8 1 LIS. s W SDXHSnAYt IlTi 17. K letter frm rortlaBi.? , : v .- -,. "S b-t : ,. ' 5JSuw fcate Sun&ay ww -Teeter- II .ttnarr Mater- , .V streeting W.tM" ia the '"---r-JZ-i- m laaiiH inlli'ii mtr. 1 and VI 1' I . A. A. "" - ' T address uf welcome eras aeuvereajoy J.-T.hlei:' ifctt.'Wd Veepandefl to ir:.u..l..i.Ju lho.Siunlaar&riuaCl 1-. J lMOtlwiTBl'-TT.TTr"i,':.I7iV . 'The exercisea were interspersed .w th -eftgitrrf y MtPMfilffi and lartrelvjrotn - - . O ? a 4 8ixtyne LIT ilicf Saemiiy rlOelKiktetVitel(ch The exercises were. ODened.ia.ue DUUWIB Ala ! a wage vflwaa wv-waa vweww - rafrobVw' i-aeTvlce carav&bd ' on the.tmrly conversion, of chtjdres Dr. Vincent tbea took rt&Ialltjec. of Sandy gchaa It in Oregon, od ijn pwedtboonjjjjbj galling out etatistics, snowing the state of efficien cy of the Sunday school work here, jit 'was concluded' thatoneifScSe, they are quite m permanent and well d ; gained as in tbeMter$A.4 Tie morning session u concluded by an eddreu from yoar corespondent fa " The religion education of the yooag,' . th hope of one country." - ' . Ia tbe kfttraooa, excellent tddreigei - ; were delivered by Eev. J. Habere;, of . -. Lafayette, and Urn. J. P. Chnrea, of Portland, the fict PO iae ."Beet help ; . for Sunday School inairoetioa,"' and the latteg aa .H Hon H Xk lUtl people." . This eabjeet we contiaaed - by Dr. Vincent ia a snort address la his happy Tien. v s . , In the owning- am exeeelleat esaay wag read bv Rev. B. Gerry of Oregon ' City, on " Cooperation of parents and ' teachere Thin was followed by an ' address by Dr. Vineeat on " The Baa day School teacher la the study and in the class." If I sboald attempt to ' characterize this in langnage, I might be led Into the extravagant, use of ad' . jectivts, therefore I will eay only that in Interest and pathos, it far exceeded his address in Salem. . '. I send yoa a program me of the ex ercises to-day and to-morrow, and an other of the . exercises in Salem next week. From the latter it will appear that Dr. Vincent and Philip Phillips, will not remain there beyond Monday. All those therefore who wish to hear an address by the former, must Come to the University ; Chapel at 2:30, r. a. Of coarse tbe ' " Evening of Sacred song," by the latter in the same place, will be throes; by all lovers of sacred music. S GENERAL NEWS. WASHHCTOI TEH R1TOBT. The land sales at the office at Vancouver for the month" oflApfil, amounted to 7, 450.71 acres. The, Preacher's Convention of Pffget Sound' Dutriet ' wilt be held at Olympia, commeaemg on the 7th day of Jane. The assessment for Thurston county, ays the Tnueript, is $1,308,409, being; an increase ef "about $306,900 over last year. Grain and fruit crops ef all kinds are very promising in Washington Territory, except some kind of cherries injured in erne legalities by frost. We learn from Bar. J. H. Wilbur that the Indians of Yakima have decided to hold a eampmeeting near Fort Eimeoe, commencing on the 15th day of June. The Rrjitter says tbe report of tbe Dep uty Assessor shows the assessable property of Clarke county to be $392,898 ; $216,000 In advance of 1870. ' Tbe Port Townsend Jfeunge gives an in teresting account of -the new M. E. Church to -be ereotod at that town, Rev. A. Lau bach, pMtor, and says: "As for building churches, or raising ands for building them. Rev. J. F. DeTore has done more in this Territory than any other man we know of, aad we heartily wish him and his new church every sneees. trilXAJTIETTE VALLEY. The Enterprii ssYS that a good deal of work bat been done already on tbe locks at tbe Willamette 'alls. . , Ex-Governor Carry hat beea elected President ef the Tualatin Manufacturing and Navigation Company, and 0. W. Hare Vioe President. The ear ran over aix'bead af cattle be - longing to Albright t Logos, of Oregon City, last week. From the Ongmtion of the 13th we glean that the Sabbath School Convention exer cises are full of interest, not only to tbe people of the church and Sanday scboels, bat to eaaaal ebareh geera. A man aamed Otto Mailer, a eook at one of the publie house la Portland, has beea missing about a week. Joseph Waldo, who gave tbe aasse to Waldo Hills," took passage oa tbe t or California, yesterday, for a visit to the Eastern States, after a residooee of twenty- five yean ia Oregoa. The subjoined items an frost the Advo- eat : i The first Quarterly Meeting of the fourth round oa the Walla Walla Dutriet, will be held at 4he pallet oa the 3d aad 4th af June. Rev. J. H. Hammond hat beta treat ferred from tbe New Tork Conference to tbe Oregoa Coafenaee. But a yet we learn nothing of the particular field ef la bor assigned him by the transferring Bishop Rev- W. H. Ulllery, presiding alder, hat bees holding a series of meetings for the past two weeks, in the M. E. Zion Church, on Third, between B aad C street. Bro Hillery ia to'eaergetie bard Worker, and we wish him great success in building np the walls of Zion. '" The Aamut meeting of the Oregon Bute Bible Society was held ia the Baptist Chatck on Wednesday, of thtt week. The exersises wen commenced with prayer by the Rev. Mr Moateith of Albany. The proceedings of the last meeting wen read, tbe annual sabteriptioa renewed, aad tbe officer! for the ensuing year elected. committee eonaistiag of Rev. Wm. Roberts, Rev. Doctors Lindsley and Atkinson and D. W. Williams Esq., . were appointed to report a plan having for its object tbe in creasing usefulness of th Society. At an adjourned meeting tbe eommitte made a report aggtiag some measures of highly practical and useful character ; which was accepted. In the evening th Rev. Mr. Rogers of the Willamette University preached a sermon la the Baptist Church A Quaker'- advice to hie ion oa bit wedding day: "When tbea went courtiug I told the tor keptby-ryet wiae opea ; now that thou ia married tell thee to keen than half that." Xiew Orloaas aawahms.' nunriii box contain. nnae head red &imS twea. ty-five doten egg,- took possession of tne street, pelting pedestrians and po- uvuujoh 9j tucix ararts content. " Democratic Freud. j The late election in Connecticut bas been a lul ject of much latrmst. ahd the apcte of the latest fraud is worth repeating, It serms that it was claim ed that the 4th Ward, in New Haven?" gave English one hundred more mjaw jority than was staled in the returns . . . r ., .5 . J t. . 1 ... .it . or that Jewell was eiedited with tlt.,fcV ..T jTTiiASTT number of votes too manv. This error. if snstaiaed, wonld have made English Governor. But the matter was thor oughly canvassed by the Legislatures, and though a record of the ballots eaat in that Ward showed that Jewell wi short the hundred votes referred to, little common eense end arHhmetpe sufficed to satisfy every honest man ,"u,w" "- that the ballot box had been Umperid, J wtta ana tnese votes abstractea after the returns had beea made, for had tale' ' . . f count .oeea tnaae as Uemocracy clalia-,; ed, the united votes for gubernatorial candidates would bare lacked just that mnch of equalling tbose cast for other candidates, and the excitement on the man a vote for one or the other. The Ivkfeniteiw.. cel&MMI iVa-faer indjojblr datUti&ajrrli!liJ 4 tempted, which fortonately failed. ''sTOIsiaiwktli'Veey.- 3 I i .'