niK OHEGK)N STATESMAN: FRIDAY JULY 9, 1886. THE FOUBTH. Kow it was Celebrated Yesterday at Aurora, (rerrais, and at Other Plaeeg. Then was a genuine jam at the morn ing train lit the Salem depot yesterday morning, each as had not been seen be fore for several days. The call fur excur sion tickets to Gervais, Aurora, Portland, and other points, was so great that the train was delayed at the depot for about an hour. Mayor Skinner, the agent, and his assistants worked hard, and much credit is due to Conductor Young for bis exhibition of politeness and good feeling. AT CERVA1&. There was a large crowd at this place. it receiving the larger share of excursion ists bound both ways. The oration by C. W. Fulton of Astoria, was good, an able effort, and the reading of the lfeclaration U Independence, by C. B. Moore, was executed in tne nignest style 01 tne an. rhariev didn't make any new points, but be bore down hard on the old ones, and made them impressive. It was only wine to the unappreciative audience that he did not meet with an encore. The "ping nglies," by Billy Dugan, who is also a resident of Salem, were siinulv immense. As one fellow put it, there was ' whole fifteen acres of fun and it didn't cost a cent. " The ball game, between the Eagles of St. ram. and our own Owls, ot baiem, was a hooter, and the Owl knocked the Eagle bird's-eye out, if it was a Fourth of July celebration, and the eagle bird is a sorry looking spectacle wis morning, wiih bo many tail-leathers pulled out, too. The score by innings was as follows : 12345678 Owls, 5 3 0 9 0 1 10 634 tacles, 2 0 3 0 9 1 0 318 Henry Marshall of Portland was the umpire" Thirty-four to eighteen is pretty good, but this 'is the fourth game, and the -hagwe won tne tnree nrst. The ball in the evening was largely at tended, and was a grand and enjoyable aO&ir. AT AURORA. To say that all who celebrated at Au rora enjoyed themselves, is patting it mnd, for that hospitable little town did its best yesterday. The exercises were held at the park, and the inspiring music by the Aurora band kept up a lively spirit. The singing br the choir was al so nne. iilmora r oru s oration was tuu of eloquence, good humor, and good sense, as was also the Declaration of In dependence, read by E. M. Waite, of Salem. The ball game in the afternoen be tween the Aurora and Xlubbard nines was won by the Auroras, the score stand ing 17 to 8. The hull in the evening was a success, and a pleasant affair. The people of Salem went to celebrate yesterday, and they celebrated. Parties who went to Portland yester day report the celebration quite a tame a3air for Portland. The celebrations both at Gervais and Aurora were marked with quite good be liaeior, there being no fights reported. COUiCIL PK0CEEDIXGS. The Fire Engine Hatter The Street Grade and Electric Light Bnsinegs, Ete Etc. Council called to order in regular ses sion, by Mayor Skinner. All members, and Recorder Bowie, Marshal Harbord, and Street Commissioner Howard, were present. The minutes of previous meetings were read and approved. Committee on ways and means granted further time to report on ordinance in retard to grade of streets. Committee on accounts and current ex penses reported favorably on the follow ing bills: Godfrey & Mooree, $3.50; Leo Willis, $30; Doll Kichola, G,50; James Mead, t& ; Jos. Cavanaugh, $'io ; A. F. Wheeler & Co., $61 ; Irwin "Wagner $5 ; P. Lingren, $15 ; Conover & Co., $19.25 ; Dugan Bros., $4-75 ; Thus. Townsend. $2 ; M. U. Harbord. total, $547.33. The special committee on fire engine reported that they had purchased a $4000 La France steam engine for $3000. The reports of the various city officers were considered, and referred to the com mittee on wrccutits and current expenses. The road sujwrviKor reported in regard io defective sidewalks, and he was or dered to repair them. The committee on electric lights re ported that