ROJIAKICE. r I OUTSS VKXDCLL KOUIEl'.. Ob ! sne wit a maid ef. tangoing eye. And the lived iu a garret col J and feign, And he was a thread bear whiskered bean, And be lived in a cell damp and low. Sut tlie rosy boy of the cherub wing, Hath many a shaft aad slender string, And the youth below aad the maid above . Were touched by (laming darts vt love. And she would wake from her troubled sleep, , O'er his Under billet-aom to weep ; Or stand like a statu eold and fair. Aad gate on tat lock. of hit bright red hair. And ha who was late to tall and proud,1 With' his step so firjn and his laugh so lund, Ilia heard grew lung aad aia feee grew thin, Aad he piued ia solitude over his gin. , -r , a....-1 tA sc "K &3 a Cut ea-'s(tolKht tar tbamoatsier Jane, ; As she lay ia tbeligbtof tbeolondless moon, A voice earns floating. soft and clear, i To the started maiden's listening ear. 0, tben from her creskinj coach she sprang, And bar tangle ihmm back aha flung, i . She looked lrom the jiaiea far below.t I . And be stood heneath-j-lier wbukered beau i 6be did not start witnVfoolfsh frown'iv i But packed her trunk and scampered down, And there was her lover, tall and true,;1 . j In his threadbare coat of its brightest bine. The stars thot TOM in the evenint; shade, " . liooked sadly dowa on a weeping maid ? The sun that eotne ia ita moraine; Tirideyv ; felled golden light on a laagfeing bride. ; ' -j 1 ' i.;'X ''-!- it ' THE OAK. M - ... ' I would I were like yonder oak, '. " That la grave gladness standi, ' . " " ' And stretches e'er the lowlier tree, That cluster round his rugged knees, llii patriarchal hands. , . j . ' ' To have the mom's first rosy kiss . , , Upon my dewy brewr , The latest smile of lingering day, When all tlie fields are growing gray, ' 1 And she to night moat bow. To fall asleep when Winter eoaou, ! . Aad, Urettui af all things sweet, Still lull of leafy sp wilhin, t, ,,. ; And buds that newr lile begin . a , With Spring's impalsire heat. To burst with joyous buds in Spring, Unfolding green aad bright," f 7 Each opening leaf aa upturned eye To greet tbe aloetf, the sua, the sky, J And revel ia tbe light. .si,-?. ' - A leafy Summer-bouse for birds ; Where toil saay seat at aon tide hour t At eventide a pleasant bower ' - ' -fur rustic awaia aad tnatd. - ' - The storm would vainly on me beat, '. Though roused in all their pride ; By thnnder-peals But (hook nor cowed, The sudden bolt that sends tbe cloud Would hardly seethe ajy tide.' ' " " Nor would I live 4a somber earth,,. s , To feel tbe wuitrjr blast . , About my old and withered trunk , .... In which my veins hare dried aud shrunh, ' And fall a log at last,' -" '" ' , " But, hewn hefort my vigor fails. Before my heart grows dry,! A happy-making lite -to life. The pleasure sharing that I give, d And not in vain to die. ' , TaajLlocoIn. . Most of tbosa who read the- dispatch annonncing the death of Thomas Todd Lincoln will neref think lof , tbe well erowa young geoUeonaa . who -died oa Saturday at Chicago. The name of "Tad" a pet name given by himseli with his first Uaraefing ntteraoces and adopted by bis ' fond parents and the worldrecalls" tbe, trtckey , little sprits who gars to that sad and solemn White House of tile-great was tbe ouly comic relief it Jiuew. -.n , . i He was SO fall of life and vigor so bubbling over . with heaUu and high spirits, that ae.kept tba bouse alive with his prauks and ,nis. lanlastic en terprises, i He was always a "chartered libertine," aad after tbe death - of his brother Willie, a prematurely serious and studious child, cd the departure of Robert for college, be-icstalled bim self as tbe absolute tjrant of the Exec utive slaoston Be , was - Idolised . by both bis father and mother,' petted and indulged ty Wt, teacher, and , fawned a poo and creaed by , tat ; noisome bords or omee-eeekers woicd lnrestea tbe ante-rooms of the " White Bouse. Be bad . a very bad opinion of books and no opinion of discipline, and thought verr little of any tutor who would not assist bim io yoking - bis kids to a chair or ia dritiag his dogs tandem over the South Lwn. He bad so much to do that be felt he could not waste time in learning to spell. " Barry in tbe morning Too could bear, bis sbiill oil reaouoCioB tbrcagb tbe dreary corridors of tbe Executive res idencr. Tbe day "passed ,. in a.; rapid succession of plots aad commotioDt, and when tb President laid dowa bis weary pen toward -midnight, be geo erally found bka. jufaat gobli,ale( undrr htavlaMena msuag biawriy head by tbe opea fire-place ; eod -tbe tall chief would pick up the cbild aud trudge off to bed. with the drowav little burden on his sboai4er,aUMpir? ander- tbe doors snd"ddRiD(f the cbandehtrs It was evtdent'thAtwtm aJl. his ,in? mbordiuauoa n4 rcklwi auaciuef, tbe spoiled child .eras' at ear fa trutbtnl .od, geteryus pjitureiy 'J&t treated fltlejes bO othce aerkera arsta a carious coolness aod contempt," but he oftfu spoo8e4,tbe yause f ; abtie poor widoav. or tattered? aoidier, whoui be found wnitrnr a Mbe ao(rooro8 and it was tnosv, arnuilDg lo: ee tbe hearty little follow wragt;io bis shabby - proteges into then Kseesnlve-- preaetur, ordering the usDers out oi me ) and demaoding immediate action truui headaatrtri. Tb President rrl refaeeaV. grrt tW kind.r-and b demand" were lot so frequent io lots tbe e barm "ot ootelty. i 's :! One of the; trirks Into which hi idleoeaa and 'hi aiterprtae - to?li" drove bim, waS oroaeion ' f mufh Isogbter to tbe judLcloui, sod much borror to the respectable in wasntog toa. He lnStcd.voa -morning, his pocket money io baying the sto k ia trade of avn-ld wamar who ' soW gingerbread eai" be -Treasury: He msde the OoernmoCcrpeuitr give hlra a boardhd soma lrtles, which be set so in) the inpeetnf pdTt'-"o-bere of the White Boose. aad:on thia rude counter displayed bis wares. Every office-ieeker who entered tbe bouse that morning boifjftrr a sootbsom luncheon of the keea little merchant and when aa boor after the opening of tbe booth. a uemhet Jbf the household discovered tba yonng pastrymao tbe admired ceates of a-grbop f grf6o?ng servants aod toadteaLhe. had filled. bV pockets aodjus haw. with currency, tee mail of tea American tpublte. Although s, mete child awibe deaih of bll father, tuis terrible, jboclfc reac ly jobered sad steadied him. His br.ub er Robert at once took charge of hi education, nod he made rapid progress up to tbe t:toe of bis sailing for Lurcn with his mottir. - Uw bas -ever smc remained wiib her, displaying thoughtful . dfevutiiM .and teuderoest bevond bis varr. and tranely 1 at variance with the mVt;ii-viliu iboiittVi legjjee of hi, cliiiduoud. iV. 