i WEEKLY GTATECr.lAn. FUIDAY, JUNE 9. Disclamation Contest. The DoUm Hun contest, by mcmWn of Mim Lucc't clans in elocution, will take plac ia the University chapel this evening, commenc ing at 8 o'clock. The contestants ire Miwe Ell Dearborn, Elsie Murphy, Amy CaTenangh, Levi Rowland and Jennie UrifTetb, and Meaasra. Scott Jonea and Will. Andrew. Friends of the con testants invited. AkOTBKR ExtlTRMKNT At AlNSWOBTH Within a few days, aaya the Walla Walla Statesman, the discovery has bean made of a large tract, of very rich farming land, lying about half way between the Northern Paoifio railway and a point on Snake river about ten tniUn abova Ains worth. The tract lies in the midst of sage brush, ia about two thousand acres in eitont, and exceedingly rich. About twenty claims have already been taken, There ia likely to be some difficulty in getting water. Parties are now engaged in sinking well. If they are auceeeaful in the search for water, there will be a rush for the oasis. The Commencement exercises of the Wil lamette. University begins to-night at 8 o'clock, with a lecture before the four literary societies, by Dr. Browns of the Medical De. parttnent. It will be a literary treat. K On Saturday evening there will be a dec- tarnation contest On Sunday at 10:30 a. m.. Rev. 0, W. Iser, of Portland, will preach the Bacca laureate sermon, at 8 p.m. Rev. Joha A. Gray, of the First Baptist Church, Portland, will preach the University sermon. Ou Monday night will occur the literary entertainment of the Hesperian and Coaoor dia Societies, together with a declamation oonteat. Further announcement will be made in due time. Rev. 3. N. Doane, of Portland, Rev. V laaao Dillon, of Albany, and Rev. N. A. tarr of (teiitz, visited the examination yea Vnlav. anil will rtmain dnrtnt t1a fVm. secernent. Miss Quivey's Art exhibition will take on next Wednesday and Thursday. 1CTTEK LIST it following ia the list of letters remain in the Foat Orfioa at Salem, Oregon, , 0th, 18S2. Persons calling for them ase say " "advertised. W J g, James f J V, Osenr nma H rs N W tnt . William Lemon, Jack Lsrnea, B A Lewie, E M Michbl boors J Matheny, Eva 3 Morton, J M McMnmpher, E Z Nislert, Rev B hewaan, hvy f achine Co. Nash, A M Neater, t M cooper, Stephen Cole, A B Coaick, Ella 2 Crowley, C Cole, Joha Francis, Joseph Tolaom, T Glisan, A H T lioodman, Jennie Howard, M E Humphrey, May Hanser, Hannah Ingham, Ralph Jansan, Maria Jones, Anna King, B T Karttnan, Wa 4 Nya, H Peck. T F Ricbey, M F Runnels, Mary Ryan, J M Kuch, George .Soling, W Scott, Mary Jane Smith, W H Sinmal, W Straney, J Tate, G W Turner, T A Ward, Eddie Walker, L If White, James I S. SCOTT, P. M. A Cbakk. Jeff Davis is an nndeubted v-uk. . He taaaai b otMorwtae than in fie r&ts Lgariip, aw is reporta to have done the other day Wove th Southern historical society and dechured with regard the loei cause, " that had I known what was to be inflicted upon roe, all that this county was to suffer, all that our posterity was to endure, I would do it over and over again." Strange to say, this was greeted with " trcmendeons ap plause," if we are to believe the reporter. It is inconceivable that a man lives who in his right mind would assist to make his country a slaughter pen, for the amount of juaiioe and right that was in volved in the cause of the late confede racy, with his eyes open to the aaeleas waste of blood and treasure that was involved. Election Retchsb. Coos county cljcts Republican Representative and full county ticket, except Judge and bhenff. Josephine county elects a Republican Representative by 40 majority. The Legislative will be Republican by at least six msjority on joint ballot. Guess Uncle Sam was not quite so unfor tunate last your in having no mercantile navy, as the croakers are accustomed to allege. There were 2,050 shipwrecks in 1SS1, involving a total loss of 11,400,000,000, tlirre-foortha aa much aa our national debt, Jf this sun $900,000,000 fell upon English thinner and underwriters. The loss of human life amounted to 4, 100 souls. It is just as well to hire somebody and his ships to carry onr freights as to send it in onr own bottoms, so long as the elements are so tricky aud voyaging so risky. S. G. French, appellant, vs. R. J. Rogers, respondent Judgment of the court below affirmed. Opinion by Lord, C J. J. W. Frutch, respoudent, vs. D. D. Ben nett, eta!., appellants Re-bearing granted. The following proceedings, had en Thura- day last, have not heretofore been published: James Lynn, appellant, vs. Joseph Man awdus, respondent Judgment of the court below affirmed. State of Oregon, appellant, vs. Ths Doug, las County Road Company, respondent. sJJeJjeariug denied. Court adjournal until Tuesday next, at 2 o clock, p. M. If you waut to get a pair ef shoulder braces cheap call at E, S. Hubbell's drag store. The place to take your prescriptions' to have thera accurately impounded frem pure drngs, is tajf. iTHubbell'a, fx A! nf Portland, ia in the wcir of the :. ".,., of YuTtlitn- , a. 5Tt A. i . . i city attaint; the Alumni 't- I nave no more doubt of the beneficial si -, fects of Warner's Safe Kidney and liver Core than I have that the Genesee river ties into Lake Ontario. Rev. J, E. Rakkik, D. D., Washington, D. C. vreodeT your rleanasulphnr cure in I minute. grand display of Ties ana scans, v window at the it. - -The C(L sets the best t Fireman' badge mpj, So. IS- The veji this office, TUESDAY, JUNK 13. CnVECSITV ftUHvIV Oa Sunday evening the large auditorium of ths Methodist church was filled to the utmost, by an audience gathered to hear the University sermon, delivered by Rev, 3. A, Gray, of the First Baptist church of Port land, the anthem, "Jehovah's Praise," was rendered by the choir, Miss Ptper taking the solos, and Miss Nellie Hall, organist, playing a sweet accompaniment. Rev. Mr. Starr gave eat the hymn, be- giuning: "Am I a soldier of ths cross, A follower of the Lamb; Or shall I fear to own His cants, Or blush, to speak His nam t " A fervent prayer was offered by Rev. Mr, Doane. Rev, Mr. Knight read that portion of scripture found ia Si Matthew, chapter v, After the singing