The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, October 11, 1871, Page 3, Image 3

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    0rcfloiijgcffl statesman.
SUIT WfiU.K fiSDAT, Iff. 11. 17L
sSt&te iN'ew.s.
Willamette Valley.
The Albany Dtmncrat says mao
named John Bala was arrested ander
charf. rf jiusiac eosnierfeit taoney,
on lait Saturday, and after an examin
ation before usttce Power was beld
to roiwat in the earn of $200. Fail
ing, to give the required bail, he) was
.sent to jtil.
Jut. Elkia-3, Esq., baa resided tbe
poritioo ot AReat, (uc tbe O. A C. E. I
Co., at tfeia plaoe.
the team of Mr. B. R. Backus, be
cire frighteseel a few days ago, while
ros:io a bridjje near Albany, by tb
wbitftliaK of tbe locomotive, which
causes' the leant, ta back off the bridge.
Tbe carriage was opiet aoJ Mr. Ba
chus, together with bia wtreaod sister,
were braised bt not eeriouBly. -Oa
m tbe iere were badly hurt.
From the dailies of Friday :
Tbe Ortyoitwx baa hb amusing to
ciunt ot a afreet fracaa between Hal
look, bead ot tbe Pol toe Coaiiuisnoa,
uod 'cobus, t discharged potrcesBaa.
Tbe ec(Mlioeaiaa' suae was tweaked
ai tils "High CuaitnifteioQ" Biade
amends to the outrage oa law by paj
tneut f fine and coat.
Tbe Ajix ran agroyoc below St.
tielra'g and her jiaaneuger ui express
matter cum ub tm ibe steamboat. It
was expected aha would come ujj oa
iigh-ude. '
Tbe OoveaBe-, entwsvrd Bocae, was
ground off u Ueieiu in li feet ot
The Pixley Troupe, also tbe Xa
thau'a, ace expecting to be bare in
iStletn daring the, Fair.
Holiadaf aad Hoiiej aro about to
cuinruente a boitdiajz, 'or a hotel,
near tbe furry landing., la 'urth Poi
iand. 5ir. Bates, it Is tatd, is t-otmiig to
Oregon with a good dramatic troupe.
It is a pitr ke did not arrive vitb it to
be here at the State f air.
Tie ascend mate ot ibe iutt V'iobe,
whicb wa3 being towed up from Ka-'
ama, was aciiideo-tl," drlowjwi.
The Pteauer Muntan has Xaken a
tfull freight, but cs f atigej-a, io
.Sati Francises.
We lerrn from tte SoUf-Sn tfeat K. K.
.Stewart, of TaoihUJ comity, arrived by
tbe A as from Cacada and ityn Eastern
tytates, with fine V.eodei c.Ue, sheep
-and fowli. The lut of cattle given
cemprvaes Ourhaa'a, Ajrettisea fcti
The SuLlctin ypnVj. -of rriT&l
of Sr. BiitterSeld and bis sheep aad
oate, which are o.dy aadverticea
elseirhepe -io this pajper.
The streets of Portland are e-ard vt
fee in rer bad condition im lo fJeali-
Judjre Oeady tag tte Porta
Sand Library with valuaV? "archives
ot Oregon" Stare HoctixM, from
iSl to Idle, iacWding 11 j-vra.
We gatier ifrori the IItjrJ Ui tk
filaas fer the Dew p-1ice ttucldiag, for
PortlAMl, at -de aw a- Th -time (ions
are 42 x Ja feet. (t will be three Us -tries
-high with p.eaaio; exterwic.
Maj. BelC. S. A..) inUtids pb
3ish iiis etEerw-oce from New York to
Silk, to -be illustTaied after bid awa
derijfrra. Tbe Sijor it -lebratd,
ftroor.g bjiXriendj, for fkJU at fiJtetcb
'ng. Business ts s-o rtie, at Portland,
that tbe drays eaaant kee viih the
demand fee haclto.
Sure, for tbe CK6toii Jfoase,3 e
iig broegbt fron Kelliogbas t'y
iiariea by fee gtea.neT WVicbt.
Tke latest feortorat fort4i4 iafer
enatet, in tbe ()jrfc-Ht Ks. tiEe
few citiieos bave so atfl X.Ym'r? oefl,
liut tK hnvt: eaniiea a ieir -ator
more or lesa.
Quinvby tiKed a fleer which wevgt.3 :
"254 lha, whieu is hifefced in tie,
Purtle.nd icacket
We cuili the f.ilowic frm &e Tort
Iind cailiec of Sivit. lib :
Kow young the Ktate ofOregaa is
tu be ees wbea a inference -is cade
to ttxj f of alatioc oT thecotntry. Tb
iirat cecsas of titis tau was takes in
ItibO, and tfce-a it td a fttpvlattoo of
only 13,2. Toa years later, io. I0,
it bad increased to 2fe'i, r nerljr
foue "Simes the f uuJation o tbat ot
IgiC. T bt Jast oe a Mas, taken in 1370,
ivesthe State a ppalatiea orT Se,923,
but tt is perhaps beeeatb tke acUal
another, ndgiegfroa thee fig ares,
ten years benee tke population may be
expected t be aver a fuarer of a
VTe andT9taad a ew line of pack
ets h heea firraed ia San T raatrisco,
with Coapp, Gr tnt t V:, tie agests
in .Sin fnacisca fjr.Koapp, Knrrell
.fc Co., as agents. Tbi new Jin will
ire guicfc dispatch to ail Tseis, bav
ingeonwalof tke entire iiae bretefote
ruacing ta this piaoe. Tbe fol'.owiaff
vessels coaspose the new liae: Barks
K.ral, Vhistler, ' Wbfoot, Alaiatia,
Live Yankee, Orieat aed Amelia.
Aiaong the arrica'a by tbe Ajax
were tweaty-are or tbirty faatvt-a wko
came bere with the iateatioa of eettliog
in Oregon and Cf per Waebiajr.toilfT'er
ritory. Tby come prepared to by
land ad nter op on the basiaeas of
faTteiop er raising slack, M they way
toeTeafter deterwite. There were also
HWeral fiaraaas wbo aroaie to Ore
troa la took at the coantry, with the
design of bringiag tketr f mi ties bere.
The Portlanr, Dallet and Salt Lake
Railroad Company, n Friday last,
tied snpnlemental articles of incorpor
ation, empowering the Company to
construct their railroad bridge across
tbe Willamette river, within the city
of PortUnd, conjistent with the lairs
of Congress and the Ordinances of tbe
City Coancii on that subject.
Tbe steashif Ajax will sail at ?
o'clork r. next Wednesday, for
Sao Francisco.
Already we see many of oar citizens
getting off to tbe State Fair, and every
day this week there bare been arrivals
from Eastern Oregon, Washington Ter
rtory and points down the Colombia.
Mny of these ara taking articles of
produce or mtnnfactnre (or exhibition.
The Eugane Guard says Mr. Wm.
A brants got his left band caught, by a
planer bit, by which the fingers were
torn nut and his hand otherwise badly
lascerted . '
Tbe same paper atatea tbat on Fri
day last th foundation walla of tba
new granary of tbe Eugene City Mill
was crushed by tbe weight of wheat
which was equal to 240 000 pounds.
Tbe wtlls were badly damaged.
From tha- Corvallis Gazette we learn
that pt-igage frou Yaquina Bay to San
Frascu-o ia only $15, first class.
We learn from tbe PlaindeaUr that,
on last Thursday, a 6ght came off b.
tweea two men, at work in blasting
at Crow's rapids, in wbicb Jas. Moore
waa said to have been terribly used up
by a man Darned Thompson.
The Monmouth iietsenyer says the
walls of tbe new College building are
assuming magnificent proportions.
With a continuation of good weather
tbe structure will soon be under roof.
Miss Susan li. Anthqny compli
mented" such persona, at Corvallis,
as were possessed of a desire to bear
brr, and bad not tbe necessary ionr
Loxnox, Oct. 4. Shipwrights of th
Clyde, who joiued tbe Nine Hour League,
have been locked out by employers.
Madkid, Cct. 4. King Amadeus tele
graphed to Espartero, requesting hin to
form a new cabinet.
