grepnJ$ud?fuT talesman. SilKH, WEDXE89AT. AUCtT 16. 171. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. ElKOFEAUEWS. From our Doily of AmjHtt 12. Pints, Aue. 9. At the sitting of the Court Martial to-day, witnesses testified that they saw Ferre re-Ifn-e convicts and give them arms. Abbe DiTro e&id he had served five vears aa missionary among tbe savage? Btid never vrilrjesged atrocities equal to those perpetrated by the Commun ists. He stated that anion)? members of the Court Martial held by the in surgents in Roquette prison, were boys . 17 years of age. Assy boastfully admitted the share hi had taken in the eieeution of cap tives, and defended it on the ground that he was justified by the law of re taliation, resorted to by all civilized nations in time of war. The extraordinary statements of some of the witnesses and (be audac ity of the accused, caused frequent scenes of excitement in the courtroom. Hkrlin, Aii;. 9. The Committee of Berlin Exchange, has refused to allow quotation of the New York City loan iu ihe official dtock Mat. The Timperor of Austria will meet Emperor Williaai on the lltb, at Vel siu, in Upper Austria, and accompany him to Iscbel, wb?re they will remain several days. Nw York, Aagk10. It is reported that a well concerted scheme has been discovered in Russia, aiming at the ovtrthrow of that government. The arrests made, include noblemen, mer cbantsand tradesmen. It is reported that the French As eerobiy will iutroJ'ice a uieaaure to prolong Thiers' poer three years longer. EASTF.ft" NEWS. Nsw YoRKAug. A sum of twen ty or thirty tuiriioiis or "dollars ia to fie made applicable for payment of the old five-twenties. This is the amount of a new loan taken by Cooke, .M:Cul loch & Co , on account of London and Continental hankers. 1'leasaoton's removal ca'ii4 some comoient in poliiicaJ and business cir cles, and it is thought that h will try to vindicate bis conduct to Congress. . . A smnsh op of the Mai no Central Railroad, near Baog'jr, caused the death of one person and gome thirty others were injured. A bridge gave way and caused the disaster. The National Labor Convention at St. L iuis adopted a sort of socialistic platform, and attempted to suggest a way to regulate National finances and Goverament affairs generally. The feud in the Republican party in Louisiana, baa resulted in two couveu tions. A railroad disaster has occurred IS miles above Houston, Texas, several persons were killed and ee.erely in jured. CAUIOHI.A. Sax Francisco, August 9. Col. Von Schmidt leaves to-morrow uiorniug for the mountains to agree witb an eu gint er designated by the Central Pa cific Rr.lroad Co. on the initial points for the Lake Taboe tunnel, and to su perintend the erection of qnariera fur the large force ot latorers to be put to wo k as quick as accommodation can be provided for them. The t iunel will b bored as Crst intended, ih a ma chine cutting out a core several feet in diameter and then enlarged by blast ing, to 19 feet in heightb and -1 feet iu width. This mdrning, Mrs. II. Ilejrieman, wife of a prominent merchant of San Francisco, was riding with ber son in the western part of the city.' The team took fright and raa away, throw ing Mrs. H. from the carriage, fractur ing her skull. Sue is supposed to be fatally injured. The young man ws very severely though not dangerously injured. The Governor of Lower California writes to the Mexican.ConsuI that the last remnant of the M.igda'.ena Bay colony have arrived at Cape St.. Lucas, and aie awaiting transportation to San FraLcisco, Meanwhile he issues them rations to keep them from starvation. Mabtsvillc, August, 9. Booth ar. rived from Oroville at T:15 p. m , and was taken to the Dawson House in an open buret! he drawn by four bay horses gaily decked. Ia the carriage with Booth were Etstman, Judge Filkins and L. B. Ayre. A large train of carriages came to see them from Oroville. The cars were crowded. An excursion train come from Sacra mento of eighteen cars ; two adijd at Wheatland, densely crowded. Seven cars came from Cnico with a band and Republican Club. Tba streets are il luminated and 6re works are being freely let off. Seats erected for ladies were immensely crowded, balconies were filled to overtliwing, and the streets almost impassible. When the meeting was called to order fully 5,000 persons were present. The meeting orgauized wit!l Judge Fi'.kins as Presi dent. There was an immense proves sion, with numerous torches, Gunners ' and transparencies, headed by Cpt. Siddons of the Sacramento boys, fol lowed by delegations from Woodland, Sutter, Butte,, Chico and Oroville. Booth made an tloquent and able speech, lie was frequently interrupt ed by tremenduous applause. The Sacramento Glee Club sung numerous song9. Eastman followed with a speech turiiassing all his f rmer efforts. He was followed by J. Barr of Oroville, who made an eloquent and scholarly speech. Tbi is the grandest meeting eter held in Marysville. The city and county are sure for Booth and the whole Slate and county tickets. Sacramento, AugustO - At5o'clock this afternoon, lliv. Frederick Carlton, pastor First Baptist Church, died. He was a native of Connecticut and aged 49 yea's. Deceased had served twenty five years in the ministry, bating been pastor bere twelve years. A train of twelve cars took over six hundred people to the Marysville meet ing where Booth speaks to-oigbt. The Young Men's Republican Club went in new uniform red caps and capes. At 8 o'clock this afternoon, at the southwest corner of J and 7th streets, W. B. Delaney, President of the San Francises Mechanics Association, was met and fiercely assaulted by two roughs, who beat him badly abont the bead.' Delaney, it is said, came bere to investigate the State Capitol mat ters. Los Amokiis, August 9. The Comet mine, Yellow Jacket District, lead and silver, is reported, sold in London, for one million five hundred thousand dol lars, subject to the approval of examin ing engineers to be sent out. Santa Rosa. August 9. The Pa, ctfic Methodist College was opened to day in their new college building with one hundred and twelve students. Able and interesting addresses