The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, May 14, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Yaulet Chops. Aitor traveling
through the different portions of Linn
county, and conversing with olwerving
farmers from different sections, it is ascer
tained that crops are looking remarkably
well throughout the county. Wheat, es
pecially, is very promising, Wing very
Walthy in color and thrifty in growth.
It promises n unusual large yield. Win
ter oats are more thrifty than wheat, and
promises to make a large crop. Spring
grain has been unusimllv favored by
growing weather, and. from present in
dications, will not fall much below tail
own grain this season. Oiserviug strain
producers put the yield of fall wheat for
tiie coming crop at about twenty bushels
per acre. "With the present upward ten
dency of the wheat market and a chh1
croj) promised, the outiook for farmers
can lie said to be Hattering. Albany
Oik Fool. You have rea l of the man
that put his prist in one end of bis sack,
and a stone in the other to balance it on
the back of bin horse? Well. lies here.
Tiie other night it blew a gale of wind,
and his Wat was in danger oi Wing
jammed to pieces anions; tiie drr.twood.
This man ruhed out in tiie storm ot wind
and rain, kireheaded and in his slippers,
seized a Kie, and for four hours held tiie
boat out trim the driftwood, thl the tide
turned. When asked why he did not get
into the boat and take i; to a place of
safe:; , be replied he did not want to pet
his feet wet. lie was then as wvt as it
be had been visiting the m-rnia-ds, and
if yon want to see a mad Prussian just
ask him why be did Dot pull his Wat up
on the Iocs. Newport News.
C&AMiS is Postal 1nsiectk. On
"Wednesday George Mason, jf Alexan
dria, Virginia, arrived in this city, and
assumed the duties of U. S. postal in
spector, vice J. J. Murphy. Mr. Mason
wa? appointed about a mouth ago. and
his arrival was no surprise t-i Mr. Mur
phy. The new incuinWnt will make his
Iieajuuurters in Portland. Judge AIui-
"pby will probably resume his law prae- j evening, at the same place, Sylvester
tice There appears some dissatisfaction j I'ennoyer and other candidates on the
among democrats that the new appointee j dexiocr-atie state ticket will hoi J forth to
was not an Oregon man. but the appoint- j tiie faithful:, aau others who liave the la
ment is in accordance with a good many clinatiou or curiosity to go and listen,
others to western positions made by the S The attendance at the club last evening
present administration. j was fair, a number of republicans Wing
night .May 1st ;, tiie j-op5e oi tiie quiet 1 Greeks. This is the season whsn the
Tillage of Coburg, on tiie narrow gauge I American citizen who has been propariy
railroad, were arouse J from their slum- ! brought up, jr-x-s deliberately into his
Wrs by a terrilic esalusion. Some i smoke hone and takes down a pig's
thought it was the end of the world. o;h-1 jowl, puts it to soak over nigh: and in
ers that a volcano lia:l burst forth. It 1 the morning either cuts from 'his garden
proved, however, to be the bursting of a j or buys from the vegstab: peddter a
kee of gunpowder ia a burnitis building. "mess of turnip greens" ;:ni Wiethe
Frank Sutter's store was on tire : a sheet two until both are leader, and adding a
of flames before it was discovered ; every f little mustard to the on- and some vitte
thing was destroyed. Vwth ot building ' gar to the otiier, jets down to a feast
and contents, 5,"4); insured tor flltOtt". ! which enables hira to bid defiance to the
Mr. Shutter was aw.iv in Southern ire- ' senrvv and rst assured that he has done
pra. The origin of the lire is a profound !
Capital's atEsnso. ihe matter of:
steam fire engine was before the regular j "X-VEBOw-fcAr&E Kx-e.nsiox. W. M.
business meeting oi Capita! Engine com- w atsfm, sujierintenJeut of construction
pony last night. After considerable talk i 011 1'ortlnJ extension, and Jlr. Lefever,
the company appointed A. B. Croasman. J tie contractor, were at Dundee last Sun
John G. Wright, Jtr. Vv. H. Byrd, Will day, says the Mc.Minr.ville Cumpaign.
