HIE OWE&ON STATESMAN: FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12. 1SS6. SONG. "Written for the t.vtbsmak. I am Bad, and bo 1 will sing, For song is a sovereign bain), That robs every grief of its Bting And throws over Borrow a calm. X am glad, and then I will sing, For gladness Bent forth in a song Will vibrate along the harp string, And thus the bright phantom pro v long. . f ( , I love ; it is good then to sing, For love when expressed in a song Will stir the heart's deepest well spring To heaven such anthems belong. Whentingry it is best to sing, For anger pent up in the soul Is such a contemptible thing That it mars the beauty of all ; And if I can woo my kind muse That spirit will not tarry long, For never will anger refuse To be quieted by the Bweetness of song. And hate with its withering breast, The poison that cankers the soul, like a simoon, that brings with it death, The most loathsome person of all ! Ho, muse, come and bring all your choir Can you not vanquish this fieud? Hither with harp and with lyre And make each man brother and friend. Salem, Feb. i. L.A. A.' BE WEAT YOU AM. BY MOBT WOOD. Dare's a mighty sight ob ditTerens Tween tie mim dat goes erlong ' Thout pradin' ob his virtues, An' a singiu' his own song. An' de chump dat nmkesfolks weary By a-blowin' his bazoo Bout de monstrous; great big "I" An' de little bit ob yo Be firs' kin lam a lesson In de rough an' tumble school ; De odder nebber kin ketch on, Erkase he am a fool. Mos' folks dey know dat he am like A hhidderfull ob brei, An' dat it he war simmered down Dar wouldn' be much lef . Jes' member dis, dea einliun, To be jist what yo'am, Fur de oyster's nebber tryin' to Make folks think he's a clam. EOSES AXD XILtES. BY J. D. HOtt-NEE. Written lor the St atis m as. The ruddy rose, amid the thorns And leaflets green which she adorns, Sustains her charms, preserves her grace, And heavenward lifts her lorely face. Although her rough companions pierce, With lances keen and daggers fierce, The rose untarnished lives and dies As do the brave, the true, the wise. And though in life one oft receives A pang from some unfriendly source, 'Tis sweet to know that roses bloom Midst winds and rain and thorns and gloom. From out their core, as pure as snow, The lilies of the valley grow ; And lovely iu their innocence, Tiiey gently bow in reverence. As from the heart the actions grow, A duty to ourselves we owe, To do the right, and that in love, Though fading here to bloom above. The rose adds beauty to her thorns ; The lily pastures green adorns; The world conceals its faults to please, And ever basks in Eden's leas. Aromas from these flowers unite. And lure our prayers to yonder heiit, Like treasures gained within earth's walls That lead us to celestial halls. Bloom on, bloom on, thou lily pale, In meadows fair of hili or dale, Thine own soft colors give to thee A tender look of modesty. Blush on, blush on, thou ruddy rose, Midst ashen faces and pallid brows, Pure token thou of a sinless breast, Where truth and peace, like angels, rest. A Carious Courtship.' In the good town of Thorick, far north of the Tweed, dwelt the sober, silent se rious Andrew M'Xab, unmarried and alone. Pastor of a numerous flock, its mem here especially those of the fair sex- were much exercised about his solitary condition. More than one lady of his parish had recommended him, with sis terly solicitude, to change his estate, and had hinted in the most delicate manner possible, that a suitable companion might readily be obtained . Poor, dear man, if lie had a sister or a mother at that lonely, lonely manse it would have been so dif ferent, but he liad not even an attached female servant to make tidy his fireside and to put his slippers if he liad any in the fender. Rumor asserted that no charwoman ever crossed his threshold, and the appearance of things as Been by the penetrating glances of those who went to consult the worthy man in his study, was enough to rend their maiden hearts, especially when they reflected how easily such a miserable state of things might be remedied. They disqui' eted themselves in vain, for, whether from natural obtuseness, or from his own private opinions upon matrimony, M'Nab seemed profoundly ignorant of, or absolutely indifferent to, the disad vantages under which he labored, and it may be believed that to the end of his days he would have quietly plodded along in single blessedness had not the daring, not to say outrageous conduct of a widow lady of his congregation brought about a crisis. She, it appears, conceived and carried into execution the bold de sign of crossing the sacred threshold of the hack door of the manse, and with unprecedented