The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, August 23, 1871, Page 3, Image 3

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    uw eefi? Statesman.
SALkOsISESI. AltlM' 21. 1871.
Htstto jNows.
Tram yesterday'. Oregonian we take
the f illowiog item :
Tlie Oriflioiino brought to thil port,
oa her last trip, 72 pair of car wheels.
A rumor is rife that an effort it be
in.? m-iie to orgaoiga a fire insurance
company lo this city.
The new 04J Fellow' Uall, East
Portl lud, will be ded.cated oa Satur
day nest.
Three bualred botet of railroad
spike were brought up oa the last
learner aod will be taken to the front
Seventy-five men are employed on
the work of the Willamette Falls and
Lock Company at Oregon City.
Extensive preperatioas are being
made lo celebrate the anaunl parade
of the Portland Fireman. The City
Council baa been asked to appropriate
t ulficient money to defray all expenses.
The different foundarfss of the city
are engaged to. turning oat great quail-
ties of work, principally castings, etc.,
to be used oa the various buildings in
process of construction. The present
season ii one of activity among all
das? of artisans. All who have
skilled hands and willing hearts to
libor, need not remain idle long.
From the Herald of August 18ih,
we giean :
Two wagons laden with emigrants
en route for Extern Oregon, passed
through this city yesterday. Their
flurraudiogs recalled the anecdote of
Western lite, that the hens were so
used lo movit g that they laid down t
have their lege tied whenever they
aw a wagon approaching.
The villiage of Kalama is at present
as dull as it possibly can be. Not a
eign of enterprise or vitality is to be
en there, and the people devote their
time to discussing the fa tnre prosper'
ity of the place, and smoking. When
the good times are coming, however,
cone can predict, and as they seem far
in the perspective these who are able
to escape without sacrificing business
are doing so.
A young man attempted to swim the
Willamette river and only by grasping
a friendly loz floating by him, did he
escape drowsing through exhaustion.
A large amount of lumber is being
brought to St. Helens, iUuir and va
rious places on the Columbia river.
The mills at Portland are running to
their fullest capacity, yet are not able
to supply the demand.
From the Bulletin of yesterday we
tike the following':
The store -of McCracken & Merrill
was closed yesterday in consequence of
the death of the infant son of John
McCracken, Eiq.
But little freight is offering at pres
ent, and as a consequence the Ori
fiamme carried away but one hundred
tons yesterday.
There are at present sevenv-five
men employed upon the works of the
Willamette Falls and Lirk Com
pany at Oregon City. The work
is being pushed forward at a rapid
rate, the diamond drills playing sad
havoc with the mountains of rock.
Two blasts are set off daily, one at
f,oon and the other in the evening
The diamond drills work through
the rock at the rate of about seven
feet an hoar.
Junction City is the name which has
been given to the site selected for the
junction of the Oregon and California
(or East Side) and the Oregon Central
(or West Side Riilroads. It is in
Lane county, on the west side or the
Willamette river, aod about three
milja south of Harriaburg on the line
of the Oregon and California Rail
road. It ia already designated as a
station on the latter road, and to it in
proper time will be removed the main
shops of the Company during the
next year, at farthest.
The editor of the AVw Northwest
objects to the frequent ringing of the
church bells on Sunday. This is what
ahe says: Now, we have so objection
to bells being reog on Sunday, bat we
yrould like to see a little reason dis
- plased ia it. Please, bretbern, just a
little moderation in Ibis matter, aod do
let ns here a little peace on the Lord's
The Oregon City Enierpritt of the
18th, lays Charles Kemp ton accident
ally fell off a boon of logs into the river
and was drowned on last Tuesday
IIn bodv was recovered in an hour
afier he fell into water.
From the Oregonian of Aug. 19tb we
take the following:
I', is announced on good authority
that Professors Agassis and Hill will
sail for the Pacific coast about the 6rst
of next month, in a new iron coast sur
vey steamer, built at Wilmington, Del
aware. Tlii'ge gentlemen will take
deep sea soundings on the voyage and
select specimens of natural history for
the Cambridge University.
A letter has just been received from
Hung Kong by Capt. Noyes, of the ship
Garabaldi. Frtfai it we learn that the
ebip Hattie C. Bessie sailed from Hong
Kong on the. Hth of Jane for this port
When out two day she encountered a
typhoon which tore away several spars
and otherwise damaged her. She was
compelled to return to Hong Kong for
repairs, where she arrived on the 16th
of June. After bavieg damages re
paired, the Bessie sailed for Portland
about the last of June.
. We glean these items from tbe Advo
cate :
On Wednesday evening next at 7
Vdock, Elder S. C. Adams, of Salem,
will lecture in tbe basement room of
tbe Taylor street II. E. Church of this
city, on Sacred and Profane History.
Ia connection with this interesting
lecture, Elder Adams will exhibit his
large diagram map of historical events.
We have, received from Rev. M. H.
Meisse, pastor of tbe Hall Street Saba
bath School, a copy of resolutions
passed by the school highly compli
mentary of Master John F. Dillon, as
firmer Secretary of the school.
Johnnie left on tbe Oriflamme in com
pacy with Prof. Rogers and family for
the Etst.
We learn from the Bulletin of Sun
day that tbe Firemen of Portland arc
making preparations for a parade at no
distant day, and that the intention is
to induce tbe Fire Companies' of Salem
and other valley towns to participate
That paper says a large anion at of
Street work is being performed io that
Tbe Gufiie Telfair sailed foi Victo
ria on Saturday evening,
r A narrow gauge railroad company is
organizing "at Portland, prolably for
John Emerick has oten arrested at
Portland for the murder of a man
Darned Hand, near tbe Dalles.
Tbe Herald says the Webfoot brought
a locomotive and tender for the O. k
C. R. R.
Willamette Valley.
From the Corvallis Gazette of tbe
Wheat is selling readily in this mar
ket at $1 per bashel.
Batter is very scarce none to be
had at any .pricn. Have beard of two
small lot at forty cent per pound.
Crops tbi season are generally good
ia Oregon. A gentleman, who has
traveled over most of the valley, since
harvest commenced, says tbey are
much better on the west than tbe east
side of tbe Willamette river.
On last Sabbath Rev. J. A. Hanna
preached in Halsey in the morning and
in Peorii in the afternoon having
rode on horseback forty mile and
preached two sermons. Sickness in
his family was the occasion of this long
Sabbath day's journey.
. We gather the following item from
tbe Albany 'Regitler of August 19th :
Our physiciaos report the general
health throughout the county good.
A few more daye and our new jail
will be in readiness for occupants.
Last week the fr'rends of Col. Eaus,
who is crippled and uasble to do any
kind of labor, presented bim with
$147 50 aa a testimony of their regard.
The Col. was crippled while fighting
for the old Flag.
The Shoo Fly camo up on Tuesday
with a large load of freight one cook
stove unloaded and then look tbe
back trauk in baste.
We are waiting for oar new material
to arrive1 before commencing publica
tion of the Good Templar. 'Hope to be
able to issee tbe first number next week.
Harvest is being pushed vigorously.
Oue gentleman remarked in our bear
ing the other day, that he bad four
hundred acres of wheat to cut that he
thought would average about twenty
five bushels per acre, and he. was of
fered $1 per bushel for it.
