A Talk About RrsifcfcB. n lookin? Weekly subscription hfcaWhr gratified to ascertain that only 'about ono hundred and fifty of tie largo and inching list have selected pay up for tbo year p hW that number ore for fs ft two years. With Jiealol i nd fl mancial abTKty of M people of Oregon, the (.ublishcr of this paper decided, without de .n:.y.din3 prepayment, to reduce tb price tr advance tbrrrtia & P annum, and b. graced to find that his confidence was well place.l. Those who Vave not promptly F are in many instances ofeIrt sad the f jilure to nay is merely neglect Their wf- ,r.,f,u rill I' ci-i to it kereaterojit tSty that no cr-tt '' remain fur further ,uUit, and, to be plain about it, we want them t pay up, and that quickly, for we re tusking great improvements in the Statesman, and we aeed all that is due us to in making the paper more interesting. T5:low wo publish a. list of agents for the Statesman, and thoae who ewe us for the present year are requested to make early payment to theni, or to send as the money iu a registered tetter. Those who owe for former yeaTS will be invariably charged tbf. oaiLAKS per annum. Those who pay wkhia six mouths of the commencement of the year can re mit two dollars a.nb A HALF coin, and t'.ivse term) will be incariab! followed. If two dollars an4 a half is sent after six imintks. tke sender will ho credited lor ten months subscription. To any person sending us two new sub ...,.r. will send Woods' Htituchold Mugnziue, pnKE, and, sea it tree (o the individuals who subscribe. Tony person sending us Sre new sub scribers, we will send the Herald if Healthy free, and send 11W.' JJojJie to each subscriber. Hero is achaace for young people to cam cajitj both magazines for family reading Sond us six new subscribers and you can have tlicui both. We make this offer to render the States- ma!! more papular and to give a premium to secure increase of circulation. Agents tor the Statesman. Baker City La Urande Delta, W. T Walla Walla. W. T Idaho City, I. T.... Dalles Portland East Portland....... rsgsn City Jiillsboru Lafayette ..... AlcMinnvilie ... Amity Day ion , Av bcatlaud Zuna Jtethul Grand Konde Dallas lii idgeport Eol:l.... Itu-krcul Louisville Lincoln Monmouth Independence liuena Vista ISutteville Gcrvai Waronda Jlriioks' St. Louis ridverton Sublimity Aums-viLe JerTornti Albany Kl-M ..... Lebanon Brownsville Cottage tiroce , Crawti.rd.-'viliu lLirrifbur Toledo .. Kntfoc City Oaklind Kostliurg Canynnvillo Jacksonville Empire City Chete . EMensburg Klntuath Klamath Ashland Yoiii'atlu W F. McCreary M. Baker W. N. Smith ...II. Parker K. P. Plowman S. Brooks ,...... Stitzel A Upton ..A.M. Loryea X Co J. M. Bacon W. D. Hare Dr. Poppltton ....Dr. L. Henderson G. E. Uotehell J. A. Taylor , Post Master D. J. Cooper J. II. Hawley (1. C. Litchfield J. L. Collins , J. Hollinahcad J. II. KSy U. Clark I. Stents Abrams & Co W. Waterhousc J. Somerrille W. W. lieach Post Master I.iuus 1! rook i J. D. Taylor Smith & Crossen It. S. Swarti D. Simpson II. A. Johnson ht Kliun K. K. Wheeler S. 11. Claujhton ludco Oieueul ... U. C. Lndcrwood P. V. Crawford tlirain Smith ....U. Simpson & Co J. F. lirown J. It. Ellitei H. C. Stanton Post Master Max Mul er Judge Skinner J. Cressirell F. A. Stuart (,eo. Atirsc D. AppU-rnto ..L. Applegate ,..J. Applegate C. Calvin .... I. A (.(Mil) CJIAMF. We have selected two excellent futnily m.-iaziuc, the publishers of which are oniiuin to find a circul -tion in Oregon, and offer to rlub with us at half their rates, and we propose to give our subscribers the bent-fit of the uffcr, and ti furni-a them, as premiums, to new subscribes. The llernltt if Ilealih is a very valuable magazine, which affords a great variety of important and interesting reading relating to pror living and to laws of health. We have frequently mentioned it editorially nad we can heartily recommend it. The regular subscription price is $2.00. We offjr the SrATn.sM.ts aud the Herald if To Old Subscribers i fir ..1.50 .. 3.00 To New The money to be sent direct to this office. HWV H mich'd l Mrijtziue is a very proper journal which employs the most dis tinguished writi r., the last number contain ed articles from Horace Greeley, Theodore Tilton. James Part-.n, Thomas K. Boccher, Gail Hamilton and others of fim rank. The regular subscription price i- fl.OOl We nffiT tUo ST.iTr.snAX and lloors old subseii'iM-rs for., new .S3 00 .. 2 50 The money to be sent us dire.tr. Wo will .-eld for any present subscriber, w'io has paid up, either or both of theso Magazines, if they fend the 50cts. or $1.00. We believe each to bo reliable and we guarantee ro order the magazine: and to send th t ui'ioey for them, bat tnako no oth er guarantees. Take Notice of Errors. Our subscribers are requested to notice if their tags bear the proper date to which they have paiJ, and if any mistake occur they will please call attention to it. Our late Agent at Empire City, J. ,M. Parker, failed to do business satisfactorily and our subscribers there may have paid him money we never heard of; in fact, we know that has been the ease, so they can take their receipts to Judge Skinner and it will be made right. oi.ossal Bridges. In n-gitnl to Ii i(ljje4iulldin5, we "ve a rel"i"k fole period. Ciiifimiiiti hsx-i now the pvate.t stuiiwioa bridge completed, wliicli will Imj ordy surpiiswed by thoe over the Kast river, between New York and Brooklyn. Louisville lias iu great Ohio railroad bridge, over a mile in length, and coding one and a lialf millions of dollar. .St. Louis is -''iT colossal bridge over tlie .u.irrui waters the cohioiikmi Mn- Ui aud Mioiirl riveM ; while in Banal the iron International Bridjre, overtlie Niiigrn river, is progressing . fairly, the fourth caisson being sunk in forty-two feet of. water, while the piers, each twenty feet above the water, are being connected by tempo rary scaffolding. The land abutments are of the most solid kind, and found ed on the lime-rock below the Kind. It will rest o:i seven piew with iron art-lie, and, with t!ie embankments, it will be over half a mile long. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH, Washington, Nov. 9. Vincent Colyer received 41 letter fi-om Indian .Agent Stout, dated Gila River, Oct. ism, compiamnter tnat white men at the head of the Gila river had taken water for themselves, so that the Indi ans were deprived f tlieir irris-atinc ' ffronnds. Chief Cliin Knm announced his intention of asking permission to lrive the whites oft". The Indians will hav to move away if tlie water does not come, or else starve. These tribes lieretofore Iiave beeen neaceable. 'i'liev claim lands on which the whites are now settled. XVW YoiiK, Nov. S. Tliere is a general feeling of demoralization ainoirg (defeated Tammanvites. Many of them who were confident of election were surprised at the resttlt. As a general thing they spent largely of their means. It U said some of them are bankrupt. I-t night Tammany Hall was deserted, and tlie enthusi asin of membeis who could be found at club rooms througlKmt the city, seemed departed. Itelbrmei-s lx-lieve Kossa would have defeated Tweed had he been given a fair show at the polls. Thieves and rowdies had control of the district, which accounts tor the re sult. Tlie election is to be contested. The great victory for" Reform was the principal topic to-day iu all circles throughout the city. At the City Hall flags were displayed in honor of tlie result. Politicians in the pay of Tam many seemed lewUdered. Upon the doors of the Mayor's office a large placard was posted, ln-nring the fol lowing ; The downfall of Tammany Hall.'7 Leading Democrats of the State and city are lieginning to talk about nominating Cliarles O'Connor as Democratic candu late for President. Albany, Xov. . The Evening Jottrii'U figures as follows : Forttenat. ' 24 Republicans 6 Democrats and 2 Reform Democrats. For Assembly, 1)0 Republicans, 33 Democrats aud 5 Reform IX'inocrats. AVasjunotox, Xov. 8. All cases continued at this term of the Supreme Court of the United States after Mon day next will be put at the foot of the calendar of the next term, unless oth erwise specially placed by tlie Court. This will put off all cases so continued for at least two years. The President and Secretary of War had a conference relative to squatters on the Osage lands. If they sliall not remove in compliance with the notice of the Secretary of the Interior they will be ejected with military force. Executive Department, ) State of Wiconsix, v Madison', Nov. 8. ) To the People of the United States ; Relief committees inform ine tiiat the supply