-'s - -v.- '' ." i . '-"--" .v - - - ..." -.v - - ,..-.., .. . --. - . i,--'-- f 'I,.- r - . .:--,.:'. - ..- --.- f , v,r . ., f" '' - . v - "--.'-. .'.-. . ; , : .-. - ' . '.;.'.;' - - "- - 'i -"i - -''": ... " - fe ''-;. V'rS"' ' " J' si Biox-aiiflraTiiTiiWJiis,-" jurr-TT'-rM asaaa m i r ' 'Wi-';f-t 'tSr.---ier fv,-..-ss ' fT. j'a.sm'. "r-sTi r"1' '' . . : . .-af - "" - . , , "" ' i k-w' " T ..-"i etst-- : -'a-' , .' -U-y'ttJ, i-'- s. ;v.x ..; ..l-rk.i-A ut: B. A. OLARK. - A T- -- Oregon VYeckW Statesman; 18800 IVEBY WEDStSDlr BT. iS. A. CLAUKK & Co.; Pabllshera." -' SmclTt PAPERA' BO BSCRlPnON Per annum, $3 60; mo. 1.5d. ,, V DAILY STATESMAN AND CXTONISt; FiAhe.1 every morning except Mondsy. BnhecrlpUon by Mi ye, 63 U,. Advertising, per square of cut inch Mr numb, ll M. Adrert KmenU In PitLVaul Wsixt..t3 pe equate oi one men per monui. v m. TOlIu In Stewart's Brick Building; ststrs "PROFESSIONAL CARDS. UK. PAINE. ' HOICEPATHIHT. THO-I PRFFK& ring litis mild, efficient mrtlleel treatment c i c muhvhie at Ms office, enter or Liberie ad Curt streets, onixulte Oners Horn t 'n rue. lay and Friday cioratnge Medknt ed vice and treatment will be given free ol elieres to sl those who are unable to pay lor tne aer .cee ol a Pbyatetaa . t " . Jue-l OtU Bt. UVD-OS, A, JL, - Graduate ftf Y University io ISO. , At the Medical University and Hospitals Psrla, trance. In 1841 and 1848.. ....... Practltiooer on this cout nee 1S50. Law A. A targeon U 8. army. OfBoe Patten' Pleok, Baltm, Orgea Boideoce, Chemeketa Hotel. -may'Sdswtl. -. V WILLIAM WALOU, y Attorney at L.UW, i . AND i . , HEAL ESTATE AGENT. Offioe Ia Fattoxt'e Block," SALEM, OBXOON, - ' maylftoaugV City JUr Htore J. W. IOQTXSB, - , - Druggist aud jpo(hrarf, Blooroa' Block, flaJaam, Cre;i ''" AprlBatf. h. oiunru, m. p. x. t. cbasr, u. UH'I CARPKnTBB. ,db CHABSl Offle ox Liberty St., SALEM .-..it : OREGON Salem, Teo. th, 1ST0. JAltfeSB A. HlCQAttDaHJSf, M. D.. Plsw-aslcinn tTttcl Wis foou (Lata of Belle-ni Hospital Medical College n form vny. v , Offlea la Pjeare'e Brloat, SaUae, Ogav Raldemeo Commercial. Hotel.. , r 0. tiinu. iiapioa j. a. wagmaa. AttomeyN A.t Itiw, ...... V BALEM, 0BB00K, Offlee In Pattou Brie., op stairs tmt roan en the front. - oovxaiawti J. C. 1 CRCBBI, 'H, O., Kate at Salem, Physician andn reon Offers hie professional services to the cltixens oi Dallas aud. vuduity Not. Idwif - s.s.cAAsa. . . ,e. noaaLtaD, , f--s. r.ota7 PobUo '" GAPLEI A.nOUKLiKU. Attorneys at E.u.'V'e, PORTLAMP, OBEQON' Office, np ttalrs 8. B. I artoD btreets . corner Pront snd Web BepL HI. l&ftiai A. n bklt, n. v., Olflue and residence, corner L'uion and Unurct si reels, ; . BALEM.OKEGOS Orders rai be left at Souther's Drat to" PoWkiL.1. eh PL1BM, Atiornrya anil CoaMtleii M " and Ba.lcllora lat Chsacsrr, A(.HANV .. OREGOl U. KLINS-NOTAHI PUBLIC, Collections and tonTeyanees proniptlj attendee Attorlujy ut liurv DALLAS, OUKaOMv , Prompt atitntnxt ln o buli (. 6ptuht . Collections and tr.niicUotn -1n Keal Ketate 0010 opsUIrs In Uie Court ilotue. . aWcleV - a. r aiHHca, tit, Notary Public. - . Attorney at fca 11 A MM EH TJiltB V OIGce over the Barik, " IALIH, - - OBlOOl llltl , ESTATE, . IUUKAUCsV HV and (Vlltcthig AgenU. , Kal ale Ic. the city ai.d country (or ule. Abstract ol all tltlea In M irion county. Balem Deo. 4 1S70. ilAwtf FAfttllH ft ATUIiOB, PortUnd. C W. MTAL, C. W. KOYAL, IJtettl Estate Ag-et. 'ottvPresertr aS Pants tor sale. Houses IS rent and rents collectsd. JO HIS J.PALT. , Attorney & Counselor at Law . boksa yiarra, obkuon. i . WH1 practice In Polk and adjoining eeentles tcSJPUollecUons attended to proxptly. feblfttt w. uiaatu. sr. w. tsitik. a. willums. .. .j Ponnerljt ol Balem HILL, THAYER & WILLIAMS Attorneys A Counselorr-at-Lw. . WlB prasUoe federal and rtaU Coarta. I OffleeBIa 10 First Bt (over Pnst ofttce'a Portland, Oregon. -"kUwly , DR. J. C BELT, 11. ir San Vraaclieo. offer, bis ferrlees to tb cltlaens of Salem .nl vicinity. Baring had tn years experience In the prastlce of awdlae,i feel competent to attend all cases that nay soi ander my charge Offle), at snMsl. Cor. Cbwrelt Vmiob at'Ceia. lulyt Chemecta Hcucc, . , lALtHi OREGOS, This new and elegant Betel, supplied with every srtodern eoBTcslence, Is sew open for the rsception of (uests. ; K. P. EABHABT, , Mayltf. Prcprlfter rCapit: W W V '' (Known' as CspUKi i S, Opposite Chs- ''111; ' "' ' ' -. ..-; (" OomBaorelal' tvtroet, SUt.aa. X am prepared t fv-nlsh tne best tbe Barket aoot da, at Uie toHuwing low rates : Blnsie meals, frotn S a. m. to 10 p m..... S r Bed. So ts BoariSper w,e-.... M OH BoTtf and lodging per week..... $5 00 Coffre K-a orciiH-olaie.wlih cake. ... 10 cts BtrawberrirS and Jreaai, with cake-. 10 cts VOysters gnt np quickly In every style, at Ban rraaciace prices. . ; u " E H. AOLCK. Proprietor, JuneS H'3 i t MOT ICE! !;:" 6 BEAT EKDICTI0I IV PBICIS AT THE St. Charles Hotel. Oregon, Pren the Bret day of Aagastthe price of Board and Koneae en so reduced to uiefnHowingrate Transient, mom aad board per day (1 W Transient. Batten rooms aad board extra, per day .AS to $4 OS Permanent, single room aad board per week..-. $10 and onward Permanent, day boarder per Week. . .B " Permanent, Suite of Boom for Families la pro portion Bed. ds. per alani........ Tbis beinc the only Brst-clsss Hotel in city being built of brick, Willi Bar and Billiard Rooms on th premises. Table and attendance nawrpassed oa tbe coast, aad aB the modern Improraffiania 4 be sakaerlee Irwsta, wiut above eomtlaatto of advaatagas, la meal with a proportionate share ol patroness from tit cltl aens or roruend and we traveling pdb't J011HJ. JACOBS, Propiotcr. -'A WANTED! 20,000' my Kbap in B ilem. f J. SI. tJOULTEU. VOL.21 Indications of Coming War. Jt would seem that Europe was never more ripe for a straggle than at be present tittf.' Prist! tts aU; taloed ber aelre,T)Ut tfieTrench na- S tioa with wonderful vitality has com' ; menced to train the masses for the ru'ure struggle, 'and has shown that ; her cltisens, possess innsanse wealth and are wllliat to" nse it to' mainuin the national prestige. . As the history i of tbe late war develops we learn that France was outnumbered and ootgen- eraled. Tht Germa forces were'nns derrated hy tbe French, and the dis- ciplioe of German armies was much ; undervalued. o far th 1 coarege of men was concerned tbe heroism of ; the French droops-was never outdone, Vat they fought egAinst greater disctp- . line nd greatly superior generalship. Tbe factf are realized and France is in training to remedy defects and organ- , ize her war power with perfection. v.. .Prussia- positively ; auticlpates. an- j other strnggK as soon as France can take the Eeld and she maintains aa im mense army and has so. soon com menced to recoostrnct and improve her whole war system.6" Tbe complications increase with tbe fact that England .eels chagrined at the lost of her former prestige, and that "Russia seems to have bee a on tbe point of extending sid