self-denial, "reddening up" with her own fair hands without the permission, still less the invitation, of the worthy M'Nabe,who would have remain ed in total ignorance of the fact had not her conduct brought forth a perfect Btorm of indignation from every female who "ent under him." They were outraged at the atrocious behavior of "this person." One protest ed Bhe nearly fainted when she heard of such infamy. Another was saved from hysterics by learning that "that dreadful j woman" had not penetrated beyond the kitchen, but an individual bo lost to all sense of decency might repeat her otYonso, if permitted, and it was impossible to predict what she might do, The whole fraternity if one may speak of a sister hood were of one opinion. "The thing must be put a stop to," whether the sub ject in that emphatic sentence were the abandoned female aforesaid or her indes cribable procedure not being clearly de noted. Fathers and brothers, and even husbands, were appealed to; the case must be laid before Kirk Session. Accordingly, upon the next Bitting of that august body, the ruling elder a hus band and father (of many daughters) brought the matter before the court and spoke seriously to their respected minis ter of the dangers of his position, and of the advisability of his selecting a suitable partner for life", and so preventing a re petition of the late unseemly scaadal. To all of which the good man listened with some amazement, gravely opining that no such alarming occurrence had taken place as that described, but upon being assured of the fact by so many cred ible witnesses he be can to comprehend tho situation; and when it was further represented to him that the thought to his congresration of an "unconnected" woman in the manse seemed as unlawful as human hymns in the church, whereas if he would take to lnmso'f awiie. it would be as the Psalms of Itavid, he felt con vinced that ho must take some steps in the matter, and expressed his readiness to toliow the suggestions 01 las mentis and colleagues, but he must desire them still anther to tender their assistance, as he tomid it impossible to choose Help mate. Could uii?r name one Here was a delicate task. The ruling eider aforesaid thought M'Nab must be bereft of his senses not at onee to see tne advisability of selecting one of his seven lasses, but thinking that perhaps he found it ditlictilt to decide upon one among so many equally deserving, with a father's preference for his firstborn, ho(M:icin tyre) was just forming 'the sentence: A weel, there s oor Jean," wnen anoth er, swifter in thought and nUemnce (and not a family man) struck in with: lnere s the ttva Jamieson -lasses uv,3ilin:; alone, and cantv bodies and done, wi'oot freens o'ony description, w oils is a consideration of importance. Couldna' vc choose ane of them?" And lt'ore the &:acinlvre could obieet. Mr. M'Nab, with unusual promptitude, answered decisively; "Ay! ny! I'll seek for the eldest." Such a determination commending itself to tho rest of the assembly, it onlv remained to be carried into execution, winch Mr. M'Nab was recommended to do at as early a date as possible. Accordingly, the good man at ah early hour, having put on his great coat and takea his umbrella, as prepared for the worst, sai'ed forth, and proceeded to No. 5 Fir street. Now, I must premise that the dwellers in that modestabode.tuojgh so familiarly designated as "the two Jamieson lasses," were by no means young and giddy creatures, likely to lead the worthy An drew M'Nab into any cause unworthy of his name and calling;. Tiiey were women w ho had long since come to the years of discretion. They were often described by their acquaintances as "superior." They were the orphans of a military officer, though of what rank does not appear, and managed to subsist "generally" upon a very slender pe.ision. Miss Jamieson and Miss M-t-'-'v Ann Jamieson bv no means underestimated tncir social status; they were quite awa e, too, that it hid been said of them that they miht have long since entered the estate of "matrimony" if they had not looked to high. With such a reputation it was natural mat thev should not lend too willing an ear to a suitor. lint to return to M'Nab. Duly arrived at his destination, and being ushered in, he osLed to see Miss Jamieson. That ladv complvin? with the request, ascriijed to the ecentrictty of her visitor the early hour at which lie had called, little imag ining the purport of his visit. After a brief salutation, M'Nab, who hadnothtken a seat, but stood firmly grasping his umbrella, with the air of one intent upon the steedv discharge f.f an errand, proceeded at once to state his, in tne following terms : "Madam, I have been recommended