3)rcfloit ffic.fi; talesman. SIIE3. WU..-SIMY. EPr. 20, 1S71. cr-r ."T ' ' " " , State ISTewsi. Portland. Mr. Clark Smith who has been eur. vevinj lately, io W.sliioton couoty, Penka of a tract of land lying in township three north, range three west, that is very inviting to any per sons who may be needing homes This tract embraces bottom lands, ta Me lands, and some covering the spurs of the coast range mountains. An important feature coacerniog the whole tract is the vast number of large cold springs which are to be found over it. Mr. D. M. Talbot, who has just re turned from a trip east of the Cis ts tdes, reports that the old Barlow route, heretofore reported as 1n bad condition, isvat present in good travel ing order. The fires are now raging in some localities io that direction, do ing incalculable d.image to the Cne forests of timber. The steamship liaho was advertised to soil last evening at 7 o'clock. The Orcgonian says that the transfer of the P. T. Co's. property to the Wil lamette Traosporsation Company took mlace on Thursday. The officers of the tew compacy are as follows : Ben BoMaday, President ; Ben Holla dy, Jr., Vice President; John D Biles, Secretary and Treasurer ; Geo A. Pease, Superintendent. The boats belonging to the company below the Falls are the Senator and the Alice, the Utter new. Above the Falls the boats, now running, are the Dayton and the Albany, the former ta Dayton, the latter to Lincoln. The Success is used as a dredger. Mr. Geo. V. James yesterday paid to the Oregon Ceotral Railroad Company his subscription to the subsidy, thus standing: second on "the list. It will not now be long till the entire subscrip tion will be due perhaps but little more than a month. The Herald says the public schools, which opened on Monday last, are bet ter attended than at any previous term From the Portland dailies of the 17th and 18th: On Saturday about half past 2 o'clock, the locomotive John II. Couch was fired up and run through Fourth street to Taylor, as far as the track was then completed. The occurence , brought out swarms of citizens who rejoiced that tb "good time coming is .almost here." The U. S. Circuit and District Courts convened at Portland yester day. The Oregonian says that the Orient has arrived in the river from San Fran cisco. She has a locomotive on board for the Oregon Central Railroad. The Herald relates a sad case of ab duction that occurred in Portland a few days ago. . A poor Irish woman of the city bad by hard labor succeeded in accumulating enough money to send to Ireland for her eldest daughter. The daughter was .sent for, but bad not been in the city three days before she was seen by the keeper of a bawdv house, bo immediately commenced her" wiles to lure her from an honest and virtuous life to lead that of a. courte zan. Her efforts were succefsful. The mother has inquired at several known bawdy houses if they had her child. To her questions a negative answer was given. Up to a late hoar Satur day evening the poor woman, the moth er of seven fatherless children, was unable to learn news of her lost child. She is almost distracted To bear her relate the story would bring tears to the eyes of any person not having a heart' of stone. The case is, indeed, a sad one. Willamette Valley. The Democrat says that a woman, at the Overland Hotel, made herself an object of disgusting attraction, on last Sunday night, by getting drunk and raising a general row in the neigh borhood ; the first instance of a wo man being arrested in Albany. B. Y. Cundiff, who has thecontract for putting p the new jiil, has com pleted the brick work and the edifice is rather an imposing appearance. The building will now be ready for use. Willamette Valley. The Enterprise says, the deed for the Wilhoit Springs was recorded in the County Clerk's office of that city last week. The same paper says that tbe Day ton and ether np river boats do not leave Oregon City until the morniog train arrives from Portland about 9 and a-half o'clock. The Gazelle says the Corvallis Col lege began its Fall session on Wednes day last, with very encouraging pros pects. From tbe Republican we learn that Dr. Jessup has located permanently in Dallas as a resident physician. From the Journal we learn that a discussion will take place between Rev. Hammond, of Eugene City, and B. F. Underwood, commencing on tbe eve ning of the 18th and continuing three successive evenings. Each speaker ii to occupy half the time each evening, ahernirTing the opening and closing. The Ensign says that real estate la Coos county is rapidly advancing in price. Tbe county is filling up. with emigrants, and every available piece of land(out of tbe awamp) is being taken for homes. The Republican says, H. Kelly has become the editor of the Jacksonville Sentinel. . Secretary Seward once said : " Tbe cleanest man is tbe most comely to look upon ; so bathe well, eat well, j and love well, and, somehow or other, the homeliest will be beautiful." A Boston pbyaiciin says that four youog girls, full of intelligence and promise, have been killed outright by the severity of tbe tasks imposed npen them in a high school in that viciuity. . A Western editor accuses a cotem porary of " dirty meanness," and frankly adds " We want him to under stand that two can play at thaUgame." It is stated as a curions fact, that, of 2G.200 victims of tbe yellow fever in Buenos Ayres, during the past season, nine-tenths of tbe number were men. A Massachusetts Irishman was " in questrd" for a broken neck, and during the wake which followed, jumped up and wanted to whip " every mither's son of 'em." Tbe New York Sun figures np the loss of life by the Staten Inland ferry boat, the West&eld, as follows : Dead .and buried, 102 ; missing, 9 ; reported dead, 1 ; total, 112. Utah Territory is now shipping 3,000 tons of ore and 600 tons of bullion per month., Tbe former ii usually worth from $150 to $200 per ton, of which perhaps one-half Is profit. A ruralist, chewing on a large, pur ple egr-plant, and plaintively remark ng, " They don't raise so juicy melons 1 ow as tbey did before the war," was recent village spectacle. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. EtBOPEAJI NEWS. Losnox, Sept. 13. Tho St. Legor was won by "Hannah" by a neck. The bet ting just before the start was 5 to 2 against Ilannnh, S to 1 against Victor, and 12 to 1 against Ringwood. Weather fine and the course is in splendid condition. Newcastle-0!-Ttiie, Sept. IS. Tho Striker's League are in favor of nine hours ror a day's work, and have issued a mani festo expressing the hope that the light will be continued until a complete victory is ob tained over tho employers, and promises, as long as the strike continues, men shall be provided for. Eight shillings per week will be paid each man, and one shilling each child, engaged in the strike. Florr.xcc, Sept. 13. The Opiuione states that Count de Remusar, the French Minister, declares thaTFranca accepts the accomplished facts in Italy, and that he only wishes to see the spiritual independ ence of the Pope secured. Tbe renewal of cordial relations between France and Italy is therefore possible. It U intimated that, after a recess, the Duke d'Aumale and Prince de Joinville will take their seats in the Assembly. " Lisbox, Sept. 14. Empress Eugenie ar rived here to-day from London. She was visited by the King and Queea of Portugal, and soon afterwards left by rail fur Madrid. Versailles, Sept 14. In the Assembly to-day, Ucn. d'Assy stated that two ad ditional courts martial for tho trial of tbe Comcaanists will shortly be appointed. He said that there arc now but 102 .Judges to examine tho eases of 30,000 prisoners, in cluding 750 convicts. Even with the ad ditional courts the Government will prob ably release 12,500 prisoners without trial, as it is impossible to sentence over 1,000 per mouth. Paris, Sept. 14. A proposition was in troduced into