T. Gray, aud Thomas King, as a commit- j They finished their work there, and went
tee to find out the relative merits of i north. Mr. Watson furnished iniorraa
tiie tUfierent Sre engines aud to rerwrt at tion in regard to for -e employed, as foi
a special meeting of the company, one (lows: On grade. 4 white men and b)0
week hence, tiien to bring the motion be- S Chinamen ; rock work, 75 white men ;
lore the committee of the common j bridges. 40 white men ; engineer eoi-ps,
coum-ii. 12 wiiite men; making ties, about 50
wiiite men : total, SIT men. Work is re-
Auaoer. For a while yesterday there j ported as progressing well. Telegraph
were indications of a local "eveione " ) ne completed this week, and a
Thunder was heard in the distance, inky rnt in at 1u"aefe-
elouls in the south swept rapidly to the Sawmill ?.Ies OBOASism. I:een
east, while snuuar ciouds in the north i .. . . - ... ' ..' .
seemed burning in the same direction j Aes ?' sawn,5l5s W!tn Ic" ot
to meet t'a;m. In fact, appearances were 1 2'hfW icet per day, asnembled last Sat
euch that some people lately from the j unlay in Portland, and discussed matters
east, in tiie city, expressed their appre-1 of interest to tiie trade. The unanimous
hecsion of "a big blow," but fortunately j sentiment was in favor of a speedy orga
apiworarii es were deceitful, and the ( nization of all inm'ieraien on the "ColutB
cloudy battaii'ms met and minted, with i bia and Willamette rivers with the iew
no nure serious results tuan
-Savs t!
Herald : Mrs. liarrii and daughter were j
paswjngerh on cue nccn train v, einesdav i
for Saiem, nacre they go to join the hus
band and fattier, iiev. j. W. Harris, their gooas having pre'-e leu taem. j
Uur Citizens regret ex'-eeiiric!v to se
them g , for. caring their residence here.
thev have endeared themselves to ajf j
who knew them: and the earnest wish o: !
tbeentir? conironnitv is for tW-r V' '
te'famrWM thev nm-p
A KmxE i uAAr, Articles have K-n 1
fin-I in the oSiw of :h.. erretarr of state !
i . . - t-'ioiin f. .... a 'Jit l USltJUi;' , ( stock of the concern is g i.i.mi, in
and I.. A. Port.
Luke A. Port, and O. K-rt. are the ineorl
porators. The ohjwt of the corjoration j
is to do a general wholesale and retail j
drag n-jbittese, and to taky the pia-e of ;
the present firm of Port ix -son. J'rinci-
pal otnee snd pia'te of bu.-:n-- i, in Sa-!
km. j
after the Starr had
left 1'ort Tow usend
vuueciur ieciier teiegrapiiOT in-1
t;,e in-1
pecior a; run Lanw to arrest to L hi-
board from Victoria. lm arrival Bt d kur Lerssiure ptjff. last week.
Port Ludlow be found two Chinese hovs I fJn(t hij.jied to Yamhili county, two
dressed as men, whom he t-sjk int, cus-1 to Ashland, and one to the eastern part
tody, to hold for trial for iileg-.-.lly Win?lf Washington county. Mr. Tongue has
in America. They were taken to Seattle 1 8'f resistered Berkuhire sows, and his
jail. 1 sales of pigs from these pure bloods ag-
t- Z I Z I , ' gregate several hundred dollars annually.
xi.,L.i.t.i a uuk. r,:?i.'ii i.o--. wno i
lives live miles east of Slivei- -r., kii.ed
large bear on Mondavof t:u.s w- k
-"be ;
oear miu eTiuemry urn iiimti in roam
ing among tne hilU. and thought he wa
with a small rifle, and tin; War ran sev-;
era! hundred yards Wfore be fell. He !
was a whopper, weighing aWut W or pounds.
trtiw-BEERiES. The lirst rloe siraw-
Wrriesoftbe season were exhibited by
Borue.sumll boys at tue depot yesterday, j
They were wild ones and were small, but
the flavor was reported excellent. Pros
pects for a heavy yield of Wth wild and
cultured Wrries are excellent.
Coming Coscebt., The Congregational
Eunday school is preparing to give a con
cert for the Wnefit of the library fund, in
the near future.
That Compucatep Cask. In yester
day's issue in speaking of the withdrawal
by President Cleveland of the nomination
of Mr. Green as consul at Kobe, Japan,
some errors appear. First, his name is
Warren Green of Louisville, Kentucky,
son of lr. Norvin Green, president of the
Western Union telegraph company, and
not Norvin Green as stated. Second, he
was not appointed as consul to Kobe,
consequently was not Mr. Patton's suc
cessor. He was appointed early in May,
lSSii, to succeed Gen. T. B. Van Bureu
at Kanagawa, Yokohoma. Being a Ken
tuckian by birth and an intimate friend
and companion oi Boyd Winchester, his
knowledge of the noble game of poker
was displayed to the foreign population
at Yokohoma with disastrous effects to
his private exchequer, hence the objec
tion of the committee on foreign rela
tions of the senate to his confirmation,
and subsequent withdrawal by the presi
dent. A brigadier-general of North
Carolina named Jernigan, was appoint
ed as Mr. Patton's successor, but the
senate has refused confirmation, and he
still lingers on American soil, watching,
waiting and hoping. The duties ot the
office at Kobe are performed by a vice
consul, his compensation must necessar
ily come through the chief officer. As
the new applicant cannot draw his salary
untii he enters upon his duties, the query
arises, who is consul at Kobe, aud who
draws the salary? This is the eouiplicat
en part of the ease.
