The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, February 18, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Axothb Ivailroah. Hon. J. H.
Slater, who was one of the Yaquiua 15ay
excursionists, tells the La Grande Ga
w ,l" :it the time the party were at
V i , s- . i li.juj ...-oiwiieat
nv.v tna;ti( for s:. j.y.Kt. ami one
d shii r.i-'Y.i -if whcv k I, '.-- Corvalli
las week 10 be epoi-.- i:n Yatpiina
aaus Uitt.i '.j su. hii.-dr-. ; t na. l'hia
wheat -was to he ship;vyl hy h-..nt upthe
Willamette, thence- by rail to Yuqnina,
nei.e;hat:ns: three hand' before
reaching ocean transit, yet the freight
under these circumstances is less than by
the Columbia. The present eastern
terminus oi the O. P. h at Albany, but
grading has been completed to a consid
erable distance toward the Cascade
mountains and the company has at Ya
quiua and on the way rails tor a hun
dred and fifty miles of track. There is
scarcely a doubt that the winter termi
nus oi this road next year will be at some
Eastern llregon point.
Orhf.r Issi ed. Some time last faring
when the sheriff attempted to collect the
tax. irom the narrow gauge railway com
pany, payment was refused, the oilieers
oi the company claiming that the rail
road was leased' to the O. R. & X. 'Co.,
and that the sheriff must look to them
ior the taxes. The shops at Woodbnm
were attached for the amount, which was
$1402 80, and the matter was turown
into the United States onrt, the com
pany having in the meantime secured
the release oi the Sinn's by giving a bond
for the amount. The matter dragged
along; in the court until the other day,
when Jude ieudy decided that the b.
li. X. company was responsible for
tiie amount, and issued an order, that
they pay it. Marion eonnty has settled
the question as to who is responsible for
the narrow gange company's taxes, and
the way for collection oi them is made
plain to other counties.
As Ixp.vse Max. Yesterday, Chas.
C. Leng.of Hubbard, was bronchi to this
city, and examined before Jud - haw,
and by Doctors Cusick an ! v u.:!h, aeto
his sanity. Long is the an who was
found up in Walla Wri.u, in a half-naked
and frozen condition. He was nrrested
and brought down to Portland. He nest
turned up at Hubbard, from which place
he had gone to Walla Walla. Long has
a gash upon bis foiehead, which looks
like it had been made with a sandbag.
And it is thought that he was sandbagged,
because 100, which he was known to
have on his person, was missing at the
time he was found, and this brnixe was
left in its plaee. He had shown symp
toms of insanity for about a year, bnt
never until lately was he thoueht to be
clear crary. He was consigned to the
A Cab Aklaze. Yesterday while the
south bound train was on its way between
Saleru and Albany the wood box in the
t-mokins car was oierved to be getting
up a quiet little smoke on its own ac
count. Investigation allowed that the
wood werk under the zinc covering was on
fire, and by the prompt application of an
ax ami a few caps of water, its disposi
tion to indulge in what the genus homo
seem inclined to wish to monopolize a
quiet little smoke was quickly suodued,
and w hat might have proven a serious
accident was nipped in the bud and no
damage done with the exception of a
gash in the saw covering of the wood
box. Albany Herald. " -
Sa AraoDT.-Mews was brought to
this city yesterday that three young men
of Sheridan met with an axident Sun
day, w hich may result in the death of
one of their number. They were coast
in? en iLe big hill at that place, and the
s'.ed hemming unmanageable, ran into a
fence at the bottom of tiie hill. One oi
tiie yorag men, liatpb. Preble, rtmck the
fence wi lii his head, catting 'him badlv
about the fare and crashing bis skuli.
The other two, Charley W burner and
George- James, escaped without serious
injury. The unfortunate young mm
wa. conveyed home, and Ir" Suath and
ileitis called, who have done ail in heir
power ior him, bnt at last accounts it was
not espeeted tut he ronU live. iWet
S.da Telephone.
JCn.ii: Kobert Heany ,
Ste;i;ttauiiu river, about five miles
abo'.e J-taawood, was last s-.-cn by Lis
neighbors on Saturday. That evenim:
he weor to bed, in hi house, a miiu,
and during, the night a Und" Kilde took
place, winch, after jeany ing the hoa.-e
aftj;i ewatpletely buried it, and
cnt- iig ocenjjant. who was dug irom
the : --rm oo Sunday by ni neL'bboft.
i- .-.!.;;;:, Kxt. ksxencj: Ir.-.-.xr. F.::i
;,.:."' re'.a'UMiit, the !K!i"'r eating
.&;;- if:s increasing eifrt-s l- ;
u" "t;ta:ie-? numbers who tw there.
