The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, September 06, 1871, Page 1, Image 1

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SubbcripUoai Dae.
Quite aumber of Weekly subscribers
are stiil owing1 for their subscription for
the present year, which, with many of them
is dtawing to a close. If Dot paid ia the.
first six months they owe three dollars, but
if they send the subscription price soon,
they.can still have it at the advance rate,
2.60. The Spring ef tbe year is ad
time for coIlevjUons, and if too bare not
yet paid op for your paper yo will confer
a great favor by doing ao immediately.
No man needs ready cash mora than he
who publishe a newspaper, and bas ra-sj
to pay down for everything.
The performance at tho Opera 11 mi so Ur
minairjd rather unsatisfactorily lastevening,
as no prized were given, but for what reason
we cannot say, as they bad a very fair at
tendance. . They are to repeat tho enter
tainment this evening.
New School. School will be opened on
Monday next at tbe old Uoiversity by Miss
Sarah Chainberlain, who is to take charge,
of the department formerly taught by Miss
Helen Leslie
Oregon Weekly Statesman,
S A. CLAUKK 4 Co., PublUUers.
- "u. sorFicrAL PAPER. ,
BtniSCRlPTIOS Pernnm, $2 50; C mo. $1.50.
e PMIihal every urirnlat; except Monday. "
Biibjerlpilon, -by the ymr, $4 oo. . Advertising,
par siMre vt eie uioto per invnib. $4 69.
AdartacrneOla in Dailt and YTaaaXT, $3 per
square ot one tuch per month.
". j?ktac In Stewart' Brick Building, op stair
; mint.
VOL. 21 NO 6.
.. .... . 1
$2 50 psi Annum in Advance.
if It p
. ., -v -
ring tiiis mtld, tnietent medical treatment
V , . cik. cousau bun t hi office, cirutr of Liberty
and Court streets, opposite. Opera, House
us Tueaaay and sriday morning Medics.) ad
vice and treatment will tie given tree ol euar:t
to all those wlio are unable to pay for the ser
v.ces ol a Physician. juntSI
a DtU JN. BUOsON, A. 91.,
graduate of M Y. University in ISti.
At the Medical University and Hospital
Pans, trance. In 1M7 and 1048.
Practitioner o this coast since ltsoo.
Late A. A 8U' geon U 8. aftay.
Offioe ration' Sleek, Baltm, Cisgcm
- Residence, Cbetneketa UoteL
Attorney ut JL.UW,
Offloe In Patten's Block,
City Uru; J" t o x- o
- a. w. 60TJ heh -I)ru;git
ami Apoilif ary,
Moore ' Block. Saicui, Cregun.
, , a . Aprlhisif . ..
H. CltrUTUI M. D. . T. CUASS, H. B.
IMi.' i.lKrK'Tt.11 CUtli
I IliO Liberty Bt ,
Jt(M, aT "
ib, tS7o.
.lMe..- a. ttivH.i,ts'rt, SI.
-:.iv-.iVs.; nrt-'tt,
Laie m belle ue Hospital Med.ial Collegi
N York City.,.
Otttc lt Xoort'i Brick, Sklent, oga.
ri etleice- Commercial - Hotel
c.3 an w.iMiaK
. .-. i ' ' O . W A ' l . II IV.
.. '
.A. t !. ..y ,At - !.". W,
sM.e.M. MtFiiON'. '
Offlee In fnil.m In kjup stabs', l-t to. a
on the fmiii. " - le-nz: '
Laj.e at salem,
tl ici4iii m it l."".ia t";.. m.
Otters liis professional services tiie
citi.OIIS of Dallo alld llcti ItV
Nov. ldwtf
J. f. ( At'LS, J-C. IIIKIllM'.
N(iiry P.i'u: e
CAPLKS . at. !It.fHlir.'o
Atttrn4'ys at Livw,
iittite. up si-iirs . fc. c riitr Fr. nt nlui WhsI
i i-(!i.u ,M.t. cept ii. l.'ift'm
A. III. Br-1.T, Bl. 1.,
tlitu e and rsidfnc corner Luiou and
i uurct etreeta,
Urdi r ra'i i ( lftt at Soutber'a Dru t Morr
A,Itorsi) ! (eaiMli i p-i l av
stud Bolcltra lai Chaacery,
A HAN i OKttitL
I. f i.l OTAItY P' BLiC. '
wollections and onvryances pn n pily atteudu
J. L. tOU.l.B. ;
- j.ttl-ii?.V 111 1-1 1 -V .
I rrt r at .ni :un len o Imiii s-. Sfteiul.
C' Urolu.ns mi traDftctinii tu Kl Kit
):t.t. tin ai ilrs In ii. e Court tn i.e. dcl4f
A'.tiirury at !
J I A M A I l 'J '
SALStM. - - f - Olt
' aril Ci H-ciiitr U al' rs ate
(Ti ritv a d c, un;ry I' r Milr.
Aln).'rt n. I ! ' M fn conn jf-.-.
i Ut,-,4 l-i". :
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HI. n.Hl,'i
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.6. r t N
I: is a little remarkable that the first
polilical essay of ibe dw editor of the
Herald treata of tbe very tUetne upon
which bis predeceeaor diseoureed in
his last editorial. It U apparent hen
that the beginning and tbe end of De
mocracy is its doctrine of States rights,
a theory that found its greatest cham
pion in Calhoun, who owed, as he
claimed, bis first allegiance to South
Carolina, and its later expounder was
Jeff Davis whoee devotion to Mississ
ippi was paramount to bis love for tbe
Union- Hgue and Calhoun were
swept away before the masterly elo
quence and stern'logic of Webster, and
tbe latter gained bis immortal renown
by defeating their States P.ights pre
tensions and estahliehing to the satis
faction of tbe people at large that the
constitution is not a league or com
pact bat forms a (tovernment proper,
founded on tbe will of rbe-people, and
which no State bas aright to renounce,
and whoee laws no State can abrogate
or annul.