Scnor Scorrill was nerenaded to-night ky
a largo dim of citizen, and cries wcr
raised of " death to traitors ! " It waa pro
posed by some to march on the Royal Pal
ace, but Scorrill put a stop to the move
ment. The Progressist leader Tertulia offered Uv
snppurt Scorrilla, and telegraphed to tha
provinces calling on them to declare for
radical ideas.
Ycrsaillkh, Oct. 4. Tho muuicipaHty
of Paris voted two million francs to repair
the monuments and public buildings dam
aged during the mgn of tho Commune.
Madrid, Oct. a. It is now ennidercl
probable that Admiral Malcomb will form
a new cabinet, but no one believes it cnu
be a lasting one. Sagosta advises Amavleus
to uue with Scorrilla, to construct a cabi
net and remain at iU head. There is a
probability tbat the advice will bo lollowed
Jev York, Oct. 5. The doings of the
Democratic State Convention is the leading"
topic of conversation throughout the city.
The reform party is generally dissatisSod
at the action of the Couveution in refusing
their recognition. It ia probable a bolt,
will be effected by the party in this city,
and in conjunction with the anti-Tammany
organization a ticket will be put up on
tbe question of municipal reform. Much
depends on what tbe Convention does to
day. Tbe platform is acceptable to tbe
Democracy bere, and reformers are said to
be much pleased with it. It is thought tbu
case of reformers was badly managed.
Kuc'Uksteb, Oct. 5. On the reassem
bling of the Democratic Convention this
moruing a resolution was adopted giving
tbe nuti-Tuuitnany delegation from Xew
York a hearing.
Wm. E. Curtis road a letter from Chas.
O'Connor denouncing the Tauimaur
thieves, and declaring tbat tbe Conventioa
must repudiate them.
Mr. Tildcu moved to prooecd tr Iba
c minations, aud followed in a speeeb de
Bouncing Tammany, and charging tbat the.
action of the Conventiou yesterday wa
coucoctud at midnight. lie then declared
tbut bo would not support the legislative
nominations of Tammany, and said if tliii
was un-Democratic he would resign tLie
Chairmanship of the State Central Com
mittee anil return to his plundered fellow
citizens, applause.
Magnus Gross was nominated lor Secre
tary of State. The reform delegation of
which he is a member, said they would
prefer not to have any of their mombcrs
on the ticket. Cbocrs.
Diedrick Williams was then nominated
for Secretary of State ; A. V. Xicbols for
Comptroller ; W. II. Bristol for Treasurer.
Tho name of Charles O'Connor was pre
sented fur Attorney General. Several del.
egates stated tbat be would not accept.
After some debate the vote resulted in the
choice of Marshal B. Chaplain by 40 to 42
for O'Connor.
Yan B. Richmond was nominated for
State Engincci ; (i. W. Chapman for Canal
Commissioner ; Davi.l McXicl for inspect
or of the State Prison.
iEKU-NBAV, Wis., Oct. 4. Fires are now
prevailing in six or seven of the northeast
ern cHAties of Wi.-cousin, which never
bad any parallel since the settlement of
the country. Tbe drought which bus pre
vailed siace early in August, dried up the
Epriujrs and streams and all veiretation,
and parcked the ground to ,-uch a depth
below the .surluce that the soil itself non
acts ns a cofidutor. Living trees are fall
ing from the action ot the tire, which un
dermine tbesu. All outntandin- prop
erty is sweat nv.ay. Tliere being so littlw
water to stop the live, barns, haystacks, and
other property are burned. No resistanco
can l.e offered the approaching fires. Then)
are no authentic accounts ol loss of lite.
A family in kewaunee county and some
Indians are reported burned.
Cuii'ARO, Oct. 4. Tbe Democratic State
Convention met at Springfield to-day to
Humiliate a candidate tor Congress for the
State at large. Hon. S. S. Hayes, lawyer
of this efty, was nominated by acclauia
tiou. Xew Yrk, Oct. 5. Experts yesterday
visited the new fjourt House, accompanied
by a special committee, and taade the ex
amination of all furniture ia tke building.
After adding !5 per cent, te the estiniato
they valued it at $31,740. Other experts es
timated the carpenter work at $132,e0, in
cluding an addition of 25 per cent. Inger
soll received, for furaishing the above,
$1,108,0110. Affidavits from exports were
sworn to, aad handed inta District Attor
ney tiarvia. Several vouchers lr Inger
soll's, Survey's and Keyser's work, were
uncartaed yerterday by the coiaraittoo ef
seventy. Tbe vouchers aro for auaeroas
amoants. Not : of them is sworn to,
but all signed by A.' Oacy II VI.
Tke Sun this morning says Johu H. IT
scr appeared personally before the com
mittee of seventy Tuesday evening, and
testiied in bis owa behalf that be never
received tbe turns of money alleged to
have been pard bua by the city for work
on the new Ceart House.
St. Lovts, Oct. 5. The attendance at the
State Fair to-dy is the largest ever known.
Fally o,0 people are on the grouads
Th great featnre was tbo trotting race,
against time for the first premium, $l,0flfj,
distance, six times around the arena, or
five miles and a balf. Ella Wright won in ,
3-.1S. President Grant took three premi
ums in the class ef eolts for all work.
Xew York, Oct. 5. Bids for Treasury
gold amonntcd to a little over seven and ti
iraarter millions awards, two millions, at
Cataczy, Russian Minister, was informed
by Secretary Fish that if when tbe visit of
tbe Grand Duke is concluded he shall not
be recalled, his passport will be sent to him,
and the President would not receive him
unless accompanied by tbe flrand Dnke ;
and further, that tho President will at no
time bold conversation with him.
Sr. Pari., Oct. 6. The great prairie fire
is still raging witb unabated fury, although
a slight rain yesterday stayed its progress a
little. The couse ef the fire is southeast.
At last accounts it had reached nearly as
far south as the Iowa border, and east to
the Minnesota river, which will stop it, it
is t be hoped. The high wind yesterday
drove it forward at great gpead, and il waa
burning fiercely.
Kiw Yokk, Oct. fl At tho meeting of
the Democratic Reformers last evening, the
Convention adopted a resolution that they
would nevor support a candi late nominat
ed by any ono having connection with
Tammany IUU.
The Herald and World think the ticket
by ao means a Tammany triumph, and
that tho snubbing which Tammany got is
a victory for the Reformer. The Germans
are pleased at the selection of a German
representative at the head of the list of candidates.
PrivaL. .iapatcaea iaj after"
leaving of tbe train fm Itocbcter
ninB, h.riag oao.rd tbo New ord dale
. r rouebs. taken from I uf
t'"""! 1.
.hi. -itr. eommittcd violent outrages upon
tho pacnscra. u that many bad t- lay
over at every station, to escape tho fury of
the villaius.
WiamacTos. Oct. 6. A letter received
r vi..r;.i -tr that tho yellow fever is
prevalent ia an epidemic form. In tho
town-of Tampa there wera forty cases and
Inn ftnth.t.
CaiCAGO, Oct. C-Mrs. Grant and cb"
dren returned to Washington to-day.. TU(,
President Stopped at Baltimore r; att(,nd
the Fait at the Baltimore Insti uU.( ;lUll )ir.
rived home this evening.
WAsnwoTosi, Oct. 7. A letter from Ad
miral Langenan, of the south fleet, dated
j Kio Janeiro, September 0;h, reports the la.-t
! advices from cumuu nder Quackeabnsb,
conunanding the M'asp, dated Montevideo,
Auast Jstb, which state that last week an
engrpraeat took place between the Reds
and Whiles near Kk Ncgra, resulting in
thediefeatW the Government troops with a
losirf foir cans, two hundred and fifty in
famrr and . half their rek. There has
beet ocoariontl firing near Colima.
Sew Tn&.)et. 7. Tbe confession and
restitution last sight of Keyser, i deemed
as important a tp as it waa unexpected,
and. as a Tteaaju of enabling the Committee
of ivAorrty tbiaia their proofs, is regarded
as ttHe uicst aroiuisiag occurrence that has
yetitiappoed. 32 i admission is tbat in
Sevan 7earrmplusncnt by tba city, be
haftieouivoa a ijuurttr of a million of dol
lars, -for wineii iie Larf dona but little work,
but be 'declared tbat b is signature to many
vouchors fr oxorbitntnt sums has been
forail. ir. atusy inalaaces he had been
coajirjlled ta retUgE kis claims before he
e.irlt; eeere JMy:. This confession wul
prohsioly sneure hint an immunity from
pim.siuient. Lbersii()licated are expected
to'tiki) a like eovre.