I"cvix?RATtc Cixb. The young men's
democratic club met at Bleed's opera
house last eveniug, Nez. Hayden, the
president, called the nieetinsr to order,
and introduced the speakers. George S.
ltowning, of Sublimity, the candidate for
county judge, made the Wys a speech,
and encouraged them to stand in, for
when they grew up they might be hon
ored with a nomination themselves. Ii..
U. Thomas, the candidate for sheriff, was
present, and spoke very briefly. Speech
es were also made by L. U. Norton,
uaines Fisher. Hugh Courtney, W. AL
Kaiser, and others. The club then ad
journed to meet a: the same place next
ThursJ.w evening. Un next VeJnesdav
his duty by his physical system. Greens,
rhubarb, lettuce and spring onto
:eiiti:u: 1:1 m.
jot securing united action on all subjects
jot irenera! interest. The secretarv was
j instructed to notify ail mill men of tiie re
uy s suit of the Uit'elin nral T&iiiitar n ui;l
tendance at tiie adjourned meeting,
winch was nsea lor the tii last.
Mail Costkacts Let. Charles Seo-
viae lias been ;u
with mail contracts
euntwc for carrying the man between
?" otl! zr'l tf" "1"' t' f
!oor -vera f,rom .LZ? x' and r-hy
lie receive., unoce mat lie na: neeii
l,ia weea Salem and Intiejeriince
hr timefe a week irom tiie &rHZ of Jul-V
Ui ux,i. m,, , 'jnu tiK. i lax tut;
Ac.iUTTKD. Notwithstanding the
lrun? Puw""-" op-mon again: Jamea hu-
lK-r' a-t-used of burning the warehouse,
at Irving, the trial in the circuit court,
for Lane county, resulted in his acquittal,
The prosecution w&s ably conducted bv
district Attorneys Hamilton and I'.ufus
Mallory, and equally as stron? was the
ueiense conducti by deo. Washburn,
" '. 2 "
Fine 11-Mt. Savs a McMinnville
xlNE ll-Mt. fravs a
j,a. wr : Hun. Thw. II. Ton-u-, of
Peksosai.. Smith, whi
n?ar Silverlon. in fitor-i-c ra-ow!.r
He was exhibiting one of the paws of a
War killed last Monday by Knoch Boss
near ttiis place, and gave the Statehman
o!h-e a cult.
Borjfu OvE. In Justice O'lXmaid's
court yesterday Harvey Winfield was
bound over in the nin of 'Vi i,,r tin.
crime ineiitioned in vestwdav momir, ' s
issue of this paper. He secured bond
with Mrs. Stimuli and T. P. Jack as sure
ties. IxjfBEO bt Base Ball. While playing
base ball yesterday Ilik iJearborn, son of
Hon. li. H. iJearborn, bad the thumb of
his k-it hand knocked out of plac. The
accident will probably deprive him of the
use of his hand for a'month or more.
Another Brass Band. Salem is not
going to be outdone. Koseburg will not
be able to "boast" the "only juvenile
brass band in Oregon," iu a few days.
There is music in the air, and a whole
lot more arrived by Wells, Fargo & Co.'s
express yesterday, from 'Portland.
There were eleven brass instruments in
the package, and they will lie "blowed"
by the same number of young boys in
the near future, under the tutorship of
Prof. J. M. Coomer, leader of the 11. A.
C. band. The boys will prolwblv adopt
the name, "Salem Juvenile Band," but
that appears indefinite, yet. The list of
members will le ready for publication by
the first issue of this pajwr in the coming
week. The instruments are all brass, of
French manufacture, light and hand
some, and very beautiful in tone. They
were purchased of Koehler & Chase, of
Portland, at an average cost of $20.70
each. It is understood that the boys
who intend takiug parts in the band have
considerable natural musical taleut, and
will undoubtedly make creditable music
in time. Success to you, boys.
Gold Hill Mixes. The Medford Mon
itor says : There is not so much excite
ment among the miners here at present
as there was during the winter, but there
are several men who have good ledges
who are quietly developing tiieni. John
Pwenden is having ten tons of ore from
his famous ledge crushed at Jacksonville.