of the hymn, Oa ths mountain's top appearing. Loo the aaored herald stands," Rev. Mr. Gray announced his text from Acta, chapter xxvi, verse 16 Arise, and stand upon thy feei. Ha opened the sermon by noting the opposite elements ia the character of the Savior, ele ments which were to be harmonized in the characters of His children. Christianity lifts as irom degradation and places nt on the road to the everlasting city it meets eur highest needs. The history of St. Paul is an example of an unbeliever coming into the light of Christianity, a broken, humble, contrite christian. The present tendency of philosophical thought is to de grade man. Christianity has a tandsaoy to develop aelf-raspect its conditions ate hon orabla both to God and nan. The speaker compared the conditions placed by govern ments and rules upon law-breakers, to the free pardon offered by Christ to those who commit sin. ' Believe oa the Lord Jesus Christ, and then sbalt be saved." There is a moral dignity in accepting Christianity, as it is an act of free will. Christianity calls man to a grand and im mortal destiny. The fellowship commenced here will con tines throughout immortality, all the ages that are to come. Ia these days of doubt and agnostic tarn, how blessed the assurance that " we know weiheve HIM ia whom we have believed. A very pleasing ootnparisoa was made be tween the mournful hymns of Watts and the triumphant soegt of Wesley the one full of deubt and trembling, the ether ring ing out ia joyful praise. Christianity is upon a Una with all ad vaaees in civilisation. A brief review was give ef the educa tional institutions of the United States, all of which were founded upon the principles of Christianity. Christianity develops the strongest faculties in the world ef thought. It tells as that this world ia but a state ci probation for a higher atete of existence. It inspires investigation, it is a ladder upon which men climb into the realms ef thought. To the students t " Ia the morning of Ufa, never think it nndigni&ed, or unmanly to profess Christianity. God sails yea to be witnesses of the light which it reveals. Arise and stand upon thy leek." The closing prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Knight, after which Rev. Mr. Doane gave out the hymn, commencing t I love to tell the story Of anseea things above; tt Jeans, and His glory; Of Jeans, sad His love. I love to tell the story, Twill be my theme ia glory Of Jesus and Uia kve.'r The benediction eras preaoanosd by Rev, G. W, Iser. The annual sleeUosi el officers of the Gtassi Revet Area CkeoW ef Masesa ef the state of uregoa was held on Saturday ta Portland. The UHowiBS! officers were elec ted: James f Ro,osoc7 MIGUP; F N Shortleff, Dep G H P; Biegev Herman, G Kingt WaBase Baldwin, G 8; R Earaart, G S; Robt Clow, G C of 11. The following appointments were then made: G Chaplain, J R N Bell; G P 8 S Bullock; G BAG, J K Weatharfordj 6 Master, third veil, A H tlsoa; G master, second veiL si K Hams G Master, first veil, E Hoult; Guard J A Wood wort. The installation were held in the afternoon. The Grand Council of the High Priest hood of the state of Oresoa also held a sion and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Christopher Taylor, President, A H Hodaon, Vice Fraetdent: Robert Clow, Treasurer; R P Earhart, Re corder; Wallace Baldvnn, Master Ceremon ies; F J Bsboock, Conductor; J FjSpeacer, M V v Johnson. Steward. PiOKKm RjsujTTO!. The annual meeting of the Oregon Pioneer Association will be held at the State Fair Grenada near this city en Thursday, June ldtb, Hon. Jas. K. Kelly ef Portland will deliver the annual address and Hen. F. A. Cbeaoweth of Oor vallis, will deliver ths occasional address en the immigration of 1 843. The excercises are always of an interesting nature and the pleasant weather that we are now enjoying will also add to the pleasure et the ocoas- skm. The ball in the evening will no doubt be a grand success. The dances heretofore given by the Association have been noted for beinc finely conducted, and have always been highly enjoyed by those who attended. THANK. Te J. T. Grecs. We the teachers of the Salem Public Schools, at onr closing meeting for the year Being notified that 3. T. Gregg, one of our fellow teachers, has severed his conection with us. By a unanimous vote we tendered him onr sincere regrets that it became nee eessary for him to withdraw from the corns. And we take this means of thanking him for the gentlemanly, judicious and earnest manner, us wo lea ne nas aiscnarirsu au nia official dunes towards us. Bertha Mookes, President. M. G. Laxa, Secretary. Lizcib McNary, Kmilik Heulbt, Makt F. Lawkkvcb, Mabia F. D'Akct, Caerib M. Cox, Admb M. Sou". Jos. A, Sri -wood, . Geo. A. fasnin. Bixceatnr BETTBHa. Alllmt toir nreciacta in Baker oooaty give 83 niijority, Demeoratio on the State tic. . , ... . ... Clatsoo cives the lollowinc snaionsies: Georg 76; Moody, 59; Earhart, 70; McEl- roy, 95; Byam, 66; Lord, 79. county ticket, Keoublioan. Lake gives about 100 majority Demo cratic. Ia Umatilla the majorities are as follows: Smith, 239; Fenton, 134; Weatherford, S18; Abraham. 89: Worthinstoa. 154: Cornell. 16t: Sbattuck, 268. lbs vemocrata eiect all the county ticket except Sheriff, Treas urer and Coroner, and probably one liepre tative. ' In Grant county the Repblicaoa elect the 1 1 .!cr and Keprescntauve, and most ot the - acty ticket. ! The next Legialature will stand; Senate, ' IS Republicaaa and 14 Democrats; House, do bepaoiicana ana 2 imamcm, giving At ' i . n i -r . . Le liepubltcans a majority of 14 a joint baifot, , ' FREWSLL, BOCRBOSISM. ' T6 The Ladii: If yon win call at D. W, Matthews and Co s drug store, for 'la eetits yon can eet a bottle of " Haiido- Ku " tor dressing the hair and keeping it m piaee. Thia preparation is far an perior to, and does away with quince seed for that purpose, so bang, bang, bang away. ' i ..'11.11' i F. D. r,.,lwwii has the largest assort ment ef v j Sum, clocks, jewelry and hand some fiujr i'' i'J the city. No trouble to show f. is. -: ' - ; ' LosT.-'sreea the post office and the residnnce of A. A. MaCully, a diamond set ting on b?'