V Oregon ffieetjfq statesman. Sl. WHBSHOIY. Jl'SB H. IML Worship. Sales: is ottl for jMborod cttley tie rttrrefces. 1. ere refaUrty U wit ere-erty, utemliee cfT-Uo- Froen these n H wquallf e.g., vk:hcch-goiDK"ofce-oa in , Venice1' woel-i irresisUb'y Wee trial ur., is, pcrewtlsr,'W,,,! coutmcsitj-, ni K.rak teeee, ..opalac aoeoee f l- Vat eit&eriJCh in .neve ttelew an -.fky atssos E,hre f .fee " "V Q(caf e ey sc5M iy.g. Xi.iipptvc teres can sever unaege (fee iTS-ai eAsx-acter of tee shiog liUvJj trwotedfcy s.ch term. Se o deceive tDen, try tbe noeera e of e wti ri, for it is wry simple wotA of 5arow ao--cestry, aod j'-'y sifcoifie a ute .trweirw. "Worshipful Eas ter" friotao!, ve ioVe4- toercit st omvIm is ty 4er whoa i eccwefci .; p, to fee fU of rtk, txtHtcj or 4(Mifc 7Vifrrs. It khi o bU fort by wore1 oroenauct, u neoct eaored eenes towwrafcro eOYe4.1e. Tie jrimittve Usport Of tie word Utbe ejne also in wfcicfc iti soften set! a acrieurre, as is wadered fBiiieBt.jr ev ident f its ueecnAe. 14: 1.- It is not,sertfare, all of srorsuip to attend cbsci, keac scrota re Teaming nfi listen te (moos preaching;.; no-, indeed, to ta auVlre prayers ail erotion4 aynnings. It lawfully exieas's itl noric ja h.ejord thiscaa. traced eld of risUa, n& cot&pre hernia that, m-eraer an5 note preciCeal work, irrv dived hi the antes oa every 3ny labors at life. One tenors iris friebd tjy ordialeprce(i of respect, 8teeii or lor tHiilfl .4eioft:ini ootonly, befby erery cnrf!imocy act f tfre rt to tongue anfl fcad as well. So, th real !aaretrf the rae worekiftpar it svdi os tt treet. a tie ahof r Wsewkere as to be "know ad read of alt ea" H tie honor .or worrtii) of tfre mat?ilTei aame of the Father. "When a .man." eayg Br. oal, "leade -e. pioos and good Ike, every hocr he Uvea la ir tually aa act of roratip.' ' L. L. Rowland. The Ute TenlteoUtrj. We bad tkeUmeotaWefafitto cbron icle tfc otber day that two Ketocioa criminals fcad acaffd from the State frieoa ia broad day. A Udderwaa made en tbe preaaieea, wivbin sigbt and hearisc of all hands, packed to tUe paliag wall wbich scrroeoda the new prison yard, and eootly atocating upon it on of the prisoners, after walking forty yardg the walk which (ormooata the wall so at least we bear ot down off the plings and palisade and- weafieif nrely (iff iato the woods and has cot baca discovered or arrested. This of itself is enongta to condemn any one having charge of the Penitentiary for calpable inefficiency, for this prisoner,, whose crim was merely a midnight burglas-y, -bad oot ven x sbadile oo to impede his Sight. But that was not the wor?t; discov ering that two an to were cr.jain, the Superintendent aeems to have jumped at tlte -oacUsin that bolt had thus escaped, and that Sbaltc, with a twenty pound shackle) oa his leg, had Soma lika a bird over the high watt and acamDered off into tbo woods. He had the fire kali r-ODg and the town two miles distant aroused to search for Sbultz. 'Great rewards were of fered for bis apprehensioB, aod it was reported that his pursuers had him surrounded in the wood", yet all the while he was cunningly but se en reW concealed ia the new prison -vault, where the friso ner, it seems, have -bad free access asd sometimes have held grandjubilees. The officers at tb-e iprisen went through be farce of sitting above the very spot fcere Shnlra lay hid, aod talked over the matter of his capture; and it is fair to presume that when he finally became ready to give up his possession of the premise he went awsy fully informed as to their p'ans and suggestions'. Was there ever be fore in the aooats of prison discipline aueh a farce ec acted as this miserable one of permitting convicts to secrete themselves within the prison bounds, and run away at "leisure when night affords the aiaotle of secrecy aod pro tection? And was there ever before a Superintendeat of a Penitentiary cred ulous enough to believe that a man shackled down witb twenty pounds of iron could fly like a bird over the paN isades aod into the woods? We think not. ' The fact has become apparent to every one else, and shonld be by this time to the Executive that a change is needed ia the management of the State Prison. The position should be filled by a competent business man, one possessing a comprehensive aod controlling mind, man enough not to be scared by a runaway mule, and pos sessing fully the attributes of a gentlemen. - His Excellency is well qualified fo judge how to select a per son to fill the bill. It is a very an healthy state of affairs whea every partisan bully can dictate bis own terms and demand office as the price of bis success in perpetrating political rascality. It is too often the case in politics, and always leads to demorali zation and the injury of the public service. We feel like trying, in this connection, to persuale the present in cumbent that his duty to himself, the Executive .and the State, requires a speedy resignation, but we doubt if he has the good sense to act on his own convictions and rid himself of official position at the expense of his personal vanity. Not k Cbstbn arian. We read in' th Bed Rock Democrat of O. 8. Place, who died lately in Baker county, leav ing a young widow, a toll road and other property, and who claimed to be over a hundred years old. The young widow had three children which the Drmoernt also inctudes among Place's assests. Now, we personally kn"w Place about eight yean ago, and did business for him, drawing op the in corporation for his foil road among the rest, and at that time he claimed to be 97 years old, but we questioned him closely to find out that by bis memory be could be not over 70. He didn't know anything about the war of 1812, for Instance, at which time if he was really 97 in 1862 he must have been over 40 years old. Having disposed of the old man's ags we might lay a word about those ebildraa, bnt will timplj remark that one was born befoie be married, the mother if report did not greatly belie her. The boy was seto . running around before the wedding at ny rale. Interealag Correspondent. In tcb Bbcsb, cr run Hollow, fcU-soHBAV, Jane 10, 1871- Eiuriv. Sruuiis : I aint mucb c' the pen wsivs and don't gt much ov newspaper, ftotgk they ought to g a good deal ea eae, for, when Tax abla to be eat, tbey tiave plenty of items. Toar aocount of ay capo, as cor reeled m yessesdaj's issee. is geer ally O. C see you have lost W'atktixij' .(ta'vronag fey seUtag into bias a tittle. II wrxte ta test yo in soaK5 f acticclarg. j1 to oo nteract any lies tfaat nay be-fiCt iate the Mercury. - wTtAi6 aw name. - . - . . - lotbe Crst plae I liked say berth pretty w!l ao'ftth-4Kgd for the ap psiotoeeit, evs'ttra'peeitiea of bigfe pri rate ia tecPearteaticry ie at ore agree able o4 honorable t taut of the gaardsaad ward sea. 1 ihoefjbtG ro ver oght to -tare oaie eae 6uperia teodettt,.for, oa cceot f ay Desao cratVc -etratefry aroo b d Portlaad last year, they had an excuse te pass laws turaiag act the citytTokioe aad rcakiag a Democratic lastilaUe-a f the Police cowrtof that. city. But Lafayette was uitettfrtefol, aed,s3 ooaVdo'tbe Soperiateadeat, il efcese ibe herthof hich private as the -nest beat tbiag, aad-I wld never haveTesvgaed, eely I foaad itlnsf essie'e teet akin with the Superintendent. 