Agents tor the statesman. ..Post Master .aroci.. .Ainity . 4. . Uehell Aihlaed .Albany Aumfville. HaksrCity... Hethel "Jlridgnroet lirowasville ..... "Ilrnaks illuetya Vista Ulutti-wUe - ColUgr Grove...... 'rawfidsville .. Onnynnvine- "!irt - Curvallis Delta, W. T Jlalles- Dayton . I hillns.. . Eugene City..... Empire City Ellembnrg -. ..... .Grand Honda ...... Vicrvaii ?Iiilsey. -. ..L. Applegshs L. Flmu -D. Simpson W . F. SlcCrcary J. II. Hwley .J. Uotliasbend W. it. Kirk Brooki ...-W. W. tSeach Post Ma iter .D. C. Underwood P. V. Crawford .IVsst Matter J. -Oonswell . W'm. Smith S. L. Brooks ........ .J. Taylor J. L. Calling ....J. II. Ray i . . 1 nit Master Skinner A Winchester F. A. Stuart H. C. Lttcbfid'.J ....-M. J? . Spencer .Cornell i Clement I,, B.fllesson TV'. D. Uare ....... Ilirain Smith Hubbard. ........ .... Hillsb'co.. ....... lUrriiburg....... ... Llano City, I. T I n dependence ............ Jacksonville -Jefferson Kerby vSle.-. KlaiaHth.... ....... Lafayette...... .. rLinrnn....,.M....M.'.. .K. P. riowman 3. Somerville Max Muller A. Johnson Post Maeter t. Applegate Dr. Poppleton ........ Abrams 4' Co M. Baker S. H. "Cleugkton .Post Master M cargo bourse ..Post 51 aster .... W. '.Vaterbouee I.a Grande. "Lebanon-.. Xaneaster ...... Link liivec ftriige.. Marion.... .... Moamosth. SIcMiitnrille Pott Ma ter Newport .Baldwin t Case ,v..S M. Lamb Nestocton ..... OakUmd Oregoa City Phoenix....... Post Ocfurd ltanier... Rnselmrg.. St. Lorn Sheridan .. Summit...... Subnujity.... :Silvertoo Sew .J. fi. Ellison ....J. M. Bacon Ft Master T. W. Crooks C F. Yeaton M. C. S;anssn J. . Taylor J. t-tanffer ... D. Hathaway ...Tl. S. Swartj . .'Smith A "Crowcn .. Snider & Tiichardson . J . Tillotoo'n Tillamook "Toledo......-. Tumor's 'Willamette Forks- Wheatland J.tou- Yonealla ......... B. Simpson t Co Past Master T. J. Vmehn ... Port Maeter D.J. Cooper J. Applegate, P. M REnKXBEtrilVTS JIAKR Wifi toascea rnred tiRhia Sttiix'lmj'iHi'U'ul-m the MtnH't, IViUj torn Jiat and kneeless trousers. xnny lace aim ret iiare leer. Tas not by the child unheedhiir'; Smtle niim htm. Mark we, when HeV prrm n up he'll not forget It ; For, remean uer, boys make men. When the bnovant youthful spirits Overflow In xvlsh freak. Chide vour child In jrentle a-.cents ; Do iKt in your nnper )ieak. Tim miiet now in youthful boaru Seeds of tender nwrcy Qwm ; nnts! will prow and tear freed frsibige When the erring lxys are mea. Ifave vouirKer tm a (rranSf lrc, With Mcwyea sWm' with joy, Itrlrc to aiind some net of kindness ISomethrnf; takl to hUn, oy Or relate some slight or .coldnesa. With a brow all "clouded, when He cald thev were too thotiprhtle To remeniljev boys-mnkeinen Iyet's trT toadd some pleasire To 1 !te llle of evary Ixn-; i'or eitchctilld neoU triiiliT JiittTfst In ltd sorrow and UsVy. Call ymr Ikivm home by its btightnew; They avoid a plonmy den ; Seeking elsewhere toy "and comfort. Ami, remember., boys make men ! XATEST BY TELEGRAPH. EIROPEAX. Dates to January SM. Losdox, Jan. 24. A severe strm conimetHd j'etcrlay evening, lasting 4ill night and Tiiittg wkh great vio lence. The gale at times oeeame a hurricane, ancl it rained and poured in torrents flooil'njg'the lower portion of the it.y. The Parliament building was damaged by water penetrating the roof in several places, injuring decorations and furniture. The storm extended throughout the British Isles .and reached some portions of the coirtinent." Telegraph wires were rnrortracted in various directions and communication interrupted. Tlie storm in the channel and on the coast was excessively severe, ami serious disasters to the shipping are feared. although owing to the deranganeut of tlie wires, probably, no wjecksarc yet rejiOftud- EASTEHX SEWS. X"W Yokk, .ran. 24. Stokw was itrraignexl to plead on cliarge of tlie niunW'r of Fisk, in tlie Court of Oyer and Terminer Uiis morning, hut tlie trial was postponed, owing to the ill ness of Judgo; Iitgrahajm. Tlie post jHitiement i4'to Monday next. Xo one -was allowed in Cotirt CiHtit Stokes liad Jxf.n gone tcit minutes. The I"Tesident lias sent tlie following nominations to tlie isenate to-day : T-Mward P. ifoluison. United States Attorney for "tt'j'oming: Addison C. iibbs. United States Attorney for Oregon. In the House, Mr. rieUabarRer, Chairman of tlie Committee on (ktn jnerce, repoited a resolution directing "that Committee to inquire : r irst. whetlier the eontncrce of tlie United States is injuriously aflected by tlie inadeiftiacy of traiiHportatkni, tlie mo-; aiopoly in cliarge tliereof, tar be exces asive chiirgi'S ; second, wl3tler foreign comtneroe is jasljected t airy restraints under (juarairtine or liealtli laws, or any fctws; tlirrd, wliether Ameiicati seamen or foi-eign emigrants are suli ject t any wrong at any xnt of tlie United States ftwrth, w"hat legislation is necessary to Tevbve the Doiinajre of JVuH-rUaii t-oinmerce. The resolution Avas adoptetl. Tlie House then wicnt int Commit tee ol tlie Whole ou tlie Gciarml Civil Approjiriatioii WII.' Mr. GarfieUe offered an ameml- meirt repealtng all tiws nntlioriing the illKattion 01 toe aws t urn L lu ted Static In newsjwpers. Mr. Maynarf ol.etetl. Mr. Garfifkte niovexl to strike out tlie clause respecting the law estab Ji"liing a braiK-u mint at Carson City. Xt:hIh. and insert an apuropriatkm of (OUtOOU for carrying it oji amend- j and Soutii Carolina. Kentucky, Missis meiit. Adopted. Altr progressing I rippi. Texas and Louisiana, including neigt roe and the House djonriied. An army officer, writing froiutla; Texan frontier. January says lie has Jnst returned from tlie Interior of Mex ico, where 1 found tlie people most unanimous f- immediate annexation o tlie United States. Governor Parker refuses to interfere in behalf ot Botts tle murderer ol Halstead, and lie will lie Iianged on Friday. A bill was introduced Vuto tlie Sen ate this morning vacating tlie office of every Director oi tne .brie itauroau and ordering a new election. The Xew Orleans Special Commit tee k;ft for tlutt city to-day. General Kmory telegraphed to tlie War Department to-day that all was quiet, and parties seem to be prepar iirg for tlie Congressional Investigation. Tlie tobacco delegation were before the Ways and Means Committee again to-day. Ir. S pence, of .Cincin nati, advocated a uniform tax of six teen cents per pound. JJe said such a tax would yield $28,000,000 .annually, and there would be greater certainty aud uniformity in tlie law. Pijier, of St. Louis spoke for tlie re lief of tlie plug tobacco manufacturers, who are su tiering from competition. Bagley, of Detroit, said all tobacco men were making money, aud he did not believe any change necessary. Tlie Senate, after an exciting debate yesterday, concurred