Acnts lor the Statesman. Tot M.irtor Keil A ( i (r. K. itrh-U L. Appleijatf L. i'ln'ii ) . Simpson W. F. 5Ir.Crc-.iry J. U. Jlawh-j J. iloUiotsbemi W.X Kirk L. Ilrnokr W. V. ISearU l'ntt Ma-rfer ,.I)l 'C. (.'jiilorvH'nd A 'tori JUr .Amity Ashland .Alhrnry Ainn'V'''1- :llk"f i'y lh-lhcl .IIrMip-t - tro'.vnsvillr - Huena V il Hutli'Ml!'. Cntt.t,- V'lT-. ('ni-1 4- -r"e ... t';tu Vt-l .... Clu-tsw (.ivSHs , IM'.i, V. T .illc. Hayl-m J.J.i.U, V. V. Crow lord t HUtori S. Cr. !swi l! i 5 l' . b.l-sl VCm. St 'ri .S. I.. Ii -ki .I.Taylor 5 . i-. Cellini ....3, -SI. Ray i'ost Ms-r . Skinner A inchewter F. A- utrt .43 . C. Lttc-UfidM . K . f". sfuwer CukscJI L Clement Khi-m' J 'ity Kini'i' ' irv . Klle-lr.-s" ran-) 8'-,ofie Ilalsrv llnh'.wrd llillsl..Co "lUrri-".-,; Ii-City,?. T..... 1 iid-(siv-k-xee. . . L,!le . IcilcCS-Hl - Kt-rhy i Ic 'iv l:tinadi.... , A. K. r.cFia v.'. D.'h'are Hiram SiEitB I ."K. P. ri'KfCCIID T. Sot(TTClf Was Mulicr I Ji. A. Jiicsnc Vfl Wm'.kt I. .Si. Airi-zA-e .. Jr. Pijileti , AliriHEs-i'C JC. Bskr S. il. Cfc.wften tvK Maftr .. (fCiireLouf.Tc P'5t'Xlctrr , VT. atcrhone .. Tun Sifctar'ayetlc I.inoin La 1. rAmlv L'.' . Lancaster.. . I. ml; Hiver Ilridg' Alarioti Miiim-iiih McMtKivillc Newport l!a!dwrV& 0se .Nest.s-tuu -2". M. Lamb "OnkUn-1 rfT.;?-. EP.ison tireg-iH City .J. M. Usena I I'linni Tnot Maxtor I 1'nst Hrinni T. Vr'.Crck3 j itanvr.. Kust-Knr...... . .. t. vW Sli, ri.luj .Suintllil Snlilimity ......... .. SSilvtrtira.. Si-m..- .C. r. teit.ia I !!. C. Plant i 5V3T;. Tkikt ; J. StxfldT l. Iakav-v j ...R. S. fWKTTZ Smith 'Si'Crosn .... ,..Sci Jer t S.ifliur J.TiRotoon II. Isimppon--Co f-it M after Tillam..k... Toledo Turner' AViilaaicate Farki "Whiafltml 2tn.. Vonrnlla.. ..s.. i T. 1 . Ynug'an . ..Pot't MlH. K.T ..C i. Owpcr S. AK'!eK',;' ?- M Sowr hie, 't (h treasnrtsnx; lisivo MrrwR. Vhlrh lille icnda n! 4oet "liaxc K'cly "lai utkiI ; And leiMterM Kv! .1I (P-.Uer as itswn Titf. iw.rki tun Kxlterol. Sflm-twi;'(!, Blu! tears if fcn1im-lif aTUrfl tni-L Of imtirnt !W-ri lic-e an'I If sulKnissioiv SJall'Airra titf fa'itljiw- jiroailt- just AnlfnllifrKlt:iin. wctre.1'1 -The i.t'ii5 ami K'rrKiW, nsrcnj ,'iliity Slmll' -hans.' K vt'Hrt ten nes oV r- M all isnrnvM "ieaiity. js.)!-'!!', tly? diwlicfiil mcH Hmt ivrluivt wmn. Shall well (Usirova rik5, i:nrert. n n ai!. AihI Tinfc'-a:' the 1iok we iw tfcswp iy fairi-r.'"ru:lji'. xrtrt-w Ivrti. tr Ltmi.n rfrrt to-'lny, Tlv; iislK'kVii' Diitirtvni' 1' pure inten tion. Kteinity liall fcrave b . Ami true asivjiirfiou, , 1 nivfrvil Ponl ! Tlie titfU'Tangr ofiarUi and nine mky Ouart ol'.r hi'n enlurvor, "ii.tliii';M ictw-y, IHrfua the envolvJiu; OftliN loM-ven. is Kitssr. J- rieii-ls lnm 1 foa!l in my hixirry, In sorrow Uirncnl Lroin Die. .1 hiimlriM si'irltirs. tnt once (I'd wait 1'kmi iwv hxb estiiur. Me- b.-!ilati-. forxaXi-il W JinJ pour Thrnsi i'nriimv own Jton!Jo'ii', Only UiaL One nhomi In y l'onnit, Mv fault ruuieinlx!Vel il.; Ami In Hiy teal's of late Urn i-niU.-nc Jirm-eflKJ not, acoriuw?, iu-ucp. lib btPozrmTaisei me vhes I jimti-ate fell ; Hp maile iry brnj.-il lic&rt -ell ; My thirst l!e (jumx-hml ; ay hunjreryaveHe Ivnjail; And mv meat fypsI led Throucli tlie bl'ml ilark at tin desert -ftmO's, Hi s fTtuh. fnnmm (if ,Uipr yTrtra. O, ealm Mi'l lair the cto vs ;unj all AtKghtf, Make tx-Ji ntllul Uif n'frtil.s! ), fair I hi- nights, atvJ laianUful tlie days, WHMn Uajse qitiRt ways! What new d 0re tliat fie ay snf ply? tiimlllar u-iw ffoiy. And wel t-kinnn vol-'es iie IljKin any ecr-- Itut He isever ni-ar! The riln ol" all beauty and all grie Is In his iK-rlert fa- e. Sweeter'li! Tok r ts than the 1bp1o41s Wlwruwtih i lulkfl my ease. AVixlon .vi I truili, ami Pleasures ofmrert Soli" ' T'nlo lfis worflst-elonir; Ami o my lowly Tiif Ills presence"Vrlns SpleiKhtrx-eeUiM; kinrs. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. i,flsww, Feb. 14. An KnMi x-x-Uition lias k-ft in search ot l)r. Lhr ingtone. Lord Chief JjistictCockbnrn. B-Uisii meuiljo- cf tlie Geneva JJoard. xp jiroves the Government's refusal te ad mit cliKms Cir indire.t daiaages- AVin. FowIit, nv?ndT of PirRa liient from Camlir'nlge- addressing his nstitucnts last night, dwelt At tome length on tlie Alalanw case. Allud ing ti lie dvims tt the UiiUk! Sutes lor indirect damages. .( sakl KnglKixl tshould not bluster, nor shmkl she il mit to N- tnillkd. He la-liered tlr.U theconnrrv, to a man. Jwd made uji its mind' that if onr Amencaii cousins wished imviey they w:ijuld Jutve to ;oiiie and take it. I Srx T"itK. FeU. 3 4- A J.r-udon j siH'cial disiiatch says, sJimild tlu' ICng- j lisji (rovernuieiit continue iiegotjutioiis 1 with n-pinl to tJie Treaty of Wfeshing ton tlie Ministi-y cimld not Ixdd ol!i e 24 Imurs. 'J'his is absolutely u-rtain, 4UkI cannot Iv. statixl too certainly. Should be (imtTiiment go out on this issue, tlici-r successors nould la- eipially prevented from continuing negotia tions; tberefim;, tlie arbitrator's op jioituully for any atx-onuaJation will lie lost, unless :i mutual undersUi ndiug modilying the point of indirect los. is arriveil jt. 'J'U; Knglisli Gov?rti nient has jitii'cly refust-d to pay the gross smi for 11 danu-iges. The Loudon Tint:x of Jtiuary 2!tli says ef the ( !ei-i" uiiitnttiou t.lurt the protiH,-ol of May I, 1S71, uouplivl w ith the provisions of tiK- Mibseipient arti - cU-s, is sulHi-U-nt to sliow ttat the s la'mis fur indh-ot1. loss-.-3 were not con templated. Vlvther claims f.r din.-ct los.-es are adiuissihle. ifh resju-ct to all vessels comprised in the Ant-rican list, is a Uestion left o-ien by the Tn-aty. and lla.-i-efim; cognizl.'file by the aiMtrators. It argMes"tft. inJit Kritain would Jiave termi-nxfed the Treaty CoiifeR-m-e had it been tmder stoKl tlwt ii demand would lx; made for losses by prolongation of the war. An agjavuiieut wild be entinjly one-.sidi-d that made tlie arbitrators judges if the conduct of England by rules that are unjnst. Henry Clews it Co.. of this city, re ceived to-day cable advices from tlicir hous-. Governuient agfitits confirm ing rtyovery of Americ;in securities otvasioned by tlie rectmt psuiks. Vio lent deimnciations of tlie American Government hy tlie English Ministry inet with general disapprobation thnaiglKMit LsmkIoh circles, and a con ciliatory feeling was manifested by Iliejiv.hHe at largt.', slwwing itself in fome insiaiH-esby demanding acltange in the MiuistiT" E ASTEItX SEWS. Wamiinoton. Feb. 13. Tlie com mittee on the International Coypright lull iKfl three lonsr sessions, and listen ed to tlie argument of all parties on tlie ouestion. The committee will unite on a. plan of crantins rights to foreign authors on condition that tlicir works shall lie manufactured in the United States. The ( 'omiuittec on Ways and Means to-day decided tlie (ruestlou of tlie tax on tobaiTO. They agreed to make two classes the first at 1(5 cents and the second at 24 cents. Ex-Conirressntau Stokes was nr- raiTcd yesterday on a second indict ment, and it was shown that during the late war, a military company known a Beatty's Independent Scouts, was mi -il in the frontier counties of Tetin- e, and after the closing of the war. Stokes secured the p:i;tt! of :i bill by Collet-ess to p:i the men. n--wiviusr lorliis services the sum of $10, (H)0. Tlie company never consisted of fifty own, although the account as pre sented lor payment contained one hun dred ami two names. Tlie jury tot lay retiderl a verdict of piiiry aguiust Stokes; tlie jxHinlty is a fine not ex ecedinjr if5,00, or imprisonment not cxevlin onoywr. lprts from Chicago, Jsirnix Citv and St. I'auls sKak of a tm ilile stonii wliidw-itisetl rtevastatioti in the tmrtli wvst. 1 t was iKxwiipanied by extreme-coM-mdj! liiiiviiidaudlinrrii-anes in n:y gilaccs. Much loss of lite pre- vatled n some iiarts. It is.ceiiwally IM-Iieved that Spotted Tail Jiuil bis i:uk! perished inn storm on th: plain, as was hitelr reported. Tliorirtoii, Enjjlisli Minister, saylio N'liei'es tlie misunderst.MRlinw as to tlu interp1;tin of tlio Tn'aty of Washington will In; satisfactorily :ul-jt-stfd. Wasihnv;v--. Feb. 14. Tlie army hill reported t'-iJay appr;riat4s .".38,7117; of this amount 12,(K)0.