'Y. Tr THii Hao Nsvbb Strcgk Ms I Vie recently bcarit tl;e following molt interesting and touching iuciiieut : A little boy hid died. bt body was laid out in a darkened, retired room, waiting to be laid away iu tbe cold grave. His afflicted mother aod bereaved sister went lo to look at tbe sweet face of the precious sleeper, for his face was beautiful even ia death. Ai they stood filing upon tbe form of the one she so loved aod cherished, the little girl asked to take hi band. The mother at first did not think, it besi, but as, the cbild repeated tbe re quest, aad seemed very Buttons about it; she took the enld behd and placed It in tbe baud of bis weeping sister. . Tbe dear ebild luued at it a do--tneot, caressed It fondly, and tbeo looked op to her mother through her tears of atTectioo aad lave aud laid : -Mother, this little band oever Strosk me." -.- ; - - -. - Young readers, have you always bso so gentle to brothers aod sisters, that were yoo to aim such a tributes' this could be paid to your memory ? Could a brother or eitr take your hand, were it eold is death, nod say. 41 This band oever struik me?" Ia tbe early h'siorv jf Nr h Hit. field, Mass., a road was Itid out wbi-1 was descrtned aa ' ruooiug trm r. cbane meadow to the stream where old LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. -ECROPEJk NEWS. VtMAit-lre, Aagaat 19. In the Assem bly to-day the committee on the army bill maths a report recommending its passage. The bllt as returned to Chamber, makes military service compulsory, and allows no right to procure a substitute. It prohibits soldiers from voting st political elections, and dissolves the National Quard through out the country. Los doj, August ,19. A-. -dispatch from Oumbiner, East Prussia, a town iXty-six miles east of Konigsberg, says the cholera has appeared in several dfrtricU on the Gwnao side of the Hoasiaa froritSSr. t It is reported that the President of the S ties Confederation fterehas appointed M Jquea Stampfii, senior federal Councillor - aud fonaeslys PratldeaU of shew IUpeblfc; arbitrator on the part of Switierlant,iindt the treaty of Washington. ' , J. If"' Xorux.T August J?. A eorreepond- entoftbe London 7 1, writing from Paris ia regard le tbrial of tlieCommun ists, says the prisoners affect great indiffer ence, and seem to regard the whgle a air , as an elaburaro sad bad practical- oke, got up for their especial benefit. They struok ' mock heroin , stliUdos .and MhenI glanced around to see if it produced tbe desired ef-, . Let. ,uTbcy laughed and talked at the jno- meat waeo the Indietmanta ehargiug them with the ofteoses were read. Ferries was; particularly Viollsd at the stress laid his complicity in' the murder of hostages: ' Lft- tle interest is shown by the public in the inai. Lo!iDO!7 August 21. The Parliament is proro 'tied by Ito'yaf commtfsloni The fol lowing Vthe most important of the Queen's speeeh t s .'1? f The ttmo has Bow arrived whet I ai en abled to relelease you from yoavaCcndance ,in'Pustibnsatad cMmeadyeur unwearied lbors to public noed.T I acknowledge the ' loyal readiness wiih which you have maile provision for' the - Priaeese Irfuica aod Prince Arthur. The great events and changes which have, recently occurred in Europe do not do not compromise friendly relations existing between the United King- doua sod. Foreign. Pwers.:x yith. special satisfaction I refer on the present oceaaioo to ur relations .with the United States. By the Treaty of Washington modes Mset- tlemenf have been fixed upon ''for : Several Questions which bad long remained io dis pute' wftfi the TToitcd States dhvernmeoL .The, Psesideat coocwrred with me iar tea ap plication that the prlncipleof amicable ref erence which was proclaimed by tKeTreaty ofc Paris sad, which 1 aejdloeto. kavejop- portuniiy ef recommending by example We also agreed in the adoption of certain rules, for guiding the uteritiaw coOdext of neutrals, wbich may, I trust,' obtain gener al recognition and form a valuable addi tion to tbe code of international law. place full relianee upon the. disposition of America w -tarry forward wrth' cordmtiry the subsidiary arrangements which were de termined ea for the execution ef the treaty I thai) apprise the Parliament of Canada of- the provisions which reqwre its confenf. which, in my view are highly conducive to the interests of the Dominion. On these provWioneT however,. PtlkiiittS will psss an independent and final judgment, LoDOit, August 21. Tbe potatoe bjight has developed to" an alartnins extent to Ireland. The third crop is almost a failure, , John Bright has to a great degree re covered his health, and will certainly re sume Parliamentary duties in session. The centenary of Beethoven; 'postponed from lost year on account of the Fraaeo Qermafl war1, was celebrated with festivities and imposing ceremonies, at Bona, the com poser's birth place, on Saturday. Pabis Auat 2l.Tke Assembly Cma mittee on the Budget agreed to fix the sal ary of Thiers at. half a, iniUiwt, oi .francs with credit in addition for ordinary ejt- penee.';r ? T I f5J ' r ' , A bill providing fur the .dissolution of the present Assembly will soon be brought forward. - The Deputies of the left ate preparing a manifesto demanding the restoration of the Constitution of,184S. ' In the Assembly to-day a atermy dta eussion eras aroused by tbe irreligious ex pressions of some Deputies. ' Lo.vdosV, August . 21. Applications for, the five per cent, fund loan of -the United States sect Jn frouV London and hfeift nent to Jay Cooke, McCullooh A CqJlo advance of the opening Jof tho JbaoV tot morrow,' alreadysaoaat Jojj20,i)00tff o more thanguarterpf the whole smouot allotted - ifurpe,-Thef boodg' are on stii t exchange at 1 J and 1 cents pie'uiiuroT New York, August 21. A- letter ia th Journal d BfuitO" states that a meeting of Che I,irteiaflinul1rfC0ok Juveef St tteeww, at which thirty companies were ref resented Something was said about giving other eg!lsr ETtfroi ua erOiwCwnnibiiffi TniatH, wwieh ' Paris "nd vieinlf Save eo- joyed., -"'? TSH-3 Berlix, August ZL, CarpenterT in this city have Sftack. ujr aa: ingrease ef ?5 pe cent, in wages and .- reduotioo ef day's work W wine hoar aad a half.;" ; ,T:1v . Bcslls, August 22-ftavsges of cheleca are steaililf j' Cieriasfnat Konlgsburg. Tks ijisinini Iiii' aln - appeared kt StMtWJ but no ces have occujrred in Stellin.and aud South Prussia is still free Cr ua tbe dis. Ix5DOX. Augurt J2.--TheatMauotion of seventy-five million dollars of tbe United States ivC per aent. Voaa utiAf by Jay . . Tw ill-- uouke, aietUiiocn io., wai m sucoesi. ubscriptioorwxcee ling in a single day the -entire aeaeonbtOe too eootinent all sabaariptieas areroportod large. Boeks will be closed to-morrow instead of Thurs day. 