in tlie House Joint Resolution for liivpatlMrimr rlu. charces of bribery against members of me jiegiMauins in connection with the election of Caldwell as United states Senator last winter. One of the Sena tors declared in debate tliat no investi gation would convince most people but that Caldwell bought his election. He said he represented to his party no principle except that of his own pock et. Tlie verdict in the Wharton case was not guilty. CAL.IFORXIA. San Fiuxcfc-OO, .Tan. 23. Flour Five hundred barrdls Colusa extn and 200 barrels commercial Oregon extra, at current rates; superline $5 75-36 00, extra ffi 757 00. Wheat Market dull, at $2 00S2 20 per 100 pounds. Potatoes From 60395c will cover lots from tlie wbrt. Eggs Have been raised to 45sl"ja per dozen, under an active inquiry. Eilit hundred thousand dollars iu eoin iiave been transferred to Xev York 'bvtekvrrapii, by Assistant Lni tet I !a tes Treistrer Felton. A party of speculators who failed to liud tlie pirate treasure planted at Ooeos Island have decided to form a commuiiK Tree love colony on the model of the Oneida community. if Xew York, iu Santa Harbara county, wliere tlie' liave purchased lands. 'I'hftSan rVinciseo Insurance Com panies have presented Captain AVil-Ioughbj-, f Port Townseutl, with a $500 gold watch and cliain. In ack nowledgement or his services iu res cuing tie schooner Letitia 'Wljen lu perilnear that port. This evening boys pliyms n sawl hills in' the Western Addition, be yond the old Jewisli burying gi-ouud, found the body of a young man. shot throtigli'Uie heart with a pistol be side him lying on the ground. A let teronthe body, signed Albert J-en-majin. asks to have the coroner noti fied at once, to be burietl next day, and letters on his person not to 'be taken from him. lie says he dies n honest man but tbroken hearted. Supposed cause Jt suicide from disappointed love. Tlie schooner John BrigTit, -Capt. Architnandriloff. which cleared Oun alaska yesterday, is bound on an ex pedition into tlie "Arctic Ocean, in search of the winter Imunts ef tlie arctic fur seals Tlie Jajianese Embassy attended a party at tlie residence, of Mr. Selig man, tlielianker, liist niglit, and will dine with Jas. Otis to-day. Alplmiiz Piirtilt. tlie French scientist, wl left here last summer for Alaska, in passing tlie winter ui the native huts of Alie Island of Uuga. A north wiud blew fiercely uittil af ter Bliduislit, ent subsided before ilay bretik. Tlie Wind is now from tlie South; cloudy and gi-owing rapidly warmer. The only additional damage to report is tlie unroofing of Casebolts car factory. The schooner Josephine Wilcutt. ashoie at Point I.obos, is Coing to pieces. Her bottom is gone. She sea is breaking over her, and her cargo is strewn along tlie beach. The jury iu the Fifteenth 1 rtstriet Court, in tlie ie of lUissell, late of the Figaro, against the de Youngs of the Chronicle, for libel, retrj-ued a ver dict for tlie defendants. Tlie steamer Constitution did not sail from Paimnia until the 17th, and consequently will not arrive here until Saturday rr Sunday. In tlie baukrnptcy case of Frank Lawlor, late .proprietor of the Lick House. 151 dents have already been proven betore'th Commissioner. The amount of indebtedness secured is S5.44'J 01 ; insecured, $2il.l(2 92. H. E. Hyde and Hill Beachy have lieeu appointed assignees. UTAH. The Territorial Central Committee of the Liberal arty is making ar rangemcnU to call a mass meeting in opposition te the admission of Utaa. I'romiuent g'irtiles charge boldly that jiart of Attorney Bate. s mission to Washington is to remove Chief Jus tice McKean, Judge Strickland and Gov. Woods and further, that Mor mons have secured Bates's influence entirely against any further prosecu tin of Church leaders, and for the im mediate aduirs$ion of Utah. Weatlier to-day bitter cold : ther mometer below zero. Baker, one of the witnesses for tlie prosecution iu the Eobinson murder ease, makes atlidavit that his testimo ny before Judge McKean in the pre liminary examination was wholly un true. On this allidavit he lias been ar rested on tlie clmrge of perjury, and confined at Camp Douglas. There are reports of tattle dying by thousands. Large mi rubers of passengers from the west are waiting here: for a break in the snow blockade of the U. P. rail road. XEVADA. The Piute Indians have been gath ering in large nmnlx'rs on Walker river reservation'the pst two weeks, an uu nsual occurrence with them iu winter time. There is said to lie-a great In dian speaker with them, but from what trilie is not known. It seems that the usual supply of pine nuts, grass seed, etc., is almost, entirely cut off and game scarce. This is supposed to lie the cause of the uneasiness of those Indi ans now drawing supplies from the Reservation. Major Tidliall and party, from head quarters of the Pacific, .with Kev. Mr. Bateman. Indian Agent for Xevada, k'ft for Walcer River on a tour of in spection, and. if found newssary. will Iirovide for them. The Reservation udiaus under llateinan's care are pro vided for to the extent of his ability, with the means appropriated. Tliose in Pyramid Lake Reservation arc tit telling fish, for which they have a ready market. Ao tears ol an out break nnlessextreme want should drive the mountain bands to stk food. EASTEIIX SEWS. WASinxOTOX. Jan. 25. Mr. Wil son reported a bill to lease a jiortion of tlie Presido to San Francisco lor a Fuhlic' park. The bill is to lease some ,1100 acres. The Committee on Commerce re ported a bill authorizing the Postmas ter General to contract for an Ameri can line of steamers from Xew Or leans to Mexican and Cuban ports. A bill was reported from tlie Joint Committee on Southern Outrages rec ommending the adoption of a resolu tion uilliiig on the President for the information upon which lie acted in exercising iu the States the power conferred wiwin him by the Ku Klux act, with all the particulars connected therewitlu and with such otlier intor raatiem as will convey a correct idea of the xtate of a Hairs and surety of lif and nronertv in the States of Xorth the recent Legislative conflict in tlie latter State. The resolution as re ported was adopted. In reference to the bill for tlie pun ishment of frauds In the Pension Office. (Jarficlde stated that tlie Committee on Ways and Means liad been assured yesterday by the Secretary of Interior. tltat fully one-fourth of the pensions now paid were frauds. He liad lieeu so startled by such an extraordinary statement tliat he had written tlie words down at the time, and the Com missioner of Pensions who was pres ent at tlie time, confirmed the state ment. Butler, of Massachusetts and Hale, ot Maine, made remarks con firmatory of the statement the