The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, March 27, 1872, Page 4, Image 4

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Pakis, March 16. A compromise
1ms bem affected between Thiers and
the Budget Committee oil the war es
timates, wiucn are rraueeu to iu,uuu,
000 francs.
London, March 17. A meeting
wni oe neiu to-morrow nignt at t.
George's Hall to commemorate tlie an
niversary of tlie Communist uprising
in i-ana.
A coal train ran off the track yester
day near Cardiff. A railway guard
was killed, thirty cars wrecked, and a
cottage near the railroad track de
The London Ohtcrrer states that at
a meeting of the Cabinet yesterday the
American reply to Lord GrnnvllTs
note was received and discussed. It
produced a favorable impression, and
was regarded as furnishing an opening
for further arbitration on the basis of
arrangement provided by the Treaty
or vv ajihington.
I Dubun, March 17. St. Patrick's
anniversary was observed throughout
Ireland. j o disturbances reported.
At Drbgheda there was a great open
air celebration, at which speeches were
made upholding home rule and de
nouncing the Government for refusing
to pan ion renlan prisoners.
Neat York, March 17. It is stated
that fuly twelve millions ot Erie stock
Is now under the control of Jay Gould.
Half of it is his private property. It
is rumored that he has retired from tlie
Hoard merely to be enabled to renew
the nght.
The Delaware, Sackanaw and Wes
tern and .New Jersey Central Jftui-
roiids Iiave made a consolidation of
interests under which tlie usual divi-
' dends tvill be paid on the stock of both
companies. Tlie ordinary business
. will be, as heretofore, subject to the
general control of a Joint Committee.
Cleveland, March 17. The pow
der mills of the Austin Powder Com
pany, situated about live miles south
of hcrej blew up yesterday afternoon
with a series of heavy explosions.
Three hundred kegs, or about four
tons of powder, being fired. Two
men named Leonard and Sherman, at
work in one of the mills, was blown
In pieces, fragments of their bodies be
ing thrown hundreds ot feet away.
1 hree other men at work in the vicini
ty were more or less Injure. The
mills were blown to atoms, and the
gmundi for acres around were strewn
with fragments. Nearly every build
ing in the city was sliaken by tlie con
cussionL and- quite a commotion was
caused among the Inhabitant. Tlie
loss to the powder company is about
Bangor. March 17. It is snowing,
attended with a very severe gale. On
the European and North American
Itailroad the snow drifted fearfully,
some (fnlcs being twlve feet deep.
home trains were delayed 43 hours.
. A dispatch from ht. Johns says
another storm is impending. Nothing
like tlie storm of tlie past two weeks
lias been experienced for years.
Chicago, March 17. The Interna
tionals held a meeting at tlie Globe
Theater to-day. About 400 persons
mostly-French, Germans and Scan
dinavians, were present.
The Irish societies celebrate St.
Patrickii day to-morrow with a ban
quet, b.lj , etc.
t New Oti.eans, March 17 Joseph
S. Washington, tor tliirty-tive years
reporter of the 1'icayune, is
The Hibernians celebrate St. Pat-
lick's day with a grand procession.
Philadelphia, March 17. The
election of State Senator In the 5th
District, on the 15th, to fill tlie vacancy
caused by the death ot Mevens, re
nulted in the return ot Waddell, lle-
puhhean, by 500 majority.
Wamiixotox, March 17. No offi
cial information lias yet been com-1
mnnicated as to the spirit with . which
the letter of Secaetary Fish to Earl
Granville has been received. Gentle
men in high official position, however,
think that conflicting views ot the
Governments have been reconciled.
J. B. Dillon, of New York, present
Secretary ot the Society for the Sup
pression of Obscene Literature, is here
for the purpose of having the law re
garding this subject amended so as to
Jiave penalties more severe.
The committee of Ways and Means
have not yet completed the tariff bill.
It will not probably be reported until
toward the close or the present month.
Members say they will not have time
to revise tlio tariff thoroughly this ses
sion but will report changes in some
frincipal articles, and enlarge the
free! list on tlie basis of the recom
mendations of the Secretary of the
Several weeks tvill elapse before the
. New Orleans special committee will
make a report.
St. .1 'amok's day came in with a
snow storm. The day was generally
observed In Catholic churches, and
various Hibernian societies attended
the services.
Memphis (Tenn.) March IS. A des
perate fight occurred at President Is
land, five below this city, yesterday.
Deputy Sheriff Rodegan went there for
the purjiose ot arresting a negro, John
White, who for some time lias been a
terror to tlie negroes living there.
Rodegan was met by a large body of
armed negroes, who proposed to assist
in making the arrest, but stated that
White liud barricaded his cabin and
would make a desperate fight, Rode
gan approached the cabin and demand
ed the surrender of White, who refused,
saying tliat he would be murdered by
the negroes if he did. After a further
parley one negro approached tlie cabin
and was shot dead by White, who I
rushed out, secured his gun, and in a
few minntes shot another. He was
wounded as he retreated to his cabin,
from whieh lie opened a sharp fire,
wounding four others. Rodegan, see
ing that It was Impossible to dislodge
hiin, sent to the city for assistance,
Deputy Sheriff Cohen' summoned
posse, who went oyer and proceeded to
tike measures to burn vv lute's house.
On seeing this. White surrendered.
After his arrest It was with the great
est difticulty that the negroes were
kept from shooting the villain even
threatening to shoot the officer if he
was not delivered to them. White
was brought to the city jail.
Nrw YORK. March 18. A South
Carolina dispatch says there are vague
rumors mat Henry ucrry, or the i.ow
ry gang, lias recently shot himself, ac-
cideutly, or tliat he has fled the coun
Wm. L. Flagg, who says he was one
of the victims whose testimony before
the Custom House Committee was
called a downright Ho by special agent
iiowe, publishes a card re-attlrmmg his
original statement that Howe settled
tlie oopjier case for f 1000.
The House Committee on the sale of
French arms, has practically concluded
its investigations and woufd examine
no more witnesses. General Dyar is
the only officer whose testimony thev
desire in order to make tlielr review of
facts complete, .but the evidence of Col.
Bennet and Gen. Dyer's own examin
ation by tlie Senate Committee will
supply tlie deficiency.
Sax PitANCinoo, March 18 An ur
gent apieal will he made to the Legis
lature to allow provision to be made by
Kin Francisco for the continuation of
Golden Gate Park. Underthe present
law no bonds for the iiark improve
ment can be sold belo-v mr, and unless
there is a change made the improve
ments must cease.
An effigy of St. Patrick was raised
by some unknown persons on a pole at
corner Octavia and Oak streets yester
day. ' ft was cut down ovnn indignant
crowd who threatened violence to the
perpetrators of the joke, hut failed to
find them.
A fire broke out last evening in tlie
war or-.Mechanics' J-.xciiange, on Sev
enth street, lictwecu Broa'dway and
Washington, in Oakland, and a ious
conflagration, for a time, wa u reut
ened tlie citv, but tlie flames e-. fin
ally confined to the premises o.i which
thev originated. The building !-
loneed to Mr. Bartlett, now in Europe.
Loss. $7,000. Insured for $2,000. Dur
ing the fire f. Johnson fell dead on the
sidewalk fiom heart disease.
The town is very quiet to-day, busi
ness being in a great measure suspend
ed on account of the celebration of St.