As rich a specimen of mineral bear
ing quartz as we have seen was band
ed ts us on Wednesday by Mr. Jack
McQuade. The specimen In our pos
session was taken from a ledge in tbe
Sintiam country, discovered by Mr.
MtQ'iade tbe 2Iat of June last, and
assays eighty per cent. lead. In each
too of the quartz there is said to be
$40 silver and $7 of gold, In tbe
specimen befjre as there is plainly to
be seen with tbe naked eye specks of
Somebody set fire to the dead fir
trees across the river from Albany on
last Monday, by which five or six hun
dred yards of fence and a large num
ber of fruit trees on tbe farm of J. Q.
Thornton, Esq., were destroyed.
Last Monday sirs. E. B. Purdon was
severely bitten by a large dog belong
ing to Judge Saber.
The Eugene City Guard of yesterday
says the meanest man is not be who
rob another qf bis good name, but
be who steals aide bacon, rusty should
er and rancid butter from a poor devil
of a country newspaper publishe.
The Stale Journal gays that a propo
sition has been made to supply that
place with water for twenty years ;
that a new brick hotel is talked of, to
be built by Comstock, nod other items
show that Eugene is striking out to be
an important place.
One day last week a large female
conger attacked a young child of Mr.
Walden's, on Lost Creek. Several
children were playing ia the yard, and
tbe animal approached and tried to
carry off a child about two years old.
Mr. Walden saw tbe danger, and picked
up the child, when the conger followed
around for quite a time, endeavoring
to catch it not eeemint; to rare to at
tack the older children. After a time
a neighbor succeeded in despatching
the animal. V
Mr. Jos. South well, jost in from Bo
hemia, reports that quite a number of
men are at work there. Up to Sun
day tbe mill had crushed five tons of
rock. He eaw tbe amalgam before U
was taken out, and thought it would
pay well. He was informed, however,
by one of the persons in'erested in the
mill, that it did not turn out much.
Tbe West Side saya Tim Pally bas
been arrested on charge of burning
Mr. Wells' house some time since, and
bound over in tbe earn of $2,000,
which bail was given by bis friends.
A man named Brown was formerly
arrested on the same charge aod ac
quitted. A large sum of money was
taken at the same time.
Ed. Fuller, of Yamhill county, was
thrown to the groand by his horse and
severely injured.
Harry Beitman fell and broke bis
collar bone. Charles Fellon was
kicked by a cow, aod it is feared some
bones sis broken.
Joseph woods, who was accidentally
shot awhile since, is very ill.
Geo. Robinson, saluuu Weeper, i on
trial for selling whisky to
SoDthera Oregon.
A great deal of sickness seems to
prevail in Southern Oregon, supposed
to be caused by tbe bot weather.
Mr, Chauncey Nye writes to the
Jacksonville Sentinel that the roads aod
bridges on the Upper Rogue river are
being put in good condition by the
Supervisor. Four wagons of emigrarts,
direct from Kentucky, bad just come
io, bound for Coos .county. Deer and
bear were plentiful ; also huckleberries
were abundant.
An old toper, at Roseburg, who,
absent mindedly, swallowed a glass of
cold water was thrown into spasms,
and complains bitterly that sncb a
dangerous article should lay around
loose to do tbe unwary barm.
It is said that merchants in Umpqua
are offering $1 per bushel for wheat,
and 62 eta. per basbel for oats.
D. Bushey, who was injured by a
kick from a borse at Rosebnrg, is re
covering. Tbe bouse of Mr. J. A. Harvy, on
tbe Coos Bay Wagon Road, was lately
burned ; the fire seems to have started
in the woods. Mr. Harvy's loss i a
serious damage to bim.
Mr. Odeo, of Oak Creek, 4Jmpqna,.
recently shot himself; bis pistol dif
charging while be rode on horseback.
Railroad work progresses so that it
i expected tbe cars will reach nearly
to Oakland by January.
Many new comers are arriving in
Douglas county.
Work acd prospecting continues at
the Bohemia quartz mines, on the up
per waters of North Umpqua.
Work is progressing on the Coos
Bay Wagon Road.
The Plaindealer says of the contract
lately awarded for tbe improvement of
W. B. Clarke, a resident of thai coun
ty, and the owner of Cole's valley
steam saw mill. He was tbe lowest of
many bidders.
Kiss mj Wife or t'lghi."
There are a few married men who
are averse to seeing their wives kissed;
but a correspondeut-relates tbe partic
ulars of a case io which a newly-made
Benedict felt himself insulted because
bia wife was not kissed. The bride
groom in question was a stalwart
young rustic, who was known. as a
formidable operator in a free figbt.
His bride was a blooming aod beauti
ful country girl, only sixteen years of
age, and the twain were at a party
where a number of young folks of botn
sexes were enjoying themselves io the
good old-fashioned style. Every girl
in the room was called out and kissed,
except R., tbe beautiful your.g bride
aforesaid ; and although there was
not a youngster who was not dying to
taste brr lips, but were restrained by
the presence of her herculean husband,
who stood regarding tbe party with a
sullen dissatisfaction. They mistook
ibe cause, for suddenly he expressed
Rolling up his sleeves be stepped
into tbe middle of tbe room, aod in a
tone of yoicA that secured Barked at
tention, laid :
" Gentlemen, I have been noticing
how these things have been working
here for some time, aod 1 ain't satis
fied. I don't want to raise a fuss,
but "
" Wbat is the matter, John ?" in
quired half a dozen voices. " Have
we done anything to hurt your feel
ings?" "Yes, you have; all of you have
hurt my feelings, and I have got just
this io "say about it. Here's every girl
in the room hag been kissed ngb a
flora times apiece, and there's my
wi, wbo I consider as likely as any
of 'em, bas not had a single one to
night, and I just tell yon now, if she
don't get as many kisses as any girl in
the room the resl of Ibe night, the
man that slights her has got me to
fight that's all. Now, go ahead with
your playa."
Concerning a Dictionary.
Who that ever read it, has forgotten
tbe irresistibly funny description of the
career or a dictionary, which llrk
Twain put into the mouth of one
Coon, "a nice, bald-headed man at
he hotel in Augel's Cnmp," in tbe Bin
Tree region of Calaveras county, Cali
fornia. It was to a request lor the
loan of a book to enliven a rainy day,
that Coon replied :
" Well, I've got A migbty responsi
ble old Webster Unabridged, what
there is left of it, but they started her
sloshing around and sloshing aruuod
the camp before I ever got a chance to
read ber my9elf; and next she went
to Murphy's, and from there she went
to Jacknss Gulch, and now she's guuc
to Sin Andreas and I don't expect I'll
ever see that book again. But what
makes me mad is, that for all they're
so bandy about keeping ber sashaying
-around from shanty to shanty, and
from camp to camp, none of 'em's
ever got a good word for her. Now,
Coddington had her a week, and she
was too many for bim he couldn't
spell the words; he tackled some of
them regular busters, tow'rd the. mid
dle, you know, and they tbrowed him.