. ibfx te a ring. The finder wiu be suftebly rewarded by leaving the ia4t t'motir-et. ' rikU'lir toiiiT. Ths following is the list of cases to he tie. termiued before the present term of coin J, now in session: State of Oreffnn vs .lrinin& Silni'h. State of Orenon vs Jaiucs Iloac (t at Wb, aud Mary Davis vs J, )". 'J'honi ains. Emma Mour vs Ralph ITlm rt at. A, H. fSkinner vs (iara rikinntr. A P. AuUnty vs iairview Milling an UltCU CO, Mary . Crump vs W, R, Crump. I. J, sod F. Cooper vs 3. V. Crawfor esai. . M. Myers and Son vs Jos Myers. H. Vsnard vs J. Vsrdier et at. Chas. Swegle vs 0, Whal ct al. Laura J. Wood worth vs tleoree V Wood worth. Board of School Laud Commidiiioiir-ra v J. I. McCurdy et nx. JP.UBS Hoorley va enj. Stanton. Virginia Lafore vs Iewis L. 1 .afore. N. Miller vs Peter Clarey. Gilbert Bros, vs F. P. aud J. RMilter. 3. M. and E. Wolford vs J amps Looney. J. J. Jordan vs Alma li. .lortlau. Wm. Wilson vs J. K. Eldridgo et al. J. A. Wesver vs David Weaver. Annie Hunsaker vs C. 0. Hunsaker. Malinria McCallister vs J. V, MuCalliater. D (J Wesver vs Rsbeoca Weaver. Sampson Jones et al. v. John (Jntuis at ak Nathan Boyd va Otegouian liailway Company. J A Stratton vs K L Swartu et ux. Martha J Sanford vsGeo. W Sauford. Board of School I And Cummisiouira vs Lynden Wright et al. Wbealilon vs 1 M Cooer. Mary E Campbell vs John B Campbell F R 8trong vs M Wheeldon. 0 H Neat vi R U Ramshy, Allen and Lewis vs B F Cone. D M Cooper vs N Wbealdon. Mc Kinney and Smith vs R C liamnhy, TEHPF.KAME riC'KIC, The Good Templars picnic oa Sunday, at Suverton, was a grand anucesa. Iluiulretis ef Deonla wsra in attendance, (ioixl vncal and iastrumeetal music, as also the liris band, did good service to interest the meet log. r. Davenport was President of ih meeting, which was in the grove near the school house. Several declamations and dialogues ware recited. A speech by Hon. I. . Pavenport, hich was practical and well received: then lecture by Dr. atts, and during inter mission a sumptuous lunch was served by the Good Templars, enough and to spare. After recess IT. J. . watts acam lec tured on temperance, urging the Constitu tional amendment, proposed by the Allium-?. f etitions were circulated and signed py juu. A Bine Kibbon club of 3 was orgauiMMl . Small was smwinted President of the club, Or; Wstta lectured Saturday uight also Sunday night. It was a grand success for temperance for Silverton. and this days work uill lung be remembered here. The propsed amendment to the constitu tion meets with great favor among the peo ple; the petition here run np brvond tin. loudest hopes of its friends, numbering at present over 24,500, and three mouths work to come in yet; Twenty-cue counties have responded to thf Alliance work. Should Iowa adopt her amendment on the the 27th of this month, and boulil it be adopted here, it will aid much in the work here. More soon, Su.vebtos. CAsta) F IlltSk. Ws the undersigned, as the general com mittee of arrangements for the second annu al Printers' Picnic, which took place in this city on Friday last, take this method on be half of the craft in Salem, of returning mir sin cere thanks to the business men of the city, who contributed prises for the occas ion to our friends whose contributions made up the firemen's purse; to the Capital Guard Band, as well as the Onanls them selves under command of Lieutenant Cran ston for their presence, their performance, sod their drill, to the Albany printers and their friends, as well as the College l'.aml of that city, for their liberal attendance and hearty co-operation; to Hon. P. H. l'Arcv, for his able address; to the leader and mem bers of the Second Rrigade Rami of Dalian, whose gentlemanly deportment, neat appear ance, and saraellent music, added so mater ially to the interest of the occasion, aud won for them the admiration and esteem of our citizens generally; to those who so willingly served on the various committees ot award en ths grounds; ia fact to each and every one who in any degree aided and assisted ns in making onr second annual picnic so grand and complete a success; trusting that all ill feel compensated for what they have dime in adding to its interest. Frank E. Hoihiius, W. W. Mi nkkrs. Ceo. F. MtCi.Ai.NK, ncciiT retBT. Circuit Court convened yesterday, Judge R. P. Biise, presiding. The dock et is short, being mostly made up of di vorce cases. The Grand Jurors were drawn and now are in session. Court will certainly be finished this week. J, H. McCormick is bailiff of the Grand Jury. Samuel McGhee bailiff of the court Steam Ekgiks Bfsisess. A special meeting ef the Council was held last eve ning te consider the steam engine business. A neolntiOB was adopted referring it to a committee of three to purchase a steam engine for the city of halem. Owing to unavoidable causes Mr. Kinross will not be able to assist at the Wood burn Festival. Instead, the management have secured the services of persons who will be eqnslly acceptable, and whose names will le given to the public in due time. Not a Bins Appointed t.'ov. V. W. Thayer has appointed . U. l ent ie, oi Lafayette, and f rank Clarno, ot J ortiamt, Notaries of rublic for Uregmi. fIBEMEV MIKVIIIIM The Fire Department of Astoria are going to give a grand tournament on Tuesday ami Wednesdsv. July 4th aud 5th. Purses to the amount of $500 aud over, will lie awarded for the following contests: First Steam Engines to run 100 yard; Hose Company to run 300 y arils, lay 100 feet of nose and throw water. Second Steam Engines to station with celd water, lay 100 feet of hose and throw water 108 feet from nozzle. Third Hand Kngincs to run 100 yards, 1 y 100 feet of hose, break, coupling, attach pipe and throw water. vourth Hose companies of 12 men, to run OUU yards wttn SOU teet ot hose ,ou reel, eith r i umeer or carriage . Fif h Hook & Ladder Companies to run 300 yards, limited to 30 men, and get man on top of 30-foot ladder. sixth Hose Companies, any team, to make ' and "break" five couplings in line " hose. Seventh Grand sweepstakes foot race. for Fireman of any Department on the north west