The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, March 27, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    Agents lor the Whitman.
......Vost Master
, Kcil t Co
.ti. K. irt)n
....L. Ak-patc
,..-L. Fliuu
,atti"- '"
a v" i ry
AlKsw- -
Ann s v il if -
aker City . --
W. IT. NCrry
..J. II. Jlawley
J. Ifellmstrond
R. Kirk
BrosV-. .......
BaeuVift ,
Buttcville. -
Ottngi! tirnvo..
Delta, W. T... .
Kageac City....
Ktapirr City....
,..-... .' Brooks
.. W. W. Heach
I'ost Mwster
..,1). C. Cerwid
-...P. V, Crwwforu
,..,..P!t Matter
,,. I. Cruswcll
T. IS. Odcue.l
v,,,, Smith
S. I . lirooks
J. Taylor
J. L. Collins
.. J. II. Ray
Post Master
Skinner A Winchester
F. A. Stuart
O. C. Litchfield
M. F. Spencer
firand Ronde
Idaho City. I. T
K luniHtb -
Cornell A Clement
A. B. (ileason
W. I. Hare
Iliraui Smith
K. P. Plowman
...J. Somerville
Max Mulier
II. A. Johnson
Post Master
... .'...I. I. Applegate
Ir. Poppletun
Abranis A Co
"; M. Baker
S. H. Claughtun
I. a M'rande
Lebanon -
- Link River Bridge.
McMinnrille ..
Oregon City
Post Orfird ,
St. Louis
Summit ,.
Willamette Forks..
Y'm-nll .........
Poft Mailer
Ueorge Xourse
Post Maater
W. Waterliouse
Post Master
Baldwin A, Case
F. M. Lamb
J. U. Ellison
J. M. Bacon
, ....Pnst Master
T. W. Crook
C. F. Yea!
H. C. Stanton
J. I. Tavloi
J. Standi-
II. Hathaway
R. S. Swarti
Smith A Cmsseu
...Snider & Richardxon
.... J. TillotSOD
I' . Simpson A Co
.. .. Post Master
T. J. Vaughn
Post Mss-er
D. J. Cooper
J. Api'lcgatc, P. M
The City and County.
From S'ltiirttmg Diiihj.
ENTKirrAixMKNT. A very fair audi-i-iice
was jiresent on Thursday evening
at tlic University, to witness tlie exer-cisi-s
prepared by the Alka and Athe
neutn Soeieties. Tlie stare was well
amtnged, atMl the rich ami well exe
raU'A ta'mtiiigs remlereil tlie scenery
very lieantind. Tlie musical iiart of
the programme was splendid, :unong
which tlie following deserve notice :
It Solllllaml)llla,," dtittt, by the Miss
es Moores;. "Those IMstant ChiiiMf.'"
tri. by Miss Mollie McCitlly, Miss Hat
tie Clarke ud Miss LjdiaClianiljerlin.
The rendition of tlie solo, " Where
have. My Schoolmates (lone,'" by JHss
llattie ClaTk, was excellent. Is
I lender Souvre," by Miss HoKlerness,
met with deserved applattse. " llival
Poets'" comic dialogue by Alf. X icli-!
ls and Ed. Terry, brottght down Uie ;
bonse. "All's Well that Knds WolL"
:i cJKirade. iwssfA-d but little merit,
ajri of course but lirtle was mnile of it;
a little too iihr-Ii noise on tlie stage be
tween wts.
Tlie characters assumed by Misss
Met Mane and StaiT wen.- well sustained,
A reciTat'ron by Miss Sarah (,'ole was
well rendered and warmly applauded.
The sensational play of "We're all
Teetotlars," was a real treat. The
jieriormersaHdid their parts so well,
that fivipiently tlie audience became
Tiproaiionis irJi 3i)il:iaso. 'Iliis is a
very jiojailar little ih-ama. in which tlie
whole company did well, live w-e e.s
pecially notice the aoting of Misses
Clarke and Witter, and Messrs. Cole
man, Is-mmu and lioss. 31 r. Jory's
onttion wasaiiexeellent production ex
hibiting a U lei it tliat he will do well to
cultivate. In the ipiartette. "House
by the JIr-er," the Misses Chamlierrui
aoritiitted themselves as they always
lo well. With the exception of tlie
"(uiiiaby" piirt, (which we think
would have lieen lietter left mt.) Uie
cntiTtainuicnt was a decided siK-cess.of
whitrli those taking jiart may justly be
proud. How much tlie .Societies were
lienelittLiL we were not able to learn.
However, tlie sum realiaed nmst have
lieen a handsome one.
IlisciLUiGKiJ On Tlmrsday evening
Mr. J. K. Bull" was Itrrnight wp from
East Portbuid, where be is engaged in
school teacliiug, by Sheriff Matheny,
the arrest having been tirade on an in
dictment found against him by tlie late
Grand Jarv of Marion county. The
crime alleged to have lieen committed
was an assault, with a deadly weapon.
On arriving lie gave tlie jmoessary
Iwinds for his appeajance at Court yes
terday. His ease csinie up yesterday
inortiing, and, on motion of die Prose
cuting Attorney, he was discharged, as
there proved to be no demaud for a
irosecution. By inquiry, we leani
that Mr. Buff bus a very interesting
fchnol at E;ist I'orthind, atKl we ftir
ther karn tlwt, as a teacher, lie is well
liked, and as n consequence is suooeed
ing well. He is a yming manofeon
siclerable ability, and is well able to es
tablish liimself wherever he goes.
It might be well enough for our citi
zens to know that the City Council lias
resolved tJat tlie ordinance in regard
to street olstniction shall lw enforced;
and wie, tln'refore, call attention to a
resolution adopted at tlie last meeting,
as follows:
AViiHiKAS, lliere is complaint from
various sources of obstnu-J funs placed '.
in the streets of tlie city by different
and various forms and manner, tliei-e-fori'
lie it
j;rsh-ni, Tlmt the City Mrsll is
especially directed to enforce ttw; laws
of the city, in all cases ot obst nictions
to streets in atiy way, wlicre permit
lias not first granted by tlm (Jity
Xkki AifFmox. There can Ik?
found in some of the. principal streets
of our city shuk large oak tmis,
w hose gnarlpd trunks have withstood
the storms of hmidrcd of years, per
haps, and ire to-day still standing.
Thirty years ago these trees may pos
.sibly liave lieeii useful, ui affording
fiine Jviud of stvjiery to the dwellers
of the forest, against tlie storms of
winter and tlie withering, ileal of tlie
.Miu in summer. Xow that their mis
sion is fullv done, and simi- tliev nr.
longer add anything to the beauty of
the city, we simply suggest they he
removed. Are tliey not truly "street
obstruct ions.' "
Siukwalk. A heavy foire was at
work yesterday in building a sidewalk
along the east side of Commercial
street, from tlie long lividge across
.South Mill Creek to Bellevue street,
It is belns so constructed ns to join
tlie foot bridtre which will soon be
built, across tlie creek and alongside of
the urescnt brulire. I his is a initch
iieedcd iiUDroveiiKtit, !iut pome Silks
lo think that tlie bridge and sidewalk
should have been on the other .side of
the street.
AttTDEM1. Yesterday, Mrs. II. D,
Boon, in drawing a bucket of water
from the well, accidentally let the
handle of the windlass slip from her
hand, and in its rapid revolutions
caused.-bv tlie weight of the bucket,
the ha i idle struck her wrist and inflicted
a painful wound.
Gtiirso Dry. A farmer from the
country stated yesterday, that the
ground was getting almost too dry for
plowing, esiecially was this tme of
lull land. More rain, will be the hue
and cry soon, among farmers.
ClmxtT Cocirr. In "Hie case State
vs. S. K. May. tlieMttrt lias tlie mat
ter wrier aiMvnrcift, and the ease is
rwfcirinrtl mfril'ftie .Tune tcrni.
Two laK 4it.nHl Kiley and Parker,
welt: arrawnvxl and will plead tins
CirtJt.KJourt closes to-l:iy.
SbVmext of Flock. One hundred
tftss ot flour liave been shipped by
Messrs. Kinney & Son to Portland dnr-
the weeU.