Jeff Davis asserted the sme princi
ples, and under bis lead a third of the
nntion fought to enlorce tbfm ; but
the Southern Confederacy, wliii ti was
only a league or compact bttwi-en in
dividuals, went down bi tm- !. ri.iti
oets of a million men if ! k "
arms to defend the nation t,A '" !" e
that we are a nation. It
great fact established by tbe war. t;
saoie ag was so well euuuciiiterl t v
Webster and maintained by An."--.-Jackson,
that the people of the V I
States, under theConstitmion are i . -
.. -1 : .. A national ffftrprn mpn t W h h 1-
' i iu a li i 1 1 . j .
supreme. There mny tie i;r--
Pvt-publicaoe who hesitate i".:
this belief, afraid of tbt- Den:.
outcrV air'unst " Centril:z'.i'-
. rtic
" but
it !. i-Fue h' reallt upi.n liu- fit.-i
r.f States Riaht aoil a re.t nauit.i r
i:f D- mnt rts ho bl e i.evt r tienl ilie
kuee Ij tbe B ial o'' Sk fSrii n, and are
unwilling t ibm latt- d ij to w.i.tare
thf Uiiiiui in fator of iLe t irdinal i..
tpn" of the rel eliioti, s'arnl b ll:
principle of Naiionl Union tinuly
us tbey did in 18G1.
T!ie liquid's new writer is weak
enough to reiterate tbe puerile cry
tlial e are on the verge of an E't ir-,
and that " Ceutraliz ition,'' as it
pleasf-i to deuoiuin'ite ibe Union go--enmeut,
u aliout to establish a tiikd
aristocracy in free America.
According to these arguments, cen
tralizition exists at tbe present time
and seriously conflicts with State
rights. We are ri izens of a State and
we have proper pride with relation to
its character and standing and the
preservation of Jtts prnper privilt ges
What aro the privileges here invaded
by tbe general government? The Her
ald recites universal suffrage as a
crime against State Rights, but what
effect has that, more than to m ke tbe
people more entirely and completely
tbe masters of the Nation's destiny ?
The mi-jorlty of the people btlifve
with Webster in the National Union,
now end forever, one and insept rable.
They recognize no North, no South, no
East, DO West, and know that they col
lectively cons'iltite tbe government.
They make Presidents a well as Gov
ernor, and the National Congress as
well as the Slate -LegiHlHturi s is cr
ated by their will. The PieM'ier.t is
but the servan' of he p-npl- ai d ho'h
branches of V.ovf'"- I tl '. '" ' ,x
(l i-.r-d .r d r i. n J,ii V t
i 1 r .11 th. . "
a S
il i I- ip in-re.
n. people Rod iii. ke tlie t
i mre entirely ; d p-r't
n't- their will should h ilone
. ains with the people to rte
and carry out ail n e .cur--
!'em necessary
cry of State R
' 'i I iio l.-tl p
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put it rs blgb as o!.iiU
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Tbe Woman's Rights Question-
The movement in favor of female
suffrage is one that is assuming shape
and prom.nence and that should be
cerefully and fairly met. If our moth
ers, wives and sisters desire the., ballot
we can safely let tbem have if, for
their influence will assuredly be cast
to protect virtue and promote tbe right,
and by their aid we might easier reform
many abuses that now go unchecked
and do much harm.
We belieTe in treating woman with
all tbe consideration she can reason
ably detuaud, but we are uot prepared
to force political privileges upon her
against ber will. We do not antici
pate that woman will ever unsettle the
social equilibrium by invading fields of
employment for which she is unsuited.
We believe that man always h"as ruled
tbe nations because be possessed the
strongest mind, and it is not any dis
paragement to woman's intellect to
disbelieve that she will be able ir the
future to take an even band with man
in tbe government of the world.
As wife and mother she possesaea a
sphere distinctly ber own and to which
she is naturally restricted by the etcr
nal fitness of things. While tuiii- -.
bu -nnnd and father baa special iiu
a perto in Modern civilization and
I 'i ri ' inn wosk t;real changes in eocMl
.1 T i . u -s i d tunny" employments are
-1 i .vh'- r, linn and woman
in l .tui Win never w.ituan can
. ik !' rh- ti-1 utiinil i tie open u
n-r and tdie ebku-d b- p ui as will fur
tie same service ns ter brother imin if
p. id.
J'l 'ii g i'V" biir vt - hi-H; Hint M-t-, ii
i- ti' Jet r r li ttiHt wiMnci in- iitjtKtii
( r ibe fur.' .if Mifirig-. ard tor ti.e
p, die-si. in of l ljU il
i !!;
'. i- l- .
'.'t' ni-n. I .-.i rn.- tu i "
h' t. rally, tb-it Irtajlc s.if.
-I., -i.c e-.ur. l'! j :t lill' ';!.'
at il is ci-rtniiiii- true th: t t!
idv-a of it iim brci,:n- f rui'nr
n ians the vtutuen of America 1
i. '
yi tierome reconciled to it, t r i
for it.
T ic ad cocker of wotn iii'd si,If.-..gc.
at. i -,tat tlie isioi-ii i him pionphip
it is Mimcd too Irtqiit o'.ly by men
and w rueu who are not calculated to
make it popular or give it a re'pei'tabie
-laudt! g before the srorld. Men au i
wouti'U lio are ostracised trout onii
cary good society by txtiem--- view,
und irrational conduct endeavor to . i
quire eensational notoriety by beconi
in-j self appointed cb mipio'is of c
uiau's rights. It is true that tbe move
ment has the approval of good men
and women but they are not il noisy
advocates. It is most frequently the
cte thav a " strong minded woman"
means a woman of positive character
with a busbiud vastly her inferior in
that re9peci, or one of the set who ba-i
remained eir gle to beccni" embittered
against all mankind. Woodliull k
Ciaflm publish a woman's rights jour
mil and those two women cl um to 1 -iid
tbe woman's rights uiovemeati . E
week their jouruiil is scattered broad
cast over tbe whole country, and m
"each nuiiibtr we can find articles,
n bict. ,vie ed from any true aitrtl sihiki
poiur, are Infamous and demnral zing
to Itie iMi-t di gree. Yet we fiod tlat
while they denouuee. marriage and ail.
vocate true love nod g-tiirnl license,
b-.sed only on a woman's cin-ice o' -lover,
there is scree one tm in
j.iirtinls advocu'iioi a .i.-.-i i,' - t'.r:.. daree t'l.d- ti a -- lew - .
e toid thai ' lo
:. re enit.i' I- i ' -i,
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. -e f., . ,-- att-':
L ?i .- ii - i ' Is'tio-. 'h -t i'l read
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Modoc Indians.
Rumors have been prevalent for gome
time past, that tbe Modoc Indians of
Southern Cregon and Northern Cali
fornia, were inclined to be hostile and
were making -threats of war.