Next Dyer, be tried her a jolt, but be
couldn't pronounce 'em Dyer can
bunt quail and play seven up as well
as any man, understand, but he can't
pronounce worth a cent ; he used to
worry along well enough, though, till
he'd finish one of them rattlers with a
clatter of syllables as long as a string
of eluice-boxes, aod then he'd lose bis
grip and throw op bis band. And so,
finally, Dick ofoker Harnessed her, rip
there at his cabin, and sweated over
her, and rastled with her for as much
as three weeks, ni&bt and day, till be
got as far as K, and then passed ber
over to 'Lige Pickerell, and said she
was the all-firedest dryest readiDg that
ever be struck.
amusing instance of unconsciously
splitting a difference is recorded in the
"Memoirs of Madame d Linny." a
French writer of the last century :
A certain literary gentleman of ber
acquaintance paid her marked atten-.
tion for a considerable time. It was
bis babit to call for her at a friends
house where she usually passed the
day, to offer his arm, and to see ber
home. After an interval, however, at
about the time when a declaraiion
might have been expected, the atten
tion of the man of letters relaxed
soinewbat. He still manured a re
gard for ber.but so intense a regard as
be bad shown at first.
It had been bis wont, in passing
thr.mgb a large squire on his way to
the lady's house, to take ber round
the two sides of the square. As hit
fervor abated he still escorted her
home be could not at once give up
the practice but be made short work
of it. Ius'ead of going along the two
Ides of the square, he "split the dif
f reoce " and crossed it diagonally.
"Then" the wit'y lady rerairks, ' I
concluded that his regard lor toe bad
at least diminished by the difference
between the diagonal aod Ibe two
sides of a squire."
Tns End or Qcantrkll The Kan
sas City Timti seis at rest the long dis
puted question : " What hss become
of QnAQ!rell, the ooce notorious Con
federate guerilla ? " It says that two
men who attended him in hi 3 last mo
ments, and saw birr buried, now re
side in Jack ion county, in that State.
Their statement is that be was mortal
ly wounded in a fiht with Federal
troops in 1864, and taken under an as
sumed name to a hospital in Louisville
where he died. Disguised as civilians,
those faithful followers attended on
him in the hospital and to tbe grave.
Ah Ungrateful Ouphab. In a late
lecture Mrs. Stmton, among otber
anecdotes of quiet humor, related a
story of bow the ladies of a church
once picked up " a poor orphan boy,"
and educated him for the ministry.
Tbey paid his tuition, and be gave
great promise ; and when he graduated
tbey bought htm 'some nice clothes
and were all on tbe tip-toe of expect'
-'-:rn to hear the first sermon. Ion.
ng'.a-c (- "nnsternHtion when, grave
ly aDniunci!.r hi text, he quoted from
t. raul : " Lei il- women keep bi
lence in the church 1"
During tbe May Anniversaries in
New fork, the following dialogue was
overheard between two newsnoys : '
say, Jim, what's tbe meaning of so
many ministers being here all togetb
er?" " Why," answered Jim, scorn
fully, " they always meets once a year
to exchange sermons with each other.
" A young lady," in a roral " per
sonal," inform
" a certain young
time be desires to
man that tbe next
gaze npon ber for fort v-five mortal
minute without winking bis eyes she
will consider herself highly favored if
he will close his mouth, and not sit
there like a young robin awaiting tbe
parent bird."
A married man was recent!"- urged
by an insurance agent to take ont a
policy for the benefit of his wife to the
amount of twelve or fifteen thousand
dollars, and a loog discussion ensued,
which was ended by tbe husband, who
said: "No, a widow with more than
ten thousand dollars wonld be a dan
gerous legacy to leave to posterity."
England baa learned a great many
things from America. Legal codes,
monitors, sewing machines, telegraphs,
rifles, revolvers, rocking chairs, plow.
ing, reaping, mowing, washing and
cowsmilking machines, ax-bandies,
aod otber of our inventions, she baa
r eely adopted.
A Moravian missionary, after forty
years' work io Greenland, reports:
" In all Greenland then? is but one
station in the neighborhood of which
there are bea'hen. With this excep
tion, all tbe Greenlanders now profess
tunnstiaoity." Wbat shall we do with
the popular missionary hymn, " From
Greenland s icy mouutaioi?
A young man says that there may
bare been such a thing a real, true
love in old times, but now the notion
i entirely obsolete, and if you ask a
young' lady now-a-dav to share your
lot, the immediately want to know
nowi arge that " lot" is.
California estimates its crop of cas-
Flokemcb, August 10. Gen. GJribaldi is
rory ill. His son, Ueeciotti, has been sum
moned to his bcdsiJe'at Caprer., August IS. Tbe Assembly
to-day re-elected Gtuvy President of the
Paris, August 16. A Provincial eorres
pondunt confirms the report that negotia
tions are pending for the complete evacua
tion of France, but affirms that provoca
tions offered lo Germany by the French
newspapers endanger peace between the
two nations. It holds that if France offers
early payments and indemnities fullfilled
there will be no untoward disturbance of
peaceful relations, and the withdrawal of
tbe German forces from France will soon
Loxdox, August 17. Telegraphic .com
munication is established with Japan, and
messages have been sent hence to Japan
and answers received to-day.
In Kon'igburgs, Prussia, on the 14th,
sixty-two persons were attacked by the
cholera and twenty-three died.
Paris, Aug. 17-The Pretec to-day says the
German troops who occupy the Eastern De
partments still treat inhabitants in a most
exasperating manner.
Versailles, August 17. Tbe election
Conimitteo of the Assembly reached a vote
upon a motion mada in the Assembly for
the prolongation of Thiers' term of office to
three years, and stood nine in opposition to
six in favor of the proposition.
Fi.ohenck, August 17. The Arno, by
the melting of snows ia the Appenines, has
overflown its bunks in many places, caus
ing great destructiou to crops;
Losdox, August 17. A correspondent,
writing August 3d, says : At a meeting of
the General Council Interoatromit Society,
held in London, it appears that agents of
the oranizition were at work in Spain and
provided funds to create disturbances, and
that information had been received an
nouncing the establishment of an interna
tional club and the starting of a newspaper
entitled La Commune, in New Orleans,
America ; also that a section has been
formed in Washington, composed prioci.
pslly ot journalists, V asningiou i,euig ns
great a political center as Xew York was
the commercial center.
Maz.ini was attacked for his opposition
to un organization, it being declared that
ho never was a member.
In the Houso of Commons, Gladstone, in
reply to the remarks of McGuire, member
for Cerk, spoke at length in defense of the
action of the Dublin police on the 12th.
Finally, a division of the House being
called for. resulted in a majority of 52 in
favor of Government in the suppression of
the Dublin meeting.
JlAnnin. August lS.-Choera appcard
in the neighborhood of SteLlin, IConigsberg,
Tuesday. Seventy cases and 34 deaths.
Pakis, August 18. The Patrie. says :
Russia is making great military prcpera
tions. Prussia is aW filling up her corps,
perfecting armaments and collecting enor
mous qunntitica of stores. The Patrie be
lieves the preparations of the latter power
are aimed at Russia.