. ,.. j ' -i ' The Eagasa '.SVetsr'JitKmnf says that side traak 5will proUaJ-be fcail roi tke . lM-mile p toBrownsviDe.' J "-' A peacbrM) aa tJoWalliaVlasC- yeaf. bore a lot of pefrfies, nearly all of them being double or treble in form .Ths year " The (?aV isys! tl'lJbere is a pleidi4,. prang in Eugene torserverftiDrfri. maker. The railroad farveyoraara working1 south of Eugene vy i j-, .!.. ,ti!..- ; -n The Corvallia Gazette Wttrata ns thai. tb Elk City stage goes-throagh ia tea hours from that place, " 'T-'ii "-'Xr.l j The Monmenth iftwtngtr say t. that .np-',: ward of 300 bead of stock passed thajt plaoe last week bound for East of the mounr tains. x j ?- The Dallas Republican states that several heavy frosts have occurred in thai vicinity About 700 acres of grain hat been sow on the Graade Ronde Reservation this spring. Eastern Ores; an. . ! The Bed Rock Democrat says W. W. ! Webber, ef Rye Valley, cleaned np after , twenty day work, and panned out $2,000. A Mrs. Daeoy, of .Amelia City, packed up her good clothes, and taking what ready . cash her husband had laying around loose, left for parts unknown, the 25th ult. ' From the Mountaineer we learn that th wife of Peter Delor was instantly killed, on the 1st instant, while holding a vicious horte. i . Portland. . From the lilleti: There hat been sev eral horses stolen in Clackamas county lately. The bark Whistler arrived ia 'Portland f Saturday night. . . The John 1- Steven ran frees Portland to San Francisco,' on her last trip, in 63 hours. JlriUam Calamaia. On the night of the 5th there was a se vere frost on Vancouver's Island. Early egotables suffered severely, and fruit blossoms killed. Extra Dour sells ia Victoria $10 60 per barrel. Wheat goes off at 4 cents per pound, and other articles of daily consump tion at like advanced rates. , A Victoria paper says that tbe steamer Pacific was beached at Naaaimo to ascer tain tbe damage done by getting on the rocks in Victoria harbor. The injury was to trifling that repairt were made in one tide and the ship floated the same evening. James M. Vale, one of the oldest em ployee of the Hudson' Bay Company, died a few days ago at an advanced age. He had been in the service of the Company from his boyhood. The town of Vale in British Columbia was named for him. " TmaTerritrlea. It it proposed to build a new court bouse and jail at Vancouver this summer. Chief Justice Jacobs, of Washington Territory, baa gone East oa a visit. He will be absent two months. The sloop ecatur from Port Townsend to Victoria, was wrecked a few days ago at McNeil Bay. She is a total lost. " The Vancouver Begiiter for the last two er three issue baa been unusually good. It ia the work of an experienced newspa- . per man. ' - S Isaac Parker, of Seattle, hu been nom inated for Inspector of Boilers, aad C. J. Noyes, of Port Gamble, Inspector of Hulls for tbe District of Puget Sound. Mr. E. Hollister, of Ottawa, HI., it tbe new Judge for Idaho. He takes the place of Judge Lewis, who was shamefully ar retted by mean of a forged letter purport ing to come from him and tendering hi resignation. A telegram received last Saturday state that Mr. George J. Ryaa. tbe State Libra rian, it lying very ill, and not expected to recover, a short distance below the Dalles, where he had gone on a visit to tome of hi old friends. Kisap, Barren C. One of the great Portland basinets firms which hat bailt ap aa imoaeoee trade and become known to Oregoa ' people by a carter of fair dealing, ex tending back through many years, ia the well knowa hoasa of Enapp, Bar ren Jc Co.. whore immense business has found room, at lt, ia the ware house constructed especially for their occupancy, la Ankeney's Block, oa Front SU Th advertiemant af thia well knowa firm is ia oar Weekly, and shows the class of bosiness they do, aad gives soma ida to a general reader of its extent and importance. They import) and deal only . in farm Imple ment and machiaery, aad are exclus ive ageate far Ae sale of many of the most valaabl macbinee. To those who waat a it lea made wagon, tbay offer the . Baia Wagon." They deal extensively ia other machinery betides that required in farm avoeatioae, aad are prepared to supply any aad every sort of Vehicle, to outfit all mills, to ell turbine wheels, portable grist mills, planing mills, wood working macbinee, and in fact anything in the mechanical line yoa may stand in need of. Wool Fbaods. Recent dispatches give the following particulars of most disgraceful frauds, practiced by wool packer ia California : The wool market baa been very sens ibly affected by the scandalous frauds in packiug, which have beea to exten sively practiced tbia aeaaoa. - There are now some seven thonsand bales in this state here for sale, and tbe stock ia steadily increasing. Some of tbia haa beea to adulterated with sand and refuse matter that dealers refute to make aa offer for it at any price, aad the peckers will have it left on their hands, a total loss. It is now neces sary to open and overhaul every bale, la order lo ascertaia whether frauds have beea practiced or not. One bale opened here laat week contained a rock weighing 56 ponnda, and other bale were aimilarly adulterated. Tbe pick er of this lot will be indicted for swindling aa ooa as the graad jury are ready to act oa the case. City Cejialy Items. Cbiiooc Salmok. Mr. John GilmoreJ has on hand twenty fine Chinook aalAion-J Look for him tbii morning be sells tbemJ cheap. 1 jI Tas. fbUbwing madkaxel av ia the toi graph offiee awaiting owners : Frank S. radforfAl'Myri"; ' , - ' - ' ' j 1 ' Te-jobli L. fttevenr fa . -ii.,satte for i passenger list will ne puoiunea to-morrow. Mr. J. Henry Haas received a telegram yesterday, stating that the silver train pet was ea route, and invoiced $140. I The ears of the 0. A C. K. R. are bow runninjHalsjyi a, ww ataion 17 njilei Sotilh of 'Albany, and about 3 miles this f ptdn of tfia oqe headretT tiite Make. j PaiTTT OooDKOae of the Portland last copied verbatim from tbe Statbshaij locals. "Kbw is that for TUghr I (Taila f SAnic'st fc moi.i A a 4hveViise ment this se oraino anfqrms all those having claims aeainst the " Musical Union' SoBLirrr.-A farmer from the neghior- b0o4 of Sublimity iafomi at that there are plenty of wool buyers in that section, . the fanners ofthat part of Oregon look sniibng is altifcipaiwia.Xif 3bb erfips's good priiejst 7ne"lfoTlowiifg'pertohi from Salem nd vicinity saileeY.Va.,the steamer Oriflamme from PsftlatidaatSatBrsy : M. L. 8kv- JfteribC favaaecWJdo. T J. rl5aaJE; 3Tiira Miss The i-t uit imlt tmtxot the didly Jfrcifry'aiimosA-t5atJl'tisd been "suc cessfully ran aateral months" correct, with a verv tljght amendment, aj follows: ' The ktdlemy' nruoiessfuily ran t'nlo tU 'prouWf "fbfjr several months, rTaat it atft if fijfiyaaSicliiiefs ihinJC. 1 A prnrraKirrs. Qrvrernof 'OvoTer Tes- torday appointed Wt. IiJ' Bromley, at Saa EwUoa.CjmuiMo8eEofDej thi county, and Chaav- a. Reynold, for Wath- ingtoa ootuity. r.r-aa tjivr-.-fT Miri Geerire P. Holman, Beetetary of the Pioneer 0U Cfpmneny jnfoans usUhat there wsi'sewn'lfiii Iprtng, id "Lane and Linn counties,. 