of clothing on hand, or in transit and ready for shipment, will be sulllcient for the sitftercrs by tire in this State. Xo further contributions of this kind are needed now. Your generosity has comfortably clothed the needy for the winter. They would not tax your lilx-rality a moment longer tlian is necessary, and gratefully thank you for you liberal and timely aid. (Signed) Lt'CiUS FATncilii.n, Governor. General Schofield will be placed in control of the Indians of Arizona, and will be instructed to bring them in nj)on the reservations and keep them there. They will lx? fully protected in their rights while on the reserva tions. If they leave to go on the war path they will tte punished. Atlanta (Ga.j, Xov. 8. T.he Sen ate lias Kissed a resolution denying the existence of Ku Klux. A commit tee was appointed to summon the Judge of the Superior Court as a wit ness, and oll'eriitg legislative aid to enable tlie committee to get all tlie facts of the alleged disorder. The House passed a bill reiiealing the act to pre vent the collection of taxes of IS$ and 1S(50. Xew Yokk. Xov. S. Tweed was interviewed yesterday. He said he was not prepared to answer question in reirard to his reported resignation, but it is pretty certain that the tvjiort is untitle. Tweed said that- the great success of the Reformers took lain by surprise. Tweed's counsel stated yes terday that they would hurry the trial of charges by the Reform Committee, and had no reason or wish for delay. The. Tribune says Tweed has been rapidly transferring property to other hands. A few days ago H. sold an other piece of property, which cost 250,0(K) to his son. He' has alt o lieen selling stock in various railroad.-; and other companies, in mo 4 instance at a sacrifice. He no longer tioilres as Director of tlie Third Avenue Road. His name is dropped for the reason that he has lately sold all bis stock in that line he had at the time O'Connor began yuit against hiin. He owned 700 sliares of the Metroimlilnn (in Co., worth $1.:W.".KK), and ordered its immediate stile after the suit was lie gun. Then the rate was !!"; he forced it on the market and sold it for about 1VHI. ' He is reported to have at tempted to sell the lease of tin; Metro politan Hotel. Clias. O'Connor says tlie Legislature will at once proceed to erase from the statute Itook the various laws that gave power to rascals who so nearly ruined tee credit of the city through mUgov erninent. Suits against, t lie Ring ollicials will not lie allowed to languish. It had lieen the object of the prosecution to place tlie evidence liefore the licople. iu order that it might lie protierly con sidered before the election, ami tints give honest citizens an opportunity of ousting the scoundrels who have de frauded the city ; but (he suits will proceed, as there was not any intention of allowing them to rest and relieve the roughs from the legal lash which they richly deserve. Iiigersoil returned to Xew York on Monday. He had lieen in constant communication with his friends, and ascertained that the limitation of the order for his arrest which had been granted against him expired on Satur day ; on Tuesday he voted at tlie polls of the Xineteenth Ward, the Tam many ticket. Yesterday lie sent a message to the Sheriff's oUice with the information tlwt he awaited his arrest with considerable impatience, and had a gentleman in readiness to sigultonds for his release. His arrest -cannot lie effected until a new order of arrest is granted. The W'nrlil savs the Republican ni:i jority in the State? .is from 12.000 to 17,000: the Legislature is two-thirds Republican in both hoti-es. CALIFORNIA Sax Fkaxcisco. Xov. 0. Elder Miles Grave, the revivalist, who tilled a successful engagement here last season, returns to California in l)e cenilier, aud will spend most of his time in Sacramento during the coining session of the Legislature. At the Pacific race course five horses started iu the running race, two-miles and n-jietit, for a purse of tHOO. The race was won easily by Atchiusoti, in two straight lieats. Time, 2:47 and 2:4:$'... It could have Ihmjii done in inuelf less. He was the favorite in tlie pools. The bigrace of tlie week conies off to-morrow, being a single dash of a mile and a lialf, between Atehmson, Nell Flaherty and Demoreta Mare, which came out from the East a year tf nee. The fastest time ever made on the coast is looked for. Mrs. Lippineott, liettcr known as Grace Greenwood, the authoress, is stopping at the Occidental. The liarkent'me . Webfoot. of the Portland line, having gone into the dry dock on account of the leak, it was found that the leak pnxveded from the sword of a gword-ti.sli, driven through the planking and nearly ten inches bevond. It is presumed tlie fish mistook the vessel for a wluile, but dis covered the mistake. Flora Meyers, a line, hxiklng Jewess, was arrested here this evening on the charge of being accessory to the mur der of a hackmau nattier I Levy, at I'ct aluma last week. San .Josk, Xov. 0. While Mr. and Mrs. Powers, of Calaera Valley, with their two children were driving to Milpitas, and while ascending a moun tain grade it being quite dark Mrs. Powers and tlie two children was thrown from tlie wagon upon tlie lower side of the road. Mrs. Powers was instantly killed, and one of tlie children severely otuiuied, but will probably re cover, MEXICO. Mexico, Oct. 30. Anarchy prevails in many States in Mexico. The rev olution in Xueva Leon still continues and the revolutionary movement is spreading in other Province. The revolutionists of Seacatecas invaded the State of San Luis Potosi. Numer ous bands of men are sacking villages and haciendas in the State ofHidalgo, and robberies are committed in sight of the gates of the city. The author ities of the State of Oaxaca have neg lected to promulgate tlie re-election of Juarez. tt llOPKAN H EWS. London, Xov. 9. The Lord May or's show, with tlie usual display and procession to v estramster Hall, took place to-day. Toast to tlie diplomatic corps, which was fully represented, was responded to by Schcuck. In the course of his remarks he made a feel ing allusion to tlie sympathy shown for Chicago iu its great calamity. His siieech wtn loudlv applauded. Gladstone, replying to the toast of Her Majesty s Government, said he be lieved the sentiment of friendship had attachment which had been expressed by tlie Minister of the United States on the part of the American people for their brotliers in Great Britain were universally felt in the breasts of both nations. "When." said Gladstone, with much earnestness, "the American Minister sjioke of relief for Chicago, the lieart of tliis great hall answered him. America litis been before equal ly ready to pour out her treasure tor our relief. The Treaty of Washington not only obviated future controversies, but was an extension of the interna tional code, which was the most re markable of the triumphs of modern civilization, and might -ossibly inau gurate a peaceful arbitrament of all disputes among nations." The Pre mier concluded by declaring that Eng land had little to fear from internal trouble; that the International Society, a source of so much apprehension to her neighbors, caused no uneasiness here. Paws. Xov. 9. A terrible explosion occurred in a coal mine near St. Etienne while the men were at work. Xone of the men were recovered alive. Twen ty two bodies have lieen taken out, and thity are still in, eight of whom are supposed to lie dead. The explosion was caused by tire damp. Berlin, Xov. 9. Extensive strikes are reported at Elliing, an important port In Eastern Prussia, noted for manufactures, sugar refineries, woolen and other factories. EASTEHN NEWS. Xew Yokk, Xov. 9. Tweed will not resign. He was at his office "this evening, and will take his seat in the Senate oiiening day. O'Donovan Rossa will contest the scat, On account ot illegal voting and false canvassing, to prove which he is said to have plenty of witnesses. Washington. Xov. 9. A Spartans- burg (South Carolina) letter says eleven members of the Ku Klux were arrested on Friday night. All who could give bonds liave been admitted to bail, and are making preparations for trial. Delegate McCorinick, of Arizona, lias lieen in consultation during the week with I'resident unint (renenil Sherman, the Secretaries of War and the Interior, and is understood to say that a new programme for the control of Indiaus iu Arizona will be satisfacto ry to his constituents, if strictly ad hered to, and if Gen. Crook is sustain ed in his dealings with hostile Indians. the htth cavalrv is ordered to