I.osoox, August 1$. Fresh strikes have
broken out among the workmen at Leeds,
who demand a reductiou of tho hours of
labor. Hundreds of new hands orrived at
Newcastle to supply the places of striking
r.KRi.i. Angast IS. The Postal Confer
ence in session suggests tho conclusion of
international treaties bet n eon all the great
powors. including America; establishing a
uniform rate of postage, regardless of dis
tance, for 20 centimes wben prepaid, and
40 centimes wben nupaid, with additional
charge on letters that go by sea,
Paris, August IS1 The Committee on
the question of the prolongation of Thiers'
power will probably report on next Monday.
The debate will bo opened on Tuesday.
Versailles, August IS. Before the sit
ting Court Martial, to-day, Forrat detailed
the fearful state of auar h V wbii-h prevailed
ander the Commune. Both Clauseret and
Luliier sought to siexe the dictatorship.
Tho incendiaries, he said, were nearly all
Xew York, August 19. A.Tunis corres
pondent of July 24th, says there will be
probably war between Kgypt and Turkoy,
and that t!:e personal relations of the Khe
dive aud Sultan are far from being friendly.
Some time ago a revolt occurred at a village
in Arabia, near the Ilcd Sea, aud to sup
press it 20,000 troops were dispatched there
by order of the Sultan. Tho troops remain
and the Viceroy of Egypt, dreading the
hazard of war, seem 3 unwilling to take
steps which way expose his willingness to
accept tbe gaunlet thus thrown down by
Turkey. The surmise is that Turkey desir
ing to resist tho encroachments of Russia in
the East, wishes to offer the Empire of
Germany free transit through Egypt which
a war might be likely to securo in return
fur the aid Germany might give Turkey in
the Indies.
Losdom. August 18. Tbe famine in Per
sia is more terrible thn was previously re
ported. There lave been 27,000 deaths
at Ispashan alone from starvation, and tbe
condition of the provinces is still worse.
The rice crop is a complete failure, and the
cattle plague, small pox, typhus fever and
cholera prevail.
New ' York, August 16. The Coroner's
jury in tho We.-tlield explosion case, nna
that the accident was caused by a defective
boiler and a careless engineer, and that the
company is responsible for both. Tbe Cor
oner has issued a warrant for tho arrest of
the President, Directors and Superintend
ent of the ferry.
New York, August 17. Jacob Vander
bilt. President of the Staten Island Ferry
Company, Win. Brastead, Superintendent,
and Harry Robinson, engineer, against
whom the Coroner's jury found a verdict of
criminal nogligence in oonncction with the
W'estfield disaster, were brought up before
Coroner Kcenan this morning and commit
ted to tho Tombs prison, tbe Coroner refus
ing to acept hail. The action of the Cor
oner has caused no little surprise, as bail to
any amount was offered and could have
been given.
New YonK, August 18. The Middleton
commenced running yesterday for the first
tiuio since the explosion of tho Westfield.
The Middleton was laid up for repairs, but
the people believed her still unsafe, and
have made complaints against the Company
because they have allowed the boat to be
placed on tbe line.
Ilesgiwa, the Japanese Prince, who bas
been in this country for several months, is
dying of consumption at Troy.
Baltimore, August 17. An accident oc
curred to-day on tbe Northern Central
Railroad at Ashland, fifteen miles from the
city. The freight train stopping at Ash
land was run into by ' a following train.
James Little, brakesman of the Baltimore
Company, was killed, and F. W. Clentenen,
brakesman of the Marysville Pennsylvania,
was terribly injured. Several cars were
mashed and one engine was badly broken.
ft'iLHiXGTo.v, August 18. Official re
turns from eighty-three counties, show a
majority of 10,231 against tbe Convention.
There are seven counties yet to bear iroro,
which will reduce the majority.
Washisoto.v, Aujfust 17. Subscriptions
to the new loan to-day, amounted to $520,
000 coin.
Lieut. Commander, N'. H. Farquhir,
Surgeon, John E. Spear, and Second Assist
ant Engineer, Charles aW. Rae, are de
tached from special duty connected with the
Nicaragua expedition, and await orders.
G. W. A. King has been appointed Col
lector f Internal Revenue for Nevada.
Washixotos, August 16. In reply to
the letter of Gov. .Potts, asking for more
tooi'ps to protect settlers in Gallatin valley,
Montana, the War Department informs it is
deemed inexpedient to comply with his re
qoest, both on account of tbe stnallness of
the forca of troops available in that region,
and because tbe Indians seldom repeat
New York, August 17. This evening
the officers of the titaten Island Ferry
Company brought on a writ of habeas
corpus before the Supreme Court. Judge
Sutherland admitted Jacob-Vanderbilt,
President of tbe company, to bail of $20,
000 ; Brastead, the Superintendent, and
Robinson, Engineer, $10,000 each.
The Glen Falls (N. Y.) Company's paper
mill partially burned this morning. Loss,
Ogdihsbcbq, August 17. The rioters in
tbe Baron de Carmia lecture affair are still
defiant. Mayor Proctor to-day issued a
proclamation stating that there had been
manifestations of a tumultuous .character
in the city for the past two nights, occa
sioned by interruptions of a publio meet
ing, and public feeling .was now so much
excited that further aud prehaps serious
trouble may be apprehended.
The Common Council, this afternoon, re
solved that the right of free speech should
be maintained at any cost. A large num
ber of special policemen were -appointed
and treops will be called out if necessary.
Siko Siso, N. Y., August 17. Quarter
past twelve to-day, the tug boat Dean
Richmond, having a canal boat in tow,
going north, was observed approaching the
dock with considerable rapidity. The
guard warned the pilot to keep off. The
warning was apparently heeded, but the
steamer glidod close to tbe pier, and imme
diately twelve convicts loaped npon the
canal boat and ran over to the tug and into
the engineer's room. The engineer was
driven out and one of the convicts went
into the pilot house and took the wheel and
beaded the tng for the west shore. An
alarm was given as quickly as possible and
two sailing vessels one from Sparta and
one from here, full of armed men starred in
pursuit. Oue of these vessels overhauled
tho tug near' Rockland, when the convicts
took a small boat and escaped to tbe moun
tains. It is stated that the convicts are
now in the woods near Rockland and will
be recaptured, as they are surrouuded.
Jw York, August 17. A Washington
special says that the Secretary of the Treas
ury will, to-morrow, issue a detailed state
ment of defalcations of Collectors of Inter
nal Revenue since the establishment of the
Bureau. It will show that the actual
amouut of defalcations to close of tho last
fiscal year was $2,76S,297.
Washixoto.-c, August 17. The total
amount of Internal Revenue paid into the
Treasury to close of the last fiscal year was
New York, August 18. Some scoundrel
sent to several newspaper offices last even
ing, a dispatch purporting to have been
sent from Norfolk, to Issac 'Volkcr, Vh e
President of the Lun (?) Mutual Insurance
Co., announcing the burning of tho steam
ship Henry Chauucey near T.ody Island on
tho Virginia coast. Mr. Walker declared
the dispatch a forgery. It is evidently a
dodge to bear on the Pacific Mail Block.
Fortress Momiiok, August 18. The
wrecking steamer Resolute passed here this
morning, having in tow, for Norfolk, the j
steamer Patten, whieh was sinking off Fog I
Note Tbe above dispatch shows con
clusively that tbe report that the Resolute
had gone to the scene of the wreck of the
steamer Chaunry off Body Inland, untrue,
and tho whole story a canard.
