The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, November 29, 1871, Page 3, Image 3

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    a Talk Abri Uusine. j
Iu !i-liWgvK:r our Weekly ubmrifMiH
lii-t ti-e nr f.Aotifioil to ascertain llst Vrtily
ob.ut tifac Lundred and fifty tf the .Vrgo
oii'l increasing lint have WOgrjcfell V pay
up for the year fast, tl6 XiiTy aalf that
n u ruber owe fiAtto iptidt Avo irs. With
deal nf oin.onf to tire "frftcHiy'and fi
nancial Vrty t "incitfcdtf Oregon, the
publitnet tT tKiiWr'&ceided, without de
manding )frayiatfi, ts reduce the price!
tor advtnio YulJWt'aAto" to 5- t'l
annum, trr So! 'gratified to fi ntkw
confidenfeVas wll placed.
Those bare not fffomlp'tty S;i are
1o H"y Instances a elf Weans, w3 the
fii'uure to cay it sr.oTcty neglect. TseiV at
eiifi'im xW cTOi?Iii kereor to point
eilf !)x t twwelciU 8Heri for further
n'tiect, SfiJ.loro p"lalh "out it, we want
bom 'to .pay up, and abat quickly, for we
Tire making gTcrft vaiprovenients in the
'ST.tTBSMAM. aoa need all that is due us
to use in"-trf!.'hg the psper more interesting.
:BloW publish a list of agents for the
-Sta-1is, and thoae who owe us for the
ipretnt year are requested to make early
payment to them, or to send ua the money
'in a registered letter.
Those who owe for former years will be
invariably charged thrbs dollars per
annum. Those who pay within six months
of the commencement of the year can re
mit two hollars AMD A HALF coin, and
these termi will be inrttrtiMg foltmeed.
If two dollars aad a half is sent after six
mouths, the leader will he credited for ten
months subscription.
To any person sending oe twe new sab-
nrriher Wo Will send HTkAiY Howthold
M"'jaz!ne, rasa, and, besidts, send it tree
to the individual who subscribe.
Ta any person sealing m -five new sub
scribers, we will send the Hertild nf Iltnltk
free, and send Woodt' UanaztHe to each
Here is a chance for young people to earn
easily both magafioes for family reading.
Send us six new subscribers and .yen eaa
nave tbem bolb.
We make fMs off to rend Ihe States-
'HA thore popular and to give a premium
to secuVe increase of circulation.
Agents Tor the Statesman.
Tinker City
La Ui;,le '
K)lt, W. T
Walla WalU. W. T.
.Idaho City, L T...
Ka?t JNftiand.... ..
Oregon City .
V batland....
(irand Konde
Buena Vista .
ticrvais ..
St. Louis
Silvcrtnn -
Sublimity ,
"Cottage Grove
tEugene City-
'Oakland. ....
Empiro City
-Klniratlt ...... ... .-.
A ?hlsTiU. .......
Xonealla ..
,..W. K. MeCreary
...... ....,.M. Bnker
W. N. Smith
yt lowman
......S. BrCs
Siiuel A Upton
A.M. Loryea A. Co
...........J. M. BOson
W. D. Hare
, Dr. Poppleton
l)r. L. Henderson
O. E. Gtchell
J. A. Taylor
Post Master
D. J. Cooper
J. H. Hawley
O. C. Litchfield
J. L. Collins
J. Hollinahead
....J. II. Ray
.. It. Clark
I. Staats
Abrams A Co
W. Watcrhouse
J. Snmerville
....W. W. Beach
, Post Master
, ..... Lmius Brooks
J. D. Taylor
Smith A Crossen
R. S. Swarti
D. Simpson
H. A. Johnson
....L. Flinn
E. E. Wheeler
S. H. Claughton
Judge Odcncal
D. C. Underwood
P. V. Crawford
II irain Smith
, B. Simpson i Co
J. F. linms
,. J. R. Ellison
H. C. Stanton
Poet Master
Max Mul'er
Judge Skiwner
,. ..J. Cresswell
F. A. Stuart
, Ueo. Norse
I. D. Applegate
.. L. Applegate
J Applegate
V. Calrin
"Ve have selected twe excolloat family
magaxinea, the paUishers of which i
snxious to find a eircul-tion In Oregon, and
offer to lnb with ns at half their rates, and
re rntf.oee to gm-e er fmbscriners the ben-
Tit iff tKffer, and o fwrniA tbeaa,
ireuilutrj, to new sabsriber.
The 'Heraiil J UmlOi n a Very Taluable
magazine, wbith eftrds a grtat rariety of
Important and interesting 'reading relating
to nrover 11 vine audio laws of health. We
iiave frequently meolioaed it editorially
.and we can heartily recommend h.
The reenlar subscription price is $2.00,
"We offer Ibe Statesman and the Herald of
To Old Subscribers for..
To New
The niooej i bo sent direct to tDis JEce.
Wno'W HohmKoII JfrjMitine it a very
fn-oper Journal which ouiplvys tfco wort dt-
tinguiflicd writers', tbela.4 nuinljcr contain
ed articles from Horace (ircelcy, Theodore
Tittna, Jauied Partn, Thomas K. Bcteher,
Jail Ilamirttrp an l others of firit TJ'dc.
The .regular ulicritio irrc i $1.00
We offer tlie Statesman anl WtuxW
Jfimsrhnfii Mnijtizi!
To old subscribers fur.
To now
$3 on
2 50
The n.ony to sent us direct.
Wo nil! sorvl fur any preheat .niliferrber.
who bus raid up, i:ilbT ur fcotb of these
jMagazin, if they ftB-l tbo $4 .00.
We bclici'e CMch iw Ito reliable aad
cuanntct to oTiltr the mapazlnos and to
send the money for them, but make no oth
er gaurantces.
Take Notice of Errors.
Out subscribers are requested to notice if
heir tags bear the proper date to which
hry hare raid, and if any mistake occurs
t bry willideaae call attention to it.
Our late Agent at Empire City, J. M
I'arker, failed to do business satisfactorily
nnd our subscribers there may hare paid
iiu money we n ;rer beard ef; in fact, we
know .bat bas been the case, so they
take their receipts to Judge Skinner and It
will be made right.
To Stop Bleeding. It Is said that
bleeding front a wound on man or
beast may be stopped by a mixture of
wiicat nour or common aaic, in equal
parts, bound on with cloth. If the
bleeding be profuse use a large quanti
ty, say from one to tliree uints. It
may be left on for hours, or even days,
if necessary. Tlie person who gave us
this recipe says in this manner he saved
the life of a horse which was Weeding
from a wounded artery ; tlie bleeding
ceased in five minutes after the appli
cation. It lias been successfully ap
plied in other case
A distinguished visitor once entered
the counting room of Rotbchild, who
was very much engaged. AVithout
looking up he said, "Take a chair and around the President's mansion at
be seated." The gentleman address- noon to see the Grand Duke. He ar
ed, feeling aggrieved at such a recep- rived at one o'clock, and was heartily
tion, remarked, i ou am not pernaps
hear mv name. I am tlie Count "
"Oli. ves." rennea tne namcer, "lase
two chairs, if you please."
Pakis, Xov. 22. The prfiiew lwve
an nit-otiitt of mi intervlow pttnted by
the Vvw! to a large body of ikthoim.
One of tire number, asking bow long
tlie oppression of the church would
continue, the Tope replied: "We
ftlMMikl resi"m ourselves to flie will of
tlie Most High, an-J pray without oca
Ins for tlie whole world, for everr
wln're tlie devil is making fearful pro
pes. In France, impiety is now lift
ing m head ; iu Germany, hearty is
uiMiic cnorx3 to oppress the Chris
tian lvlipon, to establish its own great
ness upon the ruins ; but what is still
more lamentable is that this impious
movement is sustained by the Govern
ments in KiHia, Spain' and Switzer
land. Indeed, everywhere revolution
seeks to triumph to briii"dowu society
into ine auyss.
