The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, January 24, 1872, Page 3, Image 3

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    Agent r tllc Slate tamiii.
Astoria Vlf r
.Ashland .-i iT- r?; u- nrdgatd
X. Elm it
Mrr City - ...wJU,.
,....W.F. ileCreSrvi
rL.VJ.'n. UihtfM!
IX MUta,Wl
Hucns n3tat
......:.w..W. v.'iwii
:: Post 3Sattr
Tif'ti,(C6'fl rnec"..i-i,' t,' VVHerwosd
Crtifr1iIl'--i ..irV.'V'firstvfiird
rnunvill J-A.4-l,t Master
.Corvw'....-.......-.. -T, If. Odcoual
'ftalta,. :-i'.; inUh
'Dll-' ..a.....- ''..-$. I" Brooke
Tytoo'-.i..V-'-J-W-..-i.. Tuylor
Duttn.--- !.-. J. Im Colliaa
Br..U: ;. .j. irtnj
T5ujb Cty.u.;.r.Jli--J.'.' Muter
Empire CUj -r-Saiuner A Winchester
. EHeesbarg ,uu...i-wi..F. A. Stuart
-ttraod KTOdea.att. .ijbw.Q.C. Litabfield
Gerrai-..t.;.......,..y.M., F- Pp(.r
Hal9ej...r...,...i.OrnIl ClsB-ent
Hubbatt-... A, D, vlessaa
Hil!sber,:.t..v....vl...., D:.' Da,B
'JlarrUUaTi-vv'..'w?.HiI!1,R "Smith
Haho'Clr-. I. T.-..'....r.....i.K.' . Vtowmmt.
Jacksonville ... Max Mutter
jtl aunt rt- . Xi iA-X jAps! jate
iWayoia. -..Vurj .CV. iojnstn
La B ran do, ;y JC ,,' liaker
Lebeaon .Ji...B. tw.lawstoa
Laucurtir.. j. Pj' Master
Link Ritee-ViHgty, QeOrg$fouro
-Marin..lj;X4P" Master
3?eiirpBrti.W.-l -.Baldwin A Ca
Oakled- .... .u.. .'J B. liaison
Oregon City y. Bacon
PUoeBixu-Ji-awi.lWe Master
Ranier. .'.i-.M.C? fVYeatnu
Bostbnrc..l. . H. C. Stanton
.Si. L
a. rywr
J. iiianffcr
1). IIi((hawy
...It. S. Swarm
,....5uiilb i CrQsaon
..... ...SniJur 4 liichAnlson
I. TiMotaaa
"VTillnmrtt Fur!"......'
"Whi-atUn J..:.. J
Zoa.... T. i : Va!!n
....INwt Mnter
Aaptegate, P. M
j (U'T maiij a )tar of wawlcrtiu;.
Jv tlril lirar! i"inia back at will
ToiiM foisakrti mlU. -
i oi ty ;ir 11 m huim-tn iiiiildinl
ll;-li :i'iimr.( Hie ncKl brirtvin-avif ;
1'iu'tv sirluaJlj' Uuu binUoiirruUtiO .
Arii l tJe atar fiowor t tlie wild roe
lilo. n.i-1 iii evi-rvwhrre.
Ami wriii brc.uii brcoaM.ti their Crtpriart
OiU tnty tb Sumtuur air, , , t , . ,
iriraiHMwrnp,r tn-",--
Awi tlie hi! I top .Krwul waih dalsUe -
4tuut4iatnM'd autU tiMUtrd Um k)ta.
Oil 'tin.- royiKmiu,'anfl flus iv iilay-groani
"tn how hditiT iteyn -onetiy,
Thi'st' iiiv tiraliiK and Kwa wytXHllCa,
Tbl ray aJrand fais myky. - - "
dii tbane ara kre broinl UiUThantji ,
iioblwl liiv uildtiood f it IJ'huii,
An'1 the, old null, worn aud blattered,
limr'-a fore I'nr It tomb. "
. v
Kwty lor the raof fimw feetdec,
l'iiilVit toward the winding stream;
MttndL'S (oaher un Ibe alUnglert,
Iviu cIuidIat ruiuid Quu heainii.
Now tr -WWM") la rtlltert ftuWer, "
tut itr"d yii but txwwd iu thraMang,
And the linxik that windrth by It
liao okanjpal UaoUut; un wbUng ;, tJ j
Svery vtatt he roof rirtV.t low pt,
3Wm the werrwmt fynma all liill.
Ami trtearowrnw pinea will aadly
'ant their hadwweT alL
TIiob frtfh erery Inrmnn crefttuie,
VV may fl.mi-ii-a, theodeuay i
lieaUi ili.Uu leth eifry faalurv
T"hich life made beautiful anday.
"' '' " ' ISTt F. TATLOB-
Oh 1 a wonderful stream li the rtrrrf Trme,
Aftt ifttoea ttKWeh Uk realm oi rvuea. -AVltUaiuiUlcrtiiluiyUciil
rliyme, , ,.
'A.itl a lroa.ler eT and mrue muMim
And bleaih Ui ttteuean oi your. ,
Hurrthe wlntf taare drltlng lfkefeatjiflrsof
RliOW, -
Ahe the summer hke had hetwoen.
And the year In flictfhanf mx-r fame ant
thev no.
And (he river's hreaf, wth tt and flow,
AaitgUdtM Uu-VH4f:rntiie shmiiw and sheeu.
ti L
"There's a raaaitnl faknaiii th rtrer of Thne,
Where tint iHectairaaB iilaylnjr:
There's a eloudWs nkyaaila tniical cUme,
And a songato awee aa a vwywetame.
Aud UK Jnnea witli Uu- Kwea staying.
j - - .
And tlie lumie of the Me Is the lAmg Ago.
Ami we lmry our treasures there :
Tliere are bruixi of lieaKty, a ad Intsoatfs of
There aif heaya of ilnst, tat we lot eJ Hum
an! " '
There are trinb.-tts and tremesa hair; . .
There are fragmuot f ioogs that ntidy
And porta pf an fcifiint ayer.
Tbere'.ta lute nnrfrepr, mf . harp wlfbrnt
: a a uas, . ' - .
Tlierr am- tun Sen rots and yieaef rings,
Aud the gamieuu that she used e eari
There are hands Oiat are avei when tfec
fairvboce . . ,
Ttv thetulriiOT is Hfleilln !trr,
And we !vmetaiie(iearilimtshlhelmhneflit
. . ruat,- -
Jiwpet.vol.ea wc heard in the inj gone before.
When the wind down the river is fur.
ranwaaUareA far ave lie Lkm aleFed4sk!
All the iliiy uf our Jilt-, till Llglit-v
"When the evening emaes, wtth UsheautU nl
And niiceya are-liiur t tdfatnliar awBikk
Mjy vui" "Green!!"-! " i soul buin slit!it.
! r ,. j .' - -
Tlie news received by tle Portland
fciilk-sfltveflay, i lip to "the lAh
iiist.'aiul , btiiy very : voluminous . we
cooipuV- from it as tuilows i
The SBHf mm Gobi has reixk-red its I
dii-Mon in the legal , temliT cae audi
decide that clirreney l-1 not legal ten-
ler ror''fht' eontrrtiyr previous to I
!ie jaag! f tlie tendiT :u-t.
Anil that an act making tnem k-gal
tender for debts jm-Tiou-Oy contracted
would lie uiMonstituliuiifil, so oyer-Ttiling'previou-'
decisions f tin; Court
in c.i-e. of lAeJuru vs., Grinold. S-v-4ral
.lustk-! dissented.. Thu tvjtlnion
d" the ( 011 it was delivered by Judge
Tin- InvesiigaJiirg Comini11' of tlK--N-natc
w at work on the affairs f the
New York (."u-tom Hou-m jk1 tlie
working of tlie General Onk-r Svsteui. !
Gov. WariuiHith ami his set, of
toui"iana, wanf flw lresident t ftir
. ni-h (ro'ps to Iwu-k up their pretcn
' jiions. 'J here is a row in the legisla
ture and no quorum ran In- had.
WanuouUi lrt,v want l!x; troops to
back up tiieir side. Attorney Gem-nd
Williams ontldif t see it in tfat light,
:md tlK l-esident declined.
Many Mils are iroposetl to repeal or
modify tlie duties on salt, Iron and
coal ami some other articles. '
A bill for tlie relief of .Chicago pro
mises to admit building material free
of duty and to remit revenue taxes of
sullerers ry tire.
