S' i. To Weekly Subscribers. Those of our Weekly subscribers who liave not yet paUirj) for tlK'it pi pers for the year which' lias passed, are requesUdJo -"'-nlv forward us ThreJOoliiii1t,,fJp fc will accept "Fire tMttnr, a pay for tlie past aud present year, if rcfuit GjhM!ki n month. - y.jmeiBbac that newspapers rre not run triSwiit wiwjy-arid sjou't cotnjdaia if pencil marks aronhd this jwagl-flnhtemlnd yotrpf tliat fact. t r timosSiUTc easy in this ofEkv, otlnjr wise not. We need ever- dollar we have an honest claim to, -wl jnee'l ( t!mv Kov.14, 171. PROFESSIOXAL , CARD. 1 M e , SALEM. OKIK.nN", the oldest anil larp?sl in.-i)r)rau.v! S4I100I in the State. -.;Ciaical Guwiw-rrin 1 . N enal aiul PjlentltV- s-.ua nra ol stii'lv. For full liil'omiaikm ad'tre- ihe Pres ident, T. M. UAIX'H. or C. N. TElfRY, See. of IJ'J Trustee. So. 7. (ISv.lv O OFFICE -Xo. 1, Moores" Week.-Be-dence-Court Street. Opposite University. 04H ... j. '. uitrnBS M, iv - PHYSICIAN AND Sl RGEOxf offers fcts proles.lms'.l sri-vleon to the ltly.iif ra! Iji aiul viciuii. , ov.Vrtf A. n. HiJ.T, M . D, OFFICE AM) KEelPENTE Coraer Union and ( 'onrt uti-eet, Suleia OiitfoU. JlwVnj can be ic.fl ai, souther's 1 im-; -store. dAw de, j. c. pixr, T A TiC OF SAX FltA-MIScO. offers his XJ wn i'i-' to tlie eily t Miuu ami Ylouuiy. lliivlnc ha'l ten yewr exr-erteiirt- In tlie prae-li.-e of mesiieinc, feel 'in-ient to attend all fw that may eota iuJtu' ui) chiu'Sdv i - j Cilice at pro-sent, t'orner (hnn-li anil Union 1K. II. OAKPILNTEK. 1irvsicxy axd srur.EON, offioeand - Itesi'lenee on l.iiiertv atreet, nearly oppo site the iire-xtlonel Chur.;l. Salem, "Suv-Wlli, 71. tT- S. e. KIKVSbK. f " . A. W ATMIKK. SUPKO?! AfWATMIRE, ' . . TTiHiXEYS AT 1LAW, Salem, Oregon. JV ltie-H. Pattod's Brick, ttpalr, last r'xmi on tjie I'roiL ) t uoviUwtf A- .10IUXASA, . 4 TTOllXKYS AT ,AWi-Pm1tanrt iV srn. OHirc, up alr-3. Bi tximor Front ami W a)iUK'.oi. ."!m'i.i, I'OK I I.L & FI.l-NX, TTi:NKYS AT I..IWwl SH-Hrra ( ! , Aliuuy, UiOi.-m. j L. Fl.fXJi, i olli iions av.d conveyances pronij)y . ol-i leiiiici . r" -- t Mnu 5 --T-r .. JIIAMWt(.,.. , . f. TtRKY, Konrrv ! V; " -V '"-Attonrrr .it I.a."f OFFICE OYKK THE IMXK. SteWOi-ft j' n. Ii.'itl K-(;i:c. Iuii'Mih' ami l'-:.s-;ii.ir Atvnts. Kt:i:e In the Cli v (ind hi i v '.r aV. Alu-trut of ai! ttUufttn Ma- nwacmiiny. .,--ileu. lti"? J1M1 A. I;i41!ARm-45(, M.l., 1HYSH..X AX M ft(;KOXwric I5eIK;c lMilml MUnJ ColUw New York Ufty.) Ufa in .MtnttV Hrl.-k. ain, Oki. l-n.A fiioitc the X, li. enrr.cv ol' Marion Nitutiv. , . ' ' I'AKKIMI ATKIHX'. r. W. KOYAL. liirtlaii't. ration' Ulvk, Saluiu. t . W, BO,u'i KEAL ESTATE AKENT. ' City l'roiwrt.v a in I Farina loruilu. Ilou.sen to rent anil rent.- coittttfj!. lr2.ST,asE,, s OFFICE riilBIX'S JI$IXX;K, up Walrs, SaVm. I re5iMi. Entran.-- oh ftatc street opinsitv ilw I)tii Store at Tlutt.ilwir A ftor., nn'Kalso fio t 'omnieivial rtreei, ojpol e lrug Kire of J. W. souther. beplutf , IIUXIHAIER WILI.IAIW,.t AiTonxEyi 'oxsn,.Ef- at law Will pra. tl.-e in Fwleral ami S: ate Courts. Wi.to- No. I'M y im Street, (over l'ot t MUk Port la iv I, Or; ri in. ly CHANCE fit HICKLIN, - (OvcvC,o A Ejiihitrfs), . : oii:inerei..! Street, nleiu, OregToti. AS BEFOliH, WE IiKJflUK. tHEv PAT rmiace of lhw apprtviaiieK lirsit e!ai JhtIhI Wor!;. , .,.. . . Nitrmii Oiiib tor ihe pillriei!i.'i.tOB of Teeth. ' o.-Ul.tw C. W. RHODES, -A. RCHITE C T om. in Ot4ni Itnikllne,) I.IMr.H Y MKEKij -AJ,EH. , 1LANS AXI SPECIFICATIOXS. AXD Aivnmie lietail Drawings fiiriitlui frtr all ile-H-iip'.loiL'. oi liull'ihif and piip'rintesid cure Htrwflv a!tonik"t in. lU wt: SM1TJV r J-V. MtaiF.Dini. SMITH & RflERIDITH, r Griswold's Btock, Opposite Bank, HAIJSf," OHKOOX .... , f , Tr. ?ninh Vt'rwmhareiiiitriit'l'io'cslr.n ol a new i.ncMlkoil j ilenlul piaie, which for lieauiy a'vl eonn'oi t, far exi-e!s any thing that hn ever !Tt lntriK!n, e.l In tlie pn'fesrion. 'Hie Inri'ii'ioii i uovi pajeiuo-l. and called II I'lirviiie and Sinvh iniproveiniiit on v;t,-- mn orwt a p'aicj'i" ; ) '1 iie lni .rovt nwui coBMlM In Ktippnrtl'.ig the p'ale to the nioiuli vvLh snwill Iui'k ailii-lie I to tlij p'au: awl vacuin. luatva:! of covtsriujt the ulio.e. v".l of Hie looiiih wlih ihe plate, :i- l:a- l'"!l tin' cll-tolo liefetotor. We Inten t to loirmlik-e ihls .t !c of work in f lift wwlHMM ' wxa an pwkiik-nlilp: ffifei me;i3 nt thi- im'W h !e of workcau lie m'vi at ?ini;ii A .Mto'edilli's wiii.-e. .';1 our t'oi in er p:i:ro:i and ihi'tmbiK- ineiuta!, arecoi illaily iir.i i-'! to eatf add Xiui!e tliem NEW YORK BAKERY. aki;s ami s irs, AI-SO Family Groceries, ixovfi, A a , w i :-i St f.AXl, corri;i'- C'KiAKS roHAteo, Ami a'l Hod of Onlcri imaniitly tilled, and delivered lo ail pirts of the city lit of chaiyc dtf K. W. KA YRCR, Stnte Street. II 0 T E L S CHEMEKETA HOUSE, SAAJKM,, - - - - - - - - OKIMMtX. Thl -1 new ami ekvant Hotel, Bnpplied with every iiMfleni com-enleiice, is now opea for the nvcpUon of ;,,t'l's. Fn-e Co.uh and Basnje Wagon froa tlie Cars. It. F. EAKHAK I, proprietor. SejitZTiUvtUf Reduction in Prices! ST. CHARLES HOTEL, POKILIMI, ...... ORIOX. Only Tirst-Class Hotel in the City, TrauNiPut Boom find Board, Per Day, i OO. The most clupant acoominotlntlons; tabic and attemkinve umurpawd, at Ihe atmve rea wmahle priees. JOHN J. J At 'ul W, octTiUw Propiielor. coyinEuciAL iiotkl. The owneiK of thte raagnlfk-ent bnlldmifaro running Ihe Hotel on their own account until they And a live man, up to the times in hotel ouslnesB, for an 0000 pant. The Hotel has liail many hnnrovente and wklitlons In the past few days, and will lie kept or.lc.rlv and quiet, wilb clem rooms and b -Is, and a lirat-olass tab's. Salem, Xov. Iu, l7i. BT I'lHKBK Sr. 0 men I roii ik U1 t"il and care, lcavts for a whila ibu crMnl.d nart; Warr wf IhbIi nJ faiut jf rfji "Torpet your yearn i'-c;lni!'W(I eomd As chiljrcn back la vhililh 4'( home ! Follow npiin the winding rill, -When t'liiuhing up tb summer hilift, J thoir green jhrji jpn ft ewnf!; rJ And otUy lwn4ocur ioai ttiit O W l On Nature a calm and perful braaat. Walk through th.' Fere and fadiaa; wntni, So litily jrodhcn by yoar fi, Win n nil yon. knew of i t wa rx4. And 1 1 y ilr:iBi.Mi .,1 H wut acct; And lot fnd tuemory lead yoa baek O'er youthful lore's em bun led track. Xasta tbe ripe fruit of oiobawMionfkfsX i Drink fro t! massy well nee wire. Breathe fragraaee rum the erow Jed iuow, Witfc fraab sweet clover ranninj; o'er ; And voat tlia tioaaoretf at y ytf tvi; Of -silrer ryo and goldcu wheat. Go Mt beside the hearth njrain, ..Who ftrde oBBr w;rl ind gar ; And if 'from out the f reMu1i ttiain ." Some ahinins linka have drojtped awav, Then gaard with tentUroart aid naoltlf The remnant'of thy hielrill fean'W Draw neat tbe bhajriJ with A nty sproad, And if in the aeeusU mcd plare Taurce Uir Catber'a ruoti ad bxlf Or uiother' patient, lovius face. LlVkte'S4MiirdifeiM9 fcavrf i, rt xoana uou mat inese are leu you ui. And' tboogh where home hath l.fn you .. tnd t"" ' - To-day in alien lonelin s ; ; -Tboogh yu may elasp'tfo hrothar' h snd. '' And olaim no Bistort tuuder ki) J Though, with nafrioad our lovrf nijji, Tbe paat if alt your eompaay ; s - f Thank God for friendn-'ytnir life but known yorefery dear, departed .lay ; s The blessed pt iafe nl. ue " - God (fives, but 4 'OK not take away ; BiIt inTily keep a hove Forna the treasures that w lov.-. 3Ire Quixotism. jJXhe Bu!ljttith-.i foun.l anotlMT wiiif1iitilli4igJlt'a-iidN";'. for it :i ViilorpiiFl .aprpiritjiK-. tlie old Ehmi. evtr did. Now, tigitingvviml luilfs U a pectular tratii) and tUo otily l'"tcleiits In thii liraueh of Tii'dnrv llavc4l.'eu .Hl,, oxairgcM-iUciJ tit r of )i epr or .Siusti rnrti)lr.. nd t t iiilt'hmii w!io t - and weave tin- nimama ultiUi ailoni Uie lit'. ii t.