1 Till. OUEGON STATESMAN: FRIDAY. MAY 14 18(5. Tories OF THE TIMES. Do yon wuntn rruuk for governor? If you do, voto lor IViiiiojvr. Faumkkk all over this Ftstt riv.uvlVr-u of jmrty iiHiliutiitrw, will volt' fur (.'.imeliris lor j?tvorrior. l)o ynu w.'iut two rurpomt ion tools in rftrm' Niiiiretiie court? N.j? Tiien don't vote fur Striihati. Sipimse IVnnnyor lnvl lion governor of Oivm i.r Wnliiniton territory a few tvoeka bnirk. (Mi'Mintitillo lailv t'iitu jiliifin. Tin: lirilHrtnt flashes of Kilcnt-e Oi t!u Ortvortiiiu on tlm ri'jmMinati Hinto ticket tiw Htiil iittr.u'tiu iniu'li aUuntiuu, as they art- reurl hi'twwn the lines. This tlmwrats rim on tlm I'il-tu-kL'-yoii-aiiil-yaii-tii,k.l-iiip plan. Tlicy haw two eJitor on tlinir nt-atu tu Uet and oni on tlioir Marion county ticket. Tut: iuiKtr throuliu.i; tlit! stale have uuticwil rvott's ui(KHnt niienoe, ami fro 111 one end of (re)ion to tlio other, there is gathering a whirlwind of relmke. Ah, Scott ! A urri.E jiirl, four years nU, create.! a ripjilo by remarking to the teacher of her Sunday-school irlurtH: "Our tluj's deal. I bet the uugeU were ncarc;l when they Haw him coming up the walk, llo'iicross to strangers." AnofT the deadest enterprise in the state is the third ji.trty movement. It started off with too bis; a whoop anil hur rah, and has B)eiit u!t its wind and thun der. It wan too tran.sparent, altogether too transparent. Thk jiviple may be exp 'ted to 8'juat on all such hot-houHe laboring man's frienJ-t as Sylvester l'ennoyer, who blos som out as tei'-h, extecting tha laboring man's vote. The people have him spot ted, unl hw will be ana win! victim of mis placed eoiilidence. A very prominent republican of I'ort lanJ ma le the statement a lew days since that Sylvester lVnnoyer would be beaten 5,0-M votes for governor, li.tKK) outside, and -,!') ) in Multnomah county. The outside part of the prediction is' a very reasonable one. Mu. r.r:Kciirr! firmly declinus to deny hat lie Haiti that tlte democratic party was a li:ih!i eared ass," and attempts to justify the remark by argument and il lustration. The simplicity of a great truth is often marred I y useless talk to prove it. Irt the raying go out without commentary or orpiamitlon and it has native strength enough to guard its own tiead. Men nnd brtithers, "et us not feeloffend-e-i H- Kev. Henry wardb-echer has trail.,-i the democratic party a ilnuli'e earc i a-c. This is a ''.Tiio.-r.i: i.r adininis tration, run by republicans and mug wumps, and we can assure yon that tlio party f.-els like a nuulrupk-v;tr;.l An la iusian nss brow .-in' upon ll,esf:irs(r herb aue oi tin' village common. 1 on't ;r:ur rel with 1 b-nry : lie has U'.n kind. . Ma con, tin., Telegrnj.h, ticmocratlc ail over. i..tr republican mt aggressive; tint I a:'.l-!ve, l .at a'.'res-ive. Let us liejius itive; not Homi-remshHcarw. A at me tie Hil"'H a lifniuii!ii'u t:t'. an 1 Wiy--a.-!iy, nambv art! tliHrru.-tku'. Lot us .Vl 1SS iiatnbv N'a:i-y Ur bold aggressive, and light a brave, fair and j ojx'n battle. Then if we get liek"d we j will be na;isfied in the eons-utiusness of i having made a pood fight, i'.ut tiuei we will nut get licked. The truth is that the rat1 of wages per capita is increasing, as well as the pro- II portion wliich latnirgetsasawhole, while II the rates of profits ih steadily diminishing in all countries, and now here is t! iisco;ir-.e of events more marked and decided than 4 in tills country. Boycotts and cau-K-ie-s , strikes und eiht hour movements mid i i protective taritTs are the only )rese:it ob- j j stacles to this wholesome progress and tendency. L.ew lork .L veiling l ost. It is natural tliat the southern people of the seeeHsi-m era should gush upon oc casion over their lost cause, but it is liifa lutinism iroue mad to describe t ho at tempt to found a confederacy whoso corner-stone was slavery as the "glorious dream of idolized liberty." The liberty to hold men in bondage, and the Btruggle to jierpetuate a system which was at once "the sum of villainies," and, as the south now sees, a huge economic blunder, are lor subjects for enthusiasm. 