V n J SUEH, VtDMUAt DEC. 27. 1171. Stffl Harping, -v--;-''' Here U the Herald come to hand agiiiti full of " dedications." It is a C ie where December l not as pleas ant as May. Now, as to thlat$ gee- retary and his aflalrs, we have no ex- cii to make for any wrong-doing on his part, and, to be plain about it, we don't doubt, ' since the action of the fi rand Jury, that there has been wrong doing liy hint how much;- we leave tin- t'ourts to test. We proceed, how- vtr, to make certain charges for the lfrn-ld and all the rest of the Ring in KtmmenU to answer. iZ4 j. . 1st. It was known during the ses sion of the Legislature that there was no report made by MajMpotles sold by him. Tliat was fifteen months ago. 2nd. More than a year ago it began to transpire that lie liad not accounted for moneys received. f..v. 3d. Four terms of Court have been 1m Id liere since his term of office ex-J and two of them while be was lieiv. present, and yet there was jio ef fort made to indict hlat until they got . rt-ady to use the matter a prelude to 1 an important election. 4th. ., Tins securities are good for ten time the reported defdeations, and yet tJury liare not been prosecuted. Sih. For fear they should itiid May at Salt Lake It lia4eeii allowed to leak out. and has beanj)iibHsliel in the Jf'-r'ild that a Messenger was dispatclied for him. We understand from a competent source that Mr. Foudray cannot possi bly lutnc gat reaclted Bait Lake ; so the Jl' i-aUl made haste publish so tliat the telt graph could send tlie news to the Associated Press of California and Salt Luke, and lie be "forewarned." It has been intimating tliat he would 1m "forewarned," and, sure enough, we see no reason why he should not. It reminds us of the well-known story of an ancient damsel who dwelt in a iK'leaguered city, which was finally captured and giveioier to be sacked, etc. She was no more anxious for tlie etc: to commence than are tlie Herald and tlie King for May to be " fore warned." To really capture him would be to shut off tlie supply of golden eggs. Now, we insist upon It tliat the money due tlie State by May be collect ed, for the people are more interested in saving their cash than in seeing tlie IhriVd hash up its Bing tirades. And right here let us moralize a bit. AVIiat man is tliere In Oregon who will hesitate to believe tliat if May had held office and got rich twelve or fif teen years ago, and not been found out, but liad saved up and bought houses and lauds, and sheep, and cattle, and factory stock, and have" contrived to lie a Ieinocrat, hecoujd to-day liave been a member". In full standing, of the Salem King? Of course we don't mean to say that any of that set got rich by micb means, but we merely wish to insimlate tliat if they did they aie not considered any the worse for it. Some of them were' jH'i liaps "artists in Indian vouchers," but they can lay their hands on their c.ipucious stomaehs and say : "Are we not all honorable men Republican State Committee. . A vail for a meeting of tlie Republi can State Central Committee is pub lished in yesterday's Oregonian. We lielieve that. Hon. T. B. Odeneal, of Benton, is Chairman of ihe Commit tee. Tlie remaining members are C. M. Foster, of Baker ; F. O. McCown, of Clackamas ; Jas. Welch, of Clat sop ; I). Blanchard, of Columbia ; S. S. Mann, of Coos ; T. W. Crooks of Curry;. David Busliey, of Douglas; W. M. Wilson, of Grant ; W. M. Tur ner, of Jackson ; W. M. Gibbens, of Josephine ; John Burrows, of Linn ; T. W. Davenport, of Marlon ; C. P. Crandall, of Multnomah ; B. F. Nich ols, of Polk ; J. C. Franklin, of Uma tilla ; W. J. Snodgrass. of Union ; T. R. Cornelius of Washington ; Z. L. Moody, of Wasco ; J. W. Watts of Yamhill ; W. H. Haley, of Lane, lias deceased. The meeting Is "called at Snlem for tlie 1st day of February, 1S72. A full meeting of tlie Commit tee is desired. About the Salem r?!!Rf- KniTon Statesman : The Lite ar ticle In the Fitrmer, about the Salem wharf, was entirely without my knowledge, but since the Bulletin lias written against it-, and has asserted that I charged exhorbitant rent, now, while I used to charge the P. T. Co. nothing for tlie use of it, I wish to ex plain that I have often written the W. T. Co., for months past, to know if they would buy or rent the property of inc. About a month ago Mr. Biles, Agent of tho Company, came here and asked my terms, and -I showed him that the wharf had cort, in all. fully ten thousand dollars, tliat in set tling my partnership, with Mr. Wright, I liad allowed him $15,000 for if, but would self it Tof 3,T)0ff;"T)f "Wfir " it tor $700 per annum. lie never made any offer tlie ii or since, to buy or rcut it, and merely sent word that the price was deemed too high. I wrote to ask them to make me an offer, but my let ter never wawHirtswei ed - - My wharf Is for sale or relit, on most, reasonable terms, and as the Hidletin facetiously remarks i an "Eleplwnt" I don't eare to keep-possession of. It is also facetious hi alludinz to my "little gaiue of old bluff" and tlie way I thought Ir "had them" ami luy " greed," etc. Perliap onr citizens may see it iu that light. , . . . Tlie P. T. Co. never paid me any rent, but gave me a commission of three per cent'.,1 and I ' collected all tlie freight bills, and under this ar rangement tlie wliarf earned me nearly $300 per mouth, the year round, with the expense of a man to tend It. The present Company has refused,Jto make any such arrangement. Should the W. T. Co. wish to purcliaso, or rent, I should be happy to bear from tlie in. and iffo not my fault tliat the. subject lias gut. -into the newspapers, thougl tliey have to do audi tilings I suppose when scarce of Items. "' Excuse this trouble, - ' ' C.UZAFOYAGE " in. IIitiAW T.vt Ponular nil per.-tltlou gives a mystical turn to everything that liapiens on ah Hal low JOve. Moreover, it lias laid down aa mm to attend cer tain actions. A young lady at LewLs- tiw, JI-., attemje w carry out an old legend on tliat eventful evening. 4111 VI III Jl UCI nwv something about the personal appear- Unix yi iHjr iunirc hum utivi, Silt! TVI5 LUlUpWTU vvb cellar atom bnckwAnl, with a mirror . 