The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, February 04, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Prohibition Amend men t Has
Passed the Senate.
Wallowa Conniy---A Question of Priv
ilegeThe Swamp Laud In
vestigation, elc.
January 27.
The houHe wan callod to order pursuant
to adjournment, and the roll called.
Tiie journal of yesterday wag read and
S. B. 10 To reimburse certain couti
tieB for taxes paid. Amended, by Pom
eroy. 37 To provido for oiliciul publication
of uRcimonn of the Biiprcme court.
20 To prevent fraud in registration of
cattle, etc. Referred, agriculture.
17 Creating health officer at Umpqtia
river. Commiirc.e.
11 To regulate fues of clerk of hu
preme court.
lti To amend charter of Frineville.
ti. .T. M. 4, praying congress to improve
tS. J. B. 10, providing for annotation,
etc., of school laws. Adopted.
8. J. It. 9, instructing superintendent
of public inBtruction to take Bteps to se
cure publication of text books on phys
iology and hygiene, lor uhb iu public
schools. AtiopUsu.
II. B. 210, raulsen To appropriate
$15,000 for purchase of lunds for state
aancnltural college, Xiead second nine
217, Hummers To projierly brand all
goods manufactured ly conviot labor
Bead second time. Daly amended, ex
cept brack and other material lined in
construction of Btate buildings. Labor,
Smith's amendment to discontinue
school atCorvallis till completion of the
building, wag lost.
II. J. M. 4, Biggs For removal of Col.
John ti. Turks, U. S. A., engineer corps,
from the position of chief of bureau of
engineers, on ground of incompetency.
II. 15. 218, Benjamin To change time
of holding circuit court in Second dis
trict. Bead second time. To Douglas
8. B. 15 To authorize construction of
railroad bridge across the Willamette
river at Portland.
II. B. 211), Layman To repeal sec. 16
of the act providing for support of the
university of Oregon.
220, Layman To repeal acts for Bup
port of SUite university.
221, Lafollett Relating to the insane
222, Pomeroy To appropriate money
for expenses of the legislature. Bead
second time.
223, Thompson Relating to firemen.
224, Palmer For protection of deer
and elk.
fi. B. 3 To incorjKjrate Cottage Grov9.
84 To amend charter of Albany.
45 To amend civil code.
47 To amend sees. 491-404 of civil
II. B. 44, Layman For night session.
B. A. Miller moved to lay the resolu
tion on the table. Carried.
222 To appropriate money for pay of
officers, members, and clerks of the 14th
legislative assembly. I assed.
34, Goodsell Relating to wills, etc
27 To increase salary of assessor of
Multnomah county. Passed.
15. McLean For relief of Klamatli
county in sum of $0,725. Failed to pass.
Pendleton moved a reconsideration of
vote on II. B. 15, which prevailed, and
the question being put again, the vote
was, ayes 30, noes zi, absent a. .fauea
to pass.
B. B. 103, Wager Defining how wire
fences shall be constructed in- eastern Or
egon. II. B. 24 To incorporate Albina. Bill
20, Bowditfh To amend charter of
Ashland. Laid on table.
31, McCully To incorporate Joseph.
33, McCully To create Wallowa coun
ty. Passed.
8. J. R. 12 For relief ot Oregon Pio
neer Association. Adopted.
8. B. 125 Declaring what shall consti
tute the irreducible school fund, and pro
viding for its investment.
II. B. 40, Kolierts To provide a boun
ty on certain wild animals. Passed.
Morning session.
Called to order; roll call ; prayer; jour
nal read and approved.
The senate look special order the con
sideration of railroad bill at Portland
and alter a short discussion the bill
passed. Ayes 29; nays 1. Veatch voting
Prohibitory liquor clause referred to
the education committee.
138, Stanley Prevent murder or ma
licious destruction oi property by dyna
mite. 139, Burin Alternate election of coun
ty commissioners.
140, Wager Allowing county clerk to
file renewal of chattel mortgage.
141, Rinehart Appropriating $5,000
for the completion of the Pine creek wa
gon road.
142, Irvine Prohibit removal of books
from state library.
142, Allen Regulate fire insurance.
144, Wager Regulating actions in the
circuit court.
145, Hare Allowing women to hold
ofhee, when elected by people.
140, Weatbert'ord Calling of a consti
tutional convention.