London, Xov, 22. Reports of dis
asters to shipping by tlie reoeut storm
continue to come in Irout all quarters.
The rowing match for tlie champion
ship of the Tyne, to-day, was won by
tle Taylor crew, w1k beat tlie lteu
fortlis by three lengths.
Rome, Nov. 22. A consistory will
be held on Friday for tlie presentation
of Bishops, when tlie Pope will jro
dtice an allcuction. in winch lie is ex
pected to refer to his course in connec
tion with tlie occupation oi tlie city by
the King of Italy.
Washington, Xov. 22. Tle Sec
ond Auditor was yesterday able to an
nounce tlie exact amount of tlie dedi
cation of Major J, Ldyard Hodge,
now serving a sentence of ten years
in the Albany penitentiary. Accounts
of Paymasters are many years behind
hand, and Auditor French in his an
nual report calls tlie attention of Sec
retary Boutwell to the parsimonious
policy of the administration iu lim
iting tlie clerical force to a minimum
number. Tlie disbursements of Major
Hodge, ex-paymaster, here were $14,
950,318 80; actual dedication, $445,
020, 05. There are otlier accounts it
is stated which it would be profitable
to tlie Government to have promptly
New Yokk, Xov. 22. Prince Al
exis left at 4 A. M. for ' Washington,
accompanied by Oount SchowvalhotK
Count Olsenoff, Minister Cataeazy and
suite, Vice Admiral Passiet, Vice Ad
miral Rowan, and his aids.
N'EW LONtON, Xov. 2G. The
freight and passenger steamer City of
Xew London, which left Xew York
last evening with freight only, for
Norwich, was burned this morning iu
tlie Thames river. Some of the crew
were lost, bXHt the number is not
Later. Furtlier particulars of tlie
burning of the steamer C'rrv of Xew
London state that the spread oi flames
having rendered the boats and live
pre!rvers impracticable, the passen
gers threw themselves into the water,
clinging to portions of the cargo which
had been thrown overboard. Those
who were able to swim reached slwre.
Some were picked up exhausted, and
some half dozen of the crew and pas
sengers are still missing, and it is fear
ed are lost. Among them is C. B.
Koirers, of this citv. The boat anil
cargo will be an entire loss.
Xew York, Xov. 22. Soon after
the arrival of tlie Grand Duke at his
apartments at the Clarendon Hotel,
lie dispateneu tne ioiiowmg message to
his father by came :
To the Kmferor of Russia, St.
Petekswk : Cordial and magnifi
cent reception given me; parade of
malitia ; general Holiday in tne city.
(Signed), Alexis,"
Tlie same dispatch was sent to the
Empress of Russia, in Crimea.
The London Economist liaving men
tioned with regret the appearance of
tlie name of U. IS. Minister Schenck as
director in one of tlie new mining
companies, with the remark that eoiu-
mercial occupation ot any kind appears
certainly .incompatible with the func
tions of ft diplomatist, the Evening
Post to-dav expresses hopes that tlie
Government will immediately recall
Sclienck, wlio, by permitting himseff
in Ins ohicial position to promote stock
speculations, humiliates his country
and shows an utter want of respect for
his high othce.
Tlie Atlanta Legislature litis passed
the bill lor the election of Governor
over tne acting Governor s veto, ny
more tlian two-thirds majority.
Washington. Xov. 22. The Grand
Puke arrived on a special train at 7 p.
ll. Tlie depot was thronged with a
large crowd anxious to see liiui. The
Prince and suite being in citizen's dress
were not recognized until tliey reached
the front of tlie building, and' then but
by a few. Catacazy's carriage awaited
the Duke. Cataea.y, Admiral Poict
and tlie principal Secretary took tlieir
seats and were driven to tlie house of
t atacazy. The rest of the suite went to
the Arliuston. 1 he Grand Duke is tne
tlie one of the party entertained by the
Kusstsin Minister. Soon altertne I Hike
was driven to Catacazy's tlie latter
called on Secretary Fish at the Arling
ton to officially inform him of the arri
val of tlie Grand Duke, and to make
preliminary arrangements for his pre
sentation to the President to-morrow,
which will probably take place at noon.
About liall-past eight o'clock a number
ot foreign Ministers called to pay tlieir
respects to tne urand mine.
General Walker, the new Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue, will enter
upon his duties Monday, lie did not
seek the ollice, but was selected because
of his peculiar liUiess for it. Doctor
muieis, wlio was agent at lake bevers,
has lieen appointed to the Red Cloud
Agency, and Dr. Issly, of St. Louis,
for the Spotted Tail Indians. Tliese
agents were appointed on recommenda
tion of the Episcopal Church.
The Pacific Coast Republican Asso
ciation last night elected the following
ofiioers : jfresuient, P. uarneifie, ot
Washington Territory ; V ice Presi
dent, C.J. Hillver, of Xevada Treas
urer, G. S. Tichnor, of California ;
Corresponding Secretary, L. P. Thomp
son, ot Uregou.
Xkw York, Xov. 23. A Raleigh
dispatch says nearly 200 Ku KIux will
be tried at tne term oi court commenc
ing on the 20th inst. All confess and
many make conflicting and ridiculous
statements. A more demoralized set
could scarcely be found. One of them
swears he was sworn into the order by
a Methodist preacher, who informed
him tliat Plat iMnham, defeated can
didate for Congress, was Chief, and
Turner, editor of tlie Kaleich Sentinel,
Grand Chief in Xorth Carolina : Wade
Hampton Grand Chiet in South Caro
lina ; X. B. Forest Grand Cyclops tor
the Southern' States, and Frank Blair
for the United States. It will be
claimed at Court that the order is pure
ly political.
A dispatch from Raleigh says tlie
Governor's message, sent in yesterday,
shows tlie debt of Xorth Carolina to be
$24,800,000. The people are unable to
pay interest on this sum. Tiie Gover
nor recommends sales or tne railroad
interests of the State to prevent repu
diation, but at tlie same time says no
financial policy should be determined
ujkhi until fitcts connected with tlie
debt are acquired, in order tliat some
conclusion may be readied as to the
disposition of Ue liabilities of tlie
Mate. After tlie message was read a
resolution was offered in the House
and referred, reciting tliat as the debt
was created oy strancrers elected under
bayonets, wlio voted, moneys to rail
roads and by- other means embezzled
funds of the State, a provision slrould.
therefore, be made for repudiation of
the entire State debt.
Xew Yokk, Xov. 23. A dispatch
1 frora Washington to the Herald says
i hiiwuwuuu y. viyw,
tliat he is diarged with missions of im
portant and delicate character to our
Government, being nothing less than a
proposal for an alliance offensive and
tlefeusivc between tlie two nations.
A European war is apprehended, and
Russia believes that with active aid
from tlie United States, or assisted by
an extensive .privateering fleet, under
Russian letters of marque, he could
aery all Europe
Washington, Xov.
23. Prince
Alexis was presented to the President
at 1 o'clock. There were large crowds
i cneerea as ne angnreu. au memuers
I of tUe Cabinet were present in the
oiue parior. .Minister tataeazy pre
sented the Prince to the President,
who greeted liim cordially, the Prince
Xew York, Xov. 23. Tlie grand
total subscriptions received by the
Chamber of Common, for the relief
of Chicago, foots up $'J00.310 (55.
Xohwich, Xov. 23. Seveu more
bodies liave been recovered from tlie
burned hull of the steamer City of Xew
Loudon, making nine lives lost.