Arizona to relieve the third, and will proceed there at once. McCormick litis pro tested against the acts of C'olyer dur ing his visit to Arizona. He says he is satisfied thev were not authorized and not approved by the President. He denies that there was anv purpose on the part of his constituents to mis use C'olyer, and says they do not wish war measures an hour longer than is leeessary to convince tlie Apaches that they must cease robberies and murders. Arizonians object, however, to the assertions tlwt these Indians as a class arc honest and peaceably dis posed or ever have lieen. C-iHCACO, Aov. '.. the Muiervisiirg Architect of the Treasury Dcjtartmcnt is here, and says Government will pro ceed early in tlie Spring io re-erect the Government buildings dest roved by tire. The old sills will lie used, but the plan is to secure an entire block. and make building' enough to accom modate all the United States ollicers of every kind, including courts. Judge Willi:tms of tlie Criminal Court of this citv, iu his charge to the grand jury referred to the eases of homicide which have come before them, and in this connection warned them against lieirg influenced by any one not ot tlirir muni er m imiuiig in dictments. He referred to the. pnlv- lished letters purporting to be from the Governor of tins State to the Attorney General and District Attorney, calling attention to certain parties (Gen. Sher idan, Mayor -Mason, r. I.. Sherman aud others and cautioned them partic ularly not to allow themselves to he influenced by them, and to pay no at tention to them. This liortion of the Judge's charge was carefully worded. tuil admistercd a severe rebuke to the ! iovernor for his cour. c in regard to thcGrosvenor tragedy. Xew YoitK. Xov. lo. Tammany member of the Board of Aldermen and Assistant Alderman held a secret caucus veduesdrv night, and it is Ih-- lievt'd they will attempt to bold over another year, on tlie same grounds that other ollicials hold over, alleging thas theeleclion of the new Board this year is unconstitutional. Some damaging exposures ot leaders are threatened unless they are backed up in tlH".r claims. Tweed litis not given notice of his apjicaraiiee to the Prosecution Attor ney. Unless he dors so within twenty days from date of service, the case will go against him by default. The Sun says a well informed gen tleman stated that Tweed would re sign from the Public Works Depart ment. The Mayor will appoint Gen. MeClellan. The Union League ( Inb. last night atlopted resolutions declaring the re sult of tlie election an occasion of uni versal congratulation to honest men: nothing short of a complete extrication of municipal affairs from party polities can rescue them from corruption and abuc. The labor of the recent can vass are only the beginning of the great work of reform on which the people have entered.. Latest returns from the State give the Republicans 1,7(100 majority. Tliere was an unprecedented amount of indejiendent voting, and the major ities for Republican Senators aud As semblymen are generally considerably larger than for the Shite ticket. The Assembly stands 98 Republican and :t2 Demoeritic. The citizens of Brookliu, without distinction of party, hold a mas meet lug this evening to deliberat j and tu t concerning the "frauds in cast'ng and counting votes at the recent election. Chicago. Xov. 9. The Trih ' this morning contains the following: ClilCAflO. Nov. 9th. "Editor Chicago Tribune Sir: Your'attention is respectftilly called to the following advertisment taken from ton lay's paper: To Contractors for Chinese Labor There will be a demand for the serv ices of 25.000 Chinese in Chicago and vicinity for the next five years, to he employed s stone and brick masons common laliorers, and in brickyards, and at good prices. (Signed) KDWIX C. BROWN, Xo. 2(ti East Monroe st. Chicago. California papers pleae copy. It seems to me if the above can be done, the problem of rebuild'nnr Chi cago at a cost which shall not lie utter ly ruinous to all will be solved. I should be pleased to liave you express your views editorially on the subject. E.L. BROWN." Answer We are opposed to the in tnxluction or Chinese labor in tlie city until it shall be shown that tliere is not etiough American labor to supply the demand. By American labor we mean labor of persons making homes in the United States, owing allegiance to tlie Government. We are opjiosed to tlie introduction of Chinese labor on the mere ground of cheapness. Tlie fact that a Chinaman is content with poorer fare than an American, has no family to supjiort ami no chil dren to educate, docs not furnish suf ficient reason for importing Chinese laliorers. If they come voluntarily, tliere is no way to prevent, tlieui. They liave the same rights under laws, and under the law of Heaven that all otlters liave. Tliey must be protected in these rights at all hazards. But we should look inon anv concerted move ment to bring them here in advance of any real need of them as unwise : hope it will not be attempted. Mr, Brown is a prominent and wealthy cit izen. There Is not a scarcity ot labor ers liere, many men and teams ltaving come from various points in the conn- try. It would probably be a losing speculation to bring Chinese or any other kind of laborers here at present, in any numbers. CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Nov. 10. Flora Myers, who was arrested here last night on the charge of being accessory to the murder of her would-be lover Levy, the liackman at Petaluma, by her accepted suitor, Ben. Edwards, says she came here to employ a first class counsel for Edwards and had already telegraphed to the Chief-of-Police. at Petaluma, that she would return voluntarily. She bore tlie ar rest calmly and composedly, but broke down utterly when taken to her cell, and appeared to suffer intensely. She will lie sent back to Petaluma to-day. The fall of wheat iu Liverpool to lis lOd. has depressed tlie market slightly! Wheat Lt of S00 tons to lie shipj)ed on farmers' account ;' market quiet at $2 502 (!(). Sale of 100 tons good shipping at $2 55. Oats It is now said that the Wind ward will take 500 tons to Oregon, part on Government account. We have heretofore drawn supplies from that State. Range 1 75(il !M). Returns from the Sheriffs of Nevada and Yolo counties, show that warrants issued against parties indicted in those counties, for lottery dealing, have lieen served. The Sacramento and Calav eras Sheriffs not yet heard from, and Jifdge Stanley to-day made an order for the former to apjiear and show cause why he should not be punislied for cantcnipt. Los AsoEl.ES. Xov. 10. Between 30.000 and 40,000 sheep are reported to have perished during the late p-eat sand storm iu the vicinity of Teliach ape Pass. Healusiiuro, Xov. 10. The band of robbers who have attacked the Cloverdale stage four times in the last three" months,' and killed one passen ger and wounded another, and for whom a reward of 0,000 has been triced. There were three arrests last night of members of the gang, who are the two Brown brotliers. Thos. Jones, Sampson llanxand a half-breed Indian called Foot, all of Cloverdale. Ilaux aud Sampson were arrested last night by Steve Venard and Deputy Sheriff' Renolds. They are after the balance of the gang. El HOPE AN NEWS. Paris,Xov. 10. In an interview, President Thiers authoritatively sta ted that when the Legislative Assem bly meets in the beginning of Decem ber, the Government will propose to end the provisional regime and estab lish a delinate republic. EASTKKN NEWS. Xew Yoi:k, Xov. 10. It is rumored that evidence has lieen discovered against 1. B. Sweeney, upon which it is proposed to ask his arrest. Charles O'Conner is reticent on the subject. It is said a cordial meeting lictweeu Senator Fenton and Collector Murphy took place last evening, and the hatchet was buried. Members of the Board of Aldermen are determined to demand their own appointment by the Mayor. In the event of his refusal, it is their inten tion to imiieach him for fraud and in competency." in having allixed his sig nature to" the Keyser and Iiigersoil warrants. Alderman Coman denies the latter part of the report, but says he has not any intention of vacating the office, and ln-lieves no certificates of election will be issued to the ollicers chosen on Tuesday last. A great indignation meeting, to de nounce the Brooklyn iJcmocratic Ring, was held tonight at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. The building was crowded. The Mayor presided. The President spoke at gnat length, prov ing that false counting of votes had taken place at every recent election, and declared that it Mas necessary to appeal to the Legislature for a law to require ivrtain qualifications in inspec tors of elections. The Government should lie changed and Commissioners abolished. United States Attorney Tracy said a gang of twenty repeaters went around openly on election day .and voted in a!mo.