147, Diuiick To encourage normal in
struction. Dimick introduced resolution for up-
pointment of additional clerks for special
swamp land committee; to committee.
6. B. 91. Barin To prevent the Bpread
of contagious animal diseases; judicial?.
97, Kinehart Making salary of register
of land office at La Grande to be $1,000;
public lands.
94, Chandie-Uefctlale ma ts and
brands of Brock ; agriculture.
lOl.Ktnole Providinir for mvment of
pi'0erty condemned for public uses; ju
lU.i, Wagev iiejru lining construction
wire fences ii conn Lies east of the Cits-
cade mountains; to special committee of
senatois east of Cascade mountains.
112. Waser Amending act incorporat
ing Pendleton; ordered to third reading
115, Simon Provide a more efficient
method for collection of delinquent taxes ;
J 18, JJimick btay ot execution wnen
judgment is rendered for recovery of
money or p'onerty ; judiciary.
Called to order and roll called.
90, Hare Prevent foreign insurance
companies transferring suits from state to
United btates courts, etc. bpecial com
mittee. 113, Dimick Creating office connty re
corder. Judiciary.
114, Lee Regulating practice medi
cine. Judiciary.
116, Dimick Securing to all children
the benefit elementary education. Jtidu
cation. 117, Gray Amending incorporation
Astoria. Corporations.
120, Miller Relating to WRter rights.
121, Wager Dividing Btate into three
normal school districts. Education.
122. Gray Boatman at Astoria for
Quarantine purposes. Commerce.
124, Wager Regulating fees officers
certain counties. Judiciary.
S. B. 103, Wager Regulating construc
tion wire fences east Cascades. Passed.
S. B. 125, Hare Providing for a loan
of irreducible school fund. Passed.
B. B. 135, Cartwright Fixing time
holding court in Crook. Passed.
Watts reported substitute bill which
prohibits sale tobacco, firearms, etc., to
minors, 18 years. Bead twice, third to
8. J. R., Lee Appropriating 500 print
ed proceedings pioneer association 'ofa.
H. B. 222 Appropriating payment
per diem and mileage members legislat
ure. I'asseu.
8. .1. M. K.fc'liuoe Pravina conirress for
appropriation iniproveiuemt Umpqua
river. Adopted.
II. B. 22 Incorporating Albina. Read
second time.
Watts presented petitions on temper
ance. Education.
Watts reported from education prohib
itory amendment. Adopted. Ayes 25,
nays 4, Chandler, Gray, Hamilton, Stan
ley, in negative.
In the house yesterday morning, Mr.
Good sell, of Multnomah county, attract
ed the attention of the entire house by
arising to a question of privilege. He re
ferred to a couple of articles in the daily
Oregonian, of current date, which inti
mated that he (Goodsell) was an "ob
structionist,"a "ringleader," and that he
hud said he would use his endeavors as a
member of the committee on judiciary to
delay action of that committee, in rela
tion to the investigation ordered by the
house a few days since. Mr. Goodsell. in
substance Buid : "I desire to Bay that I
have not used any such language as the
Oregonian savs. I have no manner of
protec'ing mv honor as a manor a citi
zen airainst such aitacks, other than to
i ise and by denying, refute the charges
made by the Oregonian. Neither in the
halls of this assembly nor any where
else have 1 used such language. I have
at all times proposed to have a full inves
tigation to hear both sides of the ques
tion, and to thoroughly understand it
Those articles place me in a very differ
ent light. It bus been mv wish that care
should be taken in the investigation, and
if tine gentleman had acted in a disorder
ly manner, then he should, Jas provided
by the constitution, be expelled.. I
brand all these charges as lulsc. J lie
people of Multnomah countv, where I
have been known for fifteen years, will
all believe them false, and know that I
am above language as is imputed to me.
think that unless the correspondent
should retract his statement he should
not be allowed the courtesy of this house.
I leave the matter in the hands of the
house to act as they may see proper. "
Mr. Koberts then arose and cophrmed
Ujodsell's claims regarding Iiih stand on
the investigation question, lie wanted
the bottom of the matter reached, if
there was any bottom, 'and wanted the
house to fully understand the matter.
1 Iarris introduced 11. R. 43, that if the
correspondent of the Oregonian refuse to
correct bis statement made in the Orego
nian with reference to Mr. Goodsell, that
he be refused the privilege of the house
On motion of Paulsen, the considera
tion of the resolution was postponed until
the 2Sth.
