7 f-JtiV ay- Hjw IMlirM ar. tae wiads are husked ; tae peaceful noon , Looks dowa aw Iim', aril ; The oil alvaps ;ie aig at's , TOW aew mil lew sen, W VthjttAtl A W , f.Weet, tOW SOBR. e WT , Sweat, low soeg. rloati on the airaAag Section's wise, aevdiiaa's prayer. , J niHiu AM anew. u4 hT,Bl trust an then, A - J u . sarvaga pain. Tut Jeta. aa kU fekafui tew Taut soul dorp aytaa who pour j Oh CkrUt M; the song tnn, ..; barn to lore ibee taora ' J Jokm Pitrpoml, " ' Mew ArrlTal. Tbere came to port U Saaela Bight . Tbe queerest little waft. Without aa tack of rigging a I leeked, tw) looked, and laughed ; II was an singular that she Should rrmi the Unknown water, Aad moot krraaU right ta my room Mjr daughter, fce, my daughter I Yea by tbowe present witness all. ' Sbe'f welcome My lines .And rotates consigned ta Hope aad Lave, A ad eaamua aislir rhymes. 6b baa asawifest bat tbla ; Ko rag tnau o'er the water ; ShaVs Urn new for the British Lloyds My daaghtrr, oh. atjr slaughter t Ring nut wild bells aat tatae ones too Eiag oat tha lover a asnon, Riag net lb little Worsted seeks. Ring out toe bib and spoon ; Ring oat the saasw, ring ia the none. mag in tae aula and water ; Away with paper, peas and ink My daaghtrr, oh, tsy daaghter I Hrt A wait the 0ht rutftom. Tae Hern 14 baa ever a column ot sophistry aboat tbe Obio platform., or rathe it seekes that tha text for a dii ro oa the eeaitUition ami tha art gated powers of tbe General Giver aseal. . It atsaalu tha Blretiwa aad Ko Clu laws passed by Cos grass x with tha aatervoa that tha Constitution under itriet Dtmtmrwlie comttruttion doe sot " gira to Coagceaa tbe righ to go inside tbe 3 tale aaJ authorise tbe Federal Coarta to paaiib iadirida Is.' Will tha ITrrmlJ please wastr another cola at a ia tetllag as bow any of the iawa ef the (Taited 8ttet pro- Tiding for tbe paBishmeat of iadirida U for offeien romtnitted art to he an forced iasida nj State T A it dec laratioa i spaetwi, ore aswet deny its premitrt falao or'OOajpbsia tbal many iadisilaals are aacaaatilational lyeohjecttopanlsbateot here ia Ore- go. " - ' la trying to rircwaaferibe tbe pow erf of tbe General Goeerameat so Ut satisfy tba 8tU Right theory, tn Iltruli has decidedly overdone ft at 11 ad aboald take a rest before aai diseassiag the coeatiloiion. It quotes the words, "This conititatioa tball be tba sap erne law of tbe laad," with breath, aad tries to deny it with tbe nest by makiog Democratic pracs- dat apetior to it. After wasting a great deal of time oa the cons'itatioa, aad withoat mak leg any other eiplajiation of its test "Tba Obio Deaecraiic Platform , than to complain that "it will doubtless be rnisrr pre seated ' by tbe Radical party parposely for party rfTect," tbe Htrml foatet la the gist of tbe matter la tbe cloaieg paragraph, by giving Its reader to aaderataod that the " coo litatiot. at ih U" interpreted by tbe Republican party, would speedily be come tbe " constitution as it was," ia the bands of a Democratto msj'irity. Tbe first thing Democracy woald do if in power woald be to construe tbe constitation to suit its own views, and repeal all tba reconstruction law, un til such timet as tbe hateful amend msnta could be amended out of exist ence, and then it would hare plain sailing again.. The tltrnU is right, no doubt, in thas prtteawtiag tb caaef and. Democ racy can maalpalata the coastitatioa, eea as it l if it has majority enough to bandl' it with, lat wasaotit inpoli. tie.'oS I Uaflm, so early in the gme to play J Owe. best bower r-utT Perhaps not, for all tbe Democratic j-turnali of Oregon were blind to the Vallaadig ham policy omil you opened its secret recesses, and now they man smile upon it with a (smile kthat shall be child like aad bland. ISttxte TVe w is. WttlMsactSe vatlsor. - From tbe Portland awilirs ft the 7th. The steamer Wright' has armed from TtelliUgham Bay with 7i laas eat tns for tbe Portland Castum Daae. Clearing bas:eomaieneed on tbe Monn Uia Park wast of town, wbiea is to be a oity institatioa. Tbe rlror larks eight feet of being as high bow as etwrmg- tbe flood f ISM, at howa by water marks on Vaagha's wharf. i - . -The steasaer Wright was the first to land at the asw wharf. t r .! ; ' Tbe Htmld pablisbas tha statement of H. R.' Leonard, tTiril Kagineer, a tn the probable anet of a bridf aeioss the Wil lameHe at Portland, Ixlnj the tame at not orer $1 ,. 'i s" ' " 1 Tbe QxUUmme will sail or gaa Fraaeie- e to-day, a 4 o'slnet, m. - ' ' We leara rVoatthe Smttttin tbat MeCall, City. PaeeeyeK is raaaing lfcxes to lad tbe eoraers ef the. Petlygiwre sarrey. . Rteps are being takea iahate the coming Fourth "properly eelabraled at the mein.p alls. - "- -w-"') ' Mearr. If eKiwaaw Fey hare ahaost eoetf leted tbd First It rest bridge.' " The steamer Jfrt perres' thief, has beea safely aeiiagbtwwBa)CelMbat,lhMgh the Dal!es aad ever the Cascades, for the purpose of.'lraaifeiBg - bee apws works and. esbia t the. aew staaatai butldiag ba the 0 8. If. Co. Her maebiuery is said to he ia exceUeet preesi i atioa. A Cbiaamaa ia a small rff was swamped by the railroad ferry-boat which tamed both upside down without 'doing greater damage. -t j ,,, The polios expeases oT PortlAnd. Jast month were tSTt receipts " $778, which shows tbat erime'eomes near being selfsas taining dowa there. , , t , . , . t ; :i t'onnatm ComcU. The Commnn Coanoil met on Tuesday evening, the Mayor ia . the chair, aad Messrs. Boothby, Carr, Jordan, Royal aad Woodworth being present. Tbe Committca oa Fire aad Water report ed ia faros f erecting a new bell tower, and eoatvertiag tba eM tewer Into a kites tower, at a eoat of $1 M. The report was adapted aad the committee ordrrad to car ry oat their aseommaadatieaa. ' ' The Committee on Ordinance reported bask tbe ordiaaaia la eased tha water or dinaoee, reeommsadieg its passage, with aa aaeadmeat rrquirias; two (vaatatins to be supplied oa WHsoaV arenae, and one on' Marion square, from May 1st to Ooto-tx-r 3lt f ei b yer. The rdiaaaes was ataended s pre pored aad pa-cd. The Bissrsar swtmittl an abetraot of oasej ia tbe Police Court since Jaa. 1, 1171, show in g li eases f .