.i.: AD W ItX. AMETT AM. sr t. l. tinrio. f rom tbJJatca&e' froten gorges, te&pirg like a child at play, Winding, widening through th. valley, Bright Willamette glides away. Onward over. Lovely river. Softly-eallias; to the tea; Tim that scars at, . -, Maim and mart as, Leaves no track or trench on thee. Spring's green witchery Is weaving Braid and border for thy aid ; Grace rureVar haanU thy journey. Beauty dimple on thy tida. Through the purple gate of morning .Now thy roseate ripples dance ; Oolilen, then, when Bay departing, On thy waters trails his lance. Waltaing, Sashing, Tinkling, plashing, Limpid, volatile and free Always hurried To be buried In the bitter, moon-mad sea. Id the crystal deeps, Inverted, Swings a picture of the sky ; Like those wavering hopas of Aiden Dimly in our dreams that lie; Clouded often, drowned in turmoil. Faint aj4 lovely far away- - Wreathing sunshine on the morrow, Breathing fragrance 'round to-day. Lova would wander - Here and ponder Hither Poetry would dream ; Life's old questions, Sad suggestions, "Whence and w hither 7" throng thy stream. On the roaring waste of ocean 8oon tby scattered waves shall toss ; 'Mid the surge's rythmic thunder Shall tby silver tongue be lost. Oh I tby glimmering rush of gladness Mocks this turbid life of mine, Racing to tbe wild Forever Bown the sloping paths of time t Onward aver. Lovely river. Softly calling to tb sea ; Time that sears us. Maims and mars ns. Leaves no track or trench on thea. Towthof JuJjlSn. At tbe time approaches for tbe ob servance of tbe great National Anni versary, it brings to mind one of those good old dittiea as sung by oar grand sire. It most elaborately illustrates what they thought of Independence day, nod bow they observed it in tbe good old fashioned way. Independence) Day, Squeak the fife and beat the drum, Independence day has come, Let tbe roasting pig be bled. Quick, twist ofl the rooster's bead. Quickly rub the pewter-platter. Heap tbe nut-cakes, fried in butter ; Set the ejps and beaker-glass, Tbe pumpkin pie and appla-saace. Send the keg to shop for brandy ; Maple sugar we have handy. Independent, staggering Dick, A noggin mix of swinging thick ; Sal put on your russet skirt, Jobnatban get your bonghten shirt, To-day we danee to tiddle diddle There comes Sambo with bis fiddle. Faro bo, take a dram of whisky. And plsy us Tankee Boodle frisky, Moll, com leave your wicked trick And let us have a reel of six. Father and mother shall make two Sail, Moll, and I, stand all a row ; Sambo, play and dance with quality, This is tbe day ol blest equality. Father and mother are but men, And Sambo is a cituen Come, foot it Sal Moll, figure in. And mother yuu dance up to him. Now saw as fast as ever you can do, And, father, you cross o'er to Sambo Thus we dance, and thus we play. On glorious Independent Day. S5C0BS TKBSF.S. Rub more rosin on your bow, And let us hare another go -Zounds 1 as sure as eggs and bacon, Here's ensign Sneak, and uncle Beacon, AuntThiah, and there's Bets behind her, Ou blundering mare, than beetle blinder, And there's tbe squire, too, with his lady ; - Sail, hold the beast, I'll take the baby. Moll, bring tbe squire the great arm-chair1. Good folks we're glad to see yon bcrf Jonathan got th great ease bottle, i Your teeth can pull its corn-cob stopple. iojign Deacon, never mind, . Squire, drink until you're blind Thus we drink and dance away, This glorious Independent Bay. Eastern Oregon. Tbe raiov season of western tf goo it a distinct feature of tba.t sectidj and ba gained for it tbe title of the 41 Land of Web-foot." Tbese raint extend from tbe Ocean to the summit of tbe Cascade range, and tbe ea breezes of umoier bring over that tame extent of territory tbe deliciou cool night witb which the western valley are favored, and which prevail, almost without ei ' .crption, through tbe hottest season of '' tbe-jear. Tbese tame influence tem per the winter of tbe coast valley, which are mild, to much o that tbe pastures are frequently green from Oc- tobtf to Spring. Crossing tbe Cascade Mountain, we find to the eastward, comprising over half of the area of tbe State, a region subject to entirely different climatic influences, because removed from tbe direct effects of Ocean wind and cur rents. "The entire physical structure of tbi region, and tbe nature ot its soil and climate, are to radically dif ferent from the western valley region, that it i not easy to believe that only a mountain barrier separates the two, and produce a change of character so distinct and opposite. There are sev eral roads over tbe moooUios, but tbe most available mean of access to tbi great Interior is by tbe Colombia river, which ba cleft for itself, by tbe flood of many centuries, a pat'nway through the mountain ranges, which are spread out to a width of nearly seventy five mile. Navigation is impeded by rap ids at the Cascades, and the Dalles, which are passed by railroad portages, and the latter place the distinctive characteristics of tbe country prevail. There s less rainfall here, and wln-ter-'snows are known in lien of tbe long prevailing raint of tbe Willam ette. Tbe summers are warmer and winters colder than to the westward. Tbe products of the soil vary, ns consequence, and the soil itself is en ' tirely different. Tbe bills and prairies of th Willamette equally invite culti vation and reward labor, while belts of timber and water coarse are abnnd ant. To tbe eastward, along tbe Col umbia, and stretching back to tbe Blue Mountains, an irregular range, occu pying with ita many sport a great ex tent of territory constituting the only valley of that mighty river, it t range of grassy hills, witb few tpringt and only distant water courses, affording almost boundless pasturage npon the nutritions bunch grass that cover them, but offering few inducements for cultivation, except in tbe narrow val leys worn in deep