-t every district and ward in the citv, with tin? connivance of the police. At least 10.000 fraudulent Votes Were cast, and the number polled wasiu ex cess of the full vote of the county. Washington, Nov. 10. All 'mem bers of the Cabinet were present at the meeting to-day, which continued nearly four hours. The larger portion of the time was occupied on the re sult, so far. of (lie Service Committee, w hich were explained by Curtis, mem ber of the Board. Tlie Government aud Spanish authorities have not ar rived at an agreement respecting the Hornet, now tit llort-an-Prince mcii aiiced by Spanish vessels. It appears from Georgia iper that much alarm prevails under apprehen sion that the President will declare martial law in (hat State. Such is not the design, there lieiug nothing iu the present condition of any part of (eorgia to approve such an act. Prominent gentlemen attribute the prevalence of small-pox in Philadel phia aud oilier cities to tin? sale of buf falo robes taken from Blackfeet and Pigt ail camps where the disease pre vailed three years aj;o. At that tune they were forbidden to lie sold to t riders, but seven 1 months ago they disappeared from these neighborhoods and found their way elsewhere. New Yokk. Nov. 10. Rumors are current that Tweed is meditating Might. The Bureau of Municipal Corporation, composed of Charles O'Connor and his associate, on the prosecution of the city plunderer1, have -information to this" effect. Iu view of his having transferred so much of his pi-ojierty. and the overw helming evidence against him. as well in reference to the Erie Railroad frauds as those against the city, it is contemplated on the part of the Attorney General to ask increase of hi; bail. No answer has been put in Tweed's case, and no notice of ap pearance received. Yesterday a nuni licr of workingmen waited on Tweed concerning their pay, and were treat ed with much oIhc iiiiousness, Tweed promising that pay rolls should lie made out lorthwith. The Tiitmiii: commenting on the subject of Tweed's flight, says : Let him escjijx now, and we should lose the fruits of the late victory. Let his punishment N' hard lahur iu the State Prison the rest of his life. This is de manded by every consideration- of public and political morality." On the meeting of the Legislature a thorough reorganization of munici pal affairs will lie had. Bills are to be prepared by the Committee of Seventy, abolishing all otllces held by Tammany or eorrupt men in New' York and Brooklyn, including the judiciary down to the police. Nothing short of a clean sweep will be satisfactory. CALIFORNIA. San Fi:iCt-co. Nov. 11. Sub scriptions in aid of ('apt. Hopkins, of the Shelakoft". vi ho is reduced to pov erty by his shipwreck, and his family dependent on his exertions, are being taken up at the Mereliant's Exchange. The committee appointed to raise subscriptions in behalf of fanners of Stiii Joamiin Valley, Has issued a prospectus of the J oint Stock Farmer's Loau and Relief Association. They hope hi this way to relieve the neces sities of San Joaquin farmers and en able them to raise a crop, and event ually to return to subscribers the amounts advanced. A private dispatch from Grass Val ley says the managers of the Miner's Home Gift Festival have determined tlwt the drawing shall come off on the 1 5rh iust. No tickets will be cancelled or prize reduced, but owing to pros ecutions having rendered the business a losing one, the otlier schemes an nounced will lie v ithdrawn, and'lhis will be the lat affair of tlie kind in the State, unless the Brooklyn, or one. of those at Sacramento is drawn. San Francisco, Nov. 11. Wheat Eight hundred sacks choice, $2 GO; 1,000 stick do, in two lot. $2 50. Flour Three hundred tiarreLs Har rishuig and Imjierial. and 500 barrels Salem extra, all Oregon brands, at agents rates. City brands joWiing, superfine, f 503("75; extra, $7 45s 7 50. Biirlev Eight hundred sacks feed. $2; 1,000 sacks coast, $1 400 sacks choice brewing. $2 10. Oats Continue active. Sales em brace 1,000 sack good, $1 80 ; 2.000 sacks do. ft ISO ; 1,000 sacks choice, fl 85 ; 2,000 sacks do, $1 So. Hay Only two cargoes were offered this morning, one of which sold at $22 ( and tlie other at $21 per ton. Totatoes Tomales, $7 00S7 50; Humboldt, 95c; Sweet, quotable at $1 75. Onions Prices variable, say 50c $1 25, according to condition. Sale of 100 sacks good, $1 00. Governor Ilaight and Hon. Newton Booth liave united in a letter to Chas. A. Turtle and Sydney L. Joh.ison in viting them to tliorouglily examine tlie codified lawsif California as complet ed recently by the Commissioners, and give the Legislature tlieir opinion and advice on tlie word, tliat body making an appropriation to compensate them for tlieir trouble. A number of Chinese cigar factories were seized this evening by tlie U. S. Marslial, on a cliarge or defrauding the United States revenue by fraudulent return of cigars manufactured. Receipt of oysters from Shoalwater Bay within the "past two days amount to 12,500 basket. HEAi.nsiinto. Nov. 11. Steve Ve nard and the Sheriff's party to-day captured Sampson, Big-foot, tlie Indi an, and Brown, three more of the Cloverdale stage robbers, and have them in the Ukiah jail. There are numbers more who are suspected of belonging to the gang. ARIZONA. Los Anc.ei.es, Nov. 11. From the San Bonardino (hiftrdian we get the following: "On Monday morning the stage left Wickenlierg, with seven pas sengers, for San Bernardo; when about ten miles out from Wickenlierg it was attacked by aliout thirty Apache Indi ans. At the first fire the two passen engers on the outside of the coach with the driver Dutch John were killed. Inside the coach were five passengers, three of whom-were killed. William Kuger, of Prescott, and Miss Mollie Slieppard were wounded, and escaped to the brush. Mr. JlCuger defended himself and Miss Sbepjiard with a six shooter. Tlie Indians did not follow them, and they escaped and readied Wiekedlierg. though both are severely wounded. The killed are, Fred. Sho holm, F. M. Loring, N. X. Solomon, P. N. 1 lamed, C. S. Adams and tlie driver. Iohu Frit.. Tho bodies of two men were found fifty yards from the stage, scalped. Thev plundered the baggage and mails and killed one of the horses. Everything here is excite ment. Parties went out and brought in the bodies of the dead, with the scattered mails and baggage. The wounded are here and cared for. Par ties are to start in pursuit this morn ing. STATE NEWS. Portlnml. From tlie Portland dailies we learn the following: The United States Grind Jury yes terday presented two indictments against violaters of the United States laws. The names of the indicted persons are withheld until they shall have been taken into custody. St. Clair, the man arrested on the clurge of attempting to bribe a wit ness to leave the city and not appear before tlie Grand Jury, had an exam ination yesterday liefore Judge Denny. The matter was taken under advise ment until this morning. The authorities of Benton county liave sent to the County Commission ers of this county, a bill amounting to $'.(, for the cure and burial of Prof. Clute, the tight rope walker, who was killed by falling from a rope, while performing in Corvallis, some time since. Tlie Benton county folks claim that Clute was a resident of this city, and, as a consequence, Multnomah county should pay the bill. The mat ter was before the County Commis sioner yesterday, and upon investiga tion it was ascertained t hut the Profes sor was not a resident ben-, and bad never lieen otw. The bill was ac cordingly sent back to Iteutoti county. Minerva A. Woodcock was ysterday committed to the Asylum for insanity. She. resides in Powell's valley, and is 50 years of age. Family troubles are said to be the cause of her insanity. A few days miicc we mentioned that owing to tlie scarcity of spikes, work on the West Side road had been sus pended. Since then the Ajax ha ar rived bringing a large quantity of material, including spikes, and ac cordingly work has Ix'en resumed. The trick Is now laid to a point ten miles distant from the city. The Ajax sails for San Frnicist Monday, at 1 o'clock. IVillmiielle Vnllry. From the Albany UnjiM'r we learn that Judge Thornton has sold his line 700-acre farm in Benton county, just across the river from this city, to Dick Williams Esp, of Salem, for the sum of SN.000. Judge Thornton will re move to Salem. The stage line lietwecn this city and Corvallis has changed hands, we are informed. Bill Camion, of this city, is still-contractor, and as Bill is an old hand at the business, we may expect punctuality and expedition under his management. The Dallas ltrtW; in ot Nov. 11th, say : Our District School, under the able management of Mr. M. Ogteshv. as sisted by Misses E. A. Witten and' A. E. Scriber, is progressing very satis factorily. There are at present over one hundred and sixty scholars inot of whom are improving rapidly. The addition of music aud French classes supplies a want that ha long been felt liere, and is a great success. The same paper states tliat a large amount of gram is lieing sown this fill. It is quite common to hear farm er remark tliat tliey liave sown from fitly to one hundred and fifty acres and are still sowing. 