bv my Kirk Session to seek a wife ; they also advised me to ask you if you would marry me. I have come this morning desiring to know your mind. Have you any objections?" Now, had her worthy pastor pointed a pistol at her ear and demanded her purse, Miss Jamieson would hardly have been so completely taken aback; indeed, utter amazement can onlv account for the an swer she gave, and her subsequent con duct. "Indeed, Mr. M'Nab," said she, blush ing and bridling, "I am surprised that a gentleman of your discernment should ask such a question in such a manner. I have but one answer there can be but one answer, I assure you. If I had any desire to change my condition (with a most lady-like simper) I could have done so, my dear Mr. M'Nab, long ago at least, that is to say, many, many times. I liave no wish, really, to to change my name (with more simpers) even for your sake. I am very, very sorry, dear Mr. M'Nab. I cannot bear to make a fellow creature sutler ; but really I I I have. . . You must try to forgive me and forget me . . . 'Really you must; for I have but one answer, I do as sure you." "Then," said the imperturbable M'Nab; "I am to understand that you decline. Very good. Will you oblige me by sending your sister down." Now, Miss Jamieson was so elated by what had trannpired that she tripped up stairs as much excited as a girl of lifteen answering her first love letter, and burst in upon her sister breathless, exclaiming ; ".Maggy Ann, Maggy Ann! I've had an oiler of marriage ; think of that ! Poor Mr. M'Nab, of course. I'm verv sorry : for him ; but I really couldn't you know. ' lie will get over it; time will help him, poor, joor man. I refused liim, Maggy Ann, I refused him!" And Miss Maggy Ann saw triumph in her sister's eye. "Is Mr. M'Nab still down stairs?" she asked, suavelv. "Oh, yes;l forgot, he asked to see you. Call Jemima, for, of course, he wants to have worship before he goes j you run down, dear. 1 can't for a min ute or two uulil I collect myselT; I feel 3uite upset; scenes like this have Hlways isttirbed me." And Miss Maggy Ann did run down with nimble foot. "Mr. M'Nab was still standing, and os the lady advanced to ward him, he used the same formula as before "My kirk session," etc., to which Miss Maggy Ann responded gracefully "Dear M'Nab, I have long valued yotir ministrations, anil 1 am happy to devote myself to your future wullbeing." "Am I to understand that you will mar ry me?" "Certainly; that is exactly what I in tend." Miss Maggy Ann was exceeding ly practical woman. "Well, will you kindly name the day?" "Monday next." It was then Satur day. "Oh! that is very soon." The sooner the better, you know, my dear sir." "Precisely. Well (putting on the hat he held in his hand) I shall bring Mr. Macintyre, with the Rev. Eneas Mac kenzio.'hero on Monday first." "Yes." "Good morning." "Good morniug." In the meantime Miss Jamieson, hav ing recovered her composure, and un feignedly thinking that Mr. M'Nab de sired to have worship before leaving, came down stairs, and coming toward the parlor door, overheard the most im portant part of tho dialogue recorded alxve. Again greatly surprised, this time her astonishment was mingled with mortification. She silently Blipped into nn adjoining room, and, gazing but of the window, mournfully watched tho depart ing figure of And row M'Sah, while her Bister returned to her domestic duties, so singula' ly interrupted. As Miss Isabel gasod in biUeruess of spirit, who should enter her horizon but tho subject of her thoughts, Mr. M'Nab hastening to this door. lUifore he could l:i:ock she stood lieforj him to loarn tho reason of his return. "Pardon me," said be: "but 1 did not ask tho lady's votir sister's nanu'-r- tocall the banns, yon know. Vv"iiitn;;tn", i! you please . isaoc-;, Isui:ui Jamieson, w.'.h h v prom ot replv, in one of those hai"V in spirations that aid us once in a lifetime, or, us she explained r.acnvaids, in inter bewilderment at her sister's treachery "inauk you;" and the good 'man hur ried awav again, retieaiin' diligeutlv to himself as he went, "Isabel Jamieson, loabel Jamieson," lest there should bo some mistake on the morrow. Eat who can picture Miss Maa-'v Ann's discomfiture to hear that name ciied three times in church, to hear it, "with herownears," as siie declared. In vain she rose to protest ; in vain she endeav ored to undo the mischief and explain the mistake the fiat had "one fort h : in vaiu she made the man other vhoice un derstand the situation. 