New York, August 18. Tbo members of
the Citizens' Association, who recently
asked the Mayor for information as to the
city accounts, stated that unless he ac
quitted himself of the charges against bim
he should withdraw from his position.
They have each received a pointed reply
from the Mayor, who says he returns the
Association's communication sent him, be
cause it is one that no gentleman could ro
ceivo or should have signed, because it is
incorrect and untrue in many particulars,
and because it is general and insulting in
its tone.
New York, Aug. IS. Pacific Mail
stoek sold down on a canard in reference to
tbe loss of the Henry Chauncey. The com
pany will effer $5,0(19 rewnr.1 for the de
tection ef a responsible author of the story.
The stock is now quoted at 50.
Wasiiixgto, Aug. 18. Subscriptions to
the new loan to-day amount to $50,000.
Jay Cooke paid into the Treasury to-day,
on behalf of the European Syndicate, $15,
000,000 for subscriptions on account of the
new loan.
OGDExsBt'RG, Ang. IS. The excitement
about Baron de Carmin is abating. He
delivered a lecture to-day to a lari;e audience
under protection of the Mayor and police.
Washington, Aug. IS. The following
circular was issued to-day :
Rr Department, 1
August 18 171. J
' All bonds held as security for circula
tion in national banks for other bonds of
tho United States, except fir tbe new five
per cent, bonds now being issued, will be
suspended from this date, uutil further
(Signed) II. It. IIi:i.r.i RT,
" Controller Currency."
New York, Ang. 18. Tha Tribune snys
Horace Greeley favors tbe one term princi
ple ; believes another Republican candidate
for President can be selected who will win
more support than Grant, aud he advocates
such selection ; but should Grant he nom
inated, be thinks his election infinitely
preferable to that of any Democrat. Uo
views Democratic triumph as one of the
gravest national calamities, and this is bis
reason for wishing the selection of a Repub
lican candidate for President who will be
more certain of success than Grant.
Louisa Mulbach, tho German airthnre.'s,
will visit the United States during the
present year and give public readings in the
principal cities.
New York, Aug. 19 The Tiw this
morning gives the names of sixty persons,
wh m it charges with being professed Ri-
publicans, and nearly in all cases leaders in
loeal Republican organizations, holding
important offices under Tammany. It Says
that affiliation of these men with Tammany
Hall created feuds in tbe Republican ranks,
and materially aided Tammany at tbe
Washington, Aug. 19, The Secretary
of the Navy, in accordance with late acts of
Cungress authorizing him to institute suit
to obtain full damages for the destruction
and loss of tbe sloop-of war Oneida, in the
Bay of Jipan, has had a conference with
tbe Attorney General, but no steps have
been taken towards instituting a suit, which
must be against the steamship company
owning the Bombay. Several questions
are still unsettled.
San Francisco, m August 17. The news
of a murderous assault on. tbe Cloverdale
stage by a band of robbers, last night, and
the killing of T. H. Benton and mortally
wounding Lt. Come, has created quite an
excitement here to-day. This is the third
time the stage has been attacked recently,
the rubbers being successful in both of tbe
first attacks. Parties here, interested in
stopping this business, will prolably offer a
reward for the arrest of the robbers engaged
in this attack.
The Panama steamer to-day carried
$728,000 treasure the largest shipment
since the completion of the Pacific railroad.
She also carried 72,086 pounds of wool aod
over 12,000 gallons California wine.
A number of French Communists have
located claims to lands through the Cali
fornia Labor Exobanget in Kern county,
and will proceed there to settle at ones,
they having declared their intention to be
come American citizens. S
Pickpockets have been operating to a
small extent in the pavilion, but with littlo
The attendance at tb Fair this afternoon
was very large, the weather being delight
ful. Sah Fracisco, August 18. Some thieves,
last night, got under the floor of the Fair
pavilion and tapped a forty gallon cask
whieb supplied the cologne fountain and
crried away all the sweet sirelling liquid,
C.r,- - , ,r,'- 'li-' '-r'
their visit to the Fair, and it is very evi
dent that several expert pickpocket are
working to their own advantage.
UxALrwBCRO, August 17. Tbe stage to
Cloverdale last night night ws attacked.
about 11 o'clock, by fonr robbers, resulting
in a serious conflict. Fonr ladies and ten
gentlemen were in the stage. The driver.
Sandy Woodworth, when attacked tried to
get out of reach and was shot by the road
agent. The fire was returned from the
stage by Charley Upton and L. F. Truett.
About ten shots were fired in all.
Los Akoklis, August 17. At the com
mencement of a Republican meeting at
San Bernardino to-day, a futile attempt
was made on the part of the Democrats to
prevent the meeting. Miller, proprietor of
tbe Bella Union He tel. the day before tbe
meeting hoisted the Stars and Stripes over
the house, and was waited upon by a num
ber of tbe unterrified who demanded that
he should take the thing down. Miller re
fused to do so, notwithstanding their threats,
and the flag lemained there until evening,
but was replaced next morning, aod with it
some thirty-five small flags adorned the
Sax Francisco, August 19. Attendance
at the fair this day and evening was the
greatest since the opening.
The Democracy have completely packed
Union Hall to listen to Governor Haight
and other speakers. It is stated that he
threatens to deliver a political speech soon,
and give the Republican party fits for its
new departure on the Chinese and' subsidy
questions. His views are similar to Gor- ;
barn's on those subjects.
Judge Sawyer, in tbe U. S. Circuit Court,
to-day, rendered an important decision,
touching rights of patentees. A patent
was obtained for an improvement ia circular
saws and another party subsequently claim
ed to have invented one whieh actually in
fringed upon the patent. The new inventor
sold right to use bis saw to a third party.
Tbo pntentce sued for damages for infringe
ment of the pat' nt, and obtained judgment
against tbe second iorentor, for amount
claimed and injunction. Tbe patentee then
sued the third party for damages for using
the invention which he had bought of tbe
second party. : The Court held that he
could not recover, as be bad already ob
tained judgment for damages for this in
fringcniont against the second party, who
bad bought in good f.iilh, before the fu t
commenced,, really holds now under the
original inventor, by virtue of such judg
ment. The decision is said to he a novel
one, and affects many cases.
Receipts of fruit during tho past week
have been enormous, ns lha following
figures will show : Pears 13,000 boxes,
6,000 baskets grapes, 2,500 boxes plums,
3,000 boxes apples, 90,000 boxes figs, 300
boxes nectatines, 200 boxes apricots, 2i0
boxes crabapples, 300 boxes German prunes.
The Republicans having made a strong
parly ticket in Alameda county, the Demo
crats propose to unite with the non-party
men in nominating an independent or citi
zens' ticket, in oppos'tion, and a Consulta
tion is n iw being held at San Leandro for
that purpose. Ou tho other hand thesore
beaded Republicans of San Francisco havo
succeeded in gr-tting about five hundred
names to a petition for a convention to nom
inate a straight out Republican ticket, in
opposition to the Taxpayers' .nominations,
and will publish it to morrow.
Vai.lejo, August 19. Hon. S. S. Cox,
of New York, and Judge Thayer, of San
Francisco, are addressing the Democracy
at Eureka Hall.
