The Oregon weekly statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1878-1884, May 10, 1871, Page 1, Image 1

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    ! I
uiiau;): htatesman.
8. A. CLARKE Publisher.
B J HClUimoX Per mnn, M SOj at. II 80.
Pbllttieit every miming except Monday.
8 i'crlpilnn, b the yetr, S SO. Advertising,
I t -ir of o i Inch per m-mth, 2 60.
A Wert sem-nu to DsilT moi WattLV, 83 per
r. i ire of eae loch per month.
UTOUce la Stewart's Brick Buttling, ap stairs.
Democratic Tactic.
VOL. 20 NO- 40.
$2 50 per Acntun in Advance.
Cltj and loonty Items.
Bon. On the i"lh of April, to the wife
of G. W. Hunt, Esq., of Sublimity, a
daughter. -
Rive Business roa April. The num
ber of team boat that passed by Baiem
going op the river in April were 28. Going
down 27. .
Weatherford k Co, besides everything
yon need in the Drag line, they hre Urge
stocks of Paints, Oils end Glass, aneir
spacious room is well filled and they sell
goods low.
Dibkct Tbapb. Messrs. TJiafovage k
Wright received 88 packages of merchan
dise yesterday, direct from the East. Tbey
are inaugurating direct trade.
Commuted. We learn that. official in
formation has been received that me sen
tence of J. G. Holbert has been commuted
to two months imprisomcnt and one hun
dred dollars fine.
AproiSTMEKTi. Got. U rover has ap
pointed Jacob De Bols, of New Tork, Com
missioner of Doeds for Oregon. Also D.
P. Thompson, or Oregon City, to he No
tary Public for Clackamas eoooty.
Steamem Comno. The John L. Ste
phens, Capt. Fred Bolles, commander, was
to have left San Francisco yesterday, bound
for Portland. Sho may be expected to ar
rive on Thursday.
It is'very gratifying- to realise at we
Bo positively do, that a great triumph
is shaping for the Republican parly in
the next Presidental campaign, and that
the principles of tbe party are to still
command tbe uni'ed support of tbe
men who during the war made np tbe
loyal masses of the nation.
Tbe Democratic platform Is already
indicated by tbe expression of the party
lvadera oo many occasions. Tbe only
uolicv left for the oartv to pursue if it
r innot accept reconstruction and go
before the people with a pretense of
unking tbe best or tbe issue wbicb ap
parently have been decided by the war,
is to bitterly oppose tbe war and coa
demo itt fruits ; to fling out as the ral
ljiog cry the promise to repeal tbe
Constitutional Amendments, and de
prive the negro at least of bis suffrage
if not of bis liberty. Tbe Southern
wiag of tbe party controls its aetion,
aud the only way to enlist the earnest
support or Southern Democrats, Is to
accept their active leadership and go
into the campaign with them in the
lead. Without tbe South Democracy
is nothing, and no enthusiasm een be
created among Southern Democrats an
less they are promised redress for their
fancied wrongs nd gratification of
their revengeful feelings. is becoming more and
more allied to tbe Confederate band
and is pledged to surrender tbe lead to
the Ku Klux" chivalry. If it could de
pend on its confederate allies Implicitly
and adopt a semi-loyal platform ; or in
other words, if tbe South would allow
it to " steal the livery of Heaven to
serve the devil in," awhile, their might
be some show for success, but chivalry
while it likes to be truckled to will
truckle to nothing; but demands a
prompt compliance with its demands
and direct war upon the Government.
W have, to oppose Democracy In
i this struggle, all of tbe loyalty develop
ed since I860, which can be depended
on implicitly in moments of danger(
save the few whose patriotism had its
price and who may have found more
promise of late in the Democratic fold
than elsewhere. There are tremendous
facts arrayed against Democracy which
cannot be set aside. The great history
of the war is against it ; tbe wonderful
euccess of Grant's administration is
against it; the fioacial position of the
country, its material prosperity, the
actual economy of the administration,
which becomes more brilliant ander the
mountains of Democratic falsehood
which belie it all these things exist to
confront Democracy and to contribute
to its easy overthrow.
tteconstruciton is not completed, and
never will be, until with cool, delibe
rate judgement the American people
pronounce another verdict on the ques
tion, and find Democracy as now
taught and practiced unsafe and da.
grrous sod not to be trusted. One
more terrible defeat of that false-heart,
ed party and we may hope for tbe old
- ... - i
issues to be permanently dicposea 01, Thig nM been
but the time can never come that it J poetical moment
shall seek to revive them when me
American people will not overwhelm it.
Town Clock. We mentioned some
weeks aro that Mr. J. H. Haas had on tbe
wav hither a valuable town clack. 1 ester-
day it arrived and will be displayed in op
eration at the Storo of Mr. Haas on State
street. It is a magnificent piece of ma
chinery, finished in the highest stylo and
composed, when complete and entire, of a
great amount of fixtures. Of course the
site of the complete machine, and also its
arrangements, bears Hi tie comparison to an
ordinary time piece. It can be readily ex
amined by tbe curious, and we hope soon
to see some structure rise in Salem worthy
to bear it on its topmost tower.
Letter from Coot Bay.
EnriSB,CiTT, April 24, 1811.
Ed. Statismab: It again becomes
my duty to chronicle another marine
disaster at this point. Oa tbe morning
of tbe 17tb, persons from the eminence
near town, called tbe " Lookout" dis
covered something about five miles
from shore, resembling a wrecked or
dismasted vessel. Two steam tugs im
mediately put to sea, and it proved to
be tbe fine new schooner Margaret Cro
. kard, (of wbicb I made mention in my
last) lying on ber beam ends, tbe crew
were ill clinging to the wreck, and
were all rescued after having been in a
The Subsidy Business.