Patrick's day. Tlie procession is a
very large one, and there is consldera-
nie delay tn forming ft. The weather
is very hot and thr. and the streets
very dusty; nevertheless, the proces-
sionis a brilliant success tlie largest
ever seen on St. Patrick day in San
titro ennn nn TO.. .:... I A. ,w tn tni
Stocks are very firm, with a general
upward tendency.
London, March 18. The Ixindon
Ttowing Club selected a crew for tlie
match with the Atlantic Club of New
York. The following are the men
Mr. Stout, stroke: Jlyun, Aulstoke
and Strong. '
In the House of Commons to-night,
Mr. Gladstone, answering Air. Uls-
raeli's inquiries, suited tliat tlie reply
of the American Government to Lord
Granville's note, concerning the Ala
bama claims, was received by Her
Majesty's Government on the 14th
lust. He was gratified to be able to
state that it was couched in courteous
and friendly terms. (Clicers.) In the
opinion of tlie Government an answer
is required which the Government of
the I nitcd States apitears to invite,
This answer will be delivered to the
American Minister in London before
Thursday of the present week. It
would be inconsistent with public
business to lay the correspondence be
fore Parliament at present, particularly
as the Congress of the United States
has declined to ask It of the President,
The tenor of our communication, while
it shows that we are anxious to carry
the treaty into execution, I trust.
will not misconstrue the feeling of
1.1.- l. 1 . . 1 . - . . - 1' . 1
suucsiiiaiiMiip which uie utiinre oi me
case and which tlie honor of this coun
try demand. The statement of the
Premier was received at the close with
loud cheers.
Granville, in the House of Lords,
made a reply, in substance the same,
to the inquiry of Earl Malniesburv,
concerning tlie corresiwudence. adding
that the papers would be produced as
soon as possible. He assured his
Lordship that he was aware of tlie
public anxiety on tlie subject, and the
grave responsibility attaching to the
Uovernment in dealing witn it,'
A Deputy figured yesterday in the
AramhW tW'raiin. nBinH in nrm
of 1.200.000 to keen at peace with
neighboring powers.
London, March IS. The press this
morning, commenting on the state
ment in the House of Commons last
night by Gladstone, relating to the
reply of the American Government to
Granville's note, generally express the
opinion that the communication ot the
Premier will create disappointment
and oppression throughout the coun-
tiy. Government is urged to bring
tlie present difficulty with America,
arising out of claims for indirect dam
ages, to an amicable and honorable
New York, March 19. A Times'
Washington corresnondent savs : "On
unquestionable authority I am able to
Inform you that a change and an im
portant one has come over the spirit
of the administration, on the subject
ot the question with Spam, growing
out of the Cuban war for independence.
The immediate cause ol this change is
not learned, but in wen iniormed cir
cles it Is supposed to be the receipt of
some important dispatches from .Mad
rid. Whatever may be the immediate
causes of the fact, I can assure you
that the relations between this Gov-
cnrtneiit and that of Spain are at this
moment of the most critical nature
such, in fact, as to warrant the suspic
ion that an open rupture may super
vene any day. Gen. Sickles will not
return to Madrid, nor will any one re
place him just now. The mistake in
to which Secretary Fish tell with re
gard to the personality of tlie newly
appointed Spanish Minister to this
Government, has served to embilter
the spirit between the two cabinet.
In the House, Kantian got unani
mous consent, and had passed a reso
lution calling for information relative
to J. E. Howard, a native of Phila
delphia and a citizen of the United
States, who has been unjustly ar
rested, condemned and transported by
the Spanish authorities in Cuba to a
penai settlement in Africa.
The bill relating to tlie capture ol
the naval ironclad Albemarle passed
Senator Forney, of Michigan, pre
sented a remonstrance signed by 1,400
citizens of Michigan, against the Chi
cago Belief bill.
The bill for the relief of officers and
crew of the Kersarge passed. It di
rects the Secretary of the Treasury to
pay them $I00,0U0 in prize money
New York, March 19. Another
delegation from tlie Committee of
Seventy has gone to Albany to effect
the passage ot a new charter. Many
prominent Democrats think it nnproh
able that the Committee's charter will
now pass.
CiNCrNNATL March 19. At Lock-
land. Ohio, last Sunday, a negro named
Banhyde beat his wile's brains out
with an axe in a fit of jealousy. He
accused his wife of being criminally
intimate with a colored preacher and
of having brought disgrace upon her
Lowell. Indiana, March 19. The
entire business portion of this town
was burned last night. Loss heavy ;
. insurance light. Both hotels and the
printing office were destroyed, and the
jail and other houses damaged. Fif
teen houses were .burned, itesides a
number of stables and out-houses.
There was Insurance on four houses.
It is Impossible to estimate the loss at
present, but it will fie about $150,000.
New York, March 19. -General D.
L. Stanton. Collector for the Fifteenth
District of Maryland, has been arrested
and deposed from his position, charged
with being a defaulter in from $20,000
to if'
William T. Bevert accidentally shot
his wife yesterday, killing her instant
ly. He liccame a raving maniac wheu
he discovered what he had done.
Morning papers estimates the num
ber of processionists in line yesterday,
in the celebration ot St. Patrick's Day,
at from 33,000 to 50,000. The Times
says it was the largest that lias yet
oeen seen.
Washington, March IS. The
House Committee on Commerce, to
whom was referred the complaint
against the Southern Improvement
Company, win hear a Compiuy of oil
producers on tne subject, who are ex-.
iected from tlie oil district in Western
Pennsylvania. It is alleged tliat tlie
1 improvement Comnnnv linvp nailo a
combination with the New York Cen
tral, New York and Erie and Pennsyl
vania Kan road companies lora term
of five years, the object of which is to
control the transportation of oil at ad
vanced rates. L nder the arrangement
they have already advanced $1 50 per
. , I. ... in . . . . ...
oarrei, wuicii win -nmouui 10 an in
crease in the cost of transportation
alone ot over l8,000,000 per annum,
two-thirds ol which is to go to the Im-
. provement Company in the shape of
UrawoacKS, anu ior wmcn tney renaer
no equivalent. Ihe people ol the oil
regions are intensely excited, and are
holding meetings and organizing for
self protection. They have formed a
secret political organization, which
they claim will control over twenty
thousand votes, and be strong enough
to change tlie political complexion of
tne state it necessary to protect tliem
irom monopoly.
N ew York, March 18. The Inter-
nauoiiaiiiMs io-mgnt celebrated the inv
rising ot the Commune. Victoria
Woodhull delivered an address on the
principles of the Commission, which
she declared was rapidly spreading in
New Haven, March 1& Senator
vt ilson delivered tlie opening speech
of the campaign here to-night, to an
immense and enthusiastic audience.
Memphis, March 18. Dr. Goshorn,
Postmaster of Dicaburg, Tennessee,
nas .absconded with if4,000 of Govern
ment mniis.
San Francisco. March 19. The' fol
lowing is a resolution passed by the
Board of Supervisors last nic-ht : "
HenolreJ, That tlie action and reso-
lutions of the citizens of San Francisco,
in mass meeting assembled, on Satur-
day evening lasr, 111 relation to the ced-
l.'g ot Goat island to the Central Pa-
ciflc Railroad is approved by this
Board, and we recognize in the ap
pointment of a Committee of three
Kepubllcans and three Democrats, all
oi inem excellent citizens, uu ignoring
of political Issues and an evidence of
determination to worK soieiy ior ine.
public good, and we recommend said
Committee to our Legislative delegates
as practical and wise co-workers with
them on tne special mission enirusieu
to their charge; and we also recom
mend that said Committee be request
ed to confer with the Central Pacific
Kailroad Company, and if possible
come to an understanding with said
Company as to terminus grounds in a
liberal spirit oi concession in we nucr-
ests of commerce and inland commu
Thirteen Cotswold sheep, full bloods,
purchased here for 1,400 were ship
ped for Oregon by the steamer Ori-
llamme tins morning.