Ui 'Citniiritte isftdiuwing out their de
t iniio iMon it (ir-jucu! the thieves aud
dtuuuad 'tho gwmuint to order the At-
taiierjreneral t coataaence proceedings.
TJioy jll cutpIoy-couuiKl to assist in the f
noU-z. Late Cunt.y Auditor Watson is
siliipMoa to aae person wno altered
HiOjVW 's vwachers.
The impression is gaining ground that
kludge liarBuni wiU iperse tbe present
.grand jury. L'oIcm tb is be done tho pro
.leediBs against At perpetrators of the
$iaud will remit ia aothing. Evidence ol
dlie.mtrft startiingokaracter is accumulating
i)Ut the committee f seventy find dilheulty
.iu.tboir ray. fartie giving evidence ex-jiaol-ihat
ft will cost them their salaries and
deiiee be provided tvith other situations.
Ihk; the commirtoe hesitate t do. TLe I
ilsruld.cSm to advance the city treasury j
ilUOiM towards carrying ou tho Govern- j
imecl utrul tae ouie in. J
CHICA05, Oct. 12::!0 A. M. The inest
fjercSjle inlla'?ratiin wliich has ever oc-
surras this city broke out an hour and a
batf ao, having aJ ready swet over six en
tire ijJwjkH. It is still raging with almost
uuiinrtce fury.
Xatir 1:30 A.M. The fire is raging
. apparently as badly as ever. The block of
ijiK.'Hrf" on tno north side Yan Bnrcn
sttaeL, wbicb, an hour ago it was thought
wotld be saved, is now wraped in tlaine.-.
The euwator is safe so far. Tbe tire seems
to be etccadiii' South and west. Tbo wind
is jibw directly from the south and blowiug
baid. The ligtit from the blazing hniblings
o lk$t. the streets for half a TmW. away
tli a! o may sec to read. The Fire De
prutjae&t is now on the ground asing al
ccixtt (erhunian efforts to stay the Barnes.
The locs already run into millions, and i
j tlietui is not yet reached. j
X'ewt from the northern fires Lite (bat
; tbey are raging worse than ever. A man j
just arrived at Fort Howard from Pensaukee :
i says that thirty mm were burned to de.itlk j
at that place, nud also part of tho towo is
j consumed. lie thinks the rest must be j
j onc by thU time. I
j Saw FkAsrtsco, 9ct. 5. Flour Sot
J line, $9 TiCti i7; extfa, $7 75(8.
Wheat No salos to report, but quotable i
j at ?2 6i(ni.2 75 t)r milling qualities. j et. All is quiet here. The President's
jj Earlvy Froi4 ?1 95fe 2 12J: inside fig-i message is conciliatory hut firm. It reconi
j irre tor !nrk cast, and latter figure l' .r bay j mends improvements, building of railroads.
brewing with sau of 1U0 sks, bright enact, j protection to the sea coast and the sanction
! S- CO. ; -if treaties with foreign nations. Tbe Presi-
lists Light feed, SI 'fl; ami kj good, ') dent has a majority in Congress,
j S2 Obi 30D ska do,J llf. Tbe5:W fan- Anotli-r revolution began in the State of
S ly represent range f mark-: lo-my. jvueva Leon. Gen. Pedro Martines has
; Uvc Sale of 5no frKs new rp-)'r - V. ,;,r oinunced ajraiust the Juarez Government
Oni--Mrket lower; buyer;" n 'change j "f' lalc authorities and several rhieft.iiis
! to-d.iy not diposl to .rt'er over though
! a lot of 200 sks of iar,'i: yellow ?..H at ?2
1 !.'.- new crop beginning to arrive, hence t!ie
; ttoa-nward tendency.
i Potatoes Murhet dull at 7"ff S."r for
.li.--ioii, !flc(i$l for Ilalfmooii buy, and
SI 60fa 1 7." tor sweet. j
Sa FkavimU, Oct. 6. TLe Occidental !
Skating Kink, corner of Stockton aud Post
street.-, opposite the Mechanic's Fair Pavil- j
lion, burned down last night. Loss to pro- i
prictors (Henry Wnolscy & Feiris) aUont ;
$6,0(ltl, partially coyercd by insurance. J. f
II. Stroum it Co's. stables, adjoining, were
almost destroyed. frame huil'lin:s j
on each side were badly scorched anil dam- I
aged by water. Total loss about $10,ttl. j
W. Woodward has bet John Mackey and I
others that they cannot produce a horse i
within 9tf days which con trot twenty miles
within an hour. The match is to come off ;
over tbe Bay District Agricultural Course,
on the Cliff House road.
The Synod of Pacific Presbyterian, in
session at Oakland, to-day, finally adopted j
the resolution to establish a Theological '
Seminary, to be located in San Fruocisco. j
Tho anniversary of the discovery of j
America by Columbus will be celebrated by j
a sociable and ball at Piatt's II. ill by the :
Shasta, Oct. 5. At ten minutes before
ten o'clock, last evening, a large and bri -liant
meteor was seen at this place. It
tetrad from southeast to northwest, follow
er :t ! oid report, and rumbling sound
like that i an earthquake. The report
was not beard uiit.i .-..a Jonr or live sec
onds afterward. Scatn-ring .ouds were
brilliantly illutniualel and presented a
grand spectacle.
Flour No sales.
Wheat Fair, $2 82t. Market dull, $2,
602 70 for good "average lots, though
fancy lots are held highor.
The steamer Wonga Wonga, 30 days
from Sydney, arrived this evening, having
been 24 hours this side of the Faralloncs,
unable to find the way in on account of tbe
fog. She brings 40 passengers, of whom
14 are children.
The New South Wales Government in
tends to send a notice to the P. & 0. Co. of
the withdrawal of tho Australian mail, via
Sues, in favor of tho San Francisco refute, j
Butt Riley, the desperado, wbo crowded !
Jordan into a fight in a saloon, and got!
.. , , u (,-
shot, as h,s surgeon reported through I
heart two weeks since, scaled the walls of
the hospital last night and escaped.
Saw Francisco, Oct. 7Adv.ces from
New Zealaud, by Moses Taylor, report con- ;
tinned immense yields of gold; one com- j
pany, the Caledonia, had paid $2,000,(100 j
in dividends in six months.
Tbe cargo of the Ariona, consisting of
tea, almost entirely, will bo forwarded
East, overland, with all possible dispatch.
The- entire railroad rolling sUvk is called
into requisition.
Citv op Msr.ico, Sept. ."0. TIiecW-t:on
is completed. Juaros has majority.
. . .. ... . . i...:
is ooiievcn iac m reuiuiituwijf uiwtmcui
will follow the result. Confidence is restored j
iu all parts of the Republic. There baa j
b"en soma commotion in Oaxaca in conse- j
quencu of a report that partisans of Dias
are plotting to compel a secession of tbe
Status uf O ixaca, Chiapa and Tahasco, by
combining with malcontents nf Gantemala,
revolutionizing that republic and forming
an independent governm.'nt ly a union
witb tbe Srmtbero States of Mexico.
Sa; t Lakx. Oct. 5.-Tce day a apectol
afWf neo of th, chunh
Lvter D R.ih. ....
""'" j new m tho new
n.,, 3 wert present ,he
three First l'rciJ . . ,
nls' Bvigbam loung
Oco A. Piitn. .jnd j,,,, w H. tho
Twelve Apof' ,. . , . . .
' .cs, the Iligh Priests and
other Chop-. .....
. -h dignitaries were among the
spea KcrF ...
. . . Geo. Cannon (who is to succeed
-am) and Brigham Young, Jr.'s re
rks were generally bitterly denuncia
tory of the Federal ofilcials, termed tho
Cannon said that he did not anticipate
that the Mormons would have to leave tbe
Territory. They have not broken law nor
violated the Constitution. The prosecution
now inaugurated against them would only
enhance the interest and accelerate the
progress of the work of God.
Brigham, Jr., spoke excitedly. He said
the Mormons hod settled this mountainous
region, and they were entitled to its exclu
sive occupation and enjoyment. They
asked no favors or assistance from any
source. They deGed all their enemies, tbe
Government of the United States included.