With O!.;
'?jti THs?-aes
remarkable fac-
i.'f calsrim tj t;ic-fasti Ji.ia. Th
who eat there wear rosy cheek, have
:';&; eonsthutiooe. and ei..iv lona vears
: AiA cur
i '. . ;.- j. .jo;-
rant i'Jily for dir.w-r 5o-dsy
.-it t--.-:..::::it .
.' A ME NT '"r.-.'i;.
I of fire dele if
-At a meeting of
!e. A. F. 1 , held
in the council room iat evening, after
Fouie discusiii m recardtng the respec
tive duties and jurisdiction oi the Ixwrd
of delegates and Stoard of firemen, it was
decided that tiie beard rescind ail for
mer action taken by the hoard regard
ing t'ne roposed entertoinaient in aid of
tiie teurnanient land, and the board ad
journed. ;'Atorian. Does tit if? mean
tiiat Astoria don't intend to take any
part in the next tournament?
J', bug Ari'oixTi. Governor Pen
noyer yetterday apjicinted Ciias. A.
Coggsweil to be cmnty -j!ilge of Lake
rounty, to fill the unexpired term of A.
Fitts, who died on January 1'V.h. Mr.
Coggswell is a democrat and a prominent
lawyer of Southern Oregon, and his ap
poiutment was urg-d by inanv promi
nent democrats of Lake county."
JUso of Hoi-E. Laut Friday the
weather prevented the usual attendance
to eee the chemical experiment and to
bear the explanation by Pro. Webb.
Come heday in the M. E. church, at half
past 2.
Further Developments in Kearard to
the Beattio MatterHe Leaves
The State.
Further developments in reetird to the
Fattie Matter come to light aa time
pas-es on. Rest tie, at the time lie was
charged with the theft of the money, was
in tiie poiesiion of several thousand
dollars Ueiongiiisr to friends, who had
placed it in his hands for sate keeping.
One young man, who is now in Idaho,
bad entrusted hiai with $1300. The
young man's irieuds telegraphed him
that he bad better look out for his money,
and he authorized them to crowd IVattie
ior him. When Keattie was asked for it,
just betore he left, he surrendered it with
out any trouble. Other Bums aggregating
11,500 were gotten from him by other
parties, whose banker he had been.
When be was asked for any money which
was missing he surrendered it. There
are other sums w hich be has not refunded.
There are other charges of a serious
nature made against lum. Among winch
is the one that he connived to secure the
discharge of certain employees who did
not suit bis fastidious taste, and that he
acted as spy and informer of their ac
tions. Traps were laid to catch him some
time sini?, but lie was very wary,
and it was soma time before be fell into
It is said that Ceattie is worth at least
50,tKiO, bavins vears airo invested in
property in Portland which has increased
wonderfully in value. That he is a deep-
dyed scoundrel and that he has been
earrvinir own a svstematic course of pil
fering and robbery during a term of
vears there is no question. The proprietv
of letting him escape from the state is
doubtful. He left on yesterday's after
noon train for parts unknown. He said
that he was going east.
Plus Talk. Tiie "how" of the creat
problem of trade winning is a subject
which everv merchant is willing to con
sider. The gieat successes achieved in
business have, in every instance, been
due more to the material the man was
made of the "snap" that was in him
than to the amount of his capital or the
advantage of his surroundings. The sa
gacity which enables one to foresee tiie
shaping of events is possessed by but few.
All of the above qualifications are pos
sessed by Strong & Co., the live restau
rant firm of the citv.
Ose by Ose. The employes at the
lenitentiary are being let out one by one,
and new men placed in their positions.
Y'esterday the night watchman. Sir.
Martin, a worthy man, received his
walking iapers, and those of the old re
gime who yet remain expect to go any
aay. Dan Wagnon, of this city, has been
appointed a guard, and has already en
tered npon the discharge of his duties.
Most of the appointments will probably
I ol persons outside of this city, al
though Salem may be exjiee'ed to get
her share.
Heard From. Tiie alarm which was
raised by the relatives oi Henry Fuiton,
the printer, over his dlsaipearanee from
this city, has partially subsided, since it
is learned that, instead of having been
shanghaied or sandbagged, or dealt with
in any otiier unceremonious way, he is
now king oi the scissors and pastepot of
the Western Washington Farmer, and is
riding the editorial tripod without a sad
die. Fulton will now go to foreign coun
tries oniv in his imagination.'
Pacific I'wtAu The V. I'- C. tele
graph lines were completed to New West
minster, B. C, yesterday, and Henry
lloseaer, general manager at Portland,
received congratulatory dispatches from
New York over their own lines. F.hner
E. Maiiory will have charge of the otfke
here until tiie legislature closes, and Mr.
Adair is relieved from his duties there.
Jt:s to Si-okane. IK M. Shanks, a
well-known attorney, of Salem, Or., will
take up his abode with t on the first oi
next month. He realizes that Spokane
is very well supplied with lawyers, but i.
oi the opinion mat it is a good sign in a
new city to tee such a briiiiant arrav of
iegai talent. Spokane Chronicle.
