The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, February 21, 1872, Page 1, Image 1

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C-M-KM. ORKiSONMlie oldest mid lai-jrc-t.
IJ Incorporati-d S-liiAil in tin S(ati. (.'lawtral
( mnmi-r.-lal, X, nnal and SWciitili,-, emir-eH el Kor I'nil liUomiatioii a tdivs the I'rei-Mi-lit,
T. M. catch,
Or . X. TKHKV, 8iv. of 1JM Trii.siies.
Set. 7. tlAwlv
in. i:. ft. 11 siii;.
DKKIi 'K -Xci. 1, Mivnn' lili.k. Itesl-
len.-;.-- Ontr: :s;ieet. i ),i,)situ V niver.-liv.
J. t.HI BJl'i, M. I.
piIVSH'lAN AM) SUICKOX, oP.ots lite
lasand vivthHy. uiiT.MnU"
ms. n. ".u:i-i:vi nr..
t)iivsi'.jaa' AM) si;iu:i-;ox, OnV-c and
-I lii-sid'-tve on A.ttienv sini:t, liea 'y mji
Mte '.lie I'ntKfrccntiiini-t I'lliuvli.
Sa'i.-m. mill. 71. tf
TTOi;XfYS AT ..V. IM-HanO, io
pm. nji .sruiy---i. . .-.onicr From
' -tin I WasliiiigKm Sciift?. .Sj)t.21(Ui w
VTTiS:XEVS AT LAV,' awl .lirtlfir ill
Cliaii.-ery, A Many, Orc'Hi. I.. H1NX,
Xo'arv. I'nliu.-.
I iilio-:luu i'inl coiivevaik---; ja-niuntlv at
tended to. " lv,tf
. l:. li.v.UMS,
Notary TulilUs
.ttirni-y t Law
ami. ileal Estate. Jnsiiranci- and lol
livtim; Avenls. lieal K-tttle in Use CUv nn I
l'" mks. .UistHxl of all titles in Ma-lioin-onin-.-.
ikic 4U-wfc!'
JAM XX A. IWILUiOMtX, 31. !.,
I)IIY:sJi I AN AN W1M1KOX. (Late Belivu"
JIh-jl'i.'iI Me foiU-irc New York City.)
s Jn ti,re s JJrick, '.-sili-m. ( Ke-si-
don,-,-., iAite titu X. iii. ww ul Matriop
as, eta re.
a: w. royal,
Ifc.I. l.STA'l E AliKNT. Ci;v l'rn.evly
IV and Kami lip-sale. fJuu-cs lo real Mid
lvnts ot:H-.uiL
UK. E. Y. Cii'.SE,
OFl-IlK JiI'JUb.'N'S ItlWK, iif sJain,
S:iit.iiL ( ireiruil. Kntriiii'i' n SlaU-slni-t
o)iMM4te Ibu iini 7!if oi That.M'r .4 Su,
;;uil alstMti I'unnvpiviiii trwt. o'jK-ile lirni;
:-?t,ru J. V. ShiUwv. x jilDlf
Will n, lk ; in hiili ialand Stale I'niirl.s.
nil. ; -X o. ili;J'' sti', i'jkjt i'uft Otlieu),
lui-iu-iii,l, Drcfwui. ly
Fori Urlor mul Khipporx,
All fre'JitMir i!Uin tin- riiy loiest&!iijrl.
ieli.-e and , 'ii rir.MM-. rule term-.
I an"iM!'es , distant ly :n aiiintUinee t i'on
vev ius-s'itp-rs ti.'irsiirli"i'.tsT; -uiioitjili'iviiS
e!. 1'i .i ilu:'
Harble WorlL.
j ; a Lints ix
MonumentSj 0belisks.,7ombsJ
Eead and Foot Stones,
1-:XE'.TTE1 JX
-AND -f'iiten..
And .2ranch Shop at Albany.
Jmii'ldu j
r.i.'i.N.NOX 1P.HB.
(CtHveRmrK l! invld "ol.l,
iMPiau'Kre-i axd de.u.ku's ix
'3'ovet, Pumps, rtn and Lead Pip-:
.ml 5Iar.n.iii-.niiTs of "
Tin, Sfceetlror. ar.d Copper Ware.
Sjic-ifc; Kltpjil'eii jrt.d ti. AAiiii, r.vMii eni5
AImi Au'i''e'V AipctVan IVliJ':
'Tnrtiim: Water V Inx'L 'nr lenns sne isi)
Salmi. Jeii. 1 1. ."jr.
Sweot Oiclcz
-XfrrncEis nnim ;ivKVTHATrnE
linRid ). UmiHim & '.. limiy M;n-
dnefnrrrs- is Oil day rtisilvfd. and the
5nstnps vr iv iire:tfter cndn,-'ed iiy i).
I-Tmnsnn. tvIio jtssim.''s ad hAli'it:es .anvl
to wliiniiill airnimtB will lie liai I.
i-uaa c u.vKirr.
Sji'eiT.. .Jhti. l"i,lS7i.
Willarnetta tininersity.
1M72. Tniitlst tilrrin xttlrit, time jfcy
Minlv for rinviindm--,tf Terr.
Salem, Jan. ill.
Reductionjn Prices!
'o::iLk.i, - - - - o3tMox.
Only Hrst-Clr Ho'd in the Cily.
lwn ii1 IIoiikI
!). . S-J (.
Tin- Tio-t r'eaaiit a.v. iml: iens; tjible
;md niien-Uih-e ui,rtir,ci-sU at tlie nlwn. ii'a
,,on ln,irs. JoHX J. JAt ills.
iviiUw rri,,itetir.
,B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor,
MALI-: 32, OUI-KiO.X.
Seau rileys. Sje.v 'Mi .-:s .Milts. IK,!-
n I'Mn. and an Uti-i- f !- i tKi.i.
-Ii,,rt iiiHt'e. "ttern ii.Tltir iKuie In IK I
various l'liTV'.s. and !l kind.- el Sim-? and lr"ii
in.i.uf miniier. M.i,-i.i- o I""'
:i, l-s tar.J-!.ed ar -lu.v: not'.
.1. II. S, t:V'i.iT. at IVe-lKirii Sl.-.ii'i,
. A C. K. I'... Matioa c .1111 y, ran
,.r,'l ln.1U t'K Uit-UMi lUWl'HS fur Jill
lierts of
OUX Ai-'F.xrrAb, and
jJiTA riioieo ivjkc.'ioa Shrulibcry .
Ail Jress orders l
octSlwtf Jervais. Oregoa-
Fnr 2.1 eirulr, aiiitve.
.Ires J. II,
Solvt Varteli-. Ail
i,n-aiH (X'lt-
Stationary Engine.
Junes it rattersim, o(Ji-r for sale a Steaui
I'.nfTlne, (ncwi liitn. li lvnv,'iu tn.-li stroke. I'as
Jriiu Uiil, '.I feet Ion?, 1H Inrlu-s u1de 9 Iik-Iiim
'kuti Crank Slialt i,-t kni., 4 Iik-Iico in di
3111MM1T. lljilaive Wheel, h tki-t H lis ties in
li:iini'ler. mid ivcitrlis I.inhi wnnds.
I'rlee !fe.-,n deliitaxsl i Jortin,L
, If Jim boy Dr. J. I'. P. ran Don IJi-rgh'
( clebrated Sovereign Worm Syrup!
An iiieiliililc ami furti euro to cxie1 woruis
f'foto ('liildrtn.
,T They like t take it, anJ, in fact,
cry It it.
I'ricc One Dollar.
T" '"' had nt hii! oGirc, llooius Nu. 9 iioil
22, ( .H UKkcta ll.itul, Salem.
VOL. 21. NO. 30.
Too Much Allegory.
T!ie jirofiiinlily il tiie ;",'.' ha
i-uliiiitiutwl in ptiraUi' :t;nl l::is loiiiiil
exiiressiiMi in tin; Mory "f :t lmni'hliai'k
prince. I;ut it lun ft 'vnsit; jn :tt-
tomptin to nisiki-j: ' JsI0rLP
little alli'gory. Unit .t iiifnum ... ..
villi's to U-ll vh:it tilil lilllrll ln-t-
tiT ylien.( it was originally written,
how a liudcliback lioi-aim a ni!er ami
set a fasliinii which evcrylMiily followed
iii iiuitntiu;; tiie liiinch.