latter alluding particularly to a batch ot two or three cases in the Xew York appli cations tor pensioners of 1812, which were all found to be fraudulent and got up by claim agents some of whom had been arrested, tried and convicted, while others had fled to Canada. The Speaker appointed Dawes and Brooks of Xew York, as Regents for the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Washington. Mr. Bates V. S. Attorney for Utali, appeared to-day liefore the House. Committee on Territories and recom mended the necessity of appropria tions to be made to carry on the piose cutions for polygamy In that Territory. The funds for this purpose were ex hausted he said, and unless the means be supplied the prosecution must cease. Tlie Senate Judiciary Committee to day made a report on the memorials claiming tlie right of woman to vote under tlie Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments, and they say tliat tlie Committee are unanimously of the opinion that said amendments do not confer the right of female suffrage. The Senafe has confirmed S. S. Sla ter as Register at Lewistou, Idaho ; Win. A. Davis as Assessor of the Third District of California. Gen. Butler spoke before tlie Com mittee on Foreign Affairs this morn ing, against, the flsliery clause u the Treaty of Washington. An Indian delegation from the Cherokee country appeared before the House Committee on Territories, to protest against a Territorial Govern ment without their consent. The question was adjourned till next week. Omaha, Jan. 25. The Legislative imbroglio ended last niglit at 11 o'clock by an adjournment nine die. Xo quorum, and no new Governor. Xew York, Jan. 25. The Receiver of tlie Ocean Bank states that the as-, sests show an excess of nearly $000, 00 over liabilities. nenry Ward Beeeher, William C. jsryant, Bayard Taylor and Bret Harte. left for Havana on tlie steam ship Mom Castle, by invitation of the Atlantic 31s il Company. A llmild Washington dispatch says Senator Sclnirz says he will bolt it Grant is renominated. He expresses confidence, however, that Grant will not be nominated. A imiubei ef nrominent niereliants of this city, petition the Postmaster General for a return to contract for transportation of European mails on ui- steamers. Caleb Cnsliing, of the Geneva arbi trators sails for Europe to-morrow. Chicago, dan. 28 A Tribune' Washington special says George C. Bates, U. District Attorney for Utah, lias made a full sramciit to the President aud Attorney General of his course in the Mormon trials and has been approved by them both. usimigton, Jan. 2(5. The follow ing is the statement of Jay Cooke he fore the Ways and Means Committee regarding the transaction of the Syn dicate : Under arrangement with the Secretary ot tlie Treasury, tlie Secre tary is allowed whatever remains of the J.j of 1 per cent. wovided by law. Tlwt is entire compensation that the Government pavs. There are of course incidental advantages such as are al lowed under the law to national banks that become depositors of Government bonds which arrangement is entirely in the interest of the business and commerce of the country. If the en tire amount which (ioverntnent some times has to its credit was thrown into the Sub Treasury, there to remain locked up and idle, it would convulse the business of the world. In reply to a question by a member ot tlie Committee, Mr. Cook said, we say tlie banks incidentally get an ad vantage through this designation as depositors, while tlie Government loses nothing because the money would otherwise be idle in tlie Sub Treasury and draw no interest. Mr. Kelly One-half per cent, and permission "to retain tlie money on de jiosit until required in payment ol called bonds. Cooke That is all. Kerr Banks Iiowever, really have the advantage of three months' inter est on the money. How much is that worth to the Syndicate ? Cooke 1 could not answer that question because sonic would make more and would make less on the use of tlie money. The arrangement is precisely what has lieen carried out with the national banks from tlie start. Kerr I want now to ask wliether it is practicable for tlie Government of the United St-ites to adopt a shorter period than ninety days within which to redeem its outstanding indebted ness '! Cooke I do not think it would lie right for Government to treat its bond Iwlders in any summary way by stop piii2 interest at once. Tliese bonds are held verv largely in Germany and all over the Continent. It seems tb ine ninety days' notice is as short as can be given. Of course, the Govern ment of the. United States can do any thing it pleases, if Congress so directs You can stop interest in thirty or ninety days or without notice at all. MEXICO. Xew Oklkaxs. Jan. 25. At Mata General Macidona Capistrain, President of the Supreme Court of the State of Tamtiianlupas, Issued a proc lamation yesterday against the Gov ernment, advising his friends to pre jare for auction.. He lias heretofore, wielded great influence on tlie frontier, and lias beeu foremost in suppressing revolutions. Severe fighting is reported at Carinarga yesterday between Cortina and Ijiuroga, in which the revolution ists were victorious. CALirOIlMA. Sax Fkaxcisco, Jan. 2J Large quantities of lumber and shingles are coining ashore at the Clii! House, which leads to the supposition that some lumber vessel has been wrecked during the gale. Some San Franciscans are about establishing an oil factory at Ounalas- ka, Alaska lerntory. Weather dry, cold and clear ; wind light aud from the north. Crowds of woman have been to the Morgue to-day to see the remains of the girl giving her name as Rose Kelly, who" drowned herself on Monday night. As yet she has not beeu iden tified. The Japanese have gone out in grand style to the race-track to-day to see the fine stock turnout and im promptu races got up in their honor. The remains of the young woman who committed suicide" by drowning herself in the Bay Tuesday niglit. have been identified as Miss Rose Stanton. Who liad beeu sick some days in St. Maiy's Hospital, from whence she escnped while delirious from fever. She had a brother and other relatives in the city. The wreck of the schooner Josephine Willeutt, at Point libos, was sold at auction to-day for $50; cargo for $20. The vessel and cargo were valued at over $12,000 last Monday. Unless the advices from the Union Pacific are more satisfactory, the de parture of the Japanese Embassy, ar ranged for next week, will probably be postponed. Brokers say business men in San Francisco are now holding more green backs than at Jany former time since they were issued, jin the exiiectutiou of a steady appreciation in value, as the Government approaches resump tion of specie payment. The trip of the ship Archer, from Xew York, is the quickest made from that port to. this in tour years. There are over twenty vessels in sight from the Heads to-night ; among them are three ships from Atlantic ports, whose names are not yet made out. Sale of stock in Board to-dav foot tip HM,r.