'LojiDOS, August 23. A collision oeeaned laet night ea the Midlsnd Railway i"tst&t Leceister.. Many persons were injured., ( .Serious distarbaaees tok place yesterdaet af If ewcastle where Jibe workmen , are 'bS a strike, and pew asoads have heaa employed. Apprehensions are felt of a rioC;' , J v-?.. l -2 i ! hi Tki V.l. 1 tne) of the power ef Thiers a President'" of tbe Kepuuuo is opw asauied. k - - .n-i Afireoeeurred " orr board be Ifrerieli steamer Franca atRebor uffAiarseiiaeJi Te fir wim siiMuatl,' Ami re vmseY 'andi e i'rgo'were tnuoh damaged. . .Xosa,, heavy. JIaJininAu" ?2j. beSpBniaii, UoJ-J : ernment b ordered the release of See or i LafBrnriel vwentlt 'irwteA 'as a member i and aent of tbe. Inicruatio.aal Sot-icty ! Roue,-August, ?2t Th sreixTt. which : have been 'iirreot eft erisia tit ' the Italian ; Uvverameat veVw.r;tnfd; ' Jlt.w Yoiik. Auanst 2ft. A Dublin enr retpondent of the London 7;e of theSib, deocribing tlie Dublin riot says I P. J. Smith, member of Parliament, wear pre eeeding with his speech, ' when suddenly there shot into view from round the corner of Willington Monument, a Considerable : body of pqlice, trancheoa. in hand, aod without a' -word of warning began to strike ; mercilessly on ,ll sides.. If an impartial inquiry be instilbted'by the Government, I : believe it Will he foand throoghout tbe : period daring which so many draadlul wounds were given by tbe police r resis- ; tence was offered, and none could be offered. i Saw Yoag.'August 20 Prom the evl- , deace tbe Core'eer' Is satisfied that Mary Kelly, eupposed to have died f Asiatic cholera, really died of cholera morbus. ., . ; The font and mouth disease has broken out among cattle and hogs in Warren county, io this State.- ' ' At a large and entbuaiastio meeting of Italians to-nigbt ia reference to a procession. Utters ware read from prominent Fenians expressing sympathy with the object of the dmonstrUt , - 4 promising that ia ease o'.her tie lotulities other than Italians are allowed to participate in the procession, a large deputation of Irishmen will attend. ? Savaksah, Oa., Aagutt 20. A terriffio gale. aeeumpanUed by a heavy rain, oc curred Friday and Saturday. Railways away., . Ho communication sontn ot station 7. Oa the Atlantic and Gulf Central Railroad there are two washes one near the city and another six miles distant. No regular trains have arrived since Friday ight. Many buildings are dtmaged and great damage done to the nee crop. New Vena-. AuirtA 21. The Boston Pilot call Open ah Irishmen to repudiate the so-called leaders of the Irish people in New York city, asserting hot heaued, in cVsndiar uiteraftces. tew fanatics whose assumed leadership Is gross imposition arc not to be interpreted as expressing the sen timents of the Irish eitiseos who, aa a class, throughout the country eondema the July riots. Mayor Hall thinks the ZVme showed ita want of political sagacity in commencing a fight on Tammany so early in tbe season. Had it waited until a week before tbe elec tion it would have been wiser, and perhaps moro successful. He believes Ihe Timet' attacks have strengthened Tammany, aa the question has been so ably taken up by the Democratic pruts hroughoittj the pouB try, that the influence of Tammany, wbich before was merely local, is now become na tion"Ve Utrtl1 au-r New York, August 21. A correspond ent of a city paper has. interviewed the great heads ef the Gran antj-iufallibility movement, Dollinger, Huber and Freder icks. In writing, from Muniob, August I, be ifljircBcnta, DolliojJr's cueai gaining strength, an the leaders believe it will re sult in tbe- inauguration of a general re form io the Catholio Church throughout tiers) any. The movement mast spread to other countries "where 'there 'oru already violent - political struggles agninst nltra- IToutiuiiaui; The opinion that Bismarck is warring" again! tbe Catholic' Church is confirmed, and it is "believed thai Germany would not maintain the" rofalHbiHIy dogma, Dollinger has again tliscUtmoi aey inten tion of establishing a new religion or sepa rating frma the' Cathidio- Church. What WsV nee'eiuary was a general ecdasiastkal roforBiation, throwing ff ' errerr which crept into'; the .Church, and the establish ment of religion ia conformity with more modern demands and the national charac teristics of the German race.,' ' ,' 11 1.030 BrtASca'Auguat 21. This morn iag Dr. H. T. Halmbold, of New York, engaged a back "aLjie A reads . Hotel, bor rowing a double barrelled shotgun from the proprietors, and told the driver to go along tbe beach, as he wished to shoot some sand snipe. tAftergoiag about a mile, lie alighted from tbe carriage, stepped a short distance. placed the but of the gun en the ground and the muzzle ' under bis chin.". Being a very short man ne had to stretch to reach the. trigger, and in doing this the muzzle of the gun was thrown one side and the charge passed alongside his face, merely sfngeiug it. The driver immediately ran towards the doctor, but before he could reach him the doctor discharged the seouni barrel io tbe saute manner, oot being injured. He then got trim into ihe hack and drove back to the Arcade Hotel, where the doctor washed the powder from his face and drove home. -Tb rumor that the doctor attempt ed to shoot himself with a pistol after reach ing his room, is without foundation. , WabbihgtoX, August 21 The Secretary of the Nary bos given tho quarantine coin inissioners of New 'York two ships, the Delaware and (Albsnj, to be anchored off the :a.aaraiiUna un tbe lower bay to the JernpSrary 'detention of , persons arriving who bare been exposed to cholera. - , lorly suits , fur damages are commenced aguiaet tbe State Island Ferry Company by relatives af victims ef the late disasier. " .Heimbold denies that be attempted to commit suicide at Long Branch to-day. He says that while gonning having dis charged one barrel, he put hie mouth to the barrel'to clear it and accidentally discharged th other barrel by touching tbe cock with his knee. ,Uia injuries are' very slight.' Sew-Yeg,'Aogust22.-Pre!ideiit Grant informed an ielerviewer atXong Branch that he thinks there is no lack of harmony among New York Republicans, ss the dis cord whiuhTssnla meat try to make always clears up wbf a a oUotioo .oocaes ; that New Orleans muddle f bejonij hit fathom ing; that the .Tammany cemrptioa and Orange riota' wilt defeat jbe .Democratic party in New York, and that if we ean not get from tbe Coreans a treaty which will protest our sailors, we won't force a treaty frrim tbeui, hot teach them lessons that will probably protect our sailors just as well. ! WasbikovO!!, August 21. The special order", recently issued at. the .War Depart ment, retiring Co. George Stoneroan with tba rank of Major Geueral, is 'revoltel by the President and he is retired oh his rank as Colonel. The original order waa made under misapprehension, by tbe ' Board, , in the belief that his incapacity malted from wounds, which was not tbe case. , : ' t The Preaideat baa appointed Frederick Drew oa Collector at Puget Bound. ' Arrangements are concluded between the United States and Germany, taking effect on October 1st, which reduces tbe rate of internationaT postage on prepaid letters, if exchanged between the "two .countries by closed mail. Via Eaglatkd,froa 16 1 I eenta, half, ounce or under J if unpaid, letters so exchanged are charged doable prepaid rates ; for" InufDcieiitly paid ' letters, tbe same with postage o unpaid letters, after dcducliog the amvunt prepaid.; , ; v ' St. Locia, Aagast 22.: A terrible affray occurred at Harrisvills, Missouri, oa Sat ardsy. Tom Sabine, a noted desperado sod ex-bash w aaeker, came t town drunk, ran a muck through the streets with a revolver sod shot and killed two inoffensive oiiizens before any one was able to eh oot him, though a large party was after him. A well direct ed load of buckshot finally finished him. ; Louis villc. Aug. . 