Genkkai. social. The party t be
given t-nig!it at the Wcniaii's college, is
a general social for everybody and not a
mask party, as heretofore announeed.
it i hord that ail friends of the art
department of the university will be
present, as well as all who wish to have
a genera: v-A thi.. .
;.. P. ...!-. ir. Iloi-
a'i rce:i sit work for a few days
separating the wires which supply elet-
j 'rieiif for the street lumps from those
winch furnish tne tnsitie i&utps. jJy ttiit-nietiio-.l
whenever tiie street lamps are otf it vrjii not be nece-ary to put
out ai.-.o the in the stores.
C-C-f ARTStK-tliSP FoKMHii. Dr. F.
Joaes. lately oi St. Louis, Mo., ha- ar
rived in the ei'.y and formed a partner
h'uip with It. L. L. Kowland, for the
praetit-e of inedii ine. Ir. Jones is a
ytmiisf man, and cumes highly re.-'.iin-meiiite;!.
l'ti'U ' Coi nr. One lone vag appeared
in tie pjiiee court, yesterday morning,
and was given live days in the cooler.
Mrs. Jennie Dlakely, the old woman who
applied to Marshal L'i3 lor a lodging,
was gent back to Portland on the after
noon train.
fate Alijasve. The meeting of the
state tcmieranee alliance in this city,
next Wednesday and following days,
will 1 largely attended and with added
.est, no doubt, on account of prohibition
iteing voted on next November.
Kk;i'l.vb Meeting. There will be a
regular meeting of Multnomah Chapter,
No. I, of Loyal Arch Mafons this even
ing at 7 ) o'clock. Work in M. K. M.
degree. Visiting companions cordiallv
invited to attend. Geo. P. Grav, H. P.
Harry Holgate, of Corvallis. a brother
of Artliur K. Holgate, is in the city, on
his way to Last Portland to assume a po
sition in the First National bank there.
A Pleasant Affair. On Thursday
night, quite a pleasant snpper party gath
ered at Strong'8 oyster parlors, on an in
vitation from Messrs. .1. H. liailey and
W. T. Mail k, of Pendleton, us a pledge
of good will on the part of all Hrsons
interested pro and con in the bill which
failed to pass the senate, Thursday,
known as the "Lee county bill." The
guests, aH:ut fifty in number, sat down
to an excellent supper at 10 ::!0, and wit
and wine flowed freely until the hour of
12. Toasts were proposed and appropri
ately responded to and the evening
passed very enioyably to all present.
Among the guests were Senators Yeatch,
Siglin, Weatherford, Wager, Lxmey,
Gray, Stanley, and Coleman ; Represen
tatives It. A. Milter, Thompson. How
ditch, Holland, Dilveu, Noyer, and Gay ;
Mrs, Senator Sialin, Mis Siglin, Mrs.
Zumwalt, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Monroe,
Ex-Senator Hilyeu, of Aibunv, Judge Geo.
Washburne, of Eugene, j. H. Haw
thorne, R. C. George, J. McCoy, J. O.
Moortiouse. J. W. Strance. C. W". Watts,
V Pierce. T. E. Tell, T. W. Avers, T. J.
Matlock. "Henry P.lackman, T. J. Kirk,
lr. Irvine, ti. Chrisman, J. E. Dean.
Alt'reil Hoiman of the Oregonian, and
lxokiXATioN Over a Veto. No official
act of any governor of Oregon has ever
created in Portland such indignation as
was expressed by people in every circle
of society over Gov. Pennover's veto of
the bill allowin? tbeO. K. it N. comjiain
to bridge the Willamette river at this
place. After three years of inaction the
railroad company are anxious lo give the
commercial interests the accommodation
of terminal facilities freight and passen
ger -on this side of the river; to save
long and tedioes wason hauls of height
tip and down steep inclines and across
tiie river; to allow pasmngers to seat
themselves in ears in the city and le
carried east instead of a long and incon
venient ferry transfer ; to build a bridge,
a passenger depot and a freight deiot
and to expend two or three million dol
lars. If the bill should fall through the
governor's veto, and an indignation meet
ing were cnlled, a day's notice would
sutiiee to fill the Mechanics' pavilion
with citizens eager to express approval of
the bridsje measure and disapproval of
the governor's course. i Oregonian.
Shockiso Accixjest. A fatal accident
occurred at Albins., Thursday, which was
caused by the fool with the gun he
"didn't know wan loaded." Mrs. Mary
Xewton, an old lady about 00 years of
age, was approaching the residence of
Geo. Armstrong, about 4 o'clock p. m., of
the day in question, when E. W. James,
thinking to scare her, picked up a shot
gun and pointed it toward her. The eun
went oil, the charge entering the left
breast of Mrs. Newton, above the heart.
