r i j V J5 A Talk About Business. In looking over onr Weekly suueerirAioa 1i.;t we aro gratified .to ascertain that only abuut one hundred and fifty of tbe large and increasing list hv neglected to pay up for the year past, and enly half that number owe for the fast two years. "With deal of eonSdeoee in toe integrity and fi nancial ability of the people of Oregon, the publisher of this paper decided, without de manding pwrnyment, to reduce the price lor advance subscriptions to $S.oO per nnnnm, and he U gratified to fiad that hik confidence wns well placed. Those who . havo not promptly raid are in many instances men of nean, and the failure to nay U merely neglect. Their eit tenth vill called toil Urenfter so pe"" tdly that so cire mil renwin for further ne.ll" Bd' 10 be I,lain "l"Ut W9 WaDt tbem to pay np, and that quickly, for we fl.ro ranking grout improvements in the Jtatesmajt, and we need all that Is doe of to tie in risking the naptr moreiutcresting. B'jlow we'publisb a list of sgentaYor tbe Statesman, and those who owe us fur the present year are requested to make early iiavment to them, or to end b the money id a registered letter. ti,... arha nit fur f irmer years will be invariably charged THRee dollars per annum. Those who ,j.ay within six months of the eoranieucememt of the year can re nmilM AMD A H ALT COU1, and these terras will be iawu-iaofy fallowed. If two dollars and a half U sent after six !.- the sendor will bo credited lot ten mouths subscription. To any person sending us twe new sub- . wifl send Il'onnV Iloutekold v .r.,;e. fbre. and. besidee, soud it lroe io tha individuals who subscribe. To anv ecrson sending us five new sub scribers, we will send the Herald of Health ...nd U'ooaY 3Ianazint to each subscriber. Hero is a chance for young people to earn easily both magaiines for family reading Send us six new subscribers od yon can have tbem both. We make this efcr to render tho States- MAS more popular and to give a premium to secure increase of circulation . Agents for tbe Statesman, B iker City X.a Grande Delta, W. T Walla Walla. W. T Idaho City, I. T Dalles Portland Kast Portland Orcein City Jlillsboro Lafayette .. Mc.Miunville Amity Dayton... Wheatland Zen Kctbel (Irand Hunde -.. Dallas - Bridgeport Eoia...'. Ttiokrcal Louisville . .. - W. F McCreary M. Baker ...W. N. Smith 11. I'arkcr K. P. I lowman S. Brooks , Stii7.el k Upton A.M. Loryca Jt Co J. M. Bacon W. I. Hare Dr. Pdppleton Dr. L. Henderson G. E. 0tchell J. A. Taylor Pout Muster D. J. Cooper ....J. 11. Hawley . O. C. Litchfield J. L. Collins , J. Hoilinsbead J. II . Ray R. Clark I. Staats Lincoln , Monmouth Independence.... liuuca Vista liutteville Cervais Wacond lirooks' St. Louis fitlvcrtun.. Sublimity Auiu.-vilie Jeffersoi Alhany Scio Lebanon Bro".rnsville ... Cottage Grove... Crawfordsville... Harrisburg Toledo Kujrene City Ouklxod Koseburg CanyoDville ...... Jacksonville Empire City Chetc Ellendhurg ....... Klamath Klamath Ashland..... Yonealla . A I) rams A Co . W. Watcrhouse ...J. Somerville .-. W. W. Beach Post Master Liuus Brooks . J. D. Taylor Smith A Crosson R. S. Swartx I)'. Simpson II. A. Johnson L. Flinn E. E. Wheeler S. II. Claughton Judge Odeneal D. C. Underwood P. V. Crawford Hiram Smith ii. Simpson A Co J. ir. Brown . ,J, R, Ellison it. C. 8tanton . ..Post Master .. Max Mul er Judge Skinner ......I. Cresswell F. A. Stuart -Geo. Nurse . ..!. D. Applegate L. Applegate J. Applegate C. ta'vr A GOOD CIIAXCE. e have selected two cjceillrnt fawily magazines, the publishers ot wliica arc anxious to find a circulation in Oregon, and offer to elub with us at half their nites, and wc propose to give our subscribers the ben efit of the offer, nod to furni.iU them, as premiums, to new subscribers. 7Vie Ihraid Health is a very valuable magazine, which affords a great variety of important and interesting reading relating to pro; cr living and to laws of health. We have freucut!y mentioned it editorially and we can heartily recommend it. Tbe regular subscription price is $2.00. We offer tbe Statssm ax and the Herald Jlenllk To Ol.l Subscribers for... To Now " ..S3 50 3.Ul Tho money to bo sent direct to this office. WwIm' Ifomtehttld Mrgnxine is a very proper journal which employs tho m't dis tinguished writers, the last number contain ed articles from Horace (Irceley, Thcodtore TiHon, James Part 'ii, Thomas K. Bccchcr, i..il Hamilton and others uf dm rank. The regular subscription price id $1.00. We offer the Statkhmis anil ll'o;' ffttriolrf Jfugnzme To old subscribers for ." $3 00 T . new " 2 50 The money to bo sent us direct. We t?ill yonl for any present subscriber, who ha paid up, ciltv-r or both of these J!a-a-ine?, if they send the 50cts. or $1.00. We believe each to be reliable and we cuaran:ce to order the magazines and to s -nil tho in ney for them, but make no oth ir guarantee. Take Notice of Errors. Our subscribers are requested to notice if heir tags bear the proper date to which hey have paid, and if any mistake occurs they will please call attention to it. Our late Agent at Empire City, J. M. Parker, failed to do business satisfactorily and our subscribers there may have paid i;n mauoy we nve r heard or; in fact, we know -hat ha been the cafe, so they can take their receipts tS Judgo Skinner and it will be made right. To Stop Bleeding. It is said that bleeding from a wound on man or beast may be stopped by a mixture of wheat flour or common salt, in equal parts, bound ou with cloth. If the bleeding be profuse use a large quanti ty, sty irom one to tnree pints, it niav be left on for hours, or even davs. if necessary. The person who gave us this recitie says m tins manner tie saved the life of a horse which wtw bleeding from a wounded artery ; the bleeding ceased in five minutes after tlie appli cation. It has been successfully ap plied in other case . Facta should be put down in black and white; in another colored ilk they might appear iuk-redible. A correspondent wants to know the best way to become a literary man. Well, the quickest way is for him to take a short voyage to sea. - lie will tlieu very likely become a contributor to the Atlantic. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Londos, Nov. 13. The Oueeh's pliysici.iii i aimmuicestliat her JLije'ty'a caiui is lmprovuu;. CommrKlore Astibtu v. the owner of the Ijv-onis, arrived in safety. He re nounees all intention of whteiulhis again for the Queen's cup in American waters, and says that he U going to inina next year. Hie stcamtr Caledonia ha arrived. Xkw YoiiK, Nov. 14. Telegrams from Imdon report that tite settlement of tle new United States loan is pro- rrcssing favorably, and the discount thereon' advanced to l?4i31.? percent. aioitey was easy m the open market at 3 per cent. t;oin. ov. 1.1. The fnenrl-i of Kellv, acrtiitted of the murder of Head Constable Talhot. had a procession yesterday, with other denioiistration.s in honor of the went. Tlie proceHl ings were orderly and the police did not interfere. Pijrott, the proprietor of the Dublin Irishman, is sentenced to iinpri.soti tnent for six months for publishing ar ticles of an inflammatory nature in that journal during trie trial of Kelly. Pauis, Nov. 13. The Courts Mar tial are rapidly disjiositig of the Com-inutiwt-i. ( if tho accused who have o far tieen tried," uumberiii 0.G1.),78 have lieen sentenced to various periods of punishment. Ganilietta lias cotniiletelv recoveretl from Ills serious attack of illness and will soon visit Marseille. Bordeaux and I,vons. London-, Nov. 13. A formidable plot of Bonapartist fJenerals, headed by Flenry, to arrest Thiers and pro claim the Empire, has been discovered. 