The granting of lands and subsidies
to railroads has seemed in the past to
Lave been necessary to secure tbe con
struction of roads across the continent
and to open np and develop a great
portion of tbe continent to settlement
and occupancy. We have languished
for many years waiting for tbe time to
come when the improvement of Ore
gon could practically commence, and
at last we see the day when multitudes
seek our shores to settle here perma
nently aud add to the wealth of onr
State. We have no occasion to com
plain or tbe liberality of the Govern
ment or censure those who bare ad
vanced tbe enterprises by wbicb w
profit, but yet it must become apparent
to any candid mind that the business
of granting snbsidies may be greatly
abased, and that there should be a
limit to land grants, which should only
be permitted in cases where there is
no other means of securing develope
ment to remote sections of tbe coun
try. A member of the last Congress from
Florida, named Hamilton, having been
defeated for reelection by parties who
could not make nse of bira for personal
Council rroeee4iBg.
A reirular meeting was held Tuesday
evening:, his Honor, Mayor Smith, presid
ing. Present, Recorder J. A. Wsyroire!
and a full Board, with the exception of
Councilman Dickinson.
Died At tbe residence of W. P. A brans,
Portland, on May 1st, J. P. Hogae, of
Albany, aged 84. He had lately returned
from a visit to Illinois, and bad been ill on
tbe way home. Uis family reached Port
land in time to be with him during his last
momenta. Mr. llogue was one ot tne oiu
Journal of previous meeting read and J citilen 0f Oregon, and a worthy and much
approved. 1 res peeled citizen.
Committee on Accounts ana urrem .
dangerous and uncomfortable position genrmei) nd to secure bis aid in
Casbmebb Goats. Mr. J. L. Parrisb re
ceived from California, on Monday, two
full blooded Augora cashmere goats. The
rt-we believe, introduced into Marion
A ppoi st Oar Coos Bay Correspon
dent informs ns, that Judge A. A. Skinner
is appointed IT. S. Deputy Collector at that
port. The Judge is an old Oregonian, a
good man, and deserves to be remembered
in that manner.
Billiabps. This afternoon Kuaoipne,
the distinguished billiardist, will reach
Salem,, and this evening he will show his
marvellous skill with ball and cue on one
of tbe excellent billiard tables at the Opera
billiard rooms.
Removal. The Deaf Mute School will
be removed the first of next week to the
Union Hotel building, for the reason as
stated, that ants and other Insects are get
ting troublesome in their present quarters.
Closed. Tbe last work was done in the
woolen factory yesterday for the season. It
is the intention to thoroughly overhaul all
of the machinery and otherwise fix up the
premises. Mr. Geo. P. Craw will have
charge while this is being done.
A Challesoe. I will shoot with any
person in the State of Oregon, off hand,
forty yards, with an open sighted rifle, best
three, in five shots, for a wager of $10, or
a larger amount if required.
C W. Fetttjoux.
Sublimity. A friend at Sublimity in
forms ns that everything is lively in the
country, wool buyers are abundant Crops
look first rate and September wheal never
looked better. In anticipation of good
crops and fair prices for everything, far
mers all wear smiling faces.
Issijbascb Polict Paid. Yesterday
Mr. I. R. Moores, Agont for tbe Equita
ble Life. Insurance Company, paid to the
widow of the late S. T. ChBrch, tho sum or
four thousand dollars, tbe amount of an
endowment policy, we believe, on bis lite.
paid at the earliest
for over twenty hours.
It seems tbe scboonei struck In cross-
jng tbe bar, ani starting as is supposed
her timbers, and was soon filled. A
fresh breexa coming on she careened
over. Tbe crew meanwhile taking to
tbeir boats. She bad only left this
claiming subsidies for their pet projects,
publishes an exposure of the means
tbey used and the liberal offers they
made to secure his inflaeuce n their
side. . Ue implicates a U..S. Senator
named Osborn, and declares that he
offered $500,COO money, to secure hit
port the day before with a One cargo of ai(J Ue remained immovable in spite
assorted lumber, and was bound for of a1 lDMe magnificent offers, and aa
Tbe small passenger boat lately seized
by U. S. Authorities here has been re.
leased. E. A. Woodruff, our efficient
and trustworthy Deputy Collector of
tbe Port, has I understand, resigned.
and Judge A. A. Skinner been has ap
pelated t tbe vacancy. More Anon.
Probate Court.
PBOCEBDines or mat 2d.
In the matter of the estate of James T.
Crump, deceased; Administratrix oi saia
estate filed ber report of sale of real estate ;
sale confirmed by Court, and Administra
trix authorized to make a deed of convey
ance to purchaser.
In tbe matter of the estate of Jefferson
his enemies have carried ont their
threat to defeat his renomination Ham
ilton retorts by publishing their letters
to bin and making oath to the facts
he states. When it comes to such a
pass as this, that men reach tbe high
est positions only to prostitute them to
personal interests, it is time to put an
end to the whole business of subsidies.
This Congress bas virtually done, for
the Presideat takes strong ground upon
it. Few measures of the kind passed at
the last session and those were of the
most practical importance. What was
called the Omnibus bill of tbe winter
of 1870 was tbe most powerful alliance
of mooied force and local interests ever
known In the Uoited Slates, but it was
not powerful enough to succeed. Pub
lic rectitude is sore to be violated if
penses .reported several bills, amounting is
tbe aggregate to $241 49 l ordered paid.
Councilman Wood worth reported tbe
work oa Marion Square completed, and
progress on street work.
An Ordinance was introduced by Mr.
Miller to amend the city laws so as to give
tbe Council power to extend tha time for
tbe collection of city taxes. Read three
times and passed.