-'.".:.-i.l -... -1: Tr 1 interesting ami ittl-iftu4fut" jiMUil;. .withwit .experitmeiii - nsatiNH sometinics of 'lariii fa-ttic jjTnl cr's 'thto&tyf'iometyttKa of-ft&nHiuitHr at tlie fjoantity with wiiich he att-ofi" for i quality ; at nthVr flings of woikUt . tliat has taieutj frvt tlteiiL-ttdve away ia so mall a community as Portland. Tiien, oew 'ionally, and rin-ly, we ex ierience a pleasure in i'nisi;ifi: his column, canned :lirt! vi;r with -whleh lie 'gre for"'' -soiiH-lxidy, tiiongh for luonth-i p;ist lit- : iwkiI so gently that we have fean-d that 44 Othello's tieetiitioii wa"ne." Hut these exhibitiofi - Avhitit mn-'t have made other' quikr in thrlrhoot, Tmyp ntwr seait-il n worth a eeot. . 'llie pnrtietimr.wiiKltnill which the mWt "?rpt tpf? lUt, t&-A letter pnbisisd,!o it eiyvbi the Sa'ei-nnen- to Union, of Xov. 20th. whieh it ny we wrote and wliich contain " f.tlso- Jvwvls" wtitcti vc ilareiit pn!Ii-d in, the Statesman". Xow we have never seuthuiGorj'6nofaletterI The I'm ', of the,, 20th, ha- either misil it or else we nii'wetJ it, and so mi-i d the heretlial uttt-ninots of wine," wreieii who stole tlie name of Sa!em to. write a letter from, and n -anlt wllli cahnniii- ons iru!HCDb tlie ftitreU Mtune of Ifol- laday. v e ia:ver ilnl if. we arc no such man of letter. Onr inaiicit ami jt aeeine u of malice, of which we are incapable ii-ver took math n lmpr. 1 Kven when we heard tluit Ilolladay wore a mhjhty oath tlittt iiq would Lave a mt. Fair of hi own next yeT-we never repeated it;', srd tltonh wc have hMnl that lie has aid lie wotdd go $ 10.000 and ern f 50,000 on a Pair Ground elscwhero to clean ours out, we kive ahvnj"3 lieved that he would not do anj-tlilng o -tlie kind, for while lie might be a lit tle out of sorts, he would t ft snre to get over it. - - -, . Whenever we rt'tvtve the Z'm'iii w'ttfi i iiat,JtUer, in, Ve' will puWislr' !f to let the world see how lunch it take to raise tiie'nirstjhief wirb tlw UiuieU and tluit. paper could .have done . the same if it had freen inclined to do flic fur tiling. In the uinaiithut', itttou'L make a. straw's difTq-enec to this 'piper what the CaiiioniU ptipew publish or whttt the liu'ldin thinks' of tlietd, Out of emaideratiiiu for Alt'. Holla tlay we haye hot alluded to hi ill-htr-nior about Hie Mate I'air. for we raw no oVm! to come of It. Tho " l?:itl Hulo't wrn! a mi-ili:l:ti and we ' have j plalnTsiiT't or stwl thwr -fri tB" -r.t o, and we thought the lea-t -aid a'io'ft the whole affair the hetliT. SaVin U tio way repo:!f ihle for h:it the Sx-;.-tty dil,-4id w WiifcY tkit il:e,iejn al Of tin i Oi-rtwif. Yhe ?. ( ha matle a mistake in tint dnirgino; (lie name of it proprietor Iseiore tlie public in that vouueclifia. . ,. ; t A Few FaeS Statcl. ' The 0reyj)uan Iu of late bt iu mtik ing some ungenerou remark .'dxatt the btisiuess of M,-. A. Myer who, a Our n ak-ri know, is engaged iu the Very important enterprise of building works atid machine shop iu this city for the manufacture of agrienltimil ' machinery. It .appoarud -to n that these reumrks inust liave been dictated by jealonsly of Salem, aad that Mr. Myers would not have been made the subject of unfriendly comment if his enterprise had been conducted in the interest of Portland. While it looks tluit way we boe the suspicion is not well directed. '; """ ' : The dtfttenieut tliat Mr. Myers bought valuable water jmwer and property hi. this city of tint Woolen Manufacturing (kmpaiiy and that he litis since borrowed $ lO.tXX) of flic State School Land (.'omniiioners is correct, and as he is not a Democrat, they tlescrve commendation for loaning the State funds to foster home manufac tures, esjK'citilly a the loan was made on 4Piieneuinbered and unimproved retil esUitc over three time in value the sum borrowed. In this connection the Herald says : Gov. Grover is no longer in any : way connected with or ihterpsted in tlie W. W. Mfg. Co. of this place. . We depre cate any dragging of ordinary business matters unnecessarily iuto politics and suggest to our neighbors at Portland that considering the prosperity of that burgh, which furnishes them a theme to brag upon the whole year round, they may as well allow some improve ment to be made elsewhere without keeping up a chronic growl about it. . .'J':- ; . T . Jutlje for Yourselves. . , , 1 The Sacratnento f 'w'ow, of last I 1 iweek, i at haud xtottta tiling a leltlr jfroin Oregon front wbie4 wos quoto a J free and eay iarigrapli tUttt. iunst' t jthe one whioli lroused tlnilse x1 the BM'Jetin tbatlsr day? , UaoSliti?in juitcMtfi) ftOlfile.toiiloiJadtD', Jivk a IbiindffuWktinA "aftii. 'witti: bated lain of. As to thefanthorhfp' of the letter, that U rwftidttipwTiadi concerns T AEr'X&3 ilia uOrrcspojtf ilt the. t-7"3.TVH;WSfolkrtT1?i fwhrs 1 1 Tut titat ttW -M fpfouoanoed . to tave been -soocr?. ftibd iu many re-, fcpect" an improvenieut on-, former jyeatv-tlie apparent -.Jack being javi jnp the -abstee of ladles fancy work JnMthe Pavtnoti.the lfet Of jiremhtms ttthsit line'haVinsr'theen ptatly re Uluced. ,'i'hat was probaldy a mistake, fl'bore ia some talk now of having: a p-eat fair- rouud built tip at fciist 1'ortlarKl- ll'w Itoyal Highness the Duke lloliaday. is sstid to lie exiija rated at the iimU; Agriajltui-.d Sin-iety atnd agtdnst Salem, because the Fair jwas heKl here, and they say he has pronounced hi curse on our fiir jrrovnids, -;tnd swear no paenger train shall ever stop there sigain. 1 roally latlieve that xienjaitmi U out of -Bort. but tlieu 1 beiiuve they tlo hi;u Siijustiee to sotne'eitei' lii.reircsfifii'.g ttie extent of hi wrath. It 1 certain liowever, that he is down on tlie State i. Agricultural jSuciely. and indeed he ihas reason tuougli, viewing matters finiii lit .'fjtndMiint. and of cture it would Ik- hardly fiir to judge so im portiuit n per ina go from any other. Su we will resoivt." inirselve into tUit attitude as joon a, po-sible. : The Oregon State Agricultural So-ck-ty i a homepmi nfta'ir; it tnem lier?, ollieers, lnaimger, etc . are men who wear tlie ba.lge of the society ail fair week, ami sleep with iL pinned lo whatever garment they chance to we ar. Thee hotiet men hud that same badgo printed on eoinmoti cotton cloth, and then had the cloth tut tip iu strips with it nigged edges grovt iiig r-igged-er every hour. 'J'!ieseVu-tic- pned a rule that all m--:i. ivganlle of the cut of tla-ir jib-. .iou!d wear thii badge piiimit to (he l.ijipi'i. of tlrt-ir owl;. and aliot Tln-m wore them, wore IhclU o, and wore thent proudly at that. ' JXow the trouble aroe rlins : r.e of! lhe-e pletieian magiiatis saw Moilad iv j cuter wi! b ur the Utdge so piotivtl. : and de)n-d him to pi:i it on ; hut 11 - I looked at hi rim e-hu::dr. -d-dolt.-'.r I- ! a"ct nit. and :;t Ihe budge, audi lt'ti!tln"t -ee it. 1'hcre wa a tlilli r-; cuce, you see. ill bolii n-.:its ai.d wear ers which the agricultural tiii-u : ttmldn't "ce t but the luke awit. and ' o did many other. the plain fact' are lUat the rule wa a l..rd o.ie, and give otl- i s" o u:a!;y 1 1 -ivlv Holla day ; I ut he t.Kik it to h. art, d ' the hoard didn't rescind tie nil.-, ho got into bis palace car and rolled ilmvu to I Ka-st l'ortkuid to hunt up a piatu. "', his own to hold future fairs. (if course flic rule was not adopted with olfeiisive intent, and of coitr a in 1 1 ; lof good sense wooidu,t make a n v a Unit a thing which was gem ra! in it -application. Jt was a mr rule, :i:.d ; is certain to be i-escinded Ijefore i other fair. A to tlie removal of the fair and the pn:ljudice against Saleni. 1 licit city is no way ri-sjwm-ioie lor what tlie State Agiicultunil Snaety does. The fair ground itself is two j 'mile from town. Money is pxiwerful, j but there are tilings uiont y cannot tlo, j one instance lieiug It powcrlesuc. i- 1 optnily control tho tict-i of an iud'pend- cut community. 