San Francisco, Xov. 22. Dr. A.
T. McClurr, of Santa Clara, family
physician of the late Horace Ilawes,
testified this afternoon that he had con
sidered the deceased man of unsound
mind for years.
An order for a Imx of dioice Califor
nia grapes for President Grant, and
another from London tor fifty boxes of
California apples for Queen Victoria
were tilled liere to-day. '
Testimony in tlie Horace Haweseon
tested will case, to-day, showed that
the will was written hy Lewi3 J. Lee, ,
clerk at the City Hall, from dictation
by Ilawes. After it was completed,
Hawes declared it was all Wrong, paid
him $7 50 for his trouble and went
away, but the next day signed it in
presence of witnesses.
San Francisco. Xov. 23. General
SehonVld's general order, isued from
Headquarters Division of the Pacific
to-day, in accordance with orders from
tlie War Department, provides tliat
all Indians in Arizona, found off reser
vations after a certain time, to be fixed
by tlie Iepartineiit Commander, are
to be treated as hostile ; and every In
dian leaving tlie reservations, on any
pretext wliateVer, unless by permission
of tlie Department Commander, shall
be 'treated as having left for hostile
purposes. Citizens will not be permit
ted on reservations, but will, when
necessary, be escorted across them by
soldiers, to prevent any collision.
Tlie magnificent new pavilion ska
ting rink opened this evening, with a
perfect jam, over eight hundred skaters
being on tlie floor.
Wlieat Market quiet ; f 2 5o2 60
for shipping, and $2 65 for choice mill
ing. Barley 1,000 sks eood brewing.
$2 07if choice do, $2 10; feed, 1 DO
fl 92
Oats The extremes of the market
are 1 90(82.
Potatoes Market well supplied ;
most reds may be quoted within the
range of 7k41 ; sweet, $1 25.
Stockton, Xov. 23. It is currentlv
reported in the streets and generally be
lieved that the Stockton and Copper
opolis, and Stockton and Visalia Rail
road, with their franchises and subsi
dies, have been sold to the Central Pa
cific Railroad.
Weather unreasonably warm.
London, Xov. 23. An oflieial bul
letin, issued tills evening, regarding
the condition of the Prince of Wales,
signed by the attending physicians,
state that the Prince is suffering from
an attack of typhoid fever, but the
symptoms are not alarming.
Paris, Xov. 23. The trial of the
Communist has terminated. All who
were convicted were sentenced to im
prisonment for terms varying from
two to twenty years.
Ponier Quertier, in his budget to be
submitted at the coming session of tlie
Assembly will Call for a fresh loan ot
400.000,006 francs.
Tlie Porte objects to any treaty be
tween Kusssin and Roumanla, modi
fying the Sultan's jurisdiction.
Berlin, Xv. 23. In Parliament
to-day, a hill was introduced by the
Bavarian Minister providing lor the
criminal prosecution of clergymen
who abuse privileges of their ortlee.
This is understood to be tlie first ot a
scries against the encroachments of the
Church upon the liberties of the
Herr Simon, President of the Lower
Branch of the German Parliament,
tendered his resignation, but was re
elected. Brlsseia Xov. 23. The Belgian
Chamber of Representatives to-day,
after furtlier animated discussion, vo
ted to support the. Government iu its
apiwintmeirt of Dr. Decker as Gov
ernor of Limhtrrg. An enormous and
excited crowd again gatliered around
the Chamber, and uproarously mani
fested their opposition to tlie appoint
ment, but the presence of a large po
lice force prevented a breach of a larps
police force prevented a breach of the
peace during the day. Alter nightfall,
however, there were serious disturb
ances. kast:ri news.
Washington, Xov. 23. General
Vialk Superintendent of Indian Affairs
for Montana, says that a band of from
seveutv-tive to one hnndred half-breeds
from British America liave establislied
tlieir winter quarters in the vicinity of
tlie Milk River Agency, with a view of
supplying the Indians witn liquor ana
ammunition. Gen. Gibbon directed a
portion of tlie Seventh Infantry to sup
nress this, spoil the liquor, destroy the
hut, brin? awav whatever was valu
able and drive them from tliat part of
tlie country.
The Grand Duke was presented to
the President at 1 o'clock this after
noon. A large crowd gathered around
the portico of the Executive Mansion
and greeted tlie Duke with hearty
cheers as he entered, accompanied by
Minister Catacazy, Admiral Poisset
and members of his suite. Upon en
terlngthey were immediately ushered
into tlie parlors, and the President and
Secretary Fish, Postmaster General
Cresswell, Generals Porter, Babcoek,
Dent and Marshal Sharp, descended
the stairs from the Executive office,
and passing through the -ante-rooms.
proceeded to tne reception jKinor,
where tlie reception ceremonies took
Minister Catacazy first presented tlie
Grand Duke to tlie President. ihe
Duke said it afforded him pleasure to
meet the bead of a natio:i with whom
his own was on intimate terms of
friendship, and tlie President cordially
welcomed him, and expressed hotie
that his sojourn in this country would
be pleasant and gratifying. The Duke
tlien presented tne tnemners oi ins
suite to the 1 resident, who in turn
presented the members of his Cabinet
and official attendants to the Duke.
Aftr the introductions were concluded.
the President estrted the Grand Duke
to the Red Parlor, wliere hecretary
Fish presented them tothe ladies. The
other gentlemen followed to tlie Red
farlor. where a Diaei general conver
sation took place, the i Hike addressing
himself to Mr. Grant. Tlie interview
lasted onlv fifteen minutes, when the
distinguished visitors returned to Miu-
ter Catacazy s residence.
Tliere will lie a formal entertain
ment given the Duke in this city. To
morrow morning ne win proceed to
Annapolis in a special train, return-
ills' to asiiiiiicuHi uiivt Kimua 101
Xew York hi the evenuig.
Xew York. Xov. 23. The Krert-
inn Mail savs that ouite likely Gen
Schenck lias decided to terminate liis
mission to England and accept me po
sition of law oflioer of theXorUiern
Pai'inV Railroad, which it is under
stood has been kept open for liim some
dncAtsa. Xov. 23. About three
inches of snow lias fallen here suice
this morning. It is still snowing.
Tlie comer stone of the new State
Canital at Des Moines. Iowa, was
laid to-day.
Tliere were four incites of snow in
St. IxMiis to-day.
Lieut. Gov. Dunn's funeral took
place to-day ia JS'ew Orleans. . . : .
Boston, Xov. 23. The Rev. Alex.
Ellis, a colored man, recovered $400
damages from tlie Xaragansett Steam
ship Company for refusing him a seat
at tlie table of tlie steamer Providence.
RiCiiMOXD, Xov. 23. Robert Pren
tiss, Grand Master of the Odd Fellows
of Virginia, died last night at Carlotte
ville. Norwich, Nov. 23. Eleven bodiesH
lost Dy tlie disaster to tlie steamer
City of Xew London have been re
covered. None of the miasiiisr nas-
j "K have been found. Flag3 on
an me snipping m uie naroor are at
half mast.
San Francisco, Nov. 24. The In
ternational Society held a meeting last
night and resolved upon a permanent
In the matter of the life Insurance
of the late S. Josephi, amounting to
50,000, and claimed by H. C. Hyde,
assignee of the estate in bankruptcy,
and tdso by tlie widow as her persoual
property, .fudge Hoffman decided tliat
the money goes to the widow, not to
the creditors of tlie estate.
London, Xov. 21. A distinguished
Cardinal authorizes the statement tliat
the Pone will not leave Rome unless
compelled by physical force or person
al violence.