-a total amewat ef Saee f t't it, ef which $22 M were paid, aad the balaaee Warsaw oa at tae aalabuoKie ; Recorder's few, of-- whk-k $234 . were paid by the city ; Mihal's feci, $17, of which $28 were paid by be city. The folloaiag hills were read' and order ed paid: MeAlpio A Dodge, $3; John Ureea, 19 SS I John Crimm, $13 7i; County -Clerk. $3 Jj j E.D-T mi; 23 13; V. Yonker, $3 J. " " At It r. jt, adjourned. - '1 IT LATEST HY TELEGRAPH. ECsftiMbA)i Hews. Psri, June it is announced tbat 20, '( Cowitauaift prisoners will be trans ported to Kew. Caledonia. Berlin, Jnae - The eommercisl rela tioas between .Qermaay aad France hare beea restored to tbe same tooting aa before the war. -' Rome, June .An encyclical letter has been isiued ceiling on Catholics through out tha world te giro thanks to God on the oeeasioa ef tbe Pope's yabitee. London, Juad C Tbe House ef Lords pawed a bill aarVaritlng Canada to organ e a Territorial OnVernnent in the country lying between, tbe Dominion and tbe Pa- eifio coast.. " ' Paris, June B. Tberais news that Parre i preparing a reply to tbe manifesto of Prince Napoleon.' Thiers insists on giving the RepublW a fair tiial. Versailles, June T. t Terln says a compromise b effected aader which the exile law is repealed, as regards the Or leans Prince, and tbe election U declared ratidt Tbe Princes will not fit and agree of to Intricae. It is said thst Thiers agrees to tbe plan. . Lm Ttriir estimates tbe damage to Paris at eight millions of merchandise burned, excluding docks and warehouses. Tbe (lyiiiene CouacH declares there will be no epidemic if precautioni are .taken to prerent it. The haalih of Pari is atirfse- t'"y- .. . OVTII AMERICA. New York, June 7. Recent alvicci from Mon'eeideo represent the condition of af fairs in the city of Baenns Ayres ss not only not hieing improved, but ss having grown alarmingly worse. About the first of May the yellow fever seemed to be abat ing, and many refugees returned, but the disease again broke out violently, and the returned cititens fled in a panic. The seat of iSoveratseat was about to be n moved te Restero at tha last advices. All eommuni- ; cation netware Montevideo aad Buenos Ayres are positively prohibited. There is no information regarding the mortality among American residents. i Rem china. London, June 6. Advices from Hong Kong to May 28 report that the Coolie ship from Mseso for Callao was burned at sea, aad 600 Coolies parisbed ia the flames. Par ticulars received are conflicting. NOVA SCOTIA. Halifax, June 7. Three members of the Nora Scotia Government havo been ap pointed a delegation to confer with the Governments of Nova Pcotia and Prince Edward's Island with a view fo united ac tion against tbe Washington treaty. EASTERN NEWS. Galvestoa, (Texas), June 6. A terrible storm prevailed here since Boon hut Salur- day. The wiad forced water from tbe Gulf on the Island, covering it. to the depth of several feet in the southern prrtion of the city. Ahout two miles of the track of tbe Galvestoa, Houston A Henderson Railroad have been washel away twa miles above the city. Many buildings in the lower part of the eity have been wasbel away. No lives were lost. . Six inches of rain has fallen since Saturday at 2 p. m. Tbe storm also prevailed to a great extent at Houston, and . maeh damage was done there. New York. June 6. The Atlantic Canle Co., to-day, announoa that cable tariff for tea word messages after July 1st, will be $10 gold, the date, address and signature to be counted and paid for. The limit of mes sages to fifty words hps been removed, and press dispatches bcretFter will be charged full rates. Wasbiagtoa, Juae 6. The sal -Commit tee far investigation of alleged outrages in the South held a meeting to-day, which wns occupied throughout with tbe examina tioa of Gov. Orr. of South Carolina. He state! that he had no personal knowledge ot tbe Ka Klaa ; did sot be.Wve they exist ed la his section of the State ; axpressed the opinion tbat sack aa organisation did exist la some coaaaWe of North Camiiaa. aad tbat its object was to Intimidate colored people from voting at tbe eleetioa ia 1872. n belierrd the constitation nf tbe Con noil of Safety, published ia tba CbarWea R jnblitan last February, was tbe basis of the organisation. CALIFORNIA NEWS. ' San Francises', June f. The heated term appears to be orer and a furious, nor- wester is now blowing. The iron screw steamer City of Melbourne arrived from Sidney this afternoon. Siadey papers contain the details of a terrible eyeinwe or barrios oe, io. which the Anaeri- raa brig Kentucky, from San Francisco, boand for Melbourne, is supposed to have f amlrred with alt oa board. Immense quantities ef gold tra being e stained from tha Caledonian Reef, of New Z-alaad. The Thames gobt fields Vt pro dating well. . ' - . This stiamss brmsght a petition from tbe fNew ftoate Wales to the Eng lisb Uovemmeat, to annex tba Ft Islaads. She stso brings largo mails tue Kampe. Floar Market still weak, with a down ward teadeacy. Stock lathe eity estima ted at from 50,000 to SO ,000 barrels. Wheat A lot of 10 tons choice sold at 2 SO, which is the top price for good mer chantable qaality. Wool The demand continues active, aad rates are a trifle better. It now looks ai if tbe remainder nf tbe clip would son a be cleaned np at full Hgures; even inferior grades are in better favor. The range for burry to choice is 2533e, while some fan cy lots have beea taken a aa advance on the latter figure. Too sales nf one house for tbe week aggregate 3fi,000 lbs ; and of another, 00,000 pouads. Lira I5Sub!cb Tbe S. F. Spirit TVaies, speaking of tbe Continental Life Iasaraace