Afcordinto the J ,'.'? (Jnnst. is a
ravenous smoker , ainl ihcrelinu this
o!lit i;ils the "Xi-w York ittoni
House have inado a iirnctiin of .-teal-int;
.sfjpirs. If the segars were as weak
as the application they would not he
worth appropriating. if the Jh fvhl
wauls to "point a moral ami adorn
a tale" why don't it quote Tammany
anil show up IJoss 'JVeeil and liis
Itin. men who steal ly millions,
while thivm",li all of Cr.infs career
there is not a reasouahle suspicion that
any jiersonal dishonesty has ixUU'd.
Kven in relation to the New York
Custom House tljore is no reason found
to :icciiso him of complicity with any
of the alleged irregularities.
The liiie; or'ans must keep up vicr
enough to Ik- somewhat origtiial aitd
not fill hack the po'urtss .mccdous
of past ages to illustrate their own
fatuity, ft itviii's no allegory to
show up ti? fact Ihat cwiran State is
mismanaged. V have only to show
up the Litigant Hill, tlx-Swamp Land
Kiil. the Canal and Locks oicratiou
and tlie w.j the Slate salaries were
raised, wIk-ii tlx' 'oust itnt ion said
they should have no iiKTease. to make
a case that the people can plainly ami
forcibly understand and will act lipim.
We can place the cl;iirn1crs nf uion
than one of the King agi-ms and favor
ites before the public to plead otrr
I tut we won't lie i'lilKitil in our con
clusions or suonose thai iH-ctmse we
have tuts to use. our opponent should
also wield them. The vitv force of
our fads drives them to the use of
tables we give it up thai they have no
other siKiw. That being tlw. case the
I lemocratii' organs may as well be al
supplkil with CiiU'iTer's Traveis.
rifsops I-'ablis and the Arabian
Xiglits. so that with Carl Shinv.' late
speecli iii the Senate tiny s-:m make s
iv-liei1able camin'.ign.
The A utiles! j Hill.
Tlnte was a strong dispospiinii 0:1
the Ktrt of tlw Ih pubiii-an parry ii
( ongr"ss ti jms a (Ji-iK'ral Amnesty
Kill tiie present session and remove
( the. disabilities lnmi all or ner.riy all
j the late r-iels in the .South. Much
' time tip to the iresent has ixwn !evo-
teil to tlx' jn-iiding Amnesty !i!L
which lias p.nal'y been rejected in thf-.
1 Senate wifn h midouhtiv'Iy eds the
'matter for this session. Several rea
j sons have combined t prodrtee this
! summary rejection of the tiili. One
i may K- tlie developments in the Kit
I KIux trials in South Carolina, and
j other manifestations which go to es
j tabiish tktt upon uianj" jxtoiis to
4 whom the franchise is ikav denied
Amnesty would be a waste of clenien
1 cv. Wv have always felt liuit tin?
( rovertiuietit. has waited its forgivness
upon thotst r.ds of thyse who plotted
treasoii and have ihtit repeiued it,
but would lie as sr,re t do it again as
occasion should oftvr. Too much leni
ency has encouraged such to be inso
lent and vindictive and Ku Klnx out
rages have iiecn the result.
Another -reason for the rcr. ftion of
tle Aniiw-sty Itill. wa probably found
in (lie accumulation of amendments in
relation to i1. Senator Sunnier wanted
to enact in tliat connection every ho! 1-
by that lb- bad devi -ed. and as be
could not sneeeeil be voti-d to reject
the bill. There wa- a great difference
in th.e views t utertaiued and the sng-ge.-tious
offered . There was too mucii
politics invohi'l and too little real
statesmanship, and therefore it is as
well that the in itter has gone over.
Tlie ihiiiiIkt of pi rsons now disfran
chised cannot !" very great, and tiie
priile and ambition of .b-tf Javis anil
other leading conlederates can wait
.s'ltisliiition for a year or so longer
without detriment to the public good.
Kven if they should never obtain re
lief until they a-k for forgiveness pen
itently, tlie- world may continue to re
volve and our general prosH-ri;y as a
nation may endure ti.ihnpared.
Xvisl the Caricaturist.
i The follow ing sketch id' Xasf. pnv
j babiy Ihe most sitcii'ssinl ami In-si
! known cariiiituri-t now living, re-
poricd to be given to a reMrter in Phil
ndelphia. recetitiy, by Xasby will, no
doubt. I; read villi interest by all
laiuiliar with Xast's pictm-os : "Thus.
Na -t. is a man thirty-four years of age,
and al.nut five feet seven inches hi
higlrt. He litis a keen, s-harj) eye. and
a good (jerinan face, has black hair,
and is dapjier and neat in his person.
I I null j , ,i-
j iiciny. and came over hero when he
u as almut 1 live vctirs oi aire. 1 is
ftt!iT wanted him to ! a jeweler, but
lie was already betrothed toart. 1'
! I-slJe, 1 think, liroutrh'i hint out, first.
! nt the time, he sent him lo Knglaud to
; make liictures of the great iieenau-
Sviyers prize fight. And then, v.-hen
Ihe war broke out. the Harpers sent
! him South to sketch bailies. !t was in
lS'ii just after the election, wiieu ail
tlie countiy was clamoring for peace at
I any price.'that, lit; struck the particular
i vein in which he lias simv become
(anions. "1 he picture lie drew then,
entitled "Peace," was grand. It rei
resenU;d a Union stildicr's gwve, over
the tombstone of which was weeping
Columbia. At the foot stood a com
panion to the dead loyalist, stripped
of hi arms, and shaking hands with a
rebel armed to the teeth and with one
foot upon the grave. That picture
nindo his reputation. Ilc was as well
known the next day as lie is: now. It
was circulated by millions as a cam
paign document. He lives, I think in
Xo. 100, Twenty -fifth street, Xew
York, near JIarleui. in a modest frame
house. Hi wife and his three sons
constitute his family. Tliey have no
servants. At the end of tlie. lot on
which his house stands is a one-story
1 trick building, wliere he does his work.-'
He has the quaintest collection of curi
osities, chiefly of art, that can Ik;
imagined. II is wife is a lady of rare,
intelligeiii-e, who assists bim greatly
in ins lanors. mm; is a relative of
.lames Parton. Nast is a man of in
domitable courage and rare intelli
gence. Politically, he is a most in
tense rat heal. The lat thing Ik; dots
is always his best. Xat is a moralist
a man who niii-t have an idea. His
le.iicil is savage and bitter, and cuts
like a knout. He tells in ten strokes
of his jiencil wliat it would take vol
umes to express."
"The strongest propensity in a wo
man's nature," says a careful student
ofthe sex, " is to want to know what
is going on, and tlie next is to boss the
KilitorLil CiiiTcspondcnce.
'ii!,T!.imi. r,jb. 11. I
1 couldn't have l'-lt much rain b
hinil lue at Salem for they seem to
liavc H all on hand here anil more
n - It is astonishmg where
J. ortiaim gets an 11s weainer, 101 n
will rsiu here wlien there is not a
thouglit of it twenty miles oil' in any
direction, and I lave twice this winter
found itsSiackground of hills whitened
witha.snow mantle when there was
no svak of it elsewlicre ; such was the
case je.stTlay. My oiuioii is that
when JiuTe is not snow or rain enough
to go around Portland gets it all.
whkis inespoiiils with the average
modesty of its metroiKiHtan claims.
They tell me here Uiai, times are really
dull antwich is probably the case, for
the silnnsbia river has beeti closi-d so
much of the winter that nobody dare
come down from that lialfol creation.
Uit thill -or not these people go tearing
around ami nittlii: alMitit with noi-e
enough to !ock several modest towns
f this sia. Portland will never die
of ;in oveiv3)se of modesty, tluit is one
siiisfai-t U-Mi.