4 The Corvallis Unxf 't,'. says that Junc tion City o.i the Oregoa and Califor nia Railroad, i destined to be. a place of considerable, importance at no dis tant day. The West Side Railroad will be completed to that place some time next fall and then bti shies will be lively. We are informed by Capt Robertson, who visited that place on Iat Wednesday, that there are three stores, three saloons, two large ware houses, a blacksmith shop and quite a number of dwellings already up and that it lias donned a business air. . Portland. From the Portland dailies we learn tlie following : The National Business College is now open for the winter term. It Is complete in all appointmentsjiiecessary to give a thorough education. Tele graphic apparatuses liave been placed in position ; everything lias been reno vated, and comiietent and dutiful teacliers are present to aid those desir ing an education which will give them position and comfort, if not iiifluence in life. Mayor Wasserman lia receive 1 tlie sum of $50 in currency, as tlie outri- tuition of Slieridan, Yamhill cautity to the Wisconsin and Michigan Relief Fund. Tlie amount w.is forwarJed by J. B. Morris and will be sent on by Mr. Washerman from this place imme diately. Tlie uunibar of teachers employed in all public sdroois. of Portland, Is twenty. Tlie number of children able to atteud school U two thousand and seventy, of which number lut oae thousand really attend. The amount "of money expended on tlie schools, during tlie past year, was thirty tliou- sand dollars. Tlie schojl property, of tlie district, is valued at one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Tlie citizens of Portland will be ready to put tlieir names on the peti tion memorializing Congress for aid to tlie Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake railroad. No time is to be lost, tlie canvassers are around. Every person Is expected to sign the memorial. Tlie young ladles of Astoria liave collected $46 for tlie sufferers by tlie recent fires in tlie East. They liave sent the money to Mayor Wasserman, and he has forwarded it. The United States Grand Jury was discharged last evening, all the busi ness liaving lieen accomplislied. The examination of ' Wrestling Joe," or Davidson; as is claimed by some, was continued over Saturday on account of tlie severe illness of tlie de fendant and his total inability to be in attendance upon tde session of tlie Court. On Saturday night a report was current tint the old man was iu a dying condition, and was not expected to live through the night. Although very low, the reiiort somewhat exag gerated his condition. Yesterday he was sfime better, but still very 111, and appearances would indicate tliat lie would not be able to quit his room for some time to come. Tlie examina tion, therefore, will necessarily lie postiioned until such time as tlie de fendant skill liave recovered his health sufficiently as to lie able to make his appearance iu Court. Miss Susan B. Anthony, prior to herdeiMirture for the Eastern States, .Will lecture at Orl . Fino Theatre on Wednesday evening next. We understand tliat the young girl who was the victim of tlie macinatious of Foster, will appear before the grand jury, and, accordingly, tliere need be no fears tliat he will escape punish ment owing to the absence ot the pros ecuting witness. Willamette Valley. From tlie W'ext-Side we learn the Circuit Court for Yamhill county con venes next Monday, Judge Bonham presiding. Tliere are forty-eight cases docketed. - Koathern Oregon. The Roseburg Pluimlealer says : We are pleased to learn tliat Miss II. Gillilland litis been employed by Mr. Powers, as Assistant teacher at the Academy. Miss Gillilland is a gradu ate of the Willamette University, and has had considerable experience as a teacher. Her appointment will give general satisfaction to tlie patrons of the school. , "Sh: Virgil Conn lias been appointed Deputy U. S. Marshal for this District. No lictter person could liave b.H?n ap pointed. GENERAL NEWS. Porllaud. From the Portland dailies we learn the following : The hearing of St. Clair, cliarged with attempting to induce a witness in a criminal action to leave the city and not appear liefore the Grand Jury, was continued iu the Police Court yester day until this morning. Yesterday a man whose name we could not learn was kickr-d in tlte face by a mule and severely injured, on the aiiyon road. He was brought into iwu and taken to the olliiv of Dr. iiltner. liere hi injuries were projt- r!v attended to. The concert in Ka-t Portland on Wednesday evening, to procure means to urchae an organ, was a vocal and financial success. Tlie receipts amount ed to something over $110, a neat sum r tliat place. The Philharmonic Society re-com neiHvd their rehearsal t Ia-t evening. The attendance was very good, and we may expert a treat when the next concert of this society is given. The County Commissioner for Multnomah county have made tlie fol lowing tax levy for tlie year 1S71 : Stale purposes, five mills ; military, half mill: school, two mills ; building tax. one and a half mills : county imr- poscs, eight mill-; total, seventeen m:lls. The steamer Ajax. which arrived on Wednesday night, brought up some twenty-five families of immigrants. l'hey all come prepared to "settle in Oregon and to engage In fanning. Some of them have already purcliased farms in Yamhill and Washington counties, while others will go up the Columbia toward Walla Walla. The estate which "Wrestling Joe" is trying to out am Kisessioii oi, is val ued at $:I00,000. This is rather a snug little sum; if one could obtain it after a life of poverty how it would make one enjoy life. The sailing of the steamer Ajax lias been postponed until the 13th Inst. (Monday next), 'when she will leave promptl" at tlx; hour advertised. Waxlilnxton Territory. The V'vifn Tribi'iif of Nov. 4th says that last week three men, em ployed in tlie stone quarry at Wliat coni, started out in a small boat and were capsized. Two were drowned ; the other rescued. All were intoxi cated. I'he Farmers' CIu!i liave voted to or ganize a territorial Association lor the development of the agricultural and inechanic-.ll resources of Washing ton Territory. A committe. ha? been appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws, to re port at next meeting of the Club to be held Nov. 13, 1S71. TheTeras "Victory." While the Democratic paiien are blowing over their victory in Texas. the only success tney nave nan tins year, it becomes interesting to know how it was obtained. Tlie Washing ton correspondent of tlie New York Tfibnne states tliat letters from Texas give part!enlar-a to Iww the Democ racy carried tlie State. Tlie Republi can vote in the more thinly populated counties has lieen decreased, and one of the ways of bringing aliout this re sult was for Democratic canvassers to call at tlie cabins and dwelling of tlie poorer people with a list of registered voters, and demand from each one an account of liow lie was going to vote whether for tlie Democrats or 'scoun drelly Radicals." These canvasser would tell tlie white voters wliat fear ful consequences would follow the List named vote ; bow they would lie scorn ed by tlieir own race, their children would lie Insulted and tlieir wive ostracised. If'a merchant or otlier person dependant on patronage. It was suggested tliat 1ms ot custom would Ie tliPcoiisequemw. The colored people were threatened with loa of work and consequent starvation. This sort ot thins was skillfully done, so as to avoid tlie law, and was very effectual