1 lie plotters' papers are in possession of M. Thiers, who is confident of the failure of the conspirators. The ship Escort, of New York, took fire and was destroyed at Antwerp yes terday. EASTERN NEWS. Washington', Nov. 13. President and Mr. Grant luive returned to the White House. The Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, in the case of Taber vs. .Sherman, lias decided that the current authority does not make a seat in Con gress privileged from the service of a civil process, nor toes tne tonsutu tion indieaBe in any way a person is so exempt. The senate Committee on r uianee met to-day, with Senators Sherman, Fenton, vv right and Ames present, it is stated that a majority of the Committee decided it inexpedient to resort to a substitute for, or to act niv on in any way, the House Jiill for the abolition oi tne duties on coat ana salt. Tliere was also an intercliange ot views looking to the adoption "and re port of some amendment to tne lann and Internal Revenue laws, as contem plated by the benate. The first visit of Alexis to Washing ton will not extend over twenty-four hours, as it will be for the purpose of paying resjiects to the President and Cabinet, who will, in a body, welcome him to the Executive Mansion. He will receive no visitors during his brief sojourn, or receive any cards. Admiral Porter's liealth is consider ably improved, and though confined to his house, is engaged on business connected with building two iron tor pedo boats authorized by Congress. Caleb Ciisbing liavin; formally re signed tlie position of Uyited States Counsel before the American and Sinish Commission, the President will soon appoint a successor. The members of the Brooklyn In vestigation Committee say they have evidence -showing that about 4.000 fraudulent votes were cast, and they are sanguine that the canvassers will lie compelled to give certificates to a majority of the Republican candidates on the county ticket, and to the Re publican candidates, including the Mayor, on the city ticket. Their re port will be ready oir Friday, when warrants will be issued for " the arrest of the ballot-stuffers. " Tlie ship Franklin, of the Baltic line, is quarantined, she having luid alKHit one hundred cases of cholera on board during her trip hither from Stettin. Boston, Nov. 13. Rev. Roliert Collyer is receiving lilx'nil contribu tions from the Unitarians here to re build his church. Baltimore, Nov. 13. In the Unit ed States District Court to-day, hi the case of .f. FieM -(colored) against the Baltimore Cjity Passenger Railroad Company, tlie plaintiff recovered $40. In consequence ot this, decision tlie ne groes are now admitted into all the street cars of the city. Field had been ejected on account of his color. ST. I,ons, Nov. 13.--Thc name's of the wounded by the recent North Mis souri Railroad disaster, near Wcl! ville, have been received here. Thir ty-two were injured eleven seriously. ChaKLESTOX. Nov. 13. The Xfm prints a report of the action of tbe caucus of tlu; colored" meiiilieis of the Legislature, hekl lat week. The cau- eas reolvcd to make no appropriations liirnitr tlie com ins session for the pay ment of interest on the State debt, and declared themselves in favor of the. re pudiation of the old and new State debt. ,TROrA?l SEWS. Geneva. N6V. 13. A terrible fire broke out this morning - and continues to-night without abatement. The Rue Rhone, on which tJie fire originated, is a scene of ruin. A large number of buildings have fallen pre' to the de voiiriiiii element. London, Nov. 14. The fire of Ge neva to-day destroyed two blocks of houses. Tremendous cou-stertiatioii prevailed, but tho military preserved order. Scott Russell writes to the papers to-dar giving a history of the s.-xIled social movement, lie savs H rnr.ee Alliert was living lie would have been its leader. The movement originated in a proposal for union lietween peers and workinjrmen. He denies most positively that its objects or methods were political or revolutionary, ana tronjriv advocates jierseveranee in the interest of social progress and reform. New okk, Nov. 11. ma letter in the Ionilon Time, of the 1st inst., from Persia, an English ofllcial states that the people tliere are more emaci ated than ever. At least 23.000 be siege the English Residency for food every morning, and in their rush ac tually erusheu two women to death m the streets and young children are Iving about tlie streets scarcely recog nizable as human beings. Ix)nix)n,' Nov. 14. Letters from Constantinople represent the cholera as spreading in that city,. Tlie Lum ber of deaths increase uuuy. PKAfit'E. Nov. 13. -a. luiijenai decree has been received from Vienna, ordering au immediate election of member to the Austrian Reichsrath directly by the people of Bohemia. Usual publication of notifications for holding an election were at once is sued. - EASTERN NEWS. New York, Nov. 14. The proba bility that Tweed is fleeing from tlie city is the subject of much discussion. " . . J " ,1 . 1 ii.. It is stateu on rename auuioruy mat lie has about perfected arrangements for flight and tliat' any moment may witness his departure. Yesterday he was said to be trying to dispose of his Erie stock. W ell ltilormeu t ammany ites think it will take some time to render jiortable his great wealth, but it is definitely known that most oi ins property has been undergoing conver sion into greenbacks for some time past, lits many assignments mare it a matter of ease for him to leave on short notice. Tweed's resignation is believed to be in tlie liands of Mayor Hall, and will probably be made pub lic in a few days. N'o appointment lias been made to fill his place, though tiie. Mayor lias been endeavoring to force the place upon several. There is much difficulty in obtaining persons to accept any vacant olllees under Tam many since the eloction. The Mayor lias been unable to get men to take any of the important places receutly made vacaut. There is so little time between now and the meeting of the Legislature, when it is expected the whole city government will be re-cast, that is likely tne vacancies existing wm wiiuuue uuwi inai lime. It has been determined to make the Appollo Hall Reform Organization, un der whose auspices tne last campaign wa3 conducted, the leading institution of the Democracy of New York. In the new organization all political ele ments of the Democracy will he cm braced, but those who liave been prom inent in connection -with iaminany, will, however, be excluded from mem bership. Since the electiou honest men are fast leaving Tammany, whose power seems to be completely over thrown. . It U understood that Samuel G. 'Courtney will be Cliairman of the Committee of the new organization. The reform leaders are receiving hun dreds of communications from promin ent Democrats hi tlie west and the in terior of the State, urging the forma tion of a new organization upon a re- rorin basis, and rejoicing at the down fall of the corrupt Tammany. 1 lie Board ot neaitn teel no uneasi ness alMHit cholera but protcss some relative to small-pox, though only ei-rlit new cases liave occurred In tlie whole city since Saturday. Chicago, rsov. 11. lhe weather reports received to-night from the L . S. Signal Stations show tliat very high winds are prevailing at Cleveland. l oledo and Detroit, and a heavy storm at New York. The velocity of the wind at the latter point is reported as 03 miles an hour. Weather here to night is the coolest of the season, but it is clear and enhn. The Illinois Legislature meets to morrow, tiov. fanner s message will be largely devoted to Chicago, inchid ini; an elaborate review of the military occupation of the city. itosTON, Nov. it, Charles t raneis Adams sailed to-dav for Geneva. Pmr.Ai)ELPfHA,Nov. 14. The Board of Health report shows the number of cases of small-pox last week to lie 441. a falling oil from the previous week of j cases. New Youk, Nov. 13. The gale last night lifted the roof from a fuiir- story brick house, ao'J V ater street, and threw it bodily into the buildiiig. Pier No. 9, East River, was seriously damaged. In Hudson county. New Jersey, the ravages were fearful ; los ses amounting to $100,000. Among the property destroyed was a car build ing of the North Hudson County Railroad at Union Hill, with six cars. Another Russian frigate has ai- peared in sight from tlie Highlands, no doubt one of the remaining vessels of the fle;t acooinpanyius; Alexis. Tlie Board of Canvassers of Brook lyn, report tliat tbe ouly Democrats elected on the city ticket to lie Mayor