-' shares the heaviest day's business ever done. The Japanese had a great time at Bay District Park to-day. They are spending money lavislnngly, having already paid out four times as much iu San Francisco as wasexjiended by any of the Eastern excursiotisit who visi ted San Francisco since the comple tion of the railroad. A an instance of their lavishness it Is stated that they have ordered from Bradley & Rulof son GO dozen photographs, and their expenditures iu ahnot everything else is on a smilar scale. On Monday next they will visit the wine cellars and study tlie process of champagne mak ing at the establishment of Landsber ger & Co. EUROPEAN. Madrid, Jan. 20 A stormy scene followed the reading of the decree at the dissolution In the Cortes. Tlie House seemed to be taken by surprise, and memliers were unable to conceal their indignation. Passionate speech es were made and answered, with de cisive tries by supporters ol the Minis try. One iJcputy exclaimed : "Time has come for barricade." and the greatest uproar and confusion followed, amid which the sitting was declared at an end. Agitation is vety great In the city. Disturbances are feared, and the troops are under arms. Lisnox, San. 20. The mail steamer from Rio Jenerio brings uews of a terrible steamship disaster to tlie America, plying lietween Rio ami Montevideo. While on her trip to tlie latter port, ou the night ot December 22d, slie took fire, and soon burned to the water's edge. A large number of passengers were on board, ot wiiom eighty-tieven were lost, being burned to death or drowned. Tlie Empress Dowager of Brazil freed all her personal slaves. Loxdos. Jan. 27. Spanish Bour bons have agreed to support Alnhouso, son of ex-Queen Isabella, for " the throne. The Duke Monf'ieasier Is to assume the Regency until the Prince reaches his majority. Affairs at Versailles are threatening. Tlie faction opposing Thiers and the Republic Is growing bolder dally. A report is current that Bismarck is preparing for a new Invasion. Paris, Jan. 27. A special dispatch from Xice states that Minister Wash hurne gave a grand banquet to Gen. Sherman ou the evening of liis depar ture for Itily. Tlie American squad ron will soon be ready to sail for Ital ian ports. EASTERXJVEWS. Washington, Jan. 2G. The only confirmation made by the senate was that of James F. Legate to be Gover nor of Washington Territory. Dispatches from General Emery, of Xew Orleans, announce that nearly all the membei-s of the Legislature took their seats at the State Capital yester day. Xew York, Jan. 20 Geo. W. Watson of Williamsburg was shot dead in his own establishment to-day by Mrs. Fanny Hyde, aged 18 years who says tliat he has been in the habit of instilling and accusino' her of unfaith fulness to her hiLstiand. Tlie Ereniuij Xew says that Helin bold's store is iu the hands of the Sheriff. Chicago, Jan. 20. A singular case of hydrophobia occurred to George Ryder, a prominent young man, who wiis taken sick on Monday night last and died last night in terrible agony. He had never been bitten by a dog, labid or otherwise. The Grand Jury of the Criminal (knirt adjourned yesterday. They found Indictments for briliery against eleven Aldermen and ex-Aldermen, and an Indictment for swindling against Klentch, the West Side Tax Collector. Washington, Jan. 20. Tlie House . went into Committee of the Whole on the Legislative Appropriation Bill. On motion, Dawes' provision was added to the item approtn liing $400,000 for the payment ot judgment and Court claims and directed that no por tion lie used to piy a judgment in favor of George. Cliarpending for al leged mail service. Mr. Garfielde's amendment, looking to the restriction of public, printing, was taken up. Mr. Garfielde said the amount of work done in the Public Printing Office would, if put in books, make a library of over twenty thou sand volumes of five hundred pages each. He exhibited "Volumne HI. of Geological Explorations on the Fortieth Parallel,"' by Clarence King, and described it as one of the expen sive kind. There are five more vol umes to come, filled with the most ex pensive engravings, and the whole, including atlases, would cost at least twenty-five dollars a volume, and lit; understood that the total cost of the book would not be less than $200,000. Xew York, Jan. 27. A special from Baltimore states tliat the steamer Hornet arrived last night. She will probably lie lilieled by the Suite De partment for violating maritime laws. Brick Pomeroy.was sued this morn ing tor $25,000 damages for breach of promise ot marriage by Sadie Wilkin son of Xew Haven, cliarging tliat be promised to marry her in liSOtl. Caleb Cushing says it is his opinion that the Geneva. Arbitration will n stilt in a satisfactory settlement witt out any difficulty. Chicago, Jan. 27. The Supreme C ourt of Illinois yesterday denied an application of svjergrtiiinx in the case ot Glade, the Chicago Alderman, recently convicted aud sentenced for briliery. A Washington dispatch states that it is probable tliat the bill to exempt from duty materials for rebuilding the burnt district of Chicago will fail, ow ing to the opposition of a rapidly In creasing lobby, which represents lum ber and otlier sjiecial interests. Xew York, Jan. 27. Tlie Custom house Investigation Committee ad journed till next Wednesday. They go to Washington to-night. A Hcruld Washington special says a convention of discontented Republi cans will lie held at Cincinnati imme diately after the Philadelphia Conven tion, and will prepare both a ticket and platform for the liemocmtic party. The IemoTatic Convention will not lie held until late in summer, and only to ratify the work of discontented Re publicans. An effort will be made to nominate Trumbull by the recalcitrant faction, and fights of Republicans are expected to be strong. Xew York, Jan. 27. The state ment of the Receiver of the Market Savings Bank shows its liabilities to be X01).000, with assets of only $572,000. llonds were found in the safe altered largely by Coukliiig, the absconding Secretary. CALIFORMA. Sax Fkancico. Jan. 27. The Fif teenth District Court is holding even ing session to get through with the Jirokaw-Evn us murder case. The de fence has lieen, in popular opinion, a complete failure, showing neither in sanity or excuse, nevertheless there is an apprehension that then- maybe one or two on the jury who will not agree to a verdict. The Committee of the Board of