The Time grounds Its belief in the
re-election of Grant on the fact tliat he
has brought about a reconciliation of
tlie United States with England, and
ha effected a reduction of the national
debt. It continues in terms of the
highest praise and declares his consent
to liold the office a tienetit to his coun
try, and exited a million and a lialf
majority in his favor at tlie Presiden
tial election.
Paris, Nov. 23. A large number of
sympathizers of the ex-Kmperor to
day made a demonstration in his hon
or. They traversed Fauburg, St. Ger
maine, with shouts of "Viva Xapo
leon." Xo attempt was made by the
police to interfere. i
Madrid, Xov. 21. The Cotrespon
dicia says answer has lieen made to re
cent private enquiries that Great Brit
aiu is ready to receive, favolably from
Spain, proposals for tlie restitution of
A special dispatch from Alexandria,
Egypt, says that a terrible catastrophe
had occurred in the harbor off that
port, In consequence of a collision be
tween steamships carrying passengers
and mail. The vessels met with great
force, both sinking, resulting in the
death of 75 Algerian passeugers, by
drowning. Some of them were over
burdened with gold, the weight of
which rendered the efforts to swim un
available. EASTERN NEWS
Washington. Xov. 24. The official
report to the Xaval Department from
Rear Admiral Sands, Superintendent
ot the Xaval Observatory of this city,
says on tlie evening of the 16th inst.
Professors Hale and Harkness, attach
ed to the Oliservatory, succeeded iu
discovering tlie spectrum of Enck's
comet. The Professor thinks tlie com
et consists simply of a cloud and
glowing gas.
Norwich, Conn., Xov. 24. Tlie
number lost by tlie burning ot the
steamer City of London will probably
reach twenty-one or twenty-two.
Xew York, Xov. 24. A dispatch
from Scranton. Pennsylvania, says a
portinu of Oliver street sunk several
inches yesterday a continuance in
the Pane Book shaft. Tliere is consid
erable excitement. Many houses are
twisted out of shape, and foundations
are cracked ojen.
Colonel McDauiels, owner of the
horse Harry Basset t, replies to the
proposition of the owner of the Eng
lish horse Sterling for a mile and a half
race in England in 1872, for flO.OOO,
tliat lie (McDauiels), can only consent
to liaving the race take place in this
The prevalence of smallpox here Is
said to be due to the fact that vaccina
tion has lieen very much neglected. Xov. 24. Aiexts and
suit, accompanied by Secretary Roie
son. arrived at 10 a. m. Owing to the
storm few persons gathered at the de
pot. The party entered carriages and
drove to the Xaval Grounds. Their
arrival was announced by a salute of
21 guns. ( Commodore Wonlcn receiv
ed the visitors, who were then taken
tbmugh the grounds, witnessing tlie
drill of cadets and inspecting the gun
ship Siintee, the ship yard and various
departments of the Academy and af
trrwards returned to Commodore Wor
den's house, where a large party was
assembled and partook of a collation.
At 2 P. m. the Duke s party left for
Xew York, where Alexis will remain
till alnuit Iecember 5th, when he will
visit Boston, Albany and Montreal,
and theu proceed West and afterward
visit some Southern States.
Washington. Xov. 24. The man
agement of the Russian Legation
passed to-day from Catacazy to Gen.
Golsoff, whose residence lias lieen at
Hartford as military attaclie of tlie Le
gation. This will be very acceptable
tothe Executive authorities, and tlie
change relieves the President from the
unpleasant duty which Catacazy's con
duct liad otherwise made of sending
his passport to tlie Minister, and may
lie regarded as a practical compliance
with the request of this Government
for his recall. It is understood that
Catacazy has been ordered to wait
upon the Grind Duke during his tour
in this country, and return to Russia
i nmediately on its close.
LonsviLi.E, Xov. 24. X. K. Ilar
jier aud Geo. A. Griffith (colored),
were to-day admitted to jiractice in
Kentucky courts. Tliey were exam
ined yesterday aud took tlie attorney's
Kith to-lay.
Xew York, Xov. 25. A JlenihVt
W:ishington dispatch states that Min
ister Sclienck will le re-called in a
short time. Secretary Fish will suc
ceed him. Tliere seems to be nothing
iu the law preventing a minister from
engaging or investing hi trade or spec
ulation. Custom and dignity, how
ever, have prohibited ministers from
assuming business or speculative iosi-
Horace Greeley states in the Tribune
that Sclienck should be heard, as men
o able and worthy as he, are not so
abundant tliat we can afford to crush
one on a bare presumption.
Chicago, Xov. 25. The Board of
Police were engaged in investigating
the origin of the great lire, yesterday.
Mi's. O'l-eary, who owned the cow
tliat kicked the lamp over, that, set the
1mm on fire, was examined. She tes
tified that she was with her family and
was In tied when tne lire broke our,
but there was a "shin-dig'' going on iu
a portion of her house ocwupied hv a
family, aud that she was tok!, when
reused by tlie lire, that o. e of the par
ty went out into the yard with alight
to pit cure miik for cooking oysters an I
the lamp was kicked over.
Xew Orleans. Xov. 25. Govpnior
Warmoth lias called an estra session
of tlie Senate to meet in Iecember, for
tlie purpose of selecting a Presrdotit
ror tlie Senate who will ie, ex-omcio,
Lieutenant Governor.
Charleston, Xov. 25. State Treas
urer Barker publishes a statement that
the total debt of South Carolina is only
$24,000,000, and tliat tlie accounts are
opmi for the inspection of tlie public.
Boston, Xov. 25. Tlie Republi
cans last evening nominated V. T.
Abbott for Mayor.
Salt Lake, Xov. 24. Mining trans
actions are brisk despite the lutd weath
er. The aggregate this week is nearly
one million.
A snow slide yesterday about two
miles below the town of Central swept
into eternity a man named Chas. Mor
rison, wlio lived at Alta. Tlie same
slide carried away the lead horses of
the mail sleigh. Tlie passengers nar
rowly escaped. On. Monday a man iu
tlie employ of the Ohio mine was
carried away by the slide and perished.
It i believed other persons were lost
iu tlie avalanches ot snow this week.
Xkw York, Xov. 25. Mexican
news of tlie 12th insU says tlie Gov
ernment troops, commanded by Gen,
Gitlentino, were entirely routed in
Durangoby the revolutionary forces
under Gen. Guerra.
Tlie Oregonian says that the grading
on tlie first section of the X. P. R. R.
Is finlslied, and the track .laying com
pleted three-fourths the distance.
Tliey are now waiting for rails which
o n tlm wav from Sau Francisco.
Tracklaying Will be finished soon after
tlie 1st, and passenger cars will te
running by the 20th December.
A reception will be held at half past
seven o'clock Saturday evening at the
residence of Mrs. D. W. Williams and
husband, to which the Woman Suffra
gists are invited.
The Herald states that a young lady,
of that city, aged about 25, on Wednes
day last, attempted to commit suicide
by taking peroyd of hydrogen. When
discovered she was lying senseless in
bed. Medical aid was summoned im-
mediately, but when tlie Doctor called
life seemed extinct, for not a muscle
moved and breathing had ceased. Stom
ach pumps were employed, antidotes
given and restoratives were applied.
After an hours' work these had their
effect, and she was restored to life
again. The cause for tlie attempt at
self-destruction was stated in a letter
which laid ou tlie dressing table. It
was written to " Johnny" and stat
ed that, as lie had forsaken her for
others, she did not care to live. Death
was preferable to living without him.
Tlie John L. Stephens will sail to
day (Saturday) tit 4 o'clock P. M.
The Fair, In aid of the St. Vincent
de Punjf Society, has commenced and
promises to be a grand success,
i Willamette Valley.