wer made. Sah Fbancisco, August 10. The at tend tm-e t the Fair to-day is very lire, though no department is yet complete, and goods are being brought in every hour. As the time for drawing of the sev eral gift enterprises in the interior ap proaches, the eale of tickets is again brisk in San Francisco. The ship John Bright sailed for Liverpool to-day with the second cargo of wheat. An election for directors and officers of the Central Pacific and California Pacific Railroad Companies, rnow merged into the Central Pacifi; was held te- lay. The officers elected were, President, Leland Stanford ; Treas urer, Milton S. Latham ; Directors, C. P. Huntington, Mark Hopkins, E Miller, George K. Grey and Thomas McGuite. . The dissatisfied Republicans have declare! tbeir ioteotiou this evening .to call primaries and put a straight out and out Republican legislative ticket in the field. Los AxGKLas, August 10. A short time since during a dispute between -Conner, who lived on the La Paz road, and a stranger unidentified, the stranger was shot and instantly killed by Con ner, who then tied to the mountains. His remains went found by a pursuing party, showing that be bad perished miserably of thirst. Horse thieves mide a general raid into the city ta.n sight. Tbey visited three localities aud made a clean sweep at each placH. GiluuV, August 10. Tne Yisalia .to- rhirH left her af twelve oVtork to day was stopped about eight miles from here by four highwaymen. Tbey succceJed ia getting about $300 from the passengers. Wells, Fargo k treasnre box wa not taken. . NEVADA. Rkno, Angnst 10 Information re ceived front Emigrant Gap station stRtes that a fire was discovered near Ojtnrne's store, ahont 2:30 this morn ing, which spread so rapidly that the inhabitants had hardly time to escape with tbeir lives. Everything at the station was destroyed together with about half a mile of snow sheds. From our Daily of Augvet 13. Et'ROFEAN SEWS. Londom, Aag. 10. Russia is arming ex tensively, and has formed n alliance with France against Germany and Austria. Roundell Palmer is appointed counsel and Karl Russell arbitrator on the part of F.ugland in the case of the Alabama claims. A dispatch to the Minuter of War from lien. Lalleman, commanding the Algerians, reports a brilliant victory over the insur gents at Sobel. The insurgents are rapidly submitting to the authority of the Govern ment. London, August 10. In the House of Lords the Marquis of Ripon, made a lengthy argument in favor of the ballot. He referred to his experience in the United States in most pleasant terms, and paid a compliment to. American institutions. The Earl of Shafuburv made a dtsnand for two months' time for discussion of ques tion of ballot. A vigorous debate ensued, participated in by the Lord Chancellor and various others. The House discussed the bill and referred it ; majority against the liovernment, 19. Paris, Aug. II. It is thought the vote on prolongation of Thiers' term, will stand 300 against 2110 ; absentees, 13. London, Aug. 11. The Mount Ccnis Tuunul is a success. It will he IWinally opened in September. special private information from a corres pondent at SaUburg, says militury organi zation in Russia is being pushed forward on the Prussian camp long service plan and vigorously carried out without exception. In consequence of the enormous extent of country provincial depots are to be estab lished Officers are now examining frontiers and reporting. Government is trying the experiment to see how soon a corps d'ar uiee advancing can lay a 'line of railway for forwarding supplies. If such is the case, everything politically promises well for Austria and an alliance with Germany, as there is an apprehension of an alliance between France and Russia. This is the chief question of discussion between, the European powers of Austria and Germany at Gastcn. They meet at Ischtl to-morrow. EASTERN SEWS. AVashington, Aug. 10. The Secretary of the Treasury has notified agents for the sale of the loan of the placing of the re mainder of the two hundred million five per cent, bonds offered in February, and has limited the authority of agents now to sell an equal amount of i J and 5 per cent, bonds. A report is published charging Commis sioner ot Internal Revenue, Douglas, with being defaulter to the nmount of $3,000, while Collector of the 19th District of Penn sylvania. The report originated in the etnbczilciucnt by one of Douglas' deputies of $17,000, all of which except $1,000 has been settled by Douglas, part having Ucen collected of tho deputy's bondsmen and the balance paid by Douglas himself. Ninv" Orlcans, Aug. 10. The Warmooth Republican Convention met again to-day and passed resolutions condemning the ac tion of the other wing of the party, en dorsing Warmouth's and Grant's adminis trations, and requesting the latter toromove the custom house party from Federal oun ces an l appoint true Republicans. Xtw York, Aug. 10, The Emilmj Ex (irf, in an article on city credi: says the credit of Xew York City is good, notwith standing persistent efforts of a Radical clique to break it down. Tho Rothschilds recently took three millions of city bonds and tittered thrn for sale in Frankfort. They received bids for ten millions at an advance of six per eent. upon the price they paid. An appeal has bec-n received from Eueno. Ayres jetting forth the terrible ravages of the yellow fever in that country and asking donations in aid of tho sufferers. Xi:w York, Aug. 11. Tho Tribune this morning presented a detailed statement of the transactions of the quarantine officials, and charges the Health officer. Dr. Camo chan, wiih having prostituted his official power for pilfering purposes, to-enrieh him self and the quarantine ring! and damage the couimurce of the port. It says five hundred and odd vessels were thrown cut of port in a singlo year by exactions'at tho quarantine by this official and his collengucs. Democratic organ z:tt: 'tis nrr discussing the coiirso to be pursued wiili refer n--c to tho fail campaign. The prcvaili-jg opinion is that a strong anti-Tammany delegation to the September State f.'onvention to mmi inato State officers, will