(K)0 is for lsiy of Tlie armv sunl tlisAliarel soldiers. !2,Wi,(KX) for sea coast can non aiKl ciiTiages, 1.W.01 lor liiatiu faehmvof arms' and national armory. The JImse (!omniitti on Xaval A Hairs liar in nsjreed to report a hill for theieonstindion of ten iron steam-' ships V. a cost of jf:i.0(Mi,HK), Secretary IJoIh-sou and Gen. Duller appeared be fore tlie ('.oniniittee on Apjiropriations to-day nd nrgctl the necessity of ap propriations. Tlie ev idence taken by the Commit tee ot tiie Hou-e on tlie imix-aclmient of Andrew Johnson, w hich tlie Senate has reijuestcd of the House, has lieen furnislKHl for its use. The object is to discover from the evidence taken after tlv; trial whether any Senators had lieeti improperly approached to vote against iiiiH-achineut. It is under siootl that this evidence is to In- ued in reference to tlie jH-uding noinina tion of Ijrgett to be Governor of Washington Territorv. The ollk'ers of the I'. P. U.iilroad publishe a statement in which they claim that the weather of late lias la-en unprecedented and made it impossible to keep their road open. Tliey prom ise anotlier season to be prepared for any emergency. It appears hum ollicial iliHtiuieiif-t that the value of proierty destroyed by tire, explosions, collisions and w'reeks. in 172. was $1,324,000 ; lives lost, olS; tiumlM-r of steamers inseeted in w aters flowing into the Gulf of Mexico, 1.077 . propcrtv destroyed, Sf 1.414,000; lives lost, ti(,).") ; number steamers inseeted on the lakes 4 ; property destroyed, 4'J:5.000; lives lost, 2:i."i; number stimers inspected on tlie l'acifiv coast, ISO ; lives lost, 20(5 ; no .statement ot proiK-rty destroyed. A Committee of the American Pro- ! testant Association met this eveiiin-r and made arrangements for a pai-idi; on Washington's birthday. It is ex pected that oO.OOO men, under Grand Marshal Johnson, w ill lie in line in all parts of the city. No Hag or banner will be carried except the national standard. A police escort is promised, and probably two regiments will join in the parade. The Committee of Ways and Means will favor reducing duty on tea and coll'ee hut not on sui;ar. CAI.II tUSVl V. San Francisco, Feb. 1:5. The Woman Sulinigisfs Convention elected Mrs. Palmer, ot Nevada. Prcsiili-nt. and Colonel J. A. Coinins and a iiuiiiIkt of la'li'-s. Vice Presidents.' .Mrs. Morris, Justice of the Peace from Wyoming, who was present. Ixiiig called on for a speech, said : "Contrary to w hat she had been led to expect, sin bad found men of intcjirity in oll'iee, and did not lind the corruption which, slie had been taught existed in pol- I Hies. j The police in working up the bnr- glaries ett'ected at .Wis. 225. 227 and 220 Stevenson street, last night found j a clue to the oieratioiis of a gang twin I, the East, which has Ix-eu o-raling so j extensively of late. A burglar was i traivd over sheds and intervening buildings to the other side of the block, where lie bad recently rented a house, ind the tar which he liad removed from the roof was found on his stock ings and underclothing. The plunder, consisting of several watches, etc.. was also found, and a furnace stove for inciting plate. It seems that he per-liiriiu-d these burglaries with only his underclothing andj stockings on," so as to lie able to plead that he had made a mistake or was sleep-walking, if ar rested. A further investigation shows that he is one of a gang recently ar rived, and that he has been driving around with a milk wagon, ostensibly tilled w ith cans of milk, in which the plunder could lie packed and driven right under the iiolieeinen's noses without causing suspicion. San FliANCIsco, Feb. 15. Weather cloudy and warm ; wind south. The police records show that Johnny Devinc alias the Chicken, whose trial for the murder of August Kamp, com mences on the loth, lias lieen arrested forty-one times for different offences from assault and battery to murder, since March. 115. Arrived This morning steamer Ja pan from Hongkong, January 12th, and Yokoliama January 24th. She brings 15 cabin passengers for San Francisco. 32 for New York and Euroie, and .'120 Chinese. Also 5.(i2S pkgs tea, 502 silk, 525 mace, liomid overland, and over 13,000 pkgs for San Francisco. The Japanese fleet of war steamers will sail for Europe running via Ha waii and Cajie Horn. The Mikado had vidted Yokohama. The railroad to Yeddo is nearly completed. SACltA.MKNTO. Feb. 1 1. Tlie Senate act rcM-uliur the litigant bill was ili cussed at length and passed. MEXICO. San Fkancisco, Feb. It. jrers from Mexico by the -Passcn- Montaua At Maat- brimr little political news lan the rebels still hold control, and claim to have defeated the troops sent against them from Sinaloa. On the other hand, news of Lrtaz' defeat is confirmed. General Alveraz is guarding the road from the City ot Mexico to Aca- Dtilco with a large force, and all is quiet in that part of the country. The rebels at Mazatlan sent an agent here to buy arms, lie, not, finding such as he wanted, telegraphed to New l ork for a supply to he sent via Pana ma by steamer. When the .Montana irrived at Acapuleo with these arms 5.000 rifles and a large supply of am munition they were taken possession ot by the Government and landed there. A small shipment has also Ixiei made from S in Francisco, which is likt-Jy to share the same fate. CTAII. Salt Lakk, Feb. 1.1. The banquet last evening, given to Minister De Long and the Japanese EnilKissy. was tlie most brilliant affair ever witnessed here. One thousand two hundred and filly ladies and gentlemen were pres ent, besides .Mr. and Mrs. le Long, Brigham Young, tlie Japanese ladus and entire Embassy. The dining room was beautifully decorated with the national emblems. Capt, T. 11. Bates presided. KASTKKX SEWS. Wasiiinc.ton, Feb. 15. In the Senate, Hrowiilow made a personal explanation in reply to Beck's state ment in the House, tliat Browiilow, while Governor of Tennessee, made tliat State a mudemonium. and that he and other reconstruction Governors ere hated by the neonk-. and an- jieaced to find no refuge from prison except in the Senate. lirownlow la-gan by saying that there w as a time tliat JSi-ek would not have dared to put this insult upon him, lest lie (Browniow) should take Beck's oversi-er whip from his hands and lay it over his back, lie also said tliat whon Beck abandoned a resieetable business and became a slave driver, he sank below the notice of all respecta ble men. In response to a resolution offered by Casserly and adopted by the Sen ate yesterday, calling for information regarding the detention of tlie mails on the Union Pacific Railroad, tlie Postmaster General sent a communi cation to the Senate, in