chasms where the mountain streams force a way to tbe main rivers. These- widen as the mountain are approached, and near them are to be found beautiful valley which occupy tbe head of the stream formed by the rich dt b-is washed down from tbe mountains. This belt of grassy bill and narrow valley extends back from tbe Colombia thirty or forty . mile, and save that occasional dis tricts, each as tbe valley of Snake riv er along tie eastern line, and also along tbe Columbia where the land are to vest, are covered with desert age brush. This may betaken as a genera' description of Eastern Oregon, where, except in tbe Bine Monntains which' contain excellent pine forest, timber and water are not abundant1 TALLKYS OF BASTE AM OEXOOK. " - Always close to the mountains, and sometimee nestled among tbe range, are valleys of great extent and remark able fertility. Indeed the river and ' -reek bottoms of tbe interior ihow tbe most wonderful results as tbe reward of agriculture. Tbey resemble and fully equal similar lands in California. Along tbe eastern base of tbe Cascades may be foond extensive districts worthy of settlement and cultivation, but tbe most advantageous locations East of tbe mountains are close to and among tbe Blue monntaios. We instance the lands of tbe Umatilla Reservation which are of great extent aod value, and those of Birch creek adjoining on tbe west, all under claim of settlers and producing the most successful and wonderful harvests. - Tbe valley of Wall Walla i partly in Oregon, and i is not too much to claim that for natural beauty of location and for re liable fertility it equal any district in tbe United States. It must be borne in mind that this Interior region ba a high altitude aod derive many ot it characteristics from tbe variety aod purity of its atmosphere. Tbe valley 0 the Grande R'lnde is really au open log about thirty miles in length and averaging nearly eight mile in widtn, windiog amoog tbe mountain spars and constituting tbe rich county ot Union, already a populous and wealthy re gior. ' Crossing an easv divide to tbe South we find tbe Powder River Valley simi Urly situated and about tbe the same extent, though it has a greater altitude and much of its surface is desert and covered witb sage brush. A great part of it, however, is very excellent for cultivation and occupied by permanent settlers. These valleys penetrate the mountains, a do those of Burnt river and Willow creek, aud the streams to the South : and in every direction around tbe wide extent of tbe Bine mountains. Those we bave described we have personally visited, and there are many others, though perhaps smaller in extent that undoubtedly re semble them. One great advantage of all tbese fertile spots is tbe vicinity of rich aod extensive mining regions which exist in tbe Blue mountaint and offer a partial demand for their pro ducts. We bave quite lately published an account of tbe Ochoco aod Crooked river valleys, written by a subscriber who uvea there. Tbe stream which empty into the John Day and Deacbutes rivers, which occupy tbe region lying between the Cascade range and Blue mountains, to which they belong, offer a considerable inducement to settle ment, aod everywhere, even if not available for cultivation, there exists unlimited pasturage where cattle npon a thousand hills can thrive and be a source of wealth. These pasture lands extend, alao, to many parts of tbe Blue Mountains, wbicb differ in struc ture very materially from the Cascades, which are the most rugged ridges found upon the continent, being an continu ation of tbe Andes, the Cordilleras and the Sierra Nevada. In another article we shall speak of tbe region which may properly be called Middle and South-eastern Ore gon. Letter from Jackson County. Rock Point, June 25th, 1871. Ed. Statismah : Permit me through your columns to present to your read ers who are seeking a home in Oregon tbe advantages of Jackson and Jose phine counties. From what 1 bave seen after seven months residence here, having traveled over most of the set tled part of what is called Southern Oregon, I am prepared to say that no part of tbe State presents more induce ments either to the poor man or capi talist than do the above counties. Tbey bare more territory than Massa chusetts and Rhode Island combined ; a mild and healthy climate ; inex haustible mineral deposits ; a fair pro portion of acredale soil ; excellent water power easily applied, with other advantages which will, at no distant day, make this part of tbe Pacific coast what East Tennessee is to tbe Alleghanies. Tbe comparison is striking- Tbe people of this part of the State are very fond of tbeir regular Demo cratic hash, bot many of tbe more thinking part of the community begin to decide that if they cannot have a square meal, according to promise, once in a while, they will change cooks. Tbey have been promised rail roads, and we receive newt one week tbat tbe California aod Oregon Rail road will certainly be completed soon ; tbe next we are tcld that it is all in doubt, tbat no great amount of pro gress will be made until certain law suit sre settled between the companies, and between members of each com pany. These delays may serve the purpose of designing politicians and capitalists, but are bard on the peo ple here, who are compelled to pay three cents per pound for all produ.ee sent out or brought into tbe country ; or if tbey would go to tbe Capital aod back tbe cost of travel i equal to go ing from Omaha to New York and re turning. No one need fear but tbat this state of affairs will soon be settled with tbe Oregon and California road. Tbe branch from Rogue river to Utah, in running order, together with a road from San Francisco by Humboldt Bay, Crescent City, Illinois Valley, to intel lect with tbe others iu . Rogue River Valley, will give Southern Oregon ad vantages second to none other on tbe coast. The