The mit intporatanl -thing 1 hear of
is the sak' nf the li;":h The Poss 1
and the t-li'w-i have, purchasiil it. The
"(ro Kiiw ftjiows " have collected
their asset; and gathered togi'tlier
their chips and whetstones and have
traded tlie ingenuous Semple and the
State Printing Patterson out of their
pet iiiStitulkui and hereafter the con
cern will lv known as the -Oro Kino
Klcplnuit. Morning Kdition." Itoss
Hallix'k walked through it on Monday,
and raisiNl tiie Oro Pino ll.ig on the
ruins. Tlte business manager and
canvasser of the old concern was a
publican and he realizes that "Othel
lo's occupation is gone up." The late
local mitt or whose wit boiled and fused
so late ami earlv that he had to lie
bound owr to answer to the next
Crand .lury. hasceasi djto he local and
thi clepiiant loftily waves trunk to
bW him adieu. Tliere is only one thing
about this business I regret and con
sider unfair, it seems that our origi
nal and duplicate of the ( iovernnrship.
meanins: tl
iy. onriovernerrover i
iiud his (ioveriior
.Miller, came down :
on tlie Jiiniut ia-r wcck jikc me ":i
on tbc fold and held Cou-u'tations and j ;-,t ion and the people aiv fully awan
tried to prev:ribe for the invalid, but , j ()!-:f
n.. o..a l.'i-ui fi.Mnu-j e-noe dioi'e. more 1
r,- , , .
as tliev iini snu tirove on me nqinain. ;
The Salem Ping has a right to control
such littlit things as newspapers and
; trinventions. etc.. and as long as their
I money Isold-: out probably they ciu
J succeed i;i doing it. I never appreci
ated what injury the t'hemeketa Hotel
fiasco hail done the virtue and intelli- j
rence of our town until 1 heard that, i
they could not raise the ispl.tKKI needed
to buy tl Portland organ, and were
not adtuitied to even a share by the!
Piss and I hief when they bought, it. i
Crover ipakes P.osse and t'hiels of '
Police amU hen I hey buy newspajx rs ;
V run lof Jim Xesmith or tiny other,
man hut GTover. 'liny tike his ap-j
liointini'iits and disappointments alike '
with cjiuiuimity.
Xewspapt-s pas cunvnt here in ex- :
change for all sorts of property. I am j
told that Lappeus turned in a one-fourth J
interest in the Last Portland Park to j
help ;wy for his interest, and Hailed;
swapped off shares in the Willamette
Iron works to get hi intel'st. About ,
nine months from now when they get .
tired of feeding the elephant, they may '
lx"r!adto c?'t the old possessions back
Alwit'T liiirtUMi. i
c.,.5.t.M,i td iinoroveme, its show th::t
this town is gi-owing njiidly and it-
business is bound to increase and its government in a great measure troej
prosperity will overcome all bars and left city, to give the leading palrou
obstacles. even those in the bottoms ot i ailorded by ils municipal govern
tlie rivers. I give it up Ihat Portlom!
has got such a start, that, even Kalama
cant mlcli till "'"'l it- l'rehapi Asto
ria may sometime get a railroad and
forge ahead into commercial grandeur
hut it u iil It; many a year, if ever, be
fore Portland will find a rival, hardly
before I he Xor)h Pacific terminus is
located and .1 town fulfills the future
destiny that await s a commercial me
tropolis on t he waters of Paget Smnd.
Fortunately this people have some
thing ioaiuuse themselves with this
rainy weather. Ceo.. P.. YValdron.
I with an assorted crew of theatrical
artists eamo up from San 1- ranciscn on
purpo-e lo ilo them benefits, and I
went to see, and hear Posedale last
evening and must do justice to the ef
forts of the V.'aldroti Tnnipe by saying
that the play which was very interest
ing and entirely moral and proper in
spirit, was well rendered and received
with applau-e by a good audience.
The tvoujie is better appreciated than
any ever Intc before and reajisa lo!ter
reward in the way of ca.-h. There is
nothing remarkable going on and the
newspaper ine:i complain that items
tire not overabundant. There are -o
many new-paper- here that, it is not
strange that there are not ilemenottgh
to go the rounds. S. A. ('.
IU'liii li Al.ivi:. The following i n
rious incident comes ro us from relia
ble sources ' A few days ago a man re
siding in the Xiutli Ward, named
Puskowski, after being sick with the
small-pox for some time. dietX as was
supposed. According to the regula
tions recently passed oy tne i.oaitt oi
jieanu, lit; was ouneii suoruy a tier ms
dec-ease. His sister, who it seems was
not satisfied with the hasty manner in
which her brother was disposed of.
was so worked up by the circumstances
and so certain that all was not right,
that to satisfy herself she had the body
exhumed some six hours atter the
burial. To her own joy, and to the
amazement of those who had pro
nounced the man dead, it was found
that life still remained in the body ot
the buried one. He was at once bikcn
back to his house, and after considera
ble exertion, and tlie appiii-ation of
proper restoratives, be was virtually
hrooght back to life again. He is now
living and doing well. Improbable as
the circumstances may seem, yet such
things have happened, and tlie veracity
of oiir informant .s"enis to vouch for ifs
reality. There are not many mortals
who enjoy tiie privilege at having fvo
funeral's, hut, Puskowski is undoubt
edly 'one of them.
An old lady to her niece: "Cood
gracious, Matilda, hut it's cold; my
teeth are actually chaffering Loving
niece: " Well, don't let. them chatter
too much, or they may tell where you
bought ctn."
Some of the most trusted lighthouse
keepers on the Atlantic coast are
A late Cairo sensation is an infant
that came into the world jxvssc.sing
twenty-one pounds of humanity.
AViiat do we Need 3
The political ntvsi(ie f oiTi-sile
11ml to be hummed up in view oi" tl c
approiteliing electiouainl ottr llrst cihty
is to arm the popular mini! with j.-ts,
for facts grow into reasons and fur
nish natural deductions, for Sbeir foun
dation. Our first election in refate-sen-tirclv
to State matters and SJate iriet
ests, so we can atRirtl for ont- inonnent
to leave the broader Held t" national
politics to consider what are ihc ueds
of Oregon within herse!'". Tjoofc tuck
through the whole cour-e of t-gisl.isfon
in our Stab" from 1S; until ?S7t .tu'd
let us consider if Me need .nuy ntorw
hone-t legislation than we had then?
During all that time tliere v.-as not a
job iut up nor an axe ground at the
party exiense. Much ot the 5mjx'. too.
Kepublieans were in overtbehoing
majority so tint tlie I Joinocnvii.? (.po
sition in tise l'gis!atiuv anKxsit'd to
a nonentity, jrf esspd nointimiw and
was ,over!ess to either do v n'Mst.
The .!lepublii,-ui party was oistditpotcnt
and yet it will stand to its t.m(ic for
all time that its jHiwer was uc prosti
tuted for personal apgraniSswoiviit.
Ilui ii'g the years of l!epub',T-;fts rule
we did not pi-rii ips enjoy ;rtediou
but we ct-rt:.inly ilid 110I suibr,- sa.dcr
actual abuses, and the whoi- cVvade
from 1 Silll to lv7() ticitig sune'i up
we invite a comparison with tin n-conl
made by I.Mii(Kraev in 1s7ti ao. not
denyiujj-that. it would have . asirde as.
complete a recon! in if ti er.- had
Ik'cu no Jlepnb!ic:iu tlovernt-c .-tabling
in the way.
j lfsjO was a l;iiier yefir lor Denrce
! racy for it carried the general election
' by a si'iateb. smd gained a maj-'rirv oi"
' the Legislature a:id made shoi-t work
' of opposition by out a many
! Kepubliean member-' of each ll'iisira :
1 was necessary to make their itfirk
J eay and plain. Then we ha-.t the
I Litigant Act with its legalized -te jl
! intrs. The t anal iV Links pill vthich
paid p.arty favorites : premium of $7
tlOtl over what The People's Tran-pur-taMou
("oinpany was ready tocontniet.
f ir. which compelled that coqionniou
to sell out to Pen Uoliad iy. anil sr
gave him t!:e opportunity to mouopo-
il! the trai!s;.ortafion of the be-f
tlol) ofour
S!;;!e. Tltat last restrlr.
..... ,,f;..,.'.. ,1
was entireiv due to Denioi'ritie leiri
1 hen
came the Swamp Laud Act
which was a deliberate and prenu'iii-
i tated swindle because the Hill as orig
! inally iutrodun'd was uuexeep'iotiabic
, am! was p,t up i:i .uvorda::cc with the
iautl laws of the t'nited S:,te-. milking
provision for the appointment of a
; Swamp Land Coiiiinis-ioit who situuld
! .ascertain the amount of itch land;.