3,200 acrea of fiia .aee,d,rfrem whieb it i etrpeeted 30,000 bushels of teed will be resiliaed", all of which it engaged by the Oil Oompaay of tbiteity.1 ' r-1 ;; - I Weatherford A i dew . eataUiahed their drug house ia Portland over fifteea yeara. have a prosperon batiaes and are well knows all over the eoatftf fori thai i" fair bnsinet trtnsaetiont. Their branch house opened in Salem, but a few months ago,' is building up a feed trade and merits thi patronage they receive. Fseb Schools. The schools of District No. 24," commenced their summer term yes terday, under the free school system. Pa rents now can hare no excuse for not tend ing their children to school. The teachers selected are eompetent, and it is the desire of the School Commissioners that all should avail themselves of th new arrange ment. Milk. Salem enjoys one of,, the best oossible blessinics in Dossessis tn hon milk man. Then it no ebalk(vJ water in hit promise to supply your wants in that line, a fact we hare demonstrated by expe rience. The milk comet from well fed cows aad is unusually rich. Ha shows good tense also by hit advertisement this morning. Ail the good men in Salem tup- port the Statbisi a. ' - Mr. 0. A. Browa, the indomitable, yes terday returned from Portland, bringing with him 14 vagabond tiwashes, whom he htd found in that city, belonging to the Siletx Reservation. He informs nt that there it not a tingle "Red man" or "Forest queen" belonging U toe reservations uo der the charge of Hon. A. B. M each am, in Portland. He JBrewa gee ta Beio sooa to look after tome poor " Lo't" that are in that vicinity. , At thb Rivaa. The Fannie- Patton got in from Albany yesterday, at S o'clock having on' board 140 tons of freight and about 3d passengers,' including" Delegates from Albany and Corvallis to the Odd Fel lows'! tirand Lodge, now beiug held in Portland... The Reliaaoe, Capt. Cochran came up with a light trip of freight' and a big trip of passengers. She will be down. this morning at 8 o'clock. Fare to Port land $1 SO. Ellkkdalb Loevas. We learn from I Judge Boise that tbe damage by tbe fire at tbe EUendale Mills is put down by the Company at $20,000 ; the insurance was $10,000, leaving tbe Company to sustain a loss -of $10,000. The original cost was $30,000. There wat very little mate rial ia the mill at the time, to the lots was eon- U fined to building and machinery. . , The Company will bare a meeting on Monday night next, but wilt probably do nothing towards rebuilding the mill at present. An Ou Papeb. Elder 8. C. Adams. while in Portland but week bad presented him a copy of the Boston Gttt, publish ed in 1770. ' It It printed with the old style Utter on browa wrapping paper. ' The prln- ' eipal article it a circumstantial account of 1 the then, recent massacre Jof citlsens by ! the British soldiers, in the ttreeta of Bos ton. Altogether it is an interesting paper and from it we eaa learn the great im provement made during 4ae etotary, ia newspapering. Ofbba House. This evening Mitt Con give a complimentary benefit to tbe Deaf , Mutea. Ia addition to her beautiful and I astonishing feats . in. ledgefdetnain, tbe Mutes give, with a number of little girls, several fine tableaux. Mis Con will also give four leading presents." First, a plain gold ring to the handsomest lady present ; second, a book of prayers to bomliest man - in the room ; third, a nice present to the fateak man in the roosa ; fourth, do. to the aaatt snaa. Modesty prevent aa from aiming the person who will probably get the seeead p reseat. -, ' Obitbabt. Died, ia this eity, on Sea- day, the 14th inst., the youngest child of Cardiff Gypsum, Esq., aged, no great length of time. It was ef untimely birth, having had ao mother. Being dependent ea publie appreciation for lift, and the ar ticle being scarce in this market, at died, it did. Little Jfereary was a bora scalawsg, and even Cardiff himself it glad to see it deformed body, buried oat of hi tight. We regret it decease because It aided all respectable journals by offering a strong contrast to their good qualities. The poor thing petered out so entirely that ao funeral will be necessary. ViBctarr Phillips. Yesterday after noon Dr. Vincent eontinaed hit Sunday school talk at the University to a large au dience, which wat much interested, the fact being that the tpeaier ia ao of tbe most ; interesting men we ever bad the pleasure j of listening to. No maa ever came to our eity and succeeded ia making a happier impression. Last evening Mr. Phillips gave hi promised evening of long. While be please a a singer, and renders many of his songs most happily, Mr. Phillips eaunot be considered a a professional art ist, bnt criticism Wat disarmed 1 by th knowledge that he. had bean much taxed of late, and by bit own declaration that be would not attempt professional execution We found him in better tune than oa the evening of hi first appearance, aad his an diaaea appeared much delighted. 8 tracts, th famoaa Vienna orchra. tra leader, has received aa offer to t move to Berlin, which ha will probably Among: the Americana abroad. ne French iusarctni are knowa aa the Ku Kluxof Pan. Bad aa they are, i uey ao aot aeterre so inlamout a name, PTTT GooBK-rOne of the Portland fast I keep , dir6et fire on i- Fort Issy iiiS Sunday pfejrsv, bad tw. arfh.apteflvA-i Qd i LATEST B TELEGRAPH.. eapla ,ftbiok avs4ba pob" rdjCol,,3K araae kme eW!per niertal petit. ' nsel's"v surrender'oTTssy was the first step in the dAmsvWeBSii? tfidii.-rWs of Parisaiian was toQUQw.,AL.jniaority of the gatrjfiba ObnatihegpealhiaewiBM exeto - I plfT-JlY8M,f If f suppresseaj Tlfc-CflttfuTCneWdrtftrea religious Bl- wiTOi -i-rxtjvnsi - , ana maaonnas oe removea irora kutoi.. , , . . . i . i .... . . . t r.1to'wh'enyWBfv iliaapvacMBeiay taa,viuie iq i, rae poiD ox IUW vatim.' in rkirj- rnmnM., .i . ii n The rampart, are .bearily, armed aeA j.f. Mtrf- bombard the rs mparts. iJerto Majllt i. atteily destroyed. Sev-i eralcaptams on the ataffor the. War Offiee yniHoram ba':K-v aTreseai. . J ' I . . i U A f..'jrJL;ll,. h.J.I :en.8Af aUlicc-hav. been T c. t.U .a- arttauaatasaaas-rasji bee en cantnred. 100 Jedetal killed and hv; iji. .-i xls iuii't:?:..i 1. erajj hatubwt ,-pflsaneH tajefc. Tbe ! J. prosbes., Y tintj pnMed. ( a J at A ind M oarf I r Uty tnousana troops are encampeu iiivnuwqitifiiwwFii'i mi-'fifermaro, to join- Dona mlrigTand attaofct-i-i c'n J-iT a Mil'ii.'. The Column Vendome still stands. Four National! have been shot fur lies sun. London, MayJlL 5rbe Timet says the JMis ofrJha essential . provisions. jnf the itWagaareayiral rtainly? alkdopt- ed by the Senate, and therefore the treaty will virtually be eonoluded. It is tbe result of mutail Gbnotsnn 3e Times notbx inconsjstoit.wUl), national i : t Z i - '-. . r, BT'rI r . Jf i t store amity between the different branches of th Anfflo-Saxon famllv. to-day. Lord Redesdale asked whether tbio t'nlteif States Coldt('leUy'raise tbe ue- tiba'of wmuneradoa for vessel, and'prott- tbat the Southern States o(:4au sVdawt)eai,T TTninn wnM alone resnosible for tbe denre- ana tnal tne (government oi ureal itntaio.n could pot Jiave . legally bJetBined.fh Ala- '' bama, for aha wat noarmed when, the lcft.. British waters. ! A. Washington, May 13. Then it no doubt,.' tjhat four' OT.lrvVnalorV Dave 'prepared . amendmenu to wo treaty oi . n asDington. A Btttsber of Senator are preparing to: do- rl livsr elaborate : tpeeebea .on . the eubiect. wMoh-wrll hereafter be pnbriehed should ', the injunction of secrecy be removed. innbSdnT&n'smrnavi dispoeed Senators to look mare otosaly Into " it proensteae and'Tafcrtive bearings, 'and there it ground for beHef' that the sessioa wilt be prolonged ttree Or fouT weeks, . ' Washington, ay ,13.