Committee on Fire and Water resorted
back the communication relative to the
fraochife of the " Salem Water Company,"
expressing the opinion that it was not in
the power or the Council to change the
contract without the consent or the parties
to whom the grant was given, and even if
it were in their power to do so, the interests
of the city required that the franchise be
not disturbed. The' report concludes by
stating that as the principle objection to
the water franofiis BDDeare to be that It
requires the Company to furnish water ealy
within a limited space of the city, aad It Is
believed the Company will be willing to
furnish water for fire purposes all ever tbe
city, and also fur fountains ia Willson'a
A rasa and Virion Square witboat addi
tional compensation. The Committee re
commend tbe passage of an Ordinance to
secure these advantages to the city. An
Ordinanoc which had been prepared was
read first and second time, and referred to
Resignation .of Councilman Dickinson
received, and 0. J. Cam elected to fill the
vacancy caused thereby.
Bill or J. K. Strong, for $145 25 for
work done on Marion Square, presented
and ordered paid. ,
Moved that the Council collect but six
mills on the dollar for city tax, and that
the Marshal refund to those who had paid
seven mills. Motion lost.
On motion of Mr. Miller that the services
of Policeman J. A. Baker be dispensed
with, on the grounds that only one Police
man was needed for the night duties. Mo
tion lost.
Leave of absence for fifteen days was
granted Street Commissioner Schwatka,
and twenty 'days leave to Councilman
A BcAcrtrcL 8. W. W. Martin bas
had a rare made at Cincinnati expressly for
storing his jewelry and valuables with
ib. King conveniently arranged. It . is not
only most useful but its finish is in the
highest style of art. Beautiful paintings
cover the front and the inner dqprs, and tbe
workmanship of iron and steel is ia every
way perfection. It was manufactured by
Diebold A Kinsle, Cincinnati. Mr. Mar
tin may well be proud of it.
Court reversed that jadgemai, noiaiug
that it should have been entered for coined
dollars aad parts of dollars.
San Fnn-i.My 2. F! .r Market
rm at the advance ii14 yeMenlsT.
Wbeat For choice ! t iiinely offered.
Sales of 1,009 sks choice, privjte. but said
to be the highest figure yet paid. Choice
is firm si $2 90S, latter figure the asking
Kalatna, May 2. Tbe ship Panama and
bark Rival arrived last night from Ban
Francisco, with ears and railroad iron for
the Northern Pacific Railroad. Two pile'
drivers are at work on the grade, and busi
ness is rusbing along with all possible speed.
Cltj ana County Items.
Chitwood, deceased ; report of sale of real
estate in Polk oounty, confirmed, and Ad-1 great plundering schemes can be band-
miniatrator autboruea to maae ueea i together and succeed by the mere
conveyance to purchaser. force of coalition. The wariness .with
In tbe estate ot S. I. vnnrcn, ueceaneu ;
Executor's petition to sell certain personal
property of said estate; prayer of petitions
eraoted by Court. Also to sell certain
real estate 5 eilaUon ordered to "issue
to tbo heirs to be heard at June term, 1871.
Salem, May 2, 1871.
Ed. Statesmam: Allow me through
your columns to return my sincere thanks
to my many friends for their very nattering
tMtimniala in this moraine's paper. I have
which prominent Republicans guard
tbe nation from them is much to be
commended. Such enterprises should
be aided upon tbeir individual merits,
and be adopted singly without tbe aid
of dangerous coalition.
Another Democratic Ylctory.
The other day tbe Democracy of
New Tork achieved a notable victory
that we see announced far and wide,
and which is fully explained by tbe
Wealherford A Co. are agents for the
Unk Weed Remedy, the cure tar Rheuma
tism. Try a bottle.
James Coffey, auctiooeerells, this morn-
I inz, at 10 o'clock, the furniture and fixtures
of the Avenue House, corner of Slat and
Emigrating. Yesterday a train left here
for Eastern Oregon, conveying Messrs. A.
C. and M. B. Pettys and their mother, and
the family effects.
Makbied. In this eity, on Wednesday
April 27, at the Catholic Church, by Rev.
Father Goens, John Savage aad Mrs.
Eleanor Tarrant, all of this city.
Escaped Convict Cacsht. Yesterday
and Indian called Pete, who was sent to tbe
Penitentiary at Portland upwards or ten
years ago for larceny, and made his escape
from there in 182, was recognised on the
street, and banded over to Superintendent
Watkinds. Offiorr James Coffey 'conducted
him to his new quarters. He is tbe same
Indian whose testimony, at a recent term of
court, convicted a Mr. Wiley, of Linn Co.,
of selling liquor to Indians.
Smerna Accidbbt. Yesterday after
noon while several ladies were walking a
a vacant lot near the corner of Court and
Winter streets, one of them a sister-in-law
to J. M. Coulter Esq. was tamed upon
by a vicious cow and thrown to tbe ground
and badly injured by the aalssal's horns
before she could be rescued. Dr. Richard
son was called Id, who pronounces ber sit
uation as painful, but no bones broken or
any vital part seriously injured.
Coitbact Let. The Salem Water
Work. Cnmn.nv have let a contract for
the erection of the reservoir budding to
Messrs. L. Johnson, Sloper, J. W. Gamble
and O. W. Bnrtord. It is to be finished
by July lith. A building 86 feet high will
loom up largely on our river bank end will
require a large amount of lumber for its
construction. The engineers, operating
material, workshops, etc., of tbe Company,
will occupy the Interior under the reservoir.
Biluabps. Our Salem billiard players
attended last evening at tbe Opera Saloon
to see lb playing of Mr Rudolphe, as an
nounced. A game was arranged with Mr.