' and providing that they should ! mi:--j
veyed and title acquired from Ihe
j United States, ami "ff'-r that should
' lie ai-couiplidied the lands were to bo
! sdld to the highest bidder above a price
iixed as a ba-is. and if not reclaimed
' within ten years they were to rvvert
; back to the State, 'i he original bill
was sound, just, politic. The original
' i'ramer of it was an honest man and
; de-dred to protect the intervt f th
. State, but his work was entirely thrown
astoe by a J leinoctatic Senate I mil nit
tee which smelt out a speculation :
everv section was stricken out and a
;;i!l invented in the interest of a land
grabbing Ping which framed n law in
the interest of speculators nnd pushed
it through without argument and com
pleted as great a political corruption
as the Stale gave opportunity to in
vent. Then look at the Portland Metro-
pohtap I ollei
T!ee Aet 111, tell rill lile-f.
pretense, tot
away the ritrlit ot s4f
ment info the hands of political favor
ites? That was an act of cool ami de
liberate partisanship, which linUu-h-i-.tsly
-tares the public out of counie-nam-e;
a piece of deformity and cor
i option which sets a precedent for
the placing of every town in our State
under the grinding heel of any party
holding power.
What single act of a tli-iufeivsted
public nature did the la.-t Legislature
pass? Jiid it reform the school laws?
Did il. ecouomi.t; the revenue? No.
It ignored schools a ; tin y don't leiich
Democracv. It did what successive
inhlicati Legi-latuifs had refused
to do,
ignored the Constitution and
it. least sii.IKH) ier aiiuuui to
the salaries of State oliicer
last forms another count in our indict
ment against Democracy.
Do we need any more of this legis
lation? But Democracy has sins of
omission as well as of commission
lying at its door. It violated Ihe Con
stitution fo maintain its hold on
power? It reui-ed deliberately ro-i'u-td
t:i cornel the apportionment,
as ordered by the Cou-titution, to con
form to the Pnited Stales census re
turns of IS7n, and by that means .-,-(fill
people living in Uepublicau comi
ties will not U; represented in the next
Legislature. What does )regon need ?
Is if a State goy -rnun'iff, dishonest,
eorrnpt. aggrandizing power for a par
ty, ami setting an example lbr future
misconduct of all parties, or a popu
lar government for the people?
We challenge a comparison with
: (.,, a1V0
summary, which is incom
plete, and you can count in every de
falcation or record of mismanagement,
you choose, and llcpublicanisin will
shine by contrast. The Governorship
ol Woods with tlie State Prison man
aged by Maj. Kerry, will compare
favorably with tlie tricky and dishon
est deinagogism
known rascality
Biil Wat kinds.
of Crover ami the
of his pet ruffian
On the western coast of Africa is
the State of Hierio. Kamhnll is tin;
king thenjpf. Ho is evidently a wise
and prudent, monarch, and has not
postiioned preparations for death. An
envoy extraordinary from this country
has recently brought to one of tlie
.principal cabinet makers of Paris, in
structions for making a cofiin for the
king. It is to be three meters iu
length and a meter and a half in hei'dit.
blue in color, polished and varnisfied,
and the nails are to lie made of gold.
It is to rest on four feet of massive
silver. The interior wjll lie lined with
red velvet, and a magnificent cushion
will be. placed for the head to repose,
on. Six windows will lie made bi the
lid, and window s are also to be placed
in the sides. The maker has also re
ceived orders to place inside the coffin
six bottles of old cognac, two pipe,
ami a chews-boa nl and cliess-men.
Thee objects are destined to accompa
ny his majesty on his voyage to th,;
other world.
!" '
We omipile tlie following from yes
terday's hx-tj'inien :
The Ilen'M hfith had in its day
many nxasTers ; and now it has got, if
rejwrt be trw, a taJf dozen all at once.
It is said tiuit Mtsr. Semple and Pat
terson have sold out tlteir interest to
tlu; "Oro Pino Fellows," whoever
they may 'Jv Report tnentions in
this eounctliou M:es-r. A. li. llallock.
j ComniissioiH'rand Conncihnan. and J.
Ji. Ijipjxus, tliief, eti4. The mine au
thority states tliat 3Jr. iJ. is to be the
big boss of tltf. concern, and that here
after every tiling As to be hunky-dory,
wluiiever that" mav mean : but not
i even Mauani Ktiuior tsayi? anything
j ;ihot;t w l are to be the secondary
j liosse.s. It is only known thaX thci-e is
' to be sttuie reixtn.struiiou. omu new
! departure, peduu, and all that soil
! of tiling; Imt uhiih particular schwil
of Deiuocxacy it uiill hereafu train in
j is not. dclinitclj known. These lie
! stirring times for1l tilt) wings, and as
I iniglit have lut-ii i:xtncU(i, there is
i lunch fluUeriug.
! The steamer Jlayiraixl left yeflenlay
; morniiig for tlx; Oweades, awl reached
j tlun.; in about die usunl time, niecting
with no ire;. Wifi daiio left tlie 1 fctlles
; early in ! itiarniiig, mm reached the
l."pft!T Ca"it' J)llj5i o'lli-ik. I'. M
! ha.iirJ' t l:tir;,b4 J'lte
j.iv-. ii jJms ir-ori-ii to le i'lii-ii. iti.ii
i naviipitku Is resnmiil, not to Tip nter-
I nijitiiJ ayain. it is f.peil. this winter.
I The Jlstyvai',1 an-iTed back at hulf
J jutst seven o'cliHk. bringing aljont 50
i passwioers from uper tixuitry.
I They represent tlii' blockade as fatTiiig
j been extremely tod k; us. tin; people, be
' inir cwt oil' from tlte receipt of all but
! Ihe liv-al t'siajKTS. Jtu-iness got to
' lie very dull. too. a-'id altogether I lie
1 situation wasanrlhLiig but eiiviable-
i A inoveiiient is on foot in this city to
; ju titioii ll;e next J-; slattire to license
j g-uu'iliiig;.
! A Mrs. I;i;ti'; urtDving on 1'otrrili
street, y.-slenlay, s!i;i'd, fell and in
jured hesseit si-veveiy.
I It is ikiw detluili'h- -tated that tlx;
suit invoK"uT t)m Cuvuthers e-tate
j have been coiupronji-i'i', and the pro
; rrarli'tttrit share of ;h'nnaittA allot-
I It is oh htvu tltrci a ltiiuil ,r of pcr
, suns ii: nhom She gr.-.n-J .Jury is likely
, lo In- iuK-restfil. hate boca calleti away
; ,n Ims'uiess. of tssirv- within the
1 la-i tv : o;- thrii; ilays-
Tiie great i'.itch o:j Purnt IJiver is
', tintsiiiil sir! resdy fr water.
S'.ealing is die iTerxiliug form of
larn-ny nt tin Dalles.
j T!' coldc-l, n'eather u Powtk r river
- valley wr.s rn degrm- below zero.
This was cm SmihJ.iv. t'te lib iot.
I 'J'I' Paker jjr,-rri s.tys tlie tiiining
prospivts of (taker . it v an; vrv
Haltering, il t stiiii.iK -- that llje yield
of liakcr coc,:.; v w ill be from half lo
twiv-ihirds more thxa 1&. year.
Tlie aunur.l imvting nf t'oe Dalles
, Military Pond ConqAay was held on
! the inst.. Mnl llu' fiilliiw ing ju rsons
wen; ek'Cteil Director.-: Me'-rs. O.
i Hiuuason. 'irtor Tfi-vilf. Al. ZielxT,
j O. W. IVenvcr and (,. S. Savage.
A grent cxi-iteinc-il was nquirted at
! Canyon Cily a few d.-.vs ago ivr the
tlisisivTy of a rich ntiue within :!(!0
! yarv's of tlie Court llmiv. Tiie ledge
is eight feet thick, ami yields gold in
fabulous ijtiaiditics. 'Pile tli-ev-iy. it
is In-lifted, wiil create a. jvvoSitioii in
! affairs at Canyon City.
The Territories,
j A pnivr atOlyuipia has hegnu to
pul'Ji.di Culltiis novels.
! .t Walla Waiia on tl; 27th ult.. tin
j groitud was fn)-nto thedepth :f eight
I Sime tla-s ago Uoise. river. In-low
j Boise City, lxvnmc janimed with ice.
j A dam was formed and tiie water
i llimiil over the Iwnks until if was
within eight inches of the 1'iighest
mark ever known. Tile river was at
tne lowest stage.