Dalles Citv, August 172 P. M. A
terrible fire i- raginj here. All of the up
per p trtion of the town, from French A
Co.'s store to the Mint, is in ruins. Wiud
blowing a gale.
Dalies, August 173:30 F. M. The
fire originated near Ge Jge Rueh's grocery
stire. Second street. A gale of wind was
blowing, and it was impossible to cheek it.
All is burnt between Second and Third
treaU, from Washington street to the bluff.
Not less than rtfty places of business and
dwelling houses are consumed. With two
or thr exceptions there is no insurance.
The entire loss outside of insurance is not
less thin $100,000. Rev. M. Cond"n's
residence was saved by great exertions, al
though it is the only house in the course of
tbe presfircTvcd.
Oakland, Or., August 18. W. T.
Clarke, contractor for the removal of ob
structions in the Umpqua river, has adver
tised for 25 men, tdacksmiths, strikers and
bolsters, to work, to commence Sept. 1st.
A parallel for the f.ite of Vallsndiif
bsm is found in one of BoccnciV
stories of a girl and her lover. "Tbey
were in a earden together ; tbe young
man raised a flower to bis lips and
slightly bit one of the leaves. He fell,
in an instant be whs dtad. She who
was accti Jed of poisoning the man she
lov-d best ori earth besought herj'idges
to bo iillowd to revisit the fatal pr.
den promising that sbe would show
thrm bow the thing was done. They
crsnied tier prajer. ' It w thus,'
she said, plucking a flower. She pat
it to her lips , her tpetu just irepst d a
leaf ; io an instant she was dead ." .So
VallHndiehara attempting to demon
strate bow a man bad been killed sue
reeded only in inflicting death upon
Help for tbe JNcrvoua.
Where is to be foand T cries ho trembling
victim of nerrous debility. Not in those
nostrums that fire up the circulation for a
moment, and is succeeded by collapse.
Xot ia purgative pills, or a Lentnn diet.
but in an invigorant and. restorative in
which the touie elements are united with
gentle aperient and alterativo properties.
When llttett'r's Stomach Bitters was in
troduced, nearly twenty years ago, this
important object was first aUaine.i. This
peaceful and active vegetable specific is as
justly celebrated for its cures of nervous
diseases, as for the absolute certainty with
which it relieves dyspepsia and biliousness.
The bol weather toward the eUue ot sum
mer generally aggravates diseases of a uerv
ua type, creating a degree of feebleness
which is U-ynnd measure distressing. Un
der such circumstances rally tb bodily en
ergies wittra course of Host, tier's Stomach
Bitter's. Of all ionics, it is the most sat
isfactory io in operations, and tbe least ex
citing. It braces tbe nerves up to their
natural tension, but not beyond it, so there
is no nation. It has other properties,
however, t Jan those of a nervine, and as a
blood depurent and moderate aperient, is
superior to any other medicine of tbe day.
Fraud, however, is on the alert. The
celebrity of tbe original medicine has given
rise to scores of counterfeits and imitations.
Examine the label, an L tb foe eimile of
tbe signature of the firm ; see that the
spelling is all correct, and thus mako sure
of the genuineness of the articlo yon buy.
P. 8. Hosictter's Bitters are never sold in
kegs or barrels, but in bottles only.
The Cosmopolitan. We Ieara that this
enterprise is under full blast and that over
1,500 agents throughout the United States
are busily engaged rushing off tickets, and
that the drawiug is sure to coiue off at the
appointed lime. Go for your tickets ere it
is too late, aud tbat $25,000 gone. Buy
one. aug23wlwdeod
Cure, for Coton or Colo. As soon as
there is the slightest uneasiness of tbe Chest,
with difficulty of breathing, or indications
ot Cough, take daring the day a few
" Browne Bronchial Trochee." Containing
dotnulcet ingredients, they allay Pulmonary
Irritation. Have thorn in readiness upon
tb first appearance of a Cold or Cough.
Mr. Gradgrind, speaking of facts re
marked, that tb most stirring Fact in ail
bis large sxperiene wis, tbat although he
had known hundreds of persons try Da.
for liver and kidney complaints, ecerfuja,
rheumatism, worms, fever, skin eruptious,
headaches, and all disorders arising from
bad blood, that remarkable vegetable prep
aration bad never failed to affect a speedjr
euie ia anr instance. Many thousands of
ptrsuns-aisj testify that the excellent Mr.
Or''rird w rirhf s nmal.
From Bam Francisco,
Now Professionally at the
Kt. Clim-les Hotel.
And Otber ThrnIoTlImes tht have
Ralli th OrMnary Modes
of Treatment.
Latter trnrn 1 P. Ns'dock. q.. Ed
itor of the San Jose Dally Patriot.
Pa Fsikcisco, Cal., Nsw Tsta's Dav,1671.
n. Abo.s San Jest Dear 81 r : I have felt oar baseness and social relations for the
'sst ten months were of suh a character as to
arrant me In a Mresinr jou 'Ms testimonial
of tng esteem for yea, professionally and ao
cl.illy. Tour remarkable success In the treat
ment of my son, Frank a youth just entering on
manhood, who had b?en afflicted for some time
with an olis'lnate catarrh and Ihioat disease,
was but an additional proof of the distinguished
reputation yna had achieved In your .ri.Tslon
bfore your ad rent to Ca I'urnia. and disposed
m- lo rrpoie that reliance upon your scientific
kil In the treatment of your specialties, wh'ch
so fully suitalnei by the success of oor per
icrlotions In all e srs under jour treatment In
th s city and n.lghb'vrhnod.
A 1 w me, also, to express my thanks for the
liberal aid gentlemanly-spirit you displayed in
all of our business relations. As the proprietor
of the Sin Jse Daily Patriot, I published for
you many adTertiaem'-n's, all of which were
promptly paid for, snJ In a manner peculiarly
Idi not know whether this ltter will be ol any
use to yon, but I hare felt pi:pelle1 to write it, aa
well as to assure yoa of my sincere esteem and
corllal wishes for your happiness1 and prosper
ity. Eespectfully yo?rs, etc.
sUltor and Proprietor San Joe Daily Patriot.
Letter from Wm B. Blake, Esq.
Pas Fmsctsco, Jm. 19,1STl.
Da Ak,w-Tlear Sir : Permit me to artd my
letim"ny to t e numerous public assurances yr.a
.hire received while here, of your skill and suc
ces In the treatment of tbs diseases which yoa
make specialties In your practice.
My boy, now eleren yeai s of age, had been
seriously troubled for several yrars, with catarrh,
when put uodtr your treatment; wh?n he was
Immediately relieved, and baa been steadily Im
proving erer since, nntll now he s?tins almost
en irely recovered, and we feel we owe to your
skill his rapid convalescence, and I assure you
your name will ever be held in graie'at remem
bran-e by your young patient, and his parents
tad friends. Youis respectfully
No. 1023 nyde Street. Sao Francisco.