last named road is per fectly feasable, and- when once com pleted will be one of tbe best routes on tbe continent, penetrating tbe 6nest timber land in tbe world, much of it wholly inaccessable by water for tbe want of safe harbors. Tbe copper, chrome, iron and gold of Josephine county alone would justify tbe build ing of sn b a road. Tbe failure of the placer mines, tbei xidn ot a large portioo of tbe population who were engaged in mining, together with tbe influx of tbe Chinamen, ba for tbe present brought tbi country to finan cial stagnation, yet tbe means of liv ing here are both abundant and cheap and immigration will receive a hearty welcome. Jackson county ba been well gov erned J tbe county i not much in debt ; ber taxes are about a high as tbey re in Linn county.' Josephine ba suffered much from bad management, but since ber failureto be annexed to Jackson, as many of ber best citizen desired, all seem now determined to keep up their county organization and redeem tbe credit of tbe county, pay off ber debts and commence anew, and I think tbe present financial poll- cy of tbe county officials will extin guish ber indebtedness in one year moie. " With a slight addition to tbe popu lation of Jackson county tbe county ought to be divided and a new county formed, comprising Table Rock valley and Big Butte, with all tbat portion of Jackson county north aod east of Lower Table Rock. In fact, we conld now support a county organisation and leave Jackson equal to most otber counties in tbe State. i. H. U. Cltj and County Hems. Ebbata. Day before yesterday tbe Her ald stated tbat Messrs. Ladd k Tilton re ceived only one mementoe to deposit in the cornor stone of the new Masonic Temple, and that was a newspaper. Yesterday we offered to wagerthat the name of that paper was the Arm A'ortkmmt. This morning we withdraw our proposition, and. assert that tbat paper was the Ileal Estate Circular of the enterprising firm of Hammer k Terry, of this city. Asderso k Brow. Thi enterprising firm ha made aa addition to tbeir estab lishment, by tbe erection of a shop in the rear of their store, and placed in it a forge, etc., where steam fitting, lead and composi tion work is done. Plumbing is now a specialty witb them and they are always on hand for orders. ' Local Bwrmis. This office is indebted to Mr. John Howell for a nice lot of fine old English cherries The new bridge beyond Leabo's ferry was completed yes terday ; the road is in fine condition and the ferry in good order Some of the member of Book and Ladder Company claim they bad the first water on the fire yesterday...... Cox k Earhart keep 'the Charles Dicken's cigars on hand....Tbe Webfoot Band with their new instruments are meeting every night for rehearsal.. Bavid Cole is fixing up tbe fountain in Ma rion Square. It will be ready by tbe Fourth of July If the weather gets much warmer the local of this paper be tween the hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m., can be found if wanted in Uiafovage k Wright's ice house Hammer k Terry's new Real Estate Circular is being sown throughout tbe Eastern States. They will reap a good harvest All the State offices will be closed on Independence Day.... During tbe trials tbat came up before the Court yesterday, we were particularly struck with the equinimity with which Judge Tbaycr performed his duties. His countenance was always "childlike and bland." Fire. The alarm bells were rung yes terday at three o'clock, aod the Fire De partment in less time than it has taken to write this, were rushing up State street with the thermometer 90 in the shade. The fire proved to be a barn owned by the Wil lamette Woolen Factory Company, located near the Pioneer Oil Mills. To much praise cannot be given t tho promptness with which our firemen arrived on tbe spot. When both companies done so well it makes but little difference which got the first water. The fire was caused by children who had matches for the purpose, we are told, of setting off soma fire crackers. Almost as Accidest. While suspending the wire yesterday at Leabo's ferry, a man got overboard, and but for Billy Pettyjohn would bave been drowned. Pettyjohn jumped in the water, regardless of his own life, and managed to get the man ashore. Both were nearly exhausted, but recovered so as to come to town last night and con gratulate themselves upon their narrow es cape over several glasses of hot whisky. Woodigrx Camp Mbetiso This meet ing we are informed is under way. The location is near the road in a delightful grove and near good water. Good speak ing and a great number of mediums are present In the language of Mr. M. P. Owens our informant, lively times are ex pected. Fare round trip from Salem and return $1. CHERRres. Our old friend, Mr. John Martin, had us in mind, it seems, when picking bis cherries, for we find he set aside a mess of very beautiful ones to our share ; but he couldn't bave thought half as mnch of us when picking them as we thought of him, when proving how excellent they are. Overland Store. This- establishment opened yesterday displaying a fine lot of new and fashionable dress goods at prices that makes our less enterprising dealers open tbeir eyes. Ladies are especially in vited to call and look and price their stock if they do not buy. No charge for show ing goods. The following dispatch was. received last evening, which assures as that tbe Mult nomah Steam Fire Engine will be with us on the Fourth of July : Portland June 29th. Jobs G. Wrioht, Chief Engineer Salem Fire Department: Will leave here July Fourth, at 7 a. m., with about fifty men. S. G. Skiduore. Serious Accident. On Monday last, while Mr. W. H. Vandevort, residing near Coos Bay, was getting bis team from the pasture he was thrown from the horse he wasridinz and his collar bone broken. Although painful, tbe attending physician gives hopes tbat be will recover. Cbekeketa