Those who are acquainted with the ore
predict better returns trom it than
; .1 i-,- -i "
vet tested. Lev & O lHuinel wu! receive ;
a smau test mm hv tne treigiit tram tin
week, with which fhev will work rock
from their ledge: if it proves as g,o.l as
. ... . ... 1
tliey have reason to
X-aevc It wiii.
quartz null of large capacity
rrecieu tusi neiow trio mine, on
river. iaii Fisher shipped last TlmrsJav j
; J . , - v. V- Kk i
correspondent sampl-d the ore carefully
and tested it l y the ordinary process.
ine rot.-K an snowed gold m
Bcstx YisiTiNi; Schools. Count Su- j
ivtrintendmit P....l,L.c ,...,,,.,1 ..xL,.- i
morning from an extended visit amunr
tlip Ki'hii' in tj,rt K,.,itK..r ...,,l ..,..,. i
wart of the conntv. a,V.o:,v "m. I.,n,t !
his otlice to-dav. " He 'visited, while niH i
:ted, while nie
icr. taught bv
.ci:!. and MisV
snt. ttie school at lnrn
i ro.. v . 1. ancoy, pnm
Juary .;eh.;nin'y, assistant ; at Mayton,
taught by Prof. McCleary, assisted bv
.uiss t.etta twr; at Mehama. taught
bv .diss Barzee : in listriet No. .o. ml-
joining Mehama. under ciiure of Win.
Syphert ; in the Mnlkey district, presided
over by John Siegtntuid ; at -.:li!iiiiity.
taught by H-nry ("ynier: and the school
in Triumph distri.-t, Jatight by l.d. Kngie.
Air. Peebles reported having four..! these
scli.Kjis all in -foo.1 condition and doing
well, with an average atten ian -e. He'i continue Ids rounds next week.
Sftci at Astohia. li. V. MonteLh.
judge of the police court of Astoria, onm-
inittea in tiie annorv 01 coiiiiaiiv
H, 1st reg't.. 2nd brig., i '. S. M.. at tha't !
place on Wednesday evening. He went
iioo ine arnion- presumarnv to clean
some trims, theie Wing drill that night
and when Armorer Suqirenant entered
shocked and startled to find the bodv of
Judge Monteith lving on the floor with a
bullet bole in the left side. The unf or- j
ttmou. .,.,! t- c
armv pattern 44-calibre gun. and deaih
was nrohablv instantaneous l.r
was probably instantaneous. He leaves I
a wife and large family of children. No
cause is assigned for the deed.
0;n m Fikxos. The Benton Leader
says : This city is at present infested i
with a gang ot the lowest and worst stripe
of humans, known as opium fiends.
Nearly everybody on this coast knows
the effects and evh'g accompanying the
affliction of this degraded habit. Are we
to stand bv and gracefully see these de
mons, who are run out "of other cities,
and sow the seeds of that dreadful evil
among our children ? We would recom
mend our officer to W vigilant, and
should they succeed in capturing one in
the act. make an example of him that
would tend to keep others away. By ul!
means run tiiem out.
Pilot ComtissioXEhs. The Oregon pi
lot commissioners have filed a reixirt
with the secretary of htaie, w;tting forth
tiie fact that I hey have just made their
tirst seiiii-aimual tour oi inspection for I
I-S-y;. and found the river j.iioiage in stood f
condition. They don't pay tiie same j
conipiiment to the Columbia bar service, j
now ever. Taey say that "pilots on the ?
pilot s, h rtin-r (mow MooJy fail to get '
their snare o; V'. .-!s -ro..iing tiie bar. j
owing t j active e-;::;jetii.iou of tugs uiid i
appur-nt hick nf interest on the part of I
the schooner pilots." o fur. the State'
lias not rei-f.'.ef';
on its slo.i! i invostinct::.
o;e interest
Aites Twenty Yr.u:i. ib-v.
Bates, pator of the ?.!. T. chur.-l. at
Dunkirk, N. 1 ., is visiting in this county,
after an ab-nce of twenty rear.-. He
was Wrn at Philomath, and alter attend -
ing the university at Salem, went to Bos -
ton university and graduated, and has
been in tie
work of the ministry ever
since. He is a fine looking
and affaliie!:
gentleman, and will remain aWut thr,.e ; '"''""'y xurne,, an-i we lire Ue
inonths. ; Benton Leader. Bev. Jate ! Jirtrient respn-feil prxnptiy ; but their
was well known here when he was a ! arrival was too late-, even with its prouipt
young man, and many friends here would ness. to be of any use. It was evident a
welconw him on a visit. few minutes after the fire was discovered
To be Desjcats:!) To-MokB'jw. A new
chapel has just Wen completed at the
U. S. Indian training sehooi at Chetnawa
ana to-morrow it win te rtedicateci at
half past two o'clock. Bev. Ii. J. Thornji-
son, of this city, w ill conduct the services
and v. ii! he assisted by iiev. Mr. Ingle,
of Portland, who is at the head of the
Presbyterian mission system of the
northwest coast. The studente are btrgti-
ly of the Presiiyterian faith and were ai-
lowed to make their ow n selection of
ministers to conduct the exercises.