the Assembly yesterday, suggesting amnesty for all Communist prisoners. It was defeated by a large ma jority. - Brni.i, Sept. 14. It is asserted in dip lomatic circles that the secret alliaoce.en tercd into, by Bismarck and Ton Beust, on the part of the Governments of Germany and Austria, is in opposition to the alleged coalition between France and Russia. It is also stated that Italy was invited by Bis marck to become a party to the Austro Gerinan alliance, but the invitation was declined by King Victor Emanuel, who preferred observing a policy of neutrality rather than join in the alliance with Ger many. It is further statod that in conse quence of this refusal on the part of Italy the German Premier now threatens the absorption of the Italian provinces of Ven etia and Lombardy into Austro-German territory. Theso statements cause great uneasiness, and further developments re garding the alliance and the looming diffi -culty with Italy are awaited with great anxiety. At Konigsberg on the 12th there were 93 new cases of cholera, and 63 deaths. On the 13th 63 cases, and 45 deaths. The dis ease has disappeared from Dantzic. The large town of Leehitka, Algeria, has been destroyed. Insurrectionary leaders thereabouts have been captured und shot. Versailles, Sept. 15. The Assembly to-day elected the Committee of Control created by the bill of Prorogation to supers vise the Government during the recess. It is composed of eleven members of the Right Wing, eight of the Left, and six Moderates. Lost-ex, Sept. 10. The Internationals promise the Londen weavers to prevent foreigners from laboring in Englsnd. The league denounced the introduction of for eigners as dangerous. The Timet deplores ,the antagonism between labor and capital A Timet correspondent writes that the wheat crop is disastrously deficient. Lvo.xs, Sept. 16. A proclamation ap pears announcing the disarmament of. the Katimal Guards. Their arms are required t he surrendered in two days. Fines and imprisonment will fullow a failure to obey. As fast as the Nationals disarm, the regu lars will rr fi them. Lo.ioos. Sept. 18. A Timet correspond ent writes that be travelled the Moot Cenis Tonne) in thirty-eight minutes. - Air ex cellent, rails level, and everything works admirably. KASTF.KX NEWS. WAsnisoTos, Sept. 13. Robert D. Statke has been appointed Receiver of Public Mon eys at Olympia, W. T., vice F. M. Lamper, removed. Major J. L. Hodge, Deputy Paymaster of the United States: Array, stationed in this city, has been discovered to be a defaulter to tbe Government for a very largo amount. The investigation is still incomplete, al though, enough has been ascertained to show the amount " the defalcation to bo f 100,000 to $000,000. He was yesterday taken to Fort McUenry and ordered to be placed in solitary confinement in a guarded cell. It is said that a year ago detectives discovered that his financial affairs were in a loose condition, and that an investigation was ordered, but for some unknown reason never took place. It is suspected that other parties are involved in tbe defalcation. Tbe Star, this evening, says that Oen. Brice ordered Hod go to close his accounts on Monday last. The next day Gen. Brice received a letter from Hodge containing a full confession of his guilt, stating that he had been making fraadulent returns and statements since 1366, and that tbe money thus obtained has been spent in gold stock gambling in New York. He mentioned in bis letter the name of one firm who knew that the money had been sent them for investment belonging t the Govern ment. He concluded by saying that he wss ready to torn ever all his property, amounting to $50,000, to ao agent of the Government authorized to receive such as signment. New York, Sept. 1 i. Th-r was a great procession so-day of tbe various !VrVny- men s Unions, in tavor of tbe eDfuruta.t.it of the Eight-hour Law. Fully 12,600 men were in the procession, which made a fine appearance. A small eannon, drawn by eight men, bore tbis inscription : Eight hours peaceably if we can, forcibly if we must." Superintendent Norton, of tbe Money Order Department-af the Postoffice, has confessed that he is a .defaulter to the amount of $115,000, and he and his wife have voluntarily surrendered all their property at Plainfield, New Jersey, worth $175,000. Tbe Qo-reFnment will not suffer by tho defalcation. Norton drew funds from the Sub-Treasury and deposited them with a broker for use on tbo street in specu lations. The money order account was en tirely within his control, and was no check to his operations. The meeting of the workingmcn termi nated in favor of tbe Eight-Hour Law, at Cooper Institute to-night. Resolutions wero passed condemning the officers who failed to enforce tho Eight-Hour Law ; de nouncing for similar offences the heads of Departments' under which the new Post office is being erected in this city ; claiming that only skilled laborers be employed by the Departments of State, county or eity Governments j protesting against convict laboi, and demanding that railroads be conducted by the people through tbe Gov ernment, thereby giving a death blow to monopolies threatening the life of Republi can institutions. St. Pact., Sept. 13. Tho Demoeratia State Convention met to day" in this city and nominated tbe following ticket : Gov ernor, Winthrop Young, of St. Anthony ; Lieutenant Governor, L. Buell, of Houston; Secretary of State, E. Falk ; Treasurer, B. Vasberg ; Attorney General, J. L. Mc Donald ; Justices of tbe Supreme Court, W. Mitchell, of Winona, and W. K. Burke, of Mankito. New Yore, Sept. 13. Thomas V. Con way, State Superintendent of Education in Louisiana, has written to Colonel Baker, Secretary of the Nationaj Council of tho Union League, that Council No. 60, U. L. A., in Louisiana, may be discontinued, as there is perfect peace in every part of the State, and he sees no further need of the lieague as a means fur securing peacefully tbe rights of loyal men. Cedar Rapids, Sept. 13. The display of California fruits at the State Fair to-day at tracted universal attention and commenda tion. Colonel Scott, of Iowa, starts to morrow for the California Fair with a col lection of Iowa fruits. Tbkstok,, Sept. 13. The Democratic State Convention met to-day. Ex-Govcrn-or Joel Palmer, ot Monmouth, was nomi nated by acclamation. New York, Sept. 11. Notwithstanding tbe statements to tho contrary, it is be lieved Halt docs really intend to impeach Connolly, and that ho yesterdny tele graphed Judge Lowe, of tho Court of Com mon Pleas, in Europe, to return, so there may be a full bench of that tribunal, be fore which tho charges against the Con troller must be preferred. It is announced at the Controller's office that tho list of vouchers abstracted on Sunday will v ready in a day or two. It was shown that the stolen papers were composed of vouch ers given by Meary, Ingersoll, Kiser, Miller, Smith and other ring contractors, for work alleged to have been performed on, or for material furnished to the County Court House and National Guard Armo ries, together with a considerable number of warrants purporting to have been en dorsed by those parties. At 2 o'clock .p. m. the Union Torpedo Works exploded. Six men were killed and more wounded. Boston, Sept. 14. At the annuo gather ing at Saulisbury beach yesterday, General Butler, Wendell Phillips and others ad dressed 15,000 people. Phillips said: " Of all the men Massachusetts bad hon ored in the last fifty years none could com pare in statesmanship with Gen. Butler; that no name would stand higher in the history of the State." Butler presented the great question of the future, namely : " Capital vs. Legis lation." Wasbisotox, Sept. 15. Tho titno for tho United States and Mexican Commission to examine and decide upon claims which come before them, expires on tbe la of February next. It is thought, however, that the Senate will, at its session, ratify