this year be rein forced by representatives from German, Irish, British aud those Americans who have been long hostile to the present city ring, and, if possible, concert of action with tho Republicans will be had to elect anti Tammany legislators from the city districts. Tammany is ulready showing great activity by organizing local clubs, and is making vigorous campaign preparations. Tho Commissioner of Pensions estimates that there are at least 40,000 people, sol diers or widows of the war of 1812, who are entitled to pensions under the act of Febru ary 14th, 1871. This number will require a sum of $4,000,000 annually, and will ne cessitate an appropriation fur pensions next ycurof fully $33,000,000. CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, Aug. 11. The general impression appears to be that the tickets for Assembly put in the fi-ld by the Democ racy last evening is a i -i'V weak one. There is roach dissatisfaction it in the ranks of the party. Advices by telegraph from Port Town send report the cod fishing fleet on north east ooast doing finely, the catch being larger than last season for the same time and number of vessels. There is an immense attendance at the Pavilion this evening. Goods are .still coming in, but nearly everything is ar ranged and the fair will be at its height to morrow. The Japanese and Chinese gal leries are now open to the public Los Angeles, Aug. 11. The question of sustaining a permanent opposition to the N. P. T. Co. is being agitated among the people of the interior country. A public meeting is to be held at El Monte this after noon, and one to be held at Gallatin to-morrow to further, this project From our Daily of Anyuit 15. El'BOPEAN NEWS. London, Aug. 11. The Pott attributes political significance of a friendly character to tho meeting of the Emperors of Germany and Austria. Paris, Aug. 11. It is said that Thiers urges upon the Military Committee of the Assembly the necessity of having large armaments and a normal effective force of five hundred thousand men in the army. It is expected that the Budget statements will probably be delayed some months. London, Aug. 11 In the House of Com mons, to-day', Disraeli questioned tho right of the United States to maintain its demand for indemnity for damages caused by the Alabama, now that the American Govern ment had granted amnesty to the rebels and rccocniliation with tho South was eouiplole. He asked whether the Government intended to bring this point to the attention of the Arbiirators at Geneva, and proceeded to' argue the question at great length. Granville replied that the question of lia bility for the depredations of the Alabama would be argued in all it bearings before the Arbitrators by Sir Roundell Palmer and other eminent counsel retained on the part of Great Britain, whose interests would certainly not snJer fur lack of able and learned defenders. Berlin, Aug. 11. The Emperor of Austria received Emperor William at Wells to-dsy. Cordial feelings were exchanged, and their Majesties departed this evening in a special train for Ischel. Paris, Aug. 11. It is reported that ne gotiations between Berlin and Versailles (for tho evacuation of France) have resulted in an agreement by which tho occupation of French territory by Germans will entirely ecaso before the end of the present year. London, Ang. 11. Russell's name ap pears in the Gazette this evening as Com missioner for Great Britain under the new Treaty of Washington. Paris, Aug. 12. The Council votes 350, 000,000 loan. It is said there is a growing opposition to Thiers' prolongation of power. The Paris Council begs Thieis to remove the capital. Ho replies that his determina tion must be untrammeled. New York, Aug. 12. A Herald' Roine letter contains information that the Pope has selected the Island of Corsica as the place of future retreat, but it is thought that any determination on his part to leave Rome has not yet been made apparent, and that Cardinal Antonelli has bad a chateau at Cortiplace placed at tho disposal of the Holy Father, which is being extensively fitted up for his reception. Berlin, Aug. 12. The authorities have taken stringent anti-cholera measures. Twenty-thiee persons were attacked at Konigshurg y stcrday and thirteen died. No cholera has appeared in South Russia. Paris, August 12. Iu the Assembly to day Moret, of the left centre, moved that the title of President of tho Republic be conferred on Thiers ; that all powers which he has heretofore exercised as Chief TCxec utive be prolonged for a period of three years; that ho be, moreover, entrust ed with tho promulgation and execution of the" laws ; that he be authorized to r-teive Ambassadors ; that his official residence be at the place where the Assembly may sit ; that he be lodged at the expense of the Re public ; that his remuneration be fixed at a later date ; that he shall havo the right to appoint members of Council, and Ministers aiip lintel by him shall be responsible for thi ir acts to the Assembly. The extreme right made a counter motion expressing confidence in Thiers aud confirming his present powers. Thiers, who was present, asked a voto of urgency of both proposi tions. Amidst great excitement they were declared argent. Dublin, August 12. At Londonderry to-day the Orangemen had a terrible col lision with the police and military authori ties in consequence of an attempt to cele brate by procession the anniversary of the siege of that city in 1669, which had been prohibited by Government. Processionists came out to the number of several hun dred, but the police quickly dispersed them. j The police were attacked ond the military J hail to be called nut to quiet the disturbance A number of persons were wounded. The police made many arrests. EASTERN SEWS. Xew York, Aug.11. A meeting of bank ers was held to-day to perfect arrangements to popularize the new live percent. Govern ment loan. Clews, Habrecht i Co. of London, and Henry Clews A Co. of Xcw York, are connected on equal terms, with Jay Cooke t Co. in thecombination formed for negotiating the balance of the new five per cent. loan. . ? t'ltemrnts are made that a general attack