1 . ... . I 3 in ncr naiwi. uuc no nnsse wii and descended with wonderful rapldi- i.l hvlrftM .li iVVtAii aim MXWVfrc OtVciousncss her fcasale friends- in- !eirt to try auu sua out u saw tcr first, ftpntiw. LItigrat law. j - j California Deraoexacyled( the way hi introducing the IKigant law to this coast, and Oregon Democracy with Its capacity for imitation made haste to follow it, and the people luive been taxied double what such work formerly cost to benefit the journals of a party which is notoriously slack in support . of its own newspapers. "Wc. will Un dertake to prove by onr books and ac counts preVTou to the Opmtton ttf this law, that the rharges made by tlie litigant organ since that time have av eraged nearly or quite double wtiat used to charge. , The law is a system of legalized rob- bery, and before it can be repealed the people of this State will have been swindled oat of more money than it is claimed Secretary May "absorbed. At tlie present time the litigant work of tlie Herald alone runs up to at least COO per month, halt of which is le galized piracy. This law was 'passed to compel tlie people to support 1 lenio cratic ncwspajiers, and its operation wrongs alike the rich and tlie poor and taxes tlie pittance of even the widow and the orphan. ' The people of California have be- 4nie disgusted with this law and it Is sure to be repealed and a 1411 lias al ready beeu introduced for that purpose. To be wire the Senate of1 that State Is not Republican but it Is not anticipa ted tliat partisan feeling hi that body will save tlie law. We ask the people to judge this par ty which levies black mail on them to maintain Democratic newspapers ; which passes laws to double the price of work and throw tlie stealings into their own pockets. If this is not steal ing Subject to indictment by a Grand Jury, it is still stealing which tlie eo ple should condemn at the ballot box and which is as actual robbery as any rondemned by the laws. Premedita tion in tlie eye of the law increases the degree of any crime and the tact tluit this swindle was deliberately planned and executed and w as afterwards en dorsed and nforeed by Governor G ro ver, Should be enough for all honest men to cousider. While these men are hunting up de falcations let them realize that their own skirts are unclean. 1 w f 1 . Christmas denrts Uli'mcs onoe innro O'er lnlnnl plain, by oanling shvrv, Telling of a Snvlor's Wrth To the matters 1 homes of earth. . Wondrous Stor- of the Star WIc nien followc.l from afar ! AVomlrous Sriracle of Gnu-e, , Christ was born In lowly place! How He llveil, and taught, and died, Suffered and was i-mcllled. This the story rich and old ' Which tlw chiming bells have told, AMlngln their joyous strata That from death He m$e again Well may gladnesx fill the earth On the day whk-h R)eaks His birth ; I hlmtng bells peal forth the story ; . For, while fades all humaa glory, And while Envdres jaKS away, Still, as dan on this jiatal day, Wider over land and sea Swells the praise wo yield to Thee. Earth's rro.id Kingdoms rige and fall, Bnt Thy reign snrpast all ; Not as marshaled hosts prevail. For none Thy victories bewail: Won by Faith Thy Conquests are. Peaceful as was Bethlehem's Star. Wondrous Star and Wondrous Story ! Wondrous Love anil Wondrous tilorj ! Increaslag as the Ages fly, And boundless as Eternity ! Chiming bells, Oh ehant again The Angel's hymn on Bethlehem's plain ! Merry let the greeting lie Sounding through each Century 1 Let thy peals be glad ! And If hearts are fad When tossed on sin or sorrows wave Know, Oh Heart ! that Christ can save! A Merry Christmas. . , Nearly nineteen ' centuries- have passed away since the "Wise ;Men of tlie East, led by the Star, found tlie infant Christ, and gave their homage to tlie son ot God. Men differ iu their creeds, and the time may still be far distant when one church and one faith shall represent the religion which Christ taught. It may never be that tlie lieart of rich and poor can read and compreliend -alike the words of tlie meek "and lowly Jesus, but it must be tliat these teach ings shall work in all who accept them something of. the meek and lowly spirit which actuated the author ot their Faith. It may not be even desirable, .that one creed sliall prevail on-earth lest its adlierents slmll become too powerful, and human weakness become airo- gant when no restraint is to be en countered. It may be tliat purity, in religion, shall be best cultivated and protected by the watchfulness with which sect watches scct and the ar gument with which creeds disputes with creed. But however we may-differ in -the mere forms of religion, or in tlie ac ceptance of a faith, .which, after all, tlie majority of tlie world does hold iu common, it is a blessed truth that all Christendom receives with common joy tlie advent of the day which com memorates tlie Savior's birth. It may be claimed by the strict and fearful christian tliat it is not meet to celebrate this anniversary with noisy inirthand festivity, bu$ thank God, the world which Is sinful enough sometimes to forget penance, and prayer, seems willing to rejoice tliat ChriX, the Savior, has been born, and however uncouth and rude and even inappropriate may be the Christmas . merry makings of some, it is a . fact. nevertheless, tliat the anniversary of the incident which Introduced the great setiemc ot Ketiemption ls re ceived, by tlie world, as the most joy ous occasion of tlie year. Let ns be" merry and glad hearted tlien, Knowing no creeds, obstructing our Faith by no controversy, but kt all alike, who profess the Christ iau faith, have charity for each other while we recognize how great and sur passing all human understanding, is the love which God bears for us. A Stoxf. Cokpse. In remoing the liodies from the townTand burial ground, In tlie town of Wilson, a re markable discovery was made. The body of Mrs. VYflsoii, an nged lady, and buried about tarty years ago, and tlie mother of Mr. William A. Wil son, was found to be complete in form and features, and perfectly petrified, wbile In tlie adjoining grave tlie re mains of lier husband, wlio was buried about the tame time were nearly ex tinct. Upon opening the eoffhi of Mrs. Wilson tlie features were found perfect, but of a discolored, dingy ap pearance. In the operation of taking It out of the grove one of tlie feet was broken off, showing tlie interior to be as solid and as white, hard and brit tle as chalk. It was hard lift for four men to raise the coflin out of tlie grave, and it was estimated to weigh from five to six hundred pounds. The body was removed and re-interred tn Greenwood cemetery, as are all the bodies in that burial ground, in com pliance with the a recent act of the Legislature, under the supervision of the commissioners. A Western editor informs a corres pondent tlu t the wtords. .. car.ls'' accompririyi. ga tttarriagc noiVc g .if that tlie wvil ied pair don't plav poker. Archaeology ami Ethnology. Ttr.AY. C. McKay, of the Dalles, gives" us some interesting information relative to tbe onject ot me 1 aiw v retreexpeditlbu, which ha-? lately visi ted this State under clrir;:e 01 i r.: O. C. Marsh, of that Institution. j He Was informed tliat PVahody made a bequest to both Yn'e a id Har vard' Colleges,, of sixty thou !.:! r ! each for the purpose of coii-riMi'i -i s fund to be ued for the ).u;.o-. . .1 -ceitaining fuels relafi: g t t'.c '-:i.i of tlie aboriginal raw l -Vuu nc: . Prof. Marsh was a mar n-lalive of the lamented I'eabixly. and taking much interest in this subject hiui-elf he al-o interested the philanthropist in the matter, and the handsome donation alluded to aLov were therefore ob tained. The expedition lately helv was a re sult of that generosity, lh'iiig defrayed from that fund, and iu conversation with Dr. McKay, Prof. Marsh ex plained the objicUof the expedition and handed liim a ciuiitar setting (brfh the 'fait lint a muse inn of Ar clueology and Ktlu;o'.gy ha been es tablislied at Yale College. The hody of tlie circular is as follows : This tlepnrtment of the College li t been estabii-liel witliiu l!:e past y-ar. In response to the rapidiy incn-a-ing interest in ijue-ltois relating to the oritfn, anti iiity. and early lit-iory l man. It li.n tor its m ii;i ohject ihv formation ii dlci-tiuiis ilJu-rrarii; what is known of the ahor ih.a! race of North and Sotitii Aniiiit-i. both ii pn'-historic time, and during their suliquent jirogre.