it had located the lights as toilows : On the corner of Commercial and Trade; Commercial and State ; Com mercial and Cbetneketa; Center and Front; Center and Liberty; Center and Winter; Chemeketa and Cottage; Lib erty and Court ; Trade and High ; Church and Beilevue; and Liberty and Court, besides the four at each comer of the court house, and the lights at tine state bouse. The matter of locating a light in North Salem was left to the aldermen of the first ward. The report of viewers appointed with regard to the extension of High street was referred to committee on streets and public property. E. C. Gross was allowed to erect a wooden building behind bis meat market. The council went into committee of the whole to consider the matter of the road scraper. After some discussion on the merits of the road scraper, it was decided the council be recommended to refer the matter to the committee on streets and public property, with power to act. Mat ter -was so referred. The following bids on the Kortb Salem engine-house opened and read : A. Oiin frerct Son, $1,474; F. B. Southwick, $1, 5W ; on motion the bids were rejected. The petition of Breyman Bros., in re gard to digging a trench, was referred to committe on streets and public property. The petition of C. L. Keller and others in regard to placing block No. 7 inside of the tire limits, wa referred to the com mittee on fire and water. The ordinance introduced in regard to the same matter was referred to tiie same committee. The resolution of Councilman Albert, to appeal the case of Mary E. Kiieridan v. tite city, to the supreme court, was adopted. An ordinance regulaUns the building of aidewalks in the city was referred to the committee on streets and public property. lhe recorder was authorised to pur chase fifteen cords of oak wood, at a price not to exceed 3.50 per cord, for the use of the city. Bills against the city were read and re ferred. Adjourned. LETTEE LIST. Following is a list of letters remaining in the post office, at Salem, Oregon, July 7, 1SS6. Parties calling for them will please say "advertised : Arlington T J Ames Henry Avert Mrs A 'Anderson Miss Car rie Baker P J KiggsTellins Brooks Mrs Rachel Burton Miss Annie Campbell John Chapell W Cox Lasetta Bates Mrs H L Blick Mrs Bell ByrdCF Boehringer Mrs M Chandler Mrs A A Cartwriuht H A Croft WM A Conner J Draner L Darr M Duncan Mrs W C Darby F L Doores John & Mary Ellis Thos. 2 Fletcher Miss Emma Gay Joe Gill Geo Geary Miss F.lla Harper Geo W Hawkins W E Howard Mrs Emma Jones L E Johnson J W Kirkland Mvram Keith ML, 2 Lawrence Abbie Maguire James Miller A, 2 Mulkey Mrs Murray Cbas Morgan C O McCullongh At: McClan Mr Otis Daniel Pratt W B Balaton C S Saunders L F Sehindler E Stephens J Smith PA Jones May I Jones Milton M Kenoyer J Kigar Geo W Leiman A Madden Walter Moreland Mrs Jesse Murray Alfred Myers Geo W Murphy G J McKnow A & F McKenxie J C, 2 Ogleeby Jas Bvder Jas M Starr H B Simons Charlie Smith Peter Vanh oaten Mrs J P Wick John Warner Wm Weil Hilary Wilson Jos Wood worth J B Woodward F E Tester Geo, 2. Waraner Mrs A Wicks Chas Welton John . Winters Budolkv Woodward C A ' W. H. Odkll, P. M. DIED. Pkospebity. In this city, June 28, Commercial Jtrospenty, aged la rears. This promising youth had begun to show evidence of a bright manhood, though a rocky life while a child had somewhat stunted his growth. A victim of tiie smalt-pox nearly four yean ago, his life hung in the balance for "many long wearr months, but a stroncr constitution pulled him through. A sufferer time and again from disastrous conflagrations, his native pluck and backbone enabled him to bear up under trials which would have cauaed many stouter frame to succumb. About five months ago be was seized with an attack of prohibition fever, which fin- allv culminated in death, though the ser vices of many eminent physicians were called to his aid. Bad