Lodge. This Lodge of I. 0. of 0. F. had their election for officers last evening, which resulted as follows : T. H. Reynolds, N. G. ; J. D. Jordon, V. G.; Al. B. Croasman, R. S., and C. S. Wood worth, Treasurer. Multnomah Steam Fire Engine Com pany No. 2., of Portland, have accepted the invitation extended them by the Salem Fire Department, and will be present on the Fourth of July. 0. k C. R. R. It is expected tbat tbe 0. k C. R. R. Company will have the road bed ready for the iron to Eugene by to-morrow nigbt. As soon as tbe Railroad bridge at Harrisborg is completed the cars can run to that place. Ball. A grand Ball will be given by Tiger Engine Co., No. 2, on the evening ot tbe 4th. By referring to the list of man agers, we are assured that those who attend will enjoy themselves until the " wee sma hours o'morn." Coming Oct. That ancient, honorable body, of which Billy Patterson is Presi dent, will parade at four P. x. on next Tuesday, the Fourth of July. Look out for them 1 hulti promises to be with them. Masonic Special meeting of Pacific Lodge No. SO this evening, at 8 o'clock sharp. Work on E. A. degree. By order of the W. M. Flags. "Hang your banners on the outer walls," and in doing so bear in mind that Henry D. Boon has the star spangled flag of all sites and prices for sale. Accident. While going to the fire yes terday, John Busbnelt fell and was run over by the hose cart of Tiger, No. 2, and painfully but not seriously hurt. It would be well to fix the sidewalks and get those large boulders on Court street out of the way before the Fourth. Let our streets and walks be in order on tbat day. Up the River. The Shoo Fly under tbe command of Geo. A . Pease, formerly of the Alert, passed up night before last, bound for Uarrisburg on a special trip. Tbe New Advertisement of David Cole will be read With interest by those who ap preciate a good down east joke. R. W. Sayers had ice cream yesterday. It was splendid, to-day it will be splendid. An Ihtieestiho Tbial. A case was tried and disposed of yesterday in tbe Circuit Court wbicb attracted more than ordinary attention. Some time since a young German, Heory Stroh meyer, together witb bis wife, were bound over in tbe Police Court to answer to charge of stealing a gold watch and several article of clothing from Mr. Carney. The Grand Jury presented an indictment against the bnaband, and returned " not a true bill" as to Mrs. Strohmeyer. Upon the trial yesterday very great efforts were made by tbe prosecution to secure a conviction, but the jury returned a verdict of not guilty after only about five minutes', deliberation, and tbe de fendant was honorably discharged. Tbe verdict of the jury waa almost uni versally approbated, aod tbe defendant and his wife were warmly congratula ted by their friend. Tbe defense was conducted by John F. Caples, Esq., whose address to tbe jury it spoken of aa a remarkably brilliant and powerful tSaxt. Bulletin. Dead Men tell ro Tales : if they did, anathemas against the depleting lancet, the drastio purge, and the terrible salivants of tbe materia medica, would arise from every graveyard. Tbe Motto of modern medical science is " Prceerte and Regulate, not de stroy," aod no remedy of our day is so en tirely in harmony with this philanthropic logics D a. Walker's Yeoctable Vin egar Bitters. In this powerful, yet harmless restorative, dyspepsia, bilious complaints, and all diseases of tbe stomach, liver, bowels and nerves, encounter an ir res is table antidote. june28wl wdeod Hew advertisements. THE UfiK-WEED REMEDY. We are aware of tho fact that it Is generally an eaaj matter tq procure certificate attesting the effictencv.ot patent remedies front a certain class of those who hse them. We have selected the following because the names attached to them are those of men it (As most careful and tarupulout character, and because tha large - class of their acquaintances lu Oregon wltl not, for a moment, accuse or suspect them of any ex aggeration In the statements they make. Certiflcati from A. B. Shipley, Esq., special contributor to the Willamette farmer, and See retary o! the Oregon Horticultural Society: Oswaoo. Or , March 89, 1ST1. Da. A. M. loaves : Some four weeks ago I was entirely prostrated with Rheumatism ; in fket, I was Almost helpless. 1 stnt to yon for ane 10 ounce bottle of tbe t'nk Weed Remedy," by the use which I expe rienced almost Immediate relief; and by the time the bottle was gone the Rheumatism was gone. From my own experience, and from whit I hire heaid others say who have used the Cnk Weed. 1 believe it to be a certain cure for Rheu matism. 1 ours, respectfully. A. S BHIPLSr. Certificate from the lion. A. J. Dufur, ex Presldent o' ! Oregon Puts Agricultural foci ety. and author of Statistics of Oregon." East Postlik), AprU 1, 1ST! . Da. A M LnsvsA A On : I was afflicted with a serere attack of Chronic Rheumatism ; waa confined to my bed most of the lime from January to July, when I used tbe Uok-Weed, and it cured me up. A.J. DDFTJB. Certificate from Mr. James Bybee, the cele brated stock grower and " Klug of the Oregon Turf." Puma's Iexaso, January 14, 187L To Pa. A. M. LoariA A Coj This ts to acknowledge the efficacy of your "Cnk Weed Remedy, or Orrfon Rheumatic Cure " I waa afflicted for months with a very serious attack of Inflammatory Rheumatism and tried ner-y all of the si-called Rheumatic Remedies withont any relief perceivable. I then trie I yonr Remedy, and Its use resulted In the most happy effects a perfect cure. Truly yours, JAMES BYBEB Certificate fnm Hon. f L. Quimby. ex-County Commissioner of Multnomah county Oregon. Zast Postlaso, AprU 1, 1871. Da. A. M. Lost t A A Co : I have used the "Cnk-Weed Remedy " and am satisfied It Is a valuable medicine . It regu late and invignraUt the system. This is niy ex perience with tbe remedy. Truly yours, .E CQMMBY. Certlfieate from Hon. N. II Lane. Pilot Com missioner of Oregon, and a meuioer of the City Council of East P Jtlitnd. East Postlaxo, April 19, 1671. Da. A. M. Loaves Co.: I have been tfSieted for several years with weakness in tbe back " and wandrrlnt; Rheu mt pains accompanied by tevert cotutipation. By the use of one bo tie of your Unk-Weed Remedy, or Oregon Rrieumatlr Cure I have been entirely relieved and cheet fully recommend it as a most trainable and efficient remedy. MAT. H. LANE. Certificate from Bo Gideon Tibbetta member of the City Council of East Portland. East Pobtlasd. April T, 1871. D. A. M Lobtsa A Co.: Gkts This is to Infoni you thai 1 h.re used your ' Uuk-Weed Remedy" f-r Neu'allt and Rheumatic pairs and found relief from the use of only one bottle, and c.n recommend It to those in need of such a remedy. Tours GIDEON TIBBETTS. Put up in 10-ounce Bottles at $1 50 per Bottle. 