OSLY A LITTLE GRAVE. It' only a Mtti crav," thry'aaid. Only Just a child tluilV llead.', Ami o they carelesslv turned away From the mound the spade hail made that rtuy. Ah 1 they did not know how deep a shade lliat little grave In our home had made. I know the coffin wan narrow and small ; Ono yard wouid liave servud lor an ample , , P": ' . Ann one man in his arms could have borne away The row-hud and its freight of . lav. lint I know that darling lvoi.es were hid Ueneath tliat tiny collln lid. li""?? f l"" " mntlT had stood tliat tlav ith folded hands bv that form of clay ; . ",'w th burning team were hid Neath that drooping lash and aching lid ;" I knew her lip, and cheek, and brow, V ere almost us white as her baby's now. I knew of gome things that were hid awav ; I he crimson frock, and wrapping gav ; i ".J'', w,th,it" P'umea ami tassels blue; I he little sock, and the hair worn shoo ; An.laiiemptvcrib, with its cover spread, As white a the lace of the sinless dead. 'Tin a little grave, but oh. beware ! r or world-wide ho-s are buried there; And ye, perhaps. In coming vears, May s-ek, like her, through blinding tears; .Vow much ot light, how much of Joy, Is buried up with the baby boy. !""sssssssssssss THE GOOD TIME (OMIM,. BY SIMMS O'RAFFKUTY. Ml-tlmes me hod me shoulder galis A-carryln' mortar on the walls In rain and sun ; Hut bctther times are i-omlii" soon. When all the year will be like June, And dhrudgcry done. Whin vU-tory crowns the favmale cause, W bin women sliall he makth laws, Kav.li w ile and maid, Thin every mother's son will be Allowed to follow fancy free " Some lay male trade. Thin piirty girls will ak us out, And pay our bills and drive about Wnl tender care; ' They'll keenly feel for all our woes, And to the gentlemen propose Who single aae. No matter if we've not a cint, There'll thin be dlvil a thought av rint, Or things to ate. Hi ! that to see the blissid day Whin all our troubles pass away May bo my fate. The kitchen girl will lave her place, And Teddy tollowin' wld grace, Will hake and stew: He'll keep Hie floor both clane and natu, And liave the best of tilings toate, kml learn to sew. The milliner shops, where purty girlg Xow smile so shwatc and shake their curls, Anil look so handy. By glntlemen will be 'controlled. And in the in goods are stores of gold For Pat and Any. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. EUROPEAN XEW. Thiers lias consented . to withdraw his resignation lor the present but complains of being worn out and dtevourased. lie fears further con Hiets with tlie assembly and desired to withdraw from the Presidency ot Fiance as soon as possible. He was apjiealed to by Marshal .ilcMitlion in liehalf ot the array. The efforts of the government of Spain for the suppression of the Inter nationals lias ealle'I forth remonstran ces from all parts ol Spain. EASTEKX XEWS. The New Orleans Ir.broglio seems to be culminating. On the 19th Inst., at night, inflammatory liandbills were posted thongli Jew Orleans inciting the people against the Warmotith fac tion and urging the people to rally to detenu their rights. In the morning papers of the 20th a proclamation was published for Car ter, speaker of the House of Represen tatives, urging citizens to arm and as semble on Canal street and lie sworn in by the .SergeamVat-arms of the House, to protect the assembly of the House against the forces of Gov. War mouth. The determination is to in sure a quorum of the House without Mw' intimidated by the Governor. Tlie latest is as follows : New Orleans, Jan. 2111 a. m. People are assembled on Canal street about Dryades. Nearly all tlie notice have lieeu withdrawn from the beau of the city Infantry and concen trated about tlie Mechanics' Institute. Several lines have been thrown across Hryades street, and several companies of infantry are on duty. Later Carter lias just made a speech to several thousand persons at the Clay statue. He said he had read a letter from General Emery that United States troops were in readiness to prevent a conflict, lie counseled fortiearance, desired his friends to maintain organization for further action. There will be no conflict to day. Stores along Canal street, from Kampartto Camp street, are generally closed. When the Investigation Committee return from the New York Custom House investigation the officers on duty at the White House stand ready to furnish a mass of proof which will refute all reports detrimental to their characters. Washington, Jan. 21. According to the returns made to the Bureau of Statistics it appears that during the quarter ending December last there arrived at the port of San Francisco l.S(!5 immigrants, of whom 1,000 were males, and 169 females. The nation alities ot the immigrants are as fol lows i England 48, Ireland 57. Seot- lanrt 2.1, ranee s, tennany a. .Mexi co 127, Australia 661 Tahiti 16, Chili 4. Peru 7. Cliiua 633, Vancouver's Island 189. Sandwich Islands 3. Their occupations were : Clergymen 3, clerks 42, cooks 3, farmets 6, laborers 1,023, inercliants &4. mechanics 256, mariners 16. miners 123. nhTsicians 8, witliout occupation 237. A daring bank robbery is reported at Fenton N. J. when the amount realized reaches near $100,000. The X. Y. Herald says tlie city of Newark has been swindled by con tractors very much after the fashion of Tammany doings. Aunt Cohillas, an old colored woman said to liave been in the Federal ser vice among the Tories in Revolutionary times, was Durnea to aeatn on f riuay nisrht at Bncktown. &30.000.000 has been refunded to tlie various States for expenses in raising volunteers during the war, and stand ing claims amount to over 5,000,000 more. :' ; , A London letter says Englishmen are much dissatisfied with the state inent of American cases as submitted to the Geneva arbitrators. It is stat ed the English public, and probably the Government, are startled by tlie extent of the demands made, and will contest every point contended lor by Americans. An Annapolis dispatch states it is fenerally expected there that Mrs. V'liarton will be acquitted, and tlie indictment against her for poisoning Van Ness will be nolle prosequied. "NEW Yohk, Jan. 22. Investigation of the Custom House frauds was con tinued this morning! .Leet testified that he came to this ciy in IS69; has been engaged in the general order business for the last nineteen months. He had a $5,000 yearly interest in the business when Bixbee had charge although during that time he took no active part in it, as he was mostly ab sent from the city. Adnasev eneetea the witness" partnership with Bixbee. anil received money from Bixbee as a consideration for enabling Bixbee to secure a portion of the general order business through Grinnell. Witness worked up Gniinell through a letter from tne I'resiuent, , ana onered the letter in evidence. This letter is dated March 19, 1869. and introduces Leet to Grinnell as a business man of tin questioned integrity, and whom Presi dent Grant said he recommended as possessing qualities ' necessary to in spire confidence. The Oriflamme liad reached San Francisco, and the brig Brewster, ot whose safety doubts were entertained, was off the Heads. EUROPEAN NEWS. Trials of prisoners accused of mur der of hostages during the ,siege, in side of Taris during the Commune have terminated. Genelou is condemned to death and three others are banished.- Tlie French Assembly has concluded not to impose a tax oii raw material. This averts the threatened trouble. Germany will establish a military school at Met; ami the German gov Ti,i:ienl d'-ciiiics to join other Euro pean powers in attempting to suppress ti..