tbe pending treaty providing tor the exten sion for the jurisdiction of the committee for the period oi one year. The Mexican Government has alreay ratified the treaty, and tbe Senate would in all probability Jiave done so last session, but for the fact that the Alabama claims occupied its at tention. New York, Sept. 15. Information has been received by Judge Bedford, of tbe CouflP of General Sessions, this morning that a gigantic and wicked conspiracy has been set on foot in Wall street, for the pur pose of locking up millions of dollars, by thus injuring the commerce of the city and the finances of the whole country. Tbo Judge immediately convened the Grand Jury, and charged them to be prompt and fearless in their action. In a few days the ipost respectable brokers and business men of tbe city will be summoned before the Grand Jary, when it is expected tbo most startling exposures will be made. It is said tbat Twoed, Hall and Stveeucy have, dissolved partnership, the latter re fusing to bo a party to the demand for the resignation of Connolly, and demanding a new deal, by having the control of Tam many affairs put in his hands, as Grand Sachem. Tho Fenian leader, James Stephens, ar rived, yesterday, from Havre. The object of bis visit is to establish himself in the wine business here. The Grand Jury brought in a true bill, indicting Rosenweig, the abortionist, for manslaughter. Nw York, Sept. 14. William Cassidy, editor of tbe Albany Argus, Samuel J. Til den, and other prominent Democrats of the State, have been in consultation with Tweed, Connolly, and others on city affairs to-day, and it is rumored to-night tbat Connolly has consented to resign on condi tion that he be allowed to name his suc cessor. The report of tbe tender of a Controller ship to General McClellan are pronounced false. Dr. J. D. Miller, brother of Joaquin Mil ler, tbe poet, died at Eoston, Peiincjlvania, yesterday. It is thought tbat Belmont i.i noxious to have Connolly's position shout 1 a vacancy -occur, lie, and his house in llambur -, are largely interested in the eity and tounty bonds. His acceptance of the office would tend to strengthen the credit of the city. Springfield, Sept. 14. The following is the complete ticket nominated by the Democratic State Convention to-day : Gov ernor, John Quincy Adams, of Quincy ; Lioutennnt-Governor, S. 0. Lamb, of Green field ; Secretary of State, Luther Stevenson, Jr.; Treasurer, Levi Haywood Gardiner ; Auditor, Phineas Allen, of Pittsfield ; Attorney-General, William W. Warren, of Brighton. Washington, Sept. 15. The death sen tence of the Indian Chiefs, Satana aud Big Tree, has been commuted to imprisonment for life. Secretary TJoutwell will investigate the implications in the Treasurer's office in connection with Hodges' defalcation. It is said by tbe Treasury officials that there is no way by which the Treasurer's office can have knowledge of tbe irregularities and defalcations of Paymasters ; the only iTuty of the Treasurer being to honor all checks of Paymasters drawn on regular warrants to the extent of the credit of such Paymas ters at his office. The Woman's Club is negotiating for the purchase of a building in which to locato a business colloge, which they propose to es tablish for the instruction of the demi monde who wish to reform. The police raid upon bad houses has been postponed a few days, in order that the Club may ex- t n 1 i' preparations for tbe reception and are ot sujii incites as may seek to aban don a life of iiai.ic. Publie sentiment is divided in regard to tho v. Udnni and pros pects of the movement, but circumstances have given the reformers opportunity to put their theories to the test of practical ap plication, and the result cannot fail to at tract wide attention, whatever it may be. The Secretary of War has sent to the Judge Advocate General the communica tion of Gen. Brice in regard to the Hodges defalcation, and charges are Jo be preferred against Hodges. The application of Hod ges to be released from confinement was refused. Brice asks for the fullest investi gation of his conduct in the affair. Sureties upon bonds of Collectors of In ternal Revenue against whom suits have been commenced for balances duo to tho Government, are asking for a eontinuanco of their suits. Commissioner Douglass de clines to accedo to any requests of this character. New York, Sept. 15. Jacob Vandcrbilt, President of tbe Staten Island Ferry Com pany, arraigned to-day on me cnarge oi manslaughter, pleaded not guilty. Mr. Ingersoll, who has paid largo claims against tbe eity and eounty, has not left for Europe, as stated. He is in this city at present. Judge Barnard has granted the injunc tion restraining the city authorities from paying any further bills against the city, except regular salaries, water and gas liillf, and educational bills, in excess of tbe amount set apart by tbe Board of Appor tionment ; and that no further money shall be paid from the c'ty treasury until that Board is reorganized. It is rumored in Democratic circles tbat, owing to tbe decision of Judge Barnard, Controller Connolly Will rtaign. In tbat case it is said Gen. Georee B. McClellan will be tendered the position of Controller. and he will probably accept. Pat Logan, who was dismissed from tbe police force on account of dishonorable conduct during the July riots, has been nominated as a candidate for the Assembly. - Omaha, Sept. 15. Mr. Gallegos, the Democratic candidate for Congress from New Mexico, is probably elected by a ma jority of 500. New York, Sept 16. There have been few events in this city tbat have created such a genuine sensation in a political way as tho recent injunction case against the city officials. Judge Barnard's decision was a surprise both to the enemies and friends of the movement against the Ring. It seemed impossible to believe that Judge Barnard wouH have rendered such a deci sion, and the announcement filled with consternation the friends of Connolly and Hall. All the morning journals rejoice at the decision, though the Democratic press regards it as bearing more directly on Con nelly than either of the others. The World thinks Connolly must at onee re tire. It is plain, if be does not go, he will be foracd out. It believes that the intima tion is plain in the Jndgo's decision that tho injunction may be dissolved. If Con nolly docs not resign now, tbe Mayor can not avoid impeaching him ; that if he be fool-hardy enough to brave a trial, the re sult already foreshadows the sentence which will be passed. There is every probability that Connolly will resign, though at a late hour last night he seemed firm in the de termination to hold on as long as Tweed, Hall and Sweeny did. The friends of Tweed and Sweeny think Barnard will ex huncrate their chiofs. . They declare tbat criminal charges will be made against Con nolly ; that he will probably bo arrested withiu a few days, and Mearoy, Keeper and others, who preferred fraudulent claims, will also bo arrested. Judge Barnard has expressed a belief that the whole responsi bility of signing warrants falls upon Con nolly. Prof. Mohan, of West Point, committed suicide by jumping off the steamer Mary Powell, into the Hudson river. New York, Sept. 16. Gov. Hoffman is said to bo desirous of having Sweeny con tinued iu his position, while he Is not un willing to have Hall, Tweed and Connolly displaced. Sweeny is known to have beon the originator of the principal part of mu nicipal corruption. In this city there is a strong sentiment against him among Tam many politicians. Though be was not formally urragined in the injunction suit he is believed to be as much responsible for the existing state of things as the others. CAIJfOltMA. Sasj Francisco, Sept. 14. General French, U. S. A., will be presented tbis evening with a magnificent gold medal by tbe veterans of tho Mexican war. A .large number of guests will tako part in the