VOL. XXXVII-No. lO.i SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1887. 1 WEEKLY EDITION EASTERN. News of the Week from Re yond the Rockies. ItOOIVM.K HHAKI' H JCUt. Attempt by Defendant to Delay the I'lo Itrwtit of the Trlul. New York, Muy 23. The work of se lecting a jury for the trial of Juke Sharp was continued to-day. Eleven jurors were In the box, tlm twelfth neat being vacant on challenge by tho defense. Herman Angel wur accepted for the va cant chair. John E. 1'arHons, of the de fense, said: " We susi-tind our perempto ry challenges here, to await the course of the prosecution." "You are content with the jury an it is now constituted," Huid the judge, with a tailing inflection. "No, we make no statement on that point; we simply suspend." "Well, Bweur the jury," Raid Judge ISurrett. This caused a momentary panic among Sharp's eoun nel, but they were relieved after a mo ment, and challenged the eighth juror, F. G. Minsliall. The work of filling his place then began. CATTLE OI'AKANTINK. Nrw Mexloo lmlilhltH the Importation of Htnok from Certain Ntutoit. Santa Fk, N. M., May 2,'!. Governor Ross issued a quarantine proclamation to-day to guard against pleuro pneumonia, by advice of the Mew Mexico Cattle Sani tary Commission. It goes into effect June 1st. The reason given for issuing it is that pleuro pneumonia is epidemic in New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Canada, Scotland, and 1'liigland, and the introduc tion of cattle from uny of these placeH, and of cattle coming through Chicago and Kansas City stockyards, is prohibited, unless the cattle have not been within tiie states and countries or stockyards named during six months preceding their arrival in New Mexico, uml have not shown symptoms of disease. Inspectors can require importers to show all the places where euttle have leen within six months. The fee for inspectors is twenty cents per head. WEAK, Ht'T DF.TEK.M1NED. O'Hrloii Will tio to Hamilton National lift Orguulxed. Niauaha Falls, Muy 23. Mr. OT.rien arose this morning so weak us to be al most unable to stand. He, howcer, in listed oil leaving for Hamilton by the noon train. Toronto is not more than forty miles from Hamilton, and it iB un derstood to-duy that bodies of Orange men intend to inuke a descent from the larger city upon Hamilton and join with local Orangemen in making an attack on O'Brien's life. The nationalists will be organized this time, and Mr. O'llrien ap proves the idea that they should be, and that outside aid should he Kent to Ham ilton, which will now probably be done by his friends in Buffalo and other Irish centers. AN JNMt'LT TO CHICAGO. President t'levelund Invited to VIhII Kt Limit). Washington, May 23. A delegation of twentv-live representatives of business interests and all branches of the munici pal irovernment of St. Louis waited upon the president at, noon to-day and invited him and Mrs. Cleveland to visa m. Lou is during the Grand Army encampment in that city m September. Ihe pres ident expressed his appreciation ol the compliment extended and accepted the invitation. Alemhersol thecaiunei nave also been invited to be present. riKKH STILL HAW Mi. The I'pper Mleliiuun ruiihmlillii' Hi ill Threatened. Detroit. Mav 23. Specials to the Journal from the upper peninsula report that forest fires are still raging. From all parts of the peninsula come reports of continued drought. 'Ihe danger to many towns is as evident as at uny pre vious tune. At latest Iron wood was threatened, but the wires are down, and no news has been received since last night. Unless heavy rains come soon much damage is feared near Negaunee, THE WHITE STAR COLLISION. OftloiH Crowded With Anxious Friends of New Yokk, May 23. The office of tke White Star line was crowded all this morning with friends of passengers on the Brittanic and Celtic making anxious inquiries. A majority of inquiries were from friends of the steerage passengers Verv little information is obtainable. Passengers from the Celtic who landed at Castle Garden do not seem to be uny the worse for their experience. Hlttke not Cra.y, but Miek. Caicaho, May 23. A. L. Blake, ex deputy collector of customs at Fort Townsend, who was attacked with illness while passing through this city lust en day and taken to the insane department of the county court under the belief that he was demented, bad recovered sum ciently yeBterday to lie conscious of his suirounilings. Hopes ot bis recovery are entertained. THE GOOD