Light members of tlie Walla Walia
bar address a leng letter to lion. S.
Garlielde, setting forth their objections
to the amendments to the civil practice
ait of that. Territoty. parsed by the re
cent Legislature, anfl ask to have Con
gress disapprove of the amended law.
Idaho is one hundred anil odd thou
sand dollars in debt ; her credit. per
cent, discount; several of her counties,
bankrupt, and the substance of herpco
ple fast fading away in taxes; and
every year but, the llrst since the organ
ization of Idaho she litis been under
Democratic rule.
Cms willows arc highly favored in
England. It lias Iieen judicially de
cided in that fight little island that a
married woman is entitlei I to vote at
municipal elections, if she hapeiis to
lie living apart, from her hu-iiaud. The
hi w as now interpreted is that every
woman can vote for municipal oliicers
if sIm' i an independent householder,
or. having a husband, if she is not
under his coniro! which puts the
gras widow on a political fooling w ith
spinsters, and sure enough widow s.
Mvi.'A Cl.AKK G.viNlts. The weird
old woman. Myra Clark Caint-s. has
got a baek-set iu a Loui-iana Court at
fast. A judge lias had the nerve lo de
cide that My fa is the illegitimate
daughter of Daniel Clark, or hauiel
Clark is the illegitimate father ot Myra
it makes but ill tie difference which
ami therefore she is nof entitled lo
! property embracing a large share of
i the city of Xew Orleans.
j A Nebraska man has invented n
j powerful, double-acting salv which
I shows towers never exhibited U-fore
j by any salve. The inventor accident
ally cut. on tne tan ot a won. aii'i im
mediately after, applying some of the
salve to the stump, a new tail grew
out. Then, licking up the tail, he a
piied some of the salve to the raw end.
and a new wolf grew out, but he was
a wild wolf, and had to be sliot.
Ieeidedly the clevesest matron in
all Euroe is the wife of the present
King of Denmark. Just consider the
lint; " mate-lies." site has managed to
obtain tor licr children. One daughter
is tlie future Empress of Kusshw the
other the luture Queen of England.
One of her sons is tlie King of the
Greeks and now the son-in-law of a
Neither God nor man exacts a wife
to submit to brutality ; but a woman
who. finding herself outgrowing her
husband or disappointed in him, vet
takes up the cross, anil, fitting Iter
shoulders to it. hears it in silence to
her life's end. has joys that tlte world
knows not of. and reaches tlie highest
tyiie, of woni-.tuliood.
Every cat in Paris is to In- taxis1
three franees a year : from which it
may be surmised tliat tliere will 1
fewer cats iu the houses and more ral)
bits iu the restaurants.
A boy of five summers in New Eng
land recently, while at his devotions,
surprised tin: family by praying that
he might have sixly brothers and one
hundred sisters.
A bar Western lady, who was not
posted in history, and who had 'for
gotten her geography, asked a friend
who wis going to Utah to bring her a
couple of .Mormons for her aquarium.
The City and County.
Erw WeduetiUt'j's Ddi'y.
Hosni.K Ixihaxs. Yesterday Mr.
C. S. AVood worth receivetl a letter
bearing date ot Feb. oth, from Iviu
Applegate, agent u Yuinax, stating
tliat the Moiloc Indians wen; making
preparations tor hostilities, and that
trouble was expected soon. Tliere is
a band of Modocs who lelt the reserva
tion some three years ago and who
could not lie induced to come back,
but have ever been wild and trouble
some. This same band of Indians an;
tlie ones that committed the massacre
a few year ago at Rocky Point.
While Mr. Appleirate was hen; a lew
weeks ago on olhcial business, these
hostile Indians, in bis absence, made a
break tqion tin; reservation and tool;
away the remainder of their tribe, so
that now the whole Modoc tribe have
arrayed themselves against the whites.
War councils heve been held audit is
feared that blood will yet be shed at
the hands of these savages. In Laurel
Yallov the whites are building a fort
for defense and the people oencrally
arc preparing foremergenc.iiv.
OKFICK. His remarkable that scarcely
had Mr:, pnniway let': us w hen !, r hi
Ihieutv beeune apparent in ihe ebttlii ot onrpi sMi-iiT f-iit:lK- p'.!,'..!: itioif.
Tliere are not Postotliees enough to
go around and supply all the Woman's
Iiights women in the world with one
a-piece, but we insist upon it that a
lair sized one shall be saved for the
wife of a son of St. Crispin, who il is
said gave emphasis to the last lecture
of Mrs. Diuiiway hy "cleatiitig out" a
"horrid" man who daivd to get in her
wav nnd who was found trviic'to turn
Iter calves and cows out info the street.
We have it from her husband who very
naturally is proud that his wife main
tained the family honor. Will Mrs.
Diiniway come soon again, for items
are sii s,-iree of late ih '.t we could
make good use of a few female as
saults and batteries, hut the items will
lose all their flavor if these assaults are
made on an editor.
Thk Yakima Otntiiv. Peio;ts
li.'.ve Ih.'cii current to the effect Ihat the
winter lets Iwen more. severe in Yaki
ma v.ii ley t let ! in other localities cast
of the mountains. We hardly think
this to he correct, though the snow unt
il. ive been deeper there than in some
olher jilace-. yet it remained on the
gt-ouud a ,-hoiter time. Yesterday Mr.
Arthur Prey man. v, ho his a band oi
cattle numbering four hundred head
on the Lower Yakima, received a let
ter bearing date Koh. di It. which stated
that the snow in lint vicinity begin I"
melton tlie lo'ii of .iatiuary, and a;
ihe time of writing it was all gone.
When ihe letter- was written Mr. it.
-t inilv three or four old co-v-.
and they were poor w hen the winter
bespin. Mr. t'oqwr. who also has ea! .
lie in Yakima v alley has ree'-ived new :
fully as favorable as th-- above.
;niii P"Wis. A gel. fn -ma ;i fi"!"
(lie country tells us that he has !:ih p
tii-coven-d a very important fact thai
people ca.n ha e good roads hi white"
de-pite Ihe vs-t quantities of rain tha'
usually fail, ile says I hat. the joaii
leading to Salem Prairie from Ni -rib
Salem as far as il has been proN-r!y
worked, is perf' ctly solid, so lunch so
as to admit of a load of thirty hundred
pomrts Ireimr b-mleil bv tivolim-s's.
i he general lay oi' the country is sue i
that ;our public highways can always
Ik-kept in good condition with a little
attention, and n hkiii as this fact be
comes generally known, we diall i x-Mi-t
lo hear of the number now deplo
ring the bad condition of our public
roads. U comiug con-iderablv less.
F, sTl.UX Mtroox. We were shown
yesterday a ielti r addressed to Win.
Kinney, of this city, and w ritten by W.
IS. May who re-ides at Weston at tin
foot ofthe Blue Mountains, mar Wild
Horse creek. The letter was dated
Feb. "2d and stated that the weather
was very severe and those who were
short of fi-ed were losing stin k. 0,n
111:111 on the F.ilouse lo-t live hundred
head of cattle, while another living o i
Wild Horse creek who started into the
winter witii thirteen hundred head ot
slioop had only one hundred and
twenty loft. Many had lost half there
flocks" These Ins.; s. ilv- letter staled
wen- sustained by Iho-e alxue vli
were out or feed. :. tid t here f,-ed w a
plenly but litl!i stock had siill'en'-l.
day last
vx Tin: Pivki:. On Mott-
d, a'er in logs was seen
coming down
t..e r:vi r with a small
raft, intending to dispose of the
same at one of the sawmills
of liiis place ; but as tin; river
was swooleu and the current -tror.g he
was unable to gain the still waters -t
the bay, ami the relentless fide s-.vept
Iioth him and his logs far down the
river until they were lost to sight. He
returned the same evening an I report
ed that be found a market for his log;
at Lincoln, six miles away. The an
cient adage that "iiiuettnd tide wait
for no man" the fellow declared to be
true, for had lie lieguu to ply his oar-'
in time, he might tasily have sold his
logs here.