Mrs. Newton sank to the ground, and in
twentv minutes breathed her last.
James is in custody. The coroner has
investigated the matter, and is satisfied
that the shooting is accidental. Mrs.
Newton is 55 years of age, and is the wiie
of Daniel B. Newton, a carpenter at Aibi
na, the mother of two daughters and one
son, all of whom are married. She kept
a boarder or tw, and sold milk to her
neighlwrs. .She will be brought to Ger
vais this morning for burial.
Help to Askweu. James Howe has
been fined f0 for assault and battery
upon his mistress, and held to answer in
the sum of il.")0 for beating the same
person with a stove lid. Madge Howe,
save, however, that instead of being the
mistress of Howe, she is bis wife. She
has sued him for divorce, and states in
her complaint against him, that she was
married to him in Oakland, California, in
September of last year: that she was
subjected to cruel and inhuman treat
ment at his hands ; that on February 3d.
in Portland, the defendant struck and
beat plaintitf. knocking her down with a
blow ; that on February 4h, defendant
"truck plaintiff with a heavy cane, arid on
February Hh with a frying pan ; fur all
of which a decree of divorce is uked.
Ch .::(;!:; with Ck!m:sal L;t. LiiSt
Saturday' News caniained the follow ing
liern :
irding ho
named Kelly says lie knows for certain
that Henry F. l ulu-ii, the missing print
er, was shanghaied orl board the Snow
and Ltirgejs by antber tailor i.n!;ng
h-inse kee;ier r.ane-d Jim Turk. The
Snow and Ibtrges cleared ir.-jm Asto-ia
for qneeiistown with wheat We'.nday,
and i? now at anchor at Sand Island,
awaiting an opftortunity to go to sea."
Yester ijy Jim Turk caused t'ne arr-.-t of
Joseph Kelly for -ri:i;'.n.l !;:.! in .i ;;.-.ti''e
Tuttie's Court, chargipg him with mak
mg the i've s'.at?incnt. The exam
ination will take place at 7 p. ni. bwlay.
' News.
.r Lvn:. Early yc-terday
aioming ' :licer bwe ran across Jolinrtv
Bvv;h, "Punch'' Scot', and
bov named
Fails down on the bank of tiie river, hit
ting around a tire and having a g jtd time
generally. Tiie boy merely want-id to
be out late. They v.ere arrested arid
lodged in the city jail. Yesb-rJay, how
ever, they were di:tiarged with a repri
mand. These are three boys who have
been repeatedly warned by the jo!e:t
men to stav o:f the Mree's after nine
o'clock, but they disobeyed the injunc
tion, and conseij'ientiy when tl.ey were
found yesterday jiioriiing, they were
"pulled." Tue next time they won't get
oil so easitv.
Pkomoteh. At a mei-ting of K, O.
. M., of Portland, held a few evening,.
since, W. M. La id, second lieutenant of
the company, was elected first lieuten
ant, vice S. P. Adams, promoted, and C.
K. ranston, lormerl v of Salem. 1st ser
geant, was elected second lieutenant. Co.
K is the largest and one of the strongest
military organizations in the state. To
be- an officer of the corotanv is an bom.r
conferred' only upon the capable and de
wsrving. Thrnse who know Mr. C ranston
in this city will be pleased to learn that
he ha been selected to till such a respon
sible position, bit they know he will
make an efficient offe-er.
Meet in Salem. The tate Temper
ance Alliance meets here next week.
Tiie Sunday school Htate convention
comes March 8th. and the Grand lodge
of iood Templars in June.
Arm Brokkn. Y'esterday morning,
the delivery team of Pete Phillips, which
was standing at his barn near the rail
road switch, became frightened at the
pulling of the switch engine, and started
to run. They had hardly not under
gvHl headway before they co'li led w ith
a telegraph iole, throwing J, Phillips,
cousin of Pete, who was in tbo wagon at
the time, and who bud been unable to
reach the lines and stop the team, vio
lently to the ground, injuring his wrist
and bruising his face. The team was
caught without any trouble. Phillips
went around the most of the day with
his arm in u sling, the wrist being bad
ly swollen, and it pained him so greatly
that he finally called a doctor, who dis
covered that a severe iraeture had been
sustained. The broken member was set,
and at last a:ixunts Phillips was resting
much easier, although in sore pain,
owing to the faet that he delayed so long
in having bis arm dressed.