The facts about these tribes are as
follows : They are not numerous, and
probably those under Capt. Jack, the
head chief ot the roving bands, do not
number much, if any , over a hundred
warriors. Iu the tall of 18(39 Superin
tendent Meacbani iniuced all the Mo
docs to remove to Klamath' Reserva
tion, where tbey remained U Winter,
but in tbe Spring about 'three-fourths
of them abandoned the reservation and
betook themeelves once more, under
the leadership of Capt. Jack, to their
old oauDts just south of the Oregon line
in California. Their lawlessness bus
been tbe occasion of rtnjb apprehen
sion among the settlers thereabout?,
but they do not seem to have really
couiomied any serious depredations
upon tbe wbiiesw Tbey have refused
to return to ibe reservation, or to rec
ognize having sold tbt i.r. jauds, or that
tbey owe any duty or allegiance to the
the I. test iiuse ot cooipiaint ngaibst
t' p1 J ' k, is bised on on the murder,
"iif i.lir :r fi .t months since, of a
r r
.-t that poition ..I the
".y who conttuu ,iu (tie
I i.- piiib.tile that the
'- ii'U-i dv i.ot exiT bc
'i .-' I I Lose who
t I . .:t. u-1 remain
. i - :. L"i river, south
have ,., -on
the re-
ot KlamaiO, in t.'aii . ini, h a favorite
fishing ground t r ail ttic Sou-hern
Indians II was here !i;n' C'spt. Jack
met the Medicitie Man of the reseivn
'"iti htbi Sprins and killed b .u. This
i -t -i-eins to have been dio.e hi in In
i i;i .-,i!rit ot retaliation. Ii is wJI
''.. Indi.ius (m ute stti.ctnitt
uM p iwers tt Ik i - Medicine M ti.acd
C ; ' . J.i. 'ii t-;.iii:ieii to tie-eve that the
i-.i.-i-l.i:t...ns i i' tun -muc Mt dicine Man
!:,td cet-tsi-.-in-d lie d-atfj of several of
bis ibtldret., tie t.'k tne first nppor
.'ui'iiy to settle the aucouut by killing
1 im .
This act peetned to Capt. I. D Ap-
"plegate, who was in charge of that
p-rt of the reservation where the mur
dered rum livid, and lo whom the
friends of the murdered man cutu-
lained, to demand puoishmcut, either
.l the hands of th- military or of the
civil authorities. He accordingly
called upon the military to arrest Capt.
Jatk, the murderer. Several times
efforts were made to arrest bim, but he
eluded tbe pursuit, and his baud began
to threaten war and resistance it the
nr-est was attempted.
Tbe rovintr Modocs are not numerous
or dangerous, except that if they were
to cioumence hostilities they would be
able to murder many of tbe whi'es
moving into that region and destroj
mg much of their property before ihey
could be whipped into submission
" -II"1.- Jesse AppUgate has a ranch
on the bead waters of Lost river, near
Clear Lake, and having met there wi ll
some of Capt. Jack's head men and
:-'iiuv. r-ieii te It wi n them, be wroie
to Hon. A II. Mcaiham, Supf rinteod
cot vi I'jdian A ff ii rs , git ing the tacts
o! th case and an opinion baed on
much experience among the Inditn;-,
that tr.MibU wi'.h Jn k's hand was iui
miiiint,Kn i won!.!, it comment edre
- i!t in u--.t loe- t) Inc .-urrojioun.;
. .1
i' o-
I i. A
I'' "
Il !l
l.f.l.r from .o.sH'rii i.eon.
i ii.i. vv i"nti k. O.-nnic, Aag. 7.
Eo. r a r i.sii n : Tiiinktuir that a
I' : itcinsi 'r-i'ii Ibis cow colJntv',
! Olljill be Ui '-.t- rest
tiiui' reiijers
i ..i.a b.-netic. -n to u much s.- tttend
Ic.iJoieot o: toe Slat ot O cuti -I
ec: y-o; t'.iioair
Mi y. no .i...,b'. viiji he smprised to"
: .1 ii t .' s -1 t ' r. .; . i- set fe'neu! s eoi t he
eit,..t,. -t cants of Ei.-tlin U l((.
! u ,rf -;p. Ccei k ,md
r j . ' r e u : -i-'ies e(j A (,.. ,,., 0f
,, 2: , ; R. k
r I " i I - 0 . .. zoo, ii
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I ' P e . I A. i t
ie c -I . ' ' f t , .-, 1 r ,r-
e i i. V.H" .'i - mail faciltttea ud we
111 i- ' do- so IX ii.s'ie,
in j W n a 'Htttry itl.ll e be
wrai. ed, a lea-1, a We.k y mail
S-.ui ut ua, is ton , cum ra-ted our
Old II acli- dure g our late unple.s
an'u-as, tut fur all that e luvv ttia
uiitt To the religious w-.rld v.
ooid a -i s-iV that bere is an open
6 hi, ntnl cut Ml in is' lie ibe ' Mace
1 i it) crme up and Ivlp ut ''
VV - ho b -ei. b.iely receii i.i some
ie r. lung- ehowers Gruin ig
n h'.hu' an b-.i i esJed. L tnds which
" ii'iii-ied ynl.led heavy crops.
" ,':er-ily iuwa for bay.
1 l,o II ; pri'.-. a itit,'
s. . i ",, .
irS",: , t
- m jces.
' We learn from --th. Herald that a
party ' composed of Messrs. I. B.
Doberty, Jas. Imbrie, jr., and J. Stepb
ens were out bunting elk fire miles
from Glensoe, (Washington county.),
on Saturday last. The party became
seperated in tbe hunt, and tbe woods
being very smoky it waa a difficult
matter to distinguish a man from a
beast for any considerable distance,
consequently Mr. Imbrie, who was on
tbe track of a bear, raised bis gun aud
fired upon what be supposed to bs one,
but which, unfortunately proved to be
one ot tbe party, Mr. Stephens. Tbe
ball which was thrown from a breech
loading Spencer rifle, entered the neck,
grazed tbe spinous process of ibe third
cervical verteba aud made its exit on
the opposite side of the neck, inflicting
a dangerous wound. Tbe wounded
muo is doing as well 8 can be expect
ed The young inu.u Imbrie, who in
flicted the injury, is tbe son or Hon.
Imbrie, of this couuty and uo one re
grets tbe sad affair more than he does.
A m'neral spr'.ti? bas beon discovered
snit is I"!' g iriuA, .t.W a roiie and a
hi.f from E-iit Port! iw.
The Crrijonii'n says three huodnd
new houses are going up this a-on
iu that ciiy.
Tin fire in the woods weel ot Por -land
had nearly ceased.
Hon. Joliu F. Caplea is at th- D'les
defendir g Emerick charged wit'i th
murder of u man;i-d Monut;-.
The Oriflaniroe ' was to leave Sac
Francisco yesterday. Tbe Idaho is
now due at P irtland.
