The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, December 27, 1871, Page 4, Image 4

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The f 2St.7ingti TTi-iTe froir J4rJ"
qum mwt'J-pwnf -rom a iw." f
.Srriliner'g Tor Novcmlier:
Shake hands I kWhaailt UtlttM ttN W.
Where the mm cornea In. ami mount with me
The nvilv li liif Ut of the strong New Worlil 1
As be champs: and f hafts with a Btieagth ar I
Ana .twi W th flM-TOjefe-the wav
Ami krifr-mfciit'j) of
A uirth of bras anil a brea.- of steel,
A breath of Are and a flaming nunc.
An Iron hoof and a steeWclacTBoel,
A Mexk-an lilt ami a nuwiw ctialn
Well tried and wrought hi an Iron rein t " ' '
Amlauav! awav! with itftbxiut ao4 jsali
That had .stvkkca lftwa eil with fear.
That atut-BMnW.Un; dead In Uielr graves
And started die damned la Hades as well.
fcWStt :-' j U
Wand up stand out! where the wind comcsln,
Anil the. wealth or the seas tinnra over von,
A Its health Hoods uprr th faahe wine.
And a breaih blows up from the 1 Nden-nre
And tbe!MMrtRmiiL,Y,e fcdhe.mltit
f arftiSTrt iiid klriritfiirthrwijrk4
The fnunc with a fresh and keen delight
As th AllajltsMjaHoaawktafiail the hutr-
Wltha kls blown far lawuarii the rn-li and 4 in.
By tlw-sliMtnjK ua ajjd ilifuiiU boughs of
O ! seas fn a land ! O ! Tales of mine!
Bv th(j lave LUan and the unrigs I brlnjr,
JSc lilaii JsnWJH tTB' VavflH, and W
A som; In Hie reols ilial surround yourlalcs
A sons ol jov for this sun that smiles
For this laud I love and thWage and slpn ;
Vor the iiea-e tliat Is, ami the jierils lswse!;
. For the Ihm that Is, and the rcxt at last !
O iie!. Hi4OTir4' lJLfZn'st ti H
i.oikiip: iiKkimt! There are lieiusol awe,
There an-clnv. j iilrfc UiT9 rtxl a vine ;
And a world of klne in I he livid lake rest,
And tumiu:- m Hie "hade of trves
ThatSn- whft.'.tti l mmn, me brawn with
bees. -
A riwh of fiei,-ini dVi tree, . 1
And a brea!h blown far tiom Mexican ncas,
And o1tJlu iftthcart-W!iik of errUi !
By ihe scaip loilaejf Uie tall Pawnee,
And up the h Plat. v. wf baxth
'y the honMM of men! What a wihl delight
VFtint-M ftVt r
What dii.r and taste of ntilek klle J .
TtM BlUai fCTa, bEKIhl.tlkn tatKk.
like iMk'lii,
All OaKBauJ defiaataKaluft the sky J
Ikvause I hottfli slnfllf to deiiiond, '
A in 1 wil 1 not let the blttcrne-s of life
BMod me with burning teiir, but look lieyond
lis tumult and Us strJiv i
- i ' ' .L
lU'.-ause run myself almve the mist.
Were- i he sum sliiuur autl tlie brotvl breoies
By el I't Jrj ami every rain-drop kissed, '
That (loii's love doth bestow ;
Think yon I And no bitterness at all.
N o twiwlew lo lie borms like dtriniian a pack?
Think von there are no ready tears to tall
BefcUfctJ Urjf tetu Uuk ?
Why sholMu4l(.Hla willt-oianirrv
To i'Ut mmif ' Ml m late i K
A thouViiSiTlirhMmore e.M rtuitil thrsette
id . V 1 1 If 1 t ,it
And In ea-h one of these rebellious tears,
Keit bravely Kick, Hi auikes a rainbow
Gmi.JIaiiBi-tillaitest f; jto)
Dark skies mnt clVU4 wbou llio uniids
are past,-"
OMBilky xeJeenvva-veary.yetf r ; .
PaiW'iit 1 ii.-icn. sure thitt swtn!t at lu--4
Then vex me riot with chiding- let me be ;
I wiafcsnJml fa'ulWAlte i'nd I
I L"iWKe nt notywurtiula and uarRnc -tnt
'i'ntv 'et of llitWftluud. .
To M'UouiMinll ne tiive Thanks?
A i Sel iSIShottijbi 3ic friuTp w '"-
Frmi'i wheiwQ llio urUlinj wlc.r bur.t,
And drank with cvrer jov the dniught
Ti kbtowHhwl WraUturAt .
Tli';il'-cltul v u touclieduUciip
Hliii.iu,'Mx. Tuuiisb said, .
For i his nice drink vou've given mef '
(This litt lo boy hail beeu jwll bred.)
JI . 1 . r
Then said the pump: My Iltt!c man,
Yofrv wnloai to-wiil haveiioo: , , 5
BiiPfflTnnofthenwto.ftmnk-- ' - ' J J
I only help the water run.
Mi, then, the little I'd low -wild.
ll'oilte he.'iilwiHraMwaiiwoMJt, .
Cold Water, plmm luyS mtfim'ki
You have been very kini fb me.
Ah ! iii(l O'H Wafer, don't thank me f
i'tttjiff UMjrtlWda OTe lite f-pi liift ,', J
That mjiwIs me forth wlih generous hand
Togladden every HvlustlilDg.
ihaiik the Siirlnc. then, Ud the boy.
And grn.-Oftrtty-lia WIH h tcukf a m
fib, don't flunk- me, tty Hrtte man,
- The Spring with silvcryacenls suld.
t ihwttan'l thank me for what am I
Without I lie dew and summer rilln?
Witiimtt IeiwraKJaiieBcSi CSI
ur.iliirat, uiy Utile bor, again.
Ol!.'JvWl,tW,lilliIIU('bnf:r JTH
rn gl.tfrrr thaiWthe Ram ad tmw. ' i 'i
TrUv. dnnt thnnMH JWMlie th BBHi'wJ
Wotdd boIH oBepfor too, '
I - 4 & fl,; t4. Jf r.-' fry;.- .-r. f
FVn- alWMt tialoe for mej'
Htoprsaaiftne win, wjwiiwimu"
Mr-mtle fellow, ilon-t inana iue.
rj1 :
"'if'-'y storcs
Oh &&Utt ftaN! then !M tbx; borf r 3
it eoUoeil biwk, not unto mc
Not unto me, but imto Illm
Who formed. The taxbfyln UMJ lie,
Go. give thv tlianks, my little boy, ' '
To Him who will thy wants supply.
The lov took off his can, and salil,
In tones so geutHr asriiifd,
Oh. tiod, I thank Time Tor tinsgia,
Thou art the Glvei of all gooik
II .i Hi
-r n a
I'aris, Dec. 1G. Tlie budget of tlie
Minister of Finance, Poneier Querticr,
si iows a stirphi3 ot fern-teen million
AWf,t-yl5:u:ti'l, rSJJCwal of the I
CnatinjJfhM ftefcif TcjexSed ByS (m-f
mittee of the Assembly by a majority
of one.
rrrHilirM.-Tlw fetleml A
sem'olv hasmssedit bill litterttletrngl
the establishment of the Order of
Je-uits. iu Switzerland.
.mm mi
XKW YOKK, I)eTJ Exectt
tive Committee or tlie Tjiilon raeinc Coiwwwm niMthig in
this citv to-day, in. consideration of
the donation of DoiigkiSbifriry bonds
and depot grouulB4aOraahffcari the
lsLilav of imuary, that city resolved
of the Union Pacific KallroaJ..
The Internatioitabtji.ycniiig
iriadc arrangements lora parade to
morrow. .4IK i,- -.-a
Wash tT.Tfs 1 IHm' lit.. . .wuather
renort says a rain storm, proiuibly ac
companied with high wiitrff "Appar
ently threatening the cqa 4UWlifori
150ST0X, Dee. lOtn'r.yrfn this
morning, William Brgwa jitUW his
wife, by stabbingJherwiLh a dirk.
Colonel awrenceT" wojTinjied
from the wiihwf teM ywttrday,
Kiciimono, Dee. 11. Govenior
Walker has pa WWW W'WIWw Cal
houn, herkkibl'te tUL'CUUUUtl of
complicity m tfie iTannestln forgeries
Savannah, fW8.,M fb.' tflector
Kohh vetoed an- rrropripfiwp pay
interest on gold bonds.
The Kit Kluxists weeTPn&fiarged
tOHlaytwpti;W J Uatftunty,
nY STATE TEtfifik'Alp'II.
Ai-r.lieWfrtng at
SjJO o'clock flames were discovered
bmrtg'throfigh therrot the pho
tnnrraidi p-illerv AfJj A" Winter, situ-
ar(i oer the hanies and Kiddie inan,
Aiir' ' fiTJMtosotBTfttsJnil
first streT, between Washington ana
ferrv. The fire haying such a hcatl-JWwtfiait-varrjtiaittX).'
streets bei..jfi4ri9fimtiu)1atta, snow,
some tinie elapsed belore the 'engine
ble tovftrthejbuUdlijg, u;h,( with
every article 1ft" the gnrleryj ' Was en
tirely destroyed. Bythe exertions of
the fire Department, and the lieneflt
ol' snow on the roofs of' the adjonlng
buililiw-n 1 fc wera y cd uld ,ihc
tiro -ft--fit)fcU fptesiliiig.
Tkrsiipn .Ss lr;ing, icitb tlie help of.
clensiofeed'etl mi saving most ' of
UKifwiopkviu..jro9d condition. Total
lwbont ta.Pi)Oj wotttljr geeured by
, iff)ee.. Wtnfcr.s loss 2,000:
ilV'iJwrtt"iOOin'j;he IJfitoh tnsri
raiifcwapoipaiiy., Thomjwi) & Tjig,
luive .I,IXH) on th bunding and stock.
Ulii IliaJeaves Allumy witlmut a
photograpli wallen. -
The weatftWTTHfSfew days
has iK-cn extremely cold snow lying
Wi'KVJVid totliavenyre depth of
mii 1110111111- uiere. is a good prospect
for a tiiaw, and tlie snow going off iu
alrrrie ntge. and about a ttoaen stetghv
ffi'jB riuule to uttler. .
snowing Sunday morning, aiuf by noon
th -rround was T,vM ro th flspttlt)f
si iff IT intthpmwiiiig iteommene
edjiw&aiiiV Imis ovjUuiiea almost
S;i.? ; .siitry to the. prescht ttifio, and U
no-.v r.i'ntingiiiird.
