The Retamof the Birds. hear, frpm tnany a little tWat', 1 A warblu interrupted lung ; , I hear the, robin' liite:like Dote, ihe bluebird'! slenderer long. brown neadprri tad the russet blt, a Nut yet, the haunt of grating herd':, And thickets by the glimmering rltt Are all alive with birds'. u . ' . . 0, choir of Spring, why cooie so soon 7 On leafless grove Knd hcrbless lawn, irmJLje. the yellow beams of noon ; Yet Winter is not gone. Vdr rojt shall sheet the pools again ; Again the blustering cut shall blow ; Whirl a white tempest through the glen, And load tbe pines with snow. Slay, fur a tint of green shall creep Soon o'er the orchard's grassy floor, And fnm its bed the crocus peep Beside the housewife's door. A CROON. " No honeymoon" is the last marriage announcement following the " " cards" of fhc nobotlics. No Honeymoon t No Honeymoon ! No happy days of endless spoon ! No blissful aus at love's high noon ! No snaring, as in a balloon, Above enrtb's cares inopportune ! No month of one oontinual June No month of joy, gone all too eoon ! No brief seclusion, glorious boon 1 No more sweet wine and macaroon ! No bridal wreaths in fair feittoon, No Honeymoon I No pleasant tune t The muse ean only wail and croon" " No Honeymoon I 0, I shall swoon I" Poor bridegoroom , thou'rt a luckless coon; Poor bride, your happy hours they prune I From stone their hearts have sure been hewn, W ho thus proclaim "No Honeymoon !'' GENERAL NEWS. Portland. Oregonian says the Tbe Oregonian says the fire bow raging, is threatening tbe destrnction of the Mountain Park, and if something it not, done Immediately the whole summer's work will be lost. Later intelligence is that tbe Park i i safe. George Pratt, an old resident, died at Ogden, while on bis homeward (rip. His body will be forwajded to that city, by order of bis wife, through Wells, Fargo & Company, for inter ment. Mr. Jacob Stitiel, wbo wag out in Wasbtngto county a few days since, lays tbat be saw about twenty-five families en route for Tillamook, witb a, view of taking farms and settling there.. They were from California. Tbe Bulletin stales that two yoao men were arrested at Astoria on Sat urday last, on charge of bone stealing and were brongbt to tbat city on Sun day. At tbe time of stealing tbey were at work on their step-father's farm in Wasco connty. It seems as though tbe old man and tbe boys' mother bare been .divorced and bare not seen eacb other for six years. Tbe boys fled immediately to their mother, residing in Astoria, there tbey were arrested and in company witb their mother and tbe officer came to Port land.' Tbe old gentlemen met tbem there and after consulting, tbey got the boys off on bail tc app-ar at the next term of tbe Circuit Court. Weviake tbe following from tbe Ore ffonian .- Tbe steamship Constat) tine has been withdrawn from the 8au Francisco and Portland route. Capt. Flanders, tbe agent at this city, showed us a tele gram, last evening, from the Company announcing tbe witdrawal. Tbe Geo. S. Wright, on ber down ward trip, ran aground on the cross itvg opposite Columbia City, on yester day. Efforts were made to get ber off, hut at tbe latest accounts she was still fast. Tbe Bulletin speaks of the rejoicings in Portland, orer tbe election result in California. Speeches, bonfires, fire works etc., were the order of tbe day. Tbe impromptu meetiog'broke up at about ten o'clock at night. Tbe United Slates District Court has adjourned until Monday tbe 25th inst. Tbe sbip Biistolian, loaded with iron for: the Oregon and California Road, bas not arrived, although due here tnis morning. We take tbe following from tbe Ore gonian : Yesterday Messrs. Russell, Ferry At Woodward paid their subscription, of $500, to the Oregon Central Railroad Company. Those .gentlemen are tbe first to come up with their part of tbe subsidy raised in this city last Fall. Tbe ship Bristoliaa arrived at the lower w barf yesterday morning ,wiib a cargo of railroad material. We learn that tbe owners will load ber back to Eogland with wheat on their own ac count.: Several families, from Polk county, on their way to Walla Walla, passed through this city yesterday. Tbe steamer Ooeonta, for Cascades, did not leave ber wharf yesterday morning till balf past 8 o'clock, on ac count ot fog and smoke. Her arrival back, last night, was very late. Tbe Pixley Sisters will leave for Walla Walla, in a day or two, to play a short season there. After which they will return to Oregon, with a view of playing at !3alem, during the .State Fair. ; The troupe consists of the sis ters, Annie and Minnie, Messrs. ElUr ton, Clinton and Sparks. . The Bulletin says tbat a man at tempted to commit suicide by jump ing Into tbe river from tbe foot of Yambill street. He was rescued by a gentleman passing alung the wharf at the time. Tbe would-be self-murderer refuses to give bis name, and says tbe s want of money ia&ligated .bis action.. . A runaway took place yesterday on tbe road leading to HilUboro, which resulted in a man named Ellison bar ing his arm broken in two places, j WaahlnfUm Territory. From tbe Beacon we learn that" Ka lama School District" bas lately been organized. Louis Van Yleet, G. A. Young and J. Isaacs were elected rectors. Tbey design baring a three Booths school this year. Tbe new sf. E. Church, in Kalama, will be dedicated, by Rer. J. F. De Vore, on Sunday, Sept. 17th, 1871, at 10 o'clock a. m. Two youuK men in Washington, tired of boarding bouse hash, hired a bouse, supplied it with a moderate amount of furniture, duly installed a cook, and, after baring tried the ex periment a couple of months, declare tbey can lire cheaper, more comfort able, and feel more at borne than tbey ever did in their lires. A gentlemen of West Cheater, Pa., thinks that be has discorered a sub stance wbiab at a cost of twenty cents per barrel will preserve applet, peaches, grapes pears, potatoes, 10 matoeijjcucambera, cantelopes, water telaoiaud many other fruits and vrg etatrM. a year or more, " as fresh sf when taken from tbe vines. Tbe Chicago Journal says " when tbe Democracy get possession of tbe -national finances we shall expect to see tbe fur fly." To which tbe Albany Journal says :. " Then jou will be dis appoints I; for it is the role of tbe Tammany Ring to carry off tbe whole bide." LATEST BY ELEQKAPH. KtttOPfeA! NEWS. koSDoK Sept." 10; General Manteuffel, cotomande? or the German army of occu palion, after announcing yesterday the corwent of his Government to the evacua tion of tbe Departments around Paris, diacd with President Thiers and Ducrot and Chaniy. The Department of the Seine will be evacuated first, after which troops will be withdrawn from other points at tbe rate of one thousand daily. Madrid, Sept. 10. It is officially an uounccd tbat subscriptions to the amount ..r uvn times the total of the new loan have been received. . Cosstastisopi.k, Sent. 10. Leon d'Ef- feiuli Mostci-ba has been raised to the dig nity of Pasha and appointed Minister ol F'j.cign Affairs. (ien. Essad Pasha. Commander of the First Army Corps, has been appointed Minister of War. I.OHD0. Sept. 10. The funoral of Ren forth took place to-day at Newcastle. The