nursing had much to do with his final demise, while the tear fully adulterated medicine prescribed bv the college of physicians which met at Oiyropia last winter, hastened the end. As the remains were borne to their last resting place by the W. C. T. L we sad ly repeated: Oh, be be gone and am he went? And is I left here all aloce? Oh cruel fate, thou most unkind, To take he fore and leave I hind. JThe above effusion is clipped from the tne Columbia Chronicle, of Davtou, VY. T., and was called forth by the victory of tne "protus," in that city, in the recent contest ra V ashmgton tern ton , between local option and prohibition. From the general drift of his remarks it is judged that tne editor os tne Clironicie is not prohibitionkt-j EOLA K0TES. Eola, July 5,1886. The gentle mist for the past few days has diminished the dust somewhat. Harvest is almost here, and the farm ers are beginnig to talk of hay-maying and sich. ' Divine service will be held at the church on next Sunday Kev. Waller of Monmouth officiating. School closed on Fridav. Kola can boast of a good school, and Miss Creese has proved an excellent teacher. Mr. Allen's residence is nearing com pletion and when finished will be the finest in this part of Polk county. George Chapman and S. Winzler have returned from the mountains after a suc cessful hunting and fishing excursion. Mr. Roberts of Oak Grove returned from Portland during the week with four teen self-binders purchased for the farm ers in that vicinity. The celebration at Independence was a success. To trive anv particulars woiiM occupy too much valuable space ; but all had an enjoyable time and went home smiling and happy. This part of the county is being can vassed in the bridge interest. Tliey are meeting with good success in almost every instance. It is to be hoped that this county will willingly do her pert in this one important matter. - ----- Jakk. JU5E MAEEIAGES. The following persons have been grant ed licenses to wed by county clerk Chap man during June : Luther Cole C. L. Parmenter H. E. Chapman 8. V. Snort. W. T. Biserstaff ..Carrie Harding . .Susie E. Dickey ..Sarah E. Kester .....Allie M.Bay Ada Williams 11. M. Leonard Hester J. Jackson J.T. Hunt Edward Bowman Ernet A. Greenwood. Jas. W. Uouck (irairt Corby W. 11. Downing T. J. McClarev ...Myrtie White . . Josie Pendleton . .Louise C. Giv i.u-y j aiTmu Viletta Minier Delia H Bower ... Alice M. Myers, district officers. The Official Tote, y Counties, of the Several Judicial Districts of the State of Oregon. Following is the official vote of the sev eral judicial districts, aa canvassed by the secretary of state yesterday : FUST DISTRICT. r-rnoa. tt't- W.M. UsrrUn U R. Webster. JR. Keil 1057 410 158 168 Colvtg. Keller Jackson, 1091 Josephine, 439 1235 608 429 474 310 230 277 249 Lake, 311 2208 1793 2249 1863 SECOND DISTRICT. R.8. John J.W. J. W. Bean. Burnett. Hamilton. Kayburn Benton, 914 1042 1100 820 Coos, 914 634 B48 Curry, 224 ITS lt7 204 Douglas, 1308 1041 14!H 910 Lane, 1307 1307 1411 1245 4727 .4203 5054 3863 TUIRD DISTRICT. R.P. J. J. G.W. C.A. Boise. Bhaw. Belt. John linn, 14SR lf12 1701 1372 Marion, 19-J9 1824 1759 1!W7 Polk, 852 838 746 Tillamook, 238 166 183 254 Yamhill, 121S 1043 1054 1163 .5755 54S3 5606 5502 rni district. r. J. c. D. T.A. CJ. Taylor. Latourette. II 'Bride. Curtis Ciackaatas,118P 124S 1300 HIS Clatsop, 1053 674 1084 603 Columbia, 392 321 383 327 Wasbingtnl026 885 1053 7 '3660 3128 3820 2844 SIXTH DISTRICT. LB. M. I M. D. G O. hum. Olmsiead. Clifford. Bolman Baker, 1061 863 1162 68S Grant, 752 821 940 628 Umatilla. 