'The liirniers of On--j iroti are as iiulcitcntleiit as any inc.;! living, and they will hold their Stale Fair wIh-ii and how and when' to suit (he:n-e!vi. but they should adopt rca eontible rnle upvertliole. . The following i a portion of an edi- j torial in the liulliH, ol" Tuesday, and j Riibtance ol tlie whole article : - . ; Tim coTrrpondcnt of the Sacrarneu- ; to f'ni'n who write regularly from Salem I tbe editor of the ST.viF.S5i A v. j It frnntientlv Occur tkit hi Con-i- pmdence contain matter whieh he ; Klizdieth Lottg v George Long. E wonM not dare or would find it iniio- ; s-ihivan a ;ioi!ileil n-fs-n-e to take te litic to ri-efT.t in his own paper. tilOMy ar,,i r(.,)0rt t t, ronrr. t omparanvejy tew m .-rcgon reau nc i letter, and therefore, ttnlew the pre"' , of tliis State call attention to them they pass current for so m,t,-li fact. 1 ct 11 1 otton uic ctt-e mar tne writer makos nv ff the colnnin of the r '.'-. to serve his spite and malice agnint ersooor cwportitions by publishing tUeroit. remark and .sfcitemeuls utterly devoid ot triUlitumess, chielly slander - oih an.1 wholly vindictive. Were he to publish auy of these in his own pa - 1 tli.ootuinuuitv in which he lives would at oncenbtikehiir tor tlio au - dacUy .ami mianiiess ot fal-liools Uit when read by strangers in the col- tiinnsof the SacramcnM t'ni'itt some wilt Ijelieve them only iiet-au tn;-y will f;iil to know the character of their , autlior. and hence cannot know of U want of every attribule which const t-! tutcs fhe-man of titith or of entidor. Ja Iii letter, which apjiefir? in tic, ("l?'bi of Xovembor 20t h, the C)rre---1 poiideut takes ov-.iioi to refer to the i tiiovemerft which has !'pn made to es- : l.lblisli a;r ' Association in thl city for! the prtrpo! of giving Annual Fair.! for the lietterdevelopiueid of the farm- ; lug and live stock and industrial inter- est o"; the Sfcit-e. generully. and. to prat Sty a solely personal pi-pie again t : Ir. liolladav, he iators and !i-toci ; t he tat-t Bi the i-Jie to have it apjiear Hl'n tiioeuicui- ii-n '-vcii inn. 1. it jiipoii bei auie a;i olliecr of the late Fair wantonly aiKl gio--ly iosu'tcd Mr, II 1 laday -jut a larg uumlK.r of other Yi-itors nf tlie Fair li.id bei-u wuutoiily and grossly i:uu!(ctl. , , Our niiider will leat toa:nve with ntb:itMr. Ilolladay should be miti fled with having supreme coiitrtil of the tniLusjHM-lation basincas uxour ftate -without attempting to bully newpa- pers oruer,i.arKTeorretiotideiit. A attacks from Ids organ are rather cal culated to make fj-ieii'lj. for tlie Statw--max, and as wo liave suceefsled in maintaining a diameter for both "trulh and car: dor" despite much ue-vspapt r iibuse, ye lwive no a::swt.r to inake.lo isiteb slaruler as the above, if we liave pite mid malice" ag.tint Mr. Ilolla day, the readers of this jiaper will give us credit for remarkable fairness towards him. SlTHPTI ART liAWS. Tin sumptuary law which have at different tinnrs lieen enacted are instance ot lutrassing, sere and ineffectual legislation. Particularly is thin true ot what a writer in tlie Albany Lav Journal styles teinwrance legislation. Ae ifinling to bis opinion, and it is un doubtedly tlie correct one, the laws en acted to arrest tlie vice of intemper ance have not gained the desired ends have injured both public manners a-tid public morals, and in attempts to do away with old evils have substituted iu their place other and greater ones. Twenty-live year ago the first -called prohibitory liipior-law went into force in Maine, and was almost imme diately re-enacted in the other Xew England State., in some of the West ern and Southern States, in Xew York State, and even in one of the Canadian provinces. Did drunkenness cease? On the contrary, it increased; and there is more limior drunk to-day, in proportion to the population, than there was twenty years ago. It was quite as practicable for Canute to ar ret the advancing tide a to prevent men from drinking by legislative en actments. And the legislation on the subject not having been successful, has beeu detrimental. Let men once fee tliat any laws are dead letters to be delied with impunity, and public re spect for all acts of public authority- is weakened. It U liir better to rejwal useless laws tlian to keep them on the statute book. Persuasion will lie ionnu much more eilicacious ,111 pre venting intemperance than torce. i" - 'I SALEf, OREGON, STATE NEWS. -jASbama,'! Writing to tlio Orcno- hi'-wK-ate" fwire oY hxttres liwmff flie Winter rtkwt.hs and thinks I here, k .uougft vlbrl,iaitd fcilent to aawe tt tntereumf. j . : Some fcT desperate' people attempt- f d to take a?Iehrh-rido. iu Portland on Bundav. It waa a failure, because the ground was unrtt,- V JCelegr9rA.;,ioetve -yesterday an- hotuioL'S, tfio .appoiiitiuent of . Mesi-5. K StivieVwtas X. Kisk anil ,12.Ga- . i . . . .Cojumisiio.ier-i to, extunitie . aud K'iort upon the first twenty mile sec tion of tbi Oregon Central railroad. Tlie same, geuflemen are Commission ers for tho. Oregon and California rail road. ' ' . ; : , Carrie Mnore. a fi-mnlo skater who has been deTighting tlie San Francts cans ftif evrral nioutti', will arrive on the ; Ajtix," under engagement to the skating rink here. - Xtd. Percj", convicted of grand lar ceny, in lK;:iting a man on of money by means of tlie strap game; w ill re ceive his sentence to-day.' From the Orfjynian we learu tbe fol lowing : r ; '' J "J ' 1 - ; A inan named S. I. Swanort was Severely injured on Monday by failing from a ladder upon a revolving sliatt at the Xorth Portland sawmill, lie i a Swede anil unmarried, lie wa at tended by Dr. Chapman'. The - trial of tiie strap gnruists has I ecu postponed till next wet. From the lltsr.tlti we cull the follow ing items The Vtiited States District Court met yesterday. The only ease for trial wit that-of a man named John Savage, who was arrosfr-d lat July for Felling li 1 nor to indiau. lie wa f 'Uiiii guilty of the iudictineut. The 21 lufantry will leave this Dc p'.itnieut in a moatli it two, aad will join leu. Crook's command iu Arizona. v. here it ". ill v!ii ve, the 'IK Itifautry. I'liii will ivli'-ve the 12th I.ifaulrv, lit jiresfiit :u Stoi l-'rau'cisco, and !h- latter .v ill come here. vi; eait L.i:u", i'-'t'ceejius. Sophia ii.ita.. v- .!.:irU - g! . : tvfnuit taken a.vi rt fh ii iiaituer : appMiited refer -e to i ike 1 vnk nce and : ort the saute ! :iis Court. Amy Pnrro'.t v l.'mi' S Pa trot t. j h port of itfciYe filed and divorce I ;i-a :ted. Matilda O Penter v Samuel I'enter. Ai'gued 011 tiemnnvr. Submit ted. James PutnpiJly Yi John I)owidng. Ih-murrei- to answer argued and sub snilti !.' S-iniii A Sandirson vsChas II San derson. D-itiuni r to couiptaiut with- drtwn and h ave giantcd to answer. Villiam Campbell v-. -lory and Itas. '.rgip'd on niotioii to fti-ike out part of iswt-r. Motion overruled. .Harvey, et al.. v Oivhant. et al. fiidgniCJit by d.-taulf. Campbell vs Jory and R-tss. Jury trial; wititee- cxamiiiod. Came continued till to-morrow morning at il o'cloii.. - Xovemher 2s 171. Matilda " Center v Samiwl Penter. Argued on demurrer. I tiiunvr stM- t tined and leave to amend granted. Jame PumooHy v John Dowtiitig. Argued oa demurrer, i It'cd. Detnuri-er over- Stale of Or-gon vs John Moll, j,. rntrrcd hv District Attorney, A..to:iio Vurlado admitted a Xol- citi- - 1 '' t'1' 1 states. ! Siphi-t J Kngle v Cliarles Kngle. i Catne .submitted and divorce granted. j llifcim Campbell vs Jorv and Ikis. , . ' - 1 ' coiitinuetl from yesterday ; ver- j diet returned for pl.