NotwithstAiidinar the storm. Hallet
ts pushing along toward Oakland with
il-n-id "riu or-ade. i nearly"
ready fJbeJrJjl.O 5 -fT?0 - f'
Tra sbma are makinsr rrood time.
O, dth fitt nll-DOx;! f :
The 11 1 ie ha s been down oh the Sis-
Vtj Jo,. Mttrntalaa steoe yesterday, r4
JUKKA, Deo. 30-Ithns been storm
hard ever -rfnrt Sandayevciiing.
South of this they ltnve had uiipre
(Srdetittrt galea, doing considerable
fmiriftgfc. tagesnre ninnliig frmn 13
toils bow behind tim. It' U "till
rninhi, but itn'wuaUy warm. The
thermometer has not been below thirry
bne degrees slriee Sunday morning.
Sax Francisco Iee. 17. It ooni-mem-ed
nilnlnp; heavily at sis p. m.;
wind fre-li. wnitlieast ; uaroinrtcr very
! -jiuI iMU fillinov
i ' , V,
3'lie sfiixiUiJiii) Great KenubUo ar
rived this morning from China and
Jajwin with a tArjre eargo, ntainlv of
Yokoliilnia alvre -fire s fid lows !
The American Minister l)e I.opg Jias
Kdurnoil from a trio overland tliroiisdi
T. ... n...l vill Mitiirn trt thol'ttlfusl
!Stnte by the next steamer to confer
with the President and Congress ou
1 13 revision of treaties.
Tlie Japanese War DeiKirtinent has
issued order for Utamoa to transfer all
ami'anit amniiitions of war to f Jov-
. eninient.
T1m ilikado i wiUtnc to open the
interior for foreigners titrottghoiit the
empire. l"it thetiiirstion must lie joined
in ly all the toix-ign powers to luive
Tiivate letters from .Taiian says the
KmUt-wy which will stil on tlie 'reat
lieDitblic, toamve nereanoiit danuarv
JStli, eoiri-'ts of tlie hiirhe-t oflieiali
Vho ever comixised an Knibassy from
the Oriential Kmpire to America or
Ktirors?. Its IkwI will Ihj Twukan
Xlifittv nf li'nivirfn 4(T;iii-a nmv
iMmi Minister of .la kui, ' assisted by
luiloi t hiefof the hmneror s l'nvaey,
These, with the Chief Minister of
1-irtiBc Works and Chief Minister of
finance, Viee Minister of Foivign
Affairs, eornpose the Emlmssy. 'J'lH'y
will be accompanied by eisht seere
taricsS. twenty-one officers of the secontl
rank aud twenty-one youiig nohletiien
not charged with Mim-terialYiinctions.
but tnivcling for information.' lliey
will go overland to Washington.' aiwl
then, after visitiiifr "New 'York and
other cities, to Knrepe, and uontimie
on around the world. 'Minister IH
Long will aeeotuiiaiiy tliem uround
the world. The Kmbassy poos out on
the order of the Japanese Parliament
and the Mikado, that the higher classes
may see fareign civilization and not i'
compelled to trust to the feport of
inferiors a lieretofore. There was it
J great contest lietwten the dillercnt
r.mnassys as to wnetiw r tney snooio
liit visit America or Kurope, ami
their final decision in favor of America1
kjis remarkeil as a great triumph for ns.
VQWSSIU Dec. 17. Xo trains have
passed Corinne ivs vet. Snow is dritt-
ins: bamv'lietween Corinne and Chey
A telegiTBTr from edictr Pw iys
forty or tTfty Chinamen working on
tlic4nui. mt'ruvk ou Aveoimt ul cold
wct6eg. .TIk-t will sroliahjv; beat
T on the side track and left to shitt for
' themselves. -WeHllmr . wtUiuu) ex
' tremelv cold. Tro1mes -of'ftlOw
' Hdlthis looriiing.
r l'lljsiulogj- i
Mr. Walter D. hvinan. favoi-ablv re
niembered bv many residents of this
citv. lias been civin coui-su of-lccv
tnres oii physiology in the lecture roont
of t Chapin a ctiiircti, .qw 1 oik
Thb eonclnalnz lecture 'of the cotirse
wa on the diseases of women and
children and i reported in the New
York Ucrnlrf from which we extract
the' follwrrfar: 4 'lit, snhjeet r ably
hnd clearly oresenf&ct and finely illus
trated wlrn nmmkiti and oil paintings.
TIie-lecttireT v4d s
"Tbadtatiuv of woman is to become
a wife and mother; It is the duty of
every wohian to lit herself, both pby-
Ically ana mentally, to pertorm mat
mission wisely and perfectly - To pro
duce harmony there must be equal de
velopment of mind and hocry. -louie
necrlect of thl fi,trmonion develop-.
meitt mav be attributed to much of
tlie lauiciitaMc tlccay of. our American
fiimihes. Tne"irl5 oecnne of our
women . grovv ontfof oiff imperfect
oystciata educauon, bout at nome anu
at school. ? TbousaiKls of beauttful and
awimulLibed women die annually be
ciiiise thev cannot meet the deruaiKls of
natnra: -and., fulfil tberiiolir offlc of
motherhood.' One-fourth of "all Iiil-
din bom aniaiallv die before, theyar-
rive at Xht jure of teo."- The world to-
dav-nwara under Its trarden bf disease.
tle'foiifiltyv insanity, iralcida and; mur
der, ana yeteaui 10 or nui not -trace
it to 1pabvw.'!tth;'ipervrted
ideas so 'lelevajent-among our
women inTwgam td'ctrstotrrjand hab
its of dress aiiit-fivfeigMuch of the
maobaLaMtl nervous excitement U duo
to-the perverted seiwationni literaUmt
scattcretl tlirough the wliole length and
.bredthot our kind, giving false Ideas
.. - ..1 '1'!. amIam. eiatA
nlnc-tcuths of the, crimes couirwritfed
wore tlie result 'of a diseased condition
of body anrt mind, for 1,S00 year
men liave been striving to evangelize
the world. Is It not tune for woman
to do her share iu this glorious work,
and an, JTSpten tlie niiUeohvdatfnl'?r
Handy l Have in tli Up use.
Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, in an
article on the "Handy .Man," in the
Hearth mfil llmne. siivs : .
' A ha'pay man Is practiced in
the regulatloh of the little fltitities in
the house he inhabits, thatbv sliglit
touch here and there a screw loosened
there, and a nail driven in time he
keens all-workiaff smcothly, and
averts those domestic catastrnjilu-s of
which J'tnirft.makes o much i-ipital
in liis pictmvs. ' '
'i'b?. tauu i wan Usci
efeYy-sort of tOi rtiat keeps- hi boose
iu order.. They are neatly arnirtgcd,
in his own private drawer, sacred fifm
the meddling of the careless. Is a
pane of class shivered on a cold day,
thevmh:wly?ian nrsfVtuflfs It th al
bundle, or pastes it over with a news
paper, and then rushes to a glazier's,
who of conrse is not at home, or who
says he will come Immediately, anrF
dosen't coiue meanwhile the wind
blowing in gives the baby the croup
and the mother. a severe coM.
The hnnfly- mart, on' the Wmtrary.
. lias his diamond, his measuring-rule,
libf putty, all in readiness to a mo-
merit's notice, and the replacing of
pane of gjass is the affair of a quarter
of i hbur before he goes to his office
oi i-torc. 2 '. : . . -
There springs a leak In the joint of
a hot-water, -.pipe. , I'Iks- liandy man
has his soldering tools and kettle, and
it is stopped in a moment, while the
unhandy man is running tip town after
, tUe plumber.
I -Tbe handy man has 110 small bills to
. pay to airy kind ol' tuechaulc, for he
' stops every leak iu its coinnieiicment,
ana replaces every screw the moment
-'it is loose. j .-:. s j;
A llad Show for tlie Slat,o.
I Tbo Hcrahlui6 a stttcmcnt furnished
frorrf Salem Which shows tliat under
the administration of Gov. W'oodii tlie
nWrierceuL received from the Gen
eral Uovenmicnt out of the prooeetff
the sale of nulrtic fcinfw t witmm tat
Stare was mfy paid to the ee wtitted
antlKirities, but that the State lost tlie
cash through the peculation of Sam.
May.ftailtftatU JJtit!linhis
difference lietween the administration
of Woods'fihd thfitofOrTm,- so far as
public lands aud money are concerned :
, Vder ' WoiVi the Srata the flvS
per cent, on lauds sold by the General
: . .... , . . t- a - ..n
etoverirment-1- suin- toini 01 f-ji,wv,
for four years while Hurler" G rover,'
school iawiojri?!M-,!ls weu
we fear. In brief, under Woods, the
State lost its small ehantre but savetl
9 . iaiaU -aud lw only small cliatige
ten.. ir we must Je fleeced pray
restore to us Woods, 'with all his iia
perfediSfii Ki Vif:UiMt
tess we prefer that the State sliall yet
have an lunet Governor, who will
utiitho Hstunropriat .iba ash-.noc
MsfoAr ftpcm lrts Kiifg -favoritesaU the
publitt hinds. As tilings .have-, gone
andnrwe4i,ilwStteJias stood and
lioVsTSmlr a wofully jioor shw.-
The Pour Wliit Kh-KIuv. j
Last evening the dull routine offak
iiig dovriK ioiifi;j-ious of her leaser
sinners. -M-ho had lieen lnacfivft mem
bers' of the klan, or had only helped
to'whip two or three negroes, was
varied bv tlienppearatieeot'a murderer
front the jaiL wh caiflelover to lyive, a
talk "with Major Merrill. He was a
lank loose-jointed, unwholesome-looking
youth of 21. with a feeble, piping
voice, and a-dnll. simple, coiintenimee.
that fliowed little capacity wr gooo
or evil intentions. "What did yon
waist to see me aoont.' asueti n.e
tuaior. "I wanted to Know wiai
yot'i'd got agin me, major's all.
fin a jiore man, and I've got a.wite j
and two chilihvff. and efl't -pit to
gohotuijl don't know win re lin y II
tt bread to tat." 'You know wiuit
fvo got against yon as well as I (lo."
sjtid the major. "Xo. don't jest know
what it is ''replied the ktiklnx, after
hesitating a while. "Yon an- one of
the BieWthu heHKl kill Utfricy
ioxle.'' ,TliciV ."as a !oi: silence.