The "l'urdv" colt, which has pulled
a wagon over a mile track in 'J:35. was
sold yesterday for $7,000, to Jas.Helm,
of iresno county.
Three thousand ladies and gentle
men assembled at the Academy of Mu
sic, Philadelphia, yesterday, sent a dis
patch to Mayor Alvord, with expres
sions of friendship and good will for
the residents of the '-Golden City" and
Pacific coast, desiring that we should
lie fully represented at the Centennial
celebration at Philadelphia In 1S7(5.
Mayor Alvord replied in a suitable
manner, promising as full a represent
ation as becomes California s love oi
country and reverence for our national
London, March 10. In the House
ot Lords, this evening. Baron Kides
dale said that he had no wish to em
barrass the Government, hut tie
thought an expression of opinion on
the imrt of the House would 1 uselul
He theretore gave notlcetliat he would
introduce a resolution declaring that
it is to the common interest of all
nations to decide whether, when bel
ligereiits have become reconciled and
lieconie nations, they can demand as
such nations, from neutral States, in
demnity for damages done by bel
ligerents. Lord Kidesdale added tliat
if tliese resolutions were carried he
sliould move an address to the Crown
PraJ,"S.,u" national congress
called by Great Britain for the set
tlement ot this question. Karl 1.
Eive notice that he should ask Govern
ment what course it intended to pursue
with regard to the Treaty of v asli-
In the House of Commons Disracl
gave notice that he should bring to the
consideration of the House the state of
relations with the United States.
Horseman reminded the House that
he had already notified the Govern
ment of his intention to question it,
uid he begged for a reply. He would
ask if Gladstone was prepared to give
Parliament assurances that in case
negotiations were entered into with
the American Government, no pro
posals would be finally accepted until
lie liad received the sanction of Parlia
Vienna, March 19. Workmen
the mines ot Kobsehilds, at Whitt-
nowitz, in Moravia, enraged at th
non-pavment of their wages, attacked
the office of the Superintendent, and.
gaining entrance, burst oihmi the safe
appropriated its contents and de
molished the building. The soldiers
were called out who tired on the
rioters, killing four, wounding fifty
and arresting one hundred. Order
has been restored, out the mines are
guarded by the military
London. March 20. sir Fraud
Twiss resigned the position as Queen!
Advocate General
Among the persons ejected from the
galleries of the House of Commons last
night, when Lord George Hamilton
called attention to demonstrations of
visitors, was Minister Scheiick.
Washington, March 1!). In the
Senate, Sherman, from the Committee
on finance, reported the following
bills adversely : Cole's bill to altolish
income tax. and Sumner's bill to re
duce internal revenue taxes and to
abolish the office of Commissioner of
Internal Bevenne.
In the House, Sargent presented a
petition signed by 4.000 persons in
California, for the enfranchisement of
women in the Territories and in the
District of Columbia. Keferred to the
Judiciary Committee.
The debate on the Pacific Mail Com
pany's subsidy was resumed, being re
stricted to one hour's time.
Crocker, of Indiana, offered an
amendment providing that in event of
war. portions of lines may be taken
possession of by the Government. sub-
jeet to equitable remuneration and pay-
tor them. He spoke m support ot the
proposition in debate.
Holman said that he lielieved indi
viduals, like nations, must rely on
their own untrammcled exertions.
Cox opposed the subsidy and de
fended t he Panama Kail way from Sar
gent's charges of extortion.
Hazleton, of Wisconsin, favored the
Swann advocated the subsidy as a
point of great importance in cultivat
ing trade and relations with China.
Beck opposed the subsidy and said
it was the entering of a great series of
irffwnf fiili-ru-nt-fifl tliA ctitwwl,- un1
defended all he said about the "extor
tions for the Panama Kailroad Com
pany. Without disposing of the bill the
House adjourned.
The President to-day signed the Act
of Congress authorizing a settlement
of the boundary between territory of
the United Stites and possessions of
Great Britain, from Lake of the Woods
to the summit of the Bocky Moun
tains. The Superintendent of mounted re
cruiting service has been directed to
send one hundred recruits to Fort Ki
ley. Kansas, anil some to Kit Carson,
The United States Treasurer to-dav
sent to New York loan checks amount
ing to $2,000,000, on account of the
third call of 1 S2 bonds.
New York. March 19. Mayor Hall's
trial to-day was a mere wrangle be
tween the counsel. Judge Daly post
poned the decision as to jury until
The Erie Bailroad transfer lnxiks '
will be re-opened to-inorrow.
Halifax, March 19. The snow
blockade still continues, and the coal
famine m severely felt. The Imjxrial
Government is selling coal in small
Hartford, March 19. The city
voted to-day, by a vote of 1,003 to 435,
to purchase Trinity College grounds
for an extension of the Park and a
site for a new State House, and to pay
$1300,000 therefor.
Washington, March 20. The Chi
cago relief bill passed the Senate 21
to 17 with amendments.
In the House, the bill authorizing
the construction of a bridge across the
Mississippi, at Clinton, Iowa, for the
Burlington and Quincy Bailrcad,
Tlie Committee of oil refiners of
Western Pennsylvania, yesterday had
an interview with tlie Erie Bailroad
management and Tom Scott. They
obtained a suspension ot the exorbitant
freight for one week, and a promise of
an equitable revision. The Committee
will visit this city to confer with the
various railroads upon the contract
made with the Southern Improvement
Company. .
Bepresenfitive Taffe, of Nebraska,
will soon introdue a bill declaring that
all Indians now within the domain of
the United States are citizens -entitled
to the same rights and sustaining the
same obligations under the laws as any
others. Taffe says lie regards this as
tlie only means of securing to the In
dians what the white race are willing
to allow them, and tlielr only salva
tion from an early and entire extin
guishment. The law will apply to
native inhabitants of Alaska, concern
ing whom Secretary Delano sent to
the Honse to-day several documents
detailing circumstances under which
the Interior Department - refuses to
recommend them as Indians or expend
11 e appropriation in tneir lavor.
i Judge Davis has written no formal
letter o'f acceptance of the Labor Be
form nomination lor the Presidency,
and does not Intend to. He remarked
this morning that many good men had
been ruined by writing poor letters,
and he did not want tlie place.
Chicago, March 20. A Tribune'
Washington special has the following :
The House Committee on Military Af
fairs is occupied In the discussion of a
plan for building a military prison for
discipline of all officers sentenced by
court martial. The Committee has
practically agreed upon Die location of
a prison. The idea is to place tne pris
on at or near Bock Island, 111., where
convict lalnir may lie employed in gov
ernment works.
A correspondent says there is every
indication that- the Pacflie mail subsi
dy will be defeated, and that it friends
concede that its chances of success are
Altoona, Pa., March 20. The new
extension of the Logan House was
buriied last night, with a portiou of
the east wing. Jxiss. JftiO.OOO.