1559 1215 1631 1134 Union, 1565 1332 1616 130 4937 4231 5349 2581 8EVKSTH DISTRICT. J. H. Geo. W. K. G. W. Bird. Watkin. Ellis. Barnc. Crook, 503 350 319 522 Gilliam, 476 539 554 455 Morrow, 727 629 870 486 Wasco, 1037 1104 1289 830 2743 2622 3032 2293 FOrSTH DISTRICT. two ciacrrr jcdois. L B. E. I. Bencm BtfeArn. fihaltupk. Smith Multnomah, 4199 " 4766 1890 of noncmiw att't. H. E. Jh. E. t. Uctiinn. GIcmob. Bronaugh " 4108 2273 1422 BOCK HILL ITEMS. . July 2,1886. The Back Hill school closed a week ago. More anon. Mr. Bard well and familv started, too. for a trip to Grant county. They intend returning before harvest begins. Grain prospects are not very encoura ging. The hay crop has been almost an entire failure, owing to the unusually dry season. Mr. A. B. Morris has returned from east of the mountains with very encoura ging reports of that part of the country. He intends moving there in the near fu ture. Since last writing there has been one death in our little neighborhood, Mrs. Marian PowelL She died the 17th of Jane, after much suffering. She is sadly missed by her family and many friends. Wall Flower. EEAL ESTATE TEASSACT10SS. Following are the real estate transac tions for Marion county the past week, as copied from the records of the clerk's office : . James X. fcmith and wife to B. Foret ner and G. W. Tiffany, lot in Mehama ; consideration, $50. N. 8. Coffenberv aud wife to Norman Buck, land in Hubbard ; $000. Lewis Lafore and wife to Carl Gilbert, land in sec. 6, tsr2w; $6000. Mary Ann Poujade to W. A. Cusick, 30 acres i'n 1 6 s r 2 w ; $450. S. M. Elliott and wife to A.T. Yea ton, lots 5 and 6, blk 39, orth Salem ; $150. J. X. Smith and wife to L. C. Fisher, lot in Mehama ; $50. H. W. Crook to J. X. Smith, land in t9sr2e; $600. J. X. Smith and wife to H. W. Crook, lots 1 and 8, blk 5, Mehama ; $600. S. 8. Callahan and wife to A. .English, 50 acres, 1 9 r 2 w. SCHOOL PICSIC. Editor Statebmas : The Kays public school met in the pleasant grove on the farm of John Sappingfield, Sr., July 2, for the purpose of having an afternoon picnic. At about half past one the school marched from the scboolhouse to the grove, where there was quite a large crowd to see and enjoy the feast of intel lect and fun. Miss 'Laura Glover, the teacher, deserves much credit for giving to the people of this locality an enioyable and amusing entertainment, and of all those- who took part in the exercises we will sav that each one did well. K SUPEEHE COUET. Salem, July L Campbell vs. Prettyman and Critz ; al lowed until the first of September to file motion for rehearing. Wells vs Nefi, et al ; same as above. Court adjourned without day. BEWAEE Or VIOIJEWT PIUGATIVE. Take Eimmona' Liver Regulator In mnall doMrm onsil you find juxt how much will mil your com.-. II cn b taken witb perfect ftafety by lhe oideat person or tne youngest child, and alltbme whose aNtema have become deoilHa- 1 ...! ( ..-!..... m . .. ' I . f, .hi iAmwt will. tiie ulmv,t confi'leuce in tw taletr and efticaey. i "' have never aeen or tried uch a imp, el- I "c,c',"- atifetor and pleasant remedy in eu, 8u Loui. Mo." it. lUlS- OS THE BAY. A Trip to Vaquina, ana Sotes by the Way Salem People So journing There. Nkwfort, On., July 5, '86. En. Statkkk an : We, that is a large number of Salem's people and your cor respondent, left Salem, the "city of peace," and passing across the river, and past Eola the oldest town in Polk county, arrived at Derry on the went side division of the Oregon A California railroad about an hour and a half before "train time." The hour and a half was then ejicnt therefore in securing our tickets, getting our "luggage," as the Englishmen say, checked, and viewing the "sights." The Bights consisted of the depot, a large two story building, the upper story of which is occupied by the agent, and' his family; a water tank, and the bridge across tite "Kickreal," or, as it was former! v called, the "La Creole." About two hundred varus from the depot is ttie home of the late ex-Senator Nesuiith, and his body lies interred iuat across the Kickreal. As the rain fell all the time during our "wait" there, none of the party mustered up courage enough to face the storm in order