- i?nvr:i:! f.kinal Society. A.i l'.n-lUli Mail packet 1m- been i-i:l .i tho co;'! of Guinea; crew tiud'i aiscngeiM saved. The Tichbounie Claimant's cliauces are said to be weakening as the case develojies and the evidence arguments are heard. CONGRESSIONAL In tlie Senate petitions are presented for Civil Kights ; also from this coast for a uniform coinage. A resolution introduced by Blair proposes to open negotiations for tlie purcliase of tlie Island of Cuba. .,. Mr. R. E. Lee proposes to make a clean deed of the Arlington tate to government for $3iX),0(K) as she claims the sale to be fraudulent. The Postal Committee report on the Telegraph Bid 1101 to liave it soon come up. In the House bills have been intro duced to construct ten new sloops of war; to extend time for additional liouiity claims for cie rear longer; to suppress jxilyganiy and enable Utah to form a Stale Constitution. The Investigating Comtnitte start for New Orleans immediately. The Investigating Comtnitte has de cided to devote another week to the New York Custom House. Sargent has reported a bill in the House to oiien all public lands to pros pectors ami mitiers for exploration and purchase. EASTKllX NEWS. Gen. Emery telegraphs from New Orleans that he holds the troops in readiness to preserve order. He has received instructions from the Adju tant General at Washington to do so. He sent a copy of his instructions to the opposing jiarties. Carter with holds his partisans from resorting to force. The action of the President in pre venting conflict gives general satisfac tion to citizens and promises icaceful solution to the troubles when the Con gressional Committe shall arrive there. There is a great run on the Market Savings Banks, New York, aud it is said that evidences exist of knavery. Tweed's constituents want him to claim his seat in tire New York Semite or resign. It is said that lie is waiting until he buys up Senators enough to keep from being expelled. They say he only needs two more. Alderman Glade, of Chicago, con victed of bribery, goes to jail for six months and pays a tine of if 100. The Nebraska Legislature is in trou ble. The Senate lacks one of a quo rum most ot the time. The office of Governor has been declared vacant and resolution passed to elect one by Joint Convention. The House wants to ar rest its Chief Clerk who won't respect its warrant, and the Governor refuses to recognize the Legislature and has ordered the members to go home. Things are decidedly muddled in Ne braska. Alexis, of Russia, reached Topeka and was received by the Kansas offi cials at the State House and entertain ed by them at a banquet. Ku Klux prisoners sentenced for over one year of imprisonment at Columbia, S. C, have been sent out of the State to avoid rescue by their friends, a plot of the kind being discovered. Judge Barnard, of New York, has decided that tlie Supervisors are the property to bring suits aguiast Con nolly. A Custom House clerk in New York testified that he occasionally received $5, or $10 from officers of tlie Custom House for detaining gotids from the general order store. Rev. Josiah D.Bradley, lately of the Protestant Episcopal Church, lias lieen received into tlie Roman Catholic Chinch. Gen. Rosecrans denies favoring any attempt to tillibuster on Mexico. An attray took place lately at Charles ton, New Virginia, . in course of a trial, between the U. S. Marshal, named Stock, and one Clarkson, in which the latter was shot four times. News from Manitoba speaks of ex citement relative to placer diggings 600 miles from Fort Edmonton. 7IEXICO. Tlie revolutionary forces are making continued progress in Mexico and have defeated the government forces at times. Great excitement exists, in reference to this matter, in the city of Mexico. CALIFORNIA. J. B. Newby, of Yamhill, practicing law in San r rancisco, has been held to trial on two charges of obtaining mon ey trom clients on taise pretences. Hie Japanese Embassy has ex chauged friendly greetings, by tele graph, with Secretary Fish. They are learning the use ot the telegraph. EUROPEAN. Complaint is made in England tliat Spain is not fulfilling her treaties for suppression of the slave trade, and the subject will be investigated by Great Britain. The Bishop of Exeter was lately moblied while presiding at a meeting favoring the sale of libiior under legal restrictions. A riot ensued, and the police had to preserve order. Election riots are reported in Ire land. The priests are threatened with violence. The Cape of Good Hope diamond fields afford more rich discoveries. Two diamonds have been found of 1, 000 weight each. The agents of the Itnnerialists were tiuuv in "flip French nrmv (liirintr flip late crisTs while Thiers was treatening to withdraw. CONGRESSIONAL... Garfield, from the Committee on Appropriations, lias made a speech on the subject of national expenditures, in connection with which an effort was made to show that it took a long time to reach again the lowest level after a war period, and tliat tlie level never Wits again as low as before the war. He thought the United States would reach the lowest peace level in 1876. when the ordinary expenditures would $125,000,000, and the interest account $95,000,000 per annum. Of the pres ent expenditures, he found 00 per cent., exclusive of interest, char-gable1 to the war; tlie army and navy cost 14 per cent., and all the other departments 25,l per cent of the gross expenses. In the English government tlie same classes of expenditure rate as 38' 33 aud 28)4 per cent, of the whole. The private appropriation bill is for nearly two and a half millions less tlian last year, and Mr. Breck said tlie Com mittee was tlie most stringent he ever kuew. ' Mr. Wood called attention to tlie statement in the civil service report that one-quarter of the revenue is ex pended in collection of it. Mr. Hale stated that tlie' cost of col lection is not over 5 or 6 per cent, of tlie aggregate, and explained that the statement meant tliat one-quarter of what the government ought to receive was lost not stolen, but never collect ed, owing to the fault of the spoils sys tem handed down by Democracy. It is proposed to set apart certain public lands near the head waters of tlie Yellowstone as a public park. Mr. Morton called for tlie regular or der, the Amnesty bill, and addressed the Senate upon it. He declared him self opposed to universal suffrage, and characterized the arguments in favor of it based upon sickly sentiment and spurious generosity. He thought there was a good deal of niLsappre liension throughout the country in re gard to the disabilities now resting up on those engaged iu the rebellion. Perhaps it was not generally known that Jefferson Iiavis and all his follow ers had as much right to vote as any man who served in tlie Union army. He reviewed the history of the Four teent Amendment, and argued that the proposition in it authorizing Congress to remove disabilities by a two-thirds vote, wits not designated to authorize the removal of disabilities from a class, but only from individuals. It seemed, therefore to be strange, in view of the Fourteenth Amendment,' to pass the Amnesty hill, as it came from the House. He was willing, - however, to vote for the bill, but he never would vote for it with the exceptions stricken out. The disability proposed by tlie amendment unnntho Southern leaders was the lust remaining legal murk ot disapprobation of . rebellion, aud he could never consent to its removal, be cause to do so would, be to acknowl edge that the rebellion Was not wrong; that it was merely a difference of opin ion, and that the 'leaders ol the rebcl- lion have the same right as loyal men to hold the highest offices of the Gov ernment. The question of amnesty had generally been argiled heretofore on grounds of expediency and experi ence, but he wished to consider it upon a