SliootisU niort grouse to be plenti
til'nl in the bills adjacent.
The river U lower than uu:tl at this
season of the year.
From Sumkty's Dailg.
Rebuplican Enthusiasm!
Old 3Iriou Riarlii !
The meeting at the Opera House,
last evening, to ratify the Republican
nominations now in the field, was a
most decided and gratifying success.
The audience room was tilled, even to
the remotest seats, a large uuiiilier of
the ladies of Salem gracing the oc
oceasiou with tlieir presence. It has
been very seldom that Salem has ever
turned out a more intelligent or a
more enthusiastic audience, since the
close of the great rebellion. The
speakers were Messrs. Meachi'in,
Mallory and Boise, who made brief,
telling siH-eehes, abounding with hap
by hits at the distraction 'which ap
pears to lie the nilein the ranks of the
Bed-rock Xew Ueiwirtuii! Passive
Possum Democracy; searching
and caustic reviews of the
disgracefully extravagant, unconsti
tutional and swindling legislation of
the last iJciiiocratic legislature; and
triumphant vind'u-ations of tlie Ke
publican party and its policies.
Allusions to Grant and Wilson
were invariably received with loud
and prolonged applause, in which
even mail' of the ladies seemed to
join. It was clear that that audience
was einpliatically for Wilson for Con
gress and tor Grant for President.
The demonstration, altogether, was a
most unmistakable inclicntinu that
Salem ami old Marion are still sound
on the great question of perpetuating
the triumphs of tin; Republican party.
As .fudge Boise closed, three cheers
were called for Grant and Wilson and
they were given and prolonged with a
hearty will" from hundreds ol throats
and with a vim that will resound
throughout the campaign. The hour
being very late, the meeting then ad
journed. I )K5 IOCU AT10 ( 'ON V KN V I( N . TI ie
wisdom;?) of Marion county assembled
in Deiuoct-aticConvention at the Court
House yesterday, and elected the fol
lowing Delegates to tlie State Conven
tion : John V. Miller. C. G. Curl, K.
Y. Colby, F. K. Eldridge, B. F.
Brown, it. V. Kinney, J. C. Berry, K.
X. Matthieu. Win. Cosper, T." H.
Canu and W. .f. Herren. County
Central Committee as follows: ('.;.
Curl, George S. Downing and F. K.
LHCTt'KK. The temperance lecture
lcliverel at the Ninth Salem ( httrcli
on H-idav ni-ilit ty .Mrs. t arrie t.
Youn. is said to have lieen lis-
tenel to by a large and appreciative
uidience. Nirrv we could not attend.
A ltTHXI'.s F I NCI ilill l;.TI N. Art i-
cles of incorporation were filed in the
Secretary of State's office yesterday,
incorporating Xonpareil Lodge, Xo.
N. l.O.ti. T.. of Tortland. Incor-jioratoi-s:
A. G. Walling, W. S.
James and Richard Bird.
Religious meetings will le con
tinued at the M. E. Church on each
evening of the present week, except
Monthly and Saturday.
Wild geese were flying very high
yesterday in their passage to the north.
They are evidently leaving Oregon hi
search of climes more congenial.
Our city has
the past week
beeu favored during
in the way of new
Weather delicious. Wind from the
north anil that's why it don't rain.
Diki. Xear Silvertou March -Kid.
Win. Masher, ageil alnnit 35 vears.
front Tiii'ihIii;'k Dnihj.
TllEATlilCAl.. Mr. Geo. B. Wai
tings with his full and excellent dra
matic company, opened Reed's OjK-ra
House last evening with Shakespeare's
great tragedy of "Hamlet.'" There
was present, to greet Mr. Waldron,
after an absence of seven years or more,
a really flue audience for Salem which
has the reputation of being not a
theater-going town. The play was
produced, we think, quite to the sat
isfaction of all, and to the delight of
Shakesperean readers and critics. Mr.
Waldron "s Hamlet is a representation
which acknowledged critics pronounce
equal to that of Booth's in every essen
tial respect while in some points it is
superior. It is artistic in action and
business, and correct in the reading be
yond anything ever offered liefore to
an Oregon audience. Mrs. Waldron.
Gphelia is a beautiful and pnthoticiier
forinance, especially in tlie mad scene
where she stirs tlie tenderest naWres
of her auditors. Mr. Barry as the
grave-digger is iiicouiiarably tlie best
artist that has ever appeared in this
city or perliaps upon this coast. We
may honestly give the entire company
a fair meed of commendation for tlieir
personations in Hamlet. To-night
n'tssc. tne agaoontt, win oe jier-
formed. It is brilliant, piquant, witty
anil exceedingly dramatic one of the
really best plays now holding the
I Mian Is.
Weiuuno AT Ciii kcii. We ob
served that great interest was taken,
especially by the young ladies, in the
wedding of Mr. Cook and Miss Lance-
field at. the Christian Church. Sunday
evening.. I he auditorium was crowd
ed almost to suffocation, and almost
every available inch of standing room
was occupied, bv both ladies and gen
tlemen who stood patiently through
the entire service, m onler to see the
final sacrifice. We presume tliev
would have "fought it out on that
line " if it had taken all night.
I'ouc Cocxty Demockacy The
Democratic Convention of Polk county,
on Saturday, elected the following del
egates to their State Convention : H.
X. V. Holmes, J. W. Xesuiith, I). W.
Jeffries J. V. B. Butler, B. F. Burch,
E. Mclfciiiiel, Thomas G. Richmond.
The following is tlie Democratic coun
ty ticket nominated on that day: State
Senator. R. J. Grant ; Representatives,
it. Clow, Jas. H. White, and Isaac
Lcvens; Clerk. D.J. Holmes; Sheriff,
Samuel T. Burch ; Treasurer. R. M.
May ; School Sttjierlnteiideiit, I.. Vine
yard ; Assessor, II. M. Lines ; Survey
or, T. L. Butler; Coroner. J. It. Sites.
Between Seasons Mr. E. X.
Cooke has commenced making exca
vations lor tlie foundation of a
fine residence lie proposes to
erect, facing the Plaza, between
W inter and Summer streets. We can
not but admire Mr. Cooke's expedient
of building, where he will have Win
ter on one side and Summer on the
other lie can pay his money and take
his choice at any season of the year.
Aspiialtl'm. Ten tons of asphalt
um was brought up by the freight
train yesterday, for the penitentiary
basement floors.
1Ioi.lV Water "Works. "We no
ticed the presence in toWil, yesterday
of Mr. T. T. Flagley. ilgtnt lbr tlili
Holly Watff' M'tfrks Cb: We are uot
apprised of Mr. J'lflgley'n errand to
Salem ; but We klw)W he Visited Oi-e-gon
tn the ptlrjKise of seeing what
could be done toward introducing the
HoHy system. He addressed a quite
largr; assmiblage of taxpayers, at
Portland tire other evening, in expla
nation of llw system, its cost and ad
vantages. Firk WAliUKN. Marslial FislRr,
acting as Fire Warden, was attending,
yesterday, to some cases of stove-pipes
that were found to lie tliru-t through
the sides of hou-es or out at windows,
contrary to ordinance of the city. In
this dry weather, such pipes are ex
tremely dangerous; ami all cases of
disregard of the ordinance ought to be
promptly attended to.
R. R. Si'itsciimioNS. There was
some movement, yesterday, in the
matter of obtaining subscriptions to
the project of bringing the Oregon and
California railroad through the busi
ness part of the city. We hear that
several thousand dollars were obtained.
Going kok Scpi'liks. Several of
our merchants are going below about
these days, to lay in supplies lor the
spring trade. Among these depart-
ures, we note Mr. G. P
goes to San Francisco
spring ityles. He will
or three weeks.
. Terrell who
tor stocks of
lie absent two
Tin; Ci.akke-Watkind's Case..
The cases of Clarke vs. Watkind's and
AVatkind's vs. Clarke are to he tried
at Alhanv this week. There was con
siderable stir in this city, yesterday, in
the matter of summoning witnesses
for the reieetive parties.