is'to be made on the Italian procession on the 2dth inst., but they are not credited in police circles. The assertion that an armed organization of Hibernians would interfere to prevent the parado is also believed to have no foundation. New York, Aug. 12. A Washington special says Secretary Fish, on June ISth, instructed Minister Curtis to refuse (re quest?) the Russian Government to recall Minister Catehaby on account of bis pre varications in official transactions, and that Curtis has replied that the Russian Gov eramsnt will recall him and designate Bo disco, Russian Consul General at New York, t ) take his place. The Executive Committees of tho Pacific Mail Steamship Company and the L'nion Pacific Railroad, met here yesterday and made a contract by which the rates lor both freight and passengers will be advanced. Washington, August 12. The cotninis siou of Charles Francis Adams was signed by the Secretary of State at Long Braueh, and will bo forwarded. C.tLIl'OHMA. San Francisco, August 12. Flour Un changed. Wheat 1,000 s'ks fair, $2 17J; 610 sks do.,'S2 15, and 1,000 sks good, $2 20(,2 22 ; 400 sks do., $2 20; 200 sks fair, $2 15; 300 sks good, $2 Tl; 600 sks ch'iice, $2 2.'.; 100 sks do., $2 25. Oats 200 sks fair old, $1 70; 100 sks good do , 1 SO. ?ai.iiam!:vto, August 12. Through ship ments of fruits to East, rn markets have begun to be made the first tb-f!ay by growers iu Santa Clara. Watermelons by the car load to Omaha and intermediate points are sent almost daily. Placerville, August 12. Booth's ar rival here was announced by cannon and raa-ic. An enthusiastic crowd welcomed him, which ha acknowledged iu a short and fitting speech. He afterwards addressed a mass of people from all parts of the coun try. John Kirk, a personal friend and an old line Democrat, is one of the Vice Presi dents of the meeting. Sacramento, August 12. The state ments in a Buy paper last week that the Pacific and Central Pacific railroads bad consolidated were rumors. No certificate of such act has been filed with the Secre tnry of State and none such has been con summated. The election made by stock holders in the California Pacific Railroad was in consequence of a change of owner ship of that stock. AUSTRALIA. Sa.i I kim si o August 13. The Ajax, from Honululu, .u.h'I this morning. She brought eighty-five passueVs, including the Bisiup of Duncdine. Three I ijiian Chiefs, bound for the East and Enrope, are among the passengers. Breadstuffs havo materially advanced in Australia and New Zealand, on the suppo sition that California would have no export surplus. , ' The yield of the Thames geld fields con tinues undiminished, and the excitement is so great as to cause all other industries to be abandoned. NEVADA. Reno, August 12. George Mating, one of the boy horse-thieves at Surprise valley, died at the hospital. The first seventeen hours after stealjng the stock, himself and companion rode ninety miles, and made the distance of two hundred miles to this city in two and a half days. His death was undoubtedly caused by over-exertion and excitement during the trip. An Indian known' bere as Captain Jim, who can speak good English, says Piute chiefs have held a council, and decided to make war against the Shoshones tribe. As the law prohibits the sale of fi realms to Indians iu this State, they propose sending one of their number to California, in hopes to get guus and ammunition, there. AttlZONA. Los Angeles, August 17. The Ariiona Ji'iier contains the following: Gov. Saf- ford, with a company of some fifty miners, has gone on a prospecting trip to the rieh mineral districts of the Pinal ' country, Eastern Aritona, carrying the war into the heart of tho Apache country. The present summer is the dry est and hottest ever known iu Arizona. A. number of deaths havo occurred from excessive heat. For thirty-oue years William S. Stoddard has been a watchman at tbe Massachusetts State House. Piano making, at present takes the third rank among the manufacturing jneret in the United 8t'e. iiciuocialle Mealiug ia Aesr The Tork. The New Tork papers are pretty well occupied in discussing tbe financial operations of tbe government of that city. Tho Major has attempted a de fense of tbe charges brought by tbe TinttM, but tbe effort is pretty generally termed a most lamentable failure. It ia now well understood throughout tbe country that litis is a model Democrat ic city, and that its finances have been administered in a model manner. If tbe General Government bad been in trusted to such men, it is easy to see that tbe country would have been long ago bankrupt and tbe treasury plun dered. We bave bad a sample of this style of administering public affairs in California, and if there is not a change made soon, we will find tbat every transaction in which the Slate is con cerned will be a put np job for tbe spe cial benefit of tbe faithful members of the Democratic party, and it is not very far from tbat now. The New York Timet shows from tho Controller's books tbat tbe payment throughout 1869 and a part of 1870 to certain, specified firms for furniture bought for aud carpenter work done on the New York City Hall, armories, etc., amount ed to $5,603,646 83. Tbe Tribune states that although no proof is ad duced tbat this vast sum, or .any part of it, was stolen by two or by four of tbe chief municipal rulers, it seems ruoe plain that money iu large amounts has been paid out of tbe city treasury lor which no adequate consideration, if any at all, has been given. It adds that this money could not bave been honestly expended, and that if lour millions were strack off still the total expenditure for tbe purposes mentioued wouid be very large, iu fact extrava gant. This is the whole case of the New York plundering in this one de partment of its government in a nut shell. There is no use trying to get around the. stubborn facts. Tbey are of record, although the eity officers did out intend that the facts and i Scatious should ba taken from the books and published to tbe world. But 1be work has been done, and we can now see bow the Tammany powers work Biatters up, and how effectually, though ia a somewhat