to visit these historical places. At 11 r08 a. m., promptly on time, the whistle of the locomotive warned us that our journey was about to be resumed. We boarded the cars and soon were whirling away toward Corvallis. Our route lay through, perhaps, the prettiest and the best part of Oregon. The scene is one of continual change all the way from Derry to Corvallis. The prairies with their fields of ripening grain and their green pastures decked with flowers, the mountains and the valleys, making a scene very pleasing to the eye. At about 12 o'clock the train pulled into CarvalliR, and soon our party were "lunching" from well filled baskets in the "parlor" of the depot and freight house. The floor was not covered with brussels nor were there any upholstered chain to speak of, but the luncheon was well enjoved nevertheless. It soon be came evident that we were doomed to "wait" again, as the train would not pull out for Yaquina until 3 o'clock, owing to ttie non-arrival of a lot of people who bad been expected to arrive at Albany by the east side train, and to come to Cor vallis by stage. 1 he members of our party then walked around the town for awhile but finally drifted back to the ears, preferring to wait there for an hour than to attempt to find amusement on th streets of Corvallis. At last, arter patience had about ex haunted itnelf, the stage and a steamer from Albany arrived simultaneously, and at 3 -.30 o'clock we took our seat in the pleasant coaches of the Oregon Pacific, and soon were whirling a war at a sood rate towards the "rock bound shores of the Pacific ocean." The Oresron Pacific follows the winding course of Mary's river from near Corval- Iiato the summit of the Coast range and then strikes the circuitous and sharp curved gorge of the "Little Elk" unUl it reaches Elk City, the head of tide wa ter and the head of the Yaonina river proper. From there the road, although yet winding through a deep gorge, is comparatively level and without heavy grade. The scenery all through the Coast range is quite picturesque, and in many places approaches grandeur. The road is very crooked but may be consid ered as very safe, and the road bed, while not fully settled yet, is very good for a new road. It was almost 8 o'clock when we reached Yaquina City, and our party at once went aboard the little side wheel steamer Cleveland, and soon she was dashing the sprav before her bew on her way to Newport. Through the cour- teey of Capt. Card, your correspondent and a few of the voung ladies in the party were accorded the pleasure of seats in the pilot house, from ttie windows of which, even though dunk was rapidly ap proaching, a very good view vf the "bay, and ot the jetty, and the breakers dash ing high ou the bar, could be gleaned. The weather was very stormy, rain (or rather Oregon mist") falling ditimally, and the ocean roaring wuaiy, made vonr rorresjiondent's first iinpreion of the Day anything hut pleasant, we v. ere soon at the hotel, however, and a good sapper soon put all in a fairly good hu mor. After supper, tiart of our party at tended a "hop" at the hall here, but, as all were rather fatigued from our trip, the retirement of all, hut vour corresiond' ent who "hurried the midnight oil in order that this letter niiteht leave fur home to-morrow, retired earir. To-morrow I will write you an extend ed letter regarding the bay and such of its surroundings as I mav be able to visit. We found Mrs. J. M. liosenbenr and child here, both in excellent health and apparently enjoying their stav among the salt sea breezes." Among others regis tered at the Bav View house from the capital city, are Mrs. P. J. Armstrong, Misses Addie Scriber, Grace Scriber, IlallieParrish, Lizzie .Dearborn, Emilie Huelat,Theo Van Wagner, Leon Willis, Mrs. Alf. Coolidge, A. K. Flint, Miss Watson, James H. McAfee and wife and Hon. E. B. McElroy. Al! are in good