J'owell and tJitv Treasurer bprague The Republicans have all the rest of the officers. Portland, Nov. 15. The storm was very severe liere. Wharves liave been submerged and somewliat dam aged. A severe gale passed over Providence this afternoon. Fence: chimnevs ana some DuikUngs were blown down. Washington. Nov. 15. To-day the Grand Jury of the criminal Court of this District found a tnie bill agains Win. B. Stokes, cluarging him with re ceiving fees while a Representative in Congress, and for compensation as at torney in prosecuting claims of mem- liers of tlie company known as Capt Beatty's Company of Independent Scouts. New Yokk, Nov. 16. Additional accounts show that the effects of the storm in this vicinity, Tuesday night and by the high tide yesterday, was quite severe. A large quantity of the Havlein flats was washed away in Jersey. The Morris Canal overflowed, submerging basements, carrying away hunlier lioats, yachts, etc., and damag ing over $10,000 worth of proiiertv The lecture room of the Methodist Church, at Bergen Heights, was blown down, and the church damaged. In Newark over $20,000 worth of proper ty was destroyed by the winds and water. Several unfinished houses were demolished, and cellars and basements flooded. At Elizabeth, a brick foun dry anil five buildings were blown down. Damage to shipping is consid erable, and it is expected further losses will lie reported. There were thirteen new cases of cholera yesterday in the hospital ship Delaware, at the lower quarantine. Washington, Nov. l'J. By the ac counts of Pension Agent Calhoun, of Philadelphia, he is found to be"a de faulter ill tlie sum of $11,000. He was given until to-day to make the amount good, and then resign, failing in which, he will be removed. Other pension accounts are being closely scrutinized. Rai.kigh. (N. C), Nov. Id. A dis patch states that six Ku Klux were ar rested ill Rancy county, charged with murder, arson," burglary and nijie. They whipped Mr. Hensley and son, drove out N. C. Brnkeiis and wife, aiid burned his fumer TieTwent to the house of Waitl Brakens, a blind man, burstcd open tbe door, and beat him nearly to death. They toic an in fant from Mrs. Brakeus and dashed it across the room. Three of the vil lian outraged her. Wie is in a dying condition. An Albany special snys Governor Hoffman met tiie Democratic State Senators at lrov to-day to consider the propriety of an extra session of the Legislature, to pass ;i new. Reform barter already dratted by O onnor. Hideo and others, for New Yo.ik and Srooklvn. Indianapolis, Nov. 17. The three icgro murderers of the Park family. ip Henry ville, Indiana, were taken j from the jail at Charlestown at two o'clock this inruning by a mob pf fifty nen, disguised, and hung, halt a mile from the town. Washington, Nov. I". A Raleigh, NT. C, dispatch say? 53 men were ironght here yesterday from Ruther ford and Cleavelaud on a cltirgc of Ku kluxing a Commissioner named Scag- gins, wtio recently shot a prisoner for talking saucy to iiim. New Youk. Nov. 17. The cholera excitement is about subsided. .There are now 130 cases in tlie hospital at West Bank, all doing well. Jay Gould has withdrawn from Tweed's bail bond. His withdrawal is due to Tweed's unwillingness to le examined as to his sufficiency by coun sel for the prosecution, which was to have been demanded. It was their in tention to prove that legal claims against Gould will prolxibly be over balanced by the amount tor winch he was pledged. Three friends of l'weed's are substituted for Could. They are Jacob Vandcrpool, Charles Cornell and Cliarle IX-velin. The Tribini". editorially sjiysthat the choice of localities for holding the Re publican Convention for ls7i is nar rowed down to New York and Cin cinnati. The Executive Committee will make a .selection by tlie 11th of January next. CAJLIFOItMA. Santa Rosa, Nov. 13. Last night Deputy Sheriffs Reynolds and Benarti brought to the county jail the follow ing ersons, accused of robbing a stage and killing Mr. Berton, lietween Cio- rdale aud Ilealdsburg, some months ago: John Brown. L.kjv Brown. Alt. Higgius, and Butclu alias "Bigfoot." I liey are now in ctisroov. Watsonville, Nov. 13. Last night about "J o clock, as nr. lung was re turning from church with his family, a man stopped him close to his residence. and demanded ins money. King liav ing no money, the leiiow told him to liand over his watch. King handed him the watch and a shot from a der ringer pistol at the same time. The wouia-oe roooer ranou, aim w as lounu dead this morning, tlie shot liavlug taken effect in his birost. He was searched, and a silver cup and other articles stolen trom Kobbuison were found on him ; also, thirty skeleton keys. The man lias beeiu liere a short time, and gave his name as Black. pan uiEGO, jnov. a. ine 1'ima India us killed thirty-two Apaches near Camp Apache,' Arizona, and returned to tianforu on the olst ot Octoher, witii eight children as prisoners. The Piinas recovered a wagon cover and some yellow blanket-, which the Apaclies kid stolen from whites tliey had mur dered. - GilrOY, Nov. 14. The Visalia stage, coming north, was stopped at Smed- burg, about thirty miles from this place, this morning, by three highway men. v ells, f argo & ka. s treasure liox, containing about $500, was taken The passengers were not molested. Sak Francisco, Nov. 1. Arrived Steamer Japan, from China and Japan. She brings a full cargo, main- i c -v- 1 . . . , 1 i.-. . .. ,,:r. 23S Chinese and 120 whites, for San Francisco, six for New York, and five white and ten Japanese students for Europe, rne crew or tne wrecKeu bark Catalonia came by the Japan. Tbe water committee of the Board of Supervisors have gone to Lake Tahoe to examine Von Schmidt's plans, and will make a final report to the Boa:xl ou the available sources of water supply for Saa Francisco In a few days, Laving examined the Peuiiir tula from-San Francisco southward to Santa Cruz and the northern Peninsula to Clear Lake. Sa Francisco, Nov. 19. A party is forming here to go to-one of the Nav igator Islands to establish a colony aiid enggae in raising cotton, cofibe, sugar, etc. V heat in Liverpool 13s. The report tlrat the Pacific Insnr anee Company will witlidraw all its Eastern agencies, and hereafter confine its business to the Pacific Coast, Is cor rect. San Fraxcisco, Nov. 17. Flour 500 bbls San Joaquin superfine, pri vate ; 500 sks and 1,000 sks El Dorado, for San Jose de Guatamala : 1,000 half sks Golden Gate extra, for La Liber tad, current rites. Wheat Wale of 1.700 sks good mill ing, $-2 70; choice descriptions of mill ing, when wanted, command $2 55& 3 ti5 Barley The range is steady at $1 00 S-2 05. " Oats 200 sks good, $1 t0; 000 sks choice, $1 87'.aofl 00. Potatoes Cuti'ee's Cove. 90c$I 04; Half Moon Bay. $1 15. The trial of Horace Ilawes' contest ed will ease, attracts much attention, a large number of people being in at tendance. The opinion is freely ex pressed outside the Court that the will is already as good as broken. Col. Barnes hav ing au overwhelming array of testimony still to present, touching the testator's sanity. On and after the 25th inst, a steam fog whistle trumpet will be sounded at intervals' of twenty-five seconds at Point Annas lighthouse during foggy weather. One hundred head of choice blooded stock of horned cattle, sheep and pigs were shipped to Pnrslaud, Oregon, by the Orillanune to-day. The Panama steamer to-day carried $135,000 treasure and 1-27,01)0 in mer eliandise. soi.