We learn tri m the Herald that Win
P. Dalv, charpi d with the murder ol
Richard Shoretan at Et P. nKnd
was held by '.lie recorder to answer
cWu !:e charge of wilt'ti! iti'irder.
The N. P. T. I'd. or; uvn --n
ttrii' ting a large whstrf at AsU.ria lor
the accomniodatioii of their vessels.
A pentlemaa from Washington coiil
iy intorma ns tna. a force of grader?,
under Mr Hirt, comirienced work on
the West Side Railroad, nesr II il ii
boro, on MonJay morning last.
The Bulletin says lastevening, about
six o'clock, as a horse and buggy,
driven by a couple of womem, was
turning the corner of Front aud Madi
son street a child run under the horses
feet and was seriously injured
Tbos. O'llara, for assaulting a party
named Wal'ace, was fined iu the Police
Court, yesterday morning, $20 and
Tbe Bulletin says Barker's Panorama
is to be sold for a debt of $31 5u.
That is a good deal of tnont.y, more
than it will ever make for anybody.
A Ct inBsnian nearly beat Chinawo
tuuri to dealh with a club. Her life is
d impaired of.
It is supposed that the steamer 1 !bu
will carry away 9U0 tons of wheat on
her tiext tTip.
A valuable holse waa killed at the
Uuton Stables by hen g kii kert j
while playing with another animal
The P.uhop Se-oU Grammar
will open on TueeddiJ, September 5.U,
and at St. Helens Hall on Wednesd-y
On Sucdiiy tie GuiS.e will
lie di patched for Gray's Harbor, fjr
j lb- pu pose ! iiscer'iaiuii.g it direct
j u' ir-'rn"i?r'p"n,rTT -rtrr- - w-
o . i' . i, : e-lltinl I-t ..-'Bi'iipl:
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j : iu . i i -i n- h..s ' i- j r a
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situ:! to
sol.' at V.
if tt ea.i; will t.e lat.i t
-o-.y. 3'.-' inst, wjt't si..
an. u IS B''h.'ip M aefls w.
da. t
he exi rcises. Atei 't t
othi r
iu at-
clergvmcn ere i-xpeciei to be
tendance an. I a-sl J bim
Boctwkll a Fiv I'na Cis. The
tie i of Congress nullionztt g a icturiil-
in,t of the delit provid-d lor the iussu-
aiife ot new bouds as folio - :
i J'ive per cent n,(iii:.0
Four and a half per ceuts ;;i ii.iiuii.ouu
Four per cents ;tui,t,o.miO
Totol Si,iuii,uuu,uio
The fivet are now all taken. The
- vmi i annual interest is $5,U00 000
Th. Me Y.,rk TnLune cow piopoi..
.1. f' t..r a new v.'li olidated fun.'
nil I'll -h-l inn aM h'l r.ll.alll- li
lie - till., -a $1 5UO,0l'U 000, I C U llttg
4SI00 OnU OHO I lU're I V an u' P"
en ra. l.-r fi' tssra.J Iti ibi-r
a nilhri.l r ahirU -r -f JO Olill OOO
a V ar III III fie t, i r lo
(Jtty ye.ts, $1 -500
000 000 ih- ex ic j.nnt.i.l ot the
Briyham Young i now seventy
v-eara old, and bas been Salt Lk
Ci'y twenty tour years. He bag !
I'ouo-ellors. twelve Apostles, and
B shop iu lac.b ward, who it-nd tt
tn- temporal wants of tbe people
Ao old bacbelnr saya that ivin
Hie ballot to women, would not amount
to anything practically, because tbey
would keep denying that tbey were
o!d enough to vote nnil they got too
old to take any interest in politics.
One Binglo pieon among the rnntty
mail carriers of that sort in Parif,
brought ijio the citv du'ing the eiege
5nn i.iifoj r offifta! rlisnatches, n I
IS l"0 ice'e i p t- nee.
, ,..) , . r.
... . i . f - b i
.'T.s.iite'j rn-t
III. t-i
!. it - ;if Wig M-
, ...
.--Tfl-. S ipm-tt K'"
flreet! t;ie .(lie 1 3ie
... .. ift- p.-wv t'-i;
- . ieaa.;li.4i
- -f - - - ...
1 l. (
ci y H-
e i.'t i. . e ia '
v..f,.f;e our;
i-h census.
i;i. ie'.op .i by Ibe Br.t-
The City and County.
From Vtdtdtiy' Dniltf.
Accident. Braton Vroom, a bcyibout
IWvlve years of aga, met with a painful ac
cident at Cedar Catnp a few day ciuce by
which bo will luse bis aim. Tiis facts as
near as we can learn are as follows : Uo
was visiting the Camp with hi family for
tho purpose of gathering berries and rusti
cating. One morning he concluded to go
out mintiing, aud had g"ua but abuut two
hundred yards when tho report of the gun
was hcird, accompanied by' a scream; bo
was unmediatcly carried to the house and
upon searching was found to be wounded in
the arm, near tbe shoulder, the entiro
chargo lodging ueur the joint. Tho arm is
terribly mangled and the bone shattered.
It wus feared that it would prove tot .1.
lie will arrive iu town this morning, as Ik
was at Silvert.m last evening.
Arrivals. The following persons regis
tered at the Cbetneketa House yesteidny,
the 21th : S Ellsworth, W II Ouell and
wifa, Jasper Sltvens, Win Pilling, Kujjvnc
Cily ; I) M Thompson, Albany; Julius
Krtawcr, II II Tuttle, Major Mugone, J Ii
liarker, Z Cushinan, O Marston, II E Put
tee, Mr Hans, Hoh't Burns, li B Acker, II
H tJravts, Portlutid ; Rev R T WeatUerly,
East. Portland ; N I! Knitrht, J Fi.stner,
(Salem ; R II Tyson, Dallas; J Penny,
ship Deveuby ; R Stevenson, bark Shiddaw:
R P Thomas, C F Haywnrd, L'mil Kohen
stiirnm, A Nathan, r-an Francisco ; Col
John Luke, r-incramentn ; W Hunt, Marion
Station ; J C Davenport, Eilverlon.
Fiitts axd t'RciGHis. Tho Ihdhtin
refers to tho rumor tout the 0. & C. R. R.
Company , or lien Holladay, are to become
purchasers of the Wiilainetto river boats,
and says in relation to the fears entertained
that ibe rates of faros and freights will he
raised, that the company docs not intend in
any event to raise tho freights for wheat
over the ruud. If the company pursues the p.o'i. y nine unc il by the Bulletin uo
c-iiiphiiiit will bhi made, and it is to be
ii" ed that the people will never bo forced
tiiuKe such complaints. .There is a nat
ural icar of mo.ii.puly in the popular iniud
that lakes al arm at any rumor ot tbe kind
referred to.