Fifty thousand dollars has been ap
ironriated to survey boundary line
from Iake ot tlie IVoods to summit of
liocky Mountains. j
Snialljiox is on tlie increase in New
York and 73 cases were reported last
week. , .. ,
In Albany. New York, a case is be
tore the Court of Appeals to test tlie
legality of tlie Criminal Court of that
city. This Court lias been presided
over by a Judge of the'Bupreuie Conrt
.sitting alone, but it transpires that the.
act of tJiat year was repealed by a
charter of 1870, leaving the tourt of
Oyer and Terminer to be determined
by act of 1847, which provided for n
Supreme Judge and two Associate
Judges. This curious state ' of things
is given additional Interest by tlie fact" the Criminal Court Is decided
to be illegal, tlie Indictment of Stokes
by the grand Jury einpannellcd ami
charged by tlie Court, is void. It is
claimed this would grant him immu
nity from any punishment for his
A subscription is started in New.
York to erect a statue to Horace
Greeley. .
Cole, ot Gal., has Introduced a bill
to make tea and coffee free of duly.
The Legislature of Maryland lias
taken live ballots without, "elect ing a
United States Senator.
I'it-ll clit OaliSinila wool 87 i.
?'WiJ-fciortt active, ami closing rtroti-'
' frrfiRpon'ifciK prefacing with tho
hlfory of Stokes' ttttineetioit wit It Fisk.
fir lr Rubsebuent quarrel owr tlie wo-
sn Mansfield. Fisk's fliml tirpktno
.vith the latter, her ooiMHiuont mm:
w,ch caused Imt to put Fink's letters
!"toSlta?L Stokes' at-
'ft I 1nlU,itlvn' ' .II ....J. u.... .
made public The letters are extraor-
ainary tn some respect, but only p nclt
as a niau Would write to a woman
with whom he was infatuated. No
revelations about .Erie or Tammany
apiiear in those pubiidied, which art
siid to I'. all there are in existence.
It is likely that a Committee of Con
gress will be sent to New Orleans to
nvesugare me cauie or. me troiiuie m
the Iegislature of l.oiiis'mna. TJip
PMRiaut Tecptves'iirtmeroas ttslehViiis
lwt is unwlHinj' to declare martial
The nezroes of Mcintosh eoutitr.
Ga., are nd to Ije In an excited con
dition and the whites are arming for
Hight Kev. Bishop McGill. for 21
years Bishop of Virginia is dead, aged
62 years.
tint firttt NaUioiiftl Rrnnldus liiu
Veiiiron will be held at Philadelnliia.
The Japanese government desires to
place six students at West Point Acad
emy and pay all the expense attending
them, but Senators object to admitting
foreigners oil account of prceedent.
Gen. W. IL, ITalleek died at Louis
ville Kentucky Jan.pO.
.Tweed doesn't clain his seat in tlie
Senate of New York State.
Atlanta, ; . Gai,J Jaa, , 12. Gov.
Cooley in hd Yneiwage,- says tie will
yield to the decision of the Legislature
as to who is Governor. Both nranehes
ot tlie Legislature met and decided .J.
M. Smith Gemor anil tixeil to-morrow
for inauguration.'
Washington. Jan. 10. The Presi
dent was visited to-day by a delegation
ot colored, men. who are advocating
the jmssage of Sumner's supplementary
civil rights bill.- They ask tliattlib
President, would send a message to
Congress asking hir the iiassagc of this
measure as an atueiulmetit to the eml
Ing aimu sty bill. Tlie President re
marked that he ld no doubt that the
colored ople were deprived of som
of tire rights and privileges to which
they had a clear claim, JIH impres
sion was "that nectnit amendment to
tlie Constitution etmfemHl upon them
the. privileg,9 -of citi7enslii. and
thought the courts would accord them
legal rights.
VHifcwt:.t4:)fortii.iUj rtinmed
Charge ot tlii' Wi-partiftent or.JiHtiw.
It is understood In .will pursue the
eacf course in the Ku Klnx trial !:iid
out by Akermaiv. ; - '
London, Jan. Pi. Whilcn rfieerfng
of Loyalists wa iK-ing held t-uiglit at
Welliiivjton Jlarrack. a portion ufa
mob of l!epiiblicans broke into the hall
where the meeting was iu piugress,
and ejected the chairman and as
semblage, and demolished theplatforui
and furnitmf. ;'h'e polii-e' gatlienxl
outside the luiililiui:. , Tlwy luade,4io
etfort io "prevefff '(UgraceiV tieliavior
of the rioters, who held- po---km4f
the room for an iiour, wheu the gas
was turned oil and they retired, suig
tiM!..Vla:WVttiUr' -i", "'k'?
Lonion. Jan. 17. The treaty for
the cession to rMt firWrnl of 'their
jK)se.s.ions on tlw Guinea, cvmsU uetts
with violent opposition in Holland,
where it is genm-ally stigmatized as
Tlie telegmpli and
Maintenance Company yestenlay
signed a cvntraJt for t lie laying of an
Atlantic" tetegrajlibte.'to NeVr York
Small-pox is spreading tliroughont
the British Isles.
Lonvos. Jivn.'ll j-Goneral Sherman
landed at Maderia. ami alter remain
ing seventeen days, sailed thence to
Cadiz. He remained there live days;
then visited Gilmber. Malaya. Seville,
and went thence t'. Madrid, whence he
was visited by all the public men, aud
received by the King and (jueeii ;
made a long sjieech at a banipiet given
by American and Knglish legattons ;
visited the JustliriaJ .and retiu-iuxl tot
Madrkh' which her left'Tncdar nlgtit
to join the WalKislu
Constantino l"LE, Jan. 17. The
first Ttnw-Fjrpe3ii tratn over "the
railroad skirting tlie sea of Marmora,
entered Staimboul yesterday.
LwflirtN. Jan. 17. A Parliamentary
election is in progress iu Kerry. In-teij?ja-iteBieii
rtidiiJent ti!f
sAapprelietided. Kvery'step is taken
to prevent riots. The riotous excesses
at Knight's Bridge last, night were re
lated "at the school-house, where the
mob smashed the furniture ami set it
on fire. The rioters subsequently
A demonstration was nswle in L.1111-
erick l-fiiglt 1 tiy swppwrters of home
nile. The'committiHi wa couioseI
of S. Smith, Isaac Butts and other-.
Tlie proceseiou imiulwred 8t).0(H m-i-sons
bearing many banners, and ac
companied by many bands of music
Speeches were made by imtiortaiit ad
vocates of the-caiae, ,,.?-
Anwrrcaa lairs am io lliitT(Huieed
on Knglish railroads.
London. Jan. 12. A terrible ex
plosion oewTrml Wales In a colliery
while the men were at work. Many
escaped. One gang was shut off. ami
prolttbly jMTLslted. Eleven men. were
taken ont dead, hnA parties nteexj!or--ing
tlie mines for others, who are
mis-dug. Irrtinerliately after Jlaiue
broke out, and ext-n-ive works" and
machinery a-s ejitirely destroyed.
San Fkanoisco. Jan. IS. Flour A
good feeling exi-ts aud prices are sus
tained. Wheat 3.000 sk choice white club
j for local milling, f i :MK
KarkT Conl inties firm at. $1 "m!
70 ; sale of 500 -ks uua-t, 1 ."7'...
OttUSide.s within range of 1 (i5
1 ).
Hay From SIS to 2'.', per ton ap
pears to lie ratine of the market.
Potatne- The Pelican is at hand
with over o.OtK) sks Humboldt, quota
ble at SO&il.'ic ; other-kinds, 40S70e.
Wool CalUuHH;i fall dip is selling
in New York -at72("4fr-for prime.
There is but. little choice in this mar
ket. Good average clip hring 2Se.
A recent consignment of Australian at
-J7 iu lKtiwl. Tl duty is 10 and ,11
pen cent, ad rolorcm.' . ' - . --
Wheat iu LiveriKtol, 12s. Od.
The Alaska, for Panama to-day,
carried au unu-ually vahutble cargo,
incTuduig-ilargBr 'upoieHtttof silver
bars, wine, wool, etc.
S vi.T Lakk, Jan. IS. In tlie Terri
torial Council tvd;ty 4 substitute fir..
the iloust- bill to elect ,delcgaU-.s ami
prepare for the admission of L tab w a
State, and which provides for sub
mitting a ConsfHrrHorv to tlie people
and electing two delegates to the lie
publican National Convention,' in
Committee of the Whole was made a
special order to-morrow.' H A commit
tee was appointed to consider , the.
necessity or a law on marriage and re
port a bill.
Tokoxto. Jan. 17. Fort Garry ad
vices to the 15th of December 8aytbere
is great excitement In regard to the re
ported -gold! dfecovertej t? Peice?
River," tn tlie mouhtalhs. letters
from Edmonton confirm the intelli
gence of these mines, about six hun
dred miles west of Edmonton: MiKew?
from Edmonton intend to leave, along
with the Hudson Bay CoV express In
January, via, rStone Lake, on dog
sledge. J' The party expect to start
from the Fort early, in the spring.
. - MEXICO. ,t1 3
Cn v ok Mkxico, via Havana, Jan.