attendance wa extraordinary. Some ac counts represent the number of people who witnessed the burial at one hundred thous and. Tbe concourse was so great that the cemetery wbcro the remains were deposited is much damaged. The Clerical party in Koine are prepar ing for a demonstration on tbe ZUtn inst. The Reds are resolved to make a counter demonstration. Trouble is anticipated. Los don, Sept. 11. Tbe potatoo disease has appeared in Laucanshire. Queen Victoria bas recovered from her recent illness. Paris, Sept. 11. TLe evacuation by German troops of tbe Tout departments con tiguous to Paris will be completed on the 1st. Negotiations have commenced in rela tion to the evacuation of tbe whole of France. London, Sept. It. A Madrid letter con tains information tbat an imprisoned Re publican named Jose Lopez has hinted in a band-bill, which bas been placarded, that the assassination of Gen. Prim was effected by the Duke of Montpenseir, charged with being a party to tbe negotiation bad with Acoud Silas Uii a company ot des persdik vailed the " Secret Society," and whose object is understood to be the putting of Prim out of the way and tbe putting of Montpensier on the throne of Spain. : A short time subsequent to the killing of Prim one of tbe men connected with this so ciety, named Jaraug, complained to Mont pensier that all that society had agreed to do was not done. New York, Sept. 10. Tbe Gazette says tbe present situation in France causes much affliction. Garibaldi speaks with contempt of Viotor Hugo, Louis Blanc and Jules Favre, and declares them old and worn out. His son, Ricotti, will soon return to Cuprera to be married. Meuotti has do voted himself to the export business, aud seems to bave absolutely renounced poli tics. A Paris correspondent of tho Pall Mall Gazette, under date of August 29th, says that Thiers is reported to have given a vast amount of information to the Committee of Inquiry into the causes and conduct of the late war. He found Eugland, he said desirous of acting with Russia, and when he got to SL Petersburg ho met with sym pathy from the population and the Czar, though he said he couldn't declare which was most favorably inclined towards Franca, and that France was bound in some way to Prussia. Every one at St, Petersburg assured him that the Cabinet at Berlin would accept reasonable propos als. Thiers then went to Italy and found tbat tbe King distinctly favored France. He called a council of his Ministers and Generals. Thiers said : "You have 300,- 000 men. March 100,000 men on Lyons You are covered by Switzerland and the Alps, and will have nothing to fear by making a diversion In our favor." The King and his Generals were for adopting this plan, but the Cabinet refused consent. London, Sept. 10. Tbe strike in New castle is virtually defeated. At least half tbe usual number of operatives are at work, and a full complement will be ob tained within a fortnight. Napoleon arrived at Terqnay this morn ing. He was received with much enthusi asm. The journals of to-day discuss tbe i suc cess of Chinese labor in America in Its re lation to tbe recent strike; in England Colonel Rowland, accredited American agent to assist emigration, bas arrived here and goes first to Scandinavia and Ger many. The American ship Lovelli, from Ham burg, has arrived at Cardiff, with four of her crew dead from cholera. The vessel is quarantined. Tbe following are tbe principal condi tions of the treaty made between Russia and Prussia at Versailles, early this year Should Austria be involved in a war. by intervention or othorwise, Russia will act with tbe Germans, furnishing a specified number of troops' and ships. Contracting powers were to make peace only on tbe following terms : Austria was to renounce- in faror of Germany all of Bohemia, Mo ravia, Silesia, and the Duchy of Salsburg Austria was to renounce in favor of Russia tbe Provinces of Galacia and Dalniatia, When these changes become accomplished facts, Russia was to eede to Germany five towns and harbors on the Baltic Sea, and a part of Courland. Prussia was to regard the treaty of Paris as null, and pledge her self to an armed participation in the eon quests in the East, with a .force equal to Russia and to o-aubsequent partition of the conquered territory. Prussia was fooled as was Franco in 1360- Versailles, Sept. 12. The Assembly adopted the bill revising tbe pension list of the Imperial Government. This bill abol ishes all pensions except in cases of treme poverty, or where tbe grant was made for distinguished services. Brussels, Sept. 12. The machine sbops of tbe city have been closed by the pro prietors. Th; s'rikoM are now parading t'.e streets, but no disturbances have oc curroi'. Sroi Kiiot.M, Sept. 12. The Ditt has been specialty convoked to nialie provision for tho reorganization of the army. London, Sept. 13. A special to the Timet from Versailles says Thiers sent a message to the Assembly on Tuesday. He thinks it best that tbe Chamber should soon sepa rate, to reassemble at an early day. In conclusion tbe President says ho relies on the patriotism of the country to preserve that perfect tranquility . and order which France needs to raise her credit. The Ambassador at Washington will probably be a nephew De TocquevUlo. A dispatch says the St. Leger was won by Baron Rothschilds' filly, Hannah, win ner of the Oaks ; Albert . Victor, second ; Ringwood, third. Thirty-five thousand 'colliers and iron workers of Monmouthshire, Wales, will strike unless in advance of ten per cent, on wages is granted. It has been decided at Salsburg to tup press the International Society eAnd settle tbe Schleswig question. The Mont Cents tunnel is successfully opened. Trains are passing. Bucharest, Sept. 13. The people of this city'are excited by a false report that tbe Jews have sacrificed a Christian child and made an attack on . their market-place. Tbe Government promptly interfered with a strong force of gens d'anncs, and arrested the leader of tho riot. . No attempt has been made to renew tbe disturbances. EASTERN MEWS. New York. Sept. 10. One hundred guns were fired irom me uotwdbmi b irge office, al the Battery, yesterday in honor of tbe Republican victory in Califor- It is- expected that ten thousand trades unionists will take part in the working men's demonstration next Wednesday. Comptroller Connelly yesterday informed a reporter that be bad no intention of re- -r 1 1 signing, and Mayor Hall said tbat be had not beard that any eity officials designed to do so. The Corporation counsel will re- ' ply to-morrow, before Judge Barnard, to the application for a perpetual injunction against the city officials, Mayor Hall har ing'decided to take no part iu tbe case. Boston. Sept, 10. The Coroner's Jury on the Eastern Railroad accident agreed on their verdict to-day, "which was ap proved by tbe Coroner. The jury find tbat the collision was caused by the negli gence of John S. Nowland, conductor of tbe Beverly train, the one run into, and A. G. Brown, engineer of the Pullman train. Nowland having failed to leave no lice for Brown tbat his train was behind time, and Brown for having neglected to see the lights i-f tho