Wii.boit Epkisos. Persons who havo
just returned f rom visiting these sprinres re
port very favorable of the healthful resu'ts
of the waters when used by invalids, and
also that the accommodaliuns for visitors
are very comfortable. A writer for the Cath
olic SU Htiiiel lately spnke very unfavorable of
everything connected with these s; rings,
iuc'udini; the road thither. He probably
was expecting to find such comforts as be
long to old established catering places at
the east. His account was anjust no doubt,
from the fact that he expected too much.
We are aware that considering its uewnesi
the place is plca.-ant and cotntiirtubk.
Rrn Hot The weather we mean warm
would be a poor expression for the. present
state of the weal "ber ; everything and every
body is boding ever, and that while lay u:
in the shade, where the thermometer sto'ai
at 110. Haw can a civilized people expect
a puper to nil up with locals during such
weather, when nothing can be ceu r heaid
but re-marks about the tutcusc heat ? Tt.eie
is but one eluss of men whod n t ei';ii,
atld they are the ones who have lue eooluii;
drinks for sale.
KNTCRTAItlMENT. M.lj. I-n Jose La
Viga and .Madame lorresiclie will open for
a series of entertainments at lte-d's Uoer;,
H"u.-c to-iuorrnw evening. The Muj. is
vtry euiall, but an accmupli-h-1 musician
and couiiucdian, and as for Madame k oircs
telle, flic must be seen to be appieciaTcd.
Feats that seem, impossible arc p'-if
by her with the greatest case. The euu:
r r 'riiuiiiic ill be found in aiiuiher ci-lau. ...
I 'rsvKrm v: Kiirr. .
tire. . cnricd on lust Scndav nl
miles . n.-t uf Sajeiu whereby the. In. use ;.;.il
' ;ri':,t. ot ?-Ir. Il.-O. litenil was destr'ivi d.
! s.-. nis tit Ihey were out in the field
v i. a it caught in tire, and by the time
il. y ar.aef V aus too late to save much of
'h- ir nO 'iU, but h piiino, sewing machine
an i o: e -iu 'k was got nut, the balrtnce was
c no ine.l. I he lire caught on the kitchen
I'M't an ' s fa I v. ry rapioiy. Tin; entire
,1 -- will am ohi: to ncn'y '-bO.
s -V.
il.. I t..
i lit. !v
; uv e
i large
nt n
n rc i
ii! i i
iriuv-s't ;.s ji-
ri seiume I lie g
than r a !'.- of h
p lie '-i llom
mi in th b;1gs. lii'ire
It iv. mid reouire but
an h 'Ur's w
rk to clear them ot a t this nioss
afi-i .iirt, thr.-by leuti.viog one half the
da g r ol fire an-i adding no half to tho
appearance ol their residences.
l- I';K lx THR V O'llw. 1 he Bulletin says
tii..' a tire has apr-ad tlir 'tiah the woods in
ir!er s addition t. Port ai d. ciiu v-l l.y
toe e..r. i. ssness of toe Supen isor, vvii" sat
a lo.t.ti tire tn cbiar ttic i the canyon,
and o it spread to the Woods. Tin: Car
ters' fuller $-,n't0 damage, principally cord
wood bur ed. Some houses in the way of
tho tiro were saved with difficulty.
lloMU'iliE. Tho Portland papers toll of
the murd.-r of a man named Richard Shar
tie who had been drinking heavily and
must have quarreled with some of his com
panions. A man named William Daly was
arrested. Daly bad been drinking with
him previously, but there is no positive
proof against him. Tho coroner's jury
found he was stabbed by s one p ron
tu them u . known.
IIfalth. The health -f the city is very,
p.air, every b Ay ia eniplai log of lecling
uuaell. We are incJined to think ihitlhe
heollh of tni place is greatly efieeied by
the slough, a stagnant pool of thick slimy
water, the drawing, in i-f frogs, j ! I wo.s
aud ague. Tun cvd c-.uld be easily n nu
died if takeu hold ol by she proper p rsoiis.
Tba. rettii avtrt ibanhs of Ibis
office to Mr. Frsnk Owens f..f a jug of g n
nine " Owen's Cider" wbi.bwvery te
freshiug dur.pjf Ibe heat u( ta aay, aud
delici eas daring th rool tf th aveniug.
Even printers tan b made happy, but tbey
don't hka it.
A ff.!i. r of tf f'-s4 way to
thi i.ri'ey-erlv, '' tbe oaiH
bi.bIi f Tb mil Lat7V" It is ml
oftan that .spliBii r.a bcttav tbio
lht on d 1. It ra-iairej relira to
swallow it aad c$a str 4 tu. h OaUery
rrnarVabiy wU- j
Ti e w'r w rk oir is
cut kd id wtt ! la, in .-roto i,.
re uSr i ts'l.oa-'ts -t-f tfil a,, t
0 rfiii' P Paq!. of Orti'.n 1
b. . t-r the e-'tiip.
, ttls- - . - ' j .
la i: f
ity.. e
V l.L'1
... 1 . new -Cumber ai d
ilit i ia utaring cuipleinn
at. i will s,ao beready to re-"
f Tra-th" oedn-aiing- sermon.. It is built
afi.r :be pais and specifioatli ns of tbu,U.
r 1 1
b nivkis a ' eautil'ul appear
D ..s !" Nay.
Ira'e Magnesia
On. dtliaions
i:.!;-r I. 4 ! iry 'tie f
viCti erf.-rd ma-sup, y.
; ,(raat ! who raxes it . will own
live, indeed, a chaim beiore (inknowu.
Tho steamers Albany and Shoo Fly were
anchored about a mile below town last even
ing, but for what purpose we are unaware,
but suppose they were taking nautical ob
servations of lite railroad.
From Thnrldfy'n fjtify.
Local BrtEvmrs. .Mr. J. H. Haas has
a complete set of Ripley 4 Dana's Ameri
can Encyclopedia, consisting of twenty-six
volumes Tho Water Company have
closed their winding stairway to all persons
not having a pajs, so as to keep the children
and boys from ascending them The
Opera II on so will be opened this evening
by Madame Forrestelle and the General
A team belmiging lo Mr. Hundley ran away
on Piety Hill yesterday and succeeded in
tearing up the harness, and disabling a
wa-hini- machine A large number of
Fi men are going to Portland on Ma lay
nee to participate in tho coming celchra
tio.i at that place.