TEMPLARS. Their Annual Semtlon A I'l'opoHltlon to Harmonlie. Saratoha, N. Y May 24. The thirty third annual session of the grand lodge of Good Templars met here this morn ing. I tie session will continue ten days, and will be one of the most important ever held by that body. The question of uie reunion of its two brandies, which were separated some ten years ago by secession, will come up. Some of the transatlantic grand lodges will come in lor action through the united recom mendations of prominent members of the order in the world. A rtiion com mittee conference, representing both branches, held a secret session yesterday, which, it is reported, was very(harmoni ous and favorable to the reunion propo sition. STAllTLINft DIHCLO.Nl' I1KS. ArreKt of a Truln llohher Who Impli- euten J'rouitiimit Men In Crime. Austin, Texas, May 24. The chief of police urrested a mun in this city last night suspected of being one of the Mc- Neal train robbers. It is reported he has made some startling disclosures which will involve well known men and impli cate at least one oflicer as having planned and engineered the whole affair from the beginning. CLKY ELAND'S VACATION. HiniHi'ir uihI Family Will Mountains. Go to the Washington, May 24. According to present arrangements tire president will leave Washington Thursday evening in a special cur and proceed direct to Saranac lake, in the Adirondack. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Cleveland, MrH. Folsom und Col. and Mrs. Lament, and exjiects to return to Washington inside of two weeks. YELLOW I'EVEIt. 11 lots I'ut In un Apjieuranee at Key Went, Florida. Washington, May 24. Surgeon Gen eral Hamilton has received official notice of the existence of yellow fever at Key West, but he thinks the situation not sufficiently grave to call for action un ihe part of the government. THE NEW TKF. HlltliK. He Ouulilh-H uml Nets Clerks to Count ing the Cash. Washington. Mav 24. Tiwurer Hy att qualified this .morning and formally assumed the duties of his new oiliee. A large fori of clerks is engaged in count ing the cash in the treasury to-day. Injunction Denied. Nicw Yokk, May 24. An application made by John 15. Mulluly, a stockholder ill" the National Consumers Meat com pany, for an injunction restraining the Marquis He Mores und other trustees from disposing of the property of the company has been denied. A Khudy Triimtiulloii. Phii.uiki.i-iiia, May 24. Norcom L. Seguim, manager ot the Philadelphia Umbrella company, is reported to have embezzled eighty-five thousand dollars of the funds held in trust by him. and lias run u ay. sAVlIT JCsTICE. A lhl ishf i' Shot Dead in il Missouri Court Knoin. IIik-r v f'.i.i., ,u.. May -I.- 7 day a m.in .'iiUed Ht .'dr. Uider-oitV rw- idence an t asked lw i water. which was ''ii'.Mi him bv.lennit a l.iii;:ii- ter of the iiniise. When lie came :.(;:!' him be suddenly seized und chloroformed her, und :iile Under the influence of the drug she w as outraged. Search resulted in the arrest of .blm Yundcrhurg. At Ihe preliminary hearing yesterday ti e judge announced that the prisoner would he held in $10,0:10 bail, when a shot, rang out, followed in rapid succession by two more. There was a sea in per for the street, and when quiet was restored the prisoner was dead. No one knows who tired the shots, hut as two of the nder son boys were in the courtroom they were put. under arrest. noi:i;i m.t: death. A Alan Falls From a JSulloiiu and i. Hor ribly Crushed. Oskai.oosa, Iowa, May 25. Wiliiam Andrews, amateur balloonist, was killed here yesterday evening. He hadaln.it air balloon. When loosened it shot up with great rapidity about 70!) leet, and then took tire. Andrews on the trapeze ten feet below the balloon was seen to climb nearly to the mouth in an attempt to put out the lire. Very soon tin? bal loon collapsed and the doomed man fell upon a root. His body was crushed be yond recognition. I N HE It FALSE I' KKTEN s !, A Cattleman Nius Aim) Mythical Cuttle, and is A rrested. St. Lous, May 25. The Glohe-J teuio crat's special from allas, Texas, says that V. I). Lewis, late president of the Coloi ado cattle association, was arrested at San Angelo yesterday, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses from the National Exchange bank ot Dal las. Bank officials claim that Lewis ob tained two thousand dollars on a deed of trust, for two thousand bend of cattle, while dilit'.ent search brought to light only three hundred head The ireat