Company, says : "No mountain is founded on a firmer basis. Whoever ea ters tbe ranks of its peliey-holdcrs may not only rest assured that be aad .his heirs will be most equitably and liberally dealt with, but may also dismiss all misgivings from bis mind as to the Company's perpetuity and tbe perfect safety of tbe funds intrusted to its keeping. Its present assets, eontinu- I ally and rapidly augmentiag, and invested secerely d preltwbly ia National. State, and in other "securities, worth double the amount for which they- are bald, now ap yroaoh JU imlliom dollars. Jim Tern Coiatj Coirt. .. . c. a. raaav, jcnoa. ' At coouMi a . aiEsrr, ooaaiuiOMcna. Ia tbe matter of the location of eonnty roads, one petitioned for by S. W. R. Jones f aad others, aad one by W. H. Ring end others; reports of viewers in said roads were read a first time, aad not being con sldered sufficient or satislaetory, the causes were eoatinued until the July term, 1871, of this Court, io order to allow said viewers te file aa amended complaint. Petition of Linus Brooks and 115 others was presented asking a location of a ooun , ty road from Silvcrton to a point on tbe Willamette river, opposite Wheatland, crossing Pudding river aad Lake LbUb, , passing Brook's Station oa 0. A C. B. K., ete. Joha Newsom appointed 8arveyor. O W. Hunt. T. W. Davenport and K. L. Hibbard, viewers, to vWw and report in said location. Wa. Case, Ksq , was appointed to ex- . amiaa aad raase to be' erected a bridge across the crook betweea McKays sawmill aad tbe school house. Thos. Caaaiagham graated license to paddle in Marion county for a term of sli months from this date. . r James T. Barbae k granted same as 'above. " David Bachelor graunted same aa above. Geo. W. Haat appoiated Supervisor of ftoad District, No. 42, to fill vacancy occa sioned by abseace of Joba Dawning. Order made ia March term, 1871, to re- dace County cbwa! Superintendents salary. vacated. Ia tbe matter of vacating that part of the Salem and Foster road, lying between tbe dwelling house nf R. F. Fletcher and the bridge across Little Pudding river, at Den ay A Tarpley's sawmill. No objections be ing made said portion of tbe road was vaca ted. ' The following accounts were audited and warrant! drawn ordered issued lor same. Weatberford A Co., Pauper A Oct ...$ & 50 Carpenter A Chase, " " ... 12 50 S. L. Kenwurthy, Poor House Ac- OVfet..ee. eeeaaao a eaaaaeeoe aeewoaaea F. A. Cook, Binding Paraienter A Ilabcock, Jail Acet.... Jas. C- Booker. " " .... Salem Dray A H. Co., " " Wod Aoct. A. B. Cosper, Clerk's Acct Booth A Plamondon, County Com missioners - 42 00 4 00 1 00 12 00 9 On ft on f!) 15 4 00 19 15 State vs. William Low, Sundry Or ders ... Denny A Tarpley, Lumber 15 00 0 00 l.ld 00 74 00 1 50 2J 00 19 (Ml 14 00 MeAlpra A Iodge. Spikes J. N. Matueny, Sheriff's Acct Ai Coolidee A C. Pauper Acet E. M. Waite, BUoks J. Giaecy, Commissioner .... At Coolidgf . County Read At!.. Sundry Order- S"!"5"W?,"""S! State IN'evvs. artlamdU From the. Porttned D.ilics of the Sth inst. : Tbe Ilrrald says Justice Snyder bas over one hundred suits on hnad. The Chinese have opened a saloon for sale of braady nnd opium. A lare number nf antlers hare come from Monticcllo to be s nt E.-t. Forage and beef contracts bare been let to supply military posts in this Department. The boats running to Kalama are doing ao business worth incotioaing. Tbe BhIUH announces bVafrival of the John L. Stephens with 575 tons of freight. She will sail on Saturday. " " The Oriflamme took away 450 tons Ircight flour, wheot, flax seed, etc. Andrew Jack was severely burt by a sin k thrown from a circular saw iu Abraois A Hogue'a saw-mill. The Oregtmian says the flood is slowly receding at Portland. Tbe steamship California ia due from Victoria. Coleman, tbe artist, i preparing a num ber of Oregon views to lie nsed in lllutrat ing Dr. Loryca's Hand Guide Book of our Bute. Tbe steamer Contantine bad not arrived at Portland night before last. Ton tons of bones were lately shipped to San Francisco from Portland. Tbe Portland papers all have it thnt 700,- 000 fine hams, put np by Cross at Salem have lately returned, to Portland, having gone from Salem to Chicago and beea ship pad back. That would require more bogs bipeds included than ever Oregon con tained and we don't like to believe it all at once. Paul d CaSSHguac, the duelist and favorite journalist of tbe ex-Empress Eugenie, brbaved so ohgtrrporouely at the firtress of Cassrl, where he is con6ned as prisoner of w ir, tbat h had to be repeatedly put on a diet of bread and water. The Easton Frte Pre., says the oldest Postmaster in the UntU-d State- is Joho Seibering, of Leizb county, Pennsylvan a He is 84 years old, received his comuiissiou ia 1820, and bas held it ever since. One million three hundred and fifty thou sand dollars' worth f property a as de stroyed by fire last year in Pittsburg. THE ON K-WEE 0 REM E D T. We are aware of the fact that U Is eeneratlf an easy matter to procure certificates aitestins; the eSWIeney of patent remedies from a certain class ef those who hse them. We have selectrrf the following because the names attached to Uem are those of mca like moaf cartful aw 4 serapustws cAtmictar, and because tai largr class of he -acquaintance In Orenon wilt n-4, for a aMssent accuse or suspect tSesa of any ex afteratloo in the statements they make. Ccril8-at from A. R. Shipley. special oontrilmtor to the Willamette Tarm-r, and ree retary of the Orepon tlorUcultorat aocfety : Oswaoo. On , March , 1'Tt . Da. A.M. loar: ' 8am lour weeks ao I was entirely pmetatrl wtwi Kaeuaiattaw ; In bet, I was Alrsoat he ntess. t seat te yne for one 10 aunee bottle of the Tnk Weed Rewis1y." V the use which I expe rienced almost tmmaSlaie rettef; and fcy the time the aottle was gone the Rheumatism wa gone from my own experleoee, and from wn if I hare new 4 etnrrs sy who have used t e Unk