'I eeitldfTt stand being bossed by e. esan wb cfainied to have been a better .Iemeorat aad te hare il one -nnore eod wank fr the partj lhaa ever liii. AS CAST LITE TOUTS. The idea tfect Haakoey and I had to lay plans to get oaf is ridiculeas. We had, all of as, to manner -oar beet t keep frem being pardoned aad taroed loose to earn ocr own iivicp, aod the guards were becoming fOltto to as, and everytbing was huoky dory, enly for tbe confooded airs Cill put oa aboat his Democracy. I eooidn t stand tbens, and deteraaised to resign end s;u away and earn an honest irviog witb oat being aa expense to the State. They have a hobby about accepting resignations and reducing expenses eo -as to have something left to divide Laroaad. That was dil Tight eaoagb. if they hadn t bragged -so csat tbetr Desaocracy. . BOW Wl OOT OCT. We didn't want to ruin the credit of oar boarding house entirely, so I got Hackney to cover me sp in ahole un til night, net to be seen leaving in uniform without receipt for my board, aod I laid aniptty -;ciet there in-that bole, covered with -beards aod fcrieks and barrels, but that was a shabby trick tbey played me, sitting and' gassing away on them barrels and kicking the dast down onto me there ki that-cre hole. IThat nadeae mad, so heo they pot teady to go away, and 1 got ready to leave; 1 went off ana left tbe gate open just oot of spite. WHAT I' DIDN'T DO. It wasn't the fair thing 'for you to make out that il bad stclee -bale of wool, and robbed the 'trrry till of five dollars, and skimmed forty dollars worth of cream off a milk ranch ; that was real uttpeatlemaoly in you, for I ain't got ready to go into business yet, aod when I did my intention was to advertise in the bTATasKA-N, 'but here after you can't count on my patronage any more than you can Waikinds'. Vou bad belter take then: elanders agin me back tbe trat issue, or I shall be apt to punch your 'bead -tbe first time you go straw berrying. NT 'PARTING EI.K8IMG Was left with the old homestead, where I had trad good treatment and good clothes, and 'had good religion and medicinn given mn OJ demand. ! wouldn't -never have said a thing agin Watkinds,-even if he did kick brick dust down ento me, if it wasn't for bis eternal gab about D mocrary. l can't stand -that. lie found out by watching -the Fair Grounds that 'I wasn't there Friday night, but I U 1 agree to be tbere any night he will name, to nreot bim, and be can find eut which 'U tbe best Dem ocrat, me or him, by nanriug his time and being punctual. Yours, truly, Shcltz. P. S. Mb. Editor : 1 learn that the Superintendent, having 'Io?t me, bas gone and put a pateert sbackle on the brick machine. Watch him and see if he draws rations for the machine. Siicltz. Note bt tu Editor, We regret having hurt Mr. Shultz's feelings, and take his word for it that we did bim injustice. As to the authenticity of the foregoing epistle, we can only say that it soands earnest, and our readers must judge for themselves as to the writer. TUESDAY. Adventures or Joseph nackaey. BIS CSCAPI. 'This celebrated young man confesses Ibart he owes an apology for leaving Hotel De Watkiods without a fair set tlement with the landlord and an equitable adjustment " of standing accounts, but be says that the guard stationed to watch him had most op portunely gone to sleep and he thought Providence was kind. So he slipped over the fence to try the experiment of ptrsnit of freedom among difficulties. Hariog staid in Mill Creek with only bis cese eet of water nntil the pursuit bad welt commenced, and not appreci ating the cold water system overmuch, he transferred himself to terra Jirma crawled nnder a brush heap, and laid there while several of bis pursuers passed over him. O or them, tbe gentleman who took tbe pner at M il sac Cora's for being tbe heaviest m a in Salem, took pains to stop on top of bim awhile and tbe presure came down so solidly that he will not believe that Collins weighs less than a ton or a ton aad a half, and be says he felt as if an elephant bad trod on him. AT tHI f AIR OBOUSD whither Mr. Hackney went to keep bis appointment with Shalts, he passed the night, part of the time housed in John Savage's barn wbicb ia directly opposite, much disappointed because Sbulss threw off on him and didn't come to time, and as cold and ancom- fortable as a man conld be who was just out of prison and later still out of Mill Creek and the mountain waten from the Santiam. His hat had washed away when io the creek and bay makes so poor a comforter that Joseph came near taking a cold in his head. A BBIDOI SCBSB. Friday morning early be started down the old stage road towards Ger vias, end on a bridge abont three miles below town be came up suddently, fate to face, with e German citisen of Salem, traveling leasurely with a cane, aod with a leisurely walk, such as pertains to a leading stockholder in a hotel as- . ociation. Both struck a startled atti tude and each started to ran, bnt for tunately for Joseph the stranger made the mistake of running the other way instead of after him and he began to tbink himself a very lucky boy. mCIDISTS BT THB WAT. He began to realize also that be needed a new suit of clothes, and as no clothing, stores were convienient, to . use bis own expressive language, be " tracked six cribs' before Bight with out t access. He met a number of rail-' road hands along tbe road wbose con duct was tncourjingi even tbongh the offered oo material aid. Cheered bv their signs of syapatby ha went oo and towards nlgbt be saw whore some damn had mended her leige lords pants and bung them up to dry. The shades of night were falling fast. He thought before tbe shadows passed, he'd have a pair of paota at least. But, as that pair of pants he spied, and just before, the, eientide, the dame came out and thea uaUed those pants from off the clothes line aad all his hepee were dashed. "'Ti ever thus in child hoods hour." etc. Friday night be laid in the brush almost exhausted ami recommenced his j mroey toward morn ing. Determined to have a little on bis head and to find something wherewith al to comfort and replemish an interior that bad bceomo a aad emblem of tbe bollownees of earthly hopes. HIS BECAPTt'RB. Towards night he entered a French man's bouse oo the paririe, represented that some esc.e convict bad robbed him aod forced an exchange ot ward robe, and was well fed and comforted by the untaspecious Gaul, and also re ceived a bat. Then he went on merry hearted, bat he eeems to have met a little boy who noticed bis peculiar garb and told his father about It when he got home, and bis father, witb Thorn berry of Gecvis and Lobdell of Salem went for bias, and wouldn't bave found bim, hid in tbe brush, only they scared a flock of swine, that tried to run into the sea and ran eo near as to start bim up sod make himself visible. BACK BOMB AGAIM. Joseph Hackney is a lively young man, and keit his captors from going to sleep by bis vivacity in relating the toregoing incidents. . He reached home again Sunday noun, not in the " Pres idential Car," which passed up a little before, bat hy the regular train, and is again a happy and contented prisoner of the bonnty of tbe State. A Crime that Calls for Remedy. We received word yesterday that Rosebnrg had been the scene of a ter rible tragedy, occurring between the publishers of the rival papers at that point. We leara that the cause for this bloody affray was tbe publication of an assertion ia the Ensign, last Sat urday, that tbe Plaindealer had, the week before, altered a foul libel on the character of ooe Higginson, and that it was done for blackmailing purposes. This charge was, of course, an un pleasant one, but if the facts are as stated, aod Higginson bad been un justly accased of a henious crime, then it was not unreasonable, though it shonld, perhaps, bave been couched in less offensive terms. It ebows a poor state of civilization wben such bloody conflicts can take place among res pectable and intelligent citi zens ; and it shows no less a misera ble state of demoralization wben news papers are at liberty to pursue towards each other a course of reckless asser tions and slanderous accusation. These Roseburg papers tare not by any means been the worst or most of fensive in this light. It has been re served for tbe party organs of Democ racy here in Snlem, for mtny years past, to bold this evil preeminence, and they have spared no pains to maintain it, as witness tbe irresponsible utter ances of the Mercury at tbe present time, and tbe vile and slanderous course of the I'rcsi one year ago, which no decent man dare assume as bis own act to-day. Tbe recent affray is de plorable enough, in all conscience, but there bave been many such. The pres ent one illustrates the danger to be an ticipated from tbe cultivation of on bridled passion. Tbe blood of these men stains the moral character of O.