Tho niaifiBnJ!el his hat U-tween-his
kiues. cliiingi'd hi ; position in his chair,
and liepi6 his eyes? flx-d 0:1 the floor
KinallV fie said, in a -"weak, -whining
tone, 'Major. 1 never laid a ham! on
him." '-'Wliat.fc the U-e of lying
about it," answered the ollieer : "I
don't afcj'oit ,tii s;i y a word, but if yon
dosay'anytitig, I w:mt it to be the
troth. Yotl amTtfirec'otlKT'incn killed
Charley Ooodu.. You know it, and you
know I know ft."' ' Tlrn tlion:m told
the whole story, or his version of it.
,"I was a-woikiu' for Wesley Smith,"
he Jaid ; jtinJ 01 unlay Wc-jew Sinfth
1h( said to ine as how he'd got orders
from Tour chiefs to kill a nijrgcr. and I
must go with him. We went out to
the road, and met William White and
another man. and went down I he road
together."" We met a jiigy.r coining,
and Smith lie said it wtistno nigger we
was to kill. Then they tied him and
took hiin into the woods, and shot him
and pounded his head with the butts of
tlKdr guns. 1 stood oil as lar as
from here to the wall, and never laid a
ringer on him. I said, "Hoys don't kill
the jHii-e nigger.' I'd unthingagiu the
nigger. I never saw him in my life
Iicforc, and I don't know why they
killed him. They told me it ever I
openetl my month about it they'd kill
me too."
Nothing Utter ilhi-tralesrhp diabol
ical character of the kiiklnx on It v than
this murder. Xeitlieroi'the murderers
appear to have had any special aninio
itv aoainst their vi-' "mi. His death
was ordered becMii-v he was influential
with the colonel people, and the men
selected to do the deed believed Ihein-
selv4 bound to obey the order ot their
chiefs. The man who made this con
fession appeared to have no ouiH-ious-
nes.vot guilt or appreci-ttion ot rue
horror of the crime. One ct the ottier
men engagid in the murder had
pivviousfv to!;fes.ctl. and aivonliiig to
liis statement this fellow cru-hed the
head of the victim with a n U to make
sure he was dead. This he denied,
however, and repeated t'nat. lie "i.ever ,
tul a hand ou toe lugger- never ;
tcclied him no way." The.fatt. thathc j
hail beetl onlcn d lo iicjp kill tne man.
itiwl..,. !un: i It v- nl'i It :i; 1 1. i I' lie i !i otie vi 1 ! . '
ap)earfd to fully justily him with his
feeliie-eoii'clein'e. Tor wnati ver w i ne
had played In the affair.
Lltr Insiii'inioc.
Hie science of I. lie insurance is our
in Which' many are intere-tetl. and
which comparatively few undcr-taiid :
and yet the theory is perl'ei tie simitli'.
A number ot per-on- a--iM-iate to-
getlier ami agree to contribute, each ah j
annual Sum, that will In the aggregate
amount to a lunch larger sum upon the
death of any individual of the association.-
Th "science -of Life Insurance j
consits in ascertaining, with airuncv. I
how small inm may I received as
premiuui antl how large an amount
may be paid mi death. 1 lo- fir I tiling
to settle is the average duialioii of life
how long has a person to live whose
agu. ip Jkuutvu 't Thii is settled bv fixt d
ruteswhldrare the result of ex r'w
ence. There are various tables calcu
lated for . dUfoienf locAt'lOlia illioe
known as lhe "Carlisle, Tallies" aa
most approved in this countrj". Out
of the money paid iu as premiums
there mti-t be rt aside first ..; rtain
stim for expen-ss. and the rcniaunler
mtt lie sullicient to jiroviile for the
losses which aiv o-rtaiu to occur. Of
courst; the company desire a certain
advantage from .insurance for boi-t
terms, wlien the term exiin-s without
a loss, and from the laps of lwilicios
uiMin which imt.-oiis neglect or rel'u-c
to continue the payment of premiuius.
The moneyl iti the hands of an insu
rance company increase at the rite ot
compound interest, the funds being
generally suflicient to admit of the in
terest being invested a roon as receiv
ed. If, tht 11. a Life Insurance C0111
jiaiiy receives pivininm. sulliciently
nigh, to admit of the needful accumu
lation, and their afl'airs are otherwise
prudently man.agi.d. they may g 0:1
lbreverwkl be tlie aicaus of doing uu
immense deal, if g'Kid by 1'iii-iii-liing a
proVisloin at -fbe 'ttine ?d'sll others,
whejj a provision is needed. If, ;
tlOtWiliiilcrh i1.ire fut-bii'drieV.
or any otheir cau-e, iniluces the com
pany to accept premiums, at too low a
rate, or otherwise a fiord undue laciii
tiu to uuiiuj-lhe result, though slow,
is certaitiaiwl well liiMiwu. Tin; iwii
pany mu-t.'in Pieend. find it-vif in a
-position of inability to .meet its en
gagcmeiifs. Many cninpau'us in ac
cepting risk take note for a portio.i of
the pivmiittn. wbicli notes an- ciiargeii
with ihterr-'f against tin
polity When
r must ix- iiiani;. -t that
the increase of the note is not so gr--at
as wo.;ki lie that of the ca-b, ai d
therefore tlie coinpiiny practicing this
system must either receive larger prc
minirrs or lose in the snni!' pwporlio:i
iafuture seem it v.
Of our American poet--. Thyant is;
now one of the oV'esf. but IJicirird II. I
Dana. Sr., i; 10 years M r. hiving i
U-wi bom ill 11 1. F,U
Iiorii. Mitv 2-":fi. 1'sd:;. i
jifri'tu was
iu l5o-toti:
Longfellow -wa born in Pwtlaud.
Fejjiuary i7th, 1 so7. 0,1 the inatcinai
side lie is d.'-ccniied tVoin John Allien,
whose amato'-y aebieveineiits he eas
ctdebrated hi " The 'lerrl dno ot Miles
Stiud'wlfc",. He graduated at r.owtli'i;i j
college In 1 .2."i. having for iHiisnatcs, j
Nathiiniel Franklin I
Pierce, and .ioh;i S. ( '. A'b:f.- i int-!
tier was born nrar Dav. riiili i:i I si is.
lie spent liis youth o;i Id; father' i
farm and in 1 il U'came (ditor of a
tariff paper in Ho-io:i. in lati r life he !
edited a ;icr at Ihirti'ord, -uc-i
ceeduig tieo'-ge l. CreiitUv. Inlsinj
he iV;inovsl to Aini'-I my. v!ii-re In- ,
has si i hv lived. Hi fii -t book. "I-g-
ends of New I'ngl ind in I'm e ami j
Vers'." was pii!fci-i.eci i:i I . U'ii j
liam KUerv i hanning w a bor.i in I
Boston ill 11 : .laioe'? Ibi - cU Lowell 1
was born at C imhridge, IVbnmry iJd,jj
lSlfl. and giivTu ited at llarvanl in
11; Dr. liollaiid wis ti.n-.i at r Ich
ertown.hf - T.sT-): Uayanl Taylor in
Chester county. Pa., iu ls2.".
Tn'e ' Alia California flTi(iifts ' ifit; !
Idea of building a new w haling fleet,
as has barn iggs1d. to take the
jilace of that lost a few days i'mee in
the Arc-tic seas. The Culitorni't state
that the lost fleet was made tip of second-hand
vessels, none of which would
ex!. fTT,(KJ in virtue. OM-iImib
aroahtWys used in" the wha ting' bnsi-1
nc-kS Most of.theUl sailin": jKn-Uct .
brt'ht'Hr' Wei York and Kftropt-aii
jiort wee put to this, work after
steamships supplanted tliem. Many
vessels have fallen out of service in tlie
pat five years, and could lie purchased
at prices varying from $3,000 to ?fl,00t).
These would answer every purpose
whaling demands, as well as new ships.
Shipowners will not send a forty thou
sdtflddlariMp whaling, wticu na" ten
thousand dollar one will answer eiual
ly well.
r p .
' F i n ix tiik Family. What a
healthful thing to have one jolly per
son in the- house, ready to laugh at
anything ludicrous, or even able fo
create sjiort at any time. There are
enough to reflect on the sfltrside'Df life,
and its irritable side, aud iu sober
side. We need one or more to 'show
the mirth that oftcj trembles just be
low tlie surface ot painful things. A
niUro bwigh idl.s-dpaltaj.iuanv
illusions, sweeps the twilight out of
our lniaglnatkmrt,anfl brings lronest
'daylight. But it must be real. Xo
dry hacking laugh. It Bhbnld be spon
taneous, outhursthjg. ii-resistable, Infec
tious. We have seen men fall to
laughing, who had not heard the cause
of mirth, but only had caught tlie con
tagion of other TOWta ianghtm It is
bard not to laugh with men w ho are i.i
earnest about it.
We have had in this country our
flush oT enthusiasm over the discovery
of tlie Open Polar Sea bv Lieut Paver,
and our return spasm of doubt and in
credulity. As tlie. details of Lieut.
Payer's report come to us we are in
danger of returning to the first line.
Lieut. Payer made this discovery in
the Ilaraid Ilaarfage, a small Nor
wegiaji vessel ciitirtered nicrelv for the
trip. Lieut. Payer reached "the 7'Jth
degree north latitude, and states tliat
nothing prevented further progress but
Want of supplies. lie marks "out the
course between 10 and 42 (legs, lon
gitude, through tlie Nova Zemhla Sea
iii the north, and gives such particulars
r to the cfflilieiii of atmosphere,
water, ice, as lead the geogwi'hers to
see 'proof of tlie eornctness ofthe
thi-iiry that tiK- etmrse of the Gulf
Stnr.iu exteiKlil to the far north, ami
tliat this marked out the natural clian-tH-1
to tlie Polar Sen. The (ii-imaiis
claim tliat ti' little -vtwsel was the
fir4 t bivak thnnigh the Xorfh Pole
ice licit, as lhsj ami Wedilcl! broke
through the ice Is-lt of the South Pole.
This discovery is ainioiinceif very mod
estly. As to how much there is in it,
we can soon have aluindant evulen'te.
If nothing more is accomplished than
tlie marking out of a new cour-0 to the
Polar regions and the discovery of an
open sea. v, hero all the charts plate a
groat ice territory, much has lxen
done.; to k
"Hen-'s ver nice
nst chick'n !"
cried an aged colored manv as the tars
stoppcil at a V iigiuia nuli-oail station.