S't atk Lanhs Matters. Harvest time
diverts bu-in s from the office of the Agent
of State Lands jts well affront other depart
ments, fir the farmers are too busy to pur.
clia-e. Tbe Aent of the Board, Col. T.
n. Ctinn, has time therefore to attend to
land matters that have accumulated on his
hands. On the I2th of next month the
Board of State Officers will bold a ses?ion
to hear oases in eonfl'ct, fir thera are con
tinually recurring contests between appli
cants for purchase, which can only be de
cided upon a full hearing of the facts In
each case. Col. Cann thinks that a bout, a
dozen cases will have to be heard as ho has
notified parties to that number to be on
hand with evidence. There is a chance for
considerable c implication in reference to
land mutters and the care of State Land
sales has become so important that the
Agent has no time to idle awov.
Stephen Massxt. We received a note a
day or su since from Stephen Masset, other
wise " J corns Pipes, of Pipcavilje," request
ing to know what tho prospect was that
Salcin people would turn out to bear his
sjngs, recitations etc. Our answer was to
come along at such time as pleased him and
be might calculate on a good audience. On
Tuesday evening he appeared for the first
lime at Portland aud we see by the dailies
there that he bad an overflowing house and
gave a delightful entertainment to a very
appreciative audience. Should Mr. Masset
conclude to visit tsalein wu feel confident
that he will draw a large bouse and do cur
folks a great pleasure. We don't go much
as a town, on small shows or poor theatre
cals, but Salem people always turn out
largely to enjoy anything like an intellect
ual entertainment.
A New Idea. The Cheiuckcta HoteLbas
a new system of water supply by which the
well water is made to come up and do ser
vice, if necessary, all over the building.
The idea is developed and put in operation
by J. II. Albert and Boothby, who seem to
be the inventors. Water from the tank, on
ihe tup ot the house, supplied by hydraulic
ram from tiie milt dam. near by, is used to
crette pressure on two air chambers, one
ab vo un 1 the other iu tbe well, and on tho
simple priuciple that water natura'iy finds
its level, the water in the well ri.-e- to the
Icvl of the water in th-tanan Of course
the water from the tank ha to be occasion
ally drawn off and the air chambers re
charged as often as the amount of water
used from the well renders it necessary.
Died. The University bed tolled yes
terday attcrniaiu for the death of Yreylon
Vr-.i'Ui. the lad we menti -ned yesterday as
being acei. b ntu ly shot at hi father's camp
near the mountains. It was deeided ver
t r lay that it would be necessary to ampu-
np (he wounded arm, but Ihe physicians
o!isi -c ed him t-o weak to cn lorse tbe
; c iti so it WjkWcrerrcd. His dealh
o.tsto . 'te) ... ir than was anticipated.
Wc un .,r-tj i that young Vroom was
at. -i.t fitte- n y- ars of age. He was a prom
ising youiii arid a g ..,,,1 ,ehoIar at the Uni
versity. l!is .-ad dentil is a deep affliction
t i bis-family, and they have the sympathy
' f many friends.
Smoke. Yesterday afternoon a lively
tale of wind brought from over towards
the coast, and land d in this valley, dense
clmids of smoke ; and then tbe wind died
away and left us with all lhat smoke on
our hands to make our lives miserable. If
there was any way to bottle it up and make
it answer to suioko beef aud bacon this
Fall, there would be a big speculation in it,
but that requires more energy than can be f
"used to advantage this hot spell.
Correction. Mr. Joseph Cox informs
us that Geo. G. Glen, whose premises were
lately burned, owned and occupied the old
Win. Cox place, below the Santiniu on the
Willamette near Bnena Vista. The same
place that used to be so famous for its peach
orchard. It is ten miles south of Salem in
stead of five miles east, as stated yesterday.
The fira occurred Monday noun instead of
Sunday. They were returning from the
fiiod as the lire broke out.
No Morr Boats. Charley Uzafovage in
forms tis that no more boats will cntre Tip
to Salem at present. Things look wonder
fully like " a sell," for the commissary,
stores were sent up on the last boat. What
will tho Willamette river think the world is
coming to unless the " Shoo Fly" scrapes
its bars and sand banks ouce in a while?
Tho P. T. Company will not run until after
the meeting or the Company, September 6,
and afrer that nobody yet knowswhat will
be done.
Arrivals. The following names worn
registered at the Chemeketa Hotel yester
day, the 30ib.: W Fruitt, Eola ; L C For
rest, M B Uaudrick, R Burns, Wheatland ;
Win Sappit. field, Geo Sappinfield. Howell
Prar e : VV Bnvlv, Amity : Jas L Brown,
r il.ll.o.l. T a Mill.- Tv tt T0l ;-
aud i hild, .-'an Francisco ; J II Faircbild,
Jas Giliis. A Myers, J T II Thompson and
wife, Portland ; John D Pruico, Lewirton.
Wash Yuia Blankets. The Factory
is gulins; at work in all branches and will
be turning out goods of all sort soon.
Just at 1he present time Mr. Il.iyt says they
raa wash blaukets for persons in town or
enontry who want urh work done. After
a short while they will not be able to attend
lo u h work.
Ftmu siiviiii. Tbe funeral ser
v Vera of VrrytoD Vroom will be preached
at Ihe Institute Cbupel, by Prof. L. L.
R 'gcri, al 2J o'clock to-day, after which
hi 4e.Jy will bi carried to Laurel Hill
cwetnry for burial .
Ti e r.r har-roota at the Chemeketa
11 will be opene I to day. It presents a
tv-aii'i ul app.oranee, and tho lovers of
" .j. r;t." w: nd it ao attractive retreat.
( O'Uti Stomb. TL corner stone of tbe
' w Cbris'tan College, at Mntimouth, will
laid on Tuesday. September 5;h. Ap-p-
ipriata oert monie will be performed by
Mat dm minatiun of christians.
'Skill Fox at Walla Walla. This
d;s -aeeTias made its appearance at . Walla
Walla, having raged among the Chinese
miner at Oro. Fioo during the past season.
Several eases ars reported, but we do Dot
leara that any bare proved fatal.
CoMOREomosii. Chcrck. The regular
services at the Congregational Church wili
be resumed on next Stinday. Preparatory
lecture this (Thursday) evening. Full at
tendance desired.
Lost. A jet cross, tipped- with pojd, not
of great value, but the lady who wore it
would be glad to rocover it, which she will,
if it is left at this office.
AcctnEXT. Mr. Robert Hutchison, of
.iloiimouthj had his arm, near the wrist,
broken on Saturday last while working
around a threshing machine.
From Friday's Dnily.
" Con. Jsemes Pipes of 1'ipe.kvil le."