-e gon with a taint of rnffiinism we can not wipe out, and demands that tbe unbridled liceuse of j lurnftlism shall yield before a purer civilization and a higberjsense of honor. Atter all it is much more honorable to meet in dead ly strife, as these men met, and die, even as a rufliio dies, lhan to live to be the poor pusillanimous disgjace to journalism that danders what it dare not assault, and pas-es unwhiptof jus tice because unworthy of notice. Of course tbe Mercury can come in strong upon tbe retort in this connec tion, and to anticipate its answer, we will remark that, in a jonrnalistic ca reer of considerable duration, we bave never bad to retract as untruthful a statement made, and render tbe abject apologies it bag recently made to two slandered citizens of this city. Our object in this article is to show tbe consequences of despicable jour nalism, and to nrge that all those who conduct public journals in Oregon con fine attack and denunciation to legiti mate limits especially to troth and remember that partisan warfare should never be foul mouthed or dishonest. We are satisfied that the readers of the Statesmah will credit ns with having ever conducted it npon this principle, and we propose to so conduct it in the future that it will bave increasing claims npon public respect and esteem, Tbere is another feature of this case that deserves notice and condemnation; we refer to tbe unlawful, barbaraus aad roffianly practice of carrying con cealed weapons by men who are living t home with nothing to fear if tbey do nut .rir ke attack. These men went around, not ag nst any outside, threatening danger, but against each otner as tbe result proved, for tbe peaceful village of Riseburg contained no elements of dangrr such as threat en tbe safety at times of editors a bo dare to be truthful and expose tbe vil lainy which prevails in large cities. Thre is no excuse for a practice which is prohibited by law, and which of it self provokes most of tbe bloodshed ot which we read continual accounts. Generul News. The Terrttoriee. Wells, Fargo A Co. shipped from Owyhee during the month of May $02,165 in bul lion. Another vessel, a schooner of 107 tons, is on the stocas at Port JMadisoa, l'ugt Sound. During May the amount of land disposed of at the Vancouver office was 4,801 acres, more than half of which wa hcimcstcailis. Two thousand persons from different points on the Sonnd visited Tort Madison a few days ago to witness the latmch of the ship Wild wood. . A boring apparatus, to be used in mak ing an artesian well, has been ordered at Boise City. - Tba proprietor, MrtPiekel, intends to go down 1,000 feet. The Vancouver Register has been pur chased by Mr. Stephen P. McDonald, the "Typo" who baa occasionally heretofore improved that paper with bis editorial talent. As be now has sola charge of tba paper, patrons may expect a great and per manent improvement in it. Willamette Talley." From the Piaindemier f the 9th, wt enll the following: Tbe O.'A C. R. R. have cbintncnceJ grading between Rusuburg aud Eugene City. On Tuesday the th in it.. James Cossul mcn, residing six milea south of Roseburg, was kicked ie the stomach by a horse and fatally injared. '.' . --' . , i The EmtiyH of same date says the apple crop ia that section will he immense. At tbe Land OSes la Reuburg during the month of May, twenty bomerfeads wore entered, seventeen proved upon; twenty two pre-cmpUous filed, twenty pieces of ag ricultural college scrip located, and three thousand two hundred and seventy-six acres sold for cash. The Monmouth ifentcngw aays that tho commencement exercises at tbe Christian College will eoimneBoo on Wednesday tho ?sth inst. Two hundred bead of cattle passed through Monmouth one day last week bound for Pugct Sound. J. B. V. Butler has just completed shipment of wheat sold to Allen A Lewis, Portland. It amounted in the aggregatu to twenty thousand bushels. The iloimtninctr says that - the peact crop in Wasco county is going to bo abun dant. The Columbia river at tbe Dalles is fort; feet above low water mark. Portland. From the Portland dailies of Saturday and Sunday we glean as follows: The Herald says articles of incorporation were filed at the County Clerk's office last week, incorporating tbe " Oregon Scandi navian Society," object to provide for all of those people who emigrate into Oregon in search of employment. The thermometer was 02 in the shade in Portland last Saturday. The Bulletin informs us that a little child two and a half years of age, son of Edward Kalin, broke his arm by falling off the porch of his father's house. The Oregonian states that a lad twelve years of age, son of R. Meagher, was bitten by a vicious dog owned by Win. Marshall, deeper ot the rainbow saloon. Inquiries are being made for tho where abouts of Amanda Jane Marble. A large number of persons intend visiting Salem this week from Portland, to attend the State Temperance Convention, so says tbe Oregimia. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. ElUOPEAJI SEWS. Paris, June 9. The Gazette de France says tho Princes have promised not to take their seats as deputies during the existence of tho present Assembly, and will not allow their sons to become candidates. It is al most certain that Prince Napoleon will run for tho Assembly from Corsica. The Ojiiii' SationnU, commenting on tbe action of tbe Assembly, warns the country that it is sliding down an inclined plane into monarchy. La France compares the speech of Thiers to tbe proclamation of Washington. Gurmau forces bave oommenced the evacuation of tbe Department of the Lower Scino. It is expected that the stato of siege will cease iu Paris on Monday. London, June 9. The House of Com mons has pa&sed the Westuieath bills en larging tbe power of tbe Uovernmcnt for the suppression of violence in Ireland. London, June 10. Paris papers continue to uphold Thiers, affirming that monarchy is a synonym of revolution. Tbey think elections may possibly change tho majority in the Assembly. Versailles, June 10. Prince do Joinvillo and Aninnlo have visited Thiers, Urcvy, Ciescy ami other Ministers, and were re ceived. Thiers returned the visit. The official journal announces that elec tions in 113 districts will bo beld on the 2d of July. Tbe Journal assures tbe peoplo that de posits in the Bank of France are uninjured. New York, June 10. Mail advices by the steamer Dariea stato that the Arch bi.liop of Paris died with the serene cour age of martyr. In answer to the insults of his executioners he said, " do not pro fane the word liberty ; it is to us alone it belongs, for we die for liberty and faith. Dombruwaki iliod in his bedroom at tbe Hotel de Vllle. He received riflo shots while at tbe barricadu of Rao d'Onore, and w.n transferred from thence to the Hotel de Vilie, wbcro he died of his wounds. le hi.clcizi; was killed at the barricade of Cha teau il' Eeau. His face was much disfig ured by a portion of the burnind wall which bad fallen on him. EASTERN NEWS. Washington, June 9. Rear Admiral lloldrborough, in command of the Wash ington Navy Yard, will be placed on the retired list on the first of July, bat will probably remain in command of the yard. Rear Admiral Gordon will retire on tbo IRth mst., when Commodore Allen. Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, will be pro moted to the grade of Rear Admiral to (ill the vacancy. . The retirement of Admiral -Goldsborongh, on the 1st proximo, pro motes Commodore Taylor to the rank or Rear Admiral. New Orleans, June 9. The overflow ia fifteen ihebes below Ligb water mark. Tbe -water has fallen three inches m the last twenty-four hours. Twelve steam fire en gines are throwing out water to-day, but a heavy rain, with a gale, prevented a fur ther decline. West Point, June 9. Tbo examination of tbe graduating class of cadets was con cluded to-day. All were successful in pas sing the ordeal. Washington, June . The strike of the colored laborers has ended. Tbero arc no signs of further trouble Chicago, June 9. There was a terrible tornado in Iowa City t-day ; houses were unroofed and partly demolished ; crops of fruit trees were badly damaged, and a man was reported killed. The extent of the damage cannot be ascertained at present.' A New York, June 9. News has been re ceived of the total loss of tbe steamer Wolf, with a cargo of 17,000 seal skins, by col lision with an iceberg, ths crew having barely time to leap on the ice before she sunk. Tbe steamer Lion saved the crew. New York, June 10. Most complete ar rangements are made by the telegraph com panies to honor Prof. Morse to-day, and as the weather is beautiful the demonstration . will undoubtedly be of aa imposing char acter. , . , . t . . . Conoord, N. H June 10. Weston, is elected Governor. . -' Washington, Juno 10. The iron coast survey steamer, now building at Washing ton, will sail for tbe Pacific coast about the first of September. " Professors Agassis and Hill of Cambridge, will make a voyago on the vessel for the purpose of taking deep sea soundings all tbe way along the ronte, and will make collections of specimens of natural history for tbe Cambridge TJniver- ; sity. The enterprise is highly thought of here, as it is believed that it will add much information and value to important stores of the coast survey serviee. . Tbe Jlerse Statue. Now York, June 10. The unveiling of the statue to Prof. Morse, in the Central Park, took place this afternoon. All ap proaches to the vicinity of tbe statue were crowded. It is estimated that at least 50, 000 persons were within twenty rods of tho speaker's stand. Gov. Hoffman presided. The Governor delivered tho introductory address. The event of the boar, tbe un veiling of the statue, was performed by Gov. ClaOin, of Massachusetts, and Hon. W. Orton, who raised tbe national banner from it, disclosing the figure of tbe light ning controller. Music aad shouts greeted the appearance, and wben tbey had sab sided the inaugural address was pronounced by Wb. Callen Bryant. j CAMFOBSUJ(W8. , San Francisco, June 9. Tbe schooners General Harney and Wild Gazelle, which recently arrived from the north, brought a ceusidcrable quantity of cauual coal, which was found on tbe mainland and on tbe Aleutian Islands, within one hundred yards of air excellent harbor. " Meaiorea art being takes to Incorporate a Urge lorn paay here to work the Aleutian deposits. ' . Senator Casserly bas telegraphed declin ing the public reception tendered this even ing. Mrs. Fair's death warrant is now in the hands of the Sheriff, duly signed. A Chinese Young Men's Christian Asso rUtiue, numbering forty members, has been organised bore. , r The monument to Mono, tbe Inventor of the telegraph, was unveiled at New York to-day with appropriate ceremonies. Con gratulatory divpatehes are being received and sout front and to all the principal offi ces in America. Wool Within the past few days par chasers have been buying largely of burry and other inferior grades. Sales of these kinds amount to 500,000 pounds ; the mar ket is now pretty well cleared of low grades. San Francisco, June 10. The bid of $500 for the old U. S. Marine Hospital will be rejected at Washington, when the build ing will be sold at auction. The Govern ment will select a new site at once, probably on one of the islands in tbe bay. General Rosecrans is out in an appeal to citizens and capitalists to aid in the con struction of tbe Southern California Coast Railroad, to connect with the Texas Pacific Railroad. Messages and answers were received and forwarded by James W. Urquhart, Manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company, over the wire, this evening, on the comple tion of the Morse monument BT STATE TELEGR APH. A Terrible Affray at Hwaetmr-. Roseburg, June 1 1. There was a terrible affray this morning about 10 o'clock be tween Thomas and Henry Gale, of tho Eh .i7, and Wm. Thompson, editor of tbe J'laindtaUr. It occurred in front of the 1'iistoffice. It is impossible jot to tell who nhot first. The quarrel arose out of some newspaper article. Thompson ia Shot in in threo places, through the face and neck and through the shoulder and his side jrrazed by a bullet. Thomas Gale is shot through the breast. The wound is danger ous if not fatal. Henry Gale is beaten aiver tho head with a revolver and badly liurt. The wounds of Thompson and Tbos. (S ale are dangerous. It is said by everyone that saw tbe affray that Thomas Galo shot first. City aad Coonty Items. Shcitziana. Almost every body in the city including ourself spent yesterday hunt ing the ubiquitous Shulti, truo we didn't get an old hot-gun and mount a fiery un tamed steed and go prancing around the eountiy in any Don Quixote sort of style looking for him, but wo went for reliable intelligence as to whero he probably was hiding, and we got it, reliable intelligence from every person we met. To sum np our information Shultz paid a midnight visit to Savage's milk house and stole a loaf of bread. Sbultx met a " forest maiden" Sunday morning out on the Silverton road and po litely saluted her with "hyaa klahaiva.' Shulti was seen Sunday morning picking strawberries, on the Pringle farm two miles south of the city. Sbultz tho same morning wss seen cross ing Lake Labish bridge, five miles north of tbe city, at 13 minutes and 21 seconds af ter 1 1 o'clock. Sbultz was can, -lit late Saturday night in Jefferson, by a posse of Jeffcivoniaiis. Alt they found was an old sitting hen in abnsb. Sbultz was fin d npon by a watchman at the Santiam railroad bridge Friday night, who ke up and " and found it all a dream." Sbultz got rid of the Gardner shacklo thirty minutes after he got out of tho pris on, but yesterday he was seen with one on each leg. Sbults was treed by a farmer's dog Sat urday on Waldo bill, but mado his escape before the farmer saw him. Sbultz has been seen in Yamhill, Polk and Lina counties. Our last information from Sbultz is that he is in a ten acre lot about fo ir miles from town and surrounded by about fifteen thou sand men more or less, and was sitting quiot'y under a basb writing another letter to the Statesman. Central Baptist Association. Tho an nual session of this Asstciation was held last week at Wacondn, commencing on Thursday, tho 8th instant. Tho business for the current year was finished on Satur day evening, and the meeting adjourned on Sunday to meet at the Yamhill Church, on Thursday before tbe seennd Sabbath in June, 1872. The attendance this year was large, Delegates from nearly cveiy church of that -denomination in tbe State, being present. Among those who participated in Ibc exerci.