It is thought that the committee ap
pointed under the Veatch resolution to
investigate the "swamp land matter,"
will fail to have a report during the pres
ent session, under the present action of
one of its clerks, who imagines he repre
sents all the investigating brains on the
committee. It is stated that this clerk,
who at one time, as a member of the
legislative assembly, failed to submit a
report made to a committee of which he
was chairman, for reasons best known to
himself, does not desire to "investigate
anything bearing a date prior to the
commencement of Gov. Moody's admin
istration, and that the only thing he de
sires to see reported to the assembly, is
something that will apparently tliiow
odium on the administration just closed.
It is further stated that this committe
clerk is making "notes" as he goes
thro igh, not for the enlightenment of the
committee, but, for hiB own personal use
hereafter. What, truth there may be in
these reports, the writer does not know ;
but the mutter will lxar looking into by
the couiuiittoe, and if such is true, a
chf .ie ia n'-ic'e 'ush'p woicd oiobio'y
piove to the oest '-lterews of tne slate of
O-Wfcoo. Jimj;,'13 in tiie 1'jot of "ii:SiO
St'cU ciio wou'd not :'iji' a l ..e UO" -est
oi toe si die, a.)" way.
The Dst special apuropriation bill came
np on its final passage, in the horse, yes
terday. It was to appiop'ip e the sum of
$6,725 for the relief of Klamal h county
that sum having been expended in the
construction of a wagon bridge across
Link river, on the only wagon road from
southwestern to southeastern Oregon.
The bill was introduced by .McLean, who
was absent from the house at tiie time
the voe was taken, and the bill failed to
pass, yeas 29, nays 30, absent 1. Mr.
McLean then secured a reconsideration
of the bill, by three votes, and then pro
ceeded to explain the bill. B. A. Miller,
of Jackson, also spoke in favor of the
measure. On the hnal vote on tins mat
ter, the bill again failed to pass, on'y 30
votes being cast in favor of it. It is plain
to see that all local appropriation bills
are going to have "close work" to get
through the house.
Mr. Blundell, from the committee on
education, reported the bill provididg a
government for, and appropriations for
the support of the state normal school at
Monmouth this morning, without recom-
mendation. The matter lay in the hands
of the clerks until in Uie afternoon, when
it was called up, and several amend-
ments to the bill were adopted. One of
these amendments on motion of Bilyeu
struck out all the section which provides
an appropriation for the support of the
school. Another struck out that portion
of the bill which prescribed a religious
test, for nnalincations to lie a member of
tiie board of regents. The bill as it now
stands, gives the state entire control and
management oi the sciiool. but nrovides
no support nor financial aid for the insti- Stafford, internal improvements Un
tution. favorably on H. B. 50, to appropriate
In the senate, Mr. DimicU, ot
Marion county, has introduced a bill
mhu-h wnH rWrwl ti a htwiI rnm-
was referred to a
mittee consisting of Messrs. Dimick, Hare
and Weatherford, which appropriates
the sum of $1500, or so much thereof as
may become necessary to be expended
-under the direction of the governor, for
returning the body of ex-Gov. Addison C.
Gibbs, from London, England, where his
death occurred recently, to Uregon, and
providing for its burial here. The bill
was reported favorably yesterday, and
will probably pass without material op
Mr. Gard has introduced a bill in the
house, which is juHt from the hands of
the printer, which will, if passed, increase
the salary of the-superintendent of the
Oregon state penitentiary from $800 to
$1500 per year. The salary has been
rather "moderately low" in the past, to
say the least, but in the past there have
been very numerous applications made to
the govemoi for appointment to the
place even at that salary.
Mr. Lee has introduced a bill in the
senate granting rights to the Oregonian
Hailwav Bridge company, to construct a
toll, wagon and railway bridge across the
Willamette river at Kay s landing, in
Marion county, Oregon, the bridge is
to be more particularly for the use of the
present narrow gauge system of railways
that traverses the Willamette valley. It
should pass.
McCully's bill for the creation of Wal
Iowa couuty passed the house yesterday
afternoon without dissent. ihe new
countv embraces about one-third of the
present county of Union and will be the
extreme northeast county of the state,
Joseph will be the temporary county
seat, and the governor is instructed, by
the bill, to appoint the temporary officers
of the countv, as noon as convenient after
the passage of ttie act.