14. The Government troojis com
manded by Gen. Alator reoccupied
Oaxaca on the 4th inst. Tlie troops of
Diaz are retiring to t'Hierto' del Angel,
where- Uiey iutend. o embark tor
Mazatlan. Prominent rebel officers,
on their arrival, will attempt to revive
the waning vohitioiury . Govern
ment.' ... .
Gen.1 Kodielle was kiled and the
revolutionary General Roclrdale
wounded at "the battle ot San Mates.
The annexation fever Is prevalent
among the people. All are convinced
that, in Ameriiran protection Va the
only safety of 3Iexioo. "Tlie Govern
ment declines sending Ministers to tlie
I'niUxL, States, pnin,vGwrHatry and
Italy on Ticcrmiit of expenses. Gen.
ltocliea Uh 25,000 ipen.U .maruhlsg
faipidly bh ftan Luis, to sftve the city
from the rexorttfionits. He will then
proceed to Kio GraiitJ.r l A i
mbte w;ill, Jtrobajjly be made in tlie
AsiaemN oar the "blTf for taxing raw
material. . It is understood tlutt Kug
laud is pledged not tfl raise the duties
011 FreiK-h rioe imported Into tlmt
country whaiieyet may be the result of
the tariif contrbrersy."
Th 8upires'iu of tlie fitnil'nt and
CvnMitHtictaiiel i excitit4 iudignaut
The Conifer f France says tlw?
Goremmetit - entertains the iilea of
oeiJiig a -wonoprivvof the sala f
txAaorio to KottiaAifld nd several otlier
baukers, for a teriod 01 ,.30 years upon
ceiKlUoii tlat tliey funiisli sufiicieut
funds to immexiiaiV'h pay the German
war indemnify. . ( 1
Vienna, Jaa. li. Count Von An
drasy reoeirrxl . deputation of Cath
olbs to-day, mod in - nepry to their ttd-.
dress declarw! rtiat the Pojie was 1111
der iiorestraiiit,as wasslrown by there
cent appniutjnei:t by liitu pf .1 cornmit
toeof thirty Bihops. The relations be
tween Aiis(fja and Italy an; 011 good
tooting. Hft lor- of bo (iitliolic fwwer
wii-h woukl be justified in offering
Jhe Poije au uvhua
' V.xvkn ai:' leVhe'-Miiilstry
liave directed tlie Governor of Provin
ces to suppress tlie Internationalists
time not to interfere with the liberty
of speech, and to take no notice of the
simple enuHMratioii tof , the Interna
tional jiarty, as the laws of Spain pro
vide no punishment forsieh uf terauces,
Sagosta regent, and Alai dud Semnno,
are having a conference to-tey. ' 'Much
Importance is attiched to the meeting.
Bojihav, Jan. 18. Tlie dangerous
revolt among the. loxikahs of .India,
has - been -nipprcavd by ' trxvips who
marvlicd diirct K tlie iK-adipiatei-s of
the relieN and completely defeated
them, killing one .hundred and taking
several hundred priaouer-ir Quiet
now jm-vail. , .
ikwciI fo
!il-i"e a
iTiiulO.r-Tt i- pro-
' V,
Ulmu 111 U;n Log-
islatm-'.' u,? X wee ,
int. i!" tl:-;ii i-j- .ti-'iiian 1
present hivi ; !!'. When
ctpulaion v. il! lie uvi -li.:
The Llectiiii: '..-.nmiii
1 i-e va-
liot SOOIl
does his
at Albany
have stimutoiml Tweed to appear be
fore them on the 2.tli of Jauuarv.
( iniiAOO, Jan. !. Mavor Mclill
yesterday received au anonymous let
ter from Suu Fnuicisco, iu which the
writer cohl'esses to having' set Tire to
Mrs. O'Leary's barn on the night of
the great tire. Tlie letter was dropped
iuuUiu titu I'nu'.eisoo otllce witliout a
stain), and the' postage was paid tiy
Young Men's Chn-tiau Assmiation.
The m;,n is evidently iusaue.
A Tim'-.: Wji-hiijgtou.uecial says
I Secretary Fish ; lisur a-j(ud (lojr sulh-
cieut appr)i iation to pay the expense
I of - the- Japanese." j:mbajyi .- just. ,ar7
j rived in this country, during tlu ir
I stay here--tlms making . them the
guesti of the GoVenioiettt. . s "
0 ...
I The frigate Gucrricr. late ot the
Lurow.-an srjrtndron. t1 eXH-eted at
Fortress Monroe within a week. She
brings the remains of Gen. Kobt. An
derson. ;
The Senate Postal Committee did not
get through the Postal Telegraph bill
in time for it to be reported today, as
'.vns anticipated. An amendment has
Iximi agreed to which allows a Compa
ny to be incorporated uiuler the bill to
lwv up the existing lines at whatever
rares Jiuty liereafUsr be agreed upon,
Tlie bill will now lie reported by Pom
eroy on Monday next-.. -
New- Yor.k." Jan. 13. llie Custom
IIoHse Investigating Committi'e had
Surveyor Cornell before' them to-day.
He "testiried that he liad lieen in every
Sbilc Convention for ten years. There
were six Custom House officers at tlie
Convention last year as. delegates, and
prolialily forty or firtj- more who were
imM: delegates. His opinion is that no
Custom House patronage was used to
control the State Convention. Gree
ley's statement that our t'ustom
House .officers were traveling about i
incorrect. - He stiiil whenever he Jiad
proof or lvasonable suspicion of .cor
ruption of any officer he recommended
kis removal.
- The Tim on tlie Third Avenue Sav
?ngi Bank continues, but is decreasing.
Abont "f 2,000,000 have been paid out.
It is said that tlie pressure of freight
occasioned by tlie railroad blockade
will compel the Pacific Mail Co. to
charter another steamer to go to As
pinwall, on the 2Stlu ', ' I
Annawi is, Jan. 18. The legisla
ture. ' in Joint Convention, to-day
again ballottml for U. S. Senator with
no result- Tlie higliest vote given for i
aii3T caimiuate was 1
The . Itemoeratio caucus to-night
nominated G. 11. Cenuis, present State
Senator from Somerset county. He
received 5S votes on the second ballot.
Tins settles the matter.
NEv, YoiiK,,. Jan. IS. There U a
great s crowd nt tlie Court of Oyer and
Terminer, to witness tlie arraignment
ot Stokes for the murder of Fisk. He
was brought fu citirt io "a close ca: auri arnlgned". Couir! asked
for a iKst pouenieut, as they Juul not
.seen the indict incut. The i:a-ii: was
ailjoiinied till W diiesdag.
Interested parties wrote from Phila
delphia, tb. it :-.i:v;nsi,''i vns niade to
take &,;'';.' ; !.'-i;r'f '"'T;,-- ' " : 1 i r . I States
loan on the sum-' li-r.ji- lh,ii the IkKIO,
000,000 was tskir, Hv Of syndicate,
but that BoutwcU has no decision
in the matter. ,
Tliere were fifteen proposals for
government Iionds. uiuounting- tir
about J4.;iS4.:0. from SIS 7 to
$110 !5. Tlie amount advertised for '
purchase is $1.(K)0,000, and if bought I
will go at 107 (!7, the market pile- of!
.mid. . I
IVAsmxtiTON. Jan. 1. A pditi"ni
was presenfiil from the Soi-iety of
l-'riends iu their annual ine-tiiig, ask
ing in national disputes a reference to
arbitration in lieu of tho sword. I!e
ened to the Cdinmitfee 011 Foreign
Atl'aii-s, and it. will have probably a
favorable report. .
Tls PodoHice apiroirintion bill is
n-pited as tho pi(4cial onler tr Wed
nestiiv, and jimvides $2S.225,750, in
chiil'uig f.")(K).000 for the China mail,
f 150.000 for, aed $75,0(K) fos the
Sandwich Islands. Tin- penion bill
reported npjini'priates JIO.-l-sO.OOO, and
is the special order for Thursday.
In the Senate, Trumbull, fiom tlie
Judiciary Committee. reiorted ad
verely to women siinVapjUts askine: to
lie heard Ivfore the Scuate, and asking
(hat the Cotnmittee le 'discharged
trout its cousidonitloir. He promised
an early report upon the claim that
women have the right to vote under
tho Constitution as amendended.
Cole, from the Postal Committee.
reported favorably on tlie bill subsidiz
ing steamship service to Australia via
Davis, of Kentucky, gave notice that
it was his intention to call up at an
early day the resolution inquiring as
to tlie rte relicts ou 01 uuty on the liart
ot tlie President, j ! ; - ' "
Wilson Introduced a bill allowing
women, to vote aud hold office iu tlie
The amnesty bill came up and was
Laid over.
The Committee on Apportionments,
will report all bills at the earliest jios
siblc period, so that Congress may have
ample time to discuss and pass tliem
in view of adjournment by the first of
The Matohac is at the Navy Yard,
and has on board her officers. Steam
is up. Though she. has been lying
here for five years, yet the machinery
and gun-pivots work as smoothly as
wlieiishe was in active service.