The School. Clekksuij'. The death 0
A. J. Simpson, which occurred yesterday,
makes a vacancy in the office of school
clerk for this district. The vacancy w ill
be filled Monday, very probably, at the
special meeting of the board of directors.
TW appointment which will W made by
the board will hold until the next school
election which occurs in March, 1W.
IxsAJiE. bt-nuty Sheriff Cochran, of
Eugene, brought an insane woman to
mc nullum, uum isiuc iuuiuj vbicuv.
Second of the Series The 0 b Vic
torious Hotly Contested
2tl to -21.
The ball game Friday drew a big
crowd to the depot, notwithstanding the
fact that the weather was not very propi
tious. The game was enjoyed by the
onlookers and a good, friendly spirit ani
mated the players. The playing was not
so good as might have been expected,
several errors being made, and McCiilly,
of the Owls, making a home run by a
good bat. The Owls batted Click's
pitching from the start, and the game
soon became close. The innings were
played aliout as follows :
First Inning The Owl club ojxMied up
by Smith, who led off with a three base
bit, followed by Baxter and l'atsoii, who
each made their second on errors snd
struck round, scoring seven points. The
IVmbtfiils seem rattled, and started off
badly, the catcher lieing disabled and
pitcher was knocked dow n by Fenton on a
wild throw. They put Mattock ixdini.t
the liat and restored Clark to conscious
ness. The ltoubtfuls scored onlv one
Second Inning. The Owls again touk
a spurt aud made sis more tallies. Tiie
lHMihtfuis did better and made five
points. Henderson and Saunders made
their tirst and Inlutwed in mhr M:itLk'L-
.... , , ..... .. x. ... . . , ...... .
a"1' v iarK. rxav, nelson, aim roiiiou,
. . . . i . '
made base hits, when Nelson dropped a
0 t V i
T urd Innuig-bax cr. tor the I ,
nuioe a :,-b:is' lot. iiml ration em i;7idid n
a;v,... ... ... ....... ..: .1 1.. i.s
t'oti'ev fouled out and 1 South g i! to first on
1 a.r:i.. v;,,,., ,, l.f f.: ,. l,s
McCu'Jv went out n" Hrst. The ! mbt-
fuls made a run.
1 b-ii'li ri:i struck out.
Saunders to first and Jor.lan's w ild throw
let him home. Fentoti made first on
balls. Nelson and MattiK-k uuide base
j uit(5 jiil,tlN.k ou: ,, th.h-.l. Clark and
I Nelson made base Id.s follows 1 hv 1 en-
ton who ma le a ;;-basc bit. Nelson went
ol,T ''.v the Short SS.'S'.
Fourth Innn.g-
Vgain the tl'.vis went
t:iree t trier. Smith
ln one, !w
11!'' s!:ort L'y to the pitcher, and Bus
U'. ! 1 ''-"" "i-- '
1 Iu V"-her-no runs,
"Jy ,rt,n,. He.juers.,,
'i droiqd f!y to short stop, f.
wed bv
on called baiis. billowed br Sanders ami
j Fenton. Nelson and Mattock, bane hits,
i t 'lurk, put out by shor: st.p t Ne!n, on
j li,,- ! : hav, on lirst.
j I 1 inning Phillips an i Coffey'le bits. Booth Went out on a
j foul ; i 'I'm, third, by grounder past
j short sto,; McCv.hy ami Jor.btu nude
; safe hit; Mittth. out i.y liv to snort
stop ; rut;.)::, it n first. 1 -.mbtJuii
j Nelson, out by three strike : Her; i rsoii,
I struck out ; base hits made by Feiston
j and Satid'Ts ; Sanders, rut nut on liiird.
Inning Booth.
;t mi t!sc strike ;'.on. dr.t).
lir't: Hejider-
(Jordan, stride e'.ii ;
i Honbtfu'.s Ciark. ou: on
I son, struck, out.
Seventh liming Phillips, out on first ;
Booth, struck out ; Mintu, out on tirst.
!oub:fuls Henderson, out; Sanders.
j Nelson. Fenton, and Mattock, base hits;
Ciar.k) ou: l'-v ' Ka-V- w,,,lt out
! -ltM "ut1 W1 lir;
Cotl'ev and Panon. out on third.
Ninth Iunmi
.'hillips, struck out;
tvoney, louiec. out;
Booth, struck out.
! Ioubtfuls-Hetiderm, stru.rk out ;
li,,,s' ti"rd '"' Fenton, out on
"J? '"V ---nion, out op tirst
i I'iwe : n' ? or-',aa Vl
Mattock, clean tut to first, made
on error, out on second.
Smith, s. s.
Baxter, 1 b.
Patton, c. f.