The Government officials now prosecuting
them were tools of the devil. Ho prayed
God to cherish them all forever. Said he,
with violent gesticulation, "Trust to God,
keep your powder dry, and don't fail to
have on hand good supply of ammuni
tion." The latter remarks were received with a
universal "Amen 1" and loud cheering.
Salt Lake, Oct. 6. Judge McKean has
just adjourned the Grand Jury. In doing
so his honor said: " Gentlemen of tbe
Grand Jury: You have presesentcd to the
Court some very iuiportaut indictments,
most of which are not yet made known.
You ask permission to adjourn for a time.
Yon shall have it. The Court must remain
"in f ess ion for some tilde yet, but you may
adjourn until Monday, November litb,
Ooineliack then, gentlemen, and there will
lie uiorw fur!; for you to do. You have the
thanks of this Court for what you have al
ready done."
Sam- Lack, Oct. 7. Geo. Q. Cannon
ciiii'or uud ipoftlc, aud Henry W. Law -retire,
a prominent Mormon merchant,
wcrw arrested by the United States Marshal,
Patrick, and held for appearance at this
term uf Court on charge of lascivious co
halittaUun. Thug. Hawkins was arraigned to-day, bc
Foie Judge Mcblean, on an indictment for
adultery, growing out of polygamy, tho
charge haviug been made by his first wife,
lie plead nt guilty, and tho United States
Attorney gave notice that he would bo
ready for trial on Monday.
The heaviest mining transaction occurred
this week ever known in Utah, amounting
to orcr Si,O00,O00.
Everything politically and ecclesiasti
cally, is quiet. People ridicule the idea of
a disturbance or outbreak.
Cabson, Oct. 5. Robert Dedman, the
prisoner wiio fought so bravely t stop tho
brejk at theprison on tho 17th ult., and to
protect the lives of Lieut. Gov. Denver and
family, was yesterday pardoned and restored
to citi.enship.
The dead body of Jones, ono of tbo es
capes from the prison, waa found in an old
cabin in Fish Lake Yalley, and il is certain
that Morton and Blackmere were lynched
in Round Yalley.
Causon, Oct. fi. We learn from tho Au
rora stai;o driver, who arrived here to day.
that tho officers caught up with Coekercll
and Burke, and had a fiht with them near
Bound Val'.ey. Coekercll and Burko were
both killed. It is thought none of the pur
suing party were injured. It is reputed in
Aurora that youii Roberts has been
lynched near Round Ya'.lev. If this i
true, all of the six convicts who had a fight
with Sheriff High tower's party, bavo been
City of Mexico, Sept. 10, via Mntamo
rn. Sept. 17. Juaret was installed Presi
dent last evening. There is great excite-
meut and rumors of a change in the rabi-
iims'c joined in the movement. II. is expect
ed -that the revolution will become funeral
in Matamoras. Tbe frontier is quiet.
tire it preparations are waking at Mata
miras for a itht. and ail tbe cavalry has
Jell !'er tbe front.
t', Oct. 7. Two fires occurred
near this pl:icc last nicdit. The resident
of Lewis WiUon was entirely consumed.
Loss about !j.,2li ; insured for SI, 0110, aud
the barn, of Chas. Logstein. Loss about
SI, 000 ; no insurance.
Sas Domingo, October 7. Latest advice
from tho frontier state that Cabal's fnrtea
were surprised by Baez at Villa do San
Juan and driven to the llaytieu fromier.
'alral and his stuff escaped capture. C
bral re-organized bis forces and sttarked
Baez, recapturing the village.
Why England Relinquished Orc;on.
Every disciple of Izik Walton
Vnows tbat salmon will not take th
hook in their spawnmt; journeys, but
' i in not generally known that tbe in
habitants of British Columbia Hllributf
o this fact the loss to England uf
Oregon and Washington Territory. In
i recent speech delivered by Or. Hel
ineken in tb Colonial Assembly nt.
Victoria, on 'he SShq Juan boundary
uestion, tie gave the tollowing expla
imlioii of the causes which led to lh
session of that country to tbe United
States :
'In 1845, when negotiations wer
pending between Great Britain and the
United States with respect to tb
boundary line, Great Britain claimed
lhe couutry known hs Oregon and
"Washington Territory. The British
ttps-of-war wit sent out to examine
i be country and report to the British
Ministry noon its "value. Tbo Erl of
Aberdeen was Premier at tbe time;
lhe commander of one of tbe ships was
l he Earl's brother, and be and others
went ashore nt Columbia River and
tried to catch salmon with flies. Tbe
minion wuulda'l take tbe flies, and
the officers raugbt no fish. When
they returned to tbeir ship tbe Earl's
brother wrote home :' The country
is not worth a farthing !' And tbe
British Ministry rclinguiobed all claims
to it."
SrarEYlStt Just now tbe
vast held lyiDg between the Cascade
MoUDtaius Jon wesl ao(1 tht) Ruckjr
MonnUing 0Q tbe MBl) u ,jOU(.j oVt.r
with railroad surveying parties. - We
bear of some balf a duzeu in the dif-
pM,ej io lhe Mountains in Mon.
tann, while another ia surveyinu; to
tlt, uortbenst of Port Hall, in Idaho;
nd yet another is aomewbere not very
ir ro Lewiston, and auotber is iu
mis I errnory eurveyius: ociweeo inu
Cascade Mountains and Priests Rapids.
All these are working for the Northern
Pacific. There are also at leagt two
parties survi-yiog between, tbe Cas
cades and 81'- Like, for the Slt Lake
nod Portlaud line. There will never
i k hrtier time tor our ueoBba to awri-
j U) ,hr0 i niters and bring ,our couu-
It (ry oetnre he railroad building world
i 11- ttr T'n.nn
i . , . ,..v..,
A Breach of Etisjcette. A little
t-roigraui tuad its advent into a fami
ly not many mile from oar town a lev
niitbta since. A little tbraa year old
member of the lamily canghi light or
it before it was dressed, and rannin
to ber lather exclaimed : " Ob pupa,
tbat'i tbe first baby that ever came t
this house withoat ita clothes on."
1-nlla Rep'ibliran.
State Fair Bulletin.
Opera Boase.
Tb San Francisco Minstrels, opened tbe
week last evening to a good bouse. This
is a irst-class set of Minstrels, with mem
bers enough to produce the best effects, and
rkiU enough to execute them. 't he open
ing was with fifteen male voices in full
extents. Lew Parker, Charley. Nickerson
aad Tommy Arnold are among tbe best
actors of Negro characters. Charles Em
Krson deliniates the Dutch character to
perfection. The banjoists are A No. 1, and
tbo way tbe performance was received
showed tbat the audience was well pleased.
Susie Lee is the sensational song and dance
lady of tbe company. Carrie Chapman
and Lnn McCarty appeared in the very
laughable character act of " How Far is it
t the Next Ranche."
Prof. Fluninier.
A calm Retreat from all tho carc of life
will be found where Plummer most nbonndi.,
at the State Library Rooms, opposite t.'be
meketa Hotel ; and if you want t" pas an
evening without a lurking car. , just drop
in there and hear his readings aud recita
tions, aud it will awake in your soul a lore
of the beautiful, and appreciation of the
humorous, and an enjoyment of the gro
tesque in literature, whether you ever hud
it all before or not.
Fair Ground Theatre.
The well known Pixley Sisters, supported
by a very efficient company, will give the
only dramatic entertainment on the Fair
ground this season. Their ball is opposite
the main pavilion, and their entertainments
aire calculated to satisfy the most fastidious
tastes. This affords an oxcellunt opportu
nity for families from abroad to witness
pleasing and moral acting on tho stage.
Their evening (lerforinauces will be a very
iiappy feature of Fair Week.
Madame Jeal & lo'i Circna.
Last evening, at the Fuir ground, this
uraguifioeut show, which in many respects
exceeds any ever before brought to our
Mil', performed to a large audioucc. The
wvadierful strength of the Iron Boy, tbe
Krarefol riding of Madame Jeal, and tbe
vmriiiis feats of other performers gave uo
iniilied satisfaction. After all, there is no
'KBibitiott that cau compete with a good
c-iis, in the estimation of tbe people.