Weed. I beDeve H to he a certain core for Rliev. mstisas. Tears, respectfnny, A R 8RIPLET. Ccrtlteaes front the Hon A. I. Dufnr, rx PresMent o' te Oregon 8ute Agricultural Bod ety and author of ' etarMtes el Orefou " Ksirr Puctluid, April 1, 1ST) . Da. A at. Iiavas m : I was afllicted with a aerrre afack ef Chronic Rheemattsm; was confined to my bed nnt of the tHne from Jana"y to Jaly, when I used the Cak-Wced, aad tt tared aa aa. a.j. ocrci. Orrtfllcate from Mr. Jmrs Bybee, the orated s'ock grower and Kbtg ef tbe Oregon Turf." , S .one's Isasun, Aaaoary 14, 1871. To Oa. A.M.. Umi A Oo Ttila la to aekaawSMBsr She etaccy ef ynnr "Crrtl Weed Reme'v.eeOrvgon Rheum.tle Cure " I was afllicted w iialns with a very sert -n. attack ef IrrU m t"i.' Rheeraatlsin and trtel ner y all of the eelled Rhenmatlc Remedies wfthoit any relief pereetvable. I then trlct ynnr Remede, and Its use resulted tn the most happy ttfecta a perfect care. Truly yours, JAMES BYBEE Oerttflca'c frm Hon. F I- Oeimby, ex-County Commissioner of MoltnomaH coonty. Oregon lsv PoasusD, April 1, 1KT1. Da. A. M Loaves ACo; I nae used the "Cnk-Weed Remedy "and am sMtsfled tt la a raloahle medicine It rrgn laUe and Hirigmatft the system. This is aiy ex perience with the remedy. Truly yours .KUQUMUT Certificate from Hon. N. II Lane, Pilot Com, mlsstoner of Oregon, and a member of the City Oouncd of Bast tVjthnd. Esse PnarusD, April 1 lfTI. Irs. A. M. Laavas A Co.: I have been sfBicted for seeeral years wtlh weakness in the back M and wandertne Reo mmt patns. accompanied he seoerc contUiHttin. By the use f owe ball of ynnr Unit-Weed Rrmeily, or Orevon Rheumatle Cure I hare neei enttrely relleerd and eheet fatty recommend tt as a meet valuable and efficient remedr NAT ft. LAMB. Certificate from Hon Gideon Tlbbetts member or the City Council of East Portland. Cast PoeruxD April T, 1871. Ds. A. M leaves A Co.: Osais Tan l to Inform you that I nve used your ' Unk-Weed Remedy" f r Neu alic and Rheumatic pales, and foond relief from the use of emlp one tmtdt and e.n recommend It to thorn In need ef aush a remedy. Yours OWE ONI I DUETTS , "it ip In 10-ounce Bottle at 11 50 per Bottle. PBEPARED AT THB OREGON MEDICAL MB - ORA10RT. Br A. HI. LOR YEA ak Cw BAST P0KTLA5D OREGON. XWTmr Satle fcy all Drme-glste. may4 C" aa. huw a. BMBLL. CdAS. B. CALKS. G. W UodgetCalet c Co.. Orugsand Medicines, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, VA BITCHES, BRCaHEB.PAINTERS' MATEBlALr Aa. BrBS5lU' 8uflrlpt, w rRONT FTRIET, P nrttand. Onarmt SALEM IRON WORKS. t. F. Blills t t rroprletor, BAL.BK, OaBGOS. team Bnrmes, Haw Mills. Ortst Milts. Reapers Pamps sad al kinds ef styles ef machinery made te otder. Machinery repaired al a .hort notice. Pattern mailn , done in all its eartoos farm, aad all kinds of Brass aad IrerA Caattnca furw IWed at short notice. (ebUVtf Mew Adrrrltsements- VAN WAGNER &CO., FU3NITIM DEALERS, wrtw. atwe mt State Utreet ftALBR, - OKaOOS, ARK NOW ReCMVlSG, UlrtfUrrow Sat: Francisco, A Ynsh Stock of Furniture, Cuunstiag of cr-ry variety of First Class and Comn on HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. CONSISTING Of Bed Room & Parlor Sets, BUHKAIM, TABLKU. BaDtlKsDs, HtttKOttl, me, Also a full assortment of RtnniNU, BKDtPniNGU, KXCKLSIOR, MAIR, noss. Pieture Frames k Mouldings. We atso mnarnctora and keep eori.tanily on haatf the celebrated Piitcut Prcitiiuiii FANNING MILLS, Which, tor Ave years past received tba tlrst premium at the State Fairs held In Illinois. Wisconsin, Iowa di Oregon- galrni, Oregon, April SOthi 1871. itw 99 First Street. ONK DOOR BELOW ALDER ACKERMAN'S PIONEER ONE DOLLAR STORE! iTcrj Article and Lot $1.00. THE Vt'tfM.vgALE DEPARTMENT HAS klfO ttren fitieil tip nttti the nurt-st and choicest art-ctes, and is now i-ten to the imbltc. - rIOtlNTRY STORE KKtPKIU", A8 WM.t, AS families, wuld d, Wrll and save money br ealling at the $1 O ftore before buying cIm nhera. No. 09 First Street, PDRTLASP, OHKGON. Vth fiOnD8 FACKFD f.Y IXi'KKIIKCED packers, free ef iliare. i. u kkslbr., r.ui's uiisraan, KEKLEI1 V I1ALSTEAD, 85 L1HKKTV ST., KEW YtRB. OREGON AND HORTB-WEIT C 0 f,l F.l I S S 1 0 H AGENCY for haying and forwardine direct, via Isthmus Rail aad Cape Horn, with San Francisco - eonoecttoos. all classes and rarefes of Merchandise, and for sale of ExiKirts from the N-.rtli-wr.t. Advances7 made on approvrd conslfmnienta, and orders reiec.t fully solldird. Ail orders and busintia sill receive pmrH attention. Itvrot'fiiiceH. KKW YORK. N. T. Ntl Ex. B ax, cor. Colics 'ace A Chambers afreet. Mrsaas. A. B. A C. K T lto .95 Lihertt o.. Msssas. J. U Baowaau. A Bsoa., B.nk , SS Broad Clreet. Mamaa BauTLfcV. wiixsa A Tbob4SiS48ouUi Bt. oeicGox. Mass. Lino A Tilt. a. Bankers, Tcrtlend. Hi. E. tr.eH.TTU. a, Portland. A. A. McCollt, Ktq., Salem. fhxWdvwtf Money Cannot Buy It ! X)U MUUT 1 FKICKLESS! Tlte Dinmnntl iItvc$it tuners vearo tnr J. E. SPENCER & CO., N. Y., Which are now otfrred to the poWle. are pro- eounced by alt ihe celebrated urticans ef il-e Wi.rld to O; tbe IVIost Perfect, Natural, ArtiOdal help to the human eye ever known. They are tronnd under their own supervision, from minute Ciystal Phblcs, melted tumtther, anil derive their name, " Diamond," on account of their hanlnesa and brilliancy. The Scientific Principle On which they are constructed brings the core or centre of the lens directly in front nf the eye, peodneing A clear and distinct vision, aa In the natural, healthy sight, and preventing aH an p'easant sensations, urh as glimmering ami wavering of sight, disaines, Ac peculiar to all others tn use. They are Mounted in the Fineet Manner, In frares ot the best quality, of all materials asrd for that porppee. THEIR FINISH A WD DURABILITY CANNOT DE aUFPAt&ED. Cac-trw.