fes tivities. A banquet and ball will be given at Pacific Hall, this evening, in houor of the 25th anniversary of the occupation of tho city of Mexico by the Americans, under Scott. Twelvo Chiueso star actors arrived by the Alaska, to add to the attractions of the Chinese Theater on Jackson street. The managers will not exclude any one on ac count of color alone. Santa Crl'z. Sept. 14. The name of the Spaniard killed by tbe Sheriff's pos?e at Pike's Pole last night was Pancho Bor euines, and not Procipio, as.was at first sup posed. He was one of the gang implicated in the Visalia stage robbery. The officers who participated in the con flict with the Spanish desperado this morn ing learn' d that a Mexican, who bad been concealed in a gully close to the scene of tho affray, and who is reported to be des perately wounded, was hastily removed in a buggy as soon as" tbe firing was heard. From facts in the possession of the author ities there is every reason to believe that this is the notorious Procipio, and that he received his wounds at tho hands of officer Teddul on the Plaza in this city, on the 'night of tbe 11th. He will probably be in custody in a few hours. Tho recount of ballots in the 1st precinct of the Eighth Ward discovers an error in tbe polls of that district, as furnished the press, by waich Roscner is credited with seven votes less than ho received, Higgins 41 too many, and Uaynes 112 leas than he received. This is the largest error discov ered, and the balance ft so far" against the parties demanding the recount. San FnANrisco.Sept. 15. Outside stocks are increasing in fntdjr. Tho Raymond and Ely mine is now earning $0,000 daily, and declaring a dividend of $1 50 per share. To-day that stock closed at $10 50, firm. - The opposition on the Oakland and San h Antonio routes, and between here and Sac ramento, causes unusually lively times, along tho city front. The steamer Enter prise, carrying passcngcrsat 81, and freight at $1 50, will leave for Sacramento this evening crowded with both. Reports on the street that, by an agree ment between the Pacific Railroad and the Panama steamers, freight to and from New York will be raised immediately fifty per cent., have creutcd great disappointment and discouragement among merchants to day. The rumor appears to bo well found ed, and the new tariff will probably be an nounced in tbe morning. President Juarez announces that to re- move all ground of complaint, the Mexi can Government will concedo to the Lower California Company five hundred leagdes of landt-in lieu of the contract for coloniza tion, which tho Company has fai'ed to carry out. and L', therefore, annulled, and will dot be -renewed, as tbe laud is not worth half a cent an acre, and could not be sold at any price. Tbe stockholders in the Company will not receive a large divi dend from tbat source. Sas Francisco.Sop 19. The Republican Judicial Nominating Convention indorsed the nomination of Judge Samuel II. Dwin ell for the Fifteenth District Court, la.-t evening, and then adjourned. At 5 o'clock last eyeuing, when a denso fog covered sea and land, tbe fine Ameri can clipper ship Annie Size, from Sydney, with a cargo of coal for the Central Pacific Railroad Company, went oq the reef at Point Reyes, on which so many vcssols have been wrecked. Her bottom stove when sho first struck, and in a few ruin-' utes-she commenced keeling over on one side. There was but little wind at! the time, but a heavy ground swell, and the ship almost immediately commenced break ing up. At 2 o'clock the crew took to the boats, and were s'n after taken on board a small schooner, which brought thorn to this city. The Annie Size was owned in Portland, Maine, and commanded by Cap tain George W. Tucker. She was a first class clipper, nearly new, and was on her third trip to this port. The vessel and cargo will prove a total loss. The Bulletin contains a long expose of election frauds perpetrated on and by both parties in the lato election, but the worst, for special reasons, is not likely to be told. Tbe wreck of the ship Annie Size, at Point Reyes, was sold at auotion to-day, to the Pacific Wrecking Company, for $500, for account of the underwriters . It is not thought that much of the wreck can be saved. MEXICO. City of Mexico, Sept. 7. A preliminary meeting of Congress took place yesterday. The number of members present was 14. The whole number in Congress is 227. The meeting resulted favorably to Juarez. Crrr or Mexico, Sept. 6, via Indianok, Sept. 15. Juarezists are sure of the entire organization of Congress, including tbe Committee on Credentials. Strong revolu tionary threats have been made that a permanent Junta would be installed Sept. 16th. A pronunciation has been issued in Zacaticasta to force the loan levied in tbe smaller towns. NEVADA. Carson City, Sept. 17. There was a break at the Nevada State Prison at half nist 6 o'clock this evening. Eive of tbe i wounded. Matt Pixley, pro- prietor of the Warm Springs Hotel, was killed. Twenty-nine prisoners escaped. Lieutenant Governor Denver was wounded. bat not seriously. Hubert JJcdman, sen tenced for life, did good service in assisting officers and guards to hold the prisoners. Troops from Virginia and offioera hero are in hot pursuit of the escaped convicts. State Telegraph. Ashland, Sept. 16. Joseph Wells shot and killed a man named James Denuis, yesterday, seven miles south of tbis place, on .the Dead Indian Road. The parties were alone, and Wells says he killed len nis in self-defense, after Dennis had shot at him with a revolver. Wells came in and gave himself np to the authorities. Den nis was about 23 years old, and but little is known of bim or his antecedents here. The killing was doae with a double bar reled shot gun. The preliminary examin ation will be held this evening or to-morrow, before Justice Gillctt. . Corvallw, Sept. 10. Hons. DeClute, while crossing the street on a tight wire, met with a serious accident. When about the center of the street, tho wire gave way, and he fell about thirty feet. He is sup posed to be severely injured. Washington Territory. .Seattle, Sept. 16. Captain John Bris bane, of the steamer James Mortie, was drowned yesterday while the steamer was on her way from Seabcck to Port Gamblo. He fell from tho deck while setting a sail, and before assistance could reach him, sank. The body was not recovered. A Scotchman named Joseph Hunter, who has been employed at the Lake Wash ington Coal Mine for some time past, com mitted suicide yesterday by shooting him self through tbe head with a revolver, at the Occidental Hotel, in tbis place. It is supposed he was laboring under a fit of temporary insanity. A correspondent of New York paper has been interviewing the great heads of the German anti-infallibility movement, Dollinger, Huber and Fred ericks. Writing from Munich, August 1st, he represents tbat tbe Dollinger cause was gaining streniu, il2 leaders believe it will result in the in (induration of a generaf retorm of the Catholic Cburcb throughout Germany, and that tbe movement must spread to other countries to Austria, Switzer land and Italy. Tbe opinion tbat Bis marck U warring against the Catholic Church is coofirined, and it was be lieved that Germany would not main tain tbe infallibility dogma. Dr. DoS linger again disclaimed any intention of establishing a new religion, or sep arating from tbe Catholic Church. What was necessary was a general ecclesiastical reformation throwing off tbe the errors which have crept into the church, and the establishment of a religion more in conformity with the modern demands ot the national char acteristics of tbe German race. Mrs. Lincoln's Brothers. Capt. David II. Todd, brother of Mrs. Lin coln whose death in Alabama was re cently announced, was a captain iu tbe Confederate army from Louisiana, and bis youngest brother, Sam Todd, waa private in tbe Crescent regiment of New