to the Empire when it collapsed at Sedan. The pres ent Action of Austria and Prussia man ifest a Jealousy of the institutions of Russia, - and no doubt tbe Eastern question wili be tbe cause of tbe next great European war , If any combinatins can be made' to armonize'the interests of Rossi, France and. Eaglod and extend the power' of tbe firit named, we may ex pect that atoacb greater, contest will bo initiated than that which terminated with the lata siege of Paris. - Whenever that time cdmes v may expect that the Auttriao and German Empires will have to battle together against Eastern and Westers 'Europe. What part England will take wift de pend upon tbe importance either side will accord her." Sht watts to be tbe easting voice - io deciding the. great question of tbe balaoce of power, and will be statis6ed witb that position. Russia wants Constantinople and will eventually obtain it. France wilL. no longer object if she caa command be place she formerly held and be re venged on Prussia. Tears may elapse before tbe nations prepare for this coming contest and are-ready forkH, bnt it will surely come, unless in tbe meantime true 'republican principles shall obtain and empires topple down before tho popular will.. .Should Europe ever become republican, apd the interests of tbe masses be coo sulledptbea we may hope for- the era of conquest to cease and for peace to i-tway the woria. . . ... Correspondence- itBAriB.pr JTBifS. Ed. Statsshax I Allow me, through tht columns of year piper, to make a correction in regard to an article that appeared in tbe Farmer concerning FALL WHEAT. ., , About four weeks ago' I furnished tbe Willamette Farmer a chapter of items, and in that paper I, or the type set'er, made a mistake in reference to tbe yield of Fall beat this year ia tbe Willamette valley. Where such wheat was Well put io, in good ground, last Pall; I said (or so it appeared) s 18 bushels,' when it should have been 28 bushels per acre. This last is tbe true .and intended. ., As lb Statis u as circnlates generally Where tbe Farmer does, this may serve as a cor rection. And now to the point: Tbe farmers of tbis county are well for- ward in cutting and securing- their wbeat. . Pitts' header and y thresher work admirable , "there" r Other ma chines that dd well. The Fall wheat is ' yielding extra,crops of superior , quality.- - H msy be invidious to name ont certain farmers and keep silence of others, but I must give names and yields-of Faifwbat to some extent on Howell Prarie the granary of old Marion. And first in order comes tbav. indomitable, Oregon born Alexander McKorcle thirty Acres plowed a foot deep, well pulveriztd and sown the. first of October, yielJed 45 bushels per aore Next comes David Shannon land flio tren-five years, piored last season twelve inches deep, -sown io : October yield, 42 J "bushels per acre. John Newsom land rnn twen ty. 6 ve years, plowed a fool deep wll harrowed, and town In October ; jind, 41 bushels per acre. Asa. Simmons Jane wheat, pastured long and late; yield, 35 bushels per acre. Col FraoV Shaw, 30 barbel's per, acre; -Cap. Lyon, about 40; Greet wood, about 33 J Woods, about 34 J Sappingfield, about 84 ; Spring wbesi on Howell Prairie, say, ii and oats 4l. ' , TBI WIATBIB. '' ' Tbert hat beta bnit little excessively hot weather aiact harvesting ' commenced.- I tear of no accidents among tbe men, as old rum don't come on there. Wagtt arq $t 60 j per , day bands sre plenty at these rales. TBB EQUALIZES. , In consequence of tht great faeili ties for transportation to and from tb States by- tht Uolon Pacifio and by ships, no greater rates will b paid ' for wheat here - than relative prices elsewhere. California it cut short for crops, but her gold will pro cure for her breadttuffs and ftsdatl fair prices. Crops In tbis State are a fair average this year. There Is tvsry- tblng to encourage nt ber farmers, .. merchants, shippers, mechanics, man ufacturers all may look ap here. BBXrCBOP. 1 Past experience sbould leach as bow to sow and prepare the soil for wheat. Unl aa tbta. rJiantA dhaalit aAt.k Iw. lengthy, I will devote chapter three t Fall and Spring wheat I how to farm t Insure a large yield. "t ' Hcssab poa Mobtasa I Ever sine its organisation, "Montana Territorj bat beea reprsented ia Coagress hj Democrat At tbt last election, Kavs naugh, Democrat, was slectad by J ,86 majority Tbis year," however, oa -friends have not only destroyed th -Democratic majority, bnt hare electe : their candidate, W. H. Clagget, b. N0 5. x Corruption, Th btst campaign in tbis State gave tbt Demoeratid orators and papers abundant opportunities, Which were freely Improved to" charge nolimited corruption npon the ootgoing adminis tration. The charges have fallen dead to far at tbey affected (be honor of tht Republican party, and tht legislation enacted during! tht years when they . . . .-. '--" f ' - - . . held power. No acts were passed for the benefit of. speculators, do schemes were laid to plunder the jTreasurj or wastt th Stat bonds on swindling preteossK,' tnch as were eaaeted at soon' a Democrats obtained majority. Tbe State Penitentiary was faithfully conducted and tbt accounts ' of tbe Treasurer examined and re-examined to he found above suspicion. ' 1 . , The charges of fraud are being in dustriously repeated at the : present time by irresponsible agents, , sad so far as they can bt substantiated ,tbty amount.. to. an, accusation that . one singlt.iBdividaaL ssada use of State 4aods and it a defaulter. -. . ? ' If.oar pponentS' -intend -to'ebargt fraud on Abe party, and claim' that the late Stat Board has been- gnihy of premeditated defalcation let them' do so: If they mean to insinuate that any iodiridusl hat embezzled ' tbe State funds let them say that, or let them take the legal steps to prove tbe fact and obtain redress. It is a little re markable that during tht year since they have been in power tbey have not attempted to prove to vagoe-charges continually made. - - We propose to meet this matter opeoly and freely, and therefore we say to these men .who prefer insinua tion to proofs call to to your ' Aid "the law ; prosecute Secretary May upon his bond and exact of bim and his se curities whatever sums he has used that belong to the State ; and to end ih whole matter. - Understand dis tinctly, from tbis moment, that tbe Republicans as a party demand that the rights pi tbe State shall bt pro tected, and ' claims uo exemption sbould you prove that an offense was committed by av man'eleoted by our VOtet. ; n,; '- ". The facts seem to te that our op ponents, if tbey have any ground for accusation j prefer, to manipulate the matter outside tbe courts, and to mag nify in the columns of tbe newspapers aext db tbe stamp what would dwin dle down to a small affair before an ar ray of facts ad figures. . Wet are not prepared to sr that no defalcation ex ists, neither do we receive their state ments as published, lor we know that tbey are false