"Here's yer nice roast chick'n tatcrs,
all nice and liot." holdiug his plate
aloft and walking the platform.
"Where did you get that chicken,
Uncle ?" a-ks. a piSH-nger.
Uncle looked at the intruder sharply,
and then turns away, crying: "Here's
your nice roa-t chick'n, gentlemen, all
hot, needn't go into the house for
"Where did you get that chicken?"
repeats tlie tmpiisitlve passenger.
"Lool:-a yer." says Uncle, speak
ing privately, "is you from de. liorf.-"'
"Is yon a friend of de cnllud limn?"
"I hope I am."
"Den don't you ticbher ask me whar
I got dat chick'n. Here's yer nice
roast chick'n, all hot."
The i!iesioii of how old a cigar
should be In-fore being smoked is oflen
a dispiit-d one. Cubans like a green
cigar. The workmen, who ought to
know, smoke the cigars as they make
them. If you go. to a certain well
known cigar sloie in New York.
already ipiite celebrated for its Cuban
Cigars made in the city, and buy a
cigar there, before handing it to you
the very courteous Cuban will, with
great dc7ilcratin;j. first apply the cigar
to his car. You nk. W hat is that
for 'r" "To s(.,., of rither hear, how
dry ir is. ii'tuo dry it will snap very
short. ! can bear it . A given cigar is
soft and makes no noise." "ll nv old
ought a cigar to he?" "hi two or three
weeks i.i t'.is climate n ciaj- is ry
' enough- ;o:igr tha.i that iloe not im
prove it."
Gl rno(i s CinasTUxs.- Morbid j
coiHUUons of body will inevitably
iii-ure darkness of mind, and many of n miu
the -ins tliat men tall into may lie -aid j Tl-.e latest scientific journals report
to ciime from morbid conditions of the v,.rv striking con.iemporiry up-h-sly.
I sis-ak of the irreguiar'.ties i.nVas 'in Spain, entirely autheinic.
t';at, liiougii li:ey do not prevent bud- ; i H. ,,,.t eiii iou- fact is that the short
ness, y, t dull ll.e -en-ibiliiies anil bin- i me.e.i.f s.-invty a onai-ti-r of :i
d -r perfect ileye'oiiou us. A violin
need no! be -triiiglesw. yet if the strings I
are injured the violin is injured.. It is ;
not common to liin! a real som-.l man 1
thoroughly healthy. Ky ignonuii-e
a id iiiiiiiodcratio:i in diet, men r ii-e
more iliiliciilties than they can help
witli their prayers. I ihink men over
cat their imiyers. A man can't cat
dyspeptic ami live grace, t iver-catiug
makes too much hlooii that keeps the
body leveii-h and tending downward.
Many men make a practice of eating
themselves info stupidity every day.
Can a man cultivate the fruits of the
spirit when he gormandizes every day
' t ill he can scarcely see? Hw -t-fi
these trails of poai-o and joy exist v illi
gluttonous i-tiiohig? Kvery clay the
clarity of mind is obscured by over
eating. Lvery man ought to he put
into exact know ledge of what his' sys
tem needs. I thai many w ho
.suffer by itiuW-uuu-itiou.. - Tliey are
white and 1014X, and le-iu and iold.
They need more animal. They are
too "heavy for the beast they ride.
More food would be to them a means
of gran-. . li". (''''c-Vi'.
AVTlK'Ws .frtifiJIKXT OK
Own Wnidt. Then- Is no gri-ater
error the popular one wbo-h at
tributes to :uthor an Im-ipacity to tle
termiin' the ctmiparative merits of
their own works. Petwei n Ibem-clves
and others; their judgments may well
lie taken with great I'-stave; but if a
writer is also a reader, and am in of
anything like liU-ral tulture, he is
usually the In'st juilge tf the compara
tive excellence ' of the work he' has
done. HealoMe knows" the labor, the
lire; tlx- clear-purged vision with
which Ik-has wrought. An author will
sometime jx-rver-ely insist that a
piece which has H-cn condemned by
lhe public iu his Ix-sf ; Imt be does not
think so any more than a mother re
ally thinks herhalf-w itied child is "the
brighle.-t of the family." JV. Ilii i knew
very weil that --Noi-iiia" was worth all
his 01 h r scon s. (bm.K). knows the
same ot l-'aipt." V !-e;i i Holmes
is asked f.-i- hi. I,e t poem be s,.is tile
colleet-i-; his "Chambered Xauti'tts,"
liiiuias f-aid of the "Three Gun-ds-nieu"
that he never read it w ithout
pii-asnre nud'prolit. Iiickens was sure
lie had touched the iiltim are expression
of modern fiction in "llariiaiiy Kiidgc"
and "The Tale of Two Cities," those
mastei piecfs of cois;,-,u fi(Jti s,, widelv
separaied in time and pH-.-po-c.
boo!-: is ..i,-.v pi.-p-irin v.l-.ieh is lo
give what each Ann r'n a;i poet con
siders hi; oed wres. tt will oynb-
ibiy be a bt'Ue:
liiau the
Ixjst critic, i-iuld lu!i; inad,-.
The. ski, ;s of the sea-otter and f u
seal are at present -o inucli apprcci
ideil am! va'ued lor ladies' furs lliat.a
few wonl ;e,:!cer:iing the aiumiils may
not Ie anii-s. The ott- r is called by
the Enssians the sc;i-!h'.ivi r; and the
seal, the M-a--at. 1 The offer's skin i--.
valu'-d from iipwards. The. fur is
soft at d black, w if li 1:111m rotn white
tipped hair. It i; rare; hence its
co-tlii.ess. The t'.i- s.-als arc more
a! uiii'liint. ta-ing found in great Lum
bers amoi g the Alutien I-latids. Tbo
skins are smaller il;au those ,f tbo
otfi r, and aiv valued at about ?'7 iu a
raw state. It is staled i hat. Iiie.v liave
advanced twenty -er cent, in i.,:!.
r.-ceiitiy. d:i a en .11 it of a sudden ile w!s;h !m I t-eu-nride f,ir Ibeiu.
Seal is --nid to Ix1 file !e uiiiig :iifeie in
I'nr iu !: New York inaikt I. A i-om-jiiete
s, t 1 .iinjii i-i-s a j.iek; 1. niiiir. boji,
cnpand gloves. A plain j:u-k-1 tnay
be obtained for
They have introduced a novel meth
od gtutrd -against certain railroad
accidents orf one of the Michlgaq lines.
This consists simp' in placing a bell
in front of the boiler of the locomotive,
either under or over the headlight,
where it is arranged in such a manner
that, at each revolution of the driving
wheels, it is struck by a hammer, and,
therefore, when the train is in motion
keeps up a constant din. This, it
would seem, must be derogatory to the
tympanums of the engineer, fireman,
and iassciigers generally ; but jicople
who have traveled on these ringing
trains assert tluittliey experience no
annoyance, as the lie! 1, under ordinary
circumstances, cannot be heard on
board of the train, owing to the rapid
motion winch throws tlie Round for
ward, from its position iu front of tlie
locomotive, so that it can lie heard a
considerable distant in advance of the
train, thus giving timely warning.
The general Superintendent of the road
thinks that some 'recent accidents
would have been certainly prevented
by the u- of this melodious arranoe
ment. . -- - 0
It is related by a foreign pajier that
four Hitirxlerers in Kussla' were recently
placed, by way of experiment, in four
lieds in which cholera patients had laiu.
They did not know the character ot the
lieds', and did not take the disease.
They were then compelled to sleep in
new" and clean beds, which they were
led to believe had been occupied by per
sons who ha9 died of cholera, when
three of them died within four hours.
It is a curious instance of the power of
the imagination, ana, in view or this
success, we urge it njion our friends
aiid couiitrym-311 to imagine hard all
winter that this terrible plague will
not visit us next season.
- Hnrface Movements of the Earth. '
Tlie old geological theory that from
time M me the surface of the earth
has been changed by grand catastro
phes, which, destrov 'illir Iilaiits and
nnlmals, were, on an immense st-jile,
similar to the local catastrophes pro
duced by volcanic eruptions and earth
quakes, has been abandoned by reason
of our more correct knowledge, found
ed on careful observations which in
vestigators have been making for many
years. These observations liave proved
that sudden catastrophes are always
merely local ; but that all the great
changes in the surface of our earth, as
the uplieaval of mountain rangers and
the depression of valleys and their ul
timate change into lake and oceans,
are gradual and go always 011, even at
the ' present day. The mountains
bordering tlie PaeitieOccan, iu fact the
whole coast of California, are perjK-tu-ally
rising, and have probably been
doing so for half a million' of years,
while all the land containing in its
bosom our great American lakes is
slowly sinking, with a probable cor
responding uplieaval of the statu of
Kentucky, of Southern Indiana and
the surrounding countries. Geological
investigations prove that once our lakes
had their outlets south, till by depress
ion at tlie north a new outlet was first
formed, about forty thousand years
mm. tliroindi Xianar.i to the St.
Iiwrenee Hiver. The division line of
the lakes and the Mississippi Valley
haslieen slowly traveling southward
siui that tune ; ana wne.i me coy 01
Chicago recently turned the waters of
Lake Michigan up the Chicago Uiver
into the Mississippi Valley, she simply
re-established the old stage of allairs,
which, if the motion in question con
tinues, will be more dillicult to mam
tain in the future than it is now.
fortunately, this motion is very slow,
and only a very remote posterity, some
thousands of years hence, will meet
with the difficulties we now foresee,
w hen the bed of (he Chicago River be
comes lower and low er at its junction
,,rit), T obii l i(-ll!lT"l 1 I
It appears, further, that the State of
At-w -Jersey is sinking, anil this I even
participated in by the City of New
York, itrooklyn. Long Island, &c., at
tl; rate of some sixteen or seventeen
inches per century. This is insignifi
cant to be sure, but. let it only go on
for a Ihousand years and it is some fif
teen fe t. so that the new stone docks
now commenced in New York City at
tbat time will be totally submerged:
but then they will probably not la-t so
long, and the soil of tin lower part of
the city may be very easily raised half
a foot every thirty years. It is evident
that tlie mo t correct data may he 0I1
taiued at the seashore, as the main
height of the ocean po-S'Ss a perfect
stability. This main height is. of
course, obtained by continual oh-erva-Ito'i
of the tides under different cir
cumstances, and if am w here I be liii.h-
! c- t tides reach higher level than they
did one hundred or two hundred years
i ago. it is a proof of depression or sink-
! ing of the land.