Orleans. Alluding to the latter, the Richmond Enquirer says: " At Shiloh, about 10 o'clock on Mon day morning, when tho army under Beauregard advanced toward the riv er, and was met by Bucll's rrioforcing column, young Todd was killed. A bullet pierced bis forehead, and he was left upon the field to be burried by Grant's men. He wag quite well known in the Western army and attracted a iiood deal of notice as the brother in law of Mr. Lincoln. In cimp, when be wts present, tbe boys were always very careful to say nothing offensive about the Norttierj President. He was a very popular young man and a true and devoted soldier. Io tbe same regiment was a nephew of Secretary Reward, wbo mill lives. Tus President a Pbister. The Brooklyn Union tells tbis : After being shown through tbe va rious editorial rooms of tbe paper, and on its being said tbat he possibly would not care to go into the composing-room, be said, "Well, I guess I have set a good many columns of type myself in Georgetown, Ohio, years ago." "Why, General," said General Por ter, "I never beard of that. General Grant replied tbat it was true, nevertheless. AH are not hunters tbat blow tbe born. Golden dreams make men awake hungry. . Five thousand shipwrecks occurred last vear. Sacramento's richest man was once a vagrant. Poveriy is not a shame, but being ashamed of it is. He tbat is too proud to ask, is too good to receive. A Kansas girl vanquished a wild cat single-handed. An African giant, six feet high, is on bis way to America. With patience and lime the mulber ry tree becomes a eilk gown. Canary birds are boarded for twenty ceuts a week io New York. Two-thirds of the women in lunatic asylums are wives of farmers. An Indiana cat st acked a copper head scake recently and killed it. A Bocicty for the popular education of women has been oreanizvd in Vienna. Great Britain consumes four times as much tea as tbe United States. A sun-Cab, weighing 300 pounds. was recently caught at New Bedford, Massachusetts. What an unlucky suitor did. He wooed, and she wouldn't. He cooed, aud she couldn't. A recent number of the London Spectator contains an able arricle ngdiuot early rising. An Ohio girl committed suicide by taking strychnine, because her mother boxed her ears. It is reported tbat tb coffee trade will be considerably affected by tbe short crop in Brazil. A Burlington young lady says tbe armless woman of Barnuru's show "writes a very good foot." In conversation, a wise man may be at a loss "how to begin ; but a fool nevtr knows how to stop. Some young ladies now wear small mirrors set in gold bung on their neck laces, instead of locketd. A man in Burnet, Vt., boasts of hav ing read the New Testament through cixvy-nve umes wimin ten years. - A New Jersey editor has announced tbe death of bis nncle in Australia, leaving him a gold mine and $100,000 Petrified wbaleboneg 'in a bed of claj have been found at San Dieago, uaiiiornia. Tbe Baptists and Quaker are tbe only religion bodies that have in creased in Ireland during the last ten years. Tbe Overland Monthly estimates this year's prodnct of the precious metals on tne f acme coast at J 80,000,000- O " Mother," said a little boy as he stood looking at tbe Lake by moon light, " see bow .the moon sprinkles aoa n on tne -water I The darkest day in any man's career is that wherein be fancies there is some easier way of getting a dollar than by squarely earning it. A New Mexico attorney, in address ing the jury, threatened o blowout tbe brains of any man wbo should in timate tbat bis client was guilty. Vice President Cotfax and Senator Windom have gone to. Otter Tail lake and Red river. They join tbe Northern Pacific tUiIroad Direc'-ors party at tbe former place, and accompany them to rort Garry and Manitoba. At a ball at the -White Snlpbnr Spring, a Kentucky belle represented "Arctic Moonlight" ia a dress of full illusion skirts, dotted witb swansdown and oxydized glass, and lnmionous witb silver bands and crescents, pine cooes, pearls, etc. SPECIAL NOTICES. Grover5c Baker sewing Machines. First class Sewing Machines sold at Ban Fran cisco cash prices, by paying only S10 per month. Cat! and examine tbe work aad sa the wonder ful improvement la the Orover Diker. JOHN W. GIUJIKT, Atvnt, Sept. 17, 1871. Sakm Ogn. Special for tbe Ladle. Jonn W. Gilbert offer to bb customers the cel ebrated PbJladaiptila Kid Foxed " Bal moral shoes lor 11 7 Misses' ana Children's of the same make tot a song. TbeSistkrs of tbb Acadkm r or tub Sacrkd Heart cordially solicit the liberal patronago of the ,'wucvolent friends of Ed ucational behalf cf their Fair, which will be held during tho .State Fair. The pro coeds are to be applieo! towards erecting a new Academy. Septl5-tf. Dave's Mine."". These Bitters are especially adnptel to the cure and prevention of the .ua!ariiu diseases common to this latitude. As an appetiser these Bitters are unexcelled. They are for sale at tbe Opera Saloon, sep IS IJIPOBTAJfT NOTICE. In c.ntquenc of a coming change In our boiintrsss we will sell our large and well assort a stock, tiurtxi ma sext sixtt davb, as follows.: Our best brand of Cauoo nine yards (or one dollar. Next bst, ten yards forone doll sr. IIkavv Dric, 12X cents a yard. Ornra Domestic Io proportion, and Hats, Clotbiho, Boots and "roes, vest low. Fataca Mimmo, only S!4 cents a yard. Mu's Focxs, 10 cents a pair. Wohxx's fTOCX eos, very low. 4 papers of Needles for 25 ernts. 4 l-aperi or Eh-.usb Pms for 25 cents 4 spbols of Otios for 25 cents. 4 pieces Dai as Bum for 25 centa. Liccs and EMDaoinrsv, very cheap. Combs and Jewelev, cheaper than ever before. 3 pocket HAXi EETCUKra, for 25oenU White Linn Tjble Cloth, 75 cents per yard. lowiLa and Cbash, very low. It will astonish you to see how low we can tell groceries and crockery In fact all the goods rs'Unr la our sieve wU be sold cheaper than ever iKfaTeV Remember that this otter onlv Tast's.xir oats raoa ras sate. FRIEDMAN M GOSLINER. Salem. Sept. 12.1S71. p. R We still continue the Acctioi Bodisiss. ltE.TlAItKAB.LE. ! Eight Hundred Worms Expelled. I think it a public benefit to make the fo'lowing statement, that I have been afflicted for Iwo years with constant pains In the stomach, and In fast, pains all over my body ; no aprx tlte, let me eat what 1 would It always pat me la distress. No medicine would relieve me and I grew worse and worse until now I am a mere skeleton. No body could tell me what waa the matter with me. uniil I consulted Dr. J. P. Van Den Bergh.in ealem, Ore gin, and he told me I was afflicted with worms, and they were the cause of all my misery and palna I took the Doctor's medicine, and h'eexpel'ed SO0 Woimi from me.. They areliVe Leaches, with long tails, and measure from one to one and one-half inches in length. I on'y took six little powders, and they brought the worms within four hours time. All those'afflict ed wUhing to see me can find me at Sam Itenlet's Stable, Salem, Oregon. V. CRAIG. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of 8pten.ber 1S71. J.J. MtRPIir, J. P. Said worms can be seen at Dr. J. P. P. Van Den Berth's offic s Uera Uoiue Block, C-art Street, Balcro. sept 8 l'.m. XJiXFAVKUS LOOK OITI Notice is hereby given, that on Monday the 2Sth day of September 1871, the Board of Equalization will attend at the office of the County Clerk of Marion county, and publicly examine tho asse.