ill its results. Miryxrille Appeal. A little boy. wlicn asked by a lady. If lie studied" liard at eliool, said, " do not hurt myself at it." "All," said tlie lady, "you mu4 study hard or you'll never lie President of tlie United States., "No. ma'am," cried the boy, "but I don't expect to be ; I am a Democrat." ' How to find hnppinesss Look in a dictionary. Moving for a new trial Courting a Hjcoud wife. Lawyers of the Past and Present. Colonel Forney writes : As marking the diflerenoe between the lawyers of the past and the pres ent, I lieard an anecdote of John Sar geant the other day which shows how the giants estimated their professional services, and by wliat sensitive and scrupulous rules they squared tlieir ac tions. A distinguished merchant, still living, called upon Mr. Sargeant for Us opinion in an important case, which was duly prepared and sent by one of the students of tlie great lawyer. Tlie mcrdiant opened tlie letter, and after glancing over it asked the student for tlie charge. He said lie did not know the contents of the paper and could not answer. Tlie merchant tlien sign ed a blank clieck. and sent it liacV to Mr. Sargeant by tlie same hand, with a message tliat he should fill it up with the amount of his fee. This very stu dent, now one of tlie leading mem liers of tlie Philadelphia bar, graphi cally describes the ell'ect of tlie com munication. - He says lie never saw a little man (Mr. Sargeant wa of slight stature) so suddenly toweriutoa giant. ' Mr. entirely misunderstands me, sir ! Go back to him, sir, say for me tliat I am tlie last jiersou living to fill up another man's check. If lie will examine the patter I sent, he will find my fee written in one of the cor ners." With this somewliat considera ble fle in bis ear the young man re triced his steps to tlie merchant, when tlie opinion was carefully insptttted. and written in vei-y small letters in the angle of one of tlie iKige-s were the figures 30. A Princely Pri-nrr. A London letter, in referring to the recent autum nal maneuvers of the British army, say : " Tliere is a good deal of quiet ridicule of the prince of Wales afloat. The Print is commander of a cavalry brigade, but litis never learned his business and therefore wisely declines doing anything or giving any ordcT in tin; field." So tliere is the whimsical spectacle exhibited of a commander In full uniform actually on tlie ground, and in the place where a commander ought to lie, so long as nothing has to be done ; but the moment an order is to lie given or a movement made, quietly vacating his place aud leaving the brigade to do as it likes without him. I'he jioor prince is not to blame for not knowing wliat be litis never lieen allowed to learn. But think of the system which makes such a thing itossible." Public Speaker and Mug-era will tlml limirn Bronchial Trnch" foene ll. Ltl In clearing the vol. e Ix-fore s-aklng or ringing, and relieving tlie thruat after any un usual exert Ion of Hie vrval organ, having a peculiar n laXton to aOtvtlona wlik-h illsHirli tlie organs of sjieevh. For t'oujrti awl Colds the Troches arc effectual. Sikvesg Uiiroiierlv reuanU-l as the eurest proof of merit. I'rcvioiw to W 17. the sale of l)n. v At.KF.it California ixfuak Bit TiJts were only no inih li n coulil be carriel alxHit Sin Kraii. t..-o tn a liasket hy one person, who left the nielK-tne on trial'. Since that time, this Mtanrlanl remerly na tnale its way to every Jiamlet in the PaWHc State?, ami is mm- eMeintinic it h sales with eqn il rapiiiHy in the Atlantic unl Middle -tates. The salea are now over "si,(i0 a month. Ami for all iliseas es of the stoiruu-h. liver, kidney?, hlaU!er, skin, or llol Hie Wttetxire a certain remedy. What DyNpepsia may End In. Indigestion is nut Utnerous says the faculty. Perhaps nut iu ltxelf, while it remains mere in digestion; but look at the on sequences to which It may lea'l, and often does lead when It becomes a chronic diseaH. A nitirk of fire isa small thing, A ). res.su re of th - foot will put It out ; a breath will e.Mlngulrh it. Yet It may Are a iwder mill, or kindle a flame that will consume a city. In like manner Indiges t itm may produce gastritis, cancer of the stoms ach, cot gallon of the bowels, aimplexy, liv er disease, and many other dangerous mala dies. Is it not wise, tlten, to check In the germ? XothitiR is more clearly and indLfpu ably established than that Ilostettcr's Stomach Bitti rs will eradicate dyiiepKia in all Its stage?. The Irue liollcy, however, is tocxtin g it in ih - liist stages with this wholesome, p merf il. and iiilhlliUV tm.lc and alterative. It is ca-lrr to uneih-h a spark than a flame, and it Is easier t cure dys-.ia when It is first tlcve'ope 1, tlian when it lias made headway by neglect, and lnvonK- complicated with other ailments. There is not Itic shadow of a doubt th it the bitters are as directly antagonistic to dyspc-ta as water is lo lire. There are thon- saii'U ef cases on record proving Ibis fact. The remedy is tstfe anil agreeable. All the liq'iors of commerce pre-rlbcd as stimulants. leave a sting behind, lint I he sting Is taken out of the sjrirituotifc ba-ls of this great remedy by vetfelable modicalion, and. rnreover, the stimulant thus medicated is of exceptional pu rity, (if all tonks taken as safeguards or renelies for fever and ague, bilious, remittents and other fall epidemics. It Is the only one that c:in iinll'onn'y lie deluded ujiori. SPECIAL XOTICES. mi i. i.i n uAYinsox, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Oltice o. 61. I'ront Street, in )1:ti.. n i . i in ki ; x. ItKM. IT TK IniliisCITYandK.VST I'OHTI. M. in the iif dcirable localities, .'insisting of I.1TS II.M.K IIUX'KH and BL'X'IvS, llitl Sr.s and smiths; also lMIMtnVKI) FARMS, ami va'uable un-cnlllv-i'el I. AM s. Iv:i!cd in ALL irtnol lite M A I r. lor a i.r- ItKAI, KSTATK "n,l 'er Pronertv ptirchssed fir t '"respondents In this CITi and inroutinom ine i i r. aim l i-.lilll n iiiir.s. wiih srrent rare awl on He mot AUVAN TAt;KOl STKKMS. IKU'SKS and STOIJKS LKASKD. LOANS NKilTtATKIl. and CLAIMS OK ALL lKSCKIPTIOX.s PROMPTLY COL- I.KIT K I . And a (o-ncral FINANCIAL-ami AtiKNCY HLslNESstransioteil. rUwtf DIVSOLUTIOX NOTICE. Tlie iiBrtnershtp heretofore existing InJllP name of Conke A Smith (itsMolre'l bv mutual consent. C. II. sml'h has rellrsl from the b'islness. having sold hl interest too. F. Den nis and It will hereafter be conducted In tlie name of Cooke & IHmnK J. COOKE. C. II. SMITH. Salem, Nov. 10 lm (OlinEltliAL HOTEL... The owners oniii tivignlllcent building are running tlie Hotel on tlieir own account until lliev lind alive man. up to the times in hotel business, for an o,viinnt. The Hotel ha hail many Iniimiveiits and a idltions in tlie as few days and will be kefit orlerlv and uiet, with clean ronm ami neds ana a urst-ciass tit Die Salem, Nov. Ill, 1S.7L estrayT Strave I, from mv iiace, near the old.J?ec' place, south-east of Salem alimit six, miles, aimmile (,rav Mare run v. H hands htch, natural pacer, SfKiulsh brand on letl htk. about 7 .-ears old. formerlv ownc I bv Major Berry. 1 will iav a reasonab'e reward for the return oi tne same or Mr uiiormatinn. Silcm, Nov. 8. JOHN EDDON ANOTHER REMARKABLE CURE OF A Chronic Disease of the THROAT LUNGS & HEART I wish to sav to the imbue, that I have lieen troubled with a diseax In my chest, lungs and heart for (lie last live year's and have been treated by doctors in San Francisco and Ore gon, but found no such relief as I have found since I commenced taking Dr. Abom's medl-i-tucs. w htch has onlv been alxuit four weeks. and I liave gained nine pounds in fact, I feel almost like a new man. I commenced im proving from the very first day, and hrfve con tinued lo improve ever since. Furthermore, I wmild say, that the Doctor's treatment Is en t irely different from any that I had ever taken liefore, I would sav lo all that are afflicted to give the Doctor a call, as they will find his natves reasonable and bis mcuclnes magtcil In their effect. W. I.. WATKTSS. Resilience at Kaker Citv, Oregon. Portland, October 41, Mil. HOKE WOXDEBFl'L CTKEN OF Diseases of the Eye. I have been very bail with sore eyes ; they were hk'htv IntlimRrC so tlutt I .