Mr. Stephen Mossett arrived in town last
night and is stopping at the Cheruekcta
Hotel. He proposes giving, next week, one
of his popular entertainments, which have
drawn crowded houses in Portland, and
about which the press of that city speak s i
highly. The BulUtin bas the following in
reference to il : " A full house and a fasii
iuua de audicio-e, comprising the elite and
beauty of Porilund, greeted Mr. Massctt
last evenin , on tho occasion of his spark
ling entertainment at Oro Fioo Theater.
He read and recited and sang ia bis owu
inimitable manner, aud while in the selec
tions of pathetic nature he moved many to
tear; in. hi humor-ai -raemieal piceos
be brought .right hearty laughter and
throughout wus warmly applauded. It was
a brief but brilliant evening among the
poets and wits, the song-writers aad authors, "
tbe humorists and story-tellers from whom
he extracted the sweets and riches and
gems of which bis OiV'i pudridu was com
posed, and keeuly waa the raro treat rel
ished. Mr. Massed bas efery reason to
f el honored by the reception he has been
accorded by his Portland audience, and he
can now if it be bis intention set cut
upon a tour of the State in professional nay
with tho full assurance of good report from
this chief starting point. His efforts to
handsomely aciiuit himself have here re
ceived substantial approbatiou, and he witl
have this bright prestige to light the way
be fore him.
Remember tub Cube. Mr. Coleman, of
North Yamhill, called upon us last night
and submitted the following particulars of a
remarkable care performed by Dr. Aborn :
Mr. Coleman, for a year or mure, haslbecn
suffering from soru eyes, and during' that
period has consulted a number of physi
cians,' but none of whom relieved bim ia the
slightest particular. He gradually grew
worse, until he became almost entirely
blind. About a week ago he consulted Dr.
Aborn, aud, placing himself under his
treatment and care, is, if not entirely cured,
almost so, being able to see without any
diBioulty, and is in a fair way to recover
his original eyesight. Portland Bulletin.
Almost a Fire. A farmer by the name
of Kennedy, living near (Jcrvais, set a pile
of brush on fire a few days since, which
came near destroy ing the grain in that Sec
tion of the valley. Ha had dug a ditch
around tho brush and was watching tli
Gre. but before be was aware, the fire bad
crossed the dilch and making strung head
way toward a field of tprng wheat. A
largn number of harvesters who were near,
assisted iu fighting be flames, which by
this lime had reached thefieldand was mak
ing short work of fences, but tho grain
was most too green to burn fast, so that by
hurd and continuous work it was extin
guished in time to save the adjoining fields.
- Dr. Van Don Bcrga bas his rooms in
Opera House block, Court street, and those
desiring proof of his skill and knowledge
of tiie special branches of medicine he ad
vertises to treat may be interested in call
ing thereto make his acquaintance aud see
some remarkable results of bis pran:,-s).
Tho theory that many of thediecasos which
afflict man are caused bftbo presenco of
animal life, sometiurfs in the stomach, and
at times in the sucs, gains ground con
tinually. In ths branch the Doctor bas
gnat experience, and his practica is to
make no charge wrier he fails to prove the
existence of the cause and to remove it.
We are satisfied fmm testimonial shown us
of Dr. Van Den Bergh's standing as a phy
sician, and that be has been successful, as
set forth in bis advertisement found else
where. ,
Holly System. The Salem water works
will be conducted on the Holly System, of
forcing water into the mains with a dis
tributing power sufficient for all purposes.
As the pumps will force more water than
the town can use the surplus will be sent
up into tbe reservoir, but tho water in the
reservoir never will bo used except in case
that a?cident happens to the forcing pumps,
when the reserve can be depended cn for a .
supply. So the town will bo supplied with
fresh river water each day, and not with
water from the reservoir unless in case of
accident to the engines.
Ptelic Preaching. On the 4th Sunday
of September, 1871, Rev. Joseph Thomp
son, of tho Weslyan M. Church, will preach
in the large new burn of F. N. Woodwortb.
on Howell Prairie, at 11 o'clock A. M.
And at 3 o'clock, of tbe same day and at
the same place, Bro. J. P. Kiblingcr, of
the Protestent M. Church will preach. AH
persons who can come are requested to be
present and bear those strange preachers.
Closed. The Salem wharf will be closed
far a few days. The following freight is
, awaiting claimants: M. C, If., Independ
ence, 13 pkgs of iron,; II. II. Buena V ista,
1 ca?c ; W. C. L., 8 boxes ; A. W., Cor
Vallis, 3 boxes ; G. Modes, 10 kegs powder
and 2 pkgs ;' J. W. Nesmith, 1 case and
pole ; Witmore 3 pkgs. Any one calling
for freight will enquire at J. G. Wright's
grocery store. ,
Arrivals. Tbe following names were
registered at the Chemeketa Ilouse yester
day : W. Stanley, Eugene City ; Geo.
Kirk. Lewisville ; S. E. Gray, Albany ;
Dr,iC. II. Hail, Grand Roode ; J. C. Haw
thorne,' Stephen Massett, L. Floischner, If.
D. Hammer, C. W. Farr'nb, Portland ;
Jas. L. -.owin, J. T. Snell and wife, Sae
laruento ; A. McCarthy, Wales Avcrill,
Health-. The health of this city and the
surrounding country is remarkably good
for this season. Tbe influenia which was
preva'ent a week or so ago, also existed in
othsr places and was not at all dangerous.
An occasional ease of chill and fever is
heard o!, but the people of Salem generally
enjoy the best of health.
Gone to IIcmboldt. Seth R. Hammer
has departed for Southern Oregon and
Humbolt California, in both of which
places be has friend to visit, while It ia
stated he has interests at Humbolt in er
tain bands of cattle. We hope tbey a o
numerous and doiug well for Sctb's sake.
Salem Mills. Tiiia establishment keeps
running sixtten hour ouf of twenty f .itr.
Large quantities of wht ad arrive dally, both
by'land aud water. They Lave purchased
over six thousand bushels of wheat already
this week. Last week their receipt were
about eleven thousand bushels.
Masonic. Special meeting of PaeiCe
Lodge No. 50, this evening at 7:30, sharp.
Work on M. M. Degree. Resident amj
roj lurnlng brethren are cordially invited to
attend: By order of - W.M.r
What a boat loal of wheat came down'
the river last evening, and came 'o anchor
near the Salem Mill where it is to be de
livered. She 'bad about 800 bushel on
AcniccLTcnAL Works. Work on tho
foundation of this manufactory ia being
pushed rapidly forward. The south wall is
almost fiuished.