'Ah!" said lie slow'v: "uum von are not Isabel; it doesn't make any diller ence, does it? I nwmrc you it is nil one tome; the tiling is done, lajskies." Anu most nssiredly it was done; on the rnv'ovv Jliss Jamieson became Mis tress M'Nab. Itnead hardly be added that henceforth (to use tho language of polite life) her relations with her only sis ter became somewhat strained. Miss Maggv Ann e:pai:iaieu herself. Siio em grated to Aubti;v,a, and when lust aeard of she had been married by a wealth v squatter, who took iter home" to Tho ick, wttera hhe enjoyed the infinite pleasure et d iv.ng m iier carriage and pair to hear Mr. M'Nab preach, and Imj fipauering Mrs. M'Nab with the mud from her chariot wheels as she (hove past her wiinout recognition. Otago (New Zea'and) AYiuie-is. St. Valentine's Day. In this great world of ours, day aftr day follows iu rapid Bncce:sion, and brings nronnd in due time our stwral holidays. The next on the docket will lie St. Valentine's day, which wilt fall on Sunday, f 'eb. Hili. Seeing in (he stationery slows the gro tesqtie ca: ic.ilures called "Valentines," brought tne fact that this "day of love" was approaching to the memory of the load editor, and thinking that a large number of the Statesman's readers would like to know tiie origin and signification of the holiday, takes up the theme: The day is observed in coinmemoralion of St. Valentine, a bishop or presbyter, who was decapitated in 270 A. 1)., during the C'laudian persecution at Kome. Theeus tom of se-iding valentines, which John son describes as "sentimental or comic love messages, often in rhyme, and adorned with ornamental or grotesque devices," is a very ancient one. Some say that on this day (Feb. 14th) the birds select their mates; others trace tite cus tom to the Koman Lurcalia (Feb. loth) when similar practices were observed. Traces of tiie custom have lieen delected among the observances of the northern pagans of ancient Euro). The tradition that ascribes it to the loving and charita ble di!)Osition of St. Valentine, is proba bly a late invention without foundation Sufficient to say that the custom has be come very general in the Christian world, at least, and is always hailed with de light by the young swatn and maid There has been as marked an improve ment in the style ana heauty of valen tines as there was in Lunstmas cards, and they can now le hau costing as lntl as the three or four figures. They are shown in most delicate tints in satins and silks, plushes, etc., and the senti ments are often beautiful. Selling Olkomakoahlnk. Dairy com missioner Baker lodged a complaint yes terday, says the Portland Standard, be fore Justice Lybee charging Edward and Isadore Lang, comprising the firm of Lang Jl.-others, with Felling an oleagin mis substance other than that produced from unadulterated milk without mark ing the packago containing the same so as to plainly establish tho true character of the article. The article, which is pure, unadnlleialed oleuiargarine, was sold to a merchant at Alkali on the 18th of .fan tiary. Mr. Baker got an inkling of the matter and went Alkali on the 22d uit. to find out the particulars. He there found tiie article sliijijitd by Lang Bro's. to lo bogus butter. Tiie very latest : "(joldwumps." ITCHING Skin diaonsew hisUiuLly relieved by CuLicura. nlKKATUKNT. X. warm bath wtl.h Ciulmint soap, ami s single application of Cutloura, the great akin care. TliU repeated dally, with two or three doses ol Cuticura Itesnlveut, tho New Mood Purifier, to keep the blood cool, the perspiratioti pure and unlrrltatluK, the bowels open, the llvoi end kldueysactlvo.wlll peedlly cure Kcxeuta, tetter, ringworm, psoriasis, lleh en, prttus. soall head, dandruff" and every spe cies of Itching, scaly and pimply humors ol the scalp aud akin, wiiett the be. physicians and remedies tall Kaugflit but Good. We have been aellingyourCtttlnnra Kemed'.ea for the past three or Tour years, and hae noor heard auxin hut (rood words In the!!- fa yor. Your I'utlcuraSorpU decidedly the best aelllnp medical soap xte handle, and la highly priied here (or soothing a.iU aolieulng ufl'eot upou the akin. J. CLIFTON WnEAT, Jr.,I)Tugslt, Wlucheete-, Virginia. The Ijiret feUe. Our tale or Cuilcura Remedies are i large, If not larger, than auy medicine we sell; ami wo assure you that we never have had a iluule in stance Iu which tho purchaser was dissatisfied. As to your soap, weoausell uoother, ororybody wants C'utlcura. MILLEUA CHAPMAK.DruggUU. ton Islam, Mo. Salt lltiettm Cured. Two of the worst cases of Salt Rheum I ever saw wore cured by your Cuticura ltemedlea, and their sales exceed those of all other like remedies. 