Home. lion. J. S. Smith, who has
lieen spending the winter in California
for the benefit of his health, arrived
home by the steamer Ovitlamiue. His
health is, we learn, still somewhat pre
carious. Seixinc; Liqi'Ok to Indians. Jus
tice Murphy had a case liefore him
yesterday in which a party was
charged with selling liquor to Indians;
but as the charge was not sustained,
the defendant was discharged.
Accident. We hear that a little
lioy of Air. Cook who lives near the
saw mill, while at play with other
children on Sunday, had the misfor
tune to get an arm broken, by the
rolling of a log.
For Fkascisco. The steam
ship Orillaiiune will sail from Portland
for San Francisco at i o'clock this af
ternoon so we hear.
GoiNC, to Cocirr. A numlier of
attornies ami litigant left Salem by
the afternoon train for Albany, to at
tend the session of the Cireuit Court.
Il.-ite to 9lnr'!i 21.
Gen. Sickles has negotiated for the
new Erie Board, a loan of 2,000,000
at 0 per cent.
The Pacific Mail Co. is having two
steamship hulls built at Glasgow, to
cost !f24D,000:ind 205.0(10.
The new Spanish Minister, Rear
Admiral Polode Barnahi, has arrived
t Xew York.
The Massachusetts House Chaplain.
Cwd worth, opened the session with a
prayer in which he made an npeal tor
woman suffrage. The speaker niled
tlmt juirt of the prayer out of order.
Cold weather continues, and ac
cording to reports received at Gov
ernment offices, it extends nearly
over the entire West and Fast of the
continent. Terrible snow storm on
the Fonda and Gloversville railroad
Xew York.
Heavy ice on Lake Erie, extending
eighty miles out, and more than three
feet in thickness. Xavigatiou proba
bly will not open liefore May.
The I'nited Slates and British Claims
Commission resumed their sessions to
day. They transacted much routine
business, but came to no decision.
Governor Ito. accompanied by Mr.
Fiklawski, left to-night for Xew York
on his return to Japan, his business
licing to report to his Government the
progress ot negotiations of a treaty
between Japan and the I'nited States
ami for such Instructions as the Em
bassy require in the premises ; also as
to future diplomatic transactions Gov.
Ito will take with him dispatches from
the Embassador to tlieir sovereign, giv
ing circumstantial details ot their jour
ney thus far in the country, ami the
friendly manner in which they have
been received by the Government and
people of the I'nited States.
In the Mayor Hall trial on the 21st.
Judge Daley discharged the jury hay
ing decided that further proceedings
would be void.
In the Illinois House of Representa
tives, a bill to reeat the lately enac
ted teniierance law was tabled."
Supreme Court has dismissed (lie
South Carolina Ku Kmx case for want
of jurisdiction
Washington, March 21. Tlie Sen
ate Executive Committee to-day con
firmed the nominations of Joseph A.
Looinisas Associate Justice of the Su
preme Court of Washington Territory ;
lames IK Kcynolils Assay OttRe Clerk,
Boise City, Idaho; William Ingersoll,
Postmaster at t'enblo.
l'he Commissioner of Indians affairs
has oflicial news Irom Arizona that
only a few Indians manifest a dispo-
ition to go upon the reservations, and
that murders and roblieries have liegun
1m the House the Committee on
Foreign Affairs authorized its Chair
man to report on the resolution in fa
vor ot remitting to Japan the entire
unoiuit ot Japanese indemnity fund
tine by the I'nited States.
The Secretary of tlie Treasury is
received a lot of Japanese coins, to be
placed in the I". S. Mint.
.EW Yoi;k, TJ.. llie counsel to
day had stay nffiroccediugs granted
by Judge Cardoso until tlie excep
tions to the late tindings in reference
to iudictufcut be determined.
It is reported, says the Triiiit.
that about forty Tammany refugees
have taken up tlieir residence at. St.
Johns, Xova S-otia, and that tliey are
living thereunder assumed names.
CuiC.ww). 22. A tire in trutralia.
Mo., last night, destroyed the Masonic
Hall ami three stores." Loss, $35,000.
Memphis Teun., "22. Then; was
(he heaviest snow-sioriu of the .season
here this nioning.
Washington. 22. A dispalvh says
Governor Warmouth is reported to
have effected a compromise with Pres
ident Grant wliereby the Federal op
position to his (Warnimtfh's) re-election
to the Governership of Louisiana will
lie practically withdrawn antl tlie two
hostile factions consolidated under
Packanl's champb nship.
Washington. 22. Senator Schurz
to-day testified before tlie Senate Com
mittee on the Sale or Arms to tlie man
ner in which lie first obtained informa
tion about sales to the French Govern
ment by Remington. About a week lie
fore Christmas vacation a copy of a let
ter was shown hint by a Congressman ;
it was the same as appeared in the pre
amble to Stunner's resolution ; he did
not know of his own knowledge how
the copy was obtained ; he did not feel
at liberty to tell th name of the mem
ber, but thought tlie gentleman might
have no objection himself to do so ; it
was not Sumner, however. In reply
to a uuestion wliether lie had any
knowledge of any olh'eers of the Gov
ernment receiving money irom saies,
tlm witness replied that a good deal
of information came to him from a
third person in confidence, and lie
thought this information could lie ob
tained by the Committee on Evidence.
( 'arpenter liatl asked the question from
whom had Schurz obtained informa
tion ? Tlie witness said he would
waive it for tlie present. Schurz in
the course ol his examination said he
did not obtain his information from
other than citizens.
The Spanish .Minister Interviewed.
Xew Yokk, 22. The new Spanish
Minister to Washington. Admiral
Polo De Barnabel, lauded from the
steamer South America last night,
i Reporters besieged him tit his hotel and
stwcwndwi in gcttinK an interview.
Tlie Admiral speaks English fluently.
He said "It is a treat mistake to ri'r
reseiit me as hostile and prejudiced to
ward this natioiK I am a sailor, with
great love for my profession and have
never meMred nor ever wanted to
meddle vW politics. In proof of
thiss t may tell you I declined tlie mis
sion to London Irom the Provisional
Government in lSiJS. I prefer, how
ever, the United States to any other
foreign country, and always left sym
pathy with Americans. I met with
highly flattering receptions when I
visited Xew York in 18(53. I remem
lier I spent many pleasant hours with
your naval officers antl some distin-
gnished people in this city. I was al
so tendered the freedom of the city of
New York. I had tlie testimonial
framed and carry it always. Mine is
a war profession, yet I consider war a
thing by all means to lie avoided. Like
your President. I have seen enough of
war and am a man of peace. I do not
yet know the questions pending be
tween the two Governments, but nave
no doubt all differences can be settled
in a friendly way. - It is my opinion
that war is the very last extremity to
resort to. I would first exhaust all
possible measures of diplomacy ; anil
even when things look very threaten
ing let some tune elapse to restore
calmness and then renew negotiations.
The rumor that 1 have written a
pamphlet on the United States is un
true. I have never written a pamph
let. I am for strictly keeping the law
and international obligations and not
giving way to passions and prejudice.
As reganls Cuba. 1 think the insur
rection should not now be complete
ly suppressed and then citizens edu
cated up to tree institutions. I was
greatly shocked when I heard of the
recent execution of students. My ap
pointment does not signify a change at
jHilicy towanl tlie United States. There
can lie but one jioliey, and that is
lieace." The Admiral concluded by
saying tliat all was arranged for lilm
to' succeed Minister Roberts in a lew
WasiiixCTOn. 23. Gen. Sickles will
not return to Spain.
Washington. 21- The tone of dis
, usiiou in the British Parliament by
Earl Derby antl others on the Alabama
claims creates surprise here, as jt was
generally understood that, England
was favorable to an amicable settle
ment. The position assumed by our
Government in the last note of Secre
tary Fish to Granville remains un
changed, and nothing may occur
either in Parliament or in the Cabinet
will be likely to disturb it. The re
ceipt of Earl Granville's reply, which
it is expected has been sent through
Minister Schenek, is looked for with
considerable anxiety.