Beverly train, of which bo had an unobstructed view for half a mile before the collision took place. The jury find that Lunt, depot master at Boston, was remiss and careless in bis duty in not orrcctly traosmiting tho order of the Su perintent to the engineer of the Pullman train to look out for the trains ahead. The jury further find that the President and Directors of the Eastern Railroad, to a, great extent, are re ponsiblo for the los? of life aforesaid. St. Lor is, SepK 1U. A terrible, accident occurred to-day at the crossing of the St. Louis and Vandalia Railroad and tbe Col linsville Plank Road, two and a half miles east of St. Louis. A furniture wagon, containing a party of picknickers, grown people and children, in the act of crossing the track was (truck by tbe engine of an excursion train and knocked to splinters. Three men were killed outright and two men fatally injured, and four or five se vere wouuded all were more or less hurt. Washinoton, Sept. 11. Captain N. B Caldwell is ordered to the command of the Asiatic fleet. Rear Admiral Alden is de tached from duty as chief of the Bureau of Navigation, and sail in October to- take charge of tbe Europcoa fleet. It is said Capt. Daniel Am men will be assigned to tbe charge of the Bureau of Navigation. Commodore O.JL, Rogers will succeed Capt. Ammen in charge" of the Bureau of Yards and Docks. O on oral instructions will be issued by tho Commissioner of Internal Revenuo, in a few days, to all collectors to tbe effect that they must immediately make a final report of all taxes held by them for collection. Saratoga. Sept. 11. The great four- oared boat race came off on Saratoga Lake this morning, and won by tbe Ward crew in 24 minutes and 24 seconds. The Tyne crew was second. Biglino third, Taylor Winsbip fourth. The Taylor-Winship crew claim that Biglino's fouled tbem at tbe stake boat. The Judges decided tbat a dead beat for tbe third place between them be decided by a race between the two crews this afternoon. Nkw Youk, Sept. 11. Tbe injunction ease against the city officials came up this morning. The defendants all appeared by counsel, and announced thoir readiness to proceed. The Controller's office this morning was found to have been entered by burglars, an 1 a number of vouchers and bills, paid in 1870, stolen. Lexington, Ky., Sept. II. Jacob Har per and Betsey Harper, brother and sistr of John Harper, tbe well known turtman, were found murdered in the latter 's bouse. Several negroes living mar the place have been arrested on suspicion, blood having been found on their clothes. Tbe evidence is strong against tbem. Their object was money. . New York, Sept. II. A great crowd as sembled at tbe Court House to-day to wit ness the proceedings in the injunction suit against the eity officials. The Corporation counsel, O'Gorman, appeared for the city officials, and said bis clients desired no de lay and were ready to correct the charges. The personal counsel for Tweed desired delay in order to put in a separate answer, as he had failed to secure any such state ment against him. The great crowd ne cessitated adjournment to the Circuit Court room, where reading of affidavits was be gun by O'Gorman. Avgista, Sept. 11. A Republican meet ing is being held to-night to rejoice over tbe victory in the State, and the remark able triumph in this city. Tbe Republican majority in this city is nearly three rimes as great as it ever was in so full a vote. Thirty-nine towns show a Republican gaiu of one thousand. New York, Sept. 12. The theft yester day discovered in tbe Controller's office was . the exciting topio of conversation throughout the city last evening. There were various' opinions in regard to who stole the vouchers, and what tbey were stolen for. Some think tbe affair was one of the Ring tricks, for the purpose of forcing the Controller to resign, and this thoory seemed U have acquired plausibility, when late last night it was announced that Mayor Hall addressed the Controller a communi eation, setting forth that he (the Mayor) was constrained to conclude that tho exigency demanded his retirement from the head of tbe Finance Department, in order that some other person might bo placed there by the Mayer, who will bn enabled to investigate tbe affairs of tbe Controller's office and restore publio con fidence. The Mayor adds, in his letter, tbat, as he cannot suspend any bead of any Department, pending an investigation, and as charges could only be preferred to the Court of Common Pleas, which alone can remove, after considerable tjme and trial, he is compelled to throw himself upon the magnanimity of tbo Controller in tbe re quest made. In Wall street, during tbe afternoon, a decline was produced in securities in which tbe Ring were especially interested. City stocks also fell.. A feeling of distrust pre vailed. Controller Connelly is greatly dispirited, as be bad been diligently engaged last week in preparation of accounts which tbe missing vouobera weald explain. Many of the Controller's friends claimed that the vouchers were abstracted by some enemy of tbe Controller's merely, for tbe purpose of creating an erroneous impression that he was privy to their abstraction. Tt is as serted that for some time past Mayor Hall has been anxious to hare the place of Con nelly filled by some other person, and tbat a breach bas occurred between the Ring, which placed Hall and Sweeney in coalition against Tweed and Connelly, and tbat the attacks made upon the two latter gentlemen by certain Democratic newspapers, and the request therein for their resignation, were inspired by the former. Tbe World says if the Controller disregards the demand of tbe Mayor, he will find before night that tbe scorching public indignation will make the city too hot to hold him. It adds that it may be his misfortune, not his fault, that this alleged robbery of bis department occurred just at this critical juncture, and it hopes the Mayor may be afforded an op portunity. A dispatch from Washington says, Mrr. R. B. Connelly, on the 8th of last month, transferred to her son-in-law half a million dollars in L'.'S. Bunds. New York, Sept. 12 The poli.e, thos far bave failed to discover any cine to the theft of the Controller's office. It is said duplicates of the stolen vouchers remain in the Controller's office, and the originals are recorded in full in the office bonks, which are safe. The Controller has signi fied no intention of resigning. Washinoton, Sept. 12. Tho Georgia journals are commenting freely on the fact that Governor Bullock bas been absent from tbe State over two months. As there is no Lieutenant Governor, the dnties of bis office during bis absence devolve up m the President of the Senate, and next npon the Speaker of the House. The last heard of Governor Bulloc was on the 9th inst., be was at San Francisco. AuansTA, Me., Sept. 12. Indications derived from a rarcful footing of returns received to-day at noon are that' Governor Perham's majority is nearly 11,000." The official miijority last year was 8.2J.8. New York, Sept. ;i2. Tbe meeting of Irish wexkingmen last nigbt applauded an addsees in denunciation of the Tammany