1 sell very little of any other medi cinal soap than Cutura. (IKOUOK A. ANTHONY, Druggist. Kowauee, Illinois. Ilnrhttr's Itch Cured, I have been soiling vonr Ctitlcor-i ltemedlea for tho last si:: years, and I find that thev (sive universal satisfaction. They cured mo of a vorc cje of Uarber'a Itch when other remedies fulled. W. C. ANUKKWS, Prugglnt. Cortland, Ohio. Doctor Prescribe Tltom. The Cullcom itomldlos are excellent reme dies for all skin diseases. J. C. WILSON, Jt. 1).. Ilnrvell, 111. Cuileuru Komedics Aro toUl everywhere, l'rice: Cutlpn'a, fAte.i llesolvein. , i; Soiin, Jic, 1'ottcr Drt'x ai:i Chem ical Co., Co. Send To.- how to cur Sl.lu DMMnt-H. 1 1 I I " f 'Jl'in,!)e k:n b'cntViri nod In " 1 II I lO liy mi mora cj ed bv CmUMrj boap. C .A. T A. i l il I I -""") mil B t-e-t boRtm div ' . ": T ''- YV i tillnlioH of witcii-ha- -V 'v- - jV-Vy z'' mcrio: ipino. Ch":i ; -Ty da fir, m.;ntnld. clover "to- isi3.'''J blossom, etc., culled Sun- . .'Hr ford's LiitcuK'nre, foi tlu- llljltlHllllV lvlt.i'ill( JN"f m.uiciiLCiireiifeve'-y form of Catarrh, from a simple cold iu the head to loa of nnell. t,i,io and hcnriii" eolith aud ca.ar-.li, coiimi motion. Complete trcaimom, comistiiiE ofonchiittlcl.adic.il Cine, one box Catarrh Solvent and one improved in haler, in oiiepuchnsrc, may now he had u'. ull diugglits for U- Ask for Sanford's Cur.-. Coaiiileie Treatment Willi Inhaler, ?1. The onlv absolute sncci.lc tve know of. Med. Tiinei. The best we have foil. id in a lireiimc of atiiTeriatt. Lev. Ur. Wig;:iu, Itmtnn. After It long struggle Willi catarrh the ltailical cute has conquered. Kev.b.w. Monroe. Ixirismirgh l'a. 1 have uoi found a case that it did not re lieve at ouce. A ul.cwLeu, Mancliestot, Jlaas. I MUHT (iiVK UP, I cannot le:r this nam, I ache all over, aud nnliiing I u-v does me any mxHal. l).icl-acho. it I'll ue pains, toreiieni. Is meat, hacit- liiKComjh, pleur.iy and ciu-.t pains cure hv that new. oilt!.iinul and de fiant aoiidcle to pain and iiiilauimnthm the tin-lirii:an.ti-pa'ti l'laster. Kiecially adapted to l.nhes oy leaiou o iti delicate odor and iretitlo Sled'ci i'a1 acl'.Hi. Atdr.iffg'sta igie.tfive for II. mai ed .'ieo by Potter Pm? & Clteiulca! Co., Lustou. dion, 8 Fot1 Sale, . Tiie dull noise, P a c i f i c, TATE TUB ritOPSl'TY OFT. J EDMCSHOS I decexed. "acirc was sired by Atlantic (No. 1TJ dam Jiollie by imported Waterloo (weight I-?). I'acifie'H sr .tud-darn iv.i. I17 Kox (a li?'f-i,reed Norman), he ur nn imported Nor man iioi-so owned at lloum rie:is:int,ohio. For particulars, imjuire oT Uamsay A L'i.iRh:im, S L'.H, OKk.no.s-. 2:J-lm fWli'iT AM) OliXAHLXTAL. MAGNOLIAS, ralmcs, lioses, CLEMATIS ETC. 10 3IEUALS and H! PJfEMIUMS !1 A warded At the Woi'd'd exposition In new Orleans. New de:.Ct'iplie catalonues, conUiiiiing many new ami tare varieties, will be sent: No. 1. Fiuits, Grrpeviiie-, Olives, .... 4 cents. No. II. 0r,:aDieni4l trcei, eveiKrecns,plnat,4c. No. IK. New Ko.-es and clem-itis, Gratis. JOHN liOCK, 1211 hmi Jos, till. Stale lusnmitce (Company ! SALKSl, OKKGO.V. The lead iuit Company of the Pacific North neu, and the only Company doing business in Orexou and Washington Territory tii.it does NOT bclomt to a con-.nactor cnmlilaation. II. m the laigest re-hisurace reserve to aiuoiiut at risk, and smallest per cent, of losses and kciilt- ai ei.penuuures 10 premiums receiveu ol any company on the Pacific coast. Insures only firivate dwelling school botmcs, churches, and a-m p.-operty. Keliable indemnity at ade quate rales. tOST. mWO BLACK-TAN HOUNDS ONE HAH A J small scar on right hind leg. A reward of 10 is offered for tho return of them to J. W' UKOOKS, at Brooks Station, Or. 2:5 w3t Wanted to Sell f,R TUAPE FOK COWS OR YOUNG CATTLE J riixteen iM-res f Land, one mile from Sa lorn, on Salem Prairie, all under cultivation. fenced in two lots with plank fence. Inquire of W. il. A IiAIU, one m!le and a half east from Salem. Will dispose of all or a part. l:22-wlim TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKHN. HAVING RECEIVED INFORMATION THAT a certain woman claiming to be my wife has Imposed upon some persons by making purchases on my account, all persons are here by warned against paying her moneys due me, or trusting or harboring her as such, our mar riage having been procured bv fraud on her part. VVm. A OA MS, . Angola, Erie Co., N. Y., Nov. 17lh, Into. H D EST BAY NOTICE. VOTIOK IS HE"Er,v G'VEN' THAT I II AVE j ukeu i'p one ho-fe.- cbo.'t 3 yens old, h..awiiei"-y roao, w; h no bi'and and no ear iii;itSi Hlic uiay be fot'ml on tiie Ta m of Nail ed.:, k, two aiiU cue half miles MMun iveMof BHiun, Oregon. W. I'.CLAftK. Salem, Oregon. January 7, lSti. .3 ,I fit r in im Wm. N. Laitce, hr. J, llevnolds, John Moll. Tres. Vice l'res. Cashier. I'iisi Niiiioiiiil Hiint SALEM, OREGON Transact s GENERAL BANKING ! -I1W8INBH8 Koltclls Iittposlts subject to ohtMik or on spoc lal certificates. Kxehiiiiire on Portland, San Francisco, New York, Loudon and Hong Kong bought ami sold, Htalo, county and city warranto bought. Spec ial inducements extended to patrons of tho bank. I ni inrrs are cordially Invited to deposit and transact business with lis. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops ami other property at tho legal rate of Interest and ao commission charged. Insurance mi such security can be obtained at the bank In most reliable coiniwii tes. Special doposlto of paper or valuables will l received and cared for hi the vault of tho bank without charge. Alortnmro I.ns. Arrangements have been riei-fected for making loans on real estate secur ty, and loans muy be obtained in anion ills und times to suit amillcante. Information and blank applications, for mortgage loans niav by had at the bank. 'A-dlw-wt NOI1CK O" 4.1 -XKPIAN'N SACK. OTfCK IS HKItEUr niVEN THAT THE underslgued, guardian of the minor heirs of K. N. Ollllngham, decenfd, tiadur aud by virtue of an order ami license of Ba'a made and entered by the couniy court of the State of Or egon for Marion comity, on the Sd day of l'obru ary, IHMt, will sell at the court-house door iu Ha lom, Marlnu citimy, Oregon, at o'clock p.m. ou Kulurday, the lllh nfMareh, 1HHI), Ait the right, litie. and Interest of said minors in and to the following-described premises, to wit: The south one-half ('-.,) of il-e northeast quarter Ci) ami the northwest W ot tiie north east ol section twenty-one Cii), lit township eight (.)) south, range tli'eu (a) west, and con taining nuo hundred and twenty (120) acres of land, m:ire or less, end situate In the county of Marto.i and State o' Oregon. Tiie widow will iuit-ci lm her doivor In tho p-ouiisvs to the ptiruhoser of said tract, therein cmiveyhiu the full title. Tcrma o.' slo of saiil laud, one half cash in hand, Imliiiii'c omi and two yes.-s' credit at 10 iier cuuf,, wlih n lieu ou the plsec. EUCKNIA GILl.lNUli A.M. Gus.'dinii of iho minor heln of H N. (Illllug nam, deceased. li.-S-Si I' tlK ISA lJ. 4 FACU iN HoMEEL I'KAH'.IE CONTA'N n i"., I-1.' !'.' ILi'i re;.!' of ii:c.i i I'-i'.-r lh lib, inn onl 'ill's . Ml l'liil..li. li -.c.lcr wilii ikdvveiHo;-., snio'.c n.ul miik JhiiP-e. a vctv tt'liiptoj-.l ' bill .1 Htld li.im:ii'; tt.' .'-r the f-,r rouiui. App'y m .liiii.e-. V. EolToti Uiu iroin,.-e. IU ff IU TO ! f v. c.ooov !iou. I'.iiim KKTi:;r ? Ion mtiiuy , ikiil it-.-?, ili.ln s'.Dl.l) ! C.iH :'l .!u 'riHHlilOi- lion -e, l-t Iflll OK M A ' . 'C p.eci 1-1 -In Hl-.MIV OI.St'HI.AGEi: Overland lo -VI A- Oreii'ou & Cali Torn in It. Ii. And Connections. Faro to Ran Frnnclsro, tS2: to B icr.imcnlo :i0 ('lose C'Hiiiectious uiaiiu at Atfhlaud with stages of tiie California, Oregon, and Idaho HlageCu. Kuat Side Ilvlsloit. DAILY EXCKIT Sl'NDAV. llctwecn Portland and Ashland. MAIL TRAIN. l.KAVR. AIIIUVK. Hiileru IO.-4'i A. Ashland ... 4 :ir A. Kalem Its V, Portland.. . 7:M) A. M. Hulem 10:W A. 51. Ash land .... V.W P. M. Balem I'. U.j I'ortlund A llmny Express Trulu. I.KAVE. I AlllllVI!. Portland ....4:00 P. M. H:ilem 7:15P. M. Salem 7:1 P. M.! Lebanon . 'JO I'. M. LeUkiuou . . 4:t'i A. Sl.Hlem . 17 A. M. Baiem ... fi:IH A. M.i Portland 10:05 A. M. Pullman Palace Hlveptng cnrjdnlly between Albany aud Athlaud. The O. &. C. rerrv mn'cs connections w ith nil the regular trains on the Last bitlu division from the fool of F. street. Wet Hide Division. Iletwecn Portland aud Corvallls. BAll. THAIN. IXAVE. AlllllVE. Portland . . V:00 A. M. (rorvnllis 4:?ni M. Corvi'llis ... Zjitl A. M.iPortinud ....) P. il. Lxpresn Trulu. I.KAVE. AllltlVK. Portland . .600 P. SI. SIcMlunvlllo . OOP. M, Portland 8:: A. SI. McMiiinvlllo 6:4.', A. M. LocnUickcts for sale and baggage checked at company's up-townolliee, corner Htark ami Hee- onil streets, tickets lor principal points In Cal ifornia can only be procured and baggage checked at compauy's oflice, Corner F and Front Htreets, Portland, Or. Krc'ght will not be received for sliipiucit after .' o'clock p. m. ou cither the west or cast side divisions. P.. KOEHLEK: E. P. ROGERS, Manager. G. V. & P. Agent. Orcioo Pacific Railroad ! Willamette Valley lo Sao Francisco via Vaquina, Trains leaveCorvallis Tuesday, Thur-day ,Hnt tirday, at 0 a. m. Le.tvo Yaiiiliia Slouduy, W ed notday, Friday, at 8 a. w. The flnc A 1 Steamship "YiHlna" sails FROM YAOtHNA rilOH BAN rtlAKClKCO Friday Feb. B Monday Feb. 1 Tuesday " Pi Wednesday " 10 Friday " J Halmday "20 Hundav Slar. 7 Wednesday Slar H Wednesday " 17 Friday " 12 Biinday " 2S Tuesuuy "2:1 The company reserves the right to change sailing dry.!. Fare-Cabin, 114.00; Steoragc, 17.00; freight ut reduced aud moder.ite rates. River boats on the Willamette connect at Cor- valllh Low faies and rales. For further Infor mation apply to C. C. HOGCE, A. G. F. & P. Agent, Corvnllls. BOTH & It Lil' I (Huccessors to Geo. Huston & Co. Dealers iu GENERAL GE0CE1UBS -AND Country l'roilncc, PouTLry -ETC.