coast; to run 300 yards; Foreman to certify active membership for 30 day?; the Illinois State Rules to govern. ' The above contests are open for all Kngine Companies in Oregon and Washington. It is also the intention to organize a State Tournament Association, at that time, to manage and control an annual tournament to be held at some convenient place in the State, and for this reason a large attendance of Firemen is desired. Half f ire rates will be given by the O. & C. R. 11., and O. 11. c fl. Companies. Our Companies in this city have been in vited to attend, and one of them should go asd show other places how we do it in Salem. WAMEtl. A lady teacher desires employment. Is competent to teach the common Eng lish branches and vocal and instrumental music. Has had many years experi ence in Eastern schools. Might act as antaniensis, or take entire charge of a family of children. No objection to the country. Can furnish the best of refer ences, ; Address Mrs. Jean Eksley, care of this o Jico. The bei of perfumes can alwaya.be had at HubV:l'. t VoKeS should neglect a couch. Take Halfe," '-tney f horehound and tar instaijter. : 'o m 1 t 1 1 i. : 3Ti ' iuuniavi.p aruis cure iu one h iu to- i 4 W EDN ESDAY, J I N K. 14. Vm j.f. Tom's Caiu.n. Thy Iriuhli-m jt I'nclb Tom's Cntiiii lis!. iwi,i";;, by f Jay Itiul's famous company, wm ni'.o of thts boat purformanci'S thut ulun has bad the opportunity of witiicssihg for a long time. The deaths of Iitttu Eva and of 1'iictu Tom aero very nlVoctin tindniwij' a li'iir of syitipalhy was sliod by persons in tho audit'ttce. Tim comic poi foi manecn of a " lawyer by tho luimo f Marks" wore liciittily npplaudud. Tho bloodhound scene was indeed grand. Tim liuii,it aim f:vil)y crowded, bih! the citizens of Hnlem nre alwnrs uillina to patronize a first- class performance, and as (his ceilninly is one, we predict crowded hoimes to 'day and this evening. Tim nintinte this nfii:r noon will commence at '2 o'clock. Mitnnqer Stcvhhan has kindly invited tho cleiuy of the city to le prcstnt at the remaining per formauces. The Matiskk. This afternoon at 2 o'oloek Jav Rial's (Vmnany will eive a matinee for the special benelit of the lfid: and childreu. Admission 50 cents, reserved scats 4 i cents, children under Id years, ii et ets. Let all who waut to hear a tmlv io- Urestiug pcrftirmance attend. rinsoscit Arum ki. -Haputy Whrrill' MuMattus, f Multnomah county, arrived in the tnoniiny; train yesterday, having n cuatoday Pete Hullivnn. one tf the. Bradley iransr, sentenced ly hi honor TtideeStott, to fife years in the IVuitert- tiary for nmnsluuhti-r. Tun.' Comjsm CojicKKT. Tlie I!o Khet for the Jnlu Itive Iling Concert will bo open this morning for flio general public. Reserved seats can bo had at Boon's boktore. There has atroady Ihihh 00 seats taken by subscription. Wu'iidviso all that wish to enjoy a line musical tiual; to fi::--t!;o their seats before they nil are taken. Will II isi;. l'.y rvferrins to the Su reme Court reiiH, it will be Rfcen that the decision of the court bnlow, in th caiifoftlie Slate of Oregon ajjainxt John C Powers, convicted of murder in the tint Wree, hai been aflinneil. Ho uill b Stin sentenced to he hung by .finite Blott, and then unless executive clemency iiiteriiswd h.i will be executed. lion. Milton Shannon, formerly OwiMy fud of this coni.tv, but now a rvaidciit f IVnton, is in the city. Mrs. Judge lird went to Portland j ester- .lay to visit friends and relatives in the me tropolis. lr. I.. I,. Itowinnd left for Portland yes. ten! ay aft-e rnoou to attend the State Wedi- eal Society now ifi Bcssien iu that city. Hon. N. B. Il'imphrey, of Albany, is in te cit v -attending Court. !l i. J. J. Whitney, Hepresentalive elect frjrn t.inn ce.uitty, is in the city oh left! hnsim-STi. Saibw, June 13, 1382. Comt im t al 2 i'. )!-, pursuant toadjourn- ment: l ief itt. fsra, C. J., aud tia'.ito, J. Staio of Oregoa vs John C. I'owi.t. The judgment of the Circuit Cunrt i-.f rmed. t ''oiuiou by Lord, -I A!l cases under tdvtscmt'nt ctiliuiil ni.il next term. Grdered that court adjourn fctne die. CAMi'-3ttTis Notice.--The Seventh Day Advcntists will have their animal eamp ena . uusincda weotiKif -on t.n fid ground, a!out two ini!t.'8 south of Sahnn, on the O. tV V. K. 11., beginning to-day, une 14th, aud continuing each day until the morning of Tuesday Ihe 20th. Antiul cer ul sr.eaHers win re present, niiton:: whom are Klder J. If. tVaswimer, t.f Oakland, Cal., find Chas. S. Ihivd, of nansas. tne nest pvovjaiou posoiiiie will be made for any who wish to remain on the grounds, and a cordial invitation to attend, is extended to all. Onions are freouently strewn iij-mi the grave ot woe. 1 ana has now fortv-five I'.ngtitsh or Amer ican bars. There's no more need of goini; ttursty m I utis tliaii there is iu Maine. We have received a good deal of rheumatic poetry tins spring, at least we indeed it to be so from the tann -ncss ef the verses. la Germany railroad conductors got P.H0 a year, in irnctica UiG rr-ai3 employ num to pml out how much the coiulueters do get. ItlAI, IMI1K TKi4t110. . ' ! s S. R. Hootl and wife to Catherine A. lluhloy, "20 aires in t 7 a, r ;! w; 1 250. oaiuiu .tonng, l railing, ntnt Mitppiug Uompany to v. ,1. llt rren w i of lot in Mock Bs'.in tho city of Salem !Sani. Lewis and wife to Miles Lewis, S.fi.M aclea in t It st 1 e; S00. X Haas anil wsfjto Viu Ktnitf ud H Mom-tie, fraction ofliif.'tu blK 4ft. JB the. CitV ot tatt'm; i.HMJ. F M Wade aud wife to AIomj Gesner, S'l, IS acres in t 7 s r 2 w; 82 tl, .lost-pli Stravens and Antlrew KJer l A Shindler, riubt of way for priv rfu road; 4-10. .lohuathan W'ngnsr t l-IHas Hurkhohter, :',0,!)l) acres! in 1 4 s r I u ; ; I . Itahel .Stayton to S A Jones, 6J acres of land in t '.) a r 1 w; J?ll. Lemuel Waiker to Charles Hassart, .'57 acres in t 8 a r 1 e; $200. James A L tney to Wm B .Stephens', 300 aorcs of hind; 2000. Trustees of WilllameUo University lo Chas H nitinres administrator. !). PI KM) news in t 7 a r 3 w; 1200. R Doty and wife to Trnsteos of Willam ette University, block 31 iu University - , t :l: ... i it. - !t e e-t t iiinuiioii io inu