which he stares that no formal contract exists for the transportation of mails on the Union Pacilic and Central Pacific KailroaiR Under orders issued quar terly tlw railroad service is being paid for by the Postmaster General, lie further states that there is nothingdn the usiu-.I contract stipulations which can lx; considered to obligate the rail road companies in cireumstjin-es like those existing in tlie present case to provide for the transportation of the mails by any other means than tlicir trains or other routes thin tlicir own roads. The Senate, in Executive session to day, continued the nomination of Guntio Washburn-, son of Minister Washlmrne. as Asi-lant Si-retary of the legation to France, and that of Samuel C. Wiugard. as- United States Attorney for Washington Tciritory. (-'oKcctor AitlKtr state that the present (ieneral tnler Systfin will be coiitinivil only until a new system can be approved, which probably will be soon, but what change thtre will Ihj will not divulged at present. UtiCA, X. Y-, Feb. Hi. M. II. Thomprson. of this city, was this fore noon shot through the nos; and cheek, and II. II. Hall, a coal dealer of Og densburg. was .sliot in the head and in stantly killed, by a woman of the name of McCarty from Allwuy. The woman gtt on the street car some when- m-ar the liead of tli-!K.-se- street, and Thompson and Hall, who were relatives, got on the car at Thompson's residence. Nome words issed lie tween Mrs. Mi.l.'arty and Thompson, wlien the woman drew a revolver anil shot at Thompson. Tlie liall passed through his face and struck Hall in the heart- The latter sprang from his s-at and fell Thompson's wound is not considered dangerous. The woman was arrested. Nkv Oklkans, Feb. l(i. A blood less duel was fought at the Hay of St. Louis (Miss.), yesterday, between ( Jen. Padger, Chief of Police of this city, and 'George W.Carter, former Speaker of the House of the Louisiana Legislature. Sliots were exchanged at sixty spaces, with rifles, without effect. A reconciliation was then ef fected. Chicago. Feb. Ii!. A Washington special gives the text of a letter from Senator Wilson. It was to apolitical personal friend, in reference to his (Wil son's) candidacy for the nomination Of Vice President. Wilson says, when Colfax was announced as a candidate for re-election, many prominent lie publicans urged him (Wilson) to be come n candidate for nomination. After ascertaining the Vice President's decision not to run again, he finally yielded to the request of his friends, before leaving for Kurnpe last June. After his return, and before the meet ing of Congress, many leading men from more than a do.en States assured him anil the Kepublicaus that their States were in favor of his nomination. He concludes as follows: "The dec laration of the Vict- President was to me a surprise, and placed me in an unpli-as.-int position. My first impulse was to withdraw from the contest ; but by the advice of some of the Ix-st Kc pnblicans of the laud, east and west, I leave the question to my personal and political friends. Whatever may In-tin- result. I shall lie content with what I do for the unity and success of the ncpuhlicau party, whoever may lie the candidate." (A LU'OKM A. San Fkancisco. Feb. li. The old steamer Oregon, which was converted into a bark and struck on the rocks near the Heads, was raised, unloaded and sunk again near the dry dock, has been again raised, full' repaired, and is again ready for the Siiuid lumber trade. Wheat in Liverpool, 12s 5(1. Flour 5IHI libls Genesee extra, iff! 50. Wheat No sales to report ; market nominal at 2 15(2 25. IJarley 200 sks choice bay, $1 "7'i; range of prices, .i 40 tl (it). Oats 5(H) sks inferior, 1 02'., : 200 sks choice. $1 70; 200 sks do, "1 75. Hay A cargo sold yesterday at $20 per ton ; no sales to-dav. Unm 1.000 sks goo 1 from wharf, 2f per ton. Corn meal 200 qr sks good from wharf. '2:,;;c ier pound. Potatoes Market continues heavy at 50!i.s5cts for straight lots. Tlie news of the opening of the Union Pacilic ltailroad caused much rejoicing in San Francisco this after noon. Postmaster Stone is making extra preparations for reiviving and distributing the delayed mails. A nnmlier of passengers will start overland to-morrow morning, in the hiqie of getting through without delay. The steamer to-morrow will carry more passengers than usual. 1 The printers of this city will turn out tins evening to receive the remains of the late Philip Lynch, of the Gold Hill -". An escort will accompany the remains to Suisuu. HEXICO. City ok Mexico. -vi. . Gen. Corona, accompanied by an escort of 1(H) men, has disapjicared. It is sup posed he has left the country. The Government has gained advan tages in the State of Guerrera. and the largest half of the States of Puebla and Vent Cruz are in the kinds of the rev olutionists. Juarez is gradually increasing his powers into a dictatorship. It, is re ported that he "lias applied to President Grant for assistance, and that Grant replied that he would support Juarez as a last alternative. Latkh The revolutionists have captured Aquaz. Colientrez of the Juarez fiction, says that President Grant must act promptly if be intends to help Juarez. The number of revolutionists in the field is estimated at 30.000. the largest ever in arms. The Governuient is nevertheless holding out. A plan is proposed for Juarez to retire or resign, and permit Mejia. his Minister of War, to assume the Presidency. CTAII. Salt Lakk, Feb. 15. There was a large mass meeting of Liberals last night, to petition Congress for a regis tration act and the abolishment of wo men sullVaoje as exercised in Utah, and against iiuinbeiin" ballots. A com mittee was appointed to prepare a memorial. Speeches were made, and a determination expressed to tight to the bitter end the abuses of the elec tion franchise as practiced hen? by the church authorities. Salt Lakk, Feb. is. The Tfi'mtw. to-dav publishes over the signature of W. S. Godlie. a crushing expose of Church anlltonty in the Local Govern ment ot this citv. Clinton, just, re elected Alderman, is shown to have been a defaulter and a receiver of brilies, as Police Judge, by report of a Mormon Committee of the City toun cil, years ago, of which committee Godbe then' in the Mormon Church was a inomlier. It Is further shown that Jsrigliani l oung caused the re port to 1m; suppressed, and sustained Clinton as Jieing although dishorn peculiarly fitted for hisollice. Godbe is present "leader of the Mormon Ke fbrmers, and says this was the first discouraging blow to his faith in the Church, opening his eyes to the abuses bv Brigham's Young's authority, and ultimately his aposfacy. I he exjiose is unite lengthy, and creates a decided sensation. Bittek Cickkk. Feb. 10. The snow blockade is raised. All trains have ar rived here. They were six days com ing from Haw-lins to Creston, twenty- seven miles. There has lieen much sickness, and one death. Trains will be at Ogden in the morning. Why is a hen immortal? Her son never sets. W by have chickens no hone in tlie future? They have their next world (necks twirled) in thi Why is a lien on a fence like a cent? Head on one side tail on the other, Why don't hens lay at night? Tlieu they are roosters. Why is the first chicken of a brood like the manifest of a ship? A little forward of the main hatch. A chicken just hatched like a cow s ctu .