costly manner, tbey keep their unterrified and faithful toLowtrs in harness. Who would not have the Democracy rule over us? Sacramento L'nion. The Jl'darrahan Claim. This case'has at last been settled, so far as the present administration is concerned, by the decision of Secre tary of the Interior Delano. Readers will remember this is a case based on a claim of Xl'Oarrahan of the quick silver mine now bring worked and held by the New Idria Mining Company, ut New A! linden, Santa Clara county. It has been in controversy for a number of years, with varying fortunes for the claimant, though most of the decisions by the courts and. departments bave lifen nit-oust him. It was asserted by M'Girrabau that President Lincoln h id, just before his death, indorsed his cl vim and ordered the patent to iisuc. Secretary Cox, late Secretary of the Interior, did not agree with Ibis view of the matter, and. wrote across tho last page of the record of the patent tbat it ought never to have been issued, and closed the matter. M'Gar rahan appealed to Congress, and that body made no disposition of tbe claim. Tbe irrepressible claimant then laid his ca?e before President Grant, who ordered it to be reopened, which was done by Delano, the present Secretary of the Interior Department. The new hearing was on tbe application ot Me Garraban to bave tbe certificate of Cox, which was written across tbe face ot the patent, erased or canceled Tbe Secretary tried the claim on its merits, and gave it a very searching and thorough examination, and his decision is that, while be thinks he has the power to correct the record, the show ing of facts will not warrant it. De lano further finds tbat the claim of the New Idria Company to tbe mine is no better than M'Uarrahan's, and that tbe United States bas the best title. Al though this decision again disposes of the case in the Interior Department, it will undoubtedly be presented to Con gres at its next session, to be disposed of as that body may see fit. Sacra mento Union. Moral Reokm. The Marysville Ap peal says : "The nomination of Booth bas at least had a pood moral effect upon the Democracy, for upon no bvpo'heais can tbeir sudden aversion to betting be bated. They used to be lo,ud in th-ir proffers to wager money on their candidates, but now tbey de cline to gamble in this manner. Thia change of sentiment ia noticeable in Marysville, where several thousands of dol'arg are deposited in Hideout & Smith's bank, to wager that Booth ia tLe next Governor ot California, and not a dollar of it bas yet been covered bv anv believer in the success of Haitfht." SPECIAL XOTJ CES. " Science Advances. As goon an article purporting to be of utility has been tested, and its merits en dorsed by public opinion, unprincipled par ties endeavor to replenish their depleted purses by counterfeiting, and substitiiling a spurioua fur the genuiuo article. Sumo time since, mercury, in the disguise of pills, powders, ic, was given for all diseases of tbe ttomacli and liver, while quinine wus freely administered for tbe chills. At length Hostetter's Stomach Bitters made its advent, and an entire new system of heal ing was inaugurated. The beneficial ef fects of thi valuable preparation were at onec acknowledged, and mineral poisons suffered to sink into tbat obxeurity to which an enlightened age has consigned them. There have been many spurious bitters palmed upon the community, which, after trial, bave been found perfectly worthless, while Hostetter's has proved a blessing to thousands, who owe to it their restoration to health. For many years we have watched the steady progress of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters in public estimation, and its beoifi ccnt effects as a cure for all complaints aris ing from the stomach of a morbid nature, and wo are free to say that it can be relied upon as a certain relief and remedy. Its proprietors have made the above prepara tion, after tears of careful study and frit ting, and are now reaping the reward claimed by this valuable specific, and which they so richly merit. It is tbe only prep aration of the kind tbat is reliable in all cases, and it therefore demands the atten tion of the afflicted. auglUwldeud. It is useless to attempt to cleanse a stream while the fountain is impure. Dyspepsia, complaints of the liver or kidneys, erup tions -of the skin, scrofula, headaches, and all diseases arising from impure blood, are at once removed by Dr. Walker's Califor nia Vinegar Bitters, tbe great and infallible purifier of tbe blood, and renovator of tbe system. It lias neve' been known to fail, provided the patient had not delayed using it until the vitality of his system was too far gone. anglfiwldeod. Neglected Coughs aso Colds. Few are aware of tbe importance of checking a Cough or " Common Cold," in its first stage ; that which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon preys upon the Lungs. J Brown's Bron chial Troches," or Cough Lozexues, af ford instant relief. Owing to the good reputation and popu larity of tbe Troches, many worthless and cheap imitatioS are offered, which are good for nothing. Be sure to obtain tbe true " Brown's Bronchial Troches.'' Sold ev erywhere. augI6wldood. Thr Cosmopolitan. Who will stand idle and ce the chances of winning one of the magnificent prizes tbat ia offered by this society, without investing J2.50 or $5 f..r a ticket or two ? Now is the time, for the tickets are going off with a rush. See ad vertisement in another column ugl6wldeod - A VAUkT. Dr. Charles Wilson, Oculist, will be in Salem August lith. He will be prepared tn perform all operation on the eye by the most recent methods, and to treat ail dis ca;s of tho eyes according to the most sci entific anl approved modern nphthalmie NEW -TO-DAY. LAND FOR SALE ! Near Haleiii. s KTSEHTY ACER OP LAND OS tha West aid ol the Willamette River, OPPOSITE TH.E CITY" OF SALEM, Which I improved and ba on It a House, Barn, Blacksmith Shop, Orchard. &c. Thirty-two acre of this land He In the rich al luvial bottom of the Wtllaroeua, and ts t!ie be t Land lor ttardentno; In Oregon Ting wilt be given on tbe main part of the purchase