higher plan. He thought there was a great principle involved a principle ot consistency, of duty to the Govern ment, and especially a principle of the greatest importance to posterity. He did not believe the argument that am nesty would conciliate the people of the South. E ASTERN NEWS. Washington', Jan. 23. It vtas sta ted in a Cabinet meeting to-day that dispatches from (Jen. Emery represent everything (iiict at New Oilcan-;. The Committee appointed at the re quest of the Postmaster General. C res well, to investigate the charges against him of fraud' iu making mail con tracts, have summoned witnesses and will commence their examination on Thursday. Tlie President scut a message to the Senate wilhilrawing the noni'marion of Willanl Warner as Collectors of Cus toms at Mobile. Under the Apportionment Bill re ported to the S-iiiite to-day, 157.10!! is fixed as the number ot inhabitants necessary for a member iu the House, which gives 222 ineinliers of the House, and by fractious 17, and Delaware, Nevada, Nebraska and Oregon 4, making a total of 232 Representatives. The States which obtained each one Representative by fractions are Ten nessee, Maine, Maryland, Ohio, New York. North Carolina, Minnesota. West Virginia, Virginia. New Jersey, Wisconsin, Missouri. Indiana, Louisi ana. Iowa. California and Georgia. Under this bill, California has four Representatives and Oregon one, and Nevada one, each. Washington. Jan. 23. Secretary Rebeson and Mrs. Aulick were mar ried this morning. The President and Cabinet and their families were pres ent. The Ways and Means Committee is hearing parties interested in lhe to bacco trade to-day. Most of the com mitted lavor a uniform tax ot six teen cents. The House Committee on Judiciary has decided to reiiort adversely on the claim of Brooks, .ludsou and Centre, to the Island of Yerba Bueua, iu the Bay of San Francisco. The Senate Committee to-day voted to request, the Secretary ot State to withdraw the name of Charles Hale as Assistant Secretary. New Yoke, Jan. 23. It is said that the Grand Jury of the Court of General Sessions found an immense immlk-r of indictments. They found large amounts of moiiev, often as much as $1,000,000. placed in the bank at one time to the credit ot certain mem bers of the ring, it has also been proved that iu one day over $6,000,000 were stolen from the Citv Treasury. Five indictments were found against Tweed, and fifteen against Connolly. A special from Columbia, S. t re ports that Byas, a colored member of the Legislature, attempted to cowhide Touiliusou. a correspondent of the Charleston JW-ew, tbrsomcthing he had written, whereupon Tomlinsou " shot his assailant, whose recovery is le lieved to be impossible. Cincinnati. Jan. 23. The remains of General llalleck reached here about 9 o'clock this morning iu a special car on the Louisville it Cincinnati short line of railroad, iu charge of Adams' Express Company. Baltimoke. .fan. 23. A dispatch from Annapolis at 11:30 l m. savs the jury in tlie Wharton case liave not yet agreed. It is said to stand seven lor acquittal and three for conviction. New Yoke, Jan. 23. The first of 109 suits brought against the Stateu Island Ferry Company by the surviv ing sufferers by the West field explo sion was decided to-day. the jury awarding 5.000 the full amount claimed to a widow whose liii-liaml was killed by the explosion. New Orleans. Jan. 23. Bagdad, at the mouth of the Rio Grande, was pillaged last night by a band of out laws claiming to be revolutionists, but really only robbers. CALIFORNIA. Sax Fhancisco, Jan. 21. Flour Principal movements for the week brace the dispatch of the Matchless, for Hong Kong, with 16.450 barrels, and the receipt of 10.000 liarrels from Oregon. Prices tavor buyers, nomi nal rates being $5 50,n7, as extremes. Wheat Market 5 to 10c lower than a week ago ; dull at $2 10a2 15. Barley Dull; nominal $1 5041 (15. Oats 150 sks Norway, $1 70; ex treme, $1 Go'Sl-tsi. Potatoes Humboldt, $S0';ilc; oth ers, 50 to 80c. Feed Feed bran and feed middlings liave been reduced to $27 5037 50, respectively. Oil Cake Meal Quoted at $40. Hay Quoted at $LS&U2. Dairy Produce Butter lower, say 30a.3tiefor fresh roll, and 25ca33c for firkin and and pickled ; cheese, V i 19c ; Eastern, 15sl7c. Eggs 42,'2'(545c for California. Wheat in Liverpool, 12s 4d. The Japanese have been making the rounds of the Courts to-day. During the night, a gale from the northeast set in with much violence, and still continues. The bar is very rough, and the air uncomfortably cold. The steamer Idaho, from Gunymas and way ports, brought $2S8,769 iu treasure. The London Syndicate organized by J. Ross Browne has authorized, by telegraph, absolute purchase of several large tracts of ttile lands bonded by him a few months since, and will di rect the immediate reclamation on a large scale. The schooner, Star of tin1 Union is now high and dry at North Beach. This morning about 2 o'clock a col lision occurred on the street lielween McCarthy, otthe Clironfclt; and Souili erland, local editor of the Vail, in which it is alleged llv.it tin- former drew a pistol and attacked the latter, i uireaieuuig 10 kin nun ou (lie spor. McCarthy will lie arrested to-morrow on charge of assault with a deadly weapon. The schooner Josephine, while at tempting to enter the harbor this af ternoon, went asbore on Point Lobos. and will probably Ihi a total ioss. Tlie norther continues unabated in violence and there is much damage to shipping and wharves along the city fiont, though no disaster. Atlhe Oak land railroad wharf the liark Brontes, which partially parted a iiawscr, drift ed against the wharf carrying away some piles and was hauled out into tlie bay and anchored. At the Pacific street wharf the Y'oung America car ried away the end of the wharf and was somewhat damaged. The steam ers Amelia and Amador are lioth somewhat damaged. The ship Her man was also somewhat injured. Ferry steamers can with difficulty make trips. Stockton, Jan. 24- This has lieen the most disagreeable day known for years, the wind blowing a perfect hur ricane trom the north and northwest, and still continues. As jret no dam age has been sustained by the storm. The steamer Cornelia, from San Fran cisco, did not arrive until 10:30 a. yin having been detained by the storm. Borax lakes fields of carbonate of soda tliat are inexhaustible, and im mense deposits of pure sulphur, are among the mineralogical wonders of Nevada. ' The Virginia Enterprise says that loads of carbonate of soda are daily brought to that town from de posits at no great distance to the east ward, aud that this soda i; of a snowy whiteness, without stain, and free from dirt or any other foreign substance. It is fit tor family use just as it is found. When a stratum of the soda is removed from its bed another is im mediately formed. Crude borax from Nevada is furnished at Sacramento for live cents a pound. Jasper, canielian, moss agate, amethyst, clialcedony md chrysolite are found iu various parts of the same State ; whilst petntieU wood, some of which, when out and polished, makes beautiful seals, cane heads, and other ornaments, is very abundant. Embers of the dying year Septem ber, NovemlKT and iN'cemlier. STATE NEWS. J Portluiul. The Orrrjoiiian of yesterday has the following : A St. Helens lady writes to Mr. Charles Goldstein, whose store was roblied recently, tliat she received a number of presents, (giving the names of tlie articles) from young'Gill, who is accused of tlie robbery, which he is satisfied is a portion of the stolen prop erty, and which tlie ladv is desirous of returning to the rightful owner. The charge of embezzlement prefer red against J. S. Sammons was heard liefore Justice Moreland yesterday af ternoon. After