This depression is going onalopg'ne
iMii-t of Northern l-'iaiue, r.e!giutn,
Holland, and iiorih-we-t Germany.
while the coa-t of Sweden, abilltr the
yxi, u slowly rising, including the
ranil.-il of Swecden. the citv of Stock-
was sulbc
w hich has
'ni to 1
iroduee. a:i etl'ect
every inhabitant
v. i 10 ob -,
jdie c'reuni-laiice.s form- j
itpared tin-in with the j
erlv. and
lire-ent conditio1..
In tie0 t'l-ovince of.
.hiiiioi i. it is oi'-eivi
that from the 1
village of illar lion I liego.
posible to i-e the in.iier h:
it is i.ow i
ill of lhe j
cnill'- ll -teepte ot lo-uit.ll.i-s, m trie '
province Vailadoliil : wheiv.ns, twenty- j
three years -.ago. the summit of this j
stccpic could only just In- perceived..
The same thing oeeur to the same de
give ami under the same circuin stan
ces iu the province of Alva, where
; from the village of Salvaticrra the
, w ho-e of the village of Salu.-ndi; can
: now be -een. whi
' in 1 S IT the v ino of I
the church sleei
could partly lie imt- ;
; i-eived. I lie-e tour points are on a
j line parallel to the .sy.-tem of the San
; senilis Mount lir.s. w hile the extreme
I points are one hundred and forty miles
I All the mov i-ii nt w o speak of here
! have nothing to do with volcanic
j eruptions : they are. of .course. eaus d
j by changed comlilfons Of lhe inlerorof
i the eaiilVs mass, which by these facts
i is proved not to 1-c solid, the opinion of
j -nine niiilera geologist' notwithstand
ing; liu carih. If not ii plid jn-ide.
j imi-t at It .-1st be soil and pla-tie. in
; order to make depressions in one p'aiv
' w ith simultaneous t icvatioiis ki anolh-
j "' . . .
! One other mteie n.g fact we inu-t
j ineiition in this connection ; it is that
! the highest mountain? are not lhe
olib- t. a; one v. oiild nalurallv siu,j.o-e.
but belong lo the system last elevated :
mi lhe high Swiss Alps an- much
younger than the lower Shawangiink
mountains. .V n '!' Hrur ''in1 .'i..Vr.
The Xntt',11 inidcnds that the tain
ine in l'l-r-ia is cau-'d liy the absence
of lives. Man has -Iri.'piil the si! of
trees, the absence ol" trees has brought
droughts; droughts have sjmvjy di
minished the protiu--live powers ot the
erouiid. and finally .ile-jroyi-ii them,
l he iopu!atio:i, in the nn-.inl iuie.
dwindli-ig in numbirs aiai vitality.
I he extent of the famine in IVr-ia.
and ti'.c hel)iies-.ncss of lhe jm ople are
not to be. understood unless we con
sider that the country is almost a wil
derness, I ha there has been a three
vea rs
ilrouglit, and mat llierc arc no
der a s
i 1 .1 ci
ol rap, 11 transportation to ivu-i-ta:
cv. .roinptiy available, as
i.intrv w it'n a l et wiH-k of Laii-
roaii s.
the mi
l nder -iai.ding the eMei.t 01
cry ol tw o millions 01 peopi
(i aiiiinll II. g ine ii.issiu:i:v iu;a ine ,
destruction of foivss had sonic iidlu-;
01, iv in briuiriug Ibis alioiit. how fou l- ,
! ble becomes the nnzun'cnt of cur -ci-
ciiliiic iih-ii tig.iiiist lhe ilt'siniction ot';
I fore-ts. The people are slow to ae- '
I eopt theories. Tcrribie fait4, howi v-.
i er, strike (luwii op)iosilio;i as thnu;;h !
j they were well aimed hililcfs. j
i At the election on Tuesday hist in j
I New York City, a woman named;
j Margaret Mailer' claimed her rigid to
j vote. ' Tin- ballot was received by the ;
j Inspector', and after she had seen it j
I satclydeio ited she took her triumph-!
aid march homeward amid the cheers '
always ln-stowed upo:i the cnnpicring i
hero. This Mrs. or Miss ,the ili patch- j
es fail to tell u1 if Margaret he matron !
or .spiii--to.r) has taken Jllie wind -out of
the sails of the linn f Woodlaill 1
lailin. unil M.itals forth as the verlililej
ch-iinpioil of the Woman's Kighfs I
move incuts. The "lords of creation" j
may as well prepare to knock under
grii-el'ully. consoling themselves with
the o'.d adagisi respecting feminine de- '
tt rmhiiitioti. that. !
WliOu .-he will, stie will, i
You mav ileitenii on't :
And when sjie. won't phe won't
iy thi-ro'K an end onH.
In one of the Ohio tow ns a, citizen
had rendered himself obnoxious to the
rest of the community, so he was
placed in the hands of a vigilance com
mittee for treatment. The chairman
of the committee made the following
report: We took- the thief down to
the river, made a hole in the ice. antl
proceeded to duck him. but he slipied
through our hands and. hid under tlie
ice. AH our efforts to entice him out
failed, and he has now retained bis
point of advantage some hours.
four ladies of Galesburg, 111., who
were out collecting for the Chicago
relief fund, came uhhi a venerable
copicrliead who said their whole story
was an abolition lie, but finally re
marked tliat he had a patch of pota
toes, that, "if they had a mind to dig
tliem, tliey could have all they want
ed." Not at all daunted, the ladies
got some shovels, dug twenty bushels
tliat afternoon, and came back next
day and finished the patch, to the old
mini's intense disgust.
Gone Back on Woman Suffrage.
' The law of the Territory of Wyo
ming, permitting women to vote, has
finally been repealed.' Tlie act of re
peal passed the House some . days
since, all the Democrats votning Yea,
and all the Republicans Nay. In the
Council the vote stood five Yeas to
four Xay3 politics of the voters ou
either side not mentioned. The Dera
ernts orlrfnallv took the lead hi giving
women tlie siin"rnre. in the boiie of
winning their votes; but lie? -ig disap
pointed in this, they liave uow voted
to expunge their own work.
A girl called to apply for a place in
Boston. '1 lie lady of the house asked
for her reference. "I have lived for
five years- at my last place," said tlie
girl; "if yon want to know anymore
about me "ask Father llawley." Tlie
lady was favorably impressed with a
girl who have lived five years without
changing her place, but she concluded
to call on father llawley. "I to you
know a girl mimed Miss So-anU-So?"
"Yes:" All correct so far ; but as tlie
lady turned to go father llawley said:
"Do you know where lier last place
was?" "No, she did not mention
that." "It was iu the Shite Prison."
Strangely do people talk of lretthiff
over a great sorrow; overleaping it,
passing it by, thiirsting it into oblivion.
Not so. Xo one ever does that at
least no nature which cm Ik- touched
by the feeling of grief at all. The
only way is, to pass, through the ocean
of affliction solemnly, slowly, with
humility and faith, as the Israelites
passed thnough the sea. Then its
very waves or misery will divide and
become to us a wall on the ri 'ht side
and on the left, until the guir'narrows
and narrows before our eyes, and we
land safe on the opiWiU; "shore. Miss
fiamhling has 1h-cii prohibited bv
law in tlie great German Liimire. A
deem; has gone forth to tht; etl'ect that
after a certain date all lhe gambling
saltKins must lie closed. Sw itzerland
fillows the example, the authorities of
the city of Ilcrr.o having determined
to revive and enforce the laws against
gambling. Whether these measures
( will tend to correct the morals of those
countries or not, remains to 1m- seen.
They. are, certainly, proper steps to
take, and the public coiiscientv will
now lie clear of resioiisibility in the
matter. Si long as these institutions
are sanctioned by the popular voice, so
long will the public lie mea-urably re
sponsible for lhe evils which result
"fighting Joe Hooker" is as brave
in speech as hp was on the battle field.
At the recent reunion of the a run of
the Cumberland nt ivtroit he was
Hilled on for a speech. Iu tht; course
of his remarks he had occasion to speak
In the highest form ofGcneral Thomas,
saying that as a General Ik; wasalways
at the front, and always successful, but
of General Met lellan it was dtll'oreut.
if him. he said: "You might have
fastened a locomotive to him and you
could imt liavedra wn him to the front."
Gen Hooker's opinio:) is entitled to
At about the time of the Koseuz-weig-llowle.-bv
excitement in New
York, the veteran editor of the 7V
Knno seemed to have j:oi sumi-what ex
travagant in bis denunciation- of all
physicians whose names suo-io-sted
themselves to bis mind. Among other
doctors who were thus simimariailv
d unned was Wm. Paine Lean, of the
Philadelphia Medical I 'niver-ity. Or.
Dean resented the impeachment, the
oilier day. by bringing a suit again-t
the ''r.'1'. oe- for :til.(Hl damages.
Shall we hear from Mr. Iliveley next
on " hat I know About Libel Suits"?
A friend at our elbow sugge-ls that we
may. unless he is anticipated by the
editor of the A'- fi.
Ill Tato isJJlJ eclchrated matador nt
Valeueian w ho lo-t bis leg la-t year.
When King Amadous attended the
bull light at that place the crippled
hero sal next the King. Ou rising to
go the King give him some cigirs and
a pur-e of money. I luring the tumult
of applause which followed, one man
shouted. "Long live the democracy ;"
then hearing no response, cleverly
added, "of our King." which pleased
the multitude ininien-ly. Latter in
tlie day the King attended a second
rale "jieople's theater."
Mont Oenis having lieen tunneled
fot the puriosc of trade aud travel, a
like enterprise is now suggested iu re
lation to Mont Gothaan. The construc
tion of a tunnel here will involve much
greater dillicult ic than at Mont Cenis,
not only on account of the length,
w hich w ill lie twice that ot the latter,
but Ih-c-iuso ot the livers whose chan
nels must In- p isscil under. The com
pany in charge of this grind under
taking, hiaddilioii tolht irown capital,
expect to ivivive from Switzerland a
large subsidy.
A Pf'l-olfl villil 01 aiuv. In Ire
land three fourths of the arable laud is
said to 1-e in gras. This has so (,,.
creased the demand for lalior ibat the
amount of wages jki;- on a firm ol
two bur.ihul airllifly acre is ott.-n
only one hundred dollars. This
amount pays a man mid Imw to ln-rd
tlie ca'fle. Xo wonder that this coiui
try is the land of pioini-s- to MKr Pat.