January 28.
Called to order, pursuant to adjourn
Prayer by Rev. J. W. Webb, of Palem
The journal of yesterday was read, and
J. M. 5 Praying congress for appro
priation to improve the Umpqua nver,
S. B. 135 To amend act creating Crook
H. K. 47, Goodsell Instructing state
printer to print II. B. 36, the Grant's Pass
charter bill, as soon as possible, and to
lay the bill before the house.
Summers, military affairs, favorably
with amendment, on H. B. 30, for organ
ization of militia. To committee of the
whole house.
Smith, assessment and taxation, favor
ablv on 11. B. 153, bill reported bv as
cessment anil taxation commission
Blundell, from education, with amend
ments, on 11. B. ti, relating to school
elections, and voters at school meetings
Several amendments were offered, and,
with some changes, the reiwrt was
S. J. K. 11 Allowing swamp land
committee to employ additional clerks,
and that said committee be required to
reuort to this session.
Mclean moved to postpone considera
tion until Monday. Lost, McLean voting
"no," and no " veas." The resolution
was then adopted unanimously
S. J. K. ti Abolishing advisory board
of pardons. Adopted.
Koberts, from asylum investigating
committee, submitted a report.
Harrington, judiciary, favorably on H
B. 87, for publishing county finances
also, favorably on H. B. 101, with amend
ments, to provide for the court's assess
ing costs on motion of attorneys; also,
on II. B. 204, East Portland charter bill
re-referred to .Multnomah delegation.
Culver, claims, favorably on claim of
Fred. Yennkee.
Munger moved' to read II. B. 106, to
'esu'ate insa'nce, tetoiid ;re out of
o-der. So o'-de'et', and j-e'e.- eo, lo vi
eivnce. Gocdsell moved to J'eud second rone
i )f I'ortlaoti b idge bi'l. lioroa lost.
Be -convened at 1:-X) ; lo'lcal'ed.
Coodse" "n view o toe .'act that the
editor Of the Oegonian has justly placed
my version of the conti oversy before the
people, I am satisfied, and I ask leave 10
witiid'-aw the resolution of Mr. Ha ria."
So o-ueicd.
House went iii to commiuse of vho'e,
Bii.veu in chair, on H. B. 30, for oiganiza
tion of militia. Comm'itee a-'ose, and
recommended adoption of ce'tain amend
ments proposed by coir miltee on military
affairs.' The sfme were ordered pi in ei,
and the bill to be engrossed.
H. B. 44, for night session, taken up,
p nd passed.
Gard, roads and highways On H. B.
64, fa vorably ,to amend sec. 3, title 1, chap.
50, road laws; also, on H. B. 53, relating
to public roads, without recommenda
tion ; also, on H. B. 47, for improvement
of Wallow Canyon road, favorably.
Laughhn, corporations ravorao'v on
II. B. 38, to incorporate Medford; also,
tavoraDly on n. is. lzx, lo incorporate
Drain; also, without recommendation,
11. B. 16, relating to foreign corponlions,
McCully, counties Favorably on H. B.
52, to amend act creating Morrow countv,
with amenomente; also, favoraoly on H
B. 66, to 'create Malheur county, with
amendments ; also, favoiab! y on a . is
93, hxing time lor holding circuit court in
Gilliam county ; also, favorably, on H.B.
104. creatin2 liainev countv
Benjamin, from Douglas delegation
r avorably on bill regarding time of bold
inz court in hecond district.
12,000 lo aid Coos and Douglas counties
rn pnnRtmpf. a. watmn roan.
layman, alcoholic traffic Favorably
on H. H. 13, giving circuit court junsaic
tion over cases where liquor is sold to
minors; also, favorably on ti. a. 49, to
prohibit collection of accounts for liquors
sold at retail ; amended to except drug
Smith, assessment and taxation Un
favorably on H. B. 153, bill reported from
assessment and taxation commission
Roberts, special, to investigate asylum
ravorable report, with recommenoa-
tion for three-story-wing addition with
capacity of 33 patients, anu other im
provements, including hre escapes. Ke-
port adopted.