Dave Lang's Show,
A-Jjoiaing the circus, contains a valuable
nu;um of animals and birds, and a collec
tion of curiosities from all parts of tbe
vusf-d, and the greatest curiosity, in several
resn;cts, is Miss Lulu Ames, luteiy discov
ered on the shores of Puget Sound, in
IViHhiiigtou Territory, who, though only
fHjwiirs of age, weighs 417 lbs. She is
.Litur-Hlly a greut curiosity.
Barkefa Panorama
4ff the Four Rivers of the West will be
ists hitcd during Fair week, on the grounds,
i.i omnhioation with the Taylor family and
i'oty Ward, the celebrated comic siuger.
f ucs pan'Tataa contains views of tbo towns
in the Sound and Portland, also, of the
mutt inajoiticout mountain scenery. n
combination with the humorous talent of
l.arney Taylor aud Toney Ward, this enler
t uninent will aford an unrivalled treat to
all visitors.
Caul Bosco gives each night, at bis ele
runt Temple of Mystery, (formerly Legis
.1 stive Hall) one ef bis very interesting en-
t rliiinmenls in magic. It is teats are
-jiilerful and straae enough to pass for
ichcraft. hat ke relieves your linud by
riwvin that they are performed by slinlit
ar" band. Any person who visits the Fair
.nrboutao initiation into the mysteries of
&ksco's Temple, aid simply waste his j
Jlcussdorffer, the champion hutttcr, has
si adrertisriucut in this morning, intended
.all attention to the fact that a branch
if his extensive Portland establishment
r?.l be locaterl at. the State Fa Grouuds
a' its week, lie has all sorts olDats and
k t.s at all prices and wants everybody for)
a fij.itumer as be has for them all.
lr. Aborn remains in alera until Oct.
I If h only.
And now comes Prof. Chancy ami pro
cTaims tu all "Webfoot" and the people
otrreof, lhat he has the documents where
with to prove chat Abraham, the old pa
triarch, Sarah's lord and Uagar's husband,
as interim, the paternal auccstor of Isaac,
the founder of a great nation, iu wboce ca
pacious bosom the weary hope tu find reM,
waa after all u.. thing but a planet, and that
arah, tbe tu'itber of Isaac, was but a
twinkling star. What cherished tradition
will be attacked next ? What fact will re
main unquestioned by these restless spirits?
Ia view of this uncertainty, it is some re
lief to gentlemen desiring to be fashionably
rfreftHrd, to know it to be . a fact, ho timytr
in 4put?, that the finest dress suits, tbe
most sty lifh hats and caps ami the latest
novelties in ('iinti.hing goods nre to be
t fimd at Murphy A Croiisiuan's, at the
Baak Building, eorner of Sta'o and Com
i sue rcial streets.
Soke Evks. Thoie who are afflicted
with any disease of the eyes should uol fail
to avail themselves of tbe skill ot Ilr.
A born, while he remains in .alcui. As an
oculist, lr. Aborn has no superior on the
Pacific Oiast. During his wliolc prolcs
si.aal rarccr he has not lost an eye. or
faik'd effect a speedy and permanent
run;. Many culler themselves to go totally
(.had, rather than pay such a man as Ir.
Aboraafccas would jurtily bim to give
each attention and treatment as the case
may require. These eye diseases cannot be
curcl by the use of a litile eye wa.h, for a
lew bits, as many can attest by sad cxjH'ri
cooe. All who are artiictcd with ore eyes,
ao matter how long standing, can eoiiMilt
Lr. Aborn with entire confidence of beiiig
steclily cured. In inost cases he gives re
lief within twentv-fonr hours.
Bvtlkii's STnAKiBT.Mori.n Boa tin Plow.
-This valuable imdemert is a novelty in
appearance, but we arc assured by those
wao bavo seen it. work, that is a pcrt.-ct suc
cess. At Linn County Fair, la.-t week, it
won the approbation of all tbe farmers,
aad suited them to a Iraetion. Mr. Street
will be prepared to exhibit and sell ihem
on the Stato Fair ground. ocSBt
B. F. Authonyaud Susan B. Underwood.
When these two champions visited Suleui,
they took no notice of boy's clothing or
sardines, but . purchased all their prize
packages of candy at the. Oregon Candy
Manufactory. J. G. Ilolbcrt will vouch
fcr that if you will call around at his store,
corner of Commercial and Court streets.
.Sept. 23, 1S71.
Tbe neaas of Eneapc. j
The fall has many perils for the weak j
and feeble, and its sudden atmospheric j
changes are trying to the constitutions of
even the robust. The chilling temperature
of the nights, as compared witb tho almost
summer warmth of tho days, necessarily
exercises an uuhealthy influence on all who
aro exposed to it. Hence dysentery, diar
rhorja, iutennitteut fevers, bilious attacks,
and derangement of all the secretions, are
common at this season. Tbe true way to
escape them is to meet tho causes with a
protoctiveand invigorating medicine. Hos
teller's Stouiaeb Hitters are designed for
this exigency. This powerful vegetable
specific relieves the system of nil acrid hu
tuors, purities the fluids, tones the secretive
organs, promotes healthy evaporation
through the pores, increases the activity of
the digestive functions, cheers the spirits,
and regulates the bowels. To do this is to
make tbe whole body vigorous, and render
it proof against the vicissitudes of tempera
ture, and against malaria. A course of the
great tonie and alterative is therefore in all
cases advisable as a preventive at this sea
son, ff, on tho other band, tbe mischief
is already done, and intermittent or remit
tent fever is actually present, or the liver,
bowels, or stomach disordered, there is no
mediciuo so certain to effect a quick and
thorough cure as this harmless and agreea
ble preparation.
A.v ExTENncn Poitlarity. " Brown's
Bronchial Traches" have been before tbe
public many years. Each year finds them
new localities in various parts of tho world.
The Troches are pronounced universally
superior to all other articles used for simi
lar purposes. For relieving Coughs, Colds,
anal Throat Diseases, ibe Troches have bceu
proved reliable.
If you desire rosy cheeks and a complex
inn fair, and free from pimples, Blotches
and eruptions, purify your blood and invig
orate your system by taking Dr. Pierce's
Alt. Ext., or Golden Medical Discovery. It
has no equal for this purpose, nor as a rem
edy for Liver Complaint," or "" Bilious
ness," anil " Constipation of the Bowels."
Sold by druggists. Pamphlet sent tree. Ad
dress Dr. li. V. Picree, Buffalo, 5. Y
Tbe best way to get out of a difficulty is
not to get into it. ' Keep well, and thus
avoid tbe necessity of getting well. If yoa
are troubled with dyspepsia, pain in tbe re
gion of tha heart, liver or kidneys, or any
other painful symptoms, tba trouble proba
bly lies ia tha vitiated eoaditioo of the
blood. Do not wait to confirm tha disease,
but break it up at once by B'ing that infal
lible remedy. Dr. Walker's Calii'orsia
Viecar Bittsrs. It has never ye failed
in a single w stance, unless where vitality
has been too far gone.
North alda of Beat St.,
Direct from San Francisco,
Fresh Stock of Furniture,
Consisting of every variety of
First Class and Common '
cosa sriNQ or '
Bed . Room & Parlor Sets,
Alio, a full assortment of
Picture Frames & Mouldings.
We also manufacture and keep constantly oa
band the celebrated
Patent Premium
Which, for live jears past, received the first
premium at the t Into 'lra held lu
Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa 4 Oregon.
We keep constantly on hand a large assort
ment of
Ajers Sarsapai ilia,
' Clierry Pectoral,
Auue Cure,
" Pills,
Hair Vigor tor
- VKHMiri'GI,
SOZODONT k SAPOIXE for the teetb,
Fancy anrl Toilft Article.
htata strei, - - . Kalem, Ortfsn.
IMAiA W ! XttElSTST' ! !
99 Ftrat at . t-t. Ald-r SE WMoarton
(Next to Dr. Chspman's Drug .'tore.)
lr"i'M Lower !
Latest Style of
Ladlra', Mlaaaa and Children'
vrci.Vrvr hat- :
Aul besides our One D'"Ilar Store, wc bave, now,
The Largest and Uest lecled Stock ol
Fancy Gowl.s and Toys !
All of our own Importation.
"Vlilesile nml lCtuil !
AT Tltk til D ("KKK.N rTORK,
lla juat received fr lhe Kill trade
Hardware. Cen'al Merchandise,
iialcuUted lor
City ami County Trade.