- ever seen oeiore. tv ny should not a chicken cross the road ? It would be a fow l proceeding. If a hip captain had no eggs, what would lie do? Lay to (two). And. to con clude, a hen is a poor economist, Ik?' cuise Tor every grain she gives a peek STATE NEWS. Portland. We eliiilhe following Items from the Orc ffotiiftn.' The contractors for furnishing stone for the I". S. l'ostoflk-e having brought over a few more stones from the quarry, Mr. St. John lias resunietl work on the liulMing, and "tlie soiiml of the hammer" floats musk-ally on the air of that nei;;hlorhooil. If the ptone can be liad the work will lie pushed along as rapidly as the weather will permit. Thus the contractors have li-en slower titan uit Christmas. ( apt. West anil his assistants have been for several day.?. iat, ctsntged in making soiuid ings and takinj? hearings of the channel on the laropK)site St. Helens. The weather lias, however, been so unfavorable, that nut much progress lias been inude. We hear that the man IIolxw- wtio was In dicted yesterday for rape, is practicing on the insane dodge and that probably Insanity w ill be set up as a defense. Of course he's Insane. Who doubts it? Kvcrybody who commits an enormous crime Is Insane the more revolting the crime, tlie greater the de gree and certainty of insanity. . Messrs. Kraeiuer & Co. received the fol lowing telegram yesterday from Mr. I. Kauf man, of the Ii nil, dated at Laramie, Wyc ming Territory, Feb. 12th : "Just arrived. Kxju:t to be in San Francisco in ten days.' Knau which it apja-ars that the Oregon dele gation including J. II. Mitchel and family -liave moved canip. When heard from be fore, they were al Cheyenne. Kroui tin; If-mld : Tlie snow blockade on the t'nion Pacilic. lEnilr-md continues to hold up the railway trains at various joints lietwecn Omaha and Ogden. A dispatch was received from Hon. J. II. Mitchell, on Tuesday evening, from Cheyenne, saying that he, with .1 couple of hundred others, liad been cawght In a trail. They had started on tlie train from Omaha for San Francisco, and had succeeded In get ting to Cheyenne, to lind that the road was hlwckaded, and the prospects were that It would continue so for at least four weeks. Kut for all this these heavy snows will lie worth millions of money in reference to the crops and the mining ojn-ratlons of the com ing summer and autumn. In the Circuit Court Ibis morning, John McHonald pleaded guilty to a charge ir high way robbery. Saturday was the day fixed upon for ja-slng sentence. The Tt-rritorW-w. The Olympia 7Voimic publishes a list of the, lands donated to the N. 1'. it. R. at that place. The list embraces 4,0(10 acres. The l!oi.-e Stittfxmnn says that (-ray. Terri torial Treasurer of Idaho, owes ?'),0:V, or thereabouts, ami It calls on him to jay up. Wealthy mill proprietors, having bought vast bodies of good timber at lirny's llarlxir, want to Hud a way to get to I'uget Sound for shipment and propose to build a railroad. VYilluuu-ttc Valley. The Kugene J iurtiul says the suit between the Ilailroad employees and t ainpbell Chrisman has been settled. The old Hutch Justice- after hear ing the counsel on one side ot the case, remarked : "You bleads veil, and vins your case; but I lets de odder side blead to see if he vins it.'' Alter fin al torney for the other side had argued the case, the old Dutchman exclaimed; veil .' you vins j our wise too, and I makes de constable pay the cost."' From the siuie paper we learn that a ditliculty occurred between two I toys Willie lYngra and Johnny Kelly in the skating rink at Springfield, on la-t Saturday, during which they Uitii tnuiibled out of a window in the tip it story and tell to the ground. illie had an arm broken in two places, and both were considerably bruised. It is rumored that it is in cointeti: plation to establish a bank in Kugene City. The (!'"(! says that a tcuiieraueo meeting will Ik- held in Eugene on Monday evening for tin; purpose of appointing delegates to .attend tL Slate Temperance Convention to In; held in Salem on Feb. i'Jd. A young man by the name of Abra ham Kaud was arrested on Thursday evening charged with forgery. He. was bound over in the sum of ij.KH.), in default of which he w ent to jail. Portland. From the Onyjuiiinit ol yesterday we learn tlie follow ing : Gen. Tiltoti iufifms us tliat orders have just been received from head'piai ters, at New York, to put the road through and have it in working order from Kalauia to Olympia by the 1st ot NovemlK-r next. The working force has been accordingly increased, and it now numliers near seven huudnil men. since the late thaw bcjpin, the . S. X. Co. lias la-en having some trouble to keep their Cascades railroad track ciear. The high bank on the upper side of a deep cut, is w hat's the mat ter. The freezing weather rendered the earth friable, and since the rains commenced the dirt slides freipieutly. We hear that the mourners in the positively latest absconding case nuni lier about three hundred and twenty five. Among them are W. W. Spauld ing A. C. Archbold, and V. D. Hare of Washington county, who lose the sum of 1.0(K); and the other three hundred and twenty-two mourn for iituis of smaller denominations. It is the larerest train of mourners that we ver knew to follow a departed debtor though creditors are proverbially sin cere mourners. The Columbia river is reported clear of in; from C-elilo to Wallula, and it is thought the boats might make trips without dillieulty. The O. S. X". Co will have their boats running on the upper Columbia Uy the 1st of March. We take the following items from the lhruhl: About :i o'clock yesterday afternoon little boy named Edward Miller, live years of age, accidentally fell off a woodshed in a yard on Third street, near Morrison, anil his head coining in contact with a piece of glass, was se verely and dangerously cut. Willamette Valley. From the Corvallis (hizr.Hr we get the following items : Ash and maple wood is selling at $1 per cord. Mr. Rushel, of Ya'piina, was in wtoh a four-horse load ot potatoes, last 1 hur--day, which went olf like hot cakes, at 1 " per pushel. During the public, installation at the l'le-byterian church, Mrs. J. K. liay- ley was taken suddenly ill and had to lie conveyed home in a buggy. There is a preposition liefore the Council to construct a sewer from the western part of the city to the Wil lamette river. The " heathen Chinee of Corvallis made no particular fuss over their Xew Year. The Monmouth 31:is tijcr says the citizens of that place met last week tyid elected delegates to attend the State Temperance Convention to lie held in Salem on the 2'2d inst. Two unsopoisfieated country hisses visited Xiblo's, in Xv Y'ork, during the ballet season. When the short skirted, gossamer clad nymphs made their appearance on the stage, they lie came restless and fidgety. "Oh, Annie!" exclaimed one totto rofv. "It iinin't nice 1 don't like it." "Hush." "I don't care, it ain't nice, and I wonder Aunt brought us to such a place." - "Hush, Mary, tin: folks will laugh at von." After one or two flings and a pirouette, the blushing Mary said : "Oh, Annie, let's go it ain't nice find I don't feel comfortable." "Do hush. Mary," replied the sister, whose own lace was scarlet though it, wore an air of determination : "It's the lir-t time I was ever at the theater, and I suppose it will lie the last, so I am just going to stay it out, if they ilinee every raj off their backs !" THE UOLDEX YEAR. BY