New York. March 20. A fire this
morning in Simmons & Slocum's Ethi
opian House, Philadelphia, destroyed
the interior and roof. Loss estimated
at $100,000.
A fire at the New York Lve Works,
at Green Point, this morning, caused
a damage of o0,000.
r.ugene jvciiy obtained a verdict here
against Geo. W. Ferguson for $32,000,
on a promissory note made in Califor
nia hut endorsed to plaintiff here.
Capt. Glhbs, of the Mount Vernon,
reports that his vessel, a pungy, cap
sized in the Chesapeake lsay, in
squall, and all the crew six men-
San Francisco, March 20. The
residents of Placer county met last
night and decided upon having a pic
nic some tune in May, after the style
of the Tuolumne picnics, which have
been popular tor some years.
Martin Welch is under arrest on the
charge ol bigamy. His bail has been
fixed at 10,0UU.
Weather ivarin, but .cloudy,' with
some prospect of rain.
('apt. Eastman, agent for Barnnni,
arrived from tlie west coast of Mexico
by t he C olorado to-day, bringing two
large and five small alligators, a young
tiger, a Mexican deer, of the dwarf 'spe
cies, an iguana and a chameleon.
Martin Walsh, who was arrested here
yesterday for bigamy, claims that he
was compelled by law to marry Eliza-
lieth Martin in .New lork m l!o., she
. having charged him with seduction
As soon as the marriage was perform
ed, he started for California, and two
vears since married another woman
here, never having heard from his first
wife in the meantime. Last November
she arrived here in search of him, and
with constant threats that he finally
in sheer desperation, told her to go
ahead, and she did if, and had him ar
Summit Valley, March 20. A sad
accident occurred to-day on the Central
Pacific Kailroad, between Tinker's
Station and Summit. A brakeuian on
No. 7 east bound freight train was by
some means thrown from the car and
dragged several hundred yards liefore
discovered. Both his legs were severed
close to his hips. He died one hour
after the accident.
San Francisco, March 20. Twenty-
eight thousand eight hundred and sev
entv-seveu shares of stock were sold in
the regular board to-day.
Gen. Martinez, who was in this city
two years simv, and went to Prussia to
light against the French in the late war,
is' 'held' prisoner by the rebels at Mazat
lan. ( .
It was currently reported on the
street, to-day that the Imperial had lev
ied an assessment of $20 per share, but
no assessment liad been made up to 2
p. m. .
At Agricultural Park tenia y the run
ning race between Tom Chandler and
C-uyauga Maid, half-mile heats, three
in live, was won ly the Maid in three
straight heats.' Time. 52. 52'.. 53.
Los Ancki.I'.s, .March 20.
from Arizona report pa
ing two hun
dred miners on the way to the Walla-
pia district. There are now 1,200 mi
ners in this district. Lumber is $140
per thousand ; Ilour, $12 jier hundred;
bacon. 40e.
General Crook, since starting for
Ton to Pass, has enlisted and armed 100
Wallapai Indians to go after the
Be Ecomomical. Look most to
your spending. No matter what comes
in, it more goes out yon will always be
poor. The art is not in making money
but in keeping it; little expenses, like
mi'-e in a barn. wh"ti they are needy,
make great waste. Hair by hair heads
get bald; straw by straw the t hatch
goes off the cottage; and drop by drop
the rain comes in the chamlier. A bar
rel Is soon empty if the tip leaks but a
drop a minute. When you mean to
save, ltegiu with your mouth ; many
thieves pass down the red lane. The
ale jug is a great waste. In all other
things keep within compass. Xever
stretch your legs farther than the blank
ets will reach, or you will soon lie cold
In clothes, choose suitable and lasting
stuff, and not tawdry fineries. To be
warm is the main thing; never mind
the looks. A fool may make money,
but it needs a wise man to spend it.
Kenienibcr it is easier to build two
chimneys than to keep one going. If
you give all to back and lourd,"there
is nothing left for the savings bank.
P'are hard and work hard while you
are young and you will have a chance
to rest whew 3-011 are old.
Violating the Sabratii. A rigid
Sabbatarian, who occassional! v ex
horts in church, and fills the office of
.Iiisticc of the Peace in a Western vil
lage, not long sini went on a deer hunt
with a part- composed ot five or six
voung hunters. Br some unaccounta
ble mistake he lost his reckoning, and
to his mortification he found, on refer
ence to his paiers, the third day of
the hunt, that it was Sunday. He
opened the morning with a prayer, and
told his companions that as a Christian
and a magistrate, he could not hunt
that day ; and accordingly drew forth
his pocket Bible and commenced read
ing. Ilia more worldly-minded compan
ions, thought with the Baltimore hank
niau, "that there were no Sabbaths in
Kevohttionary times," and took the
hounds and started in pursuit of game.
It was not long liefore the whole pack
were in full cry, and the worth- mag
istrate, 011 looking up from the -sacred
volume, discovered a fine buck making
for the amp. Without, a minute's de
liberation, he seized a loaded rifle anil
plugged the deer lietween the antlers.
"Gentlemen," said lie, when his
friends came to the spot, "it is contra
ry to the law ot Moses and the revised
statutes ot Pennsylvania to travel on
Sunday, and for tliat reason 1 shot that
fellow. Still I liave violated the Sab
bath as a Christian, while I have main
tained the dignity of the law as a mag
istrate, and acting in tlie latter capacity-"
"If we should scare up another?"
"I'd shoot the rascal for traveling on
Mr. Greeley, on his farm, keeps a
running account with his bens, double
entry. When a hen lays an egg she
runs around the base, where the liook-keeper-U
located, and sings out tally
one,' or 'tally two' as the case may
lie. beause some of them are repeaters,
and the book-keeper gives her credit
and charges for her meals. In this
way Horace can tell what hens are
shirking, and how much he makes on
each hen. He sa-s that his experience
is "that roosters are a glaring fraud,
putting onlstyle and strutting around,
and never laying an egg once in two
A new motor for rail wa--car propul
sion was discovered in a recent gale, a
car 011 tlie Latayette and Bloonnngton
railroad having been driven lrom Ar
rowsmith to Saybrook, six miles, at a
fearful rate, by the wind alone. r
Mr. Wood, the government weather
observer at Grand Haven, Michigan,
has an electrical bell which accurately
measures the velocity of the wind, the
bell sounding an alarm for every half
nine iraveiea Dy tne wma.
"Gerty, my dear," said a teacher to
one of her pupils, "you have been a
very good little girl to-day." "Yes'm,
I couldn't help being good ; I had a
stiff neck." said Gerty, with perfect
St. Patrick's Day.
When the average Portlander arose
yesterday morning, there were already
numerous flags and banners noatmg ac
mast-heads 111 honor or the great Irish
mini versa 1-3, St. I'a trick s J lay; anu
already the bustle and hum of prepar
ations'for the celebration were observ
able. The first particularly notable
stir, however, was tlie arrival at 10
o'clock of tlie steamer Vancouver,
having on board the Vancouver Hiber
nian Benevolent Society and numer
ous other visitors from tliat town.