-ftnent roll for 137 1, and correct all errors in valuation, defcription, Ac, in accordance with an act approved October 25tB, 1S70, page 52, laws ot 1S70, and will continue in session during said week, or until their labors are com- pleicd, and all persons aggrieved, will take due notice nud act accordingly. Salkh, Orcein, Sept. 2, 172. TnoAS C". Shaw, Assessor. Scpt4dw-1w. Notice. The I.cc Mis-ion Cemetery, eat of Salem, near the orph.in-i' Home, h bcc: laid off into lots, which are offered for sale as a family burying gmuud. Very fine Vault Lots can also be had. Jlr. I,. II. Jud.on has a plat of the survey, and is authorized to dispose of tho lots at low prices. Those having friends interred in the Cemetery are rcquotcd to identify tho place, and to make such arrangements as they desire as soon as practicable. Apply, also, to A, F. Waller, M. L. havaira or J. L. Parrub. By order of tho Trustees, L. T. WoodwaRIi, Secretary. Falcin, Aug 2'J m3. Stop a TO onirnt. Why stand you here all the day idle? Why don't you get around aud do something? (jeorye Frmtcit Train. Why not buy your lumber of E. D. Towl at 1 10 50 per thousand feet.? C. W. Royal is my authorized agent for Salem, and Wilson Olncy can always be found at the Mill 5$ miles east of Salem reaily to wait on customers during my ab sence, r.. 1. Iowl. Salem, Oregon Aug. 25, 1S71. tf. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Office No. A. Proat Street, PORTLAND, OHKOON. RFAI. K-TATK n tils CITT and EAST PORTl.ANIi, in thcmo.i Ifstrahle localities, con- mstini nl LiiTM. HALF r LOCKS and BLOCK!, houi- ant pro r-a ; also 1MPKOVED FAR.MS1, ant1 valuable uncul tivated LAN Pit, located in A. parts of the BTAIK I01.8ALK. RKAL F..-TiTK and other Properly' po chased for Correspondents, In this CI TY an 1 throughout the cTATGe1 and TKKKITORI W, with l-rent care and on the most ADVANTAGEOUS TtRMF. rtOHPES and STORES LEASED, LOANS NKOOTIATKD, and CLAIMS OK ALL DK3- CRIPTIiiN I'R'IMPTLY COLI.EC rEL. And a Otuieral KIN ANC1AL and AQCNCY BURIN Kid transacted. ' Influence of Temperature Health. In the fall the difference between the tem perature of night and day is greater than at any other time of the year. Ia the ear ly autumn tbe quicksilver sometimes rises as high during the day as in the most fer vid summer weather ; while at night it of ten sinks to an almost wintry point. The human body not being mado ft steel or In dia rubber, sensibly feels these tremendous changes. To fortify the system against them, a genuine tonij is required ; and tbe public has long since discovered that among; this description of medicines Hustetter's Stomach Bittors is infinitely the best. It gently quickens tbe circulation, regulates the bowels, tones the liver, braces the nerves, and thus puts tho whole physique on its defense against the vicissitudes of temperature in our climate. Few, if any vases of epidemic fever are heard of in lo calities where it is in common nso. .As it becomes more and more widely known, and the demand for it increases, chills and fever and tbe billions remittent seem to recede before it. aud if ever it shonld come into universal use, these diseases would cease to be known as the scourges of our low-lying and marshy districts. That homely bit of proverbial philosophy, that " prevention is better than cure," should be especially borne in mind in tbe autumn months ; and indeed in all seasons, together with the fact, that among all the preventives of ma larious ds se. Hot t .Iter's Stomach Hitters is ihe most safe and potent. Be certain, however, to obtain tbe genu ine article, as countless imitations of a per nicious character are abroad. See that tho externals are all right, and remember tbat llostettcr's Stomach Bitters ia sold in bot tles alone. It is said that if a puff of air were to be blown into a vein of an animal, death would instantaneously follow, because cir culation would beatoped. Tbe blood makes the entire circuit of the human bodv every seven minutes, and whenever this circula tion is impeded, or any of its channels are clogged by impurities which ought to be carried off, disease follows fever, or dis order of liver or kidneys, or scrofula, or dyspepsia. To get at and remove tbe source of the difficulty, use the old and in fallible blood puri6er, Dr. Walter's Cali fornia Vinegar Bitters. DR. ABORN. DR. ABORN, 1 IROM fAN rRANCIFCO, Whose remarkable succets Io curios; Cbroule and o'jstlnate Disease of the EYE, EAR. HEAD. Tliront and Cliesf. That have for years resisted the ordinary modes ol treatment, Is so well known, OAS ARRIVED In Portland, Orego , TO PRACTICE FOR A FEW WEEKS, Rooms at St. Charles Hotel. Wondotfnl I'nrf ef I Im f tbe tve. A tliiglner of .1. A. lor Icr. I4i Kin k,eai r DR. ABoRN Data ?i : I dm it in duly to make the following stalemeoL for Ihe past sit years my dayghter (now eight yeira old) has been afflicted with sore eyes, and frequeatly una ble to read, or even to distinguish one object from another acroaa tbe room. Bhe Is now perfectly cu,'d. after havt- g been treated by you for three wevk.' only. I wuld also state that all previous treatment had proved unsuecessfal ; also that the ey-lUl were so affected that tbe lashes were faliina out. Since, under your treatment, they have grown In perfectly natural, so that now her ejrea are perfectly natural, bright, and of a heal thjr aHrance. 1 consider It a remarkable cure, and am agreeably suiprised at the result of your treaiment, as I had given up all hopes of having her cared. Truly yours, J. 8 CARTER. Lieutenant Governor Holden'a Card EiE FBASCuiCO, April fi, 1S70. Having suffered nine or ten years with a throat and bronchial affection, I applied io Xr. Ab- rn. No. 23 Kearny street, hi has treated me for about two months. J feel it my duty to state, for the ben. At nf I hone afflicted In the like manner, that I found Immediate, and I think, permanent relief from his treatment and that 1 consider his treatment scientific, and that the doctor Is master of Ills profes ion. From Hon. James A. Johnson, Mem. ber of engreas. To Whom it Mir Coscnv: Raving been a sufferer from eitarrli and severe bronchial af feetlon for more than awes years, acd having found great relief by submitting rmseif to Dr. A bom , . -nt a few days only, I take plra. are In saying, br. Aim 0 Whh his new and Im proved In.trumenU lor I -etl appllctviOO to tbe luDga, air passages, eves abd ears, should en courage all who are afflicted in those p ir's to cherish a lively hope that they may flud quick and permanent relief. Very truly, JAMKS A. JOU.NS0N, M. C , Cal. Card front Wm. Hoaalna, Rotary Public, Oakland. Dai Abois : I take pleasure in bearing testimo ny to your skill and tieatment for Catarrh and Bronchial affections, liaTlng suffered for mnnttis and wasted In flesh from IncessKnt coughing, night and day. I now find myself cured as the result of your treatment, and I have gained thirty-Uiree pounds In weight. WM. H08KINS. Oakland, Sept. 3, 170. A Remarkable Cure. Flc-iEMiKTO, Cat" September 80, 1S70. This !s to certify, that 'or ten years 1 have suf fered almost death wiih Nasal Catarrh, Bron chitis and Neuralgia of the head. Ihe palna In mj head were almost unbearable. My hearing was very much Impaired, with a disagreeable noise ia my ears. My eyeslpht was also impair el In May last. I placed myself nnder the treatment ot De Aborn, No. ii Kearny Street, Ran Francisco, Cal., and In a short time Ihe llronchinl affection was cured, my eyesight was fully restored, and my bearing Improved. 1 take pleasure In beailng testimony to the skill of Dr. Abo n, in his successful treatment of these dis eases John aluson. Late Deputy Sheriff and Constable ol Grass Valh-y Twnrnyliip, Nevada Couuty, Cal. A Positive Proof that Deafnesa and Ulahrf(a frt m ttte Kara can b cured. On the 22.I of January last, I applied to Dr. Ahorn, at 2 Kearney Street, ean Francisco, and placed myself uuder his treatment lor deafness and ilischsrge from my left tar, that bad baffled the ability of several phy.