-iintill". i o T J Smith v I X Lawrence. j.rH1 , -j , y , AtY,.rn00ll i , ' j consumed iu examining witnesses, Sulavitted. Court a'liounKl till FridaV niorninr; at !) o'clock. A ew-Flneland Fanner's Than's7lv inj 111 ttio Oltleu Time. Thank 'giving is a Xew Fughuid in stitution. Her sons scattered tl-.c world over in the Middle States 00 ihe prairie of the Interior, in the sunny South, away toward Ihe setting sua. and in otlier realm , where pleas 'pv, or bus'me-s or philanthropy has led them in lovmg i-eini'tntiraijce ol rve it ! nnr ii(Ww lias tr trie roueh- ;ng all, hcautiiid signitiejince as iu tin .... 1 .rave it Inn It. anil wtilt proposes to endow it with all of itn- mort-iiitv tfiat pertain 1 e:nth Fifty year ago. betiire tl:e en ol ste.-imho.tt autl rai!-ear made home gathering-; fi" (tietit aad eaw. Thanks giving wa the one uav. when children ' and tlie children's children met under j the ;i:iiv-;t:-ll root". s;ic thed tiie I'icks 1 or tm jrrar-iiairiMi larner witn a nrau tia fmln(s ki wd tlw fuiTows from ! the mother's ein-ek. and then with lien- ! eoietious unspoken ma vIks hut al ways leu went out ao.un into the wide world, to labor and" wait, till an other gathering should gladden the toiIo;nt year. Thanksgiving then wa not o.-y a feat. Nit Tin offering. The life of t lie Icop!e w.-n in til'iintr the soil. Tlie stream tliat wound tln-ir way among the bills ran unfettered to tlie sea - Xo oh:mJ of the in :t horse threading tiie valleys ditur!ed tlie beautiful stillness. Trade, and tlie life in village, wliere one 'man give employment to hun dreds, were unknown. . Each planted iu the spring and gathered in the fall ; and if tlie seaon liail given abundance, it was as if from tlie hand of God. And so the finest of tlie fruits and the liest of everything were thus conse crated in the presence of tlie household as an offering of tlianksgiving to the loving, and bountiful, and beneficent Father. There was one life lost at. the burn ing ot the Sherman House iu Chicago. The victim had lieon camns'iiur tliat night with a party of friends, and re tired, by the aid ot his comrades, shortly after 12 o'clock. When the Hames threatened the fated building they went to arotue him, but found tii3 door locked. Ity dint of trcniend 011; jiouuding they managed to make him hear. " Wha'ser tnaVr," huskily asked the half utieoiieiniis inebriate. Get up quick," was the reply, " the hotel is on fire." "'Ell 011 lire:-' wlia'cr s'iKxse I care. Ishn't "ell ihici a'iways 011 lire r" Just at tluit mo ment a great vouinie of smoke hurst through tlie hall-way. and the wretdi- eu man was left to his fate. Two young princes, tlie sons of ArcnduKe Clitirles ot Austria. Iiad a warm dispute in the presence of no less a person than tlie august Emperor himself. Greatly excited, one said to the other, "You are the greatest ass in Venice!". Highly offehded at a quarrel in hi presence, the limneror interrupted them, saying with indig nation, "Come, .come, young getrtlc- mcii, juii lorgei mai j am ptvsetn. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1871. A RetnarkaW Illstory. In 1S5 Mr. Thni:,i Slieelian nf Dunkirk, New York, foreman In the blacksmith department of ttw Frie railway shops nt that place, patented a Hubintiriue gniliple, wliidi, tliougb. an ingeuiouj inveiitlon, proved to be one for which there was little demand. This was his first invention ; and the cost of its completion, togetlier with orto year's struggle to manutaottu-e and introduce it completely exhausted Mr. SheelianV means And reduced hitu to the extrcmet poverty. lie whs, iu Cict, in jirctty nearly the same con dition as Palissy tbe potter, at tha mo tneut of bis greatest tlistres. A wife and eight children in Shedum's family were mincwl to the verge tf destitii tion, and Mr. Slieehan became un commonly bitter. - JtHt at tliis ciisw, Mr. S. D. Col well, general freight agent of the Erie rail road, at Dunkirk, chanced to meet Mr. Sheehan iu the street of that town, and aiw-ted hhn with "Well, Thomas how are the grap ples? 1 hear they have ued you up." 'Yes" was the answer ; "ihe grap ple - have done my business ; I wish I had never seen then.'" "Throw 'em away." advhed Mr. Ctdwell. "Have you anv now iJied?" "I liave one almost done," said Thomas. "Finish that ; I 111 pay you $40 for it, and have it ued for picking: tip coal at tbe dock. The money will help you in your prest tt emergency, and you can go b;ick to your old place in the sliop and earn a good living for your Cimiiy." 1 will." said Thomas. Hack to his htimhle home wctit tlie inventor, with new hojx- in his bn a-t. and et him-elf to fitiish the grapple wit ii all due speed. Hut iino.i wltat slender threads uo the foi tunes of men ha:ig ! A tap, the only one our inven tor had of the size required, suddenly snappetl attnd.-r and a it was eH-ii- tial to the progjvs-, 01 the work, he init-t have a new one or he could not j goon. 1 In this sfrt'tt. he applied to hn wife tolendliim twenty-live cent to buy; tiie necessary -stool to forge the tap. ; lint she. having no faii'n in the trrap- p!e. retit-ied. for two very go d n-aon I tir-t. that h!k- Im lieved tile mote-y j would lie thrown away if r-he gave it . to her iaisbni'.fl : and second, tluit ! ; had not tiie iuoiii-y to give him. -ve:i I ' m di'tuxed. i he rl'usilwa; a-, oned wish some very hot spice UmiI in. id.- 11 wr ihipalataliie to k Ooiua 1 .11! lie he I hotiirl't !:m 01 a m.-rcli tut 1 who. iu brignu-r color of his nio;.ey would now tiive i day-- iiad seen lb . tinu who, rt-ni-ii .i ii credit for tin ! ur II niod'cuiii ot -lee! 1 11: red lor t'wtap. To this merchant topn ti-r hi re fpie:t, tiegau lati; r ahour the Iai-h: a;:d th.ally tr.iyi:;g to politic-, hot w-.ir.lc parsed hetwee;-. them. -i:: I our frUaid f eling hi iii iiilciesi w ould uf fer too keenly by asking eretiii for steel, ctmc aw;iy witliout it. With no dcfikdfe purpo c he went home, pondering 1100.1 how be -ImiiM stirtnoiiMt this, mr.v no trilling oh:tac'e of the broken t ip. I le found his wife making lye for soil soap, but her acidity iii no way iiiiiiralized by the alkaline ii-aetio.i. f lespo.idelit llild diMounged. he sll down, in no very enviable mood, when he chanced to spy a piei-e of iron lying near the tub at wim-t; his spou-s- wa s -working. Mmliiatie.g how he ctmid make that pieii- of iron hard ingii 1 lor a tap. led to a ntiier rude experi ment. Hie. result of which haw: made hhn a tVier nian than hoover dreamed j of being. ' ! It so happened that from :i dii! aai 1 relalive, a Konian Catholic prie-t la j In-l rat, our triend bad inherited iUl;.' j a library of w orks on clu'iui-Jr. : sonic j of them niv Hn v.ilu ibic. ii;- liad : read ssime of tlie-si books to very good purpo-s. Tber is sureiy i-arl-oo in ; tililt lye." thought he. If j only could ! tret tliat into this iron i.i the proper proportion, I should have st-td. and I from that my tap. a..d so riuisli niv I grapple."' viilh little hope or faith that he 1 should succeed, he took some of the 1 lye, aad adding, without any particii-, iar reason for so doing. ome saihx-tre : and comniOii s;iif, made a pi-ite w illi this solntio i and a hard grudged sau- ccrful of the little remaii.ing H.mii- ; there was iii , the bouss He then j forgi-d 1he tap. and env,"!ej.!l;g it in the paste, put the whole into a lutisl , iroi Ixix antl expotltt to a hi at for) two hour in a blacksmith's fire. To his joy and urprie, m lieti he tmik i'J out, it wa lianl etiough to cut teel. j Tlie jrratiple wa fuiiiic.tl. ami fortv I dollars llowed iiito the liimily trea-ury of Thonia Sherfuiu. He went back to his old work, disgusted wit h patent, and resolved ni ver to have anything to do with one again. But thcremeni- brat-oe of the tan. hardened in ,t ri,A f'irt 110 fl..iu.il in Slk in.i . .i 1,,.,..,,.. f,ii 1 .... . , ... I I 1 laving a great (kal of ease-hardening . 