-s towards civilization: and also, so tar as may he necessary j for comparison, ol coheetions relatnii: to tho primitive races of other coun tries. The facilities for collecting speci mens relating to the early races of America are everv year rapidly di minishing, and it is earnestly hoped tliat all frierds of the College w'l! lose no opportunity of seen ring for thi new Museum object of int'ere-t hear ing upon the iuipoitant brai.vh of ci euee it is designed to illustrate. Among the articles !,ie'i itise lecially des'u-.d 'o to obtain are the following: 1. Implements of sto:,e. -neh :;s axes, gouges, ehi-t ls. mortars. i-s-tles, piX's, tomahawks, sj:lr heads, arrow beailsj iic. 2. Implements of copper or bronze, such as axes, ehisels spear head-. knive, fcc. 3. Articles ot' earthen ware, nuchas images of any kind, va-es, pot . pipes, &c. 1. Articles of dress, weapons. i! -mestic Itteil il. ie., of the v:'.r";ou tri'wi of Xort'i and Souili Auv.Ttcau Indians, and al-o of the K-!:iino-. - 5. Inutg-.'s a;-..! sculi rnri-s. or casts of them, particularly no;e inaile hy ihe early iuhahitat.ts ot" .M .o.ko, Central America. ierua::.l Chili. l. Mnuimi.-s, skeletons, or arts of skeletons, e specially the skulls. vf a,,y of the aUive nanud rues. Specimens ii.teiided fur the Museum may he sent to the care ot l'rof. O. C. Marsh. If possible, the exact l'ca:i' of each article should he give:.. t'lIKsil ."4.V 'AiiWI.. 11Y J. U. IIi.LL AMJ. Tliere's a pong in tlie ftir! Tliere's a nur in tlie sky ! There's a nm: tier's itfy prayer And a Imhy's low , ry ! And Ihe star r:iin its lire while the Beu'.infal mob. Forfthe nianpi-rof Iie:h!ehemi-ra l!es a Kiej! There's a tumult of jov U'erthe wmulurl'iil fiirih. For the Viixtn's .-w ,i'i 1mv Is the Lord of ihe eartli. Ay! the star raim lis lire and ;!ie Ueaatifnl sin'. Forthe Diangerof Kellileliinii-rad e a Kin.-! In the UnM of tti.-it !far Lie the aces imiH arie !. And that song I n in a far Has i-wejil ovr Hie wnr!t. Kvery heavlti 1 ;i'ianie. nail the llraulit'ul i.,:j 111 tlie lioiiK-s of the iiai toil tliat Je-n." Is Hivft. We njoUre In tin' lijdit. Ami we eian tlie -si!i That comes down ihrmiirh tin. ritit From the tie-iveii'y ihni;jr. Av! we sliont to .he tuvelv evn::irel tlit-v liriiiir. And we greet in lus era lie our :-avior aad King. History of Santa Clans. Santa Clans is wonderfully pojinlar just now. His name is in the months of all the little folks; suudrv oueer epistles are indited to him. ii--ecchiiig a remembrance in the .shape of a doll, a rocking-horse, a triunpet. or some much desired toy. ro.sesscii of bound less resources in Santa Clans, in the belief ot childhoott : a chariiiing vari ety of mysterious gilts are at his dis posal : and more than mat, he in; !e. enviable reputation of . in -, to make the little people nappy, -cvcr was a saint more extensively popular. Ineluslory ot Santa ( laus a enri- ons mixture of truth and fable coe; far back into the ancient time. Cen turies ago a child was Lorn 1:1 Asia Minor wlio received the name of Nich olas. His parents were wcaltliv ind of high rank ; and. desiring to ex pre.-s their gratitude to (iod for the birth ii their son. they resoived to educate him for the Chtistian priesthood. The cliild w-.n so'mt and thoughtful, and while vet young lwith his iia- rents 'dieil. and he inherited their i grctit wealth, lie con-idered t':e i i. li es a sacred trust ; lie fed the Imi.gry. lie clothed tlie do-titnte, and per!',i ii!. il all kinds of good deeds as - eivtlyas possible. As a priest lie va ; greatly beloved; as a bishop he continued hi's benevolence; after his death the Church canonized him. and he heeauie one of the greatest of pa.'ro: i -;tit,!s. He was revered a-: the helper of ti c KKr, the protector of tl:-- weak. :n.d as the especial patron saint ofllt'le children, w ho wi re taught to belk-ve that their good gins laine lror.i him. Many miiaeulou: i: ei 1 Us wviv nddi d to the story ol his llfi-. '.vhieli tlie tu' tutored peojile fo.idly beiii veil. :sn.to Nicolaus v.a ; the nanie give:i him I--, the monks, aid this v,a- i-imi'dnrly changed to Santo Nic'l.n.is. and Ihial'v clipped dow;, to Mui i i':-iu'. v ;;: is Still represe:iled :- r-t-sii-i.ig iii; olt liabits of secret beta vo'i iic. and e,.n- ins: down t he ehilll.iev at ni .i.t. i-itic;; Wltll cnnslina : prc-cnls tor caiidti'i: A pleasant lie! ion it is io tii-iii, under tbe cover d" wiiieh tii.it eli .r.iii :.g i ciecy conei riiii g the diwror f tr'.it i 1 kept up. though little eyes a.'.d al and mind. arc keen, ami Sau:.i Clan is usually very well kno.c.i to i;iv:n :w a much nioiv mod: im p: r.sonage tliaa old St. Xielio'as. i.ut the children en joy tlie harinU-.-s pretense, th tiiyst ri ous tilling of stocking and fin-heavily laden Christmas tree. A iis'.'rry Christmas to the little o.ie:, a .itoail who love t hem ! One of the specialities ot Chi i tiuas day in olden times was the Chri-tmas jiie, which was often composed of fi-h, tleslu and fowl. Iu Ihe ivigu of Hen ry III. the sheriff of Gloucester was once ordered by that monarch to pro cure' "twenty salmon, ten peacocks, and ten brawns." for Christmas pies. Tlie peacock was only produced at solemn and chivalric banquets, such as that ot Christmas, and when thus served up with gilded beak and plumed crest, bis head appearing at one end of the pie and his tail at the other, spread out in all its glory was carried in state into the hall, to the sound of minstrelsy, by tlur" ladv most distinguished lor birth and beauty, the other ladies following in due order. In old times plum-pottage was al ways served with the first course, of a Christmas dinner. It was made by boiling beef or mutton - with broth thickened with brown bread. When lialf boiled, raisins, currants, prunes, cloves, mace, and ginger were added : and wlien the mess had been thorough ly boiled it was sent to the table with the best meats. A pretty custom is practiced in Swe den of hanging up in front ot everv house, at Christmas, a small sheaf of wlieat lor tlie winter provision of the birds who are exposed to the clemen cies, of a nortlierii winter. Sheridan once said to Erskine: "Ah, Tom, had I stuck to the law I might have been what you are ; but. !.a (g u. Mrs. S. Or myself was aiw iy ; u ifg, .1 to write for our 'er or shou'd- r tOU." '.. -':. ' y -i : ... . i . r a joint lOiicer.i." The City and County. l-'roiu Satm-it'iy's ):iily. Tiif. WiiAiiF QrisnoN. Cbarley "I'zafovage imblisiMM a card, this uioni ijg. hi reiatio ; lo hi; wharf which ha j got i..to the i cw papus without h'p help. W'v have a good wharf' lierc, Im'lt i.j ll'.e lie st lm-ation, and well adapted Jo t!i.