'Bostun Herald. It evokes a smile, tlie idea of trying to ! put a one-horse narrow-gaue justice's ; court lawyer like L. Butler in Her ' maiin's wuit. In energy and intelligence, nnd ability and tact, be bears atiout the same relation comparatively to Hermann ins Piety hill to Mt Hood. Butler would iot rejiresent the state he would misrep resent it. Among other things, Butler should be beat for his presumption. He fchould lie shut clear out oi the Jiolitieal race for presuming to try to usurp the place of George and Hermann. ;' Senator Faiii, senator from Kevada, wants the Apaches put on an island in the Pacific, to themselves. This would Bo doulit settle the vexed question, and save many voters every summer. This reminds the writer of the answer a certain other senator recently made to an inquiry about the Indian question. "If I had tile disposition of the Indian problem," said lie, "I would board every one of them at the Fifth Avenue hotel in New York City." Such a scheme would no doubt save the country money. The gentleman who voted for ye editor for school director last Saturday, as well as two who on Tuesday cast their ballots in favor of us for village derk, certainly deserve credit for their wisdom, and if thev are not rewarded on this earth they wilf certainly lie rewarded when they go to that "undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns.'' Tears fill ! our eyes as we attempt to express our , thoughts, and we can only say thanks, sentlcmen ; many thanks. St. Elmo, III., Times. l . At the socialist demonstration in Chi 's cago on Sunday a banner was.inscribed: s s "Private capital represents stolen labor." i A speaker who made it his text was loud- , I v aimlauded. Hie sentiment seems to s generally accepted by the jieople w ho lean to communism and socialism. In this connection let us cite a ease. A man hires out when he is young. He is sober, industrious, frugal. He gets good wages and saves a portion regularly. In a few years he becomes a capitalist within the definition given above. Now whose la bor did lie steal? ... ..... Avi i.ii,.- uiiif , im-iu ;isi;iiej start. d a little brush factory for die pur-1 pose of tri vinircriimled hoes rmnlovio..?.i I .le Among tlit" employes were sever.il hovx who had lost one or both !e.-s. A lirm "nf cigar makers took the entire M.i.liu t t.; the little factorv, in which none but cri n-: ..i i . ..i. . i pies were i-;np.MVeii. i hey were waitc.l ii ion by a trades union cominitlee tm; long i;-o and threatened with a boycott, in ease i hey did no! stop takin,' the brush'.. The coaseijuenee is that the factory bus been ohliu'ed to close and already some of the bovsh.ive been coniielled to let urn to be.'jiimr on the streets f..r a 1 i i i t ; - The reason ft' the bojcolt was tint the poor htt.e ifhowsdid not belong to the union. Ohio has to pay eighty thousand dollars for invesiL'atiic' the election of ll.oj.. fraudulent senators from Cincinnati. And everybody knew all about the fraud an 1 how it was worked before the committee was even appointed. The iiewsnaners had previously made a thorough invest i eation tor noi.himr An, I it i. i-..re im probable that a single member of the sn- aie uir wimvi tne investigation was un dertaken will vote any other way than he intended to before the investigation was determined upon. .Such is politics in the presence of ballot box shilling. Such is the cost of weak and inellieient election laws for the benefit of the democratic party of Ohio. )i.ii Jefr I avis has done the republican party a gram I service, in proving conclu sively what lias been so often claimed, that the spirit of rebellion ami the spark of treason is not yet dead, but slumbers in the southern