A little livo-ycar-old boy was loi"g
nisi meted i.i morals by his graud
moihor. I be old lady lol l him tliat
all -uch ti mis as "by eoily." "by jin
00." "bv Ihil.nler." eli'.. wen; only
little oirtlis. and but liitle ln tter lb 111
otb'T pl'ol'aiiilies. In fut. sbc v;iid.
hei-ould li-ll a pioi'.ine tilth by the
iili by." All -lull Wore oaths
"Well. then, in-nuihno! her." -aid the
little- hon ful. "is -by le!o;rraph,"
which I see in th; newspapers, swear
inrr'" " No."said tin- old lady,
" that's only lyng."
Or. Mary II. Walker ivceiilly al
buiKil lhe Kepublieau town
ti.wego. . V.. and ca-l her ballot,
objections lo her doing so being over
ruled. She voted against .linhve
Churchill, of that city, upon whom -he
has det laii d w ar. because he did not
collect for her from lhe Government a
claim ol siO.IMM! for spy service, which
f he doctor claimed sR-had rendered.
General Grant
- ilh-ecled I'o-t-
m a ler-' b't.era! to invi -t igale charges
made agii.'.-t Mr. Pro-ser, ex-nu-iubcr
of t 'ongivss IVi-111 Teunc-s-e and I'o-f-tll'l-ter
of Xa hviile. tj the elfeetlhat
he a.ivpted pay for gelling v-crl ii;
claims through Congress.
Indian doc, a Piute mediciin' in in,
was lately sbiucl to deal h by his 1 1 H n
fr having 'ailed to euro two sj.-k Indi
ans. Ain-i.ig toe Indian; tne rice ;
seems to he : No cur.', -nr.- death. j
Mr. Thomas Hughes i ;at the head !
of a movement in London to replace j
tin- Chicago Library, which was d.--j
s( roved by I be 11 nt lire. There La!
fair 'pro-jiect that a large sum of nioney !
will be rafV-d. j
A . frenchman cannot pronounce ;
"ship." The v.-rd is "sheep" in his 1
Itioiilb. Seeing an iron-clad, b.e said
to a boy, "Ishdisa war sheep I-" "No,"
auswei-ed the Imiv, "It's a ram."
Olive Logan, it issa-d, will wed some
"nice yoiiiig mail" on Christmas day.
In !inticiatioii of the happy event, she
has purchased a handsome residence iu
Xew York. Who is the lucky individ
ual ? "
A gentleman ot Herts bus a f ivorile
pig. which Ik? has willetl Mantle. His
explanation is that betlitlso liei-ause
she is continually 'coming into the
Mr. Glad-tone, though distinguished
as an eijiiestri.-fn. Is no less so as a
pedestrian, and when returning from
his receiit, ollieial residence at Iialmoral
Castle, he walketl thodistance trom tl.e
castle to Clove, a distance of 2! miles.
An English woman, resident of
Alliiers. has married a Kedouiu Arab,
statiug that she did so iu "the interest
of science."'
Kev. ntdiert Collyer has presented to
the Boston Young Men's Christian
1'nion his original anvil, and it is now
on its way trom Chicago.
Brick Pomeroy and Sunset Cox are
the two largest contributors to the Lee
Monument fund In Xew York, though
the former only give $10.
It mav sound strange, but vet it is a
tact that, until within a fortnight, dog
butchering, for food purposes, was
carried on in liar!, and only pttt down
by force of law.
It is tlirllctilt to understand why
some people concern themselves about
their lungs, when their lungs take air
of themselves.
Jim Fisk thinks that tlie devil is in
all . women. "For instance," . says
James -there is Helen Josephine
The floor of a Xew Hampshire stable
fell out lately, and three cows that
were Intel led to tire stalls were hanged.
iJ uncalled for in Salem Post office, lH-c 20,
Asliby, Mrs Nancy A
Ttronson, l.lnneas
Km-ken, J W
lk-11. Mrs Anna
Tieaumont.Mrs Rlcliard
Urown, Hai ry J
Brown. T It
Kewlev, Mrs Isaac
Kriiwn, In is
IUdwell. MIsh .Mildred Husking. II 1$
holds. Miss Jane Kiinhncll. William
Cadonan, Mortz
Carev, Illchard
t arli-r, W II
( 'arter, Sam
t'rrold, Cornelius
Carroll, C
Cllnc, S J
I lavls, Joseph,
Davis, Mrs liosollno
Cooler, Ja-k.son
t'oojier. J K
'otis. Win IC
Court, llenrv
Coiirtnev. MraLlzzleE
fill ley, W W
Ilodee. Alfreds
fay, Mrs IF
K.dden, Miss .Tennle Kidaw, Prof
Kdmnnl-on, Thomaa Eotf Miss Nancv
Kkln. It II, Jr Koff. Mrs Nannie A
Knlii-h, 1-rer Kvans, KjihininT
English, Robert,
Farrons, JKI' Koss. Joseph li
Ferrt-H. Mrs Susan Kov, Jehn
Fluid, Mrs Klti S Fiiilon, U.,leri.
Force-, James
Jarrisni, Joseph
toildsieiii, Mrs J II
licoiye, Sieplien
i lmvi-, Wtlltaiii
i.iiMyilr.ip, tleoisje I
nivulrk-li, Mrs R A
lloriiwiu. Mrs Hannah 2
lileiui, Mrs Tanwr '2
t.lovt-r. Mrs ' It
t.rutirh, Mrs Mary A rL-011, liev Joseph M
Haines, I. M
Hamilton. MIssS P
Harvey, tieorue
Ilaydi-11, Mrs Ann
Heivli-rslioll, John
inlow, J e
Johnston, William
Jnhiits'ii, LouU
Hleclnv, Mrs t; O
Hi.iileii. Mrs Harriett J
Howe. II V
lluirinan. Miss Knlh A
Ilulluiun, Alis Amy
Jonos, Mrs Ellen
Joiw, Jlis8 Marv
Klmst-y, 1 1 s i Knnx, O F
Kiinsey, IHn-tus, Miv KllzaU-lh
lun-irl, l.dward
Ijliislsen. Jens
l-awler, J.iiih-s
Lsiwycr, 1,111-0
Lei;Ji, Nathan
l.eland, James M
l.ciiiiitoii, I'miiel
Ia-iiiiiioii, Mrs June
iA-rensialc-r, ('has b
Mi-e-1. Mr -Marv -Mulsoii,
h II
Merchant. AlU-rt
.Miller. Mr, Mynr
Mix. I.liis lt
Morrow, James J
M.-Hoaeil. Iir S W
M.-tiivw, James M 3
M. Knlbi. .lames A
.M,-l.ei1. IIarl.iw.-I
M.-Neal. Miss Sarah
Miinkers. Miss Fannie
Mm-rls, MVs V
McCuhhin. .Mr, Sr
.- Mot'alilsler
.i i.s.s , uce
Oil--. I '.inlet, Jr
I'alnlur, Mrs E Y
J'arkcT, t.icism
l'i-ari-j, .Mrs Marv
I'wble-. 1 ; A
Peiiland. James
I'enler, Thumas .
Peer, Mr sarali
Pern, Win
Kanisey. W s
Katnscv . 1 ietirri;
le-.-mleli, .I.IIIICS
HelMlic, .lailH-s
Kil):-n.sut;, Juinc.-l
-s.-inler'.. Mrs MarHu
Sirjieiii. 1 1 1 2
- riAa-'i-. I '
Sc.11, Mi-s Alice
Parker, Vin M
Plena;, .1 U
lri.--. Notion
Price. Mrs 1 I
Pl'iiiiiner. Ur II P S 2
Puller, Mrs Nunc,
Powell. Mis.s Maliia
Prem own, J I)
lloblnsf.n. J II
Hivkcnlii-M. t ' S5
Kodl-HHliI, 11
i:--v. m-auui 11 :
Jio , H t;
Siiuinons. K-hvard 2
Mitidi. Miss Klien
Sini'li. II W
smith. 7, T
Sniidi. llisn-in-Sini.'h,
T !:-iinas M
siniih, Aifrisl
S:;..ok. Mrs K'iz.ilx"'h
s-hi-i.-i-l. Mi s M.ililda J
Sli'l'.:ell-. .Iriliil-s ,s
s-et.-ll, A M'J
s ;. Kii
s. ri-le, lsiac F
Tin 111a-, John J
Thoiiilison. A Ilit-rl
'I'owii.-r. Mi-s l.iz.let", I! 11
1 scon, .1 11
S-:il, s 1:
I -S-i-iticltl: llci:r
j s.. u:,r !. I' 1 '
.'.-' . 'I'li'-mn
st.eri, Mr- l.-;n.-ia
I si;., W
slir an, c-ry
; s'.tltt--liiait. K'ias
f.-i-e. M'sj Julia li
Ta lor. V I'
l li'. inii-. .l.-,-i,h
'flu nuts, .John. Jr
l i, lei weo l, Wi Co l ie !ei-v.. d.t I I;C) s-iiu y
Vro'.m. Mrs I.a.-v P Vaiihorn, Mis Anuin-
Ui 1.
I Wa-u.-r. :'lilll
I Wanl.-s, K A
I Ward, Mrs Marv
! Waiil. J.-se
! Wa'son, William
! Voalherre.1. JCJ
Wells. iisn-.-i-Wilknwir,.
WU-or. Mrs Minerva J
Williams. Miss I.ney 1
W'ilini-!. Miss liaaia C
Win. lii-sit r. T 1
W iii.-iow
! Wcalln'iTcd. .In"
Wi::e:i, Miss Phcsai
' Zaiinva'l, lienjatnin F
I.tst r lA-tt.-n, Held for I'dhIusc
' tir-iuville tl K.iiies. I t. Mrs I-liiinia Ilyland,
! t rook, t :,l LeUiiion. t Irciron
i Miss M.n dia J Kli-io-N P Itiyer.V l o, 1'aik
nuii, llat-rih, 111 cr-sliius-, l'a
Save vmr money wbo you -Jin Imy tlie
at Tin:
Fair Ground Store
Will sell you a Rood ipialliy of
Mirx Pneklnx Sitll Hi H Ion.
I.!vrmol Knit fin I llil-llvd .oiind Micks)
atSil Gil Nr liiiiitlreU.
IIhikI hi:tnr, 50 lo 13 Mr
liiii-O:-) i.
The iMikt rM, 45 per U-s.