-.mild'aM, iwili. tng out of the left eye. I had been In (lie army, and was tinder the care of a military il'vtor ior tnree mourns, ana ne ooniu ao not It Ing for me; Anally I got discharged on ac count of mv eye. I then came to Portland, and I heard of the good reputation lr. A born had in Portland, and I went under bis treat ment for three weeks, and now, thank God, I am cured awl able tn resume basinew. I had suffered oonstderablv before I went under his treatment. THOS. L. SUUOR MICK. fri?"rT. Aaorn's Ijibaratnrv, Conmlttnc ami Operating aiqsurlmeiitx. Corner of Third and Morrison rccttJ Portland. Oct. 2otb, 187L STRAYED. THE UXDEKRIGJiED HAS LOST A 80B ret mare, about sixteen hands high, and fair rears old. which was raised In folk mum. miles sonth of town, on MiU Creek, ftne has a light mane land one white font, and sa-Vlie marks. I will pay reasonalilc charge lor her rr urn 10 iiii . inncv, Derow BBiem. Salem, Nov. 7, lSiL AXTHOXY MASON. the LirrLB corporal; An Illustrated Magazine tat Boys Mid Girls, auu qkki ravpie wuu uavo jouiig ncarta. The Little Cokfobai. alms to Interest Sod Instruct the young; to cultivate In them love for reading good and useful books ; and to make them wiser nobler, and better. The Little Corporal. "Thk Littlk Corporal Maoakixe. for boys and girls, is the very best juvenile maza rine published. It employs the best and most entertaining writers for children In the coun try, and furnishes more valuable reading mat ter for its price than any other magazine. " tr.i . 7 t-i... . ir r The Little Corporal. . 'In selecting- readlnir matter for the familv. ' the children should not be overlooked. It is ?ulte probable t hat the impression they receive rom books has as much influence uion their iiYii. nsonv inner, inur neat ana weo-iuus-t rated month I v Is so well ailanted tn the wants of the class, that is rapidly taking Ihe place of all hers."--.fc'tierjrir, BarturtvilU, O. The Little Corporal. All new sulwcrlbcr for 1872. whose names and money (1JMH are revived before January first, will receive the remaining numbers of this year FKKK. beginning with the month in which their names are received. Elegant Premiums for Clubs ! Airents wanted to raise clubs. Send stamn for a Suecmtcn Number with New Premium List. Tenuis, 81.50 a Year. Address JOHN E. MIXER, Publisher, , N ov. 14. Him Chicago, 111. THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST! The Agency of the Celebrated Mason & Hamlin Organs, -AND- CHICKERIN3& SON'S PIANOS Is now for the first time nermanentlv estab lished in Oregon. A large ami complete stock will lie keiit on hand ami sold at tlie manufac turers reduced prices. These instruments are well known thronghntit the world and hare received the highest premiums wherever ex hibited. We have iinsolk-lted tet;m wlals In their fa vor f rom the best rmistcaf talent of Kunipe and America. For dura! Hit v. stvle of fluHi ami duality of tone they are unequale-d. Every Instrument fully warranted for flive years. Illustrated Catalogues sent on application. GILL li STEEL, 87 Front Stree, I'ortlniML, nov!3 Agents fur Oregon. GREAT AUTUMN TONIC. Bfgmaii's Cordial Elixir of Calisays Bark, X pleasant cordial which strengthens and Im proves the Ingestion, an excellent prevent ive of Fevers. Fever and Ague, Ac, and a great uenevaior aim ionic tor invauus ami item ma led jiersons. H eg em an Oi.. New York, Sole Mauiitacturers. Kohl by all Druggists. janiwim OK. ABORX OX. NASAL CATARRH. II IS EASE TENDING TO OOJtSUXPTION. This a chronic affection of the mucus mem brane of the nostrils or the throat, originating Iu irritation or Inflammation, ami attoisleil by more or less discharge. It Is one of the most common, most disgusting, and finally, most de structive of disease Incident to the variable climate of our northern latitude. In Its early stag" catarrh often falls to at tract the patient's attention, so Invidious In It approach. This Is an unfortunate circum stance, txvanse tne most ravoranie penna Mr trea'tnent is thus unimproved, and because of the peculiar dlsposion of the disease to extend upward to the frontal- sinuses, backward through the Kustacluan to the inildlcears.and down through the larynx, trachea, and bron-' c.tim, to trie air-ceus ot tne inngs. The discharge from (lie affected part Is at first a clear flni I, which mav escape oliscrvatlnn, unless Hclinoce to be of a more than usually acrid character. An-"time goes on this gives place to a fluid that Is thicker, and of a yellow ish green color, ami still later this may be suc ceeded bv thick flakes or fc-ales. In all the more advanced stapes the discharg es are generally of an offensive odor, causing great annovance to one's friends ami to the pa tient himself, while his sense of smell remains. This annovatk-e from the odor becomes almost beyond endurance, when, as. sometimes ha liens, the ileUcate bones of the nose become dis easeik Some cases earlv assume the character of Drv Catarrh. There Is then a feeling of un easiness, heat and stiffness in the nostrils, are often imie or both of them) closed by thick ening of the mucus membrane, and thus a dif ficult y of breathing becomes a permanent symptom. " On examining the nostrils In chronic catarrh wilhpnstnirnentsspeclally adapted totliat pur pose, we find tlieir lining membrane thickened and of a kier eolor than in health. There are seen little pointsof ttk-eratlon, u)ioa which the secreMon liecontes hardenei and forms crusts. When lliese are picked off the disea ed surface is irritated and frequently bleeds profuselv. In each case of Catarrh the prominent symp toms are determine! by the direction in which the disease extend. If this be upward there mav be pain over and between the eyes, ob struction of the lachrymal ducts causing the tears to flow over the cheeks, and possibly an thalmia -Inflammation of the eve. If back ward, there will be tlric.keningof -the walls of the Kitstavhlan tubes, and consequent tenden cy tn their obstruction, inflammation of the middle ear, buzzing sounds in the head, and Im pairment of heating. Wlien the extension Is ' downward, the vok becomes hoarse of whis pering and unmanageable; cough come on, with exiiectoratton ami emaciation, to be fol lowed too often by Consnmislon ami Death. In cases wliere the hones of the nose become diseased, not onlv Is the offensive ness of the breath Increased," but there Is a llaMllty to se rious iwrsonal deformltieav among wlik-h are flattening of the nose. Tlie swallowing of catarrhal secretions de ranges tlie function of the stomach, causing Indigestion and loss of appetite. Debility, pale es, lassitude, hea'ltehe and disturbance of mind soon follow. In some Instances the mental affection Is one of irritability, the pa tient being andulv annoved by all the little perplexities of life. In others, the prominent reeling is that of the me lane holy or depression of spirits, when the invalid can see no hope for himself or his affairs. Allusion has been made to the extension of Catarrh bv continuity of surface along the natural air oaasages to the substance of the lungs, thus causing .Consumption and Death. In this connection it should also be renin be red that the air which enters the hings of a catarrahl patient Is, every breath of it. pois oned bv exhalations from the foul secretions of fhj riWswr! surface- Rv atich air the Mood cannot be properly purified and made fit io Im part heallhv vigor in its unending circuit to all and every part of the aiflmal mechanism. One won II suppose tnat mis consiaeraiion imw would he sufficient lo induce every person thus afflicted to make early application tor relief. Tlie treatment or l-atarrn Is in pan constitu tional, whereby the energies of the whole sys tem are called to aid in expelling its destruo tiveVnemy. It Is In part local, whereby the dbvhftrgc' is made less offensive, diminished and finally arrested, and whereby the unr ated surface la healed and restored to its nor mal condition. Bv means of new and ingenious apparatus, Dr."Aborn is able In Catarrh and all other af fections of the respiratory organs, to apply his imliia riim-ili- tn the desired localities. Treatment is thus made more efficient as well as less disagreeable. In many cases the first applkntlnn of the toAcal treatment will chance the character of the disease and materially purify the breath. DR. ABORN'3 Lsiaiarmtary, !' I sislOser . - -wtlar Rshmksv- . , i . Cor. Third and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OBEGON. CSronice Hours from 10 to 4, and 6 to 7 P. X. novm WQQDSURNKURSERY. - J. H. SetUetaier, at Wood barn Station, 0. A C. R. R-. Mario, oosotr, caa fill orders from his extensive nurseries for all sorts of FRUIT. . SHADE, ORNAMESTAl, a4 NUT BEARING TREES. fk Choice Selection of Shrubbery. Address orders to J. H. SETTLEMIER, oetSIwtf Gsrvai., Orajoa. DR. VAN DEN BEKOH. dr. j. p. p. vAHracc.::., From Prussia, the Creat Worm Exterminator! Office Chemeketa Hotel, Salem Oregon RQoms,S&- Late of ran