city oi oaiom: yi. w it Aiaj- ana wtro to same, tuock ;u in Willamette I'niversity addition to the citv of Halem: 'l. W.. it A Ray ahd wife to same, block 31 in University addition to the citv of Salem: 1. . " David V, I'ickena and wife lo same, block ;il in University addition to the city of Salem; ijl. S Friedman and wifd to saint), block Ml i. University addition to tho city of Saiem; 1. Jacob Martin and wife to same, block J in University addition to tho cily e Salem; 500. .svTisFAcrroir. Mrs J M Martin to J L Parridh and wife; gOOO. W. I!. Stephens to J A. Looney; 2500. W Stephens to J A Jjooncy; $250. SltliKSFIS In the ollice of the City Kocorder, by Recorder Bowie, Juno 13th, 1H82, Mr. Henry VanDoreii and Miss Jlohooca Neal, all of Aiarion county. Atler Six Venrs!" San Fham-iwo, Cal., May 30, 18-Sl. H. H. Warner & Co.: Sirs To your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure 1 aaciil.o the restoration tf my wife to perfect health, af ter six years of nervous t -miction from dis eased kidneys aud liver. Charles E. IVikum. At a Stanp. Tho water at Portland was 2G feet above low water mark yesterday; and from reporia Irom up tlie Columbia and Snake rivers, it ia probable that the water has reached its highest, and will now recede. Not much damage has been done. Wanted. A good head sawyer in steam mill. Inquire of J, G. Wright, Saleiu, THURSDAY, JUNE 15. I'mi.k Tom's Cabis. Ths rendition of 1'ucln . Tiiin's f'abitt, last evening, by Jay tiial'a eclohratrd coiiipuiiy was a grand suo ccms and worthy of mention. This famous cvMiipany is without doubt the finest that his ever visited this city. The matinee yenterday afternoon was largely attended. Tmi DRbAvei). The 10 20 traiu was delayed two hours yesterday morning by (wo of the ears being thrown off the track nt Hiiidiaid. U was caused by a rotten te giving way, letting tho rail fly imt of pla'-o and thus riinuing the train off (In track. No damage was done to the Coaches or pnsseii(er)l. Mi 'Bonoba WiTHettKLU Of the nmiiy attrnctioiia which the management , of the Wojpdburti Festival have secured for that occasion, none will be more at trnctiva than the elocutionary display of Miss Wjiherell. This young lady deserr- edly ranks as one of if not the Very best elocutionist of her sex in the State. ittcttcr.at The Trustees f h Willamette Uni- vei-ftity in tlmir annu:il meeting yester day, voted the following degrees, which will be conferred to-day at 10 o'clock: ISaehelor of Arts, Mary Caroline Starr; Mauler f Arts, iMiltoii T. Crawford, Henry II. Hewitt, Madison L. Jones and Uiehmond Kelly, Duutor of Divinity, H, K. 1 lines, William Ilohorta and Ne h,!,'asjfjt I'sua. The degree of Doctor id Meilieine was also voted upon E. E, (lonelier, Robert Lyall, J. T. MeCorrnao, Mary , Vandeijioole, John 0. Whiten- lirr, Ed. T. Walkins. James Whotham, T. V. 15. Kmhree and S. J. Eslcs. Mo?af Orasb Loihie. The Grand Ijodgn, A. V. and A. M. , of Oregon, is now in session in Portland. Tho folloi mg othrers Itsve been elected: BI. W. (.'. M., J. N. Dolph; D. W. O. M., Geo, W. Writ!hl, of tluhm; 8. O. W., J. C. Pullerton, of Rsbiirg; O. T., Jscob Mayer; O. B., F. J. Babcoek, of Salem. A lat;e amount of routine business is be ing dono and the session will not be closed before Thursdsy. The above named officers will probably be installed on that day. Autos? as ItrM. Teste rday a white horse Rtta-het to one of Mercer & Far- rich's drays took a lively spin down Com mercial street, and turned into Ferry street, at the posloflice corner. If it had not been for the brave conduct of Chief Engineer Strang, who boarded f ho dray, picked up the lines and stopped the fright- eued animal, we would d"uh'less have been ablo to furtibh our readers with first-class item. PoPTt Aso Oreoos CtAss!si.-The Pori- land-Uregon Claesis will, hold ita annual lueetiti iti the Meridian Church, near Wilgonville.on tb3 KHliinat, , at 7 .30 r. n. The retn iug president, Rev. J Mnellbaupt, wtll pi-each the etiitig sertuon. On Sun day ne-t the new Meridian Church will be (tetitcfltwl by the pastor, Rev. J. I!o.f. isniritiitir kkrises. Fid! i 'mi! is the programme for to-day, c mtnfcrtriitis; at 10 A.Jf: ltHeneemettt of UVIlego of Liberal Art's. Mrtnte. Prayer by Rev. N. Htwne, I. D. M i . . "Tly,' by Mr; Starr. M OKI-. liimmenoement address, by Kev, H. K. limes. !. l. M ui. l'nf rt!Ug degrees, Attnmuii-emeul of prises. Musits. Ienetttetion, by Itev. William Roberts, D. r. Thursday, June 13, 3 P. M commence ment of t'otiservatory of Music ( IIM t IT t'OI'BT. Boipb, J. The followiug grand jurors were drawn: Jtdm B. ljotmpy, foreman; W, O. Evans, Robert Whitney, T. If. Mclntyre, Lewis lAtfore, W. T. Grim, and J. L. EofT. Cha3, Swtnjle vs C WahL-Coutinuod for tho term. Oilhert Pros, vs Miller. Judgment by default. Uohlernpss va llolderness. Default en tered, and Chas. B. Moores appointed referee to take testimony. Weaver vs Weaver .Divorce granted. Emma Moar vs Ralph and Fred Helm. I. A. Stratton appointed guardian ad litem for the defendants. D. M. Cooper vs N. Whealdon. Ar gued and taken under advisement. MoCallistor vs McCallister; defendant refuses to plead further. J.A.Apple- appointed referup. ' '," Moiilyi; raTri3iJjdsniurrer 4o at- lorni-yV fee setfup in defoanfs answer. lieinurrer sustained. State of Oregon vs Shopper; pleads not foiilly. Stale nf Oregon vs Williams; two charges; pleads guilty to both; to be Bott- teiKvd Friday at 1 p. m. Ellen Wootl vs Joshua Wood. E. J. Dawne appointed referee. Anl;eiiy vs Fairview Milling and Ditch Co. Cause on trial. " REALIZED. Wo take pleasure io announcing that ths endeavor to produce a perfect reinetly, agreeabVto the taste, aud prompt,' painless and elfeoHve in its action on the Liver, Stomach and Bowels has been successful, and that thtifliitter, nauseous medicines foruoi ly hhimI for "this purpose are rapidly bcooniini; thfngs of the past. Syrup of Figs -is the new nnrt plojtsaut remedy. All druggists sell it. Hodge, Davis & Co. have been appointed stfients for Oregon. - . . , Tub New Tru. The powerful Iron tug I'ioncKr, recently bonght in 1'hiladelpliia by tho Portland Tag Co., is being pot in readi ness for her voyage around tho Horn. . Hho will sail about July 1st, and ia expected to arrive at Portland between September 20, and October 1. An eastern Captain ' and eiow will bring her out. tK asm. A first- class upright piano, warranted fur six years, for sale cheap. For further information inquiro of Prof. E. A. An drew, at, Woman's Collage. Hour many a sweet face is marred Hy yellow teeth' and failing cams, And mouth and lips all hot aud bard. And breath doep-taiuted as it oomes; " And yet, with S0Z0DONT, we may Keep all these dire defects at bay. For SAK.