Phillips, b.
b o
li 4
Mattocks, c.ocr.f. 1 4
o Clark, p. 'J ;;
1! 4 Kav, 1. f. :! S
4 Z J. Fenton, 1 b. i 0
Coffey, 2 b. & p. 4 2 II. Nelson, s.socc. 0 (i
Bssjtli, p. is 2 b. 2 5 Henderson, lib. 2 (i
Minto. i. f. 3 2 Sanders, c. f. 5
McCully, r. f. 3 2 K. Fenton, 2i..r.f.4 2
Jordan, c. 1 I. Nelson, r.f.ic. 5 1
2i 27
Innings, 1 2 11 4 o b '
Owls, 7 t, ;; u 4 r, 1
I'oubiiu'is 1 " o 2 15:
A. B. Croa.smun, umpire. '
and il. C. 1 iardm.-r, scorers.
24 21
8 t)
1 2'i
(l 224
. J. Potter
I'!SAT!:or FIL'E
Co!i:p.ity" 1'
ilcjliiuivilit.- lie
oi'.ring- AI ill
troved bv
I From the looniWrs oi the Iioubttul
j base ball ch.b, of McMinnville, it was
i learned that the large brick flouring mill
1 ,
phee. owned by J. Sax Co.,
! was burned to the ground on ThursJav
i", , ' . , . . . , . .
! AU'"t a explosion was
; hear! and hiou after flames were teen
; issuing Iroui the windows and through
! ,,.. r, oi tbe tuiibbn.' u :M
. . . .,
that the building would go, and could not
be saved. The mill, proper, was gutted
and the walls remain standing; but the
ware house part v. us burned entirely and
the walls fell in.
j spontaneous combustion is supposful to
; have 1 aiwd the fire, as few were willing
j to believe it had Wen in-un liurv.
The loss, including the grain 'and fiour
in storage, will probably be foOC! with
j 25,Kn) insurance. There is no prospect
of its Wing rebuilt soon.
j -
, Beai tiki l Siuht. Those who were at
, tiie let last evening, just before the
j arrival of the evening train from PorV
J land, were accorded a most grand and
beautiful flight. It was the reflection of
! the witting sun on the windows of the
asylum, making each window look like a
bright electric light, while to either hand
of the asylum could have Wen seen a
Wautiful rainWw. In the background
were dark, heavy clouds, w hich added by
contrast to the Wauty and grandeur of
the scene. It was something, once seen,
j ,q j reiiieiutjereu.
Class Tkk F.xkucim. The fvur;h
grade class of the 1". S. Indian Training
school at Cliemawa, yesterday planted a
class tree. Miss Alice Chance is the
teacher of the class. The exercises were
as follows: Ojening song. Smiling
May," by the class ; oration, "Our Class
Tree,' by Kliza Slistah ; declamation.
"Freedom." by Win. Fletcher; essay,
"Indian F.ducation," by U-iiiy Sieve;
violin s.ilo by John Asbul; declamation,
"l'.xtracts from Webster-' by Chas. Pe
1-111; declamation, "The It quiiy," by
Aggie 1'earn ; closing oration, "Our Class
Tree," bv Chas. Bobh- Superintendent
lee nnJ Uev. 11. S. Ingle, then made
some roniarks regarding the trees and
the significance of a class tree. The
exercis's are retried to have been vcrj
good and interesting.
Cfsi.T in Ti! ... . i i. City Surveyor
AVarner, while fishing in the river lielow
the dam near the Magnolia millB Friday
evening, received a cool hath iy his boat
Wing overturned, and narrowly csoiqied
what threatened to be a serious accident.
The Iwat, which was of the small Bob
Koy pattern, was i.psot by the swift cur
rent, precipitating .dr. Warner into the
whirling water immediately In-low the
falls. He clung to the boat, but was un
able to reach the bank, when some young
men who were fisliing near by came, to
his rescue with another boat. The acci
dent occurred at a place where several
jersons have previously N-eii drowned
and where the water from the falls forms
a dangerously swift current for small
Wats. Albany Herald.
Pu. Pwru am. O. K. A few days since
a correspandent writing from -ji'ugue,
W. T., to a 1'ortiau.l paper, stating that
lr. J. Is. Smith, well kn nvn here, ha l
mysteriously disappeared. a::d taut it
was feared he had i!tv .., A pri
vate letter was received ;io:.i I'r. Stiiith
in this city yesterday, denying the state
ment and explaining his abscenee trom
.'"prag'ie. and stating that he was away
fur a few days on bu-incs. Juite a m::n
ler of his frien Is in this city have Won
inquiring about the item mentioned
aWve and they are n-";:rei that the .(
lur is O. K., and back at work at
Sprit gue. He worked for Hubble, v bo
kept the drug store where Geo. !'.. Go;kI
now is. a Wut four years ago.