-7-eubaripbont t the new loan amount to . $6 ,447,000, and delivery will begin by th middle of Beit ' week. The condition of the loan is regard ed at very encouraging. ;- j- Tioston, May 13. A resolution providing for an amendment to tbe State Constitution to confer tufirage on woman bat beea de feated in the Maasaohuseitt House by a vote of 113 to 87. . . New Tork, May 13. The Sum to-day it a rumor that Commodore Van dorbilt hat concluded a bargain to buy out tbe interest of Jay Gould and Fisk, Jr., and their friends, in the Erie Company. It is taid be it to take all their stock at market price, and pay them a bonus of $3,000,000. The arrangement it not yet consummated, but it it believed these are the terms agreed on. rnon Aitizoitji, , San. Diego, May 13. From the luoeon, Ariiona, Citizen w get the following: , Tucson, May 7. Early last Friday Lieut. H. B. Cusbing, of the 3d Cavalry, with 20 men. encountered the noted Apache chief. Cacbees, with 150 or more warriors, in "the Whetstone Mountains 66 miles louthcist from Tucson. He wat repulsed, and him-' self and one soldier killed, and a citUen named' Simpson 'alto killed, and one sol dier wounded. - Th great strength of tbe Indians compelled a retreat to Camp Crit tenden .'without the .bodies , of their com rade. Captain Stanwood,, with 40 men,' was at Camp Crittenden, for rations, at the time, and is now after the Indians, as is also Capt. Moore, with 40 men. Lieuten- -ant Cushing was one of tbe few truly ener getic, untiring and successful offier1o the Ariiona service; and his loss it sincerely deplored. 1 ' , - Word wat brought to Fort Whipple on Thursday last that the Indians had attack ed i Mexican1 train at Hawlcy's Springs, killing one man, wounding another, and oapturiag eigbty-sovea head of cattle. Another report, is that oa Monday night a large party, of Indians attacked and drove off seven or eight , soldiers near the saW mill th'm side of Camp Verdi. , i tvt v Bcal Ittate Traisfen. Deeds recorded Balern.Saturday, May 13, 1871 1 , -.-. --rj ."S I. R. Moons and wife te Philip PeUel, ISO acret ia tee. 35 andS, T 6, S R 3 W j consideration, $1,575. James T. Downing and wife to Benj. Button, 180 acrea, X 9, 8, B 1 1 j oontidtr- ation, $1,440. , , r, , , Lyman A. Savage and wife to A. G. Per kmt,474 acre in no. 20,218 and 29,T 6. S EiW eoasideretioa, $5,000. " . . G- W, Smith, right of way to C. A 0. R. R. Co., through land near North Salem ; consideration", i ,i : I John W. Cox to David Roland, lot 2, in block 5, (Institute survey) Jefferson j con sideration $300. ... Joseph Cox. and Wife to J.X. Ladd, lot 3, block 70, Salem ; 'consideration, $1,200. ( Jackson McHaley to Ooolidge MeChue, quit elaim to If i of N W 1, in Sec S3, 1 8 8, R 2, W.; consideration, nominal. John GildoW aad J wife to Davenport A Welford, 70-100 of an acn near the Fair Grounds ; consideration, $66. I I State of Oregon to Asa A- MeCully, loU 5 and 6,' block 78,' eity Salem J Contidera- tion, $C,333. r . , . , ; - s'J Cha. E. Burrows and wife to Salem Oa Light Company, quit claim to lots 7 and 8, block 42, Salem ; consideration,' nominal. John C. Edmudson to The.: Sdmudson, one-fourteenth interest ia 140 acres of land in T 7, 8 R 1 and 2, W; consideration, $200. Jacob Contcr and wife to Beaver Hosiery Mfg Co., 1 41-100 acres of land, in Jeffer son ; consideration, $2,000. - Absalom Smith and wife to Beaver Ho siery Mfg Co, 96-100 acres of land, in Jefferson; consideration, $2,000. N. P. HaiLBoaO vs. Oltmpi.. Ap parently tbe labors of ear local Railroad Committee are about ended. We have examined ' the? remit accomplished to date. Ia view of tbe great and vital interest! at stake, it is absurdly mea ger and ditoooraginp;. ' Stated approx imately,' it " emeuola to' this: Our property, owners (after, three months laboring, when ao boriog should have beea needed) have reluctantly Offered to give the Northern Pacific Railroad, Company,., of, the land lying onuc near Buid's Inlet, one-third oT 'j thd land, onevfifth of tbe frontage and one-tenth of the Iota ; tbe, entire pro ceeds of which, if offered for tale to day, would not reach Gf y thousand dollar, f, U tbe water front and land were in one compact body on Badd's lalet, a valuable consideration woald be presented to tbe Company, aad the ciUxeae'-, committee night tbea astro. ti ate with eosae reasonable hope af success, cut to oner nfiy tbousaod dollars worth of land, scattered over an area of twenty-five miles, to a com pany aapectiaa to aaild a laswe town, and to axpwad half a miilioa dollar ia doing so, making tbe settlers enor mously rich thereby, at the ex pease of tne railroad, u aa intuit to the Director! of that great corporation. We don't believ there ia brat eaoagh ia the whole committee for such a piece af I enroDtery. MPasrvwvkrkTLV t w .e iBeaat. attempt I if Sbia tounty, I tberWwti :Hy'-?lWI.fff .1 ns"eT ow !aal, ,qar KccaaarW 'inaWtwiWe. watrties Und.lmial.iions J5at, ae 'aaar'f-taae aej ajaaa, wf i xntfjzj- J i iATSti'i. -tfi. t I win nni nmn MfTim .M umir hiiu vm thl L AJI.IM.,'MMk. V'lT'tl A.fKA' in.llia eao .ipeletJAea.t, WWrAWnA. from. heVilti. .ui,:u,:ilia4'lMj''lcftr hawwre Id be-, aial .jjf the point indicated by a well tgraaiet Iwiili avsk aitlal Ireeae tioiaWiet4eeWiliJ U1"-! lueiJrrtlely orr--ttim, afake, hU Ao ftlnicidate the aBatra e i..tr"f jCrf-:: ntioi,!!.! ...'fbeshot "''l'" -" -' lot Tla' B--',-'-,',"VT".f'RaWewVvJ'i Wererfeve. tbt 39er" eot , ' W; !w u -.FalV'Rhe;"''rypcW ani Tswa, ou.ao a. r ta ea se-iow) efjta -aeaa, she ;si7 sii rioc: w?!jnroarTsflr : , nran, and the, Commune has etdeted that frlZ '.tt.T??-'.- 'i--" n 1 T'J. J I land an enHivna fMHiy lite Norway, gave holIy,iiosowa .to):tbTatepr - -.. u. Iricld to rts;wnderfal jitopnrtift,,, fiokl. yJ Oni-ujasiiba,. VteawihesasediwaNWsack eauakaa itoVld Tdrusgistt:,,, , , M,.ajJ7-eel! A?JJ!!VJJ&1&' Miai ,ar?tiWefruiiyt!aiery'to tnj cathoMe1' Cbirrcbr aaft to ed bji25 brtfgVdao aia.eea4mtf tbat hial MlWBalBee iisTJkad tth hum 11- Aj3k&&i 'irWhvaVtbelesaj f 1aiJrtlinVrf-'Ja&(ej4r Bsern4 i Wf5Bb1feaSlert. ealsertieo yNff!yf?l!r1gnl' Tiebnbliianlam. waaaevar aa a laore rhBfi4WQarrr.WaVlt ttbaa J v a j u u r l a: 1 tier oWntaoasitBeraii Dssvsiy-iursn i LlaivaJa.rf!lUltatttofwi - aIUlT - 1 n t-. i. . : c'ataM,-ar'b,-ooW' bf'Kotiiel Ktir?wi4eTbT,,hh'Ten iao'Oemo-1 cruiic laiiuniaunii, iu . uiur. iu,. i nV'i. 'irrilln,la iiniul Brhlah V 'Aalt SttuliLhat baead Iw,frd aqotlaaiOB VVffiVThiWP)BN'I'Wi repuont rfuaa issaaa vvwtnmrvy m wewworwr, aa .fVBrlwajfrVH of, .Qfagwn (aJ u Crmin Mne it 6a-hvlaw to Victoria, liHTWDWb itoe.jissi :anaa.gosajni an T r. '-rsttxm ta. rMArv froi eminiU fcljBtete ,aaan aeiiifleaaeiat hut If aojtatUBtea ttuaostaacw, ao fact tbat aaaraa -taddeaty" atevated tathe kaeiri"(?)r' af '-atf - -acetfl f al' : e (5c e , aMinfrt'-tbe aritbeS; ef .'oni 'neoDle. Wl'we'de'auSbi'UiK'pP w r . . , -,r? . i i el are pencotiy wimng tou our, tuteiuur hQ aid fif "ab'ioaaiamjby appoieting fcifcV pa'.'