The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, May 10, 1871, Page 2, Image 2

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rcgoji'SaeCp statesman.
K1LI.& -WIMUMI . HIT 10, 1S71.
-The Kl KUx BUI.
W pablish In Ui 'Eastern newt the
Proclamation of Fretldent Grant, an",
noaaoiof tb fiMMgs oi lb tfet com
monly'kDOim It be Ka Kim bill, and
(biKlecltiUaaahAt ie will not hea
. it ate to txklaat ' lb b power Tered in
Ine teentW wbneter and wherever
it Iball hi necessary o do 'so for iht
purpose of sacar'Qg tqj citizens of the
United Stt tbe, peaceful etij.ymem
of 'the rights guaranteed' to them bjr
the Constitution 'aa& lawj.' " ' '
Gtber4tptele ftstert that the
Prrti.teat will delay hit yisit to Cali
fornia nnUr Br aa. hi(iUft"ctiTr
meaaaiMte'icaforttiaar thar.Uw abort-;
referred to, am) we aUiJsnow that
Cunt ia miBU of actioo tbn ci
words. It ia also reported tbat the
enactment oftE!i1 -n" "baa a!rea3y
proved pro3BJ4rC,a0Tl"uMt for
tbe KakKlaA htval dangerous,!
because they were able to override and
et the state law, and ther
knew they were bevoaa the reacbof
anj.ipther Halters have assumed
rery different phase since the Eieco
tivaot the Nation has power to bring
them to Jadgmaot, and tbe power or
tbeTJaited States Corta has to be
tested shoals .tb Ks Elux outrage
continue, - They now understand tbat
tbe United States government witb
Orantj at"Jts head holds them to a
strict an 4 Impartial acconntability.
to DrftdTy" know which' has been the
most cowardly and contemptable, those
Southern men who committed the foul
aiv"utrgea iia-dtfcnjeleji persons,
slaying-ta' cold blood tbase whose ia
flnence rtey fodnoTopposed'lo the rebel
spirit, oaJXhei Democrat ia Congress
and oot of it who have so persistently
opposed aqy actioq to repress, these
Southern outlaws, simply becaase tbey
know "tbe Interests or their party would
be best conserved by hating these out
rapes continue and a reign of terror
maintained trttft after another Preei
' deotial election, s that the Southern
Republicans ca be overawed and kept
from the polls. Democracy knew well
enough tbat the mere passage Of such a
bill, backed op by efficient preparations
for its enforcement, would suffice to re
store order at tbe South; but Democracy
weft. tootBxfuel end selfbb j bnraan trif
fering and, jioUtlon of civil and, nat
ural rights weighed nothing in compar
ison witb success, and it must succeed
whatever the cost. Think reader, of
the character of these political dema
gogues who sMcd op in denunciation
of this act, and pronounced it tyranical
and unnecessary, in tbe ftce of all tbe
evidence of terrible outrages of contin
ual occorrance I There will soon be
an improved condition of thing South.
but It nevef would have come if DemoCjj
racy could have helped i.
The Treaty with England-
We gave ur readers, tbe other day,
a lot of baldatdavsb, transmitted as tbe
results arrived at by tbe Joint High
Commission for tbe settlement of Ala
bama Claims and other difficulties
outstanding. between England and tbe
United States. It is not worth while
to believe Anything that may be pub
lished, about, the forthcoming treaty
until we'bave actually official data to an opinion npon, and tbe pretend
ed.' story tbat" we'are'abaot to pay
Great, BfUtaiii money, al damages due
English subjects, amounting to $20,
900,000, which wills mora than cover
our claims for Alabama damages, is of
course all moonshine. The fact is
that tbe claims have all been npon our
part, or mostly so, and the United ,
State M-'th only' party interested,
enough to raise fuss about the mat
ter. Tbat they will be settled reasons
ably we believe, that our side has made
a greater fuis than wa actually neces
sary we are also prepared to believe,
therefore we do not expect as great
damages to be awarded us as political
demagogue have clamored for, but
tLat England will get oat of tbe diffi
culty without paying heavy damages
for the ATtbama 'piracies is not a very
probable' witter for belief, sad the
party would - wio great unpopularity
which, wouldgree to it. ( .
General News.
WltanaeSt VtUler.
f ia 4U Albany. Democrat,. o jester-,
day we fearn that Hi Wm; was) reewnt
ly ermmrtte4 noOiteieto Fhiloianth. was
triad aad f mod guilty of manslaughter.,!,
i Prouvrty ia Sugeue has almost doubled
inee it was pneltirely known that the rail-
lA4 fl W u V I ' u - .
eiirs.'Blltinf ferothers are fcaHdlng a
new grist mUl in Lebanon' It will be-J
rcailj for work just after next harvest.
The southern bound stag leavea Albany
at S,vv v TTt? f ? 4 y i i j r
From tha P.rtttoa 'dailiee af tbe 5th we
lt tb following ; i r . .-. , . -1
" "rb Bnlteti Says the large new ttsaner
beiag built it rajii.lly approacliiug coioplo
t Ion, and will be ready to -launch by the
nrst4aaia tttttf;.4 ?M
kinarf Wmed Trtlx' feTl'fH.ta 4"htww
top, dislocating his thigh bone.
A fair te"WSprcfrt atIr. S. J.
McCorroick's IectureThuralay evening ;
snhjact' TS! Musis- an ry t Ir
land." u? i.tV3 t r i -
Capt. AlfieJ Crosby, of Astoria,-; bar
pilot, died Sunday the 30th inst.
A new Pcxtoffia naned Carlow, bas
been establirbed onJower lolalla prairie.
Capt. Wn, Barlow, Postmaster.'
Thof,bark.!,s:uyjy, ISjloading in conse
quence of the difficulty in getting wheat.
Tbe Pgtgntiaf states that tbe John L.
A ,Jfi ,TotJa lifcw.t Col.
ya Sbaudt of, this city, b Jnven ted
a nsacbiae fo tunael-boriog ; a m
ehiiMf which I iateaded to meet tb
reqalrements bf.lha . latest scbetne ex
tant the Taboe water ; project., '
machine ia constrncted npon th i S e v
erance Diamond Drill principle, but in
tfc,noaWppHtM,i8, differs mat
rlalfy Tromallohe The'Vbn
Schmidt drill will consist of a circular
wheel eight feet in diameter, f Iobed
ded in the rim of tbe wheel, each re
volving on its" own 'account4, 'wllf be
twenty-four diamond, drills ont foot
, apart. In the center of the wheel, ac
cording t ie esodel, U a sleale drill
and thug is kept one fool in advance of
the other drill.-- The wheel is cal-u-lateif
tf maktme rtfvoiQtloow pcrtoios
nte, tbe drills r. volving at a higher
rate of speed. T:if periphery of the
tnnfier' L ?fT7tje its ; f cale ;T eight
feet ; the groove euv.t.y '(WdrlAli will
be twa.Jncbeswide ajidj-bree feet deep,
ft tTinte'nde j fo'Tosi fbefceHfer hole
alone, then run the machine 6 -w slot.'
the track, and raise the lower hatf ol
tired, and the great cheese of rock
caniU' As;pirA lhtff chine is
'so constructed as to admit 'of ihfVe
feet of ipwcf ;iii!of IT hesrl, be
tween ftsTriaU VofVa'tii'tne bed of
tbe to nod rsthrws faeiiitaea ttt-nns
ing the debris are afforded by-an inner
ear track J1 ThwrnaeHiB itbw ateven
by 'compcona4ikirj-iVith tbe aid'
of machine Col. Va Scbm.Jt U-l'th(i
. opinion that be can complete tba tun
, - i.v.; i.n H. p. ftntlrfin.