hearing I he evidence, the accused was bound over in the sum of $1,000 to await the action of the grand jury. The bridge on First street, between Sheridan aud Williams, is more or less demoralized by the late storms, as is also the street for several vards at each end. The new schooner built at Tillamook for Portland trade, which sailed from Tillamook Bay tor this port, has not lieen lieard of and is supposed to lie lost. Tlie Jli'lMin says she had on : board 3.000 bushels of potatoes, sever al thousand pounds of butter, a lot of hides, lt.000 feet ot lumber, and a gen eral assortment of country produce. On the 30th she was seen off the mouth of the Columbia river, and during the night of the 30th ult, it came on to blow quite strong, since which time the schooner has not been heard from. There, were six persons on board the vessel, including Mr. Terwilliger, of this city. It may be thxt she was blown far oil' to the north and will yet come in, but the chances are very much against such a supposition. Judge Denny says he will punish se verely any , and all persons proven guilty of disorderly conduct at tlie the ater. The public say he is right. We concur. A man came near losing bis eyesight by looking through the window at the jail, in answer to a call within, by having some injurious substance thrown in bis face. There were seventeen cases disposed of in the Police Court yesterday. The Waldron troupe continues to draw crowded houses. Willuim-Uc Valley. The JtepvMicmi says the Portland mail now comes by way of Salem. The people there depend on home amusements: singing school, dancing school, sociables, itc, and the friends of Rev. Mr. .lamesand wife gave them a call the other evening, and presented him with .substantial proof of their re gard. The question of bringing the water- power down from Ellcndale is being agitated, and is beingurged iu the edit orial columns of the llipuhlienn. The bridge across the Lttckiamutt south of Monmouth is impassable. Mrs. Carrie F. Young is lecturing through the west side towns. luunor says tliat ;vii. v oods, who went ca.-t of the mountain Ia.t fall with a band of cattle, lost tlwiu in the late snow storms. ' Prof. Rutau reports hridgrs carried away or damaged lictwecn Corvallis and Dallas. Mr. AY ay mi re lost a valuable hor.c which died suddenly alter having been ridden. The Riereal lias been so high that the road lielow Nesmith's was flooded. The Alsca mail carrier reports that bridges on the route are nearly all washed away. The bridge across Ma ry's river was entirely gone. The champion knitter had reached Dallas ia t Ito person of an old man with his knitting machine. lie was itinerating through the countiytodo up the family knitting in each neigh borhood. His machine and baggage were transported on a rough home made cart which he had hauled over the hills aud far away, through mud and ice all the way from Amity. The Ili-piilJi'r in commends him for his dis play of pluck and energy. Portland. The Or vj'inian leans that the total loss of the Pacific Insurance Company by the Chicago lire, when finally ad justed, amounted to $l.!t;i3.000. Of this amount $1,433,000 has Ixen bought in at fifty cents on the dollar, leaving the remainder outstanding; and alter settlement of which at the ame rati' there will remain a deficien cy of $100,000. to tie made bv the stockholders in addition to the loss of Iheir original investment. The new schooner built at Tilla mook, to accommodate the growing trade between that place and this, was. while crossing the Columbia river bar en-route for this port, met. by reverse winds and blown to sea. When last heard from she was at Port Lud low undergoing repair. One ot the passengers who left Tillamook on lier reports having a very hard and severe time while at sea. The schooner is expected to sail from Port Ludlow the latter juirt of the week for this place. As a fanner named Lewis, residing in Washington county, was returning home by the Canyon road night before last, he was relieved of all his money and other valuables on his iierson by I wo foot pads. It appears that owing lo the disguisi of the robliers, Mr. Lewis will be impossible to recognize them. There is another dispatch this morn ing relative to the doings of James B. Newby "of Yamhill" in San Francis co. If they would just put James B. in the penitentiary and hide him from the public eye, Oregon's reputation would be the gainer iii the long run. The Coroner, Thomas J. Dryer, was called iast evening about 8 o'clock to hold an inquest on the lody of Fred rich Hoffman, who died very suddenly at the Astor House aliout 7 o'clock. "After hearing the testimony and re ceivingDr. Parker's (attending phy sician) statement, the jury, found that the decca-ed came to bis death by con gestion of tlie brain. The Il'Vtibl says that Mrs. Duuiway has commenced a new story in her pa per, tailed "Ellen Dowd'Hhe farmer's wite and as it is intended to lie a picture of farm life, it will be interest ing to country readers. The AV'estside Railroad will lie com pleted to-day or to-morrow, to Cor nelius', a distance of twenty-live miles. As contractors on this road are paying their laborers promptly, the work is lieing pushed forward rapidly. I . ; The IhtiiUl also learns how a young fellow in tliat city while watching the movements of a handsome youug.lady, became so infatuated with her that he turned around the lighted end of his cigar and burnt his lips with it in his infatuation. Portland. From tlie Qretyminn of yesterday we learn the following : Hardly a day passes but we hear of or are shown inquiries of the trade and commerce, of our city. AVe were yes terday shown a letter from one of Cal ifornia's capitalists to a leading Front street firm asking for the statistics of lmjiorts and exports since I860, to gethor with other inquiries such as would lie asked concerning any com mercial city. The following weather report was received at the O. S. - N. Co.'s Office yesterday morning : Cascades Weath er clear ; thermometer, 20 deg.; river full of running ice. Dalles Ther mometer, 23 deg.; river full of skim Ice ; every indication of a snow storm. I'matillia Cloudy ; thermometer, 2S deg.: prospects of a snow storm. Walla Walla Very cold; thermome ter, 17 deg. AVallula Thermometer. IS deg.; river full of lee. The steamship Ajax is announced to leave for San Francisco, Saturday, Jan. 27th, at 4 o'clock, P. M. The H'dleti says tliat the furniture of the Chemeketa Hotel will be sold by auction by Mr. Joseph Middlemiss to-morrow (Thursday), tit No. S Front street. The Columbia river is said to lie full of floating ice. Real estate dealers of Portland re port considerable demand for fanning lands. East Portland is a favorite lieid for skaters. The tug boat Ben llolladay made her first trip the other day. The steamer Dixie Thompson has been sheathed to encounter ice in the Columbia river. Skatists go in for Caruthcrs and go iu after they git there and are so tick led at gitting wet that they laugh until they git dry. The Ajax brought 550 tons of mer chandise to Portland. Portland has a new military com pany in process of organization. Southern Oregon. An effort is being made to establish the much needed mail route from Jack sonville to Central Point, Butte Creek and Sam's Valley. The Sentinel says that a number of registered letters were found under a tree near Galesvllle, on Cow creek, which had lieen opened by the rain, the greenbacks lieing still in them. Some of the letters lt-it Portland dated January 7th. Mr. Underwood lias Wen investigating the matter. The people of Jacksonville are lie coming intensely excited over the Jrail raid. Two Modern Jean A'aljeans. A strange incident occurred in tlie court of oyer and terminer