Sukut liinR Travels. New York. May 25. Claus Spreckles, the California millionaire, with bis wifo and daughter, sailed this inorninu for 'Europe in the steamer Saale. FOREIGN. Record of News from Over the Atlantic. ROYAL INSTALLATION. GreHt DlHplay of Kussian Royalty In the Cossack Country. St. Petkhsmko, May 19. The ezaro witch was last evening installed with great ceremony at Novo Tcherkask as hetman of the Cossacks. The degree of appointment was publicly read to the Cossack soldiers. The czar thanked the CosBacks for their faithful services and for the cordial reception they had ex tended to him and his family, lie then handed the hetman's baton to the czaro witch, the presentation being attended with great pomp and ceremony, which included a superb exhibition of imperial regalia and jewels. After this ceremony the czar reviewed the Cossack regiment, and a battery of yonng military pupils of two regiments of Cossack boys. Talmuck horsemen then gave an exhibition of a war game for the entertainment of the imperial visitors, and presented the czaro witch with a cream colored horse. Tl day's ceremonies and exhibitions wete followed in the evening by a gorgeous display of fireworks, and a grand jubila tion ball. TAHNELLISM AND CRIME. More Hot From the tjreat Loudon "Thun derer." London, May 20. The second install ment of a recent series of articles on "Farnellism and Crime," appears in the Times to-day. It deals with the leagues and conventions in Chicago and Phila delphia, and the Clan-na-Gael societie's share therein, and refers to the message which it says Parnell sent to the Phila delphia convention advising that a plat form ba framed which wouW "enable us to continue to receive help from Amer ica." HEAVY IIODHEKY. A Mexican Rank Relieved 1 All Its Gold on Hand. City ok Mexico, May 20. Detectives are wiestling with a most mysterious case, thus far without satisfactory re sults. One of the leading banking firms of this city has sustained a loss claimed to be us great as iiMOO.OOO. The officers of the institution, on coming to the bank one morning, found the doors of the vault wide open. All the cash had been carried off, with the exception of some bags of silver. Furious storms. London, May 20. Fierce gales have prevailed and great damage has been done to various parts of Kngland. In Kent the wind blew with the violence of a hurricane. Miow and hail storms have been experienced in the lake districts of Scotland. In London trees ;n the parks were injured and many were blown down. Many wrecks are reported to have oc curred on the coast . liol(".ai' inttU'is. London, We are i ' Mi,; ti e n ; The Jine-s says: nsi-.e frauds ..,;,' o; the lo.-ed let-j.i.--e;it,'d ;: ..; skdifui eiiii-j , ilies of have not been !iav. 1 ! A merieuli .-ioe. ;iiiev.'s i:i ;lie routine caught. PAID THE 1'ENALTY. The Kussian Nihilist-Assassins Kxei-uted at St. I'etersbui'B. St. l'lMKKsni iio, May 21. It is official ly announced that Andrcjuskin. Ossipa no!T. (ienera'.otV, Sh,-wryoff, and I'ljanoff, were executed yesterday for the part they took intiie recent a: u-oip' on the life of the czar. l'uriMg tho trial of the con spirators by the S' o.ito in the presence of representatives of various governments, it transpired tlcit in l -Sothoy formed a seeret circle to terrorize toe nation, and resolved in D-cember to make an at tempt to assassinate 1 he 7;ar, for which purpose thev proeuivd expensive bombs. On .March loth, in company with confed erates who undertook to hitorni them by signal when tlnj c.-.r passed by, they weni to -Neuskv to prosiwvt. It was their intention to throw missiles under the iv.nr's earring,' as it passed by, but the police frustrated 'heir design. J1KMI i'S I.AliTHOI AKE. The I' ltlnl it ies r.ii'li Ensued from the re cent Mexican Dtlake. City ok Mexico, May 21. Reports from local officials in the regions recently visited by earthquake shocks were re ceived to-day. The earthquake did not leave a single habitable house standing at liapispe. Sixty persons were killed and many wounded beyond hope of re covery. Between 3 p. ni. and 1 a. m. of the day following there were eighteen shocks. Bodies are stili being dug out, and it is thought the number killed will reach 150. A letter from (fuyamas de clares the existence of an extensive vol cano and savs : "The smoke is so dense I that it cuts off the sun's rays." Many testify that when the earthquake oc icurred they saw large boulders shoot up j into the air and that, flames