1 ... L4i7iiyji. ei.ier uu, in j repeat the expcrinx'uf ujain a large j scale, which he did with perfect sue-! e-ss. - For twelve mooths le. went 0:1 to ; exK .-rimcut, purcii isiiig the niauaiais i with his own money, In id working iii j secrt't by night and at odd hour;. At ' the end of twelve, months he reoo.i- j sidcred Iii sciitcntx: of condemnation t.i patents and applied for o::e o.i his j price's, whidi was granted S-ptcinlx-r 1 4. ' the claim being for a combina tion of damaged flour, jiota-h l;.c, or j lye frtvtii hartl wontl a!a'. nitre, com 1110:1 sttit ami sulphate of zinc, for ca v j hardening iron. In 1 S'I7 be pitetitcd j .1.. 1... .1.. i...- i... .......'.1 an improvement on the ahoved named jiroi-ess. in k- took out .l.ait'ner patent tor ;tii entirely ticjv jh-ihi-ss. which eo-i-isi hi the use of raw 'iiiie stoiie, chanii d, 1'Iacl-: oxide of man ganese al S'xla. c immo 1 --ait avl pul veriinj rosbi coinliined. for coiivei tiug iio i into stock whicii i now widely ue1, aiid fiwn which he. ha reaped qn'te a forttt tc. Xo less thai twe:ity-t hre of tbe iiMai.ig rail way 111 Ameii.-t now 11 : 1 this prixsi-, 11. id :r Jicen-H.' from t!w j rnteiibe, for !nnl.'i:tuir liie ii.iks -guides, pias asd ruts of I oc; mi olives, j e!lcctt:igr tv ai toil I, uo les a .saving tltm freui five to six hu:a!n-d dollars aium tliy 0.1 each locomotive, in obvi ating the lot motion co-.ise imif u; 1 the Wear (,f Hnfcs guide and pin. The luvehtor lrn alreadv n-i-.-ived for licr-.i- u ider his juitciit of I S W. f2;).f;."V. ami ha just sold the remain der ot his patent in America for f 15, 000. Salt. The Yrek;i Journal of the 1st, has the following : Tlie middle lake which has run dry iu Surprise Valley.leavesa .seiliineot or bed of superior rock salt, clear a crys tal, from four inches to a foot in depth, and covering an area ot 15 miles in length bv 0 miles in width. It was never lieore supposed tiiere lake? con tained any salt, and tlie. water was al ways considered clearfresh water, with sdine alkali-in it, as most of tin; fresh water iu Northern California pnrsscsse. Sheriff Ihirgss brought a simple to town, which is a good as we ever si w any place ; and he .siys towanls the centre of tlie dry lnkp. it w:is even nitvr looking tliau, this TIk- three lakes in the valley liave. been formed sinoe "49, as Slu'rifT Iturge ;--iys he drove a tt-nm through the va!ley in tliat year where tlie 'lakes now exist, and that tin: old emigrant road aes through tlK-m. Tlie jicople are busily employed with tettm and wagons gathering up the salt and storing it away, no less than ten teams and wagons being in use when Burgess left, leaving small dark sjiots on tin vast white surface, which appeared like snow on the eround. Tlie lakes in tlie vallev liave never contained lih of any kind, which indicates that its sa line tendency exduded them, yet the lake beiog of recent formation with no tributaries to feed teem is also given as a cause for 110 fish getting into them. Brigham Young's lsxk, "What I Know About Women." will certainly be a:i iuexhautive work. A Fearful KsctUI. 'flic luoprietor of a billiard saloon .Joining tlie- i-tottiee at Chicago, and a friend of tliris O'Connor, of this city, arrived here vtfftilav afternoon, dreoxifuliy laimed". He gives tiie fol lowing graphio decriUou of his ad ventures in that ill-fated dty during the fearful lire : "Tlie lire on Sfichigan avenue broke out ir the finest marble fronted resii dence in Hie city. On the bae ball ground there were 50,000 , people, shivering, looking at each other, chil dren crying, men and women running alxart distracted with the hr.s of tlieir chlklreii. Tlie ieop!e living on Michi gan avenue brought out oil paintings, whidi were jumped upon by rowdies and thieve. Tlie Pavilliou caught Cre about four o'clock, and the roughs stole riotlM and everythiuir. and went t Randolph Van Shaak's liquor store, where they rolled out five bar rels and drank tlie content, after which they were fighting all night. I saw one old man hit over the head with a h'i post. Xumeron tight occurred in all directions. Xo news was brought in of wliat was going on. I can give you no description of the monster in human shape, who roamed around the sjiot where they had taken refuge from the driviug-tire-drift. In ail God's world I could not lielieve there were such men in existence. Murderers thieves aad lewd women, commingled with beauteous -ant! vir tuous women. One noble soul, whose name I could, not : scertain. died with her balie, which had jtit come iuto the world a few hours before. 1 saw an old gray liaiivd Konian Catholic priest, of mime sixty years, lying a stiffened corps:, his WHITE H.Ult S.MK.l;l.I WITH lU.OOP, While Iis brains wen: scattered around. The poor victim had !cen trying to protect a young girl from the contamin ating grasp nf a lvmd of li"sieradoes and his reward was being brained with a club and kicked till life was extinct. 1 pray to (od. reporter, that I may never see such an appaliug sight again. Men were tln-re so intoxicated and li.- l.-viled that they fought under tbe ii.linence oli spirit among each other. a;al do.c:i jvcro the 1 staiu.im; affkavs ; Wiiieh t'Mili pla.-e. Tin mob reigned, i .-oi-.l th'-ir :v:gn was infernal. It beg , g.;r- de-. i i;.;io!i. and inuk'-s m- shud j dor to tliink of ii. Sonie gioups were enga-i:! m piav nig ir inviiic uiercv. , not of t l-.c as., 1 have dt-scri'.ied. They roamed around s,.(u;11g what t'iev could n a!, and ivoiiutit.!; the air ' witli their loal lu-some talk. I The i.unier..iis atrocitic coiipnittnl ; 0:1 poor, helpless girls, ladiesofl.ir.il ' a.nl education, by this artirsed honl--. ! will never lie fully known to this ' v. in-ill. How many d:ed th.it night I , do not know, nor cannot goes. Siillice it to say that the deaths were numer ! oils, particularly women, to whom tbe. i shock proved too great. My own ner- von. sy-teni t-. eiived a heavy strain, j - I tl.f 11 wt ut into the prairie, about j four miles out of the city limits and s;v there about fariy-livo thousand p ople without shelter, in the driving cold riin. with ho protection. The r;rill fell i;i torrent', and jxiijile sIoimI there weeping atvJlieir sad position 1 homeless hu.igiy, and worn out wilii i.itiiio. Some ptaveil and sonic 1 inrs'd. I pa-vd the niirht under a i hitggv. which I forlnnafelv found a siini'i iii -t ine" lM.ni the main bexiv of t ee oeo; .le. I aw several peepie lauig and shot 1 at the eoriii-r of I'nion and Kin.'e j s'-eet .' Cue man, an iiiceiidiarv, had ! a. 1 armful of bavin: Another had a r in is-e- Tiaii.F.r.u noMit j ion. 'fheir shiift was a j In hi short one. I saw a gh.i-tly sight the rkeletoii of a m ill, -s-atui 011 a window sill, who had tried to escape, but had Imim. lic.diile all hi ell'orts, lieu ten back by tiie spot the Hames. ami iieri-he.l cti neither tuviug Ihe iwiwer to advance or retreat. Awlul sights met , t'- e view at every turn. People have . vry little idea." I ihiuk. of the terri ble loss of lit'.-. There wa no stttrva- ! tion. .Death from lire, from t xpo-ure 1 a;i. from violence, swept away vie'-1 ! tons hv the hit 11 1 :!!. "" A. )'. .'-tnn-l- j Line n.Vs I?cat:i lieu. Tiie Tleil In w Mrli tlie lWnrt.rr"l I rolu Hi ( for N-il lit liiiil r llis toi.i -'tin Iet nufl t'ttrciitiire nt l9r'-eit in tl.e loMPsioii of n 1 vim I.hI,i iu M'nKhliufiAMi. Vlien millions of soul on tlie free i sou ot .111erna aim mrouguour ine i c'.vL'ijil world were shiH-kcd with the I ; uioue.i-me::t of the asaiu:ition of I Pn,;idet;f I, iooilii on the eventful night j of the. 14th nf April, 1 -"io. strange to j n cord, amid the agonizing excitement ot nic iH.iso;i one inn-re--, niir inci- dent conencted with hi death past'd by and almost entirely wa for- s-otten Wlien the martyr President received the shot that cost his liti- and made a i.ali 1:1 weep, bis attendant- removed leui tp the re-idoncc ne.ne-t Ford" 1 ,n aire, ou 'lent!' street, .directly op posite. 