-. pit'-poH'. '- C4isray a i - a .d will sell or rent. . i V. ;t..d .we h.i't see why ilt r, ;!:oii il he a y dill'eii'ty alxm; ih i ..i:m j'ir .-ir cy is crMiniy a gotitl a.,il reaoi.a' ie m i a d a fair !e;i!er. The wharf is projx rty he iuitv li:i- in) IH' fur. a;.d his hi-.iitli is not what it used lo ho. The VV. T. Co. hll.or under soni!: inisapi rclieiisioii in Ihe matter. Our citizens are inter ested t- the extent that they want a good wharf for tlieir I ii-il:. Cat C.U it i:. Yesterday a drove of thirty large i'tt cattle passed through the ciiy. en route for . the slaughter y:nd, E:ir,t of town. They Were oh taincd in Toll; county, andaiv de Jgn ed to supply the various markets of the placv. Among other good thing; we arc boiii.d to have good Chri-tma beef, ami we ax glad of h. for tiiea' ti c!e ha s lntMi very scM riv of late. ;; informed that the co.upany. t'ur.ii ,l:i..j. meat for the city, are t:lii-f eu'iiig ty head of cat tie, oa (hi- liiia..e.v;'iir. . -ix miles ea t of to v,i. i-rliy. thi r. ig.i of blue i tef is about to t-.itl. A.sonu.i: itn-..--i:i.i 1 1 U ivy.. Simeo. J.owcil iiy, at buesi.i -ta and workeil I.i the ji-'Iltry Lu-i..fs. 1,, had a I'.m.iiy a. id a wile, w ho i- iniul rc-spcciid by ail who know lur. U leU not long hice, havi.ig bvirowed all lie cotlld from everybody who would lend him a dollar. He di ap prared at nl-ht ai.d wis iute.v hiani from at Suit Luke, wIr-ic lie wr'te lck to sonU' ore. ahu i.g hi' v.'l!. She is washing t -tij-port l n -cif a ... children and ha: t!.i vuiiial by of a.; It -cciiis to tp that I'u l. con .tv is tail ing co.;siiK rably the ii ad i.i ibis of bit -h.t'--. i;i.avi i ver. lisp. Ilo-u 1 -.m. r.. u. age.. I lo' t'ni : com; t..y. w,i; iu tow n ye-ti-rday arid we Irani irom liim that the works l ave been i.i op- i-it ion since the lira; of the month, and me kninir g from "0 to -10 dozen of soeks per day. lie ha brought a liantity f lhe-e do n to have theia firiished, which lias to tx-douc l y haml. i'hey are lei'r at ". I.. -Wade's store, and firmer.-, w ives and daughter:, and a-l other persons, crt'i call there and learn wh d the company will pay ibr having the heels and toes knit in. A largo amount of -uch assHtai-cc is w anted. ri.i.M Sll.s AMI Viry na '.'.'i!! el'ase for i loliday the toilet, wiii.-h W. Smith, a! tl e 1'oti.i T Ai'.uri.ES. 1 e wanting in -ur-I ;,rj'o e-. tirtii ie- for reminds : ti.a: I. Drug Store ta l'at-a- xii-llc. t a " t t.ei ie-t -ni-.t .-i'.-o'eli n nilnie . e-' iXirr'et . etc . con .. !;-!,..; I.i .It .X ;ll -it. j -!.;li.- -. i I'll -i , . i 'lis t o Hi' 1 a-ti a-t. . A VuMAX IN Tilt lltCIIT. The pleari.il' t illi' -t r::l io.i We hav - uceu of woiii'Ui's rlgi,; was hit.i'l, .sfc. 1 & Co.'s si,i;v, e t.'r-iiy. They have a new clerk w ho is petite and charming, and must lie po;.u:ar as a matter of Cotir-e. and the only improvement we cm surest is that he shall take her bonnet oil", which would look more like business. Can't -onn-dody be found to " hold hi r bonnet?" IlMIil.t: 1.I1K lN-1 'li.VM t: l.'OMl'AXV. Mr. W. Smail. of thelirm of O. 1". 'm Ithehi iV Co., ('eneral Agents for t'.ie l'acilic coa-t. of the Kmpire Life - , . , , . i .1 Iiuiii-....-.- I !- - r-i t..H- i-ri V... I I ! in this city, and will aid Judge C had w'u k i.i managing the intere-ts of that Company 'in this State. That ent. r I'l'i-i.ig l oiiipiiuy has a double co'mn i advertisement, in thi paper, which de-t't yes artentio.i. j 'earn I Tilt: Lai:. Sm.w F.w.i.. V that the depth of snow ineiv.i id up the vai'ev. Tliat out we-t tv.vird lletliel the s io-.v fill was very light, and that hunters who wire i.i tin liio't it lilH e I -t of Sijtiliiii'i y afief eik ami dei r h ni ie s..ow at all. 1 ot I'mi: d pie: it v o-i -aching tee vii ev. '.'. ca on able, t -a'. i.-.i ii-. i tnnor- ri'v 1.1 Hi.' 1 1 1 r.-tur.-ed by i ir g I veil ab-i . i. :i. i il l.; . t -t evening's ti.ii. nt about -ix v. i-i k- hav- : Mr." i It. ha- :i'i Inter..- ! in a saw ntiil. d-iw.i the Corn. .ibi.i. aboi.i! iifty mile, below Portland, and has 1 ,., n down there looking a tier the i:it-.-re-fs of t.,. ..ame. He report - that c. da r htrnl eri i i gr at demand i'l the Portland ni.iii.et. CliHISUlAs Si-Dins. chri-tmas is enmin-x ta ;f :nal rro-.i v.e will be in the very mid ! ..ftl.e a.-i.n i! f --tivities in cident to that ga'a on i-io.,. We know of no ;.eot!e wlio have a ln-iter I'luht to I i SaVio loli o;i ilo.-d-i g.i'i in-: n-l h.mi.y tliaw hiit they 'will hi is certain. So, tin Al 1" r l .r ta:t -. i.i i . inaVe iro'.l el-.ei.i", Di:.;' .1 I'ear.'' me- li Ti Mil immi: .!: niM;.A tenip.er anee ma-s niei ting will lie. held at the Congregational Church, Tue-idny even ing. IX'". 2'itb. Able speakers will be pre. ent to address the nieet'nig. AH i'itere-te'1 iu the noble reform are cor dially invited to he piv.c.Sit. Pro gramme of exercises will apjiear to morrow iuornitar- J. (J. llorbi bert l.a had a rev n rhyme : iloilett from SI. XichoTas. and if vouihe; to aotlior'.red ;.eent i; I.i tie ca; ;a - 1 ne iv i; ir u :e S : iitrt Ci'iu ; v! ti.a' -trie. It in siii.-niiig i'li' i! ; alien: c: !: lee'.s o.T ver e; in ea;i do hi -o.vi: talking. Tin: i;w i.M.t. mi. Alo ikat tile ctrd oi'ti e Xi-w i-'iigla.id Life i. :-u:'-a iav Co. will s'.ow that Cant. L. S. -colt 1 - Ti: ifl'-V til" Coru;,!. ent for cur :a - a good a -.:. f. liAM rii SCiioot.. ;'. ParrMi and wit'- a n. e-ui ce el-c. here that they will open their wh.ter term of dancing school, at Legislative Hall, on Friday evening. Jan. 5th. Thoie w ho have a pleasant, remembrance of the la-st win ter's school will be glad to hear that it is nlwut to he revived. Small ITke at .Tlffkuson. A few days, ince a log dry kiln used'lor dry ing washed woo, while in use for the Beaver Hosiery Co., took tire and burned. The loss was small, as the building was worthless. KxiT Snow. The snow U going fast, soon it will ;m entirely h :.'