leavers. O' Donovan Roaaa, in a short ad dress, regretted that the Irish were led by Taauiany Hall. Members of the ring were referred to in bitter language, and Mayor Hall as a Know Nothing and jug gler. The Time says it is now stated, on authority of IIn. R. R. Roosevelt), tV&o cratio member of Congress from the t-ourth District in this city, that te aebttrf. New York City is not less than SSOOOOO.OOO, or 181 per cent, of the assess! valuation of tbe real estate, which is tn ,uly part that can be counted m to py the debt Of this cuormous twrdeH -orc than $50,000, 000 has been auNfed r',nc0 januar lf ,8o9i unoer the admJt4f;ation of tne Rmg There fa the best authority for stating that Mayar Jall will take no further action lookhig toward the removal of Controller Ootonolly. In . a conversation with a re porter this evening he stated that he had no intention of preferring articles of uu- pcaohment against Connolly. Charleston, Sept. 12. Accounts from all parts of tho Stato represent tbat the continuous rains the past week have been very disastrous to the cotton. On tbe is lands it is expected the yield bas been cut off at least oue-half, and from the interior of the State reports of rust and shedding qf the fruit by the plant aro universal . Tbe Beaufort (S. C.) Republican of the 7th instant, mentions several cases of yel low fever, two of which were fatal. Washinoton, Sept. 12. The United Stat os Consul at Liverpool writes to the Department that in consequence of the prevalence of the cattle and foot and mouth disease in England, he has discontinued granting certificates to ship cattle to the United States. Baltimore, Sept. 12. The Republican State Convention for tbe nomination of candidates for Governor and State offfecrs. net to-day. All couuties except Talbot were represented. Anions tbo delegates were twenty colored men. Hon. Jacob Towne, of Creil, was nom inated for Governor by acclamation, Alex ander Ratnsdell for Attorney General, and Lawrence J. Brengle, of Frederick, for Controller. New York, Sept. 13. A mornin;; paper bas tho stateute t that John w. Norton, Superintendent of tbe Money Department of tbe City Postoffice, is defaulter to tbe extent of from $100,000 to $150,000. He drew on tbe U. S. Treasury at tbe Sub- Treasury for $142,000 ostensibly for use in tbe Postoffice Department.- This money he is known to bave used in speculations in Wall street. He bas compromised witb tbe Government and resigned his position. Other employees are said to be suspected of similar crimes. It is believed Mayor Hall's request for the resignation of Controller Connolly will be refused, and tbe latter will be the means of securing a description of the ring faction. Tbe efforts which have been made by Hall and Sweeney to crusfh Tweed and Connolly have met an indignant response by friends of the latter gentlemen, who insist tbat if any resignations be made they must in clude all who are in any way tinctured with complicity in the transactions of the City Government. The only difference which is said to rxist between Hall and Sweeney and Tweed and Connolly, is that the former aro a great deal more crafty and deceitful tban the latter. Angust Bc-lmont was yesterday in con sultation with Mayor Hall, and tbe event gave rise to many rumors that bo would be appointed to succeed Connolly, in case tbe Vatter resigned. ! Ingersoll, one of the gents who drew large claims against' tbe new Court House, was said yesterday to have disappeared for Kuropc. CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Sept. 11. It is fcarod that John McClynn, for Harbor Master, "may be beaUn by Kosenfeld, he having run behind his ticket in all parts of the Stat;. Tbo figures so far received aro very close. Flour Superfine, $6 757 i extra, $7 50 7 75. Wheat 38a tons good milling sold on Saturday at $2 70, and 200 tons to-day, same rate. Tbo Board of Supervisors to-day held a special meeting at which communications were received from Badlam, asking a re count of votes for Assessor ; from Mc Clynn; for a recount bf votes of tho city and county for Harbor Commissioner ; from C. II . Stanyan, demanding a recount of votes on Supervisor of Twelfth Ward ; from Louis Franconi, of Second Ward, and Geo. Schwartz, of the Tenth, demanding a recount of votes for Supervisors, and fmm Wm. Carroll, of the Tenth Ward, for a ro count of votes on School Directors. Re counts were ordered as asked, and tbe Mayor apopintod Supervisors Bes Menzies, Goodwin, Cuinmings and Harold as a com mittee. Tbe returns are being watched in the. Connty Clerk's office night and day by one man from each party, besides tbe clerks. This afteraoon S. J. Hensley wheeled C. C. Boyce through Kearney street in a wheelbajrow, in pursuance of an election bet, Unnsley having gambled on the Dem ocrats. He was dressed like a sport, with white kid gloves and cravat to match. The party was accompanied by drum, fife, band and a large crowd. A considerable sum in contributions fur the joint benefit of the Protestant and CatDolie Orphan Asylums was collected from tbe crowd. Tho demurrer of the De Young Brothers, of the Chronicle, to tho indictment for libel charging Caey with improperly manipu lating matters at Mare Island was over ruled to-day. The case ordered on the trial docket. The Republican .Central Committee is confident that tbo majority in the State will exceed 6,000 and tbat McGlynn is cer tainly elected Harbor Commissioner. Santa Cruz, Sept. 11. Tbe Senatorial contest between Bock and Flint for joint Senator from the counties of Santa Crui and Montercjr is very close. Flint claims six majoritv. Beck (Dem.) asserts ho bas five majority. A recount is now iu pro gress. Yrf.ka, Sept. 11. Tbe official rote of all biir t we slhaM' precincts Is in. Siskyon county, which will not give" fire majority cither way, gives Haight 230 ; Pcarce, 251 majority. San Francisco, Sept. 11. The Com mittee appointed by tbe Supervisors to re count tbe vote commenced tbe Second Ward this evening, but found that the law was imperative. The counting must be done by a Committee of the Whole in tbe presence of a full Board, and thereupon quit. The Board will proceed with the recount to morrow morning. The whole Republican Slate ticket is elected including the three Congressmen with tbe exception of McGlynn, for Har bor Commissioner, who is probably beaten by a scratch . Booth's majority in San Francisco is 2,875 majority in the Stato is probably from 5,000 to 7,000. A number of outside counties are yet to bo heard from. The Taxpayers of San Francisco elec tbe Mayor aud all the other candidates, ex cept Badlam for Assessor, who is beaten by nearly 300 ; Uig.ins for Recorder, wbo is beaten by Hyncs ; the Supervisor of tbe Fourth Ward, who is beaUn by Tim Mc Carthy, Independent candidate ; .one School Director and one Justice of the Peace. San Francisco, Sept. 12. The Liver pool quotation of wheat i given at 12s. lOd. Supervisor Kelly, lass evening, presented a bill of J560 for meals, cigars and liquors furnished to the officers of election in the Twelfth -Ward, second precinct, or at the rate of 8187 to each man. The Board of Supervisors refused to allow it. Houghton's