00 iifiii d by yir. Win. l'eter s i.i. Mi body was laid on a lsd in the iio.n situated 0:1 the tlr-t tloor. a id tiie blood that git died from hi mortal wound stained the sheets and p llow that furnished i!. When Mr. Lincoln died, and his corpse was removed for interment, the kind lady of the house wa tlioughful enough to store away in a lo.aec of .safety the b'-vul-stained pil low and llie -pr.-a.l that had cover d I Ls lwxly. He wa wrapjicd iu the I loo i-stained .sheet and removed to the undertaker's. '1'he bureau which .;o.. in the room at the time of hi death reniiiiii I in re still, and le.irs the mark of .1 thousand lien knives l or month .-ifl'-r hi death, persons v 11 vi-itisl the r::i. desiring some- titieg.i a 1ne.11 ':ito. would cnip M fn:ii thl' p'ec of furniture. The bed teld aud mtttivs ba In'oii id u e by ;ue iU;:ii!y of Mrs. Peterson ever since. I'lie pillow -ci . pillow, and lusl-spri-ad have Imi-ii pre-n'i vd until the present day i i tlie condilio.i Hk-v were I.i wlK-ii taken from Mr. Li:icohi"s dy ing coocli ; and. strmge to ,siy, indeed, the-.' arii'-'es. villi able relic-", too. wen priced niiBi" hig'ily by lih wife ami cliildreu of a liii-igner titan by a great govcriiiueut. Our reader will reinemlKT the pul lisbed aifonnts of the sudden death of Mr. Peterson some months ago. His wife also died recently, leaving five orphan children, and tlie furniture of tbe house ha leen offered for stile. One of Mr. Peterson's daughters we leant, called iqiou a prominent of ficial in the Interior Dciartment three days ago, and informed that official that the relic were to Ix sold, and wished to know if tlie Government would not irtirehase, them, as she di liked to expose tlie articles at public auction. 1 he young iady was referred to CoiiiuiKlotier ICggett. the olllcial asur'mg her that it might lie proper for the Government to purchase t'lem for exhibit ton iu tlm museum of the Patent. Oll'nv. Parties acquainted with tin fait fvpresa some surprise that the tJovenimeiit b-LS not obt.ainel xi session of lhoe relics long ago. Wit ;!ihijt nt Vrrow'-rV. A might be expcctis!, th mortality a n mg MoniMHi children is frightful. Tiie ixilygaiuists are like tlie old woman who lived in a shoe, and do not know what to do with tlieir many children; at anv rate tliev do not properly care f, u- tliein. Of aixty leatbs ui Salt I-ake City ui a montji, f irty-four were children. Heber Kimball Is reporUd t liave tairied forty-eiglit chiklren out of sixtv-three In ins eouection: one bibop had lost twenty children ; an other, twenty-eight ; another, seven teen. Joseph binith nan six wives. but left only two sons. Tlie death rate among Mormon of all ages is said to le greater than that of this city or Xew Orleans and more than twice as jn-eal as tliat of Oregon ISM. $2 50 The City and County. Jfroin WrrJuetU'ij' 1j-u":I. Wlt-l-AMFTTTr. llNlVF.K?! nr. This l'nivrTity is tlie oldt-st, and ha ever been considered tlie leading institution of learning ia the State. Though it has umLly been prosperous yet from ks earlles history up to the present time, ' it has uever enjoyed so much ppor-perity a it does to-day. Tlie linilding is one of the finest struct ure Jn tlie State, and at present L ac cx)tiiiuotlatU.g over one hundred and seventy popUs The Faculty Ls com posed of readier wlto.se talenti and quaTifi-at!ons are superior to any In tlie kind. T. M. Gatch, Pjskkit and Protessor of Auclent languages Is a gentleman of long exjierlenoe in gov erning, and Is without a superior, as the present uiaiuigemeiit of tlie school wiil attest. Ij. J. Powell, i'mfessor of Matliematk's is in every rcpeet tit ted for tbe jwsitioii, Itiving lield tlie .same for nearly teai years. L. L. Rog ers, Professor of Natural Sdenee. i a man of distingui-lied ability, and Is eminently well qutdified to fill the jwsitiou Imj occnjiesw M.:s Mary M. Adams, l'revitt-e-s, and teadier of inodern langnages i a lady of tine education, and possesses those very accomplishment needful to insure sue cess in a station so inijiortant. Mi Ellen J. Chamberlain, teacher In the? preparatory dejiartiiieiit, lia lie-Id tliis position for several year, and tiie ad vancement that tbe pupil under her charge have made ha l-en rapid and satistactory. The increase in the num ber of student studying music h;l give!! rise lo the necessity of sectlriug an addilioaal teaclit r iu this depart inetit. For --ix or seven years jit Mis. !. Perry lt.-t Ui'ii teacher of music, who ha made grand achieve, mel ts In her proles-ion. many of lier pupil having uc pured a sUid almo-t inevrdibh. sin i mistress of llie piano mal Imt greatest li-:i-urc seem to la found w hen her scholars succeed !.(. Miss I'-l.tuch t ir.iy ha ait-i-pttil a position in this department, and i giving h-ssoiis ii 1 he orgui. I 'ndi r the direct ion of Prof. Kogets, the Commercial 1 epirtmcni is lHne li'.ti.ig a latge class (,f student wlw iiie availing themselves of it advanta ges. The facilities for obtaining n tiioi-oiigh 1 us'iees clia-i! ion are com plete. Student of both sexc are p-pivseuti-d in thl department, and a knowledge of account keeping, etc.. i lK-ii:g (-Ubiioeil a easily by tiie females as by tlie male. Tiie Medical school iu connection with the University, is attended by ;u''e a lai-ge class of young men win) re all striving to become masters of lie science. Truly the Willamette niv'-i sity 1 enjoying aVeaoti of great .ro-pority. and the iiresent affords tbe tnnigest cia.auagi incut to boie for reatcr results in tin future. Cawnf.t Hai.i.. TiiisluU. situated 11 the southwest corner of Moores' ilock, will ba ojiened this evening, viien Rev. .Mr. Knight w ill give an x!iibilio:i id" (lie n;anycuiiosities vlticli he ha bac:i collecting for sev ral years past. We. visiteil this-niii-cuin of iiiiimal and birds yesterday, and mil t say we were pleased licyond ex; cctulioii. The Cabinet at present contains more than two hundred ani mals and birds lieside a large unm ix 1' of inscits. Ve found many otlmr -a:cimeii t lwre, but. we liave -not space lo give them nieutiou. A sm.iirad-tnitt.-mcc of twentv-live cnts is asked. is some co,is'nieratr:i for (lie cost of lining iipliie iiall. Tlie walls are also . nog Willi sclent Mie pn-tures repre- 'iiting tue teolso! Aortii America. .'he door will !m- ojm n at -wvi-n o"clx-k. !l g; a id sp.;id an hour w ith Mr. vnight I'ni- cv aiing. and be will tell .ou nio'v a'liut bird, animals aud ugs, than ou iv r k a w. Fi;im W.11.1.A Wai.i.a. Mr. O. A. 1 H'liui has iu-t returned from the o uiiibia. wia-re he took a look at tlie ; owlilz and in:ule contracts for tlie : inner tlirreahouts to raise llax seetl not'ner year. He found a much bet . r i-ountry than be rxpeited ami is s uite dc'ightcil with it. He considers he soil and climate of that region re larkably well adapted to the culture f Max, a, id seem ; to think that flax ill lo a favorite product of the larm r tin re in future. 1 AX.r.n l"s. the necessity of dig 11 it' '.along the street for tlie urjKise of !ayi..g w afer mains, is u.m oidable. Put to dig a ditch ae-ross e pvi.aijial street in town, which ,-eunvd yea t.-rday.and h ave the same ticov , ivd luring the night, is down- ghl care-esau's: and should Ix' looked tier l y the city authorities It h"-ai-s to it that no o.io. i:of even a cor- ir.iiio 1. has the right lo place any it rot lion-; iu the streets that will 011- inger hii nan life. FiH.lt 'F. 