Law Crrtcv or R. P. A Jaatsn CLisnr, 1
No 51 Exchange Bull 'lng. y
Fix Fhaxusco, Cal., January 2i, 1371. )
D. Aaoaa-Dear Sir : Unde-staading that you
are aViut terminating your -esldue and pras-iti-e
In this city, I tare thonght ttiat possible yos
miehi be pleise I to know that the little school
girl, Mary Mor Is whom you treated some
m.intl-.s ago at my requeet, and who. yon will rr
mesnhcr, waa aeaily eleaf and verl july afflirtd
with sooe 1-roBchial trouble ahen she went to now KNTHKLY Cl'RKIl, both of deaf
ni ard bronchul affection, ami-declares trat
ahe wan -virtually cured 01 h- r flrvt visit to you.
-he nd her parents are very grateful to yoo,
and think that it Is wholly doe to your skill that
her h nrlnu and health aie restored
Yours truly, R. P. CLEMENT.
Card from Charles X. Fox, Ksq.
0!5-e of Campbell, Fos A Camr?!', Attorney
and C uncel'in at Law. No. S-'S California St
as Fa srwco, 1 eb 17th, 1ST0.
AVerc It nol for the good which I hnp It may
have done to suffer rig humvnl'y, by inormug
tlftn aherethey coull find re;ii-', I should re
gcet havt'-g given Dr. Aborn my little 1eitmnn-el
of the tent - or January, for the demands made
Uf oo n-y time. In an wer-ng inquiries In regard
to him, have b.en more numerous tli n profitable
to me ; and Mill t;ey c -re.
To save the necess ly for further peronil ap-plii-at
on. It t me say to thnae wh care for my
-pinion, that time has onlv stre-K:h?ned mv
irt favorcbl opinion of Dr., and mi
commence in ine permantnry ot ine ureeuVcred
by hlui All my difficulty arose from ralnrrh,
wnicn nao uremic o a sen u- character, age.t
lng the heailng and th ihmat. girl: g me at
tl nrs acute pains and at others rumbling sou oris
in the t i frequent headset es, atd so sertnus'y
affv-clit g the bronchial tubes as lo sometimes did
able mc from public sneaking, it ts also goie,
and the change w- produced, not by any spe
rl. s of char aianlstn, as many sospecl ef the
DucWr, nr by the aboard p a'-lies of patt ng
medicines into the st mch wld.-b was not ef
fected, but by the skillful application of mtdicl
na' remidies direi-Ty l the prts which were
diseased. I have found the Doctur a gentleman
In h s lnierc-ure and l.usloe a, and the I -Og-m
nt ihat I have formed of him profeaaionatty la,
that he Is a regular ihrslcian, ttioroughiy e
q .minted with tr.e anato.ny of the bum n body,
and pnawaslng a remarkable de.ree of skill in
the treatment ot those Diseases whkh he makes
bis ideality. CUAo (. IUX.
Another Wdsadrrrvt Tare ef Asth
ma, and Sronehitia, after alt otber
Mstaeds had Failed.
ttt Joss, March , 1ST0.
This tslocertl'y thai I have been affl etel for
three years with Asthma sod Bronchi U,
and had tried every mean In my power to e'
fect s care, and was told by my family phyal- lao
(an honest and gwd doctor) that I eou'd not be
cured ; and I became so weak that I e .uld scai ee
ly walk tp a fl'ght of stairs, sod 1 happened to
see a card from Lawyer rioughtoo, stating that
h? ass ben g treaL-d by Thr Aborn, !o ii Kear
ny street, fan Francisco, and was getllns great
relief, and I thought I wculd go and see the Doc
tor; bat 1 ha I ehnpeoi get. log relief, moch
lees a cure. That was ab ul the fifteenth of
January, is A. and to-day I claim to be a well
man 1 am (Hit nine years old. ty mother
and eis'er uleu wlih the same Disease. I scad
this card, unsolicited, to IT Aborn. thinking
tbat It might meet the eve of some of my ac
quaintance that might be tuffrloi in the ama
Ills WOSDF.RHtJL, ("CCCES3 lu curin CHROS
10 018' A8U) after tbe uaal roetloa of the pro
tectee have failed, and the many lestimoni-ls lo
bte possession iroea promicent and Influent! d
mm wbo are well known will subitanllally prove.
1 R. aroRV, doe Dot subject bis pat lea's to
any painful or unp'easant operations; bis treat
ment is mild, snd safe tt the most del eate
rh'ld. The a 01 ic tod are hereby Infmmes. that
after the first vis t, for many of the discs ms
which he makes a specie ty, they can tske le
treatment home and ot it ant II eared, without
pals' or interruption to iheir usual avocation,
ai.f KdAw
Twin, orr!R A LIMITED KUMbKR Of tot
ALTKBNA1 K LOTd In this tows for rale . a
TUB-MIAY, the S2d instant, sod therIW until
the end of the month. This tnwa ta situated 110
v.II.BS MOM PnRriANP, en the Hoe of the
California and Oregon Railroad, and at Its cob
lempltted junction with, the Oregon Oeblral
Sals made on I he troand.
TKRIS One-half cash and rnr-!ilf oa on
year's hoe, al ten per cent Inter (.
au(22dawind GEO. K. COLI, Agent.
Cray's Music Store!
23 and SS affllll , I Braoob, 121
OLATst, ryjf'ifB nkT sit,
San Fran co II If u U Portland.
er. Wholesale and Retail Lester In all kinds ,
ot Muscat Merchandise.
Role agent t r the P- clflc Coast for Un
nd oilier flrit eU'i Als, the World
Hen owned
t oar Portland house we hr- the La- get and
io it Compute stock of
On the Ceatt
and rent applied to purchase.
Anr piece of Music er Book Balled free en re
ceipt of polisher price
A'.KNTn U ANTED in every town in the state.
Address U L, UaPHASS,
Manager Gi aj's Stasia rtere,
Portland - Oregon,
I have now en hand
Several Hundred Flower Pots
Of extra good make and various ilses, Mo 12
Inch Pots ; also, .
Batter Pots,
Fralt Jar,
Jug; Jars,. a
flllk Pan etc
Orders filled on short notice and at ressinsblo
Fcla, Ang. IT, 1ST1. vSm.
Has Removed Her
To the fine r emi to PtarkeT Block ott tb
tore of y&irftr Bros. fbe offeri to Uic ladles of
8jtitm aod YicUiity.
Ealem, August C, 7 tf
Pac FsiDcitco, a ,
New and Elegant Carriage
Which will bt kept at
Where Orders can be laft aud will be punctually
attended to
3D ay or Nlslxt.
Falrm, Aug 8, Tl If.
Cash for New Wheat!
At the Fair Ground Station, north ot Salem, will
One Dollarj Cash, i Bushel
For Wheat dalirered there.
Saels Famished when Rqnirtd.
Salem, Aug. 9, 71.
Successor to
Cijarn and Tobucco,
Salem, - - Oregon.
Goods Delivered to all Parts of th City,
Falem, itug. S,T1. dAw.
Dr. Charles Wilson.
Dr Wilson hss made the stody of tbe eye a
speclalt., and has practiced with good siuws
Several Years.
H Is prepared to perform all operatlers, snd
hss had expert. nee In one rating by the most ap
proved methods. All
are treated very sacce sfally, according to the
moat scientific and approved modern oplhalmlc
practice. Pei sods afflicted with diseased Ayes
are invited to
(Jive Him a Trial.