ALFRED TEXXYSOX. We sleep and. wake and sleep, but all things move : The mi Hies forward to his brother sun ; The dark earth follows wheeled in her eclipse ; And human things returning on themselves Move onward, leading up the golden year. Ah, though the times when some new thought can bud Are but a poets' te.tsons when they flower, Yet seas dial dally gain upon the shore Have ebb and flow conditioning their march. And tlowand sure canes up the gulden year. The wealth no more slia'.l rest in mounded heaps, Ttiit sunt with freer light shall slowly melt In many streams to fatten lower linids. And light shall spread, and man lie Ukcr man Through all the seasons of the golden year. Shall eagles not be eagles ? wren not wrens? If all tlie world were tu'cou, what of that? The wonder of I he eagle were the less. But lie not less the eagle. Happy days. Roll onward, leading up the golden years. Fly, happy, happy sails and bear the Press : Fly, happv with die mission of the Cross ; hiiit laud to Intnl. and blowing heavenward. W illi silks, mid lruils, and spices, clear of toll, Knrich i lie- markets of the golden yeir. But we trow old. Ah ! w hen shall all men's good lie each man's rule, and universal peace Lie like a shaft ol light aore-w the laud. And like a lane of beams atliwart the sea. Through all the circles ofllie golden year. The Insane Asylum. A resident of East Portland sends us the following concerning the Insane Asylum : The entire building is divided into live distinct wards over each one of which two wardens preside. These wards seemed to consist of long lialls, lined on both sides with bedrooms. Tlie bedrooms were small, but plenty large enough lor one lied, and ail ex cept one or two, contained but one. Tlie light and ventilation in all parts of the house were good, particularly in the bedrooms, there being at least one window in each. Their furniture, as might Ik" expected, consists only of the bedstead and clothing; the wearing apparel being left in the hall. The doors to thee rooms stood open, to give the air free passage, and each one was furnished with a padlock ; these, we were told, tire not locked at night, only slipped through the staples. One feature struck us particularly throughout the house, this was the great cleanliness that, everywhere a pcared. not only of the house, but also of the inmates ; this we think deserves special attention, .and for ii, all who are connected with the place, much praise. The patients were variously occu pied, most of them however la-ing en gaged in walking back and forth in tlie nails or sitting ny tlie stoves kecji- ing warm ; hen; another noticeable, feature presented itself, this was the lattice work surroundim: the stoves. All the stoves were protected by an iron lattice work, the holes in which wen; not large enough to let oik hand through. I After visiting the patients and their i rooms we took a look at the yard, the I kitchen, tlx; bakery, the pump room. ! the grocery store, ic. !fcc. The yard i is a larirc one. almost tilled with small I lir trees, scattered among which are swings, walks, tables, lienches, itc. the whole surrounded by a high board i fence. Hen tlie patients stay in the slimmer, w hile in the winter they have to stay in the house, excel it those who ! can work and who can lie trusted ! these, some seven or eight at present. a man takes out, with him and tin y chop wood, or do anything else that presents itself. Indeed, much of the work lu re is done by the inmates, for there are only till ecu emiiloves hired, and one can easily imagine what there s to do in taking care of a family of over one hundred and sixty. This work, of course, does not hurt them, unless they are overworked and this is sea rely ever done. Their oven is a brick one, made and heated like auv other one, and con sumes about a barrel of llour at a baking, wliich takes place four or live times a week. Tla- building is supplied with water from :i spring several hundred yards distant, raised by :i pump into a res ervoir higher than the house ; thus furnishing fresh water constantly ready for use wherever the pipes are laid. The reservoir is fourteen feet sipiare and four feet deep, having a capactty of more than five thousand gallons. At present there are one hundred and sixty-seven patients in the Asylum, and at the foreuoinjl rates, would cause :t W.-l'klv f-viiotisj- (111 tin Kl.-lfo of l.avj. On the whole, we were very much pleased with the visit ; the appearance of everything indicates much system and regularity in the arrangements and reflects great credit both on Dr. Haw thorne, the manager, and all the employees. Pi ItsON.Vl. A lVKARASCK OF LlTI.K A- i:v Womkx. Very intellectual wo u an- seldom lieautiful ; their features, and particularly their foreheads, are more or less masculine ; hut there are exceptions to all rules, and Miss Lan dou was an cxtvptiou to this one. She was exceedingly feminine and pretty. Mrs. Stanton, likewise, is an exeiilingly handsome woman, but Miss Anthony and Mrs. Liverniore are both plain. Maria and Jane Porter were women ot high brows and irregu lar features, as was also Miss Sedg wick. Anna Dickinson has a stron'tf. masculine face ; Kate Field has a good- looking, though by no means a prettv one, and .Mrs. Mowe is thought post tively homely. Alice and l'ho-be t'ary wen; plain in features, though their sweetness of disonsitiou added greatly to their lx-rsonal appearance. Mar garet V tiller had a i splendid head, but her features were irregular, and she was any thing but. handsome, though sometimes, m the slow of conversation. almost radiant. 'harlot te Hronte had wondroudv beautiful dark brown eves, aim a pent it iv snapeii Head. She was small to tltmiuutiveuess, anil was as simple in her manner as a child. Julia Ward Howe is a line looking woman. wearing an aspect of grace and refine ment, anil jn;at force of character in her face and carriage. Olive Loipm is anything but handsome In person, though gay and attractive in conversa tion. Laura Holloway resembles Charlotte Hronte both in iiersonal an- liearanee. and in the sad experience of young lite. . either Mary iiooth nor Marion Haiiand can lay claim to handsome faces, though they are splen- (iki siH-cunens oi cuitureu women. while Mary Clemmer Ames is just as pleasing in features as her writings are rracelul. x ne nrit-Hiijir. imrricim informs us that liefore 1S21 India rubber had beeu immirted only in the forniofeuriosties. About that time a sea-captain brought home, among other devices, some rublier wrought in the shape of small shoes, and presented them to a bright lioy. The were closed at the ton, but with cliilil-like curiosity the boy cut them ojien and found only some clay within in the form of lasts. He next desired to put them on his feet, and as 1 1 icy would not .stretch enough, he u boiling water to soften them, and thu succeeded. To color them, he tried ink. which soon washed off, after which he hit upon the plan of smoking them in the chimney. He then had complete the first pair of India rubtici' slums ever Usui in this country, anil his success was the beginning of a busi ness which now has propor tion!. The United States Treasurer lias just received a contribution to the con science fund, from the city of Xew York, for customs duty on wearing apparel. "LITERARY LOXDOX." Lecltirc by Joaouin Miller. Joanuin Miller, the "Poet of the Sierras," delivered his