Supervisors, on Health and Police, are going the rounds of the worst section of the city, with a view to reporting on the advisability or otherwise of the passage of the proposed law regulating the social evil. Weather warmer ; clear. Wind light northwest. Negotiations which have lieen pend ing for some time here have at length resulted in a compromise of all the litigation which has been going on for years regarding the Mariposa estate. All the present "tilles and claims will be deedeil to tlie new company. Reports ot a strike in the Kentucky corresponding with those iu Crown Point and Belcher have lxni current on the street to-day, visibly affecting the entire stock market. Twenty thousand two hundred and ninety seven shares changed hands at the sin gle session of the Tloard to-day. District Attorney Murphy is now making the closing argument in the Brokaw Evans murder case. Xo chance of an immediate verdicl. Sus picion with regard to one of the jurors is common talk on the streets. UTAH. Salt Lake, Jan. 27. Gov. Woods to-day returned to the legislature the act for holding a Convention to pre pare a Constitution for the admission of Utah, without his approval. The message created much excitement and the memliers expressed themselves with bitterness. Taylor, of the Apo.i tles, exclaimed, "Are we nonentities? Are we serfs? Have we rendered our selves criminal by putting power into rue nanus ol the people to asK lor ad mission into the Union? The polyga my clause of this message lie said he considered an open insult to us. It is worn threadbare and has become a stink in the nostrils of all respectable people. What laws have we violated, and if we have violated any why are we not punished for them? Even murderers have been brouo-ht out to testify against us. If polygamy is con trary to the laws of the United States why don't the Federal Judge prose cute us under the laws of the United Staes? Is this House to be insulted by by such cliarges as are contained in this document from tlie Governor? I pay no ! I throw it back into his lace. Tell hiin it is a falsehood." Voices hear, hear. Jos. W. Young did not care a snap for the Governor nor his veto. S. Peck of Ohio has by an eccen tricity on the part of Mrs. P., lieen niaile the father of three simultaneous gii Is. which is more than he S. Fcek ted. The boy who asks no question Ls a queer one. but the boy who asks any is the quccrist. Some "horrid" man says tliat in the present style of dressing young lathes' hair It is hard to tell which is switch. It is siaid tliat the three boniest words of the English language to pro nounce wHiseeutively, are "1 was mistaken." y General ' Spinner has found that women are more honest than men. American cars are to be introduced on English railroads. STATE NEWS. Willamette Valley. Several accidents ocuured last week on the Ice, at Oregon City. Mr. Cauucld broke In and was under the Ice some time before rescued. Work on the Canal and Locks is said to be progressing, and will bo crowded after a while when spring opens. A Chinaman was killed a few days since by tilling off a freight car when at lull speed. He nell ou the rail and was decapitated. Rev. Mr. Chandler of the Baptist Church administered the sacrament of baptism, at Oregon City, to three young ladles on Sunday last. We learn firm the Dallas R-tnMican that on Wednesday afternoon a public exercise was given at the Academy. Tlie exercises consisted of declaiming, singing reading, Instrumental music, etc Prof. Kustan was there to lead in tlie musical part of the per formance. Many of our citizens were out. We arc pleased to know that the school is flourishing. Mr. Oglesby reirts 120 schol ars, which speak well for the winter term. It also says : The Benton Democrat riorU tliat the West Siile mall carrier was thrown from his sulky and Injured about tlie head and face, by running ajaint a stump. The Mtump" lie ran against wo of rather a serious nature. The facts as we glean them are, that the driver has been rather Insolent to the proprietor of the livery stable here for some time. Finally the affair came to a focus, last Monday by a seMo, which resulted in the complete demoralization of the stage driver, and accounts for Ills finding the "stump in the romL" The New Jfurthwett makes a plea for far mers and others ou the West Side who liave let the railroad constactors have all Oie sup plies he wanted, eager to help on the railroad work, and now tliat contract is furnished, the contractor proves to lie bankrupt and they cannot get their iy. The contractor claims tliat he took the work for less price than he built the road for. and lost money. Portland. We gather from the Bulletin that the Che meketa Hotel furniture was lieing sold rather low. The Ajax w as to carry away three cianpa nles of United States Infantry lately stationed In Washington and Maho Territories. As the steamer probably sailed sooner than was ad vertised, the troops were probably left be liiiid. The Oreponian says the steamer Rescue brings word that Ice was forming across the Columbia below the mouth of the Willamette, on which account the steamer Ajax made haste to leave. Tlie IleraUl siwaks at length of the lecture on Chemistry, nt Phil harmonic. Hall, by Prof. L. L. Rogers which, it says, was Interesting and kept the audience satlslleit The Ikrnhl of Sunday says : Three companies of Infantry belong ing to tlie 23d Regiment, were taken from Vancouver yesterday by the steamer Vancouver, and trausfernxl to tlie Aiax. at Kalama. A detachment from the Second Artillery, stationed at Cape Disappointment, relieved the trooiis going below, and another de tacliment of fifteen has taken the place of Capt. Haskilrs company at Sail Juan. Two other coiniuinies sta tioned at Vancouver will leave on the next steamer. A case was Judge Deady whetlicr sheep being argued before yesterday, to decide are embraced in the term cattle. The Judge decided that they were. About three hundred persons visited ;iles" L-ike on Saturday, and indulged iu the exhilarating jwstinie of dashin: over the ice. The Oi-e'itiitiita of yesterday lias the following : At a meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Good Templars1 Hall Association, of Portland, the following gentlemen were elected officers to serve the ensuing year: President Jacob Stitzel ; Vice President, A. G Wal ling; Treasurer. W. S. Jjidd; Secre tary, Ward S. Stevens. A committee was appointed to select a site for the location of a hall. The steamer Oriflaninic, now route from San Francisco to this jiort. is advertised to sail hence again ou Friday, February 2d. A mail carrier started, on Saturday, from the Dalles, with a letter mail for this city. Willamette Valley. From the McMinnville Went