Ax Efficient Officer. Of all the
officers who have served the state during
the past few years, none have Wen
more efficient than Dr. Josephi, the su
perintendent of the asylum. His re
moval will be looked on by those
w no are acquainted with the workings of
the institution as nothing short of a pub
lic calamity. The Dr. was chosen for this
responsible position lieeause of his pecul
iar fitness for mid ability in the treat
ment of the insane sick, and with his
case fiohtical considerations have had
and ought to have nothing to do. The
unfortunate Ileattie affair baa occurred
during the administration of Dr. Joscphi,
and is being construed by those who are
seeking his removal as a reflection on
him. This is most unfair, because the
diK-tor was to blame in no conceivable
wav. lie was not responsible, and can
not Ins considered si, either morallv or
technically, for Feattie's misdoings.
Prosckitive IxiiAiitTAXTs.-J. C. Colby,
of Wyndmere, Dakota, writing to the
iainiigration board in Portland for map-
and hiformuthin regarding Oregon, savs
''A party of seventeen Dakotans wish to
seek a more congenial climate and in the
spring shall go to cither Oregon or Wash
ington, preferring the former. We are
supposed to lie industrious and would be
happy if we bad half a chance, but Ia
kota offers slight inducements to pro
mote one's enjoyment. We have had a
frightfully cold winter and fifteen full
grewn blizzards. Please send a few pa
pers telling of your country that I may
scatter around as Manna among the
shivering humanity on this cheerless
prairie. Settlers of North Dakota who
have endured and survived two winters
here, wou'd lynch Ingersoll or any one
who would come there and preach the
'no hell theory.' "
Chinaman 1xjcri:d. The practice of
throwing snow balls is doubtless a very
amusing exercise to the party who
throws, but the one hit is not apt to think
it so funny. During this snowy weather
Chinamen are the greatest sufferers.
Last evening, a'no'it dark, a couple of
boys on Piety Hill conceived the ilea
that it would Le lots of fun for them to
attack a Chinaman who was passing,
feeling sure that if he took offense they
could easily ew' tiie dark. Several
hard snow balls were thrown at him,
evidently "water-soaked," for one which
hit him in the mouth injured him pain
fully, knocking out several teeth, and
causing the blo.d to flow ijniie freely.
Tiie boys escaped, but if caught they
ought to he punished.
CorxrEi;ii:iTi;fi S':;.N'!i:.v,;i:i. John Da
venport, a counterfeiter, who was arrett
ed in Wood barn a few days fdnee, was
arraigned in the I". S. district court on
Thv.r.-day. He pleaded guii'y, and said
in extenuation that he was physically
weak, air.l unable to find work whieh be
j lo. He acknuwheht'-d he" made
the money which he had pawed, and
S4iJ b" hud no confederates. Judge
Deady, in passing sentence, sai I it wu
lietter for the state ami the prisoner both
that he should be ist the penitcntiarr,
and gave him three years i :hat institu
tion. Ft!.!T!i..M:!. !.v I'mrtlaso. On Thursday
a f-i! race took place in Portland, lie
tween Iforry Struve, of :-eatt'.e. m,d Ed.
Skinner, -mi eastern sprinter. 'The nice
wan ior lu.' yard and ? bW a side. 'ILe
start wiisaii excellent one and th- men
kept web togetiiT. -Not over tn . inches
bepari-fed tieni ".hiring the rufe. rtruve
croesed the line six inches in the b-ud,
winning in K s,n-m Skinner pro
tested ag-unt tiie inviiiei.t of the stakef.
lb- cti!iic 1 tnat Le wuS hi tiie lend
when eighty yurds had ts.-en eov-rd and Struve eiiowe, thr v. ing him
Tin: M.ik
crowd g.i'h-re
l..t eveti'i.g.
masirierade ;.
A coirsi irtiii'le
RCiuV UiUsis' hail !M-i;ig the
en bv i'r.
e w : a ii'nn):-r oi
, i Le cow itv. the w
i!ii'.ukei-n. The
ii i Indian, tiie
, ali i u iiiin"
engage;! in
;-r ot o'uer c.'iiirtfi-ters
. D;trieing of coiirae
. and the rji-c'ators
i" masker.-' un-l had a
It at a lute hour
ie up.
mii.gled in w ith t!
goo-i -cia! tiiiie.
that the party
SfAiK CflAwiKs. S'hertfl' liy-s, of
Clativ'j)., yesterday brought from Astoria,
an inaane patient for the asylum. Gn
Tiiursday, Sheriff Beiitley arrived with a
prisoner seriteii'eil to tiie penitentiary
far six years. I'matilla count- has been
contributing more than her share of pris
oners lately, but it is ail owing to a
determination tn the part of the tdieriff
to rid his county of uii ieioou'.y inclined
AT THE Sri'EttlMKXIiEXT S Ot m t.
The Misses Hartley, o: Ma'icay, have
lien granted certificates to teach in the
schools of Marion county. Some time
ago the school superintendent sent out
blanks to the clerks of the various school
district, with instructions to fill them in
and return them to him. It is required
by law that ail these blanks be returned
to him bv .March 1st.