Washington, March 20 In the
Senate, Hitchcock Introduced a bill
granting the right of way to the Chey
enne, Iron Mountain ami Pacific Rail
road and Telegraph Company.
Sherman moved to resume the con
sideration of the tariff bill.
Chandler announced that he would
opiose the consideration of the tariff
bill at every stage.
The bill was then taken up and
Morrill, of Vermont, addressed the
S-nate at length on the tariff' question.
House. Maynard introduced a bill
to pension the widow of Admiral Far
ragtit at the rate of one-fourth of his
piynient at the time of death. Rt
ferred. Sherman, of Pennsylvania, offered a
resolution calling on the Secretary of
State for a statement ot amounts paid
newspapers for publishing laws of the
I'nitetl States.
The Senate Committee on Xaval
.'Affairs, to-day appointed t ragin. Nye,
Stockton anil Alcorn a committee on
tin; subject of establishing iron ship
building yards will docks to economize
expenditures tit tlie navy, ami to aid
in restoring commerce as presented in
the recent report of the Secretary of
the Xavv. which promised to establish
one such yard on the Atlantic coast
antl auoiher at a point on the Missis
sippi river. ;
'onicnsisJonnl .
Washington, 23. The PtHollice
bill, if it passes the S-nate. as is proli
cide, it is believed its defeat iu the
House by five majority may be re
verse 1.
Cole's bill passed Imth Houses au
thorizing the Courts to settle the prize
money claims of the captors of the
rain Albcruiarle. The House Com
mittee favorably reported a bill giving
tlie Wyoming's crew $230,000 prize
money out of the Japanese, indemnity
The S-nate Lauds Committee have
reported favorably on the bill incorpo
rating the Salt like & Colorado River
Kailroail. The incorHrators are Alex,
li. Baldwin ami others. The Com
mittee agreed to rtqiort the Mormon
bill granting almost the same route
and franchise to the I' till ltailroad
Houghton introduced a bill incorpo
rating the Arkansas Valley ltailroad
Company, with a grant ot the right,
of way for a railroad irom the mouth
of the Arkansas river via of Little
Bock to the foot ot the Rocky moun
tains; tin-nee to Siiu Lulis Park ami
San Jnan range, and thence by the
most practicable route to Sun Francis
co ; also from tlie Arkansas river to
meet the Atlantic and Pacific Bailroid
near tlie boundary lietween Texas and
Indian Territory.
Tlie Senate's action yesterday in
favor of placing tea antl coffee on the
tVee list surprised the best friends of
tin- measure. It Mas precipitated by
protectionists as the readiest method
of defeating any general tariff valua
tion. t'nlirornln.
San Fiiancisco, Man-h 21. Gen.
Howard has gone to Arizona to talk
laiuied nonsense to the Ajiaches.
French ladies are about to raise
funds to assist in paying off the Ger
man war indemnity.
No eastern imfd for two days.
"Butt" Riley, king of the Hood
lums convicted of highway robliery.
pleaded guilty also to the charge of
Mickey Grant a seventeen year con
vict has lieen sentenced again for ten
years for buglary.
The mining longs are roasting the
mining "shorts."
Judge Lorenzo Sawyer will leave
Monday for Oregon, to hold a term of
the 1'. S. Cireuit Court at Portland.
San FitANCisro, 22. Arrived to
day bark Welifoot, Columbia riyer.
Wheat at Liverpool lis. Hi.
The trial of Dickson antl Murray,
the hackmen indicted for rajie upon
Catherine ITIara aged fourteen years,
in a hack, is now going on. The As
sistant District.
Attorney Judge Darwin stated that
he would prove during the trial that
the defendant Dickinson had through
various iiersons since Ids arrest, includ
ing his own lawyer, made propositions
to marry the girl, ami that the other
defendant had offered to furnish $30
towanl starting the couple in house
keeping in case she would consent to
marriage ami drop tne prosecution.
Dr. Carl Precht, one 01 cue oldest
and liest known German physicians iu
this city, died suddenly this morning
at ten o'clock. His death is supposed
to have been caused by heart disease.
The Jinllrttn this evening editorially
says It is wholly opposed to granting
any part of Goat Island to the railroad
company, antl that all indications point
to the Intention to fill in its entire
grant obtained through Carpentier,
from Oakland of submerged lands be
tween the Island and the mainland
ami building thereon a city indepeut
of San Francisco.
San Francisco, 24. Arrived
Steamship Great Republic, from Chi
na and Japan. The purser reports
that after experiencing a severe storm
January 13th, near Ocean Island, she
saw a quantity ot wreck floating on
(he sea supposed to be from the
breaking up of the U. S. steamer
Saginow. which was lost on that island.
Matthias Dewaltl fined $1,000 for
insulting school girls.
Tlic funeral of Dr. Carl Pricht to
day was attended by a thousand ieo
ple, and the procession to the cemetery
one of the largest ever seen in San
An Immense number of tickets in
tlie Royal Havana Lottery are now
being soh I here. The next drawing is
a double e.xtrordinary, the highest
prize is three hundred thousandT dol
lars, and tho ticket sell at seventy-five
dollars each.
The printers of Canada have re
solved upon a strike June 1st for tlie
nine hour system. The papers will
Tlic President lias signed tlie act
granting pre-emption rights to settlers
in California.
The President lias nominated John
I.. Mayhugh for Register of the Land
Office at Elko, Nevada; alsoM. P.
Freemad, Receiver of Public Money
at Elko.
Chicago, 23. A Washington dis
patch says that the He.jmbUciH this
morning has the following editorial :
President Grant's position on tlie sub
ject of nomination for tlie Presidency
as well as for tlie Vive Presidency Ls
this : He never skd any one to vote
lor his re-nomination or (h Hie slightest
"Tiy to worfc mt iu llv teels it is for
tlie piple through IheiV- representa
tives In tin- National ( Vnrentiou as
sembled U say Wlro slrtll or wlio shall I
not be tlieir standard bearers. If they
decide that lie is the man w!k of all
men ought to lead tliem in the cam
paign, wliose shadow Is already on us,
:is tliey decided during the rebellion
and afterwanl when the rebellion came
to an end, very good. He will accept 1
tlie res(Hmsib!llty and duty to which
he is called. It1 not, lie will stand by
the party and its organization all the
same. If he is renominated antl liad
a choice of candidate with him on the
ticket, he Would probably select Col
tax. Their relations liave always
been, as our Indiana eontemporar'
says, of a most agreeable character.
Colfax never interfered with the Ex
ecutive in the difficult and thankless
matter of appointments and patron
age, and has not as other Vice Presi
dents have done asked to be allowed
any iu selection of apiointments even
to reward his own friends, and il re
nominated nutl re-elected Would proba
bly maintain the same course in luture.
Washington. XI. The Vice Iresl
dent laid before the Senate a memorial
signed by over 400 women of Utah,
strongly depreciating the admission ot
tunc territory into the Cnion as a
New York, 22. There have been
terrible ami unusual storms on the
A private cable dispatch states that
the steamer Baltic left tjueenstowu to
day for New York, bearing the second
note of Karl Granville on the Alabama
claims. She is due here on the 31st
The willow of the late Henry Keep
has given a hundred thousand dollars
to the Opthalmic Hospital for the pur
jiose of enlarging accommodations and
making provisions for the reception ol
free patients.
The El iases, bogus watch sellers, to
day applied for the arrest of Horace
Greeley and others of the Trilnme.
The Tammany Thieves.
New Yokk, 23. Win. llennessy
Cooke, of Alabama, indicted by Judge
Bedford's grand jury, for forging war
rants against the city, yesterday sur
rendered himself, and was bailed in
the sum ot $10,000. Cooke has been
iu the confidence of the Tammaiiy
King, and is said to have imiwrtaut
knowledge of the voucher theft, con
cerning which he will probably testify
next week.
'l'he prosecution will now probably
! bring Mayor Hall liefore tlie Court of
General Sessions. Hall's counsel are
jubilant over what they consider a tri
umphant termination of the late trial.
Sr. Lons. 2.'!. The Missouri lJ-m-ir
ir was sold yesterday umlera recent
decree of Court. It brought -15'i. 100 ;
purchased by t rishback.
i toKi:ui. sim
I Toronto. Cauda, dispatches indmte
i March 10th as the coldest day of the
i winter.