21 Return received indicate ' that . the Kentucky . Legislature stands as' follows; House 82 Democrat!, and 13 Republicans ; Senate 8a Demo prats, and S Republicans.4 i Tbe Corier-Joinal this morning has a letter from ; Ciaeiauati 'whioh say : A rumor prevails here that. General McCook, Democratic eaudidate foe Qoveraor will be eempelled to withdraw froni'-the ticket as hej has froia the canvass. It as aatd aa ia pari tialry deranged. Should McCook' withdraw an effort wilt be made to wduce fien. Kwing d take Ms place, but there are douht as to the aueeew trf the: saevesncDt ';t : - t ,V (4 i St. JoB5s, Aagus't 28. The great'scuTl for the championebip of tbe world came off this morning. The boa's entered at 7:2A an 1 led alternately for five minutes. At 7:33. the. St. JohTi was ahead. At 7:i0 ibo Sf. J.ibo was the only crew rowing, tbt s'lier erews having gone ashore in conse quenceof Renforth being taken with a St. The St. John's crew rowed over the course Winners of tho race, in forty minutes and eleven seconds. ' Later. Renforth died an hour after the race. CALIFORNIA. ' Sa Francisco, Aug. 20. A rumor that Charles Crocker baa aoid out his entire interest in the Central Pacific Railroad is widely circulated but not generally Credited. i Since the combination amongst railroad companiea, and consequent reduetion in fares, the stocks of all companiea have gone dowa to soro, and io fact are practically unsaleable. ; The Orifiamme will not sail for Portland on Thursday, but the Idaho will sail on Friday. It is understood that tbe Democratic State Committee will, choke off Brick Pomeroy, his speech at Davisville being eery rough oo tbe platform. ; The injunction oa tbe sale of lots in Verba Bueaa Park, by the sew City Hall com missiosers. was hoard to-day, end was finally dissolved by order of Judge Wallace in tbe Supreme Court. The sal9 will now take place and the work of preparing rock from Tulegrapb Hill for the foundation to tbe new City nail will commence to- Sacrahbxto, Aug. 21. At tbe annual meeting to-day of the stockholders bf the Central Pacific railroad, tbe following per. aons were elected Directors: Leland Stan ford, Mark Hopkins, C. P. Huntington, E. n. Miller, Jr.; C. H. Cummings, W. R Brown, and Robert Robinson. . Tbe latter succeeds Charles Crocker. Tbe same, are Directora for the Sacramento Valley rail road. Sax Dikgo, Aug. 20, The Sheriff of this place has received a letter from residents ef Monsterral, io the northwestern "part of this county, asking protection from the Indians; known aa tbe old -Mission Indians' They have driven off their old chief Msnnlco; who has been for years recognized as Cap tain General of several tribes; aud tbey threaten extermination to all white settlers in that section.. It is feared tbreyitl be on outbreak similar to that of several years ! .-?!! 5.9SiwSi! ! Los AxGKtxs, Aug 20. By order of .Mojo' General ScosMd - tho aoMiere arbder Col. Brown,' at Dram Barracks,' wilj-leaf e ' here te-morrow Tor tbe old Palo 'Mission io miles from Los Ftores, to quell disturbances "among the Indiana and reestablish Manuleo as Captain General of the tribes iu that region. ... ;ir -'A a-j. i : j ; i -, Sab Frascssco, August 2l. Last sight the Democratic Joint Ccnventroa held a stormy session and elected County Commit teemen from the 4th,' Sth, tth' aud 8th ards.-;-;:; iAWi'i I ... The Indepeadent Republican nieettag en--dvracd the State ticket but repudiated the regulative tkket as pot up by Uotbam and Billy Carr, and the Tax payers' m'unietpai -ticket as not ! Republican ; adopted resolu .tioiis that a committee of 30 be appointed two from, each ward aud twelve from the a t ned county at Urge the said cammit- tee to be authorized to take such steps as will subserve the interest and pre mote the "welfaicof fhe Republica'n ticket- T" . After the adjournment, W, W. Stow end ..Bill Carr, who had been bitterly denounced l" l'ixley, followed tbe . latter - and A. J. Bryant to. the Liok lleuse saloooy where 'Stow" presented a pistol t Pixley and de manded him to retract what he had Said. 'Fixley refused; daring him; to murder him. Meantime Carr and Bryant were trying to -get , at ' each other . with uplifted e hairs. Frank Marpby iadueed Stow to put up-bis pistol and weat to the ar to drink' with "him,fi wBeii ";tbey qonrreled, Stowe again drawing his pistol and Murphy a bowie knife. Friends interfered and- tbey; , were separated before any one was injured, dT ' The Mechanics' Fair is proving a great aeccess and may run a week ur ten' days Jonger than advertised. 1 '' " ;"J ' " ' Vf . Wm. Simpson, Edward B table and Gar rett U. Hopper, named aa members of the straight out Republieaa nominating soat mittee, decline to Sam, and- a number of others will flo tbe sme.: ' :" ' The Pixley-Stowe imbroglio has been the talk of the town to-day, and mutt specu lation as to who would back down, or if there . would be duel. At tbe last ac counts Pixlcy bad not left town and Stowe had aot challenged him.' The Democracy have a large meeting at Union Hall this evening, which is being addressed by Sunset Cox, of Ohio,, and ethers. ;sJi; - . -. ; ; :' . Loa AaoELBS, August 23. Lieut. Sears, of tbe TJ." S. Engineer Corps, arnwd yes terday to superintend tbe construction of tbe first section ot tbe IV ilmington . breakr water, 3,567 feet in louglb, ia the, dirwtioe ef Dead Man's Island. Tbe contract ia let for $21, COO, and to be finished March 1st, 1872 ' - Two horse thieves were caught and shot lust week, between the Long Canyon road and Willow Springs on tbe Owen's river toad. ., -i Stocxtow, August 2S. A large force of carpenters are engaged in erecting a Iar, pavilion for the San Joaquin Agricultural Fair, to be held here next month. A Young, Men's Republican Club bas been formed., ia this, city which already numbers 2i members. ' "Sacrakssto, August "23. Gov.. Height has issued a proclamation offering $1,000 reward for the arret and conviction of the persons who, on tbe i6th inst., attacked the stagecoach between the towns of Healda- burg and Cloverdale in Sonoma eeaoty, ana murdered Thoa. II. Beaton ; also he has commiaionel as Notaries PuMic, W. E Bis.