These were met by tlie Marshals at the
landing and escorted with a band of
music to the Cosmopolitan Hotel,
where they dispersed to await the for
mation of the procession. Between
this time and the hour of taking up
the line of march, tlie crowds on the
streets constantly increased, standing
111 dense throngs on the sidewalk or
moving in flocks from one point of ex
citement to another. The general ap
pearance was that of a grand gala day,
the brilliant weather permitting the
ladies to get out in full holiday regalia.
the procession
Was formed at half past eleven o'clock
011 f irst street, tne ngnc resting on
Washington. Tlie first Division was
composed of the Grand Marshal (Capt.
l-i. Cahalm) and his aids, mounted;
next, the East Portland Brass Band,
and then, the various organizations in
the following order: Washington
Guard, Montgomery Guard, Fmmet
Guard. President and Orator of the
day. Clergymen, invih-d guests, Mexi
can Vetrans, Brigadier General and
stall and Chief hngineer and mem
bers of tlie Fire iJcpartment.
The Second Division was led bj'
Marshal W. 1. Burke and aids on foot,
and consisted of the Portland Band,
followed by the Vancouver Hibernian
Benevolent Society, a portion of the
Father Matthew Total Abstinence So
ciety under the lead of its Vice Presi
dent, and the members of Willamette
Engine Co.
The Washington Guard, Captain
Mills, turned out m their usual excel
lent order about thirty men ; the Mont
gomery Guard, Captain Magraw, num
bered twentv-eight rank and hie. in
the U. S. fatigue uniform ; the Em
met Guard, Captain Bilev, was in
stronger force, having in the ranks
over forty men. The companies pre
sented a very creditable appearance.
indeed, and added materially to the
spirit and effect of the pageant. The
members ot the civic organizations
carried elegant banners and wore their
usual appropriate regalias or badges.
The procession and turn-out upon the
street was the most considerable ever
seen in Portland on St. Patrick's dav.
the route of march
was. according to the programme, up
First street lo Main, down Main to
Front, down Front to B, up Bto Third.
up Third to Market, up Market to
Fourth, up Fourth to Mill, up Mill to
Fifth, thence to the Academy grounds.
where the pupils performed some vo
cal and instrumental exercises. After
which the procession moved to Fifth,
along Fifth to Mill, down Mill to
Second, down Second to Columbia
down Columbia to First, down First
to Morrison, down Morrison to Front,
down Front to Stark, and bv counter-
inarching to Alder, up Alder to First,
to Oro Fino Theater. Arrived
at the theater,
some time was spent in getting the
immense crowd into the building and
seated. I he auditorium was literaiiy
paeked, and the stage contained a large
number of officers of the -day and in
vited guests, while hundreds who at
tempted to get ill were obliged to turn
back, there being neither sitting nor
standing room. The audience lieing
finally se ded the Grand Marshal in
troduced the President of the da-, Mr.
P. O. C Newell, who made a few
introductory remarks, and then pre
sented the Orator of the day. lion.
Geo. K. Shiel. Owing to the crowded
eonditiou of the Theater, and the noisr
I prevailing, we were not able to catch
more than an occasional rema! k 01 me
sn-aker. and we cannot, therefore, at
tempt any report of his address. .The
exercise- at the Theater being con
cluded, tin- iirotf-siiiu was reformed
and marched to the Buss House, where
the celebrating organizations and in
vited guests took dinner, after which
the various Societies were escorted to
their halls, and the celebration closed.
In general, it was successful to such
degree as- reflected high credit upon
the committees having the manage
ment of affairs. Ortyiuiito.
Holly Water Works.
A considerable iiumlcrot the heavier
tax-jKiyers of Portland assembled at
the Council Chamber last evening, in
response to invitations from the Water
Works committees, to Iiear Mr. T. T.
Flagler explain the Holly water works
system. The icaker went into some
details showing how the system fur
nishes, under ordinary cireumstann-s.
Iietter water than is obtained by any
other works, explaining the construc
tion of the wells, the forcing machin
ery, the system ol pipes, hydrants,
hose, etc. He dwelt particularly and
at some length uon the etlicieney of
the system as a protection against tire;
the quicker use of water from the hy
drants, as compared with hand or
steam fire engines; the greater certain
ty of full and "continued supply of wa
ter, the lesser danger ot machinery or
appliances to give out by accident or
breakage; the lesser danger of disabil
ity from freezing up, the supply suc
tion being below freezing and the flow
forward being constant and irresistible;
the greater power of the machinery
and the consequent greater efficiency in
tin owing water, etc. He cited numer
ous accounts of trials lietween tlie Hol
ly .system and the fire engines worked
by both hand and steam, the concur
rent and uniform testimony being in
favor of the Holly system, lie showed,
too. that in all places where the system
has been adopted that the risk from
conflagration is so materially decreased
as to effect largely the rates of insur
ance, stating the average deduction to
be about 24 per cent.
As to the question of cost, he said
that it all the debits and credits, direct
and indirect, were entered against and
for the system, the balance would be in
its favor, although the original cost of
the machinery seemed at first glance
to be very large. The revenues tie
rived from water-takers must be cred
ited; the cost of maintaining the works
is actually much "less than that of an
approximately equally efficient system
of steam tire engines, and this differ
ence should be credited ; the saving in
the premiums paid for insurance should
be credited ; the greater security of
property and the encouragement thti
given to investment in buildings man
ufactories, etc.. must also be -taken In
to the account in favor of the sj-stem
After explaining pretty fully in de
tail all tliese things, M r. Flagler invited
those present to ask questions upon all
points concerning which there might
Ik; any doubts in the minds of his
hearers, or upon which he had not
touched. In reply to queries from va
rious persons, he stated that he had
known the fire pressure to be raised
from the daily pressure in thirty sec
onds, though the ordinary time is from
sixty to one hundred ,econds; that, al
ter manj- and repeated tests, it had
been found a supply of water can be
turned upon a fire in about one-fourth
the time required by hand or steam
engines, under average circumstances ;
tliat the system actually saves the dis
tance to be traversed by engines in
reaching the locality of a fire ; that the
Holly plan contemplates a system of
pqies and three engines and pumps ;
that the pump originally used was the
Holly rotary pump for all purposes, but
that within the last year the piston or
gang pump had been introduced for
daily use and the rotary pumps re
served for fire use, thus obviating the
objection that the pumps wear out too
soon ; that every part of the machine
ry is duplicated, and thus it is nearly
impossible for tlie works to be disabled
for more than a moment ; that the lo
cation of wells sliould be determined
upon preliminary tests, etc. Many in
terestmg points were thus brought for
ward and fully explained that have not
been placed before the public in the
newspaper publications and local cor
respondence on the water works ques
tion. Mr. Flagler's address willen
ahle our committees and the Council to
proceed more intelligently than here
tofore m the investigations they have
in nana. uregoman.
In Chicago, on the 4th inst.. Fred
erick Luth tried to chop his own 1 ead
off with au axe. He died before he
accomplished the feat.
How he Acquired the Cognomen. .
"At the request of many readers"
the Ohio Suite Journal resurrects from
tlie SUitesuui of May 19th, 1S33, tlie
extraordinary production tliat gave
the writer the immortal name of "Sun
fet." We copy it from the Journal :
What a stormful sunset was that of
last night? How glorious the storm,
and how splendid tlie setting of tlie
sun! We do not remember ever to
have seen the like in our round globe.
The scene opened in the west, with a
whole Imrizon full of a golden inter
penetrating luster, which colored the
foliage and brightened every object in
to it own rich eyes. Tlie colors grow
deeper ensuing riclier until the golden
luster was transfused into a storm
cloud, full of finest lightning, which
leaped in dazzling zig-zags all around
and over the city. The wind arose
with fury, the slender shrubs and giant
trees made olieysaiice to its majesty;
some even snapped before .its force.