majority for Congress in the First District, official, is 2.874. ' Flour Unchanged. Wheat 1,000 sfeaacoaat, $2 671; 800 sks Bar milling, $2 72J. f Oats The range of the market is $1 82 J 1 95. Hay Two small lots sold at $19 50 20 ; 60 bales ejeoice wheat, $23 50 per ton advance. Potatoes Halfmoon Bay, 8087Jc; Choice 90c; Mi ssion, 6575c.; Sweet, $1 Ml 85. San Francisco, Sept. 13. The steamers , Constantino, for Portland, and Wm. Taber, for San Diego, have both hauled off, hav ing been sold to Holladay t Brenham. This is positive. The Ajax takes the place of the John L. Stephens in the Port land line. This has been one of the wannest days of the season a regular down-cast summer day. Both tbe Australian aud New Zealand steamers carried away an unusually large number of passengers to-day. Tbe recount vote of the city so far has re sulted in no change worth the thousandth part of the trouble. They are now at work on the Fifth Ward, having discovered no error in tbo first half of the votes. Flour Three thousand bbls Eldorado and Gulden Age, superfine, for China. The export demand is quiet, tho Ring leader, for Hongkong, being the ouly ves sel loading. Wheat Tho market is from 10 to 15 cents higher than it was a weok ago. ' Sales of 500 sks coast $2 45 ; 250 sks good milling $2 6SJ ; 300 ska choice $2 52J2 85. The owuera of the steamer Constantino state that she has simply been bauled off for repairs, and not sold out to Holladay & Brenham, as reported. ' Tbe wbole available rolling stock of tbe C. P. R. R. is being brought into uie to hurry forward to the East tbe cargo of tea brought by the steamer Alaska, the Eng lish steamer Cleuta being already duo with another cargo, and several ships under way with similar ones. 8an Francisco, Sept. 13. It is stated that the Republican Nominating Conven tion will be called together to formally en dorse the Taxpayers' Judicial nominations. It is believed no chaugef will be made. Tbe recounting is still going on. The Su pervisors are now at work on the Sixth ward. Witb the exception of a number of ballots on which the name of Alex. Bad lam had been erased by the nitrate of silver dodge, no evidence of frand, and few errors have yet been discovered. BV STATE TEIiEGRAPlI. Oakland, Sept. 11. On Saturday even ing, the 9tb inst., the Republicans fired 100 guns in honor of the Republican victory in California. Tbey claim to bave fired tbe first gun in Oregon over the California elec tion. Grease Ilcr Knees. Mayne Reid, the prolific au'bor, tf wild stories for little and big Children, was once a gallant eoldier, and distin guished himself in the Mexican war. After tbe capture of tbe City of Mexico he was wont to empty bis trunk in adorning hi' person before ratlin? up oti the ftir Uuadaloupr, and wbile so doing would stir up bis enthusiasm by reciting poetry, much to the w rath aud disgust of his brother ttlicere, who had no fine clothes and no loves Oue day wbile dressing be roared out : "At midnight iu his guarded lent, The Turk lay dreaming of tbe hour When Greece, her knees " "I say, Reid," interrupted Ned Mar shall, " why did they grease ber kueeB?" "What ?" "You said 'grease ber knees.' Now, ibe question that agitates tbe country is wby did tbey grease ber knees?'' Tbe gay lieutenant gazed for a mo ment in blank amazement, and then eaid sternly : "You're a fool !" A duel was tbe consrqueoce, in which Ned Marshall pot tbe worst of it. A western writer gives this coTiical sketch of the "Injun of tbe Period:'' "Pictures in the old geographies used to represent the Indian standing soli tary nod in a melancholy altitude on a rock, gazing in a sad, reflective way, upon a train of cars speeding along in the valley below. Tie seemtd weeping to see the steam burse invading bis hunting grounds and overcome witb gloomy forebodings as to his future. I saw this lonely Indian at tbe railroad depottbis morning, lie was grumbling because the train was a few minutes behind time, and talked 'loud' to tbe depot agent in good missionary English because tfe didn't hurry up and check bis carpet bag. He looked delighted when ht saw tbe train coming, shook bands witb he conductor wben it ar rived, borrowed a 'chaw terbacker' of a brakesman, aod as tbe train moved away I saw bim comfortably stretched out on twe Brats, eating peanuts aud readiDg a comic paper." Ten elephants recently arrived from Ceylon, and were taken, via tbe Hud son River Kiilroad, to Oanada. All the animals entered tbe cars prepared for tbprn quietly, except the largest of the number. Rajah. In rain tbe keep ers pricked bim with their ppears, scolded, praised, or enticed bim. He would not move an inch, and showed symptoms ot rage, which wre very alarming. Finally, tbe baby elephant (eight years old) was led in and out of the car several times ; and at last, after be bad been mollified with Sugar, Cin dy and sponge cake, Rajnh slowly and witb great deliberation followed bis companion, carefully letting with bis lorel'eet the strength of tbe planks leading from tbe platform to the truck. Each elrpbaut was then provided with abundance of bay and water, aod tbe train moved away. Their trunks weut unchecked. A curious observer states that the California ant-ealing woodpecker, in storing its provisions for Winter use, digs a small round bole in tbe bark of tbe pine or oak, and inin these insrrts an acorn so tightly wedged in as to be with difficulty extracted. The bark of tbe pine tree, wben tbajg filled, pr -Ben's at a short distance the appear ance of being studded with brass beaded nails. Stowed away in large quantities in this manner, tbe acorns not only supply the wants of the wood pecker, but tbe squirrels, mice, and jays avail themselves likewise of tbe fruits of provident labor. A Swedish paper, claims tbat tjere are mare -novelists of exceptional -power in Scandinavia than in any oth er country. Certainly there are none of the greater fecundity than Scandi navian writers. Last year, in Swedes alone, seven hundred and ten books J .vere published, and in little Denmark four hundred and thirteen. In this connection it may be stated tbat tbe new King of Vpaio is an eager reader, and is patronizing Spanish publica tions witb great liberality. It is said that four times as many books are now published in Spain as during the late reign of Isabella II. We Are glad to learn from so bigh so authority as Professor Tynds.ll tbat tbe total amount of heat which the" sun sends annually to the earth, Is ins variable, and hence, if any portion of tbe earth's surface daring any given year be colder, than ordinary, we may infer witb certainty that some oiber portion of tbe surface is then warmer ti;in ordinary.". pr. Livings o has not had any pan taloons to speak of for four years, tbe merchant tailors of Uj'ji refusing to credit bim. With a little paint, how. ever, and a fragment of lion skin around his loins, the Doctor has man aged to keep himself in presentable condition for the leaves of African ruonarchs, wbose regulations concern ing count costumes are quite liberal. The loss to tbe works of art by tbe destrnction of tbe Hotel de Ville, Galignan tells us, will be very great. Tbe 