yesterday. It appears that on Decerning 14, Joint Kenevan and Patrick McCarthy were tried for the theft of a pocket-book from Henry Marthaler, a German, iu Rector street. They were convicted on the testimony of Marthaler, who swore jiositivcly to their identity. The prisoners were brought before Judge lugraham yesterday for sentence, wlien two men. who were standing in the back part of the room, came "forward, one of them exclaiming loudly: "Them men is not guilty 1 am tlie man !" The interruption created a profound sensation in the court-room, and no little interest was manifested, which increased as the men, having lieen placed on the stand, confessed that they committed the robbery, and tlwi the two prisoners awaiting sentence were innocent. They gave their names as Edward Mahouy anil George Williamson, the latter lieing the one who took the pocket-book, aided and alietred by his associate, it now ap pears that Mahony is the uncle of Mc Carthy, that the real criminals bare lieen at sea since the robbery was com mitted, and only lieard of the trial mi their return in time to prevent tlie wrongful punishment of their two friends. They were all remanded in order that the district attorney may inquire into the case. A. J. 1 ii'ihiw. Eir.EMK's Jewels A Philadel phia n writes from London as follows: AVe went, to Emanuel's. One of the firm was at Troquay with us, and rec ognized us. and alter some time he akcd u if we would like to see some thing nice, and be showed us Euge nie's jewels, now there "up the spout" proluibly not ail, but .50.000 worth, lie could not take any more, as she wished to realize on them at once. They had all to be sold. lie says tliat their entire property consists of about i'150,000 worth of jewels and some real estate iu Spain, which she is here trying to sell. This lot that we saw covered a table two and a half by three and a half feet, full, and then as cau j were iened they were piled up in a i rather reckless manner, in heaps on j this already covered table. 1 litre were tiara, neclaces. two large an chors of diamonds, about five inches long ; lots of brooches, one being a butterfly, the body of which was a long opal, about two inches long and the wings set upon springs, and niaile of diamonds, rubies and black jn-arU the only ones iu existence each one lieing as large as marrowfat peas. Also an emerald cross, quite unique, the emeralds lieing oblong and set edge to edge, nothing la-fwecu. and about six inches across the long part of the cross, anil on each side of tlie cen ter. The Grand I uke Alexis is said to j have lieen quite overcome at the Bos ton Committee's invitation. The C"u- I mrrrial HvllntiH says : "The Grand J Duke was so much affected that ho re- ! plied iu his native Russian, as follows: "Orl ritold bnstah yitken sorini legorfj butti tellu ile bloski bil'ur Boston, i Gitytio rumauwiski anlotzer eitti bom- j erz'redi, auian olecatacaza wilbi dow nonver lykea neskemo onah taibk ( aud'le." j Rostoninns claim that there was nothing verry funny in Greeley's lec ture on "AVit ;" bur there was tlrv hn- ! mor in his gift to the Woman's Snf-1 I'rage lair. It was a cradle, at once a bint and a suggestion. It is said that the post thoroughly mixed obituary notice ever' compiled was one in an English pa per on Daniel Webster, in which he was alluded lo as tlie "great lexicographer, statesman, the author of a spelling book, and lhe broken hearted brother of the murderer of 1 )r. Parkman." The A'irginia and Maryland Com missioners appointed to settle Die j boundry line between the two States, j have failed to agree, and the question ! ...:n ... .1... 1 . . ii' ' ill go to me i niieu oiaies .supreme Court. Plant, a seed, feed it and let it alone, says Mr. McDonald, and the tree will assume a more perfect and well balanced shape than any meddler can give it. The sweet seedling will Injur in six or seven years and iive many centuries, liearing thousandsof oranges every year. Professor Thompsou now shows to the British Association that no thick ness less than 2.000 or 2.500 miles would enable the crust of the earth to resist the tide generating force of the sun and moon.' A thinner crust, he says, would be bulged up by a tide within the molten mass like the tide of tlie ocean. The moist climate of Paris is ruinous to stone and marble. The obelisk of Luxor forty years ago was brought from Egypt, where it had stood per fect and unchanged during forty cen turies, yet it is now full of small cracks and completely bleached out. A saloon keeper liaving started busi ness in a building -where trunks liad been made, asked a friend wliat he had better do with the old sign, "Trunk Factory." "Oh," said the friend, "juft change the T to D, and it will suit ycu exactly." The queen of Madagascar has be come sufficiently civilized to wear hoops. This being settled, the royal intellect Mill probably turn next to panniers. Uncle Sam has 1. '400,000. 000 acres ol land forsale atter.his donations for tlie benefit cf railroads, schools, colleges, etc. M. Rnan. who has been restored to his chair at the college de France, com menced: his course of lectures before a large audience. The first edition of of AA'illiam Cul leu Brjant's works was printed in 1821. jipt fifty years prior to the ap pearance of the last edition of its yo enis. It is' siaid that the three hordest words Of the English language to pro nounce, consecutively, are "I was mistaken." Some "horrid" man says that iu the present style of dressing young ladies' hair it is hard to tell which is switch. About 3Iaxim Gas AYorks. A San Francisco correspondent ot tha Srcramcnto Jiccord makes lhe fol lowing statesments hi relation to the operations of the Maxim Gas Com pany on this coast : The Maxim Gas Company have lieen steadily pushing their works in this State the past few months but have . Iwen even more unfortunate than the Atmospheric Company which was blamed for the printing house and other tires. Some months ago the works liehii id fhe Cosmopolitan Hotel sidoon burned up. Since then, at the residence of Geo. H. Howard, San Mateo, and John F. lMyle, Menlo Park, and other domestic gas works of tlie Maxim Company have bnrued up. The retort of the works used in lighting the -business blocks of San Ratael took tire alxmt a month ago. On tlie 10th of Decemiier the worst accident, however, occurred at the Maxim Gas AYorks at Watsonville. The l'ojni oniin says that the first tire was smotliercd out and the leaks tem porarily stopped with rags. AYhile the mechanic in cliarge, Chas. Blair, was making goxl the damages, the fire broke out again. The retort for mak ing the gas is iu the brick building, with a fire-proof door, and by the force of the explosion this door was closed and Blair shut in. "His agonized scream for help was lieard and the door forced open, when he was found terribly .burned about the head and hands. His hair was burned snug to his head, and the skin from his right hand peeled entirely off. taking the thiger-nails at the same time. R. J. Williams was also badb. , though not seriously, burned, aud several otliers outside, when the rush first took place, had their lialr and eyebrows singed." Poor Blair lingered in great sutiering until the night of the 27th. when lie died. His mother was sent for from San Francisco a week ago, ami, with great difficulty, the roads lieing walied out, reached him two or .i ? l1- i .. .. i... i i.t . three davs before he breathed his last. I Attorney general AYilliains. From the Washington letter of the State Jonrwil we take the following iuteresting'ifacts relating to the confir mation of Judge Williams as Attorney l.eneral. The consideration shown ourdistinguislied fellow citizen should lie a matter of pride for every Orego niau. "Soon after the nomination had been scut in, ami after I had closed my let ter, last Thursday, the Senate went in to executive session, and confirmed Attorney iener.il Williams witliout referring the nomination to . a com mittee. Tlie, rule is to refer all nomi nations to a committee, and in nearly every case where the position is of great iniorlance tliere is considerable delay ami much opjwsition ; but in this instance there was not a single mem lr of tlie Senate, Republican or Iem oerat, wlo picstioned the fitness of .hidjje W illiams for the high and re sponsible position, and he was con firmed immediately by unanimous consent. Xo higher tribute was ever paid to tli ability, integrity and statesmanship of any man. President ;rau! informed an Oregonian who visited Itini a few evenings ago. that, when lie was elected President. .lodge AYilliains was his first choice for At toriwy Ucueral of the United Mates, ami tin only reason why he did not tbeii appoint him was because it would have created :i vacancy in the Senate which would have been tilled by a DeinoT.