money, if desired- This land will be sold entire, or In parcels to mll Purchasers. for partlrulars enquire of an, one-halt mile below Salem ferry, Polk Bo., Oregon. Aug. 12 lmo. A. C. Daniels. TURPENTINE, VARNISHES. L1NSEEUOIL. LARRGK STOCK" OK THE above in store and offered for sale low, In quaofcities to suit, by Weathevford & Co., Dealers In DRUGS, PAINTS, OILSt GLASS, &c. Second Hand Furniture Store STATS ST., MIAU TBE BINNET HOUSE All kinds of New and Second Hand Furniture Oonstautly on hand. Second baud Furniture BOUliJ r and 80U ON COMMISSION, Parties wouM do well to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Aag IS-tf Jits. lOfPCT, EDUCATIONAL. Academy of the Sacred Heart. The Annual Conrse of thllf Institution begins on xhm 2S:h uf .UUOpT. Puictua4 AtttodMuce is earnestly "ectt'iMnentirJ. SJtlciu, Aug II. - JOHN G. WRIGHT, Successor to UZAFOVAGE 4 WRIGHT, DKALSa IS FAMILY GROCERIES ! Cigars and Tobacco, CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, AMD NOTIONS, COMMSllCI.VL ariiKLT, Salem, - - Oregon. o-i- Ooods Delivered to all Parts of the City, FREE OF CHARGE. Salem, Aag. 8,Tl.--dir. ItKMOVAL. MRS. HOWELL Bas Removed Her EXTENSIVE STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS, To the fine r. om In Ftarkev'a Block over the store of f airar Bros. Hre ctTL-r to the lailitra of Salmi anl vicinity. EVERYTHING THAT IS SE .ISO J ABLE IN UKR LIE. Sa-em, Aufuit 6, 7 tf NEW CITY CAB. Ill A VR JC8T BRUUUHT FROM San Francisco, New and Elegant Carriage Which will be kept at DURBIX'S STABLE, SALEM, WTiere Orders can be leflnd will be punctually attended to Day or ZSTiglat. W. R. A!DKKsO?. Salem. A ng S, 7I If. Cash for New Wheat! DAVENPORT WOLFOUD, At the Fair Groautl PmtioN, nortb of Salem, will paj One Dollari Cash, I Bushel For Wheat delivered, there. Sacks Fnrnishrd when Required. Salem, Aug. 9, Tl. CHOLERA. now TO CURK IT. AT the commencement or the Dinrrhoen. which always precdea an attack of the Cholera, Utte a tenapooi.ful of the Pain Killer In ur and water, (hot, li conrenient,) and then bathe freelv the itonacb and bowrla with the Pain Kil ler i lear. Should the diarrhoea or cramp con tinue, repeat the doae every ten or fifteen toin utea until the patitnt la relieved In extreme caes, two or more traspoonfula may be given at a doae. The Pain Killer, aa an Internal ramedy ha no equal In caaea of Cholera, rummer Complninta, Dyapepaia, Dyaeniery, Anting, it curea In one night, by taking It Imernally, and bathinn with tt frerly. It action la like maple, when exter nally applied to Old force. Barns, Scalda and 'pralne. Kor Hick Headache and Toothache, don't fall to try It In abort. It la a Pan Kiilsm Dlreetlona accompany eaeh br tile The Killer la Bold by all dealera in Medlclnee Price, SS cente, 60 ceoia, and (1 per bottle augli THE BISHOP SCOTT GRAMMAR SCHOOL, PORTLAND, Boarding and Day School FOR BOYS, Under the aaperriaion of the Riirht Rer. B. WIslar Morrla. P. I. VTofaaor K. W. Lane, A. M , Head Maat-r. The Chriatmaa term will begin on the 6th of September. 19 fhoae dealrlng to be admitted a hording puplla ahouid make early application. jj80 8 o W. W. MARTIN Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler, Cemeieralal Htratt, 8lem. CLOCKS, PLAIN' AND ORNAMENTAL. GOLD AND SILVER. 1EWELKY OF ALL.KKVDS, Wlver Ware. Clonics, Watches S. Jewelry Repaired In the Ceat manner. Solid Cold Jewelry MADE TO ORDER, Dee16daw8m SHEEP FOR SALE. A BAND OF 4(10 1IKAO Of STOCK SHttP for aa'.e on icaronabie teraa, at the farm or R W. Hamilton, Tygh Valley, Waco eouoty. for further particular, enquire at the farm ot the undere-gotd. Ljree mitea north west of m1i. ea rBett.el road. A HAMll.Tilx. MISCELLANEOUS. REMOVAL. WATERHOUSE & LESTER, . i IMPORTERS OF AVAG O IV LUMBEH j-AJB Carriage Materials, cojuixTixa or Oak, Ash, and Jllekaa-y Flaaka, IlBba, fpoko, Klaae, aTalloaja, Etc., Kte., Kte., GIVE NOTICE TllATTHKT HAVE REMOVED from Hat1 try street to their SEW AXD COMMODIOUS STORES, Occupying two floore and extending from Califor nia to Market Btreeta, Noa. 122 aad 124 Market atrwet, . And 19 aud 21 California street. BELO W DA VM eT.. SAf PRANCLCO. PACKAMKXTO BRANCH: Seta. 17, 10 and 41 ' July20-3ra ' . SUIT. J. W. MtteSIT SMITH MEREDITH. DESTINTHs i ;riu old'fl Block. Opposite Bans SALEM, OREGON. Pr.-inUh Vcre-drth w nw In n ton o a new invent. on j tttntnl piste, which tor beau ty and comfort fr excels anything that has ever been intrudufd in the prof, ssion. The tnvtQ'iun ia now patented, and railed tV "I'urvme and fmiLh improvement on Tcum or suction plates " This improvement cnnsU't in suppo-tln the plate to the moath with small bars attached to the plate anl vacuum, intt-&t of covering the whole roof ot the mouth with the plate, at has been the custom heretofore. We inle.fl to Introduce this style of work In the profession, as oon as practicable. &pect mens of this new s'yle ot work cat be seen at hr miLh Meredith's office. AH our former patron and the puUic in general are oorJtaHy In Tiled to call and examine them. augdJAwtf Salem Tin Store. ANDERSON & BROWN, Commercial Street. Importers of Stoves, Mtect Iron, Coiier War, lirasH inn) Ziuc Fore and Lift Pauipa, lloiaae Ktariitarilafr Good. They atto manufACtor Tin, sheet Iroo, and C p pcr Ware, and Welchs Rotary Washing lfiachine ItiTaluabte to all h'tuaKevera. PluriibiDK anil P't-am jiipe fi.tlna;. Repairing prompt y tiorie. diw EISHTH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION K THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE WILL OPEN TCESIMYt August 8. 