'REPARED AT THE OREGON MEDICAL LAB ORATORY. By A. 31. LOR YE A A Co., EAST PORTLAND OHKGOM. WTot Sale by all DrnfrarUta. may34 BOOK AND MUSilTsTOHEl H. D. BOON, Commercial Street, r- olem, Oregon, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BOOKS, STAT1CSKR.Y SCHOOL. BOOKS, BLASK BOOKS, WALL PAPER, FAJCV GOODS, PIANOS, ORGAN?. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Initial Stationery, Etc., TAKES PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCINO TnAT he has on band a full stock ot the above named articles and constantly receives additions direct from Eastern manufactures, and la able to sell at the lowest possib e rates. Come and pr.ee myj 3P T A NOSi From the celebrated manafactcrj of IIALLETT & CUMSION! Which were especially chosen for me by two of the best mutician iu Boston as superior for time and finish IhrT can ba aold at rates to dely competition. Also The Famous Bnrdett Organ, Which la unsurpassed for volume, richness of tone and durability. It Is preeminent among parlor Organs, more resembliug a pipe Organ than a reed instrument. U. D. BOOS. Salem, April 18. AT WHOLESALE 45 Front St , Portland. Atlantic White Lead Pure. Various cheaper brands of Wnito Isead Downer'a Boston Coal.Oll, Continental Coal Oil, Downer's Machinery- and Bptcdle OIL, Lard OU para. Boiled Linseed OIL Raw Linseed OU, Turpentine, Olnsa, Varrlsho- En fllahand Amsrloan Broshea al kinds. Tallow Ochre," Window Olaaa, Papas Hanging-, ha--Common and Painted. GEO. L. STORY. April 1. dAw jaso l aovAU ratscis a. SHiiH. ROYAL & SMITH, DKALtnS US AHD MASCVACTCStSS IV Boots and Hlioes, Cuton fork lade to Order isd f arrutei We are receiving new supplies of v Boots (i i (1 echoes Of every variety suited to the SPRING TRADE. Agents for The Iosprrsvred Roma Shut tla Sowing Machine. We call special attention to tbe Improved Machine." aprim OPEJVING OE SPRING CAMPAIGN FOR '71 ! M. MEYER & SON HAVr. JCoT RECEIVED AM EXCELLENT IN volc of cms t Eors custom iadi noim. Furnishing Goods, Fancy anil Dry Goods, BOOT!, IHOEIJ HATS, ' CAPS, TRIISKS, AC, etc, oVC. All of which tbey are sellinr, at extremely low ijrures. Give ihrm a call before purchasing elsewhere, aa tbey will snow you goone with pleasure. 81. ME YE 11 & SCWJ, (Corner Grlswld' Blax-kO Commercial Street, aiaichiO. Miscellaneous. THE DNK WEED REMEDY OR- OREGON RHEUMATIC CURE. History. This remedy is composed of the active prin ciple of the Unk Weed. Eng. Thasplum, Cor datum Origan'as, Lat. Indigenous to Oregon- Grows m st abundantly and perfectly lu Wash ington Coanty. PROPERTIES, &c. It contains an active volatile principle ex tracted by Ether, and a bitter Tonic principle. MtDCAL FR PtRTilS AND USES. It Is tbe most sure and Speedy Cute for Itheu matim. Rheumatic Gout and Rheumatic Pains of ail kinds that has ever been Introduced In the Materia Medica. The Ui.k Weed Remedy aa prepared by us, In consequence of the existing bitter principle, pessous tbe ntcetsaiy virtue o being a POWERFUL TONIC. Promoting the Appetite and invigorating the whole Digeitlve Apparatus, thus building and strengthening tbe system, while at the same time the Tola' lie principle, being absorbed In the lih od acts specifically on the Rheumatic Poison, re moving it from tbe circulation and system. Tf.ere are a few remedies known to the Med leal profession, which will remove 'he Rheumat lc poison from tbe blood, but whose action Is so powerful in deprssslua the system of the already enfeebled Rheumailc patient, that Ihelr use has to be abandoned before specific effects are ob tainable hence tbe aaut if success lu treiting this prevalent, nd In consequence, hereiofore incurable disease. Unlike these Medicines, al ready known, tbe " DNK WEED REMEDY ' Though producing as powerful and aa active ef fects on the blood and" system In removing tbe Rheumatic poison, also possesses a strong Tonle and recuperating clement, which admits of Ita continued use even In the m st delicate and de bilitated. Thus we have tbe combination for tbe first time ol these two necessary elements In tbe one remedyi which accounts fur I s supeilor and never failing curative effects in Bnenmatlsm, Bnanmatlo Goat, am Rhesmatlo Palna of All Ktnda. Put Up In. 10 oi. Bottles at $1.50 Per Bottle. PREPARED AT THE Oregon Medical tLaboratorj- BY DR. A. M. LORYEA & CO., JCaat Portland, Oregon. t3Por Sale by all Druggists. marchl2,71dAw BLACKSMITH SHOP REMOVED. BASH A SCIHBEll GIVE NOTICE THAT THEY HA VS. REMOVED their shop to the new building alsongddd or of tbe stable ct M(rrls A Bean, below the Cbmek eta HotW, nearly opposite their old stand, whrre they will be prepared to do AH Sorts of Blacksmithing ATSBORT NOTICE. Salem, March 21,1871. WM. M. LACOHEAD. J. N. OTOVED. CAPITAL MARKET, Liberty Street, near Stat Street, 8 ale in, Oregon. Reef, Mutton, Porla,Laril, HAM, S1UES, SHOCLDliRS, FLOCR, FISH, .POULTRY, oVe. maylS Sash, Blind and Door Factory, FRONT SrRKET, SALEIt, OREGUN. BIOTDBY t STAPLEIOJi Iinafittsrerj. SASH, BLINDS. DOOR", FRAMES A MOt'l D Inps of all descriptions