The Senate to-day confirmed the
nomination of J. M. Carey as Associate
.TiuloYk nf Waulitno-tj,ti '!Vw!f nra n . I
W.J. Flint, of Missouri, Consul to
Chin Kianj. .
Francisco, ..bin. 19, Gold1
Bonds, 1103H2; GreeiibacKS
The Cail
disjiatch :
lias the following special
Dknvkk, Col.. Jan. 8. Duke
Alexia arrived here from t'Jyennp hy
special train vesterdav. accompanied
by Admiral Passiet, W. T. Jlaeliln,
!ount OlsenfietV, Court Bodisco, Ctwnt
Chativakoff, and five servants. Also
bv Will Slierkliin, Gens. Forvth, G.
W. Cnstiir and S. Wetze ; Cols M. H.
Sberkian, llj Forsyth and Dr. Arcli.
They will; visit tlie gold and 'nilvcr
mines ro-merrow and leave for San
Francisco n Sunday. 1 Alexia and j
mite will go to the Havana vis Pana
itta, ' ' ! ! ' " - '
' !Pr!me Minister Mlkawaga and the
Japanese Prlnees attracted much at
tenrloh at the California Theater last
night. Tlie ladles were gorgeously
dreswdhud withstood tlie Irapertinetit
lorguetting of Hie audience with real
or well jmpHed iiidifTcreuce. , '
, ,'i'he jury in tlie Dr. Trash-Fair case
rendered a verdict for tlie plaintiff for
luilauce due for medical services of
$312 60, or teu tier ueut, of wlat he
claimed.. Tliere is a very strong feeJ
ing among the .mass ot physicians of
Fraiuisco 011 the .subject of tlrls
case. . . ,.t .- '
- Saski. Chief Justice of Japan, with
ItU. special suite, dkl iHit Accompany
tho piv-ty. but went o a tour of In
Kpeetioii "of the City Hall. Chlaboose,
Police lieadquarters and Courts.-- Tlie
rogues pdlery Rtruck him as being a
jiecuiiiiny usiui institution,, ana De
ordered notes to be taken by his Secre
tary of tlie system for its introduction
info Japan. -
-1 The largest cargo of flour ever shlp
jied from San Francisco for China was
cleared on the ship Matchless to-day.
ft aggregates 1.642 tons, valued at
$100,000, it was pearly all purchased
by Chinese dealers 011 tiieir own ac
count. -' :-" ' ' -'.'" '
' The increase of foreign trade in San
Frandsoo forlf71, was $9,002,7W!, of
Which f7.l2a.537 was Chinese trade.
San Francisco tobacco importers
have determined to appeal to Wash-,
iugtou tor redress of wlait they con
sider 1111 imposition wliich they are
subject to at tlie custom house, on im
ported tobacco brought iu 1 101 id from
the luist. The insix-ctor Is allowed
five- cents per keg by fciw for his
Dvulile In. Iiiindling. p-'istinff labuls,
slaiuping. etc.. instead d' wbkJi they
have been eharged two-thiidi of a oe.iit
per poiiud, w Inch they claim gives the
Inspector iui income of eighteen hun
dred dollars per mouth more than he
U entitled to ly law. . , ,' ,
,' Sackawknto, Jan. 10. Fowler sent
to tlie desk a written statement which
was read by the Ch-rk in w hich it is
stated f! lilt hi tlie heat of debate yes
terday lie -used objectionable and de
risive language towards Senator Pen
degast. He asked for permission to
withdrew the language used, and to
tender an ::pology to the Nnate and
tlie Senator for having uttcn-d it.' He
expressed sincere soitow that (he o--(-isiotr
had occnri cil to rendi.-r lau apo-
jstv nece.isarv.
Pakis, Jan. 19. In the National
Assembly, to-dav, the discussion was
resumed upon the- proposition to im
pose a tax on raw "material. 'Hie As
sembly, by a vote; of 37(5 to :i07. adopt
ed a resolution pi nviding that tlie Gov
ernment slial! only resort to taxation
ol raw material when other taxes tail
to 'produce sufficient revenue to meet
the excuses of the nation.
It is rumored that Thiers threatens
resigning if the Assembly lvjejcts the
new tirilf on raw nuiterial.
'llie American K,-giicr says that
Minister Ourtin left St. Petersburg lor
Nice to meet General Sherman.
Minister Washburn, Bancroft. Davis,
and other Auiericaus connected with
the Geneva arbitration, liave btken of
fices in the Rue de la Paix, ami will
remain until the next meeting of that
The American charitable- Society of
Paris is to be reorganized.
London, Jan. I'd. llorsman, niem
lier tit Parliament, loan address last
niglrt, took a gloomy view of the ik
liUcal prospect, declaring the present
Govenunent unfit to dual with English
' Madrid, Jan. 19. Epartero has
withdrawn his refusal of the title of
Prince of Verguay. and signified the
acceptance of the honor.
A new political club, tol)e composed
only of Progressionists, bus lx-en
formed here, aiidaheady uunibvi-s 400
WASItmiTON, Jan. 10. Tlie Con
troller of Cummcj' has declared a div
idend of 30 per tent, to tlie creditors
of the Ocean National Rink of New
York, payable on and after the 20th
instant, on all approved claims.
Kimball, the head of the Tobacco
Division of the Internal Revenue De
partment, has prepared a poster for the ,
information of the Committee on Ways
:uid Means Sstimuting tlie number of
tolmcco consumers in the I'uited States
at $x,000.000. who each consume elev
en pounds aud iburtccu ounces of to
bacco and one hundred and sixty -seven
cigars annually. He says tin: tax of
21 cents per xund prevents the snle
of the leat t the consumers, aud that
a thorough collection of tlie taxes
would produce a revenue of $25,000,
000. .
' The committee agr-od and reported
favorably on the bills allowing ex-rol-diers
a pre-emption ou 1(50 acres of
land within railroad grants.
Tlie Indian appropriation Bill, which
appropriates about. $5,500,000 will lie
reported next week.
Nkw YoiiK. Jan. 19. The Chair
man ot the Executive Committee ot
Reform Democracy, at a meeting to
niglit, aiHionnced""tli!it 24,000 names,
are enrolled iu tlie party. The pri
maries will Ik- , held next Fridayor
flic choice of k General Cin'nmitteiv. A
ili legai ion goie.s to Albany to press
legislation which is to stcure ;l( thor
tingh reform in municipal wort.
ANNAI-Otis, Jan, IU. tioM. R. I-
nis was to-day elected Unifed Stat,tw
Senator. '
1 Im" Kentucky Senate bf-fiay, hy a
vote of 2!) to 15, passed the! bill allow-
im; colored" persons to teftity in the
Wamiinton. Jan. 111.
-A nmnJier
of case d small-pox ara
reported in
the city.. --
The Flection 'ommfitfee of the
ll-iiisc. bv a vote of 11 to A has decided
I iu the contested election cist: ti-oin
Peniisy'v.iina of I'essny (Rep.) against
Meyers ;Dciu.'i. in Ijttvor of Meyers.
The House i dicusing the election
case of Bates -ugiiinstf Edwanls, (Rep.)
ot Arkann.
Nkw OittEANS, I Jan. 20. Tliere
was some excitement to-day, and a
heavy concentration of iiietropnlitnns
in tlie vicinity of Mj-chituhis' Institute.
A'.l Oirtcrite -Senatibrs took their seats.
In "the House a resolution declaring
. 1 ... .... , . a , n
the late exint s-ssuon jegai, ami conse
quently Pinchhielis, election as Presi
dent and Lt. Governor was ndontcl
by a vote of 17 toId; Pinchback hav
ing the casting vote, this action was
regarded as a triumph for the War
mouth faction. ,The grand jury fdlmd
a true bill against the Lt. Governor,
Pinchback, Senator Butler, and oth
ers, for the shooting of Major Chester
on New Years day. Bail is fixed at
$15,000 each. ,
Washington, .Ian. 20. The Inter
nal revenue! receipts for the mouth
ending to-d;fy were $7,234,105. Tlie
grand total or the fiscal year i $72,
707.805. Territorial Delegates waited upon
the President to-day and made a re
quest thai liereafter selections for
Territorial officers be made from citi-'
zens of tlie Tarrltorles. Clagget stat
ed that :ft present tliree-fourtlis of such
officers are trom outside- States and
Territories. - The President said Ik:
had lofig been of opinion that most if
not ajft officers of Territories should be
chosed from citizens, and he had sug
gested to the Civil Services Commission
to vJrcorpornte such a provision.,, .-, ...