health and fairly good spirits. The association opens at Yaquina City to-inorrow moraine at 9 o'clock. Well, I must close now. Until my next, au re- voir. I. A. M. The problem of belleriru our school ayit can only be properly noived by having a belter clasa nl teacher that in. teachers who tint stand Iheir work from a cieutitlc standpoint. The Stale Normal school i preparing teaebera for ttiis hirh ciassof work, and abouid receive the atippon and iuconragment of every friend oi education. WHY HAS WJZOUOXT Become the staple Dentifrice of America? Simply becane it is lmpoulbie to use it, even fr a week, without perceivlue: In hvgenicei lect upon wt iceiu, me gums tuu mt Dream Tboe wanting first claw photos will do well to s;o to Pickerill A Catterliu's uew gallery near court houte, aa they um the very latest process by which all first class work Is made by the leading artuts tnroagnout the country. wl Fr staple and fancy groceries, crockery, giatsKWsre, wooa ana willow ware, tea,, apices, in lact every thlip In their line, yon can get the ben at the lowest rates at Gilbert ratteraon's. w. UOEX. 1'JKEBLES. In this city, July", 18Sfi, to the wife of Geo. A. Peebles, a daugh - ter. Mother doing well. Thiii circumxtamre explains why our enterjiriHin county euiierintendent of Hchooin is not attending the fctute Teach ers' association at Yuquioa. THE MAEKKTS. Portland and Salem Markets Cor rected Weekly from Se llable Sources. POUTXASD MARKET. (Wholesale Prices. I Wheal Good vallev. 11.15 per etl: Walls Walla, II 06. Chop Per ton, tlKcfin. Oats J'er buhl, &.1c. Flour Standard braude. nor bbl. H 25: other brand, f-' 7a4. Hop Mo reliable quotation. Wool 1TMI9C; Potatoes Vet bushel, tXi5c. Butter Fancy fresh roll, per pound. SSe; Common, LVJUc. Cheese Oregon, best, l'Jr; Imported, 14c. Eggs Per dosen, lJ'e. Cliickeus yuote VAjtM, tooordiug to quality. 8au:m market. (Buying Prlees.J Whut No r', .ti The mill enmnanles here are paying a' .r per bu. lor all good marketable wheal. Bran Per Ion, HO, Bhorts Per ton, 114. Eggs 12,c per dos and very dull. Potatoes Mew, per bushel, Cora meal 5c i t potiud. Oat meal h7S,o. Cheese 10c per pound all round. Heaus ftc per !h. : ginMit. per nuudrd lbs. lhried apples Out of market. Iried plums " " Dried peaches" ' lrried prunes Butter lOutUrUr "per nound. according to quality. lam-sioc per ir. Hams Kanteru, out of market. Bacon sides c per lb. Bhoulders f? per lb. Shoulders Sugar cured, selling, per lb, 10c Breakfast bacon Celling at Lil.,o. Hams Sugar cured, sealing, per lb, 15c. Beef tilling, ltg.m Pork-8spc. Munon IU12'jC. Veal 10($U,c. Chickens Buying, 2..tQ(s:i per dox. Hogs Buying, Beef On foot, tc. Green apploa-Out of market. Onions Old 4c. Raspberries Per gallon, 30c. Wool BUTOr active, and nrloe from t? lo SOc. Green peas PerbUM.c, V. Gooseberries Per gallon, ale. Cherries Per lb, 6c. Wild blackberries Per gallon, 33! aC. Currants Per gallon. Sue. Epithelioma ! Or Skin Cancer. Tnr asm man I suffered with a iv faea. All las simole rem idles wan spoiled to allsrlsis ths pain. bt the place) conunned to grow, finally extending Into tor ace, fraa wmcn earns s jvuowian OJsenarn very subs' slvs in eharaewr. It was also in named, ana mo aoyad ms a srrsal deal. About t monlhs sgs was In Atlaatswat tbe house of a fritnd, whosn strongly rseoasmended tbe oss of Hwlft's 6p eifie that I determined to maks aa effort to pro- ra it in tnis i was sueeessiui, stoa negan isa s. Tbe Influenes of the medicine at first was) to eosnewhai aggravta the sore, but soon the ta flammauon was allayed, and! began to tmerowe altar ths Inst boule. klr seneial health baa greatly rmprored. 