I. O. C. T. M' tubers of ( apil il
Lodge are i-,-!i,e ted lo meet at their
Hall at 7 n'cIo-.-k evening. The
object of the meeting i- to make ar
rangements for the eiiterlaituneiit to
lie given on the -J-Jd. A -t oilier- is
to lie established iu the hall for the re
ception of Yalenlines. It Js to ft.
hojied thai every member will Ih- ihs.
cut as the meeting is eNM-ctcd lo be a
highly pleasing a il.iir. Dou'i forget to
bring your Valentine.
ST. Vai v.xTixb's Son Mill . The
ladies of the 1". 1. Church will give :i
grand sociable this eveding at ltecd's
Ojiera House, which will 1h; enlivened
by the resuscitation of the merry old
wav of observing St. Valentine's eve.
This evening then; will lie fun for all.
It is desired that the ladies leave their
names with Ihe clerk at (he entrance
ol tlie dressing room.
In Town. For a few days past.
Uncle Jesse Applegate has been visit
ing with ohl time friends here iu the
city, ami will leave hy this eveniiig's
train for his home in Soul hern Oregon.
He is aoootiiaiiied by Mr. A. McDon
ald of Fort Colville. where b; has
been residing for thirty years and until
now lias
never seel
ii the W lllamette
Foi'ND. A dark lur cape was found
on ( jiimnerc'ial street near Court street,
on last Sunday evening. If tlte lady
wl;o lost Hk; aforesaid caiic will call at
the bag fatrfory. Mr. Chceshrough will
return it to her. Advertising lo-t
raies has become dreadful monoton
ous ot late. Who is nest?
Nkw Coons. Yestenlay Mr. L.
Byrne reivivcd a fresli supply of gro
ceries, eotifi'i-tioiicry. etc., anl coust.--quently
he is prepared to do a good
part by his many customers, lie is
also manufacturing the liest of crack
ers, and !-in ti'l all order, at short notice.
$2 50 per
Ki-om Tloirxrtoy Daily.
Masonic. On Tuesday night at
Corvallis, a Lodge of PerP'ctio-i was
est.-ibli.shed. called Ainsworth Lodge,
A. A- S. It., w hich called thither sev
eral gentlemen both from this city and
Portland. Those who went from Sa
lem were Messrs. Chadwick, Fleisch
man, T. McP. Pattoti, P.. P. Brown,
and O. !. Carr; from Portland.
Messrs. Ainsworth, Thompson, Con
don, Morris, Col. I. 1!- Moores, and
(L M. Stroud. All except the last two
went and returned in company by
the steamer Alice, and a general good
time was had. The following oflioers
were duly elected and installed. : -bis.
It Kavlev. T. P. C. M. : Kratus
. S. C n .: tieorge "Mercer. .
L Wm. Hamilton, ii. 1.; li
W. Wilson. i. S.; -f. It. Lee, C. M.
( - .). K. t on-rle. J. O. P.; I. S. Pal
mer. S. (L P.; W.ilJaiv I
L-ihvin. Al-
Ai;i:i;.-Ti:t). A few days ago Mau
r'nv Craves forged an order for a pair
ot Ixiot.s in the name id" his brother-in-law,
and having done the job success
fully, eleai-od for pin ts unknown. Sup
jiosiiig tliat he had gone south. Consta
ble CotVey telegraphed to the various
stations along the line ordering his ar
rest in a :V he should lie detected.
Vst-n?;i,r MMM-uUitf a dispatch nu'
front the Sheriff of Lane county stat
ing that he kid arrested young Craves
and wtiiikl hohl him in custody subject
to orders. Yesterday afternoon 'ust-
ici- .Murnliv is-ui'd a warrant lor ms ar
rest, and accordingly Constable Coffey
left for Kiigeue by the evening train
and will n turn bv the i.irly tniiu to
day. THAT Sm iai;I.K. The soeiable given
i at the Opera Mouse by tlie ladies of
j the 1". P. Church on last evening was
i plea s'mvr enough. ' The merry old way
j of celebrating St. Yalciitine's Kve eu
j livened the oec.i-io:i, and that way was
las follows: Each lady that entered
j the hall gave her name to the clerk.
; who enrolled the same upon a slip of
; paHr. upon which was printed the
j words "My Valentine." which was
; then placed in a box. From this hox
i each young gentleman drew a slip of
' pa per as' chance directed, and she
i whose name it bore became the val
ient hie of hint who had draw n it. The.
: province of cac'u getitleuian alterdrau
i ing, was ; go in search ot his valen
: tine which he did. and this way of
' iiairinir otVcivated an immense amount
nightcr. l lie ati.-iir v. as wen
sch'-uicd am! well carried out. and as
this was something new those w ho did
not attetit miss"d a good th'ng.
Fit'i.M YA'.'i ixa Bay. F. D. Dodge.
Ksq.. arrived in tin- city yesterday,
direct from Yaqiiina. lie it ports the
stir ' among the people of the Kay
to Ih- as gr.-a". proportionaliy as any
where in tiie valley. About ten days
ag the schooner Klnorah airived at
that, port from San Francisco with two
hundred tons of fn ight. Hon. Ken.
Simpson returned by the schooner finui
hisvi-itto Wa-hiugtoii. lb- ep"ets
Xo be in Salem in a few days. The
schooner's nrgo consisted chiefly of1
! potatoes and lioitr; a quantity ol ce
ment and iron was also brought for the
construction of tin- Lighthouse at "ao
i-'ouiweather. live mijes north if the
; Bay. The new steamer built bv Dr.
Kellogg js ready tor service and is
awaiting inspection.
Oi:. Hakiiy! On Wedne-day night
some fellow- was out pntroling tlie ;
streets and on every corner would itv j
out frantically "Oh. Harry!'
' was evidently iu great di-tre
und'.-r -uch ii-rura-t.imi s it was very that be sb-'Uld lie on the hunt
of a frieml, fir ni-ery loves conittany.
He continued hi- -e.t'vh and en all
! night !o:.g. and early yesterday morn
ing be wa- found in the mud on Com-
1 mcrciai s:;v,.. .-till crying out for k-is
"Harry." If- was dead drunk, but
nevertheless fneid Harry" iii the
; pei-sini of Marshal Fisher, who ordered
a dray upon which he was transported
to the calafmose. I l;s ,-ase w ill iconic
i up iu the Police Court this morning.
Yai.i:nti:-i.s. The rush at the pivt
, oflic ye-terd-iy was immense. Little
, boys and girl-, young men and tnaid
' ens, al.-o many of older growih v.eiv
, about i.i ipicd. of l!ie little j
"jokers." The lover" - saint ruled sii-
jireme and multitudes worshqiod at
his shrit.e. We haven't the least idea
, a s ,i to1-exact number of little mis
sives Were tluitering around, but
surety ibe-s- wen- thousands. Should
j there chance fo If those who failed to
' obtain a 'e'.'e ' ri they need not feel
-lighted, as St. Valentine" a day in this
country lasts week.
WcitK. T!ii
and oaly a few
i not liarti-aularlv
i - pi-t w hat a lew. j
loafers in this city are i
in love with. Thcv
. hang around .-a loons ail day. and at.
: night watch for a suitable r-ubject out
j of which to Ibvce a few dollars. The
community should set its seal on all
' such worthless fellows, and force them
i to work for their living whether they
i want to or nor.
; laliir is em-obl'm
' ll'llelic,- wi'llott
calling in I if" i
' iii;i'cioent .
Laoor. ni inly, honest
g and there is no ex
; it. Xo iegitiiiiatt!
xem-vt from its re-
' i'i.'iM ixo. We hear of .-onic of our
firmers who now plowing new
kind. I u! it i-. a little to,iwf losiir
.the old-ground. Land plowed now
will bring ahuo-: as go-n a crop as
, though it had been plowed i.i the fall.
A lew uril s of good weal Iter now
i would b" Worth thou,ruds of dollars
i to the Willamette valley.
C.iNsim KAr.i.i. Hm;.Yiii may talk
about fat. lH-ef and f it mutton. Iml the
"biggest" and tattt;st porker of the
season 'wai sold to neighlHir Ncsbitt
yestenlay. It weighfi IKi.t pounds,
and came from tlie Waldo Hills.