Tlie strawberry lieds and grass plots
" turned up their whites" to see
Zephyrus march by. As the rain came
and the pools formed, and the gutters
hurried awa thunder roared grandly,
and the fire In-lls caught the excite
ment and rang with heart- chorus
The south and east received the copious
showers, and the west all at once
brightened up In a long, polished belt
of azure, worthy of a Sicilian sky.
Presently a cloud apicarcd in the
azure belt, in the form of a castelated
city. It became more vivid, revealing
strange forms of peerless fanes and al
abaster temples, and glories rare and
grand in this mundane sphere. It re
minds us of Wordsworth's splendid
verse 111 las " Excursion :
The apinaraiux- Instunlani'misly (IIsc-Idkc I
Wo f a mlKlity 'Uv, boldly fay
A wllilprm-ss of tul1linirs alnkinir fnr
Ami Kelt' withdraw Into a w midnms depth.
rar sinking Into h)ili:imor without end :
But tlie city vanished only to givt
place to another isle, where the most
iicnutiful forms of foliage apix-ared
imagining a Paradise in the distant
and purified air.
The sun wearied of the elemental
commotion, sank behind the green
lila ins of tlie west.
Tlie "great eve in heaven," how
ever, went not down, without a dark
brow hanging over its departing light.
Tlie rich flush of the unearthly light
liad passed and the rain liad ceased ;
when the solemn church bells iiealed.
the laughter of children out and joyous
after the storm is heard with the carol
of birds ; while the forked ami purple
weapon of the skies still darted illumi
nation around the Startling College,
trying to rival its angels and leap it
dark windows.
Candles are lighted. The piano
strikes up. We feel it is good to liave
a home : irood to be on the earth where
such revelations of lieauty and jiower
may be made. And as we cannot re
frain from reminding our readers of
everything wonderful in our city, we
have liegun and ended our leeble
.sketching of a sunset which comes so
rarely that its glory should be co n-
mitted to immortal type.
Crime is Chii.eno Valley. The
Petiluina Crrxcs.nt of February l.'lth
lias the annexed :
A most daring roblicr' was com
mitted in broad daylight at Spanisli-
town, in Chileno Valley, on Thursday
last. During the early juirt of the day
three men, evidently Spaniards, eame
to the grocery store of G. Bespini and
wished to pawn their lire-aniis, con
sisting of two pistols and a shot-gun.
Kespiui accepted anil the men called
for liquor and drank till they had
about exhausted the money tor which
their articles had been put up. They
then went away, taking with them
some bottles of liquor, 't oward even
ing one of the men returned and en
gage' I in conversation with the pro
prietor for a few moments. Tlie other
two shortly came in with mask- over
their faces, svizrd upon Kespiui, Mind
folded, gagged and hound him, tying
his hands Ix-hind his liaek and drawing
one foot up elose to his hands and
tying it tn them. After trussing him
up in this manner they laid him on
the bed in an adjacent room, and went
through the sale, taking atMiut $25 ill
coin and the fire-arms pawned in the
morning. They then left, not releas
ing their victim, lie saw a knite
lying on the floor, and rolling oft" the
lied and over the floor till he reached
it. he picked it up and by some 'means
cut the hands 011 his i.-ef. and then
walked down pv aJiou-e here some
Mexicans wen- living and was released
from tlie other cords. The whole mat
ter is clothed with some mystery,
Kespiui not knowing anything of the
men and not positive that the men
who robbed him were the Kline who
visited him in the morning, owing to
the masks.
Jokino; aside, it v,is not :i had idea
the Freneh were eiitertainini;. t the.
other day, to ecde the nionnMily of the.
sale of their tiiKieeo to the ltothsehild's.
for thirty years, in eoiis'ilt rat'uiii that
those hankers would lend the Covern
nient .sufficient ready money to settle
tht! war indemnity to (ierin-iny. It is
something Ixith parties to such a con
tract conltl well a (lord to do.
The Indians in 1ikt Michigan are
employed to carry packages ot' nitro
glicerine on tlielr" hacks." As none of
thein have stinnhleil yet. tliey are not
aware of tho fate that is at the same
time pefore them and tiehhid them.
Some people see an instance, of ret
rihntive justice in the fact that Colonel
Ashtnore of Mississippi committed sui
cide with tin- same pistol he used once
in .shooting a Ninth Carolinian in a
The five-thinking I.ncy : ''Do yon
know. May, sometimes when I hurt
myself, tin" place gets well wivont no
body never kissin' it ?" The fait htnl
May : "I don't helievc yon, Lucy."
A precocious lioy in a pnhlic school
out West who stands high in geogra
phy, was recently asked hy his teacher
whore Alrica was located, lie pronipt
lv answered : "All over the United
"Xy dear lxy, never defer until to
morrow what you can do to-day." said
a fond mother. "Then, mother, let's
eat the plum pudding to-night," re
plied the urchin.
Mrs. Partington tells of a minister
who had served the Lord for thirty
year ; first as a circus rider, then as a
locust, preacher, and last as an ex
hauster. Nineteen nephews and niece will
inherit the entire property of the late
William Cuniuiings, who died at Ilart
iiioiith, Massachusetts, on ihe Wh
February, lie was eighty-eight years
ol age, ii bachelor, and worth $2."0,
000.' Goat Island is a bone ot contention
in Congress and in Nan Francisco. The
Cent nil Paeitic Kailroad Co. want It
for a terminus.
One of the severest trials of a sordid
man is that which JU caused by the
disgust he feels in the society of his
own soul.
, A man being found at La Crosse,
Wis., with seven stabs in his back,
tlie. Coroner's jury brought in a verdict
of "probable murder." A very cau
tious jury.
Why did tlie Highlanders do most
execution at the battle of Waterloo ?
J.etsiuse every man had one kilt before
tlie battle began.
An escaped leopard is traversing New
Jersey. He does not tarry long in one
place;, but changes his spots continu
ally. Paradoxical as it may seem, he who
reels and staggers most In the journey
of life takes tlie straightest road to per
dition. Baltimore has the smallpox, and the
number of deaths is fearful.
M entberfortl & Co., Dragfffeita, appear
before our readers with a new ad. Their
h-iuse la among the olde In tbe State, and haa
become one of the InstttuUonf of oar city.
They are capable bnolneMmen, dealing large
ly In Dmgs, Paints, Oils, GlaM,etc, and tbclr
house la well rapplled with fall stock of good
In tlielr line. They have proven themselTea
well np In the trade, and are enabled to aell
goods at prices that defy competition, wh ile
sn or retail. See thUr advrrtHrmpnts.
A nlglit In Pari a yrar .
An (TK-rn night I rrrm-mlr wt-11 ;
Tbe plortou ,-ar km all aKtvtr,
Lookliifi raorvSrllllnnl Ikaa rt aai un :
The lamM Aa4il it Irvia ikrarrhtacnw.
on nappy cmaiw 01 hm mm sn-i l mm r ,
And t-arnafrr trslrd Ibwirt iW Tn,
un ueanuitii la, ue a kytu mrmj.
The opera tmoe 3 , a tn
1 n rvniK awl ianion, fmmp im yni ;
Where flown ami ! aod tltitwi
Of 11 ken nln. 'neatfe Otr luMrwa
Of Ihe UkIiU ahTf. ma-It a tatrT la art :
1 et Ihe breath ol mu.a: w ptleul M hi.