breast. The same old,defi ant feeling of disloyalty and hatred still rankles in the southern heart, and there is no more use of denying it. The beau tiful w hite winged angel of jieaee that has hovered over this land in the northern democratic, stomp orators, inind has been knocked into.n cocked hat, as it were, by the grand und princely ovation to the leader of the lost cause. Does it mean jicace, and loyalty, and forgiveness, and brotherly love, and ail this bosh, when they strew his pathway with rivers of flowers, and shout themselves hoarse over his delimit, rebellious and treasonable leeches? His old ago and his misfor tunes may in pari forgive .1 off Davis him seif, and we may throw the mantle of charity over his pray hairs and head bow ed with age ; but tlie fact that he is cheer ed and encouraged, and feted and lionized by the southern people inspires the be lief that the mission of the republican party is not yet fully accomplished. An Inflevilile Juror. "There art: some infernally obstinate men in this world," said Frank Funai the other day, "but I struck eleven of the worst specimens last week 1 ever came across' "How was that?" "Why, you see, I was tin the jury. In one ease I'd no sooner laid my eyes on the prisoner than I made up ""my mind he vrts jruilty, and the testimony only s-rved to stn i'.t.'i.'ii that ojwnion. To my surprise, 1 found, when we went out, that the other eleven jurors were r.nani-lno::-; in favr of acquittal.'' "Arid of course Tuii yive in." "Mot much! I had a duty to society which I had sworn to perform, and I determined to do it if it took nil niht. I leasoned with them calmly, tearfully, prayerfully, but it was no i:-.e." "How did you brinir them around?" "Finally I said: 'Well, luy mind is mind up. When you fellow p t over your dashed obstinacy wake me up.' Audi just tijiped my chair back and settled myself down for a good nap. Then I siwretl. Ever hear me snore?" We all expressed regret because we had never enjoyed that pleasure. "Neither ha.' I those fellows. In ten minutes they were wild. Some of them Wanted to jump out of the window, but couldn't ;;et it open. In ten minutes more eight of them gave in, and in iif teen minutes they waked me uj) and f-aid they were satisfied I was right. The judge promptly granted the prison er a new trial on the ground that tlio verdict w as against the evidence and frommon sense, and discharged the jury for the U nil. That lets me off jury duty for another year." Millinery Trade lUcii.w. The billowing is one of the unre pealed laws of New Jersey, passed w hde the State was a British colony: 'That all women, of whatever age, rank, profession, or degree, whether virgins, maids, or widows, who bhnil after this act irupose upon, seduce, and betray into matrimony any of his ma jesty's subjects by virtue of scents, cos metics, washes, paints, artificial teeth, false hair, or hirh-liceled shoes, shall in cur the penalty of the law iiovy in forco against witchcraft and like midw lueaaors." "Is it true," asked a Pittsburger of a friend who had just returned from a pro longed visit to Maine., "that it is diilieult to get a glass of whisky up there?" "Ves sir; it is almost impossible to get a glass of anything intoxicating. " "Ah?" "In fact, you have to get it by the jugful." Pittsburg Chronicle. Mosaic Wake. Something new and beautiful, just received at John i. Wright's. Call and see it, also a fine line of glassware, all of which lie is sell ing cheap. tf. 1KLLOW ft'KVEK FKKVKKTKI. The Knulnctrrs of the Ccntrul Railroad nf GoorKiH nay; "Thoujfli ne were exxmd lo tlie worm mlaniiiRtic inltueuceii, duriiiK the preva lence the yellow fever epidemic of 1S74, with but the uliigle exception of one of U8 (who was taken hick, but Kpeedlly iccovcrcd we contin ued in our imuul K'-1 health a circtimntftiicc we can account for la no other way but by the effect, under Providence, of the habitual use of