Craven, of this .city, of 400 points, which
was decided in 21 innings, as follows, kept
by Mr. Joseph Meyer :
Rudolphe 38, 6, 44, . 88, 3, S, 0, 38
0, 6, S3, 47, IS, 21, 0, , 12, 3, 9, 87449.
Craven 0, , 0, 6, . 0, 9, 8, 12, 3, 8, 8,
0, S. 6, 0, 6, 12, 3, 27111.
Afterwards Mr. Rudolphe showed bis
skill in fancy shots and hand-tricks, much
to the pleasure of the audience.
City nd CoiBty Items.
Marhied. Ia this city. May 2. 1871, by
Rev. W. R- Stewart, David Allen aad
Mary E. Densmore, all of Salem.
San Domingo.
Foa TJtak. Tb furniture of
Woods, was sent forward yesterday by
p. M. train, to Hj destination Salt Lak '
City. ' "
Swimmiks. We saw several boys ia
bathing yesterday near tbe month of Mill
Creek. Rather rushing the season.
Mabbied. On the 18th nit., by tbe Rev.
Father Goens at the Catholic Church, Mr.
John Gleason to Miss Margaret McMon
agan, all of this city.
Fovbd The locket advertised ia yes
terday's issue aa lost was found and re
turned to tbe owner by Mr. M. L. Cham
8o6tcripi:,-j I.J. " v
Quite a aamber of Weekly srieeftbei !
I are still owing for their fwbserrprioBS far
the present year, which, with aaaa of tkses, 4
I is drawing to a close. If Bt paid ka tbe
first six eoeatas they eww tbrae dollars, bet
if they send tbe swbeeripWcei wric sjeesi,
tbev can still have tt at the edvaae rat.
$2.40. The Spring of tb year ia a dull
time for eolleeUoa, aad If Toe ha mot
yet paid ap for your paper yea will eonmr .
a great favor by doing so laiBMdiat.
I No asaa ateds ready aa saaee than k
who publishes newspaper, aad has swam
to pay down for everything.
rrofessUnaj Orals.
Cltty Drug Mtore.
j. w. dtosrim.
Druggist and AetsesirTi
mo' llssk, Mm. Ctwfwnw
a. rArcea, b. a. .
PhJiicians m4 Bargerasi
The flatboat "Dont Bother Me,"
Dove, floated into port yesterday morning
Wbat baa become of tbe great and jn regular steamboat style. She was from
V (Oak as Opera wall ate J
PLANS AMD im ncsTion. AMD toco.
rate Detail Dnwtnajs rrMMS aw a4 4s-
erlpuons or taUdUBS a4
Ijr attended t.
Sola, and had on board 400 sacks of wheat
for the Salem Mills.
Appoimtbs. Mr. M. P. Owen was yes
terday appointed Justice or the Peace for
North Salem, vice 8emusl Parker, wbe baa
removed from the precinct.
Towm Clock. A frame was being made
yesterday to place tbe works in ef tbe new
el 00k. It will be set up ia the store of Mr.
Has, and see to running, whn its aoeura-
dica is disarmed and tbe bitterness Of T in Beepu,( time etc. can be tested.
Sumner aad tbe great hopes 01 James
K. Kelly have together fallen to tbe
ground. 'Twas ever thus from child-
absorbing question wbicb tbe Demo
cratic party was determined should
build np their fortunes t Suddenly there
has fallen a calm upon the troubled
wares and this tropical difficulty bas
gone from our gaze.
President Grant bas so gracefully
thrown the whole matter upon tbe Sen
ate, and left it for the people to decide
and the Senate to act opon, that preju-
boods hour with Kelly and be bas seen
his mature as well as bis youthful hopes
Only . day or so ago wo received
tbat terrible speech of Sumner's by tbe
Bostom Rockeb. This old
comfortable, rocking chair eaa
Teaton's. W sat ia on for
yesterday, and eowld hardly.
singing " Rock me t Bleep."
b seen at
a BoniBt
keep frees
a. cabs aw aa, u. a. a. v. causa, a. a.
DR8 CABPatlTBal e CscASB
OaBe earn Vihmrtj -
SALEM : : : : : 1 0REQ0V
talem, tee tta, 1879.
Physician satxcl Hsax-ai-fMm.
(Law f arr HawrUl 4M OaAeae
M Irk CM.)
OSaa tat Bssrs'i Brick, Batowa, Oam
re.aareua. s. a. wavae
Attorney At
1 Omea In Pattoe's Brick, a stake, taat 1
only to say that during the time that the poblication of tho facte of tbo case,
Indian Department items.
Maj. M. P. Berry bas received bis
commission as Indian Agent at Fort
Hall, and will leave here to assume
charge ol thai Agency in a few days.
Capt. John Smith, of Warm Springs
Ibstallatiom. The following effioers
were installed last evening in the Temple
of Honor, for tbe ensuing term: C. M.
Parmonter, W. C. T; John Gray, W. V T;
F. K. May, W. R; Mr. Lawson, W. A. R;
H. Sliles, W. F. R; 8. M. Cook, W. T; F.
Parmenter, W. T; J. D. Dorsey, D. C; W.
Clonston, J. S; M. C. Starr, 0. S.
Chemeketa House was in my charge, it was
my earnest endeavor to keep a first-class
hotel, and to make it, as iU Indian name
susirests 'Our Horn." I leave Salem
with many regrets, both for the kind treat
ment that I have received from its eitisens
generally, and for the many true friends I
whom I must leave. Business necessity
alone, eompells my departure.