Iatest by telegraph.
Paris, May 3. Tbe Communists are fall
ing back. The Versailles forces on Tuesday
night reoccupiod Park Issy. Tbe village
of Issy is almost completely sufrounded,
and its remaining defenders closely pressed.
Paris, May 2. The Prussians having de
manded a strict execution of the terms of
capitulatioto, the PakiS Commits baa. been
obliged to' reduce the garrison in Fori Yin-
There was a heavy cannonade rom Ver-
sailles batteries on the south, specially
against Van vers, les Molineaux and
Park Issy Were alternately taken and retak-
on on Tuesday; the Versailles troops finally
triunpbed, and now hold both places again.
The Communists were twice panic-stricken
' during the day, and rallied with difficulty.
J London, May 3. In the House of Com
mons Gladstone said be was opposed to tbe
kilt enfranchising women, in its present
shape ; but was ready to sustain a careful
measure for the same object.
' Baresford Hope, member from Cam-
- bridge University, oppored tbe extension
of suffrage to (Vmalw as an on t rage npon
Snanbood. Members from Edinliurg and
. Standard Universities, spoke in favor of
woman suffrage. A vote wi taken, which
resulted in a majority of 61 against the
bin. ' ' 1 ; :
The Vorsaillos army :s investing actively,
and decirive action Is imminent'.
4 A balloon with letters left to-day.
! A gTeat meeting of Republican eoeieties
is called for Sunday,' in the court-yard of
the Louvre. Ledru Rollin will preside.
': It is reported that Cluscrct will be tried
for complicity with tbe Prussians. Dom
bwoski will be a member of the Court Mar
tial. Versailles, May 4. The Versailles forces
carried by assault tho Insurgents position
at Faguet Milt. 150 Communists were
killed, 10 cannon and 300 prisoners cap
tured. ' The Mill, was however' evacuated
by Versailles troops, as it is exposed to a
destructive ira from tbe Insurgent foitifi
catlons. Sauet Mill is south of, and about
one mile from Forts Bicetro and Ivuey.
Approaches to- Fort Isey are completely
sui rounded, and it is impossible for tbe
garrison to escape.
Louisville, May 4, The Democratic Con
vention, at Frankfort, yesterday nominated
P. II. Leslie, tbe present acting (juvcrnor,
for Governor, by 688 to 432 for J. Proctor
Knott. ' ' ' ' t
New York, May 4. A Tribuno specfal
this morning says there is good anthority for
the report that the President will take active
measures for enfon-inz , tho K Klin law
parsed dnring tbe last so anion of Congress.
The only circnuiktanco nh cb will lo likely
to cause delay is the absence of tho Secreta
ry of War,
The President remarked, since bis return
from tbe West, tbat heou!d not goto Cal
ifornia until be bas initiatcd.tuea--ures in ac
cordance with tbe provisions of that law fir
tbe protections of the loyol people of the
South. ,
. The Preaidemt'a Proclamation.
Washington, May 4. Proclamation
The Act of Congress entitled "An Act to
enforce tho provisions of tbe Fourteenth
Amendment to the Constitution of tbe
United States, and for other purposes, "ap
proved April 20, A. D. 1871, being a law
of extraordinary importance, I consider it
my duty to issue this my proclamation,
calling attention of the people of tbe United
States thereto, enjoining upon all good citi
sens,' and especially upon public officers, to
be zealous in tho enforcement thereof, and
warning all persons to abstain from com
mitting any acts thereby prohibited. Tho
law of Congress applies to all parts of the
United States, and will be enforced every
where to the extent of the powers vested in
tbe Executive; but inasjiueh as the neces
sity therefor is well known to Lave been
; caused chiefly by persistent violators of
the rights of citiseos of the United States,
by combinations of lawless and disaffected
; persons in certain localities, lately the the
ater of insurrection and military conflict,
I do particutaly exhort the people of those
parts of the country to suppress all such
combinations by their own voluntary ef
forts tbrongh tho agency of local laws, and
to maintain the rights of all citizens of the
United States, and to secure to all such
citiiens equal protection of laws. Fully
sensible bf the responsibility imposed npon
tbe Executive by tbe Act of Congress to
which public opinioh is now called, and re
luctant to eall into exercise any of tho ex
traordinary powers thereby conferred upon
ma, execps in casca of imperative necessity,
I do nevertheless deotn it my duty to make
known tbat I will not hesitate to exhaust the
power thus rested in the Executive whenever
and wherever it shall be necessary to do so
for the parpnse of securing to the citizens of
tho United States a peaceful enjoyment of
the rights guaranteed to them by the Consti
tution and laws. It U my earnest wish that
peace and cheerful obediences to tbe laws
may prevail throughout the land, and all
traces of tbe Into unhappy civil strife may
be speedily removed. These ends can be
easily reached by aequiexeenee in tbe results
of the conflict new written ia onr Constitu
tion, and by doe and proper enforcement of
equal, just and impartial laws in every pert
of onr conn fry. The failure of local commu
nities to furnish such means for the attain
ment of a result so earnestly desired, impo
ses upon the nalional Government tbe duty
of putting forth all its energies for tbe pro
tection of its citizens of every race and color,
and for tbe restoration of peace and order
throughout the entire country.
' In testimony whereof I have herewith set
my hand and caused the seal of tbe United
States to be affixed. ;
" Pone at tbe Orty of Washington, t. C,
May 3, In the year of onr Lord 1871, and the
independence ef tbe United States tbe 95th.
.'Signed). ' U. 8. rawt
: " ' " :-'--' President.
IIahiltuw Pl9,' -
Secrvtary of Stale.
t i - , . . C1UFOBSIA.
San Francisco, May 4, Extra brands of
city flour sell for $8 50 per bbl. . The woof
groin and feed markcia are stronger and
mora excited tbss for many years. . t
. The American Modical Association bas
organized, and indefinitely .postponed a mo
tion to amend tbe Constitution to admit fe
male delegates. The following are tbe offi
cers: fit. Ysndoll of Ky-i President; Dr.
Logan of Cal.' Vice President ; Dr. Ives of
Alabama, 2d View President.
Eerish . Brown, who sued the city , and
eeanty ef Kan .Francises for $2 5,000 personal
damages for tbe destruction of hi paper in
186a, on the day'of tbe assassination of Lin-
ooiaa.aas finally recovered J1.200,
T .Ov-qr one hundred persons bare left for
Joseiaite during tbe week. . r , . , ?
iitiiog the long French, war, two bid
ladies In Strammaer, Scotland, were
jroingo the klrk'r ba one said ta tbe
other t Was it not a wonderful thing
tbat the Ereet Ub, were aye victorious
ower tbe French in tbe battle?','
" Not a bit, " said the ether old lady ;
J'diunays ken; the Breeuih say their
prayers before ga'en jn battle ?" Tbe
other replied : " But cioua the French
Say their praye'rs as-weel V "The reply
was most cbiracterUtic : " Hoot, jb
berlnt bodies w be could- understand
the-V ., ,, ..s;,, . , ,-;; J
" It is a rnrions-fMrt among onr bat
and cap aanbfactnrers that different
localities .use uiderent aises of bate
-and apa as puudar.d sues.r Boston
.andibe Eirttero titalef gse the smallest
(Sijje, fJew, Vork aud ilie 'ji.d.lle States
use ihe medium to largest' sizes, and
Chicago1 an the ' Wesltrn State r
'fluire the- largest aiaee.' Goods maoa
axotured fotiuae starker caooot be
for the other, Only in excr ptional cases.