in part.' "It Is s co hard ly, contemptible," but characteristic thing for tbis Salem Ring to insinuate what it dare not assert. We say again, it any Republican" official owes the State .prove the fact and collect tbe money, or else atop the accusation. Of course they will need such capital to nse ia tbe next campaign which ia not tar off, aad to show that tbey have collected any deficiency by law would Loot anil their .thievish tools so well as to claim that one exists and place" it at figures large enough to fill tbe Demo cratic eye. When the next campaign comes, in stead of being assailants Ibis plunder ing horde will be thrown upon tbe de fensive and driven to tbe wall. They will bear of corruption wherever Dem ocracy can Uj their hands on aoylbiog to steal. Mew York City and Califor nia will be beld as examples, and. it will be charged home upon thtsa, that in their poor way tbey themselves base plundered aad robbed tbe -State of lands and money exactly to- tsa ex tent tbey have bad opportunity to grab and approprlat. - - ' Then make your accusations In ctB- cial figures and prove them by ' coarse of law as' soon as possible." Let ' ns bear as little as convenient from socb slobbering liars, and such natural born falsifiers as tht JJcrcury ini ntrjrit but coma op to tbe scratch use men, do what is your duty in the premises, or else own, that your miserable organs are common liars. m J z Tbb PibaLd's - Sew Editob. We feel like appreciating and doipg justice to whatever tends to advance the char acter of journalism In our State, for the prsea, as the popular educator ol tbe people, bat an Important and re sponsible part to perform. . Tbe Herald bat new editor, td we give tbe toH lowing extract from his salutatory In the issue of last Monday. . We believe that editors may honestly differ as to great political issues,' and yet preserve the amenUies of life in their writings and -in their ' personal intercourse. O'-gfin jonrnalism will be improved if ever euitiT in tne Estate aaaii aocepi the senlimtut. .et forth by Mr. Taylor and adopt them as'bis oao. ' Alluding to the duties he is assuming, be says': " Tbe position, if properly filled, is one involving much arduous labor, greet responsibility, and demands tbe very highest ordl of talent. We can ao bopt to- i.t!qt,to U tbe d. mandt $ therefore w bespeak, at Ibe hands of all pertont , and parties, tbe exercise of that charity which is so highly mmaied by tbe Great A per ils of. Chrietiaaityi And what we a.k, we. hope to concede, .With our breth ren of the press we desire to observe all those amenities which add grace to journalism and dignify the editorial profession For, Journalism has come to be one of the: learned) prolessiooe. Rightly pursued, it equals in dignity either the Doctor, of Divinity, tbe Doctor of Laws or tbe Doctor of lledi cine ', oT in it immediate- effects npon society, the welfare, tb morala and tbe manners of the commuoity, it is not one wait behind either ; indeed, is, perhaps, more potent tban either. Let oa, brethren of the' press, "never forget these bign-oodndtrations. ' A t'oaiparlflOB. . ' Tb New York nates keeps the fol lowing financial ttatemtots standing at th head of itt columns.! They.tbow in tbt least possible space th differ ence between the Demecratio admlnis tration of the city of New-York and the National Government at Washing ten. We command them to the atten tion of all those who have been duped Jby the Tammany charges of Republican extravagance and eorrwpVio ; t -K i ,-Ws, s DCST.ot rajl cxrrap statsb. c March 4th, 1869u,Miw,e$3.5'U,457.25 July 3lst. 1871W....,...M 2.2832Mi Deereaim tn 29 moaus........$24t,lzS,405 Rata of derespr saontk...- 84I5I , - BBBTor as roast orrr.; i December Slst, 1868 ... ...M,WM7 July 31st, 1871-...". 10,9553 Inerease in 31 months. 4a,548,2S8 SALEM, OREGON." Sational Tliancet. A fair estimate , of . tbe success -of Grant's Administration and tht" pros perity of our country ander It, may bo gained; from understanding of our patttoaat Goatees and the state of tht ' 1 public credits j.--- 'a i . -J ? ,J-X ; From - tbt (time flntat succeeded Johasoa redaction of the pablid debt ' hat been effected' to tho amount of about one hundred mTIlioos per annum, ' or over eight millions per "month," tbe l effect of w'llch'baslbeen ' t'o giyt our ! bonds a ILttJft. market-abroad. It has been objected by many that 'tbe people ! were TJnaeeeesaxiiy : taxed to procure ( this red notion,' and that a'mort "pro- ; dent policy wquld be to east the pub. i lie burden and have Lth debt tper- I manent investment., t, t- ( .i . But it ia a BOtjeeablt fact that the ! public bnrdeat hare, bsaa greatly re- .daced.-tbe iatainal revenqo has been taken off many etaple articles - and tbe Income tat decreased so that ao com plaint can be made that the pfeseot revinne system is In any sense a burden upoa tfie toiling millions of tbt Amer Icari people?. "" "7 - " V - Yet the reduclloq Of1 the debt, con tinaeS steadilyh'an3i one of the most successful financial efforts of our- day is this eolation -of tht problem as to tbt ability of our -ntiqn; to handle a large public debt t Tbt rtsutt Is hat our. government it enabled to place Us bonds in EaropeoaT markets At a lower rate of interest. Tbs usual rate hs been tlx pet cent per annum. It was contemplated to reduce ibis debt to practically become only four and a half per cent. Interest hearing, by. dividing it into three classes, tb. highest to be only five per gent. , Tbe success of tbe new loan it assured ; tho five per cent. bonds havt been all taken, and in England and oa tbe continent they are quoted at small premium, and the applications far exceed the amount of fered. Take ibis in connection with tbe fact that the best American rail road bonds are selling io Europe at from sixty to ninety cents on tbe dol lar, offering six and sevea percent, in. terest, and we oan onderstaod tbe high appreciation the credit of the United States hat lately gained abroad. ; ii Wt may expect that tht ' whole na tional debt,. two thousand mi'.lions, will soon be placed at a rate of interest not to exceed four and a half per cent, per annum. , This will effect an annual siring of thirty millions a year to the National Treasury, and will be entirely due to tbe fact that our Rational Fi nance! are faithfully, honestly, and economically administered ; that while rasrally officials occasionally steal, as tbey do in all countries and in all par ties, tbe government Itself is honest and capable. - During the. months that the national debt baa ben reamed two bondred and fifty millions,, ohder Republican Ad ministration, Us debt of the city of New York (sat Increased from forty to one hundred million, as tbe New York Timet states, tinder Democratle rule.; '"Jfow, when tht united "States bonds bearing five per cent." inters st we eagerly taken abroad at a premium,, tbe bonds of tbn.city of New York, bearing six or seven per ceut. are fori bidden to be called on- change at Frankfort, the great money mart bf Europe, as tbey consider the present rule of that city dishonest and dis honored.' 