Ieoe lieroHOMo, afrnl c;i;is with fai
cets ita.-lii-l,i h:i er -n,
An-I In fact m arly all of kinds of
;ro-eri' lj Hie I'ju-Kiiko
Willi tin a I llll .n of fn iih .
Country Produce.
Wr have a fill a irtiiK-n! of
Dry Coods,
Boots and Shoos,
j Etc., Etc.,,
I Con-lanily on hand and for siV cheap.
sa'em 'Ik :, till, l-il. 'Ww
Money Cannot Buy It !
The Diamond Classes,
m am v ai rt 1:1.1, r.v
J. F. SPEXCEK & 0., X. Y..
Wlili lime "w (ift.-tct to th'1 I'lit r, nre
.r-ii"ir.'-' '! Iv all tM' ri'clM:itx-'! ilpti
ri.uis cf lhe Wi.ri-I l I".' the
N, Ar-ifi'i:tl Is 1 t th; liincnn yv
j ever known.
! Th y ;ir s.rntnil uoVut thrir ttwn niicr
j visi; n, ir t:i initiutp (' IV-.iVr., ui
i (nciJicr, niitl iicrivo il.cir hjiiil', ' I i;t -j
m n 1, si'r.funt of. t:. fir hm :nis tiiul
j liriiltinu'v.-
Tho Scientific Principle
Ol wIi'p S .y Jr runst ru'-tdl lirin tin
i -r it 1 i".di- i tiie U ns fl rcrtiV in fniit
i the rye, r'luviii a clrar itn -1 tlist'nrt
vi-it'ii, H.-t in tle naNini!, hc:il:hy s'jrht, iini
':-V'-ntiu ;! unilpiiiant i-ens;i;i'Hi, sucli
si.- gliinmciing antl wavering 'f Hibt, dixii-iic-(,
Ike.., iHCulinr to all others in use.
Tht i trrr M'tuntt d in (he Finest Manner
la frames of the best quality, of all mate
rials ucJ for that purpose.
Their FinUh and Durability
Cavtws. None genuine unless liearing
their tra. murk ptampnl on every frame.
From hnra they can only his nldiineil.
Tbi poods are not ptipphotl to
I'cddlora at anv price.
Salem Chemical Soap Wdrks,
We are now prepared to Manufat-rnre tlie
following soaj, Hit np in any style, nhaiie or
tieantltv, to suit tire traile, and at loir rates :
No. 1 t'lieimVal Olive Soap, 20 bam 18!l boxes
Xo. 1 olive lie'erslve " " " " " '
o. 1 Famllv I'ale Soap, 9 lors 2ilti R.
No. 1 Pure Palm MI, 20 lans lsnn.
" Al-n all klndttof Fam-y, Toilet and Shavlnit
Soap, and an excellent artk-le of tlllve Soft
Si.rii Pir heavy washing and kitchen pttrjiosfa.
ti"rAII tlie above tone what-bt rciv-re-iiled
or money rpfmidciL A Diir trial 111
IfS lis tiiallties. A sliare of public nirunace
X. B All kinds of pK.lsrcnilerlered greaaa
laken In exchange for n.
At S20 per Ion,
Ck-an and nice for Feetllng, for rale by
o. i)iruisos.
in, dim
From Prussia theCreat
Worm Exterminator!
onica Clit.Tnpl.eta Hotel. Salem Oregrm
i:ins, a a i"2-i
I.aleoffaa Fi-ucfco, Ca!.. would hiforra
llic f4c.k seoerally, that nlssit tbi-ty yeTs' ex
lf nsive jiraciii-.e nf medicine and ("armory In
Kurit! and llie United scales of wh'htt?tMitv
one have lieeii In OUfmnlii, has by c'fob-sta-vai.n
and rvnl exi-rimcnlM, cnie tdthe
riinrliisjofi that Ihtre art! nKre ao'C ami
chronic, iliseases ly wimiw., ant-niau-uke
other Fjiei-ies of entrozoa. llip
pnbli.' p'neTally, or the profession at tarpe,
are not aware of the nunilmr of mtlents w ho
ai-e trratetlliy -miiient physk-iaiis for this, that,
or stk-h a com)laJn wilhotit any rvlk-C If liie
tliseaso la-s lrVn umicrsOMKl. a I'ovv doses of
I)B. V" SoVUtltUJ WtlKM Kexkiiv -woalil
ltave Imiuwlialely rum I lhecoiiiii!alnt, and
have saved a preit many lives. lr. V. has
,-ollts'iil a lanie variety of vBlil'ornla roots
3iol herbs, whii-h, hyaaalyslnc, !osootsei-va-tion
ainlPxtonsive f'xticvlmeiils. htMiitii consks.
1 nlimisly say that he lias ili.s:overed new rem
ei lies for the succoRrtful cure of the- following
t a sea.--s:
SiPysiiepsia, Ciironic. .-iffc-l Ions if tlie
I.ivtT antl Kidney, flrsi and secowl slap; of
ConsimiHion, White Swelllnp, Palsy Piior-iiAlorrho-a
or loxl wlkoess,Xc'rv-ous liability,
Kpileiitic FIIK, Khenmti-, Nenmliria, liia'r
rlioa, Incoiitinamse of I.1 line, tJravel, Flmir
Albns lualt-li-s, I msy, and nil those diseases
which are known ninle'r Uie mime of Veneral,
sih-h a-s Syphilis, In ail its forms, liontirrhea,
(,loH, S'l-lciiiixis, False Iasfi,-iijes, Inflamatlou
of lhe l;!addor and Prostrated lands. Kxcoria
llons, Pusiules Piles, Pimples, Blotches, and
all Cutaneous F.niptlims. ol lhe skin. Cancer
Tumors ciuv l wlili or wilh'Mit ojierallon. In
Itis-ent Veneral la-eases, the fir. etlects a
t.'nre In from ,1 to 6 days or no charire.
For lhe lives bar and Throat. lr. V. pos
sesses new and Invaluable remedies.
Iir. V. would advise those ladie troubled
with Irregularities of lhe I'tcrous to try his
new renit-lles and cot cured.
Ir. Van Don Her;-'h' Infallible Worm Syr
up children. Price, fl. Warranle'l to
exiiel lhe worm--, or iho inoner refunded.
Ir. J. P. P. Van Ken Beryh. Hair Wmle a
stive cure, lo destroy all anlmalciila- of lire Hair
Follicles, jirevenl lalllntr onl and iiromoliiig
I lie, (jrowlli of the Hair. Pi-k-e, f.tX), war
ranted. ,
llvconsnltlnsan l underfroinK a simple rv
aniiiialloii. the allll.-leil can learn If Uielr dl-east-s
Is caused by Worms or n-K : a' all events
Iir. Van lien lienrh can lei! them liviiV what
diseases they are isull'ering.
Consultations and Examinations FKKK of
chaise In all cases. Dr. Van IH-n lletyli
Xiiaranlttrs, In all se, to e-l the worm,
and cure all diseases he midertakes or no
Card from Judge Frier, of Polk
1 ut. J. P. P. van It.n rfKHtiH Var Sir:
I lake p't-a-me in Ibankloj.' von iiib'!.-ly for
lhe ri-siora'ion ol" my hi-aidr alier nlntleeu
veal's ot iTi-it! sltli'ei'ilie i:u-nlai!' and Issltly.
1 doc'oi'oil a pn -at deal ; was :nl!i.-ti-d wiiha:
1110s! t-v-irv iia-iitiali!.- lsiai and sUiiifil of
seeing a well dav auain. Win n I came lo see
veil ai Salem. ou sai.i you would remove I lie
can-e of litncieen ve.-irs' snftorini: In live hours,
I could Is-'ieve 11. Iiul but after Liklnit
lhe live lastli-ss powders yoa pave me, ainul
i-si worois .-iss-',l I'n-iii me, and now, fourteen
itivs afterwards. I feel like another nun. and
ani able lo f.-llow my hii-lnt'sH l'ho!il jola t-r
I n-uwln ours re.-is-ctfiil!'-.
A. 11. FKiKI!.
r.eili'.-l. Polk Co., Vt PHh, lsll.
Ili:iT5Il!iI.Ai:Li'. ;
Eight Hundred Worms Expelled!
- I think II a public ls-ncflt to make the fol
lowing stateiiH-nl, that 1 have ls-cn all'.ictoil for
two M-ars wilh conMant )siins in the stomach,
and in lact, piiins all over mv body; no ap--l-!lie,
and let me cat what I would It always
put me In illslre-s. Xo medicine would re-lii-ve
ine and I j;rew worse and worse, tinlil
now I am a riieri- kil'-ion. Nolio-ly could tell
me what was the matter Willi me. until I con
sulted Dr. J. P. P. Van Den Kerch. In Sa'em.
t Mi-son, and he told me I was aHllcled Willi
worms, and Ihev were the cants of all my
nii-crv anil i-tiiis. I took the Doctor's medi
cine, and he oxicled soil worms from me.
They are like I-caches wMh long tails ami
measure from one to one and one-half Inches
i.i length. I onlv took six litlle v.lers. and
thev luouirht the u 01 ins w ill.n. lour hours time.
AM lhoe alllk-li-d wi.-Jilua to sets uw cap liad
ine al S;iui Henlel's Nable, Salem, tm-jtm.
V. t KAItb
Subs, iiljed a-d sworn to Is forc ine Ibis Tlh
llav of SeiKi-nilier, ls71.
J. .1. Ml i:!'IIY,.!. P.
Said worms , -an lie sts-n a' !', .!. P. P. Van
Den Ilemh's ort'u-e, Op -in llou-o ll'.ivk,
Court Slrect. Salem.
Pit. J. p. P. Van Pi n r.Ki-oit. ''-or .;iv
I ili-em It mv du'.v to ntike the follow Int: s!ati
nient: For lhe lii-t ltm-e le-irs I h.-ivu ln.-n
Miilferlnc with eont:int sniiu'lnc itiln and a
iiuiverinn scns-illon in inv Mi.m.-i.-li. a twin
In mv , hi-t and henrl. mv f:lmild not di-Ki-st
and I :is i iin thai nltli ili(li,-iil!y
I . ould follow mv viii-on, wl.l.-h h:i.- I't n
lu re In Siili-in for the tvist ten yinre. a- n pm,
II. al demist. In fa.-t treiii the wiln
and mlserv I li.'l'l nastcl aa lo n mere sl,el-i-i.
m. I had N-en dm-toiiin; a int-nt ilc.-il ivlih
oiit anv Is-netit. and U'lievlnt; lliere was no
he'p . r riH' Imt to llncrer on uiilll dealli onld
n-'ieve all mv snaerlnir. Some nf mv Wends
ilioinrlit I had worms an 1 had Inter nee Ur.