Lonhox, Jan. 20. Thiers, in ac-coi-dance
with his previous intimations,
sont to tlie Assembly to-day his forma!
resignation as President, acconqtank-d
with tlie aimouucement that all tlie
Jtiidsters aLso tendered their .reslgua-s
dons. A vote "was adopted alinoB
iuutnimonsly,'' only six members dist
Venting, appealiug to tbe patriotism of
tho President, and refusing to accept
tlie resignation. A deputation was
appointed U announce, to Thiers tlie
action ot the Assembly. A Deputy
subsequently moved that a committee
be appouited to endeavor to effect a
compromise with tlie Executive, and
in ease of failure to consider andre-pirttth-?
As-.-nihly furthwith what
meaures should -be taken under the
cireuinstauee.s. , e .. -
AH the Parliamentary chilis are
sending: deputations to Thiers to per
suade liiiu from his purpose. Tlie
Deputies of the Right Center held a
meeting this evening and adopted reso
utiona declaring that a tariff was
solely a question of finance, not of
politics, aud iu voting against the pro
posed tax oa raw materials tliey uad
no Intention ot expressing want of
confidence In the Government at Ver
sailles, and a deputation of twenty
was appointed by the Assembly who
waited on Thiers this evening and in
formed Mm of tlie vote In which the
Chamlier refused to accept his resigna
tion. Thiers consenti-d to remain in
the service of the Chamber and country.
It Is probable the preseiif. Ministry
will remain In Office.
Sau Fkancisco, Jan-' 21 Leading
operators iu brvadstutfs in San Fran
cisco estiimite tiie-wlieat crop of 1872
in California at fully double that of
Tlie Japanese Eirtbassy will leaye
for the East on tlie 30th or 31st Inst.
The Chief Ambassador will, -with
his suit aud most of his party, have
the telegrapii system ef the United
States explained and illustrated to
tlmui at tim Western Union Telegraph
office. ' "' ' -
Coiuuxi', Jan 21. Telegrams from
Medicine Bow state that no train is
expected before midnight. Blowing
and drifting. Anotlier dispatch from
Iirainle states that tlie road is block
aded on both skies of that place, and
tlutt no trains can get througli, only
as tliey follow shovellers. Suow is re
ported very deep.' . , .... .'
New Yprov, Jan.. 20. A UemltT
Washington dispatch , say President
Grant is anxiously watching develon-
meiits'of the Custom Jlotise TuvestU
iritui!r t omniittee iit-Jatw eitv, and
tlutt be is open iu his de-nmclatlons of
the violations of htw which are report,
ed ; tlat If Lwt & Co. do not disprove
tlie oiiarges against them, a general
cleaning out of culprit will be ordered.
Friends of ' the Administration In
Washington liave. elicited testimony
phowin that the President Imd no
jwrsonal liking for Tec-t ; that lw liad
at one time directed Murphy to remove
Iii ui. but Senators Stewart and Howe,
it is said, decided not to allow tlie
President to take testimony. Tliey
regard the .case uf Loet, Porter- and
the President as one that they do not
care to get h arty evidence which
would justify tlie President and expose
the two foniicr, , ,'.'
Chicago, Jan. 20. A Jrlinourt
Wasldiutouiaa;ialsavs the IjmLs'iaiia
delegation, nnd ot-liers working in their
interest have succeeded in tleiavtng
the departure of theoomniittec charged
with investigations at NeW Orleans for
one week, and hope to pe able, to pre
vent'lt altogether. , ..', ..-' . - '..
Tables have bean prepared, at the
Treasury Iepartment showing the de
falcations of Collectors of Internal Rev
enue, under various admiuLstrations.
From these if appears that the amottut
under Lincoln was. $7y7.74ii ; under
Johnson. $1,817,223; under Grant.
$130,1:;. ......
San Fuancisox, Jan. 20-r-The nmn
Ikt of deaths iu San Francisco this
week is fifty-six.
One thousand sacks of Costa Rici'
coffee were sliijijied to St. l,ouis over
land. - . . .
The military, review in honor.ofthe
Japanese Embassy took iiace this af
ternoon according to aniiouneemeirt.
It wa not ipiite a great success. New
Montgomery, Market and the south
cud of Montgomery streets, ornild not
Ik- forced hack sufiicienlly to allow five
movements of troos. Nevertheless
the sjicctaele was line, anil greatly en
joyed by the, The Com-hiaudcr-hi-t
hiefof tlie aruiiesof Japan,
a mere boy, in appearance only 2ii
years of age. and small iu -stature, but
a verv intelligent gentleman, was on
the platform with Gen. Cobb aud stall,
and reu-ived the salute of each officer
as lie passed with stately courtesy
quite noticeable. .
Stocks continue excited, and tliere is
abundant supply of money from out
siders coming in for investment to
maintain prices for a long time. Sales
in Board to-day areanioug the heaviest
ever reported since tlie Board was or
ganized. San Fkaxclsco, Jan. 20. Flour
Wlieafc Good mili'ui":. $2 27'.,':
choice, $2 30-32 35. Market weak
aud nominal at $2 2042 30 for fair to
choice. Liverpool quotations, 12s M.
Barley Bay feed, fl 03. Range of
market," f 1 0.V9I 70.
OatsGood. $1 S-2;. Range of
market. f?l !." ol. 85,
PotatiK's Tofnales, 70t75c; Himi
iHildt. 'sf.'jjc; cljoice, 92'.j'S05c' Sher
man Island. 5ltf.
WkiI Witlln a few days tliere have
liecn i 111 (m irt.i uy movements in this ar
ticle, result ing iu tire closing out of all
stin k in first 'lands say fJOO.IHH) ft.
at 2iia2s-, all sold for shipment.
TIh-i c is si-i--ly over 10O.(XK) lbs. now
unsold iu tin hands ofrciviver-, most
ly held by airrile linn.
Tne Wrtji.nian hiiriis from the Nt-u York
f-r'i, aUoii! itii- rirmatimt In New YorV
itv ol a Com pa 11 v. Willi the siockholih-rs of
tl-iC North raoifio Kailroad prinoiiial ly bt-
IercUet, for the liilose of building or pur-
'tutslng stuaniliotU.s for plying on the Colum
bia river, and for building ur iwruhaslng
iceiiii steamers 10 run between Ponlnnd and
San FraiK-isoo. Caiiiinl siivk of theComiwtny
is put at I0(i,niM), wlib iiiiwer to incrcax! Hie
same If necesSiU''. .
The sahic i)i)er sta c Hut on Friitny morn
inir. a man named Kvans was enpiv-d in
worklnaon a imllitiny. fell from a vcrirToM a
distance of thirty feet, brraktng hi rlgiit arm
and injiirintr himself about tlie bead ami
There have been ss bin-lals In the Portland
cc-mi-ievy during the jxist year.
WiJIuiiitttc Valley.
'From the Otvwon City Enterprise we learn
tlutt the young ladies of ihat city proposes
Riving a Tap Year Ha'1, for the benefit of
C'alani.-t House Company No. on the eve
ning of February Hth. It is to be gotten up
on strictly "Leap Year principles."
'llie same uipcr states that tlie steamer
ft-nal or has resumed her reg ular t ri p but ween
I luit city and Portland, . .
From tlie Oregonian of yestenlay,
we leant the following :
isy tne steamer ot this morning.
Ben. Holltday goes to San Fl-aiid-co,
whence he will go East and to Knrope
Re .will be absent probably three
months. During his absence. Ills ad
dress will le No. 42. Broadwav, New
Y'ork. His visit to Europe will relate
to matters connected with the interests
of Oregon, and will without doubt be
of great benefit to tlie State. His
friends in Oregon wish him a prosper
ous journey aim a saie return.
A son of Mr. Barr, living on Fourth
street, between Hall and College, was
severely burned jesterday. . We are
Informed that the boy B-trrtogether
witn auotner Doy, Had a tiu cau with
powder in it, aud while playing with
11 anu a ugntea paper, tne powder was
accidentally ignited while Lis face was
over the can. The injuries sustained
arc not known' as yet, it of a serious
character, R3 tbe face, from tlie effects
of the explosion, Is too badly swollen
Tlie Clilef Engineer of the Fire De
partment, recommends Improvements
of various sorts in conrjcctiou with tlie
Department, which would cost the city
at a moderate estimate, sixty thousand
dollars. If. these recwnrm-iKhtions
si mold lie adopted.' anotlier Uix lew
lor tlie prescut year would be a neces
sity. , ... j - , .
The flag at die Headquarters of the
Military Department of this State, was
displayed at half mast yesterday, in
consequenee of tbe reeeption of tlie
news of tlie death of Getf. HalTeck.
Hie shipmeut of apples to . San
Francisco Las commeiicod, tn earnest,
several rwndred boxes being forwarded
on tbe Orifkmmo. Out ahlprx-rs can
sell them as rapidly as rfiev can for
ward them, as Oregon apples and in
fact fruits of nil kinds, are highly
Tiie Oreijouian of yesterday says:
The steamer Idaho from tlie Italics on
Saturday w as unable to reach tlie Up
per Cascadea, owing to tlie large
amount of ice in the river. She eot
within about sixteen miles of the latter
llaee, but whs eoni'ielled fo turn back.
r rota present indication tt would ap
pear tlutt some considerable time must
yet elapse before navigation ou tlie
Columbia can be resumed.