80,000 or 100,000 books wbich com prist the library are a complete loss, as alio are many very valuable pictures from tbe peneils of some .of the grandest artists France bas ever seen. " Boy," snid an ill-tempered old fel low to a noisy lad, what are yon hollerin' for wben I am going by?" " Humph I" returned tbe boy, " what are yon roicg by for jrben I am hol lerin' T" Sags. iU NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY For 1H71! At nd Below Portland Prices. T. CUININGHAM & CO., SALEM, OHKOOH, , Offer (or sale tbe following splendil assortment ot machines : Swespitskc Tbrnboi With new Im provement for 1S7I, which makes this the best machine ever brought to this coast Genulie Bnrkry. Hrtpraad Slow r r Combine! ttmil and selt-rkr litre suk-s. This machine s'anfl. st the very head el; American Riers, and for strength, beau . trWt)d excellence has do equal. IttyJ rVork Combined Reaper awd Jrlower With au'oumtlc srlt-raktnc at ' Uchmeni Iwo stars. This machine is too well known to need special commendation hera. W guarantee ll In every respect. IC.w'To'a Hand Haklnff Reaper and Mower Combined, will do good work auder all circum.tances. Bant. Ka(lc H..urr and f ewr Cmbli,ed, strooK, excellent, aud tbe cheap est machine In the market. Easterly Heapsr and Blower Com bined. Walter Wood's Keeper and Mower ombined. Buckeye Mower Four sites. Woods' Mower Two staes. Kxrelslor Mower Two sites. Haloes' U.aala. Meadere Wl h new Improvement 10 to 12 feet cut. Bam' flipper and Oilffln'S Balky Mokes. Oil din's Revolving Horse Rakes, if eras Powe a Corey's, 8weept.ket and Pitt's all iIhi. SEndleta lialn Tnreshera. Scythes and Snaths, Grain Cradlrs, Hay and Grain rka rto?ea, I lows and Harrows, in great variety. Hardware, Iron and Steel, Hubs, t-ptkel, Felloes, Ktms and a ales, o we"Xre ages ra for the celkbratkd MITCIIKLL WAGON .Four bIki contnUy on hnd. We are Pole Agmtt for the well-known BOWIE PREJiiUM WAGON, Which wc oOVr t low prhe, and will warrant litem rqal. If not .ujrenor, tn any wcn Id tl or any other market a written guarantee fur oUhsd With each niton. T CLMAIKOHAM fc CO. Salem, May Tib. Salem Tin Slore. ANDERSON & BROWN. Commercial Street. Importers of Stoves, Sheet Iron, Copper Ware, Urag aud Zinc Force and LlftPnmpa, Houae Furnishing Goods. They also manufacture Tin, sheet Iron, and Op per Ware, and Welchs Rolary Washing Maqhine Invaluable to ail hcuseki-cpera. 1'lun.bina and S earn piic fi ling. Repairing prompt y done. d Aw W. W. MAKT1N Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler, Cotno-eralsvl Mrt, SsUam. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL. WATCHES, -' GOLD AND SILVER. IKWEMtYOF ALL KINDS, WJIvcr "Wsir-o. Cloclfs, IVatrlies & Jewelry , Repaired In the best manner. Solid Cold Jewelry MADE TU ORDIR. Deel&iaaKra I. w. MEASOm nKHKDITIl. SMITH i)i;NTisTs: ; ; liriswold's Block, Opposite Bant. SALKM, ORHGOX. Drs. ?m1ih A Meredith ari now In possession o a new invention in dental plates, which for beau i ty ami comfort far eterU anything that hit ever , beeu introdut-'t'd in the prut- ssion. The InveniU-n is now patented, and railed te ; 'Purvtn and fruit h impiovement on varum or . iiicfon nla'es This improvement Cf-nsis In suppotin the , plate to the mouth ith small hare attached to . .he plate ami vncuum, tnstea-l o' coverinf Ihe i whole roof nt the tmuth with the plate, a bas heen the cuntom heretofore. We iui-.d to introduce this style of work In t the prufefMon, as "soon s practcabU. Hpeci . n os of this new style ot woik can be seen at ; Urs. iitth A MiTfiitli's office. All our former f patrons and the puh'ic in general are cordially ; invited to cat) an examine tnvm. augtHiawu AXEMEN! '200 Choppers and Loggers To do clearing work on the Northern Pacific Railroad, between the Cwliti River and Hog den s. Also. i WELL BROKEN OX TEAMS. Men apply to C. T. SIIIRMlN. it rumphrcj'i Csirti. on Guam. Mcalj work and t"04l wage. iHOMA- B MORRIS. Engineer Pac. Dir. Kalsma, Pcpt 7 d-wocU COOKE & SMITH. MANUFACTURERS Or SASH, DOORS ANO BLINDS . Inside and Outside Finish, WT-rVIIt UUILDIA-G, Scroll Sawing and 1'uraing, t7Mosldlsiga Made to Ord.r. ' Regular sites of work constantly on haid. , 6f Orders from Uie coontrj promptly filled. Kartory Oil Blork Kaat of Chcmck ta Homaa. gUleti, May 10. aawtf Sa em Flouring Mills BK8T FAMILY FLOUK, BsKKII'S KITRA, XXX, CPKHFIKB and iMiddliugH, Uran and Shorts OONSTANTXT ON HAND. y HIOHKKT PP1CK IN CASH ft PAID FOU WHEAT AT ALL TIMt? " II. C. KISNKY. A sent 8. F. M. Co. Nor. 3.dtf J. H. HAAS, DaiLM ! Watches, Clocks and Jewell Solid Silver Ware, Watch., Clstb awd REPAIRED.; ty And Batls'actlon Warranted. J. H. HAAS, PATTOTb block. Salem, Not , lS70.;d 9 SUM sL, galea. CURIOUS contains la. twj stamp'. Jo:J-w Havr Strani. Tt ifar rOd Uiii frioaU rbmpo.foa desiraa tnioniatln. im free f. ;Ma. U. MKTZ'iER, 'Haaover. Ps DRUGS fc MEDICINES THE UNK WEED REMEDY OR- - OREGON RHEUMATIC CURE. History. Tills remedy is composed of the actire prin ciple of tho Unk Weed, Kng. lhaaplum. Cot datum OriraaiM, Lat. Indipciiouf to Orrtton Grows tn at abundantly and icrfectly lii Vh tngLon County. PROPERTIES, &C. It contains an actire volatile principle ex tra ted by Ether, and a bluer Tonio prtsicfple. MfQCM. fR PrRTitS AND USES. It is the most sure and Speedy Care (or Rhea matliMn, Rheumatic Gout and Rhecn atic Pains of all kinds that has ever bt-en ln(roiueed In the Materia MeUica. The Ui.k Weed Remedy as prepared by us. In consequence of the existing bitter principles possesses the uteemarj virtue being a POWERFUL TONIC, Promoting the Appetite and Invigorating the whole Digestive Apparatus, thus budding and strengthening the sy.tem, while at the same time the volaUe principle, being absorbed In the acta siteclfically on the Rheumatic Poison, re moving It from the circulation and system. - Ttiere are a few remedies known to the Med leal profession, which will remove the Rheumat ic poison from the blood, but whose actkn is so Mwerful tn depressing the system of tbe already enfeebled Rheumatic patient, that their use has to be abandoned before specific effects art ob tainablehence the want cf success in treting this prevalent, 'nd in consequence, heretofore incurable disease. Unlike these Medicines, al ready known, tbe UNK WEED REMEDY Though producing as powerful and aa active ef- lects on the blood and system In removing tha Rheumatic poison, also possesses a strong Tonic and recuperating clement, which admits of its continued use even In the n:-st delicate and de bilitated. Thus we have the combination for the first time of these 1 wo necessary elements in the one remedy whhh accounts lor U supeiior and never failing curative effects in Rhanmatltm, Eh.nmatlo Goat, ana Rh.ssnatio Palta of A' I Ktnda. Pet l'p In. 10 oi. Bottles at $1.50 Per Bottle. PREPARED AT THE Oregon Medical Laboratory BY OR. A.M.LQRYEA & CO, Kaat Portland, Oregon. ""For Sale by all Druggists. marchl2,71lw Th Ureal VqulvaUnt.