Side we learn that the House of Joseph Lane, ou Xorth Yamhill, was destroyed by fire on the morning of the 13th, under circumstances that lead to the supposi tion that it was set ou lire by some miscreant. A scaffold hi Front of Adms' Saddler Shop fell on S. Bern', and bruised his head severely. Last Tncsday night the store of Mr. J. II. Harker in Dayton, was broken open by some expert burglars. Mr H. closed his store early, but looking i:i about 10 o'clock, found somethin was wrong. Before lie could give the alarm they escaped, leaving a brace and bit they hail stolen from a shop near bv. About 2 o clock next morn. ing they entered Riley's Hotel, took a ham, ail the cold provisions', then went up stairs and took a pair ot blankets. The next trace was at a farm house :i mile from town, where they stole all the provisions and a dozen spoons They slept the next night iu Mr. Par- Tl.MI Uillll, illllt llt.Xt IIIWIUIU I1MIIIM .1 bucket of lunch, which they confiscated bucket and all. The Eugene Jounml learns that on Thursday of last week, while Mr. J. S, Grimes, of Harrisburg,. was hauling a load of wood near the depot, the stick of wood upon which he was standing, slinncd. when he fell forward noon th: ground, when the wagon wheel passed over his leg. below the knee, crushing the bone badlay. His collar hone was broken. The citizens raised a sul- scriptiou of about $100 for the unfortu nate man. iViltl Horses. Wild horses choose their own chiefs which give the signal of departure. When a field is dried up, tliese walk at the bead of the column, and are the lirt to throw themselves into a ravine a river, or an unknown wood. If any extraordinary object appears the clni' commands a halt. He goes to discover what it is, and, after his returns, givt: bv neigh the signal of confidence, t flight, or of combat. If a tierce enemy presents itself that cannot be escaped by fleeing, the herd unite themselves in a dense and circular cluster, an heads turned towards the center, where the young animals take refuge It is seldom that such a inarKeuvre does not forces the tigers or lions to make a tirecinitatc retreat. Tliese hordes generally composed of several tliousand individuals, divide themselves into many families, each of which Is formed of a male ana a cer tain numlier of mares and foals that follow and obey the mail wi'Ji docility, The chief horse is tlie exclusive sultant all the mares belong to liira by he; right of force ; woe to the fcol-liardy one tliat disputes with him his seraglio and authority. He defies hii. fights him. makes him retire, sxroetimes makes him pay for his audacity by the loss of life. Often the conqueror par dons his foe, but might not be so gen erous if lie could foresee tliat his van quished enemy was only going to wait till age liad given him greater force and courage to renew the combat. When the chief becomes old and loses his vigor, he then succumbs tinder the kicks of his rival, or dies from Diisery and shame. Hot milk is a sjiecilie for diirnea. A pint every tour hours will chetk the most violent ilian-hn-a, stomacli-ache, incipient cholera or dyscuterv. In tact so much should rarely be gUen. as it, causes subsequent constipation. Hair a pint every meal generally re- eiues gradually and pleasantly any ordianry diarrlioea. If you! have stomach-ache, a pint of hot milk usu ally cures it in ten minutes (i. e. If the stomach-ache in accompanied bv dia rrhoea. It is perfectly soothing to the whole alimentary canal. The milk is never boiled, but only heated suffic iently to be agreeably warm not too hot to drink. Milk, tlicrefore, which has been iMiilcd is unfit for use. The doctors of the Prince of Wales are greatly in luck. Li tlie first place, contrary to their expectations, lie is mending and that-whetber justly or not it little matters will be regarded as a professional triumpli, tote fol lowed inevitably by a great increase ot practice. In the next place. Dr. Gull Is to be made a baronet, and Dr. Lowe Is to be mace a knight. Tins affix of bait, never did mean any thing, but knights Weres somebody once, though we do not remember any of the sort in 'the Faery Queen" who wrote prescriptions and physicked folks. A gentle knight "pricking o'er tlie plain" with a pair of saddle tags and with a lancet In his jiocket would liave been, in the days of chivalry, the rarest of birds if we may indulge iu a comfortable confusion of" metaphors. In the days of tlie Stuarts something was said of the "degredatlon of knighthood," but we are sure that it is more sensible to dub a man who cures tlian a man who kills. Better the lancet than the lance. - California has a convict eighty-four years old, SPECLVI7 NOTICES. WILLIAM D.IYIDKOX, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Offlee- Xo. 04, Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. REAL KSTATK In this CITYllnil EAST PORTLAND, In the most ilcslrnhle localities, insisting of JAtTs. HAI.K ItUK'KS and IIUJCK.s, HOC-ES and STORES; also IMPROVED FARMS, and valuable tin. nil I v:ttcl LAM is. in ALL isirls ol the STATE lor SALri REAL ESTATE and other Pronerlv purchasiil for CoresimtUMil in this IT and throughout the STATES and TERRITORIES, with itrrat care and on the most .ADVAN TAGEOUS TERMS. HOC8ES and STORES LEASED. LOANS NEGOTIATED, and CLAIMS OK ALL DESt RIPTIONS PROMPTLY COI LEI TED. And a General KIN ANC1 AL and AGENCY Rl'SlNKsS traiMic-.ed. Uwtt I'ncler a Itiirnlnir Sim, where Ttlllons allectlonsnud Kevers of various descriptions so generally prevail, Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient Has been successful beyond all parallel. lice theiHivslelans or the tropica give it their emphatic Miuctlon, prescribing it In preference lo eveav other aperient in use. The patients, of course, acquiesce, for this preinratlon Is one of the most lieliirhlfhl, as well a mild ami cooling cathartics, chemistry has yet ileviseil. and jsissesses every meoicai virtue oi ine mr fained lierman Seltzer Sim. It ls a tsiwder that onlv reiilres Hie addition of water to iroduce In an Instant a ileitcious cnervescent overaire. as well a an Invaluable medicine. Ask lor and nrcept none but tne Ken- uine. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. THE CROVER & BAKER. N OTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT K V Iho-e C-clehrali-d Sowing Machines re- eived at the l ily Hoot Mure. KKMF.MHKit THK TKIIVS.SAN fit AM'IMI 1'KICES WITII- oi t Kkkiuht AiHiKO. These machines are sold at t lie lowest fMi;e rates andareoirv n tnflo hlslier than the l ast Iron Machine sold bv irre-jonHliie jmnlcs ihrouchnut tl" country, silk, cotton needles and all machine tindlnz, for sale. IXv:l JOII W. UII.III.KT. Remnrknble Cure of the Itopnty Jnil- or of TCiiltnoinnh. "The work ces bravelv on." Case" No. 5,2M Stv4nd series. City Jail, i'nitTi.axp, Oregon, i June I, 1S71. A. M. Lokyka .v Co.: I was attacked with a severe ease of rheumatism. It was in my thighs hiw, lino-rs, shoulder blade Indeed in all the joints ol my lsnlv I sutlered great win and anguish. I was allciwkil by a regular phvsk-lan, but with noetltvl. I was Induced to 'trv your I nk Weed Remedy, and II Imme dlatelvVured me up. 1 consider It. from my exiK-rieiK-e, the l't rvmedv for rlieumatl. ni known. ALERED K. Tl'RNER, IX'puty Jailor. the almve statement Is correct to mv own know-li-lm'. nov7 ' JOHN T. WARD, Jailor. X EW ADVERTISEMEXTS. The Musical Treasure ! I50O toriKS SOLO I. ONE WEEK! The attractive Collection, just published, contains the t REAM or all the V ival and Instrumental Music brought out within the last two years. Ku 11 of Songs, Duets, Sdiol tlches, (.Hindrillcs. (.aluiis. Marches, Four Hand Pieces c, all ef the la-st quality. Music lilted for I'la no-forte or Ileal Organ. rrire, Itoiirrla, 'J.3: 4 loth, 83.O0; l ull Gill .oo A Capital Song! "Nell the Village Pride." Root's School for the Cabinet Organ Is one of the very let l"'ks tliat can lie dp vlsist for learners of Reed Instruments. Al readv woP-kuown, and lias an extensive sale. Price, ti.'f. A Popular Piece ! :f Ever I Cease to Iove. KnifM. M The above Imok and pic-i's mailed, post free on receipt of retail price. OLIVER niTMIX A Of., I to ton. II. MTSOX Sc ., Xew York Janl To All Whom It May Concern. DR. J. P. P. VAN DEN IlERGII WOCLD respectful I v Inform his friends, anil the public, in general, that he has concluded t re move his oillce. on the sth of KelH-uary, ISTi, from Salem to Eiwene City, trregon." I'ntli further niaVe all of those wanting anv fur ther treatment can tlnd mo after said date at the nhovo named .!(-. All thone liavlnp nnv clalms jtiTnltist mi' will please vresent them at once for seiilemeui, ami all those IndclKcd to nie will do me a favor In settling their amounts forthwith. 1 would also thank mv friemlsand the isibllc pvner.illy, fur thHr li! enil and kind treatment 1 have' rocelvi-l dur ing mv five months procure ef medicine in Salem. DR. J. P. P. V AN DENIiERGH. Silem. Ofc'n., Jan. 2 Kh, 171. Caution. All Iiersims are hereby ean! toned azain tvanactlng any hiishiess'witli anv Krson or persons whanopver, in Ibo Urm name of Merchant t Slends, the undersigned, hereli -fore memliem of "aid firm, give notice that they will not le Isaiml by anvlliing that lld Merchant mav contract er di' in the name of Kiidnnn. JOHN . I. STEADS J. F.CIH TK. Salem, Jan. 27, - d I w. MURPHY & CROASMAN AGENTS FOR THE Jefferson Beaver Hosiery Mfg. Co., Rank BulHllna;, Mnlena. Jan. liith. 1K72. DANIEL LOWER. 133 Front., Portland, Commission Merchant. Oregon sold to best advantage In Portland or San Francisco. Ikaler In CALIFORNIA & OREGON Produce. AND TROPICAL FRUITS. ('ofiala-nmenisj Solicited. Jan. 0.IS7i NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MY wife Elixulieth has leR mv bed and board without just cause ami 1 therefore will not Irresponsible for any debts con tracted by lier from this dale. JAMES WHITNEY". Buttcvillc, Ogn., Jan. 231 1K72. lm Willamette University. HALF-TERM BEGINS FEBRUARY 7th, 172. Pupil entering at that time pay onlv for remainder of tlie Term. Si lorn, Jan. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SELLING OUT AT COST tin account of removall to rortland. The Entire Stock ot the Overland Store Is hereby offered at the actual SAN FRANCISCO COST PRICE For the. next thirty days. GREAT BARCAINS Will be offered on all kinds of Dry Coods, Ladies and Childrens Shoes, Cents Clothing, Furnishing Coods, Boots, Hats, Etc., Etc. Salem, Jan. 2, ISTi SALEM DRUG STORE ! IJ. W. SMITH, srcrittR. TO THATCHER & SON, Stale Ktreet, Nalrra, Oregon, We keep constantly on luind a large assort incut of PATENT MEDICINES' AYERS SARSAPAKILLA " CHERRY PECTORAL. " AGCEICTRE, " PILLS, HAIR VIGOR KORfl'HEIIAIR, JAYXEN EXPECTORANT, ALTERATIVE, " VERMIFUGE, " CARMINATIVE, " J'lLI. ALSO HALLS SICILIAN HAIR REXEWER. Sozodont and Sapolno for the Teeth, Ac, DRl'GS, CHEMICALS WINES, LIQCORS AND Fancy and Toilet Articles. nv30 a. K. nii.minT. c. rtArovaGC, A. N.CILBERT&CO., Have introduced a Manufacturing Department In connection with tbeir Lare Stock of BOOTS & SHOES, Where ladies and gentleman can have made any kind of Roots or Shoes desired. Mr. Armstrong who has charge of the Manufacturing, has lnrgo experience in the East, from when- he brings very high rec nmrndation as a workman. We extend to the public an in itation to call and examine for themselves Ilcpuiriiix Done S'roiiiptly. A. N. GILBERT A ICO., (Holmnu' IlnilJing,) Commercial St. Salem Ogn Gill, Steel & Co., XTATE STREET, K A I.EM, tIEAI.KRS IX iitii J ITU -tl, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Itlulciil InNtrumcni, AND FANCY ARTICLES. We tin Mr Mviiii .vtnifftm lo o?ir eo k of Maon & Hamlin orsraiiM; ('mVkrrlng, Mar ilul Nuuiht. an-l Knhrmn Pwimis. AM of ht. h can lie wiht on Hie nnnl a-lvantatfcoufl term iot'2'.wU.w UAS FITTINU. The undersigned hereby give notice that tlwy have transferred the Gas Fitting business to Messrs. ANDERSON A RIIAWL, who will promptly attend to all business In that line. Orders left at our offce or at their establish ment will be attemled to without delay. SALEM GAS LIGHT CO. Salem, Jan. 20, 1872. d SALEM FLOURING MILLS. Beat Family Floor, Baker Extra, XXX, Superfine and (irshsia. Middling, Bran and Short CONSTANTLY OX HAND. ' t-J"HIGHEST PRICK IX CA3ILJJ-3 PAID FOR WHEAT AT YLLITIMES. R.C. KIXXEY, Agent H. t M. Co. Xov. 23dtf Notice to Builders. CKALED PROPOSALS WILL BF. RE Oielved by the Count Conrt of Marion mntv. Omnm. nntll the ithtlav of February A. D1872, at 9 o'clock A. M. of said dav, tor rurnishlng material and erecting a Court House for said countv. accordine to the plans anil spec.tricatlon now on file In tlie Clerk' office of said countv ; raid building to be completed by the 1st ilay of November, A. D. 173. The wild 'ourt reserve the rhrtit to nsject any or an nwl. Ity order of the I xmntv imn. Il:w A. 11. COSPER. t'lerk. MISCELLAXEOUS. GEO. H. JONES. J. It. PATTEBSOIT. JONES & PATTERSON, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, -AND GENERAL AGENTS, Commercial Hotel Building, half.:, . . OREUOX. Speetnl Attention arfvrn to the Male Ol Real Estate In all jarta of Irrrgon. Alnt atnMMintor Very Ita-sirabl city iiropertv, consisting of Dwelling Houses Lots Blocks and Half Blocks, Stores, Ac Also Improved Farms and Valuable cultivated Prairie and Timber Lands, situ ated in the best localities In the State. The Ren Una- and trmmlmm or all kind of property. Collection of Claims, Conveyancing, Ac, will receive prompt at tention. AGENTS FOB THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK, AXD THE UNION FIRE INSURANBE CO., OF SAN FRANCISCO. NORTH SALEM STORE! AT THE OLD GREEN STORE Haa just received for the Fall trade A FULL ASSORTMENT -OF - DUV GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SnOES, CLOTHING, Hardware, General Merchandise, Calculated for City and County Trade. Bought as low. and will lie sold at as small profit as those who sell at cost. C-iTGnods delivered to any irt of the city free of charge. " dAw Children's Class in Vocal Music. 