1 "Democrats are. invited to ponder, these facts, and asked to. form a fair, judgment upon ihea.,;, , , . . : 'Cholepa; , Almost every journal w take wp has articles oa tbe cholera, and its threat-5 eaiog BpproAub marks each day's tele-' grams received from Europe. ' It was reported that' cast occurred lately In New York: city", but there Is no reason ' to belleve'tbat such was actually the j ca.' e It Is true that each season eases ' occur in all large cities .identified, in. character, with, Asiatic cholera, which j are generally .coler morhus As its name indicates, tbe. dreaded cholera come from Asia.. It u engendered i among the- dense tnasseo wbo popu-' lated the regioat of Persia or India, originates from tome nnnsusl caase, Inch as the passage of immense cars vans, the march and conflicts of great armies, and possibly trom the want of cieaotioess anaproper sustenance in densely populated districts. ..... r ! At the present. time wa tear that a terrible famine prevails In Persia, by " which tbosaads And tent of thoetands are perishing; and Persia is so remote and so far inland' that H is impossible to lend relief. Tbis state of things, in tbat hot climate,, breeds pestilence, aqd .this- dreadful plague is directly to be traced to each, caa see. t- isic It sterna to b tie Accepted theory of modern science, .-that pestilence be-' comet e.ontagiotS byr tbe existence of minaie life which all 'tht atmosphere and poisons Hoe 'homaif system. " It is terrible to recollect the ravages made by Inch diseases, but their appear is osually eobflae to Itities and to tborongbfare of trttvel. ' It is a com-" fort to know it at cleanliness proves to be tbe best safeguard from such danger! It is an undoubted fact that cholera has lately spread from Asia iuto Europe, but we have dq record . that Us track has been marked by tbe deVAttt!oa known ih former times.' ' It is possible; aod even probable; 'tbat' 1t; will reaeh America hy the "ctowded" emigrant ships that are constantly 'coming hith er from Europe,' bnt1 it Is not likely" tbat any where. wkhinbaJbounds of Christendom,' la Earope or 'America its ravage! win be as terrible as form. erly, for the world is adopting belter sanitary . rufes" and' travel ,'is !accoirt-'' plisbed with more1, ease and less ex . i ix, .0... . - , . . . a posnre, .coin oy una ana, nj Great cbanget jean be, .marked, also, ia iht government of our f largt eiiie., ' Tbe cities of-Asl are filthy and un clean beyoad 'desjcrrplion, and ofT-rd great opporto nit ies' for a plsgai to be come darigeron.' ' We eannof, believe that the cholera Aceu 'avoid the excel lent sanitary precautions our Govern ment is strictfy . enforcing to take forcij kde, possession of our, country or that ita ravages need cause great apprebaa-,. sion io tb miadt of those who obey tht plain lawa of health. j - - .a M, " I do so envy Ere,", said married lady to a friend. "How to T" asked the friend. " Becsu.e her husband could never badger her about how his -s i n niiiA v-s ui! ' r' ' Air unr -lr.jim kz .inr r .ximru-t- j tsmw , ;l,,s.:, ,v.,;iv,'-."'-- -.ii jri-v :l4tSal !,;-..f:.- " - --." ;- - - f ( . . - . y r, : r i,. r.f ' 'J: f-1 . i .e.- ! -8 t& .tr -v'Si r ' '- '- ? "' '" ' ' " ., . . . . . ' . 11 . ;,.r ' '" JL 1 I. ' -i, r .. i , i " " , ', " "' : , j.. ;;! J - ;rK' . ! W J9J ? st. , , -'- ' ':--, - i , h ' ' ' -' ' ,' ' ' " , WEDNESDAY ;GU3pi '.JWI. Htate News. ' . PrttatssdV,'v s. '-i I The OrtfonU of Tuesday Bayr the Copgregati,oaal.horhi was crowded to hear, th Jeetni of Miss Young, en Temparaaeo, aad epeakb eery favor. hi of her effort. ' 's1- '- - . Steven tfasset, the lecturer, has 'sr. rived In Portland' aod "wilt probably lecture in CregO..' '. ; . ' It is reported tbab Eft tnilei of the Columbia City Ac - Salem - Railroad wilt b completed tbis fall. - Seappeose Past it to be surveyed With a view to tbe location of this road therein. - , , From (the, Qregfvtm ef . the , 33d, (which paper is the only Portland dai)y. that, comet .to us by tb. first train) we learn that the Portland li brary bas lately received a large addi tion of new books. ' , V , , . ' An appeal is mad? (of .relief t for those left destitute by be. late fire at Dalles City, as maay are- said to .be left In want. "V v "' ' l- "'" ": Ther railroad1 add 'steamboat com- paoles have reduced fare to half price for those, from abroad, who desire to attend the annual parade of the Port land Fire JT.-epartment on the 4th of September, i- ' ' ' -' - Dredging will toon eomrreuct to im prove tbe navigation of tbe npper Willamette as high op at' above Albany. 1 , , , J. JobnS bas been held to answer a charge of assaulting Geo. Coasens with a deadly weapon. . t . trM, B ... A new boat is p.-ojected at .Astoria by Capt. Gray and W. Wait a, to ac commodate tbt trade f Cltuop- aad Young's river. -. s : . - Tbe Orifiamme bad ' not left San Francisco at last accounts. ' ' 1 ' We learn from be " Bulletin, of the 23d. tbat Geo". Bowen. of Idaho, was making a abort stay ia tbat city. . Mies Minnie Pixley ia said to bo se riously ill at Boist City. A number of Herman citizens are forming a Turn Yerein Association at Portland. A fire is raging in tbe woods below Portland, olbe east side. Joseph Knott , bas returned fro Bohemia, and reports tbat be has test ed twenty tons of quarts by eraabiog n bit mill, and , tbat tbe yield was thirty dollars a ton. - Dr. A. M. Loryea is on his way overland, to secure the publication of book, on Oregon,' which be bas lately published. , From the Ortgotua of tbe 24th : Tbe firs which bas bee raging io tbe woods east of the rrver for aome time, came near destroying considera ble property yesterday. - " The steamer Constantino encoun tered severe gale off Cape Mendocino, on her last passage to this port. - Two soldiers belonging to Com- panics C and D, were bronght from Vancouver yesterday, on. the steamer Vancouver, in charge of tbe Provost guard. Both havt been, court tnatt tialed and sentenced to closer 'OOavfoe ment at Aleatrai for one year' aad to receive dishonorable discharge at thecx pi ration of the term. A - - ' " A larg force of men will he added in a few days to those already engaged on the west side railroad. . It is tbe ntention to add a snfficient force to complete tbe first section by tbe lit of November next. . We lesrn there are 35 soldiers In confinement at tbe barracks in Van couver, awaiting the result of a court martial, wbieh is in session there.. Front the Bulletin of tbe 24tb : We yesterday beard -the- particulars of an elopement which occurred a few days before:' The parents of tbe chil dren obj-cted to their 'marriage,' and rather l&an forego matrimonial djlits tbe youthful couple 'took . French leave" for Vancouver.,! Learning of their whereabouts, the girl's father re paired to that city, and. after . much persuasion aad many threats, sacceej ed id inducing ber to return borne.. The wood! id the vicinity of Zaft Portland, Are on Ore,'' aad fear are ap prebeaded that the flames' will' spread aad do much damage .Wavsi.