.) oer. -aa indignaat peepl, where, tn th ataaeof '40sr,' it wat aoneagaiaH the earaest f etitioo of hi own part, JZIZS&F&imUJZWMiktl 3evelopme-ui.r coucerniAg U 'i fufel f .tr-ii. r iv,ri -V.,i ih h I ffairt of this cbunty ae they Ave ,"-"x',F--.teaBM who, tmih pry ota aUwe .cDaUeca' Urf Uao'aind e1 49bt1 are one-aud the same-eVen thrt bad 'aaiheoii T :i' Ddi bit '!JrercImf", iSeadets wiir 'be: dlskp Jointed ; t&ote " rich devlppmenja" jriu uerer e puouinear-BDig maae out ot " wboia. totk ,,,Ae aa area aa i one. exposed CDvaeded 'With " fitcal affaire," save '4rr," aad J do not think be ooold' do the eabrtct justice, but woalo ratber leave tbe rich-developmeors" in the (Jark t&an with tbe public. , Let ns beseech tbe readers ul be - . . . j- - . Mercury, who are filled with great er peetation concerning " 49er prom ised development, to exercise dee charity forblsnon-appearanee. "49er" worked after the moat approved Demo cratic pattern to make items for bis article. He blowed, bullied, coquetted and failed I , Ia short, he cut np all the little caper of his malnplex pat tern la a way tbat would base suited a committee of " Broadway Reporter." Bat it was no use the " prying one wat " after them" ia vain t . Not one cent or one item waa wrong in any Republican officers' booke, or in their ' management of fitcal affairs.' Pinned to tbe wall, and for-cd to acknowledge bis own errors, by bit sharp adversa ries, " '49er," vexed and defeated, cursed the bitter fate that made Repub lican officers honest, and himself ao unlike them. '49er" was very ingenious ia so constructing his article as to draw th public eye upon Port Orford a place tbat might be of consequence, only for his u a ceasing warfare against lis general good. We will inform the public that them is a spirited litti place called Ellenaburg, situated at th mouth of Rogue river,, where there are many inducement for persons desiring to locate permanently, and where timet are very lively. Ueo. B. Gammons, of San Fraaciteo, is here at present, en ergetically pushing forward the com pletion of bit large taw mill. He hat shipped quite a number of bands from Saa Francisco, and every needed ma terial tor the great enterprise. More antra-, 71ia. A Toccmxo axd&okasticIxcidbst A reci ui sketch of tbe lovet of tbe great lawyers Contains thi touching incident in tbe life of William Wirt In bit younger days he waa a victim to that passion, for intoxicating drink which bas beea tbe bane of so many dist'nguished in the legal profession. Atnanced to a beautiful and aeoonv plithed young woman,- he bad made and broken repeated pledget of amend meet, and she, after patiently and kindly ecduring bit disgraceful habit, bad at length dismissed him, deeming bim incorrigible. Their next meeting, after hi itmittal, -was in a public street oi ue eity of Richmond. Wil Ham Wirt lay drunk on tbe sidewalk, on a hot summer day, the rays of the sun pouring down on hir uncovered head, and ihUee erawilog over his swollen features.- At the- young lady approached in her walk, her attention waa attracted by tbe tpaatacle, strange to bar eye, bat alaai ao common to otbert who knew tbe victim, at to at tract little remark. She did not at first recognise the deeper, and was about to hasten on, when the was led by one of those impulse! which form tee turn ing points in banian lives, to scrutioiie his feature. ,:i W haa waa bar emotion wben she recogoiatd ia him her dir carded loverl She drew forth her handkerchief and earvfally soread it over his face, and harmed ey wnea Wirt earn to himself, he fuund the handkerchief, and in one corner the iaitialt af ta beloved asm. with a heart almost breaking with grief and remorse, be made a vow of refor mation, He kept tbat row, and he married the owner of tbat handkerchief. Oaci A Wssb.A week is a life. 'A week is a history. A week marks event of sorrow and gladaeii, which people never heard. Oo home to your ramity, man of bntloessl Oo home to your hearth, erring waadererl - Oo home to tbote yoa love, maa of toil, ana give one night to tbe joys and com forts fast fly in bvf Leave yonr book with complex 6g- Brea, your dingy office, your buty thop! Rest with tbose yon love, for heaven only knows what the next Saturday night will bring you I Forget the world of care and tbe battles of life which bar farrowed the week I Draw close around tbe family hearth I Sat urday night has awaited your coming in sadness, in tears, and la tileac. Go home to those yoa love, and as you bask in the loved pretence, and meet to return tbe embrace of your heart's pete, strive to be a better man,, and blest heaven for Riving hi weary chil dren ao dear a atepping atone ia the river to. tbe eternal a Saturday night. Job C. CaiiHoca. The remains o John C. Calboua were exhumed at Cbarlettoh, South Carolina, recently, and replaced ia the vault where they originally, reposed. The. .Aura tayi It wiU be remembered by the chosen few, tbat oa th night preceding the evaBoatioa af Morris island by the Coa, federate forces, the bones Of Calhoun were taken from their vaolt for oovi- ous reasons, and war laid in 8k Phil ip'a Cuarch-yard, to tbe east of tbe venerable church. Tnere tbe remains of oaf greatest statesman have rested ia peace during these six eventful yean. The rector, assistant rector aod toe vestrymen or St. Philip' were preat at th disinterment, aad follow ed tbe com a a it waa borne to the old vaolt, west of tbe church." t.r. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. . -t . , sortie from Parte. DauphiV were neb with a Morm of tberU thirtliUnrtM eOTumto'. U.tha.talloi thatlpiMaais wee isMeiaeakJ thrasieaed to opea theaataetd VewalHUU BesiaV.'ealW ttersfbet etlheOommuneA tiik0.-rimtt'imb1 J-H aeaea i,nir nM.onoepHca,(r.j, ,t Vu... W aanlm - ' . . - - r ' . .AiJiW m.Us U' nitAn Wa Xsmaa4 ' " - : ' " '? tXba bomaarUmeot waa uianv aaa aaeiia eoathinlU faniM-Within thwatlVj -oo . - . ? . ,-i :,TroOptwen'adVnein4' from fi Boit de ' Boulogne npon.Prls tJT . i . i WQUvjTCixnt Ausuupa imwaicv ,iawuus , of h Catholic ehnrcb, hava paUUaaeA the - fttmereei Aaatrla t Hatoim'tKei King of Imly that the' 'Independent Of tt Poo is " be-FW1 returned toPtpa.,;Thj jwuoaers,avsoay k s-tn ouiyi aut-emt er Outhotta Power,' aad af ProtMtenfl Poww alt, t makei tfmflaT elemelo. inriiv-ar: ttswabora ' tTT' the- WasbiBwtod tftaty taetian to aeeare peaiei! 'aimd of them will oropoM amendments 'tofmakd lit provision, more plain and, 'prevent fuJ '. ' . . ' i' . m. 1.1. , f W.jeBaeiBauigBt -.aa aratwaMoa; of tba,Saen e flannaayr. ea: tba6aq w ' a j - - - - - - t . a a r ba ! - y,tf-- '.:-:.! J ,rJf, "r. fin'W""l ... ...l.lU. mr.Vm. i! v ;.ry-m " snpaorterit. J .. bur o.t lial Jiatl-.b i t.Sl.lUHl IS. -Saa Francisco, May 1. Jh remalat of 4t Cap. Lcmaiil Lyoa.iatoof Ojagoav and later OSbeul ef Yokabatna, aavaavrrved at Pan Francisco, and wHl probably be buried1 atstockton:'' ;,'" ki" 1 ". - j i . ..'OpSataday. a.rman,K aamedl Comp,; wat tbot ia th head by a Barbery. Coast raagr, who kad bornwed twenty dollars of eua oa faWe wmttare; Bad teoh thtt wsy ta get "rid 'of Ms T importunity. Comp will' not probably recover. I.:;" tnrei-nrth.,. of the Marysvin, Lot-: - tT Uce bad, beea oldr bat the work of nreDariaa the -aesnben waa aoiaa n, and' preparutg the aamber waa aviag aa, and th drawing wa to ImoMdnsttty 'com bff.. 8 bower were reported at Balling at pteee fa the Sacramento Valley. ii'.ii.d State 1 Tferwm , Rawtliena Orcj(ai.. . . -From the Jaokaeaville Semtiati of May 13th we take the fallowing m i The season bat been most favorable for the rain erqps throughout' tbe State. ' We learn "from many .sources that Douglas county grain prospect are most tattering. ; The same promts may be Ment by riding ever Rogu Rrrer Valley. Tbe grain ields ' everywhere are green and raxariant:'.'