1871, AND CONTINUE Kon Weeki, Day and KTattlnfr, Iu the Pavilion. Umok Pqi arb, : : : : : : 8 as KaASCtiro. TTi Exhbitlm Building covers an area of llU.M! tioi:il Icet, ai.d is complete tn the various detail uf liffM. ventilation, att ain mwer, water supply, and provisions for the rtqutre mrnts and cmnforl uf visitors. Api.h. ations for space mu( b ptade before the fifteenth day uf July ticxt aud articles must he in iKsitlon ly the time of opentiiic. ltlat.k Ap plications for Spare, Rules and Ittprulailon, Pre rolurd lists, aud all inurrua' ton will be rent on application. M aidrrf.!!o J 11 GILMoRK, 8e cial Agent, MechsnhV lua'Uuie, rim KrancUsco to whe care art hie intended for exhibition may be sent. A.J. II AI.LID1U, President. .HISS C. .tl- SCIIWATKA 1NVITFS THE L.ADICB TO EXAM ine livr aaauft.ucut ot ? f -1 ii illincry, AND FAMCY liOODS, CONSISTING OF LATKIT 8T1LK8 OK Ladir' and Children - Hat, HEAUTUDL FLOWERS, Ribbon, in Fine Variety, LACE COLLARS &-CHIM1SETTES, Jewelry of all Kind, AND itrvioic KXACKW, IN ABL'.NDANCK. Salem, April 11 VN ENTIRE REDUCTION. CF jirice at the CITY BOOT AND SHOE STORE,! FROM run PATE. JOHN W. GILBERT. jnneS Mtctimboat IVotice. People's Transportion Co. u NIILlLRTIiLR NO. ICS THE STEAMER FANNIE PATT0N WILL LEAVE Salem for I'ortlauff, OS Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. At tH e'rlock A.M. A. A. McCl'LLY, - Preaident. Pa'.ero, Jane U.lfrTl , T'lio 31aon Sc Ilnmlln ORGANS! for power and ilch qaalitiei of tooe caooet ba excelled. ST11ATTON &. WALLER, jielT OCEAN BEACH WAGON ROAD. rpnr ROAD IS sow opr..i ASD IS GOOD -?A repair. OntM ft ri 1 l'"1 o J Can be procered at the toll gate at "5 c a. a burheL CVMaiiy Traitor art bow at the Beach. n. r ItataKT, a-rr.1 -TJ T. A O B. Waft Bold Co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WILLIAM DATIDflOaT, KEAL ESTATE DEALER, Office Frl treat, PORTlStiro ORBGOK. REAL IWTAT B ttta CITY aad I18T PORTLAND, lo Ihe moat ieeirehle localities, eon alaiinK of IATS, IMLF BLOCKS and BLOCKS, UOL;K8 and STOKES; ateo IMPROVED FARMS, an' TaloaWe anenl tlvated LANDS, located In A. . parti of tbe BTATKiorSALK. RKAL KSTiTK and other Property pa cliaaed lor C..rrepondeiita. thu CITY ami ihrnuchoiii the ?TT ard TEPaMT-'HI'.", tn ureat tare aod un tbe Don ADVANTUoUa TKliH. HOWE " STORES LEUED. LONS IHH r PIIU a- va a 7 - NFfirtTtTKn. and CLAIM OK AJL DU- via. a-. . v J lltiak Off V eT'itt t IT rVTt A nd Genwal FINANCIAL and AGENCY BCSUNE3 transacted. "NEW STOCK OF GOODS! Direct from San Francisco ! AT TB I )Ht-OflIce Htore ! QHUCEHIES AUD PROVIIIOBI, Crockery and Glassware, TADLKWARK, PLATKDWAKE, bTOMWASK. MIRRORS, WILLOW WARS, BArKETl, -. !i.,;ut;o o l G A R I . California Fruit and Vegetables! LV.rEI VED BY E YRR T STiAMRR. r"AUKr vhi"i they will deilrer t any part of the ci'y. f ' FAltRAR BROTHERS. majlO. LATEST EASTERN NEWS ! 1 PKOCIiAHATIOIi G'lvrrnnr llefiman proclamation to aubdue flip Nrr York hiot. rvmiodeil Meaar. Prleilman A itnelmer of the fact that they were capable ef iillmng iheir price, for tlielr large atock of Dry G.k ila, clothing and Orccerlea to a better leTeL Sugar, 10 eta. par poond Mualln, 12 1-2 ota. per yard. CTMte Qooda cheaper than aver. Boo a at Sh ea at Fraaotaoo prioea. Htti that do inn oan atrlka Clothln fir maa and boya, aa well aa Lidltiwflir. Summer acita for Aagaat. Vvhlte aklrtlug for WlnUr. . Croaiery tc Olaaaware at Eaatora prlcia Socki 121-2 oen'a par pair. Eandkarolitefa 12 1-2 oaata par pair. Tobacco cheaper than to ralaa from the teed. Bleached table lionan 7S ota par yard -well worth 91 BO. I Towel io obeap that wishing Is un j neceasary. In frt all fTMKla Id i or a to re will be aold cheaper ; limn rver liefnre; aod If yoa Wantao AoctioDrer : ala; mine here and you will find our charr, ; not ili'ar. We auction off ererything that cornea in our h&nila and don't frg?t to rome to oar j aland on lurbina Com i as eppoalte the Bank. j KKIHUMAH aV GOSLIBKR. ! Falem, Ju'i iO ' SaSem Flouring Mills. BKST FAMILY FLOCK, B A KICK'S gITRA, XXX, SUPARKIKJK aad GRAHAM, Middling. Bran and Shorts CONSTANTLY ON HANn4" tlT 1IIGHK3T PBICB IS CASH fl3 IWID FOR AVilEAT AT ALL TIXFS. R, C. KIIHKY, Nov. Aeent 6. F. If. Co. I'" i 31 acliinery. C'llillia Oil, La i-fl I I. pliant " V la i " I'arafiiK Lubricating " Casror Srwrm live " Munliine Oil of any kind for eale low by AVojitlierfortl .Sc Co., DEAL RS I I)i urs, Faints mid Oils, 139 front at., Portland, and om inerclal atreel, Salem. . julySC S-a lm Drug; Store! JKEPCOSSTASTLT OH HAND TOUT, MIKRRY, rLAHHKT aad. white wisb, also-: Jl:i-lleri-v Corlil. t THATCHER OX. iunel) ' TK.T8! TENTH!! TENTS! IyARTIKa (JOINOTO THE COAST or Muu'itaina -n be auppllel with Tanta s.i I Wagon Corera, any aiat, ah ape or quality, at the SA I AIM BAU FACTORY ! iO pnlte Ihe Palcm Flouring Mill. ) tffPcraona Bndinf their nwn material can have it tnude up on abort ootica. Jolylt Home and School for Boys ! PACIFIC UHIVERSITT, Grove. Waahlagtea Caanty, Oregoa. For parttcelara addreas PRES'BKNT MARSt, or, KfcV. C. M. BLAKK, A. Foreat oro.e.Uirgon. June2S imdaw LADIES AND GENTLEMEN 'Ttilc IVotico! Choice Let af PEBFTJMES! At fsi I out Drug Ntoro ! THATCHER tX OJi. jane!3 GO TO Wen t1o-iorl Sc. Co.' I li V ii STORE! FOR pruti; WINES, Brandy and Vhlsky, (For Medleloal Parpoaea.) JulylO S A: N D I 'I'HK ('BfOCUaiQaiKD, HATIHO 1 Wr4 iKe a. nil aad aranl'4u.lia an k I.tann tor h. eonli g aeaaoa, la prepared la far rfa nit, (iratel aod taardra Loam, cheaper .I -n imi i a( iruui soy einer point. Or lera left at Breyman Broe. win be promptly Bled. JSO. W. Mia TV. if -iT MISCELLANEOUS. LATEST SPRIHG STOCK! Last Bat Not Least! F. LEVY, CtBtr 9t orttft' Block. IALEH. ... CREDOS, HAS RECEIVED A FULL A8I0KT Beot of gooda for Spring and Sammer Trade, CONSISTING OF STAPLE. FANCY DRY GOODS. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. IN FISB TARIETT. Millinery Goods, For Wholesale and Retail trad. Clothing & Gentlemen's Wear OF ALL KINDS. BOOTS & SHOES, TTata ervxici Caps, CROCKERY, Family Groceries. All of which are reapectfully oITered to the city and country trade. AprllT NEW ASSORTMENT! SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! HERMAN He HIRSCII HAVE JUST RECEIVED IH.Y GOODS, Clothing and Hats, Boots and Shoes, CrockeTy & Groceries, IIARDWAliE, FELL If A8SORTKD Salem. March 24. lm Smme r- Styles! . MRS. HOWELL, HAS JTJSTRECFIVEO New Millinery Goods SEAS0NBLE GOODS. The LatcNt Stylo! EATIRKL.Y 'EW ! JunelS Sash, Blind and Door Factory, FRONT STREET, 8ALEH, ORKOUH. BSOYHBI fc STAPLET0T7. luiifattireri. SASH, BLINDSDOOR., FRAMES t MOCLD Ingt of all dcacrtptiona kept coriitaotly on Dand an9 made to order. Flanlnar, SotcIs S a wise; Tnralar, aad'J-bbiof of all kinds dune on ahort uotlce. tWAH Orders Pramptly Killed cali t MANUFACTURERS BRICK