1 am atrongar and ahls lo do any kind of Work. Tbe cancer on soy laee be gan to decrease and the ulcer to heal, until then Is so a vestige of U left-only a little seat marks the nlaoe where U had been. I am read to answer all questions relative to this cure. sirs, joice . saciwusua. Atlanta, Ga., Angus 11, mt. I had a cancer on my face tor some veers, e tending from one cheek bone aerose lhe nose Is) the other. It has given me a great deal of pain, at times burning sn itching lo such ea extossl that It was almost unbearable. I onssaaeneesl astRg Swift's SueciSc in atsy, iKen. end have oaed eight bottles, II has given the greatest re lief bv removing tbe Intiinminslion. and reaeor- Ing my general health. W. Uaruea. JLBoavma, low a. oepv rj, uoo. Tor manv veer t was a sufferer with eaneer Of the nose, and having been cured by the use srf a 8. a, I feel constrained by a sense of duty so suneriag numantiy to mass tnis statement oi my cane. With the foi:neenth bottle the can cer began to rapid. ;. i,ei aud soon disappeared. nu tor several misnlit there haa been no ap pearance of e sore oi any iu on my nose of nice, neither is my nose at all tender to the touch. I have taken about two doxen bottles a. B. 8., and am soundly cured, snd I know that S. 8. . effected the core alter every other rerne 4y was tried end had failed. Hubert bmedicjr. Foftaalnee ue., nay 1, lWi. I had heard of the wonderful enres of Swift's Bpeeine, and resolved lo try it. I commenced taking It In April, IXM. My general health was much improved, yet tiie cancer which was in toy breast t nitinoil to crow slowly but surely The bunch grew suj became quite heavy. J suit that I muit e!:.,r have it cu! or die. But ll commenced dlMronrging qonntities of almost black, thick blond. It coutiuued healing around lie C'l';u until r vbruary, when It was entirely Itenied up ana wen. tty ftuwi. Cochesele, Plymouth Co.. Jliss.. July 13, Books on "Conuurloua HUhuI Pin, sud uu "Blood eod Htm liise. m.tued iree. For sale by all drtu.-4i- Tilt rV.' i FT SPECIFIC CO.. Jf. T. 137 W. 23d 8t. Iwiarr . AllaoU. t.a OCEAN HOUSE. -Kcwp:ir-. tirt'ijon.- F. 31. STANTON, Proprietor. The NEATEST aed BEST Furnished hotel on the bay. This nonular hotel haa been thormishlv r rif ted and furniahed with new and elegant turn- Hire, i ne jiouse u conveniently situated, and commands the bent view of any on the bay. No expense is spareu to ep ine tames supplied with the best of everything. the market strords. CHAHGEX REAWNABLE, CeVErom seven te ten dollars per week.' John G. Wright -Sole agent for the- TIIE MOST RELIABLE AM Convenient fruit jar now is use. Bsvcsllme ana moor. OBK O. WKIGHT, 227 and 229 Commercial street, rialcm, Oregon, FAlCIfiEitS ! ATTENTION ! Use only the Cslfornia hand forged and Hand Finished Sack Needles ! With cutter In the eve. Each needle snaran teed. Price, 50 cents. Auk your dealer for them, or order lrom the mauulaoturers, VV1U & ' 1 ink, 816 Market struct, B. I'. 6-U-Un WORTHY Of Ooafidenco. - VFB'C JUtresparflra rs a medicine f hat, l tfl O (luring nearly 40 years, In all arta of low world, has proved lis euV- cacy as tbe best blood alteralive knowa lo medical science. SARSAPARILLA ttS rrmulne Honduras Saraapurilia) b ita basa, and Ita powers are cnbaDccd by the extract of Yellow Dock and BtiU Irtigia, the Iodides ot rotasaiuta and Iron, and other potent InsrredicuU. C your blood vitiated by ocnuirrmenti v of the digestive and aesiniilatory fune tionsf fa it tainted by Scrofula? or does ft eontalo tbe poison of Mercury or Contagious btseaaer r-UTT ledinjr phrsiclans of the TJnlted I (lb fttaiea, who know the Composition of Aykr's SAKsjtPAKiU.A, say that nothing else so rood for I lie Jiuiifk-is-tiun o( lhe blood is w lUiin the ranjo of phjrnicr. njll V by "the use of this mncay h II n I possible for pcronn who has corrupted blood to attain sumid Itealta and prevent trausiuiasiion of the ie atrucUvs taint to Mtcritv. TUnDMlfPUl V effwtivs rmoTatloa t nUnUUUnLT of iheinstcin must Include not only tite removal of cor ruption from the blood, but in enrich ment snd the trengtlicuuig of Uta vital orjpun. DTI IAD! C wtlnesaea, all over the nLLIADLI. world. t.