London, March 20. Gladstone, in
; reply to a question, said that as far as
i the Alabama claims were concerned,
j he iH'lieved the speech of Her Majesty
j on tin; oK-ning of the session, gave all
; necessary information. Gladstone, in
I conclusion, slid it would lie impossi-
hie for Government to delegate to Par
! liaiuent. the power of making treaties.
I It, is proved that. Ba.iue dined wit ii I
! Prince Frederick Charles the day hc
j fore he capitulated Metz.
i A proiositioii for an alliance Iie
' tueeii Italy and Germany is removed.
' A M. Petersburg letter says Ku-sia
sides with United "States in regard to
! Alabama claims.
Jews are still persecuted in tlie Ro
j man States.
London. 22. The Doily Tclrtirttph
I says Karl Granville's second note on
the Alabama question was delivered to
Minister Schenek on Wednesday. It
does not recede trom the position taken
iu his first note, but reiterates tlx re-
putuation ot the. claims tor indirect !
damages. It proposes that tht'
puted cases on Imth sides be lodged
with the Geneva Boanl of Arbitrators
on u prescribed tlate. without preju
dice to tht- position taken on direct
Paius. 22. Lord Lyons the British
Ambassador to France, has notified
Thiers that England cannot modify
her custom duties for the accommoda
tion of France during the year. The
eomnicreia! treaty between the two
nations will remain in force.
A St. Petersburg correspondent says
that Catacazv was received very coldly
by the Emperor and Gortsehakoff. It
! ;
is reported that the ex-.M mister is
about to quit official life and devote
himself to journalism.
Cuban insurgents sacked the town
of Sagadad, Tonoino, on the 51 h hist.
London. 22. In the House of
Lords this evening. Earl Derby, in ac
rjnrdantv with notice given on Tues
day night, proposed his question as to
the course the Government intended
to pursue iu regard to the Treaty of
Washington. He hopetl the Minister
of Foreign Affairs would lie able to
state that Her Majesty's Government
was prepared to maintain the ground
taken at the beginning of the session.
Our avy.
According to the latest issue of the
official register, the United States navy
is composed ot 178 vessels, nominally
mounting 142H guns. Of these, thirty
six vessels, with an aggregate of 3DS
guns, are on foreign stations or cruis
ing ; eight carrying 103 gnus, are used
as school and practice ships ; seven
with 00 guns are used as ro-eivin
ships, and one of 10 guns is oceni
as marine barracks at Pensaeola. Fla.
Seventeen unarmed vessels are sta
tioned at various navy yanls. and
twenty-six vessels with" 200 guns are
repairing. One vessel of S guns is iu
winter quarters on Lake Erie. Tlie
remaining eighty-two vessels are not
in list;, four of 01 guns being out of
commission ; fourteen of 130 guns be
ing iu ordinary ; forty-nine of 204 guns
being laid up ; thirteen of 103 2""s
being unfinished ; one of 23 guns licing
sunk, antl one being condemned. Tliere
are 1,424 commissioned officers and
l.s warrant officers on the active list.
The commissioned officers are cm
ployed as follows : On duty at sea.
i!S7 ; on duty ashore, 484 ; waiting or
ders and unemployed, 202 ; on leave
of absence, 25, and on sick leave, 2D.
The principal officers consist of one
admiral, one voice admiral, twelve
rear admirable, twenty-five commo
dores, fifty captains ninety comman
ders, and one hundred antl sixty-four
lieutenants. There are fifteen medi
cal directors with the relative rank of
captain, fifteen medical inspectors
with tlie rank of commander fifty sur
geons with the rank of lieutenant
commander, thirty passed assistant
surgeons and forty-six assistant sur
geons, there are thirteen pay direc
tors, thirteen nay inspectors, fifty pay
masters and sixty-seven assistant pay
masters, mere are sixty chief engin
eers ninety-nine first assistant engin
eers, and seventy second-assLstaut en
The Auenc Whale Fishery.
Tlie New Bedfonl Ntamhtnl savs the
American Arctic fleet Ls quite nisjiect
able in size, notwithstanding the ler-
rible disaster that lately befell tlie
nortneni wiiaiesinps. Since the re
ception of tlie news of tlie calamity.
eight vessels liave left New Bedfonl
for tlie Aretic, and another will leave
next week, and also one from New
London. Eight vessels hail sailed for
tlie same destination before the receipt
of the news, and with three more hail
ing Irom New Bedford, which eseaed
the general wreck, togetlier with
others at New Zealaud aud otlier
jioints. which lint received onlers to
proceed to the N orth next Spring, a
fleet of at least twenty-three vessels
will be there. It is expected that
sevvral others now at sea will also be
onlered to the same grounds.
Tliey tell of a railway in Kentucky
whereon tlie locomotives are assisted
up steep grades by a yoke of bxen. .
Profitable Patriotism for Land .
From the Washington Chronicle.
A little pamphlet has just appeared,
presenting a subject of weighty import
ance to the great railway compauies iu
tlie West, and those interested in tliem
as stockholders or otlierwlse, and toall
iu this country or (u Europe who con
template making the far W est tlieir fu
ture Irome. Its tittev Suggestions for
a Free School Policy for United States
Land Grantees." indioateslts contents.
Tlie presenter of these suggestions is
Rev. George U. Atkinson, f. D., one
of the pioneer settlers of Oregon. And
a leading worker in iier educational
ami moral progress Portland being for
many years bis residence.
Tin: immphlet crtusists of a corres-Kiiident-e
between Dr. Atkinson, Gen.
John Eaton. Jr., I'nited States Com
missioner of Education, and Hon. C.
Delanoy Secretary of the interior, tlie .
letter Of the latter being only a brief but
Itenrty endorsement of Dr. Atkinson
to Gen. Eaton.
Dr. Atkinson mor
al antl pecuniary advantage resulting
to those towns and cities in tlie West
which eariy hi their organization do
nated some of the choicest sites iVithhi
their limits for the promotion of five
education, and then proiiOses that the
attention of great railway eompanit s
that have received land subsidies should
lie called to this system by the Com
missioner of Education, with tlie view
to their adopting it inlaying out ami
disposing of their town sites. "Ten
or twenty years now," he says " seal
the diameter of future centuries, and
the American educational culture
ought to lead and guide these forming
communities." lfe shows tliat three
fourths of our area lies west of tlie Mis
sissippi, and predicts Irom the great
tide ol foreign immigration that two
thirds of our imputation will live be
yond that river.
In his letter Gcu. Eaton wannly fa
vors the plan, and sets forth in pointed
language its advantage to the immi
grant and to the railroad.
The ''Suggestions" are now lieing
submitted to the various railroad com
panies, and a resioiise has just been re
ceived from Jay Cooke, Esq., of Phil
adelphia, who says :
"Our Northern Pacific enterprise
being controlled by gentlemen who re
gard the interest you refer to as of tlie
highest importance, tliere will lie no
difficulty in carry ing out. under certain
restrictions and regulations, all. and
more, than you hintat in your publica
tion. We have already, as fast as we
lay out towns and cities, provided am
iily for chinches, schools, .seminaries of
learning, etc.. by selecting lots and sites
for their erection."
We litqie the importance of these
suggestions will be appreciated by ev
ery railroad company iu possession of
these granLs, and that they may lie ful
ly carried out It will enhance the
value of other lands of the railroads by
attracting immigrants antl will Im
measurable benefit not simply tlie
West, but the present generation.
Good Advice.
President ol Yale College, gave the
following advice to the students ot tliat
institution the other day : "Young
men. you are the architects of your
own fortunes. Rely umiii your own
strength of lindy and soul. Take for
your star, self-reliance, faith, honesty
and industry. Inscrilie on your ban
ner ; "Luck is a fool, pluck is a hero."
Ifcin'ttake too much advice : keep at
your helm and stear your own shii,
and remember that "the great ait of
commanding is to take a fair share of
the work. loii"t practice too much
humanity. Think well of yourself.