Fixe Work. In T. McF. Patten's win
dow is exhibited another crayot: f.-om the
easel of Mrs. Blum, of Portland. It is a
portrait of Master Willie Crane, of Sa
lem, and the execution and likeness are
evidences of the artist's superior skill.
Mrs. P.him intends entering the San
Francisco art aeademv shortly.
St Ki'uisK Party. A number of the
friends of Miss Ada Brevman filed in
upon her last Friday evening, at the res
idence of her father, on State street, and
took her completely hy surprise. The
self-invited guests brought refreshments
with them, and announced their inten
tion of taking ossession of everything.
Cards and games were indulged in until
eleven o'clock, w hen all repaired to t he
dming room and partook of the splendid
luncheon prepared by the ladies of the
party. The surprise to Miss Ada was
complete, but she was equal to the occa
sion and made alt feel at home. The
guests departed at a late hour, feeling
that the party hod lieen a complete suc
cess. There were present, Mr. and Mrs.
E. M. Waite. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ilrey
man, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. II. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Eben
l4fort, Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Chapman,
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Moores, Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Bell, Mrs. Stella McKay, Mrs.
Frank Gilhert,-MhwBertha Moores, Miss
I-ena P.reyman, Mr. Arthur Breymnn and
Mr. Cranston.
Three More. -Lust evening three
more of the gang of tramjis were arrested
by Sheriff Minto and Ieputy Potter,
charged with stealing wood from the de
pot. They were arraigned before Justice
O'Donuld at about 8 :lt0. when they gave
their names as Henry Holt, Andy Clark
and James Dugan. An examination into
the merits of the case developed the fact
that Dtigun was a working uuui and that
he was not implicated in the ufl'air. On
motion of lA'puty District Attorney
Courtney he was discharged. Holt and
Clark were each given thirty days in the
county jail. When the oflieers" arrested
the men, ai the stronghold of the tramps
near the dejiot, they found there two boys
living in South Salem, named Jordan and
.esbit, aged Is and 14. lhev were
brought in, hut were discharged by the
justice, it appearing that thev were simplv
in the company of the tpamps because
they were attracted there hy the fascina
tion of the stories of the rollicking life
of the roving tramp.
Is Position. Yesterday morning
Street Commissioner Thompson com
menced, with a gang of workmen, to re
pair the drift-bnaker whieh was forced
out of iiosition bv the late high water.
After some work, the breaker was placed
in position, and will be braced so it will
be able to withstand any strain. During
the day, an accident occurred which
came near resulting fatally. A rope that
was lieing used to let down some timlxr
from the bridge to the breaker, caught
one of the k;gs of George Hatch, and
dragged him along rapidly toward the
edge of the bridge, l'-v a smx'rhmntin
effort Mr. Hatch succeeded in extricating
himselt from the entangling rope, but it
was not until he had been baaly hruiHeu
He was conveyed to his home, and at
last accounts lie was resting easy.
ACoi.pPatii. Arthur Wilson, of Sa
lem, met w ith a laughable incident while
skating at thi-s place Saturday evening,
says the West Side. J lis skates e,,t the
"bulge" of him and carried him to ttie
place where Pro:. Gurrigns. had Wen
sawing ice during the day. Arthur
plunged into a rather clutiy bath tub,
and he got tts fuil benefits. He went i;r
to the hotel and put on I'eter Cook's old
clothes, wiiu'it were about seventeen
number too large (or him, and he went
to spend the rest of the evening with his
girl, who undoubtediv imagined be was
supporting a "Daddy llnbhur .!."
Jo Pokti.asp. I'.e exudys ot mem-
berg of tiie third house to Portland, on
yesterday afternoon's train, was large.
The settling of tiie bridge and water tptes-
tions toot; away the occupation" of most
i ot tin :n. mere were a: so on tne tram
I several members of the legislature whom
j important business callel to 'Portland,
j ArraingementR were made with tiie rail
j road company in the aft erxm by which
I t ei:;! t came up in the evening
and took down those members who were
tmatie to leave on the regular tra;!i.
m ms CorsTv's Poor. I'tU few peo
ple have ar.v idea how much it i -ts to
keep Marion county's poor. During the
month of January wurre.nts v. ere drawu
by the eottnty clerk in favor of paupers
are! tadigen's for i'-mSJ. The nmotmt
draw n ior the poor during Novmbt-r wa
isi':'.2, awl J!;' nggre.gutf of foe p:ist
totir uioi'it'ti, is r.'io l. 4. Oi this! i.'.-iot
?lg'l )-r ino!';i is devoted to the
board of th fomab-- of tie- p-ior
house, a:id ino-.t of ; i,e revt i'f drawn bv
parties living in fbie-renf parts of il.i
county. iooli Si t AKE1..1. .it tie- stub: tomjier
anee a'iiisnee there v, I'd be nie line
speakers ut tiie night luee'ing- next
Wednesday, Thsirvlay, and j-rhaps
I ri'iny liigists. Senators I lure, Dawson
and Watts, linn. Halev, WafUs Nash,
U-v. .1. i . A. H-'ury, Dillworth. .S P.