The Soutlj ose ajpeculiar shape to
kthenisi;lves aadjOC ,irge fixe. f
siuThetnaeiJei Edge, lately, in .Practical
.Farict,;d(rUiiiagn experiment, sayt,r
.fuad tljat &V9, bushels of wbule corn nuda
47 3. 1 pounds of perk. T'uV i'auis amount
of mc;U well boiled, and fed cold, 'made
8 S-4 pounds of pork."
One Person 811c It My Injured
. Jisrtow Escape) of the Engineer
: The Locwuiotive u Complete
-Twice. V- - ' -.
The train due at tuis station yesterday
afternoon at four o'clock, met with whut
might have proved a serious accident, in
volving loss of life, but for the presence ol
mind of th engineer in charge. The acci
dent ooeuraed at the first road crossing thi.
side of Mr. Davidson's farm bouse, about
one mile south of the depot. The follow
ing is Mr. Frederick Oast's (the Engineer)
statcmont as male to onr reporter: The
train left Turner's Station as nsnal, on
time, and consisted of eight' flat, six box,
two stock cars and passenger coacb. and at
the time of the occurrence was running at
its usual rate aCspeed, when opposite of
Mr. Davidson's nouse be saw three horses
noar the road in a field known as Pringle's
pasture, which is an open lot lying on both
sides of the track ; be immediately whis
tled on tbe brakes, and gave tbe usual sig
nal of narniug. The animals jumped on
to tbe truck, runniui; abead of the engine
a few rods, when they were caigbt in the
cattle guard, placed at the cross mad. The
breaks were tightened up to stilTcn tbe
train, and engine reversed to inert the
shock tbe Engineer knowing that fasten
ed, as the horses wprc, that .tba train was
(ll I
bound to fl tbe track i and had he n
taken the above precautions, tho loss of his
own life, and that of tbe fireman, was more
than pr balilc. As it was, both barely es
caped -the fireman, whu, at the, was
on tbe forward part of the engine oiling
the valves as it left the track be was
thrown violently to tho ground, bruising
him considerably. The Engineer ws
thrown 'through tt.s cab nindyw, some
twenty feet, landing him in a puddle of
water, while tho ilehrit of tbe broken cab
and cars fell around, fortunately, without
touching him. Tbe coupling between the
engine and tender breaking, tbe later did
not leave the track as soon, and laid at the
forward end of tho engine, witb two or
three of the fiat cars piled up on and be
side tbe road. One of the horses killed
belonged to Wm. Morgan, of Portltnd ;
one to Ci. Phillips, of Yamhill, both valua
ble brood marcs, in charge of Mr. Win.
Tompkins, owner of Pathfinder. Tbe
. track will soon 1 e cleared so as fo admit
tbe passage of train? ; but the broken cn
gino and cars can not be cleared np until
the wrecking ear from Portland arrives.
11 an Icy, Ootid & Co. - - ,
During a late visit to Portland we
learned some particulars os to tbe bus
iness of the firm whose name heads
this article, acd whose advertisement
bas been published ia the Wikklt
Statismab for some time past. We
give these facts as ia come measure
due to them as liberal advertisers, and
alio as an indication of tbe growth ol
business in this State, llawley, Dodd
t Co. are importers and dealers in
hardware, iron, steel, eurpenters and
blacksmiths tools, mill furnishing?,
and especially in agricultural ma
chinery. Their main store corner of
Front and O-ik streets, Portland, is
scarcely more than a sample room,
where is kept an assortment of goods
in the hardware line, and some other
articles of their tx'.easive trade, which
goods are generally received direct
from the manufacturers at tbe Eist
and ia England. The iron and steel
department contains a great quantity
of every needed size ia store, Ameri
can, Knglisb or Sweedisb, as (be cus
tomer may desire. " Their stock of rub
ber goods, belling and packing covers
all the wants of the machinist and
engineer, and many articles of com
mon household use. Stores of ship
Cbandery goods are in their stock of
trade. The .stock f agricultural im
plements comprises fanning mills,
farmers mills, hay and straw cotters,
threshers, mowers and reapers of va
rioos popular makes, plows in great
variety, also horse powers, and tbe
celebrated Mitchell wagon, of which
tbey literal! r sell hundreds. To ac
commodate tbis immense stock, tbev
have, in addition to the two stories of
the headquarters store and warehouses,
25x150 feet, three other warehouses,
wbete tbe machinery, wagons, tc,
are stored. These are crowded with
supplies, which are constantly drawn
upon to suit tbe demands of a vast
trade, and their doors are constantly
being opened to receive the immense
stocks of new goods coming to hand
by every vessel.
All Maoe Dp. The DnlUtU says the
citizens of Linn 'and Lane counties bare
subscribed, several thousand dollars above
the $110,000 required for tbe railroad
enough to secure the right of way;; Harris
borg raised over $20,000 ; Eugone City and
aboat there, o-ver $40,000. - ,
City and Comity Items.
Sprikkleb. The street sprinkler com
menced work yesterday on Commercial
street between Court and and Ferry streets.
Largs SntPHKsr. Messrs. Cox k Ear-
hrrl lately received direct from San Fran.
c's?o, upwards of two tons of coffee, in one
invoice, ....,
' Kw Cbpucb. The frame of tho United
Presbyterian I'huroh on Church street was
raised yesterday. , .
tTnlnn County yesterday paid into the
State Ttreasurer's office $200,- ballance of
tax due for-1870 f also (300 on account of
eld delinquent tax.
. . Capita, Mabket. Laughcaj & Glorer
have taken this old stand,' on Liberty street
and commenced a market business.' They
intend to enlarge it to as great an extent
as possiblo for the-coh.vnlnec of tho town
, -Aitctios Notice. We call attention to
tho auction notice of Friedman-4 fjosliner,
who will sell on Monday next at 10 A. K. a
targe lot of dry goods, being the stock of
store closing business at Bet be! '
Kortb alcm. Mrs. Mulky's, school
had a May party in North Salem yesterday
upon the- same grounds that the pic nic
wot beld the day previous-.' The number
in attendance was sot large, but they en
joyed themselves as well as if there had
ben a thousand of them. , , ,.
-. Cmxooa S a mo. Neigh Wr , Gilmore
came by here last evening; with bis one
wheeled, coach loaded down with" these
splendid fish, the largest of which weighed
40J. lbs... jifr. .Qilmoregets them1 direct
front Aha mouth of the river, and finer fib
oonret swasain a!t watcsr frosb. , ;: ,-, , ..