.' . One Chinaman, charged with the killing ef another, is hold fur trial susder boed of ; $4,000. Freight teams have begun their regular trips to Crecent City. Tha roads are still rough but fast gutting into good condition. Our merchants will soon have on hand large assortmonti of new goods. The Roseburg Ensign of May 13th says: Block sheep an worth $1 0 a head in this county after sheared. Robert Wateon wat thrown from a horse and his leg broken, at his father-! farm tail week. Iu the District Court, Judge Thayer, Vir ginia Turpin wtt divorced irom W. P.; Mary E. Dower from her Dower, and Mar tha Ackley from her J oeeph aot virtaous. A Coos Bay letter says : Business is very dull here at present, though there is seldom less than eight or ton voxels in the bay at any time. The coal Uade ii lively, lumber dull. - , " Portland. From the Portland dailies of the 18th we cull tbe following : - The Oregonian states that Mr. L. J. Bal lard, Secretary of the Portland Homestead Association, will be ready to deliver deeds to stockholder! on Wednesday the 17th inst. A man named Dr. J. J. Johnson, last Monday, was convicted of larceny, and sentenced to ihe Multnomah county jail for sixty daft.. : .- The BMetim learnt that tha Columbia river, at t&o Dallos, Is now nearly the hight it becomes ucually in June. , , . ..... TJpwardi of $lM,e0 worth ef real estate waa void last month by Stitael A Upton, of Portland ; $30,000 of which was farming lands. , . . . '. t'onmereui. " ' tALBB ABKBT BtPOBT. :,i;?f ')-" - rr. ; -:'.! : " 1 V Salbb. May IT, 1871. Flour Best brands $2,00 et. per single sack. Cora Meal Oregon ground 5c ; Walla Walla 60. Wheats-Best white $1 20 per bushel. ' ' Oat SO ot per bushel from wagons ; Potato 1 00$1 Za$tboshl. '? Lard 13 ete in bulk ; $1 7 eaa. Bacon Sides It to lie; bams 16 to S5e for sngar eured ; sbouldors 8 to 1 2c. Beans From wagons ie; retail Sc. Butter 34 to 3t ots; retail 50e for good roll. Coffee By th tack Kt ; retail SSe. Cboeso Oregon (Cram ton's) 25o; Cali fornia the same. Caadles Oraat'i V B toil Wood' $4 50 to $S ; Adamantin $4 00 to $1 50; at retail IS to o7f m. Eris Iff u. 9 doe. ' Anyde 7S ta St 00 ev boa. ' Dried FrBit-Arpla to 10; aeaebe 18 to 2oe; prane Sac; NRiiti IS to tie; raisins I7e. ' . Fish Salmon, choice, hf bbl 7 00: bellies, kit of 20 lbs, $1 ; do SO lbs, $0 ; mackerel $4 per kit eodflsh, coast, J6c; Eastern SOe. Suear S. F. K. 161 at retail ; Island 10 to ISct crashed 18 to 10c. -. Syrap 8. F. Keg $;l gallon $1 "15. ' Boap w box ai to 2 j; oar zt te 37e. - - " ":""" : '" " - ' - Salt Caravan Isiaad. -J ewt, 175; Liverpool Dairy $3 00 ; do peeking $2 60. Tea XI to SI Wl B, . Tobacao 85e to $1 25 g fc. . All. T :.A . w;il 1 Vfi.a.flswi rik. lard oil. atreUil, $3;eoal oil, $3 60 can: 7ft cent per gallon. Lime 93 0 ; by single bbl $1. Iron and Steel Common bar hoa, and round and square. Sic; horse shoe 8Jo; band iron 8c: hoop iron V to lOe; hi round 8c; Nor way aail rod 12c; plow steel 12Jo; spring and tire steel 15. . - ; , Kails I penny and ovr $7 50 kez 1 3 penny $11; eut ipikes $7 to $7 50. . , . Uraeon woolen xls fcalem make, at mills, wholesale, b .nkits. erav. No. 2. id :' do No; 3, $5; do white, No. 1, extra $.1X no. I -T, ao no. z, n nn: 40 Mo. 3, S3 5ft ; Flaanet 8-4 white, $1 I2i; do 4-4, 55c: do 3-4 37 1 40; plain aoiur 4 to 45e; fancy twilled thirtiag 45 to Sen; do grey mixod 37 to 45c; hart tiiaea o;dosk $1 00; mixed boaver SI ; taae eatiaseias SI 10 aa $2 50 for double width 1 tweed TO ia yens $1 to $1 25 lb. v .... , . " Cotton Uoods At retail, tbeetinf s.. standard, II to 1 5c; seconds, 9 to 1 1 ; lieht-. IlttnIZ)o; suodard drills 18 to ZOe; shirt ing, bleached and anbleaehed, ia to 20c: bleaobed, i to , 10 to UJe; denims lo to" Zae iuekory tanp IB to Ijo; prints, taacr. llUUe; Marrintaeks llior cMsne 79 Uloe; ticking 4-4 JAe; li tn. 20 to 24? linsey 24 to 13o. . . . j ? T r1"' ; ta The failure of a publithing bonre ia Pari, eautee heavy losses to George Sand and other leading- French au- tbort. ' Why it a son who object ta hi mother second marriage like an axhuastod pedes trian ? B"ei hi n"t v a m firth-r. Dombrowskl ha ordered that ofletrt ikAsW rH1-!K v eifcv-i k-"T-t- lUQIMeil, pmay uats. t-. irr 7 -Tv :t 1 h i j IvCrl Wlifcnd .oiJaUtrvied1 aad diaeedayatomaf a, dtfcb -aw,,f nii Wja'a Vik4- tor.aa'K"TOMCB yf '-r ... va.MJi-an.'W U,. ... C; ' I f k.t 'Altii aAitiJ ti fnaraaaeoL sfebiiH t i'r-A1! JL i 1 nasdV.p.iata.MlaJt 4oaaaU U taaalarita-ie' llwrteleFaaMalMMIilfttSbiia rtlt'i1sBTBe9t4ad5 ! I operation.,, , myiI,J.wuauui j fc ' . -- t " a Cosmopolitan Benevolent Soeiety of el radaGlty; Have you crad yoVTick( T If not, do so kt eri'6o. Bavwyea xanroed thi' adrertfsemenk and .'noliecd the list iof gnientoliCoiapri. mayest oo,oXfcCU,.wooiit,t o pttpit f and hn. look at ti.ieoaBadst, Wo wnukl be ae an wise w t adesayrfaa visitiag $2Win'a 4ick?aoi4'wiMleeara Wrtane, an ta 'Gold Com; 7- ''''mayiTaawlii liiw '1'Hajg'iMaBTif 11 oK f . 1 jn ivjfitpea cn f maik en, figtuog oyer aar Oeaa coquet; ,out.,re-Memlmring-ber fltooa.. of. .tra Mubbat A LAirBtB' Fcowroa'WaTB,r!Th prmklad hex handkerchief jrith,. .tht 'indostjtapUDlo aerfsiae, uul was oniol4. . soq ! f t ' JUT aataen Bra wosthleaa ounterfcUs ef fhls fragrant Water, bayreboald-alwayi ask for' tbat prepared by tatrittari A Kemp, New Tork; tple propieiors 7't.' ' The Stamaebi ata tt Lhrer1 j . are the importsnt organ' of th body, cither for bealta 01. disease, v jeep them. strong end vigorous, and 'aJr:wjU.be,: fsjlj allojr (hem to. be disordered, and the whole system is sick. Bristol's SaraapariUa and" Sogar- eoated Pniiare prepared expressTy to ' act oa the liVet 'and ttottiacaV Ererj ifloui disorder and evtry derangemerit "of the di gestive functions aire eontrbtled aad ttregth ne4by thewograreaiedkj.,0 . '.. J ;.;.aayliwlw .i'tn-ir.it.-fn iVm -iWd. j ' t.- ? . . :.: v' T'-;I'- t .Lisa.. CoBxr.-r-A rioad writiag irom Linn County, informaao that the latataina Jbjtya pnraiiod, very aexally and stinu oasly in that eoauiryi ih Hfariaar Bad nearly alt done tewing graiai aad - are pa HenUy wairmg for harvest time, 'to reap the rich reward of their labor?' He sayr: "The eouatenanoe of the webfppt farmerveajri a bright smile ia ovasq,ueuee.(. th. rata fall that we: are having. .Ibore-baa been aiach more grain sown thia year than eves before in this part of the toooty"., Lina County haaalstay been the leading produce A breadstafft la Oregoa,' aad with the pnaent tndueements'and her great natoraT rrn tiges, we may expect Sroiderful resufts.la old IJ'naTrom tha.haryattao lVfVt SPKCtAt. B OTIC KB. , I - v-t I--jh'!-:-J -1 7 . '..Ttv, : .t:! ! i!iL"w fWILT-IAM DATHWJOsff'l sir . 