-iifv flint this 4 worklsbctter acvniiiplhlH tl l.yAyrit's 64KSAriRiiJ.A tluu by any other rciuc'dy. pi nnn ,h:,t ' rornil''"' Ibronch u1 tsLUUll eae Is made piuv. aud blood weakened tlirou.-b. diminution of the red eorpudoa is lund" s'rongt if ATER'8 SAiiSAPARIlXA. DIlDirVIUC llie I'loml snd bulldinir rUftlr TlflCi up the system reoulre time tn serious nwea, tint bettpfU will be derived from tbe use of Aver Sara ata kill a more speedily than from anytliiu? else. Tit rri if I urr frwbl-li like rflcefs are rdttllulNa. falsely chiimcd. Is abun dant In the market, under manv names, but the onrv preparation that has stood the test of tlnie. and provsd worthy of the workTs coufiuence, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PKETAEI BT C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mas. fjoWbyalldru -Ws? Prloalt Sht bottles for (A. The Best Cheapest. We want the whole sarin to know that a cash costosnssr eaa ds better with bis money, (quality sf the goods considered,) at F. D. McDowell's Jewelry store, 221 Commercial street, than at any other place la the city. Good Goods Heliabli1 Dealer, Cheaiest Prices. 1)0 you go to a livery stable to buy drugs t Then why do you go to a grocery store to buy jewel rj? In the line of plated wareand tewelry the only place you will find a really good article is at tbe jewelry store wherein the proprietor can bring to bear bis trained Judgment in the selection of all hia purohaoea. aud can warrant the gHda to be as represented. Call In and get our prices on watches and clocks and then after you nave bxikwi around come heck and we will give our cash discount to actual purchasers. Uesrptiot, nor have we ever been, counsel ed in any way with any other Jewelry store In bslem since we commenced business in 1HM0, the report, of interested parlies to the contrary uu,nuusiciiiuili. cry repiivvviuuy. r. v. MiDOWEIX. ASTHMA,? cured!! m.LC TOUL mi tlQrM 1W Kswit akeit-l GERIBM ASTHIRfi CUREriX1 'ffertfi imw wh.-re all rMr tnitf fall trnllinK Inr ii.yUs. 1 u s a sa. iJ r iir rt fli !ct m in ail I HAVA i. intmruiniri tiirrri m t n ! .in. nssi It pvissM-jA j otnsi aT K ir to tm. '- mj tsJw. AJtbM Ctww ail torn "I'M it- h. tf st ttwIArl t." M. . Ig i 7't't . JLtOyt.d. OktO it mj nmu Wfrmviif Attmn or t t.ld hr all drur hit ifKA i n-J i-k're fret to any -vWirw fud jirtomp H.M'H i A S, M i.. tVM.Mtwm" wflrllfl at Dllf . mild HI.OT BWTit l,w e stl n eu.s THE DINGEE -t CONARB CO S Unr sirwtil NnfiBllTbTtiagand-iirHrilmiinic pric. )l,a iji . and tint TMrri tri Wl dVihver tvr'mfi W yUants ufnlj SV SBail, St .11 I'o OJiKn. 78PLENDID VARIETIES I Yew tboice, all labr-led, for J I ItiforgV; tllfnrlsri. Alauether Vnrle. ties. 8, 5. suit tifsrSI JMI, -,-llM m ,, rlKW t.rlDK IsKOfK I I-CPriT I TI KE, M Mm. el.inl JllustnttMl. lllCC I Addraa THE IIIM.i:K& DNAItl) I IU tkiss tMosvsss, H'csst Urove, Cbmier ( ... fm Tfae Bri'KB' CiTIDK ta taassetl Msksrels snd Sept SKCta year. - MIA liases. ftty, m II V. Indies, wktJh ever ' 3.SOO UlwatratioBui s) wash stetKr Uallerw. OIVtB WbolessOe Fries dlrrri to eonssstners on all goods gar personal or family sue. Tells how se order, aud (gives exai-t cost of tvery tkdBs; you asaw, eat, drink, wear, cr tiave ran with. These IS VA1.1 AHJL.K UOOUJS ooutalw lnforaiatloa srleasisd Crona the ttsrketi of the world. 'VVc will snail a copy FBEE to any ad dress stposi receipt of 10 eta. to defray ex pens, of masUlna;. It us hear from yen. KssspeetfnUy, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 87 efe -.29 V abash Asraes, I liicasa, lik r&m wvrra 'w i ' i ten? T ' ' Win s awlM PKTJP. tssllsMluwsw, sod knunmaf hirw IULr4rlf Ik U MStftlo IS9 pM, J Ulwuua, prism, immh SMQTipUno. aol Siisttws x pl.atli .It rl.UM of VUTABLC sss HAlWt.ll Hr .IIS, BL' liwws as all, l.ll, to HUH fte&mm. Hmt for Ii. e), V. M.Fs.KIIV t CO., Osolt, MWhltan. -NaX 7 m SSf fl