Strikeout. Assume your own iosi
tiou. Put Mitatoes in your cart, over
a rough rood, and small tines go to the
lmttoin. Rise a I Hive the envious ami
jealous. Fire above the mark you in
tend to hit Energy, invincible deter
mination, with a right motive, an; the
that move tin, world. Iion't
think. Don't chew. Don't smoke.
Don't swear. iKm't deivive. Don't
read novels. Iion't marry until you
can siipKirt a wife. Be in earnest.
Be self-reliant. Be generous. IU;
civil. Head the puiM-rs. Advertise
your business. Make money and do
good with it. Love your God ami fel
lowmau. Ixve tnith ami virtue.
Love your country antl obey its laws."
If this advice is implicity followed by
the young men of the country, the
millennium is near at hand.
scemtok-s ANDSCL I.ITI KE. A cor
resiMindeut in Italy gives these tacts
! aiiont sculpture :
How many there are w ho still think
that the statue which they see antl ad
mire in its harmonious erfection is
the product of the "artist's chisel "
as tlie phrase is whose name the
statue liears ! We bear constantly that
such a sculptor " finishes jierfcctly."
when his hand has had nothing to" do
with the work after the clay model was
finished. Only his eye and directing
mind have followed the pnnvss. with
that sense of resonsibiHty demanded
by reputation already won or to Ik; won.
Ball and Connolly have $750 for a por
trait bust, and tin; price demanded by
Powers is $l.O0!l. All hut $100, the
price paid for the piece of marble ami
the woik. is (he profit which goes to
the scciilptor for his clay model, which
costs him lalmr of a week or ten days.
The lieautit'ul itleal of Porserpine. by
Powers, which has been re'ated we'll
towartl a hundred times and which is
always under the hands of the work
men." is sold for $4tH) or $500. The
cost ot making it is almut $S0. An
ideal statute, sold for $-1,000 or $5,000,
costs the artist for marble and work.
$1,500. As soon as the clay model has
passed from his hand to lie manipula
ted upon iu marble, the artist is free to
tiegin a new design.
Miscellaneous Items
The most fashionable polonaise for
spring costumes is the Franklin coat,
which is ornamented with the square
pockets and flaps of the Revolutionary
A Wilmington hen lias been laying
an egg with tht; Inscription In raised
ters, War in 1S72 Kngland and
America." When tlie hens commence
propliesying wliat may we not expect?
Two voung ladies in New York,
wlio have lx-eii not-sl for tlieir beauty
iiid style, have recently lieconie quite
iiaralvzcd from tlic use, tlie physicians
atlirm. of paints and cosmetics of va
rious kinds.
Charles Conlier, tlie sculptor, has
just finished the modeling of a spiri
ted gnmp, winch is to l- npndtii-pd
iu breeze. A lovely water nymph is
gracefully riding through the waves
on flic hank of an ocean god. wlio
seems very proud of his fair burden.
Mr. Mori, tlie Charge d'Aff.iirs ot
Japan in Washington,' has made a
formal prejiosal to It. G. Northnip.
s-cn-tary of tlM-Gotiuectictit Jloeird of
Kdticntinn. that Im take clmrvc, at a
salary of $10.1100 per annum hi gold,
of tlie educational Interests of the Ja
panese Umpire. j
Tls Pittsburg (r-tzfte says : "Sena
tor Schurz says tliat none of tlm cliar
ges made by liiin against tlie Adminis
tration have been tlisproven. The
Senator's cliarges are very vague, but
it lias been proven tliat It his insinua
tions liad been charges they would
have been lies."
Musical criticism nowadays nms in
this wise : "Miss wore a rich purple
suit, trimmed with a handsome shade
of lavender, a white overgarment,
tight fitting, with flowing sleeves ami
a white bonnet, trimmed with tlie
same shades of purple ami lavender
and she sahg finely '"
Mrs. Mary Miller, who rode from
Kxetcr to Pottstown on horseliack to
attend the funeral obsequies of George
Washington iu that Itorough on the
l Jtli of January, lsno. is still living at
Mount Airy, Berks county, agetl
nine-two, but looks and acts ami talks
like a young thing of sixty or there
abouts. ,
'Mr. Loui N. Bonaparte" is tlie
way the New York Tribune has it re
venge on the late Emicror of France.
There is a love of unostentatious sim
plicity about the editor of the Tribune
that o adorns private life tliat it
would be a sin arid a shame to even
think of placing him in a prominent
political position.
The Old Fellows of Yrcka, Califor
nia, are preparing for a grand celebra
tion on tlie i'Uh of April, antl will on
that day dedicate a new Hall.
General News Items.
Five lives of James FLsk. Jr., are
already isued, and more are threat
ened. "
The Roseburg Tbiimltnler is about
to enter Upon its third volume.
Tlie Northern Pacific Railroad Co.
have given bonds in tlie sum of $250,
000 to build their road to Build's Inlet,
according to agreement, with the
Olympian terminus-holders.
Tire Wfllla Wnlla people expect to
couurieirce the construction of their
railroad to Wallula, this spring. Some
material is already on the way.
It Is announced that the Meacham
Bros, are going to open ami put in
good reir. tin; Thomas road ; wheie
at, the Warta Wallas alts in a sate of
felicitous exTemV'iit.
The Supreme Court ot California
lias lately tendered a decision against
the risrht Of a woman suflrairist, to be
registered as a Voter
Tlie friends of Governor Oglesby say
tliat he Vill have the suport of the
Administration for the United States
Senate, to succeed Senator Trumbull.
The drum major who 'ran away
from Chieaniauga, when reproached
with cowanlice, remarked : ' I'd rath
er lie a cowanl all my life than a corpse
fifteen minutes."
Light Reading.
Nature's tailoring A potato pitch.
I low many clods make one wiseacre ?
The softest kind of bricks Cam
Did the ancient Hebrews try ques
tions by Jewry ?
Is a blind man liable for a bill pay
able at sight.
Not necessarily robbed from the
roost '" boned " turkey.
People talk of blood " running " in
families; possibly that is why blood
is sometimes called a go-er.
" Tom, who did you say our friend
B. married :" " Well, he married
forty thousand dollars I forget lier
otlier name."
If you were the wife of your grand
motlier's uncle's cousin's half-sister,
what relation would you lie to your
uncle's grandfather's husband, "and
how many?
An Iowa mcreliant sent a dunning
letter to a man, who replied by return
mail : " You say yon are holding my
note yet. That is all right, perfectly
right. Just keep holding on to it, and
if you find your hands slipping, spit on
them, and try it again."
An exchange wants to know when a
marriage is announced, with the ac
compauyiug expression. "No cares"
what dots it mean? A western editor
is surprised at his cotemporary's igno
rance, and says it means they ''iion't
plug )ikrr."
Tipsy customer " A pint o' whisky
nle;Lse .sir" Pnhlii-iii " YeUI irjr im
mair whisky liere, McTayish. Haven't
I told you in plain Kngusii.-' Dye
want it in Latin or Gn-k ?" Tipsy
customer " No, thank ye, sir ; 1 want
it in a Imzzle."