3 rl iV J b ' ::i.l l I Hi C: tt SEAL t ESTATE DEAXERj ral b-tatb" Vtw ctof OA -ki roRTI-AM O-in Uw-Mi JesiraMe loealu;a. com sUtln of UiTS, HALf BTXtCKa an4 BUTCKSi UOU3IS aad BTUtn ; ai' '-;' j ' IMPROTro'tftM8,'aB vamaWuneati tlvatrd LANDB. Ioomo Is c . parte W th bTAta lor BALa. , 1 ., , BKAL EST 4TB and ether Pinsrlv aa chased for Correspondents, ta this CITY and throughout tbe eTATEtf an4 TSRHrrORlW, tth crest ear aad oa (be awtt AlVANTAOkUd tekmu. HOnK3 and 8TORK8 UAfBD, LOANS MCnOTIATED, and CLAIMS OP ALL DK3- CRIPTIUNil PltOttrTLV OOlXTCfED. And eoeral rUiAMOiAI. aod AttJUICX B08INt3tl traosacted. PeraecBteel Onjaw. . - The humaa -stoinach k beea a hawfuHy persecuted ofran. Tbe e was a lime whoa for every direlletion or dot It was ponishod with hogs dose of the moot disiustinf and naaseoas drac. la vaia It reject tnam, ana l Moral ty returned U.em upon the hands of tbooo who ad mlDitered them. Tney were forced upon It again and azain, until Its solvent power was thorough' Iv drenched oat of It ' Th world Is wtsor now thai Hwsata tbat dras tic ora. whoa fart.s tmrutton and ntrreortal salivation wore what Artnias Ward woald have called the main boll'' of th faculty, in case of dysepjla and liver complaint. The great modern remedy for Indigestion and btllousDees a Hosteeter's Stomach Bitters, a prep araann which has the merit of combining a pal atable flavor with such tonic, aperient ana antl billons properties, as were never heretoiM united In any medirlne. It has been discovered, at last, that sick people are not bo th tabled Tltac, wh St-and proswa- Una sorefnahlog V,a,wlmkwookddowB,tai!y me (rant Ihe earth twice as vlzorcus as before. When aa Invalid is prostrated by p-.werf ul de r.letlnc drert. trr i art to VtaV TTOTtraled : and tha defctlllaled being aware of the fact, prefer the buiidtng mp w knocking djgtea sjsiem of treatment. - - ... Hootettet'a Blttov meet the teqolreieents of tha rational medical philnouph f which at pnsonc prevalla It is a perfectly par vetotahle rem edv, oajbraala taw Shr napuelmn properttos of a prvolv a KM, ao aa aueraovo it lor Uflt the bodies against disease, Invigorates and re-viUlles th torpid stomach aad aver, and effects a no aamtarf ehang ia th entire sys tem, when Id a morbid condiuon. In this country where the enfeebling tempera ture renders the human organ iettioo particularly susceptible o anwriolesome atmoopherte Inna ores, th Bitters shoald be taken as a protection against epidemic disease -maylO-lwdead. Tiaveler are always MaM to sodden attacks of Dysentery aad Chilli Mirles, aad the o- earring whoa absent frost hems, are very uwsas aot. The Pais Kiuaa saay always be retted Bpca ta ewoh caoes. Aa aooa as vow feH the aymptoma, SaawowtaaapsMilul ta a aM of wow saUk end molsssiw and a gill of hot water, stir wall togeth er and drink hot. Eereat th toes every hour bntn relieved. If the patna be wvere, bath th aowesseo back with M medicine clear. Ia eases of As hwi aad Ph'hisUe. tak a tea. spooofal la a fUl hot water sweeMied we wrh stulaawa ; alao bathe vho tbroa aad stoaa. aea lanaiaHrr wita uw aaeeucln,olear 4 Dr. twee ears K take oat Ihe ao. sass la of hooeaeUlnf faster than anything b ever sp plied. , . - rtshereMa, as eftea sipsseJ to hurt y havmg ineir asm pureod wtta nooks ana Bns or ruk, aaa be relieved by bathing with th Paia Killer as eon at th accident occurs ; tn thi way th ta- nam Is sooa aha tad: bathe as eflaa a once la I ve mtaotee, say tbreo or toasr Ussea, aa4 yoa win seraom nave any trtmoi. Th bites and scratches ef dog and eat art aooa eured by bathing with the Pala Killer clear, tiaaeiwaeo 1 1 . 1 t Theslsodard remedy for Ceotks, lot. aaa, Bure Throat, Whooplog Ooasrh, Grfaw, tvrr Oom plaint, BroochHIs, Bleeding of the t ansa, andevory aweotloa of th Throat, tangs sad Cheat, re evading Otssi sum. Wlstar' BalaaaadoB not dry eg a Ooogh, but loosens It, cleanses the langs, aad aUays trrt tatioa, tha nioailug thw oaase of the eoas plaint, bono gaostae awles slewed I. Preparedby Pen W. Towui A Boa. old by H. Baatxarroa. thiisnta A Co., Baa Francisco, aad by dealer geoerailr. LjolT g r . at A JiaCW ACaVAB.SM.tB IBOP. i I ahall atari to Btn Franelse by lbs atxt reamer th put pueo of ausahsaar stask of aasrbio. which t UHond for this market.,, Moving diapooed of aiy oM atoek, I wiH opea with a new etnek. par chared at redeeed rater, aad aa freight baa beea reduced, I intend to gtv soy elastomers lb advantage of tech redaeUou. Those goa a.mplatmg the parcbas of such work, will do well to wait antd By return, which will be about the Bret nt Judo Ae ia th. past, so yna wtu Bad in the fu' ore, that I wiH bar th best stock of Mar Me north of Baa FraBelsco,and Intend to sU lower than ever- A. J. AtOAKOsA. IWflTf. 9iW H,'.'-1 Bronchitis 'fn" 'fJoB-l rra,At by afi BncwU en m' Fiump;oir, fa Its early U,nwihin.oqul t HJtet.T4"l8f rU TrJio m. 1,J"U;.J-J:" r. - .LiA ;t-ll..i--j"'.:t Jji;''t!l .Ii n feoii?-; .fata r,fa-ia, Orr-ittha aali. Wd-Torso; wf yi swa ,1 rvuronatoaet, oriiaoKMr b n weatner. isce Tnat you get Hcaa- eeati - KaaefiWtored wnlaw41aaBaa tae - iftt aBd-fingaUt-, a.Tfe. i V .li era,e VP1.' j , in, AwrV3.JS.-ii i ll r eMlTHtlR lietrv rninf Unl,ninla .Botltej,Jka arret, naaea ppta sacki --r . : .on baH-l, 3 fcj K hor(, i oj-j aaa.pMW if,Mo,.iiim e f aios., 1. ihqm eel are sVaing at OT per woohet hi faa triicleb: 1 T fW " wairaat eeo slaen and triiniiia. - rajrwoiii.iB 0019 or cumi vmrri i oom raieiy rll tk&, 6rfo"n:'"': f9871. dawtf THt lllvDlftl3 EI reTa9 gOri0V THAT be ha soM Ma- Baraeos shop and stock to .ZIrtaa Inaw, iSthe.wulIoMSUBs beatt n.ess at th eld stand on rtate street. an persons inoemea ia me win pTcase eoma tarwawt aa ostla srttt jet er wlui r an ctsbii k IThoBipson, who aav mj acc9n,tsoollctn I . . 1 ORtt. sfsless, prril0.Vav;J1. .a vi.: 1:.. . t: .i :c! 11.. ,v-;.i:i... jiitiX, rptalg asraiatol awawea-tlat Wi J; der-theU. d, tutental Revenue. Uw. for Dlt nron' (to. t; eoTTslslIng of Uenlon, T.lno, l!arlon rotk and I asslwa eaucUes. la th mat a Ore gqo, will bevnptra for ps)?ljcxm,tno'i Af.d eori rectlan at tbe'Ai(itant Asseasors ofBhe; ig, Vort vaaarrodi me fat Bag May -to O.pitfcday of May, 1871 ; wlore all poraoBa elalmlng dedocUof4 erabaMwiisiil of taae,. ia ewBsswaeBoe o erro neous timiinisat. most do so Id writing brfbr ta ewpWatloa of thai eio;vat- 'aedialtlad will be allowed an lite, JIM u elosed b, Mrned OTer w Hie UHKCwr. ii! .ij. H'KS rVtmen,TakNatiee. W aandt'. lt)0.S0a poontaC oot, fog" which at vUlpsy ,the JtltSieey nrlee going-vathJ HctLPIN DcmnB. I At O, i m-4 Osay a out ataosl. Salem, Stay 4th S IC I a fir a r rttsiaiitiPTiowal JT Prepared,. ad Mcdtclac BMsMcTaritr Vtiki. fcy es Cai CO. Balem, Hay , nCBE SUGAKVlai 9V vaaBict J jtr.v Daae taar ATaksaUywa), PVXtv S4JtHAAT'al. aprlB .e-0..-d f 'Or'wW-twekargw- ler'bwbd, tii"W mi baraws OS ander saddiav,, Also ,a . safjla.. and: vroiio. aiifii, w u: jitj x'-a" v t PCBBtraava . jr a, etiuaii a ca t aprUMtf. v'---' 'ANGELS'-KIB fiLOYSl THIS PAVOKlTK. BRA It O It f0 be fend(m aa colors, at the-old prlee,-at- JtayT. ..vii'! atRottdaaat Bftoa. HIIUI Tag Oregon Kheumaue ynr For '"''"'kiatMAn. vo, ii i an, ii i i,;i t- ii-' a iM.'i iiiB lit , ' WUUOW OLAS, . 1 U": MtVaKumetya airt i x JeralaJpw.and cat prdef.bi, ,r, q ttiliil jt-iRiii. '. oo-n;g f-nr nrrr jmiju i.- tstt ecoolirr l i ,; avgnaipa acta IpnjantHlgs,! say.aT ' -Biayll-lwJ " SBHfJPfivaa av.d ,W . kes a deJlgbtfalboverssre fcr lovaUd, " - . " . POX dk KAtlUAAT. L 7lI'T,,','- elh"W, OOiO8, UN8BID 1 Oil, and. everything In the paint and oil vaue, for rain oy" - v osjiiainuvM a vxr ' ROUGH ITJMBr.K DKUVXKKP U feAbSM at I10.M per thousand feet. Flooring, Weatherboanling, Finishing Lambsr, of saperior quality, la proportiea. , -0,dera8oUcited. v . 4 vB-PrWrL. UayOdawtf , . . H-A.Y X HAY tl'. 'i T will atoli-var taye i olioVtmotlco JL . Thos who das re to parcha-aa isw4yat t-aa avptya DAN. CLARK' 1 PtiK Pioneer aad gaiem Markets. marStf r . ' f !' 1 SKEKt'i BAICB BUTTSK AT COX db atRIIAKTI. .i " : ' 1'Hed 'til -AND- , . -,-; .t-a Off-. 1 CnOICE5CQFFEEt - at " cov-a itAHiiti.' - fll THING JVKWr' In Boxes for Fanllj as, at May COX 4b KARHART'S. "NOTICE. - ' ' i -u--V saT BATK ri'BCHKD THE BA loon, oa aoHb lid oi Bute MMe, to own a 1 ' Bascoin's. .Crs'BcraasJ. And shall open the sans to day. of which fact aBasy frfctude ant the puboc generally wffl ataaae te notloo. T i-.-,.