burst forty ( feet above the summit of the mountain, ! setting fire in the forest. THE FRENCH SITUATION. President Grevy Casting About for Mem bers of His New Cabinet. St. Fktkrsisuwj, May 21. The Kus sian papers consider the present cabinet crisis in France as closely connected with the Boulanger question. WILL FORM A MINISTRY. Paris, May 21. M. Kouvier has con sented to form a ministry. He hopes to induce leading members of the budget committee of the chamber of deputies to accept positions in the new cabinet. TIIKY WANT BOULANGKR. Paris, May 21. The municipal au thorities of Lyons, Rennes, Montpelier, Lenny and other places have petioned President Grevy to retain Gen. Bou langer in the cabinet. THE FRENCH CABINET CRISIS. ' C'ietnenceau Wants Young Men lie Frey elnet May be Called on. Paris, May 23. Clemenceau yesterday told M. Rouvier that he would not prom ise to support any cabinet, but was per fectly willing to take office himself with young and new men. President Grevy still refuses to call M. Clemenceau, al though he has seen several others. It is exyiected that the president will again ask M. De Freycinet to form a ministry, and that the chamber of deputies will adjourn for another week. BEKLIN NOTES. Heavy Duties in Russia Two Germans Arrested for High Treason. Berlin,- May 23. The Westphalian Manufacturing company will close its works in Russia, owing to the heavy duties imposed by the new tariff on ma terial used by the company. Several failures of firms in the textile trade are announced. The two subalternsarrested atStrasburg for high treason are charged with betray ing to France secrets relating to the mob ilization of German troops. TCHERNAIOFF'S ADVICE Russia Admonished to Look After )ler German Enemies. St. Petersburg, May, 23. The Neovo Yienna publishes a letter signed by Gen. Tchemaioff, advising Russia to give up the idea that the key of the Bosphorus is sought by the government at Vienna, and turn all her thoughts to the Rhine and Oder, place the arch enemy betw een the hammer and anvil, and profit by the present favorable circumstances to avenge herself for the work of the Berlin congress. ' Agitating Woman Sutt'raxe. Biu'sski.s, May 23. At a meeting of the woikingnien's party held here yes terday it was resolved to hold a daily demonstration in favor of universal suf frage and of granting amnesty to per sons now imprisoned for participation in the riots of ISSti. A final meeting of del egates will be held to-morrow, when the (jnestion of a general strike will be decid ed. ELECTION TKOl'HLES. lilo(Mlr.ti,l in the ( lun'tHW Nation. -Civil- ti-il fotiduet of Indians. Paiiis. Texas, May 2-1. News was re ceived iu re yesterday of trouble that has c-used four deaths and which is likely to cause more bloodshed over in the Choc taw nation. Two weeks ago two men named Wilson, full-blood Choctaw Indi ans, were killed in a row over the elec tion of a deputy sheriff. Since the kill ing, the sheriff elect has been missing, and on Friday the bodies of three men were found near Doakville, one of which is supposed to be that of the missing sheriff. 1 lis friends, all well armed, are searching for him, and there are fears of an outbreak. A ISI.OODTHlKsrV STl'DENT. He 'l.i Ui'. Shut at the sia. Ciir of Kus- Yihnna, May 24 The Tagblatt has received a telegram from Odessa stating that the czar returned to St. Petersburg from the Don Cossack's country three days earlier than he had intended, owing to an attempt made by a student to kill him on Wednesday night during Ihe festivities at Navo Tcheikack. by firing at him as he rode bv in a carriage. The Irih t'rimes Art. London, Mav 24 Sir Algerian Broth-1 wieh, M. P. 'conservative), and proprie tor of the Morning Post, in an address to hiseonstituenta last evening said that after Whitsiin recess the government proioses to force the passage of the Irish crimes act amendmennt bill w ithin a specified period, w hether all the amendments to the bill were disposed of or not. Six'iiilisls iii Kelgium. Buissei.s, May 24. Labor outrages continue throughout the mining districts of Belgium. Many arrests are lieing made in consequence of the nightly so cialist demonstrat tons in Brussels. Pro 1 cessions an i gatherings in the public streets have kieen prohibited. Ured to Return Home. Beki.in, May 24. Urgent business i questions have arisen in the imperial j foreign onVe and Count Herbert Bis- marck, at present visiting the Earl of Rosberry in London, has been sum moned