'Coi KT. lames Shult. ap ear.d la-fotv K"c order P.iltcrsou ye, j-.l ay iiiornmg 0:1 a chaige of drunk mess. His Honor dispose! of llse 1-1 by i;ii:io-i';g a Ii ie of five dollars ul . ls. which ihe fellow did't liave. ad c:. 1 ;e inenflv had to goto jail here he will have a cliancc to Invird X out. Danoi pops - JlKiia-iK. Commercial fin t fridge, over Xorth Mill Creek, in bad coiabtioii anil needs mi me at.- attention. Tlie bridge ha, set- ed in tlie ci ntt r and the bank at both id Iia Cillen in to stub an "Xtent as render it dinrrrisi: for team to .-Ol. Raffle. TIm! reilhi for Mr. -To "n's hor e a::d .-addle ciine o f la-t itht with the following n-sult. In m- ral.le for ihe imr-. F. Ij viand 0111 Revnolds were a tie. For 11k addle, McFadden, Mintoand B. Hani- Ito.i, were a tie. Died. In Dallas on Saturday night he 25lh int., of consumption, Miss Catie Howe, twenty-two years of age, li Howe was an estimable ladv. nd highly re.ieded by all wlio knew er. Wateu. The laying of water mains tun Commercial street to tlie Salem ' tills began yesterday. 'Tim intention to have a net work of pipes running hrough flic whole building so as to ood it with Wilier in ease of tire. TiiANRsiaviN5 Ball. Great prep . rations are !eing made for the In!! . hich li to lie held at tin; Chcmeketa louse ou to-morrow evening. ' Tiiaskuivixg Day. St. raid's .pioi)al Churdi will be open for ivlne service atlO'v. a. m. to-morrow. ' ,0 service in tbe evening. O. &C. Railroad. The down train ; :ft tlie depot yesterday afternoons with j Mir cars of wlicat, three of flour and . wo of merchandise. ' The Fikst Raft. The first raft of i vff logs of tlie season came down the - iver yesterday. ' I Ioliday. To-morrow being Tl ia nks giving Day, all the schools of tlie city will be closed. per Annum in Advance rom Thursday f D-tilg. IxTFJiYiKWFJ). We tiotcrmincd to oommeooe tiw Uisbieau of Interview. big candkfetea for high position, and tin city clectio.1 affords an excellent opportunity to introduce tbe practice. Yesterday ire called on Seth R 11am- nter, Esq who annonnces himself as a candidate tor Mayor of our city-r and ia tliia connection we would also remark that Vic C. Woodhnll Is run nitig for President of U. S Wliat Seth saitfa is this : Tliat lie exects to be elected ami to be Mayor for the whole citj' and to operate generally ou tlie square. If elected and he or somebody else will be lie Will act 011 bed rock primiple. up ami up, and aeroaipliali much for the city. We have gas etaougli, and too much water In winter, and Mayor Hammer will fiivor tlie. IntroeliK'tion of either elec tricity or wind as a motive, to keep tlio people agoing and tiade equitably adjusted, When asked wliat lie would do wlien lie didn't know what to do, lie answered witliout scratcliing his head, anil promrtIy, tliat lie sbiHild hunt some man who had lots of sense, and ak his advice and follow it Im plMtly. Hammer Is our man. our motto is "Hammer ami Tone." He promises to proiKMUK and decide tiie -cow qiiesthni"' .shortly, ami we shall then give hi opinion "as to wla'tber large cows Miall run in tlie street or whetlier small cow shall run at large. City Coxvkntion. I-ast evee-ing tin" de!eg:ites from tlie different Wards nit tat the tlie Court House. Unfits Mallory, E t-, was elected diainuain, J. X. Matheuey Secretary, aud tlie pr.icoediiig resulted iu tlie nomination of tlie following named gentlemen: For Mayor, Ilaniel Pay ton; Re corder, J. M. Patterson ; Marshal, Ja.. W. Fisher; Treasurer. A. X. Gilbert. Tl-e Pillowing nomed gentlemen were elected Executive 'omniittee for tlie ensuing year : First Ward. 1). McCully; Svoud, Cajit. JScott; Third; li. F. Drake; Fourth, J. A. Baker; for the city al large, Kufu Mallory. The Convention the;i adjourned with three cheers for the tk-ket. Thanks;ivix;. Of all tlie things that are thankful 011 this sublunary apliere you can lict your pile on a printer as tlie tliaiiksgivingest creature afloat. To-day we shall all lie too thankful to work, and dim vistas of turkeys, fried, roasted and stewed, will float dimly, through our imaginations until such hour as tlie iHiincr bell sliall call our faculties into play. We wish you a Happy Xew Year a Merry Christmas and a good Thanksgiving, ami if you miss Uie Daily to-morrow, beloved friends, refresh your minds with tlie thought tliat with brains and stomactis recruited bv a day of ret, we shall lie with you at an early hour on Saturday. The Wat to do rr. Tlie case we mentioned tlie other day, where a neighborlmotl assistetl a poor man in buying a span of liorses. sliowed tliat Oregoriians are ready and able to as si ;t all new comers. An emigrant had just settled there, liaving cqme from Iowa this season ; lie was a cripple and poor, so tiiey passed around tlie hat iit a sale where the gatliering was large, ami by contributing 50 ct. to fcl'oaeh, collected alHiut ij50, which with a little means he luut enabled him to puivbise his liorsi'-s. Our iieople can affonl to encourtige new arrivals ny sucii occasional assistance wlien ucoessary. LiuxtiE of Fium.-,J. W. Smith lias bought out tlie drug store of Tliatclicr & Son, and will hereafter devote las personal attention to the conduct of tlie same. Mr. Smith is competent iu all business resiH-ct aud will liave tiie as sistance of Mr. Harrv M. Bear, one of the most competent ilruggtts we liave ever had in Salem. Mr. S. goe- below toslay to get ready for tlie Holidays. What the Matteii Wa. Mr. J. L. PanL-h was driving a band of slieep the otlier (Liy witli a Dutchman for his assistant, aud noticing that one of tlie hind went lame, be asked: "Jacob, wnat is the matter? and Jacob cave the foriowhig lucid reph: "Heliash Rot kicKetl 111 liLsii iimut stiouiter, and it make him lame iu hish fore tigli. (thigh.)" Tliat was all that was the nutter with tliat slieep. The Wine of Apoc-ynum Ls tlie latest wonder of medicine and Mr. Forstner, the gunsmith back of the Evangelical Church, has the agency for it here. He Inform us tliat lie knows many casas where persons here have lieen relieved from eases ot obtinate disease, such as fever and ague, heart disease, rheuma tism, debility, indigestion, &c which it is claimed to be a sovereign specific or. - Wheat Shiited at Umatilla. Mr. Harvey Meacham Informs us that a large amount of wiioat lias been hauled from Grand RoikIc valley this year, and ship'ied from Umatilla to Portland. 3lany teams gooverwitn freight River. lit for Grand Ronde ami Powder mid tliey load with wheat on the return, so tliey can haul it for a reasonable price. Caiuxet Hai.i.. A large company visited this Hall last evening, and spent an hour or two in a very pleas- and social manner. Mr. Knurht will give anotlier exhibition on Sirurday aturnoon, especially ior cnunren Admittance, ten wut. We predict that tlie little folk will be highly please.!. Died. At his residence in this city on Wednesday, Mr. T. J. Phillipps. aged 40 years. Funeral will be held at tlie Baptist Church on Friday, (to morrow) at 1 r. M. Friends of tlie Cim iiy are invited to attend. He will lie burled with tlie Imnors of tlie Masonic Fralemitv. On the Rivee. Tlie Fannie Patton came up yesterday, and after receiving sixty tons of flour from tlie Salem Mills, went back, intending to finish bcr cargo at Lincoln and Wheatland, will return on Friday. Slie Woisk Si'spes 1 ed. The baement stories, of the M. K. Chnrch and tire A gricultural buikltng being completed, work has' been suspended. Tlx will remain in rtntu . ei-ltrps, until S;ig. - Pl.EAK RETntN. Mr. '1sWMlk A. x)k informs ut1mt ou Tuesday even ing lat, at tlie Racist sociable, lx!d at the residnice of Mr. J. Williams. some one. through mistake, carried off Ins overcoat. He ih'strcs tliat the per son taking It. sliottld leave tlie same at Mr. Williams' wltcre Uie exciiange can bo made. Thaksoivimi Day. To-day being Tlianksgiving Day It. will be properly observed by the leading business houses of tlie dty. Tlie batik will not be open at all. Divine services will be held in tlie Methodist, Episcopal and Congre gational wiiurcnes." Removed. L. Cheesbrough lias moved his bag lactory to tlie south room of the Chemeketa House. . 