-lcUns. Under Dr Atom's treatment 1 began to Improve at once, and In six weeks time. I was entirely well. 1 can nnw hear as well as lever could, and the dis charge Is entirely cured, and hare b id no sytnp urmi of a return ol the disease since. As I am now satisfied that the cure Is permanent, I cheer lully give Una testimony to the skill of Dr. Aborn. JUUN HMPSON, Pressman Sacramento Union, residence corner Mn'h ami K streets. SiCBimisTv, ept. 19, 1S70. aug29 Ha cnprrc-flcnted luerni In the treatment and cure or Utafaciii Uiaclitvr frtm ih Kara, Unizlag KoUm In the Head atarrb. A a tit ma, BroMChltla, and all TAroat Bronchial and Lung AfTec IIohs. Alto, all Diaease of the Ke, and De rangement of the Blood, Heart, tftomac'., Liver, and Nerroua t-ystem. DEBILITY. All ca3-i of Nervotw or GenerarDebility, Pre mature IrcMj, e c , are tre;.td by Dr. AB'-RN with iuch .rondcrrul sm-reaa that many eate, af ter a fe-r wet-In treatment are tcarr; recognisa hlr, iiK-h a change having been wrought in them; as th-.-f bare Invariably In a ahnrt time gained from ten to thirty pnai ds In Weight, Convalescence and recovery are rapid under his new and scttntiflc mode of trratmeot. But vrry fw, H any, men of hta age in the profession havebn so uuivenally iuccc uful at Dr. Aborn Combining all hit knowltdge, skill and ezpert ence ia his pcil branch of ihe profession, all that the inventors of Uie age or the late discov eries of mrtHcal science have brought to the aid of the modrrn practitt ner. Dr. Abrrn is pre pared to trat wPh almost onfall nc succ s all surh caes as n ay come under hi- care. He has, within the iast few years Introduced Into bis l-rartieemnny new and important remedies, with novel and effectual modes of application, with hii-h, during his pro (rational career, he has pro duced the most successful and satijiartory result Dr. ABOKN, for twelve years pat, has devoted himself exclusively to office pra- ttce for the treatmmt of ob4 inale chronic rtltesnet, (special ly such ca seit as haveresist-d all the onlinarT mod- s of practice, lie has thus tx-en enabled to treat at least five times as many patients annu ally as he possibly could had he treated Lirm at th-ir residence. Thus, he claims twelve years ofnee practice, exclusively devoted to special chronic diseases more than equivalent to sixty years' experience In a general practice. r.tery physician is more sue restful In a certain clau of diseases than In others; and he who devotes hi. thought to a speciality is bt'er pre pared to treat h in that particular than ope who it etigii,ed in general practice. IV o Painful Operations. rR, ABOIN docs not subject his patients to any painful or unpleasant opeiationa. hta treat, men I is mild and safe Inr the moat delicate child The affiicUd are htrrby Informed, that after the Brst visit, for many nf the nisciars which he makes a pecWlty, ihey em take ihe treatment nome nnn use it until currd, without pain or in terruittlon to their usuil avocailau. Card from Cbarlcs X. Fox, Esq. (O.Uce nf Campbell, Fox t Cmcll, Attorneys and C uuceliirs at Law. No. ori California St Fae Fa acison, leb. 17th, 1670. Were it not for the tood which I hnpe It may have done In sufferinr humanity, by lnorminc them where they could find relief, I should re gret having given Dr. Aborn my little testimonial of the tent . of January, for the demanrie tna'le upon my time, in an wenng Inquiries in regard to him, have been more numerous th in profitable to me ; and still U ev e tne. To save the neeess ty for further person U ap 4icat on. let me aay to thoae wht, care for my pinion, that time haa only strerg-hened .my first favorable opinion of Llr. Atx.rnt and my confidence to the permam ory of tba . ure effected by htm All my difficulty aroae from catarrh, which had become oi a srl u character, affect ing the hearing and th fliroat. givii g me at times acute pains, and at others rumbHng aounds In the ears, frequent headaches, and ao seriously affecting the bronchial tubes as to sometimes dis able me from public speaking. It bi also gone, and the change was produced, not by any spe cies of charia'anism. as many suspect of the Doctor, nor by the a'-surd practice of putt ng medicines Into the stomach which was not af fected, bat by the skillful application of medici nal remldies directly to the parts which were disea-ed. I have found the Doctor a gentleman in hrs Intercourse and busine's. and the iudm- m nl that 1 have formed of him professionally Is, that he Is a regular physician, tboroug hly c qoainted with the aoato.uy ot tha humsn body. and possessing a remarkame aeiree or skill In the treatment of those diseases which he maces his sprcalily. CUA8 N. FUX. Another Wonderful Cnre of Aeh ma and Bronrhltla, after all other Metaods had Failed. 8ai Jose, March 6, 1S70. Tills is to certify that I have been afflicte-i for over three years with Asthma and Bronchitis, and had tried every means in my power to ef fect a cure, and was told by my family physician (an honest and good doctor) that I could not be cured ; and 1 bec-tmeso weak tbat I could acatce ly walk op a flight of stairs, and 1 happened to see a card from Lawyer Houghton, stating that hi was being treabd by nr Aborn, Ho Ti Kctv ny street, Pan Francisco, and was getting great relief, and I thmight I wc old go and ace ihe doc tor ; but 1 ha t litue hope at get log relief, much less a cure. That waa about the fifteenth of January, 1S70, and to-day I claim to be a well man. I am fifty nine years old. My Mother and sister died with the aame disease. I send this card, unsolicited, to I it Aborn. thinking mat u micni meet the eye or some or my ac qoaiotenct that aiijh, be inlcriuf Id the tame way. Mat WONBERFCL KUCC133 In rerne CTIRON 10 DI8KA8K3 after the usual routine of the pro feeaioo have tailed, and the many teetliuonlMs in his Boeaeaaioa trout prominent and influential I nea wbe are veil known will substantially prove NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dr. Charles Wilson, OCULIST, COIIHERCUL HOI EL, IjVLKH. . " Dr. Wilson has made the study of the rye a special!), ab'l has practiced ulih good succiss for Several Years.. Ue Is prepared to perform all operatlera, anil I, s had einerl' nee In or-eratiog by the most ap proved methods. All CII 110X10 DISEASED OF THE EYE are-treated very snccessfally, accordiDC to the most r-cientiflc and approved modern opthalmie practice." Feisons alllicted with dlseasol Eyes are invited to Give Him a Trial. Those who da not receive permanent benefit, will not be required to pay for treatment. jSTow Heady ! ! JOHN W. GILBERT Is now ready with Largely Increased Stock of BOOTS, SHOE. X.KATIIKII KISDI.YQI, And every thing pertaining to the manufacture of Moois aud auues. A larga asauruueut ut Oak Sole H-seatliei7 FRENCH CALF. SKINS, - California and Oregon Kips, And every description of BOOT AND SHOE FINDINGS, To the Trade. The large business I nave auecee led In estab lishing with manufacturers and dealers In the up per counties has icduced me to invest more largo ly In Rtmds lor their accommodation, and I In vitc attention to my present stock. John W. Gilbert. Salem, ?ept IT, 71 It. A. P. Hotaling & Co., IMruKTEBS AKO DCaLKKB 1 Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ! AGFNTS FOR TUB J. II. (UTTER OLD BOURBON IHISKET, 431 JaokaOB St., San Franclaoo. THKIR STOCK 1ST PART com prises Fine Old Kentucky Whiskies, OPORTO PORT WINES, Old Harmony Sherry Wine, LAND3BERUER NATIVE WINES, For which two Gold Medals were awarded, and one Silver, by the California 8tate Fair. GRAND PRIZE DRY WINE I Hcldalck Reims Wine, Kws;Blo cilcejiEOt Wine, Caustenae Me doc Claret. Kngllyli Ale a4 Porter, Scltrnoarct, Frere;Bedw.x Claret, Hoatetter'e tome.cn Bitters, Plantation Blttera II of eland's Swiss Rltlera, OTARO DI PUV BRANDY COUJSAO M ARTEL BORDEAUX BRANDT, Landsberger'a White Wine (Sanoma), ' Angelica Wine. The ahovs invoice of Liquors Is one of the LAHOKntand JJoBt Soloctod Ever received in 8slem, anil will be sold at Pan Francisco Agents rates, with carriage. J. W, SOI'TIIKR, A(ent. ORE S - IlL'ICK BALEM. aiiglS'HflilAw JOHN C. WRIGHT, Successor to UZAFOVAGE .4 WRIGHT, FA MILY GROCERIES ! Ci?nrs and Tobacco, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, AMD NOTIONS, COafMtRCIAL STREET, JSnleiii, Off son. Goods Delivered to all Parts of tbe City, FREE OF CHARGE. Balem, .dug. S.Tl. dtw. Cash for New Wheat! DAVENPORT & WOLFORD, . . At the Fair Ground Station, north of Balem, will pay One Dollari Gash, i Bushel for Wheat delivered there. Sacks Fornishr. w.cn Require1. Salem, Aug. 9, 71. Cray's Music Store! 