Tbe State Inquisition, commonly known
as tbe Examining Commission, has about
finished the 'business' Of auditing tbe sus
pended accounts, and has Commenced the
Work ef preparing its -report aa average
assortment ief which will o published in
pamphlet frm. f i-r.-l , .-,j ... ;
A th 'Kiv'eb. Tho Finnic'1 Patton
came Snwia mr:rjiirer''nf ftci1 (ak'mg-'va
board a lot of bran at tho mills left; tar
Oregon City j The Koliance came np at 3J f potatoes .rVr iFarrar
Brothers, aa! merchandise for Uxafovaga k
AVrigbt:'" irt ' '"p' ' "Vf '
BamII AL Fo-T A aew and beautifal
WOOden font was' pWedrvtf "the -KpiaOopal
church 'yesterday. 1 It' wisdesigiied 'and
executedhy fc. 'M. ;5urns:.' an architect ot
liiiadelpbia, w bo has admirality couiOina,
twria and color M u to read.-T simplo
material btantifak't It ia jrecbl t See
choioa proportions and tastefat foraiS ia the
furniture ofthfcehurch. "A thing of beauty
U a joy forever."
Cora's Lxteutaisuknts. To day two
perfonnanees -wTTl be given a niutincc at
, 3 o'clock p. xl for ladies and children, and
at 7i'cliekJ at jrhich there will be five
trading gifes," t, $20, $15, $10, $5, a live
pig, end 90 other smaller prizes in addition
every lady present will receivo a nice
present. The aerial suspension by Miss
Christina at both performances.
Quica Time. The railroad accident oc
curred yestcrdny at 3.40 p. u. At 4.35 our
reporter was at '4 he' .cacao of the dissster
which occurred "two miles from this office
e are" indebted to " Mr.- . Ar Breww
wbu was on tbe train, and who footed it in,
for tho news ef the accident, and to Mr.
Frank Thompson for a buggy ride and
pleasant company to 'the spot. -
CorRT TJocse Flax. Our Connty Com
missioners lately "Ordered that the plan
submitted, as drawn by Mr. Piper, architect,
of Portland, be, urn! the same is hereby
adapted the architect to complete said
plana and Siecineaiions." This is a good
step take towards aa important work, and
if our Couaty Court can only dovisosomo
way to have tho building erected and en
closed the present year, they will do a good
Comas to Saica. We published yester
day a correspondence from a friend in I'ort
lu.d, relative the coming Sunday School
Convention," and Dr. Vioeent and Mr
'Phillips of 'e Yurk who are to be present
Via are informed that a gencrnl Hahbath
S hool Institute will be held in tbis city on
the 10th, 17tb, and 18th, under tbe leader
ship of Dr. Vincent, when our citizens will
also have on opportunity to bear Mr. Phil
lips, whoso remarkable excel'enco has won
for him tbe .title of "Sweet Singer of Is
rael." Our Sunday Schools may well an
anticipate a delightful time on thoe days.
Ihportast TBAtisrr.R to Quit Title..
Yesterday tho P. T. Company executed a
deed to D. P. Thompson of Oregon City for
tbe half interest owned by the Company in
tho Linu City property, which is the t-ite of
tho iuU'liileii ol crations of the Canal and
Locks Company. Vie understand that in
return the P., T. Co. is to receive a clear
titlo to the upper end of the Island, for
which a brother of Mr. T. bas received a
patent from tbe V- P. .Government, but
which tbe P. T. C". disputes. Mr. Thomp
son also pays $2,501) cash in the arrange
ment, and both parties withdraw suits now
pending, involving tbe title of tho property
exchanged. -
Weavbkr Rccobd for Anm..-r-Wo havo
neglected to notice the weather record for
April which has been furuihcd us, as usual
by Mri Tbomas Pearvo of Eola. It shows
that during tho month, there were twelve
days with a rain fall that cotld bo measure
ed, amouuting-to 2.24 inches. Ten days
were Absolutely clear and a few more cloudy.
There was frost on tho 23d and 2fith, and
the 30th furnished a shower of bail at noon.
Tho mean tcmpemture for the mont was 47;
highest 57 on tha 2tth; lowest 3S on the
7th. This corresponds ' nearly with the
temperature for 1S70, bnt tho rain fall of
1S70 was 5.52 inches, more than double
that of the present year.
PnosrECT for IJi ildixo. It is certain
that the brick to bo used at the Pcnitentiary
this season can all bo roadily disposed of
and the only question lo bo-answered is,
can tho Ponituuliury brick yard be depend
ed on to furnish all the brick that will be
required here for building purposes? The
new PeniU'Utiary itself wilt require a great
nutnoor, and tho M. E. Church und the new
Agricultural Machinery Works, ifconstroet-
ed as talked of will take many more. Vie
know of a gentleman who intends to put up
two good brick stores, a two story Mock,
on State street, if lie can secure brick to
build them with. We anticipate a lively
building season.
Litigant Bates
The city of Portland has contracted
with a leading daily paper, the Ore
gonian, for tbe publication of its city
ordinances, reports, etc., the work
having been compeled-for and let by
contract to tbe lowest bidder. Jow
for the matter of publicity tbe city
conld not do better tban it did wben
making tbis contract, which was let at
very low figures and to a daily paper
ia very general circulation. Tbe in
teregts of the city of Portland in this
matter do not coincide with those of
the Democratic party, whose pet
sctit rue, enforced by infamous legisla
tion, is to make all the litigsnt busi
ness nnd city, county and State adver
tising, swell tbe cash accounts of Dem
ocratic newspsptrs. There was no
other way to keep tbe breath of life in
these precious journals, and live tbey
must, so a litigant law (so-called) was
passed, to act as a tonic in their
bebalf,aod tbey still live. Having so de
scribed tbe disease let us see what
ebow there is for tbe city of Portland
to find a remedy.
The legal authorities having so ad
vised the City Council of Portland, baa
given its printing to tbe Oregon Her
ald; among tbe rest tbat paper bas
published the City Treasurer's report
and brought in therefor a bid amount
ing to $35, which report tbe Ortjonian
would bave published, according to its
contract, for $7 20. Now we differ
from tbe Honorable City Council of
Portland, as to the necessity of giving
tbat report to the Herald to publish,
bnt 'since it has published it and
charged for it, we suggest that the city
decliae to pay tbe bill at any price over
$7 20, which tuny be considered teg us
la: rates fur such work. The Herald
claims that ia the line of its doty it
must do the city priatinir. It is the
appointed 'litigant organ, and -when
the woik cornea in we cannot see bow
it can well dec-line grinding it bnt.
Wben it comes to collecting the bill
tba. city can fall back on its privileges
nudir the Civil Rights Bill, which we
verily believe tbe litigant law trans
giessts. At least tbe ciiy should con
test tbe bill and set up. the plea tbat
its enormity transcends reason which
must be the basis of all law. Some
one should try the validity of the lit
igant law, and it strikes os forcibly
that tbe city of Portlaud is the very
individual to do it. :: " ' "
tState News.
The Albany JSegultr.ot .'the 6lh inst.
ays, tbe P. T. Co., are carrying pas
sengers from tbat place to Portland for
$2.' Tbronghaa lau than a day.
t, Tba Enttrprite states that there are
fifty men at work on tbe . locks at thai
ciy... l .- :' " . ,,lA . , , '
i Tba ChriMia Advocate informs as
that tba gross receipts for tbe lectures
of Punibon were $110. 4 .. ,,
Tbe annual meeting of tba .Oregon
Bible Soci'.ey will be held in Portland,
May 10th. ' ; ' ' -r '""-
Tbere are at present in the Insane
Asylum at E ist Portland. 145 i 9 mates
of whom 38 are females." 1 " '"
The Bulletin of the 6th informs us that
extensive arrangements are being made
for the farthcotniog Sunday school cet
ebrujLion, ., ...;:i.i !f '
;., : The ' hot-boose of W. .S-i Ladd was
robbed f tww choice' -plants oa'-Uat
-Tbarsd&y night; 5 ...: wj ;
Casteller, the'' leader of the Sownbsb
Republicans, recently iaterited a
very lurea fortunft.iifr ,j- t
' The Emperor of Ilnsei has revoked
hie ukagf -abtisLlnj iiaggiog. iu.thS
Courts of Poland.