-rii A.nuuiCA. New Yokk, Nov. 15. A heavy earthquake occurred at Iimiqniand the interior of Peru ou the oth of October. Considerable damage was done to buildings in Iquiquij and among the people the effects are the most disas trous. In the interior the towns of Picca and Mattala were destroyed, and scarcely a house left standing. Fire succeeded the earthquake at Pieca. At Valparaiso the church, pantheon, eighteen houses and one of the river dams were destroyed. The towns of Urgamaga, Gimzqtiina and Paehiea also suffered severely. Few lives were lost. The steamer Panama felt the earthquake at sea. At Arica they had a shock on the 4th and 10th. No buildings were damaged. Tliere was an earthquake on the 25th tilt, at Bajo, Chilli, but not of a serious nature. CAI.IFOJtMA. San Francisco, Nov. IS. The Hoard of Regents of the University of California accepted the resignation of Win. Watt as regent. A resolution to appoint Willet ,1. Rising to the chair of mining and metallurgy, at $2,000 per annum, and declare tbe chair of English literature vacant, will be acted on at the next meeting. The persons indicted for dealing in lottery tickets, or aiding and alietriiig lotteries, demurred to the indictments, and Judge Lake took the matter under advisement. The opinion of many lawyers Ls that the demurrer in sev eral of the cases at least will be sus tained. It is stated tliat Mrs. Hawe. pre? vious to the decease of.IIav.es, fearing to be left totally destitute, had a no tice of homestead claim upon the Mount Eden estate in San Mateo coun ty without his knowledge, which in itself would materially interfere with carrying out the provisions of the will. A blast eareJpssly let oil' in the cut on Townseud street, lietween Second and Third, yesterday, scattered nicks weighing hundreds of pounds each, in every direction, doing heavy damage ; one rock went through the gasometer of the San Francisco Cas Co., letting all the gas escape. Another went through the roof of the Central Pacific Railroad Co.'s warehouse. Luckily no one was killed. Va.li.FJ'., Nov. l.-The U. S. ship Peusacola left for Saa Francisco this afternoon. In moving down the bav she fired a jwrtiiig salute, which was returned by the battery on Mare Island. The W'ebtoot-coriipieted lier cargo of railroad iron for Portland, and passed out into tlie stieani. ' The Frisbte Guards Iiaving lost their uniforms, guns, ammitnitioii. etc.. by fire concluded to use the fund raised by them at their ball for the Chicago sufferers, to n place the things neces sary for their Company. Los Angf.i.es, Nov. 1. The i-ii!-road convent ion assembled at Anaheim to-day. The convention adoptnl a resolution in favor of giving iq '225. 000 worth ot stock held by tiie city and county in the Los Angelesand S;ut Pedro railroad, and gr:;iilingan addi tional Mih-iily, amounting in all to up wards ot liaif a million dollars, to aid in the. exteu iion to San Bernardino. i'he Santa Anna and Anaheim dele gate withdrew without voting on tbe resolution. Ine press ol the country is taking sides upon the railroad ques tion, and bids fan- to become a leading local issue. San Fhancik'O, Nov. 10. The United States steamer California, flag ship of the Pacific squadron, sails for a winter cruise down the west coast of Mexico to-morrow or Tuesday. . Weather is warm and clear. Nearly everyliody is out of town -today. It Is expected the Ifawes will case will l;c o;i trial nil this week, and per haps run over into next week, should tiie executors attempt to rebut the tes timony already ort'eird, and that of 30 .witness yet to lw heard. AiUZUVA, Los AMii-.LKs. Nov. ID. The Ari zona Miner, dated Preseott, Novem'ier fir Ii, says : Tlie other two parties of the Wheeler cxp-odifio i under Lieutenants Wheel' r aud Lyle, arrived on the Oth imtant, and left for Camp Apache, from which place they will proceed to Tucson, where the expedition will dis solve. Tlie topographical corpse will return East via California. The first snow for years fell in Pres cottxiii Sunday. The Indians arc ou tlie war path in People's V alley. A half ton of sweet potatoes sold for 20 cent i a pound in rrescott. Lumber sells readily in tlie Sacramento district at 2"25 per thousand. Mhiiiig news unimportant. STATE NEW3. Portland. A passenger by tiie down express frain, of Thursday, inform' the rt"y nwn that two burglars broke into tlie store of Robert Hamia, at Gervals, and succeeded in getting away with a couple of suits of beaver cloth, two guns, a ease of pocket knives and a lot ot hair oil. 'lhe keys of the safe be ing gone Mr. Hann'a could -not tell whether or not it liad been burglarized. Suspicion fell upon a half breed who nan recently Dcen released from the I emtentiary, and who was seen at Gervais the night before. Judge Deady in applying a lotion to his eyes, on Wednesday evening. O' niado a mistake and applied, the same from a bottle containing some strong acid, causing one of his eyes to be so much injured as to require medical aid. A gentleman who lives atllillsboro, estimates that there are not less than 50,000 busliels of wheat in store lit that immediate vicinity, awaiting the completion of the railroad. The total valuation ot property in tins District, upon which taxes- for school purposes will lie Mlsed, has been ascertained to be. j,0.'15.5-25.. Tiie total school tax on this will ! 1,1-21 33?..- The Bulletin says tlie corner-stone to tbe Congregational Church, at Ea?t Portland, Holladay's Addition, will be laid with appropriate ceremonies on Saturday at 11 o'clock a. m. All are invited to attend. ., During tlie day people have been visiting the good old steamship Jolui L. Stepliens for the purpose of ein" what damage the elements had done " to her during the storm. She look; considerably the worse for wear about her wheel-houses, but her hull is as staunch as ever, not leaking a single particle. It will bike several days to repair her wheel-houses, etc A private letter from Tillamook harbor, dated Nov. 8th, says that while attempting to cross the bar the Mila Bond was caught In the breakers and had her cabin washed away. Her wheel was broken and hef tiller rojies parted, and" she came very near going ashore. Slie weathered the danger, however, and succeeded in getting safely into the harbor, and is now undergoing repairs. The John L. Stephens brought up from San Francisco about one hundred slieep purchased in Australia for Mr. Thomas Ayers, who resides within four miles of Salem. Tliey are of the Leicester breed, and are fine looking animals. Only one of them died during the severe storm ' through which the Stephens "passed on her voyage from San Francisco. The Real Estate Agents presented a petition to the Common Council of Portland, Wednesday last, praying for an appropriation of one thousand dollars to secure the printing in good style, of fifteen thousand copies of the prize essays on Oregon. This done, the petitioners proinwed to do all the labor in the proper circulation of the pamphlets in the Eastern States. - From the Democratic Era we learn tliat the steamer John L. Stephens will sail for San Francisco to-day, the ISth, at two o'clock I. M. The U street ferry boat, under the management of Messrs. Lawrence, Jones & Co., is in successful operation. The children of the LTnitarian Soci ety intend holding a Fair at tlioir church, corner of Seventh and Alder streets, on next Tuesday evening, to raise funds for their Sunday School Library. The lager lioer cellars, where female talent (?) is employed to sling lieer, and the low melodeons, entail an in direct tost upon Portland of about two thousand dollars per month. Willamette Valley. The Enterprise says tliat a little girl of J. H. Schran, lately fell from a hay stick breaking her arm in two places. The Corvallis (rnzrttr learns that the steamer E!k sank at Newport on Ya quiiia Bay, Wednesday, Novenilier Pith. ' Portland. The Ilrrnltl states tliat tlie lioats of the O. S. N. Co., will stop running alwve the Dalles after December 1st, and mercliants of the upper country are hurrying up their winter goods rapidly in consequence. GENERAL NEWS. Porlliturt. The Oreyoninn learns, tliat the Yale party, accompanied by Rev. Tho. Condon, has made a thorough exami- ; nation of the old lake fields of Eastern I Oregon. l hey discovered fossin re 1 mains iirtgivat variety, including ex ' tinct species of the rhinoceros, ma.sto- i don, lion, horse and other animals. 