Those who de "t receive permsncnl benefit,
will not be required to pay for treat menu
ZVeoi Salem.
the West side cl the Willamette Rirer,
Which Is Improved snd bas oa It a
House, Barn, Blacksmith Shop,
, Orchard. fcc.
Thirty-two acres of tbi land lies lo lb rich al
luvial bottom ol U-e Wlllatnetis, aod U Ua bi I
Itail (ar OaraewlMf In Oregon TI4K
will be given oo the main part of the perehas
money, if desired' Tbs land will be sold entire,
or In parcels to sal Pareaassr.
or particulars enquire of me, ess-bsll mile
oclov cVtlcni terry, Puis 6-j., Oregon .
Asf. 12 lmo.
A. C. Daniels.
White Lead !
" WlSSOi"1 LEAD,
Heel Lead &
Ulivcli H snivel.
sbore articles for sals LOW, la sag dwantitr. ,
Now Ready!
Emerson's Singing School ! !
Compiled by ens ef Ihs mast eminent Icachers
In the ensniry, snd arranged er;ully for th
sse ef singing fecheot Teacher. There Is Ut
PART 1st A Good Elementary Coarse.
Sod -A Flo Oolleetle of tecwlar Sfsale.
- " Sd A "umber si Church Tunes and As
the a-a.
Bead sump for Spet sea Fegr. -
Send 13 00 per dosea for lha book.
C. B. DI rsosf OO , Riw Toss-
For High Schools!
' A want long fet will now se eapvlted. Tbe
Hcnr of eingti.g, complied bv th dttttneulshr
composer L.O. EwkR-ON,end hy W a. TlLOiN,
s faithful sad successful Teacher ol Musie la
High bVho Is. I rilled with good sod appropriate
niusio, which may be sang loose, two or threw
parts, snd a portion In four psrts ' Thr Is ale
so s Comprehensive Kte.aentary Ooorsc, and a
Collection of "Mymns aod Tunes' lor opening
and closicg.
Pries SO ceat.
Sent, post-paid, os receipt ef retag mles.
rUIVr.R PlTPO-y A CO.. Boetoo.
Cms. H. DIT ON A C New Yo.k.
For J871!
At and Below Portland Prices
Offer for sale the following splcodil assortment
ot machines :
swecpstakft Threshers I'h new In-
firovinienu Tor 1ST!, which makes tlri the
bel latch ne ever l;rooght o this coast
Qeuitlne Buck)' htiiir aact maw-cr-Cor
bined hand and self-rakers three
s ses This machine stands at the very head
of American Reapers, aud for strength, beau
ty and excellence has no equal.
Saw York Cosablaett Heeper awd
Mower With automatic srlf-raking at
.tachment two sites. This machine Is toj
well known to need speeial commandatlvs
here W guarantee it In every respect.
New Tork Head Kaklagr llesper
and Mower Combined, will do good
work suder all circumstances.
Ban's Ksale Reaper sad Flower
Combined, strong, eicellent, and the cheap
est machine lo the msrket.
Easterly tcspir aod Mower Com
bined. gslter Wood's Reaper aad Mower
Buckeye Mower Four s sea.
Woods' Mower Two slits.
Bxeelator Mowsr Two sites.
Halves' fiesalea Headers Vfi h new
improvements 10 to li leet cut. 1
Bar's' Clipper aad Ui Ida's Salty
Otlffia's llsTolvrlns; llorso Rakes.
Horse Pewe a Curejs, Sweepstakes snd
Put's -all slvs.
Endless hat a TSrtibcrs.
Scythes st:d Si.atl.i, drain Cradles, Hag aad
Grain rorks rtores, I lows scd Harrows,
In great variety. Hardware, Iroa
sod Steel, fluhs, pckes.
Felloes, Kims and
Axles, Ae.
Four sis coDtUuiU on hnd.
We are Pole Ac-nU for tb well -k no wo
Which wc offer st low prices, and will warrant
them equal, it not superior, to an wagon In f Is
or aor other market a written guarantee fur
nthed with each wacnn.
Salem, May T'h.
Practical Watchmaker X Jeweler,
Comsnsrslal Strati, Salem.
Silver Wnre.
Cloclts, Watches k Jewelry
Repaired In the best manner.
Solid Cold Jewelry
MADE TO or.l'KR.
S. fl. CLAl'GHTU.,
negotiating sales of ral estate is Unn cosn
ly, Oregon, also to making and acknowledging of
Dee ls sod Mortgages and oth.r conveyances,
and to the prompt collection ef all claims that
niav bo entrusted to my care.
Office In Post Office building. Main Street, Lib
tun, Ortgoa- . U. CLAUGUTuN.
Commercial street, laleas, Orf a,
luroSTtB sss suus IS
Iron Npc Tor Gas, Witerii Steam.
Stoves, Tin Plate Sheet Iron,
copp k it v
Tin, Copper and Knee. Iroa Ware-
RootEst ni SiHtitiri Altf ndc. t n Sbtrt Met.
F"or Machinery.
Chini. ISuf Oil,
Lubricating u
Mscblne Oil of sny kind for ssle low by
Weatlierfbrtl Ac Co.,
Drugs, Paints and Oils,
I3S Fresi St., Partlaad, aaa aaa
snerclal stress, alsaa.
PCIIOMACY-Any Udy or Gentle
man can make 1,1X16 s month, a -cure Iheir
own happ ocas and Indvpcnricooe by reading
rsychomancy, Faaclnatio or oul Charming, 4u
pagts. Fu'l Instructions, .o sse this power over
m a or aoliua at sill, kew to Mrmrrlte, b
coma Trance or Writing Mediums, DlvlnaHon,
r-utfllualliMB, Alcbeoiy, Pt'loaophy of Omens, and
Dreams, Hrtgharr Toungs Harem, Outdo la Mar
tag, Ac ; 8OU.00U sold, rest by malt la doth
for, paper covers 11.00. Th PhtladelphU
Plar sneaking of lbs hook lavs lis author l Her
bert Ua illton, B. A., the celebrated Vaycbologl
eal lecturer, and the publisher T. W trans, cms
ot the oldest eslabtishad Perfamera I Fsbth
era In th ulty, the meuttsa st whose same Is a
sufficient gssrsotes of the merits s ihs wor.
Mr. Kvans has spent MO 000 already, to silver.
Using anil getting out this ordinary book. Ntep.
ilea In Psychology read and be convinced of this
wonderiul occult powet.
NO I ICR. Any person willing lo act as Agent
will receive a sample copy fHtf. As sa capital
Is required, all deal reus of genteel emp'oyasent
should send tor tha wjrk Inclosing 111 cents lor
postage, to T. W. Evans, 1 B. Rlghth t , Phlla
ij..hi. Pa iasesaag-w
Sfaved from the susscrlher, sbsot August 1st,
sn IRON SRT HO SIM hand high, weight
about Ii hundred, smoothly shod en frost feet
sod toes an co rs behind, has a small scar on
l he nose. Any pcreoa reUrntng sMl horse, or
giving Information of his whereabouts, la Hf,
st eslem. will be liberally rewarded.
Iwkdw W R. ANDtROS.
A larga ttrka at