1ROF. D. W. PRENTICE WILL OR imnlze a class in the rudiments of Musk. at Musk, Hall, (Reel's Ojiera House), uext Saturday afternoon. Jan. l.'lth, at 4 o'clock, for the benellt of children awl such other persons as cannot conveniently attend the evening sessions. Ketrular meeting each Saturday at 5 o'clni-k r. X. All Interested pnrtieularlu mrents, nre cordially Invited to be present. ErTerms reasonable and satisfaction suar- antcvL Jan 10 NEPTUNE BATHS ! AND Shaving Saloon ! (Stewart's liloik. Commercial Street.) Hot and Cold Katun Always Ready. Single Bath. - - -'t hree Bath Tieketa, He von " " SO Cta. 1 OA 2 OO Clean Towels, Sharp Razors and Skillful treatment assured to all patrons, of Salem. Oct 1 - d C. FLIEDNER. DISSOLUTION. NOTICE IS ITEREBY GIVEN THAT TnE firm of O. 1-ampson ft Co., Candy Man ufacturers Is this day dissolved, and the business will be hereafter conducted by O. 1-ampson, who assumes all liabilities and to whom all accounts will be paid. O. LAMPSOV. CHAM. CALVERT. Salem, Jan. 23d, 1872. CARROTS. 20 TONS OF CARROTS, At 820 per ton, Clean and nice for Feeding, for sale by O. DICKINSON. 19, dim Swoot Older -AT- FARRAR BROTHER'S. IDAHO SALOON, PETTYJOHN A HAMILTON. Next to Stewarts Brick, Commercial St.) The best of Wines and Liquors; Choice Ci gars and Tobacco, always provided for cut turners. Droi In occasionally. ianifl FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ! ANT PERSON WISHING TO INVEST IX Mill property can sevtire a bargain by ap plying immi'diatelv to the Buena Vista Saw Jlill Co. This Sawmill is In good running or der, and the demand for lumlier ls Increasing. Tliere Is also a new l'lamng nacninc, an com plete, and one of the latest patents. For further Information address the under signed. A. J. RIC1IARDNON, Pre. jilicna , iaa nun juiii vu. Xov. 21. wtf Stationary Engine. Jones A Patterson, offer for sale a Steam Ennrine- (new) 10 Inch hore.2tl Inch stroke. Cas Iron Bed, 9 feet long, 18 Inches wide, 9 inchisj deep. Crank Shaft 6 feet long, Inches In di ameter. Balance Wheel. 5 feet 8 Inches In diameter, and weighs 1,000 pounds. Price fuM) delivered in roniami. Salem. Oct. 24. dAw LONU STANDINW arOFCH, With F.xecsftlve Ex per torn lion, Cured In Fonr Week. This Is lo certify that I have been troubled w lth severe iin in mv chest and lunirs, and coughing all night long, and excessive cxpeo- lonuion. 1 nave neen cougning monin aucr month, so tliat notxxly could sleep In the house. Evcrvliodv said I could m be cured, but 'I was advised to see Dr. vair Den Boreh. and. thanks to his skill, he cured me In nltout four weeks. It Is now two months since, I quit taking medicine, ami my weight Is now one hundred and seventy-eight pounds and I am able to do any kind of Hard worn. ic r is nun. Salem, Dec 18. 187L Oregon jLiancl. C. W. ROYAL. J. L. KOYAI. ROYAL BROS., Heal 33 state -AND C.EXERAL. AGENTS, Naleua, Orea-on Property Bmim-ht and Sold, Taxea Paid and Collertlona Hade. Loans Negotiated, lira Rented and Rent Colleeted. Salem, Jan. 11 dAwlm. A. T. YEATOM, DEALER IX FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY Spring Matresses, with 1 rmrctwemewts that makes litem superior I all others for comfort and durtbtllty. LOUNGES OF LATEST STYLE. Upholstery work of all kinds promptly at tended to. THE OLD MADE NEW. If yon would have your work neatly done ami warranted, come and aee me. A. T. YEA TON. Second door north of H. D. Boon'a Book Store, Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. PROF. C1IANEY, ffcgpilrnee In fSriswnld' Building, next door In Telisjnirh MKVe. d-l HEBSCH'S COLUMN. RE-OPEMINC AT THE OLD CORNER ! (Holman's Block), CoaBmereial Street, SoJean, Oregon. J. B. & M. HIR8CHf Having re-opened with an Entire New Stock of General Merchandise CITY AND COUNTRY TRADE We will be pleased to have all onrold frienda and customers, call and examine our at ink. just purchased at the East, and we shall try to convince an ana everj oouy ttuu WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. WE HAVE FOR THE LADIES Fine Freneh Merino, Striped Foulard, Mohair Plaids, Pacific Poplina, Crape Poplins, Colored and Black Alpaera, Black Cee de Rhine Slllta, Plain and fancy 11Im, Laee Collars, Embroidered Sleeves, Fancy and Black Velvet Ribbons, Peabody Balmorals, ExcelMlorFrlt Skirts, Also a General Variety of Double and SinHe Wool Shawls, Breakfast Capes, WE HAVE FOR GENTLEMAN OlilnoTi iltx S Yalta CASTOR BEAVERS, Cassimere Suits All Klnda of Underwear BOYS CLOTinXG.J Boots and Shoes. ALSO. WE CAN OFFER HOUSE FURNISHING! GOODS, Brussels, ThreelPly and Ingrain ICarpets r China Matting, Table Oil Cloth, Floor Oil Cloth, Curtain Damask, Table Linen. 0 4 daw tf. BOOK AND MUSIC STORE H. D. BOON, Commercial Strecs, Sal ua Ores, an. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In BOOKS, STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOK.V! BLANK BOOKS, WALL PAPER, FANCY 44O0EM, PIANOS, - oBUAm, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Initial Stationery, Etc., ri TAKES PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING X that he has on hand full stock of I ha almve named articles, and constantly receives ssklitlons direct from Eastern manufactories, and Is able to sell at the lowest possible rale. Come ana mnce mv From the Celebrated Manufactory of Hallett & CumstonI Which were especially chosen for me bv two of the best musicians In Boston as superior for tone and finish. They can be aoM at rates to defy competition. Also The- Famous Bardett Orgs!, Whk-h ls nnmirpassed forrolirme, richness of tone and durability. It Is preeminent a motif parlor organs, more resembling a pipe Organ than a reed Instrument. fsalem. dlf OVERLAND MARKET Commercial Street, CITY MARKET, State Street. C.IIIFF1TII, COLXIXg A. Co. Are now Proprietor of three First Class Meat Markets, Ami pledge themselves lo keepoa hand con stantly for the supply of the tty of Salera lbs choicest meals ol the season, nalera, Jan. 18, 1K72. FOR SALE. ONE FINE EIGHT LIC.nT, OIL CHAJt teller, one pair of Metalks Pnlprt Lamps, w th Lam tilola-a, etc,, latelv ui use la Inc. M. h. hun-b fn thilcltv. Aiiplyto Rev. 1 s.' Nk-krrsnn, er Silent ,.- I.htlil I '. iH.v.Ntr