SimmtiiM Liver Kesulator while we were expohed to the malaria." IN THE DKAK OLI 1AV8. We differ In creed and politics, but we arc a unit all the name on the denirableuen8 of a flue head of hair. If you mourn the loss of thin blessing and ornament, a bottle or two of Par kers Hair Balsam will make you look as yon did In the dear old days. It is worth trying The only standard 50 cent article for the hair. Ayer's Cathartic Hills arc the best that can be employed to correct Irregularities of the stomach and bowels, (jentle, yet thorough, iu their an ti'in, tlicy cure const ipaliou, stlinulatethe appe tite and digestive organs,, aud atrengtheu the system. Who use SoMxlont havemilv to open their lips to prove its excellence. Their white, pleainlnK, spotle.is tcctli. aud fragrant breath will tell the story. There is more demand for thin whole some and unexceptionable p-cparntion thau for any other dentifrice in the mnrket. Try Port's condition powders. Tv -..,v W.rt- I 1 th at iituicrur.sMin.i-: kaus. The senate committee on comment1 of which McMillan of Minnesota is chair man and .f.ines f-f Nevndj an 1 Dolphof Or:'.:on neuiibers, has r.'Mirtid a bill giiaraute-'iig a s-'b-'on in,- .me on tlie I'.ads ship rail". iv through Mexico. The de tails i if the scheme need not trouble us just now. Tiiey are very elaborate, but il is not at a'l in the purposes of the Kads party to operate on then., the real design being to ustr t lie lull used at this session as an entering wed.'e w Inch will enable tlc'in to make better terms with the fif tieth congress. The Chronicle thinks the point oi the scheme i, the Cnited States is to become a partner with Captain Kads in his enterprise, and to supt'iy him with capital to be used in ru i iirig his road. The question may arise, How far is this p,irtner!-.liip toexteiiil V If the government is to divide the prutits oi ship rail way and we presume that the captain purposes to oiler some eiiivaie'it fir tie- si!whly he asks) they must ercn.vt to panic: p ite in the losses. Now, let ns suppose the rail way built, and a d ozeii large vessels, worth, with their ea'g'ies, say a million apiece, to come to grief somewhere on their overland trip, would not the owners have a claim against the United States government"? Tlie case might not lie ab solutely clear, but it. would have some ground to stand upry. We had better look carefully ahead and see wh it respon sibilities the Kads lobby and the senate committee on commerce may be involv ing us in. A Safeguard. The fatal rapitlity with which slight Colds and Coughs Irequer.tW develop into the gravest maladies of the throat mid luusrs,' is a consideration which should impel every prudent person to keep nt bund, ns a houelioltl remeilv, n bottle of AYEK'S CHEHUY PECTOltAL. Nothing else gives such immediate relief and works s-o sure a cure in all iifleetions of this i-ias. That eminent plivsician. Prof. P. M.ir'zi r, of the Maine Medical School. l.':-i.:;sw:.-U, Me., says: "Mtdh'.-ii it-Tir j l::is produced no other ano dyne expeft-nrnt to v M Ayeu's C'UEnitY I'Ecror.AL. liis i:.v;iit::itlu for diseases of the throat and luiii:." The same nj well-known I1: luci ts esrressrd by the L. J. Addison, of Clifcairo, IH., w ho savs: "I have never found, In thirty-five years of continuous i-iu-jy mhi pr;.v life (;l meaiciiie, any Preparation el "o . i-ri-iii A VEIt'sClIEEtllY 1 ECTOKAl., 1 van ,'-r t t f diecflK-S of llio ot only ljrc:iks up ctilds ti", Ltii is more t-flVctivo r :i'-vintr evt-u 1he rnopt Iuimonary arltclioiia.' throat and hears. Jt e nnd cures sever'.' rote: tjian anylh::u' . !