. It even disappeared yestenlay from the sidewalk on the north side of the ba,.k. a place which steins to be inaccessible Cither to suushiiie or shovel. Mauiutxi. At the residence of the bride's father, near Salem, Dec 20th, ls71, by Elder L. f.. Kowland, Mr. Jas. S. Byrne and Miss Kuth a Huff man ; all ot Marion comity. A C.vn of Stock. A err of fine cattle left the depot yesterday morn ing, by tlie train, for Portland. school Vacation. All the schools of the city have adjourned until after thejho'.idays. Vacation begin- today ami will continue until iti.nviry 2d. 1872. Front o . ..! 'o D tVy. Canmi's xt Jinnvi i Hatfs. See UVi . " ' ..- n'v vr" em, -,'. ! ..;,: ids im. ii.-. i i- .;-! ..." :;,.i;,: . wf.Vti uut-t he so-d this pivsct wet-k. SlNDAV SCHOOL, STAT1STRS. 1),,,.. the post week we have endeavored to obtain a report from all the Sunday Schnohjiff thcity, for the year lsJl, and Arr.iisli ihe same to ourreaik-rs this ni'T.iiug. Ve have sm-e-ceiliil ,i'y i.i pan, a.,d wv hen-with -nl-illil a report of s,.vi-i-:ii of the schools. The same having been fur.iidied us t? 'be .SH u-riolwidi-ufs. Fir t t'mi-irfsritioi.-fil Sit',. lay VhooF. T. SKF. Tinn.:. S; -i to oVnf. O. il'cki ion, A--4-Tnl 'u .-r!.!te.:d.iif ; Fnt.k X. :'J!lUert. Seciv-t.ii-y ; A." it,- CtK-r. I'm ;un r : S jp- ir u-. ; "lio -l -ft r iV'iii.ic i.umU'i- ftf vliolar: r. arte.id-am-e during the year. 4,3.-4 ; av. rag. atti'iH'.ance. t4 ; ' whole nu nber of bm.Jiers eiu-olled, avenge atteud-aui-e. 12 : smsllest, attetidauiv of scholars, Aug. 3. 50 : larjrest attend ance, 1:11; iiimiber of voiunu-s in the library. 275; dotuiteil to other Sun day Schools and in disuse. 100 vol umes; i1;lvti added during the year OU vohuaes; received and distributed 400 eopi-is ot Su.iday Sdwxl papers. Hnve expcniled for text tKks and preparation f ircoicert exercises!. A SO. -sii gi g book in n o, "The Pri-," Cnatli'vie Siril-iv School. I.:irgc;f tnnhi r of -ct o'at's. 5' ; average al .endai.it'. 10 ; i.ii'.nU'r of teachers, 2 ; ..o iiiirarv. Christian li nl cr of -el av- " be- .:.' die School. Whole :i-s' fir the year. 3.-100 : 7:! - iv. ':' t.ivu . . :;.;'-. o (i . - inor .i by ;ivi . - -.vl.l -'ariaic I"'"- t llie t:o;.ed in 1! Ai;ri!TKi a roll i M -ti i h is I ..' -. A' f' n--:!i.l ht iv a. ,. re pit-ttion from o.i charge of si 1 out of a lot of c c :no o'V :i-id ' t 1 v pr-nf c-eiile-1 'e 1 r. - ir. frit r ac pi- t'rtf I -it i f i.; . 1 t-.r :: v " 1 i, 'Vl,:e! v I It the I -.1 i was r-.s It for -O: ll, but -ir; lie - a. 1-1 f ti l,'. ' it d'd r.ot -i- -i f!;. h-i:.k, r fin. i h Lji t i.'-ti'u'.-t ei ' tor i :i i : I' :-, n't .i. -; t .-. I i ; tii-h troiih'c a -( w- is of nui" : etion t.'. Mr. Mar: :d all i ht 1 1' iVie;:d iit- ,1 t: i N,. . i v. rv Lf- .a! -ai: - in mil tiis tnnilv. ll'U.i. v ilov;;. -l'rof. Koger- i i lorms is that the " l m ri.-c. I'li-dge" has 1 ee.i -igned by more than eight- hirrdivd of the youth of Oregon, arid that others are enrolling their names almo-t daily. Iy r.."ii"-t the time tor signing the Pledge has l eu etend d to the 2'2d of IM ruarv. next. this 1 .. i: -r the time when the Tenoeiance Convention convenes iu eonvi' t t n at: cil v. We ho : .i' -ll' t -r'eiil .e to 'ed 1- .f th. lir ! .r 1 . it v I VI. v.-u a . . n-ri a r.-aiiy ; "I' - : j sie-b. i o.i ;i ;.:i.-;o; ! i up a gla -- t! which rcvo'v. Iriiuli i:n.n.v t soi-tment ot i v i u '.' r t 1 ! 'IT ' as. ,. ' nui -a I t i ti-ti nent s. j b. autifnl work !; I d.-if: -. and you c . t'-emetrt. on the Vg-i: t writing r to his -ndv.-r n-l tit- t page, t o r ili thea s-ortmeiit. Ci.v.wihv; Timi-s. Vestenriy the friends of Chri-rmis were out in -trong i force, and the stores were many of; tilelo i-ro'.V.led. esijeeiailx' tho-e heT'e ; hri-l mas otb i in-rs be II purcir' ed. I). i;.on. '.ill. Steel or Coi ami were thronged ith ell tire candy -ton's and ! omers. SO V.ci the tov emo- i tl ..-, i...-.... a:.. i ........ .. .11. .11. I i I i"i 1 I ' i 1 1 - ' it . 1 il 'l ih I u . .... S.ant-1 ( in: 1I..-I.I ill it-tcr; iini.uiuiti .an I. a id iu irters onp. the Clrene-k.'ta. two C'stribli -hnie i..d toliu (.. V right's ' it. " J't-I l". SiX'H "rr. At the meeting of; e I'.ibU-Soc'i iv. o:i Friday evening 1 1 -t. tlie follow i-.g ol'ji-ers were e'eeted for the v.-ar 1-72 : President. T. M. ! :bh: i el'-, !rr id, O. I liekins or: Tr:'t-'i A. r-T TM N '.tle o -r. . u- b! 'ii'.'-i" e r"m t : We :! ?'. ! ' fw., n - -i ( ' M'i-kr 1, r v ; -ri t iv r ' 'I F i; v 1 liix'T. Mr. !. 'iV. Siniih of the t'tte -trevtdrug store l.a' left II : :i reiueint rame of him in the shape ot' x!'"!cC for toilet lairooii's, lierfiu'.n rv and b Cbri-t 'et soar,-. Ill -t the tlillig tor no presei:!'. of courv. I'riv ilo.i t tore-et fi' ill V holiday chaug.'. hen veu stu-nu v. 'our ( iill. : -teel i'l; Co. git ride of lot: of, ttreir birmrit'iil go,xl -est-rit'iy and j have enough to last all Holiday week. Their assortment is very complete and excellent". Their adv -i ti oment is worth n-attiiiir. and will "Ivovou an ieda how well worth your while it is to call :i;io:i them. Mail CcA!ix;. The mail which have .'iccumul.iied it . an raucisco :.i'e j to come upon the next steamer. The terrible stomi ntentioned in tlieili:-i jiatches delavi il the Oiitl.imme a iay j i or so ;ivr anil w i.i not i.e cue at j i Portia li-d for at len t another d ir. We j 'm 'c j o -it V ge our mail ; Monday ; rnu-haiii" ' tn tact Pelii f is a viht '. blft liniment nude by lohu X.I. 'nr. ham, of Tl ;1 - vici .it'.', a, id which has nroved nn etlioieioui and often an hid-i'if tvrnedy fir many p-ivw. Me j 'ns fill ll it sn vc "i''i'- wlicre ll'i'dj th'it be has io i lu'e I t a-lvr i e it. i tr.d the not'ee 'i-'.e'r--this nior.-d-'g. j I Mai ki t X'nT. The I n i;,""ii'' I Smith it Criiiith o i State street, and of b-o. Coi'in0 it t o. o j I 'o'uniori'' il stivet. his been consolidated. Mr. Smith h is been l.oueht out. and at each place the business i-, now conducted in the name of .Grillith, Collins & Co. Tcrkkvs ad Game. "Wc notiivd last evening that the Fish and Game Market on State street, was supplied with quite a nice lot ol dressed turkeys and geese; also ducks, chickens and (tiiils. There is the place to provide your Christmas dinner. Ornamentation. Speciinens'of tlie skill with which ornamenting in sugar work can le done at Holbert's. are to Ik; seen in bis windows.- He lias a most accomplished workman em ployed. F- A M-nihi;i'. D !;. AintKSTl J. On Saturday evening last. Marshal S. T. Richardson of re gon City came up on tlie train in search of a half breed Indian who had stolen a revolver. Mr. R. after strolling around the city a few minutes, detect ed his man and mire -ed him oTfo the 'ail where lie rein -lined over night. Yesterday mor dug by the early train, he was taken back to Oregon City where he will lie held to answer, on charge of lareenv. " Notice to Teachers. -We are re quested to inform teadii-rs and others, who may desire to attend the .-Yamhill County . Teachers' A oi it:o;i. to be retdy to t ike paage ou tlie steamer Fannie Patto:i AA'ednesday morning 5 !'1-x-k. T'.ii sf,.inii-r cinnects ';'. !!; ry'oin v.