Francisco, Cal, would inform the sick generally, that about Amy yean' ex tensive practice of medicine and surge In Europe and the United Stales of which twenty one have been in California, has by close ob servation and great experinseM, woe to the conclusion that there are more acute and chronic diseases by worms, tatyiladlds, snl makula; or other species of entrraoa. The public generally, or the profession at large, are not aware of the number of patients who are treated by eminent physicians for this, that, or such a complaint without any. relief. If the disease ha been understood, a few dose of Dr. Vs. HovcRinM Worm Krxkdy would have immediately cured the complaint, and have saved a great many Uvea,' Dr. V. has collected a large variety of California roots and herbs, which, by analysing, close observa tion ami extensive experiments, he can eonsio entlously say that he has dlivovered new rem edies for the successful cure of the following diseases : eDyspepsla, Chronic affect Ions of the Liver anil Ktdnevs, first ami second stages of Consumption, White Swelling-, Palsy Stier natorrhfra or local weakn,Nervoua Debility Epileptic Fits, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Inar-rlio-a, Ineontlnance of Urine, 4iravei, Flour Albu Diabetes, Dropsy, and all those diseases which are known under the name of Veneral, such as Syphilis, In all It. forms. Gonorrhea, (ileet, strictures. False Passages, Inflamatton of the Bladder and Prost rate U lands, Kxuorta tlons. Pustules, Piles, Pimple, Blotches, ami all Cutaneous Eruptions of the skin. Cancer Tumors cured with or without operation. Ia Recent Veneral Disease, the Ir. effects a Cure in from 3 to 6 dav or no charge. For the Eyes, Ear and Throat, Dr. V. pos sesses new and Invaluable remedies. Dr. V. would advise those ladles troubled wlthlrregularllte of the Clerous to try his new remedies ami get cured. Dr. Van Den Bergh's Infallible Worm Syr up for children. Price, 1. .Warranted to expel the worms, or the monev "refunded. Dr. J. P. P. Van Den Bergh's, Ilalr tonk'-a sure cure to destroy all anunalculae of the Hair Follicles, prevents falllng out and promoting the growth of the Hair. Price, l.eo, war rauted. By consulting anil undergoing a simple ex amination, tlie afflicted cau learn If their dis eases is caused by Worms or not : at all events Dr. Van Den Bench can tell them from what rliseases they are suffering. Consultations and Examination FREE of charge In all cases. Dr. Vim Ien Bergh guarantees. In all case, to ex;l tlie worm, ami cure all diseases he undertakes, or no cliarge. Card from Judge Frlor, of Polk County.. Dr. J. P. P. van Dkn Bertjh Vor S-'r." I take pleasure In thanking you publicly for the restoration of mv health after nineteen years of great suffering menlsllv and bodily. I doctored a great deal ; was afltklsd with al most evry imaginable pam and dwpaired of seeing a well dav again. When I came lo see vou at Salem, yiu said vou wpakl remove tne cause of nineteen rears' suffering in five hours. I cottkl hanllv believe it, hut but after taking the live lastk-s pnwiler yon gave me, about 900 worms passed from me, and now, fourteen ilavs afterwards, I feel like another man, and am" able to follow my business without pain or inconvenience. , I remain yours respeclftilly. A. II. FKIEU. Bethel, Polk Cs Oct 10th, 187,1. REinilRKABLE t Eight Hundred JVorrrrs Expelled ! . I think It a public benefit tn make the fol lowing statement, that I have been afflicted for two years with constant pains In "the stomach, and in fact, pains ail over mv body; no ap petite, and let me eat what I won id It always imt me In distress. No medicine would re lieve me and I grew worse and. worse until now I am a mere skeleton. Nobody could tell me what was tlie matter with me, until I con sulted Dr. J. P. P. Van Den Bergh, In Salem, Oregon, ami he tokl me I was ajnk-4ed with worms, and they were the cause of all mv mlfcerv ami pains. I took the Doctor's medi cine, and he expeled 800 worms from me. They are like Leaches, with long tails, and measure from one to one awl one-half laches In length. I onlv took six little powiler, and thev brought the worm within four hour time. All'lhose afflicted wWiing to see me can find roe at Sam Uenlet'B Stable, Salem, Oregon. V.lKAIti, SulM-rlbed and sworn to before me lhlt7ih dav of September, 1871. J. l. ail. sin i, r. Said worms can be seen at D. J. P. P. V.n Den Beretr office. Opera House Block, Court Struct. Salem. A CARD. Dr. J. P. P. Vaj Dr.f Bntorr. TVor eJir.- I deem It mv duly to make the following state ment : For the bv4 three year. I ban been suffering with conant gnawing pain ami a quivering sensation In my stomach, also patn in mv chest and heart, mv food would not in gest ami I was so nervous that with difficulty I could follow my occupation, which has been here in Mi Kin tor tne pu ten years, a a prac tical dentist. In fact from the constant twin ami misery I had wasted away to a mere skel eton. I had been doctoring a great deal with out any benefit, and believing there waa no help fiir me but tn linger on until death would relieve all mv suffering. Some of my friend tltonglit I had worms and had better see lr. an i ien ttergti. lie ichi me at once ttuu worms were the cause of all mv trouble. n he gave me A small ami tasteless powders and in noursaooui t worms, irian one men in one ami one half Inches long, came away from me that day, and the following night time more came, ami now I am happy to nay I fori like another man aeain. ami am ntnln strength from day to flay. H. SMITH, M.D. satern, uregon, Kept. 230, ltiri. Another Croat Slaughter I We think it our duty lo make the followlnr statement In hope It mav do mma good to sick children : Our child bad been sfc k fist sometime. Thinking all the lime our little one was troubled with worm we tried mam do. -tors and a great many remedies without any renei. some ncigtioors ioki us we shown go "and try Dr. Van lien Bergh, the Worm Doctor, in Salem. We dkl so ana he gave one bottle of his celebrated Worm Syrup, ami after giving the medicine, to our great aston ishment abmit WOO worms passed away from our dear child, and now, thank heaven, she is wen again. I. If. IK1ULL. Salem, Oregon. Oct. 3d. 1871. .' THE SONG GARDEN.' By Dr. Lowell Mawsjaj. Annual Sale 50,000 Copies. THE SONG GARDEN, So. I Is for beginners, and contain "the nrt steps" tn Mustcal Notation, with many pleasing songs. Price Mcts. . THE SONG GARDEN, No. I is adapted to the minute ana upr classes of common fh'Hools. Prloe MO eta. - THE SONG GARDEN. No. i I for High scnoois ana nenuuartes. rrue, vi.isr. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of theretail price. OLIVER DITSOlf V CO., RlM. C. II. DITKOX Y CO., Nir Verk. - Ditson ex Co' STANDARD OPERAS. Emani, Faust, Lucia, Lnc.rezla, Martha, Nor-. man, somnamtwia, 'rravtata, 1 roraiore. Marriage of Figaro, Fkiello, Fra Diavoto and Don Giovanni. lfandsnmelv minted, tmahrldfled. nouerior to all other editions in fullness, containing all the foreign and English words, and all the music Includlne- that of the recitatives, they are vet sold for the low price of ONE IX)L- LAn CAtn, ana win oe sent to any aourea. port free, for the above price. Finely bowad In Boards for aSO each. OLIVER UTM!! CXk, Vtoatem. : C. H. DITSON COH New TerW. Wait's Hay Pss. I shall hare on ExUbttloa at the Store ef vs. rvi . vtsov, oaivm. M a M l For four weeks from this date, one of mv" rat- cnt hay presses. Persons desiring to secure ' rights can eat I on nun, ami make arrangements for so dotng. - I . I, w.lli, cna,tsrn. Salem, at. 18. dAwlw J. M. KEELER & CO. 95 LIBERTY ST.. NEVf YORK. COMMISSION AGENCY,' For buying and forwarding direct, via tab-. mu Kail and tape Horn. wh San Francisco connections, all classes and varieties of Merchamttsr, and for sale of Exports Irosa the NortbvWest. Advance made on approved ccestgnmcnla, and orders respectfullv soU MeiL All onlers and busbiese will receive prompt attention. Befereneea. - NEW YORK: N.Y National Ex. Bank. ' Messrs. A. E. A C E. Tilton, 9i Liberty Street. Messrs. J. L. Brownell A Bros., Bankers. Messrs. Bentley, Miller A Thomas, M SouU Street. OREOOy.- Messrs. Ladd A Tilton. Bankers, Portland. A. A. MoCully, E Salem. - w Stationary Engine. Jones A Patterson, offer for sale Steam Engine, (new) 10 Inch bore,! Inch stroke, Cas Iron Bed, t feet long, IS inches wkle iactor deep. Crank Shaft feet long, 4 laches m di ameter. Balance Wheel. S toe S tauke la diameter, and weighs 1.000 pounds. Price 0 delivered ia Portland. : ' Salem, Oct. i4. daw Hotel Arrivals. CHEMEKETA HOCSE-M0NDAY.