kept constantly on nand and made to order. - Planing, Sore la Bawl sr. Turning, and Jobbing of all kinds dune on short notice. tWAIl Orders Promptly Killed CALI T MANUFACTURERS BRICK BLOCK. Marble w orlc MONROE & STAIGER, DKALER3 IN Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stones, EXECUTED IS California, Vermont AND Itctliftxi 2VIxir "roles 8ALEH, OHEGOI, And Branch Shop at Albany. Junel K HAVaC A BPKCIS L, OK. partment devoted to our growing Tobacco 8c Cljy"1 trade, and keep on hand tbe choicest goods in that line. May24 COX ot K ARHART. IK. JULIAN IliIRATJLT, DOCTOR Of MEDICINE OF THE FACULTY or Pari , Graduxte - f the Cnlvei sity "Qaeen's Cnilrg-e" in Canada, and Phy,tciau of tbe St. Jobn Baptist eWlety of Ban Franctco. Dr. Pb'rrault bas tbe pleasure to Inform hts nu oieiouaold Patient' ami others seeking Confi dential Medical Advice, lhal he can be consult ed daily at bis .flice, N- 502 Montgomery street. North-east corner of Pacramrnto street, Pan Fraocio, Rooms , 10, 11, first flour, op stairs. Coa.allatlon. nnd esrre.poadess. In Eagllih, French aad German. Havine made the various forms of Pexual Dls eases and Nervous ai-d Physical Debility the subjet-t of imlnute nsear b ai.d special practice lor many years, Dr Perrault continues to treat these afflictions .ue:esstully by the newest scien tific methods and without resort to Obnoxious RemeClrs. Gonorrhea, Oleet, Ptrictnras. Bubo Ulcers, Psin Eruptions A . speedily cured and all Syphilitic and Mercurial Taints eradica ted from the sys'em. Nocturnal Emissions, Night 8weats, Discharpe from the Uretha on roitig to stool or making water, Psln. In the Back and Head, Dixiiness, Melancholy Langour, Memory, growing weaknemf of sight Sle-p disturbed by Dreams, aod Intellectual faculties, Cloud d I lias. Diffidence, Aversion to cte'y and 8oeial P eas nres, Sallow Complexion, Eruptions io the Face, etc., are some of the prominent Symptoms of Nervous and Physical Prostration the result of Self-Abuse aod Excessive indulgence which, if not speedily checked, anil never tail to induce premature decay and terminate in the total Loss of Manhood. Paticn's complaining of one or more of the above symptoms, should apply Immediat-ly to Dr. Perrault, as he haa discovered New an t Re liable R medics which enable him to guaramee a speedy and radl-ai curs of SemlDal Weakness and Impotence W Invite lnvfslgatloo particularly to thase sufferers who bave tried this boosted Doctor and that advertised Phyican until worn out and dls couniged ; aod we claim tbat In aP cases taken under treatment we fu1S.ll our promises. Ladles offering fi om any complaints lociden al to their ,-x. can eoneo:t the Doctor with the assurance of re tef . Patients In the counti y can be Cured at Home by addressing a letter to Dr. Perrault, 601 Monlg-xnrry itre t, or Box 978 P. O . San Fran elaeo.sUMng their case as minutely aa possible, habits of living, occupation, etc. Low charges Best of reference, givea if required. All cost miinicatlnis confidential Dr. Perrault Is tbe sole agent lu California for Dr. Blott'a Oolabratod Femal Month ly Pllla, Which stand unsurpaseu, and are far In advance of eve y other remedy for suppressions and otber Irregularities, to per box. sent by mail or ex press, securely pecked juuelT-ly Capital Boot & Shoe Store, J. F. STAICER, (Purer ssor to Sialger t Birr,) A Welt looted took ef California and Eastern Boots and r hoes. I would call the attention of the public espe cially to my own manufacture, for which I bave superior facilities to tar i out No 1 work. None but th boat brat da ef French Btook will be used. g3BTAll Wetrsk Warranted RepalrlDg done with neatness and dispab-h Commercial Street, Salem, (One door south of Oregon Candy MTlj ) Jtw Advertisements. PAINTS ! LEAD AND OIL!! COLORED PAINTS! HrushcK! All Kluda. FO 1 SALE LOW BY Weathcrfonl &. Co., DEALERS IN Drugs, Paints, Oils, &c. &c. juneSO J. M. COULTEK'si NEW COMBINATION OF Cooper Sliop, GROCERY & PH5YISI0N STORE. ITAKK PLBAKUtiafi lit SATINO to the cltisens of Salem snd vicinity that I am now opening a new arid well telecleii stoc of rarolly lirocerles anil rrovl,lon, and Batter myself that 1 can give good satisfacti n to all those that m-y favor me with their patronage, wi'h as good articles and at as fair prices as can be had lu the city. ALSO ALL KINDS OT COOPEK-WAlt K ! Kept on hand and made to order on short notice and good terms. sYsT' Goods delivered free of charge to all parte of the city. flbnp aaid Store on Commercial St., First Door Jrlh of Slaratey'a Block. June2 J. M COULTER. Salem Tin Store. ANDERSON & BROWN. Comma cial Street. Importers of Stoves, Sheet Iron, Copper Ware, Brass and Zinc Force and Lift Ps mps, Hoaise Karaliblsg Cooda. They also manufacture Tin, bheet Iron, and Cop per Ware, and Welchs Rotary Washing Machine Id valuta b c to ftll huuMKtrviierft. Repairing prompt y doue. dAw NORTH SALEM STORt AY. H.. AVrVIK, AT THE OID ORICEN STORE, HAS A FULL. ASSOItTMEM -or-, . DRV GOODS, OHOCERIKS, BOOTS da lUntl, OLOTHfftQ, Hardware. Gen'al Merchandise, Calculated for City and County Trade. f7Oooda delivered to any part of tbe city free of chaige. Nov. 82 dwtl Hulem Dnij Store! K EEP CONSTANTLY OH H AHD PORT, SI1KBHY, C1.AB.HKT aad WU1TE WISES, ALSO lHii?l:l'-rv Cordiitl. THATCIIKIt k SOIV. June. 99 First Street, ONE DOOR BELOW ALDER. ACKERMAN'S PICNELR ONE DOLLAR STORE! Krerj Article and Lot $1.00. THE WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT HAS ALSO lieen fitted up with the nicest and ci.oiceat articles, and is now open to the public. I rlOCNTRY STORE KESPERa, AS WELL AS fanilllrs, would do well and save money by csllii g at the SI ill Su.re before buying else where. No. 99 First Street, PORTLAND, ORKUOIf. LL GOODS PACKED BY EXPERIENCED L packers, Iree of charge. maj 30 S20 A DAY TO MALE & FEMALE AGENTS To introduce the celjbrate I Backeye Kbniils ncwliig Mae hi ate Mitch alike on hoth aides, and Is the cnly licensed fhuttle Machine iu the United States for less than (40 tbat uses the celebrated WILSON SEED," and are acknowledged by all to be tbe BEST FAMILY MACHINE for heavy and llgut sewing, In tbe market. Outfit free. Address MISER v PRARCO", General Agents, Albany, Oregon. febS.ftm NEW STOCK OF 600DS! Direct from San Francisco ! it Ta - rost-OiIlce Htore ! Q KOCBRlsCS AfllD PROVISION!, Crockery aud Glassware, TABLEW1RE, FIATEDWIRE, fcTOSRWAIUCf MIRROR. WILLOW WARS, BASKETS, TOBACCO dt CIGARS. California Fruit and Vegetables I BECMI FED BY EVERY B TEA MSB. tP"All of which they win deliver to any part of the clly. FAURA.R BHOTI1KUS. aaayiO. c HaJLRODPZ. oat",. E. CALIF. O. w Ilotlfe, Onlet Sc Co., DSlLBSeiBJ. Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, T ARTIKHES, BRUSHES. PAINTERS MATERIAL And Druggists' Sundries, 7 FRONT STREET, t ortsnd, Orejou drl New Advertisements. UTESTSPR1HGST0CK! Last Bat Not Least! F. LEVY, ertacr ! alocwee' Block, IALEH, ... - CREGOI, HAS RECEIVED A rULl. 4B30RT ment of goods for Spring and Summer Trade, CONSISTING OE STAPLE t FANCY DRY GOODS, , Of ALL PFSCBIPriOSS. IM FINE VARIETT. Millinery Goods, For Whidesile-and Retail rde Clothing & Gentlemen's Wear OP ALL KINDS. BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, Family Groceries.! All of whioh are respi-ctfully offered to the city and coun.ry trade. AprllT SALEM DUAY At HACK CO. FORWARDERS etc SHIPPERS. CITY DRAYMEN & HACKMEN. AH freighting within trie city done at ihort notice atf. oo reteVonaMt: ter.ns. Cirrtaifs cinntntlr in niinrl tti'e to conrey pusengttM to cr or bo or oa city drivtf. Sept. 12. 1ST0. xs CLOTHING EMPORIUM W E HAVE JC6T RECEIVED DIHECT FROM & JfraacUco a Urge aMatriment of SPEING STYLES! GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING Hats & Caps, UNDER WEAR, FAXCV TIER. Collars fc Cixfls, GLOVES, &C, &C. MURPHY dfc C ROACH All". (Bank Building), Btste Mtreet, Salem. March 23. PfiEM UM WAGON FACTORY, Corn r Front and Bta'e B e., BALKAl, I l OKKQOH. 33 O W I 33 Lumber Wagons, Express Wagons, Thoroughbrace Wngoits, Carriages ami Vuggie?, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND, OR...... MADli: TO ORDER. rrWORK WARRASTEO.ft T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., AGENTS, . Commercial B-reet, Balem June 7. FVTABIJMlftn in IStf. ARMES & DALLAM, Importer. Jobber and MANUFAOTCRERB OF WOOD AND WILLOW WARE BROOMS, PAH l. TUB?, CICRNP, BRUSHES, BASK'TS, T iNK.-,URI)A,hU MATCH KS, bTATIOSKKY, PAP.'R BAGS, CLIITHK3 WRINGKRi. FEA'lUtR DGMTER, fIS:iINO TACKLK, TEN PINS - AND LLf, KTC, ETC., AN I bKM RAL House Furnishing Goods. DIRECT l"PORTFRS Of BASRET3 FROM Lt AUNG GFRMA.Pt AM) FRENCH JIANLKACTCRKllS. soars r a th sals 8. F. iSUt.-h Bompany's Matches, AmerlraiiH iTwtne Company's Twines, Ro-on rlspaeaaser Tln,a, I C. Conroy A Company's Fishing Tackle, Holllnp. worth A Wliltney's Paper Baas. Sherman's ln-proveU Cloil.es Wrii.jfers, C. K. t.iiswol.i A Company's Feather Dusters, F. McLaugiilio's Uiuihes. Our stock Is the iaiae'tnn the Pacific Coast, anrl oar facilities for manufacturing and Import ing enable us to .ell at lowest market pi ice. r-HEND FOR CATALOGTK- 215 & 217 Stcrafflfstt St., hi Francisco. afrlllS 3m. The Leabo Ferry IV five miles and a half soalh or Balem, and is the easiest and most direct route fron Salem to Independence, Moatmonlb, Cor-rallla, V aqnlata. Bay, And all Intermediate points. A New and Commodious Boat, firmly con structed, so as to ftrry stcM-k or all kind, with saiety and dispatch. Tb banks bave been Krrat I; Improved, and the roads are in a belter con dition than ever before An accommodating ferryu.an will alwsys be in attendance, but au extra charge will be made for crossing at late hours. CHAS. W. PETTYJOHN, Pre pr let or. May 7-daw. tow:nt lots -IN TXT ortli Salom, ALIO THREE KCUSES AND LOTS Xti Salom,' FOR SALI BT H. D. BOOS. FehS.lm STRATTON & WALLER, (uceessors to i. K. 0111.) STATE STREET, BALEM, DEALERS I! BOOKS AND STATIONERY Musical Instruments, AND FAIVCY ARTICLES. F. INVITE ESPECIAL ATTENTION V OUR stock of Mason A Hamlin (h-geca; Chtck- ertag, Maral 1 A Mttauer, and Eaereou Pianos. All ol wricn can ne sola ep we ami advanta geous terms. Balem, April 11. AUCTION STORE. ALL KINDS Of "ECOND BAND FURNITURE bought and sold. t3FFnTBltare sold oa commission ei at auo tkm STATE STTET, (Opposite Rw Tor Bakery CAiEV, : : : : 0RKC05. JAKES CO FEY, Aaollooeer. Junel. f iUsce.lineoQfl. P10S illD ORGANS T Tf A lss JlBT vtvviwn trust JL Urpvtt stork erer broarht to this market Its .a..ls,l. -t ... i.ll , . . . . sr.. , a.vajsnejk.ii'aj 01 ujc lUUUWIUg Blast C Ol rise DOS) . Hallet & Dav. (C.lebrated New Scale.) Chickering & Son's, Parlor Gem. Bradbury Piano, And coming by rail " SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW In the line of Piano Fortes. My stock will ran;e In price frcm SSoOto S600. I alio hare on hand a large stock of MASON & DAM LIN'S CABINET ORGANS, Which I offer for sale al Eastern prices W. T. SHANAHAN. iVo. 75 First Street, PORTLsSP, .... ORKGOH, (Near Ladd A Tilton's Bank.) AprU2daw AiIEL LOWER, 136 Front St. Portland, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Oregon produce sold to best advantage in Portland or San Francisco. Healer In O'uli lor-iilu. St Oregon 3Pxroc3LixcJo- AND Tropical Fruits. Merchant's orders filled on reasonable terms Portl -nd, Apr 1. dAw. Tlio 31aMon Ac, Il'iuuiii ORGANS! For power and rich qualities of tone cannet be excelled - STRATTON &, WALLER, Agents. Junell UNK WEED REMEDY!! The Oregon Rheumatic Care FOR BALE BY Weatherford &, Co., Dea'ers la Drags, Paints, Oils, Ac maylS WOOL BOUGHT! JJIQHEST MARKET PBICE PAID, 'JUST CASH! t3" Wool raisers take notice. P. LEVY, Moorca Old Corner. AprllT. 