- I , .awmmsammamBwsmmwawmwammm ...... j THa' WBOno Bast. The' Leaven worth Oommerrial tell tbe- following tor truth t-" W AieoT' of mistake with which , tbat ' blessed, baby!; was connected, which happened - on tbe Hannibal and St. Joe railroad one day last week." Two ladies were seated in a ear facing each other, nursing babies dressed exactly alike.'"' Just after the train wa io motion', Doib ladies bad occasion to get on -and p through the car, aad each a deposited her baby earefullr on -the eeat. Oa r turning, each- mis too"k her teat, and singular to relate, made mistaxe in uie uaotes. no. l careiatiy ixveu in ber arms tbb uabyf 'ot No. J No." 2 ca ressed most fondly' the cberob or no. I.- Kor tweet j-w.mlle tbemotaers rode sw tb- trai, eacb anrsing tbe others child for her own. - On reach lor- Macon tte- Shelbio 11 y turted out oT th etr, d wat m the point or ateppiag a to the platform wit the otner lady t intaBt in ber arms, wnea tbe conductor, who bad noticed the involuntary exchange, called her at tention to the fact." She was, of eonrst, greatly tnrprfted, and eoold scarcely bellev it poeetbk, but oa returaiag to tbe ear and comparing notes, at well at babies, wttir the other-lady, tbe mistakosral bromotlr realifjed."- - . - iiii: i. . . . , . .a ' Tb NMTtsaitB Psoiro RsftBOAD Thnfits Paul breach - of tbia Mad it now UnjAljed 160 Bailee, vest, leaving bat fifty -seven yet to . build. This is now ready for the iron, aod will be la raatdag , awder-i by October 1 1st,, wbeo cars mar ao from St. Paul to tbt Red river of the North in tea. hoars, ' Tb most careful estimates now fiinr np tbt total of building tht Northern Pa cific from Dnlatb to Paget Sound at $85,277,000, or $42,638 per mUe ; aad this includes S7.230.0OO. interest on 'bond's Over receipts during tbe time of conrtrnetintf tne road.'-Tveiana grans alooei; at the low Merer of tt Opr s j acre, is worth $125,000,000 r $39,- 723.000 more tbae -tee w bote cost oi tberoad aad eqaipmte. xtw . ; I I ii I in Hi. , , r I Catxucati iattBBTdt Frea I860 to iae, tht . Bepablwa iaertast tt Bventncay was, over so.vuuj truw 1864 la 1868 U waa.varJU'00 : fro 1861 to ,1810 it, wtt over 11,000; m tbit year there lea gain over last, of ao.ooo. "This exhibit It'Terr encoor agibg to th friends oT proree la Ken tecky, notwithstanding tbeir- btlt 4e faat bv aeaxW AO.OOO, miotity. Illi nois was rremocrati by almost as large maioritv. and Pennsylvania ny larger. Tim end free schools 'will work likeebaagea in Kentucky,. The eensas of Great Britain shows tbat out of about 31,500,000 people, The City end County. ! IAtBssvTnw TbeMelhudiirtehorrh j baasasamauM to ttwa Ward its turtrre ; irestiar plsasu..;A tBtnpike road 1 being made aaa Parvnb'siridce, Which Q a good idmt.fjairoa prltuost 11 tbe lodged fas.' Jail- stnee - Sflejrt'--ad(re4...,..'.Hesvy L frmght and a iswgh SsmUe ef passengers arsiaed hp. ysaterdAysvtsii.T.nfr; 7.' 3. Murphy start A thuaral dlstiMr tt-day to htfccf. w4ri f get' into Martin's Jawetrw slsopvp mswn w tb time b failed... . si laipena'e ed-wAV coots tho tVversd. resye ose losa...Hery Yosg.marU kinds' of bread td cake ; we eat, thessa , H .rVtaal spam are aantwrons io are angel" riaitsva -;s- a'i Ti PeisotrKO Case" Tbseircnmilances ' In relStlon to'Wrs! Fftld, uaeatloned yester- daj, warrant th "belief (hat she was robbed and '(hat poison was 'administered to heir. Her too, a boy of1 15 6rl6 yearsmsd'e tbe eoffee Shd drank for ""breakfast,' and which nd cms erp"rtoot of. " W: B".arker lives nexf door, and" wkr eaued when she' was tstei IrtTba, hy' atade remajr its dnxiax ber sickness waicn inoicat mat n anew tfie eause of her Illness. She said she bad been 'robbed and poisoned. ' Hr. 'Barker suspected the boy of having tbe money aod got U away from him. When Dr. Boelton announced symptomsof poison,'' tbe coffee pet waa looked for aod mead hidden away in tbe back jaraVwaea bm? soo had pot ft. having tbrsw tbe -eoerten' away.; Thee ere tbe einamstaoeeaj- d tbey' will be auule the subject f jadietol invastigation ta all prebabHity.' . . . - '. Natbah Tsotjpsu -This celebrated troupe of theatricals arrived in town last . evening, and will appear at Seed's Opera Boose, as will be see by their advertisement in, an other eolama. ' With wbat( we bave seen them render and tbe opinions of, th press, we would recommend tbom t tb Salem lover of amusement and pleasure as one ef extraordioay merit and aadoubted talent. This troop gave a benefit to Mrs. Lavinia Eeatty, at Portland, which netted ber over one hundred aad fifty dollar. . , . s , . Orwositvotr cVrauBan.'-'TbettraaerCoa-staotiee will l .Portland ebeet Tbers day next (to-morrow) for 8aa Francisco. Tbe people of'lb upper country should show , some appreciation of the fact thai freights and fares have bee materially re duced by tbis means, aad,' of coarse, that much is saved to tbe Oregon producer. By -tbis means alone, tbe merchant of tbe upper valley can obtain goods at a rate to keep the trade of his neighborhood ia bis own bands. "... AaaiVAte. The fbllnwtng names wer registered at tbe Chemeketa Hotel ' yeiter day David H Watson,' Byron, "FonJulac Co., Wm.i E D- Fondrsy, Jacksonville ; Frank Thompson; 6 Wright, eity ; W n Lewis, Aumsville ; I 8 wear in gen, Lan caster ; P F CastleaMa, Saa Francisco ; W L Vance, Albany ; John L. Mitchell and wif, P Marquam. E F Fes. 0 W Furry, Wm A Daly, Q L DePraas, Judge W W Page, Portland ; Lett Day, Jr., Sac ramento ; B F Underwood, Boston ; Mrs R W Crawford and daughter, Olympia, W. T. BaicB Shells ia still esstrtiag at John Baker's brick yard,' where tbey turn out tb Inert quality in this Section. 'Baker bas Tbaraed -over See.Oflt brick, 200,00 of which he sold to Mr. O. W. Gray, to-be osed in th building bow in eonrs of enn- vrrmeUoa. . Mr. B. has aootbvy kilo almwst ready to fit, and tbom in need of this arti cle will cell at " Baker's Brick Yard." 3 BepDsta DsAta. W hear of tbe sudden death of Mr. A C, Daniels, at bis residence ia Polk etnatyv near galea. He had a chill, sat, Suaday, probably a etwgeative cblll, and another followed th next day. II bad been having the ague previously. lie died on Tuesday morning at five o'clock. Mr. Daniel, was ao aotitnable man and good eititen and his death is not only a great loss to his own family and friends but to tbe community nf which he was aa active and respected member.' ' Da. Aeoaa. The extensive advertise ments of Dr. A born eonrmaneo this morn ing. He says bis policy is to tesr nobody el.e down to build himself np. The certifi cates be publishes are of th best and most reliable character, and all 'persons who are afflicted with chronic diseases shoald atten tively read them. New KsotxB. The Pioneer Oil Company are having a engines up a short distance