-iA fine Dobby two soatod family Lack, noarly new. Will be sold cheap, it applied for early. For further jiarticulajs, enquire of D. F. Waonkr, VV F. A o.'s Express office. Laditjs tlcstiriag summer clothing will do well to or" on F. ftirmenter & Co., who havo a larj toftk oa hand and wlil sell the wtie at pr ' at defy competition. E iTlti K a I have found it." Thia ia K excUmatio of every person that has bought a hotth, tt " Bun ton's Celebrated Hsir k""" '.! W.. Matthew. $m store. n nn n nv.it v i 1 11 t; c r n u v For the sonvenlenes of llnuiJura, wa win fmliii-h nialer approrrlute htrudrl, cftpltit at rtaotintitf. rats ESSEX SWINE. O W Hti.ST, WhlteHker, Or, LEICESTER SHEEP. OW BUST, WUHeaker, Or. Master's Sale. In the Circuit Court, "f the t'nitwl RtaUs f'r th dls The tnIM States, eomiilalnant, William C. OrtswolJ, Amite! Btili, litnte H. tiur- nett, Andrew KMy, TIhwiss A. Mauzey, W. H. Holmes, rieiijsmln Hayilent William 0. WoikI worth, J. If. Albert, Klwanl Chaniherlln, William B. MA, Wllllitm M. WalMi.ita, flm.rir H, Durhum H. Y. ThtmMon, Winiam I air mil nuti James W KrsmMb, flcinndHiiOi: TSaTOTK'E l rtemliy irlren tht In piirftiance rf a i t( decree ef said cwin inatlc and entered on the twelfth (l;!)dv of Ansnisf, A. 11. el?htwn hiin"rJ and elKht..v-on,(1MHI , I, William fi. illlrrt the Mas ter U Vhincary of said winri will ereed U seii al tillhHr. .it. tr in l.t.rl.t l.l.l.l. ...i. int..... I I sahject to redemption at ths fmiit door f the Vnnrt Martori, and st i.f iiimfon, m TiiesdH), the aoih tiny or June, A. D. sitrhtetA hinulrml and ehtitv (mulfeiai. at ths h'.inr'f half tKutf. Steven n'rUmk in tlu; fort-noon of said d-, all the rtKht, Kile an. I intern tthit-h the li(nd ant William c. Urhnrtdd hl "i-n the thirtieth (30 our tif July, A. V. eUfitt-!ipu hnndre'l and snventy-ntne (inmi, or nasnntin .iiirt-tt, in aim ft me ruiiaw djrilia nrsiniafs, ti nil: Lot aamheml ein-ht mi in hloefe Kh. tn firth and block numbered eivlttern (H, and lot nnnttHirifd nnc (it twn.isi. thrr (Hiand hMirdim hlihrk numtteretl thlrtr-six ;M)t in the inly of Salt- m, etunfy rf Marion and atats of Ortartin; ttvithr with ali atid ainirnlar tns wmfcrr ftowrr, matr works, nrlA-i!!(fi a, lx-a sihi srtptirtnatR unit, aul r-it-y twittfttittir. tid ru aity bt-lfne stild free antl ulear of anv mtriirae liens or eiaiins m any m toe sie umm ueiendants. W 11,1.1AM li. lilijttKKT Hastxr In CIhumwv of ths i:innlt Onirt trf the Unite State ftir the distnet nt tinsf'tn, tt'f. Hi, lit. sr Master's Sale. fn Hi fjtmilt C'i.nrt of the tnltl Stfjn for the dls- trtd tit iirtwftm. Tl l!iltled States, onmelaitnoit Wlttlam C. OHmdtl Jmiv O. Oriawntl, and Asahel Pnatt. drfendantff. "AjOTICK 1H HRRgltT r.tVf.H that in iirstianee orrrw oi mm eotiri. wtatie aitii riittirttti -,n trie tsslllh fi'iiiiay of Atigtiit, A. u. nttto.-ti Ituitflr and otrhty-oitr (ISSII, I 'llliam R. tiiilirU the Has lr i OiSMeery tA ttiil ettutt, will firttcettd Ui sell at soetkin to the bigbpiA hiiliier, rtth itt hse!, sui-ltrert U retientplluft, t lite fnml ) of the euurt bouse oi Karlon etetittr at Anlf?tn iti Ihe etint tl Slarltm, ww sie oi ttrr'Ui, oo Tuesday, the Oilt laj of .lime, A. I. etshtt htthrfreil atxf ft-Mj- lo (li2X at the rtetir oi iwtve opittcs, of sattt day, all th! rig 'it, thirst! Uttrtt lii-li the 'MntMtattU Wii. Ham C. Ortswohl set! Jsne O. t;ii..l.i had on Uns thirtietli (39) day of JaH, A l. eighteen htirfltwl smt rvmtt ultie (1873), ot bate alien winirt-tl, in antl lo tne roit-wtnit at-milNHl prmtis, lt tt: AH ot bl.wfk imttthenetl tbinvjhiltt C!HI arif! lot numbered me (I) Ih b!"ek titmitiercti ttiriy-iirven (17) te ths CWv wf fiilcta, etmiity of Marion, aiitl state of Ores-oil, subjret however. Us s mrifu?e ti said ftreitoses i, rite Htautl & ht-htKti ijmh.i t-miftusManers wnsBee tine tv-tn;; stitit t, thousand cititiam Wll.i.fAM B. riH,l!ERT. Msster In Chaiwstry "f the V r,-nit tUmrl of the Umtett states lor tlie tlltrt-t if tirin. lfe. 14, 1SSI. 4 8UMM01NS. la the Clmilt C(trt of Vtri-o IVmute, State of Emma Moar. PIsintifT, Ralph Helm and Tred. Hi-m, f eiwlHUts. vs. Te Balpfa Helm ami Fir I Httlm, s-ud defetitlutts: In ths same of the St'e .if tm en. ma and each o fm ar berhruttiiitd wl n tiiirl U be and sp pear in Uteaberc tutnifl lt.i, in tbealKise entitled salt, and uwir th enmptsiitt DM si--i roe trtttrt-tr dt sal.l ptmntttf. Montltty, the l llh dT ol Jttne, 1SSS. tbt befttie tb Srw -lar tht- term ,rf said Court Mlmriitg the e,trsti.ni ul the time pro seribed fur tlie ptiltli.iti.t .f this nimuwns, wiu vtB are IxHiSetl tlutt if trm (ail to aoiwar ttml answer Sfttd etitl!iit, s afitreeaid. for lltt; watit limrmA, th rMsittttff in mi-ply to Html r'.tttrt for tlte reMtf prarert fttr ia sattt e.tntil-,ttt. It wttr rr a tlt-erttcd partition, tHtweew the ntstnttS tted flte detftttianti. of Ms Hes. sra snd tM. in hi- k So n-i-enteen, ltd lot rSo. I t..( ! in t.l, Tto. ii;lit (Si !l in the ejtv of Ralem, ItfMii.m e'i!itv. r-t ,'.e t,f ttrc-fon. ttattl prtttj tt he mde te. thst plaintiff shall hre S-51 thra.afit. ttM of-tttt-t-it it, f, mt -t( M sttwd tteftmrlant one fi tin tl-it thste4 in f ei but it partition 4 shH itremsms tsmiMtt !te matje, then a tie. ere li sat thai- they be snt.t an-1 the pMwrds llterettf dttkted anttHls Slid JVMtifr. st- trtHit ttt their re-BMHiee inter.