-.." i:i iiTioui kroccliial ;aiJ AVER'S Ofisrrv Pectoral Is not a r.t-x rh'.m tl- net', but a i!. ih Minx the lives .f v.lio liave con:" v first oll'ered to the i for popular ronf:- lue wlueli is to-tlav tie' third generation : bckr' hincti it was There is not a hou-ohoM in which this invaluable iMiiedy lias once been in trtidueed where its ue has ever been iih'judoned, ;.::d t!:cru is not a person who has ever f-iven it a proper trial for any threat r Icig dNee.se suseen tihle t.'f cure, who hi.s not been made Weil hv it. AYi:i;'.S CTinr.KY ri:CTOKAL l-.as, in numberless instances, cured obstinate casirs of chronic iSroitehitis, Larnygitis, n:i I even acute i'lieumonia, and li:n saved many patients iu the earlier stages of i'ulmonury Consumption. It is a medicine that only requires to be taken in f:p.ia)l doses, is pleasant to the taste, and is needed in every houso where there are children, as 1h""ro is nolhiri'r so good as AYEK'S CHiaUtY PTXTOKAL for treat ment of Croup and Whooping Cough. These lire all plain facts, which can be criliod by anyhodv, :md should he re membered by everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists. Ta Greatest Medical l'rmmph of the Ago! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPBDLBVER. I.osa of appetite, lloirela costive, Faia la the bead, with a dull sensation la the back purl, l'aia aoder tbo houldcr blade, FallneM after eatlair, with adU lacliDation la exertion of body or lalnd. Irritability of temper, Jaw spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some daty, WearlocBs, Ilizzlness, Flattering at tbo Heart. Dots before Ibe eyes, lleadacbo over the right rye, Ucstlessness, with fitful dreams. Highly colored I rluc, and CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'S I'lLI.S aro especially adapteil to such canes, ono dosa effects such a cbange of feelinp rs to astonieh tlie sufferer. They Increase the A ptetlte,and cause tbo botly to Take on i-'U-nli. tlnei tbe system la nonrigheti, anil by their Tonic Action on tne lli.-etive Orirnjig.lt t ituliir HSooIn aro yrtytiici'tl. FTl"a.c. 4 Wltin wy st..lV.V. TUTT'S EXTR&CT SfiRS&PARlLLA lieuoratea tiio body, makes licultliy tlesii, treiirtiiens tile weal:. ritairs tbe wastes of tbe sysUrui witii pure iilood and bard muscle; tones tiio nirrvoiis s.tstoin, invigorates tlte lirain, and imitrta ttie vior of iuaulicod. l. Kolil bv dnifiri.-ils. UI'FII K 44 itl ui i as St., New York. OUEGON Willamette Hiv. r llivlslon. BoaU leave Salem Wednesday, and Saturday at 6:tlUB. m., for Portland and way landings. Returning, arrive at Salem Monday and Thurs day, about 5 p. m. fx-avc Salem fr Albany, Corvallis, and way points, Monday and Thursday, at o:K0 p. m. Returning, arrive atSaleui Tuesday and Friday about S::0 p. m. Ocean Iv1hIoii, Steamer leaving Steamship Wharf, Portland, at 12 midnight an follows: HTEAMER. DAY. DATE. State of California Sunday April 4 Columbia Friday " 9 Oregon Wedue.sday " 14 State of California . Monday " in Columbia Saturday " 'M Oregon Thursday " VR) Slate of California. Sunday May 4 Leaving Spear St. wharf, San Francisco, at 10 a. in., as follows: Columbia Saturday April 8 Oregou Thursday " K State of California Tuesday " 13 Columbia Suaday in Oregon Friday " 'Mi Stnte ofralifornia Wetinesday " 2 Ctiliimliin Monday Maya C. S. WOODWOKTH, ISO. J. BYH.VE, Agent. Salem iifu l Pass'ter .t '1 icket Agent. 25 YEARS IN USE. Railway nanpoD Co GOGOQ G fiUOGUGGti (iti Oti Otr lt'1 t)fi UC( ti'ili lit HO (,i,lii,(,(.iei tFtiOtitiOI.lt a KEFFEKEFIE JKKKKKKKE KK r:K V.K I KE I K KKEEK )K KIC KK KKKl-'KKKKK . kkkki;i:kke CtJUGG t.tKiiititi Jlrli i'.U i'i . iii titttt'ttitittlt LEADING l'llESCKirriON i)HU(i(iIST Keeii.-. h coiiiolt't.iM.t'iclt o - - Dru?s, Chomicnls Patent A led iciness. ' Portumoi-y, Toilet Ai tielcs Shoviklei' 1 ii'aee, Ti-u.sert, irWl'"''rlpilon nccriratclv filled from Dure times, nt anv hour of the day or nlsht. (or TAN'SllX'h I'L'.M'll, tlie famous five-cent cicar. .'.V2222-222 44 SSMSsn j.jj.j.jj.j.j.j.rt 44 Stttia33S33 X 22 44 ST. S3 u n 44 m : 44 -41 fa 22 41 44 83 -2 44 44 S33 22 44 44 S3 22 44 44 83 22 44444444444414 S3 H3 22 41 1 144 14444444 33 33 '2222M222222 1 1 3333333333 22-22222222'.