lhompson moved to indenmteiv post
pone further consideration of H.B. 353,
Mr. Harrington, from the committee
On the judiciary, submitted the following
rexwrt : i
Mr. Speaker: Your committee on judi
ciary who was directed, by H. R. 37, to
investigate the charges in the Daily Ore
gonian of Portland, Oregon, of the 20tb
and 21st inst., to the effect that a chair
man of one of the committees or this
house, to whom two young women had
applied for clerical work, had offered
them employment on certain dishonora
ble conditions, with instructions to your
committee to investigate - said charges,
and ascertain if any member of this
house is guilty of such conduct, beg leave
to report :
lhat they have carefully and patiently
investigated the matter, and in pursu
ance of the authority conferred in such
resolution, have subpcena.'dandexamined
witnesses, including the two young wom
en referred to in the charges in the Ore
gonian, and bave found no evidence of
any member of this house ever having
made any dishonorable propositions on
condition of employment to any woman
now employed, or who has sought em
ployment in the service of this house.
x our committee have not tound any ev-
idence of impropriety on the part of the
women who have sought or obtained em
ployment of this body ; but do find that
there was an idle rumor, or street talk,
which gave rise to extravagant and ab
surd rumors that might naturally lead an
enterprising journalist into a belief that a
serious wrong and impropriety had been
1 tie report is signed bv eacu member
of the committee. Adopted.
Adjourned till 7 :30 p. m.
Senate called to order by the president.
Prayer by Rev. Harris, of Salem.
Peading of journal suspended.
House message announcing passage of
bill creating county of Wallowa had
passed. Also bill incorporating Joseph.
Also bill providing for bounty on certain
wild animals.
Senate joint resolution 11, investigating
management of swamp lands, requiring
report at tins sessiou ot the legislature;
was adopted.
S. J. Tl'. 6, providing for abolishment of
board of pardons reported favorably, and
resolution adopted. Also bill simplifying
proceedings in t tie justicee' courts was re
ported unfavorably. Also senate bill al
lowing Portland to issue $500,000 bonds
for water purposes ordered engrossed
Also S. B. 85, providing for connection of
wagon road system of Willamette valley
and eastern Oregon, unfavorably, ordered
engrossed and third reading to-morrow,
Also bill regulating practice of dentistry,
with amendments, ordered engrossed;
to third reading to-morrow.
S. B. 89 Reported favorably and or
dered to third reading to-morrow.
S. B. 79 Relief for Murphy, reported
back without recommendation. Ordered
to third reading to-morrow.
II. B. 10 Reported favorably. Or
dered to third reading to-morrow.
S. B. 26 Reported back without rec
ommendation. Recommitted to senators
from Marion County.
II. B. 30 Reported favorably. Or
dered to third reading to-morrow.
S. B. 75 Reported without recommen
dation. Ordered recommitted to com
mittee on judiciary.
S. B. IS, Gray Reported unfavorably.
Ordered to lay on table.
Mamortal of Portland board of trade
ordered recommitted to judiciary.
S. B. (12 Reported without recommen
dation. Ordered to third reading to
morrow. S. B. 107 Reported favorably. Or
dered to third reading to-marrow.
X. H. Mt RttMjrtu) without rttcommftn-
dui'on. Owed to vbLu readini lo-
8. B. 3 Pepo'tfd !vorab.'v with
ameBGanenl3. A .xierdaoenta aoo j-n and
onieed recODmii-t,eu to jiH'dary.
o.B. yj i eixj'teu frvo-aoly. Oroer-
: to u i d jHndiog to-ino'j-ow.
8. B. i09-epo'ed favorably, with
amenuflpeiTi. Aiueiuirejt at'op.ei.1. Oi'-
dereti i-o third reading to-morrow.
a, B. 80 ."" penpity er va
cancy, ie -eu w-diTi'mendmen'fl, was
ado.if.8u, a 'do t eretl t) tiiird reading ta
mo" ow.
Aujoa'ticd to 7 :30
rOB'5.8 ETON !$ WED.
Ai w 'll he Been hy the regi'lar report
eiseft.iere, we jot.iciary committee has
renoited fiiai; it found no g'ounds on
which the cha-gea aga.'ist chairman J.