J .uii-nlled for in Suleui po-tlullice, March
Areola, Lorenzo
A-lkins, Joseph
Albright, John
Allen, llarvev E
Armstrong, Amelia E
Armstrong, William
linker, .Miss Mary Rune, J M
ItntvL-iv. John Kerry, MissOra, 2
ilnniibaiigli MIhsS Hunter, Si'
Itcmcleniinis Mons Huliert
I Jtrr, Job
t ;trter, Mr
t 'ase. Win N
t asstad.'t. John
ailwright, E
t artwnghl, Major J
tawton, SyTvander
Hk'kinsoti, James
( 'art wrlght, James
t hun hill, Harrison
Chute, Joseph F
( line. R P
t'ollln. (ieo W
Cornelius, Abhalom
Duncan, Lawrence
Durham, J 11
E'l-Ion, Mia Jennie, 2 Enmx-U, James II
l auett, David F
tiarrison, Emily
Itnniniack. John
Harrl-oii, W V. 2
llayilon, John Is
Jart ls. Mrs M E
Fosnot, P H
Ilimes. Seth
Howell, Wesley
Humphreys, John
Johnson, Oscar
Johio-on, R M
Jeffrey. Jo-ph
I Jenkins. Miss liosetta Jones, (iW
Ji-ruutu, William J Jones, Mrs Ellen
Jones, Mrs Sarah
j Kezer, Mrs Simeon King, tieorp;
j Lawrence, Isaac Lerel, John II
j Lawrence, I N I-wls, Daniel
j Lclau-1, James M. 2 Lommassen, Louis
j LongstatT, William
I Martin, Mrs Malinda Mercer. W S, 2
j Martin, 1-nwrcncu Miller. Mrs Eliza
McNcel. Henrv M. Neal, Miss Delia
M -;n-w. Felix H McCarthy. John F
i Mi, Ellis M-sir. .Iuincs F
Moore, Charles
i i gle, Florence M
Ostium, Mrs M M
j Painter. Mrs Ella , Powell, Miss Mottle
i Parker. Samuel K Price, I. II
Perln. Riley
I'ligh, Mrs Sarah J
I'crin, i. L
Pontic, John (
lfamiv, tieo Kim-arson. Frank It, 2
Randies. Pu ree RoIhjUs, H
Rit-ves, Miss Emilia A Roheilsou, James
llelvier. Fahit'ii. H
Rice, Mrs Lizzie
Uiiundtrc.-t, Sarah
S ollar, Tliiw
svhannon, Mrs K
N-ott, Mrs Mary .1
S on, Walas
short. John W
Maty, F, 2
Taylor, Isaac S
Taylor, Jans-s II
Kl. hardsell, J B
Smith, Miss Cully
smith. Miss ! J
Siiiilh, J V l
Smith. Miss Eliza
Sutherland. Miss Betty
Swan., Lery
Thompson, lavld
Tavlor, James
Tucker, W W
Turpin. Mrs Nancy
Thompson, Mrs Ellzalicth U
Wnirnon. tif-orge Warren, Kev A
Walker, Mrs C II Wegller. Miss Ellsa
Wallace Miss Sarah E Wilkinson, Win
Warner, deorge II Wood, William
vvn.i.iAn iaviim",
OfUee Xo. Gl, Front Mi-pet,
PORTLAND, In the most desirable localities,
consisting of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS ami
tiLOCKn, HOUSES and STORES; also
IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable mi
cultivated LANDS, livated In ALL pnrts ol
the STATE for SALE,
REAL ESTATE and other Property
pun-lia-tsl for C'rep--ii'leiits In thl CIT ami
throughout the STATES and TERRITORIES,
with great care ami on tlie most ADVAN
1. El TED. And a Ocueml FINANCIAL and
At.ENCY III SINEyv-sti-ansiicied. iktwtf
sale and Kt-inll Drueirlsts, Salem. Ore
gon, are the authorized Agents tor the sale of
ni Intailiiiie wokm si ill p, to whom all
orders should lie wldressisl.
Satem, March, lsth, 172.
In accordance w ith the almve we will con
stant ly kcp on hand a supply of this lnvaln
ahie remedy. Noimnily should be without
It. IM-umrt-ts and d-alers In medicines siu
plied on most Ithcml tcrmi We also keep
,-oiisiamiy on natni
Iraw a)Ml Family MectlriMe, Toilet
(mmmIk), fertumery, llrimlie, etc.
U goods warranted of liest onalitr.
Dr. A. M. Beh'sofliceat the Store, Smith's
nock, opposite i nemeketa Hotel, Commer
cial st ., rsstem, tiregon.
I Hrn-I Orrters to BELT 3c JOHN,
suit-in. March. 20, Is72.
TetwherV Examination.
on Friday, the 2;h day of March, ls2.
1 win hold a ixihllc examination, tor the pur-
swe of examining all persons wishing cer
llilcatcs to teach common schools in .Marlon
county. Tlie examination will begin at 9
A. M., in the l niversity iiuniiing.
1 J. lOWELL, Supt
Salem, March 2.U, 1S72.
Srtaool la.
County wishing copies of the School
I jw can tic suppinM liv cai ling at my ontce.
March 20. 4-1 Sii. S.;hools.
Xl the Common l oiincll of ihe City of Sn
lem will meet as a Board of Equalization on
Kridav evening Man-h 20(11, In the Council
t h.imWrat 7 nVlock, for the purpose of
equalizing the cny As-s-ssmeni lor isri
Anv tHnsonsdesirlniz to make anv change tn
their assessment will apear before llie Board
on mat evening antl mase tlieir complaint.
D. PAYTON, Mayor,
March 4SI, 1872. lw
IT M soectnillv announce that he will com.
menoe a class at the Legislative Hall on next
Saturday afternoon from it to 4 o'clock, for
Young Ladies, Mitten and Children, for In
structions In all late, fashionable and fancy
dancing: also In the evenini trom 8 to 11
o'clock for Ladle and Uentlemcru Children
not admitted In the evening.
For further particulars applv tn
saioai. March 21 Ira
All knowivg theMselves lv
dcbtetl to me are lieroby notified to
make Immediate payment. It such in not
done, 11 1 In will be placed in rlie liandii of an
attorney for collection. Settle innit1y.
and thereby save costs.
Salem. March 22, 1872.
Mill Another Htmarkable Care.
San J'rancihco, -ov. 10, lsTI.
DR A. M. LoRYKA Jt Co For two years I
was allllcled With KhenmiuiHni. ami tried all
the known remetlieis but experienced noth
ing more than a temporary relief, the dlnease
alwayit returning. Snmemonthxrince, I con
cluded to take your Ink Weed Kfinfdy,
and the result w.ui a speedy and permanent
cure, the Kheumatlrai being entirely eradi
cated from Ihe system. Tlie " t N K l nl
a lonlc-of the very highest onler. It Invrea-
ethe apjieUteand InvigoratcM the holy. I
cheerfully hear testimony toils frond effect
upon me, 'and feel sure tliat it will do all yon
culm for iu Very truly vours,
(Of McGraw & Tripp, Att'ys-at-Law),
, 4oe California street.
Wtrayed or Molen.
Wheatland, since January 1, a tlark bay
or brown mare, near 16 hands high, heavy
mane and tail, three white feet, suir in fore
head, no brands : will be three years old next
April, and Is well broke and rentle. I will
cit e i HO reward for Information of her to
lead to recovery, or f US 00 for the anima 1 de
livered. A. DITMAItS.
Fail-Held, Marlon Co,, Opi, 1872. Ira
M. he absent from home lor a considerable
s;rlod after Aprlt 6lh, would respectfully re
quest those for whom he lias been operating,
but whose work remain unfinished, to pre
sent themselves for Us completion, at their
earliest convenience.
GEO. If. CILWCE, Dentist.
Salem, March 21, 1872.
choice Ceilar and Yew Fence Posts this
spring Hi clM-ap rales, will please leave their
onlers for such with
Post office Dullding, Salem. Ore-eon.
Fcbriuw I4th, 1872. dwtl
deller, one lr of Mctalic Pulpit Lamps,
w th Lamps Globes, etc., lately hi use In the
M. I., c Huron in iniecny.
Apply to Her. L. h. Nlckerson, or Salem
Gas Light Co. nov24tf
dependent Candidate for County Clerk of
Marlon (.kninty, subject to the politically dis
Intbrallei voters ot said count v.
Salem, Ogn., March 14, 1S72.
a Candidate for the office of Treasurer of
Marlon County at the June Election.
March, 19, 1872.
Portland, Feb. th, 1872.
Dk. J. W. Van Dkn BKROH-"r 8irf
Our chihl, a little girl eight years of age, lias
had lit und convulsions for the last two
years, and we had tried manv doctors antl
many remedies without much benefit, in tact
our "darling was getting constantly worse
until we heard of vour worm symp through
a friend of ours. We thought "that perhaps
it might do some good to give it a trial, ami
von cannot imagine our surprise wlien over
200 worms were expelled with 'one boule of
your valuable worm fyrup, and from this
time on we certainly shall never he without
It so long as there is a possible chance for It
to lie had. You are at liberty to publish this
If you choose, and inav it do much good.