-am for Eldorado and Robert Porter for Humboldt; f r, : " ; - - ......9 " SET ADA. ' Virginia, Aug. 20. About 5 o clock this merniog a ir broke oot l N. !4 D street. It spread so rapidly as tri get beyond con trol until it fwept every thing no; tbe west side of D street, from Union Hall ' Sutter avenue ; both sides of E and the west side of F streets' for the same ' distance, and ceasing considerable damage e -tbe west side of D street." toss, $150,000, on which tier waa seme toatwhee, but" the amount cannot be ascertained to-day. - ; -:. i 6 " FBoklKETABA,,. ' -y ;-.. i. ...-'-.. a ' Hamilton, August 23. Yesterday .during a discuasiou between Capt. Boyle and A. Clerei, (he tatter 'drew a pistol and -fired- at the farmer, iafiietiag aelirbt wound in -the left hand o Cuevle.fIrieVe1 are con flicting reports as to the origin of the difficulty,-? i Si lis it'saiiAi ft i,-- BY STATE TEI.EGK APII. Evosjia Cirr-, Auf il,-Wveph Kaott, proprietor of the newly erected quarts mill J on thd Excelsior ledge,',. Boa smia: Distriot, passed tbroagh hen, last night, with, 87 pound f aaaaUa-ocn. fraaa eraehinr IS tons ofsurraceroclt- jjJf; . J .',' Fijiiwt laci' sT.--5-Oar4 bontoa the Obio hftd stopped to take in some wood. On the shore was a remarkably stupid lookir)gellowjvlut? h is .bauds on bis pocket aod his under lip baogiog down. A dandy; Yipe for a' scrApe, hods and winkeatt aiireV, ewjiag-i .-v -'Tr Now nt Bave some fuor IU fright en the greenBOrB.'"- ; -' He jumped,i(h large drawn bnwre-koife,' and braodished it' io tbe face of the grpen run-'' islatrhiiig : t'. IN o w -, J ' 1 1 o is k i J ota I i e be 0 I lkiDgVor TOU for a week." Tbe fellow starea MepliTTy ot bis as-saillvJ-: bev videdJyr'4li(i nottctjw eiKiJtw id be Beared, btj.ta.stha bowie- koile came near tits rat- oee of ms hn's : B.i,Ll. t...,al Ilia nn.L.t 'tt fktl biifit aofT "Heavy betweeo the eyes of tlie dnndy, ami tba-poor fellovr was floanaVriog il tSspiio,"'-., Greeoy juOapedon board Oar boat, put his uHods'io his pocket, and look ing a roiled, (aid ey-s?-- - ". "May he there's somebody else that's been looking fur m for a wrek ?'' JaCSSOH AHt THB DltSPKBAriO. SeV- enty j ears ago," Andrew Jnckson waa Judge ot a Circuit Court at Jones boroetb, Tennessee, and ordered tbe Sheiiff to arrest a desperado named Bean, a celebrated oulUn in the early history of that region. The officer aoon reappeared io tbe court' room and reported hi inability to make the ar : rest.- " Summons a posse," thandered Old Hickory - "I have, said tbe Sheriff, ' but slill ire cannot oiake the : arrests": " Snmmon en " iacolated ; tbe wrathful Jackson. The Sheriff ; gladly obeyed aod the man of iron will i strode toward tbe cnlprit, tbe crowd ' eagerly follewiog. - Approaching Bean with bent brow, and a gage beneath which every horaaa being that ever I encountered it quailed, Beae'e upraised arm dropped to ilia side, and he waa led resistiessly to tbe pnsos, . ? An Iowa geotlemao, very "appropri ately named Dadd, has assumed pater nal relations to nineteen children in a little over twelve years, bit) better half having bad twins eight times in that period. Cje rom Cocsu ok 'CoiaAs soon, as there is the slightest aneaainess of tbe Chest, : with difficulty of breathing, or indications ot Congb, take daring the day a few " Brown' t Bronchial Troche." Containing dcmuleet ingredients, they allay Pulmonary Irritation. Have them ia readiness upon tbe first appearance ef a Col i or Cough. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LATEST EASTERN NEWS! I PKOOLAMAtlOlt! Governor Hrfrman's proclamation to aobdaa Ihe New York htot. reminded Maaara. rtiadoaan Oosliuer of the fact that tbey were capable of subduing- their prices (er Uieir large stock of Dry Uokds, cloihins and Gr.cerka to abeUerleval. , Sugar, 10 ota, par poend , j UaoUn, 12 1-3 ota. par yard. Wiita Goods cheaper tban ivar. . Boe a as Sb "ea at Sat fraaolaeo pt iocs. Sca tka,t no bob ataas atriks, . w ClothiBf f r me a and boys, as Wall sa f,,, ..w i.,m mi;i ! 8 a maiar suits far Aniut. n ..-..t ' WU.e aJkirtlacIar Wlatar, - Croakey M ;Olaewre ,;a Eastara prloaa ..." s -1 es tvl. vu io au! w : Bocae 121-3 oen's per. pair. $ . . B.aodjtrchttta ,! 1-2 pent, par tlr ' Xybaaao ctaeavpai; tliM t ? aloe, groan Bleached table Hon ea 76 ota per yat-1 WU1WOI1B S1 SU. Towela no dean that waahlac la 1sd ti j;aaary. ( ; , z. .m.u Io fact all gnodaia (ralave w.n be anirc)MWMr inao ever before i auu It jou waat an Mtctinnecr always eome here and ta will find ear charg -a not aw We aacisaat af every lliBig tbaa ceeaea Iu our hands aod d."l Utttl to tone to our stand on Uurbin's tkirntr, apposite the Bank. r.n. PKlkiOMAa KlbblCR. ;SjSB.JolaV ,;la5:-- S:i?:.2 NEW STOCK OF: GOODS 11 Direct from San Francisco ! QHUCBatlKft aVHO PHUVISJIOJii, Crockery iiud Glassware, TABLKWARK, ' PLATKDWAUtC, 'J". (i . kl OAJK WAHsC. , .- .-.,e HIHROitt, fl '-''' - I: -w W WILLOWWARE, BASKETS, ' TO B AC C O J i ... ...3 - s'ciUAUt,' California r Fruit and Tegetables ! BECEI TED SY E fR T STEAMER, :f -r. .., . . - , . . of which they will deliver ""lo any part of thecliy. " '.' FAIIR A-H: BROTHERS. . STRiTTON : Si, WALLER, ' yi(fuceessors to J. K. Gfll.i STATE STftET, SALEM. i r - -lKAbKK4 If J - . BOOKS AND STATIONERY Musical Instruments, . iV ' IN VIT ESPECIAL ATTENTION T'' OUR If stock ot Mason Hamltn OraaDs: Clock- erhig, Haraiia 1 A Mtlauer, and Eiuersoa fhanvs. an oi wMen caa be solu ou. Hie meal aaraota geous terms. ' . . Ealera, Aprilll. .v ; NEW ASSORTMENT ! SPHING AND SUMMER GOODS ! 'HTK Jtrsf BECEtVKD ' - ti - -. ... , - ' -... .. it IRY GOODS, Clotlilug and Hat-, Boots a ltd Shoes, IIAIIDWAHE, Iu . t- ID1XT ASiORTED. Salirn, March S4. ' t il'! '"'' lm Tlie Lcabo , Ferry IS five milee and s half aoath nf Salem, and ta Ut saaitst and most direct roate froia . . Salem t-1 rHlepcndence, irlawmonlh., t. orvallla, Yaqralwa Bay, And all intermediate points. tf s -j. A . New and Coearaodlaua . Boot, firmly font strutted, ao a to ferry atfKk of all kinds with salety and dispatch. Tlti-maiikS bar been gveau ly improved, and the roads are la a belter con dltioa than ever btfcre - Sr. accommodating ferryauoa will alvajva .be la awtaadaeaai bat aa extra charge will b mde lor croaeing. at late hmire. - ' t t . . tv.. . .- CHAS. W PJCTTYatOIIll,, may r-aaw - t in-r r- :i'rr :"'" ' ' ' 1 i ' ... a. IA S V BB H 1ft Ob BV BATS A xakgb tor Of FINE TOOllTCOaf B8. i.i.k,..v?.;;.I.Tvory . -f -" ,ii I f n; .u.u-....Uabbor INFANT . .,.,...a.- Ivory POCK ET ' y -;....Rubber DRESSING ' " B;:i.:;f..;.MV' " CLOTUK3 JJBUSHBS- ..;.-.. Assorted EAia s- -. '5?' r ;w..-;.:;i:iigh INFANTS - i i f fie.J.ArU-Fri- TOOTH - ! "i ....Pocket : - n-v. u.