- Mill Ieed Of all kinds, also oat;, hay and straw Free delivery lor the city. ZtWmtie at corner of Htalo and Liberty siruuu Oalfioi'Ria KHKIl'l t S KA1.F. VOTICK Iti HEIIEIIV (JIVUN Til AT, BY il virtue oi 'an execution and decree and or der of sale, d-ilv issued out of I lie Hon. Circuit Coin t of the Stale of Oregon 'or the roinuv of Mai'. on. and to mo directed, ou tiie Kllli day of January, ISW1, wherein Cnspor Porn, pllf., ro cove.ed a Jt-dsmeut .'iid dec-ee of foreclosiije against Henry I'icard, Margaret Jolte, Adnlpli JedeHr., Oiloll l'lc:ird, LeoroioCftiiieion, Hen ry Cuiiierou, Saloiiie Lorgcviii, Jo.iu Ilergevlu, Henry P ecrdji., Aia. v Plciird his wliu, John IMcnrd, Pose i.ereviu, Louis llergevlu, Julian Plciiiil, josepa Pica d, Slr.rv ii':canl, and Geo. V, .lini-s and Win. Knglnnd, purtnera under the nun iioj'O ol Milnams England, do'oi iir its, sa U Judirmeni buimr for tho sum ot n'Ji.M in (I. H. gold coin, aud Inlorcst thui ecu at tiie rale of one pur cent, per month i.o.nd.i e ent'l nald, (ogothor with the oosta. ,a..ed a, fiu.i,i, together with nccru ng costs ami x.tnes, 1 n.ivolor'ed iipnn ond wdl sell at p.:oi'C .iiUitlou, ou hutintli y, Fob -iii!,- R7ih, ir.Ufl, At tho onnrt-hoii. e door, 'n Si.lcm, Slarloii coun ty, Oveijon, Hi nut n clock p. m. of said day, to the Irghest b dtler for casu in hand on the day of sale, aiUim rght, iltiu, ami Interest which i ho said de.'endatit Henry I'icard (the same be ing ins life or curtesy estate) had on or after the l day of Feb. u.iry, 1H7II, m and to tho following described real estate, in Slr.rlou county, o.-egon, low't: nonaiiou land claim ol Celete p. card, No. NotHlca.-on No. (toil, be ing pans ol sectioi.s 21, 21, ii, ;7, W 111), In Tp. 4 S., il. 'J. W., aad Uesc-'lmd as follows, n wit: llivcniii'g at a point Sobs, south and 4.92 chs. woslm the southwest ecrnor of ,! sec'.lou 21, and riiniunr; .cciice e:tnl i'JI clui., theuco notth J. tieg. east ia.2,i ehs.. inence vest 1.26 and 1H ens., thriice sou.h 7 de ;. wet fl.lt) chs. to tho pl.iceof iieg il"in-;,ihe soiii'i h.di part of said donation cia m t here.iv couejoil. holug WO acres of lauo, mere or 'es. Km iild toere oe a.iv dedc'o.'cy -V the sale of the ii oourty alx ve oosm-it.t, or tiiimld tho si' me .an to satis'y the sa.d juiiiuaiii a id coals, 1 w, 'I, nt the same i, me end place, lo wit, tho 2,th iifv of 1 eo.uary, If St. hi one o chek p. m. oi Liu day, at ti e C-J.'. t mi;isu ilimr, iu snltl SI.-..' on c.:r.iiy, (iie ii.ii, sen .-.(, n.iiilie auction l: ice rl .'rc.: n iloei i-ir cc.-.h n naiid on too dny of .ale, ad ti'o i-i-;ii,, li.le, ami iuioro.it w 'uch te ,o'in)r,,i,s, Sla.,,-io'. Je. o, Adoljih Jo.'ie 8.-., Oi'cll ".c.i.u. ;.ei.,'i,ru t s.iii'ion, Ha lome Loiffcvi,-, John iimsetiu, Henry i'icard Jr., M.u-y I'ic.-tnl his wmp, John I'irurd, Hose LorKcvm, Louis lie.;,e ,'in, .l.'linn Picnrd, Jo si)ii I'icard, Sliuv P,c.d, mid (ieo. Willlnms ond Win. Unghuid, partners under the firm name of V. 'limns & F.if i.uil, or either of thorn, jiiidon i:r I'f'er H lUh iiav ol Fooutary, H7, iu and to liio a lovu t'tcscilicil u-;il o'uic, ull nutated In Jiiv ,im coonty, Orcjoti. DaliiU at HiitMii? jii.i 20, is-tl. ' JV, W. Si INTO, 1 -! Blieriff Siitrlon Co., Or N O'-.!- Tr',:iy." t 'tpn t iih'Ii.. t (MO'eo: Coiili.ril''' ,' of ,1 c (':rrri.iioy, Wi'sldl'-slnll, October ."J'lll, tyllEI'lf s. l:y hA'nS! AC'ouV Kiidonce i I'M'.-e i.ed to too it i ! ti r; : if I . it bus been msde l: i'I'.i. :.,' ,o... iiio " i ho t .ndfil .National l.;-ni. ii . .1 M toe ci;y of b iuou. Iu the co!'.'.. . ii V:i !, (. a-d : . i,c in' O.'t .oii.lms com p. ed v,, h c'i I' e p'-ovi ions m t tit- revised st '.!. o, i i-e I.,:,,-,l bt.'.c, M- oil .'ed in be enio.iiu.il iv. 0 ..0 o.o nn n'O.tiou imll lie llll.ll'l 'fl-ll t H-U.-' f ; '.' M.U. .! ni b.iuk- i-1';. Mm, . c .: i o, I limn , W troller o,' the C.ii-rc.K'y, iiu lie ' 'i no C 'I- u'i .Y:,.oirit i,P"i: o ( i,y o," s.-i-ni in i'-o t- in ut , C ' HOfhi Cc;tnp- "n luuii'y that 'em," ill the of M u ion, and .-...ue oi lire: on. n rutnoi izcu I cniiiui-nce the b.is iie,-.so.- ,..! ki'g ns priMidcd ,'u sen ion III-iy-o:'c .i.-mi.-i-.i i.uil s::.ij-n'imj u; t1(, levlsed ia .".es o, t.-e 1 uitrd (inite i. In ,.Iii'oii i, hereof inn- s nit hind n nil .nl "1'CJ l-. ;.''); il ii,i oi O : 'I Y.. CAXN'ON, er oi '.'. c Cii' rency. ) Ksal m I C'lilp,K:llil'r j C "i ' t i... .'it V ilA Kill A V, ;, OF UFA I. I.hTATK. VOiICK is if-CCELv ', ,'rMIIAT TIIE t N i del -.'kiien M'.i.i u'i Mi' B V. Mtvana. ('-i es H,hus, s.hI J.i i.