The Albany Democrat, of Xov. 24th,
says, on last Tuesday, a son of John
Fagan, living near that city, accident
ally broke his leg just below tlie knee.
He was climbing a fence and fell off,
his leg blinping between tlie rails and
breaking in tlie fall.
Tlie same paper in speaking of the
Corvallis College says : This superior
educational institution has now over
ninety students, and the number ia in
creasing weekly. May its career be
ever upward aud onward.
From tlie Bulletin we learn that tlie
case of " Wrestling Joe" Thomas,
who was arrested for perjury, lias
been brought to a focus. After the
testimony of two of the witnesses for
tlie prosecution had been heard,
" Wrestling Joe" was stricken down
with sickness and became unable to
attend the sittings of tlie Police Court;
therefore tlie case was postponed from
day to day. In the meantime a Grand
Jury was empaneled and the case car
ried before it, where we suppose all
the testimony for the prosecution lias
been heard ; at least tliat body yester
day returned the complaint marked
"not a true bill."
From tlie Oreynnian we learn tliat
the work on tlie City Court House lias
at last been commenced. The founda
tion lias been laid.
Tlie case of the State of Oregon vs.
Keithly, indicted for grand larceny
the defendant is one of tlie strap-
famers was submitted to the jury at
1 o'clock a. m. yesterday. At our last
accounts from the Court Howe they
had not yet agreed upon a verdict.
Real estate in the vicinity of Hiils
boro is steadily advancing with a brisk
demand. Several farms have clianged
hands within tlie last three or four
days. Wheat and onts are coming in
rapidly for shipment as soon as tlie
cars arrive. Everybody and the "rest
of mankind" seems to be at work
plowing and sowing fall wheat ; nnd
some are plowing in oats as au exper
iment. The new M. E. Church in
Hillshoro is about tinlshed. and will
be dedicated some time in December.
W illamette Vu-llej .
Tlie Eugene State Journal says tliat
quite a number of young men, . from
that city, will attend the Portland
Commercial College this winter.
The City Council, at its last meet
ing, passed an ordinance' granting to
the Maxim Gas Co.. of San Francisco,
the right to light the citv with gas for
the period of tlie years, under certain
re-trictions set forth in the ordinance
The Dallas LrpnUiem says that the
young man who administered drugs to
a voting ladv, a few weeks ago, has
settled the difficulty by marrying her
The Corvallis Gazette gays that the
employes of the Cape Foni weather
Light Honsc, YaqUiua Bay, have
donated One hundred and twenty-one
dollars ami innelv-seven cents, cur
rency, to be equally divided lietweeu
tlie Chicago, Wisconsin and Michigati
Tlie Iforald says, John Foster, fiHinel
guilty of seduction, was sentenced yes
terday tw a term ot tliree year In the
reniteiitiarv. A motion was made
r a new trial, but it was overruled.
so tlif prisoner will now have a good
opiKntunity of scanning lus bnvk life
Ml forming plans ot reform after Ins
l'lie Iinllfliii grows immensely Vv
ptadouo in telling how Madame For-
estelle. a female gymnnst hiving
lieen provoked by a drnnken husband.
drew a pistol and "assuming a melo
dramatic attitude,'" fired a shot at him.
s the aforesaid pistol refned t "go"
a second time, tlie reporter closes by
saying, "we are thereby prevented
from writing up a ttrejd'fiil domestic
tragedy. 7
From the Qre)mit tAloe tlie fol
lowing ;
The jury in the case 'of ttoc State vs.
Xed Percy, one of three men Indicted
for grand Larceny committed by play
ing tlie strap game Upon Houck, came
into court at dark on Saturday with a
verdict of guilty, alter having been out
about four hours. The court fixed
upon Tuesday for pronouncing sen
tence. At midnight SftSturday, tlie jury iu
the case of the State vs. Kiethly, one
of the strap .gamists, was discharged,
tailing to agree upon a verdict, mey
had been out thirty-six hours. There
will lie another trial, probably.
Tlie Kalataa Jieacm says: "The
track is laid and construction trains
are miming on the line nearly eighteen
miles exfendidg five miles and a half
beyond Kidder's Camp, up the Cowlitz.
This week a side track has leen put
down opposite l-reeport. Ihe ma
terial for the Toutle river bridge is
being transported up tlie Cowlitz by
steamer; and as every part of the
bridge Is ready to be put together, Its
completion is but the work of a few
Ileal Estate Transfers.
Deeds filed for record during tlie
Week ending Xov. 25, 1S71 :
Geo W.. f elder to Michael West,
Lot 6, block, 'Jo, Gervais; considera
tion, $o.
Joshua Bowne to P A Davis, 35
acres land, town, 'j S, 11 1 E ; consid
era t ion, $450.
J B McClane to W W Mf 'g Co, land
near woolen factory; consideration,
f l.ouo.
Nerber Bcrmer and wife to Aman
da Choqtmtte, all their right and
title to claim 53, in T 4 S. R 2 W
consideration. 200.
P K MUrohv and wife to Julius San-
dony, 1 acre in T a S, R 2 W ; consid
eration, stou.
John F Brewer to Matilda Tarolev.
land near Sublimity; consideration
Samuel McCnblnns to James McCuh-
Mns 3 lots In Bethany consideration,
fico W eidler to Ambrose Gagnon.
lots 3 and 4, In block 25, Gervais ;
consideration, f 1UU. '
I inley Campbell to James Campbell,
l tot ana iracuon in s w add saicm
consideration, f 1,000.
Campbell ft Bridges to Finlev
Campbell, interest hi land near Odd
fellow's tjemctcry; consideration,
Cool mgr.. Brown & McClane to
Seliool District, Xo. 4, 336 acres at
Sllverton ; consideration, $350.
IamU Giugra to John B Goban. 23
acres in see 13, T 6 S, R 3 W ; consid
eration, f lnO.
J B McClane and wife to Susan B
Ferrel, lots 7 and 8, in blot 1, Xorth
balem : consideration, 8300.
Cornelius Carrol and wife to J
Miller, lot in Xorth Salem : consider
ation, $003 50.
J W Davenport to " Davenport
vv oirorn. lots tn suverton ; considera
tion, t935.
S G Calalian to Clifton Calahan, all
his right and title to 600 acres land in
T 8 s. K 1 E ! consideration, S500.
Chas. H nbbard to A B Gleason. lots
5 and 6, in block iHubbard; con
sideration, $75.
G W Gray and wife to Chloe A Wil
son, 5 in front on state street by 144
feet deep : consideration, ft! 2 50.
E P Cranston and wife to Arthur
Breyman, lot 8, block 18, University
add, faiem ; consideration, $2,000.
An Old Farmer's Experience.
Tliat tlie success of farmincr is In ex
That to ask a man's advice ianot
stooping, but often of much benefit.
That to keep a place for everything,
and everything In its place, saves
many a step, and Is pretty sure to
lead to good tools and keep them in
order. : i
That kindness to stock, like tmod
shelter, is a saving of fodder. .. .
Tliat to fight weeds Is to favor grain
and do justice to your neighbor.
Tliat in making homo agreeable,
you keep youfboys out of the city.
That it is a good thing to grow into
farming not jump into it.
That it U a good thing to keep an
eye out on exjierimeiits, and note nil,
good and bad.
'Hint it Ls a good rule to sell yoerr
grain wlien it is ready.
nuii uie nrsl mellow soil In spring
is your mellowest, and sliould first be
put in.
Tliat great changes of weather hurt
cattle as well as men.
l'hat all of farming to summed np iu
tlie uijLD'ire heap made on the farm.
Pntiric Farmer.
AnRonTT HtT. A correspondent of
tlie Herald and Treaftjrfer, writing from
Minnesota, tells the following: "I
liave picked up 4 a little story' which I
think too good a reproof for disturbers
of tlie peace in churches to be lost.