-y'"i . ...Badger hair NAIL .1 . . . s .u..u,U.w..Ast(Srted r -And every kind f bra'h wanted; '-' ; ; i ,, - : hm . - tints' r ' t'e NT's TiaRTIKSOOlHQf O TUB COAST X v MeanUma- taa-'be oppllal wHh tent an wagon i;urera,any aau aliape. or ejualUy. at the - ' . ' SALEM HAG' PACTORT! , Oppoalte the Salem flouring kfflls V ! tafP-eaaaa OBdngtthelr?we material can nav? il mad up on short notice ? iulyle ;SALIMBHEWRYt:f SAMUEL ADOLl'U, Af.l-.M, OKI The Oldest Brewery. in Town I la ready ta fur it b hi , cuatomers with better Than he has ey made beforev FA RlLliea If PPbliCD TO OBDER ' ay-Order front tbe eoantry premp'.fy tiled at ; isgale ra.. i v -it ajiui LADIES AND CENTLEME R ; ' Take Notice! AOIaolee Let f , - - . . . . .. ..' " '- . , , PEBFTJMES I -. i"ri. axATw v. -: a- i Sfllcm -Xrii; Store t , THATCH KB ea BOS. . : .. . Jsnelt : '-- DANIEL LOWER, . 13 front B. PorUaad. COMMISSION, MERCHANT. Cregeei prod no 6d te f artiand er San Fraeciaco. . beat aitvantage weaiov ui Ciilliornltt Oregon Iioc3Lu.oOw Tropical Fruits. MfrehantVordera filled oa reason? b terw DRUGS & MEDICINES r. h. Mcdonald & co. -vmoi.ESiAi.1: DRUGGISTS Ssn Francisco, Csl. Call the attention of Dealer te their larva anaort. nient of Mwir ArriTed uooox compoaea la - fhlnv fc'Pt In a wetl supplied WUUI.JUtAl. . n.ip Af fha fnllowtnir ai rtiriea, tmfioer wirneverv SKld STOJaVE. ' ' FaasM Duces. TtldiWs TiorrAiuTtoaa DaoavutrA' aoHMuoa. Hhakeu Haaos, PaaroMsmsa. '. v Pamin Macicnraa, - TBcsBKa a Scrpoaraaa, Eauurrut Oils, . tfiitin ako Oils. Whlek we offer at the lowt CaaU Frices, sod are dawrmlned not to bo undersold. e B. U. MCOONAJ.D a CO., AUw FaAKCiaoa, Cxi. '. f FOR 8VLE, Otlt SRtO BFsiIXtM, located In Ban Proaeaieo. iML Afterour beat wiahea. aud expreaa. taag our ibanlui fer the liberal aatroaotca we have -received tor mora than rwrntv-nBe years, during . whicli period w have bi-n ataduy eu?oged in tba Dras bualnem in California, we org to aav In .eonaaeueaee of tlie rapid growth of l)r. Walker's " "-California Vinetrar Bitten, now spread over the Vnllee etabaa and eoanwiea lar beyond, wa ara nnraaillaif il to devote our entire time to sold bus. .-liievk . f , . -' We are rhs Oldest Ding ftrm on the raelAc Coast I and toa enlr enet continuous under the aanM pro & prictora atnee 1849, and have determined to aell oor a Jajaaraaparaua,aina1 vill estaliMahad pnalnaaa oq IsvorsLla terma This fa a rare oppcrtimtty for men wtth means, of entering into a profitable bualueas wlttl advau i, SAgae nevar kafore offered-' - - - , tor particular enquire of , T a i U. MrDOWALD CO., Iv H. stcDovaLB. , WholMMUe UruggWa, 1 J. C.'ermiKaau - Kan rranctM-o Oal. , 24. B.-Untueaale Is roada we aball continue our ' fjnportatlona. and keep a lanre stork of freah goods . constantly oa hand, aud aait at aricea lo defjr coai- petiUoo. ' - - J. Waaaao, . ft. Mctew.ka a Oa, liraialx ISh. Af MU, Saa FrauWa.Cal vumI U beam 8U.N.V - TIILLIOKS BearTeatlBHesirte tlaclr f-it IWataaterfwl C alraiUve . K STecia.' I - Tlaewar ltluere are aot. a. vile Faaer Prlak, Mad , of Feer ttaa, ' WaJaker, Preef Splrtte ' anal He fane Lleners, doe kwadi' ipteed and aweoteaed to pAeaae tbe taste, -.tailed lento.".,? Aseeeiaar.' -- Seatoren," that 'lead the ttonler. oa to druolutuieas and ruin. but are a true. Medici nemada from the Katlve 'Itoota and Harbs -of t)aHfornla,' free fYesa all A leaked! Satanwtsuat a. : thr . are , the GREAT BLOOD FtRIFIEB, aad A LIFE GIVIMU PRINCIPLE, a perfect 'faaBowto aod bwlaeratac ef the arstaaa. aarrr UiS off all poiaomoa mottraad reatarina the blood .to abaalthjr condition. Mo person con take these Bitten aeeorfllnc to directions and remain lone anwelK pnTvfcted- taaer beaea are aot daatroved -or Bdaeval poiaoai or otbar sseana, aad Ute vital orzaaa wasted beyond the aoint af repair. Tbey are a Gentle Parcatlve ae well Wa a ToafS aassiaaliie 'alee, the eeeulisa? saerlt if aettns aa a powerful asvut ta ralievfar ConM lioq or InHuoanatiea of Um Liver, aod of all the Yweeral Organs. FOR FEMALE COftPLAIItTrt, whether ta rooas; or aid. married orstnrle. at the dawa af womanhood or at the torn of life, these Tonic Bit ten have no equal. Per IaHammatorT and Chronic Rhrw aaatlean aud tieatv Irraaeaatav aw In disealian, Bllieaa, , BesnUteat and nterwilltrnt Pevero, Uiaeaoee ef the bleed, ;,LI vet-,' Kidneys aad Bladder, these Hitters have been aaost suujtaaful. riaeh Ulocaora are caused by Vitiated llleod, which is seuerallr produced by derangement of the Illsrntlve Orssia. ' i STSPEPHIAv OK. INDIGESTION, Bnadaf he, rain in t he Bhooldere, Couirha, Tigbt neaa of the Cheat, Diszineaa, Bonr Kmotattona of It Stomach,' Bad Taste In the Mouth, Btliona Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation ot te Lnngm, Fain an tbrrcona of tha Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms are the ot aprings of Dyspepsia. ' 'J ' They mvtgovate the8tomarti and ethnalatetM torpid Lerev sad Bewela, which renderthem of onequalled eCScocy In deaiiaine; the blood of all im purities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole ayatem. -'- FOKtsKI!" DI8EA8KeS, Knrptkma. Tetter, Bolt Khrum. Blotchoa. Gpota. Pimple. Pustule, B-lUa, Carbuncle. Ring-Wonna, fk-ald Head, Son Brm.T-vtpelaa Itch. Bcorfs, TMarolorMlonaof th akin, Huiuura and Du ani of tbe ekin, of what ever name nr nature, are literally dug up and car nd out of theavatein in a short time by the ane of tseae llitteTS. ilne bottle in eoeh caea will con vinea the snoot incredulsna of thetr curactveaffect. . Cleauweth Vitiated Blood whenever you find it Impurities bnrsting through the skin in Ptmplea, Eruptions or 8ore ', cleanas It when yon find it auattuetau and lmnriati In the vein; deana tt whan tt la fout,and ycror realinim will ft yen when. Keep the blood Bum. aad tbe .Malta of theajetem wltl fbTUiw." '. PIN, TAPE, and other VORMS, urktng S th svrtem ef an many thensandaarfluliislly estroyed and rrruoved. BOLP BY ALL BRUG018T8 AND DEALERS. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. MCDONALD at CO.. Drueinwta anil trtn. Afrenta. Han Franciaoo, I m anu a. uoniniercfj ocieec, new xotk. AnlaaUlble blood n'airm. possess ing rare toxic and aeai'VIXE propertiea--a certain cure for BmEsjsaaTiasi. cow'. PiEajaii.siA. and all ktnared ClaeaseB. - H ooraiiteteTT taetore the syetem when Ira paired bjr dlsaaas. sevrveSF th acttoa of the KJmsvs sa etniilAi4 osteinVnat radi cally care acaiowva-a. aa.w sasaevjaa. and all EsturTiwat aoaat CVTAmsiote Sis eases, gives ImmrmH and permanent relief la BTaPKPtiA, tettYiPBi.AS. Tumors, Bon. 0eaia Bead. TJleer sad Sores; eradl SataasVamth7Sean all tneoseC ateeomnal Disease, ' 1 5 !-?:".' . itis rmtti-Y vegetable, being made from n herb found indigenous In Ca,iiaWmt It is therefor peculiarly sedtable for use by femalea and Chtldroh, ee a ava pubis. rlEaaRE.VOVATOa.., , , ,; ," b a1!