-it. At the expiration of his Senatorial term, the President was embarrassed by the presence of Air. AkerniMi. Ile finally called for Ak-i-niiaiH resignation and pmititcd illiaif.s. The President remarked thai, in doing this, he only carried out his original intention, and a p minted as l- fwlievt?l. tlie let ipialilieil man in tin- United St iles for the position. SeiMtm- Kei'v expresses himself pleased viithlhe apjxiiutiiieiit of .lodge Wil-i lianis AHrey Ueneral. and thinks it ! will le a decided advantage to the l,anlW'ast to lie represented in the OtliiiM't. All the I leiiKHTSts here from tiie Pacific slope express their gratiii- ;iti(u at 1 result." Implication and Retrenchment. Hit will he a great sali-f.etio,, to rw i , . ... .1... .1. 1' ' lhe Aimii'i to know mat tin: miaic voted witb almost unanimity for tlie committe on Ilctri'iiehinen and Iiives fiatiou. The following from the tate. Jmttii Washington letter we Itivfl several times uoteil will make it jierfi-tly leijipy : "On Tlimsilav last, after the letter of tliat iLvte. wa mailiil, the Senate I omt iniuil tin discission on Mr. Triiin- j hull" amendment to Mr. Anthony's I resolution for ' appointment of a j standing committee on Ketreiieliinent I ami Investigation. Tin ameinl'iient was finally rejvfMl 21 to and the I resolution pa-set!. After a short exec- utive session fur the purpose of con- finning Attorney Ceneral i imam, the Senate adjourned over to Monday. Tlie House passed the apiMirtiouiuent hill. On Friday, the House passed a hill making appropriations to rehuild j tlie custom house and )ostot!iee huild- j ing at i,incagi, ami aiso urns ro pay exM'tises of iIn- ieiievaTrihuii.il mi- j ler tlie treaty of Washington, and then j ad journ! over to Monday. (In Monday the Senate resumed the j lehal on Mr. Trumbull' proposition, -which l; again ollcred. as an amend- j inent to tlie resolution to appoint a i committee on Investigation ami l.e treiicliniciit. The discussion was ex tremely sharp and animated, and wtis part id at cl iu by Messrs. Sumner, 1'attersoii, Iigati. i'asserly. Thiirmnn. Triinilmll and llayard. in favor of the amendment, and by Messrs. Anthony, Frelinghuysen, liuckingliani. Morton. Clayton. rMniunds. t'orliett, t onkling and Itarlau. in opposition to the amendment. Finally the amendment was modified so as to authorize the committee to investigate everything and everybody, to give them )iower during tin; present session to semi tor jiersons anil pajier, a jiower which no vflicr committee jxissesses. and then it asstd 2!l to IS. The resolution was tiien adopted 12 to 1 apiioiutiiig the committee as follows : Messrs. Buck ingham, (.hairman; l'ratt, Howe, Harlan, Stewart, Tool, llayard, and C'asserlv. An T"ni;;Iis!i tntveler ilt-soilies. a '".Mystery'" ealletl tlie 'reatiiin' v Ineli 1m; saw iH iioriin.il in l:iinher. in tifruiany, in I":!. Arvonling to liis aeeimnt it was a pirte-uini! a Hair. Vtmior jiriets hail the wins of pe tietlon their shoulders to erso:ia!o angel. .Vlani appeared on tlieseen:' in a liig curled wig and :t hroeaile morning ?Wn. Among the aninial Hint passed hcl'ure liini to receive their names was a Svell shod horse, pigs w illi rings in their noses, and a mastftr with :i brass collar. A cow's rib-lmne had been provided for the formation of Kve ; but the mastiff spied it out, graMxnl it and carried it oil'. The an gels tried to whistle him back, but, not sutwoding they chased liim, gave him :i kk-liing, and recovered the bone, which Uiey placed under a trap-door by tlie side of the .sleeping Adam, whence tliere soon emerged a lanky priest ill a loose rolie to personate JCre. Hot milk is a sjieeilie for diarriea. A pint every four iiours will cheek tfu most violent diarrlKea, stomach-ache, incipient cholera or dysentery. In tact so much should rarely be given, as it causes subsequent constipation. Half a pint every meal generally re cuees gradually and pleasantly any ordianry diurrhtea. If you have stoniaeh-ache, a pint of hot milk usu ally cures it in ten minutes (i. e. if the stomach-ache in accompanied by dia rrlvea. It is perfectly soothiug to the whole alimentary canal. The milk is never boiled, but only heated suffic iently to be agreeably warm not too hot to drink. Milk, tlierefore, which lias lieen IkhIihI is unfit for use. Witnesses in divorce suits arc apt to take u:.1' with one side or the otlier. ami to Wretch their testimony aecoiri in a late ca.se one witness was insrlv ,...7jiJtnr In snvinir that tlie wife had :i very retaliating disposition tliat she ....a;'..tnH verv little thiua'. "Did 1 1 .... - . , , 1 ,, vou ever see her husband kiss lier. asked the wife's counsel. les. sir; iiften ' Well, what did shrt do on She alwaW retal- lien ucejisitui- . :ited, ir." MISCELLANEOUS. II O 31 K Mutual Insurance Company. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CAPITL, SI ,000,000 ! o v r I C E U 8 : joiix ii. REoiwrox riiiMit JKO. II. IIOH AKII Vice ltk(-Mt II AKI.I-.H K. M UKY Nerrvtry Si. H. KIIDY X arlue Secretary II. II. ISI;i:iOW....U'iiernI Mnuaicer 11115 K C TO KS : ORiECON BRANCH: POltTLAXI) : V. Unwrmiw, K. fiolilHinltb, 1. II.LewlM, O. Miirlenj, IJoyll llrouki. fcnlei: I.. F.Vmw ItxIlfM, It. M. t'renrli Albiiuy J. A. rnwlortl 1.4-m iilou J. Lowenberg llAniLTOX BOV1I, Oeueral Agent, Portland. COX A I1ARIIART, Atfento at Snlein. ltvlt STAR BAKERY, Cracker Manufactory FAMILY GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, Commercial St., Salem. I have cimstiintlv on band PILOT B E E A D SODA, ISUTTEK, l'ICNIC, D0ST0X, LEM0Vand JENNY LIND, CEACKEES I so Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes. &c. WEDIHSG AXD PRIVA TE PARTIES Supplied on Short Notice. CRACKEKS AT PORTLAND PRICES. .TTfr-AH orders promptly filled and goods illivi-red to all parts of thu citv Free of Cbar.-u LEWIS 15YKNE. sen;-! CASH STORE! Save your money where you can buy the cheaiiesl." DAVENPORT &W0LFARD, AT THE Fair Ground Store Will sell you a good quality of Coni-sp I'aelting; Suit at &20 a ton. I.ivcrwol Sill I 'In inulreu imiih1 hacks; at 81 50 per hitiitlmt. InIuimI Sukiii-s, SO to 813 per niliKlreil. Tlie bet Sj rll, 83 2.1 per ir. lleTwVt Kero4M, patent cans with fan- oels ai:;i, lnil,j .J mt ran, And ill Ci..t nearly all of kinds of rocrric! lj' lhe Package AT PORTLAND PRICES, With the addition of freight. ( AMI PAID FOK ALL KINDS F Country Produce. We liave a lull anNirtinent of Dry Coods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Etc., Etc., Etc., Constant lv on h.un1 for sale cheap. 1 Nilrm, Vt. 4th, 171. pw T,E yfTLE CORPORAL, ' An Illustrate! Magazine fur B and Ctrl, Mi'l nl'ler lV"i'lu who have oung hearts. The I.itti.k OininitAL, aims to inti're.