A presiding elder of the United Breth
em Church was preaching in tills same
neighborhood, and was much annoyed
by persons laughing and talking. He
paused, looking at the disturbers, and
said, 'lam always afraid to reprove
those who misbehave in church. In
the early pit of my ministry I made
a great mistake. As I was preaching,
a young man who sat just before me
was constantly laughing and making
uncouth griinances. I paused and ad
ministered a severe rebuke. After the
close of the service, one of tlie official
members came and said to me, 'Broth
er, made a great mistake. Tliat
voting mail wltom you reproved is au
idiot. Since then I have always been
afraid to reprove those who misbeliave
iu clitirclu lest I should repeat tliat
mistake, and reprove anotlier Idiot.'
During the rest of tliat service, at
least, tliere was good order."
Philoi-ogical Difficulties. A
writer giving "Xotes of a Tour iu
China," dwells on the great difficulty
of learning tlie Chinese language, from
its hieroglyphic cliaracters and legion
of dialects aud tones. The speaker
may liave tlie right word ; but unless
he gives the right tone, he eitlier says
nothing or says probably the opposite
of what lie intended. A missionary,
on one occasion, wlten preaching,
wished to say "God is angry with sin.'
To his utter astonishment, the whole
congregation jumped to tlieir feet.
He hail got tlie right word ; but, minus
the tone, tliat word meant "stand up!"
On another occasion the preaelier
wished to say. "Idols shall be utterly
abollslied ;" but, not giving the -right
tone, he found to his consternation
that lie liad actually declared, "Idols
are absolutely necessary." In India,
where there is no such difficulty, ab
surd blunders are made. Who lias
not heard of tlie Bengal missionary
who meant to preach from the text
"I am the light of tlie world," but
substituted o'io (potato) lor tilo ( light)?
Tlie writer oik lieard a missionary,
by error of aspirate, declare tliat "St.
Paul made a monkey."
Who Discovkkeh America ? A
German linguist, named (trl Xe
niau. of Munich, claims to liave dis
covered, by inspection ot the Chinese's
Year Book, that a company of Budhist
prie-ls entered America by way of
.laka, and examined tlie wliole west
ern coat of Xorth America, more
than one thousand years before the
birth of Christopher Oiluu'ibus. If
this le true, the school boys may find
it difficult to answer wlio discovered
A revolution lias been attempted in
tlie African Republic of Liberia. I'p
to our last advices only one man had
been killiMl, but every man was ready
r business. The difficulty appears
to be tliat tlie President was elected
two years ago for four years, but since
tlien the Congress has limited tlie
Presidential term to two year, aud
Royce refuses to resign.
RiftLK Mkasi'Ues. For tlie lieneCt
of those who are not very well jiosted
in Bihhcal anairs, wc print tlie tollou-
ing iMiragraphs iu relation to Bible
measurement :
tlav's tourney is thirtv-threc and
one-fifth luilei.
A SabkathVd.iy journey was about
in English mile.
A cubil is twenty-two indies.
Ezckicl'ii ntid was seven fe-t.
A hand's breadth is ciiml to three
mid tive-cightlis incite.
A shekel of gold was $S 09.
A talent of silver was $.W 32.
A talent of gold was fct,00.
A piece of silver, or a iienny, was
thirteen cents.
A farthing was three cents.
A garah was a cent.
A mite was a cent.
An enlwu or iwth, contains seven
gallons and five pints.
A bin was one gallon and two pints.
A firkin was seven pints.
An nmcr was six pints.
A cab was three pints.
Woman- in the BniLE. The bible is
tlie book of women. It is the only
book which has come down from tlie
misty ages of antiquity tlwt presents
us with women as tlie equal and meet
for man. From hve, the mother of
all living, to Mary, tlie motlier of
Jesus, woman always occuiiies. a con
spicuous pltu-e in tlie grand drama of
the world s History. Here sue is seen
us wife and motlier, filling her mission
with shrinking modesty and gentle
firmness. Miriam and Deborah, Re
becca and Ruth, Sarah and Esther,
shine forth in characters at once orig
inal, unique, consistent and iemlinue.
On a still brighter canvas, and in still
brighter colors, are drawn tlie diame
ters of tlie Marthos. Marys ami Lydias
of the Xew Testament. Here they
are, as tliev ought to be, and here they
will remain forever. Xot forward,
not departing from her sphere, not
immonest, not masculine. lhey
shine, not like the snn. but with a radi
ance as mild and gentle as tlie light ot
tlie evening star.
A man in the dre of a workman
was lately walking in the streets of
Berlin with a packet In his hand,
sealed and inscribed with an address.
and a note that it contained one hun
dred thaler in treasury bills. As tlie
bearer appeared to be at a loss, he was
accosted by a pauenger, who asked
him what lie was looking for. The
simple countryman placed the packet
in tlie inquirer's hands, and requested
that he would read the addrees. TImj
reply was made, as with an agreeable
surprise. "Why, this letter Is far me !
I have been expecting it for long
while!" The messenger upon this
demanded ten tlialers for the carriage
of tlie packet, which Was readily paid,
with a liberal addition to the potter.
Tlie new possessor of tin packet has
tened to an obscure corner to examine
his prize ; but; on breaking the seal,
found nothing but a few sheets of paper,
ou which was written " Done V
Tliere are over 1,000,000 of people
on the raciflc slope. San Francisco,
not 25 years old, has lo0,00U Inhabi
tants. Her manufactures amount to
$30,000,000. Tlie Pacific slope exports
$50,000,000 to $00,000,000 of bullion
annually. The wheat crop of Cali
fornia and Oregon ts zo,uw,uw ousneis
In a year. iSa 11 Francisco, In one year,
loaded 110 vessels for China, ami ex
ported $10,000,000 worth of merchan
dise ami minerals to that country.
When Prince Alfrrd, Uie triMlship
inan, liappened to be in wine BritUh
iiarbor or other, he went ashore ami
inquired of a carpenter for a piece of
wood. "Donl I ailtlress the I Hike of
Ed'mburgr" iaaked the carpenter,
quaking and removing his hat. "Ye.
I'm tlie Dtike of ixliaburg," said
Alfred." "but I don't want any non
Knse about It. bhow as Uie wood." ,
Continental Life Insurance
. ; Company.
In 1070, 8i Hfc bMmaace Comps-y tsnwd
mote policies than any other Company te
the world. At the fame time It exercised more
care than an r other In accepting UpptVaulons
to seenre good Hvea, and then two facts fnp
nUh the best security to insurers . Amdy to
A. A. Webber, eneral Agent, Balem. Local
agents wanted throughout the State. nci'l
MonumentSj Obelisks, Tombs, :.
Head and Foot Stones,
EXECUTED m ; :" ' '-
-AND '
And Branch Shop at Albany.
Corner Front sod (Mate $tau,
Lumber Wagons,
Express Wagons, - - -Thoroughbrace
Carriage and Buggies,
- ou- -
2VXic3Lo to Ox-dox,
tmsaHrrtol Narert, tMens.
13S Front Ht., Portland,
Commission Merchant.
Orern prndnre roM to best advantage tat
Portland or Han Francisco. Dealer in
Meivliant'd on lor" filled on reasonable terms
Portland, Air. 1 (Iaw.
1 . Mill rierty can secure a bargnln by ap
plying lminoitlatciv to uie uuena ma saw
Mill Co. Tills Sawmill la In good running or
der, and the demand for lumlier la lncrrauSnx.
There I a I mo a new Planing Mikhlne, all coia
iilete. nnd one of the late ualenta.