-None genuine anteM hemrlng their trade nark ttRipel od ererjr frame. w. w. "martin, Jeweler and Optlolaa, Sole Agent for f5AlL,l!:M. OREGON. Friss whosfcthey ran only be obtained. These goods are not suppied tn Pedlers atany price. . r 'eMSdswly FLORENCE SEWING MACHINES. Tr rprence la Ihe best Sewing Machine for family nae, because H so seldom gets out of order ; if there Is one In the Stste of Oregon not working well. If I am Informed of it, I a hi fix tt wltlicsrt any expense to the owner. SAMUEL HILL, A-Q-IElSrT, 19 Montgomery Street Sooth, GRIND HOTEL BUILDING. BAH FHAMCIBCO, CAL.IPOHBTIA. Strstlen A Wal'er, A gents, Salem Oregon. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. 49-Active Agents wanted In every pi ace. B .if 8E INC MACHINES IMt. Vroom Hew has the Agency for these popnlsr Machines, and keep a variety of tliem constantly en Band. The Incre aaing ponilarity ef Ihe SINOrB MA CHINKS proves iheir racrllence, and the ladies re bzvt'cd to call and examine thesa. T r e 8 8 Ma 1 i n G Is eJee carried' en at that KstsAtUhsseat, , as faeretofsre, . WMci Is constantly la receipt ef tbe Latest itjlrt and CBttlofici r Fssblont and PatteraB, DIRECT FROM HEW YORK ;. Rev. S-awta - -' ' - KlftcelUBeoBa. PEX1I0S MID ORG&US T IIAVIC JUBT RKCRIVEn THB 1 mrst stork ercr hroolil to this marie v. ket, consist t g of Die Icllowing makes ot riapes: V Mallet & DavU (Clehrated New Scale,) Chickering & Son's, Parlor Cem, Bradbury Piano And coming by rail SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW In the Hoc ef Piano Eortesv My Work will range In price from SSoOto S600. I al,o hare on haiid a large stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, Which I offer for sale at Eastern prices. W. T. SIUNAHAN, No. 7 First Stret-f, POH.1-L.ANI, ... - ORBtGOH, (Near Udd A niton's Bank,) AprlKdsw $20 A DAY TO MALE & FEMALE AGENTS To Introduce the eelibrate I $5 Bnekeye Ikuuls rtwl.f Maeklsae. Ml'eh alike on both sides, and ia the .n1y Pcenad Shuttle Machine in the United Slates for less than f to that uses l celebrated - WILSON SKKD," and are a knowiedged by all to be the BEST FAMILY MACHINE for heavy and llgnt tewing, In the market. Outfit free. Address HI I M Kit at PRARI09, Gaoeral Ag'tta, Albany , Oregon. M)ie J.SOX L BOTAL. ra.sct" a. surta ROYAL & SMITH. BsaLsaa i asd 5criCTcas r IJoots and Slioen, Cn'ta frk Iae tt Order ri Tanutei. We are receiving new supplies of U o o t r it n l M It o p a Of every varirty .cited to tha MPBIKU TRADE. Agints for The Improved Home hat tl. Sewlnu Nsthlns We call special atte-dl .n to the "Improvotl Mtifltino. aprim Sa-h, Blind and Door Factory, FBOVI STRKKT. SALEn, tlRKOlHI. I OTHBT t STAPLET85 Itrnftdiren. SAH, BLINDS DniiK-t. FRAMED A MO' I D invs of all d.scrlpllons kept CO sl.nl ly oa aand and matte to order. M.nlna. Bo-cJe Sswt-isj furnlog and J bblng of all kinds dune on short noih-e EVAH Urstara Pr.naptly PUIcsl CALI oT MANUFACTURERS BRICK BLOCK. COOKE & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DCOHS ANO BUN S Inside nd Ootsltie Finish, -TA.IIt UUILDIACi, Scroll Sawing and lirning. tfyMowIdlwara Hade to Order. Regular sires of work constantly on ha d. s)syOrders rrom the conntry promtly Slled. raetarjr Oa Black it eat mt rheanea. eta Uaaae. suicm, May 10. cawtf OPENING OM SPRING CAMPAIGN FOR '71! M.MEYER & SON ey.WK JUST RtCRIVKU AN FXCkLLeNT IN I L voice of CENTS k BOr CUSTOM IADS fLOTHM Furnlshiut; Goods, Faiicj- and Dry Goods, BOOTS, HOK", HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, AC, atC, VC. H of which they are selling at rxiremely tow Bsweea. Give thrm a call bfore purchasing elsewhere, a they will show yon gnot.s with pleasure. M. fllKYEU As, iOXf (C.raer Or'ewold's Blark.) Cesnmeretal Stree'. March t. J. A. RIPPERT0N, Commercial St.. Salem HA JCaT ItKTtlRVKD WRoe, Can Francls-o with a . tall assortment ol goeods FOR SPRING TRADE! iscLuoisa Ladies1 Dress Goods, IN HARK VARIETY, AND ALL NEW SrvLtB. MILLINERY GOODS, Also a laige aswrtmnt of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING ASD FURNISHING GOODS. Balrm, March B5, 18TI. IVIfXJCloloJw orlt. MONROE & STAIGER. DKALERS IN Monuments, Obelisks, Tombs, Head and Foot Stones, EXECUTED IX California. Vermont AND Ttnl 1 fin TVir - 8A1EM, OREOOf, Aad Braack Saop at Alaaaj. scel Capital Boct& Shoe Store. J. F. STAICER, (rVmssor W Btalger A Birr J A Well eelaotaw. atoak af OaUfwrala and Kastera Boots aad .bee I would call tha attention or tha public espe r&eilj te my own ssanufacture, for whtdh I have wmttiat facllitlea u tw t eat No 1 work. None ant tbe test braaas) ef rreatelt aVtwak wft. he e-ed t3TAU Wwrat WarrawtesL tBsepairingdoaa with neataess and diraalch. Commercial Street, Salem, (One door south ot Ore (ton Candy Ufiy ) nayJteU r. h. Mcdonald & co. eTBOI.BSAI.i: DRUGGISTS, L LA Sati FrassHscA Cxi. Call the attention of DeaVrs to their larce assort. ntcat of "ewly Arrived " Uoodn. composed In part of the following articles, trvetber with ererv thing kept In s. weft suppued WUOUaAlJ: DRlri ATOSAB. I'Hus Dacca, PAvajer MamCiivaa, Tacssas A 8rrroarxaa, KssimAL Oils. Kaaoaaaa On TiLOBtiTi rarrAiLATirH, ILC3I5T9' 8l71(OaUES. HHAwVBK Hikbb, PKAriJHKBlsta. pAirrs abd Oil. VThich wa offer at the lowett Cash rrtcea. and are w.i iuino im 10 ua aoaeraoML b. u. Mcdonald a co., &ui raajtcwco, c.u FOR SALE. OVlt TtRvju BrsiXEIM, located In San Krancueo. t-'.L After our ueia wtstiea, and express ing our Uiank for the liberal natrouaxe we bare received for more than twenty -one years, during which period we have been steadily engaged lu the Drag business In California, we beg to say tn consequence of th rapid growth of Dr. Walker's California Vtnepar Bitters, now spread over tha l'nit4 antes and countries tar beyond, wa are necessitated to devota our entire time to said bus iness. We are the Oldest Drag firm on the Pacific Coast and the only one, ceffltinuous under the same pro prietors since lrttt, and have determined to sell oar large, prosperous, and wall aatahllahad euataMas oa favorable