-! no to day. of which ,fa, uba generally wM atoki DICK? BAttlt ttlt raajia ' ' ' "li'l.'a m il-ti' '' "' : ' . ' -ti i.-.o'l -mi't. Vf - S -jl. 3SF I J -.-.-. I I 'OS Ojf 1-1 1!1S ri'HaV TJBT DSCRSIObTKD, . BAaTInQ I leased th saad aad mvet:flpOfts oa th Iiland for the eouitng teSQ.irnprepared Is JUr aail Baad, Ora el and 9arweeSXoaT Bwter than tt eaa bo got from any ether point,, , , " Orders left at Breyman Bros. VlB ho prnmptr AUea. . ,. ,- JSiiJ nrHUTli Aprirr ..;- t--,i-., .jar JF"lrt .T-rivexlLi iti THE CHRIST(A9.v JTKNAL, ' ' ' A CHOICI COLDBCTION QF V Hymns'tt&biTunes.r The irst of thos over brooght to Oregoa hva haon rsasl est, andtasa tor tale by ' : ' U. XX BOOJf. aloai, April D dtf.' VTT UU It ' '"iiis head's ldomv: . r " : . " ' -- -i - , i it-ivo rat HOW OTTER THIS BtPRtfuiiracnibt leaetr aad aoarasbtally agsMtado m-mmvtd baad oaa b right unless it v oTxo4,by hat, parcaased at the hat store, ' ,. . i ... ,. q n.m tid i n a-id o!'d herao'jlew 4 fcc &m m sni;:m . , . . .- ' r -. o-goa THBa-d io e-b bad . . , .,- at Hi-it ho ,r i "tn'-a cosBNEiiAt. vai muKi-mmv i . or irEir iFQkK,B - .-.r , ., . na voj ,io.'t-fio nail WMca Issued a grewtet' Wmbef of'polles'm" W thaw as other -Ooaipasiyla atajt Vuau : t , -h .lltea 'iebiktk-ttoWe5i.' 1 1 o V fn if aann' ii,'n ,H -V -i-tf '.f I t:tl ci Drr Uoodejai Awfot., vn dt ofaia aaaisrwnfrj aw- tiant) aTt L Ike BeWMiBWr.'WlSl aa HM atOBoOonMf Muaday next at lo o'clock A .. eaatMogolfl Preas Honda, Ki' bona, VclrrU.OU CIvUi, Unneoa, , HoeiraineMoe,-Ao. , loo nameeftus to" ejerioo.aoohjasbaloog la sss-atdhxaty btacb .' Id e- . i CTThet thi jgs ssast ba sold, and win ha sold fbrcash.- ' iTT :. atlAKDBtatl-b OO'UBKaV; tl .i 'fn.t It: a t (saeueaajsaia.'.'e! Balea.MaWi . , ci;dUj a .v:-: Qtttofyg u Paper Hjurtag; ! 3 f- iOalclmlnlng-'i;',: P aa B.aip a.. br altWtaasfaU J. Orders rotici.e, and all wotk u coated prompt ly In the ho-t a- - r ate-SS taatsanji m rtaiatawtMi nllMil ,?5dertJtta-ta.)T TS8 mmjjcxittuu "early a Iheos4, Pus a -Vast U rrvs Mandrwt tft-mt VMsKa'wsWbi at least On Uaatf red Bor.iSf .f1-t Homo diPMiZ "Val 1. 4-rerf,fctjJ (rwob.D 1 S- " S. Iano-lrVvteeeastaiaa The MarchesaicktttM, walatarwHafciwa- Simple Aira.'Fl.Bn Ttey, o.t Tour biNwi which cotnpraawjbai (jMai mMitm? n tara rally selectMl frees a Bhmmm Mk teVk eo being laowa te a popular aa very nleaMa. rJXe,t-l!Z'&-l' mmi4Lt91 ka Cloth, s)3 Dey.sml Kill Oailu ia.a Saat. posald. oo reeelprpf retOjyrceTfT -t r r':.:,-awrH, t B, arfT t a wall .sT :1 .aas-i v i- aiait gold-cgui 'anuria sTrM.rBa. AVAtaaaa W-tB aaiao.a TT fiUQUUUIM 4th day of JuIt. 1871! tatHn Mn? om o sm'w t Tbe Connopol Ikaat J uasaeout SJaVrtV . mt Oal. tt-arala, U tawBcgiad taan -HtrmV th. Broad ctreet Theater, fiyaria rttfQal-gtlata th foUowmg-CharltaU parpooaa: 1st, PibUc Scboobiaf Jtrsdaerawfta,,.7; .. , d, PuUW (.ibrary af Revtda Ciiy- 8d, Orphan Ay lb, Rrrada eoooty, .bVoTtwint,aVWw 100.000 iieaUaataiirdaBia- '.ieetVaaejgVoo aa. All th Premianat-will be devostted bl th BAJiK Of .VaiaA CitDNa Jlr ,inii mi i ? trial d ' VXBHXWSe1 1 '"A ' ltaaCayK'r, "t rr,'fiW l rVeuf; yV-we t rt0'M 1 Premiuui, g0d eoin .,, lb0S0 leoravoBvaadeot..ai .a..Q. tJX 1 PreijlTti tJd SBta.oaMo.sn.a3..-. t"0 1 PrenJa gold aria Hlia,Vl. 1,000 1 PrrmiunV gorgawaani liV ,,,, S 000 1 Prenltua- gold dlnil,:.vJ.,JJ. -f.'f 1,494 . 1 PremluidigadWm'.V-,?...". t,0fH 16 Fams,ieleolplj 0e. aa-f- 15,000 SPreoilusJvldeoin.liSQaaph.... tfiuO 8 Premlamm, goM tela, taslw r .4(W 85lemlqi.tMdona,lweoaikat CM 100 Preniiaua, goldboisi; flia) eiW l,.noj 00 100 ftTOlamagilfl aim a0 aaaas la. SeJOO 100 Premiuma, rld ooln, fsp each .... eooO BOO PremtumsiioU oTn, lift efch'Vi , 11,600 10,840 l,OtXS eold.-OMoV alaaataae to i60j000 rOQ-. i ii" lino ofll x.-Hli';-'- , Btatas aa. Jfaaaa a.;-faAjai. a. F,otS el I A Fly tpeclaf permlstka we roter t lb foBowtng John hj m. taon, rborar k rraoa eeata T.W.BlMrnia. Oi V tc jfanarAt toasasssr.fa. adl tti it it ski Petal. M. 8 Deal, bluer Nevada ;asawpt. O. T.BctJilMhuiw. fan aaa alt . ottmx .wy Julhn Greenwaki, Oottnty-frny j , - T Ooo. B. NeweH, ex-Oowa-y Buporr" k Thee. a. Oardaer, BtlMor"MeVaUk Bewt" . P. BannratSaadaasa.tsodtii-i - a Led r-a3 R. B Uenu-y, tatt.atkenVC oVasteaaJt 1). K. Bell, lK-puty Postmaotor. Ira A. faioa, UnkjadlAicU. ,aof vy. aWT O O. Allen, Wtvada Fo, , " . Judge T. H.Boffe. 3'TTr!fl ldr. si 6oo. Si TajtMpavMerSbaal TtadrT A. Gotdaiw,lecharte -d T ' hr A Wm H. OoeChw loiaa Fw Tllgai ! t. T. Oanfictd, M-Oiief fcarwiear r. larpart- A. Sa.afoiIi mrtm-m. " w Btlveo A -PoesetyM n its t, -ii 1 Wu-i Lester A Mulloy, Merchaat. , U Mhcll, Ckg liaTshat i-b! "T Good reainejavba 1 Aarwaaadl' Ueral eommissiona aUaaod. , Btsaar bwa teakhy Express, or by prafk oo og .aolyara) Baakr Ad dress all eomBtanicadooa to ."; j , , , .. ." I t.sR.A501tlTo maylt ' .... BIwa4a,CHy,Clr . u, ARMES .tDALUir.l, -"rf -! 'Tmpbrb lbWH :iW BaatttnrftTrtia ' BROOMS, PA RAV' TVBfV VBfJlffias wBfjBHKA, BABKBT, TlHIMiRIAaai HATwHKi!, cTATI0KthV,yPtJUU4-4 CleUHBa efMS-cva-i rr,IHJ,rTgRo. fISlflSt, TltkLK, ft "ma Mi!atmI UoBje . Jt'earaloisJaaE -'aaedA. t a - - a ' ' ' I ' p -f rn"'" filBfcCT I "PORT? R." OF BUBRFru PBOJC 1.IAMNOr lM AWOFUSOH ioVjfi.'kLi V; 8. P. lHra6StWB6mpaiy Watched Amtiliaii taot and Twhot Bl I saiu ' I Boeton Flax UiUs' Tirlnea, ... f jlOfgaaror a awaa Vw PaMagTairni, .-non HolhngsworVva MneJ t tjauaa taao,,,?! ghertnanS fmprtwed Clothe Wrtt-gera, ' fcVarawol4aOwiBSf iBl rgk amiiv F. hi claogh tin's Brashes. , . , " Ofartiocl Ts thW-t imVni rltfTJeaiV, !ng enabieos lo sell At lowest market acioe. -g ami Vaatnwriw rriwiva.'', " lit Tf9ir Smieate --7u'THiciic. aprtllB. -oaH' -i, i, iji "i win . ol eh bo vy m - .' ftiio .atfp". -iJt.t ' iraf. ' rnnraitn -' lb Acue .-I - - a.O Tkllf j . i-r u.i...b ' x.ra a,axj-j -ii sr rizi 0)f WILUMmi ki t li, aear' BX'K? A TIFT 1 , , i - m t ri-a.. ( F as?. E at aat Re saa Ma. T raaav, - oosjqOe. to-asgi ft, , mm, T. jT tiit OAaaraag afJ ' g-f ekf? t UM i. . . -'t - J - J tv-f -ieGood Stock Ean$; f)C tl ''' !' V!t a",V je,.e A -otnaxo vrf' A'Jwi- Uwxvkxn: -'.') v-i-T UTWlS-'oalSWeeenW 'aiBKa.Visn.c tt n-i: ro TtJ jV-k. s! Hi rj." !'5ll!' sd faaiO .eo s-- a a. TatTcnav Aw AV Bt Ft'. a SliClVf TTRlCrSTO rt E: t-islj iool ' ii:w -nicnos j : ,trBt)H " vitt-iiio IlTKsTVCteacJrCKlSv ffaUesU atslklaBW j : -T til Jaai t.m tt, ssi; ri TeS i ej evi-a-iit M-rljao -icirBVBil f Jdi an utsl Sn,r.oi atxeir m,mtm4an rsy. tw edsial Btgt Faa iTDsswd d 1 mV'-'ilittTmttm'' Afreet 4vea)s. and aii snB always oo louad an aaa. II ,Ctl a- nrttrlpttoBi liTed lriirnKar m ,i . . i ht-.a , fe:r-0t I. -'F'S ':" m-. afliVil sTlaaa Dyrat eaavaJkij aoJ.yaa. . aaasa'a, PaAtaa'a laatats , , -y lai-i nit 1 aarea K X3t altooaa tfti t'ill la 1 li W -oj 't lo qe jnttai et?J nfo-10 .w,paiaoo. .i yB. Portland. I4oo;iiJiji)o3 ii J .. Jeos. O J3lt t,.y 'ii eoUotrVt ,a2eibaaA aal it aa 3 tit fa wnl ttcsi 8d v ii tfT .gull t nt , vloa varilnt ea oaf o rci eg' WtnTnlf1)aD0:-: no looq a ti si ta aaa eti fc;. 4 !I)liU43i(IOBl ? ivl tooi Ida rta Sad .fccild lea et OA t) aidl :d .ttaanant y.iJa't) vd Pointo, Olld;&-Ofe9' U1 lo saws as 1 eOJ.rr-q ai r-e.suwi .4aoscit: g -J lo co.MUsJ fOS jlSOJCirAJ. J raVWsTfa T j -jt ssi!tr' --.ai v,aw'u laaait j oaawapirtaltaisatBgBBui awlWraaftsBae ! !-llmVH-HWn)tiiTmA Li ur-0:ad Tiyiiii of vgal lelflmsa eaVbityd SXtKr- i.PVT',?IVft. dw B4a iVT vcoat CU01CV-SM0KJJ!G,,10BAj.C0Sf I CIOAEB, ...kr.d pbi rTTjrr Aw1 LA KAPOLIOtt, , S. SCOTTi c ui i A- a '7s-.