Bourht as low. and will he sold at aa small a
pruQt aa tiiose who aell nt coat.
fW G.od delivered to any pari of the city free
Not ti dwtl
Broadcast Stt?d:T & Cultivator
Thin machine now rriciltrty any rrquire
qiintit uf o tcrr, and covrrn it p-r-
:cctly. wt wt-'l in a jrnJc "f wiml at in
etlra, and well in rlny wrnt)t-r n in dry
The CulUvauir tin a not etna: Pt iMnple w ita
njrinp''frtt,ii , thai any hoy hn cun di ivr a Icitj,
citn work it. Ai It ow hrovdcat It t rtt nil
thr gr"tim., k-ep nic d wn the wecd or other
f. ul prtwth, 'n whicn r cct i it far tuperior t
tlif tVsff Dril n ma morli in u Aa It mwt and
covers the grain at once Ruing over the xronnd,
it w II realitv he jffn ihtt it 11 a grtt talor machine. Every 'arrorr wbo use It
givrdit the re(eieoco over all other beediug
Thrre are tire of the Seeder. 6, t and
10-foot. The 6 ami 8-foot machine rt-quirea two
b -rses ; the 10 foot machine requlrra fur homes
The e machine be exhttnted nd operated
at the (-t-atv - air Grauud, and Mr. Buuncr
will be present to r vplatn thro.
octH 0nere of K ght f.r this Cott.
f. li:vy
Otr-r the ladies a foil AMnlment of FANCY
HeofTeia the Mlowlni great Inilucements as
deavrvinaof their attention:
Javana KmI ttlovrs tt an
Lace Hanukerchief' Nl iVnla
Lace Collar. 00 Cents
Ita Advaatsgti sua,
1-t, FinpHcity, It be In a composed ef bt six
pans, all uf wliich are metal.
3d, Dural lllty, It being always anbtnemd R Is
perfectly lubricated and nerus no pa. king.
8d, or Kcooeoy this PsQp.urptisrs all oth
er, Its drat com betrig leas than any ilier t,.itc
HmD of th. same capseity. 1 ber is a great
Having la freight, as they .ugh less (tack.4 lor
shipment! tkao any .liter Pomp.
MaanfaeUrre4! and for ale bv tho Pacific
Pump Manolactartag Company, 4x8 fanaon. St.,
isa ftaaclac.
1.1ft and Torre Pumps. Hydraulic Rams. Ac.
(Send tor Ulostrated cmtaJogae.
From San Franciaco,
Chemeketa House.
fUijr.M. OREGON.
Pros Octobor 3rd until the 17th.
And Other Chronic "icaiutHMbivi I
R ala e tb. Or taarv Modaa
wf '& rtumiu ..
L'tt?r f "n F. M i ".q . K4
Itor cf thaSan JoiDal y P. tno .
CiS Kaisciajo Cal.N.iv YauT Dav, 1S71.
Da. Abo. flu J! Dear Sir: I have felt
! that our business and social relations for the
last tea montha Wore of such a character aa to
warrant me In a Mreisiu you "his testimonial
of my stem for you, profuiaion.llr and ao
clally. Y "or remarltahie aurcesa In the treat
mentor my son, Prank a youth Juit eaterlnK on
manhood, who had been aQlicteil for some time
with an olas'inate catsrr and Uiroat disease,
was but an additional proof of the distinguished
reputation you bad achUred In your profusion
b-fore your ad veil t to California, and disposed
ine to rep that reliance upon your scientific
skill In .he treatment of your ipeclalties, which
was so fully sustained by tbe success of our per
scrlptiona In ail e aes under your treatment In
lb:s city and neighborhood.
A lrwme, also, to express my thanks for th
liberal aid gentlemanly spirit you displayed In
all of i ur buainesi relations. As tbe proprietor
or the San Juae Daily Patriot, I published for
you many advertlsemrn's, all of which were
promptly paid for, and in a manner peculiarly
I d i not know whether this letter wilt be ot any
use to yon, but I have felt Impelled to write It, at
well as to assure you of my sincere esteem and
cordial wishes for your happioesa and prosper
ity. Respectfully yojrs, etc.
i'Jitor and Proprietor &m Juv DdVy ratriot.
Letter from tt'm- B. Lake, Esq.
8as Faiscrsco, Jin. It, 1871.
Da. Aboss Dear Sir : Permit me to add rev
testimony to the numerous public assurances you
h ve received while here, of your skill ani auc
cesa in the treatment of those diseases which you
make specialties in your practice.
My boy, now eleven yeais of age, had. been
seriously troubled for several years, with catarrh,
wheo put under your treatment; wh-n be was
Immediately relieTed, and has been steadily Im
proving ever since, until now he sevins almost
endrely recovered, and we feel we owe to your
skili his rapid convalescence, and I assure you
your name will ever be held in grateful remem
brance by your young patient, and hia parenta
and friendi. Yours rctpectrully.
No. 1023 Hyde Street, ?an franciaco.
Law Crricc op R. P. A Jtsasn Ci.arT,
Ci.arT, 1
ll "ing. V
5i, 1371. )
tvo 51 Exchange Bull
8N Faisoac i, Cat., January
j Da. Auomm Dear Sir : L'ode-vtaatling that you
- are a'Kmt terrairiatlnit your reaidenre and prac
tice In tola cur, 1 have thought that pbwW.v yoa
m.siht be pleteJ to know that tbe littii school
girl, Mary Mor.ts whom you treat-d some
I mouths afro at tuy requeat, anj who yoa wilt re
member, sraa orally Ueaf and aeii.uly afflirted
i with aorre brttnchial troohle wh-n she went to
you,ie now Kvri -KI.Y CL'RkO, both of deaf
t nea ard bronchtMl affection, anl decUrfS
she R virtually cured on hr firnt visit to you.
I nhe and her parents are very grattul to you,
J and trunk that it ts wholly dne to your skill that
her hrarinjr and health are restored
Yours truly, R. P. CLF.MRNT.
r R. A FORM does not subject his pstirots to
; any painful or unpleasant operation ; hts treat
; ui'-nt mild, and fe for the most delicate
chdd. The a IB ic ted are hereby lntoimd, that
j after ttie firn Tit. for maiiy of the diseases
I which he makes a apecU'ty, they can tae tSe
i treatment bme and us- it until cured, without
1 pain or interruption to their usual avocation,
Card from Charles X. Fox. Kq.
Office of Campbell, fnx k Campbell, Attorneys
aud Cjuuceirs at Law. No. J-Js California M.
I-am rasariscti. reb. 17th, IStO,
Ws-re It not for the-good which I hu p? It may
. have done suffering humanity, by fJUiOrmiog
! them where they could und relief, I should re
- grrt having given Ifr. Aboro my little tetlmnDiaJ
uf the ten in of January, for the demands made
' Ufxn my lime, in an wertng luquirie- In regard
to him, have beta more numerous than profitable
tu me ; aud still they cutne.
T iHve the neces.ty for further pertnl ap
; plh-at on, let me say to thse wh care for tuy
, iin:ou. That tttae has only etrergihened my
firt favorable uplniou of lr. Abtrn, and auy
1 confidence in the pennant ncy of the ture effected
hy him. Ail my dilliculty arosj; from catarrh,
ahic'i had bee roe oJ a s ri u character, alTeot-
' trig the heating and th- thruitt, giving me at
' ti.ucA acute pains and at others rumbliog sounds
' if the eara. frequent hetacije, and. su seriously
I affecting the bronchial lubes as to sometimes dis
; able me from public speaking. His alto gone,
j and tl.e change wn produced, not by any ape-
-irs of chanatanisni. as many uspe t, nf tbe
i Doirtor, Dor by the asurd practice of putt ng
medicines into the st -roch which was not af
lected. bat by the iilttui application uf medici
' tmi reundics directly to the prta which were
: diseased, i have found the Doctor a gentlcwiitn
. in h s tnlercnurtte And tusine a, and Uhs jdg
t m nt that 1 have formed nf htm professionally is,
, that he I a regular physician, thoroughly c
tHHinud with tr.e anato uy -ol the hum in body,
1 und poftsr-ssing a remarkable decree nf skill in
; the treatment of those diseases whkh he mnkes
, his specatilty. CtUa. t. FOX.