2Tew Actxt. Mr. O. II. Kimball, Uie newly appointed railroad agent at tliis place,' entered opou tlie discharge ol his duties at the depot on Friday last. - Thajtk!ottiio Skryice. Tlie reg ular Thanksgiving service of the Con gregational Church will be lield this evening at 7 o'clock. AT TBX Depot. Tbe freight train left tbe depot yeaterda, afteruoon with live can of flour, nine of wheat, two of stock and one of mercharidlse. AllThmos ask Ready. The par. tie y arranging for tbe ball to-night, were as bury at bees ail day yesterday, and from wliat we can learu the affair Is going to be spJnndld. RtWtXAB Tmrt. We were in formed yesterday by one of tlie river captains that oa Monday next, ti e boats will begin-making regular trip-. Take Noticf.. Tlie Postofllee will be open to-day from 9 to 10 a. m., and from 5 to 6 p. m. ' Adjockxed. C'Srciiit Court stand adjonnml until 10 o'clock Friday morning. The Suffering ia .Vichigau. A corresiioiMlcnt of tlie Chicago Jimrnnl writing from Grand Rapids " Michigan, remarks as follows : It is difficult, at this distance from tlie scene of conflagration in Midiigau. lo measure tlie extent of tlie ruin ami suffering brought 'so suddenly ujion thousands of peviplc. Many are Imuse ls aud de'ieiKlent wlio, lint a few hours since, were ready and willing to relieve Uie distressed. Mudi autferiiig must mark tlie dreary Winter months to come. Warm firesides in happy Xew England will not forget tluit everyaiollar, or wetariog apparel, blanket or comforter, sent to ilioblgau now will assuredly alleviate sutfenui;. Arrangements are perfected to distrib ute uplies iu a motpra die-able man ner, so that tlie greatest bunlen of snf 6'ring may lie reached and leswmsl a siKin a possible. It shtaild not Ix tor gotten that lake navigation to several points will soon dose, rendering com munication much more difficult ; this fact should stimulate tlie forwarding of supplies. Xever more than merely comfortable, with no otlier than Until restHirces. hundreds of mechanic and laboring men, with families aie now looking dimly from cheerless lieartlis, and wondering ho- tliey sluill live for months to come, or until saw-mills factories, etc-, are rebuilt, to give them employment. Tliey are indus trious and willing to work, but tlie business tliat employed tliem lias been swept away.. Again, hundreds of firmer liave only gathered ttieir cro, to see bouse, Irani, crops stock, and alas! iu some Instances children, con sumed lxfore their eyes utterly jwv erless to arrest tlie progress of the flames. Wliat Is to become of t!ieso Suddenly stripied of every comfort who can picture tlie gloom of such i" soeue. so complete a desolation, were It possible, and tiie instances of tiie indi vidual trial and distress set forth in living light Y How would tlx hiunait beait repond in deeds of cliarity! I am aware of the efforts of your good citizens hi behalf of tlie sufferer of Michigan ; would 1 could find words to thank tliem. Every kindly thought or act on her ac eount will be treasured by her (jnitelul people, whose every prayer sliall be. may God avert from you and yours a calamity so great as that which now af flicts us. Tlicre Is in San Francisco a miiklle aged man, who a yaar since was at work by tlie rrfontb a" a medianlc, and not worth a dollar. To-dav he l worth at least $1,000,000 in luirdeoiu, and bis income from one mine alone iu White Pine is over $1,500 jiertlay. I will say this for him, tliat lie lias more sense than most men wlio liave grown suddenly rich. He is investing bis money in San Francisco real estate. Tire other day a friend was joking him on tbe subject of marriage, remarking tliat lie could now marry any young ladv iu San Framisco, to which lie re plied : 44 Well. I knew a gal out West who was willing to' marry me wlien 1 hadn't a cent, and now I'm able. I'm going to lnarry her." "Well, my gooJ fellow," said a vSetojious General to a brave son of Erin, after a battle, "and what did you do to help us to gain this victory ? " "Do!" replU-dMike; "may it please your honor. I walked up bouldly to one of the iuiniv. and cut off hi feet." 'Cut off bis feet ! and why did you hot cut off hi head !" asked tlie gen era!. "Ah.- an' faith tliat was off already' replied Mike. . A colored servant sweeping tint a bads'lor room found sixpence 011 tlie cirjiet, which he mrrii-! to tlx- owner. "You may keep it for honesty," said he.- A pliort tune alter lie missed his gold lxmeil case, and inquired of hi servant if lie lnd seen It. "Yes sir." was tlie reply. "Ami wliat liave you done with it ?" "Kept it for my bon-' esty, sir!" A mama iu the rural district lately gave lier 5 year okl hopeful an out tit of fishing tackle. Soon six lxard a shout from Harry, ami running out found one of her best liens fast swal lowing tbe Hue in her crop, wbltlier tlie hook hail already irrecesleil it. Harry, observing tlie tronbled mot lier. quietly remarked : Don't worn-, motlier ; I guess sliell stop when slie gets to tlie pole." God's livery Is a very plain one ; but its wearers have good reason to tx con tent. If it Iwve not so much gold lace about it as Satan's it kre out foul weatlier better aud beskles it Is great dal cheaper. King James I, was oucecutreated by hi old nure to make Imt sou a gentle man. " Xac nan, nurse," was tlie re ply of the British Solomon ; " I'll make him a lord, and ye wull, but its heyoud my power U make him a gen tleman.' ; A Dutchman has got off tlx; best thing 00 the Xew Yoik Orange-Hibernian row :. '?f dey wants some tights let 'cm go back to de places dey erxyms from and get all oe fighting dey vants. What Ue tuyval have we Americans . got to do rait der oranges and lemons and sudi dings." A young man wlxn had come Into iosi--loti of large ptoperty hy tlx death ot his brut Iter was asked bow he was getting along. "Oh!" aWl he, " I aiu having a tlreailfbl time ; with getting out letters of administration, and attending the probate court, ami settling claims 1 sometimes wili lie liadu't died !" If you liave a frletHl wlio loves you, wlio lias studied your interest and lia piiH'ss, be sure to sustain him in ad versity. Let him feel tliat his fonner kindixws U appredatcd. ami tliat bis former love is not thrown away. . Within a slxwt time A young la dies of Louisville have lxen sert-xisly iwisoned bv the use of Imjxirted Cice powder aiiidtei-au?d with lead. In eadi case llie ctfect of tlxs cosmetic wa paralvtle both to the system ami tlie facial beauty of tlie maidens. One of tlie aiK-estors of 'Bill Nye" lis been imeartlx?l iu San Francisco. While excavating for tlx? new Clty Hall building tlx skeleton of a man with four aees" nixl a "king full'' hi Ills coat sleeve was dug np. Among' the richest revekitious against tlx Tammany ring, the feci appears that two negro minstrels were paid a hundred dollars a month eadi or making joke, at tlieir public xr formauces against tlx Republican iar ty and prominent leaders. A large portion of the bHines prt of Cameron, Mixaouri. was destroyed by fire October 13th. , : , Bret Harte'a much -talked -of ptx-m, delivered at the Cambridge Phi Beta, , Kappa Convention, is now running around, and wlmtever other fault may be found with it, many will re me nber to liave seen the story in prose j ears agone. l 'IX