Gnptaln Smith, of tlie steamer
Wenat, last week while up tlie Cow
litz shot a panther, which took to the
water aid wa afterwards captured
with a boat hook.
1'liere are forty-two Smiths, sixteen
Jones and eighteen Browns in this
city, according to tlie last directory.
. Trains run regularly on' the West
Side road. The comer ot Stark and
Fourth looks lively about 9 o'clock in
tlie monilng.
About half past ten o'clock Saturday
morning tlie roof of the Cosmopolitan
Hotel was discovered on fire. An
alarm was sounded and tlie Depart
ment was soon ou hand, but tins fire
had already been extingulslied.
1 Hie following items we get from
tbe Hrrntd of Sunday : There are tliree
temperance societies in this city, at
present, and their membership will
reach over three hundred. Tlie tem
ple which the I. O. G. T. propose to
build will be commenced as soon as
favorable weather sets in so that labor
ers can work.
"' The , telegraph line of the O. S. X.
Co. was working for a few minutes
yesterday afternoon. A dispatch
from Walla Walla stated that tbe
thermometer stood at twenty degrees,
and that It was sleeting tlie entire
previous night. '
Tlie Albany Register says that the
young men of Albany have organized
a dancing elub.
j". Tlie Kugeue City Kuanl thinks hog
raising does tiot pay an enormous
profit m liat county. One man fed
sixty-four htisliels of wheat worth a
dollar a buslief, to six hogs, and then
sold the six hogs for fUO.
;Wm.: Cnmmens who lives twelve
miles south of Eugene has sold his
r.inii. C40 acres, for l.SOO.
(southern Oregon.
. The L'mpqua A'j.-n.says :
Tln-re is a calf near Oakland in this
eonuty, owned by Mr, Aaron Harvey,
that sports a nice little pair of wings.
These wings crop Ont just behind the
sliotdders, are nbout tlie size of turkey
wings ami very much resemhle a
ilcked turkey wing, but are covered
with liair.
Work 011 the Railroad north of Oak
land is being pi-osecutiKl with vigor.
Kvery Indication is that the early
spring will set; the locomotive rattling
along thiough our classic hills of Ump
qua. Tlie stage drivers find it Impossible
to make regular time in and out of
tow 11, owing to the terrible coudition
ol the ro.-uls :
Willamette Va!!cy.
Krom the II 'vat .S'fe we learn that a
fompeiranoe mass meeting will be held
at 'McMitmville on Monday evening
Feb. olh.
Too large white owls were killed by
Issac Davis of North Yamhill last
From the Corvnllis (frtzrtte :
Robinson & Bro. and MeCnne
Hanna luive a force of bunds up Mary's
river ratting igs down to this city.
LumlK'rmadeof mountain logs is mtiiJi
more valuable tliau that made of those,
tiiat grow along the river.
Dr. J. B. I ax- Is absent from the city
gone to Washington Territory will
return in a few days.
The west side mail is now carried iu
sulkies. The road Ix-ing loo bottom
less to run the hacks.
C'oi.n. Yestenlay morning wa
rough. ou moustaches. Men tramped
the streets with little k-icles swinging
igainst tiieir lips which gave to them
Ik- aiitirariiiee ot so ui.-iiiy moving
iceN-rgs. To bp moderate itlie weatlw-r
wasn't 1 tliere must have Ix-eu at. least
two hundred noses as blue as a police
man's uniform. The weather dkl it.
The afternoon, thouglt, was warm and
J;us. Robinson, ofthis cnuutv, had
lost alout ."MX) head of sheep on the
Voucliet, near Waitsburg, W. T be
fore tlie storm, and fears are enter
tained that tlie entire band, consisting
of 1.000 Ik-juI. have chilled to death.
Junction City is growing. Several
new buildings are being erected and
town property isclianging hands.
James Grimes, of Ilarrisburg, Linn
county. Oregon, bad Ms leg and collar-.
lKne broken, on llie ISlli insf.. by bt'
thrown from his wagon. It Is
that be, lntenialsy liijuretl.
T1k new brhtge across Mary's river
at tbi place w-as exanuneri ana re
celved last week by the County Com-
Visit to a Sa l Factory in Caslunere.
John B. Ireland,
out; time . iu India
who traveled a
and Cashmeiv,
gives smut' curious tacts anoni tne
manufacture aud cost of a real Casb-
niere sc.trf or shawl. Whilo in Cash
mere he visited MiKiki Sliah, who is
llie best and jpe.-itest manufacturer of
slia wis in that cit y., , The factory was
a miserable dirty building ; the work
room measuring alxmt sixty by thirty
feet. Hctv he found -some ftrty men
and boys, of all ages, from six to fifty,
arranged in t wos anil threes, at diffei-'
cut looms, each one having a loom to 1
himself, for all the nio.-t valuable'
slaw Is are made in looms in smail
pieces, according to the 1 Kit tern, and
then sewed togclltt-r. The jiatterii is
not it. iu tillers and s itiares like our
patterns of wonted Work for cliair
liacks, stats or slipK-rs, but the direc
tions art-written. W lieu tlie patterns
nre maile. tliey are ali si-wed together.
At some looms in oH-i-ation tlwre at-jM-sred
to lx- four or five hundred small
pins of wood with rolls of difl'erci.t
shades of woolen thread, to be used i.i
difierent parts of lis- iattern. lt was
astonishing to see the dexterity with
wlncli tlie small children worked these
liaudlooms. and umlerstood tiieir writ
ten directions.
The traveller bought a shawl wliich
took futeen men . seven montlis to
make ; tlie workmen receive four and
three-fourth cent a day! Mr. Ireland
says lie caunot imagine where all the
one, two aud three hundred dollar
shawls come from certainly not from
Cashmere. Mootka Shah makes none
that cnnld be (bought in Loudon or
New York for less than eight or nine
hundred dollars. . Our author, upon
application to the trade, would liave
learned that a large portion of the
shawls sold as real India ones are
actually made in Frauce, for tlie
Thibet goat was Introduced into tlmt
country more than forty years ago, and
Cashmere shawls also imitated with
considerable skill.
Hotel G09sn.-r-Tlie Commercial is
said tp be coming out under a new
name. When we know wliat ft Is we
will testify. . '. " . .";
The Cliemckettt bitsiucss don't grow
any more lucid, but tliey say tliere is
no freeze out about it, and tliat tlie
first mortgage and liens amounting to
over $33,000 can be lifted for $30,000,
wirioh is to nasonaMe and in fact lib
eral a matter that we give It a gratui
tous artvertisement whether tt is true
or not. The baiMlng represents $1KX
000 so titer say of Homebody's mon
ey, and in time will certainly command
great value.
A considerable Indignation wa
vented at tlw. jocose nature of the
' chip " we found laying about, after
the collapoe. Some people can't stand
a joke wortli a cent, we half agree with
them that ilie matter is no joke.
Offie- So. 1, Front re,
PORTLAN D. in the mfrt desirable lorallUea,
eili f LOTS, HALF BLOCKS ami
IMPROVED FARMS, ami aluabte m
enhlvated LAN DS, kwated In ALL parta ol
the STATE for SALri
HEAL ESTATE awl other Prrmertv
imr.-lutwd for tirjp"iiteiiti In ibis t 1T ami
thnandioiit Ibe STATES and TEIiKlTORIKS
with ereat ire and qn the moat AOVAN
LECTED. Amlalieneral FIN AiCIAL ami
AliEXC Y Bl'MN ES traiuocted. cUwtf
Throw In 'Belnforreinenta.
Tbe Citadel of Life la in atate ef aiegc
all thronph the' year, lmt la neTer more
eloaely invested than in mld-wlnler. The
liver ig naualb,- somewhat urii(L and tbe
bowela more or lusa consi iiiated at litis sea
son, ond dyspepsia often assumes its moat
aggravated form In cold and wet weather.
In short, 1 he sluggish system seems Inclined
to intermit or shrink some of its moat Ira-
portant duties under the influence of a low
temperature, and requires wholesome
stimulation. ' The spur required is Hoe
tetter's Stomach Bitters, the only medicine
which quickens tlte action of I he secretive
organs, and brings out tlie latent vitality of
tbe system, without creating any febrile
sy mptoms, or the n"ebtet nervous excite
ment. '
The great Vegetable Tonic is not recom
mended as a specltlc for Coughs, Colds and
Consumption -thai Held heimr left open to
theeonoocter of preparations which can
not bv anv possiiiuuy rea.-n me uingsi
hutas'a soeV-iAc fur the eonstitntionnl and
nhvsical weakness which invite pulmonary
disease, it is literatlv infuJIihle. The most
ini lion nnd lerTildo enemy of human lite
is not di-eas, itself, but tbe weakness
which affords (tan opportunity to gains
Arm hold of the vital srstem. Remember
that Stamina, Vital Energy the life-prin-
etpto, or wtiaiever you may c noose to can
tlie resilient fHiwer which battles against
the canse of dimnse and death, is the grand
safeguard of health. It is the garrison of
the human fortress, and when it waxes
Teak, the true poller is to throw in rein
forcements. In otlier wonis, when Knch an
emercencv occurs, commeuse n course-of
Hosteller s liittors. .