1 i estenlay morning aliout seven i o'clock Mr. J. Lew. a provision dealer on Firt street, dropped dead in a fit ; of ajioplexy. It is sn'ul be was in the I act of correcting a rhild who had great- ! ly angered him. when death's stroke I fell upon him. j It is now .slid the John L. Stephen i will not lie ready to sail for San Fran- ' ci-w Iiefore the latter part of the week, j No day is yet announced. j We learn that Messrs. .l;!ott. Lamb and Malthi-op, of "this city, liave In-en ! awarded the contract for constructing i a twenty-five mile section of the North j crn Pacific Railroad, commencing at the end of the. section now in course, or J twenty-five miles not hwunl from Kal j a ma, a point a short distance Ih-Iow j Pumplirey's. j Waaiiinlon Territory. j T he Walla VTiiV.X r.'i'.n of lhe' 1 1th i inst. says that over three hundred tons ! of wheat are awaiting shipment at j WalluSa. In addition to this there are i from twenty to fifty teams that unload on the v. hurf boat daily. j On the 1th there was a good coating j of snow on the mountains which came i well down to the foot bills. j The Rock .Creek and oilier -cttle- meiifs north of Snake river, seem to lie j proqiri-oiis aud steadily progressing, j The Yakima section is attracting its j full proportion of settlers. They are. j attracted tliere lx-caus; it, is ao,Hl ag- ricuKunil country and is unsurpas-cd as a giazing ground. The exitectatio.i of a railroad through that, valley to the S;;iind makes it one of the ino-t, de-ir-ahle in which to settle. A young man by the name of Jesse Alliersoii shot and it is thought fatally wounded Pierce Mahafi'ey nt Ii Grande, lately. No particulars given, except tliat the two got into a "muss,' when Mahafi'ey drew a kuite, and Al berson drew his pistol and fired, tlie ball striking the wrist passed up to the elliow. and from there into the side of Maliaffey. A ('uecrfiil Mining Tohh. The following extract, taken ver batim from a private letter, dated Pioche, Nevada, will, it is feared, tend to create a prejudice gaiust that calm retreat : "Fiocho is tbe county scat of Lincoln county, a mining camp a year old. It's on the Great American Des ert, and situated between hare moun tains, looking over a bare dry plain. Water has to be brought eight nii.'e by wagon.'and is sold at six" cents per gallon, mere are about" 1.2UO people here, the half of whom have lieen in the State Prison, (stage and highway rohlK-rt. etc.). and the rest ought to be. Our graveyard has 41 graves, of which but two are filled by death from nat ural causes. The rest all died with tbeir boots on. !Shot mostly ; some cut. One sliooting, scrape took place in the bank. i;i which Mike Casev killed Tom (tosuii. after receiving Uos- siu's fire. There is ;io law. Any one feeling aggrieved "seeks redress gener ally with his pistol, it's been a close guinu for me several times; I got cut in the leg once, hut. I am here yet. 1 sleep with a big biilldog, a Henry rifle aud a sixliooter. The mines (silver) employ alwut 000 men ; about 100 are in business and tlie rest are blackguards of tlie worst kind cattle thieves, rene cade Mormons and men who were banished from society by their crimes, and ready tor anything. It is three hundred and fifty miles to railroad or telegraph ; we liave three stages a week aud one mail. I ve none very well here and would have made some monev. but two of nw nartners in claim were killed, and f can't go on aloncr My life has been attempted twice by tlie party who killed mv partners. I don't allow any man to scare me if I can liave a show, but when it gets down to caes when vou dare not sit by a window or by an open door atter ( ark. it's time to fumn the game. Ifeverlget back to Caf- itoruia 1 think I'll stay there anyway. I have got enough of "this kind of liv ing. I am tired of packing a six' shooter around night ami day. But it isn't as hopeless as it seems the future ot tins placid little village for in few weeks all the natives "will be dis posed of shot, mostly : some cut" and then virtuou new settlers can be gin the settlement again." . Jr, ClirouiiJc. An interesting suit brought by Iler- yey layior, oi t-Javenuisn, Vermont, against Jentha Page, of Reading, V ermont for damages for giving his family the wnall-pox, lias just been terminated by the death of Page. An Indignant German officer has written to a London paper to deny Lord SliafterbtnT's statement ' that piety prevails in the Prussian army. Eating sausages and buying eggs are uescriDeu as "conmience operations. Mysterious Disappearance Tlie Enterprise gives the following account of the mysterious disappear ance of Mr. Jordan, one of tlie con tractors 'for tlie construction of tlie ca nal and locks around tlie Willamette Falls at Oregon City i One week flro to-day Mr. Jordan left Oregon City and went to Portland for the avowed purpose of getting funds with which to pay tlie laborer , employed on tlie works. Arriving in that city, ho held several conversations ' with certain parties, and acted as if be, M-as greatlv annoyed.' On Sunday lie wrote to Mr. Lord, who bad cluree ot tlie work, that his business would re- iitire hi proceeding to San Francisco, and that lie would leave on tlie Ajax on Monday. He, however, did not go on tliat steauier. but got on tlie after noon train at Milwaukee, ami went south, keeping out of view while pass ing through Oregon Lity. We are informed tliat the contract ors are verv heavily Involved. They are in debt at Portland to a eonsidera- ' ble amount, and in this city. Mr. Lord, who has indorsed for them, is said to be the loser of about $18,000; Mr. Charman, of this city, about 15,000. and a nunilicr of smaller ac- eotuits around town, probably to the amount ot $5,000 more. They are al so in debt on their pay rol to tne hands aliout $G,000. This last sum tlie Lock Company propose to pay so that the laborers will not lose anything. Cant. Smith, tlie CompaiiyVengiiieer. has taken cliarge or the work and will continue to pros ecute it on behalf of the Company, as fast as tlie conditions of the weather will lHrniit. The Art of Demonstration. Tlie value of the higher matliema tics as a study is not fully nettled, but as a preparatory or discipline for tlie law, there ought to oe put one opinion. We were once informed by a lawyer, whose success in tlie profession entitled his opinions to much weight, tliat he seldom argued an important cast; with out first having devoted several hours to Euclid or Legendre. The advocate of niatlK-matics are making use of the following, alleged to be words of Mr.. Lincoln : " I -read law,' as tlie phrase is, tlint. is. I liecame a lawyer's clerk In Spring field, and copied document, and pick ed up what I could of law, in the in tervals of other work. But your ques tion reminds me of a bit of education I had, which I am bound in liouesty to mention. In the course ot my law reading. I constantly cume upon the word 'demonstrate.'" I thought at first tliat I understood its meaning, but soon became satisfied tliat 1 did not. I said to myself. "What do I mean when I demonstrate, more tlian when I rea son or prove ? How docs demonstra tion differ from any other proof', I consulted W ebster's dictionary. Tliat told of 'certain proof.' proof beyond tlie possibility of a doubt ;" hut I could form no idea wliat sort of proof that was. I thought a great many things were proved beyond the jiossibility of a doubt, without recourse to any such extraordinary process of reasoning as I iiiidertood ibuaniitrtiiun to lie. I eon-tilted all the dictionaries and lxks of ttifcrcnee I could find, but with no U tter results. You might ju-t as well have defined blue to a blind man. At last I said to myself, Lincoln, you can never make a law yer of yourself if you do not under stand what demonstrate means;' anil I left my ?ituatio!i in Springfield, went home ti my father' house and stayed there until"! could give any proposi tion in the six books of Euclid. I then found out what demonstrate meant, and went back to my law studies." .Wring L-if .waui. A .Notable Flag. t The tidings which have lieen received ' from Capt." Hall's jxilar expedition, reminds ine that 1 once saw and held in my hands a very notable flag. Mr. Ilenrv Gr'muell, one of New York's prominent and reqiected citizens has always taken an active interest in ex ploring enterprises. The old gentle man may usually be found during busi ness hours, seated at his de-k in his of fice in William street. lie can al ways find time to talk on the various expeditions which have been fitted out from time to time for voyages in tlie high northern latitudes. Wlien tlie I'olarl-. Captain Hall's vessel, left this citv, be took with her the flap to which 1 refer. Mr. Giinnell placed the colors in cluirge of Capt. Hall. The Hag is a common man-of-war boat three ; ensign, about six feet long by wide. It was taken out in the Wilk s exin'ilition in IS."