An Impracticable Theory.
A few days ago the Oregonian gave
Bill Vatkifldg credit for being on the
road'jq distinction, on the strength af
bis-ae v regulation tbat convicts shall
be - well washed before bring Invested
with prison ornaments. It is a startling
innovation on Democratic custom, to
be sure, and TVatkinds must have bad
some ' cxtraoidiuary revelation to io
dic its adoption, bot ,we respectfully
suggest hat a great deal of Democracy
wm vanish front the -world "where
this practice prevails. Sjp pose for in
stance that the ' Great TJuwashed"
alias the "Gypsum Giant,' who runs
the thing across the ball, shall come
under Watkinds guurdiau-angelsbip,
as be probably will btfoje'lhat officer's
official term expires, aud tbat bis per
son, which has hitherto only beeo sub
ject to ioternal soakingS, should ex
trrnnlly'be thoroughly bathed, .the
consequences would be fearful. Tbat
gigantic similitude of Democracy
would grow "email by dpgrees and
beautifully less;" it would ''melt away
ia dewy tears;" it would prove to be
"cl tbe earth earthy", and "resolve
itself into its kindred dust" so entirely,
that soon only a puddle of muddy
water ojonld remain as the appropri
ate emblem of the Mercury and tbe
vital remnant would escape piiou
Ijo 'itid, for Watkinds would be unable
to recognize it and it would not know
itfelf. Even those mammoth feet
would be shrunk past hope of recogni
tion. We might pursue this subject
further, but it strikes us tbat this one
practical illustration should convince
tbe progressive Watkinds ah a t wbat is
possible in theory is cot always good
Democratic practice. Yet should our
free soil neighbor become a subject for
Watkinds' discipline, and tbe progres
sive theory of ablutions be persisted
in, we suggest tbat the operation be
reserved for tbe spring time, in tbe
season of cabbage planting, and the
drippings, if economically used, will
cause ordinary fertilizers to be forgot
ten sod produce cabbage heads of un
precedented tize, though we cannot
answer for tbe flivor.
About Fkmcino Railboaps. The
experience of the last few weeks bas
gone te prove the necessity of fencing
Oregon railroads. A fence sufficient
to turn stock can be constructed for
two hundred dollars a mile ; to fence
both sides, four hundred dollars a
mile ; to fence one hundred and fifty
miles of road through tbis valley will
cost tbe O. & C. It. U. Co. sixty thou
sand dollars, at a liberal estimate, and
will be good economy if the losres are
to average ia proportion to business
done, as fjr the time since tbe road
commenced until now. There have
been occasional losses continually;
stock has fceeo 'run over time and time
again, and" here,' at last,' we have a
genuine disaster, wrecking an engiue
and freight train, and putting human
life at terrible risk. The loss is esti
mated at about fifteen thousand dol
lars, all 'caused by running through an
open pasture. Had this been a pas
senger train, running at'greater speed,
there" might bave easily been a saJ
record of fatality to publish, and the
danger still exists that tbis accident
be repeated with more disaster.
Dates to May 5th aro received, showing
that there is no hope of peace and that the
terrible combat around Paris "continues, the
ground being stubbornly defended by the
It is reported that an insurrection in
Algiers has become formidable and the Ver
sailles Government docs not attempt to
suppress it, .
Theirs, not the Paris Commune, bas or
dered the expulsion of tbe Orleans Princes.
The Communists hold Issy again, and
the fort firoa slowly again. The Versailliats
have established formidable batteries, and a
naval combat is expected on the Seine.
There ar;- a multitude of ruurirs which
are neither reliable or important.
In the English House of Commons there
occurred a sharp debate on the adoption of
the hudget, which Was finally adopted by
a Government majority of 46. deciding to
raise money to carry out new plans for the
bcoe5t of the county.
The count of votes for tjoveroor of Con
necticut by the Legislative Committc, bas
resulted in iavur of Qtr. Jewell, over Eag.
lish, the Democratic candidate, by three
majority, nnd as there nro 11. scattering
votes tbe election will bo thrown into the
Legislature, which will elect Jewell.
A terrible tornado has lately swept over
Eaton Rouge and vicinity, Louisiana,
doing fearful damage to the Penitentiary,
blowing parts of it away, damaging tbe V
S. Arsenal and unroofing the Catholic
Church. ' Pcveral negroes were killed and
many wounded, and many flats were sunk
Ujuiagc $400,000,
The Democrats of Kentucky, nominate
for Governor, P. H. Leslie t Lisnt. Gov
ernor, J. d. Carlisle; Auditor, D. II.
Smith ; Treasurer, J. W. Tate.
There is a great break on tho Erio Canal,
nine miles from Rochester, and a strike, has
occurred among the laborers. A riot bas
caused the military to bo called out.
Tho President, Cabinet, nnd a number of
Senators are engaged' in examining the
treaty framed by tha Joint High Commis
sion, which American- members of. Che
Commission express tbe belief will be
ratified, as it received their unanimous ap
proval. It also received tbe approval of
all the English members, and all were sat
isfied tbat it was just, fair and honorable to
both GeveruiucBls. , .
SOUTH ABEniCt. . -.,
Buenos Ayres, April l2!-?rho yellow
fever is ragnig dreadfully ; t00 persons die
daily. V J'- " " ' ' ' '
.; San Francisco, May 5. Active politie
ians, in position to be welt posted as to
what js going on inslle, give tho unquali
fied opinion that Henry If. 'Tlaight' Vill
eortaiiily be renominated for 'Governor bv
the Democracy, and that Kewtoon Bnoth
will receive the "Republican nomination'.
Movements which have taken place In both
organizations lately Indicating a concen
tration of forces upon the Candidates-named.
" Tab !Tw Pastor 'reY Sxttw. Is a
Waft-v 'Walla letter," written by Re.rH
1C. HInes.'tbe following notice ef'Rt.
t'.X; jnckersda Ihe'bew K.'E. Pastor
of Salemj occurs : ' Speaking" of trans
fers laminds me to say, that I bave the
pleasure of an acquaintance, of Eev.i.
M Kickcrson, from, tba Richmond Di'
trictj'VrrgTnrai ' whd fs to have charge
of Salep.' I had the pleasure of fjpend-
ing a Sabbath witb him In Georgetown i
P. C., three years ago, and fouud him
and bis family what we wodld desire
Methodist preachers And their families
to be. He was even then thinking of
Oregon, and had been in Correspond
ence with a student friend Of hi,.fier.'