Ami like a pu t are all mml w natal.
nauuig 1 uc )irveu,-e oi wtfTtat m m i.
At length twaa whlrel, "The k r.
C441ie9 I"
The KlowUur PW-tlire tlllW ait tmmrmr
Out burst In wel.mne the tk4 and drua.
And lad v and kutchl lo t hew fr-H awu ;
Ami tho Kinpren t-aine, wVkber beatKT tare.
iter Kra. ctui lonnaiiu ntr paiuuife rymn ;
And the itUiiuoedx hung in ber golden Imv,
A sunrise Howling die aarrj aktes.
I tut a half year fast; and a etenmr nM
It 1111 L- cioniiv and dark tn the troubled ny :
Cone were the mirth and the beauty ami
And natigbt wa heard bat naered
A murmur of aracer and diaenalent.
1 hat slowlv rat tiered and oanwaro rvHedi.
Like the hollow roar from the cuvan sent.
Kre II i-ru.-ihee Ibu vbip In Us lury bold.
In a lonely room in the palace grar.
w tin tnt- mrge tears tailing one cw- ere;
With the L-enis all pme, and the rtch array,
stood the Kmpresa toil, a ttue 'lay as
done :
The Inttle w.i over, Ilie Empire lt ?
doming ten tor her then lot tULtt ;
And chilled to the lietirt hy adven-tty trust,
slie crept away in die cloudy nibt.'
,T-an the old-time story acted aprin,
01 tin- lovely maiden, in fairy guise.
Who gladdened awhile the hearts of aaen.
Tovauiidiat mtduthl from longing eye.
Oh. Empress ! fnr wider than ht-r'n tfiy thte,
Eorslie found at Inst her prince and til
lore :
But if I litxi shall recover ihv hd estate.
None know hut the Monarch who ilwells
a I love.
Spwdv and r'.ll cure of Na-al CnMrrtt,
Thnut 'lilnwrs. llnin-hilK and altA-lwu at
Ihe Lung, and all cotnpbtmuthal U-adloi tv
umiitton. AU who an- unvnn from Wtarrh
In the head thai Haulinm- tu-.-a- .iirtc
ol eiil ,-oiimi 1 in-o, -i---, an U-j.-r.ti an.1 j-r-
inanentlv cured If they aJv inMwtt m
nea"ti. There an-tnuanf of .- Ibmn
dli-a-. Iironchula and -nimmi ! -n-lor 4,-1 1
l.icatarrlu tv anv ntiitic of u. tTTWe
consi'otleiM-e lmi'l. m-nm- of to-ano.
smell. ilisguaMng ettlm of j;he brwifc. ?,t
oincv citii!etn. i i-ppta, 'in'Lii'-.-.
TIm-st are in nimilan-Ui cie ci-"l rJ.-lv
liy catarrh in the html. Tl liti iC fci.
thiMi-ctU't. wliohare never .'t.ts-tt. pt
i-iici. lot .viniaoms are ndtvrre In itifferetit
Individuals ax loollen mtslt-wt the Miffen-r ail
lit medical lvler. 1 lie only aale and pfon-i
.oore u to liave an examination from a t4iv-
tc.lan competent to take a ctnrevt duupil
and locure tlie evil when IoojkI toeilst. lr.
Aliorn cures this loathsome dworise alter the
ordinary nvU- of treatment tare tailed.
1I5. A-IJOHTN"!-
Ijtbomtory, ('ouMolllns- ul Oper
ating Apartments,
Cor. Third and Morrison SLs., Portland
UK. A HORN'S practice embraces the mosl
modern sclentnic treatment ot
Embracing all diseases of the
i:ye, Ear, Head, Tliront, Bronchial
Titben and 1-tiupTV nlso all De
ranajeuientM of the Monnirb,
Liver. Mood, etc.,
As well a General
Vote. Tlnc whn have long suffered from
t'hronic Diseases without obtaining relief nre
Invited to invest Igateaud judge fur themselvei.
as to the great success attending the sclent WW
modes as practiced hv Dr. A horn. Jan'J
Drs Gibbons' Dispensary, j
i Jm9 lonnm-rcinl. San " irl- I
au- nl ranee on t ouum-ntnl. estahllshvd in!
In ls.4. for the treatment of Sexual ami Semi- j
nal I , sii. h as ,".iion-hra. tileet. Nnc- ;
tme. svjihills In all it forrns x-minal Weak-,
nest.. lniMencv. etc. skin dw-ases, ,of yearn i
maudlin:- aod I 'let-rated I-efN wveivliilly 1
lilt. h.lslhe plea-tire of anmKnc-
Ing that lie tuis returned tT'ni isitin tlie
artnclpa' li"-'ita Is of fciir"f, and ha rt.
mmed rra. tk e.
The 1 Ntctor ha nnsl neither tine nor
nrMiev in st-ektne out new r-rmstie. n. hi
ri-tortied with iiv rea-sl Uciiitie for the alle
viation nt human .nth-rl ft.
Setnlnal Wrahnewa.
Seminal enilssi.m In lle c.w.tttel ef m
aim--. This v t. e. or-h-ma . ( eti
Itelnlcetice. I-tin. :u-sf l ti,e ..o;h-f
ei". totlll .llll-' nolimi'f-t -'.-ol. pri.t'fc f
w il It iiiti-rnuc .-erla til ihe t i m t."!
s-ntitom-. un.ess ,.ni4iu-l mth .trfi-.
nj.sii. nl tn-alni-ie, v i : comic?.!.. -.
d.-irk sjn tinder the c e. " tn tlx- Is 'I.
rinnni: in the ears nt-' like ine rot'lne"l
leaves and rallilt'C nt . harv. ni
a!"ttl tho lolii. coi,f"--l M-i- ti. nhinli-4 lo-tell.s-l.
lo-" of contl-len-e. dinVlenee hi av
proa, bine .ttranci-r-, a dislike lo fimi new
aciia!iu. ii-es. a di-ti-ltion to hmi ocetv,
hectic Hushes and van nerni',innal!it Ihe
face, fnrre-l toncne, fetid breath, coia-h". con
sumption, niirht -weal, monomania and fre.
ipu-nt Ins.iniiv. If ty relief n n oWained,
the sufferer should apply lnimliatelv, in ner;
sonor hv litter, and have a cure erfivted ly
his new and "i lenlltt.- mode of Ireatlnp this
di-ease. which never falls of eflectlnfca quick
an 1 radical cure
Cured Hi Home.
l'er-xms at a dutance may lie cured at home,
tiy addressing a letter to Ir. tiihlxm, atatin?
case, svmptotns, lenjrth of time the disease
has ,-nnt tuned, awl have medicine promptly
forvvardefl. five from damage and curiosity,
to any part of Ihe country, with full and
platn'dinvtlons tor u.-
Hv ln.dostnp $u in coin In a registered let
ter ihiKitrh the Tost Ortice. or Wells. Karjjo
".. a tucLatie of medicine vyill be forward
ed to any part of the I'nion.
All correspondence strict I v confidential. '
Address III!. J. F. (JITSHON.
Box l!t:7, San Francisco, Cal.
Feb. indend:wly
Money Cannot Buy It!
The Diamond Classes,
Which are now offered to the pnblir, are
pronourrcd hy all the eelehrated Opti
cians of the World to be ihe
Most Perfect,
Natural, Artificial help to the human eye
erer known.