-i'.i b rtt-.s to La- j i'lyetle. win le A-ocialioil if hi Id I tiii-S Wick. " " L'mic.rants of '4.1. On Saturday there was a meeetiug on the street of Salem, of four, gentlemen, well known citizens, who came to Oregon over twenty-eignt years ago. They were iu the em'gration of '-IX ah eventful one in Or. g hi-tory, and which fur nished many prominent men. They wered. W. Xesmith. le'se Applegate. Daniel. A'al.'o and d. 15. McClane. The lii t wa in the V. S. Senate d fir ing tile eventful years of the civil w ar ; the seeond wa -thepimieer of the l'ni( (tt i. and '; ; a man of intellect italatt aiu nt niis; iValdo Hills w ill ever remain ihe name of that Ixrautifu plortion of Marion county where the t'.'r 1 was the earlii'-t settler. The la -t nam (I is one of the proprietor of Snlein. and car lied on mills here at an early day. All tour figured, prominently, in con nection with the Provisional Oovern inent of Iregon. The meeting of four such old-time citizens miHt have been a p'casaut atl'air. .M'-oxfo Fi:-Tiv.u.. On the 27th instant. St. Jo'in's I);,y, the different Lodges of this city, this year, as ou la-if. will ii,fall their oflic is fir ensuing Ma-o. lie year. Salem r.o -l:rc. No. 4. ;t th'-ir I t -I ri"nt -ir inei elected the f.iiowi. g- oiilci-r--: T V Karl.art. AV M ; fohn Pern-. S Y ; K X C.iningh'iin. V; tohn li Albert, i'r."ts.;.o I Cut. "-o, . a .1 1! V Wil li .. Tyler Pay' th- Lode-... No. .10'. e'i .-.-1 n'"'esr: ., , f .l!ows.- Til Cox. M : bib ' Uriy. S W ; T li Caun. '': ' , M-n'tli, i'l'.-a s.; li 1' lii-oM ii, e . a insr.'illa; l.od'e. i K A Pratt. Tyler, rubbe on of officers of Pacilic o. :1.i. and fe-tiva! for .M.i-i.i- wdi t al.e plaiv at the II. IC HI.' 111. : w i.'tii-ji. h 1 I it i.-.-l. 1' ...e - ;i.' ,(s fin .. -iiiiuittei' of . r-V-Yt-r t "I.o.Ijr-: f di !'. IVitfi B'-o'.v.,, i : r-i.-'ray. Ticket- lariiart's a.e.l C'rn Aliller. H F ". : ) M ' irr and Jno i be. had at Cox A the Mxpress Ollree. All s'liourniiig M.i-o.is aiv-cordially in vited lo ;u lend. Sk .- N A r.i.K.--N'g-i rs a id Tom and l.-rry are -'ea-onahie ju-t at present. I d our boys have a grateful ajipivcia i i : of the abundant -ample fumi-hcl :''! heir ri fre luin-nt iVoni t he "!.iaho." ' here i.i the world lVtlvj..h:i learned 'n make -u. li g.int I'ii'ii ..V: Jt-rrv wc i ci.it .-ay. ' j Air. I till LICV. - ll i' Putt- i ind merchant - hi v.- i-u- d a ! l-fiday ' e'lcnlar con-i-ting of a hand onie ; pa rii-'il'!. Dm- ha- r r. -'red il- Iriv-1 iug the itnpriut. o:i it. of our (-uter- ! pri dug friend Mr. AVm. Davidson. j STATE NEWS. Vttvx'uiv.'.l. i'rorn the riirt'aud daiile- we take the foilnw : The "i- n..' in- v. n-il from Mill -ho ro that the r lilr-i id t-n kis by thi time I s" I to wiifi a :!.tv,. L: i . j !:-- I y :r is ..;' tn-i' p' ie . ': i v. . . ,1 4 ii .(,1 1 ' ' ' I'' of l.iivv fi ys " ' ' 1 "Mge. o . the i i -.11 i.. I i let the de 11,1- ; i naai: .. I ' r f vi . a -id it is tied up there. A cliiueofnra lir-t el:i-saw -nit i an ticipated. The Circuit Court of Multnomah has p is -ed rc-m'iit ion- epre-.ivo of re-j -pi-cl for ineiii. H v of Hit-rill' Pills. j Judge iK iiiiy lined a relH-llious in- j dividual, who resi-ted ariv-t. one huu-; died dollar'. That probably calmed hi- angry -sj fn it.. The Senator Li commenced inai.ing -ivaular trip t.i )n goii i ity. The )'.' -ay- a Chiueso tlrnl is ni innfai-tniin? lirst-clas sliipet-s. ; ci.eap. at Portland, and pull's rliem in-tead of howliiig agaiu-t I. iiine-.' 1-itior. The Vt -"-'in has informalem from Asforifi tiiat the severe t noi th-e.i-l. r known th "re for year, n red on la-t Sunday and Monday, on Sii.-.il-- tl-e : tngAsiorii I i- .tig' t ''"-i ll on' idi-t' bark AViuduirl aid !!"! h-r at the bead nf Swan Jslai.d. v li-iv -he an-' clioved. o-i M.cidiv t'i" wind and: waves thi-eit.-i,, , t , f,., -,i, ,. i !,,. veel : and uii '-i o.i b r-bei'u-c-, - tiie ei i-is . ie ,-)t i .vay in - i,. t' ,. -.1,;.,, A- ' th! ; l a' ' i 1 if t.le the bar the ..'' .- ays 'he u idefwriti r-d iiy tiny r-- ; -o.,. ilify for the ios.. i'l." : ' , .-.ays flu re aiv "iiife a 1 r.ien- . . ..."c-i'ifs t'orltie pi-i!ia:i .' ' . n '' . 1'iade vacant ' e . ri V Pills. Ti e ' '.. e-: r 1 ! ,. :,,-t:oll of the Coll t V v ill I'l . iiiei ti ,'r n i'T 1 . .'. .ii li- a -pccia, -.1 to elect. ilin-y I. Me ' -' k. of l!o-e Co. : V.i. 1. h-r - !i. .',i -i.-i- cnted with a dl. : Vi-r tnrii; ct ' -y hi - c-ni; any. The iiii'ii 1 5 . -1 lti for "rough-' !--." -.v.i s a. Mii-iti. tigii.ei r of a tlo.ikcy engiric, that'- Low lie eaiue lo , act so like :! 'In ikey Lini i if. From the . of 22-1 we learn that ' o'o. ". I.oues. snu-in-l.iw of the ' l.lte Sheriff i'lilK ha- been appoint; d r , tl-., Ciinity l "o-iinii f ic.ers she'ii! . (if ! ultnoiu.i ll inil'itv. i All iolt- alloy-' the C.I-CI'!es !;.V, ce,i .; d ru rliiug for tlie u inter, owing j to :l:l iiv bin; k ide In If till- 1 lalle-. The -, '. learns tint a man named Henry aiei.l.iiit illy l.tlle.l him-clf tile j other day ith. a gu.i. ! Tho .'." ''.. i-ays j!,e K. X. Cook.- ! is liringing do-.rn largo i,u mt i: it - of tlour liofi 1 rrego.i t it y. Allen & I.eiAi lately paid t'L '.-X' dtilies on -li ; ir iru jiorti d on the ' race Ihibert - from lionolu u. The " . -.."' .- ol '11 ay- .1 ji'-eparatio ;s rnv jinking for the C. A. R. i liri-tuius pall. : The I-.t.' sherl-r Pills h'i, hi. V.i- in- sured for i-IO t!.. ) i;i o ie of th leadh'.g companies. ! A ilea vy paper mail i - (Njieetcd by j tne next -Seam. r. The two ini.i -hips. AMeii Ite-se ;iud Harririgloa. are to unload part of their i-ir-i) at A-toria for icir tin v thaw more tu iri the li.ictinu ; old riv. r w ill i carry. U illiiiiiflte VtClry. The Albany Jj-mweil say that a grand ball will lie given at Parrisli's Hall, in Albany., oil Christmas cven ill', Dec. 2.1th. A good upier and the he-t of music will be nirnished ' for the occasion. The Harrisburg Mills have itcntly lieen nditted with new machinery and in a short time will be able to turn out 130 barrel of tlour per day. Albany boasts the shrewdest little nigger living, on the strength of a trick which i'.t played a few day-ago The little darkey went into a store and called for a bit's worth of candy, and utter it was rolled up and given to him be -lyly laid down a fcr..ve fi"'. which he. liad fathered up from the debris of tlie lite, and scudded for the door, leaving the astonished but good ma tured merchant standing behind the counter with a countenance which lie tokened "sold" in every lineament. That little nigger will yet lie a C'arp"t bag Congressman. So says the Da.io- The Drt.tocrat of the 22(1 contains tlie following: About two years ago Mr. lUiel Custar and Mrs. Lines both of this count", were married, and as their domestic relations failed to glide as smoothlv as both desired, they fig ured in a divorce suit at our Circuit Court last month, and were duly seK rated by the forms of law "in such cases made ami provided." But, after tine reflection, they found lliat tney had made a terril h mistake in thus evi r-iig the nuptial cord Wi.ioh bound their live tog. ti.ir. and. accordingly I'll Thursday ot List Week, immediate - ly after jk'iying oil" tbe costs of the di vorce suit amount ing to nearly $2,500 they procured the fetpiiito license anl were again made "two souls with but a single." and so-fortli. AVe tanst that tlie reunited pair, who now "know how it is tlie mselves' for tin second time, may never have occasion to re gret their second union. I'ortintHl. The cmA? of Decetnlier 211, says Sir. Oeo. V. .James tiled hi bonds of ty .1.