InsAst.. Yesterday S. (i. llearn, a
blarksiuith, from Joffervin, was exam
ined Wiore County Judge Si. aw by lrs..
J. N. Smith and A. G. leardori!', and
was declared to le insane and uasufu to
be ot large. I learn is (.1 years o: age,
medium bight, of dark con.p'ercion. and
a native oi ( hiio. iK-huss limile.l ei
ueutior., and was (rineriv c n:-.oct'-l
witii tiie i'liited !!r
bar: '.(ecu demented
He h:;s been iri ireg
;:g:nei that he- is
Hire last ( )-
i Mince "7!, an 1 im-.te-twith
a loa-b-
some i.l:seas-.
bv a tuiralvtic
His :n-:-.:.:"v
stroke l.i-st
v:is eicised
iU. lb- is
married and has four
ret lie !.
i; b
To CAf.:roi:NLv. Sieretary K. P. llr.r
hart left yesterday for California, accom
panied by his wife and daughter,
They go to meet and bring home their
daughter, Clara, who has Wen intend
ing school at Mill's college, in Oakland,
California, during tiie past winter.
School clou.1 there iet -be 1,'ith instant,
atsd they will proiiu :uit home aWut
the 2ttli. Tiioy go bv tne Columbia,
which sails from Portland to-night, and
return via the Central Pacific, Oregon
Short Line and (. U. fc N. to Portland.
Miss Kva will probably remain at I-os
Angeles for a few weeks visiting friends.
Vismso is Folk. Mrs. S. A. Skaggs,
a sister of Hon. T. . lien Iricks, of Eu
gone City, come dow n on yesie-rdav af
ternoon's train, und went over to l)ixie.
Polk cunty. by pri-.. tie couveyance. She
will visit at tiie re-i len-re of iior cousin,
Mrs. Uu.-tkot, for n uno time, then et i,t
fortland to rosen- v.
Skagg, who works in
of the Northern Puohi.
Mr- Skaggs has r--sio-lor
inaiiv vears.
b-r son, J.afe
U'-noral olhce
re-n l-olllpllliy.
':' Igelie Cit v
I.ssriT'T:-t at M. .i IN
eriiit.ei.i...,t V. : M, j"
eventr.g iron; Me. iim-
: t.i"iNuj,.
- I'erill. i hls
v. e he has
'i:ity toaeh-
0.4 vs. lie
who go.';
teuchers in
ee:i ateii..i!. t;i ,1 :
re;: r: - a!.
ill!-le;.t iiJil!
Ili.K-rsi- !.:','!:- Thy workmen have
about comple,.!.i :h-tr labors in the eaje
itol building, .0. ! w-re it not that they
are Wing delayed by the non-arrival of
iau:is ordered" trom the factory, they
would have tie; e.ectric light circuit com
plete'l in a few days. As it iH they will
probably not bo ready to start their lights
fore the 2:Hh ins;.
J'KKLiMiSAKY Wohk. The preliminary
work on the capitol building is j.regre.-i.s-ing
well, but real active o;;ratioiis v. ill
not W commenced for two weeks yet.
Tiie lirst work to Is; done will probably
by the plastering and putting down of the
fbior in the legislative hall.
Kick. Mrs. Henry Byars, of Salem,
who has Wen visiting among us for a
few wc-ks, has Won quite unwell, but we
are glad to stale that she is much better
now. Mrs. Byars has tntiny friends here,
the home of her earlier days. ' Uoscbtirg
Gu.VK INToTIii; IlKlW Bl hlNKna. V. P.
Fiske, formerly proprietor of the Item
ier, has purchased a half interest in the
drug business of Frank C. Wofjds at
Dallas, and the same will be conducted
under the firm iiiimt; o; WoikIs Fiske.
Fise Colt. B. Fietcher, o; Howell
Prairie, has a Colt, sired by Young Wide
awake, the proix-rty of J. A. Mclntire, of
Parkersville, w hich he oilers to compare
with any coit from any common mare in
AcctLiKSTAL Death. The coroner's
jury at Astoria found that Police Judge
Montioth's death was accidental, and not
suicidal, as stated in this paper yester
day. Goxe to Hot .-i:KEEi-iN-(i. Dan. J. Fry
and wife have gone to housekeeping in
the house on Commercial street former
ly occupied by C. I'zafovage.
At iiuxiMEM'. The SKjkant Falls lle
viow it few days ago printed the following
concerning a gentleman well known in
Taeoina and on the Sound: Han. Cole
yesterday received a letter front Mr.
Vieet her, collector of customs ut Port
Tow nsend, stating that he had been ap
pointed deputy collector of customs at
Little Hallos and requesting him to re
jvirt for duty at once. Han. bus not de
cided as yet w bother ho will accept the
appointment or not. ( ledger. Mr. Cole
is also well known along the route of the
t ), ix C. He is a Jkiuglas county Wy
and was railroad mail agent out of Port
land for some time.