A Bkactikci. Woman. Tlie perceptive
m.-.uhv ol women is itMiany keener t nan
the same phren.dftgical orran in- men
w onieu knows lliuli lieauiv rather than ge
nius is worsni-nen iv ini' Merner s,-x. a
man lalk wltb his lips of tin- latter to
his ladv-Ue, but the keenness of lite
woman knows tlutt he istmiitinirof the for
mer in liii heart.. Ail women have an In-
n.-tip desire tn urease their tioanx. The v are
fond of adniiratini : hence nt their long
ings is 10 lie beautiful. Tin- grand secret of
female le.-iiiiv is neaitn tne stv.ret ot Health
is tbe pow er to eai, dice-t and assimilate a
iimyiev quantlt v ot wholesi-me rood. Take
VrNHiAK Hittw. It will cieanse the
stomai h, tone the vital orgons, give a per
fect rtlirestKMi. pnnty tne diooo. clear nptne
compluxlon ami produce a state of mental
and ph si.-ai el-,-tn-ity, winch gives svm-
metry 01 tonn, iincuieves.wiiiiesKin glossy
hair ami a genuine t via; of fi-male loveliness
will. B no cosmetic i-an compare with.
I'iKlor n Ilnriiinir Sun, where Billons
ntftvtnms an-1 l evers uf various descriptions
sogcuentuy prevail.
Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient
Has tieen siii-
successful Is-vond all uaratlel
Heroa- thepli
livsk-.lans of the tropk-s give It their
t-mphatkf stitcUou, prescribing U In pn-ference
to eveav otner ai-rienr in use. ine innents,
of course, acquiesce, for this preparation Is
one of the most ileiiirlmiii, as well as mild am
.-ooMni? carhitrtlc. ,-iiemislrv has vot tlevisiHl.
and p-isess:. every msii.l virtue of llie Cir-
fairssl Herman Seltzer Si. lt Is a liowder
that only reiiuiiiss the nslltlon of water to
imUh-e in an instant a delicious effervescent
Is-vernsiN as wed as an Invaluable nx-dU-lne,
Aslt for and oerept none but Use gen-
yf ARRIA4.K Ul IE.
uriv.ite Instructor Kr married uorsons.
those nlxxit Io he nvirrie-i, b sli male and le
ma'o. in t-vervthinc coit-n-rnlng the lilivslolopy
and re'.ittons il' our sevutl system, ami the
nrmlivtlon and iiruvenllon of oastrrlng. In
lumng an ine new 'iisvivi-nc itevt-r oeiore
sivsn In llie Ko-'lisli lanirtutee. hv M,
VOL MJ. M. l. This L reallv a valuable and
Intetestlng work. It is written In main lan
guage f'r the Kt-neral remler, and Is Illustrated
with niimermis r.njrrsviinrs. All voting mar
ried reotile, or th"-e cmtemiibtlng mairtage.
and hating tls- least lnilim('iil to married
life, should read this hook. It discloses seerels
:hat everr one should 1 aniualuteil with: still
u is a book tlutt must lie locked up and net let
lie aliout the house. It will 1! sent to any ak
dress on recelit of fiftv cents. Adilress Ir.
WM. TllT'Ni;. No. 415 ppnu-e street, above
Fourth. IMillmkdiihia.
S'ntattvr wiia mavls your disease, twl'ore
yoa-plnce yourself mi'ler the care of any one
if the (Jl'ACKH native and dun-ign who arl
rertlse tn this or auv other rois-r, get a copy
nf Dr. Votlttff'H HoiA atul ntail lx carpfllllT. It
will ne the mean" of saving yon man v a dollar.
vnmr Health, anil mMhr rour irre. lir.
Voting csn lx.- coii-nlfeH on anv of the diseases
devrflxd In ht pulii.-.vlons by mall or at his
office. No. 4W iprifc- street, alsne Kotrrth,
i-niiarteipnia. Jans
:kw advkhtiskmtcxts.
Gil!, Steel & Co.,
-nr.Ai.ans nt
- 9Suic-iil Iiislriimenl,
We Invite eiss;la' rtttentlon to our stock of
Maon ,s n.'imllii tn-iran-: Clii.-kering, Mar
slial A Xlttsm-r. and Kmersnn Pbinos. AU of
whi,-h can lie sold on lw iimwI advantageous
terms. ix't-l4
Has just received for lixs fall inwle
CiKi SLL1U1-S . . ,
BtXlTS & SflOF-S
Hardware, General Merchaadise,
Catculated for
City and County Trade.
Hmatht as low. nnd will be sold at as small a
proul as thosa w ho sell at eosC '
t-jrOo""l 'lellvcred to any part of the ctty
freeof charge. , uAw
'" Br L. O. EXEBSOS. !
Tills favorite collection of Church Music coo-
timxst to sell largely, ami is tne
If the season.
Me ..
fs-nt, xst-iilil. on rc.-clit of retail price.
OLIVER 11T.sA)?I & "0., Boaton.
'. II. I)ITiO' A ., Jtew York.
Jiu.l -
' vvrsniTH.
tale Mreet, . -"-. galea, OrrgM,
We keep conarantlT 011 hand a tnnn aamit
meat of , ... w
FfliA, , . , ,,. . .. "' !
" ' P1LL! ' ',.;" ;- ' "
"" " ' . -" '
-',- .- ' ALSO- '
Sozodontand Sapolne for
- . thTeth, Ac,
Fancy and Toilet Articles.
Commercial Hotel Building, . ..
- - OBECtOW.
-i : s ..
SI-4m Attention art mi o Uw Kale ol
Real Estate in ail iuts uf tirezon.
largr aanooator "Very Drairablo
cltv pt-otvrtv, cmslHtltiff of llwelllna
House,IxHslilocksaml Half Blocks, gtorea,
Ac Also .
Improved Fanm and Valttable I'n eit Prairie and Tlmlier LatuK situ
ated in the best localities in the State.
The Itentlugr and Leaning- of all
klnits nf proiiertv. Collection of Clalais,
Conveyancing, Ac, Will
receive prompt at-
OK ' .
-AXl- , -
ir you buy Dr. J. P. p. van Den Bergh'a
( elebrated Sovereign Worm Syrup I
Aa infallible and aura cure to expel worms
. from Children.
Srf-They like to take it, and; in fact,
cry for it. . - .
Price One Dollar,
To be bad at his office, Roomi So, 9 sad
22, Cbemcketa Hotel, Salem.
New Collection
Those who have been anxiously waiting ft-T
Its appeanuk may now send their orders ;
and nU one will be disappointed In the quality
of music. Te Deuma. lienedkUtea, Respnnsea,
lilnrias. Anthems, ftohts. Duets, Seatcncas,
and all ant-class none better. Large, clear,
ledbic tvpe, a great recomrnendittlon.
Wk in Cloth, i50; Boards, HOD.
Scot, Post-paid, oa receipt of retail price.
C. II. DrrSOJf Ac On Kew York
Pattons Blork, Ktnie street, Hnlesta,-
Fine Dress Goods and Staples.
stock of New Stvles of Dress Goods and
Trimmings, aad every effort made te please
our patrons. . . -, - v ( Jan9
,M E W F I ft M
X of Jannarv, 1K74 admitted K. X. tJlllins
ham mtn full partnership tn tbe business of the
firm of G. P. Terrell. Tlie name aud stvle of
the new firm will be Terrell A ;illlnirham,
Hare Introdneod a-
lufatdiringr Department
Jn eoansetioa with their Largs Stock of
Where ladies" ao i gentlstBaa sea have made
any kind of Bouts. or (thoss desired.
idLr. Armstrong who ass sbarge of the'
Manufacturing, hat large etperienea ia the
East, from where he brings ver bigb rar
smeadatioaa as S workman, j - r
, We extend to ths public an ut itation to
call and szamins for theutselirssj ; , , ( . ,
Repalrlns; Done v lroraptljr.
'-' "' A. N. GILBERT A!CO.,
(Holmsn Building J '.
Cernmerelal St. Salem Ogn
, wiATaearoBD,
WEATaaaroan, -.
Forcljn and Donestic Drcg,
.OIl8.& Dyes,
and Uqubrs,
alteatioa given to Pre-
. . AT - . . .
For 3 cents ai-e. Hot. TarWtes. Ad
wlnt Cut ais Ugu,
Change ef Firm.