Pui.Hilul s. The C. P. Church of
this city have commenced a series of
meetings and will protract the same as
long as thf! interest, increases. Relig
ious services are still iicing continued
at the Methodist and Evangelical
Cm itcil r.r.l.i.. Tlie hell or the
South Salem M. K. Chuivb, arrived
by ihe fa-ight train yesterday, and
will lie taken over ami placed iu him
lion to-day. '
Xkw Sidewalk. sV new sidewalk
j is m-mg constrtictctl in lront oi tne
i Court House, anil is lx-ing elevated iu
accordant-' with the grade established
by the city.
Ox thk Pivki:. Tlte new steamer
Aliiv, Capt. Bell, came down from
l orvallis yesterday with seventy tons
of w heat for On-gon City and several
passengers for this place.
1'KitfoxAi.. lion. E. D. Skill tick.
Ex-Gov. Coo. L. Curry and Dr. J. V.
Hawthorne arc at pre.-ent guests of tlie
citv and are stopping at the Tremont
Hotel. 11
Fotxi). A bunch of keys not a
i-ipe was found yestenlay, and the
-ante can Ih- bad by calling at th" Bel
1 edere s do in.
Annum in Advance
From Friday's Vnibj.
Notes by the Wav. We left Port
land .with regret yesterday, for we
watited to see how much it could rain
there when it tried. The rain feJl
there knee deep every twenty-four
hours for a while without any effort
and finally scared a steam whistle at
night so that irscreamed itself to sleep,
also did the same hy us.
The Hat country between liere and
Portland is capable of being inundated,
and at the present time duck ponds
and goose pastures are well displa3"ed.
It the rains last two weeks longer as
Gov. AVhiteaker once said there is no
telling where the 'Willamette valley
will bring up.
All the jieople in the towns north,
along the railroad are living on mud
and water rough diet but very abun
dant. AH the land in this valley is now
"in soak." which is rather a deseratc
state of things after such a good finan
cial year.
We were shown the sot on the
floor of the passenger ear, where, at
the time of the collision on Sunday
last. Mrs. Duniwuy fell down and
bruised her arm. The Conductor was
much alarmed but has discovered on
examination iliat no serious damage
was done to the car." He is opxi-ed
lo umg that kind of a car-pet.
j'Mi1C fiiio Tnrv.. Two yotmg
men who found Salem too dull for
them, invested themselves Til their
liest clothes day liefore yesterday, hired
a good turnout and went to lndoieiiil
ence to have a little dani-e. The dance
came off and they showed off to great
advantage in those clotlios. and the
next day yesterday tliey liierally
make it break for home. While one
drove, the other, just to encourage the
team, touched them upon the Hank,
but ihe team outflanked them by lim
ning away like every thing through
all sorts of nitnl. breaking tlie httggy
and spilling out Ihe good clothes in
the mud. I ut the boys who were inside
the dry goods hung on to the lines and
were dragged and dragged and lie
dragged so that their iiices Iiad to lie
patched up varioii-ly and their good
clothes were nowhere. The horses
had the l-st of it entirely. Those
clothes or not exactly for sale, but it is
evident that they were to relit.
Waivi.d ax Examination. Yes
terday morning Maurice Graves,
charged with the crime of forgery, was
brought down from Eugene city iu
charge of Constable Coffey, and was
taken lie fore Justice Murphy fin-examination.
The trial was not goie- into,
as the defendant waived an examina
tion. His bail was fixed at fcKHV. in
default of which he was taken to jail
to await Ihe action ofthe grand jury
which convenes on the second Monday
in March.
L'i:rrr.!.i('x ( 'KXTitAt. Cojimitti:f..
! -The billowing arc the names of
uiemlx r- of the Marion County Cen
tral Committee for their resjiectivt;
precincts; Silem. T. P.. ltickey ;
East Salem. J. H. M-oi-es ; North Sa
lem. James Pickev ; Aurora. T. Keil ;
Bittteville. (i. A. Cone, dr.: Belpassi,
'ti. Darst ; ChatiiNX'g. J. Hoofers
Laiiish. M. A. Wade; Abiqua, Henry
Stafford: Silvi-rton. P ilph tieer";
Sublimity. .1. Barker: .b-flei-son. T.
Sfeiver; Howell Prairie, ti. F. Me
Corkle; Lincoln, 11. Smith.
Ox Till: Ai.ick. The uew steamer
Alice arrived here at four o'clock yes
terday afternoon, having pissed over
the distance between Canemah and
this plate in six hours and thirty-three
minutes. After remaining at the
wharf lor ten minutes si m set out for
1 orvallis. The Alice is much the lli-t't--st
as well as the prettiest boat on the
upiier river.
O. & C. Kaii.1!Oaii. The track is
now laid to a point twenty-one miles
South ot Eugene, and the same will
be eotnpl'-ied to Ilawley's inside of
two weeks. Grading has reached ak
land. Passenger trains go no further
south than Eugene, but construction
trains go as far as the track is com
pleted. Work on the road is badly
i;tiK'ded on account of the weather.
ANSWKtti U Cfi'.tltllTI.Y. A student
of the lniver.-iiy reciting in trigonom
etry the other day. defined a marin
er's compass as a "four cornered square
box standing on a three legged, tripod
which always points to the north."
The Professor fainted.
PlsiMi. The heavy rains of yester
day and tiie day liefore. have sent the
river up in a hurry. By this evening
the mighty Willamette will be slo
pntg over."
STll.l. TI1KY l LY. ipent lues were
fllying alxiiit almost as iitunerously
vesterdav as on the dav In-fore.
Ar.oi T S.mai.i.tox. It is said that
tlie spread of smalljiox. one of the
most contagious diseases known, may
lie easily prevented, and the danger to
pel-sous residing in the. same house
with a smallpox patient may Ik; in a
great degree averted hy observing the
following simple rules: The patient
should lie completely isolated fi-oin all
other i-soiis of the House except the.
nurse. Carbolic, jiowder or chloride of
lime should Ih; sprinkled before the
door of the room occupied hy the pa
tient. Carbolic lowder. moistened
v. Ult a little water, should he placed iu
the room also. The nur-K; should
never leave the room without washing
thoroughly with carbolic soap, ami
changing the clot lies worn while at
tending on the patient. All bedding
used iu Ihe room should be destroyed
as soon as the patient leaves it.antl the
chandier thoroughly cleaned with dis
infectants. The clothes worn by the
patient while suffering from the dis
ease should also be destroyed. Vac
cination should also lie extensively
made use of.
It is said of ( atharine M. Sedgwick
whose "Life and Letters" have just
been publisliod by the Messrs. Har)ier
that her love for children was pecu
liarly tender. She ami every child
who- came near licr seemed bound
together by the strotigc-t mutual at
traction. It was a practice of liors,
when her little nieces went to bed, to
lie down ln-.-ide theiii and tell them a
story. Her stories, invented at the
moment, were often continued from
night to night ; and in that case she was
frequently reproved for mistakes iu
tin; names of tlte cliaracters or the in
cidents ot tlie story. A niece of hers
says ; "At -scvcnty-llvc I have seen
her sit on tlie lloor and play 'Hunt the
Slipper' with as much zest as any ot
the ihildren." Sin; encouraged the
most iillectiouate familiarity of man
ner. One of the most noteworthy dona
tions on Chicago record is that from
live hundred disabled soldiers-dn the
"National Asylum" at Augusta.
Maine. With syui-iatlictic k'arts they
sent a contribution of $217 "for the
relief of the sufferers by the late dis
astrous fire.
True devotion dots not consist iu a
loiig face, regulation sighs, and leni
tent won Is ; it coiisists in devout deeds,
hi charitable word-, in a sweet, ten
der, elevated pure life that influence-,
and lx-tters everyone w ho inhale th
same atmo-jiliere.
lt has been said that a man can d.
i.nything he resolves to (lo ; this iiuiM,
howeven be taken with the limitation
tliat lie shall resolve to do only things
that are possible. , To resolve that lie
will climb to the moon, will certainly
never take him to that intcrestins sat
ellite; and to resolve Hiat he will
grow to lie eleven feet high, will not
cany his scalp to that altitude alxtve
his stockings. Still, the saying i -deserved
tribute to the w ill, as a force;
for will is a lorce, and a trctlieiidoua
one at tliat, sometimes. It cannot be
seen, lieard, nor handled; it Is invisi
ble, intangible, and Inaudible; nut
vet it is a jiowcr, liccausc it sets otlier
lowers and agencies' in motion, and
ainmiplishes great filings through
Ihem. There are two kinds of will
jxiwer the aggressive and tlie pa.vlvc.