Kor further information a'Wress the nnder-
ftfgned. A. J . K HARI)MI., Pm.
linens Viatt Batf Mill Co.
Nov. 81, wtf
any other Company tn the world.
Lo jil ami RoA-lal Agents wanted throughout
mesiaie. Apply to
General Agent for Oregon.
Salem, Nov. 21 tf
The Agency of the CelebraUjd
Mason k Hamlin Organs,
I now fur the firs time permanently estab
lish I In Oregon. A large unl complete Kock
will be keiS on hand aivl hl at the manufao
tnri-ni r.lnc I prVes. These InMiments are
well known thmiiKhont I he worhl and nave
received tlie higbei premiums wherever ex-
We have unsolicited te-lmonLil In their fa
vor from the best nmi4oal taleut of Europe
and Anterica.
For clurnU'Hy. xtvle of finish and qnai c
(one tlioy are tiiicquavL
Kverv Inurnment fully Warranted for fiive
Illustrate 1 Oi'.alog ies rent on application.
S7 Front Mre, Portland,
nov!3 " Agon's for Oregon.
Hennas 's Cordial Otiir T Calisays Bait,
A p'..itnt .mnlUi! wliW-h strengthens and Im
prove me I'l-Mion, an excellent pr rcmiTe
of Fevera. Fuvi-r anil Amie. Ac- and a areat
Henevntor and Tonic for Invali'ls and deWllla-
tcl ppiKnns. IIKXAK A Cu.. New tork.
hole ManulacturerH. Nihl by all llruggtsts.
An Illustrated Magazine for lioys anil Glrla,
and older Pele who liave young hearts.
The LiTTi.r. Chrpobai. alma to Intenest
and Instruct (he voting; to culilrale In Iheta
a love for realing gnod and nueful hooks; and
to make tnein wiwr nou:er, ami oetter.
The Little Corporal.
'Thk Little Oorpobat. MAOASiJir. for
bnv anil girls. Is the vcrv liesl jm enl'e maga
II no p ih'lshed. I cmp'oys the best and most
miteriniiiiiiff xvn:er for chlldrcnln ihe coun
try, and fiimtshos more vahiable reading mat
ter for iu price than any other migarlne
M -ateat juuma; xsmtrv, i'. i.
The Little Corporal.
'in Wtimr rpadliw matter f r tle famllv.
!he chlMren Rhmild not Ito ver!onke'l. It is
Jul e iirolsib'e I hat the UttiiresMi ibev re.-(ve
mm hooka lift as nvvh Infhietwe lon ihelr
Hvesasanv oiiht. This neat ann weii-uius-rmml
nxniibtv L. mo trell ft'lanted to the wants
r the c'a-, that Is rai'llv taklrg the place of
all others." EnUrpriac, .
, xaxmesvi
The Little Corporal.
All IWw tn wi it-ji - "in-o -.
ami moTrCT (1JV0) are reictved befoTS Jnnuary
m. ..ill M.U.IM K MtnAlninaf mtwahaf nM
limif T till I" -s. I via S"VJ lUM Hl"g "ni JS f "
WDica livvtr houiks wujs nusv-A .
Elegant Premiums for Clubs I
Asnn wanted In raiseelnbs. Bend stainn
fbraSpeclmea Number with sew jTemium
TertaM, tlO Tur. Address
JOHN E. MILER, Publisher.
Nov. 1- w3nt ' Chicago, HI
3. II. Setttetaier, at Woodbara Btaiion
0. t C. R. R., Marion eooaty, can III
orders from his eiieustvs aarseries for all
sons ot ; i
roit. , :
BHADB, ' ';
f-A Cboios SofoeUoa of BhrabUry ..
Address orders to -, .,;,., ,.( jj
. J. n. SETTliKMIERf' .-;
oetSlwtf ?'! GerfaU, Oragoe'
Stationary. Engine.'
Jooea a ratteraaa, efler tat sale a Meaaa
T. netne. (new! M Huh hora.20tnt sSmka. Caa
iron Ben, 9 feet long, 13 inches wide inches
flecp. iTanK f-hait feet tone, mcne in ai
a meter. Ualance Wheel, S feet 8 inches la
diameter, ami weighs l,wo pouarta.
Price S8V) delivered in Portland.
Salem. Vt.2i. dw
; 7 -Ai-;,; - :'
ForSS oenta apiece. Botact Varkrtlea. Ad
dres ' J. If. MmXEMIER,
wlm - GerrsJBOgn. .
; j-..--. The tJneqtaOed .
' : , ALSO ... .
We ioep the beat, and will not be undersold.
Call and examine. .
novlS. . . IIX, STEfX aV X. .
For bavins; and fcrw aiding direct, via Isth
miiH Rail and Cape Horn, with San
Franclaooeonneoilona, all classes
and varieties of Meruhandliw,
and for sale of Exports from
' ; Uie North-West
Advances made on approved consignments,
awl orders respectrnlly solicited.
All order and bonees srtll receive prompt
attention. ..
N.Y X at tonal Ex. Bank,
alesaa A. E. AC. E. TUton, as Liberty
, Heasra, J. I Brow nell tt, Brew., Bankers.
Messrs. Bentley, Miller A Thomas, 84 Sooth
Messrs. Ladd A Tilton, Bankers, Portland.
A. A. MoCully, Esq., 8alem.
Offer Creator Inducements
Than Ever.
At Lower Prices Than Ever
Mens Casslmere Pants, $ 4 worth 6 00
Niut - 4 - e oo
Icy Tweed - 6 - 9 00
Eng. Moton 8 JO " 8 00
Imported French Cass. 4.00 " 9 00
Vests frwaw f IS Dollars.
Elegant Business Suits,
lk Oxford silk mxd
worth a 00
17J0 " 7 00
19 " MOO
ia50 " 8800
it S5M
S4 - 85 00
SM " 4000
tTievolt tweed '
Mrlped Kr Cass "
Blue beaver u
Hack "
Blue Chinchilla "
tinasl Ileavjr luiluaMs Vomt
tt SO, In different styles and colon.
Men's Furnishing Goods
ra1s A Jane's white shirts tlJSO each.'
Best brand of white Star l.?5 worth i 50
Fine heavy merino w shirts - TS
" " " drawers 71
eta piece
Genuine Eng. Merino hoary and
large 1.00
Genuine New Bras m rfc nn
der shirts for
too worth 180
Heavy canton flannel shirts
and drawers
87 each
Extra quality scarlet nader
Extra ina!ltv white shaker
1.75 "
L73 "
Good beavT, an wool over shut lor ft M
Fine " eassimere 44 "17$
Heavy San Francisco made t 00
We also 8cll Socks at less than Uatmho-
turtng pricea, Tlx :
10 pairs Henry Col Ion socks Car . 1 00
44 British half hoes ' 1 00
Jcliaine Iron Frame hocks, at ' ' U
1st Wool fioeka sre mat . '
...... ... . . j
srs hea r woolen enoka tbr" ltn
4 " kDK Htwker socte Sat I 0
5 " hand made wool - ' 1 09
hniasilaiila llnnra Hw- j"tf l M
HATS, ' '"'
, 1 -; t not, ;-
" aWWS,
Wa shall sell Drr Goods at the prices ire ad
vertise. M e are cofUiBoauy ia receipt oi Aew
ana ssuaoM goooa,
We will sell oa aocennt of underwrlterv '
Tbey came on the "Stephens" on her hut trtn
and owing lo the outxine wnppers hemg a .
nuie oiacotorea.. we seu tnem at toe above
pice. '
Let tt be distinctly atyVrstood, ho ever, the
goons are m paneut oonuiuon. . . j
Morember Mth, 1871. ' ; fnn.
Boothby it Stapleton, Manufacturers.