-2 14 333;.e3 Salem MASK BROTHEBS PO UTL AND, Waiter A. Wood's Mov.ers, Ttcniicrs and Twine Binders, Hodfre's Iloiiblc Draper era, Oiirr Scott & Co.'k Tbreslicrs, Engines and Horse Powers, Bu ford's Walltlng; Plows, Cultivators, Gang and Sulky Plows. Most complete line of Riiccies, c.irriapes and ceived our eoods during the low rales of freiirht tlie benefit, ami sell tliem trimils in our line lower r raiia ros. iiiiineineiit l ., I'ortlHiitl, Oregon, or to FLSHUL'ItX & SCItOMAKEIJ, S I !) SI '!'. liM j!A w nl be arm antin TTf "T n 1 r-wLSctSLLi) can net be obtained no?t complete catal cue T'l.bMshcd to W. ATLEE RUJU'EE & CO.. PHILADELPHIA r orma Oregon Calirornia And Connections. Fare to Sfin Fruncisco, $?2; to Sacramento ?30. ("j-ise conneciinns irjiele ai AstilTn.l vim starts of the California, Oregon, and Idaho Stage Co. Kant 8i(te Liivision. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Between Portland and Ashland. mail 'rn.'.i.t. LEAVE. j AKKIVE. rortlaud ... 7 .SO A. Jf.' Salem lu:2l A. M. Salem 10:rJ5 A. M. Ashiund 1:1". A. !. Ashland ... 7:1.. P. M.lsaleta ISiSP Salem l:-i-P. M. iPurtismd 4:25P AIb::ny Kxpress Trjiiu. LEAVE. I A It HIVE. Ponlaud . .. 4:00 P. M. ' Salem V:14 P Salem 7:15 1'. M. Lcbnnori . .. 9:'J0 P Lebanon ... 4:4i A. Jl.:ii!cm 6:4.; A , M. , M. M. sruein i:4 A. M. Portland . lucjj A. M. Piiliciau Palace Sleeping c ir daily between Alliany ami Avliland. The O. &. C. Ferry mnkes connections with nil the reeiilnr trains on the Fast Side division I from the foot of F. ttrc-et. I M'cst S-ide Division. , Eetiveeu Portland and Corvallis. ! MAIL TRAIN. ! LEAVE. I AKRIVE. I Portland U:00 A. M. Corvallis 4:30 P. M. Corvidlis ... S:SOA. M.,PorUimd 3:20 P. M. Express Train. LEAVE. Portland ...5:00 P.M. McMiuuvilie 5:45 A.M. AKRIVE. McMinnvilie 8:03 P. M, Portland 8:30 A. M. Loch! tickets for f ale and baeeage checked at company's up-town ollice, corner Stark and Sec ond streets. Tickets forprineipal points in Cal ifornia can only be procured and bngpage checked at company'8 ollice, Corner F and Front Streets, Portland, Or. Freight will not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock p. in. on either tbe west or cast side divisions. V- KOKHLEK, E. P. ROGERS. Manager. li. F. 4. P. Agent. WANTED IX SALEM ! ?f" An energetic business woman to Vpsolicit and take orders for The rj i WjJIAIlAMK (.lilSW IH.Il 1'nU'iit iQ Sku-t supporting corsets. These ' corsets have been extensively ad- 11 .t nVV vertlKed and sola by lailv CHiivass H.'S -W iers the nast ten vears. which, witn v -fii 'S'i their superior ity, has created a rJ Iiii'ife demand for them through ra.i3is3vj out the United Slates, and any la NjjBr day who gives her time and encr gy Ui canvassing for them can soon buildups permanent and profitable business. They are not sold by merchants, and we give exclusive territory, thereby giving the agent entire con trol of these superior corsets in the territory as signed her. Wo have a large number of agenti who are making a grand success selling these goods, and we desire such in every town. Ad dress, M ME. (il'.ISWOl.D & CO., tiii B'way, New York. w -v . . " : .- . - ' : lrj!) & 131 KitiiKome street, l''raiit.'isco. Kan Makes lli; b'st sind most tluni IjIo boots and slioesou (lie Pacific Coast. Iluy no other. NO CHINESE EMPLOYED. State Insurance Company SALEM, OKEtjIOX. Tlie leaditiR Company of the Pacific North west, and the only Company doiiiK business iu Oregon and Washington Territory that does NOT belong to s compact or combination, If mk the larifel rc-iusuruce reserve to amount at risk, aud pmallcpt per cent, ol louses and gener al expenditures to premiums received of any company on tlie Pacific coast. Insures only firivate dwelling school houses, churches, and arm property. Keliable indemnity at ade quate rates. SHINGLES FOR SALE. -300,000-- Good shlniiles for sale cheap, at the sash' and door factory ou Front Btreet, next to the foun dry. II. STAPI.ETON, 8-5 dw Salem, Or. WOOL ! WOOl. ! 