Respectfully vours, S. II. OKTOX,
fey rap tout of Worms.
Altercate paleness ami flushing of the
countenance, dull expression of the eves,
drowsiness, itching of tlie nose, a swelled
upper-lip, tongue whltely furred antl thickly
svkledwith red points, feted breath, ah
enlarged ahilonicn, a partial or genera I swell
ing or puflingness ot the skin, a starting tn
the sleep, and grinding of the teeth, a sen
sation as li something was lodged in the
throat, a gradual wasting of the Desli, sick
ness of Ihe stomach, vomiting, a short ami
dry ciMigh. apatite sonwtimes vorackms, at
tuber limes feeble, bowels sometimes costive,
at otlier times hsus-, great fretfiilness and ir
ralihlltty yT temper, pains In the stomach and
bowels, colic, tits, convulsons and nlsy. -
The Worm Svmpcan he had wholesale and
retail at the office of J W Van Den Bergh,
rooms No. as and 3S over the Postoffice.
Agents wanted all over tlie State and Ter
ritories. fcl)(dawtf
a private instructor for married i-rsons. or
tnosennoui to ne marnea, Dotn mate ana ie
male. In everything concerning the physiology
and relations" of our sexual svstrm, and the
prrhk:tion and prevention of offspring. In
cluding all the new discoveries never before
?ven In the English language, bv WM.
t d'Nt;, M. D. This is really a valuable and
Intetestlng work. It ls written in plain lan
guage for the general reaiier, and Is illustrated
with numerous Engravings. All young mar
rtcd ople, or those contemplating marriage,
and having the least lmwdtment to married
lite, snotiiti read this nook. It Ulsclosessecrets
hat every one should be acquainted with : still
II Is a Isa.k that mnst he kicked up ami not let
lie atsnit the houw. It w 111 be sent to anv ad
dress on ircel of fifty cents. Address" Dr.
v ,vt. ioi tv. No. 418 !-pruce street, above
Fourth, Phlkvleliihla.
No matter what mar be vour disease, before
you pla,-e yourself under the care of any one
of the Ol" ACKS native ami foreign who ad
vertise In this or anv other paj-'r, pet a copy
f I r. Young's lUwik and read it carefully. It
will he tne means of saving you manv adollar.
vonr health, and possibly your llie. Dr.
Young can lie consulted on anv of the diseases
dcs-nlx-d In his )Hihllcations by mall oral his
rh.-e. No. 41ti Spruce street, above Fourth,
i iinaiieiiiia. jarr.i
The ltenntlfut Sitlthalh S-hool Song Btik
with llie ataive ui ie Has received the
Higliest Commendations.
4et one and Judge for Yourself.
L. 0. Emmerson L L. B. Starkweather.
Price in paper, 30 cts., in Boanls, a cU.
Easter A NTHK.x! Christ ottr Passover 1,00
Easter Hymn! Morning Breaks JO
Easter Axthex! Christ the Lord .75
The Golden Robin.
A iSc!txl $onf Book:
Price, SO rta.
Tlie almve hooks and nieces sent, nost-nald.
on raliit ol retail prices.
1'. H. niTMOX Sc X., Sew York
LYON ic IIEAI.Y", Chieairo.
For S5 cents apiece. Sole-t Varieties. All
wlm liervals Ogn.
Arm of O. lABmn A Co.. Candy Man.
nfacturera la this day dissolved, and the
business will be hereafter conducted by O.
iJtmrMon. -who assumes all liabilities and
to whom all accounts will be paid.
O. LAMrStlN.
Salem, Jan. 23d, 1872.
Snlisin. and Intend to satisfy our friends
ami customers by keeping the very best
Cnoiee IJqnont and llgM-a
For their Mvommodatlon. We ak a fair shar
of isihlic favor. HAMILTON HBOH.
Salem. Nov. 22d. 1H71
Stationary Engine.
Jones A Patterson, offer for sal a Steam
Engine, (new) 10 Inch bore.20 Inch stroke, Cas
Iron Bed, 9 feet long, 18 inches wide. 9 lnchet
tleei. Crank Shall 6 feet long, 4 inches in dl
nmeter. Balance Wheel. 5 loot 8 Indies in
diameter, and weighs 1,000 pounds.
Price jffli delivered U Portland.
Salem. I4. 24. dAw
tNext to Stewarts Brick, 'Commercial 8U
The lest of Wines ami Liquors, ( hol- Cl
Stirsand Tolocco, always pro v Slot lor cus
tomers. Drop In occasionally. an20
All litnrift or Feed
For sale by
dtf btntr Mtreet. Nnlem.
20.000 Pounds of Salt
All Kinds or Halt
At IM. MOTTO, fctateKt.
Nov. 19th, 187L
MO Men to Cut Wood.
Inqttlre of Sam'l Bass, at Wat kinds Co's
Salem. feb-.'sd
At 830 per ton,
Clean and nl for Feeding-, tor sale by
19. dim
Dwelling Houses For Sale.
Offer for sale on easy terms those two line
Dr. Harrison Smith and L. 8. Dyar, Esq.
February 1 4th - -t 1
Lamps XX Lamps!!
Of all kinds, at L.8. SCOTT'S.
Fish and Game Market.
The onderiigned bai opened a market en
State street, opposite the book atore ot
Gill, Steel & Co., and will keep on ban A.
All Kinds of Fresh Fish,
Came. When in Season.
oct2u ALLEN KI10DBS.
For huvlng and forwarding direct, tU lath
nms Kail and Cape Horn, with Nm
Fran-.iM connections, all classes
and varieties of Merchandise,
$ and for sale of K vporu from
Ihe North-West.
Advances made on approved constgnroenU.
and onlers respect fullv sulk-lted.
All onlers and business will receive prompt
N.Y Nntion.-il Ex. Bank,
alosna A. K. AC K. Tllton, 1 Liberty
Messrs. J. L. Browncll A Bros., Ranker.
Messrs. lientlev. Miller A Thomas, a boatis
Messrs. Laill A Tllton. Banker. Tor and.
A. A. McCully, Esq., Salem.
Coerclal sitreet,
Ktate Htreet.
Are now Proprietor of these
First Class Meat Markets,
Awl pledge themsolves to keep on hand cf
siantty for the supply of the city of Sale the
choicest nsaxs ot the season.
Salem. Jan. IS, 1872.
( ommriTlsl ht., Halraa, Otra.
Jan. 17th, 1S71. dtf
Oregon IL.nncI.
C. W. ROYAL. J. l ROTA).
Heal Xt2 state
Kaleaa, Orefoai
Property IkMigrht and Kold,
Taxea Paid aad C'ollertlonn Blade.
Loans Negotiated,
Homn Rented and Unit t'olleetrd.
Salem. Jan. 13, dAwlm.
Groceries and Provisions ; also
Of all kinds Cnoier-Ware, wholesale an-!
retail; also, all Unas
fFaney and
All of which will he sold cheap, for cash or
jicrcnantauie iroauce.
Cooper-Ware and Soaps fnmlshed to deal
ers on the most reasonable terms.
Goods delivered toany part of the City
Free oi Charge
Shop and Store one door north of R. M.
Wade i s. Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon.
C-Renalrlnr done, and aatisfautlon nur.
Patton'n Bloek, Htate Street, Maleaa.
Parlor and Cooking Stoves,
Of all kinds, constantly on hand end tor
MIC 111
Coffei Second Hand Furniture Store,
Ktate. sU, Naleaa, Os-n
A fair price nald for all kinds of s..yl lin.l
Furniture, Stoves, Ac., Ac
All kinds r Fnraltare Neatly Be.
in a.
Salem, March 13, 1R7J.
Grain, Flour and Sail Sack
- Always on hand.
tattoo Wrapptac, I'Iok Hewln
Ilrap Hall A Twlnea.
Sale Knonws Cheraekets Hotel BtilMtng.
Salem. Ok 7th. dtf
O,O0O A Xo. 1 Brick!
for sale by
At the Brick Yard, one mile from Salem.
No hetter brick were ever furnUned' In
his vicinity.