Yours, very respectfully,
C. A. Cuttiso.
Pbizbs. The prises last evening were a
A gency, is now in town and finds wail- I eB-lna tea set, a five dollar piece, and some
iog bis acceptance a commission as Ia-1 rorty or Bfty presents, all of useful eharao-
dian Agent at that Reservation tor
another term. We learn from him
tbat tbe Indian farmers are putting in
crops, wbicb are considerably larger
than any of former years. Tbe fields
and gardens look well, bat there is a
drought there, there having been little evening
ter. the poorest being a broom and a paper
ofeoflee, and the best a rocking chair. To
night the chief prise will be a $20 gold piece,
and the second prise a china tea set, and
there are to be 90 other prises of smaller
value. There was a large attendance last
rain and scarcely any snow all winter,
New farms are being made for tbe In
dians on tbe creek bottoms, and tbe
Agent thinks all can be comfortably
provided tor on lajids that will support
Capt. Boyle, in charge of Umatilla
Reservation, was to bave turned it over
to Narcisse Connoyer last Monday, and
probably did so.
KUmalh Reservation bas, of late,
been represented here by the presence
of Capt. I.D. Applegate, Commissary
in charge of Snake Indians at Ysrnax.
Mr. John Meacham, Commissary at
Klamath Agency, and Mr. Geo. Nonrse,
At tub Whabp. By reason of low rates
of fare, business at the river is lively upon
the arrival or departure of the boats. On
the three boats that passed yesterday were
over 100 passengers. The Reliance came
down yesterday morning with a cargo of
wheat for Portland. The Oregon City and
Yambill river packet Dayton, passed up,
bound for Harrisburg for a load ef wbeat
for the Salem Mills. The Fannie Patton
went up at ber usual hour leaving considera
ble freight here.
Tbat " Goose Race" does not come off
until next Monday, so,- at least, the Portr
land dailies say. We learn that it was
postponed for want of a big enough goose,
and as the Jerear man appears to b deep-
Suller at Klamath, aad wa learn from jy iDteroeted, we advise him to be present
tbern tbat a large area of land bas I the appointed dsy and there will be no
TJarAia. Tha Mountaineer of last
week eontsios tbe following :
"The four hundred bead of cattle
that left Salem oa the ears last Sunday
and arrived here on Monday and lues
day evenings, were in tbe worst condi
tion of anything of the kind we have
ever seen. The sppesrance or iur
starved brutes as tbey passed tnrougn
our streets, was anything but a compli
ment to the agricultural resources 01
Marion county. In some countries the
of such live stock would be sub.
ject to arrest for 'cruelty to animals.' '
Tbe fact is tbat those cattle naa oeen
transported by rail ia crowded cars,
and then were taken up tbe Coining
river on the boats of the O. S. N. Co.,
tbe whole transportation occupjidb
not less than four days. The cattle bad
a good reason for looking hollow and
gaunt and tbat too witboat having been
starved on the pastures of Marion coun
ty. Tba cattle of this region have
wintered well, and furnish fair beef for
our butchers. It ia very likely tbat the
animals were ill osed on tbo passage
but we learn they were in fair order
when they started.
been sown aa Agency farms, and that
rnaor of tbo Indians ara commencing
to farm oa tbeir own account. They
cnlUvate oats, wheat, barley, rye and
peas, besides gardens. The Indians on
tbe whole Reservation are prosperous
and coo ten ted.
At Sileta Reservation Gen. Palmer
... in aaaume eharo-e on last Monday,
and Ben. Simpson went over on that
day to turn over the Agency to his of
ficial control.
State News.
further excuse for delay. He might prove
to be as useful as that more historic goose
whose cackle saved Rome. So At can be
perceived that Goose have tbeir uses.
The May-day party in South Salem,
comes off next Friday, ia tha beautiful
grove adjacent to the school house. Ten
o'clock ia the hour fixed for meeting. Those
living in the eity will leave their baskets
propeyly labelled, at Capt Scott's store,
and they will be taken over to tbe groonds.
The new base ball club of South Salem
will b present; a croquet ground arranged;
swinrs put up, etc. IT the weather is pro
pitious, a pleasant time may be expected.
Coaa res MAOtciAM. This lady rue-
eeeds in drawing good houses, and will eon-
Klahath Coobtt. We learn from Capt.
Geo. Nourse, or Klamath, tnat many
settlers are filling into that country, on
I lands outside the Reservation, and tbey are
putting in large quantities or grain with
I every prospect or a good crop, Tbe local
! demand from cattle raisers, is tbe Induce
ment. Orchards ara being planted, and
nhatantial improvement mad by homM
tita. and soon tbat country will Become
important to Oregon.
which are said to be aa follows : The
House of Representatives of New Tork
was Republican by one majority, and
suddenly it became Democratic by tbe
same figure. This was a victory, and
a tremendous one, because it will give
the rampant Democracy power to car
ry its measures triumphantly, and dis
pose as it pleases of the state finances.
Tbe Republicans of Chatagua county
sent a uian named Winans to represent
tbem, and be ia supposed to have held
out stubornly against all temptation
and to have only yielded to the pressure
and given in his adherence - to Democ
racy when tbe temptation reached tbe
tempting figure of $65,000, currency
of tbe realm.
He was certainly a much enduring man
and nothing lees than being assured of
a competency could wean bia from
his allegiance. Looking at bim in fu
ture as the possessor of so comfortable
a sum, Democrats may be willing to
associate with bim, but honest men
never will do to. He stands now as
tbe truest representative of bis party
for he avows himself henceforth a
a Democrat. Perjured and forsworn ;
traitorous and false; liar hypocrite and
scoundrel, it well becomes him to sell
himself at tbe highest figure to bis
proper owners. All tbat be is, Democ
racy is, for there is as much dishonesty
and meanness in haviog nse for a
scoundrel, as there Is being one. So
Democracy bas another victory to
claim, and tbe dismantled rooster
should crow in all the litigant organs.
Coouty Court.
Ho. C. K. Tcbbt, Judge,
Ai Coolidoe A J. Gieset, Commissioners.