Sbove their mill rr the purpose or breaking flax. Tbia eoeapany keep making additions io their already extensive establishment which shows as tbat tbey intend to do thorough (but Vroakinf business. Watermelohs. Tbis species of fruit has mad its appe&raac oa our streets in gresl abnndanoe, and at any hour during tbe day club can be seen congregated on the street corners feasting npon tbis ague luxury. ' ' 1 - ' m. i , ZraPAtmntas-v-Mr. B. D. Towl. A.' L. Stlnsoa and M. Meyer, wilt leave here to day', Mr.' Tewl end Stiason' are bound for ' Cbicege and Mr. Meyer for Ban Francisco. Mr. J. O. llolbert went to Portland yester day to purchase stock. ''",: " Throwx ' From A Horse. Miss Eliia Miller, while out riding last, evening,, was thrown from her horse and received some severe wounds about the face end arms. bich though not dangerous, are very pain ful,.. ,; . i- ... SxAsa Cr A teem belonging to Mr. W. F, Lawrence took fright last Monday, i ran tkroogk a ok- gvoro avaor his Boa on Plewy, Hilt, eompletoly dialooating ajssost every Joint ia tbe wagon, and clear lag themselves of all ' tht harness except their bridles. ' " T ' 'Fisut Afire occurred ia Keisar's Pra,- . rie a few days since tbat destroyed eonsid- erable fencing on the farm of Eaixur, but did aot reaeh tbe barn, as w were pre- viously informed. ; , . . , T ... AastierLTVBAC WoaBBL--The ' grading for this TalaaUe ewUkliskaoot I finished and ready to reeeive the BMmdation, which will be tommeneed Immediately, as teams are busy hauling the Stone for tbat purpose. Goos- Worb. A tbresbiag macbiae work ing at th farm of Mr.LN.GUbert, threshed over ooe thoassnd bashelt f wheat ia nine and a half .boats. How. is this fur high! .. ... . - : c v-.-.-". - WbhAt." Tb Salem Flouring ftfUU were besieged yesterday all day long by' farmers hauling ia grain.' For a portion of the af ternoon tb street la front of the mill was elmost"bloekdod.,""" , '."". ." Or A Heost. Tbe Kathaa Jtrvenile Troupe wiTt ntak (Mr first' appearance ibis eveoteg fe the -Irish play of Aody Blake, prebobly ee of the beet In which La PW marie irifieara. J 9 I r i , Ai. I f -. Jgba , JtapadrAasWAtlTaw-B. . Towt start las thit tBorulag te tepreaeot Ore. gta ia to Oraad Lodge of the Odd Fel low, which Will meet text month. He will oe absent only a few weeks. . 'Mabbibb. Ia Seism, August 22d, 1871, by Elder L. L. Rowland, Mr.' Joseph G. Hapnnyhnd Mis Lisxie Gilmore, all of $2 50 F """ JTuiredaj'e Daily. ., JSAsraora Fia.xs.-T-An-.ther terrilila Br occurred last Monday evening near PixMing river, about sixteen miles ...rib of fi place. The fir was .coumunirated H- lb farms of W. Wanrcll and E. B. Robinson from a pile of brush which bad been fired by Mr. Michafl npon his farm. ' K spread very rapidly, giving Mr. Wansell but liltl time t save eay ef bis furniture or goods, which were all bow. ' His dwelling noose, barn, smoke house, with all their eeatsnts, facniiog implements aad fencing ware lost, bet as to tb extent of daaaag doa to the orchard, it canaot.be given U is feared tbat it is entirely ruined. The loa to Mr. W ., as estimated, amounts to over 12,000. By dint of hard work and courage, the ou'se of Mr. Robinson was saved by his ife, be being absent from boms at the time,' although she was burned very severe- aad It is feared tho Injuries will prov. fatal. 6inee writin g the above we hare been informed by Mr. David Newborn tbat Ike large orchard belonging te Mr. Wansell was tterlx destroyed, briatging tb ankownt of loss te almost $3,000. Mr. Newsom also 1.11. , . th., . In tSrni, . t in a I , i. ' k t an 1' - . . r -v. ."nfiaeoke is sottlingTln around SaUm so as to bumed half tbe grain belonging to W. Bayles.. Loss, about $200. All this de struction uf property has been brought about by a careless person setting fire to his brush during' a high wind. ' Such per sons should be punished for thus destroying the farms of their neighbors and leaving them almost destitute by tbeir inexcusable negligence. - - - RmoRS Ago Reports. For tbe week past there have been rumors current that tbe Peoples Transportation Company was about to sell out. Some bad It tbat Ben Holladay was te be tbe purchaser, while in tbe months ef others it was Hutchinson, Kohl A Co., owners of tb steamer Con- i Unties, who were te become tbe steamboat men of the Willamette. The. rumor ha extended from Portland, where one of th dailies gave it vague force, to the upper country, and it is perhaps significant that some wheat buyers lowered the offering price for wheat to 90 cts, from $1 on ac count of the possibility tbat freights might bo put up aa a consequence of tbe talked of transfer. As there is no eon firm at ion of the reports and nothing is known at the office of tbe P.' T. Co. bare to warrant them, it is bart-Iy possible tbat they bave been origin ated to give aa excuse for lowering the price of wheat at points along the river. Opera House. The Nathan Troupe made their first appearance last evening to a good bouse, which had an opportunity to appreciate La Petite Marion in the part of Andy Blake, probably one of the most ef fective characters the little prodigy at tempt. This play ha vary touching epi sodes which are dependent for effect npon the rare talent displayed by tbe juvenile artiste. She fully met tbe expectations en tertained. Tbe programme for to-night is also a good one aod no doubt the sueoees of the first appearane will draw out good bouses in the future. - . Gray's Music Sroae, advertised in our columns, is a branch ef a large concern in San Frsactseo, Mr. Gray being a music publisher and dealer in all Sorts of musical merchandise. By reading the advertise ment you will perceive tbat they keep a full assortment ol sheet musie and books, pianos aud organs. There are many lovers of music among us, and as the art is being extensively cultivated, those interested will b plegsed .to learn thai cu fPt'? themselves at a large establishment, and en the moat favorable terms. 1 Smash Up. While Mr. John F. Millet -horse was bitched in front of his reside!..