Moving to Tuk 1 ' Mrs. Jerry
Patterson has Won superintending the
lacking of their household goods during
the past week, and has shipiH-d them to
The Hallos, w hore thev will make there
homo in future. Mr. Patterson is in the
employ of F.. Wingate x Co., dealer in
general merchandise iu that city. Their
many friends bore are sorry to Wo such
estimable jK'ople as Mr. and Mrs. Patter
son from among thorn, but join in wish
ing them success and happiness in their
now- homo. Mr. Patterson has Wen
dork at the Indian agency, ut Warm
Springs, for over a year, and has but re
cently left there.
ToAi.ii.vNY. Bev. 11. K. 1'richard, of
this city, has Won invited to the Presby
terian church of Albany, nud will prob
ably accept the invitation and soon enter
tqin the pastorate ot that church. Mr.
Prkhurd has Wen fur the past two years,
supplying, with much acceptance, the
Presbyterian churches of ( iervais and
Spring Valley. With great reluctance he
severs his connection with those church
es, lie has undo many warm personal
friends in Salem, aud they W."ieak for
him in Albany a pleasant field of laWr,
and congratulate that church in securing
s ) siiiicessiul and earnest a pastor.
Lost Sovi; L.h.s. llarly Friday morn
ing some one cut loose a large Wim of
logs Wionging t j Snyder, Stevens it Co.,
which was to-d to the railroad trestle,
and the tide carried most of the logs
down the river, abmit II I.IKM feet of hltli-l-r
being 1'Sit. The owners came down
the river from their nod aUmt 2 o'clock
r.nd intended taking the logs up with the
incoming tide. They arrived just in time
to observe some one rowing away from
the logs and to see them drift down the
stream. T.ieoma Wdger.
MoVlSf- lN.-
his drug H!ore
building on S
pied hv Si-i:.e
I. W
. .it.ithe'.VH is moving
ie half of the
reet formerly occu
.s,er. Ho will W
t 1
ready for on i! -Mathews
has li
v. here be was in
to Southern Or.:,:
::; a few days. Mr.
u:v friends in Salem.
:'!'.-uii-.-s .NH'ore he went
m, and will no doubt
receive a nuera; sluire ot
the patronage. '
Ti;i: Faumli:
iitimWt o:
- Pursuant to
farmers mot
ihe call, a
in Orang.'
consider t
all yesterday aftcruiKin, to
w h-at .-ito.uti 1:1. Coinmit-
toon were appointed and 1111 adjournment
was had till next Saturday, the loth, to
hear renorts and take s jine definite ac
tion. To Cixkiikatk. The fiervais brass
ban .1 are making preparatioim for a lig
4th '!" July coiebr.i' .11 at that place.
Tiie 4th Willi pro;, elobrufed on
the Mh, as the hutio;. .- ...y (.uiiies on
Mrs. Uov. Moody leaves i ortlaiid by
the steamer Columbia tonight for San
Francisco. Si ie goes after her daughter.
Miss Fdnu Moody, who is attending
Mills College ut Oakland, California.
Bccoiiiikh's Cot itT. In the recorder'
court yesterday one follow was sentenced
for the usual five days for vagruncv.
W. L. iarreWm, of Astoria, came up
last evening to visit his wife, w ho is the
guest of iior Bister, Mrs. loo. Bishop.
A. A. Miller went to Portland last
Mod lav to attend the democratic conven
tion. The iirotqieet for a fruit crop of all
kinds is spien hd. although .lack Frost
ii!'i.'d some of the st: ,
Dr. Bey.ioi.;.; !!,. up bis par:;
man tit work
1 1 in: ends to
m-it.e 1: a i"!!u:ii.t resort i,.r :amily
i..r h
Mrs. McK.bWn g.w,- :l i.i.tb-lay sup
per last Wednesday evening. The" invit
ed guests present, wore Miss Maggie Cu
jiles, Mrs. Collins and son.
Mr. Mtlvibben. our ci'leieitt road bu
jwrvisor, nays that if :; can have the jk
sition five years he will make pood roads
to Salem, li be Keeps his work up as
he has boon doing tin the Lincoln road,
he certainly should bo given a l,fe lease
on that office; and several other suer
visors might do well to take some lessons
from him. En.j,
Absolutely Pure.
Thin powder never rie. A umrvel of puri
ty, treiiKth find wiiolenomi.o,. More e,mici
than the or-bimry kiii.l,. uli caBllot be ."idm
competition with the multitude otiow test short
whcljfhl, aluain or phM,.hte pnwderV. ' Bold