-. te. rHe .wr sttil tlWbttreements to be ftid bf asid parties, arairtrd'lt tft their rotpecl o e ntt4trert. B twdertd Hon. it. P. J hretd Mtitl Court beaeint date of March St, Imt, thii nimnvms is Ul t ttejrod tf ptjblethinj tlw fix eoiisretitire weeks in the VVrtdti? Ktsteeman. ete. Si. liASKLnil ' gtltoMHK KAMSEY, - AU'rs for the Plaintit. SUMMONS. In ths Wreuit Ctmrt of the SUtt .d .Oregpn, f.r the t,HinrT oi aiarton. J,i Jnrdan PlaintiiT. Alma B- .'urdaui, Cvfentknt. Tit Alma B. Jftrt.te.R. the ahot-e ttjtin- d 'hfeedant: In the name nf the HUle of Oreg-on. rn are herebt- retpiired to appear and sittnm-r tlte enrntlaint filed rtprainst you in the sbme entitled snit, on nr Wefore theseend llontiay td Jntte, lSi; snd if yttn fail et tt, natrscr, for want tlieretf, tlie filaintifT "Witl p;tlr to Ihe altoe entitled f Vtttrt fora decree dissolving the tuarrhure ctolmet mtw e.itHi"ir Itetween tttnrsel and said pliunlitt. lor the eare and etwt'nlt' of the minnr child, and for plaintiff 's routs stl disbursements in tns suit Ami jm are further ntttilttl that this mim moiis is served tiwtn t-en hy ptihtietttiun, hy order of ths HtMt. R. P. IMw, Jii'.e tif Baitl fottrt, nttvle at ehatnbers, en tlte ad day id AltriJ, 152, directing thai said snntrntms he published for six tfititteentiTe wees in theOretpm Weekly Sialesmsn, published at SiUem, Marion e.ite, th-egtin. t K 3. PAW NF, .T-wSvr Att- ft.r I'laiiittlT. SUMMONS. In the Ctreuil Cotirt nf the St-tte of Orcjon fur Ihe tVrtJitty tif Marittn. Hannah Hotdernetw, plaintiS, ) s ' 8. M. Heldflrwess, defentlnnl. I Te 8. M. Hoiderueas, mid defendml: lu the name of the State ot Orefron, y are hertby summoned and required to appear and answer the itmiplaint Bled gainst yon in 11 te ahovs utitied suit in the above named court, on or before the first day of the next ensuing term of stidtmntt, to ait: ou Monday, the 12th day of June, 1882, and if yui fail o to appear, for want thereof plaintitT will take a decree asainst you for the relief prayed ft In her ertmphunt, to trit! for the dissolutifm ef the bonds id mntrimonv hereto fore and now existinar betwttn vou and saitl nlaintift. and for costs and disbumenienttt. Servtoe of this snimntttts is wade hv miblii-atinn hv vtrtueof su order bv ft. P. fltiifti. .Imiiretd said court. msde on tlte &th day of April, lb:?. sSwe J. A. bTRAl-ntfi, Attiritev for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. tn the Circuit Court of the M-ile of Qrosron for the County ef Han-n. Annie Honssker, phwniiff, j - tF ... . I- ttll . -rj HiBisaser. difetKiaiit. I 1 C Hunssker, W'Sl name of the XU?2'Sl Tfm,""i' answer the mitviuoTni. traiot " ? nililJcl suit by ths 13th day of June, l. Brw day uf tlie next regular term of mud eoui Vm ftul 1 ttiKiiwee i.i.l t.l.h.t.iir b-1 t.l.. . 1 .-jrec SIS soiling the hniids of matrimone lnuwt eu yofeV'"1! her, and for custody nf the children. Summons ltttb. liBh.tii by order of Hon. It. P. l'. .i.e, Jtidjre, tiau-tl Apiil 2-Jd. 1SS4. J. A. AI'PLKOATE, p-S'Ml riaititifi's Attorney. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Nr iTWSK is hereby riven that the nnderaijrncd, tKlutnisUntnc tif the estate tif frank 8. tilttvor, llu f M i'iim onuntv, t'rpff.ni, deeessed, tin tiled in the 'JuUnfv Ceurtof said enunty hi3 final account as SIK' i adtuaiistrator, and that (Saturday, tha 1st dav of Muy, at o'clock a. m., at the ltnnty Court iiti'iu tn hhju county, Mas ooen oetl by lion. J. J. BIibw, Aidue nf said eonri,, as the time am" place for hearing objectious to said secnimt, or the settlement Ihereof. JOHN O. WRIGHT, Msrcll 54 Ifc82w4 Atlm'r of Haiti eatxte. FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given thttt Lite midei-HtKned, exee eeutorsof the last wid id Matilda fvtviurt;, deeeasetl, hata this day Hied in the C'riuntv Otvnrt nf 1lw ttal ef Oreuofi for ths enmity nf Marion, tlictr linal ac count in stud estate, and Mcnday. the .Id day of July 18XJ, bus beta afifitiiitteti fi r hearing the same. All pentonb intereHt.d are Jwreby notittcd aitd required lo apftear liefore said oe-urt on said tly, in the cmirt house, iu Saleru, in a.t d ct-uuty. then ami tliere to Bhow cause, If any there be, why suiil seemint should not be allowed and (aid executors be tlisehaisroi. UIC I.N U. SAVAlifL ALFRED SjAVAOK, May 20, 1682. Administrator's Final Notice.4 NOTC E is hereby triven that the midt rm'rjned hs tliis day filed in the Uouiity Court tf ariu .uunty, Ortaron. his final aeeouiit as a liniiiistnctor of the estate of John M. Puiih. tie.oeHnvl. and that Sat urday, tbe 2oth day of Mny, at 10 o'etoek . M. has been appttintad by said eotirt fur hearhig objoc ions to said final acetmnt and the settlement thcretd All persons Interested iu said estate are hereby re quired ta appear in said cnu-t ou enid day and show eause, u any mey nave, wny saiti account shonld ttot be allowed and settled, and said atlaiu.istratir dis charged. Tliis notice is published hy order of Utm J. J. Shaw, Judge of said Court, ton te uf even dale herewith. - i Dated April IS, 1982. J. A. STItATTON, Admin'rof the estate e J, M. Pugh, deeeaat-,1. f C. W. JEFFREY, VETERINARY SURQEOK, -: Graduate ot the Americas Veterinary Collpflfe, .New York city, haa lowiea euuem. ur. vans matte w any part ox Ui. cuntry. Officeat Gaines Fisher's Livery Stable. . Salem, Dec 15. dr MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Farms, 170K A TKRM OF TEARS DiTEREST AT JP lowest rates. Jfo extra chsrere. Inquire at "aUnh.PeeSdw- liUlMA..H liJKO'. PIONEER DALL, AT THK State Fair Ground TbarMlar I venlntt, Jn is, 1SS. HONORARY COMMITTEE t HON. MKHOItUM CIlAWFOrtD, of i amnio. Al ZIF.BKIt, Mt.lti.mnah. T. If. COliNELIt'H. Washington county. i. v- A, fvi,i-ti, t .tttsop. CLAEK P.RWLKV, Tillamook. S. W. MOSS, Claekamas couuty. J. W. lifilM, of Marion county. KI. IJKr.nSlfMU'i'T, Polk, J. It. BAVf-KV, lie.iton. THUS. MONTEITH, Linn, M, Wil.KIKS. i.e. TITOS. PM IT if, liotifllas. JOHN IiOSS, Jackson. CHAS. IWanm, Josephine. JOHN P. MHJtKB, Lake. Z. f. MOOHV, The Dalles. W. W. TUAYKR, Multnomah. R. K. CHADWHJK. Marion. H. P. K A I! HART, Multnomah. I). I'. THOMPSON, fllultnomali. EI). HJliHCH, Marion. J. W. CKAWFOUH, Marlon. CUIUS TAYLOR. Yamhill. Mll.LARO If. KKES, Marion. RECEPTION COrVIMITTEE: K. P MeCORMACK, Wsseo, STKI'JIKN HTAAT8, Polk. 1). II. MURPHY, Miiltuomah. JAS. KLKINS, .Linn. DR. J. B. l.K.K, Ileutttn OKO. A. F.DKS; Marion. U A, HEEU, Marion. FLOOR MANAGERS: D. H lW5Kr,T. f'ftl.V HARKKU, J, E. t'OOPEIt, J. O. WIlJOlIT, JOHN W. MINTC, W. L. liULil" JIliMli' K. OIE-SV. BKtT A f ARSEf-ft C( flFSTKA. ef rrl land, re LitKUEed- TICKETS. M 00. The public are cordially invited. Pioiiffr Ticale June lJlh. Annual Address by HON. JAMES K, KKLLY. lecaaionat Adtlress on tha ' immiiTra- tit.n of 1843. by HON. F. A. CI1ENO- WETH, of Corvallis. SA1WLEUY. f- -A.F.YORK Has ctmstantly or hand and for sale all luaiuter (JJ HARNESS &UD Si DOLES WHIPS, BITS, Sashes, CoIIare, Bpurs, Saddle trees, etc, AH of t!.e LAlim .t Most Approved Styfes, ad of t.est niske and of bet m-itertal Aftleles Sf.