to return to consider them. Striker Resort to Dynamite. London, May 24. A dynamite bomb was exploded under the police court at Hepburn, Durham county, last night, partially destroying the building. The outrage is attributed to strikers. An Educational Note. London, May 24. The Cambridge university crew have agreed to row Har vard if the necessary funds to cover the expenses of the trip to America can be raised. A Conference of Powers. Cairo, May 24. It is believed that England and Turkey will propose a con ference of powers to settle the forms of Egyptian capitulation by a new conven tion. 0 Dan Manning: Coining: Home. London, May 24. Ex-Secretary Man ning will sail for New York June 1st. His health is much improved. Treaties Approved. Berlin, May 24. The reichstag has appioved the international treaties for the protection of works of literature and art and the submarine cables. THE ENGLISH DERBY. Royalty Attends the Great Race, Wl.ich is Won by Merry Hampton. London, May 25. Vast crowds left London to-day for Epsom Downs to wit ness the great race of the Derby stakes. Four in hands were seen in great num bers. Ten of these turnouts left the me tropolis alone, while the Prince of Wales, Lord Koseberry, the crown prince ol Denmark and many other persons of dis tinction were present, ihe course was sliahtlv heavy. The Baron was the ia,- vorite in betting and was exercised this morning, appearing in grand form. The stables are backing Aintree and Merry Hampton. The weather in the forenoon was threatening. The great race was won by Merry Hampton, the Baron was second and Martley third. Merrv Hampton was ridden by Watts, the Baron by Canon, and Martlev by F. Bartlett. At the last betting was 11 to 1 against Merry Hamp ton, a to 4 against the Baron, 10 to 1 against Martley, 7 to 1 against Eirids iiord, 12 to 1 against Aintree, 22 to 1 against i'.lanehland, 50 to 1 against Gran- dison.outol against Porcelain, lot) to 1 ag:.mst Saville and 1100 to 1 against Om.-ioi'ie, 200 to 1 against Shannon colt. W tit n half the way up the streten the Ba ron was in trouble. .Merry Hampton won by four lengths. A capital start was made. Porcelain and Shannon colt first showed in advance with Aintree and Eiridspord following and the Baron and Merry Hampton com ing next. Porcelain soon dropped back, but Shannon colt kept the lead. Martley was last at the mile post. Eiridspord drew up and ran level with Shannon colt, and he was joined directly after by Blanchard, Grandison and Baron. The race was too hot for Shannon colt and he gave way. Aintree was now at the tail of the string and Bianchland and Enid; pord were three lengths ahead of Baron and Merry Hampton. Un entering the straight canon road the Baron visibly gained and Bianchland and Eiridspord very soon fell back beaten. Merry Hampton then took the lead with Mart- lev and Aintree heading the others. The Baron ran with gameiiess, but failed to reach Merry Hampton, who won by four lengths, with Martley two lengths be hind the Baron. Ain i'ee finished fourth and Eiridspord tilth. Shannon's colt came in last . ARAGK.Yl'HS Of I'OREIGN NEWS. O'lirieit will not Areept---A Failure The Crown lrinre's Malady. London, May 25. A Berlin dispatch to the Standard says : In an interview to day, Prof. Yirchow asserted positively that there was absolutely no danger in tho Crown Prince Frederick William's malady. He said, however, that it would taae some time to effect a complete cure in bis ease. The Standard to-day says: It is said Win. 0'1'rieu will not accept a seat in parliament for Northeast Cork. Joseph & Sons, merchants, of Birming ham, have failed ; liabilities, UX),0o0. The anarchist De Fuisseaux has been arrested at Vaubeuge, ami conducted to Paris. An Alarming' Aspect. Bin 's.-ki s. May 25. The situation of the miner.-' strike at Seraing is assuming a more alarming aspect. Twenty-two hundred more miners have left work, and are taking part in the strike at Clarleroi. Seven thousand men are in the strike, and, from appearances, affairs are grow ing extremely serious. Warned ol' Defeat. London, May 25. Joseph Chamberlain in a letter published this morning tiroes upon the supporters of the government's Irish policy the necessity of organizing, and warns them that if they fail to do so tiiey will surely be beaten. George Vt . liil.li.. I.I.. D. Athens, Tenn., May 25. The board of ruirunlti rt thaiirunt Ylpmoriul nniversitv t.o.rlHv unanimously conferred the dere'e. of doctor of laws upon George V. Childs. . 