State News.
Willamette Taller.
From the Portland dailies of May 2d:
The Committee on examiniatioa of the re
ports aad accounts or the Directors for tbe tinM to j0 go, because she does ber magio
preceding three years, have reported to tne i0 mlgieally. Many or our eiuseos are
voters of the Portland School District, that prejudiced against the show business on
they find discrepancies in the accounts of general principles, who would take pleas-'
A P Tt.nni.nn. Chairman of tbe lata i 1. in faala Of SlIZDt Ot DUO. xo
Tha- Rosebura- Eiulan states that
board, and J. F. McCoy, late Clerk, and
the voters ordered proceedings to be institu
ted against McCoy, n his bond. Tbe joint
defalcation h placed at about $1,800.
Tbe Orrjoniam reports that Carl Bosc
is to take the field again, as a magician.
Jos. Knott has started with a force of
such we can say that Cora the magician, is
a very estimable lady, who travels with a
husband, brother and sister as assistants,
and the proprieties of life are most carefully
preserved. The bestowal of prises U a
very humorous part ef toe perrormanoo,
and occasions " mountains of mirth." Tbe
men, tak his quarts mill through, from gifts are generally useful, but are frequont-
lugeno City, to the Bohemia mines.
Active operations are to be resumed Im
mediately, by the contractor on the N. P
R. R. Company.
Tbe iUcti reports that Capt. Dierdorfi,
and Mr. Lotaa, inspectors, have returned
from art-Inspection tear t TJmpqua, Coo
Bay anAYaquina.
A lot of Walla Walla flour has been re
ceived! at Portland, for shipment to Cali
fornia. '
The Utrnld announces the arrival of a
nriae fighter from Aastralia, who wants to
fight anybody among the light weights, for
500 to $1,00.. Wonder if there is any
body her spoiling for such a fight.
' Tbat paper says tba police made 138 ar
rests. i the month of April, of which 130
war fined, and eleven went to the County
Jan.. '
TCr.O teen Isabella, of Spain, la now
reported to have attained a weight of
238 pOUOUS Wltn a growing- wiaencj
ly badly selected for the possessor.
Mat Dat in Soctb 6albm. The May
Festival of the Sabbath School of tbe
South Salem M. E. Church eame off on
Monday evening. The house was crowded
and all seemed to appreciate the exercises
which were varied and Interesting. The
Quean ot May was personated by' Miss
Minnie Stone In admirable manner ; Miss
Addie 8eriber wa quit a enseoss as Flora,
and a number of scholars happily enacted
the parts of the seasons. - Tb even lag
entertainment was highly enjoyed by all
present. Prof. Rogers sang the "Song of
tbe Railroad " with great acceptance. Mr.
J. M. Garrison deserves great praise
for having sooeessfolly .. superintended
the preparations. - The- entertainment was
given for the benefit ef tbe S. 8. Library,
and $28 15 was realised by tbe oUctia
taken up.
Tbey had an original snow squall In
Vermont recently, which was accom
panied by tbnnder and lightning, a
horse being struck by tbe latter.
Roeeburg Academy was opened last Mon
day under the supervision of Prof A. 0.
... Circuit Court in Douglas county com
mences the second Monday in this month.
The PlaindtaUr says if Benjamen, the
Duke of Oregon, does not leave Oakland
out in the eold, it will become one of the
most prosperous towns ia Southern Oregon.
There is a brisk competition going on
among the wool buyers ia Rosebarg, so
states tbe PlamdeaUr. Prices on Saturday
last, went up to 27 oents per poand. This
is an advance beyond any price ever paid
there before for wooL r ; M
The SnlUtim informs as tbat tbe State
Horticultural Society will give an exhibi
tion in Portland in June, for display or
fruits, flowers and vegetables.
The Oregonian says Senator Corbett and
wife will not return to Oregon this summer.
The Scandinavians of Portland, are or
ganising plans for promoting the emigra
tion of their fellow countryman to Oregon.
A colon v or immigrants from Jasper
county, lows, are on tbeir way to Oregon.
The BtrmU says that artiele of incor
poration were filed by the Young Men's
Christian Building Association on Monday,
the 18th Instant.
There are twelve inmates at present in
, the Maltaomah County Hospital. . i
A man named Frank Shabert, the Herald
leama from a private, source, committed
suicide in Baker City, on the morning of
I 27th ult., by shooting himself through tbe
In the matter of private way for Peter
Rosier Jr. Report of viewers read in said
location, and objections filed by G. W.
Lawson Esq. atty. for 8. W.R. Jones. The
cause was dismissed.
Report of re-location ef county road,
commencing near the residence of G. B.
Miller, running thence to the Salem and
Matheny ferry road near tha residence of
Clias. Clarrett. Read the first time and
filed for a second reading in due ee nrse of
Petitions presented for locating two sepa
rate roads, each commencing at Smith's
bridge, and running tbe one to the N. E.
corner or S. W. R. Jones' land and the
other at the S. E. corner of J. W. Taylor's
land. John Newsom appointed surveyor,
aad G. B. Miller, M. Hagey and Geo.
Turnbull to view and report on said loca
tion. .
Several bids and sealed proposals were
opened for building bridge across Lake
Labisb, 'varying from the lowest to the
highest about $1300. County Judge and
Commissioners adjourned at about half
past 2 o'clock and made a visit to Laaa
Labish, to ascertain what they could as to
tbe better way to proceed in said bridge Ac.
Removed. Alderman Bilyew yesterday
removed his residence from tbe First Ward
to Front street near tbe steamboat landing.
His removal leaves another vacancy ia the
Lost. Yesterday afternoon on State
street, a lady's gold locket (containing two
portraits), with a bird's claw charm at
tached. The finder will confer a lavor by
leaving it at this office.