Annthrr Wonderful Cat re f A st la
in a and Hrotai lit t tat, aticr tall oilier
XtacLbUila had allcda
SaM Josk, March 6, 190.
Tins is to ccrti'y, that I have been afflicted for
over three years wilh Asthma and HronchiMS,
ami nail trleti every mans In my pow-r tu ei-fc-ct
kiuif, and was tub! bf my family physician
tan honest and goo 1 aoctor) that t cuuid not be
cired ; and I heciueo weak that I could scaice
ly umik up saft.irhtuf stairs, and I happens I to
nre a cfd from lawver Houghton, suutng'that
ht as ben g Vreab-d by lr Abrn, No. Ti Kear
ny ttreet, Francisco, and wai getting great
ri-litt, and 1 ttiougli. 1 wiubl ro and see the toc
tr i but I hat litue hope geilng relief, much
! k a cure. That wmh ah uit the hfteenth of
Jtnuary, is;n, and tt-dy I claim 'to be a well
man I am fltty nine veftrs uol. mother
anl ntstiT oied with the same f'tse's. 1 sed
Otts card, unaoltctted, to ; ir Aborn, thinking
flint it might meet the ere of snme of inf ftc-qoainteuci-s
that might be suffering in Uie came
rn. xiornvr
Has WONMlVKFPI, rCCtS in rur nc CD RON.
10 t)ISr A!K. after the u-ual routlnr of lhe pro-f-"Miioo
have 'ailed, artil the many u-Mltmmi-ts In
Ins iuae.,ion irain prtnnir.sni and induentiMl
ni'-a who arr wrll known will .uh-tmttiaily prove
, !
Xow Heady ! I !
I now ready wilh a
Larjri'ly Incroascil Stock of
And e.eryttiing pertaining- to the manufacture of
.-"Ola and Mioea. A larg. assortment of
Onlc Hole Leather,
California and Oregon Kips,
And every description of
'ra tha Traie. ..
Ta lsre business I nave swsrecded lo estab
liahing wilh manufacturer, and dealers to the up
per toantlea baa Irducrd me to invest mart large
ly ia guMls lor Uielr t.rommod.U.n, and i in
vite atleotlon to my present stock.
John W.Gilbert.
falem. ?ept 17,7111
Salem Chemical Soap Works,
We are now prepared to Manoractur. the fol
o.loa .oaiai, put np In any iyh shape or qnan
tily, to tun t he trade, and at low raiea :
No. I Ch-iKlcal Olive Soap, 20 bars 18 lb. boxes.
Ko. 1 dive .'feteratn Soap,"
No. 1 Fao-.lly Pale Hoap. 9 ba'S, SO lbs.
Ho. 1 Part Farm OH, 80 bara IS lbs.
Also all k tnda f Fancy, Toilet and Bhswtog
Snsps. aad aa eaeelleat arttoki erf Oilve Soil
auai" for heavy washing and hltcben parpeaea.
t3flT"All the above soap, to be what Is repre
sented or in oey refunded. A Stir trtal wul Mat
lis qualllna A share of public patronage so
!V. B AH klods of good rcaderdered greaa.
faseii in rxi bange foriap. oetG
(Hslmta'i Block,) .
Boots and SSlioetsi I
Juat 'elected with, and especially adapted to th
Fall ami Winter Trade!
trPremiiirn work lately cm exhibition at the
Meehaoica' Fair. San Franeisco. sepHO
Successor to
Cigrur and Tobacco,
Salem, - - Oregon.
Goods Iielivered to all Tarts of the City,
Balem, Aug. . TI Jaw. .
Cash Store !
flav your money where you can buy tbe
Will sell yoa a gooJ quality of
nrk Parking Sail at 80 a ton.
L,lw.'poal Salt (in l undred poaail sacks)
at 1.50 par uuuUrcd.
Island sugars, f 8.50 to SIS per
Corthe beat quality, by tbe
Back, for 1 9 eta.
Tb beat aymps, S..:4S per kew.
O.wo.a K.roaenc, (patent cats with fan
eetaat ached,) S3 per cau.
And in fact nfm!y all kinds of
Grocerie V the Package
With lhe addition or freight.
Country Produce.
We har a full assortment of
Dry Goods,
!of hits sr.
Boots & Shoes
Etc., Etc.. Ele,
Conslintly on haod and Tor sale cheap.
Salem, Oct. 4th, 1S71. dw
Te Flnrpnce Is the hwrt SewinK Machine for
family o., rwatia. II s seldom ret out of ordr;
If ther. la one in lhe Ptale of OrfRon not working
well, if I am informed of it, I will fix It without
any expense to lhe owner.
19 Montgomery Street South,
Btratton t Waller, Agents, Salem Oregon.
sTActlve Agents wanted in every p!ace.JW
Dr. Charles Wilson,
OSo. ap Stairs ta Starke y Biota,
Ovar tha psat;Bo.
Dr. Wilson has made the study of the eye a
apecislt, aud has practiced with good suvciss
Several Yeai'h.
He is prepared to perform all operatiers, and
h a hail caperb-nce in orn:rating by the most ap
proved methods. All
are treatt-d very mccefcffcHy, atxordiDK to thr
most icicfitiAcantl fprove! rnodern opthaloih:
prttcitctf. iVrstiDS afTiictetl with diacasot tjc
are in m ted to
(live Him n Trial.
Thone who Am nnt rer)re permanent benefit,
will not he required to par for treatment.
Aa t her Heart Pasta. Mendelssohn. S cts
Cwvaiw Lull taagt.
Ml "
"S "
75 -60
II li .
saysaim ef rrain.
II UaotyKlalAib Paul,
prlna. Krauf Uayden'a i-asona.
gasgaf ikf Rsl. Koo-berg
aaaraaawfj. aen.
St. Caellla'a Hay. Van Bree
Waaajois f Saaaila. Bennett.
Slay aaaat.
Pent, post-paid lor ibe. above price.
Litieral diacnun. to SarVrtles.
ii.iVKiti)lTnw ADI. Battaa
C. II. UllaON sk. V.U.. Maw l.ik.
Emerson's Singing School!
Designed especial y for Wnng Clajsaea,
q( whose books the sale of
A Million , Cofirs
or more, prsres conclusively hatli un-terrUntls
ta. wnta of IU. Ajetancui Musical Paalc.
Tbebrot eonteioe. In tu three dlwatuas, an
EieeBeSiary Oearat,- a gnud -variety ol accaUr
taaaue, an i a cotiessisn of Clnu-Jb tuee. aud
( - ' Priem $?.&T per Dot.
Simple Otpie atiat pu0jpm'4fr TS (.
CHAS. H. DITsON O . New Tork,
From PrstaalaVtha Grsst
Worm Exterminator I
Office, Opera Baat. Camrt St,
Oalaan Of .goat.
Lata of San Franeisoo, Cat. would Inform tha
alrk gensrarlv, that aboat forty years' aawastv.
practice of medicine aad surgery la Karopc and
the United States of which twenty-one have
been In Cvl'fornla, has by alow obsei ration and
great et perlmenta. oont to tae oonrltnion that
there are more scat, and citron io die. eao
rd by worms, hydatllda. anlmakals' ar other
species of enioi o. Th. public generally, or thr
profession at large, are Dot aware of. the auwiber
of patients wflu are treated by ornlnent physicians
for this, thai, or such a complaint without any
relief. If the dieraae had' been naderntood,
few doaea of Ir. V'a 8ovrig Worm Iltmrdy
would bar. immediately cared tbe rniuplalnt,
and have saied a great many livea. lr. V. haa
collected a large variety of California roots and
tierbe, which, by analysior, eloat obrersation
and exirnaive experiments, he can cnoacarmloua.
ly lay that he haa dlacoiered arw remedies tor
the sucjeastalcureof the following diarases:
aat Dyapepaia, Chronic affections ot the Liver
and Kidneva, first and second stages of Con
sumption, White Swelling, Palsy. Speresatoirhom
or local weakness, N?rvoa Debility. Epileptic
Pits, Rhea"iatlam. Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Inconti
nence of Urine, Gravel, near Alboa, Diabetes,
Dropay, and all those diaeaaes which are known
under lhe name of Venereal, such as Syphilis, In
1 lu forms. Gonorrhea, Gleet, strictures, Faiae
PaasaKea, Inflamation of tbe Bladder and Proa
traie Giands, ICxioriationa,. Pualulea, Piles, Pun
pies, -Notches, and all Cutaneous abruptions of
the skin. Cancer Tumors cured with or without
operation. In Recent Veneral Ltsraaea, the Dr.
efft'eu a Cur. in from S to 5 days or no charge.