J Mookunga m ail oesort pttona aant eon.
atsntly oa baud and mads to orier. -
Planing. Scrole Sawing. Turning and Job
bing of ad k dons oa short notice.
fTAn Of era rrawayily rfUe4p
wiimh ivwqm thai firm reliance, that abso
lute, nndonbahgJal th to the efficacy of Hoa
bjwaStoili Bitten Mredyfar to-
gesdon, ViUcm disorders, Intermttient and re-
miUentfisvera, watch notorwasiy -va-
all parts of the United 8Utee T Thtsoonfldenoe
has been growing fcrtwenty years,
Mill extending. It Is not the resuU ef ere
uUtjl tt has not been engendered by any ba
nut device,- but Is the sptrntaneoMand atnral
eonsnooenoe of experience. "VrbaX people see
dally feotngon wider their owa eyes lhey cao-
. , . . . .... i,, ..
iras queawra. nueu aumwi m.
districts, that resort to this wholesome vege
table toniu as a preventive, escape pertodal
fevers, and tbebr Immediate neighbors, wno
neglect that precaution, are prostrated by the
dlivcaAe, bow Is It possible that tbs phenoaMMSt
should be without Its lesson? In llxe manner
when K U seen that obstinate oases of dyspep
sia, of llrer complaint, of oonattparioa.ol'BSS
vous SeakBess, and of general debility t yteu
to the operattoe of the famous remedy, how
can even tncredulky Itself wlteoM tta sndcicsr.
meat? Eye- witnesses, of the salntory effects
of theibttte , are 16 be tbund mevery elvOlcqd
settlement ob this eonUaent. The thonsanrts
upon tnnhsantU who owe their reetoraUoa to
health and strength, or their prose lost
from sickness to Its extraordinary vedMnal
properties, art enthusiastic tn It praise. The
altitudes who reouauxaead It in a Betahborly
way to their friends and axxpuUntrsnea, as well
as those wbomake public their oaUmato of Ita
virtiMM, are always reaayio state tneu- iwasiais
fur the faith that la In them. They bare all
either felt or witnessed tta haninwwt open r
A DealraM HJaa. There Is the hiss of
ridicule, the hiss of scorn, the hist of snakes
in the crass: . but the most deltaAll hlas la
thatot .. ,.. . , . . .
Tarraiit'i Effervescent Seltzer Aperient
In the sparkling goblet, giving assurance to the
lavalidthat hiathlrst will be deliciouslv as
auaged:' that bis stomach will be refreshed and
pu ruled; that If he la feverish, his body wU be
cooled by healthful era oration; that If be is
constituted, the.difBeuity will pass away with
out a sang; and that If the oomUttou of bis
general heakh is impaired, tt will be speedily
resmrqa, - ui course, ne wiu nue cam w
ir . POTA-D, OSEGOH. :
PORTLAND. In the most desirable localities.
consisting- of LOTS, HALF BLOCKS awl
BiAA,iva, uui, ana sivttts ; ao
lifPROVKD FARMS, and valuable un
cultivated LAM K, located in ALL parts ot
the STATE for SALE.
REAL ESTATE and other Property
purchased for Corespondents In this CITT and
throughout the STATES and TERRITORIES,
with great care and on the most A1VAK
LECTEIX Andafieneral FINANCIAL ami
AOENC1' BLBINS6 transauted. dawtf
Treatment for Diseases of the Eye
particular, attention to this Impnvtant
bnuich of Medicine, and is prepared wnh the
nnest moaera insur imenta to operate nor tno
relief of Cataract, Glau;oma, Closure of the
PnisL Cross Eva. Closure of the Tear Doct.
Inverted Ltd,- Ssaphvloma. Pterygium, aad
the removal of morbid growths of every de
eorlptlon. . - ,
GRANULATED E YE-LIl the most fre
quent disease in the West radically and pn
manently cured, wttbottt the use of canst lea,
whK;h are always Injurious.
'i nose wno-cio-not recei v permanent man
will not be required te pay for treatment.
Persons Uvtuir in the country will be furn-
bmed with tneUcine to use at home. .
HxamtBSuon ana orsnioa tree m cnarge.
OfBce. CirstaJrs, in biarkev's Block, over the
Postoffice, aaUan, Oregon,
Pr. Wilson refers to the fitllowlna: cases
I evidence cf his success In curing eyes :
j , Bcllerue, Yamhill Co. O in, I
, ... .Oct ttw, l7l. I
Em oa STATamt ajt-Dear Bin I wM to
express mv gratitude to lr. Wilson, Oculist,
from n'Jrranirtsoo, now located In flalem. by
making an acknowledgement of toe pn not
manner )ra-wh4--.h be restored my dafnmter
airy irom ounoness w nei signu dous
tlie middlje, of May last she was taken with
very sore ' eyes, and they continued to gar
worse unf,it she became entirely blind and hal
to be led aronnd. Sept. 12th, when ba son
menced to treat bereyea site had been blind
Mx weeks. Her disease be nailed granulated
evfllds and opacity of Ihe Garoea.
After four davs treament she oouki
see to go about alone, and In' one weeks
time she could see to read ordinary print. It
Is now abdbt six weeks since he eonaneneed
the treatment and her eves look and awl well
and her sight is good. The pain, mftamatton,
granules and opacity la well removed. She
has been on a visit to Portland and the flute
Fair and her eyes stand the wind and dust per
fectly wclV ,' I reuconvnend lr. Wilson to all
who have sore eyes, as a skillful Em Ho-tor.
LAUC Ervra, Washington Territory,
lawrok nw, uiw,i
-.- October SOth. U7L
Tut. CHAS. WlL&M--Dear Sir i I take
pleasure In' making an acknowledgement of
toe great serriue that baa been leatiere d sne
I your reatomtioa of say ws ta stgnt aad
l usefubiess. . . i . - . - -
My wife had been aftllcted with chronic sore
eyes since ane was four years old, la son -
quenoe at nanng tne nwasiea, eaa Bas aeon
unoer treatment tor tne past seven years, aoa
I have employed six different doctors, not Dr.
Wilson Is the first one who ever done her avea
any good. She has suffered intense pain, and
been unable to-see to read for the past fear
years, and a portion of the time unalueto go
about and work." . "
I took her to alem Wbaa-ehe was acareel
Meoenerner Ir. WUaon onerate
I na atwi evu. aad iftiw ,h trimnt -
returned home, with her eyes moohbiiutoved.
Be visited our i laosaad operated on the other
eye. The opr..o reatotod the hdt aad eye.
uunes to tneir propec positions, ana she w not
now, as before, compelled to keep pulling out
Uieeye-laabe-l '
The pais, uiflamatien, iannlee aad head-
aches have been removed, and she can go out
ia the hriehtest sunlight without lnconvea-
Ittsoaty five weeks smoe stie e mueiweil
tmu meat, wed abe sansee to read ant work
wnh ease.
We feelwerraTBtefuIloDr. Wilson fhr re
lieving her from a Uie of pain and darkness,
and recommend all who hare Ova diseases to
go to him for treatment
, - - v. !,
Taa jtmntT orWSHiwro ,
' Clark Count.
On this Xh day of October, A. K,
appeared before aw. David Alliser. who. Verne
duly ewons says that the tore sming statements
are tme. J H. B. HATHAWAY,
; . '. i 2 - "
Cil!f Ctpcl Cl Co.,
1 "j Sffc--V"-- -
essxs tno sTrVnr:z:T,
Hualcal InitrameBU,
We invite esosclal attention to nnr stock of
Mama A Hamlin On n fhl. kerln Mar
i shal A Sateuer, and fcmersna Pianos. Allef
wav can ue ww on tne mo a ivnfain.-oua
1 nil11 !p