-J,"Js',t f. RCOlSiTOS, NOSTETTCB &CQ, AGENTS,, ,n ... , 529 and 531 Market Street, ... . f ,v Saa rracciBCo.: ; -ssi f-rs Redtdsiff SeeetislfTor. tntthereare no ilisavotva frei H.eeer.l priocajie.-tl'at a ffet medlclue is a ( eat tlrt.lna-. We hav. m.nv of lhaM htMn, tne awiena them all, lo the province ta which it beloi ft, uo greater Uian Tarrcnt i EJerritctnt bi liztr Apcrunu A e.nlirrn Wun-d r.ot luffl tn enunrerate the slinMit 'nr trim It is rm-eerir-ed hv phvtrin ot the hish-at (.t.iiSi f It dort bel.KiI U the clas drls.Tely icrn.e ! patent rr.idicine. oot i. .nlrl. ba1 -n m-tr-Mr an.LvSi. and wl 1 l!i4 Ihe tn' of the vhirprat .-:d nt rild m-dicil crliK-.aiu at a cathartic, a tomichic, aAil.f-bril. urbaraLt,n. an I an admirable rem dv for all bHo.i. comnUints l et tttere b n tntasasiw. Cecaire the gemdtae arilclaeoly. 8 ld Br ati. ir:gg:st. anf-loa "White " Lead ATLANTIC" LEAD, "ALBIOX" LEAD, Ef DOE WOOD " LEAD, - WIN'SOX" LEAD ' Hel Lead Sc WKITHICHKURD tO.-afrt the above article for sal LOW, la aay eoaatity. GREAT SUMMER T0K1C. Beauit .Cwrditl Eiiir tf Calinji lark A e'easant Cordial which tirengthen and In ,h. rttnutlon. ae preventive of Fevers. Fever and rue, Ac, and a re Ren. ...or and Tonie for luralut and ilrbllltaled per- e . ... . . UOL.OIM ' vV' m . 3 J .' -tn V M '' ? ' , c,? o " '' l ' ' '. MECHANICAL. PHEMUM WAGON FACTOhY, Oorntr Frent aatd Sta'a Sta IALEM, st : 0KE60X. Lumber Wagons, Express Wagons, Thoroulibrace Wagons, Carnages auil Buggle, KEPT CONSTANTLY OS HAXDJ OR MADE TO OHDER. 13W-WC1KK WAKRAHTKD.-C T. CUTIS' I1VU HAM & CO.. : Oonamerotil ftireet, SaWta. - . Jmo Z. . SALEM IRON WORKS, B. r. DRAKE, : : : Proprietor, " RALKH, OHROOM. fteam Knginea, Pw Mint. Qrlal Milla. Reaper, Puinps and all kinda of al lea of machinery made to order. Machinery repaired at a thort notice. Patter,, mnfctn dnne in all lu rarlona forma aaU aU kind of Bra aod Iroa CaMiua fvrn lahed at short notice fevlMf ; s r WOWROE & STAIGER ' " " DKtLERS IN Honumenls, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stones, ' EXECUTED IS ' California, Vermont AND ( Xtallrxalaxr'kleis BAL.KM, OUEOOH, , , And Branch Ship at "Albany. iunel J. M. COULTKR'jJ NEW COMBINATION OP Cooper Shop, GROCERY & PROVISION STORE. I TAKK PLBAIVRC IN SAYINO to the cltlaens of nalem and vielriitv that I am na opening a new and well aiecte toeM of Family Orocerirs and rroviilons, and Hatter raytelf that I can give good aatlifactl n to all those that m-r favor an vritli thtir patronage, with as good arttclta and at as fair prices as can be bad fa the city. AL0 ALL KINDS OP COOPE1MVAH E ! Kept on band and vaade. lo wrder oa tart aotiee and go u terma. t-Goodt delivered free of chare to all parts of UieeK-v. - - J Staep aMt t or ta Ctmaierrlar It, s lrst lor fsorin er starkt;'t Bloek. JuoeM J. M CorntTR COOKE & SMITH, . jdAticrACTCRKfta or SASH, DOORS ANO BLINDS Inside and 0siU14e Flnlik, WTAIB BfJIiL.OINO, Scroll Sawing and I'uxning, rjTHealdlafa Hade ta Order. Regular alaes ef work constantly oa hand. S Orders from the country promptly filled. Factory On Rtaek Raet ef Claemek- eta ai a waa. falemt May V. dawtf Sash, Blind and Door Factory, FROM STREET; BAIEIf, ORKGOa. OTHBY k SI1TLEM. luaiVctiinn. SA?H, BLINDS DOOR?, FRAMED A StOl 1 D ina ol all diwcrtpilona kept o suntly on nand an4 mate to order. PlanlBSr. Sorcl Bawtosr. Tornto. and J-bbirs; of all kind Uuae on short notice. tBA.ll Urdt-t Promptly Ktlled.aKl i-CALI -T MANUFACTURERS BRICK BLOCK vVAKIVEH PL.UM3IER, House, Sign and Ornamental Graining & Paper Hanging, Calcimining. Staap on State St., by side Kir Bell Order. te!irUed, and all work executed prompt. ly in the best manner. marts C. W. LINDSAY, ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. Carriage Painter & Trimmer. IHP East; HAVE AS ASSISTANTS AW Ex perienced eamaite painter juat from th aao a trimmer wno itMirouaniy un.iersiaa js ht bnatnese, and am prepared to do all work la tin at abort nwuca aae la ta Deal moaner. Junes. BOOTS AND SHOES. Capital Boot & Shoe Store. J. F. ST A ICE R, - (Successor to StaJger k Birr,) . - VWell aalacAad ateek oa CaUformla and Eastern Boots and foots. , I would call the attention of the puhlle espe cially to my own maantaevare, far wvten I have Superior Ncilllk-t to tur l out No 1 work None but the beat breads of French Stooa: wUlbauted. - - nrtU WrH Warraattd. r,y Re pairing don with neotneas and dispatch Commercial Street, Snlem. (One door south of Oregon Candy MTty ) SA80M l aovaL . vatscis a. sane. ROYAL & SMITH. Dsaunts nt wp aaircrtcTearsa or " Boots and. Shoes, Cuta fork IiJe Orw ui firtstes. W are rcoelvlnc eew suppU of Bootrj und; Shoett AsentsforTh Inpravtd Heme Pbttt- tle fawrlitj Blaehlm. ' We call epeslal ettenUoa to the Improved ? Maolilno.' aprlKS 1ST. HAAS, (Opppoalt CbetnekaU Hotel.); . . Cemmarctat Street, Salem, BOOT 'MAKER, J AnD DIALIB I " Cnstoin aiMiie Uootw. lojaaft-lm Second Hand Fnrnlt-re Store ... . -. - stats ST., aaaa tbb asasst bocsb All kinds of Hew aad Second Bud Furniture Conatantly on hand, beeond band Furniture BOUUdTandSOLU .at - v ,,. OIS COIIIH8IOTV, Partiea would do well to examine my stock hero. r"rehae etaewher. - - .MISCELLANEOUS. LATEST SPRING STOCK! Last Bat Not Least! IP. LEVY, Coratcr of Boor' Bloek, SALBM. A - - URICGOS, HAS RVCEiVeD A rOLt, itlORT ment of Rood for Spring 'and , Summer Trade, cosauTiNo or MAPLE t rASt'I UK1 GOOD!!. OF ALL 1 H-CBIPT10N8. Lit 1 1 (-.' DreHM Uootls IN FINE VAHUTY. Millinery Goods ' For Wholesale aud Retail trade. Clothing & Gentlemen's Wear OF ALL KINDS. BOOTS it SHOES, TT.cxtsa zxxxcL Oa-ips, CllOCKERY, Family Groceries. , All of which are respectfully offered te the elty and conn, ry trade. AprUT ; " . wuresamos, ' Portland. I. w. waiTssarosn I. coiem. WUTHERFQRD & CO. Druggists, Foreign and Domestic Drugs, PATENT MEDICINES r CHEMICAI.S . Paints, Oils & Dyes. AVineM and I-.iiiir-, rOH MEDICINAL PURPOSES. ' BVPartU-olarattenilon given to Preacrlptiona. WKATHEHfOKD tL CO. alayvif jiCvB stittil. jiMss s. crros. STITZEL & UPTOX, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Corner or Front k Washington St's, PURTLAID, ORKOOS. . Will attend to the purchase and Pale ef Seal Estate In all Parts or Oregon. rWLoant nef otlate.l on First Mortgage Real Esiate aod Collateral fecurity. A rents for the Sal af Mocks and Lota Its Helladay' . Addition jLast Portlaatd. C. O. WAT. Ealesmaa ani 8olieltin( Aceot. REFEREKCESB T FERMiSIOlf : IStaaa. Laso A Tirroa, Bankara, Portland Oregon. BM. HiLUDiV. H. D Oatia. Wassaaaaa A Co. Ja 8tsil, Cashier, First Rational Bank. Lots BaooKs. maySl LippiscoU'i Fruoiadnij Dicliociry BIOGRAPHY ANO MYTHOLOGY CONTAINING MEMORIES OF THE EMIXEXT PER SONS OF ALL AGES, AND AC COUNTS OF THE NORSE, HINDOO AND CLASSIC MYTUOLOCilES. Bj J. T 11031 AS, A.M. M.D., CHAMBER'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA. A DICTION ART Of Unlrersnl Knowledge for the People, SeVlsed Edition, Be Issue of 1S;0, with Maps, Flates & Ensravlnss. To be Completed i 0 PA&TS, making 10 VOLS, of 8-2 pajft each. lllaatratett with etkoiat Faur Thousand KpftraTlnEB stud Forty Tlaip. Price per PART, including MAPS and ILLUSTRATIONS, 0 Cents. PRICE PER VOLUME : Extra el"lh, beveled boards...