terms. Tbla ts a rare opportunity for men with means, of entering Into a profitable business wttb advan tages never before offered. for particulars enquire of B. H. MrDOXALD A CO., It H. McDonaLB, I Wboteaale DrnfrcUta i. C. Sraacaa, ( ban Kraaebe. Cat. N. B Cnin a sale Is made we shall conttnaeoar lmportatlona, and keep a large stock of fresh goods constantly on hand, and sell at prices to defy com petition. ISi VILI.IOVS DcarTeslltasurls their Waasterfsil t'strntlve KtTecla. . Tla.gar Hlttera are act a vile Faacy trlnk, llada of Vmmr Kaaa, Whlakry Proof Hplrlta aad ttefusa Lleuera, doc tored, spiced and sweetened to please the taste. ealii"! Tonics,- " Appetlsera." Bee tore ra," i that lead the tippler on to drunkenness aad ruin, bat ere a true Medicine, made from the Native Routs and Herbs of California, free frasa all Alcwlssdla HUsMlaata. They are tbe littKAT Bl.OUU ft KIFIER aad A MFE tJITINU PUINCIP1.E, a pwteet Renovator aud Invigorator of tbe System, carry log off all poisonous matter and restoring tha blood to a healthy eondittoa. Ho person can take these (litters according to directions and remain long anwelL provided their bones am not destroyed by mineral poison or other meana, and tba vital arrane wasted beyond tbe point of repair. Tbeyarea (Ueutle Purgative as well aa a Tenlc, possessing, also, tbe peculiar merit if acting as a powerful agent la relieving Conges tion or Innammetioa of the Liver, and of ail tbe Visceral Organa. F OR FEMALE COMPLAINTS, whether in vooiur or old. married or single, at tba dawn of woman hood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters have no equaL Far lalamiuatory and f'hreule Ithru esaliens aud I..MI, ly.sepla ar Ia dlgeallaa, Itllleaa, Keaalttent aad Intersnlitrnt Feveru. Diaeaaee mt Ike Ule.l.',.lver, Kidurya aid llladder, these Itiltrra bxve been most stlcceasfuL stack IliaraMe-s are caastd br filiated Hies which is generallr produced by derangement ot the Ulseatlvc Orgnaa. DYtPEP!IA OR INDIOESTIOH, Heailoche, Pain in the HhonlcleiA Coughs. Tlcht- neas of tlte Cheat, Pixzim-ss, Sonr Ernctatlona of he Btomach, Bad Taste in the Month, Bilious knacks. Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Longs, rain in the retfiona ot the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms are tbe mth springs of Dyspnwia. ) They invigorate the Stomach and etlmnlate tha torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of Dncqnllcl elTtoary In clean sing the blood of all Im pnntica, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOtt !KIJi DIfu:ArK!,Brnt)tioni,TetteT, Bait Khenm. Blotches, Hota, Pimples. Prutnlea, B.i)l v Cartrancjea. Ring-Worms, Braid Head. Rore Rjca.Erysiilaa ltclu 8.11 rfs. Irlsrolorationsorthe Bkin. Hnniorssnd Hivascsof the Skin, of a'hat rver name or nature, are literally dug np and car rirtl out of thesvtein in a .hort time by the use of them Hitter..' fine t.ilfle in .iir-h cawh will con viiKV: Uie mow iiicmtiiinoH of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find Its lm-nritleab.retingthrorurh the skin in Pimplca, Eruptions or Sores ; cleanse it when you And it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it 1. foul. and yonr feelinps will uil yon when. Keep the Mood imre. and the bealtllof tlte ayetem will follow. PIN, TA PE. and other WORM", nrklnf In the svstem of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. BOLP BY ALL DRUUaiSTS AND DEALERS. J. WAI.KEn. 1'rofrriet.T. 11. H. MrlMlNALD LH), llmciri-. a,i tien. Atrent-i. R Vrmndnn, Cal., mil s umi 31 Cotiuncrc. Street, Kew York. For a few coats you can buj zf your Grocer or Druggist s ; actagc of SEA MOSS FARINE. mado from pure Irish Moss, 01 Carrageen, ivhich will make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a like, quantity of Pud dings Custards, Creams, Char lotto Russe, &e. It is the cheapest, healthiest, and most iclicions food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no eqnal as a light and delicate food for Invalids and Children. A Glorious Change- ! ! THE CHEAT WORLD'S TOXIC, 1 .antation Bitters. This wonderful vepplnble! restorative is tbe slcrt-au- chor of the feeble nnd debili tatctl. As a -tonic nnd cordial for the aged and languid, It has no equal among stom achics. As it remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are enpeetally ' snb- ect, it Is superseding every Bther stimulant. In all Cli mates tropical, temperate, or frigid, It nets as n specine In every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. ' For sale by ill Druggists. NEW ASSORTMENT! SPRING AND SUMMED GOODS! HERMAN & 1URSC1I Hi VI JCrTT RECEIVED DRY GOODS, . .CltXhiug and Hats, Boots and Shoes, Crockery Sc Urocerles, HAltDVVAHE, fl'IXT ASiOETFJ). falcon, March i. lsa AUCTION STORE. ALL KIND) Of RECORD BAND lURHlTTJtl koufht sou sold. t3Trurolture sold ou eesasaisiisa ee at aaa ttea STATS STXaST. (OpfMette N.w Tort kaxrry iAIIu, : : : t .' OSCOON. JAMES COrriT, Aaa leaeer ' iuaet, (f&s Beat Eitate, etc It K A Is ESTATE. For Pescrlpllve Lists of Town 'Property, Farms, etc., in Ore, on, ,1 1 d ft a crpy of the Real JfolaU GatU to B.VBUK1. (at FAIR. RT Pwrtlawd, or to H AHMKR, At TKRRY A a; a at la Sstlaaa. sepll:ia CIIAIILES DinON. Commission merchant roa BUT1KO. 8FLLWG ASI FuRWAKn INO ALL KINDS OFMEKCHAXDISK, P. 0. Box, Ko. 4091, 181 Prarl SU KEW YORK. liefer tn Messrs. I arlrl Tilton, Portland. Messrs. Knupp, Bnrrell ti Co. Messrs. Havier it Co., M R. Wade, Kur,., 8Jem. W. p. Abrunis, aq., Dalles City, r It.'jvt :tad OF JULY!! FIREWORKS ! At McCORNICK'S, Forllaad. FLAQS 2 At BiaConailf K'S, Portlaad. MASKS! At McOUrt H ITK's, P ,rtlasa. FIUECHACKKHH! At ntconairK's Pertla.at BUiTINti FLAGS ! At BfcCOKHICK'S, Partlaaat. CHINESE LANTEI1 IV S ! At Mccormick ', Fori I asset. FIItEAVORICS ! Pat ap la Aasorbd Lo's fr-r Coanlry Displays at from $S5 to 9330, AT MoCormlolt's ! juneS C. W. LINDSAY, ORNAMENTAL PAlNTfR. Carriage Painter tt Trimnipr. I HAVE AS ASSISTANT A EX perteiirel caniaire tiaintir jul frt-m ih- r.