DAVID C LK, having sold ant m the Stoye
and Tinware euim-.s wrmtd notily ttwna
in arrears tnootne forward ad see how they
stand an Ma tsoaha, t roa wlli tnd na- at the
eld stand. ,t.A,VJD COLE.
Haiem, Janmry !, 17i '
1 " ' 1 ' t
P. S. I wotfM -ontTitRlry Hn tn all
my customers the Ita f Myen Bros, w ho a re
mv successor, as entitled to ail natrouatfe
that nvt.r lx! 1x-stowrd upon Ttlrm
dAwiw. ' DAVIMVIU..
' w
1 V e'1 '
i 1.
From Prussia-
the Great
7crm Exterminator I
Office Clwnelceta Hoteli Ralem Oregon -
' Riom,2. .
1 mt nt (ten fniH-lML Cat. would Inform
Uw sluk generally, that aboo) fcrty years' e
lenstva praotlce of medicine and surgery In
Europe ami the United Sutee of which twenty,
one have bee In California, has by close ob
servation and great experiments, come to the
conclusion that there are more acute and
mronte. diseases try worms, hnydadfds, nru-
mak-utas or outer apeuiea 01 em runst. i
mhhM mwtbIIt. or tlta nrofesstnn at wrae.
are ant aware of the number of raOts wbu
are treated by emtoent twivsiciant for this, that,
or sack- a complaint wuuout any relict If tbe
(Useam has nm unoerstnoo, a trw mm
I IB. v SoveatoM Woait Rkmedv woukl
have litHnedlately cured the complaint, and
liave saved a great many lives. Dr. V. baa
collected large variety of California roots
and herbs, which, by analysing, close observa
tion and extensive experiments, he can eonsto
enlmnslv say that be has discovered new rem
edies for the successful euro of tbe tallowing
CTTivsTWsia, Chronic affections of tbe
Liver anil tldnevs first and ascend atarsa of
Cxiosumptton, Vhlt Bwelhng, Palsy Bper
natorrhwa or local weaknessierToos Debt lay,
EialepHc Flts, Bbsauaatism, Nenralgta, Dtar-rho-a,
lacontlnant of llrrne, (irand. Fkonr
A IhtM Diabetes, Dropsy, and all thoss diseases
which are known nndcr the name of Vcwral,
snch as Pvphllls, tn ail Its forma, tiotvorrhea,
t;leet, rttrtctures, False Passages, JnlUmatUw
of the Bladder and Prostrate Inlands, Kxcorla
tkins. Pustules, Plies. Pimples, Bltcbcs,and
all Cutaneous Erupt Ions of the akin. Cancer
Tumors cured with or without apcratloa. Ia
Rc-ent Veneral Diseases, the -r. eOecta a
Cure In from a to e days Or no casrga
For the Eyes, Ear and Throat, Dr. V. pos
sesses new and Invaluable remedies.
Dr. V. would advise those ladles troubled
with Irregularities of the I'tsroua to try his
new remedies and get cured.
- Dr. -Van Den Bergh's Infallible Worm Syr
up for children. Price, 1. Warranted to
eiei lite worms, or the mnnev retiusiisi.
In-. J. P. P. Van Den Bergh's, Hair i.mlc a
sure core to destror all aatrmlctila- of the Hair
Follicles, pnnjiM falling out ami promoting
the growth of the Hair. Price, 1.60, war
rante.1. -
Bv con soiling and andergnlnga simple ex
amination, tbe afflicted cm learn if tiieir dis
eases is caused br Worms or not ; at all events
Ixr. Van Den BeYgh can toll them from what
diseases tber are tuffcring. -
Consultations and Ixamtnaiions FKEK of
M-lutrge tat all caes, Ilr. Van Ik-n llergh
-guarancres, in ait eases, to r i int
and cure all diseases he uiHtertnkes, or no
Card from Judge Wrier, of Polk
DR. J. P. V. TAX PFK TiF.ROH -Pmr Sir.
I take pleasure tn thanking you isililkly for
the restoration of iv health after- nlnotis-n
tears of great siiOuiiiig men tally and bmllly.
1 do-toreil a great deal ; was sulk-ted with al
most evary isnagtnable palti and desrnt.-t of
seeing a well da v again. When I came to- sea
voti ai Salem, von said you would remove the
cause of nineteen versf sintering in five hours.
I cild harllv believe It," hut but after taking
the Sve tatSjesMpownters you gsve me, aluot
tsio worms passed from me, and now, fount-en
davs after anis, I feel like anotlier man, and
am able to 6.4 tow my bustoess whhont pala or
Inconvenh'nce. ,
I reruala your I,PAtlji;B
BeUicl, Polk Co., Oct 10th, VGL
Eight Hundred Worm 'Expelled I
I think It a nubile benefit to make tlie fol
lowing statement, that I have been afniated for
two veara with constant pains In the sttsaaeh,
and in lik-t, pains all over my imdy; w ap
petite, ana let me eat wuat t wwini
MU me in unstress. niviKim
ire me and I arew worse amt worse nntll
now I am a mere skeleton. Nobody con Id tell
me what was the matter wfcb me, until I non
suited Dr. J. P. P. Van Den Mergh, in hatem.
Oregon, and he told me I wasalllked with
worms, artd they were the cause of alt n
misery and pains. I tor the -Doctor's medi
cine, and bo expoled WOO worms from me.
They are tike Leaches, with kmrtAils, and
measure from one to one and one-half Inches
In length. I only took six little nowners, aaa
thev brougiit the worms wUhlnfotir hours time.
All' those afflk-ted wishing tn see me can tlud
ms at earn Beolet's Stable, 9alem. Orrgnn.
anhscrthed ard sworn to before me this 7th
dayt8epBiibr,te71. . ,
Saul worms can le seen at V. J. 1. . Van
I ten nenrhs office. Opera Iiotu Block,
Court Strut. Salem.
tin J. P. P. V'Alt DCS BfjuiH, Ver Sirt
I deem tt my duty to make the following slau.
ment : For the last three years i auva warn
stiflVting with constant gnawing pain and a
quivering sensation In mv stonvk-h, also torn
In mv cbe and heart, my food would rut di
gest and Iran nsrrous that with dlm.-uKy
I cmid follow mv suctiroivott, wkk-h has bora
here hi atetn f,tbe past ten years, as a prac
tical dentist. -In fact from the constant pala
ami misery I bad wasted away to ameaB skel.
I bad neon doctoring, a great deal a iU
otrt any benefit, and neixjving mere was no
help for me hut to linger on until death would
relieve all mv suffering. Some of aiy friends
thought I had worms and had better see Dr.
Vaa I)en Bergh. He told me at once that
worms were the cause of alt my troubles, so
he gave roe small awl tasteless powness aad.
In i hours sbnt 700 worms, (rum one Inch tn
erne and one half inches long, came away from
ms that day, and the following night snto
more canto, and now lra happy to say I fsel
like another men again and am gaining
Strength front day to da v. II SMITH, M.D.
Salem, Oregon, Sept. 41, lo7L
Another Creat Slaughter!
We think K our duty to make the following '
statement la hopes tt mar do some good Io
stck children : Our child had been sick fos
sums time. Thinking all the time our little
one was troubled with worms two tried many
factors and a groat many rente. lies without
any relief. Some netghbors told us we should
an and try Dr. Vaa Den Bergh. the Worm
Dnclor, tn Salem Wo did so and be gave mm
one bottle of hiaeelphrated Warm Syrup, an
after grrtng the medk-ine, to our great a-1-tshmeut
simut 800 worms passed away from
our dear child, and now, thank heaven, abeta
T- - ' I. D. GRIZ7XK,
Palem, Oregon. Oct. 9d. 1K71.
The Flames is tb hsst Sawing Macblae
for family ass, beoaass It so seldom gets
oat of order ; if there t one ia tb Stat of
Oreroe at workiac wall, if 1 am Informs
of it, I will fix it witbsat any axpsns Is
ths owner.
19 Slonlgomerj Srert South.
fCILL, STeIEl at CO.,
t t ORHsOS.
pr Active Agents wanted ia every place
. oct31
Willamette Transportation
further notice, .
The Steamer Fannie Pattoiv
WUl lcnve hv-r dock, Intd of State 8t, every
At 6 w'ckxA. A. L Port laud, aisl will
,.- , Wave eaiem every
Of each week at A oVVx t. M." CotvtvIHs
and lntermelutte places.
CSTFare at Boluced Bates. ' " W
. ' ' J. 0 BITE, Algesia, pf
. Mcrn, Deo. 15, 1STL t
TK WAVE "LK v-m Tim trMPin''
f f saknn. and tntnml tn satisfy nor It
and t-nstomcrii by ketHting the very Imst
For thrtr kvmroodsttAw. wr s-.'r'
te pnhhv thTte-. II A HI LTV
Stit-ut, Nov. -ad, 1471 J