Sometiiiso New. Messrs. Murphy k
Croasman received yesterday something
new, neat and stylish, direct from New
York, manufactured expressly for them.
The latest style of hat, of course.
Commissioner Schwatka, yesterday com
pleted the new bridge on the old stage road,
beyond the Fair Ground, some 2 miles be
yond tbe city limits.
G. P. Terrell has an advertisement in
our columns that must be an attraction to
the ladies, as he gives particulars as to the
beautiful stock of goods he has recently
brought here for their acceptance.
Anderson A Brown, at the old stand on
Commercial street, are prepared to fill all
orders for stoves, tin, sheet iron and cop- j
per ware, and can do anything in that Hue
at short notice. For all articles or kitchen
furniture call on them.
Bboohs. Lewis Byrne is agent here for
the excellent brooms oi the Portland man
ufactory of V. Zan k Co. He can supply
them wholesale or retail. Call aud see
New SiflM. The new sign or Messrs.
Ferrer Brothers is the handsomest on in
the city. Mr. C. A. Reed was the painter
and it shows him to be tasteful and a good
artist in that line.
Among the arrivals as tbe Chemeketa no
te!, yesterday, was A. P. Rudolphe, tbe
celebrated billiard player. He was accom
panied by Mr. M. E. Hughes, a billiard ta
ble manufacturer, of San Francisco.
New Sidb Walk. Workmen are busily
engaged laying down a bow side-walk, oo
Terrv from Comcrcial to Hick streets ; the
Madam Coba. This skillful and affable
mistress if legermaia, is drawing deserved
ly good audiences at tb Opera House.
Her mode or distributing prise each even
ing is a pleasant interlude in tb perform
ance.. One feature in the purchasing of
these prises is noteworthy; all of them,
with the exceplioa or tb plated war are
procured in the city in which she gives ber
exhibition. Upwards of $140 have already
been expended atnmg our various mer
chants and dealers.
Saoonxu Scbapb. We learn from Mr.
R. A. Riggs of a shooting scrape at Perry-
daVson Sunday last, tb Post Master at
that place, Mr. Hunsaker, had a littl
trouble wilh a stsge driver, named Bill
Hopkins, and the latter shot at hira, but
without injury. Hopkins drove through to
Corvallis and was there arrested by tho
sheriff or PoU County and taken before
Squire Stiles of Dallas who discharged the
. . i. .
prisoner on Bca. Uayden s snowing
some informality existed ia th warrant.
Tb careful codger didn't seem to under
stand that be could eesity cure any such
defect by a second warrant, even if it was
material. Tbat stage drivet didn't wait
for another warrant to issue but mounted
bis bore aad left DaJlai oa a keen run.
- W. L. Wade, at the North Salem Store,
s doing a fine country, as well as city trade.
t. .v v ir t -1 1, 11 ana ntrae-
kindness of Senator Kelly s frank, and a,, to deal with.
we take this oppertunlty to acknowledge
tbe complement. That speech, which Millihebt Goods -Mr. K. W. Moxley
was a favorite Democrat campaign h receiving new good, by r'
docum.ntwbentb.bonorab,.S.naU,,. "g
frank cave it an Impetus to cross tbe Pro"' a
continent, bad become stale, fiat and
unprofitable," before it reached as,
and, per conseqoence, thst mueh Dem
ocratic sympathy has been wasted upon
Sumner and oo ns.
We anticipate no more trouble on ac
count of San Domingo whether it is
annexed or left alone. The great Re
publicac party can afford to differ and
does differ occasionally, but it dosen't
iBtend to let a' mere difference grow
into a demoralizing quarrel.
One of the San Domingo Commlsson-
rrs was Dr. Howe, a personal friend of
Sumner himself, who dined with the
hugely disgusted Senator and is said to
have labored with bim faithfully and
so successfully as to bave greatly weak
ened bis opposition to annexation.
Howe went, and saw and was entirely
conquered by the glowing beauties and
thousand perfections of tbat Island. He
talked to Sumner with tbe seal of a
friend and tbe ardor of an enthusiast,
and we venture a shrewd guess tbat
when San Domingo comes to be acted
upon the matter will be disposed of,
pro or coo, so quietly that the congrat
ulations of Democracy will not le ap
preciated by a single Republican Senator.
C. CHL'Blsts, As. Bv
Making folnts.
May 1. Th Comraan has re-
The Tlerald thinks the Rev. Mr. Pon
toon, in bis " Daniel ia Babylon" lec
ture, bit Presideat Grant a bard rap
for bis nepotism appointing bia kin
to office. Very good. Bot what has
tbe Herald to say of Governor Grover
for his having appointed to office bis
business partners, 1 and for having
either signed or vetoed bills which
came before btw equnlly as they bene
fitted or jrere apposed by his business
nartners and tbe Ring 7 U rover s om
cial sin is worse eveo tbaa that charged
against tne rresiueu. ukkw.
want of which has long been felt by people
residing in tb south-eastern portion of the
0rposrri0B6TBAMSBiP Limb. A busi
ness firm in this City has received a dis
patch from San Francisco, stating that the
steamer Constantino, belonging te to
Company of which Ben. Hartshorn is
Piesident, will leave Ban Fraaeiseo on
Saturday for Portland. Fares' are to be
greatly reduced and a lively oppositioa is
A Cabd or Tbabks -Miss Cora De La-
mond now performing at Reed Opera
Ttnn f.lrn. Ik. following? method of re-
K.w. t Mr.. Jos. Emmoads. of the Versaill. Government that
------ . I ..... i- , ni
: i. :f.l .. aw.r a hear I limitM! PfTWO wwwiw vm aaiiww-.