-es at tVaconda, were the Rev. E. Curtis, Missionary, Rev. T. M. Martin, Rev. Mr. Willis, of Texas, Tvcv. Dr. II ill, Rev. A. J. Ilunsaker, lder Joab Powell and others. Altogether tbe session ' was harmonious and interesting, and much good is anticipated during the coming year as the result of tho meeting. Tas Roazsi'nq Tragkdt. We learn that last evening the wounded men in Douglas county were doing well and tbeir injuries were pronounced not dangerous. It is difficult to say who begun it, though the balance of the proof is that Gale fired the first shot, and that wben Thompson had emptied bis revolver ha used the same to beat one of the Gales. We learn here that Thompson was a very quick tempered per son who had been in frequent affrays ; that in one he has killed a man, and that in an otner no nos snot bis man. it will be a blessed thing if they all live te be ashamed of themselves and to behave , more reason ably iu the future. Tho Gale brothers have been arrested. Elfctios. Tbe stockholders of the Sa lem Dray it Hack Company yesterday beld their annual election of officers, which re sulted as follows : For President, John Q. Willsun ; Vice President, Robert Hswley ; Secretary and Treasurer, N. O. Parrish. The new officers have already taken bold. Mr. W. J. Herren retiring yesterday after having had charge about " three years. Mr. Herren intends going East t'f the Mountains ia a few days, partly to look after his live stock interest there, and partly for pleasure. IIo will be accompanied by Mrs. H. aud the beat of tbe summer will be spent by them npon the cool healthful slopes of the Eluq mountains. A pleasant trip and safe return. ' " Ashp al Meeting. The annual meeting of the Christian Church will be held on tbe same, ground recently' occupied . by the Methodist Church, South, near Dixie. Tbe meeting will be convened next Thursday, and will be continued over two Lord's Days.- The Rev. L. L. Rowland, of this city, will deliver the opening address on Thursday. ' Several eminent divines are expected to bo in attendance during the convocation, which promises to bo an inter esting one. and fruitful in its results. For Astoria. Tbo Rev. P. S. Knight leaves , on this morning's boat for Astoria, where he goes to attend the Annual Asso ciation of the Congregational Churches" for Oregon and Washington Territory; The meeting is called for Thursday tbo lath in stant. Mr. Knight expects to be absent from tbe city about two- wocks, intending before' hu. return to extend his trip to the Upper Columbia.- ' ' 5 Scsdat ExcDBsioir. The Royal Train, having en hoard Ben. Uolliday, J. B. Fel tbn, Wm. 11. Patterson, W. L. Halsey and a number of others, passed up lu the end of tbe road and returned to Portland on an excursion trip last Sunday. Tho train in railroad parlance, rau "wild eat' (no schedule time). The time from Portland to Salem wai mace ia In than two hoars, aod between Salem an. bany in forty three minutes. At tbs Ritbb. Toe steamer Fanui Patton came up yesterday on her schedul- time, with a fair trip of .freight aad abosrt thirty passengers ; after leaving 59 barrels of lima fur TJxafovags A Wright and sev eral other small lots of freight, and getting several additions to ber passenger list steamed away for Albany. She will be at her wharf again this morning, on her way to Oregon City.. Fare, $1 o0lo Portland. Is Tows. Mr. Jaeob Stitzel, senior member of tbe firm of Stitzel A Upton, of Portland, Is In tbe city on business con nected with their large Real Estate agency. He proposes remaining here nntil after th session of tbe Grand Lodge of Good Temp lars, to which body bo is one of the dele gates from Multnomah county. ; r M . - Mrs. Howell rends her greetings to th. ladies, bas entirely new styles, differing from those heretofore introduced, summer styles, beautiful flowers aud ribbons, and they ara pronounced tbe most elegant goods ever brought to Salem. Guess you will all have to go and see them anyhow. , - - . Half Fabb. Mr. A. A. MoCully, Pres ident of the P. T. Company, states that the boats of that line' will carry passengers at tending the Temperance Convention from any point on the river at half fare, going and returning. Camp Mf.ktiko. The camp meeting of the Methodist Church was closed at Dixie last Sunday "evening. It is - stated that there were upward of one thousand persons on the ground to witness tbe closing exer cises. Beat It. Hiram Gorhata, a colored in-, dividual, who lives at the the corner o Liberty and Chomeketa streets, brought to this office yesterday a pea stalk grown on his plantation, which measures seven feet and three inches in length. Mrs. Belle W. Cooke presents this office with a rare boo,uet which contains twenty six varieties of roses, besides other choice flowers. Tbe success attained by ber in florecnltore should encourage many others to attempt to excel, as no doubt it will. Holbert's ice cream is excellent, and be furnished the printers of this office a supply lost evening to sample. We can bear tes timony that be makes a quality fit to be served in that beautiful parlor be bas fifed up in bis eandy establishment, wbicb is bound to be a popular institution this sum mer. Call and see it The New York Circus performed last evening to a full bouse. The Company seems to be in good trim and gives a very acceptable enU-rtainment. Wo predict a successful summer business for them. Tcrmeb's Statiox. Among tbe improve ments being made at this station is a new t warehouse, nearly completed, which will be occupied when finished by Messrs. Darly A McKinncy, formerly of Aumsvillo. LA!tn Orricit. This department yester day was unnsually busy. Col. Thomas II. Cann, the Agent, bonded nine quarter sec tions of land in lots ranging from 40 to 150 acres each, which kept him fully employed from "early morn till dewy eve." South Sai.f School. Miss Martha Graves has accepted tbe position of assis tant teacher at South Salem District School and commences teaching this morning. Dr. J. A. RichiircUon ye.itcrday performed tba deliente operation of catting tbe tonsils from the throat of tbe little daughter of Geo. F. Craw, Esq. Kr.rp Cool. It may not be uninterest ing to our readers to know that Messrs. Uzalovage A Wright have a largo supply of ice on band. Sold in quantities to suit. Tho O. A C. R. R. Company bring Dele gates to the Masonio and (iood Templars Grand l.od jo meeting to be beld in this city next week, at half fare going and ct m- Messrs. Cox A Earhart bate on hand as will be seen by their new advertisements this morning, a lare supply of oats, bran, shorts and oil cake. Tho Ocean Beach Wagon Road, n" Gmnd Rondo Agency and Salmon River, is ready for summer travel. Ktnte News. PwrtlaaA. From tho Portland dailies of the 13th we cull tho following: The II-raid says that Ben Holladay has again TMstponod his presence as a witness in the Elliott suit until next week. The Chinese are having a "hieh old time" flying kites in tho commercial emporium. There were sixty-seven mortgages regis tered iu the Multnomah oouoly dork's of fice last month. Nearly one-third of tbo participators in a recent Portland Sunday Scuh1 pic-nic were poisoned by tbe pois-.m oak which grows extensively in moss grove. - " The Unlleti states that a contract bo' been mads with Mr. Montgomery for the construction of the railroad bridge across the Willamette at Hartisburg. Tbe Colombia river ia still rising. Tbo Oregoninn says that Ames the man who was shot at East Portland is slowly re covering. Mr. Meagher, whoso boy was bitten by a dog, has commenced suit against the owner of tbe d ig. Capt. George Pease, of the steamer Alertf bas taken up bis quarters at Oregon City. Strawberries are selling for 20 cents per quart in Portland. i - LATEST BY JTELEGRAPH. EUROPEAN NEWS. " Paris, June II. The Pmn expect a strong effort will bo made by Bonapartiits lit tbe success of tbeir party in tbe coming supplementary election. Gen. Douay