and mo,u .,-
of inspection of the road from Albany to
Yaotnna bay and the route in process of
. cttflLwaru oi tins city. lITTrn i m i -. .
Tins information is very reliable, and W HE A I A NT) 0 i TS
it is certain that such negotiations are ,'-Li-lJJ- illl V VAlij
pending. The transfer, if consummated,
would carry the transfer of 200 acres of
- fdj01!liung,tlli8, citr tKther witli
A),0(X) worth of reai estate in this citv,
and the vast water power privilege's,
which wre secured bv tliP firor, i...'
cific. With this amount of property in- . The cp"01 mills warehouse will be opened
vested here, it is not surririsin., tn l,ou J l"r ",..'r,il.1 lni " farticulars
that the new owners of the road have
announced their intention to boom Albany.
S T O I t A. G K
hile others oroceederl
h top of the - cars.
lief. They ennoi hi'ehiy SZZSSX
X.UHVSU L. Pitts.
Uody of Mrs Catherine lialnn..
Taken from the River at Portland.
Portland, May 21. Between 6 and 7
respecting sacks aud
terms of storage in future
tan and Field Seeds,
Onion ftetfl, etc. fieiieml agent fur
Territory'1'5 0r,!g"" R"fl wc"ter Washington
227 and S3f toiiuiieicial St.. Sulem, Or
Totice is hereby given, in accordance with
j.1 4 of chap. XXIV of
miscellaneous laws, (code nf Ortgou, page (lit, )
that the National fire and marine i sura,, 'e
company of New Zealand has ceased U, do biisi
ness in the state of Oregon, and that it intends
to withdraw its can imI,.... .i. "
gCven'below.'-' "' "'",ni!'ai"" '
The National Fikk ANb Marink Insiikanc.
Company or Nkw Zealand,
by its atlornevs,
"KNtty K. Williams, (l.h.)
3-'fim J. O. Maci-iiebson. (L.H.;
Farmers, now is the right time to go for these
Uons " V yUr Cr""" 'r"IB ,ueir uevast'-
SLii . T."alebjr Walthewa tk Co.. 106
Btate .treet.1 4 -Jim
1.uI1Vrl"r"lRl";'1 l"1" en appointed executrix
ofthe ast will and testament of Frank IJ. Mc
Dowell, dcceiised, by thecounty court of Marion
county. Oreiroii. All oer.oi.i h.i....
against the estate of said decedent, are required
to present them with the pioper vouchers to
me, at my residence in Salem, in said county
within six mouths from this dale.
Lad Salem, Oregon, April 21, 1HK7.
K.I. I. A U MlllhU'lTT Y
Executrix of last will and testament of Frank
D. Wcln, well, deceased.
each week ...V.ii ..; . ';'..' " ""me once
iKh da'y of AprulTay."""" "
"It's. Attorneys.
In the Circuit Co
t Court of the state of Oregon, foi
the county of Marion R ' 11
ary t. fcniott, plalntitr,
S. M. Elliott, defendant.
To 8. M.Elliott, dcfenilant:
J gon, you are hereby required to annear and
a nawer the complaint filed agalnsi yon h. tlm
above entitled court within ten daV , ' "
if served within this' conn ty ' ' " .n
any other county of this state then within Iwen
ty days from the dale of the service T f s sum
1 inns upon you, r lf ,' B ' 'm-
e,y.t,e,ii ',!1'ly "M, that he lug
the first day f the next regular terui of ..nd
circuit court after the expira ion of the tin e
prescribed 111 the order lor the pV, icathiu ,?l
11. ir thfi
(liMMfilMiii.ti -.f w. 1 1. : F lf.
M.iur.w .V.,".. ' . .. ',,,,,h " ."lairimony exlHtinr
nuu ,,u I'lHinun; neci.nd. thai th
pinintin imnio he chaiiired to
ward, and third, for costs" and dUbum'niTf
ou are further notified Hun ...i. ...
urnmous Is made upon you bv n ub iT.ti I ,
the aaine in the StatfhJa . -""I?'
riewspaoer published ai Sidem Oregon S,k''
order of the lion. R. p. iioi-A i;..T."n'. ' fto
a"''.1:!' at chainl,er ou the yih Lm
April, ln7.
N. 11. k.vii:ii'n
AtWruey for I'lalutfff.
I1 undersigned has been ,.,...i ... A . ' 5 K
county court of Marlon ciiunty i Vie ..f o-.
executrix ol the last will .nd'tiruiJe'i'tV.fTc"'
Ha iti, deceased ,e ol Marlon cm mi, Oregon
All persons hav iiif nlnl,,,. .i. "rLKn.
arc Hereby re,,uired to present the Th""U
at my residence at Htayt n" Mar ,m couulv Or"
cgon, n ii months from the d, e "notice
Btiivton. Oreuon Ai.rii 'M "'"l" mince.
Kliece' Wl" -IM.
lj field, sometime in April, im-7, a roan ponv
(uelding), black mane aud tall; raddle niark':
about 14 hauds high, heavy set. and aged about
or years. A suitable reward will be bald
lor any lulormation leading to his recovery
u lm H: FJCKEN8.
111C Iffllllllf itl I in 1 n
12ifpald within Yheu"
(i. ti. OLENN.