1 ITANTED, HJO.000 I'Ot'NDS OF WOOL. Sacks Gun be had free of charge. Wni. Browu & Co., dealers in boots ami shoes, Saturn. Overland to k M. CahihNic MpCo. . 00OO0 OOOOO lllllllilllill ,ii OOOO'OOO OOOUOOO lllUJUiJIIIU) 'ti OO UO (II) t)0 ll im ()() (M) Oe' (Hi lili lii DO tit) 11') ill) llll . I 1 1, 1 1 1. 1 i ii i . . t.n i.i, no tut (hi i .i i lili iii M tti (iCti (IO til) I)') utl I'D VI .lit (.U OO (HI till (l() lltl I'I .ItlilrlrOOItl, OO OOUll ,11) ljl i Ot (OOOOO ooooo O'eioiej.) Oi ;' II IO lilliltlDillill llillUiiJlill i:tc- Aijency COMMERCIAL STREET Oregon. IMPLEMENT CO., OREGON- spring wagons ou the Pacific Coast. Haviuc re from than ever before. tne east, we are eoing to eivc our customer; inner.- Write for catalogue. Address SAL.E3I, OREGON. IMI l IU I ii i 1 1 n iU -f-i- i-i a iJ run sent free to all who write for it. It is a hand liiiiei'f, l!cHtl some dook ot 12b pages, with hundreds of illustrations two colored T.lates. and tell nil nl.r.nt tl.o ,oct car. it... Flower Bulbs. Plants, tboroneli ln-nl Mnct. ml 1, ,,.., kcribes Bare Novelties in Vegetables, and Flowers, of ltel viil. elsewhere. Ken.l address on n nnttnl f..r tl.. i A. soli: agkxt for )ard Brothers Newport, Vermont, Hmd Made BOOTS AND SHOES. soli: agent for ASHLAND, OREGON. soli: A(ii:x r for Columbia River Paper Co, LuCAMAX, V. T. MEIUHANTSSUITLI'I) AT FACTORY l'RICES. DKALKIt IN Clio ice (ii'oceries, Fanninir Tools, Nails, Etc. ijOFMun'ti untl lioy's suits, huts ami riiiis, FOR CASH ONLY. J"The highest niarkct price paid m ciwh for c.miitry prortiure ou delivery at the Knrmer'n sUire, W Suite t Halem, Or. Ct. V. Til la ii v. M KM. 1IATTIK tll'.VKKIW Wishes to inform the ladies of Salem that she in prepared to do dreMfcrnaklnp. 'iittti;r and filtiug a bpeeialty, at 11 l.'omuiereial hireet. tirht house south of covered bridge. 'i 5 lui KI.ACKSMITIIIX;. TOHN KNIGHT HAS OPENED OUT IN HIS J bran new bhop, nearly opposite Foipythu'ti paintuhop on Commercial street, and in pre pared to do general blackHinitirinir on short no tice aud in a workmanlike manner, riorre thocing a specialty. Uive him a call. 1441m S. I Tiny, 03 S:kvo strei t, Salci:j, Or., FARMERS STORE. Ashland Woolen Mills. Golden ill EDIOAL nmwmi. " KriTtJon,' 'i'l'ii(!r.i.iir:'s.!' .-.. It or remiH shin! ru J 1- in m:dit., nit ol.ii.-iu t'i:ii:i d by bud liiijoil tuw t 'ln,ller"il ,y It, el power) ., leu-it'., in.,-, (,ml iuvie.ijr;ii inn-ineibi in.;. (Urnnl Ji.iUl((i; It. la J-t'i-H mjiitiiy h'.'iil iiieJer us lieniHii iuilnenee. l:speei'ii' l-.iis it nmiiil'eslnl in jvotcney in cnrinif 'liVtier, ito KiiKin, Mttils, :ar Ih Hill's, More, iij , S:r! i ton Mores nnd Sivt iliuu-., Ellii.Jwiui iiiit,iKe, Mito Sv-llniri, 4,o!fre, or 71 ll N'-k, und Itnliii'Kva Cliintl. Mini ten cont m stumps lor a liirtf-j treutistr, vitli cul mi tl plutfH, on" Skin bimsi-s, or tlio kiuuo Htnontif, lorn trentlfo on 8erofiiltu;Hj;t' clioiiM "miii: ii,oo is Tit-: i.iii;. Thoroiiirhly olemiso it hy usinif lr. l-'itrrcc'x 4Jolleu Alodieal B(fovt'rv, and Bod diKUKtion, a fair xkin, b-ioyaiit riir ilst, vltnl isirciiKtlt, nnd hot: iiductis of t uustilutioii. will bo cBtubliuliecl. CONSUMPTION. iri'.tcb is Serofnlons Blsoawe of like l.iuia-M, i3 promptly and certuiiily nrrentotl nnd cured by this Ood-triven remetly, if taken, tieforo tlio lust HtiiRCH of the diseunj nro renched. From its Vionderlul power over thin terribly tatal disease, when flrHfc ofierinir this now cc ebrated remedy to tbo pubiio, lir. I ikkob thought seritiuply of calling it his "C oil tiuiiciplioii Cure," but abandoned that namo as too limited for a medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, or 8tronrthcn ingr, alterative, or blood-cleansing-, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive properties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy tor consumption oi too CHItOXIO DISKASEI of the