Van lien llei-jrli. He tel. I me at on.-e thai
. urn-wen-lhe .-.i-'-k- of aU my tronli'oi, so
In- :ra e lm- S -m ill and t:is i-'i-s isiwders and
I.i 4 hours nlioii; 7;si worm-. I'n in one ineh to
o n- and one l-a l iih-hes Ioha .-jiioi' nav
me that iLiv, and lhe fol'nw Ine nislit h -ine
lii-ire r.-une, and now I am hatiiy to say I feci
liKo aunt her man ni'iiin, and am (.-alnlng
Mretiiitli from day to day. II. SMITH, M. 1.
sstleni, iiisron, S-pt. 2-1, 1S71.
Another Crcat Slaughter!
We think It our duly to make the followlnR
st.-eement in lio-. nil-.' -do seme e,w,l t,,
hli-k ,-litldrt-u : "ur elii'd had tnt-n Mek for
seine tune. Tlilnl.tni a'! lhe time our If tht woi ins io tried ni.-iny
iti.-loiand a pveal ni-niv reniodlrs wlflioiit
anv ivliel. ot:4- lu-i-rl-i'r.-1 lol.l ii. wo dio.iM
iro an-1 li v Pr. Van Pen Uersh. the Worm
poetor. In S.dem. We did so and lie p.tvetis
one lio'.ile of his ,-i.vlir-iic l Worm .s rum mid
idler irl' lhe mi.s'n,-:.,,-. loolir yl-M as'on-t-hnien!
.-il.ini sisi worms i:is-sj away'l'roin
our dear .'Iv.M, aa I now, lliauk lieai eu, .-lu- Is
well n--alii.
I. p. r.iiiz.i.K.
Salem. Oreiron. Vt. r,.l. 1S71.
l'attoii'is ltliK-k, Salem, Orosron,
Will disp'i-'e i-f his
Fashionable and Desirable Stock
t.d -
Fal! and Winter Goods,!
.lllil Vts-eiU' i 111 Ml s;l: l l.illv ls. o
CollsUtll ', U,I1, . r
Amei Icmii sirniit f-.f il.
MIKof wilier Vtir let le,
Mikm Is,
Lite, s.
1 : :j.
nml tii-tm t.'endk,
iil'a'ino-t t-vei y Fa-hl niali't- Fal-i I.-and shade.
A Fl.I.I. AsjitntTMFXT OV
Ladies and Misses Underwear.
S20 A DAY.
To Introilnee tlie ispleliniteil (123 Itiiekeye
Mmttle Mewinv MiM-hltie. silii-h n'ikc
on IxXh sides, and Is the only Ik -ensed slum !e
Machine in the l.'nltud Statin for 1c-. than IKI
Ihat nisos the celebrated "WII.SD.N l-KKP,"
imd are ac.knowksilgeil by all l be the
for heavy and Ii;?ht sewing. In tho market,
oiuiit free.
Addruss MIKR & rijsJSON,
General Airenta, Albany Orcmn.
New or Mv-ond hand ; amall or slw,
ForSale or Exchange.
And all kind of Billiard fixxls for sale on tenni.
Billiards Altered and Repaired at the
IowcHt Rate.
LOl'IM Kl 1I',
'lecli Portlanil, Oregon.
Clarke's Dollar Instructor
Ie.sR expensive, and, of course, lens extctv
t-tie than the poimlar "Xew Method for Hoed
. , n ...... 1 1. -. .SI..Un.,l M
'1 khiiis hoi, uooj. v.... ... p.uuww. --
pleaKlnjr, easllv-rn-ocrewlveexer.-lses and tnne
K . k n ....... n ln.-
"wltliotrt a Master," and for all who only
wish to " bo a little way."
Sent, pt-pnid to any aldre-s, for One
imivrR niTsnv A CO.. Boston .
'. II. UITKOS A- CO., TorU.
f. Walku, rnfvlbir. K. 11. M rlsi o A C... llojn!
A Gii. AcroU, Sas Knwrifl.CaJ pud U CHKf SU. .If
7lII,r,IOof8 BcarTealioiaar fbeir
M'odrrfnI C'ttrnliTC EOrcla.
Vinrsar Uittern are not a- Tlla Fancr
Drlak, Mido of Poor Bam, WhUker,
Proof S pi rim and Kefna Manor, doe
torrd, ril'd and frwwtctwd to slean th tut.
ralW " Tnnlcn," " Appetlzera." " Kestorerm," ,
that bad the tippler on to drunkt-nnesa and rain,
bntarc a true Medicine, arade from the Native
Root, and Ucrba of California, free from all
Afcnliollo rStimalaatn. ther are the
KonoTator and Iuvljsorator of the ByBtem, earTT
insoff all poisonous matter and reatorln the blood
(o a healthy eondition. lio peraon can take thew
Bitters according to direction and remain lonjr
nnwell. provided their bono, are not dertrored '
by mineral poisoa or other mean, and the vital
wjrans wasted beyond the point of repair.
' They aire o Ueullo FratlTe well
ne a Tonic, poeseMiuit, also, the peculiar merit
if actum as a powerful asent in relievins Conave
lion or Inflammation of tho Liver, and of alt the
Visceral Organs.
-n roans; or old. married er single, at the dawn of
womanhood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bit
ten hare no equal.
For IaHammavtorr and Chroalo Kfcea
matlan aad (.(, Dyaaepaia nr la
divealioa, Dillaaa, Keailltent aad
Interaiittent Fevers, Dlseaora of tbo
Mlood.J-llvrr, Kldnyo aad Bladrfer,
(hese Bliiera have been aiett ncceesfal. Sack
Illseasea are canned by filiated Blood,
which a-eoerallr produced by dorancement of
the Dlaemlve Orcaaa.
Headache, Pain In tlie Shotllller CooKha, Tisht
neae of tlie Cheat. Olninesa, Som Eructations ot
'he Btomsch, Bad Taxto in tho Mouth, BIUou
Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation: of
the Lnnga, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and
a hundred other painful symptoms are th ott
sprinjj of Dyspepsia. O
They !nvl?orata the Stomach and stimulate tha
torpid Liver and. Howe is, which render them ot
uneo, nailed efficacy In cleansfriR the blood of all Im
purities, and imparting new life and vlRor to th .
whole syrtem.
FOltrSKIN DISEASE!, ErupUons.Tetter,
Salt Khcnm, Blotches, Spots, Pimples. Pastilles,
Boils, Carlmncles. IliiiK-Worms, SenH Head, Sora
Kyes,l!ryslelBS. Heh. Scurfs. Ilisroloratlonsof the
9kin. Hnniorsaml DiaeuHe of the bilchi. of what
ever name or nature, are literally due up and car
ried out of the svrtcin in a short time by the nse of
the-e Hitters. One bottle In such enses will con
vince the most incredulous of thetr curative effect,
t'Uaru tlieA'itiated Blood whenever you find it
Impurities bnrrtliiB thronph the skin In Pimples,
Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it when yon And It
oustracten and slturgish in the veins: cleanse it
r.hen It t foul.and your fi-elincs will tell you when.
Keep the blood putc, and the health of the system
will follow.
PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, nrklnei
In the system of so ninny thousands, ore cffocUially
destroyed and removeil.
J, Proprietor. R. H. Mi DON ALII as
TO Ilnnr'o.sti unil Gen. Aireitts. r4ii Kram-is,,
tial'.'. niuil." anil 81 Commerce btreet.-Ni r Vo.-k.
Aa Infallible BLOon pt nirtrn. pnw :s
i.iS rare toxic and xebvme prop- vlU-ii
a ccriain cure for Bncia.irH)i, ton,
M i K li ti i. ami sll kindred Piecaaes.
It i-omplettly rentores the syKtem when lm
paired by disease, revives tho action of Urc
KIltXEYS mmi CC.MTAL OBtAIlt, mil.
rally cures staoi t u, SALT m:i Jt.
end all lbiptivi: mm t l TAXton Pis.
cases, gives Immediate and permanent relief
'n ov.rr.rsii. rnvsireLAs. Tumors,
floilg. Scald Head. Ulcers and Soros; eradl
cafes from the system all traces of Mercurial
Disease. s - -
It is ri nn v vkciktabi.i:. iMHn-masla
from an herb found Indigenous in t si.nmii.
It is therefore peculiarly suitable for use by
rrmaies and Childron, as a Btiioa ri al.
I n n mm nr.-vovATon.
For Sse by all Truseliti.
REPtftaTQW, K03TCTTC ft 4 CO.
520 and 531 Market Ctrect,
Ca Trancise?. -
The Florence is thn
tt St win M-ichino
for family nse, heetuse
so seldom eels
ont of order ; if there is one in tho Sinlc of
Orejon not working weil, if I am informed
of it. I will fix it without any expeuse to
tlie owner,
-A. G- 23 1ST T ,
10 Slontgrni?! Srtcl outh.
Vlkk, OISLCI. ul VV.,
-A f"". TP - T '
J?!r-Active A'-ui- wnu'r-l .a inr.v j.lme
.on?. I '
.jTI;v.'i .X
... .... r
A es(r;tl I.- If l.-T:it iv Is tlie M - of
ri ll. ti:e, the l.i-v. e. s., iho liK ,,f snako-i
In lhe puss; but iu- miwt dt-'Uhtfid lil la
that of .
Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient
In tlie spurUinp; poli'el.plvliica-wnranee to tha
Invalid that l is llilix will Is- delk-liMislv avv.
Minced; thai lils-iomn.'h will t rel'iv-slieil atol
purllieil; that If hobs feverb-li, lii.s lirsly will ho
cooled by healthful evimiiion; that If he Is
couMlimiod, the dlftlctiliv will in- away vtih
out airlift; and that if the eoiiillilon" ! hia
(tenernt lu-ailli la liniaimt, U will lie i--,-ill!v
restortil. Of course, he will lake care to
133 Front Kt., rorlland,
Commission Merchant.
ireBm prmlin-e wkl to nest a-lv.-im.iirc In
Portland or San Francisco. Iealer In
Slerchant's orders flilcxl on reasonahic terms
Portland, Apr. ltUw.
dsViass Sood.-.
Now Is Itie time lo aow Red and White ("lo
ver Sceil, Timothy and lile.e tiras-N all ol
w hich arc on sale at
5? .;::'
I p J v