has issued ordors that all civilians foaad with arms in their posses- ' sion after a certain day, will be tried by Court Martial. Versailles, June 11. Tbe re-ettablih-aaent of the Govern meat of Paris gains ground. ' , ; Ponyer Quartier proposes new taxes to the amount of four hundred and fifty mil lion francs. ' EASTER! HEWS, ; New York, June.H? Secretary Seward and party arrived at Sues by steamer from Bombay, May 9th, and proceeded in a ' special train to Cairo, where the become tbe guests of the Khedive. Capt. Hall's arctic exploring steamer Po laris sailed yesterday afternoon, with all the officers aod crew on board, for New York. Now York, June II. The reception of Prof. Morse at the Academy of Music this evening was a most brilliant affair. Sel dom has So larg a crowd filled the Aesd-' emy. Tba stage was oooupiod by tele- graphic operators from all parts of the United States, who bave come here te take au active part in tho ceremonies. Profes sor Morse entered, surrounded by a troop of friends, aod was greeted with applause from tbe entire audiawro, At 9 o'clock a tclo- gra aph instrument was laid on the table, tha iea being ceaocctBd With all principal lines cities and tuwns in the United States, and the following message transmitted by? Miss f Jalia Corn well : " Greeting and thanks to tbe telegraph fraternity throughout the. ' world. Glory to God in tbe highest, peace on earth, good will to an. Prof, atone Manipulated his signature to the message. ( All necessary arrangements are made for the President's visit te the Paeiae oeesU He will leave Long Branch a beat the mid dle of August, accompanied by jSenatar lye, of Nevada, aod Ex-Senator Williams, of Oregon1 He will visit' Salt lake, from ' tbere go to Nevada and San Francisco." At the lattsr rdeoa be will take a ship and pro ceed to Portland, Oregon. The trip may . possibly be extended to tbe Sandwich' 1st-, ends. CALIFORNIA. ' ; San Francisso, June 12. Private ad vices from China to-day say groat uneasi ness is felt at Pekin, and it is thought there is danger of an outbreak against for eigners and the Ibrjtn policy of the Gov ernment, too s'j ag for the Imperial au-' thorities o oppress, is now imminent. There is baldly a doubt of its coming ulti mately. On tbe Sth of May the Colorado Monoe acy and Paloa left Woosung for Nagasaki, there to meet the Benecia and Alaska, and the whole fleet will then sail for Corea to exact indemnity for the murder of the crew of the wrecked ship Gen. Sherman, and to secure a trc.ity for the future protection of American souiiin. Details of tbe bnrnin at f ttte Con lie ship Don Juan, and tho roasting f 5U0 Chinamen in ber hoi 1, came by tbo steam er. This was an American ship, sent here from tbe East seven year since, transfered to the Peruvian flag and christened the Dolores Ugarde. Last year sha lost nearly a whole cargo of Coolies by fever breaking out among them, "an if landed Tbe remainder at Honolulu in a dying conditioS." There was a slight sprinkle of rain this morning. Arrived Steamer China, from Japan and China, with 5548 pkgs tea, 1000 do. hemp, 1111 do. rice, 4A21 do. sundries, 536 do. su gar, for San Francisco. The Captain re ports that on May 25th, ho sighted a large Japanese junk, under jury rig, and not steering. He immediately bore up for ber, and stopped the engine. After blasts of the steam whistle, be discovered signs of life, seeing the waving of hands from the cabin window, and sent a boat Tbe sea being very roach, and the junk rolling heavily, they could not board her, but suc ceeded in rescuing fire Japanese from the cabin window. They report the junk from Hiogo, February li, for Yokokama; ex perienced terrible gales; were driven off tbo coast, dismasted, tbe rudder carried away and the junk drifted out to sea. Eleven of tbe crew died of starvation. The remain der have lived on small fish speared from the side of the junk, but were too weak the last few days for that exertion. Tickets No. 6,594, 7,470, 7,511, 8,558 and 16,524, of tbe royal Havana lottery, drawn May 30th, all held in San Francisco, drew $25,000 each. Thb Telli-bios. Wo bavo seen the working of this astronomical instrbmcnt which professor L. Cary has with bim to as sist his loctures on that science, and also has for sale. By ingenious mechanical ar rangement this apparatus represents the exact revolution of the earth and moon, tbe peculiar orbits of each, and tba length of days and nights and the space of tbe earth in light and shadow at any day in the year. Tbe value of this for tbe purpose ot illustration is sustained by testimonials from all tba faculty of the Willamette University well as by the certificates of President Campbell, of Monmouth, and of tbe pro fessors of Philomath and the Corvallis Col lege. Professor Cary intends to deliver leetures on astronomy to be illustrated by the action of this apparatus and to canvass for the sale of the same to tbe different in stitutions of Oregon. He will probably lecture in this city next week. The card of the faculty of the University is published elsewhere. alem Flocribo Mills. This mill is still running, as small lota of wheat are continually coming io. The prospects are that they will have enough wheat to keep them going during the present week, when tbey will shut down for repairs, as stated several days ago. Yaqi'isa Bat. C. D. ilcClure writes us from tho Bay that Simpson's new schooner was to be launched last Saturday, and that she is a very fine looking vessel. The work on tbe Light House, at Yaquina, is being pushed forward with the utmost vigor. Many settlers are coming and lo cating homes on tbe rich lands of Yaquina Bay, and many good locations are still va cant. Ooatta is improving rapidly. That, ho says, is the best anchorage on tbe Bay, and is the headquarters of tbe Newport Trans portation Co. Simpson's saw njill is located tbere, and he thinks it is destined to rank among tbe commercial towns of Oregon. Last week (his letter is dated the 7th) Mr. Diver, of Elk City, lost, by accident, a fine team. One horse became frightened and knocked his mate off the grade and tbey rolled down tba hill. One horse was drowned and the other so hurt that he died. No one was injured, but a family was in tho hack at the time. Baena Vista Letter. Ed. Statisbar : Summer and sun shine bave come at last, and everybody seems trying to enjoy it even the blind, the halt, and tbe lame may be seen basking in the sunbeams. The farm ers are in good spirits, for their crops are growing finely and everything be tokens a plentiful harvest. Wheat, at present prices, will well repay for his labor, and, with our prospective in crease of population, we may expect ' lively limes" during tbe next year. Our quiet town has survived the shock received in consequence of Ben Holla day giving as the cold sbonlder, and real estate is going again at tbe old figures. Tbe only important event to be chronicled is the convention of Health Reformers of Oregon and Wash ington Trrritory. Tbis body convened here on Wednesday, the 7th inst., and its session lasted two days. On tbe evening of tbe first day's session Mrs. J. C. Hill, of Portltod, delivered tbe annual address, which was not only logical, pointed and replete with in struction and sonnd argument, effec tively aod ably delivered. Tbe music, also, was good, and was received witb applanse. During the second day sev eral discussions came op, wbicb, witb some short lectures aod olber business, occupied tbe entire day. In the even ing Mrs. Loughery, of Salem, deliv ered a lecture, and T. W. Davenport interested tbe audience with one of his practical " talks." Tbe session was well attended, and all dispersed in rood humor, to meet next year at Amity, sutj-ct to a call