They are ground nnder their own super
vision, from minute Crytl Pebbles, melted
together, and derive tlicir name, " Iia
tnond," on account of their hardncit and
The Scientific Principle
On which they aro constructed brings the
core or ccntro of the lem directly in front
of the eye, producing a clear and distinct
vision, at in tbe natural, healthy eight, and
preventing all unpleasant lentations, such
as glimmering and wavering of sight, dini
ncss, A.B., peculiar to all others jn use.
Tfiei are Mounted in the Finest Manner,
In frames of the best quality, of all mate
rials nsed for that purpose.
Their Finish and Durability
Cai-ti(i5. None genuine unless bearing
their trade mark stamped on erery frame.
w. w.Taartin
From whom they eon only be obtained.
These good are not supplied to
Peddlers at any price.
Monuments. Obelisks, Tombs,
Head and Foot Stones,
ftinlent, Or,
And Branch Shop at Albany.
Juneldwj '
(.it wake Mat Ibelr
Will twra on YkhBT Evening Jnav St.
Tn a tor (Jen firm n Zi rta. re
Snlem. Doc U liTl.
danielT lover,
13 fromtHU, Pnrtfcuad,
Com m i s s ion Merchant.
Oregon yrodtice sold to beat adrantage In
I'ortuuHl'or San ErancltwnL Healer In
'oiidfiiHieiitM SoMrttrdt-
Jan. 95. M72.
( in account of removal I to l'ortlatid.
The EntrtVJ -Sftwfoof the
Overland Store
1 hereby offered a( the actual
Kor the next thirty days.
Will be offered od al 1 kinds ol
Dry Goods,
Ladies and Childrens
Cents Clothing,
Furnishing Coods,
Boots, Hats, Etc., Etc. I
Sulcin, Jan. il. l-7i
I Ian jo rts-eivsl for the Kali traile
,. CLOTlHSr,,
Hardware, General Merchandise,
Calculated for
City and County Trade.
Untight a low. and will lie wild at as small a
liriitlt as those who sell at cist.
C-25GoniI''1ellveril to any pirt of ihoolty
In-ciif ttian.1!, dAw
Save your money where you can buy the
' clieain-st." '
Fair Ground Store
Will sell yon a pxl qttnlltr of
I'mrw Pneklna; Suit at 920 a ton.
Uvernml Salt fin l iindred imnd savl)
it 81 SO per hundred.
Inland Snvnra, 8H 50 to 612 per
The befit Sj rnM, $1 23 per krtc.
leoei Keronene. iitnt -.Ws wttb lan--it.
attached,; ts-l I'r ran,
And in fai t nearly all f kind of
ro-rrio ly tlie I'ackaifc
M ill, flu- .Kl.llll.iii i.r fn-l- lil. !
Country Produce.
We liave a full a-wrt inent of
Dry Coods,
Clothinsr. !
Boots and Shoes,
Etc., Etc., Etc.,
f 'onstantl v on hnnrl for role cheap.
The Beautiful SaWflth S-hool Song Book
with the above title ha reeved tbe
Higheat CommendaUona.
Urt one and Jnthrc for Turslf.
L. 0. Emmerson L L. B. Starkweather.
rrk-e In jmpcr, 30 et., in Boards, S5 etn.
EAMTEKAxniKJi! ChriHt ourPassoveT 1,00
Eatf.rHyms! Morning Breakg JO
Eastek Asthem! Christ the Lord .75
Tbe Golden Robin.
A School Song Boot.
Prtee, SO .
Tbe above books and pieces sent, post-paid,
on receipt of retail prlcea.
C. II. mOJI CO., Jw Tforh
I.YOX A HE41Y, Cnleaic.
Will ew ererrt Itftur need! in a family, rroiur
Ilia In-.niMjt fcvthe )iMxt Ultw.
it mhx worn
Tkaa Jin? a I bee MbMV
If there- w 3' Itoreiwe 9rrtig Sarhttio"
Hhi n one thousand' mile of- San rnnole
nt wriini: wtl ami giving entire eMlslae.
tlon.if JaaaisiWirmwt of II, il wMI baMiemd-'
ed to wttbi km eNixnuu wf any kiaxl XXiHr
.A. C3-T T
19 New ITofftgomery S.WM!
Grand Hotel Building, San Francisco.-
Kalexu, Offfsaa.
-T-Afrtivo Agent wanftd in cmf aJaefc
Feb. I dittrlv
Beat Vimrlty TUtnr$
HaliVr-a F.xtrs, XXX
Huprrfine and
.TIi!tIIJiifc-, Itran autP Short'
Afit-at & F. 31. Co.
Xor. Sldtf
Blank Book Manufacturer,
Knlena, Oregm,
Itonk ISiuterv n -ttlrm, I aro now iro
rel toiloall nnnner HC work known to tli
trade. (. ;
Magazmps, Mnsic and Fewspapertt,
TkmmA in any desired style. AM fcM
Blanls. Boolifl
tyr ererv dr-rhlon, matte to tarter. Inwt
the fanrW liie Ledgirr Pajamc, with or
wXbout iiniitnrt-lieilliig.-
TTT A TJTg fi,
OT every fcnvl, ruled atwl yVHiteil to vrirr. a
. Knw Eraarfctr-a lrte-.
lnennne-tm with the Hook WndtTT 1 hartr
a llnv Maiiuttirj- where all kinds of Iom.
are made tn firi-r."Mi,-h TniU Soaji Boxav
Shec Uoxtss ainl ISoxeji ik-ery itencrtiitawi. .
Cray's Brick Block Stat'St-
Is iwHng at tlie OKI Wand, ,
I'nion Blork, I'waaierrnl Knlena
nxwAnp axd:
And will a!soiatmiwtUT
J trade anil the liberal pntronace I hare re
ceived in the Mt. pivei me cnnti'lenoe that I
shall nvelve a fair share of business ami bo
nUt'topive full Kitblaetton.
Salem. Xor. 4. lw
ii O O I SEWS)
Durham's Instant Relief !
I, W. SOUTHER'S Drug Store.
Gno. H. JOSES.
Commercial Hotel Building,
Sperlnl Attention Riven In the Mnle
Keal Kst.-ite In all irt ot'On-pm.
lnrsre snminl or Very IJjewfmbles
i-ltv mpi-nv. ,-oiisl-tlntr of Kwelllnjt
lloti.. Iw It:'vksand llalf Blinks, Sorea, 1
Iinpmvetl Fsnm nn9 Vnlnxble I'n
.ultlva'eil I'mlrii- and Timl-r Luid-s iUtie ,
tileI III tbe tnwt lo-alMKs In the State.
rpiir KenMna: nl liraabiK nf nti
I kinds"! priierti. Cnilevtlmi "f Clala-r
Hiveaii,-ins, Au, will nvvtve promi at
tention. ai;kxtskor
Grocers & Provision Dealers
(ration' Bloik),
fclnte St., Knlena, Oreajon,
Keep constantly on hand
Team CotR-e, Sngnra, Kee, Meal, Hpt-
Tobacco and Segars,
C Iiihh AV arc,
floods delivered in the city, and a fair
share ef patronage soticuea.
Salem. Xlarch It. dlf
Forwarders and Shippers,
All frebrhUntr within the elty done at short
notlee ami on reanonable terma.
Carriages constantly in attendant to eon
vev pB-nper to .-ir or bow or on, It y drives
iVl. 12, IsTo. iltf