(100 its Sheriff, ye-terday, and $50. (rtW) as Tax Collector. His bondsmen were Messrs. C. IL Lewis. !). V. Jiurn-ides Y.. Milwain, ii. 11. Flan ders and 1. Z. Holmes. The temple which the J. O. (J. T. prom-e to build in this city, will be larger than was at first calculated, and fir tins ptiro-e the capital stock has br-eii iucreasisl rilO.OOO, t im s making the total capital f.'iO.tKMI. All the Churches are pit-paring Cbristuia- trees Tor their little ones. The Christinas live of St. Stephen's Chapel Sunday School, will lie lighted this evening at ha if past six o'clock. Member; and friends are cordially in vited. The services at Trinity Church o i ChrPlmas li.-iy Monday w ill beir'm 11 a.. ID. i l:" 1-ii-t'u.is tree Ibr - ' '.:, . wi.. be o: Thur-day, the .Tudge V. AV. Page nu t with a se vere accident ou Thur-diy evening. A-' hi- was going home he s;',,.. ;IIMI f. II o i t..tt -id. walk. 'l'liird stn-et. .ind hi- leg bending; under him. it was broken.' Several phy-iciaus h ive been 111 atlelidiuee Ujiou liiiil. lleiscoil- fiued to his IhhI at pn-nt. Mr. W. L. Hah-vy has donated two lots in the town of ( ornelius to tl e Method:.; denomination for a church ii!e. The city commenced -nit yc-t.-rdav i.i tlie Circuit Court .agaiii-t. Jo-eph Kuolf. to ri cover from him that por tion of the public 1. vi e ea-t of block Illh The ca-e occupied the attention of ihe Court all day. From the ' ri t n.;,i we learn that -the orilhtmme did not sail from S.-m Frauci-co uiitil 'i'hursihty nioriiiug. and con-' iiiently will i,nt l.e due hi re U'itil to-iuorrow night or Sundae ! The li.iywanl arrived ve-ti idav o ! 1 .ue" 'roiii tin- Ca-cnles. tv.w'v. g made a C'l.irieCio'i witli the hl iho. The ic 'vli'cli...:r Thursday prevented the lat t Tl'ii i! from making the trip has en tirely n: -appeared. Pas-ei.ger trains aiv now running ov.-r the West side rorid to and from liiil-boro. M. Iv Hog. of HilMioio, -hi;.;ii d the ijj'.-l lot of freight over the r ' i I o i Thur-dny. Tiic .- :; s.iys (luriiig the coining w re!;, l'uniyli'id imi-i.t ' ' ills', ,,.), ".i'l vi 't .-a'. -in. A'banyand Kitr-ri' ;t . I .: if!. ia.ii : n- of irxh:- i-r- WillainvUo VaMi-y. I'n.iii lln- Ail- n.y A'-. '.-'-.- we Irani the eill o'. ing : The Odd Fellow s of laien.i i-r i Lod-.e. will dedit.ate . Ii- ir i -ey i I d o.i t ii" cv.-niue; nf .l;m. i. Th:- .'..banians are making ptvpam tii. us to holil a --(i'-and ew Years i'e-tiv.d" at the Court Hon e in that city. The deign nf the festival is to r. i i Money for charitable purposy-s, A public in-t.'iiation wiil transpire at the Hall of Albany lailge. Xo. I. I. . O. 1'., on Wednesday evening, ''.in. 2. 171. All odd r.Ilows iu good -finding and their wives are in- ! vifiil to put iii jci appearance, on that j. Oec.lsio;-. I The Kii'geiie i: of the 2:id. -'ays I ou sntii'a v. a tire -ta--e from the sou: h I was coming down a hill about ten ' injli-s this ,-ide of Koschurg. tlie I raki t r .kc and ll.e st;igv luouiti r on the h the driver jumped oil' the box .-. .1 lift tltem foshitt for themselves. I hen. wore over:-.! p l-sengi-rs in the eoa. li. one of whom 'tumped out and i.i- -o ba-jiy i.ijm-nl t i i.i t he had to be left . The horses rui about l a'i'a mile, hen t'lev I. 'outfit up o-i "both -ide o'a tr.o." A- i-ito't rurou d ; o;:e ol' ihe l.nr i s ...it bid foil,, !. Tho -"im" JiMjk r in speaking o; Kie'.'t e ( 'ity. s.n's I'm jiopnlation at ii is i;,ii,. i. probably about 1.2od. 'i ei-re a it- t wo -c'riool-. two hid ;', six ' ill!' -. I nir S ,! i-aih sfiiiiins, .-ix lire p-"oi't uilding. iiine ilry goal stores, f.-ur '. ..fiity -to;-.---, tun bo-ik -tores. -o I'm -hops, eleven -alon-i- and a 1 v. i vy. -i t-'acl.-uii!li .shops, three wagoii -ii. ,i-. time hotel-, J'otir re.siaii-;-.nis. one bakery, two drug -tores, i u jow di r -hop ., on.- pietmv galh ry ind a i I'inery : the -addle tree manu-i".i-t.'- c ii i l.een tooved to tin- loitntry: t'.' r.- are three lt.mt and hoo -hops, two s.-iildlc and hai',ies .-hop, and o;.e shop w here only -addle- are made: two meat markets, three family grivvry -f.;vs. one fur.iitniv -lore. ritnmi!h i.nd iv.;i:.i-r -!i-ji. two planing mills. - i-h a a I dour i'aetii;-;,--. one !iv,-ry, f.d and -ale -i.rMe. a... I one d -! ible. Tlii-ie an- -ix doctors and a'-oi'i a dne:i law let's. Sell, I" il'. Ill the cl'-cf .i.-we were assure- ; S i-cois-ni n;i vidualiy and in their organized -neial e iile,:, i! :o-S. v. olild vote agiiliist V, a h! Ui'.i for th iv.iso-.i. as an: :i 1 ! gi d. t:i :t the fjeiier.il was a tiniut ni.;:i. :i:,d they were nil 'oppo-ed to 'rant under the dictal ion oi r-enator ehu-.-.'. That is tiie way tim e C.r n.an ci.ii i.eu- ic-re h d'-.h .. but afier i ,-h i'ihiug si Ts.,:1 in ,..ir!y N'oveni !, I-, ii irn n-i-ul 1 1 1:-. I tliere v.a : 'n';--eoil',!. lid i'l tl.i-e ft.aiiti'-- w hi-iv ti'" ;-.i'.a:is tuo-.t do i' i.::"i':ii.i'. : in ::i! city, and in Vi a -hi...:'o.i and or nil., c c-'U .ti. -. there is le-s (iiaii the 11-1! l! Ui.ii-nltres agaiu-t l!:e lle- l-ubiicaii ti. i... I. '.., !...!. if anything v., nee I -d io di -prove tie baneful e lect of 1 1n- Mi--.".ri Senator's inlln-:-,.".'. in-i,es tin eleelin'l Iviuru v iiieh -el tie tiie whole. ;.Ut-iio;i, it uibdit lie added t hat here i.i this city, ihe only locality tied the Sera tor vi iTcd. ti e Ilemoi-ratic los-is ihe gri-a'- Au arlditio'iial f u-t might be -tat- d ,ow inai tin- sciiuiv l.itiueiice has no! perni; ai. rl hi ' fellow counlrv- ineu to any ai.irtning extent. Mr. .-lii;i. w i- for iirn.v years a respecta ble !aw-r. wiiln-iit cli'-iits. in this ciiy. and is well a'od favorably known as a -eh i ,r and a genlieiiiau to all our Cernia-i fe!low-ci: i -en. He i.anie !' re to lcciure upon Civil S -rvlee l-le-form. for the l enetlt of ihe Cerm iii -u Vt-r.-r by trie Chicago lire. i'.oth tlie ivptttaiioii of the brilliant orator and the benevolent object for which lie came , ( " t!m D:nt'rr:'tir- uuir-r :i)'i- nt Vvit h ijii-il r-t re rj rhrff t'-p Srn-ii-ir .