For the Kye, Ear and Throat, Dr. T. possesses
new and Invaluable remedle.
Dr. V. would adviae those ladies troubled with
Irregularities nf the Uterus to try his new reme
dies and get cured.
Dr. Van Den Bergh's Infallible Worm Syrup
for children. Price, C. Warranted to expel lhe
worms, or tfie money refunded
Dr. J. P. P. Van Den Bargn's, Hair Tonic a
sure cure to destroy all aalmalcaltr of the Hair
Kolliclrs, prevents tailing out, and promoting the
Growth of it. Uair. Pric., 11X0 Warranted.
By consulting aad aadaraoiag a
simple x tnltaailcm. tb. afflicted can
learn if their diseases. Is caused by Worms or
not; at a t events, Dr, tan Deal Bergh can tell
them from what dlaease they arc suffering.
Consultations and ' Vxamloatloos FREE of
ehatire m all cases. Dr. Van Drn Bsrgh guar. :
ai.tres. in all ca.eato expel the worm, and cure
all diseaa.s lie undertakes, of nu charge..
Supposed foumnptioi ui Iiiptj Csitd u
Ktw TUB.
This is to certify that I have been sick a lotg
time and doctored for different complaints. I ,
hud m constant eoueh dav and nieht with i SslST
Hive expectorNtlon ; swelling of the abdomeo aad)
less, wliich waa pronounced dropsy, never Praa
from pain or misery; in faet, I had given afi tli
bpes, when I was Induced by some ot my friend
to cor.ault Dr. J. P. P. Tan Den Bergh. He toad
: enemy cianptalnl was act consumption., but the
I coutfh exictoration and dropsical ecusion waa
j reated by peculiar worms on th. liver aod gall
blailil.r, what the doctor cans Diatoms
cum In November last, I emmeoced his treat
ment, and from that time I jrrew better a,nd bet
ter, and than. Goa and the doctor's medicine,
the cough expectoration, dropsy aad all my so la
cries have left me entirely, and I am now atrong
and healthy sgain My present weight la IbA
pounds. Persons with similar affections can see
me at my residence, No . &8 Kearney street be
tween Jackson aod'PauVrstrera. Sen rraneieo.
Subscribed and sworn lo before me, this lt"h
day of July, A. D IsTu. JOHN GORMAN,
Notary Puoilo.
This Is to certify, that "V. J. p p. Van Den
Beraii expelled a tape worm frotn me, mraanrtng
over 5o0 feet, and containing 42,000 Joints, with
only one d.ale of medicine. I enost lse remark,
that I had been doctoring witb the most eminent
physicians of this city and- tbe Untied Slates,
without benefit lor the last fire years. .
Subvrltxd ani sworn to,' April 12th, ibO, be
fore me. HfTNKY HAlUHf
.Notary Public.
This is to certify that I wss afltirteJ wlib a
J Caucer Tumor, which grew rapidly aJid of a large
eixe io my mouth, on my lower jow, ana trouble
! uui great deal in eating aad apoaaing 1 eon
auitei a good many sergeoas and physirlaLS,
aud 1 could find none wtnch would an leriake to
remove it. till I consulied Dr. P. P van Deu
I Bvrgh, snd he removed the tumor and rt of
j the lower Jaebone, by a saiiltul t.peTalioo -Hi
I very little loss of oIoskI, and-.bealea th. remaiu-
ins wound in a remarkable short time ; and t
I feel ver; liiank'ul to the Doctor for relieving snd
j curing m. of a Cancerous Tumor' which eminent
anrxeona thought would caaae a Hnrerine and
I painful death. CHARi.aS MILLkR.
i eubsenbed and a worn to before me, in San
Jose, tills loth day of December, isos
T 0. MINOR, Notary Public
I take this method to express my sincere thanks
ton ax Is Dr. J- P. P. van Uen Bergh. in Scpte'm
lerf 1S50, 1 was brought from the mines wilh a
malady that was pronounced by a great many
pi.yslcians to be consumption, and every bony
said I must die The cougbaaa Dysentery treac
led me almost constantly no rest dsy or night.
I was recommended tu Dr. van Den BergS ; his
medicines gave me relief, -snd la a short time I
waa restored to perfect health, and 1 aa happy
to say I am aa stout and hearty aa any man ran
be. .PRaDeuICK BRMT. .
Witness, T. A. HAAS. ,
San r rsncisco, April th, 169!.
. HENRY HA10HT, Notary Public.
This is to certify that 1 was sflticted for ten
years. I consulted Dr. J. F P van Den bvrtth.
and he gave me ore dose of medicine which ca-'
pelled a Chain Worm in five' hours tlmt, me-.eur-uring
tweniv-elght leet in length, neck aa l head
incladed. and about a tea-eup full ol Atcariti-s,
(In orms,)aD4 all my ailments and miseries
have lett jse ; also an eruption of the skin, which
baffled the skill of eminent physicisos for the lat'
seven yenrs, has since entirely disappeared, sod
left mv body clear of any Mmplea
Swora and Subscribed before me, this 'itth day
of Octolier, lhfil.
t R. M- SIT0N, Notary Public.
X take this rnelho-l ti exnreaa my a;ncere
thanks toward Dr. J P. P van Den bvrgh. In
r-eptember, ISAti, I was brought from the minis
with a malady that was 'preuounced by a great,
many ptisir.iana to be eonsumplti-n. and every
liody fraid I must die. The cough and Pyen'ery
troubled me almost cooalsnfly no rest day or
night. I was recommended to Dr. van Den
Hergh his medicln.s gave me refief, and in a
short time I waa restored to perfect health, and
I am happy to say 1 am as stout and hearty a
any mau van oe.
Witness. T. A. HAAS.
Sen Francisco, April tin. 1851.
UnaJ-Dr. van Deo Bergh's celebrated
Chemical Steam Baths can ba bad at
Ar hnnr at hit pflice. ang2j
City oi Ioitlniscl .
Sale at
Goldsmith's Addition
To the City of Portland
Formerly known as the Batch Claim.
Commencing at L. and Twenty-sixth H'reela,
about ten minutes wslk worn the aotletpaaed
street Railroad on B Street TI PROPCRTr AS
WELL MrUATED. about three-fourths of it
level, no grading required, and at either lor
If ouipstrada ar Nperulatlsm I
Aud will be sold on the louowing
One fourth Cash: the balanea to sis. twslve
I and eighteen monUat, with BUM POT a.ot kMarest
j ptr annum.
For further particulars, enquire at ear OnVs),
I where Mans can be seen.
1 rep ll.d.'im OOLDSMrra BROS.
j. a. isiTLBa. vaatra asiavata.
For buying and forwarding direct, via IxUiains
Hail and Cape Horn, with San franciaco
connections, all eiaaaee and varieties
, f Merchandise), and lor sale
of Kxpotis from the
Advances made an approved consignments,
and orders respectfully sol id led. All orders
and business will receive peempt atteriioa.
yew roith.
N. Y. Natl Ea. Base, cor. Cllra 'ece A
Chambers 8'reeu
Msasas. A. B. O. V. Tn.ToP.W Liberty o..
Mssaaa. J. U Baowaxix A Baaa, bsnk.-n Ti
Broad Street.
Mssaaa. BsaTttv.Miu.aaTatmas,MScatbSt.
Mtwait. Lass Tilto. Bankers, Portlvnd.
How. R. D WVTac, Portland,
ft. A. McCrur, lq , Salem.
lennu't (Miat JErir ti Calisiu lark
A pleasant boraisj arriVah nrefariaeo. and l
proves the Dkyaat'oa, aa eaceaeM prevent". e uf
Fwers, Faar sm4 Agaa, Ac, and a great Ret,.,
vator and Taene for lavalids and debtttated per
ten. Uaaaa ft Co.. New York, aula Ma-i.'av.
tarrrs a dy all nroggiata. jniyt
Stock Sheep for Sale.
Apply ta . pe
Ur. - AVariiijru
Near otfcol. NlOa.