-Tlie world may be ifelj rhaUenge-l to produce so perfect tinaUUoD of anjthm In nature, aa Tarrant1 1 Seltzer Aperient In of IU original the PelHfrStninir of Germany The Aperier t, baaed on a correct analyst of the Beltavr VV'ttt-r it errn urrrir to the maDafae- ture or IS at u re herself, because It contain all the active medicinal properties of the nrimr. nnal loyed by any of the Inert and oeleu particle tound In all mineral founialm. The geaaiit article belacr aeearefia you bare the Peltier Wa?er of Europe purified and perfected. and probably be best, the moat renlal character and antibllious preparation on the face of the earth. . BOLD BY ALL LRL'GGTSTS. aus29- la CHOLERA. now to cuiti': IT. AT the eotnmenrement of the Diarrhoea, which always premies an attack of the Chnlera, take a tesponr lul of the Pain Killt-r In surar and water. hof, tl convenient,) and then bathe freely the staiach and bowels with the Palo Kil ler clear. 8houll the diarrhoea or cram con tinue, repeal Ihe do.e every ten or fifteen min utes until the patient Is relieved In extreme caeei. two or more teaspoonfuli mJ be given at a ilnae. The Pain Killer, sa an internal remedy has no equal In cases of Cholera, rummer Complaints, Dyspepsia, Dysentery. Arthn.a, It cures In one n'frht, hy takutf II internally, and hathtna with It frerly. .Its action if like maulc, when exter nally applied tn O'd fores. Burn, Scalds and fpralns. For Pick Headache and Toothache, don't fail to try it. In short, it is a Pais Ktixaa Direction! accompany each bi ttle. The KiHer Is sold by all dealers In Medicines Price, SO cents, SO cents, and II per bottle, aunll An Infallible BLOOD pumifier. possess ing rare toxic and nsmvnvE properties' a certain core for atlas: a;M.Tisaa. cocr. XEfjst AM.CIA. and all kindred Disease. It completely restore the system wben lm. paired by disease, revives tbe action of the HIDSITS mm CEIITU OStCAJi". radi- call; core, scbofula. salt aitfi. and all eittive mm citajtiois Dis eases, gives immediate and permanent relief in DTirrrsiA, EavsrrtLAS. Tumors, Boils, Scald Bead, Ulcers and Sores; eradl catcs from the system all traces of Mercurial Disease, It is rirsEa.v vegstasle, being mad. from an herb found indigenous in Caukna It is therefor, peculiarly suitable for use by Females and Children, aa a blood rti. FIEBl mm StEIHOVATOB. For Sal by all Druggists. R E 0 1 R QTQ R HOSTCTTCR CO. AGKNTSi 529 and 631 Market Street, Baa Francisco. .Halem Urns' Store! JKKP CONSTANTLY ON HAND PORT, SHKH.HY, rLARHET aad WUITK WINKS, AL&) Blnclibcrry Cordlnl. THATCHER, . feO'. lose GREAT SUMMER TONIC. err ui'i far iil liiiif tf C.Iiim Bark A pteasaat Cordial ahleh trengthens and proves tit Dtgesttoa, aa seelle.t preventive el revere. Fever aad Asae, Ac., and a sreat Rene valor and Tente for tavatids and drbtltlated per eaa llaoaaii A ., New Yrk, tola ManaTao larrra. fttd by all Drcgft. ju!)2 tyolen Property. let no roa Mreha-. aat ante dravn in fa. r of riltaeeraard." a In. am. and mart. rafrs irtih u aSf , .era stolen rrni me. LL ZABtT J Aoj. t4 7. I ea i.-.-'cv.-i. -'-'--r-i a --. MISCELLANEOUS. . Uloney Cannot Buy It ! VOll SIGHT IS PI.ICKL.ESS! Tlie Diamond lases, M.I.NCTA TDRID I T J. E. SPENCER & CO., N. Y., Which are now .IT'red to the public, are pro nounced by all the celebrated Ojticans ol the World to lw the Most Perfect, Natural, Artificial help to the human ee erer known. They are eround antler th?.r own luperrUfon, from minute Ciystal Pebble, melted tether, ami derive their name, Diamond. on account of their hardnes and brilliancy. The Scientific Principle On which they are constructed bring the core or centre of the lent directly In front of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vtvion, aa In the natural, healthy sight, and preTentlnK U un pleasant sensntiooR, such as glimmeringf and wavering of stent, dimness, Ac , peculiar to al others In nse. They art Mounted in the Finest Mannerh lit frames of the best quality, of all materials ued for thai purpose. THEIR FINISH ANO DURABILITY CANNOT BE SUFPAPSED. CaU'Ion. None gtnuine unless bearing their trade mark stamped on every frame. w. w.ISartijv Jeweler and Optician, Sola Agent for A.LE3X, OREGON. From whom they can only be obtained. These goods are not supp-ted to Pedlers aiao price. fetii2dwljT The. I.cabo Ferry 18 lire miles and a Imlf south of Salem, an I Is the easVat and moat direct route from Salem to independence, Monmouth, Cor VaUtla.Yaqulna Bay, And all intermediate points. A New and Commodious Boat, firmly con structed, so as to ferry stock of all kinds witb salety and dltpatch. Tha hanks have been great It improved, and the roads are in a better con dition than ever before. An accommodating f err Tiu an will always be Id attendance, but an extra charge will be made for crossing at late hours. CHA9. W. PJCTTYJOUH, Proprietor MajT-daw. SALEM BREWERY I SAMUEL ADOLPU, SALKM, ORKGOJI, The Oldest Brewery in Town I Is ready to furnish hi customers with better 42a ALE .Sc gg BEER Than he has ey.r made before.! r'AMlLIES 81TPLIED TO OBDEH. tVQrien from tbe country promptly filled at regular rates. majldaw JACOB 8TITZIL. jaaits a. rrro JSTITZEIa Jt UPTON, HEAL. ESTATE BROKERS, Corner of Front 4 Washington St's, -PORTLAND, ORKGOS. Will attend to tbe purchase and Sale of Ecal Estate In all Tarts or Oregon. l?T Loans negotiate.! on First Mortgage Real Estate and Collateral Security. Agents for the Bale of Blocks and Lota 1st Ilolladay Addition to Kaat Portland. C. C. WAY, Salesman an 1 Sollcltlnf Ascot. KEFEREKCES-BY PERMISSION: MsKiB.. Ladd A Tiltoh, Bankers, Portlsnd Oregon. But Hcludit. H. D Git tut. Wassiaaia k Co. Jas. Stkkl, Cashier, First National Bank. Lots Baooas. maj2t OCEAN BEACH WAGON ROAD. riiHIS ROAD IS NOW OPEN AND IN GOOD X repair. O t 11 11 1 Foetl Can be procured at the toll pate at 75 en. a buthel UMnjr visitors are now ai the Beach. R. P EARH ART, Secretary T.IO.B. Wagon Koad Co. Julv2 TEE KEW Jtu For a few cents you can buj :f yonr Grocer or Druggist s : act age of SEA MOSS FARIXE made from pure Irish Moss, or Carrageen, Trhich will snake sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of Pud dings Custards, Creams, Char Idtte Rosso, &c It is the cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in tho world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and Aelicato food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! ! THE GREAT WORLD'S TOXIC. i .antation Bitters. This wonderful vegetable restorative Is the sheet-anchor of the feeble and debili tated. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid. It has no equal among stom achics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially sub ject, it is superseding every Dther stimulant. In all Cli mates, tropical, temperate, or frigid, it acts as a specific in every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal' spirits. For sale by ill Druggists. ST. HELEN'S HALL, PORTLAND, A Boarding and Day Schoo FOR GrlRUS ! Conducted by the Mlrses Kodnev. under ra pervl.lon of the Blcht B.v. B. Wkttar Morris. D D. The Christina brm will begin en th. J o neptemoer. tX Those desiring to be admitted' b-ardinf poiils, should raaketartyappllca'lor, Jv!0-3m MISCELLANEOUS. r. h. Mcdonald & co. TTIIOLESALB DRUGGISTS San Francisco, Cal. Call the attention of Dealer to their lame ""ort inent of " Newly Arrived" tiooda. eotniosed to part of the following articlea, twiW wftii ererv thing kept In a well supplied Hf M01-XSIAX.E UHIU SivJtJW SUM .DROSS, Ttr-WtlfS ParMKaTKWB, DacsourrV HoaoaliUL Shamr Haaa, 1'rirraMiaa, PaTEirr HKDicma, Taoase A SvrrOKiaa, Essbxtiai. Oils, at.ii.ijii vib, I J. . . mrm i i nu ay nieti yet otter at tne toweai ,aau . - determined not to be undersold. . R. IL HcDONAXJ A CO., 8S Faaacisco, Cau FOR 8 ALE. 4 OTTt DRIB HrMXEMt. located In Ran i ranclseo. t:L After our beat wtaliea, and expreaa. Ing our thanks for tho liberal patrooAff. w. liar, received for more than twenty -one year, during which period wa have been steadily engaged In tha Drug business In California, wo beg Jo say In consequence of Ihe rapid growth of Dr. walker California Vinegar Bitter, now spread over in. Vnlted Btate and countries tar beyond, we r necessitated to devote our nUr time to said bua. 111 We are the Oldest Drag flrm on th Pacific Coast and the only one. continuous under the aame pro prietors sine. IBM, and have determined to sell our large, prueperous, and well eaUUUbed buauwM ou lavorable terms. , . This Is a rare opportunity for men with meana, of entering Into a profitable bustneas with advaa tage never before offered. tor particulars enquire of . It U. McDOXALD A CO.. It H. McDonald, 1 Wboleaale Druggata, J.-C. SrutciuH, San Franc iaro Cal. N. B. t" mil a sale Is nude we shall continue our Importations, and keep a large stock of freh goods constantly on baud, and sell at price, to dely com petition. I. WALira, rniM"r. It- II rlw. a A fa., lroM A G.a. AfuU,&i f rwi ..C.l.n. U Cwiw Un.f niLMOIS Bear TmiIhwt their We-awei-fal laratlrs Effects, t Vinegar Bitter ar not a vile Fancy Prink, Made of Peer Rsa, ' Walekey, Preef Hplrlt. aad Rerase LI. .era, doc tored, apiced and iweetened to plea, tha taaU, called " Tonic," " Appetiser." " Bertorera," C that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, mad. from tha Native Root and Herbs of California, free froaa all Alcoholic Htlmalant. They are tt. GREAT BLOOD Pl'KIFIER ana A LIFE UIV1NU PRINCIPLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the ffratem. carrr- ng off alt polnonout matter and restoring to. blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitter according to directions and remain lonr anwelU provided their bone. ar. not dntroywl by mineral poiaon or other meana, and the vital vrgans wasted beyond the point of repair. Ther area Uentle Pargatlve aa well aa a Tonic, poaaeaalng, also, th. peculiar merit ?f acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congea tion or Inflammation of tb Liver, and of all th Visceral Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether in TOong or old, married or single, at th. dawn of womanhood or at th turn of life, the. Tonio Bit ters have uo equal. For Inflammatory and Chronic Bke. muff am and Goat, Dyaaeaala or In digestion, Billon, Remittent and Intermittent Fever. IMeeaae of the piood.fLiver, Kidney aad Bladder, these Bitter have been most necesfuL Bach Plaenae are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digeatlve Orgnna. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Headache, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tlcht neas of the Chest, Dizziness, Bonr Eructation ot lie Stomach, Bad Taste in the Month, Billon Attack, Palpitation of the Heart. Inflammation ot the Lungs, Pain in theregiona ot th. Kidney, and a hundred other painful symptom are. the off springs of Dyspepsia. Q They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate tbe torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing tbe Mood of all Im purities, and imiiarting new life and vigor to the whole ilfWem. f FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruption. Tetter, Salt Ileum, Blotclwa, bixita. Pimple, Puatulee, Boils, Carbuncle. Ring-Worm. Scald Head,6or Byes.Eryaipeln. Itch, Scurf. Piolorationof the Skin, Humor and Disease of the Skm, of what ever name or nature, are literally dug up and car ried out of tbe avatem in a abort time by th. n of these Bitter. One bottle in such case will con vince tbe most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon And tts impurities bursting through the akin tn Pimples. Eruptions or Sore ; deauae it when you find it obstructed and amggiah in the vein. : deanae it when it is foul.and your feeling will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORMS, nrkiag tn the eyrtem of o many thousand, are effectually destroyed ana removea. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD CO., Druggist and Gen. Ageiita, San Franciano, Cel.. and Si and Si Commerce Street. New York. Now Ueal'! Emerson's . Singing; school : : Compiled by one of the most eminent teachers in th- country, and arranged caretutiy lor tl,e use of Ringing tchj 4 Teachers. There is la PARt' 1st A (rood Elementary Course. . Snd -A Fine Collection f rerular Muic. 1 3d A Number of Cl.urcli Tunes and Au- thcu.s rend stamp fur Specimen Pgv. fend A 7.50 per d"an for the book. OLIVfR DITSON CO.. Ho tea. C. H. DI fSON CO , N.w York- For High Schools ! THE HOUR CF SINGING! ! A want Ion fe't il now be iupp1el. The (Jcurof Mdli p. c! bv the diM.nrutht4 compoiier L. . V, MrK U ,nn. by W. t. TIl l'fN, a I It brill and tnrcewd:! t luc In Hi-. iho It, is flic Willi ctxi sttjci rproiirim1 n usio, wiiicli may be rurip in one, two or thrcr part?, fti-d a jioitinp m pati lher la al i a C'lioprehtMisive Mt'j.enUry Oourat-, d4 a Collection tif "Hyta-m and Tuuei' lor open ice and clomi g Price 10O Sent, post-paid, on receipt of retail pi tee. OLIVER DITSON A CO., Bottor. CHAS. II. DIT30N A CO . New Yoik, Augiwlde-Ml KEKKKK A 11 ALSTKAH. 95 LIBERTY 8T...NEW YoRK. i OREGON AND NORTH-WEST C0MMISSI0I1 AGENCY For buying and forwarding direct, via Isthmus itll and Cape Horn, with Pan Prancuco .connection,, allele nd variety - , of Merchandise, and tor sal. of Ks ports from UiC North -eet. Advarc made n rtrord consignment., and or'tcrs rt-!e-trul!y M,h .td. Ail order and busines. wtil revrivr p'otiipt attertion. . l.aa.llt. KEW von A. N. Y. Natl Ex. R k, cor. Col leg ci t Chamber Street Mkiwh. A. K. C. K T.LT,tA Liberty Mi. J. U I!b.bkil A Mao., Bink-r S Broad- ei ree . Mamas Haim.' i. Hiuul TBrnit,S48oath St. ier'iir Mi.ii. Law A Tut h, lu.nlter, Tertlcnd. II.. K. 11 chmtii. , Portland. A. A. McCdllv, fcq., flaivtu. DecWdtwtf , a. II. ci a. A bb'HTUR, NOTAltY PUBLIC1 AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, LEBANON, O3EG0N. I ILL GIVE PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO negotiating sale of real estate in Linn coun ty, Oregon, also la making awl acknowledging ".' Deed and Mortgage and othr convey inert, and to the prompt collection of all claims thai may bv entrusted to my rare. Office In Poet Office building. Main Street, I b-non,Or.gxn- 8. u. CLAUtiUTvN. fcblwtf NORTH SALEM STORE W. Iu. AVADK, AT THOI D CRISK!! PTOBK, S9 A Ft'laL ASSOKTMK.M DRV UOUU8, GROCftniK, BOOTS 4k IIIE, OLOTIlflkCJ, Hardware. Gen'al Merchandise, . Calrnlaled for City anil Tratle. (VOoods dclirervd loan part of the city free of charge. ' Nov. t-dwtl SUNDAY SCHOOL CARDS Front J. 0. Carrtgues a Co, rii iladdi hla. he lrt est lot In Salem. At It. D. BOU.VS.