-.t; a ftfi a trimmer alio itmroufflt un terstan Is tht Iiummm s-, aiitt jm ite, areu t ln ait work In this II. c at 101 1 Ddtiie and lb tlie best manner juotS Ciniiirv Itirtt -t-l ! IUHP SbCbwD. HAPK KKICn. NlLtRT SKICD, AT SOUTH ER'8 DRUt. 8TORI. jnnei-2. JSC mnrL. jiar5 a. ennx STITZBL St UlTO?f, REAL. ESTATE BROKERS, Corsi-r of Front Jt iVasblnston Si's, PURTLANP, OHKGUsr. Will atteml tn tlte urcliase an f!ale of Real Est..tt; In all rarts or Oregon. I W linans nrfrotiete.l nn First Morfgsge Real Estate aasl C,tl.trral eecorlty Areata tnr the Pale of Mocks and tots lat llwtladay'a Addition Aaa I Portland. C. C. WAY. Pali-amaa and Aollcitins: Agent KKFERKXCES-B Y rXB.VSSOX : Vosas. La no A Tilths, Bankers. Purtland Oregnn ItS. H U..D4T. H. P Ga . Wasssras A Co. JaS rtra.L, Cihl'-r, First National B.nk. Lots Bamsia. oislSI REAL ESTATE. j. ysTTxasox, Notary I ubllr. a. r. TBoursox, Real Kstate liroker. PATTERSON & THOMPSON, Real Estate, Fire and Life INSUKANCE, a.ni GENERAL AGENTS Grlsweld's Bltsek J.ra.r eomxtaer. elal aa Slate atresia, IA1.EM) OBEOO SPECIAL, ATTEMTIOK OIVEW TO the sale of Real Estate in all parts of Oregon. A LARGE AMOUNT Of VE8T HE irsbie ettr property, eat-atstrns of Itwrlllnft Houses, l-ots, lkuclu acd Half Blocks, Stoics, Ac, Alas I it PHOT CD FARMS AMD VALUA bie CneolUvatcl Pialrie ano : ber Lands, aiiaated to Uw be.t Incalitlea la tLsst. 1)BOMPT ATTEWTtOK PAID TO tlenllns. and Lea.io all kiods of aroyerty ; atfo eollecitea of Aceouots, Rents, Ac, in all parts of tbe 1 late. AGENTS FOR Tbe Mutaal Life Insurance Co. -or NEW YOKK, AND The CbIii Fire Iainrinee Company, or Man Frnnt.stto. SPXCIAt. PA WILL BS TAKEN to luratah sttaations for those desiring cat 4oymal; sr r) F150 SCTTABLI PERSONS POR TUOFR wlsblog hired belp of aay kind. Oattesajsuiluata a.esas4ly aassrrred, aad all tattoruMlsoa glvea wttaool charge Address rinmoi a tioifso. Bam 3. SaUsBV, Orsgata. FOURTH Sew iirertlieafnts. 3ronitjroMierw'H PORTRAiT GALLERY: M 0RT60MERY, THE PHOTO srapher, bas recurtd lbs services ol Mit. CHEESlillOUGIIy Aaesakaent Bogllsh Artist. -: Mr Cheesbroaeh will pay special attention te Ihe tskmg of those most beautiful late style ef picture. Tl IIcIlo;riipli. Salem, Jure T. dlw EsTAaunass ia ISM. ARMES & DALLAM. ImM.rters, Jobbers and MAMDFAOTCEeRS OF WOOD AND WILLOW WARF, BROOMS, PAILS, TCBS, C'lUSftS. B-UMIE3, B.aKTf, TWINED, OtlRDAlrK. MATCH Kt, rlTATIUNKRV, PPKR BAOS, CIJTHEa wKINGk'K, FEA1IUR DLMTKH.', FLHhlNU TAOKLK, TEN P1MS AND BLL?, ETC., ETC., AND UElktKAL House Furnishing Goods. DIRECT IMPORTERS OP BsSKETg PROM LkADlMU HERMAN AMI FRK.NCH MANUFACTL'KKttt. auikts r a ths sals S. P. Pereeaatrm Mslch Rompany's Matches, Amerlean Net and Twloe Couiiaiiys Iwtnea, Bos nn rial Mills' Taints, J. 0. Uonroy A Ounipaay't Fishing Tackle, Hollinssworth A Whitney's Pter Hags, Itherman's Improved Cloiliea H'rftgers, C. K. t.its.old A Cini any's Feather ttustera, P. Mctuglilln's Biuil.cs. Our stack Is the laieston tKe Parlfic CSast, and our facilities for manufacturing and Import tng enable us to rell at lo.est market price. sarVlKD POR CATALOGTK- !15 t ill yraa'Dt Fn Frjiciics. atrUH em. C W. I SAX. W. . MAS. a w. situs DEAN BROTHER & FISHER, General Land Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. CITV PROPRIkrV. pRHS A BID Psrmlng Lemls Bought and 8v Id. Ilavlnea very extern ire acqusl t.nre In this city, California and through the Eastern State, parties wishing to sell or rent their farms, .111 find a ready disposal by placing the same In our hands. DK1N BKOTIIEU Jt FISDKR, Ka. SS Front Street. may2l Sli"0,000 GOLD COIN PREMIUMS TILt, BFJ A WARPED TO THE SEASON TT HCKEf IIOLhtK-) 00 the 4tli tiny of July. 1871 i The Cosmopolitan Benevolent Soch-tty, of Cat Ifortia, vi'l l.ol.i ti ir flc-cund O and snir at the B -od .-treet TheaUr. Nevada city, Cal , in aid a t ie lolli wing charitahie tHirptnes : 1st, P shite Schools nf Nevada county, id fulilit. I ihrary of Nevada Ciiy. 3d, f !rphn Asyluoi. Nevuda county. 4 h, rire irrparfraent, Nevadi. Cily. 1UO.OUO Season Tlekcte af Adnata- Io j will b. ao d at $4 SO cacti. All the Premiums w.ll he deposited In the nn.n. vr ravatiA tutttii. PREMIUMS: I rremium, gold coin 1 Premium, gold Ci.in , 1 P'emlum, g l coin ..... 1 Premium, gold coin............. 1 Premiu : , goid coin...... 2 Premium, gold coio..H.M.. 1 Prernium, gold coin...M..HH. 1 Premium, gold ,,,, ,..S5,lK10 ... 15,0011 . lOK).- .. 6 000 . 4.000 .. 3-00 8 000 .. S.490 1,000 1 Premium, gold Coin Premiums, gold coin, $1,' 00 each.. & Premiums, gold eoin, IA00 each... . 15,0M) .. rVJ S Premiums, gold coin, t'M each. SS Iremiums, go'd coin, $250 each. 100 Premiums, g .Id coin, lo0 each 1(0 Premiums, gold eoin, I5u each.. SUO Premiums, gold coin, ISO each.. Stsi Premiums, gold coin, tio each.. 1043 Prcmiuu,s. gold coin, $20 each. 1,400 - 6,550 10,1 00 . A.lSiO 6,000 ... I03tj0 S,l Gold Coin Premiums atnl'g to S'.SOJXH) Baslnesa Mtstgin-L W. Potter, A. 11. Uagadorn, J. Ooraell Ie. By special permission we refer to the r Uowtng wen Known citixeiis : ntin 11. Dickson, eheriff Nevada county. T. w. Mrournt v John A. lAncaster, Na 1 Exchange Hotel. n. n neai, r..n cr nevaia "nscript. 0. T. Srhmlfiburg, Postmast Julius Greenwald, County Trea. Oeo B. Newell ex-Ooun y Sopervi.' Thos. J Ganiaer, Fittor Nevada Qsae. e. P. Banner, Merchant. R. B Oentrr, late hheriiT Nevada coonty. U. k. Belt, Drpnly Postmaster. Ira A- raton. Union Hotel. C O Allen. N-vada Foundry. Judge T. H. Kolfe. teo. K Phillip., Merchant. A. Goldsmith, MtrchanL W01 R.Cne, Chief Engineer Fire Department. T Canflcld, ex Chief Engineer Pire Depart ment. A. San'ord, Merchant I) tvrn A Potter, Merchant.. Lester A Mutiny. Merchants. 1. Mhell, Clly Maralial Good responiibe AgenU eanled. Liberal cornmlssions allowed. Money sliould be sent by Kipress. 