-hi mtu ranted to be as ee.irertettttid. Farrar's Block, Ftatet st. . GAINES FISHER, rsoratjnros e? ts LIVERY, FEED, AHD SUE 23T?A23XsIi:. ; henii lieta tilserai. Corner ef C-juEaerd ! and fiad street i SALEM, OREGON. tW Csrrlaee, Buifirj, am" Saddle Horect to Let ' a reastmable rates. Particular atlenUoa paid JkRvdirt and Trvnt leut HUxk decas DENTISTRY. Dr." J. C. BYRD, SXXSJ PrartKal ttd,"rrti , X), o ii t i s t , SALEM, ORaCOH.! Omri oter rsafntrusf's beet and sh.it tte e" ne I'-unii aj-ta.t! street. SALEM DE&.T & HACK Co . i. CK.VKBAI. m& FORWARDING AND Com m i K! i on. IjlRKlOiHT and baexre forivded and - deiiwred 1 with dispatb. I'UtXisaftti t-.trttiture tevelurlj moved. All kinds of hading done vb h eith-r I rack, lirai. or Yiteoa. All orders ftj h.Kl nTtHEiitly at tended to, day or nihl ofl.ee. otte door west of the Bank. 11 w rsbUitii, rrnpnesor inrcwT rs'TT r'fT'T i Children FOR JeiV. Mf rs tecommend list IT IS KOT NARCOTIC. CtarTATJIiLLSIJirNTS; thf World's great I'.aiii-Keljeviiig rciiMMlics. They heal, sooths and cure BornSs'Woi ndK,Woak Bacli atiu ItJieumatism upon ISIaii, a:ul Spraiu, Oalls, and I-aiuo-ixcss nion Eeasts. Cheap, liulci and reliable. SPURTS of diSSf.iBS 'Kaen crpntioK, Crackling Paiis i-a th ltea?, TeV.ti. Brnatit, Eoafses, eJ aay C;itar-Ual Complaint, can fcrsex toxioiiiated hy Wei Ic lil-tyert Catarrb Car, a Coastife tijisI Aa tidoto by Ahsorptioa. jTliorac-.tl-i' portant XJitKiovery aiaco Vaccina ti or fnlEriSiO fJSProettrctl for nil sol ii5rT s .,.,- Tbe elightee duzrVtity entitles to petrejoa rNSinMfi.lMtlfrACeni I j Bmmty nrul new tlisdutrgr-a pronrre'X Those in 1 tioiif it us trk whether ertr itln. I tn . . I. : I aa shonld sent! two .'te.. stamps for or "t 'ir enlaur of Information." Address, TP'ta tamps, STODDAItT & CO.. Solicitors of anion aud Patents, 413 G St.jii. W, Washiugton, i. ti ISELLPOS' i Most patents. Lt-4. lil i mm tar.. .. . lfas4TjB.vT or Hk.it. ot flarr 01 II 1 Agntt Twtei. T. M. AiVTISELl 4 CO Can Market Pewtfl, S, P Cat TtiE crr.,"iV.:;?i tsitr.-;-. : t. ' .nt- r.--r- I' ; , ' i, I t :'.:. i;t 1K-1 i '.j r.et - s. 7f"i V ' SiJ.'C"'.v i; 1. . .!' 11 rf. a i( . ; . r I ' - ir' I.. fl ..i:e,i t 1 " ',"r - ii.t:t"ri:r. ' 5.. .... irn '-"-o-'n ,4 ' t:--M-i. 11 , J"f:- S' 1 I U it. I t- .1. w in tti -Oi f., ij 4 : 44 to 30 DAYS RIAI I eAs fr& s1 'STer .-X. -i WE WILL EtNO, m 30 DAYS' TRIAU SU. BYE'S Elaslro-Ycitaic Appliansss BTiflV-rf'jr fffM r"u W :tli.ii-i.sl-fia, Ors-ir a-i- r-.iti iv; ii""t 4ci mi I "H! t;Al'riV. f-r 10 nny fi !t;r! ; V fl w i'l; l:i.'i;m(if t!-':), N" n1 "a. J - t i J f - Ki'lltf'y Of .IV'T ttH'-t,u:v .:V,r ;:. t fltip tnn-, iiii I tiUvr hi" a"- f ,r.,.i:, v r 11 f f '1 '-"'s ' ' S rf t KIwtH- A itfj- iUnt linv lref-f r n I ni.oti 'i3ttiff ?ri: rl 'In.-ir h"touz,i i-i ;?;(!' v X' '- h 11 Hit'l Itu'y 1 lftri"l 4rtlrr,ctrij iiw ;ailiil f i 'f 4i-rft tttr-lr rrne. vfeKv( 'i J1 trrfof ualion fre-: 1 UtTAIC BEIT ar-v.AlK W' H aMIiWll 1 At ... C.-l ' M iV4 H 1-4 fci UfH, Hv-n lar'-rr SSnrner-s ftaie HHs ate fit l:n"-e. t"J stinm'-s f..ro 1 true. 1. vr. and nre I e.t v -riefi, lvt.rfie-1a Lilijn' . ii.Ji'iu I Itrri-'fi, ttlttrtM e'ever Rrtd Ajtue, ana are n 'Kill us tlre- in ner.i-jy It - t,-t.- tci (TJO1--1 Ifn?"! rt-i;ui.tr an,. .n of lilt H'.-.via. Tne b3t f.l.t- dnte f tit ail rl alartal lon..iti. Fro, a la Wmir" Kre fori inr 'ee ly trvt V.i antl Mtt-p to tlie s'.ilTf-rrltjr. earw Heaiat tie an t NetjrttlsrrH. rreventu F.imenT'C Fits, and ii Int. betit rentetly ff.r Jer;-..: lJrotit?r;..t;oo brts- trt tin hy ii'i-.e.ve drinkt'tg, ovi-r-warK. met.tA! t r fc aiiti '.'.'.er ex.t-efi ft ret ev.-t 'lie r I of till l.'---t Mv- ctid i.- JieTer imur.utti tti ui Ttitir '1 ne Itest of al. Ntrvifti. i.uif uf T' 4 f, ii- . - ?. e- S ar tier's HnUt 'J -1 r. i I -1 jties ytefit3fc.J, f.J it.t -ttiaia. f. Ji- - - e- ' v-; Kin? of ths Slood fare n Scrrnu!Ti rF 'in nnj flifr r'tlf ie from lnir'iri:y ot tJjj vitrei, it n nrsi to fiiKHnij ail, art tm ii(f'T.T,-f n timhuv it tijif fens; hut S' tn,fu?x, f'mftt f u.trt, J t'-rid' v, Grntrt, tSuwIlt'ip., A.f--., art t ft in'n!- C'i-irmn, at SCROFULA. P. TtAWB.-rtT, Co.: T- the V'nrF.i of ail braubseU with rx.TOfi.!a or Iciiiire Iixi ia ih;T syrtu. , T litrel rwir.! t..i 7 of ti.e ti.ol. I have Ihn n troubi -wnh v-crnfui 1 1 t Uie pi. u n fwt, which ao afftHrtt-d my eye? tlat i va. it pelef Mind for bik tnouifi. L va nWtn"ifttrYil to try King of the BifrixJ, whK ti hnu prornl a L'itat oiessmsf in me. at it f.m mipk-TA ly curr I tnf aud I cfwtri'uily rcoxttffiitil it to in I iiaabie,! stf i iuva If AC S. WirUrHiUfUXirt, tAftl-r.-sTi, ?T. V mH he pnid t any Pnbhft HfHnjital to T mufvi ally asrreeti uptm, for every eerdticate of tiua neii ta pubaal! tj vs wltich is mL venujne. Its Ingvedien4'- 5 ., Tt ... 1. us. . , . .. lAy (fiffiiMtfiN,. ,f frrli iir.N,!a ton as- rtt;4C' u WA V ,s5- Jtta 1' - WILL CERTAINLY CURE Coughs,. Colds, Hoarseness, Sort Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth ma, Whooping Congh, Croup, audi every Affection of the Throat, Lung? and Chest, including Co sumption. Sold by all Erng-gist. THE HGSr. VGr.DEFUL 1JT EXISTENCE. THS FAMOUS duplex mmi if CUItKS Without (he Aid of SIf Jlciiit! For full ijifornjt!on, read! Circulars, SIRS. tt. P. HI irtBHtlB, tbe Agent, Is now in tha eitv, s;,n.i.;i!ij at thr-.t HEMEKETA 10 urrf. from l? to, anil vir mrm mm JVr"- e'"J JL sintt IMnUpss iu r-t. Hrdirias sterr. jM.ilf Vf Vris snrp. tmi