-, on State street, yesterday, he beeanv rest less, and io attempting to walk arouL the the post npset tbe buggy, breaking; it in several places and piling it up as though v bad no further use for it. Watermelon. Tbe firm of Mxtia A ' Allen received a lot of very largo weterm-0 , ods yesterday from the mouth of Hood rlv- ' er, on tbe Upper Colombia. Tbey were th- ' finest lot that have been received here this season, and sold like hot cakes. Arrivals. The following persons regis tered tbeir names at the Chemeketa Hotel yesterday : J. Stranger," Plymouth ; A. N'oltcr, Major Magone, Oregon City ; A. L. Stins-tn. E. D. Tewl, for Chicago ; Wa F. Lew. n, J. M. Rice, Mr. Ttooa Martin, Portland ; G. Harteng, Kouigtbury, Prus sia ; John Lancaster, East Portland ; A. J. Uublar, Gervaia. Crasoe or LocATioa. Wo ahonld bar mentioned several dayssiaee tbat our friend W. R. Dunbar, employed entil lately in connection with tbe Grand Ronde Reserva tion, has removed to Warm Springs Reser vation, east of the- Cascade. We regret tbe probability that bis visits hereafter will be few and far between. - AeaicCLTCRAL Works. We leans from Mr. A. Myers that a little mure excavation will bave to be made to prepare for tbe foundations of his new shops, aod that the mason will immediately commence work, and tbe building will be pushed to speedy completion. The main building will bo 164 feet long by 60 feet ia width aad three atari high. Tbe foundry will be siity by one hundred, and tbe blacksmith shop sixty by forty, both of those, however, only on the ground floor. '" . Sale Floor Mill- This - establish ment Is doing heavy business ia wheat buying and flour shipping. ' Tbey bar bought 10,004 busbel ef wheat delivered at tb mill already this weak, or between 2,000 and 2,500 boshal. pot- day. They also make shipments of Boar to Portland and Saa Francisco almost daily. Tb mill runs regularly sixteen hoars a day. Lumber Cbeap. E. D. Towl intends to bave lumber made and sold as asaal daring bis absence oa a short trip East. See his notion tbis morning, aad mark the fact tbat he offers lumber cheaper, by a considerable, than you can buy it elsewhere. .. .. , . 'Tbe carpenter work . open the water works reserrvir is completed and all tbat remains to be done is eaulking. The en gine and pump are still at Portland although telegraphed for several day ago. They are expected to arrive at any time. Inrunvmo. Mist Elixa Miller, tbe young lady that was thrown from her horse a few evenings since,, I getting along very welt, although tbe injuries received are still very painful. , i. x t .5 -.j Th corn sr stuos of tb nsw Penitentiary will be laid at o' cloak to-day. aad these wishing to witaes this tn trotting petfutm aaee oaa be thereat tb ap eiatod time. New Hats. Murphy A Croaemaa have just received large lot ef new style hats; emeag wbieh, are tho Wee Point sad stlls bat, beta of beaatilal etyk and tsioh.' " Fiaa Meetts. The Salem Fir Depart ment will tb'ut evesrlag t Fiiamie's Hall, as bashsoss of Impottaae la t he coBsidered, a'l th member are reqeested present. .. . ' " , '; , Cbieabeb. For th last few days a ear load of Chlnaasea have bee the oely aau- atatcd freight shipped to the front. A large ear load passed through Bote yester day that looked like they had Jast arrived psr Acsm b ldTanca- Witso Hill. &tlph. Goer iafurms as that lbs Waldo BUls w Ul" probably be aMo to eompete with any prarie land M Oregvn 1 fur tb premises on the best yield of vbetd. Ue speaks of tbe yield, on Hiram Smith's ; farm as reported as over fifty bash Is to the acre for four sores. Fob Habbisbob. Mr. SheHy, who has beea 1st tbe ethos ef the P. T. Co. here, is about to temov to HarrUborr t take a bsjeas position with tbe flouring bones of Smiths Brassfield. A Co. - - ? - From Friday'e Daily." Local Baxvmis. Tbe meat wagon bo longing to Mr. Thomas Cross broke down between this place and the Penitentiary aad assumed aa Injured appearane Tke new Penitentiary will require two end a hair million brick to finish it .....There are aioery-two eonvieta la the Penitentiary et prtit...Fio me were arrested oa tbe boat Ust- Wdnerlsy evening. Tbey wet charged - with, stealing ia Yamhill eonaty-.Tbe vngTO aad pwmp for the water company arrived last eveaing..Tbe .u.,: :ii k. in. : - . . .. 1 - make it very disagreeable... Dog ate get ting to be aa intolerable aeitaaea. ' Where is the dog killer T...:.. Royal A Bmith have a buggy and team for sale. 8e ad:... Hon. B. F. Underwood, of Boston, -will lecture at the Legislative Hall this evening. Subject : " Influence of Christianity upon Civilisation .-- - ' ' . Tbat Cobbeb Stosb. Seme months ago tbe proper amount of dirt being dug away and disposed of, tbe gallant workmen em ployed at the new Penitentiary rasbed furiously and selected a proper stone to plant a tb corner ef tb grand edifioe which, in future, is te become the homo bf the retired criminal of oor State. S baits stood by and wept tears ef joy as he real ised what a grand home the future bad in store for bim, and tbe rest of the brick yard gang looked serious as they joined in bis fervent contemplation. Very properly and naturally it was, two earnest Republi cans, Geo. Collins and Charley Bowker, who fashioned that stone, and who, when convict labor bad bono it to its place, whirled their triumphant trowels high In air and plastered tbe useful cement about it to bind it in a fast embrace. They doabt less appreciated tbe momentous nature of the event, but they forgot to give aa the item, aod we are not to blame tbat it gained no greater notoriety. . It suddenly occurred to tbe Building Committee, tb other day, that they had not remembered to celebrate et tbe time the important event referred to ; so they called together ever so maay backs full of the faithful to give it a rather tardy meed of honor.,. Yesterday afternoon tbe " better-late-than-never" affair came off. There was champagne for those who could get it, and beer fur common folks ; oysters and dried apples, segars and mutton chop whiskers did abound, and appetite therefor was sharpened by listening to an oration from Mr. Grover, who brought blushes to Governor Watkinds' face and ears by al luding o the various offences for which offenders are usually put ia State prisons -sometimes on a plea of guilty. The efforts of His Excellency, Gov. L. F. Tatkioda, and of Mr. Wm. H. Grover, served to make the occasion a very interesting one, and we lake plea sue in doing justice to their amia ble exertion a New Booe2. to canvass tl -Jirs. Rosa Martin is about -it; - iL: sale of :&'rzt aud beautifu. j)nn entitled " Po N(, This lAte roium la a eombinafion of two srdmtrable works y tvat eithor, v. ill. ;!nns by the A - r.an editoi It contains a tr.nint.ide ef fine enr-i-ings, portraying seeaes ia ihe Arc tics and Trnjiies. The firt pwt seem, to be not only deecripti- of Arct;e life and tb ca.arai history nf .be ''1.4. world, but eoataint much of the kd wa kiatory if those regioua, and ao ::p "v. travel and of voyages of disoovery. The latter part consists of descriptions of ,: 'he Trofies and of aeV ml Urn and -. .cts of that region . TttTreJue of th work wilt be apparent to all who examine it. Mrs. Martin is also agent for tb poems of Mrs. Pbebe Hsnaford, which have ac quired quite a popularity, though they have been published only a short while. She ba also a very useful book of practical knowl edge entitled the " Physical Life of Mea aad Woman." With sack valuable litem-. tore to dispose of she sboeld meet with success. ABTtcLr Dbpositb. Mr. H. II. Gilfrey bas favored as with a list of tb article deposited yesterday ia tho eorn atone of th bow Penitentiary. The item I too toag to publish ia full, but comprises a list of Stat officers, Eapraaa J adzes, officers of tb State Prison and a statement of facta relative to tbe different buildings nsed by tbe Bute for a Peaftaotiaryi.