BLOCK LOOK YE AT THIS ! TOR SALE CHEAP! VALUABLE BUILDING LOT; Cplan did loratmn; Corner lut in South balem ; Slae lOOxl 0 Keel. Terma eaay. Enquire of PATTKRSOX ii TI10MPS0.V, Honl Eattatc Vsroiits, Dnrbtn'a Briok Blook, Commertlal Straat, Salem, Oregon. juneU Referee Sale of ISeal Estate on French Prarie. IWILL SELL AT FDBLI" AUOTIObT on the premieee, at I o'clock P. M. on Satar dae, the lith day of Anruat next, lonation land claim. No. M, of John H Piaetl and wife, aita eted near Oenrala inatlon, O. a C R. R., In Sec', 1 and 11, T. 6, 8 R W.. In Marlon county Ure gon. containing 292 2o-lt0 acree, more or leea. 8aid farm haa a good laxce frame houjie and barn and good orchard ; abon. one haailred arree un der unproTetnent ; has plenty of good rail-timber and la vll aratere I ; it is an early location of a French Prarie farm. TBKalrl. Four equal gold coin paymenta one at the time of sale, one in six muntlie, ne in nnie months, the other lu one year, free u red by neoti and mortgage on the la'id H W. ItWWI. JuliS tw Referee of Circuit Court. BARGAINS JN VAGONS. MITCHELL, RELLV & CO., Commercial Straat, Salem, JJAVE OH HAXD AFiU FOHIALK Ferxi-m wagons AND Spring- TVnpfonH Of different alt.e, ami made In Ihe best manner, and of the eery beet mate ial. They alao give atrlct attention tj reneral re pairing of wagons, burgi's, ete july21 , THE NEW FCOi For a few cents you can boj :f your Grocer or Druggist a - ackage of SEA MOSS FARHfE, made from pure Irish Moss, 01 Carrageen, irhlch will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of Pud dings Custards, Creams, Char lotto Itusse, &c It is the cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food In the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change ! t THK GREAT WORLD! TOXIC i .antation Bitters. This wonderful vegetable restorative Is tho sheet-anchor of the feeble and debili tated. As n tonic and cordial for the aged and lanaid. It has no equal among stom achics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are-especially snh ect, It Is superseding every other stimnlant. In all Cli mates, tropical, temperate, or frigid, tt acts as a specifle la every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the anl anal spirits. For sale by ill rmrrists. 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DAVID COLE, aamarclal fctr 1 eveieyeia. l mtm Air MAtia at FLAUI AID ORIANIITAl. CA8 FIXTURES, Iron Pipe for fiat. Water A Bteaa. PLUMBERS' WARE.TSrW. BATH TUB". BOILERS. BASIN COCKS. ET&.. ETC. eVVBlia AMD ITKtU rtTTtsCt; ALSO, ritALm 15 Stores, Tin Pfafr Saeei Irorf, FORCE AMD LIFT FtHP'F MANPFATrRI OF - TIB, Copper and Sheet Iron H'r- Eooffijig ui Spoil'ug kttttiti U h Sktrt Svtice. JooeSO SALEM CANDY MANUFACTORY! - COHKKKCIAL ITRIIT, SALEM, : : : : : : : j : : 0RC005. (Oppoalte tLe StatennaD Office.) THE CNDERSIONED alAKCFACTTRES ALL klnda of Plain and Fancy Candies! And eneraerea that he can and will eeil them aa ! cheap aa thi y can be bought la thia State. O. LABFIOI eV CO. , tt All who ha.e colda eoeaa aad try my Couah Candy ! Salem. March SI. ; . REAL, ESTATE. 1. U. PITT Wifj, Notary I ubllc t. r. naawaos. Real Katata Broker. PATTERSON & THOMPSON, Real Estate, Fire and Life . AND oem:ual agentm lmrttlata Blaek, Caamsaieralal St. SAI.ERC, OKZOOS. SPECIAL ATTEHTIOW OXVEW TO tbe sale of Real Ratal In all parts of Oregon. A LARGE AMOUNT OT VEST BE . sirable city property, consisting- of Dvelllng llouara, Ijou, biocka ar a Half luocxa, Btoies, Ac. Also IMPROVED FARMS AMD VALTJA ble Uncultivated I'falrie and brr .'aadt, alutated In -tne beat localities In it. . ete. 1JKOMPT ATTEMTIOIT lalO TO Kcntuie and Lrain all iindt of property; ino colleeiios of Accounts, Rents, Ac, Iu all parts of tbe Itate. AGENTS FOR The Mutual Life Insurance Co. -or NEW Y O It It , AND The Union Fire Iainranee Company, OK . Sfan. Ji-ji no -. SPECIAL PA'NS WILL BE TAKEN to lurnlsh situations for those desiring cm. ployment; r TO FIND SUITABLE PF.R90N8 fOK THOSE wishing liired htlp of any kind , CurresponilcnU piomptly answered, and all nformali'.n airen without charge Address FATTEUSOX A THOMPSOX, Bst S30. Baleaa, Orefoal. MajVl GHEMEKETA BATHS T. J. ULTORD Haa removed hie HAIR DRESSING SALOON To the elrnt apartment noder the Kxprerw Of fice, lo the ChemHcft Hotel io eonoecUoa with which are the bell of Hot and Cold Water Baths. Being prepared to treat his patrons in the am t haodaome manner, and appreciating the emer nns patronaee ilven him in thepaat. heaollet s a fsir ahare ol favor from bis aU lrtens and the public generally. galem. May ... Sea BURROWS Ai. TUTIIIL1, Gas, Water L Steam Fitters, AND PLUMBERS. JOBBING DONI AT KBOBT R0TIC1. Op.ia Haaa.,Llsarty Straat, Balaam, Oragem. Jan2tf J. H. HAAS. pALa ia Watches, Clocks and Jewelry AND Solid Silver Ware, Watch a a, Cloaka Jewalaj KEPAIBID.' f9 And Satisfaction Warranted. J. H. HAAS. PATTON'S BLOCK, Salem, Nov M, lBT0 ;d Stat, ic, dalea. Q. W. RHODES, (Offlcs la Opera Building J LIBBETT ITRIET, IALBI. PLAN AND "PICO riOATIOX", AND A CCD. rate Detail Drawings faraWhad far ail dsa. eriptlons of bnildlags and eupertn tendance strict ly attended to. asaiiA S20 A DAY TO MALE & FEMALE AGENTS To Introduce tha crlibratel fSS Bsekiyi IhatUa aswlag Ma.ailaa. Btlaeh alike oa both sides, aad Is tha unly beeoaed Shattla Machine In the United Btafea for seas thaa M tbat oses the celebrated W1LBON BECD," and are acknowledged by all to be tbe BEST FAMILY MACHINE for heavy and llgnt sewing, ka tha market. . Outfit frea. ' Address M1SKR dt PKARSOaf. ' Ueneral Agmla, Albaay . Oregaa. leb2Aa CosmoDolltan Saloon. CaanaaeretsU Straat, SsOaaat, J0HX BTRSK, : : i : rroprletor. AJRMMV LIPID TABLXTBB only rn In the city. ' Aar Lunch from 10 JO a. u. to II and fr-m 9 t. H. v, It ml.lutaht. )a29 CHINESE OIL PAINTINGS! MoiTeoHinr hai oommknckd taking tboee pleturee la as aeot la Cbtoa Mr aaxiargeiaeus TO LIFE HIZE! Peraoaa wkhing a beauliM p.i"tli g af tkaav selvas. It e aiaa, at a eaU eat, w.U aa ta avail threaaeivt-a of h i-pwuriaai-y fjrt ii pitta ea a pita V eatatged. at Call and sea tt-eclisMBa. - -Balem, 4 ly 18,1671 . dawlm LADiiis : : git rocs CUOICf PinrCMIBT OP Wcnthcrlbwl At- C.