ThoroasConiton-jTe'anve to the coun,tryi
Bro.( Nickerlsori wig a" Chaplain ita" tba
army, and snbirqnebtlf member of
the Joniittivat; OonTeritiotr of Vrr
giniw, sad, if not the aatbor, one pi the
ohitf promoters ela'coDStitutiypal jio-
visiou, .viUlly, acecling.tbe tenure by
which au'r church, . 'property, ia .that
State is held." His subsequent "prbrcOi
tton to the' charge1 of the-' HicbMned
District "evideneee tbe estimation in
whicb bis services are held ja that
State. Vrcgonian.
lily and tounty items.
There was thirty-seven arrivals at tbe
Cbcmcketa yesterday. ,
... jL. i. r '
Tho daily i f wackly f fATesWAif can be
bal at this oQce. in- tsrapeif, ready for
mailing. f
Railroad fares aro $2 iO, to Portland ;
by steamboat $1 50 you can tako your
choice and pay your money.
Hon. E. Cooke and Mrs. Cooke were
to lenve 3un Fraeoisco ye'lor kiy, by the
Oriflamiua. on titir return home.
; Foi-xn. A legal tender noto, which the
owner can have if ho can satisfy Mr. Sctli
R. Ilunimer that It is his.
New Cross Walk. Workmen were en
gaged yesterday putting down a new crosi
walk on Cburcb street, at the intersection
of Center.
The steamer Julia L. Stephens bad not
been telegTaohed at Portland last evening
at 9 o'clock. The Orifbnnme and Constan
tino were both to leave San Francisco for
Portland yesterday.
Mektucg. The annual meeting of the
Oregon Bible Society will be held in Port
land next Wednesday, May lOlh. The ser
mon will be preached by Rev. Prof. L. L.
Rogers of tbis city.
Poii.Tnr Laugbcad & Glover intend to
keep a first class poultry stand at tbe brick
market, on Libertv ctrect, which will prove
a great accommodation to our citizens who
love an occasional pot pie.
AxxiVRitSABV. This is the second anni
verrary of the organization bf tba United
Presbyterian Sabbath School. The exer
cises to-day, st the u.-uul hour of meeting,
will have reference to this fact.
New Watch Works. Carpenters will
commence next Tuesday on tbe building
for the New Water Works' Company, to be
erected on the lot on Front street adjacent
to liootbby k. Staplcton's a&h and blind
Tbe Atlantic magazine bas leen sent us
by II. D. Boon. At a first glance we rec
ognise that its interest is first class, but we
don't yet see the name of Bret Hurts con
nected with it in eny manner. Call at
Boon's for it.
At thb Rivr.a. Tho Reliance posted
down on time, picking up nlont thirty pas
sengers here. The Fannie Patton rounded
too, at ber wharf at precisely 3 p. M. from
Oregon City light trip, both of passengers
and freight.
Dmn. On Friday, May 5th, at tbe res-i
idenee of ber husband, George Cornelius,
noar Turner's Station, Sirs. Elixabeth Cor
nelius, aged 43 years and 6 months, of
cotigof tion of tbe brain. .
T. CruxmciiAM A Co. We refer our
readers to the advertisement of Messrs. T.
Cunningham A Co. This extensive estab
lishment is now ready for spring and sum
mar trade Merchants and others are in
vited to eall and examine their stock.
The eomlng steamer, Constantlne, we
are informed, belongs to tbe Company
which has leased the Seal Islands of Alas
ka from the I'nitcd States, and which is
said to be very atvag pecuniarily. It
has steamers runuiug, and is capable, of
string opposition. i
Tbe tint Coajtmt for May is an excel
lent number, full of pleasing and instruc
tive reading matter for bye and girls, and
older :op!e who have young hearts.
Terms, f I it a year. Sead stamp for spec
imen and Premiam List to John E.
Miller, rMisher, Chicago, 111.
Cost:v.tTbi. A. A. McCully Esq. bas
purchased of the State tbe property known
as the residence of ex-Secretary May, for
$fi,3.;3 coin. Mr. McCully and family in
tend to rolurn und make Salem their per
manent bo:ue, whh this beautiful mausiun
as a rc-'idince.
Statu Linn ah v. It Is not generally
known, even to many of Our own citizens,
that tbe State Library is open during the
day io Hie public. Any one who dosirea
can visit there and read the papers or books.
Papers are received daily and kept on file,
from the various parts of the I'nited Sttes
Those having loisure can find no bettor
place to wbile away an hour.
Improviso Sumt.r. Mrs. T. J. Ilen
ness, who was mentioned several
days ago as being bnrt by a vicims eow, is
i slowly improving. ' The accident occurred
no Cbemekota street, near Mr. Alexander
Miller's residence, not in a vacant lot as we
were informed at tbe time of tbe
Reckiveo. Tbe Democratic Era, Ent
Portland, bas been unnoticed by os be
cause the first numbers were mislaid, and
so were not seen by tbe editor. This paper
has a good typographical appearance, is
well filled with good reading, has an earn
est appearouca of Democracy, and is a fair
token of tbe increased importance of East
Portland, which requires a newspaper of
its own.
The AwMriaiH Exchange id fZeriVv, pab
liibedby Fowler A Moor, Philadelphia, is
received for April, and contains tbo fol
lowing: Iiarwin's Descent of Man, Wyo
ming, The Physical condition of the
Planets, and miscellaneous articles relating
to mining, patents, arts, eto. Its motto is
" utility, profit, progress," and it comprises
a vast amount of useful information in
sixty-eight pages of close type.
Cora, tho magician, fini.-hed a successful
week here yesterday, by a matinee for chil
dren and an evening exhibition, both of
which were crowded. No performance of
the kind evct gave 'greater satisfaction to
our people. She appears in every respect
estimable, and we bespeak a good reception
for ncrst Albany and the upper towns of
this VaJJav, wbere she will next perform.
Royal t Smith. Pulton's Block, keop
well supplied. with boots and shoes. .Tbe
pair we have on may not be a fair sample,
but wo purchased tbotn over a year ago,
whea they iirat opened and they stand ready
forauothcr winter campaign. They sold
six sowing machines last week and Mr,
iiniit', starts s"n far Easturu Oregon to
Supply tbat sectum ut tuo oountry witb tbe
Home Shuttle Machines.
Concert. The following programme Is an
nounced for the Children's Monthly Mis
sionary Concert at the M. E. Church this
afterooin; f What is prayer? Why should
we prsyT. Whose prayers are answered?
When should we pray? Where may we
pray? What positions may we assnme In
prayer? How should we pray? For what
should we pray? , Each pf tho above ques
tions are to be answered by different classes
by scripture quotations. Appropriate rec
itations and songs. " " ' '''
""A PorctAn Ferrt. We call attention
to tbe' fcrry of Mr. C. W? Pettyjohn, ad
vertised to-day. Jf" Mr." C' ' W.' Pettyjohn
owns what is known as tbe Leabo ferry, on
the 'ro4 to Independent and all. places
-boy ond thore en tbo woat-jid. , Tbo aotiee
vpeaksfor itself-, ail d the popular opinion
'of that'r.)te 1 favorable. He wishes alo
deny f he rdport that 'any accident' ha
.occurred, vt Ute .endangering the life of
-rur.'jity at his ferry, a. was puUisied but
"Week. -
-- ' -:' -,"! I ' --f "rr ,-,
- FtmtTPaE.Va Wagner A- G v on
State street,- fiave'a good stock ef farelturo
" paVcbaseil hi Sin Francisco,; comprising all
article's for ordinary' boiisckceptng, 'knif"a
f fine .bit of elegant and expensive muko.
j .Thcj fe extending ibeif business, "becaase
, Xhy bare faith ,tbe growth of Oregon
aud are deteraiiaed d make Salem as good
, a point for trade, in their line as any in, tbe
Stato. , In fact, tht ij .what VJ . Onr ' mer-
cban's are determined upon, and their ex-
,to iiiy spring purchases ana tne reasonable
prices charged are calculated to build a
lively trade at this poiat. v " i
Pic Nic Tba M:iy parly, on Friday, of
the South Salem school, under the super
vision of J. M. Garrison, passed off pleas
antly. The attcudance was large, and
amid the many games and sports introduced,
tbe day teemed hardly three hours long.