Wilson. J. D. i'-wi-r. Martin Jude, Dr.
II. 11. Hmes, T. J. V-.i;,so:i, Prof. G. M.
Miller and others nre e.'ipee! -d to take
jiart. The uilianee convenes in tie:. M.
11. Church, Feti. il'i, a' g o'clw-k.
A Seats i.b SroKV. The Seattle Times
tells of a y ;:tig married woman there
wiio ran away from le-r husband las!
Tuesday and parsed the night iih an
other man in a ro-un at the Seattle hotel,
the couple being registered as man and
wife. The Times says tti conclusion :
"She will n jt be urn-sted us long as she
Jwdmves herself." It would lie interest
ing to get ttie Times' definition of the
maimer in w hich a woman could misbe
have herself.
lli.KCTio.N ur Oni' EKs. -At the regu
lar meeting of the Atlie!i;eit;n society,
held oh Friday afternoon, the following
oflieers were elected to serve for the en
suing ten weeks : President, Anna Brev
man ; vice president, Esther Hall; sec
retary, Nellie Boise; assistant secretary,
Ethel Cusick ; treasurer, lluth Matthews ;
librarian, Frankie Strang; custodian,
Hanna Chase.
The Seats Gium, . The seats for the
Thompson 0-ra Company entertain
ments, Wednesday and Thursday eve
nings, were put on sale at Patton's yes
terday morning, and the sale exceeded
any first day sale evertiefoie experienced
in Salem. There will be an immense
An Old Salkmite. Mrs, Mary Free
hind, of Ashland, is visiting this city, af
ter an absent of more tfitin twenty years,
the guest of her brother, P. II. Raymond.
Mrs. Freeland will Ito remembered by
the residents of thirty years ago as Miss
Mary Kuymnnd, whose parents occupied
the ""Beer's house," now the suburban
residence of Capt. J F. Miller. She is
much pleased to meet old friends, who
warmly welcome her to her old homo.
Wnx Uemais. The many fritmds of
E. L. L. Johnson will bo pleased to learn
that lie has decided to remain in this
citv instead of leaving for the east. He
w ill officiate in the bout and shoe store of
Krausse & Klein as head salesman. It is
probable, however, that during the sum
mer he will leave fur a few months on a
visit to his relatives, but he will return
and take up his permanent residence
I'AiKFfi, AcctiiE.NT. W. W. Skinner,
the agent of the railroad company, was
the victim ol a painful accident on Fri
day evening. While going through ft
d.xir of the depot , he displaced a gang
plank, which fell heavily on his foot,
niashinc the toes so much that one or
two of the nails w ill lie lost. Mr, Skin
ner is just able to be around, and it will
lie some time before he recovers entirely
from the effects of his accident.
Police Coi rt. One drunk and one
vag were r.p before the recorder yester
day morning. The drunk rejoiced in the
high-sounding title of Francis St. Clair,
but thut didn't prevent his getting the
usual dose four days The vug will re
main in the cooler lor five days.
Card of Tuakkh. .Wm. and Surah
Watt, of South Salem, desire to return
their sincere thanks to their friends who
so kindly assisted them by word and
deed in their late and liereavement of
their son.
Aii est A iTotNiESi. Joseph II. Albert
has been apjHiinted agent of the New
Zealand insurance company. The New
Zealand is one of the leading companies,
with a capital of live millions.
A. H. Brevman retinnedto East Port
laud yesterday after a bin, t YJfiit hei8
Arc ron dirtnrbed it night and broken of yor
rest by t tick chUd Buffering and crying with
pain oi cuutuic teeth? It ao, ind at ouce and
get a bottle ot the Winalow'a Sootbtug Sj-rup for
Children'! Teethlni. It Talue Ii incajculaato
It will relieve the poor little aufferor Immedi
ately. Depeud upon It. mothers, there U no
miatake about It. It cures dhenlcry and dian.
hoea, regulatea the itomach and boweU, eurea
wind colic, aoftent the guma, reduce lutlama
liou, and given Uiue and energy tp the whole
ytem. Mra. Winalow'a Soothing Pyrup for
Chi.dren a Teething ia pleasant lo the lawte, and
i the prmcriptlon of one of the oldent and beat
female liurwea and phyaiciatie in the L'niled
s''-s. and in lor Bale by all driwulita tkroiurli
ttf Worid. Jrlce m eeut a bottia.