-.. Library sheep, marbled edge .. CU0 Published by J. P. MPFIXCOTT dk COq Philadelphia!. II. II KEY ii ( 0 , Agenti Tor tbe Faciflc Coast- jjy24dlm FLORENCE SEVINC MACHINES. : - ft th Ptorenee at th heat Dewing Marti in tat family as bcaue K a Hlann acta out nt ordr; If there Is one In the ftai ol Oregon oot workli.g well. If I am Informed of It, t wt til tt It without aay expwn. te ta awncr. - - SAMUEL HILL, 19 Montgomery Street South, GRIND HOTEL BUILDING IAR FRANCISCO,. CALIFORNIA. Btrs Uoa a Waller, Agents, Balem Oregoa. SEND FORCIRCULARS. SVAatlv Agents wanted la every ptaees; . a. ttun. rasarK aiumio. Mteambont Notice. iLSar People's Tranportion Co. XTNTIL 1 IJRTBEUjNO.lCS TIIS ' V . ?. ."' i ..- - STEAMER FANNIE PATT0N --' "HlVL IEAT1 " at --.- as' - , - , . , Salem for Portland, i OR '.-' ' Tofsdaj, Thursday and Satardaj, At i Vloak A. St.- . A. A. McCl'LLT, President. ... . -PTI THE UNK-WEEO KSJEDY, ' We ar aararo the. (art dut ' H geeeranr an eaay matter te peecare oartifletHvs a teatlna; the efficiency of patent remedies troni a eerlals claoa of those who h thwin. W bate aeteetadT th fotlowiog bee.aa the name attached to them see (ho f Dtea r Ik mo eerfA own tarupulour karaaUr, aatl Beca'ar tltt lorgr class ef "her aoqaaintaac ht Oregon will at for a moment, aecus or suspect tSera of aay el agteratloo tn th statements fhey make. Crrtlflcatl from A. B. Bhlpley, Ea. spaeaal contrlhutor to Ihe WBlamttt Farm--, and ee retary of Ihe Oregoa UurtleaHaral .erMy : Oswaoo. Oa , March W, l-Tl. Da A. M 1 oTi : 8om (our week age I eas ratlraly pnat aord1 wtth Kheuii atitni ; in fkot. I was Almost he ptea. I atnt to yna foe ne le wtir hoifle of th 4a Tnk Weed Remedy.'1 by in m which I zpv-r,ent-el al.noat liuue.11at rvli-f; and by t'e time Ute bottle was ajoti th Hheomat'out vtt -rne from my own experience, and lrom btt 1 have heat d otlH-r .Jr eha-hav used V Cok V.'.-d 1 believe it io l a rertaiu cure tor Shew matlsm. Your, teapeetlully, A. RSHIPLtr. Certificate from tbe lion. A. I. Dufur. -Prcaidrnto! e Oregon tXale Agricaltural eacl ety, aud author of ' tatlsllcs of Oregon " ' Ease PoeiLase, AprH 1, 18TJ. Da. A M I-okvxa AC: I waa afDcted with a severe attack, of Chronic ; waa confined to my ho' mt ef the time In n J.nut-y to July, when I ued the Uuk Meed, aud it tared otiu. , ,,. , - . i Certificate from Mr J 'me Bybee, the cele brated stock grower and Khig ef the Oregon lurf . , ... . - firms's Iw-isn, January le, 187L To Da. A. M. Loavu A Coj Thi 1 to acknowledge (ha efficacy or yotir Uiik Weed Remeyr Ortgon Rheum.tleCur " I was afflicted for man l ha -witk e verr arriao attack of Irtfltmroatory ithenmattsm and ttid ueariy all of th ea-ealled Bheamatle Reoaadies wltho tt any relief percelvaW. I then trie I ynnr Kemedy, and Ita ue resulted la th most, happy effects- a perfect cur. - -Truly your, . , JAMES BTBCB. Certificate from Hon. r L Qulssby, es-Couoty Commissioner ef Mnltnomah county. Oregoa. Kasr PoaTLtsn, April 1, 1ST1. DO.A.M. LoaviAdCot I have used tit "L'nk-Weed BemedJ." and ant aatisfled It Is a valuable medicma. It rem luU and tiirtojors Ute system. This k mj ex perience with the remedy. . Truly yours .EI'QL1MDT. CertiBeate from Hon. N. R. Lane, Pilot Com missioner of Oregon, and a member f the .City Couaeil f Eaat Pt ittsad. . Ease Pobtlaso, April If. 1871 1 Da. A. af. Loam A Co.: I have been afflicted for everat year wtth weakness in tlie back." and wandering Rhea mt pains. areomoKd by seeer epnatijnaMtra. By the use af on ho tit of your Lou-Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rhwamatui Cure I hav eewa entirely relieved end eheet rally recommend it as a most valuable and efficient remedy. NAT. H. LANK, Certificate from B tttdeen Tlbbetls. member of tii a City Council ef East Portland. East Pobtlabd April T, 1871. D. A. M lonrtA A Co.: Gists This I to inlorm you that I have naed yoar ' Uak-Wred Remedy" fr Mearoliga and Rhenmallc pains and found relief from the ea of only one boW. and ean recommend tt la, those in need of auch remedy. ' , Tour - OlDEON TTBBSTTa. Pnt up In 10-ounrf Bottles at ft 50 per Bottle. PREPARED AT THE OREOOH MEDICAL LAB , OOA10RT. Br A. TH. IXBEA & CH, EAST PORTLAND OREOOIf, irrr Satlebr 1I DrarsleCa. THE NEW i'Ouj For a fovr cents you ean bn of your Grocer or Druggist a racaiage of SEA MOSS FAEIXE, made from pore Irish Moss, ot Carrageen, irhich will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of Pud dings Custards, Creams, Char lotte Itussc, &c It Is - the pheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and bas no equal as a light and delicate food forInTalids and ChUdren. - A Glorious Chango II - TtlK GREAT WOItLrrS TO STIC. i .antation Bitters. This wouderfnl VeS2;rfAhle restorative is tbe shcrH-tur cltor of the feeble and lct:tlt tated. . As n tonie nnel cordial for the ngel nnd . lariBtii4, It has no N(nal ntnons; stom aclales. As a remedy Tor the nervons weakness to which women arc 'especially stab ler t, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all Cli mate, tropical, temperate, or frigid, it nets as a etpeclflc ia every species of disorder which undermines the hodily urcngtls and breaks down the animal' spirits For sale by ill nrnygltv Money Cannot Buy It! FOK SIGHT IS PIIICELCSS! The Uianinad .Jate, .. , i xtacn vratn av J. E. SPENCER & CO., N. Y., Which arc nww efTred ta the nubile, er pro- wiiuwi uy au in? reioraio Uticau s Ot tu Wi.rW to the IVCoert IPoirfoct. Katvat, Artifk at help t th, hetaoa sy vv aoowa. Tbey ar around nndrr n MMrt..r,. frost soiBata Ctywsl rrbbl, .wlird tr gather, end drnv ihelr name, " Diamond," oa aceeaot f taeir tanlaeasaad brlUiaeey. 'The Scientific Principle On which they ar naatraetd bvlna th cor r wi ,w turrtnty in arent cv in. yv, Bimdueing a elrar and distinct vlaion, In th ootwrai, braltby atnot, ae wwvug a n pleaaant aensatlona, sorb as gllmtrerlng ard at ataaiuea, c , jiecaiiar to an Tkty art Mounted in the Finrtt Manner, In frares of the brat quality, of all saatavials n.rn tor wiat purpnee. THEIR FINISH AND DURABILITY . CANNOT BB SUfPAVSKD. Cm K.-None stnuloc anie baarln Uilr " arS o staiuped en every fraate. W. V. MAllTIiX, J.wlr and Optician, Sole Atct fer AL.1Z$1, OREGON. roat vhoan thry Caa oly be efctatned. Three goods are not sapp.lrd te Prdlers atooy pricey fablUaely . V Jn-t Rboolved AT . STRATTON & WALTER'S, SAfKNTI, fancy. Hanging and Work. ' BRl'BHSS, Hair, atk, Fl aad "having. COMBS, a fin Assoi tment. I