-t I i....i.n.t ,lu. viitiiuf ft, ..i!Mv:it til llii'fii a love l"or ren-11n;r piMfl ami iiM-fnl luniks: ami 10 mate them wiser nobler, awl licit it. , The Little Corporal. "Thk I.ittlH ComtmAl. Mauazisk. for ; ImvMincl iirls, is the very lies! juvenile niaa- j 7.1n'e imhli-hel. It employs the liest anil niosl entertalnliiir writers tor ehlltlren in the toiiti- 1 1 v, and fariiMie more valuable reatlins mat- i li-rforlls irl,e than any other magazine."'- - ' Miliml Journal, Elmtrti, A". 1". j The Little Corporal, j In seWlintr rerullns matter for the family, lhe i-hililren lioulil not l overlooked. It t ' quite prolnhlv ihal the linpreMon thi'v re. rive Iroin hooks lia as tnih'h lullm-m o upon Their lives asnnv niher. Thb neat and wi'll-tllus-Inited morithlv Is so well ai'.;iti"l lo the waiii of lhe i-l.-isc, thai is rapidly taking I he pl.i -e ol all others,'' Entrrprttr, JlnrnrtrilU; O. The Little Corporal. All new suli-vrlliors for 172. whose names and moiiev il..W are roveived liefore January tirM, will n-.-1-lve lhe rem-tumi); liuniiieis el Mil. ve.-ir KKKK, lnvinu'1! wuh the month lu wlihil lltelr liami-sare received. Eleeant Premiums for Clubs ! Anents wanted to raise .-'ulis. Send stamp j lor a spiviiiicii N unifier Willi Xew Premium j l.l-S. Trran, H I .."SO Yeitr. Address JOHN E. MILER, Publisher, No. li. ;iui cliuao, HI. OHG-A3VTS, The rnei:aletl IvV!-iC Ac HA3II.I, A I. SO TAILOIU FVKI.r.VS. keep lhe beM, and will not lie undersold, t ail and examine. novl'.l. tilt.Ii, ST'il'I- A CO. $20 Reward for an Estray. IOKU.lt THK AI1KVK ltKW '.MID Ftlli the rivoveiyol a sorrel mare, near six inn hanils hiih." Unlit mane and tail, saddle marks, one while li, about tour years old, Mas I.-ts( -eon i-tlil miles oliuu-at oi town, on Mill t'reek. lteltirn her lo me. on llush"s pU-r. norili of Salem, and your immev is lvn.lv. AXTJKlNY MASON. Salem, lhv..'2-l, 1S71. llu BILLIARD TABLES! New or pivoiiiI hand ; small or J fi.e, ForSale or Exchange. NEW PICEON HOLE TABLES ! And all kinds of Illlliard Goods for Nile on easy terms. Kllllitrtls Altered and Reimlrctl nt the I .on est Kates. 1AH ISKI 1IX, .lev 12 Tori land. Oregon. Farm for Rent. r OFFER KOlt REST THK 125 ACHES IS JL I'tilk Ci.intv, one-hall mile north of S;i lem ftory, on die river. It Is de.-Jrahlt: tor .MARKKT (i lRDEVIMl ! A'so Is a gnofl stuck ranje. Good lniprove m -nts and mostly under leiH-ss. jTHvc head' of vaitle lor sale- MRS A- -' UAXIELS. Salem, Iee. 34th. ltwl. NESBITT'S MEAT MARKET, On Commercial Street, opposite tlie Statemnn Office. Here van always lie found The Ilct of Frcfh JIcnt., I'arefully prepared for market, and kept In eveiv variety. Mr. Seelutt will ahvavs havu Kuitar Cured Ham and Ilried Meat, Constantly on Hand. dir UOOl) X E W 8 ! Durham's Instant Relief! CAX BE OBTArXEl AT I, W. SOUTHER'S Drug Store, SAT.EM. ORFiOX. tlee?4 MISCELLANEOUS. Money Cannot Buy It I FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS I The Diamond ClacGCS, MAXtPAl.TlRlsn BY J. E. SPENCER & CO., N. . Which are now offered to the pu'.ilie, arc pronounced by all thp relchrated Opti cians of tbs World to be the Most Perfect, Natural, Artificial hrlp to the human eye erer known. They are ground under tlit-ir own Hirer vision, from minute Crystal Pehhle, melted together, and derive their name, " Diamond,"-on account of their hardoers and brilliancy. The Scientific Principle On which they are constructed bringi the core or centre of the leus directly in front of the eye, producing a clear and diitinct riion, as in the natural, healthy right, and preventing all unpleasant aenrationi, inch n( glimmering and wavering of sight, diizi ncss, &c., peculiar to all others iu use. They "re M'rtintml in the Finest Manner, In frames of the best quality, of all mate rial ucd for that purpose.- Tlu-ir finish ami durability CAX.N'OT EE Sl'RPASSED. Cattios. Nono genuine unless bearing their trade mark stamped on every frame. W. W. MARTIN SALEM, OREGON, From whom they can only be obtained. These goods are not supplied to Peddlxr at any price. fbbl2diwlr B. STRANG Is opening at the Old Stand, I iilon Illork, fomnierelait..Salein, AX.ESTIKK XEW STOCK OF MOVES, TIXWARK AMI Kl T IIK Ft IWITI RK, And will bImi manufacture TI, COITI It, MIFFT IKON' WARE, lCOO'I; & MOl"TIX. IOXtJ A ( " ,T A I X T A XC E WITH TlltS J I rade and the lilieml iaironaeP I have re eelvt"! In tin- past, give me tMHitiilemw that I ha!l rcveive a lair shaiv of Imi-ines-, and lie able to jrive full a! Waetloll. II. 8TKAMJ. Salem, Nov. 21, 1ST1. IAw NEW FIRM. 'l-'m-lVNllERMKNEP HAS. THIS 1st I.Y A of Januaiy, 172, admilieil E. X. tiillinK lianiinto lull iwrtnerKliliiln the lmsiiiesn ol'llie linn of (i. 1'. Terrell. The naim- and Myle of the new tinn will Ik; Terrell A tlllllngham. Jau9 ii. 1. TEUUELL. To Whom it may Concern- I nA1Xi HEKX oHUKKEO, liV THE Ilintl of I'oinnitssloiiei-s fur the Man.-:iv lltenl of lhe t'oiiiiiiou S,-lliK'l J-'mid, to,-4ilki,-t all Interest due up to Jan. 1st. ls"i, promptly; llien-forts all persons indelHeil to Kild Eiuid w ill please call at mv ofli,-e and pay the name to said date without ile la v. W. S. MOOKE. Trejui. of Marion Count v. Salem. Dev.. 29. 1ST1. MURDER WILL OUT! If you buy Dr. J. P. V. tbu Den Ecrgh's Celebrated Sovereign Worm Syrup ! An infallible and snre cure to expel Worms from Children. TTTThey like to take it, and, in fact, cry for it. I'rice One Collar, To bo ha4 at his office, Kooms Xo. 9 and 22, Chemeketa Hotel, Salem. oct26 COSMOPOLITAN SALOON. 7"K HAVE I.KASFJI TH1 POITI.AI! V Saloon, ami inleml to ttilsly our lnenil? and oustonierrt by kcepiii the very liet fliolrr I.iquorw iinl t'lnnt For their avvonimoiI.-iTloii. We ak a fair iati' of pulili.- lavor. IIAKILTOX KIU. Siikin, Nov. 1, 1S71 7000 CHERRY TREES -AT- .WOODBURN NURSERY, Kor ii thU attlivo. SoKvt Vai-iotli'". Ad si:i n.t:iii:it, tiervals tin. J. II Change of Firm. D A Mil t 'OI.r:. Iiavini; wid. out in tlie Stove and Tinw.-ii-e litiini-. wotil'l noitu tlio in am-ars to ,-oine l'or;irl and S.V how iltoy land on his Iwtoks. ' on will lin-l me at flie oldslainl. HAVIK ft U.K. alem, January Us l7i. V, S.- 1 would eordially rt-ritii.n'iid to all my curt timers i lie firm of MYr Hros. ulioaiv my Mtuv,'ss.-, :is eiitit1,-1 to :nl i;iii-oii,-ij:e tliiit ni;tv lie lteslow.i t:n Uws. ISwlw. HA VIM fOI.K. J. M. KEELER & CO. ! in LIlSKltTV ST.. NKAV YOltK. j tlKICOY AXIi XOIUII.WIT j PHMMIQCinN KCPHrV I VlUlllllllvlvJIUil H U L It U I y For Imvlntr aud forwanllnir dlns-t, via Isih mus Kail awl fats' Horn. Willi San FraiH-ls.-o .-oiiutvtions nil c'a.-es and varieties ,.t yion-handiM-. antl for sale of Kxporli, fn-ni the X or. h-West. AdvaiK-es made on approve 1 ooiiKljrnments, and nrdtTS reKpeet fully solu-itt.l. All onlersanil uusinesx will rr-!lvc itrompt atl ciilion. References. X.Y XiUloual Ex. Ilank. sloaoa A. E. AC E. TUtou, K Llhortr ? reet. Mewir. J. L, r.rownell A Ilroa., Rankers. Messrs, Kent lev. Sillier A Tlioma-s 04 South Streeu OK EGO X.- Messrs. IjmVI A Tlltnn. nankers, PorUsnd. A. A. MoCullr, Ej., Salem w THE CHORAL TRIBUTE ! Ily L. o. ewi:rm. This favorite collect Km of CTiuroh Mui-V. con tinues to sell largt-ly, and is the LEA INC BOOK Of the season. rrle....: gi.50 Sent, pofit-palil. on receipt of retail prlc!. OLIVFIt DlfSOX oV O., Boaton. f. II. DITNOX & (X.,w York. Janl (JKE.VT UVllG.VlIVrS: PIANOS From the Celebrated Manufactories of (lilrkerinc, tinild. C-fanrcb &.t o, N tan ley V,Nn AT CILL STEEL & CO.'S Salein, Xnv. Kill. 1S7IJ , MISCELLAX EOUS. u. h. Mcdonald & co. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS San Francisco, Cat. Call the attention of Dealer! to their Wuv "rt nient of "Newly Arrived" tiood. copipomhI la part of tha following article t.riher wfih J'J-rr fhliiiT kept In a well wipplied WHOtAJ.l. mi ru avmitR. FttESU iKTItiS. I'ATC.VT it KDinXEt, Tr0ssks a Sorroama, EsftKMTIAL OlLt, IiKDocnmi' Honaaiaa. raaruMinilEa. Pimra tun n Which wa offer at tha lowest Cash Price, and ar determined not lo be undersold. b. h. Mcdonald a co., tux Faucuco, ru FOR SALE, v OtTR SKVO BC8I.Km, located In San Krani lwo, Oil. After our bet w ishes, and xrrea" Intt our thanks for the bbernl pntrunnKa w received for more than twenty one years, dnrlns; which period wa have been steadily eiigaeed in the Droif baslness In Callfornls. we beg to iy m conxequence of the rapid arowth of Dr. walkers' California Vlneear Bitters, now spread over tho I'nlted States and countries far beyond, we are necessitated to devote ear entire time to said bus Joess. We are the Oldest Dm Arm on the Pacifle Coast and the only one. continuous under the same pro prietor since 149, and have determined to sell our large, prosperous, aad well established business on. favorable terms. This Is a rare opportunity for men with means, of entering Into a pmrttable business with advan tages never before offered. i'or particulars enquire of iL u. Mcdonald co., U. H. VcDoasLD, ) Wholesale Drurebt. J. C. Brsjtcaal j Ban Franc ixo Cel. K. B. Until a sale Is made we shaQ continue our Importations, and keep a large stock of fresh goods constantly on hand, and sell at prices to defy cum petition. I. tr,i.K,K, IVnT.ri.1..,. H. II Mi-H-Mi I-.. CnW A tin. A;.uU, mi t nwrwv,Cl.Ml M c'.awimi. S.t TULMOrSBearTretlesiwiiyteilaielr Weaalrrfail Carattire EsTrrls. Tiargar Blttera are not a Tile Faster Rriak, Made of Poor Rasa, Wfclsker. I'roof Spirit and avenmae Xitastwea, An. (ored. spiced and sweetened to please the tests, called " Tonka," Appethwrs.'' " Restorers, " dte,. that lead the tippler on to drunkstaeesa asst rata, but are a true Medicine, made from the Matisse i Roots and Herbs of California, free frana all Alcoholic Stimalanta. Ther are the (JREAT BLOOD PURIFIER aad A LIFE U1VINU rHISCIPLK, a Perfect Reaovator and InTtoratar of the Brstem, csjtt ln? off all poisonous matter and restorf ng the blood to a healthr condition. No peisontan take them bitters according to directions and remain long anwelL provided their bones are not destroyed 6r mineral poison or other means, and the vital v-rsni wasted beyond the point of repair. They are a. Gentle Purgative aa well as a Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit if acting as a powerful agent in relieving Conges tion or Inflammation of the Liver, and of all the Visceral Organs. KOIt FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether" n young or old. married or single, at the dawn at womanhood or at the turn of lite, these Tonic Bit ters have no equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rhea mntlsm ana Goat, Dyspepsia or Ia digrntlon, Bllloaa, Remittent ana Intermittent Ferera, Diseases of the lllnod.Llver, Kidaera aad Bladder,, these Itinera hare been most successful. Harts llisenaea an canard br Vitiated Bloody which is generally produced by denucerocat ol the Digestive Orgaaa. DYSPEPSIA OR IXDIGEKTION, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, TiRht iiesn of tlie Chest, Dizziness, Bonr Eructations of lie Stomach. Bad Taste In the Month. Billons tttacky l'slpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lnni-n, Pain In theregions of the Kidneys, and s hundred other painful symptoms are. the ofl iring. of tlyHievaia. Q They invigurate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of uneqnalted efficacy in cleansing the blood of all im purities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FO K f K I N D I ! EA WEH, Eroptiona,TettT,. Bn.it KUeum. lllotclies, tspota. Pimples. Pnstnlea, Boils Carbuncles, Ring-Worms. Scald Head, Bore Kve,Ervipela. Itch, Scorfs, Diseolorationsof the Icin. Iliiniis-s anil Illnesses of the Skill, of what ever name or nature, are literally dug up and car ried out of thesvutem In a snort time oy tne use or i h.- Kitten, t lirf, hottl in Mieh cases wiU con vince tha most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleans the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find It Impurities bnrsting through the skin In Pimples, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse It when yon (md it obstmrteo and stngclsh in the rein: cleanse it when it is foal.and yonr feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pore, and the health of the system will follow. PIH, TAPE, and other WOKJIH, nrking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. 3. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD St CO., DrugKints and Uen. Agenta, Kan Franaiaoo, CaL. and 1 and 34 Commerce Street. Kcw York. P I P I FA X a This eelebinted fierman Hitters Increase the appetite. Is a cfjitain relief for liyspep sia. lndlgttion, Ulllounnoftaml inaction of tho Liver. Thin it to Crrtiii, That tho fornuiln used In the manufacture of Iliet;ernuin l'lplfax Hilton lia lK-eu siilniiitteil to my examination, ami 1 cneerttilly nle the Inirretl-nl are well se Us-letlandeiriiililiieil, inlivln(t a Itllters whk-h w ill uodiMilit prove a IwtiUhJui tonic uml em MuTE IlltiKsTltii. a. iiollaxd, sr. r. D.-'irSir; I have evamlnetl the saniiileol rttller invsi-iiteil, and find it nil excttllnirly pleasant loiilial anil vn)iiH)4rUmir. II. II. ToLAXD, M. 1. SEATTB, "WALTER 4 CO., HO I. K A U EX TH EOJi VXITED HTA TE& :!02 I'.attery Street, San Francisco. ool-ftm NASAL CATARRH. S-cly ami mdi.-nl euro of Na?at Calarrli. Tlinsi; IMhtomx, ItrrivMiis aiwl nffreltons ot I lie l.mi?s, and all otimplaiiitsttint lead tn l'm 8tiniiHlou. All who art! suffering trore alanli in tin- head that liatliioiiie dlsea.se so iiroliu,! ol evil ,-onsyiiien.-t?s van l? sis-etlllv and -r- iiiartetmy curei 11 tney nppiv for treatment In I Mttarni, TherearetboiLainfsol jtwKtil'thnvit 1 i,l.-eaM-is hi-oncliltlsand coii9iiniS:uiii hi nolel v ! lo .-atarrh. to hay nothing of Us U terrlliro ,-ili-.Hiii.n.-e l!iie.lnl -tw f hiwnni, -n-ll. dlrulug ellliivia of (he bvealh. Urn i ditiBy .-oiiiilexioii. ttya-4a, lienralln, ele. I These are 1" ntmitierless t-ne enuwl solely In .-jti.itih m the head. Tlie dw.iso alllK-t.. i Ilioiisin-U who have eevr sn.i.vii' I ltpit- eti. e. lis rYiiiptom. are iliver-wi tn itlttore nt Individuals as in often ml-!ea I tlie sufferer .tint ! lil nit-li.-al advleer. The only sale and iiii r j i-miv-1 lo have an eviiuiiiat'ion from a pnv- fk-ijin ,-omieteitt to fake a correct disnrnohla ....I , , , nt-ii n neii loitii! itieiw. iv. Almrii ,-mvh lliis lonthsoiiM disease after tlto op'.liiary naslcM of tmitusv.it have bawl. , AlIOliN'S LalMimtory, t 'oiiHtilUva; aui 0er Rllnu; Apirttuenta, "tr. Tliinl asul Morrison Sts., rortlatul. !!!. A IW MIX'S pra, lloo emliraces the most HTn s- lt iilirl.- irealme-il of CHRONIC DISEASES F.iiibraclng all tlistvves of the ".yt, Iir, Ilend, lit rust t, Kroneliinl TuIm-si muI Liiuich, r!m all e raitKeuieiitiot the Klomaeta, IJvrr, Itltiod, ete, An well as tieuer.il NERVOUS DEBILITY. XiiTK.-Thtwe who hnvp lmut sntrcred fr m riironio Diseases wlthoiu ohiaining reln i are Invited to invexthratennd judire for thenisclve ae to the cn-.u xiuwss atieiniinR the scienlltlo iii.nle as practiced bv lr. Aboru. . JauJ Willamette Transportation Co. SB O T I C . T.-'KOM AXD A FTEK TIIL PATE, I'XTIL A? further mk. The Steamer Fannie Patton Will Uve hcrdrvk, ftsit'ef State 8U, eTery Wediiewlay and Snttirdajr Sloralnm At 6 oVIivk A. M. for Portlam!, ami will . leave salem every nosxtajr aad Thtinwtaj- tn" tsich w-k at S oVW-k P. M. for Coi-rolll and tnfermcliate places C-je-Fare at Kedticed Rates. J. I. BILES, Agrewt. Salem, Ieo. IS, 1S71, 20.000 Pounds of Salt All Kind of fteUt At I.. MwTTS, Mate Kt. Nor. I'iMi, lTI.