II, Roberts could be based, other than
common rumor. The report of the com
mittee is according n the expectations
and w Bhei of a'l tne members of the
house, ana of Eooels' irienua. The
feeling lias at last gained credence that
the rea I animus ox U19 Oregonian's cbarg
eg lav in tiie fate that Mr. Roberts voted
according w cite w'sliesof bis constitu
ents instead of cbe wishes of the Oregon
mn at uie last senatorial election. After
the c:oae of the session yesterday, Mr
Roberts received the hearty congratula-
ions of Hie members of the house, on his
being c'ea'&j of the cna' ges made against
Yeste 'day, in tiie bo.'se, Sjaith, from
iie a?d taxat-ioi committed,
sr-bjoitted aa uofavcao'e ieoo-t ot the
bill reported f "om the commission on as
sessment and taxation that occupied
fortv da vs anu forty n.glits, at the capital,
last summer, aad further consideration
of the bi'l was at once, on motion of
Thompson of Ljne, indefinitely post
The legislati ve appropriative bill passed
both houses, and is now being enrolled,
It is understood that the "hurry" was
a dodge to keep the bill from being loaded
down with other appropriations in the
way ot riders.
The two bouses held evening sessions
for the reading of incorporation and
county bills. The bill creating Lee
countv (from Umatilla) passed the house
and the bill to allow Portland to issue
$500,000 more water bonds passed the
senate, and there were several amend
ments to incorporation acts.
Both houses adjourned until 2 o'clock
iuontia v.
Are yon disturbed at night and broken of yeui
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8covill'8arsaparilla and Stillingia or Blood
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syphilitic disorders, weakness of the kidneys, nervous disorders ana
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Illustrated pamphlet, with full information
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and. heads of families throughout the laud, en
dorsiug Scovill's Blood and LiverSyrup. We
are constantly in receipt of certificates of cures
irotj me mosc rename sources, ana we recom
mend it as the best known remedy for the cure
oi ine auove named diseases.
m'I,A!WAXIOH or TNE kidneys,
Htm Edward A. Moore, Member of Assembly
ironi lucwnona county, new lorn, wriles:
" two years ago I was taken with iutlam
mat ii u of the kidneys. The pain was intense
I api iedas soon as possible an Allcock's Forus
Hlat-un over each kidney. Wonderful to say
the v.iiuaud iullaination began to abate in ttiree
tni r. in two aays i was entirely cured. I ai
way mke great pleasure iu recommending; All
cock's Plasters; they are certainly the best ex
teriiui remedy known. I used them as chest
protestors, and found them most efficient. "
Yii- 'ls no pearls that can exceed in beauty
teet ti wmteaed anu cleansed with that incom
parab e deutifrice. the fragrant 80ZODON1'
Nor U coral rosier than the gums in which such
teeth are set. bo trie ladies say, win are the
Dest judg-es in such matters.
J. L. Norton Carroll, residing at Far Rocka
way, Queens Co., N. Y., was so crippled with
innaunnatory rheumatism, of ten years stand
iu.tlmthe had to use crutches. He was cum
pletely cured by taking two Brandreth's pill
every night for thirty nights, and will asswe
any written or personal inquiries.
Is a pure, sweet breath. This desideratum i
one of the results of using SOZODONT. wnic
not only in vigorates and preserves the teeth
but renders the mouth as tragraut as a rose.
Emil Schoetle, the popular tailor, over Geo.
E Good's drug store, will make you a flue suit,
out oi gooa viotn, at reasonable rates, a per
feet fllguaranteed. l
For ovstera dished up in every style, go to
Chu, Hellenbraud's. 1
Condnotod by qnallfled pHiTal
elan nd aurgeu regular
v L CJ irMnates.
ISTia the United States, whote
Liri-LONe experience, perfeot
method and pur mediclo. In
sure speedy and permanent
cures of all Private, Chxonle,
, and Merroua Diseases. Affo
tlom of tb Blood, Sktn, Kid
ney, Lladder, Eruption, Ul
cers, Old Sore, Hwullins f
the Glands, Sore Month, Throat
and Bon Fain, pernaaentlv
"-iti-'Jf iystem fob Lin.
seminal losses, sexual decay,
mental and physical wcakneu,
falling; memory, weak eye,
stunted development, impedi
ment to marriage, eto, Ironv
excesse ef youthful follies, or
any cause, speedily, lately aad
privately cured.