first lecture lie fore a San Francisco audience last evening, in the Mercantile Library Hall. We have seldom seen a better audience in that building than the assemblage that greeted Mr. Miller in the heartiest manner on his appearance on the platform. The lecturer, dressed simply in black, with his long yellow hair flowing on his shoulders, aiid his hands in his pockets, paced up and down the stage a few moments before addressing the audience. Then lean ing carelessly on tin; rcadinsHlesk. and, WITHOTT XOTKS Ol: MAM'SCI.'HT Of any ki'nd la-fore him. he began : Ladies and gentlemen This is my first lecture, and. from my present state of mind, will probably In; my last, but I am glad to see you all in good humor. London is to me the wonder of the world, growing and in creasing on every side like the inarch of an army. iet in an omnibus and ride through one of the princial thoroughfares, and around you is a sea of jieople moving to and fro. with um brellas in their hands in Midsummer, and roses in their button-holes, and wearing lieaver hats. XOTIilV, III T I'.KAYK.It II AT. England exieet.s every man to wear a beaver I Kit and rose in his button-hole. And in this sea you perceive a swarm of policemen the most magnificent men I ever saw in my life outside of San Francisco. Hyde Park gates white and costly, become . black as American citizens of African descent. The dhdng place of Dr. Johnson, "Chevy Cliase.'' is haunted by Ameri cans who carry away yearly "pieces ot the dirty surface against 'which the Doctor's" head used to rest. Itut the proprietor supplies the demand yearly, and each relic-hunter is accommodated with a genuine piece. Holywell's nobody enters but liook men. Here is the famous S-ivage Club, with the pic ture of the traditional American Indian looking over at the ".SI IC1HF. OF CIIATTI'.IfTON." Here the lecturer spoke of the kind ness with which Artemas Ward had lieon nursed in his last sickness by his English friends, and bis touching al lusions to the great humorist were :ir plauded. Xapoledu III. comes to the Savage Club, for I believe he is more .successful as a writer than an Emper or ; and Oarihaldi has been there, too. I was introduced once to a celebrated painter (titisfave Dure) in the Savage Club. I could not understand a word of his language nor he of mine, there tore our greeting was more cordial than intelligent. The waiter placed wine lietwoen us. He addressed me in French; 1 said. "N'n salie." He then spoke (ieriuau ; I said. "Xokuin tux." We drink again, and I spokf to him in alifornia Digger Indian. I then trieil the ( iregnn Chinook, but lit; did not understand me. Laughter. In Whitehall I lirst saw Tin: yt fi n of knclanh. A sad and silent woman, whose vir tues, charities and simplicity have challenged the admiration of the world. Long applause. I thank you tor that. Ueiiewnl applause. A woman who has turned from the allurements of courts to educate her own children a woman always clad in uncom promising black. She never wears hoops nor waterfalls, nor false hair. I think she deserves a crown for this, if nothing else. The rush and roar of Loudon, more terrible tlian the sea. is only still for one moment in the twelve months, and that is the moment. I went alone liefore the old year passed out to hear the chime of Im-IIs. The policeman waited with arms folded; the chief stood still ; the vast city was in silent exiectatio-i to hear tin; first footfalls of the Xew Year, and then the bells iMMimed up the Thames and down the Thames, and the world was in motion again. I sat down in the Poet's Corner of Westminister Ahliey. by IdCKF.S's i.KAVLsTt INK. A party of women laid a large garland on tin- slali. and then a vast hue ol nn-n lasscil by, and each laid the roo from us button-hole on the tomli. until the mass ot dowers concealed the inscrip tion ami slab. Dean Stanley, 'he Dean of Westminster, is a small, frail man. but he is a liery man a noble lentleman. Here in the Poet's corner come 1 eniivson. anil 1 i-tv llvaeiuthe. ind Don--the most beautiful man I ver saw. 'p to ChcNea. on the left, bank of the Thames, two figures walk ide bv side. One wears a slouched hat and sinnkcs :i large (it-rinau piie that the Thomas Carlysle ; the other walks slow and w ith his eyes on the ground that is I ante Koselti, the JMict. Mnut the latter there is A TK.MH K STOliV. lie loved a noble ladv ; he was lioor. but. putting his face agaiu-t all the w orld, he won her. She died ami he buried all his songs in her grave. There they remained for eight years la-fore-they were given to the public. The Kossctti's are now rich and earnest Republicans. Their house during our war was the nucleus oi or. hern sympathizers in Loudon. Christina Kossetti is a pale, silent lady, and w rites more from pure inspiration than any poet I ever saw. At the home of Jean Ingelow I met Maddux llrown. the founder ot the pre-Kaphaehte S-hool. who years ago carried off all the prizes from the Art Academy. l here war also .Morris, and winourne talking to Mrs. Morris a sad, spirit uelle woman, and the MOST r.F.Al'THTI. I.APY IN" ALL KCi:oiT.. Xot a carpet in the pit'-Laphaelile home a little wine and every one dt- ing just as he chose. Such is the school of the pre-Uapliclitcs. Passing over to Dean French's in Eton Sipiare, we meet Ro'x-rt lirowning and lemiysoii there at breakfast, with a Duke or two to till up with, lirowning recites some simple Welsh lill.ul. I lielive there is no rivalry between these great men. When Tennyson is in the Isle of Wight, it is eoncetltii that isrowuuig is me in tellectual king of tht; city ot London. In Browning's study hangs a jien-aiid-ink sketch of Tennyson reading one of his poems. Mrs. I?rowning ana Browning sit listening, and Kossetti, w ho maiie the sketch, has placed him self in the background, in the act. They were all young then. The most filial poet in London is Lockyer the hooni friend ol leniiyson. ne torn me once that Ik; had just returned from some (iermaii spring, drank a great deal oft he water, and was happy to say that In- was NOT Ml XT I WdliSK. Lix-kver's collection of autographs is the best in the world. I found there twelve letters of Ueorge Washington to Admiral Lockyer. Swinburne is a poet, but not the least part of a philos opher, though it seems the world ex pects he should lie both. I have spent some time w ith Swinburne, ami never saw anything impure in. his life. A frail man is Swinburne, with an enor mous head crowned with yellow hair. He is true in his love; tierce and un compromising in his hate. FIXALK. Thanking the audience for their at tention, the lecturer concluded one of the most interesting lectures that has ever lieen delivered ln-fore a Sin Fran cisco audience. His enunciation had the fault of lieing indistinct at times, but his delivery was pleasant and alto gether out ot the mouthing style of the stenntvix'd lecturer. He wished to excuse" himself lroin the promised reading of a oeni. but the audience wonld'iiot liave it. so he read the "Ari zonian" from a volume of his own po ems. The result of Mr. Miller's first exerimei)t in the lecture-hall was em inently satisfactory. An English traveler has relumed from Iht; women-hating settlement of Acle. in the Grecian Archielago, w here a bachelor's Arcadia hart exis ted from lime immemorial. It is a monastic confederation, consisting of twenty-three convents, and numbers more than ".