- Many tew papore of tho day, including tbe Dartr ' Statbsmab, were placed therein j also, the bystanders contributed coins aad ewreacy - ef varioas sisee and vslase. Miss Aaaie . Durbio deposited her faa therein, aad see-. ral gentlemea their basin cards. The oarity must have beea ef considerable size , to hold all that was offered. Natbaw Troop. -This excellent troupe ' performed at the Opera House Ust eveaiag to large aad fash ioa able aadieaee who ' appreciated thole wonderful - Salon tav The ' piece rondetod were Hie La Lege" aad Psddy Miles' Boy" ia which LePeUta Mario assaesed tht lesidiag eharaetors aad Moeocded ia eoavieeing tho aadieaee that all the praise tbat bas beea give her was woa (y boeest moans. Tbe cornet daet by Master Edward ' and Loots Hatha wae very fseaatiret aad railed forth gonads of applause. : Tbe Coctustee displayed hy the artiste were very get goo as, reeplewdea with spangles which gave the scenes a fairy like eppearsBosf The. Irish . Tatar aad ' Prince Codadad will bo given Saturday evening. Accidext. While tb workmen wore en gaged fn excavating at tbe Agricultural Work yesterday, the embankment eared in ape then completely "burying eae par-' eo ead leaving two others With the top of their beads above the dirk. The on that was nearest tho bank was injured rather se verely, hut tbe other two ssospsd antajavod. Tbe bank . ia falling caught a . wagoa ad carried it with it to the ground. Taeee that escaped may well congratulate themselves po their almost miraculous escape. " New HACE.Th Salem Dray A Hack Company came out yeeterday morning with a now bask jast reosiued trees Ba Fraeos. 00, to be asad ia easetle with thslr other hacks fas earrying peseeuget'e to aad from the depot erte any part of tbe city at a' very ebee rate. It is aa easy riding ve hicle, built apoa the latest ead astet lav. proved plan. .The beet way, te test .their 1 aw eab la te take rtda, v,-'s.;ii i .. , i LJ I IV Ii ll ''. ' Teab DaewiiBSw From Mr. W. Water ' howse, of Mssotb, w brnre that e WsV a today WmChao, of la tip mlaat S. had a team rwwwtd uiB-ve7.'t shed the teamster drove tab the Will aaa HU to water his horses, and they got beyond thew depth aad were drowned. Chase had aa otter team drowsed tber tbe ease way evral years ago, both tlx the los was caused by tbe tanlssrpsss of th ea-l'V,i' f '-Ir Quite a Mbetkeett! Wwgerlbsrs ; are etffl wtag s ag ;.".ad ft yesjIAiCUfee,abC. la drawistg k BswAmAsaosrtamtk ItVrae.U. be asd (Ok sahtorljam -J W th7uqiQ , 4, .f.mm asa.,, Tb rgr taxkyosw.t adadl Use for eotleettoeje, sssd K i yet paid ap tor yosjr pwawwywa wtil eoafer a groat favor by doing a, i tiilamly. No ma ewsde ready mtk store tbaa be wae publish OTBpav sjaat he sash to pay down for evwrytaiag. . ... Hotel Abbitau. TelWarutg nemos were registered at the ChawJtsaysai Say i S. B. Greoa, Chicago Ja. Cempeotl, Del aware : 0. L. DePra, Vie Befl Megge, . C. Smith, wif aad S eVUdro. 7. W. May, Portland r 9. C. rkjlet aad wife, H. McOarfar and wif, aH! r Oo. Jl Palmer, Si! ; Jo. Mayes A. B. afeeeh , A. Baker City f U.'ST. Cantos, Fares Grove : Xaril Xoemrtarem. A, C. Detkev Saa Fraecieo f . - Jesasi, Saorameato j Maj. i, AdWOrssre CUy. We would ear th I eve te tb new adv Vna Dea Bwrgh, late of I eUisse te, esw whit swelling-. nd by tb teeMasosrlAls givwa, Bt I i hie te doubt his eopactty te estre aeent many diseases that a're gevUy sopposwd to be torareUe. He win reasete abosst two months, tbas giving thee dssirses ef to rsi ring tb aid of Ibis skinful pbyrleWa a ebanee to reeeive relief. 'RU eslee Is (ss the Opora Hows bloek, frosrtSag est Coatt street. Albost A Fib a At Moamoath the ether day, eomettrwiMag boods esad their ed ont door oa loo straw. Tbey bad eosae ms tehee among tbeir eMtbos' aad ooddiag. which became Ignited the Best day hy tb heat of the so ead sooe ell "tb taw was at work tghtiag fire. ' Tay"wr fctaale in putting it oat or sorer kM esifht have fotlewed. "-f 'I.' - " '" Gobb to PobtlabB. J.tK, Om aad family, and Mrs. . H. Wlijie aad family removed, yeeterdsy,' te Portlasid, where they win rorido ia th fetoro, aoeewat of Mr. GUI' kusraos ie tVst -eltf. Mr eitiseet wiU, maay of tboaa, Smgvot th Ut of ouch old feaideate, who Bar boo Idosr tifiad with Salem from the satrliaet day ef Its existeaee. .. . , , . . ' A Vettsah. Mrs. Marti to whom we allude elsewhere, Is eodntod as f tb veterans of the -civil , war, Wrtag eaoa service as a norse t tbe heepbate at Wash ington. She I incaOTtsd or ovdiaary labor by reaooa W a aws ssassl by injuries received but winter- aad amdor these eircamstsaeas oar sitsseas will be somewhat interacted in bar ctsss aa a book canvasser. . . , Abrest. Last evening ess f the guard of the Praitentiarr. who had fake toe many oysters aad lager beer , aad ssaoked too maay cheroots at tho silibrariso, earn into town and speatbie time daaoiag Jig snd declaring tbat he eoold whip any po liceman in oar virtuea city. 'He was pat into tbe calaboose to finish bit jig at bis leisure. . Valcablb Laso. Mr. P. Earl Hfers She ale hi farm of 20( aevos, lybag half a mil north of Salem ferry, t rVJsr oownry. A good piece of land that will be always of groat valae for rosid eee a well as for farming. Mabriko. At tb raaiiiac et the bride's father, aoar 6bliaairy. Aagwst 16th, by G. 8. Doweiog, J. P., Mr. Chad Price and Mis Harriot. J. Kiag, both of Marion eoanty, Oregoa, ' Ficbt. A big ma end e Httt fallow -dertook to qeerrel, eert at tbe tVaf Prisoa celeeratioa, yasterdey, Wt ror they eoald do ssaeh daaaag te each other Ibow were nut eot of tbe soees. The was ia tbe same rooem., . t Montour CcLLea Weber that the first bri-fc of the. M oassooth CeOege wet "J.fj e WedDOaJ Vtay -- pushed throgh as faat as poseible, a"t Ik I is thowght the It wO ' he pUtd tbk fall. ' To OiAst Mr. L- ts. Scott ead fatniiy rt rVImoa itrer to-day te av I joy a fe-v days bathing. PAKER1BS AND MAKICXT8. NEW VORK OAKERY aSAD CABXBtm AKDPIBstX CRACKBKS, .',"v" lOXSTAITlT H 1AI1. Ftmmllw- Grtx?H. rLoun, BCSABk, -.-.', S-iya-rBBI CMABI, AadalBtadtef . ' O a at 9 J Fruit all part of tkootty traf , mu w. atbUs July 1. 1ST1 I ORtzcorj ctcnY, fHmta , tMajoaa, " (East af Btea-'yS Briek.) Qorarrr A. fret la BreaV Cktitv, P1S . ' V.-",fc'' t -" TBISH ' YEAST tlC&' DAT. ' trWsSittTip aad Pi Hal 1 taiiisssmatiii at . av ? !''' if ' asw five m t call. wm,. ...., - NEaBITrB MEAT afASXXT, r- , BVs Calislst ' aWracsaasway be t- . The Best 'of Fie5i iletit Oarofofby faweored far as frit) a4 tm - .. eryveetvtr. atr. tSssbmt am a-t wave ' Bmgmair Cmrejsl niaau btt 7 Drle4 Meats ' "V . ' ', r . . -sat ' .: " - t OofaratUatly M M NORTH SALE W $TOR. W. LsWADE 9 t , . AT TIU 019 OtVtjai aTOSXI. A FULL ASSORTMENT I oat eooot, fsUCattltatB, a9JwmV : Rtrxlw&re. Cca'il lat!uaiW 1 : City eieJmgev Hv.4wrJ CTherTies4 BerTiee, ; 4 l'n-lta. ' If yoa waat "seosst fwad M as. wSoatse r ewr vee- rt 1 ess so tor pr,g. r.r. loFietat, who dispasy, e)stlia , Isfsemd tsasty pme ? '. . . -Vr a- - 1 - r-P f