Yoanr. Hiddleaged nd Old Me
and all who need mbdical skill and experi
ence should consult the OLD European Fhyaiolar
at once. Hi opinion cost nothing and map
tav futnr misery and shame. Wnea incoa
veniem to tibii me cuy lor ireaimeut, meuiuue
can be sent anywhere by express ma nou
observation. Iti elf-evidentthataphyalcian.
who gives hi whole attention to a Class oi uia
ease attain greater skill, and physlciaa
throughout the country, knowing thl, frequent- -ty
recommend difficult cases to the oldest bpo
ialibt, by whom every knownjgood remedy
used. Th Doctor's Age and Experience mk
hi opinion of supreme Importance.
Kr- Those who call see no one rai me vov -
to- Consultations
free, and aacredly cown-
dikial Case which have failed in oDiaimngf
relief laewher especially solicited. Female
diseases success lull y treated. Th Doctor will
agree to forfeit llOOO for a case undertaken, .
not cured. Call or writ. Hour: Dally, troia
I a. m. to 4 p. m., to 8 evening; Sunday, 1
tola only, lend for the Sahitabist Goidbi
Health: sent raE. Address as aboue.
af The service ol the celebrated old Oei
man Physician, DR. O. GIRARD, from Stranc
burg, hav been secured at th LIE BIO DIS
PENSARY. Hi fame as a specialist for disease,
of men 1 universally known, ajd hundreds arv -daily
availing themselves of th opportunity ( .'
free consultation, personally or by letter, in all.
Wenderful German Invigorate
Permanently prevent all Unnatural Less)-,
from tb aystem, tones the nerves, strengthens;
the muscles, check th waste, invigorates the -whole
system, and restores th afflicted to Healtav ,
and Happiness.
(tesT- The reason to many cannot get oared of
Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood, etc., i
owing to a eomplication, called FROST ATOR
RHEi with HTFERAETHE8IA, which require
peculiar treatment. Sr. Lieeig's Invigoratot lm
he only poeitive cur for ?R08TATORRHEA -with
peculiar Bpecial Treatment, used at the
Or wormy veins of the scrotum. Often thtna
inspected cause of lost manhood, debility, etc
Price of Invigorater, a. Case of six bot -ties
(10. Sent to any address, covered seoorlf -from
Most powerful electrlo belts fre to patients.
To Prove ths Wonderful Power or iu U
A Battle Given or Sent Free.
Consultation free and private,
Call An v aridrAfta
400 Geary t, San Francisco.
Private Entrance, 406 Mason street, four block
ud Gearv street from Kearny. Mala entrance
through D Is pessary Drug Store feU
ireiFtsiaUCtmplitlnti. ABrMtC&asr
Issrij. OT SOLD ST ilL
The wonder truss. The elastic Wonder Truss.
Wat ranted the most perfect fitting truss extant.
Gives the best results. Economical and duia-
ble. The best of resident references fivan,
For sal by 1. L. Parrlsh. Balem. Or.
0' INTEREST to r.lEU
. IS anlv Vigor. Weakness or Loss of Memory peiv
manentiy restored by the nee of an entirely new
remedy, a ne 1 erna sasia irom epain. opau
ish Trochees never fail. OHr illustrated, 82 page book
and testimonials, (eont sealed Every Kan should
read it. VON URAKF TKOCHEKt O., prDO
OU i'arU 1'Iuch, Jew a or It.
X 0rf,l t Blood Elixir la tie only
"V-' o Blood Itemed v frnaran-
teed. It Is a positive cure for Ulcere, Erup
tions or Syphil itio Poisoning. It purifies the
whole system, ana Danishes au itneumatio
and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee ii
Pol 1 hv Geo. E. Good dr;ie-t.
11 to 500 miles the shortest and 12 to
48 hours
This popular line on account of its southern.
location, is especially preferable for travel dur
ing the winter months. It also affords an oppor
tuuity to visit Salt Lake City, and Denver with
out extra charge, and gives a choice of routes
via council rsiurrs, umana, Hi. josepn, heaven
worth or Kansas City. Full particulars regard
ing routes aud fares furnished on application..
Local passenger a&ent.
Office at Statesman otlice. 2t4 Commercial
street, Salem, Oregou. dw
Sold only to the retail drug trade at schedule
O. W. CO BURN & CO.,
8o'e Agents.
813-15 Front St., 11-4 3m-dw Ban Francisco
-S E E T S -
Retail U
Front street, FortlanW, Oregon.
Largest and most complete stork of reeds la
the northwest. Merchdut,, farmers aud gar
deners aie requested to write for prices. 11 us
tratod catalogue uiaviled free. i-14-dw-B