!-, and was in tlx: posse-i-ioii of I.n-ut. .i.ki r. wliose v--el was ."itt.u-lit'tl to tla wiiwilroti. lu ut. Waikfr"."" ve'l went farther ontli tlian tiny of lier eoiiiimnioiir. Wlien the lV:u-ot."k Wit slilpwriH-kiMl t the lilimth of the t'ollllnti:l river, til'.; Wig a; si veil, :i!il in 1m i, wlien the lii- t (ii-iiiiH-lI ex;-litioii v:ilitfel Hit. tlM" eolor were iiiv-"Iiteil to Mr. Hetirv I iriniiell. 1 Mr Unveil, who haa i-iiarf "f the .ix-ild!ni!. tok the eoloix farther lorth tli.ui any oilier AiiHTK-ill l!:i' hail evi-r Ix-t-n exhihitttl. In Kil. Ik"H )r. Kane went out, Mr. tirln cll loaned him the flaij. mul It wa taken Ix-voml the lKimt n-actM-d hy l llaen. Atler ."ihaiKlonti: liN ve'l at SniitliV-ouml, lr. Kane made n per ilous voyap in an ojien boat toward the nortii jiole. The trolors sened for liU tii'low hen lie slept in the fmnt. InlSd7the flag; wn loaned to Ir. Have?, wilt) took it "till half :l denf! nearer the north pole. At the cotnnle- 10:1 of eaeli expeilition it retunieu to Mr. (Iriiiurll. Slumlil Otnt. Hall suc- ivsifullv rtride IIh! tm-thitiil jiole, :i rt-dieted. Im; will he able to wave thH nihleni in triumph where none ever waved, before. 1 tin -t It will once uoiT saf.'lv lie retunied to its tiwner. Mr. Griiiue.ll, w ho may at sonic future tl iy wnil it to the south pole. The Mississippi FllUn? Up. Knmi the Milwaukee Sentinel, Oct. 24ih.) The b'd of tlie Mississippi seems to lie tilli!i; it) e.t a rate w hleh threatens. the eout-s' of tune, to seriously in fect navigation tluriu the tlry season. Tliis vear at St. Louis, while the sur face of the water has lieen four feet and one t:ie!i a novo ine mwm tt;iKe in wiiter ntttiini.il by the river iu 1")., th'ere was at the 'same time only aliout rive inches difference in tlie tleptli of thechtmnellietweeii these ye-trs, sliow liifj tltMt tlie Ixittoni of the river must be three or fotir lncli( hlglier tlian it was In 1803. So in 1 So , tne bed ot tlie river w.n found to be two f.t mul three inches higlier than it was feu years previous It is thought tlwt tough clay particles are brought dowa by tributary streams from tlie. cultivat ed fields of tlie Northwest ami tlepos itexl in the channel, and tliat tliere. forming with tin vtnfl a concrete nis, adliere to tlie bottom instead of bein; scoured out by the annual fn.-sTicK as Is tlie case with tunnixitl sand. It is reawnalde to suppose, too, unit the volume of water flowing Into the river will grathmlly decrease as the country is opened up to cultivation, its uch has been tne case wun tuner rivers flowing thrrfligh cultivated dis tricts. The Ifctnulie, ttmigh a largo river, is uiilitted for rrtirposes of com mercial ititereourse. If wc look nearer , Iwtne, we find that the destruction ot the forests and Uie cultivation of tlie adjacent country are bavliif? tlie effect of drving up the (XHiiH'Cticut ; very radtiallv to be sure, but rtill none tlie fess efleUiially. Many of its trili- taries, Which formerly coutrimuetl large volumes of water the twelve montlM through, ' are now dry for three-fourths of the year. 1'ittiwllle Upnmd of its an hitectnre. Tin- Jf-mld ay "Strangers rtopptng over night ht "Oil City are not auowea to take tlie train next day unles tliey make a solemn affidavit betore the Mayor that 'Love's Block' Is tlie hand somest building tliey ever saw. One cliap from Roeheter, who remarked that he thought perlwps 'Power Block was n little larger, and also a little more extensive,' wm chucked into tlie lock-Hp; while a foreigner wiio said the Coliseum at Koroc nutst have lieen more roomy when complete, has been missing for three days, and it U feared be ha been token into the tui nel and 'Morganhwd.' " - - A trifle of x million dollar W been left by a decetwed Scottish rela tive to a citizen of Marslialltown, Iowa. An Irregular surface of stone, about fovrr feet winare, is all that remains ot PlynJotitbBotk. The evEinperor on the warSfr John Burgojne and Louis Sapoloon. Tbe following letter from JTapoleOij, addressed to Sir John Burgoyne, waa publislied In the English papers of tlie j 11th instant WiuiKLMSifOEHE, Oct. 29Ui, 1870. My Dear Sir John ! I liave received your letter, which gives me great , pleasure first, that it is a loucmng proof of your sympathy for me, and also because your name recalls tlie happy and glorious time when our armies fought together lor the name cause. Yon. who are tfce Moltke of England, will liave ruleratood that our disaster ai-we from tte ftct ttiat tbe Pruinn were ready sooner than we, ftod Tliat-, sfe to speak,- tlior swpris-! ed us in a slKirnefrd state of tiisorgMii-; zatiou. The offensive Imving become impossible, I resolved to jmt myself on i the defensive ; but lilndered by politi cal considerations 'a 1 retrCtt was re tarded and soon became Impossible; Returning to Chalons, I wished to lead the last army that remained to us to Paris ; but again polit ical considera tions forced us to make tliat most im prudent and little strategical march which ended by the disaster of Sedan. See in a few words tlie unhappy cam paign of 170. I think it rlghttooffcr you tliese explanations, because I wish to retain your esteem. In thank ing you for your kind remembrance, 1 renew to you the asuram of my warmest regards.. Naiolkox. Sir John Btirgoyne, Field Marshal. A TtCMAKKABLK Tkkk. Tlie Noni tetr in giving an account, of the Em pe or's recent visit to the Jardin d'Acclimation at Algiers, stated tliat his majesty was much struck with tl rapid growth of the Eucalyptus Iiesiti ifere, or Australian tree," which lias attained a lieight of 30 feet and a di ameter of six inches hi two years. This remarkable tree, in its native soil Australia sometimes Teaches the lieight of 10 feet, and ha been found more tlian l'J feet in diameter t about a yard from tho ground. It often yields planks 200 feet long, with out a single defect. The wood, not withstanding its rapid growth, is liartl and heavier thn oak. It also pre sents beautiful colors, and Is conse quently well adapted for cabinet work. sin astringent gum, known in com merce as kino, is obtained by making incisions into its bark. The eucalyptus is au evergreen ; its leaves liave nearly the same siiape as tlie laurel. The de velopment of its lateral branches are no less wonderful tlian its stems. Tltey are small until tlie trunk attains tlie height of about 100 feet when they shoot out almost horizontally, Rome times to the length of 90 feet, giving tne tree tne appearance ot an enor mous umbrella. The seed, strange to say, is very small, and not unlike that of tlie tolwceo plaut. Tlie flowers are white, of a most agreeable smell and much liked by bees, which extract from them a most delicious honey. It is also remarked in Australia, tliat tlie ague is almost unknown in districts where this tree is abundant. 1'ttriM The Fastest Thais Ixtue Would. Tlie new express train from Ply mouth to London Will probably be tlie fastest train in the world, in the part of it journey which lies over tlie Bris tol and Exteraml Great Western rail ways. Leaving Exter at 10:30, it is timed to reach Paddington at 2:45, including a stoppage of five minutes at Bristol, and tlie inevitable and vex atious ten miautes at Swindon, the journey of 104 miles will oceupy four hours and a quarter. Tiie Irish limited mail, hitherto considered tlie fastest train, occupies six hours and thirty five minute. lietween London and Holyhead, 1 icing at the pace of only 1 HI nines in tour hours and a quarter How to keep People Quiet. The discontented jieople of tlie Per sian capital were appeased hy Me Shah in true Oriental style. The peo ple were clamoring lor oreau. antl tliere was none to give tlieni. So the Vizier of the town was put in irons, tied to a donkey's tail and dragged Iwreheaded and baivf witcd through the bazaar ut midday. After this sentence had been executed, the head baker and several of his subordinates, were baked alive in their own ovens. This ap jiensed the people for a time, but as they remain without food furtlier riot ing is expected. It is as iiiiMs.