from the Ex ecutive Committee. So mote it be 1 NtJTMKO. j9More than 500,000 peoplo bear tes timony to tbe wonderful curative effects of Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext., or Golden Medical Discovery. For palpitation or irregular action of tbe heart, aU severe, acute or lin gering coughs, and for "liver complaint" or "billiousnesa" it is unequalled. ' Sold by all druggists. "" " june14w'ldeod. ' Tbe Cosmopolitan Benevolent Society of Nevada City shows a list of Referee which oould not help to satisfy tho most incredu lous doubter if such a ono eould be found on this coast. Its friends are legion, and iu managers most reliable as well as shrewd business men. The second drawing will come off on our great jubilee day Fourth of July and he who neglects buying a ticket deserves no more favor from Dame Fortune. ' ; i i jencdtaldeorf. ' Sodden change of weather are produc tive of throat dracv .,'gh, eoJd, Ac There la no' more effectual relief in these diseases to do re aud. than bt the timely asc ot "Bro'i Bronchial Trocke&." They possess real merit, and have proved their efficacy by a test ef Many years, having re ceived testimonials from eminent men who have used them. juneltwldcod. - f A Medlctrae for our mother, wives, aad listen bigb ly respectable lady al Stoektoa, Cel., eays : "My strength was exbaastsd. stanuuh ea f jcbled, and fast settling iotedyspopoia, ar f icted with intense pain, inability to walk, lownes bf spirits, aad no enjoyment in liV I used Bristol's Sarsapvilla, aa directed in the almanac, ends experienced a complete are. juneUwl 690. .-. The world of ta-day langhs t the thera peutic of fifty year ago. Blistering tbe bead, emptying tba reins, rasping tbe bow els with cathartics as irritating as ehesnut burrs, will soon be consigned by common consent to tho limbo ef rejected fallacies. Ia tbe meantime Dta. Waleib's Vntota Brrrsas, tbe true ally ef Datura, are effect ins; by a niiht 'and painless' process, such euros of dispepsia, liver complain! and pe riodical fevers, as the world half a century ago wauld have deemed miraculous. " ' - juoeI4wldeod. ' . , From Bravzll. A young and lovely dauguter of a Bra zilian nobleman in Rio de Janeiro, ac knowledging tbe receipt of a case of Ucs rat A Labmab's Florida Water,. says: "This perfume is not new to me. I bave long used it at the toilet and ia the bath, and bave always found it not only the most agreeable, hut also the most lasting and re freshing of Floral Waters.''. ... t sTThera are counterfeits and buyers should always ask for, and be sure they get the Florida Water prepared by Lanmaa A Kemp, New York. . . juneUwl 564. . SPECIAL, HUTU Eg WlLUil DAVIDSOIf, REAL ESTATE DEALER, Offlee Sew rreat Street, i ? - i t i t PORTLAND, OREGON. ' "AL MTATI this CITY and (AST TORTLAJtO.ln Ih. m -l Intrants locality, eon Isitnir of 1ST.. 1IL BLOCK and BLOCKS, UOL'sia and 8TO.t; lw .. IMPI'OVBD PARMM. aa vahwWe aaewl tlvtrd LAND, located In A. , part of the 8TATK for SALS. ' RV.AL rTTB and other Prnjvrty r chased for Corret poodeDt. i lnM n ry (n-4 IhrouKhout the TATts and TKHRiroKIEA, witk ETtt ear and oo Ihe most ADVASTAOtOUJ TKRH&. HOOTTJj and STORES LIT A' EO, 10 tK NKGOTIATM), and CLAIMS OS ALL DM CRIPTION8 PRMPTLr COLLECrFo. And a General KIN NCIAL aud AG.KNCY BC81NESB transacted. Valuable Hint a. A retrnlar habit ot body b absolutely essentld to physical health n4 clearness of Intellect- Nor Is this all. TsVa -vy of peraoa cannot eo-exlit with an unnatural eoodhten of the bowel. A free ptnift or lb relus aUer of the ri:a throuirh these natural waste pipes is aa o-a-rr to Ihe partly of the body aa the free passage of tha offal of a city through lu Rani Is necessary to the health of It !i.bbltant. lodtfratloo 1 the primary caase of Boot of tbe disease of the discharging organs, and one of Its moat common result ts constipation. This eo-Ti,lalnl. bldes being dangeroos In itseir, has many dissgreeabw cwnceaiKants--oah aa an un-ple-aant breath, a sallow skin, containina Ins blood and vlir, hemorrhoids, headache, loas of avtn ry and general debility. Hoatcttrr's Stomach Bitter remove n the evil or removing their immediate eaase In the digestire organs, and rrgulatlog ihe aetloa of the hiteatlne The combination of properties Io Oil etlehraied preparation Is one ot it chief merii. It la not merely a slmulint or a tonic, or an antlbillou agent or a nerrin., or a blood depurent, or a cathartic but aU there carattr element jtt'ilelou'l Mended in one powerful re Moratlre. It lends actlrlly and vigor to the Inert and enervated stomach rlite tfa alimen tary canal of Its obstructions, and glees tone to the membrane which tines It, geoUy Mimolate the liver, bracr the nerve, and coerrs tbe ani mal spirit. No other remedy possesse aach a varielp o hysientc virtoe. It Is to tbeae char acteristic that it owe IU prestie a hnoteliold medicine Experience ha proved that it I rffl. carious, and hence it I aa popular with tho weaker ez a wlih the iroDg-r Hosteuer's Ston-ach Bitters resM In bottle only, and th irade-mark blown ia the glaa and ngrtved on the label, ts the ttat or g-numenea. Beware of counterfeit!. jaoeUwIwdced Chapped Haada aad Face, Sore Lip, Drjraoa ef ttte Hkla, Kt.,lie., Cured at once by Hkofmax's CiurnoR lea with Gltckrixk. It keeps the bands soft in all weather. .See that you get liaoc max's. &ld by all Druggists, only Ji csnts. Manufactured only by IIegemah A Co., Chemists and Druggists, New YcV. iaoTl:w. y. :1" PSTCHOM CT Any Lady or Gentle man eaa make (1,000 a month, secure their own happ nea and independence by reading Paychomaney, Fascination or Soul Charming, to page, tail ioauuetion to ae this power over men or animals at will, how to Mesmerize, b come Trance or Writing Medium. Divination, Spiritualism, Alchemy, Pailotophy of Omens, aad Djeams, Rrlgham Young's Harem, Guide to star ne, Ac ; suo,0OO sold. Sent by mall in einih for Si-US, paper covers Sl.00. Tha Philadelphia ftr speaking of the book says its author Is Her bert Uauihou, B. A., the celebrated Psychologi cal lecturer, aod the publisher T. W. Krans. doc or the oldest established Perfumer and Publish era In the city, the mention of who nam I a efficient guarantee of the merit oi the work. Sir. Krans a spent seacoa- already, la adver viaing and retting out this ordinary book. Pkep. tiea In Psvcholozy read and be convinced of (hi wondertul oocoll g'W. - , - NOTICE. Any person willing to act a Agent will receive a sample copy PRRK. As no capital I required, all diru of genteel employ meat should end for tha work iocloting lu cents tor poMage, to T. W. Krans, 41 8 Eighth r , Phila delphia, Pa., ... jun.ug-w i A sr tftfwT Tin -t rzc The orttrtnator of this wonderful medicine, claims io have discovered and combined in kar wumy more of AVrlure' mint tovereign wwrf soil projxrUm than was ever before eo obloed to one medicine. Tbe evidence of this fact I found ia the great variety of moat obstinate disease which M ha been found to conquer, la the core or BrnnchUU, eer CoiigK. and tlx early taces of ContKmption, It has a.tonlshed the medical lacults, and hundreds nf ihe bea hy elans pronounce li ihe grrateM medical divot erf of IV mge. While It cum the sv-reat Ooueha, ii srrenabtens the -lem nd purinea the blood. Br Ma Q'eat n4 Vomigh 1, nod pnH fyimq pmptjein It mm alt tTnmnrt rnm U e worai Scrna t a cnmino LUAcJk, PitnpU -r Eruption. Mer uri.l reae. Mineral PuWoru, Sjphlllite and Veoertxl THseaw. and their effects re eradicated and sionvss ImiUX and a fund ormMUuUon ea'abli.hed Eryeipetat, Salt Xhewm, tieald Head, Fever Sort, Soflf of Bough. Skin. In hort, U iha numerous disease caused by bad blood are eoo'iuered by this powerful, portfrlng and Inelmra tag medic In Por "iteer Complaint - Jliiiou JHeordert and Ilabitnal Constipation, it hu produced huodred of t errant aod peraiarent cure where other medicine had failed. The proprietor offer $1 ,000 reward for a med icine that wlUeouaal at ia the eae e alt aiaease for which it I recom nended. Beware of coua frit and worthless imitation. See that my prt vt Government Ptamp, which i a potitire ewrrmtXee of Genuinene t upon the ooutde wrapper This medicine I Hold bv Druavtsi as II CI per bottle. Prepared by R. V PIERCE, af. !., Sol Proprietor, at his Chemical Laboratory, 1 18 Seneca atrset, Buffalo. N . Tf. . majll-'m j The " Pint Kills" may justly be styled the great medicine of the world, for there I no region of the globe into which It ha not found It way aad teen largely used and htshlrptlaed. . More over, there I no dim to which It hu not proved to be well a lap ed for the cure of a considerable variety nf dtseatee ; it I speed j aod safe rem edy for barns, scalds, cola, bruise, wound and various other injuries a well aa for dywotory, diarrhcea and bowel eomplainu generally. It ta admirably suited for every race of men on the face of the plot. It I a eery S'gnlflrant fact, that notwithstand ing the long period of rear that the Pain Uti le " hu Wen before the worth, it ha neree twat on whit f it popularity, but, oa the contrary, the en for ft hu steadily Increased from Ms first discovery, and at no peeem time hu lb de mand for It been so great, or the quantity mad keen so large, aa It la to-day. An her ignlneaa fact la, that nowhere ha lh Pain Killer ever been in higher repute, or been more generally used hy families and Individual., than it ha been her at home, where It wu Srt discovered and introduced. That the Pain Kdler wH ormtlnoe to be. what we have at vied it. Vie gnat mrdiein nf Ms MrM, there eatiuot b the ahadow of a dtiuht. ProeiiUnc Adteriietr. iune7wlmdeod i - 7 ' "- f2.S0 will boy a pair of Lad'-cs' High Cut Serge or Foxed Balmorals no China foods, but at A No.' 1 article. A large invoice of Het-ht Bros, and Tir rclls celebrate! boots for men and boys, received per Oriflamute. Also a ine tut of Ladies' Kid aad Serge Button Boot ; tieuts French Calf Bx Toe Balmorals aad Gaiters. All of which will be wild later than tbe came quality - of good bu ever been effcrod in Saleta. jun2 lin ,t J0UX W. (jILUFRT. . ,SV-" lllllllllll 18 40Tl 70 s NOTICE. N OTIC IB w herebv given! "that my wife," Htaikwih M-, ha lea my- bed and board without just caase or provocation. This kt te warn alt persons against harboring or trusting her on an j account, a I will pay no debt of ber eat acting from or after iM. dJite. ' . VOLS ETUOS ABtV K vertoo, Ofn .May 1Sth,187l. w KfW ApTPPtlaVwwsits. The, Tsjllsuism. Itrn ss a was crowning maa-T'""'. T ' V! Tellurlon. now or. TTku". L"t"-?rv. nd he. .. healLMto. ,m ' H Sout Instrument for lujtratli-g uaTe-rt.? mZ ,ton0' Vs rt " Ik ?l,TniTtZZ around the arth, we h ev-rTeenT ' i w7 '' . Prradeat WiH.meiu Talvtraf t. b J. POWELL, " Tw'T,!f SforhewiaoVw. IrOWJKU, u hOSV Prof. Water! Bearaoau Ftor Congregational (Tswoa. : . i Music Books Worth Bavins I Life of Beethoven SoAiKer at Jhrnnrlet tl t Ufe of Mendelssohn .. Lampadium Mendekanh' Letter Lndy WaUaro ve.i Polio' Reminiscence (Of Mewsewaohn) ..' Polko's Musical Sketch (of Oreat Muter) Lire of j ff-rrf-Anr Rossini ... JUwatdM " Chopin , XiasJ trs 116 I Th 119 1 To I.SI I If, lto 1 V I T5 1 in l.tft ISn I SO 1 on 1 N 1 M 0 ADO wotirtum . fenjut Moaart'a Utter.. , .Zosry Wallnrn Moaart, A Kouutatlc Biotraphy Jrj Music explained to the world... fttit Hitter' History of "-' ,. K Kliler ra Letter oa mule. History .l Old Uumarwd" Mason's Mustcat I !. -Ilanergal Hut Ing' Forty Owfera, Moore' Encyclopedia of Mu uaniiner' Music of nau The recent onroareflng prcgr ta -wa-al Culture aad a steal Tut, la clearly loiti d by th great aad hurtulng demand r fc. abov work, which are all - well got p." onlala noth ing pwSoou.omit nothing that l Important, aod are roll f - rend," fcatwutmg Wtr. Pent, post-paid, for the avr OLrVEK DITaOM CO.. TSeeUm. O. B.OITBOH dsO TtwTsrk.'. iaaele wdeod Eslraa Kntlre. w Tak-n trr.wtat s . tt!?ir tat v. ...d.T?.,n."i'1t. . tie on" karsia. rath thin ra oesh, wmt (trip In cr-h far, ana of them has white hiad feet, both sheet It hands hbjb , .JAMES PUHKK.' . a r . 1 , Cl" -!. f $100,000; cirr; coxceiJtJ v ' THE WOODLAND BENEVOLENT I ASSOCIATION GRAND GIFT COITCCST ' ' 5 - ''-AT- '' " J , Washing.tnn IIei.11, WfJODLASD, YOLO CoASTT, CaUJ Wednesday, Jtljr Jth, 1871; "'' '''""' 1 Ilf AID OF THE " V Pabllo School, fire Depart snowl, M. eonlo, Od raUetura. DrmUU i and flee Teahwlair ?'"' liiti Idinir FUnda: 1,143 GIFTS! t' ' ' WTfl he distributed to Tvket homer ieHnt te 0100,000 ! ; .5,000 TICKETS IT IS 10 KiCK LIFT OP PIOTI: 1 Gift gohi eo'a.i 1 Gift gold coln 1 eift gold cola ..40,000 ... 10 i s ooe 4 t ftflO - lsioe St a 1 mil gtM eok. 10 (lift gold coin, 110000.. , 1 01ft g nd eom , 1 It g.ild eoln 1 Gift gold coin -.oa i utn gala earn- tf Olfta gold coin . I UHt got I -..., 1 Gift gold coin . 1 Gift gold coin Girt gold eoin, ta each, ion Girt gold rein. Sue euh SOS ttlfta sold eom. S aeh 400 filft gold coin, ta eactu. 1,' ASkSVJ .1 4M -4 Sfr-I sao - M ... M OHO IS i --. IS.ouo k 000 ton Olfts gold co a wi each. 1.141 Gifts, amounting , ... ,, , . ..fj'tlfJUW -V1I Moueys WILL B( DEPOSITED WITH TH ' - BANK OF WOODLAND,' Aad theouth It the StMrlharUoa ef GltU win V I the drawing will ho reel acted t-i nm a- the - Mereaatile Library Gift Concert," of fSan francisco. , Person at a distance can etrtalo tl keob endlngchaek n Baak ef Woodland, ne'eoia hy Well PargoACo. - . IVGood nenonaifaU Agent wanted, 10 per cent earn ik too allowed oa Slty or awre ticket. Addr all order to - AKOSltS, DBITX dk. CO, Oesteral Bfaaasjorat WooJIani, Tolo County, CaL WESLET aXAwXa, aWeart, JaneeU-jtnyS Htonmboat Notloe. People's Traawfii- Co. 1 u KTIL 1 CKTBrt ROiKSTKC, Win tea aw Ahaany eery 'i Mondar, Wrdarsday aad Friday, " At 8 o'clock f. M, Connecting at Albany with hoot a fee Corvallis and llarrtbtnirc, And. rator4a w Mawo - Salem for Psrtlatssfv , OK Tnesday. Tkarsday asht Batardaj. - At I teleek A. It -t A AW SEeC DLLTf, Palem,Janll,1gri.' ' A Lars Bapply mS ' ' Oils C A SABS, ' BRAsT AID IBOHTS, T For "ale by J juoelS . COX da BASAAAStT. LADlTs AND GERTLEnFlf 'X'ulc lVotioe ! ' A Ctaelee La, at AT I Salom DrTAji- Store X TUATCHSCK. dk BOU. 1 Jao1 , pnii; UHiiiii Direct from Saw frxslisi.atr rMsrlera Drna; Wtofes ! TIIATORBK a. SOsT. 1 . . JtrulA ... a. - Smmer Stylefeil MRS. HOVCLt, HAS JDaTaXCUTtO . .. New Millinery Goods SEASOHBLE GOODS. Xlio X (a test 8tyea! ENTIRELY. NEW 4 . Restaurant at Camp Groand. Nesr Dirt, Polk Ceaoty. CHRISTIAN" C'HUKCII, Oamp Meet ir gt io eommeoes Thnrfelay, Jaoe 18. 1.1.1 ASS I4VAOE Wisnra TO It- form the- unha aa he wwt he ea the Camp Ground with aBrst-eia labia daring th meet in re. Part lea may make arrangemewU v board their families, wafer - will obviate too tronbkt of eordtmg. j Salem if'rcuiy, Orrotm KepuUimn, Chris tian llernger and Benton Democrat pten copy. JueeS Capital House. i Known aa Capital otaarnat, OpgeaMe Cbe- sneketa Hot.) , . . . OenansereUl treet, (Uleaa. . T IfrORH TMSs"sOSit,IO VSJr I am prepared le fweniah Ida heal in market affoa ds, at the fnlhrntng low rate : Single meals, from I a. ss. ta 1 m..ZZ e's tied . r i si i iaw iia. T5 tv noaru per .1 ea . .., , ai on Bowd aad htdglitg pee wee....fc. Sft CnBre. lea or tnocolaie, ewh eaae. . Strawberrhe and reau, with oak. le ta U cu PaHraSgeir '7,'' -.. AO! JuaeS I To Xhysslc,lsA.ia , - W2'nl'-3mCtA - ATTBIWw Men le PbrcU that their PreoorkvUona will he careful y Blled a un hour P T; HIGHT K DAT,' ?- AT-. a . ... . FrwWefMe Snlom Drtifr Htoj-! . THATCIIEa fc 60N. Jumt, ( ,t