-ii"-!1''. ought to have at tracted on so pleasant an evening, a large and enthusiastic an audience. Put the peopie Wert not there, neither bis fi-llow-licrunns that were-iippo-ed to svmpnlhixi w ith Schtirz both in hi hostility to Grant and in his ethirts to a i-t the Chicago -uH'civr-'. nor tlie Jicinocruls who layed the li.itteiiug unction to their souls that capital c-.u'd be msde for Doolitt'e. in an in llr. it way, by the lecture. i. e may tl.ctcloic i.c excused if we ilcciiue to take any stix-k in the predic tion made in certain (piarters iin I'rieiidly to the Ad nluislration. that .-nator Sulinrz, f Missouri, will rally the Irt rinins of the I'uioti against, (traiil. if lir- should ! renomtuatetl for the' Presidency. 'i'hey do not i.latv implicit faith" in hi judgment, in this State, and tin y will not follow ti lead if he should attempt to array them agaiu-t the gnat Uepublicaii party of the rtiioti in the campaign ot p-72. Milwaukee (Wis.i Xeidiiirt. KolxTt CoIIvir'r- ai.pe.il to Boston for ii'til to ivliuil.l his cliurili at Cluci gowas iiii-ere.l by a oontributioii of s.7 '2iMI at K v. K. K. Hale's vliurcli, w Inn- Iip prwiclKMl Sumlay moniitig ami alxiut l..'liM) at ti"' (.'liutvli of the l"iii tv, where lie Fjioke in the eveuing. Vmoii" the pnofs which Mr. CoHyer Iwsi receiveilof (he esteem ctitetaitietl for him and his w ork in Boston, are a sift of ?500. three-fit. lis of it for his ' own uv. . and from Win. Gray an or der to draw upon that t i.tlenic n nt ; -lis-hi. .jnarterly, for a s,;:iry of iS.lKIO ! fur the year 1T2. Miscellaneous. ft M i;xti.iii; sua: r;: . a:: JOSIX DEER' M:)jIX FLOWS iiy E';:r tiie IJesl i'V.v. i.i Wo Also Offer for Sai3 tho Celebrated Collins' CastC;istSt(?el Plows . FUlt f .ITHF.R Tl'UF fit sTl I'.t'.I K I.AM s. si'i; I.M.I.Y . 'V r rr.-r-i - - -' ', I' AH TltK - '' y, I . . ( si t ,r.;- i i . -, Improved 1" f'i'' ' N !; w K v K it ,r ,sr,. fM $ Attachment. - m 1 " - ' " ' ACENTS FOR THE WELL-KfVOWN I3iK-k-eye GEAIN DHIJ TIIKSK fiRIf.I.S AKK MAXTKAt Tt J:i;i) I!Y TIIOTI4? cV rSAT, At :'.rUitlrUi. OJ;io, And Aro tho Most Successful Drill in '' "if ' s'-' ti)e - - y. y'y-' -A ii KITCHELL WACOM. Z r..Ti: :-sTiii:t;T- .s:.1. o?:e:;o, i i: a i. i: i: i s ftRJEIIEH AX'S) PROVISIONS AM) ALL KINDS OF DOMESTIC PIJODUCE! -Al.-- 1 PAIM'S. Oil.!-;, i' 3 .N ;3 "v ; L ASS, Vartiih: Ciii.hos- Colors- Vii'Ay. Sit., tVc, AM'- in. I. Av- i:t:.' '..nt tn TUBE COLOHS, TiSTS' TOOLS AND fV.ATtR!AL5, I'uivlia-' 1 ilirc-t": fi', rn th- Maniifv'ur rci 1 l;.'-if .rr l"..:ri' iru.i n! 1 1. ::-- in NEW YCRiC AND SAM rRANCISCO. THgBT ARE HWl OHIArtS tl i) "..rrTlv Mason i Utinlln Orin-. CH) -V.fi--- n ''. (" :""-?' l- n - '--i- lt:i' :-. li'-.r ' -vi. i -!' v : IH.r 1 i H e . -:-. T:e--.- e I .-. : i .' 1'1 Ik- !,;- .m : r.i 1 :i"e ' 1 ti . ' i.i i . ltir,;i-ri In,- - ! i .:--. '1'lie e is ''-.:::'- .'.i-!i k'l-i.. il till- '.'-ll-'il- :fe ! : - ': ! l-e-i iv.-l lln- i 1 :v::i:-!i:i' " . . - r llil-itl'l. Wi- t-.n.e un-.i i.-i'e 1 t,'-t:'i!"iii i'- i i 'ii'-'' vur freiil ll' l'-t l::l-l.'i in'.--- ei' V. : .-nit Am.'ri .1. K..I- 1-n-il i i t.'iii- ilu-y ;i I' ' i 1, :i : l n -, V i-:. --1. ' Kvevy liis nmi -n! I'a'.iy warm i'c I f '.' lliu yi-:u-.s. It!il-.ri'il Cri'.'l'e.ik's -ent o -. :ri-,i'l.-: l.,ii. y7 SrrMiJ Vf.'p. Vr; i,iS nnvl;J A-:, n.s I' r '.vie '!'. j THE I.I FILE CORPORAL, An ir.;i-ti-:ii M.-i-jitinr in V,y - ;i:.i TlIK LlTTLK rlti-HAi. niin to int-'n--t j a lve I't ruaiiug pnihl :r,ia iww.k;; and t- niutkc them wiv nohk'r. an-1 1. ttiT. The Little Corpora!. "TlJKl-ITT!F. r(HII(.U.L M C. AZINF, f r !ovH.tH'1 trU, is !hi very t n eni!o niaj-rJi-y.hie )iil'li-ihl. I( rmji.-vs tin k-it and most entt-niiininc w riter- I'-t chlMreii Iu the eotun tw. aiul iiirni-hes hvm TnlnahSe renulnic nwt- j lev for it i-i'Vi; than nny other tmayJtie." i M'Hicnl Journal, Kfmira. V. V. J Tho Little Corpora!, j i "In fteVvtir.c rea'Ttr.ff matter for the fiHiiUy, .he eliil'Iren should nt le over!ook-d. If ' quiie prohnhle that the impression ther reeive livnsannv fiir. Thl- mt rnd well-lHn trated nvmlhly is so weli a'!aitl to the watiii "f ihe ta-a. that rapidly takinr the p'afe f all oVY&." --Kntcrpria JitirnwiHe, O, The Little Corporal. All now fctili-vrilit-vs fr-v l-7r. wliui-p namos ami m'ini'y i IJ50, an rv-iv.M liofurw .lannar tlr. will rp.-1'lve ihe reiiialiiJiii; mimtnTsi iif lliisyear FKKK, ImvIdiiIkx with ilie nnHith In mhich thi'lr naincitare rwelvpil. Elegant Premiums for Clubs ! Atront. waiite l In rulK-.-tiilt-. Semi ittamp 1 for a rSn;iiiK.'n Xiniilier with New rremtuin List. . Terms, 81. .50 a Yon r. A'I'ln i JOHN E. MILER, Publisher, Nov. 14. wllui Lliiit,'", III. OIIGANS, Tbe t"neiiialol MASON Ac ALrrK T.VYLOn,& FARLEVS. Wo Veep 'he lvr, ami wl'l nnt be iinter-.W. t 'nil s'li vxamini. uovl9. tni.I., KIl i L A . (34ii LlMJvl Wont. Obelisks, Tombs lj J Head r.nd Tcot Stones, , 'l lie , 1 m:-. ! . e:.i . ! 1 t -li- Use ! -j 5 - ao Work. !.!0:;f.CE Si STAICER,. i i:.m.i.i: in i:x::t t fi:i ix CALIFORNIA, VERMONT And Branch fhp at Albany. H. H. TiSTTLE, fe:i'i r i'. tt.e ' .-r.-l.l-l el iljQiiiLLARD SOUTH BEKD i " r .m.' 1 i ni I . ;i it i:u'- -' ' j1 Arl'H, ; : : . : : : ; 8I : : : : t rtjr. I' . vr'-i' ' ti" t;-c :i tun,' rr-r ( K;S Sm! Drills! Mill-- '.-ill .I.-.I.,' t',r.-.-' f .1. v..n-nniti. I t.t ... li:..L. t ..i;. u..!...t. i---i.'.-: ..r.-itr- .l:L. rr..V-3-t--i:l-'l,: :'.-i;s Hisa!:.ii. : : : an.-, ' i : : Jfr: 'I'h.-V i '-.1 :r li .II'- 1 '-. ! -i . Til I i I r i Hi.. -.:ii. i:.ei. It.e (TelBHllll 111 all .,' :e'e ii.-u -ifri-re 1 O.v tin . ; -.-1 ..l:t'iti .- i-t o.i iIttt J. Ui. HEELER CO. i.ir.Ki.r r-i'.. kv. vnHK. COMMISSSOH AGENCY, I'.ir Im. Inir ami I'. rwuplii -.j .ILix'-y, Ma T-Mi-m i- lt.nt a i-t I'r.M- lt-.rn. Willi S.-.n Kra'.-.'is',-n-.!uv lens, ail i'I.m--k-s i. I v;nii'il- nf Meivhaii'll-e. mi't ir -:i-i. ..f KNimna fiiin Hie Nnrlli-Wi-t. Aikatfc'es nu ie ou apiirnrtxl i-iiii.lgnim'nts aii.t in-.ters f'-tttt-ul!y .-uM.-iri-t. All ur-lci- anil b i iiie-n will nvi'tve lu-eniiit atU-iUii ni. ItiTt'rciee. -Y;ir YOJtK; N.V Natixnal K. D-uik. ..l.rK-1. A. Ii. AC 1. T1H..1V IO LllK'rtr ..-? Mi'.-is. .1. I.. Itiii'liifll Rriic., llankiT. Mi-is lSei.tVv, Mitlc-r A TIiuiiu-s W Ninth .air-i't. tMEtiOX: M--r--. T.i I t A Tilton. Ranker, IVirtl.v.i'1. A. A. M.-v'iillv, I.-.,., sul. ni. -vj Clarke's Deliar Instructor FOK . , I-rnfivp, an.', rf ei.nr--e. le-n eten-M-v than tlio )n.nlar " Nt-w Mt-lli.-l fur Jiectl Oivnns" tlii" lKik contains a HiHl.-ii.ii.-v i. .... u.-...,, ..mi. .-.-I, i-r,vii i--nii.i lil(-( fur tlie. u.-e nf amatonm who wlh to lim, ,'vtiii.iit a Master," anil f.ir all ho onh-l-ii lo "goa llulu way." Sent. )-i-iialil to anv aihlresi-, for Our Dollar. OMITKU 111 TN A t o., ItcMton. '. II. Iii VM X tt.-vw Vork. i O O U'W s ! Durham's Instant Relief! . CAX BE OBT.UXl AT J, W. SOUTHER'S Dru- Store, s.vu'v. -i:r.(;(ix. ill:-:4 A K- -