01 b- Iviflns any solvent Ban'. Ad dress all covnmun cations to . . SOCIKTT, ntaylt Nevada City, CavL PTANOS! PTAXOSH PIAXOSttt Different stylet, and prices direct from the maDOfaciorers. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, Tlu) Ilummlnrr Bird! A gem of a t lane. Call sod sea It. ORGANS! ORGANS !! ORGANS!!! A larre stock of the unrivaled Mason A H-tn-lin. tiecommendei by the besttuslcians every .here. For sale by SiTKATTON ab WALLER, Falem.Mny 19. ATTEaMION TO AUCTIONS ! THE REGULARAUCTiONEERS! Fill EDM AN sV GOSL.INER, Out Cwrfetn'a rarwer. Will sell all kinds nf Goods and Real Kttats at lower rates than any one In the State- Besides servtns th- puhlfc as Auctioneers, wa have a splendid assortment ot DRY GOODS ANO CLOTHING Crockery Glasswares Groceries, Carpets and Matting. Trunks and Valises, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trim ruin eg and L.aceV GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, At ths lowest prtce tn town. RECOLLECT: Tha ! CASH STORK 1st Tswa PHIKUHAI dTuOSLISKH. - Awa swateare, Opposit. the Vank, Bmleta. Salem, Ma 17 (Opppoalte Cheneketa Hotel,) Comuerclal I treat, Salam, BOOT MAKER. AID DtALSR IS Cuwtoiu talo XSootsn. JuaeS lnt FLOKENCE Se-vingr IVIaxcltines ! AMONG THK TEST BEST, Call and examine before bnylrg. STtRAlTOH WALLCaV, JuoeS Agaata, WAiTED! AH ASSISTANT TEACHER FO Sou k Baleta Ui.trict Bo.ieoL eaiary, l(a per tfrsrver. Apple ta . H. DBVRX01S. Junc8tr - MIscellAarsas, EOCOR ICMftFR liFLITFBEB IN ftlrtf , at lin.Nt er thrasaed f. et. Flnorlns, WeaiMerhoardlt'r, Vlnlsklrg I an her. of suerlor ejualty. t. proportion. Sa Older eolicitea. x. s.TUTL Ms)9dswtf NOTICE. I1IATK Pl'HCIf AKD Til PC BA loon, oa north aide al Stale street, kaeea aa Bas corn's Cross Eoadtl led shall open Ihe same Io day, of ehirh fsrt ill tnr frit ads and tlie i-aMIc eel. era II r will olrase take notice. maylS 1IKK PI All KK It- SAND! leKser the s.nd and gravel drpou . r. tka I-dend lor tlie eaih g rest... ta pr.pared t. for iitah Sand, tlr.vel a.d t,ardew Loitm, rhea. er than It ran t got from any other point. Onlers le't at Brr;uia-t Bros, wig h oeoniMly Blled. aXU. W. MlNTu. A or 117 alem Tin 8iore. ANDERSON & BROWN, Oomasc el l Street. Zmportors of StOTTB, Sht-et Iron, Copper Wit re, Urass mid Zinc Farce awd LlftPgaas, llww.e trtarailaxttaaj tawaela. They also ai.naf etore Tin, rheet Iruo, aad C. p- per ware, an-i Welchs Rotary Washing Machine Iuvaljabe 10 all h.iuseaeepera. Repairing prom4 y done. dAw NORTH SALEM STOR AT THE Ol D CRKRN STORK. BAS A FULL. ASSORTMENT DRY liOOD, GttOCKHIE, BOUTS tX SIIOBS, OLOTItfSO, Hardware. Cen'al Mercfoandise, rakulaled (or City nnd County Tradr. t3"T0ods drlive red toany part of the city free of charge. Nor SJdwtl REAL ESTATE DEALER. THR UNDERSIGNED ATTENDS TO T R sales of FARMING LANDS AND TOWN PROPERTY! In Marion and Polk counties. . r ARMS POR IALE t I hare 20. W acres of go d farming lands for sale. In quantities to suit tha purchasers, at the very lnwrsl price possilile. 1 have no office ex penses and clerk hire to be added to the prtce ot the lana lor which the purchaser has, as a gen til ran always be found at my rest'ienre, two doors notth of the brick church, on HKh street, or the store 01 Q. P. Terrell, on t tale street, f- or doars aasl of the bank. Valuable Property. I have also a large number of houses and lots for sale Io this city. All persons wishing tola, vest in real estate wi.l d. well tn eall on me he .repurchasing. JAMISX SMITH. v marSldawlm. ... iXOTICE. OUR ctrtTOSKRS -D ALL tliose wishing flour er ted will ph-ase lake notice that the Hlem' Mills will be shut dowa from about the Inth of Jne to the 1st of August, and serure themselves supplies. Also those having wheat to sell as will please delivet it before the 10th o Jone A. N. KIM.NL'T, Secretary. May 81 tr. ANGELS' KIO GLOVES I THIS PA VORITK tlRASIt IS TO be found. In all colors, at tha old prVe, at May T. BRKVaa AST BROS. CHEMEKEJA BATHS T. J. liUFORD Bas removed his II AIR DRESSING SAIXMN To the eleg.nt apartment under the Kxpreat Of Sc. In tlie Chemeketa liotel, In connection with which are the bt at of Hot and Cold Water .Baths. Being prepared to treat ht prntrona In the mv t haiivlaoait! n tanner, and apprtTctattngr the frner ou patroDage y iveo him In tbe past be Ml irl s a fiir fharc ot favor from hu ekl fiteot4 and tha pu'-llc generally. t?temt May K.. m L.vriL:rs : : GET TOCR CHOICE PERFUMERT Or Wentlier foi-tl c Co. maylS L. S. SCOTT, Wb Jesale and Beta! Dealer ta Groceries & Provisions, Crockery Glassware, tata atre.t. AfUeaa. Oresjaat. It now receiving a lull supply ef all goods asually kept In a First Class Grocery Store, Vhlch are for s.le Cheap lor CiimIi ..or.. Country Xrotlnee. SVOoods delivered lu tha City Pre. of Charge. NEPTUNE BATHS, C.TLEID5ER, : : : Proprietor, luwtr.'s Block, Comns.rolal Btrawt, IALEM, ORIOOl INSCRtytJ PERPECrSATI'PACTION TO ALL who may favor him with their patroeafra. He wants all lova. a of a e-nulortabla. scrupu lously clean baih good suave aad a fashionable haircut, to give him a rail maritlewtf C. P. TERRELL, Faney and Dry Good Store, Has Just opened a lance stock of Staple, Fancy and Summer DRESS GrOOOiS, lTlarsailles Trimming, JAC0XIT AXD 81TISS IDGIXGS, VaLUNCEINNES DUCHESS AuD G1MPURE LAOHS, The beat assortment ef Ladles t Children's Ho.ery. To be found In the City. PATTUS'I L.OCaC. ComssiarelaJ Itraat, Baleaa. MayStf. BOOK AND MUSIC STORE! H. D. BOON, Cauaaaerelal Street. Salaaa, Ore gats. Wholesale and RetaP t,alrr ta. BOOKS, ITATIORKRT aCHOOL, BOOKS. BLARK BOOKS, WALL. PAPER, FASCTS3O008, PIAMOS. OROABIV. MUSICAL INSTEU2JEIJTS. Initial Stationery, Etc' TAKES PLEA5TJRS 1H ANMOrwClItO THAT ka has ea haad a full itoek ef the above famed srticles and constantly receives additions direct 'root Eastern manurs.ru res, and m ah Is te sell at the lowest possible rates. , al pitcc BUT