The former gieraly tikes the form of
what we call enterprise; H dares to
Invade fields hitherto unexplored, or
to essay objecU that appear impossible
of execution, and show to the world
how much can be done with little
means. This kind of will makes men
great ; it is the chief element In tlw
constitution of such men as Najiolcon,
Ca-sar, and Cromwell.
But the jmssive will power Is an ar
ticle much more needed by the com
mon run of men, in these days of imi
tation, when every one tends to follow
the example of tlie mass, and to do as
others do, whether it he right or wrong.
The aggressive will acts on others and
subdues Hutu to its authority ; the
lassive will acts on its owner and sub
dues hiiu. It is a power of resistance,
and is ot inlinile value in keeping us
-anchored steadfast to principle, when
we are in danger of being swept away
by the tide of temptations around us.
We -ee the full lieauty anil glory of
; a strong will when tt is exerted to con
! trol soli". Too often It is the main oV
I ject of a powerful mind to govern oth
I ers, to assert pre-eiuinciinc, to faceup-.
jm-iliou. and to shape desfinv. Kut
the grand sphere of th" will is the gov
ernment ofour lassions, desires and
i emotions. To control ,-iml direct these
I aright, i.'i-it-i all the moral energies
I and foi-iv tlwt can it excrtisl. .Power
oversi'lf. Jhi wirU-OMM retnjitntloii. to
J meet iiillici',i. to i nihire ii.ililships, to
; make s.-icritii-es this .-.loiii- can give
1 iIh- iniinl a resolun delermiiiatioii to
j duty, and c:iu form tin' basis of a good
i and virtuous character. We arc all.
; and at all times, yielding fo mnie
thiug; we are ever giving up one thing
to another, submitting either to some
I thing ourselves, or to outside infhi
j enci-s. But the iliili ivn.i- U-twi-eli
men is. that some are weakly, yielding
i up their U-ller natures to what is low.
I sensual ami degrading, while others
bow only to the highest, jT-olutely
! keeping under a wise control lln-ir :i
j M-tiles. desii-es and inclinal ions.
( He who jmisscssi, this attribute itity
j lie safe i i the mid-t of moral M-rils.
w herever be will to 1 afe ; be has
only to will that be will not yield U
i temptation, and Ihe victory is won.
Tho-e feeble, will-less iersons. who
I wish to do right, but arc con-tantlv
I yielding to the temptation todo wrong.
I an; to lie pitied ; thev air chips in a,
I stream, that halt ami whirl round in
j the eddy of good resolution, for a time.
; to go on. and down with the stream,
j at last. Tliey aiv not very evil at
I heart : but they are weak mere crea
I tnres of circumstatii-e ; having no "w ill
power of tlx ir own. to ..-ivi' them from
tlie intlnences tliat jmsli against tbeiu.
Young people are assailed hy tempt
ation :Ua'iii)o-t every slip they take,
and they need a stern. resolute
will to oppose iliem. Youlli. joy.
society, desii-e, lieauty. all eoiilbiue to
entice them out ol the hard r '.id of
j irtue. and unless they acquire tlie
j habit tif res'istiag tltoti. they are in
j danger of being drawn iriflrievaltly
! out of their U-a rings. nil IIMa. fnp.
I po.-e that he cannot contrail this habit ;
i some have a strong will from lln-ir
birth, but others may cultivate it by
careful practice, and. win-nonce at
(piired, if will repay all it has cost.
Kut a beginning must Ik- made in
youth. Wrestle with small teuipla
tious at first, and overcome them; tlx
victory will inspire coutideinv. atv
e.-tch new triumph will strengthen tlx
soul for mortal wrestle with the gteal
er dangers that all are called to meet
sometime in life.
Bkkt 1Li;tk. The literary critic of
the Louisville C'O'i or J'-nrunf one of
the ablest and perhaps most con-s ie-ia.
tious and impartial in tlx- country
thus does up Bret Harte iu his review
ofthe last numlier of tlm .Vhm'it .
Bn-t H.irfe wsrm.. nim-e Iw went to
llosfon. to have fallen under the sjx-ll
of Whlttier and Lowell. His jtoenis
are neat, but imitative. " (Jraml
niotber Teutertlen " might have lieeu
written by Aldrich or Stedman. P
lacks the shine of the golden shore :
the esprit of tiie frontier ; the flavor of
tne. mines. Indeed. Mr. llarle lias
about as much turn in poetry as Mr.
Dickens bad. that is, plenty 'of senti
ment and an ear for jingle no more,
no less. He does violence to his gen
ius when he quits the company of Wil
liam Nye and Truthful .lames. He
ought to ln-nd himself on an elaborate
fiction, in which such characters as
"Tennessee.,- Parduer and the Luck of
Poa ring Ca in ()." skill show them selves
thrctigh the mazes (f a plot and th--phases
of consecutive xx-ues and Inci
dents. We are of those who regnnt
Mr. Harte as not inferior as a pro-f-piK-t
and story Idler to any living au
thor. Bur. be will never get on in
Verse. .Mr. Hay and Joaquin Miller
are U-ttcr jxiers in his ow n field than
be is. aim be cannot hope to enter tlx
li-ts with bit tier as a siiegcr of New
A Thehaii Mummj Pit.
; Our guide, young and incxporicini-d
j was all jabln-r and dirt ; be minted fo
; a crevice in the side ot tlie mountain
I which we had approached. He
I thought tliat wir should lintl our way
! in there. On entering, we found our
(selves' In n square cli.iiiilier. Ilie dim
i recess of which were s-eanvlv lit no bv
j our ton-lies.
and fell into
I over
1 stone.
a hole: but the
was soft, and I got up unhurt, though
mv torch was extinguished. Fortun
ately, that of my guide was not.
'When we had light enough to look
almut us, judge of our horror when the
llanie threw Its flickering and uiiocr
t.iin glare over rows umti rows of
.shriveled, distorted corpses amlblack
cning mummies, drawn up anH1 con
tract (.il into every sort of tearful po
sition ; liimtlicrs were unrolli-d, and
the gniund strewed and covered with
their loathsome remains, which era .-lied
and crackled as our feet waded, ankle
deep, among the broken, decayed
limits and hones, detached from their
arclitiieiit-)ike Ixxlies. At. one time,
upon touchiii" the leg. the re-t of tlie
body and head moved and Imwcd slow
ly forward, sd-inlng to glare with its
socket less" eyes. One of my friends,
.stumbling with force, displaced a mum
my, which prekibly kid lain on its
slab for thousands oi" years, and kid
Ik-couh; drv and brittle as tinder: the
I bend snapiied, nodded and rolled nt
ins iet-i. nt- wen-, in uiil, in one ot
the hundred of mummy pits that
honeycomb the mountains overlooking
Ihe plain of the great city, whose ieo
ple. from king to slave, (deep alike,
relied, as in one vast mausoleum of
IIot-si KF.i.riNt; Hints. All kinds of
Kiultry and meat, can be cooked quick
er by adding to the water iu which
they are boiled a little vineirar or n
piece of lemon. By tlte use of an acid
there will lie considerable savin" of
hie, as well asshorteiiitirfif lime. Its
action is lieneflcial on old. tough meats.
rendering them quite tender and easy
to lie digested. Tainted mean anil
fowls will lose tk-ir bad taste and odor
I f cooked in this wav. ami if not used
! freely no taste of it will he ac
The call for a State Convention of
the Republican pirty of Missouri kis
Iieen issued, signed bv the regular ilc
ptihlieati State Committee, and ten
menilx-rs of -the IJh-r-i! Keptililictu
State Csuiituittee. Tl; Coiiveotioii is
to meet in Jetl'crsou. Feb. 21. and
will select delegates lo tlx- National
Itepillilii-iii Convent ion, and select a
St4ite Central ttunmittee of tle P--tublicaii
"Ih j on think, "asked Mrs. Pepi-r,
"that a little temiH-r is a had thing lit
a woirfart?" "Certainly not ma'.-iui."
replied rt galliint ihilosopher; "it is a
gmd tiling, anil slie ouglit never to lo-e
A Chiiti go 1-iily f.xiud her diamond
ring in the ruins of h-t h'il-e sw
f a-. -a Ib-r the lire.