Tbe feature of the tiny was the lafgc can
of ice cream, which w made lor the occa
sion by Mr. R. W. Savers, on Stato street.
It it needless to state tb..t that can was re
turned to Mr. Saycrs empty the ice cream
having been of unusual eic-Hence.
Saw Miil. The Capital Saw Mill Com
pany have upwards of LOQO.UuU fcet of lugs
in their boom, at the foot of Minto I,
and several more rafts already engaged that
will soon be down, ineludiug a raft of long
timber, whicb is to be used in their contract
with tbe Water Company; they having
agreed to furnish timber over 50 feet in
lenght and I2xI2 in size. The demand for
lumber is good, and the full capacity of tbo
mill ia tested to fill orders. A new edging
table will soon bo put in the mill, which
wdl give more luuib.r and less saw dust out
of a log.
Mini I'sefpu Mr. Adolph, at the Sa
lem Brewery has contrived to become pos
sessed of a very u-eful water powor by
placing a water ' wheel In the mill race
which runs between ' his house and the
brewery. The rapi I running water makes
the wheel revolve, and turns a shaft which
nprrutes all the machinery of the brewery,
consisting of a pump, grinding mill and
turning lathe, whilo on tbe other side it
runs a saw to cut up his wood at bis back
door. He might easily eontrive to have it
do the family washing and run the sewing
machine. Tbis saves bim many a dollar of
expensoand an important feature of the
case is tbat miles of such water power exist
and can bo made very valuable in many
departments of industry. Of course with
this advantage Adolpb can brew better beer
than any one ebe.
1030. 1871.
Importers at
Farm Implements!
.AAD 31 A C 1 1 1 A E It Y !
Offer for the Ilarmtof 1811
Dodrc'i Keeper and Mower-- Ohio"
and " Ba.-k-ve" Patents enmWnerf, with
Iotje'a Imprueemrttti, No. 1 and 2, Hand
and t-i(-i;ati-ng. Tli's ! the cc( combined
Slf' lititiiig Kcaper and Mower lo Ihe world
and cotnOtm-s all the pof feature of lite old
style " Buckeye" and ' Uall's ilil." toil er
with various lleil am and dairablt itu
provemenu. Call and tee them.
w York Reaper tat Mower 5X
to leet cot.
Ban's mkI Reaper and flower
Hinplesear; cull 6 leet; Meh wbeels; loch
or tow cu ; strrnf? and suitable lor cuttiug
flax as well as ordinary train.
Woort'a Prlxe Keaper and Slower-'
Helf-ftakine; coU XX et.
JHeCornttrk'a Reaper wad SI ower -
lo 4 boree hind and seU-raker.
World Keaper and Mower " Dropper"
and hand rakn, " cut gear."
Clipper Keaper wttd Mowr" Drrp.
Ier" and hao-1 raktr.
Harah Harvest er--Paict lirnrnel, mu'
d'iritti!e and erfmomictil wny of h .rresiirjt
rraiD. Hiadcra rid?; detuned t- tiri. d
tlie ht-adcr. 4fS.iid tor a descriptive cir
cular. Halnca' Header ar VVar-rester -tr't-t,
. Ill and IS feel cat, ittll further iipprnrtd f it
1-.T1, Including K B. 4 Co' e. i.,1 Improve
ments. Calf acd see the best Healer ever
brought to Orrg-oa. ;
Clipper Mower 4 it, for nlmptMty and
pftct-rm of mrAm!SfA. ffft-cticn- and
dumb Li it y. it it the ft plu ultra ot ail
mowing machines, posewtiig, ss it i.oes,
wiore drlrable features thin can Ihi fnund in
anr oibr tnnvfr. Call and see, or tend for
dcscriiiitve elremlar.
I'wlon Mower 1 s'tt, an old favorite.
Nermmltk's Wheeled Hxwtr
in-(i ttrong and highly suitable (or remote
Wood's Priao Mower Jointed bar.
fprgoe Mower A new) mower, novel and
Landscape Mower A small hand machine
I r lawns.
Pltt'a Geaalat Challenster Thresher
Valuable uunrovemenU and additioos for
171, In both SsHtrattrs and Prrwr. Rer-
ortilted everrwhere at the leiutma m3-
chine, will ifjtartitt fatter and cltim bitl'r.
without crack. ng or w ute of grain, thin any
olht-r machine known, which laet we ca.i
safely gwiranttr. without any lMa-licg or
- blowiii;., ' All sizes, from 4 to It horse
p-.wer. -- - -
Ball's "Tornado" Threther S to 10
brfl wwer ; nn-iewhat similar In style, htil
fmic-A t'tpcriorif tke,iltti!JhH,or .Sweep-.
vtHkeV wuh a hcttier frame and wider
Wheeler, M'llrk A ftl ITndteta
t'atila Tlireher-Wiih .SMciof Im-
pruveoioitit not t he found HUetthcre 3
. Siaet
Ilaritet'a Km! C hnln Threalier
Htil lobe the best Eudttss Cliaia BSactilot In
' Amtrira. . '
norae Power alt ?t.t and Ftylra, Inelul
trf the Uitt improved. Piti't "ChaUengtr,'
Moaaied," Ac Ao. ,
Tai ls. 't jtttlkr Itaae We .ihJ S liffer
enl .''trlet of r'ny Rkes last Pes-tn. and
the Taylor-proving to mwh superior to
th- oih-ri -aUraye firing eai'-s Nrfi-y-ao
ti tn ins caused ns to discard a!) other
flu lea, i-erii g confluent, at we do, thai ll
iTajioiV U.-'lAe" Kake. OTSend lor
ftpetlat i ake Circular.
Kevolae Baltes 6 and 10 feel long
Uorao 11 y VoragtAU tbe best tty let
Cbnrnt -" Blaochard't." The Improved
Cyllntl'.-i and Thenrnimeler.
' ' - ALSO
HayPremet, i Portable Grist Mills
Hay llkss and Torks, Mill atones.
I'cytb' and Soaths,
Turhioe water WTieelt,
I) diir.g Cloths,
I'H-es, IVoof StetTs
tlmul Machines, . .
Pianlt.K Ma Itlncs,
Orairi I radles,
Bsrloy rorke.
Ketras lor tiachincs.
Bickle Mentions.
Cider Mills, Hark Milts, Wo4 Wo.'kl (Machines,
Vt beelbarroirs, , Kunber A L ather Bel-lug,
Plosrs, Coltivatora, ' Bugvirt, Carraget.