Mr. Frank M. Bewly stirred on a fir
through Southern Orerron and Calit'oruia.
He will be absent about two months. Vt e
wish bim a p.easaut journey.
J ouca led tor In calt ui P.ntetn te,S-p'-. 1, llill.
. liken, A (i 2 ' ,Aiiilerson. Miss Emma
Agcc, Mrs Margaret
Bryon. F.dwird,
ftmii, AT" t U
Baldwin, im C y:
Ulakely. Teresa
liuids, Mrs Mary,
15 r u id u i 1 1 , Wot A
Buford, A
Butler, Miss Dillia,
Bmn, Mrs Sarah A
Brooks, Mrs Mary
rVaftie, Ceo If, Jr
. aryaV-w. Jot1i
Darker Je.s
Blackburn, -T
Breymao, Chas W
Boatman. Miss M 3
Brock, Mrs I'ettcr
Brown, li W
-Booth, James
Brown, Mri M?g:e
- Brown, Woli.t
Cnrtwright, D B Craig, Mrs Wealthy L
Cav it, Oco Clarke, Mi Sallio
Chitwood. 3 15 Creswell, D F
Cooper. En. a-h Cornelius, Miss Carrie
Comming, Mrs Jane Cole, Mrs Sarah E
Cook, Mrs Lizette Coplin, Wni II
Diokin-on, M J Darby, Wm II
Daly, J J - Defoie,.A!phou5i
Day, J T Davidson, Mrs Mollis
Domeyer, Elizabeth Dodge, A D
Dunbar, (ioo Dushaw, J P
Dunn. Lone a E Dunbar, !eo W
Eiscic, Frederick
Euiuic'.t, James
England, Oliver D
Evans. Felix
Farga, Seth P Fisher, Ueo S
Khun, Rev John Farguar, John
Fieming, Miss Agnes Ferguson, Prof C A
Gilbert, Mrs Raxy
(iriffeth, Joseph
(irecn. Miss Mary
Gcissingcr, Daniel
Gilbert. Mrs n.-:tel!a
Gardner, Win
Gallagh-r, M'.liic A
Goodhue, Miss Elsia
Ilaniuiack Nancy Henry, Mm Lueioda
Harrison, M AV Hamilton, Joseph
Haylc, John Hard, Oliver
Hilibard, Mifs Rosa Harritt, Kev J
Hawlev, Thomas Hill, JH
Iliatt, Dr Hamilton, W Jf
nager, J M Hufmar, Mis Amy
Hunt, J M 2
Im.dil, French
Jones, Wm Wesley Jones, Geo W
Jones, Mrs Sarah A .Tory, Mi-s Phoel-e
Johnson, Mr Erie Jones, Miss Sarah
Johnston, W C
Karp, Jno S Keir. P C
Keyes, Miss Burt ha
Lcfjntaisie, Phehe Lake, H F
Leigbton, Miss M E I.uwcr A Bro. Geo
Lauglcy, Mr Lemon, Win J"
Lister, Abraham 2 Langfor 1, Jas
Maupin, Frank .
Mix, Enos 2 '
Marvin, Mathins
J.lasscy, Miss P E
Moure, Frapklin 2
Martin, William
Miller, M N
Miller, R x -.nn t
Moere. F Q
Mctrary, B F
McMeen, J S
McCord, trunk
McFarland, Peter
Nalson, James T Neal, Napoleon
Nattlelon, G P 2 Norris, Jednms
Norris, Mrs Ileuiietta
Owen, Mrs R E Oshae, James
Osburn, Martha M Oliuger, Miss Lo
. ? Ogle, Miss Mary
Parsons, A O
Piey--., David
pearce, I B
.. Palme, J :hi.
Patterson, VV W
I'totxmac, G
Ram, Mrs Milled Ri,:gle, Mrs Sarah
Raymond, Mrs A Hummel, II tram
Rose, M rs Nancy A Rogers, L II
Kussel, Mrs Emtaa KulasrU, Joseph t
Sbaw, Mrs Jane
Spinney, J VV 2
Schruver, Charles
Stuart, Chas II
Stanley. Thomas
Sipson, William
Smith. Enoch
Smitlf, Mrs Emula
Smith, Mrs Janctte
Smith, F M
Scovill, Miss Mary
Simon, Joseph
Shoppard, M J
Stevetisoii, Mrs N VV
Stewart, W 11 B
Sweg'c, Mtv'hi.f ,
Smith, Millard F
Smith, .Mis.t Li tie I
Smith, N M 2
Smith, Miss Amanda
Short, J W
Stone, M
iss Minnie
Thompson, Wm A Towner, Mi Sallic
Turner. S M Thompson, Mrs II .
Taylor. WP
Vancleave, Thos J Vaughn, Canarusa
Wright, T n
Welch, Jerry
Werner, Peter
Wineset, C P
Willson, John
Williams, Joseph
Watson, R J
White, ti Willi
Williams, Mrs Jane
Walker, Sarah M
Wanless, A sherry 2
Williams, Rebecca J
Williams, Mrs N-ucy
. Ward, Sarah
Wsnles,Mr II attic A
Wright, Mrs Margaret
T. B. Riceet, P. M.
Second Hand Furniture Store
' All kinds of New and Second Hand Fumbtrre
Constantly on hand. . t;ecDd band Furnlturo
BOL'G i T and SOLD '
Parties would do well to examine toy atock
before pnrchastnf elsewhere.
Aag ;.H-tf JAS. COFFEY,
Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler,
Comtnerelat itreat, Salem.
OLO O 23L Bi ,
Silver Ware.
Cloclt, Watchea tt. Jewelry
Repaired ia the best Banner.
Solid Cold Jewelry
MADE TU OltDtlt,
. BOOTS! . inoii, '
Hardware. Cen'al Merchandise,
Calrulatod tor;
City and County Trade. -
t3T0od drbvimd to any part et tb city tret
of cba'ta. ;
Ncv. Vt df
- -. - TUC NW tows or
IWIl.tairTra A LIMITED It Uyilt Of THE
ALTKa.SAt K laila lall.U to n tor aaUm
Tbt -DA V, he St Instant and rrar-erw-until
Ui end el lb month- Tnu town is situated 1 10
MI.KIFBOM PuRf AND, on tiie Una of I ha
Catfftesna and Oregon Pair aad, aad at Its onn
loaipUted janctlon wl.h the tiregai Uautral
Rttlrrad '
Sal' made on the 'round.
TeiBMa. One-t.a'.f cash and one-half en one
year's time, al ten par cent, infer -at
r.-ire.dl"d tll-O. K Ctrtr. Axent.