P:! -are frennenllr preeeded by ene ot
Koniflu tit the Imi k. loin, and lower pun ( the
aodniniei, eauiiim the patient to aiipimne he hita
'nie aitt-fiUiii id liu- kidneys or iieiKhtKiriug
er-,,' iit,. At times pymviiiims 'of iniieetsiimi are
prenent, (irt'u.eney. miensiiiewi of tne atomaeb,
ele A nt.iistnru, like perapiratbni, produeing
very dL-agreeahle ttchins. after e-tttiig wariu,
i eniniii'in alli ii bui:. Jilio f. hi.-mlois ami
Itching piiea yield st once to the apulK-aooo, of
I'f. liuli.imifco'n lteiui-iiy. whtrii act dueep
lv np-iu ; tie parti, efl'eeted, Hi..i.ri.;i..- the in mum,
adayini; tiie int-use ie-hluit.asel eff'eetiog a pr
inaucui pure. Price Petite. Ad-.l-e.-, the lir.
bosankn -VJe'tmiiie (:., i-iuua. o. hold hy i.eo.
K. (,..nd. '
8y!!l' Kar-nfKrt:: and stitthnria or Xiloo.1
Blid I. Her yriip wiii r.t-.rc p.-rfi-i-! henlth to
tie- .;y.,i'i unrmiirnmu. It ii.. intlee.I, a
!re.j:ei,ltnt eyrtip. pkiaonnt to take, and liae".i proven iteif 1" le '.lie be-! blood verifier
ei- tii.eovpred. etr.t.iHi:-,- rtirim erouia
ayiiiin-.te: (l;-oriI.-r., H,it!,i. of tiie kidney,
i r.-!i i-e, ni uM-ia.uH hit..l, fhv-dert and
(lebtmy. !;,io'i eoiii.'.nmis. uti-J bit dii.ea.wt:
Jn-Jiemimr un impure coii'l:'.Ion of tiie lihwl,
liver, kiuueya. sMm-ich. ,.!. h fnrwli ui-ii-t:e-!ion.
e.)e'-iai.y tvlien e,e eoif-iiuii;t i of un
exiiici...!-. e nature. inviiiK a to lessen
tiie Mg-it of ti.e lra;n i;u;l m---. fj-m.
Yom Br.- u'l e
tli- ii-e oi nr.
will', eip'-'re-
tM i.ii.n A i i:j) mkx.
." i - i-ee lr;ttl of th rty .iiirs of
I'e'i :: e'nrnte'l .:r.iio: iieit
Mi-.pen-.orv npp.sBiH-i-, ior the
1 i-- ' lu.-i,: c .re of tier
i..---; o: .,::v iv.i'A m-uihood.
I t:-;.!.,;.-.. A : ... i-.r m-tltv ottier
f.iueily r,;i!'.
vi.Tl, deii::i
nlifi i: kUelr
,. I ...mi.
t--.e r.--s..r:i'.v.M heii.tii, viiror
'.r.i;i:-:e.r ;x... i , i., inp-irre'l
-I1..-J. v. i.h f';!S iliiormrtUon,
' '' a-l-tMI!!t Voltaic
..Ilii IIIHIltlOO:'.
"e O'-M!
term., ei' mn-'h
i.i lt l.'ii, ."ii ir.i i,
V. il UH. I. l -
i-.'o-.'it!' Svr-.iit.-ie. s t P'oih) Bl.'l l.h'er
r-yrn,, j,.r the F,lrF , Ji...,.f,It, ulm Uh,..
te-n, i.i-i.:,. .s..-. v ..... i, i,-. , MnUr.H.Rii.J
.: ot.-ier Oi -i - .-. uri-oiv from uti i.'optlre Mi-'-VV"
' ""' l,'""ti , e.-.ijir,!!..- ni. be orcM-i.-e-l
,ro:i) i.mny i.tadift, pi,;.-i.;n.. m;ui-4erK,
Mil! i, of .:.:;,.. t!:ro-;ri:o'. tl.. !kd, en r, . I:;-,.,,) . j,j , ,.r St r,
ere e-.ti .untiy i: r..e..jpt ; . -ri.-i- . (-.t,e t..em-.-.: r, , , ,.,..! e
vl en, il.e he,. rem,.- lv for the cure
'' ii.'-mcd
l it Kit l ll.l.
t'-e ir le;..,!
prove.) I
iver I'lii:, f.-r MiS
t he (nee nml t.ti
fiiuy one
'. h. ti.
low e-impiexioli. ponp.
f--r h do-'.. h,l..!
r K
Absolutely Pure.
Thia 0,wder never varica A marvel of puri
ty, itreugth i and wholeaomneaa. More ecomieal
dmo the ordinary kinda. and cannot bV5id In
compel Ittoti with the multitude of low teei.horl
wheight, alump or phoaphate powdera. bold
W.flt,ei.,iY:,3'l Fl"'1e' t0"