-i K.w ,s, m nor heirs oi 1); vid H u iki'cl'C "i', hi ' .1 e oi nn order of the tumi'W i ill' ,ui S.r on toru... Oregon. mii.ic mi ice 'Mil or, oT lid i'.ivho . Ii. ivs.-, will eli ei i, hi:ppui..ii.i ,n l '-"... i,i,i.i.r for 0,'kli iu liaut, m Lif ed K.a.es r'o u coin, on N-.tlurttiir, th" lUtlitlm- of of 1 i-hi-lii -v. A. v. JHsn. At'iocVko. m.. of t- 0 ,1-t ii il.n i..,,. ho, isn ilosr Iu Srlt'in. Atr.rii ii oiiiin. nr, tiie fol'i.w i,i;j ile.orl :ed re.'l c hue, tiie luoiim '."' .'' ui'iio s, and desc. i,e, as follow, to- i: no somn-enst r-itniterof tne north-west oii . Ik,- a, id the; o , ensi i r of thiv.oiith-west uiia.tji' pud hit !i!'d"ie.'iwo;2) nomg tiie fi-ao-l-o. i.M suiMi-e.ist i.,i;i'-ur of ioe nntii.ivnt ' lei . all hi seco i 27. 'i'. 7 n.. v. i v ,,i ti, tV.liPlllC.fJ SiC -iliiS-i. u ,-,... I1., 111 Jo "II nnri.. f) laud nioieo- lcs, In Aiai ou Coiiulv, Oregon. D.-ied at K.iioin, AIp. on cou, i.,', oifson, tills 4' ii taj oi Jsni'.t, v, . ) r. I . L HIV P.va (iusidiau. AM'tTOIts' NOIICF. VO'i t. (iff Kt,- ; it in.' . ci ice. .i, I.-: . t' lii't'ii iliii p i.io' t- d ,v Sla o i co.t j, Oie-o.i. e C N "O U 110 M IT i inlc , -,.; 'd nave he e i 'ii v i iii" t of CO.',.) o, l 'C fsutiO a. II Ipsl tv II s til ...v: ; ,. ii ii,., .i t- t- dc.'p. veil, ).: e oi s- il coon-.f. At, IH. ..-H ,v.' inr c ii.uis p-;a:,is. s.i (t I' u v, p e.eiH .rem Iiii.' o, o t'l-il u .' ii ,i' i .in .in, b ,...:..,,.... dc.s':; i'.'. Rt "Ii - il ."o-.ii ,-' ii, i 'e Ir.c .esl de. ice o' t;'C dc e.' ed, ue.- - K,i e i-. i i k - Ma. ci-i c-i.'iu y, w tr (ii s . ron. i s I o:n it t.n i,i li is not iv, ora io,rr .'o c. iiiecion and all in.-. sous niie iicd to s .d Cui tea.o ce en. uoti icd o c. le I -c I..:, . o ii.Miitd s ei . !l.;d .'i-s jfl. .-, v K.li. o. r,. IIAU.'.-g TURK. i'. b Ci s i:k, ec.r,..s., tpitvte o" ll. n'ei Ca dee'd. (;;( (' r. No rt.f;. VOT.CIC IS HKIKi:" OH KN TH AT Til K CN i ilci.s gneil line 'necu di'lv iiiiiiiiinied t.v t lie C'liioi, coin-, o,' :c. on i-ilimI' . ou-iin. e-. ii ns oi (ue e ..au- a.'il l.-t u ill r oil ii. ,1 i.miii of Al'icd llovciiiltii, Lite of .: !d ciiiuiv, do-ce-eil. All oci-iona iir.v i.ni c:Hin:s Pr,:vin.i said esii.e w.H pi'e:eiit t! em it,' Iv o. .Hilled with pioiii.v vo.-rhcrs '.o .he uink.-s '-ncd at ti e Into residence n,' tiie dece'sed iie;,r li I'ub.iid hi il .'111 'Oil tOIIV.v Wi.,1 i Si .: llllHUHK (.I,,., 1, il, ue ol this imveu, .'oi- Riowatco or icjectiou, andP'i i.!:'oiis iiidubted to sn il c.l-.c c herw bv tun tied hi :e ihe s 'mo iiiiuicdli.idly. Due l .his ilecemtwi-'Alii, If 'i. HA V A II A. liOVKSIH'.N, CKOr.UK !!. liOVKMilCN, E eo.-to ol the cst-iio of Alfred Uovendeu, ilt'Cji'sed. l-l -fit KX KCt TIHW NOTICK. VOTICB IS I1EI:EI!Y 01VBN THAT THE j I'ji'e.sig. led havcthisday been appointed, by the couniy con t of its, ion cnun'.v, Oregon, c .eco.o.'s of the Inst will mill tesUmcnf of VV'ili inm 41. Kcmdy, la,o of said cueiuv, deceased. All persons imv'ing cli'ims ni;:ilii)... said t'st.ttti a e hereby not'ftcd to p-esent the sninc, with the proper voiieners, .o cs, at W ooiiburn, In sa.u county, within si.; moil iis from this dille, and all pe. sons indebted lo ta d esuilo are ro itosted lo make lmined'.i'e pavment to ns II. If. KKNAHY, P. L. K KN All", January 1.1 JS.- K-;ePii(ora N UT 1 C V F V i A I. S fcTT L i T. In the Co inty Conn of the Staio of Oregon, Mr.i loii Couniy. lor VW' CE IS HEP.EI; Y (i'VE.N- THAT THE i uiule.s ' ned, e.:ecu.O's ol toe lust will and tesl iiiiciit oi 1'i.v J. DoiiihU, dece.iscd, have filed wlih t'lec't-.k oT sa d co.i.t llie.r dual ao countns such e;.csn.o:s, and .iuu the llou T C Hhaw, j.ulgo of said coa.t, bv li s o'durduly made the '.'."ith day o." .,en.ia, v, 1KW, him fl- cd too "ilh day of Ma cr, ls), at' 10 o'clock a 'm as too t.mc for ilea i.i;,' objections lo Bald ac count and -culcincj, the co.'. W. H. IKUIO'jilT, 1 :29-.it Ii. .1. J HUM AM, Executors. NOTICE. VTO-HCE IH IIEIiBY 01VEM THAT THE UN 11 dersiened Iihs been appointed by Hie coun ty court of Alarum c,i,int', Oicgou, e';ecutor of tho will and est ilo of Joseph i;lodeck, late of Marion couniy, Oregon, lUjCi ised. All persona haviugc'Klnis against s.-dd eio'do will present tho same lo the mule -signed ,'or nllowanco or rejection wilniii six moiit'is, iu his rc.ildencc about live mi.'es north-e.ist of Kalinn, Iu snl'd county H.Mi cstii.o Is supposed lo be olVOut lintuil luis SUtii ib.y of heceinbur, psr, ,.r. K. L. HWAUTH, L . , l'.xecutor NOIU'K. ' miJE STOCK IIOl.l.Elia OF THE CAPITAL I ( mil r,iil H,,ver Al.nii'gCoiiip.inyof Hnlem, On-,o,i, rt'.l i:i .eno.me Unit ti'ere u.is been a iissessiiie'.K lev.ed on Its capital slock of on". j u'l'iiViK'-iS"'1 "''il' day8 ilaw B. F. CHAUtVlCK, Btcrclnry.