LIVER, BLOOD and LUNGS. If you feci dull, drowsy, debilitated, have fallow color of skin, or yellowish-brown spots on lace or body, frocjiieiit heartache or dizzi ness, bad taste in mouth, internal bent or chilte nitcraating with hot ilushes, low frpirita and Kloomy bonbodinyrs, irregular npjK-tite, and coated tontruc, you aro Biillcrinir from India Srestloi(,Biyspcpsi.a, nnd Torpid ILiver, or "BiliotisiiosM." In ninny cos. only part of thcHO symptoms are experienced. As ii r-r-nojy icr an surra onsen, lir. JJ'ici-:e'a Goidcit Biedicui1. liisccvery lute ul- For wcalk Lulls;-, Spittintf of KlnoA. r-l(.ortuef.H ot lireaili, fiJroiicbi severe irosimis, f 'ouKcimpttun, untl kindred affeetious, it in a sovercit'ii icmislv. fend ten cents in etttnips for i)r. I'ieret''S bookouConsumiitioa. toJd by iSJrncttist! PT'TPI Cf f OR SIX DOTTLES A llHyil FOP. ".OO. World's Dis'i'Ctisary Prnpriehir.-, fit 'cfel Asroriiiiibn. Main St., l ci rAi.o, N. Y. KEWAilD offered py tbo pr'nirictors ilr. n.ro'a Crucriri Icmtdy -jraciisoot ".mriu vviriclu uty :i;i.nor. euiv-. II ytu.1 h.w r il rlrrrZr.nvpe- from !:; nest', otlci.-r'.-e cr otbtT ;i vi, parti:'.; ;rissoi.'ir.i Il.tasie, rrii iirinrc, v.v:iicf"'''P, tiui' imia ".'.'.:, you brivir C'.'i'.rtn b. 'Xuuu uii&iii in t'f.ritrirnrt'on. or r-rc! !n fcrr-'r. ' .'.vi'.! 'Urn i'Trwov e;.".v-- thc-r.-rirot of t'.'-vi .'-.i ,-tu ' ':.!J f it an: '.:ticaii,9 uud CiJiv: Snai y.ftts.iai-fuu i C-.-UC& I1i"-Ul lilu.'lialys.al': ''tklllfffSnVlii'' Foa. Jbrri. Litter or bad taste in mouth; W l llir I Ulill!i t.it'.nmr coated white or Ci-vcrcd with a brown fur ; p:on in the back, siclts, or joints often mi it;.'; en ".-r Rheumatism; Hour KtumiTCh; Iris: of jijuit it1 ; sometimes naufa and water brush, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eructations; bowels alternately costive and lax; liealnhe; loss of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done ; debility; low spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes ; a dry cough ; fever ; restlessness ; the urine is scanty and high-colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposit a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGUUTO (PURELY VEGETABLE) Is generally used in the South to arouse the Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It nets with extraordinary efficacy ou the IVER, KIDNEYS, and BOWELS. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria, lyHpepftia t'fiiHtiation, ItilioUrtiietrit, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Nausea, C'otic, Montal IK'prcsftion, Uovl Complaints, Ktv., Ktu.t kutu. Endorsed by the use of T Millions of Bott s as THE BEST FAMILY MEDIAE Tui- Cliildrcn. fur Ailults, and for the Aifell. mi TO TAKE IN ANY GOMOiTToN OF THE SYSTEM! J. H. ZEILINT& CO., uii ii i'hopkiiitoci, 1'IUI.AUELPHIA, PA. 1'ltU K. Wl.OII. DEBILITATED MEN. Von are allowed a free trial of thirty daysot the tiae of Dr. Uvea Celobrntud Voltaio lielt wim Klectrio SiiMponaory AppUunces, for the spetdy relipf and jwi mnnenteuru of Sennyus Debility, hw of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for iimny other disi usrs. ("oniplete reatoio tlon ti Health, Vigor and Manhood Kuarnuteed. No risk U Incurred. llluttrnted iiHrnphlut iuntakA tnvdone mailed free. y iiddn:(ilMK VOLTAIO BlX CO., Marshall, MicK ('ream lalm When nmdied Into the iMistrfls, will he ahhorbed etTef'tudlly :lt'HtiiiK the lieHd of rtitarrhal irua,eau8 iritf healthy beore tioiis. It allayti in tlainiiiHtiori , prutecta' the inciiibraite of the iiastii pHsaeH fnim HHiti'mnl eiiid,c;)ia Il(!tely ii t a 1 s the sores, retitrt's the -cii.'-e of taste and niell. Nut a I.liiid. HAY-FEVER "Jvi A particle iMpplied mui each nostril ; no pain; areeub!" to u.-v. Priee MX by Mail or ai drus; f:his'. .Send for eireuiar. fcLY BKOTHKK6, lruggibt, Owego, S.Y. picaa nl" Tirrpp J"- Miols PILLS v':; -''S1 CATrT-IXTIC. f.ul'l. (.'j j m c.t.,lt8 u I'M. .' 'nervous