150.000 Pounds Wool "Wanted, FOR CASH! M. MEVER At SO, Grlswold's Block, Salem. aprlls jacs STITZU. MSB b. rrroa. STITZEL & UPTON, REAL. ESTATE BROIiERS, Corner of Front & Washington Si's, PORTLAND, OREGON. Will attend to the urchase an Sale of Seal Estate In all Parts or Oregon. 1 Loans negotiated on First Mortgage Real Estate and Collateral Security. Agents for the Bale ef Blocks and Lots In Hoiladay's Addition to K.st Portland. C. C. WAY, Salesman nal Soliciting Agent. BEFEREKCES-BY PERMISSION: Ktu. Ladd A TaTvn, Bankers, Portland Oregon. Ba. Hollas ay. H. D. Gins. WASscaaA. A Co. Jas Stvil, Cashier, First National Bank. Lots Brooks. nisi 21 4. . issue r.sDTt .alstxad. KLKLEIt sV I1ALSTEAIJ, 85 LIBERTY ST., NEW YoRg. OREGON AND NORTH-WEST co Mission agency For buying and forwarding direct, via Isthmus Rail and Cape Horn, with 8an Francisco connections, all claasea and varieties of Merchandise, and tor sale of Kxports from the North weiU Advances made on afproved consignments, and orders respectfully solicited. All orders and business will receive prompt atterlion. Kefcrencciii. KEW YORK. N. Y. Kat'l Ex. B, cor. Colics see A Chambers Street. Mumrs. A. I.1C.E TiLTos, 95 Liberty c. Messks. J. L. BaowjtKLL A Bros., Bmk ri, SS Broad tftreet. Manas Bsitlbt. Mnxta A TuoMAS,S49ooth St. OREGOX. Ms'fs.. Linn A Tiltts. Bankers, Tortrend. II, a. K. V mTTD. a, Portland. A. A. McCcllt. t.q., Salem. Dec29dawtf FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES. The Florence la the beat Sewing Ifacl.lne for family use, because Itso seldom set out of order; If there Is one In tbe State of Oregon not working well. If I am Informed or It, I will fix it without ny exnenae to the owner. SAMUEL HILL. IAGENT, 19 Montgomery Street Sooth, GRAND HOTEL BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. StnUon k Wal'er, Agents, Salem 0:eg in. SEND F0R CIRCULARS. A9"Active Agents wanted la every place4ES COOKE & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS Inside snd Outside Finish, NTAIR BUILDING, Scroll Sawitg and Earning, t3rHow.ldtsj. Mt to Ord.r. -Regular rises of work constantly oa bacd. AaT Orders from the esaatry promptly flUed. Factory On Block Ka.t of Chernek cta House. Salem, May .10. dewU Seal Estate, etc. HEAL ESTATE. For Desciiptive' Lists of Town Prt.perty, Farms, elc-, In Orerwn, tend lor a copy of the Real EHatt CatetU to B.C a iKIs 0t FKR. BY Portlaad, or to I1AMUEH, dk, TSKHY Agent. Balem. sepl:xs Ccmixission ETerchant FOR BDTIXG, FELU'0 AND F0KWAHB INO ALL KINDS OFMERCHANDMK, P. 0. Box, Io. 4094, 181 Pearl St., NEW YORK. Refer to Messrs. I add Tilton. Portland. Messrs. Knapp, Mnrrell At Co. " Messrs. Sarier St Co , " M.K. WH1e, Ksq., Salem. W. P. Abrama, Eaq.. Xalles Otjr. el if -j vi :ibv d Money Cannot Bay It ! FOK S1U1IT IS PKICELESS! 25 The Diamond (jlasses, MAITFrACTtmaD BT J. E. SPENCER & CO., N. Y., Which are now offered to the public are pro nounce.! by all the celebrated OpUcans of the World to bo tbe DVEost Perfect, Natural, ArtlSclal help to the human, eye ever known. They are sronnd under their own supervision, from minute Ciystal Pebbles, melted together, and derive their name, Diamond,'' oa account of their hardneas and brilliancy. The Scientific Principle On which they are constructed brings the eors or centre of the lens directly in front of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as In the natural, healthy eight, and preventing all on pleasant sensations, snch as glimmering anl watering of siEht, dizainess, Ac , peculiar to all others In nse. They are Mounted in the finest Manner, In frares of the beat quality, of all materials used for that purpose. THEIR FINISH AND DURABILITY CANNOT BE BCBPASSED. Gaciiok. None genuine unless bearing their trade mark s stamped on every frame. VV. W.liTraRTIJV, Jeweler and Optician, Sole Agent for SALEM, OREGON. From whom they can only be obtained. Thee, goods are not supplied to Pedlera at an price. feblSdawly s w. mn. DEAN BROTHER & FISHER, General Land Agents, PORTLAND, OREQON. CITT PROPKHTT, PtRHI AUD Farming Lands Bought and Bold. Having a ver extern Ive acquaintance in this city, California and through the Eaatcru States, partita wlshiog to sell or rent their farms, will Bud a ready disposal by placing the same io ear hands. DKAX BROTHER & FISHES, So. 9 Front ItcssL may2l saTndI ri'IIK TJNDEKSIGHBD, HAVIKO 1 lessed the stnd and gravel deposits on tb. Island for the comirg season. Is prepared to fur nish Sand, Gravel and Uarden Loam, cheaper thaw it can begot from any other point. Orders leit at Breyman Bros, will tm promptly filled. JfllO. W. Ml TO. AprilT Salem Flouring Mills. BK8T FA MIL, V FLOCH, BAKKK'S KXTKA, III, bVPKRFISIK nnd bRAHAM, MiIdlinc:t. Bran and Shorts CONSTANTLY ON BAND. C- HIGHEST PFICI IN CASHES PVII FOR WHEAT AT ALL TIMCa. R. C. KlrllfBY, Nov. S3-dtf A cent 8. F. H. Co. MALE3I Boot & Shoe Store Three Doors from Oregon Candy Uaoufac toty on Commercial street. T- X3. IJ ICJUOIiS HAS JUST OPENED A Spring- Ptoclf, Of all Articles In his Una. And has a Fin. assort meut for Cents, Ladle fe Children's Wear, Lately porthHsed in San Francisco, For Sale on Host Beaonaole Terms. Boots Made to Order IN JTERT STYLE, an Rep.lrlaia; Dosia at Short notice. April l-dt C. W. LINDSAY. ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, ' Carriage Painter Trimmer. LHAVE AS ASSIflTAMTS AN Ex perienced carriage painter just from the tj also a trimmer. bo thoroughly uo.leratan la If b,ulo,M' 'nl m Prepared to do all work io tnli line at abort notice and In the best Banner. Junes. NEPTUNE BATHS, C. FLE1DXER, : ; : Proprietor, f ttwir.'s Block, Commercial Itrsst, albUi ohkgoh. IN8CRINO PCRFFCT tn-"r ACTIO!C TO ALL wli. n.ay fsvor hltn with their patronage. II. wants all lovers of a e-niortable. scniow Joosly clean fc:h good shave and a fashionable hair cut, to give him .rail mv4 "awtf First Premium at the STATE FAIR ! JllVSL E.M.WAITE , , BOOK sic JOR Salem, Oregon. The Lest Printing, of 11 Rinds, at LKSS than Portland price. r Blanks for a:j.