8taytoQ SwihH, California, new cream Hiin Wbite river ucw cliee at Squire t'urrar & Co's. 1 PACIFIC COAST. News bv Telesrranh from . A. West of the Rockies. JUDGE BOISK ATTACKED. Scandalous and Unjustifiable Laneaaeft from a Pettifogging Attorney. PoRTLANn, May 23. In the United States circuit court this morning, attorney for the plaintiff in the case of Neal vs. Foster et al., made a severe attack ort the integrity of Judge Boise, claiming that his client had no hope of obtaining justice in the state circuit court for Linn county. Judge Bronaugh, opposing counsel, called on the court to protect the judiciary of the state circuit courts from such charges. Ihe case was taken under advisement. Declared Insane. Portland, May 23. This afternoon. Dr. J. A. Giesy examined an insane wo man named Bridget Highland, at St. Vin cent hospital, and she will be sent to the asylum. She is a native of Ireland, and 35 years of age. The patient came here from Washington county last Saturday. The cause of her malady is not known." Bill Sweeney "Gets There." Portland, May 23. In the suit of W. W. Sweeney against L. L. McLeod and others, in which he claimed $640 for ser vices as lobbyist, plaintiff received a ver dict for $281. River Rising. Portland, May23. The river here has risen two feet in the last forty-eight hours. A cold wave is prevalent ia Eastern Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, however, and no serious flood is antici pated at present. Died at Honolulu. Portland, May 23. Word was received here to-day of the death of Mrs. May Hill, relict of Frank Hill of Dayton, Ore gon, at Honolulu, on April 27. IT. S. Commissioner Resigns. Portland, May 23. W. A. Wilshire, United States commissioner atLakeview, has sent his resignation to Judge Deady, and it was accepted this morning. Clayton's Trial. Portland, May 24. The matter of the second trial of Edward Clayton, charged with an attempt to burglarize the store of Allen A lewis, was brought up in de partment 2, circuit court, this morning. The time fixed is the 7th of June, and he will be defended by John M. Gearin. It will be remembered that at Clayton's first trial, some two months ago, the jury disagreed. The Famous Kiii'Klav. Sas Francisco, May 24. Judge Tooley this morning denied a writ of habeas cor pus in the case of Jimmy Hope, the fa mous burglar, and remanded him to the custody of Parsons and Kodgers, New Vork detectives. Hope will probably be taken east to-morrow. Fishing; Seliooner AV recked. San Francisco, May 25. According to advices received here, the schooner Oun iniak, belonging to the McCollam Fish ing and Trading company, was wrecked on the coast of Alaska, March 20. The vessel was found the following day, bot tom side up, on shore. The crew, con sisting of seven men, had evidently been all washed overboard. North -hound Iasseuers. Medeokd, Or., May 25. Passed Med ford, to arrive over the Oregon A Califor nia railroad, John Johnson, Henry Ach, N S. Dygert and daughter, (i. J. Mills, Albert Patterson, J. L. Nead, and four immigrants. DID NOT FAY. An K.ntilisli Venture In America about to, he a Failure. Thornton, 11. I., May 25. The British Hosiery company has posted a notice of the pronahility of reduction to half the present force or a possible closing of their works. The concern was imported from England, p'ant and operatives, in 1884, to work under the advantages of the pro tective tarilf. The notice spreads dismay among the operatives, but few of whom have saved enough to enable them to re turn with their families to Kngland. KASTEUX. A DISASTROUS STRIKE. A Large Amount Money unit Luhor Lost at I'auauiu. New Yokk, May 25. Advices from Panama to the 1 tit li inst.,says: In one of the laigest cuts of tiie canal water has been strnck. A vast amount of earth and rock has been taken out of the section re ferred to at a cost of millions of dollars, all of which is rendered valueless, as wa ter has washed earth from the side of the mountain more than sutlicient to fill alt the cuts. TKOl HLLSO.HE I'OKEItiNKHS, Native Americans I'refcrred in the Coke ltegious. PnTsncHG, May 25. A plan is being considered by members of a coke syndi cate to introduce new men in tho coke I regions. In case they decide to put new ' to wo,k ''"'y wil1 ' carefully pro- j tected, and prwleienee will be given to native Americans, as they have found .; . . trni1,iplln. n .....Iib arva 'lun.ai uns too trotlhlesoine to make any nioic experiments with them.