(KH souls. Soldiers are paid bv the monk to guard the bor ders of the happy laud, and no w oman is allow ed to enter. The very idea of woman, whether as sister, wife or mother, seems to be wholly lost. To all our sour old bachelors who com plain of the wiles of women seeking to entrap them into marriage, this ter ritory, belonging to Mount Athos can safely !- recommended as a haven ot refuge. It so lappened tlat the Emperor Xapoleon was made very comfortable during his stay at the Imperial Hotel atTonpiay. Before he went away he expressed a wish to see tlio cook a Frenchman. ( When the cook amieared, Napoleon . said tliat he wanted to tell hint in jH-rsou how much In; had leeii pleased with tlie cooking. " I have not enjoyed my dinners so much any w here since 1 icft the Tulleric,' said the emperor. "Sire, lam honored." was the re ply; " but will your majesty permit me to mention that I have 'had the honor of cooking hundreds of dinners for you and the empress: 1 was cook at tlie Tullei ies until two years ago." The Speaker of the British House of Commons has a niagtiiliceiif re-idciice, finished and kept in repair at the pub lic cxcnse, and containing one hun dred rooms. Curious but not profitable: A com iositor has compiled (iliS legitimate l-wiglish won Is from the letters compos ing the name, Prince Alexis. The Abilene, Kan., Chronicle says cattle shipping is aliout over. Sintv the 10th of May l.!WS car-loads or :i.". 784 liead ot cattle have been shipped to that point. The editor of the Clareinont, X'. IL, Emjle has Ix-en presented with a jKir snip five feet nine inches long. The American in Kuropo is now a (juiet person, who minds his own busi ness and pays his bills promptly. The United States expended four million dollars last year on three kinds of dye madder, indigo and cochineal. A Methodist congregation of eleven Mexicans has been organized near La Junta, the lirst of the kind in Mexico. The workingmen of Great Britain have organized a committee for pro moting the separation of Church and State. The English people' desire a silver currency which can 1m- reckoned with i-'iial facility in shillings, dollars and francs. A parasol has been invented which, when not in use. can la; folded in a very small compass and carried inside a mull'. Large gold daggers, with hilt stud ded with diamonds and other precious stones, have come into fashion again for the hair. A bill in the Illinois Legislature pro poses that woman shall not la- debarred from any occupation except the mili tary. In Iowa, if a man borrow s a quarter from his wife ami gets a drink with it. the woman cm sue him and recover tiie money. -t Spielhagan, the German romancisf, will come to the United States next spring, and lecture on Sliakespearc. A Filth Avenue young lady who went to Europe la-t summer, taking I with her only a small cai iet-bag, lias returned with sixteen well-lilled trunks. There are about .l.iiO.tKKi head of cattle in Texas, one-fourth lieing lieeves. one-fourth cows, and the other half yearlings ami two-year olds. Connecticut is going into the jM-at business. !t is estimated that the su ply at Meiiilen wiil yield iKihh) tons per season lor the m-xt forty years. Young ladies will now hesitate be fore rushing into matrimony. It is getting to U; the thing to present the bride with sewing machines. An actress in Xew York was reeent- lv fpre-euttil with a set of diamonds said to have lit-Ionged to the ex-Em press Eugenie, valued at thirtv-tive thousand dollar The Chicago I'ust says the bell worn by the cow that kicked over the lamp Inat set fire tot lucago is on exhibition in that citv in sixty-one different places. It is announced from Japan that ; a!xut live hundred of the more ad vanced and promising- 4ipi!s at the , odo Government : sent to America. School have la-en Parepa Rosa is making a first class i prima dona out of an Irish girl she ! picked up in a St. Louis hair cloth fac j tirv. i i Gen. John Ivler. Jr., is nowassoci- ! afe editor of the Tallahasse Nmtinrt. '. Robert Tyler, his brother, is editor of I the Montgomery Advertiser. A Virginia woman was recently cut ! oil' in the midsf. of her usclessncs at the age of one hundred and eighteen year-. Tobacco did it. I Samuel L. Clemens of Hartford. I Mark 1 wane has 1h-cu granted a jcit- ' cut on an "adjustable and detachable j strap for garments. ! Tin- latest ballad is, "Burv vour dog i in the garden ; it will make your grape i vines grow.' Tin; la-!I woni by Mrs. (I'lnn"1 ! cow is exhibited in eight v-one different i places in Chicago. "' An Indianian w ho hadn't a whole I pair of boots or trousers m-cived three i siik hats on ( hristma i It is reported that about one-third of the present senior class of lale will t inly for the ministry. I lesire is a tree in leaf : hope is a tree in flower, and enjoyment is a tree in fruit. Hopeful husbandmen those who sow brilies anil expect to reap reforms A mouse canjlrink no more than It: fill Iroui tin; mightiest river. Nebraska, has an editor who spells wile. vt. , line California vineyard yielded ro,- (Kill gallons this season. The Monthly Sr.ii ntist predicts that the sun w ill burn out in -I l.:i'J years The Prince of Wales is said to have made a vow to let strong drink alone. f 1ST OF I.KTTKRK HKHUMMi XJ umvilleil lor in the nost olllce. lit Milem. reorunry dill, 1"j: Allier, Ablal C Andrews James (J Alexander, Amerlciis Ilennejt, Miss M.-irv K Rritnilwiujrh, Andrew Ill-own, Mr llnieii, (i.-irrett llrown, Viiyil Clark. I) t Cosjjrove, Alexander, Crcwell, .Mary A Coin, M reswell. s V Cox II II Carey. Mrs Sophia M Cook, Mrs I.izetle litvK lbindv K I 'avis. Win M P.-iiey, A J Kdw ards, James Ft- k. Miss Lottie liavls, Samuel iawes.(;alts licrham, Cluir, Kldra-e, Mi; s Mlua Grile, .1 1) (iolV, Martha Ann (ilinleston, Jauie.s Hall FressW Henrv, It J llawl'ev. Urn. I Hay. Henry M Ho'iTuiau. F Howe!l,J W Hmilefiev, Ira Himes, Seth llawktus Miss n or Hamilton. I. V Hughes, Hiram Lien Jeff rey, Mr T C James Itoliert 8 Khnltl, t ieorxe AV Keene, Jamea Keizer. Mr Simeon Kliifc, Thtrston I-anion. MIsh Sarah Lee, l'eulien 2 Long, Mrs Louisa Morse, Annie M Martin, Mr Marv Miller, lit' M.-Kinnev, John" W .M Inner, Mrs It MeOllllslcr, McAteiunv, John McAllister, ILirden MoCalllstcr, William N vc. Perrv Nye, Mary E Ore Ili rd, J (1 Pi-arce. Charles Pen land, James Poile, Henry, Nye. John S Nealley, SIlss Laura Prettvman. I) I) Pettyjohn. Mrs S A Pulley, Miss Martina, mi ivy, J c cretivman, r l Pcrin, Caleb lt"lertson, Charles, lime;, JeSfC Sbrtnn, .1 It Slum-, 1 ir E Ti Smith, Miss Eliza, 2 Smith, I-evnian Smith, (i W Shruni, Mrs Sarah S-hmidt. Ijmis Sehaeffer. L St air, J M Tate Mistt Julia I k e. .Mrs RliW. Jonathan, Kichier, William, Smith, Aman-ta, '2 Smith, Col E L, i Smith, Tavlor Shrum, .1 W Sternx, Henry P Stevenson, 'T Steeprow, Mhia Olive Mew-art. A mot. Steers, Win Thompson, Mrs Ellr-a- netn Townscnd, MUs Rot Tracy, II Thompson, Mrs E B Wright, Thmniin 11 W.shi, F P Witzel. Jame, Ward, 'Mm Mary Whltten. MIw Phovla Matt, J limes Walker, Mrs Rhoda Williams. It K Werner, refer Walker, MIssS J Williams. Mrs Hester Walker, Mrs Catha- wad-., t M rine T P. PICKET, P M SPECIAL NOTICES. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Ollic- Xo. 61, Front WrffI, POKTI.AXK, OUKlJOX. KKAL ESTATK In tills CITY and EAST I'OltTl.ANl), in the m desirable b-Alll,le in.sistlmr of liTS. HALF HUH HVaml ISLOCK.S HOOKS and MORKS; alw J IMI'IiOVKK FARMS, and valuable no. uhlvated I. AMIS, loetued in ALL uirlK ol IheSTATKfor S.LK l'KAL KSTATK and other Pmiwrtv tmrcluis for Coi-(-.s-tnleiiis In thi-( IT and Ihrinnrlmiit Ihe ST.TK and TKItlilTuHIK-. Willi K't'.'il can' ami on tlie most .iiii.ij- A(,l-.t)l S T r.KMS HOCSER ami STOKES LEASED, OAVs NKOOTIATF.H. and CLAIMS OF ALL ItEsCKIlTHlXS I'ltt MITL Y COI,- KtTKD. An.l a ti.-neral FINANCIAL and AtiKNCV Ill'SlNKSStranniiLletL tltwlf MARRIAUE Ul IDE. EVERYONE HIS OWN DOCToTt-Belng private instructor for married iiersoni-, or those alRMit to In? married, both male and fe male, in everything concerning the nhysloioiry and relations of our sexual system, ami the jiroihicti'iii anil jirevention of 4itfsirin;. in- uuii all tlie new tlistywenes never betore riven in the Enirllsh lanpuaee, bv WM. 1 in , .il. i. nils is really a valuaiiie aiHi Intetesihip work. It is written In plain lan piaire for Ihe .nenil reader, and Is illustrated with numerous Enjrravlnjcs. All young mar ritst Hoile, or those contemplating marriage, and having tin-, least lnijiedlment to married lile, sliotilil rwi'l this nook, it disc loses nvrets hat eveir one should lie acquainted with : still it Is a lxiok thai must be locked iijiand lit let be uliont Ihe lious4;. It will tie sent to anv aii- Iresson nveiiit of flit v cents. Address lr. WM. YOI'NO. No. 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. E-iTAFFLICTEIl AXI UNFORTUNATE. No matter wluit mar U; vour disease, liefore you place yourself under the care of any one ol tlie wi At i native itnu loreijn wuoa't vertlsc in this or anv other iiaix-r, p-t a com- f Or. Y'Hinir's Hook and read it carefully. It will U- the means ol Having you manv adollar, vour ht-altli. and nossiblv vour fib-. l)r. Younjr can lie consulted on auv of the diseases scribed in his publications hy mall or at his illice. No. 41( Spruce street, above Fourth, hiladeliihia. Jan'J XEW ADVEKTISKMEXTS. SALEM DRUG STORE 2 J. W. SMITH, DEALER IX Clicmieals, Oili, and Drills PATENT MEDICINES, IMJUIMEKIEH, TOILirr ARTICLE. AI XOTIOXS 'ure Wines and Liquors. PRESCRIPTIONS ANI inily li-c'ilii-itiif4 CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED At all hours of the Uiy and night, bv a tOmpi'tciit Iriicsil. I'nllon Work, Male Slrfft, Salem. NEW DRUG STORE. DR. A. M. BELT & JOHNS. DrngM nnl Cmiilly.f eticlne, ' Toilet iools, I'erfuiuerj, Brnalir, ete., etc., PAINTS OILS AMI VARMSHEKJJ DRS. A. M. BELT A A. 1 formed a mrtnership am business as above anil lnvii F. JOHNS have and will carrv on business as above anil Invite attention to their full and complete stock. I'rtiwrlptloin pnt np rarr. with tfreate All goods warranto! of best quality. I'r. A. M. Roll's office at the Store. Smith's IlliH-k. omiosite Chemekela Hotel. Commer cial St.. Salem, Oregon. el. 4Ulwtt GEO. U. JllNKS. J. M. PATTF.KSOjr JONES I PATTERSON, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, AND GENERAL AGENTS, Commercial Hotel Building, KAI.EH, - - ... OREMIX. S portal Attention iclven to the Sale ol Keal Estate In all itirtsof Oregon. A In rye nmmintof Very IlmlriiU citv iro-rtv, consisting of levelling Houses "I-ot.s lilocksaud Hall Blocks Stores Ac. Also Improve! Farm and Vnlunble I n-ciiliivau-d Prairie an-i Timlw-r Lands, Hitu ated lu the best localities in the State. The Kenllnic and IeHiiijc ot nil ktn'ls of pniieny. Collection of clainiH, Conveyancing, &c, will receive iiromi at tention. A(.ENTS FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. -OF new ;york, -AXL - fHE UNION FIRE INSURANBE CO., san:francisco. rUw NORTH SALEM STORE! AV. L. "WADE AT THE OLI GREEN STORE Has jiist received for the Fall trade A FULL ASSORTMENT OF- DUY UOOIS, GROCERIES, B(jyrs a shoes, CLOTIUNO, Hardware, General Merchandise, Calculated for City and County Trade. Bought as low, and will be sokl at at small a profit as those who nell at eost. t-jTGnods delivered to any jnrt of theeity tree of charge. dAw Salem Chemical Soap Works. mHKSK WORKS ARE REMOVED TO J S.He Mri-et, ln-tween Lilierty and High win -pis, on south si'le, Salem, where we miu ulaoturu CHEMICAL OLIVE SOAP, Soft Soap, Ami all kinds of FAXCY &. TOILET SOAI. A supply of OLD SOAP on hand. All kinds of grease taken in exchange for Snap. The trade supplied on most libera I terms. NTKAIM 4: t'O. Salem, Febr-iary V'., HIRSCn'S COLUMN. RE-OPENING AT THE OLD CORNER! (Hotmail's Block), omnx-rt-IM Mtrert, Nalm, Ornron. J. B. & M. HIR8CH, Having nxuei with nn Kntlrc New Slrt-k of General Merchandise roR- C1TY A N I COl'MltfY TRADE W'c will lie pleal tnhaveall our old friends and cusions-rs, call and examine our stock, just purchased at the East, and we shall try to convince all and everybody Hint WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. WE HAVE FOR THE LADIES I'lne f'reneh Herlno, Ktrlped I'onlnrd, Mohnir IMaiilo, I'nelOe Fopllno, Crniie I'oplinn, Colored and Mark Alnarra, BlaeUeo tie RIiIik Ilk, I'lain and fanrjfiiilkn, Ice CoIInrsi, Einhrohlered Slevew, . I'nnrj and Illnrk VeUet Ribbon. Peabodj" Ilnlmoralsi, Kxrolslor I'rll Skirts, Also a General Variety of ' Double and Single Wool Shawls, Breakfast Capes, WE HAVE FOR GENTLEMAN Ol3.lxi.cli 11a SutJS CASTOR BEAVERS, Cassimere Suits, All Kln Ls of Undorwoor BOYS CLOTHLNG. Boots and Shoes ALSO, WE CAN OFFER HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Brussels, ThreelPly and Ingrain ICarpets China Matting, Table Oil Cloth, Floor Oil Cloth, Curtain Damask, Table Linen. Oa 4 rUw tf. NASAL ICATARRH. Snewlv and radical enre of Vasal Catarrh. Throat Diseasesi. KronchitlR and affn-llons oi the Linigs and all uotnplalntsthat leml to (Vm sttmtidon. All who are fnilferinftfrtnnCalarrh lu tin- head that loallixomo disease no prollflo ol evil eint-tteiK--s an be speedily and per- malleoli, run.i ii iikt, Mppi, nr trvotiiR-iii in season. 'Thereare thiliiHanifs of case of throat diseases, hronchltlsann' iinsnni)itlon due solely to catarrh, to sny nothing of Ha less terrible, eonsequeuces iriipalnsl sense of heorinjt, siiH'll, tllsirustlnir elltiivta of the breath, the dlnicy (Mimplexlon, dyspc)isla, netiralrla, etc ineseare in niminers-Hs cases caustsi snieiy hycjujirrh In the neat). The disease afflict thousands w ho have never suspected Its pres ence. Its Bvmptoms are ho inverse In different Individuals as to often mislead the muTcrerand his medical adviser. The onlvsal'e and nrooer course la to have an examination from a phy sician competent to lAke a correct oiagnosui an.) to cure the evil when found toejrist. Ir. liorn cures this loathsome disease after the ordinary modes of treatment have failed. lboratorjr, C'oMHuUlna; and prr- atlaaj Apartnarata, Ckir. Third and 5IorrisotiSt3., Portland. 1110llV,Sim..lL Aml.vo.M tl. muu. malern k.-ntlnv- treatment of CHRONIC DISEASES! Embracing all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Head, Throat, KroiM-blfil Tnbea and Istinira, alo all Dv rana-ementa of the Ktonuich, -IJver, Blood, etc As well as General NERVOUS DEBILITY. XfrrE. Those who have Ion suffered from Chronic Ihseasi-s without olitaininK relief are invlletl lo invest ipitean-l juilue for lliemselves a' lothcirreat success atteiHllng tlio ;le-.itltlo iiH.tes as practiced bv lr. A born. Jan9 DANIEL LOWER, . 1M 1'roat Nt., Portland, Commission Merchant. On-iron pro-ln. sold to best advantage In Portland or San FrniK-lsco. Dealer In CALIFORNIA & OREGON Ixoca.xi.oo. AN D TROPICAL FRUITS. Conalipinienta Solicited. .Ian. !". IsTi.