The " Leading'' farm Wagon wherever Intro
duced, and the only wagoo thai bat a Jtrtt date
" Mime rejmunitin "
We ckn furnish dllffrent stylet of ffovndt and
lUa.h " fatent" do. (jo called) Inclnded.
f,'ir you witnt a Square. Heltahte wacon,
maile like the "Concwrd Coach" work, tena fur
e4r:triarol The llain Wagon.
Farmers and merrhin r will consult iSdr Pirn
interest hy eaatnioeaa mtr ttock and prleea
fore Puevbaine eisvwhre, as we hsvr mw:h the
larg'tt rarletf in the Mate, and cill not be no-dera-'M.
TtWLook out for nnkaown and Irresponsible
' R rmers," who are aaxiout lo get rid ol old
tfcN-A and " ptayei out" rcachinet.
sr Liherat terart WVIH W site.
Manaltsftur. r' Oeti:rtjliv$ Urcu'art mailed cn
apptleattoiir AMi " -. i i
17 and 19 r'HOSi 8THBET,
RfTlBIi-TTiD IS ls51.
Iuiportefi, JoLbtrns and
WOOD and", willow ware,
l BTATltlMtRl", PaPUB BAUS. CtUTHW ,r,
'-' ' riattiNO taoki.k, rr.H pims
:r -i lAaOiSAiu, tre , . ..
tis'. a-.-ur uta.f. -. .( i- !.. r
Iloui; rurniehiRs; -Gaiis
rt l -e-v-ro-t
8. F. Perco'Slon Mntch B-tmpany't Mstchet,
Awiertean Net a-td TwlaeCompaoy't Iwists
ilos on IUI Mbit' leiutt, .
3. C. Conrwy A Cimpany's Fishing Tackle,
UolUofswertivA IVIalney's Paper Baft, .., ,
flherroan's ImproTeJ Clfliet Writ gers,
C,S.m Issvoia Oneapaay V Fealliet Ousters, ;
F. AlctauiJ. uu't BiHie v , - . .
Our stock It the iai test no the Pacific C-Mtt,
awe) oar fltctlitl-a fee Bisjinfscturiita; ejiti import.
in( enable as to sell at lewcst market, p, ice.
HXfr tit: ttximW ' S4A Tu FmrW.
' "'airtnsiSmJ ""-"-v-n
f'f -.-ft
First Arrivnl !
' Hymns & Tunes.
. Tbe first of these ever bronght to Oregon havt
been recti ta, and are tor tale bf . .
U, D. B .ojr.
Sakrn, Arril H Jtf.
'2 -t
'Tarnishes, Drnshrs, Colors, TuKj, &c, Ac,
Purchased directly from the manufacturers and regular Paint and Oil Louies In
New York & San Francisco.
tSmi - Lraiicissco,
and Blasting
or scrsnron qvauty. fkesu rrojf
It being contttntly received and transported
Into lit interior, it dclirered to the conratnet
within a few dart of the time of lit mariufaclure,
and is lot Terr wj superior lo any other powder
In the market. ' '"'
We Late been awarded successively
the tupctioritjr ef tur srnducit over ail oUicrs.
We alto call attention to our
which all the force of other atromt eav
ploeieet now in nee, and Oie lifting fore of the
it Taetlg tnpertor to any other compound now
in use. ' ;(....
A otrealar containing a full detoriptioa of
pwder can be obtained on application lo oar
oSce, tr of anj oljeur are.itt-
' joiiji v, LonsF.;
Kot. 9w6m- ,:...; sTearctarjr .
-. Elementry Singiag Classes.
These foKefsl afe weli arranreH ' fci"rHee,
raag os frma very easy lo moderately tlil&cut'J
tn the Italian style, ui an tweet and Etloulout
Will beueelul . . ... , .
1st Prtwala Inti tttrllsn,
la temlatrltf,
- Sit Ofcolr Prtttlet, , f
Ia Illh Srhool,, snd
Is Adrsnrrd lnta( er-sla
j-;'! . aHlcK,7 ta.
r teat fott-ptld. 'or Uie alwve price.
,. OL1VA.R PITsO.t et CO.,'
i- . . i, . . , , in Bo Awst J
C II. DITSOW ACO . a aw ttik.
t ... .. . .i autl, .
'T Wtl t VlT AKTICniA lATTXSTlna so
A. netotlatiiit; sales of real estate n Llna euaa
ty, Orejcon, a:so to m ikiog and acknowsedf inr ot
aicclt and Murt;et and oth t roneetaycet,
and to the prom).' colleerleij af All vlatuifthai
aiay beet Artitited to my care;r a -...j.,.
j. oiBoe in l'ott Otlics iMiiWli.g. ilnlp dnecl, I-b
anon, Or. gob', . 6. U.Cl.AUUIlTj.1.
m'ttt " - '. - .
S d
ft rr
PAINTS, OILS, 4c., c.
.XVItb Impratcd Iron Wheel.
FHftci.nBeeo at Cartel lhl t warehouse ,
A bli.y, and at the f-tirjr, tlt, Com ertia)
tirrei Brl(re, rlem. TMt plow hat lakeo Mm
preudoiuat ihe or. gun Sisle Fair, and It bcii.t
ei with stit.cett.
Waggons & Buggies
il ltiufacturid tn nider w.tli Durtl'l patent l-rn
whi-el, tlieg.eatett noiiera Inrenllon
lu that line.
I rdrrt reerlTed at the thon, eprotilehe Mam.
a.olh Ctahle, Salcau .
We hare the bet illl'ed workmen tnkiTe4.
aud all eotlora woik aill receive nrcnptsitta
t' n J H. UbIUCiAk eW t.
PiliOT, tprll I. jt9
Attorney it In av
Aud Ileal Estate Agent.
Colltrtlons in Coos and C'nrrr Coam
. tie prtaiptly attaatdad to.
fercd for Bale, inclurtlntr, Iaiproeed farms,
Bto-kRicles, Tiuiber Lands. Towa fropeny.
Information fuirish'd, and great lndu(enrnt
nfered to tl.ose (I trout t settle tn Cona and
Curry raaatlet. Oin-e, Ktaptra City, Orrrno.
one rloor couth of Poet OOlre. atiflif.
Cne Thousand Dollars
Will buy Loti No's S.Vd, 8. T, and 8, In block IS.
laUycri' addiUto to- - -
Soxitli Salem t
-The best Inttttwrnt yet. At half thtlr
TAlua . . ... Address.
. u. not 14,
April 14. "
From the ee'ebra'id msr.afsctory of
Which we:e especially chosen for w.e hy two
or the bet masinant ia. fcitlwa at superior f,.r
t'-ni and fi:,lh ihv can be told at ratet to
dety coaifxotlea.- sfa , , . ,
The Faraons Berdctt .Organ,
Which It nnturpaued iTor volutne, tirhneat of
tone j.d .iRrshllity. Ii I, preeminent soior,
parioe Orpana. more retembHoir a pipe Organ than
a reed iusuuiutut.
Patem, April 18. . .. .
The Fl. renee hi tbe beat wlo; KachHe f ir
fa ui-y ur, because tt to seldom tettoubof oider;
If there It one In the Plate of Orreon not w wkh g
we I, If I am,, lnfa-nied of It, I will la It w.lhot
any niHBsc to the owner. '
11 Montgoko-y Street South',
,;; som tunciw.'-'
- : .. I; -
Ai-vc Ajectj Fai.trl Vj trcr 'ptfrctejr
- ' . . I aJ C ',0.,-i '