-ibie to preserve eood 4- looks- with -lrHn -of fd - passions feeding on tlie blood, a set of low loves trampling Hirongh the heart, and' a hellish, ili-d.tinliil spirit enthroned in tiie will, as to prvH-rve an elegant tnausion with a litter of swine hi tlie t:iseni'"iit. a tribe of gipsies in the par lor, and owls and vulture in tin? upper apiirfiutaifs. Itadness u id beritlly will no niore keep company tiian poison will co.isort with hi-altii or ati elegitut ir-mg survive the niruace nre. llie exX"riuieiil of putting them togctlRT has lieen tried for IlKiiisands of years, but with an unvarying result. A talking iu.i hjiie, constructwl of wiivrod. India-ni'ilier tubes, wtxxlcn. uprights and stu-l springs, was exhilt itetl m ew York ivcviitlv by Profes sor Kalier, of Vienna. Tlie apparatus is upon unntoiiiir.il laws, a mir of bellows supplementing the human lungs, an .ela-tic tnln; tlie larynx, a series of springs the vocal cliords, and an liidia-mblier clapper the tongue. Articulate sounds are produced by a series oi levers, and .operated bv a key- Uvird. The ltiachhie repeated phrases with reniarknhle Cicility, in a husky tone which suggested the issil)ilify of a com in in ueao. anil cloul its solilo- piy with a burst of laughter jeculi.trly t il 1 1 il. tn . Binrliampton. X. Y- honts of an apple-tree on which ripe fruit is Iran lug among tin- eht-tcrs offish blos soms. Tliis pbeuonieiion i- atf ributed to the effects of the mineral waiter, the newly discovered spring iH-ing situated near ny. The geologists are Intetiselv disgust ed with a vein of coal five feet thick lately dlscoverd netir Corning Xew York. According to ."ill geological rules antl tlKr:es, antl tne savan re sent in unwarrantable intrusion with bccouiing iudisriiiition. Hair-plus to inatoli tlie color of tlie hair are coming into vogue. ARREST HKCAT. When a ji'ant i-r tree begiiiKto div.ty 11 must norVdir. Ii .tiniiot lie re iia'tzl. Hut Ilk, not "o Willi liiinian lx."iiiar. A hum lu ruin ean be reinireit, stnugthetieil, restored, though bnmTiieaf or awitlirrel Wa le of frass -can never be made green anin. In the aatunm of life, or even in Itt winter, n hen nalnre seems to be giving vay under the pressure of years, it is UI imfll)1e to re:ar,l ihc progress nf de- m , ami tu K n l losiie more than Its wonted ine. Asa nutans of promo; Inj, lhi oljjcct. Ilootetter'i S;fnn.ic!i Bittets- ls timiiiestionably the most potent of all restoratives. It will not make the old yonng, but it wHl prevent, lessen, or sooth tlie InflnrUttes which are the usual comrAiiiments of the decline of life. For de bility and a lack of nervous power, from what ever cause art-sing. It is tlie nserUctne that of all others before the world, best deserves the name of a specific In purity, In Invigorating ft-opertlesin Us adaption to weak stomachs and feeble organizations, it baa no competitor among the tonics of the pharniaooprela, nor among proprietory remedies. Besides Its gtreiwthenmg principle, U possessea alterative ...i OTOTiWlIm nrrnvnilcs of tlie hlehest onler. and as an ambil!uu medicine Is lar pnfunible to any ot the revtraiios coaiaitiuia usnvurv, hsaiihown lhat for nhvrical decay, net' thus debtlltv. dvspeiisla, hllllous disorders; intrmutnt lever. IIosteUer'4 Bitten la rcmedv without a rival. ThU la the seawm of iw. (hit nt tH IhxT: lot It remind the ohL the feeble, tbe rickly, to Invigorate and regulate flash- system with uus great vegetauie touic ana alterative. Colds axd Cuug . Wklen changes cf climate are sources of Puimovixtt oaaf Bnm infiOMidu Kimrleniiihavtmr Droved that stnrpie TUBediea act apeedyy when taken bi the earlv stage ot dixa-e, TliVe at oace " Brown' BrrmrhitU Troche let the cold, oootrh, or imiaUun of tlie throat be ever so slight, as hy ttbrtrvjMwitialt a mere serious at- Owlna to the good reputation and pnnolartty of the Troches, many wonhlcas and cheap ia- ttnttua! are saered wbich are goon for nothing. Be ."Hire to obtain the true "Brown" Brvty chuU Troche." Sokl evorj wDcre, It Is a mark of lhe nnmeeegsfnl man, that be invartaulv locks bis stauleojnor wasm in norse has been stolen. Thai sort oT wisdom never thinks abnui bndllv bcauth until it is gona. But just as much aa any dlsrase baa became seated, the power or the aysteaa to raaua ana throw 1 rU mil weakaaed ; hence, tha is all tratmrtnnt. 'or dyspepsia, all diseases of the liver. irmu.-.h- skin and kKlners. and an that beein In vitiated blood, r tint" wait miUl tb tmuhle is cootlrmed. lwt attack it bra timely nse of Dlt. W AUtCK'a CAblFOKIA Vl&aUaJt BlTTaXjh REAL ESTATE DEALEB, :.. . rOUTLAKO, ORBGOX.' . r. . " iT.-rOTATtathlCTTTariilKAT ,1.7 , rvra mi v RIM'KM Aral BLOCKS HOC6E3 nd STORES; i ' IWWtOVKT) FABWS, and vrtubto -nltmr LAK1. hicatii IB ALA, uuUof ftiel4I.lTSurUJi.i - . . wt nrhet Pmrwtv uninui i iw ItrrmistMMrt , .... ,i srr iTV-S ml TEKUTUKltN Mtta irraa( rrr atwl on tUe moet AOVAS- TAGEOt'S TEMA . 1 nnrmRfl uwt LOANS NWMmATJEU, S MHm.Vl JU, Wlo'LM' ALL DKSCRirriONS "'V , , LECTED. And General rLASU.".w AXiENC Y BL'SLNE-SS transacted. COHMFJBCIAI, HOTEL. rnv nmrrm nf this rmtsnlfint bulUtog ai rutiDlnjr tbe rfotel on llielr owo auooiint iiiil - a . j .1n n luilln In hMl tney una m uvo mn, i -r buxlue, for n (wnvant. Th Hotel bM ,...,l .,111 iwlmit onlerlvnmi oulet. ilb w mi .i.iBnii mt n .E.nm iu iik, iw. cln rooms uml beils, ami a first-class talfu. Sttlera, ov. iu. is'- f CONE ASTRAY. I ' THE WHITE Wltilfr CIATl'lltS mi B bone bM gone oM ou hia own hooll fto mav haveltiBtpea mm mrnms gwu he is capsule of It. He to LH bawls, batth. oM-cnaled mot under raddle. Strayef last week from JfcDooaUr pastnre, otielrolle north on the river. Waa raised near ftere. I will pay reasonable charges for intonation or bis rotnrn to Salem. . J. W. KILJEf . Nov. it, US vv. , A?:0TRER REF.URXABLE CI, OF A Chronic Disease of the THROAT LUNCS fit HEART I wish to nay to the public that I have been troubled wtta a rhwatse In my ebest, hinge ami heart for the last five years, and bave beea treatod bv doctor In ttan Francisco and Ore con, but found no fitch relief as I have found trice I commencoll taking Dr. Aborn mertl-' cItom. which has onlv Iwen abont font week, and I fcav valued sine pound In fact, I feel atnont like a new num. I commanued Im proving from the very first day, and have ram tinned to Improve ever since. Furthermore, I would ay, that tlie Doctor's treatment 1 eu tirelv different from any that I bad ever taken U-fiire. I would nay to all that are afflicted to give tbe Doctor a ,-all, as tbsv will find his charge rtmonable and bis medicines magical In tbeir eflect. W. L. WATKTXS. Resilience at Baker City, Orcgou. Portland, October 21. 187 1. HOBE WXDEBfXI. OF Diseases of the Eye. Y have been rery bod with sore eyes; they were htghlv Inflamed, xo UuU I could see notlt Inif out of" the left eye. I had ben hi uie arniv, and was nndcr the eare of a military ducuv for three mooLhs, and t eoakl do notb nn for roe; linallv I got dlachargwl on ao -count of mv eve. I then -aroe to Port law l, and I heart! of "the good" recitation Dr. A born hail In Portland, and I went under his treat ment for three weeks and now, tliank God, I am cured and able to resume business. I had suffered ,-,msl(eralilv liefore I went nnder hts trea:m.-nt. THUS. L UoCORMICK. C-Dr. Atom's Labdratory, Conmtttiig ami Oiieratlng aipartment, Corner of Third and Morrison streets,! Port land. Oct. 26th, 1H71. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN I ANY PERTON WISHISO TO IXVET IX MiU imniertv can secure a bargain by an- Slvlng bnnwlLHelv to the Buena Msta Saw lilt Co. This Sawmill Is in good rnnnliv; or der, antl the demand for Inmber Is Increasing. Tliere Is aim a new Planing Machine, all com plete, and one of the latest patents. For further information address the nader signed. A. J. BUIIARDSOJf , fm. llnena Vista Saw Mill Co. Nov. 11, wtf THE CONTINENTAL LIFE IN SURANCE CO. OF N. Y. ISSUES MOKE POLICIES IK 1870 THAX any other Company in the world. Local and Special Agents wanted throughout the siate. Apply to A. A. WEBBER, Gcnsral Agent for Oregon. Salem, Nov. 31 tf Continental Life Insuranoe Company. In 1870, this Life Insurance Company issued more iioiides inan any otaer tjotnpaQy la tiie world. " At the same time it exerulscd more enre than any other In aocepUng applications to sonire good lives, and these two facts fur- buh me uest secant y to insurers. Appiy to . a. w euocr, uenerai a Kent, aaicm. ixicai nts wanted throughout the Stale. noil Eichardson's New Method For the Piano-Forte. This well-pmved method has been U years before the public Carefully prcparol, and highly recommended at the outset, it hasstcad ilv increased in imbllc favor, until, some years tJnrc It falrlv Increase I the hlehea lKMltion. and seems likely to retain It for a long tone. naaid Sle 25,000 Copies. Coinniencimt to take lessons now-a-la.v, ami lMirolwiisr a "Ki.-.hardmn" arc very & to be cotcaiporaneous events Price, 13.71. Sent posHakl, for the retail jinoo. OLIVER DITSO COw BMn, C. II. DITSO.t A CO New York. National Chorus Book ! JUST PTBUSUXD. Contains a flne selection of Oratorio and Operatic Choruses, and a choice collection of new l.iees, uiiarteues, cc It is similar. In general design to wclMtnowa 'horus Wnvuh. Commended to Musical So cieties, Oonveutioaa aad Choirs. Prlre, flWM. Sent, post-paid on receipt of retail price. OUTER DITSOK fc C g fat. C. II. DITSOK CO Hew Tortu Nov. Slw2w THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST! Tha Agency of tbe Celebrated Mason k Uamlin Organs, -AJfD- CHICXERi::3& SCM'SPUL':C3 Is now for the first time oermanantly estab UcHaH in nmwiL A lane and cumilete stock will be kei on hand and sokl at the antnutac torers reduced price. Tbcso Insirornents are well awown tnnwmwtn reival the highest premiums wherever ev il listed. W have ansobclted ttnotilali in their fa vor from tha best aansical taleat of Knrope and America rm- dfirahtUtv. atvle of Bi and qnaiut... tone they are amsqualed. very Instrnment fully warranted for flive years. " '' ' Illustrated Catalogues tent on application. C1LL t STEEL. 7 rTMt Mrf, PrtlwjMl, nov-U ' ' - ' iAsentslur Oregon. great Atrrun Tcr.:& Btgu-'s talial Q'lir rf taSays fcrk, A pleasant cordial whVh strerwthena and lre provea tbe UUresllon, an excel lent preventive of rovers, rover aad Acoa, c, and a creat Uenevator and Tonic for Invalids and debilita ted aersona. HmEaLAX Co., New York, Sole (antifactarers. Sokl by all Drumrlsta, anlwlmf BaM-kwkteat rkmr, rrealk Uromial. Good Butter aud Honey, at COX KABHAarra. k 1 20.O0O Pound3 tOf rM AO Ktods) af Hsttt ; At s i tcorr 8t at Nor. 19th, 1871. 7000 CHERRY !TR2C3 woodburn rjunsznr. For 23 uents anla-e. ole, Tartet le. " Ad ' dres . H. BSXTIXMMWM, , wlm . . . Cierraia Ogo, 02O A DAYr rO MALE AM) FtMALE agents To Introduce the catebrated tSBBaMStV WiHle Hrmtmm Machlaa, StUch aliM on both sides, and Is the only llmwiuiil Btsanl Machine in the Uinterl Mates mr le-w than tM that nsesrhe eeleijrated ' VTILSOX ruOJ," aad are aekssnvledgod by all to be lhe BEST FAMilY KACHINE - for txwvy and light sewing, fa the i twint ire. ,- . . ddresa ' Ml SUB V nEAfWm. TO THE TRADE. WE ARE NOW PRKPABKD U RE celve orden for ViU lt tut next season, to be maaniaolaPBd dnrlnc the wtular. ami delivered to dealers during tbe spring. We xhall make-a full supply VIUTOatr Jars. Have also ooiiilettd airangements to nnniiCkitura MALIK'S PATEXl t'KCU JAU, wun procetain i . A sent PaclfUGlasa'WorV. novlS Noa. Sli 514 Washingtooa The UneqaaM J-- ' SIAHON fTATvTT.TTV, . ,.t '- 1 ALSO" ..'.; TAYLOR V FARLEY'S. .We fcse the best, and will not he levsslil. ana taix, steei. co. . FLORENCJE , 8 E W INC 1.1 AC II I W E 3 . Tbe Flore noa is the Vest Sewing Machine, for family Qe, because it to teldota gctj out of order ; if there is one ia the Stata of Oregon not working well, if I am informed of It, I will Gz rt without any expeoaa to the owner. . ' SAMUEL HILL. 19 ttlontgomer Sre;t South. GRAND HOTEL BUILDING, .. SAM FBAHtmCO CAUFOBKIA. : CI LL, STEEL A CO., AGENTS, ftAXEX, I t J , atEUS. SEND FWCIRCULAR$. ar-Activs Ageata waatad ia every place. . oetSl THE LITTLE C0RP0&1L, Aa Tl nst rated Magasioe for Boys and Gbila, and older People who have young hearts. The Little Corporal aims to late and Instruct the young; to cultivate In then a love for reading good and nieful liooka; and to maae inem wiser nooiar, ana eewar. The Little CorporaL "The Little Corporal HAOAEnrr, fcr boys and girls, hi the very best jnvetille maua zine nubliHhed. It entDtovs tha beat aad nose entertaining writers nr children la the u try, auu tumisnes more vaiuaoie rsaoang mat ter for ta price than any other magasine, Medical journal, jiimtro, iv. . The Little Corporal. "In selectina- reodimr matter for the Quirilv. the children should not ba omrlonkad. U Is nnlte probable that the impression ahav receha from books has as much Inflnesue npoa their lives aaov other. This neat and wetUllw t rated morithlv is to well adantad lo Uie wants nf tbe class, that is rapidly takmg ttteplacaaf all others." Enterprise, BametvilU, Q. , .The Little Corporal. ATI new snbsci llieia tnrlgix. siliusu-ssmies and money (10) are received before Ibiii i first, will reaielve the remainlnat najnbers of this year FREE, beginninc with Uk annUi ra which their names are received. Elegant Premiums for Clubs ! Acenta wasted to raise chiba. Bend stamn for a 9necunen X umber with New PreaaHua List. , Teran, 1 JWalaar, Address JOHN E. MILER, Publlhr, Nov. 14. w8m ' Chicago, Ilk Satan in Society. A New Book of Universal and Abi ding Valuei Cnmnlntn In- on fanrn - IS Bta Vomca bnnnd in rreen vellmn, which treats of sub- Jei4s of vital ImpnruuMO to evwif IBM and wonau. It should he In every family aad la the bands of every ynong man la too asea States. It la sold by fcubscriprkm only. Agents wanted ta every ooun? in ine i.isss for this and other valuable workx. A'kkosa . JOHN 6PERH-V- t Salem, Nov. 1SL . fiakaaOgm. salem Candy MAKUFVCToaY, Caauaaerc-aal PUt SAIJEXt OBEQOS (Opposite the Stateanaui Omoe.1 The L'mierslgned macufactuses aU ktadaof plahw axd wascv caivdy, Andeiigafteatqathevatitnd wfil eefl them as cheap as tbey can be bought In this ttate. " O. tJtMVmn 4c Caw CarAU who have colds come and try roy Cough Candy. dW VSOSSURMKaSCaXY. ; J. H. Settle nun-, at Woodborn Station. 0. A C. B.- IL, Martoffi onuty, can fill ordsrs from hit eztenaiv Bntaarias fbr all sorts of . .- . - t FRUIT.; . SHADE. ''I u : -i ' s -. 0R5AMKSIAX,, u4 -' SVt BIAEX24 " TREES. park. Ckoiea Salsotiow tt Stobbory. Addrast ordsn ta , f ,i - j. b:.8KIT14:WEe.; . ; ocUltrtf : carfaja QrafO'- J. f.1. REELER & CO. 5 UlJEETT.bTj, htW TURK. . obbisoh axo , aoarrH--jr-En co;.u.us$::jJiGEncT, For birvirar and firarnf . M tstb . mus Rail andCa)e Horn, wtth Sen fTaaclscoeoanoctlons, all classea. and varieties of Merehandise, ', aad for saleof Kxporufaant - too-jiortJB-Weat. - . ; Advance made' ow tfnirrrred eonalubonta, and orders respectfully solkAed. - AU orders aad bnelntns jstli receive arranpt attentton... .,st--, , . , ltefcrencet. , !.T Matkmal aA. Bank. - atoeae A. .. 4C. . Tllton, 63 Liberty Jreet. - F ' - - Meawa. J. L.rBiWnttf A Bros.. Baakaw. ' Messrs. BJey, AlilUw XhoosM, ooot h Street. - j ; ,' otusoost. '; r alessTA La 11 iTlilnn." Bankers Portland. A. A. MoCurh", n. , Kalna, Stationary Engine. ' Jones ft Pattersr, oflVr for sale a Steam trnsine, (newt 10 lauh aorcM bath MMke, t lroa Bed, feet Von, la iBobea wkto. lachea decv Crank Shall a feet lone, 4 Inches ta dt anster. Baku Wheel, 6 feet a Inchee la diameter, aad wefcths l,te poenda, - ; . Prioe m dallvared at Itottlaad.'. ' SaJeohOdUti., : . . . Mw .0,000 PRICK FOR SALE fS.OO PJEil THOUSAJKO By BROWrlai EMCLAND. &tlom,Ntar. UUu , ,. v. ,. . I M