623 and 2B mamor- ,. Braaob, 121 CLAY SV Ui-yv3-J TIRBT IT, an Fran'oo JV,. Portland. MUSIC PVB1.ISHKR, IMPORT er. Wholesale ajid Retail Dealer in all kinds of Musical Merchandise. Bole agent fur the f cific Coast for the ISTE I IV WAY" and other Brat class Piano. A Is", the Werld Renowned I3vixciGtt Orgon, At oar Portlan1 hoase we hr the L.'gcat and moit Compt-rte tock of SIIEET MUSIC AND BOOKS. On the Coast PIANOS ABO tiRDASI TO RKIT, and rent applied t purchase. Any piece ef Muaie er Book mailed free ea r. ettpt of ptibriiher's price A'sDiTB WASTED in every town la the State. Address O 1, DePKAfca, Manager Gi ay's Mod-ftore, Portland - - Oregon. au.fcH'. -V-.fi Dit. Van den iiEKan. OR. J. P. P. VAN DEN BERGtf, From Prussia, ihe Great Worm Extormluutor ! Office, Opera B'oek, Conrt ft, , Halcm Oregon, I ate of San Franclaoo, Cal would Inform Ihe sick rcnerally, that about forty years' erenalve practice of medicine and surgery fc Europe sad Ihe Unl'ed Slates of which twetrty-one- have been In Cil'ornla, has by dose observatloa and great rsperiments, come to the conclusion that there are more acute aod cbroule diseases caus ed by worms, hydadlda, animalcules ar ether species of entotoa. The public generally, er tbe profession at large, are not sware ef Ihe number of patients who are treated by eminent physlclaat for this, that, or such a complaint .wtthoat any retief. If the disease had been nnderstoo-f. a few doses of Dr V's iSuCcriffa Worm Rumtdw would hare Immediately eured the complaint, and have saved a great many lives Dr. V.baa collected a large variety of California roots and herbs, which, by analysing, doe obversatloa and extensive experiments. he can conscientious ly say that he has dlscot ered new remedies for the successful cure of the following diseases : SFaT riylT nnav Chronic affections of the Liver and Kldneva, first ac4 Second stages of Coo sumption, White Swelling, Palsv, SpematorrheEt or local weakness. Nervous faehlltrr." 2llnlJo Fi'a. Rheunatlsm. Neuralria. Dlarrbma. tnenntta pence of Urine, Gravel, Hour Albue. Diabetee, Dropsy, and all thoae diaeaaea which are known niuler the name of Venereal, such as Sjphills, In I It forms Gonorrhea, (ileet. Stricture, False Passages, Inflamatlbn of tbe Bladder and Proa trate O.an.l", r.x airiations. Pustule, Piles, Pin plcs, Jlotchrs, and all Cutaneous Eruptions of the skin. Cancer Tumors cured wllh or without opera'.lon. In Recent Veneret Diaeaaea, the Dr. sffu.. rM i t a a i -' -J vm ,,vu, www j ui bv marge. For the Eye, Ear end Throat, Dr. V. possesses new and invaluable remedied. Dr. V. would advise those ladles troubled with Irregularities of the Uterus to try his new reme dies and get cured. Dr Van Den Bergh's Infalllb'e Worm Fyrup for children. Price, f I. Warranied to expel the worms, or the money refunded Dr. J. P. P. Van Den Bergh's, Hair Tonic a sure cure to destroy all animalcule of tbe Hair Follieles, prevents falling out. and promoting the Growth of the lialr. Price, $1.50 Warranted. By coatalting and nnderarolnsr a simple examination, the afflicted can learn If their dlseasease Is caused by Worms or not; at all events, Dr, Van Deo Bergh ean tell them from what disease they are euffering. Consultations and examinations FEB ot charge in all cases. Dr. Van Deo Bergh guar antees. In all cases, to expel the worm, and cure all diseases he undertakes, or no charge. Supposed Consumption u. Drt-psj Cirtd 11 i, New Pin. This Is to certify that I hare been sick a kng time aod doctored for different complal its. t bad a constant cough day and night with exeeT sive expectoration ; swelling of the abdomen and legs, which was pronounce.! dropy, nev ir free from paia or misery; io feet, I had givro np all hopea, when 1 waa induced by some el my friends to cofisnltDr. J. P. K Van Den Bergh. He told me my complaint was Jiot consumption, but the cough expectoration and dropsical efluaion was created by peculiar worms en the liver and gall . bladder, what the doctor calls Dlsteena Me;e'l cum In November last, 1 commenced bis treat ment, and from that time I grew better and bet ter, and thanK God and the doctor's medicine, the cough expectoration, dropsy and all my mis eries have left me entirely, and 1 a new strong and healthy again My present weight Is 1M pounds. Persons with similar affections ean see me at my residence. No . 639 Kearney street be tween Jackson aod Pacific streets. 8aa Francl-co. . JOHN KLEIN, Subscribed and sworn to before me, this l.h day of July, A. D. 1570. JOHN GORMaS, Notary Public. 5lON STKOSIT Y. This Is to certify, that Dr. J. P. P. Van Dm Bergh expelled a tape worm from raw, measuring over Anu feet, and containing 43,000 Joints, with only one dose of medicine. 1 i kteremara. that I had been doctoring with the meet eminent physicians of this city aad the Called States, without benefit for the last tire year. W ILLI AM B. t URNOW. Subscribe d and sworn to, AprH lh, BAS, be fore me. UKNKY HAIGrir. Notary Public. CAM CAE it CUBID. This is to certify that I was afflicted wi'ha Cancer Tumor, which grew rapidly and of a large siae in my mouth, on my lower Jow, aad troubled me a great deal in eating and speaking. 1 eon suited a good many Burgeon and pbysi;lsoa, aod 1 could find none which would aalertake to remove It, fill I consulted Dr. J. P. P vaa Den Bergh, and he removed the tumor aad pert ef the lower jawbone, by a skillful cperatioe wt'h very little loss of blood, and healed the remain ing wound In a remarkable abort time ; aad t feel very Uiank'ul to the Doctor for relieving and curing me of a Cancerous Tarn or which eauoeol surgeons thought would cause a lingering aod painful death. CHAR afi MILLAR. rtibscribed and sworn to before me, la Baa Jose, this I3th day ofDAember. ISM. T O. MINOR, Notary Public CONSUMPTION Cl'RKD. I take this method to express my sincere thank towar Is Dr. J. P. P. van Den Bergh. In Septem ber, liVi, I was brought from the mines with a malady that waa pronounced by a great many physicians to be consumption, aod every body saii 1 must die The cough aod Dyaentery troub led me almost constantly no rest day or sight. I was recommended to Dr. ran Den Brrgh ; his medrciue gave me relief, and in a short time 1 was re-tored to perfect health, and 1 e-a nappy to say I am as stout and hearty as any man can be. FRKD-sUCK B8KIT. Wltnea.T. A. HAAS. Ban franciaco, April 9th, ISM. HEN RT HAIOHT, Notary Public. Thia ia to certify that I was afflicted for tea year. I consulted Dr. J. P P. van Deu Bergh, and he gave me one doae ef medicine which ex pelled a Chain Worm in firs boars tinu., meesur- urlng tweniT-eight feet la length, neck aad bead included, aod about a tea-cup full of Aacaridea, (i in Mrorms.) anl all my ailments aad osiacrtee have left me; also aa eruption of the skin, which baffled the akiltof eminent physicians for the last seven years, has since entirely disappeared, aad left ar body clear of any pimpiee Bwora aod Subscribed before me. this Itta day ol October, I Mil. R. M. ei.MO.N, Notary Public. coasi'MPTioa cub bo. I take this method to express say sincere thanks toward Dr. J. P. P ean D o Bergh. In reptember, 1850, I was brought frees Ihe mines with a malady that was pronounced by a great many physician to be oonsumptioa, and every body said I must die. Th cough aad DysMrtrry troubled me almost nrnrtanllj o reetdayor nignt. i waa recommended to Dr. van Deo Bergh hi medlclo. gave me reflet, anfl. la a sbcrt time I tree restored to perfect health, aad 1 am happy to aay I as a eaoat aad hearty aa Djr man can be. FREDERICS BRUT. Witness. T. A. HAAS. . Baa Francisco, April 9th, 1851. ggy-Dr. van Den Bergh's celebrated Chemical Steam Baths can be had at any boor si bis office. aug.5-