! rati IBLsL. YOB' Ulfl USWU LIIUI UUlsvaie reus w a
yesterday, and it is with much regret
that she will be unable to appear la that
city during her stay in Oregon.
Dsjiaaaocs. The sidewalk oa Trad
street from Commercial to High, passing
across the mill pond is extremely unsafe oa
dark eights, and unless a railing is put up
pedestrians should avoid going over it if they
bar to ge several blocks out of their road,
or we may bave to record an accident by
drowning or some unfortunate person.
Paul At Madam Cora's entertainment
last evening, tbe first prise, twenty dollars
i in coin, wa drawn by Goo. Collins ; the
2d priso, a China set, was apppropriately
i drawa by A. T. Gilbert, lately married.
j This evening tbe principal prises will be.
; coin, $20, and $10, and a good programme
i is offered, with a good deal of amusement
I Interspersed. i
which is
A correspondent from Versailles.says
w. .. fierman officers take 152
glasses of beer at a sitting,
but a trine over a ue-.
; Lawyers months are like turnpike
gates never open except for pay.
Some people in Missouri bel'eve tbat
St. Louts is to be tbe "future great
city of the world."
voked ihe order for tbe arrest r General
A series or barricades are being bailt to
completely encircle th eity.
Dombrowski is bow In ca wand of tb
bank of the Seine outside Ihe walls.
Tbe Free Maeous take tarns wilh ibe Na
tionals ia guarding th banners of th Or
der a the ramparts, and do duty br-vely
under a terrible fir.
Versailles, May 1. Negotiations tot a
surrender or Fort Issy hav faiid. Bom
bardment has now reoommcnoed and is
now very violent.
Versailles, May 2. Fort Isy U com
pletely surrounded by batteries. Tbo elec
tions are satisfactory.
Paris, May 2. The Berei'I says the Ver
saillists attacked Fort Issy Isst night, but
were repulsed.
Tbe bombardment of Vanvers and Moa
trogu continues to-day. Aa engagement
is expected before evening. Tbe Versaill
ists are daily gaining ground. The reoeeu-
pstioo of Issy Is contradicted. Tbe fort is
deserted, and fifteen thousand Nationals
carried the barricade of lower Issy. It is
rumored that Dombrowski and staff were
made prisoners at Asnieres.
Versailles, May 2. Lat night Chas
seurs captured tb Clamart Railway Station
at th point of th bayonet. Three hun
dred insurgent were killed. Simulta
neously two regiments attacked Chateau
Issy, the deface of which th insurgents
temporarily abandoned.
Cluseret's arrest was ordered because be
was negligent, whereby Fort Issy was com
promised. New York, May J- A special eorrespon-
deat talagraphs th following frosa Berlin,
Sunday i Aa Imperial Couacil was held
to-day te consider tbe sltustioa of Paris.
Bismark was present, and agreed to notify
a further
for the
restoratioa ef authority, tbe enforcement of
order aad tba fulfillment Of the treaty stip
ulation, after which Germany will take in
dependent action to establish law aad order.
Washington, May 1. Justice Clifford
read th brief and papers In tbe legal tender
eases of Kaox vs. Lee, end Parker vs.
Davis Bellow. Ia these two eases were
two questions heretofore directed to be
argued , v is J First Is tbe act of Coagress
known as tbo Legal Tender Act. constitu
tional as tw eoatracU mad before Its paa
aageT Second Is it valid as applicable to
transactions since its passage T Tbe ques
tion, bave been considered by the Court,
and both decided in the affirmative. Tho
decree of the Supreme Judicial Court of
Massachusetts in the ease or Parker vs.
Dsvis Is therefore affirmed, and the Judg
ment of the Circuit Court of tbe United
States of tbe Western District of Texaa ia
alto affirmed. Ia tha ease ef Dunning
Tbe 27eroM is engaged in tbe very
unbrotberly and uncharitable work of
poking sticks at tbe Mercury. These lit
igant brethren ought to agree and recol
lect tbat " their little bands were never
made to tear each olbers eyes." But,
with this famous nursery rbime staring
them directly in the face, these twin
litigant organs go for each other in the
most ortbordox style. As we said be
fore the Uerald is making points on tbe
Cardiff Giant. It caroms oa estray no
tices, counts double on job work, and
makes game or the Mereurj't circula
tion. It is enough to make one weep
to see such cruelty to animals, but we
can endure it with more philosophy
than old Gtptum can.
Kcbool Convention.
Pobtlabd, May 4, 1871.
Ko. Statssmab : Active prepara
tions are being made fur tbe State Sua
newest styles and latest patterns.
Masobic Mbbtibo. There will be a
special meeting of Salem Lodge, No. 4.,
A. F. A. M., this evening at T o'clock
sharp, for work in E. A. degree. Visiting
brethren are invited to attend. By order
of the W. M. 9
Pbixbs. At Madam Cora's entertain
ment last evening, tho first prixe $20 was
drawn by C. L. Brigeram, the second
prize $10, by C. Peugh. This evening
there will be three leading coin prises $25,
$10, and $5.
Or Cocbsb. Tbe rumor that the Rail
road Company intends to reduce rates of
fare is confirmed by posters stack up around
town. We don't like to interfere with rail
road affairs by going into particular, so
those who want to know tbe rates can hunt
a band bill or a railroad agent.
New Mabbet. Samuel Parker ia put
ting np a building adjoining tbe Mansion
House property, to be used as a meat and
vegetable market. This will b a great ac
commodation to th people of North Salem,
and doubtless prove remunerative to Mr. C.
M. Baltimore, who will bave charge of the
business. ;
- -A Bio Dare Woaa. Capt. J. T. Apper-
toa with the steamer Dayton left Albany
Wednesday morning, at f a. m., having oa
board 4,000 bushels f wheat, which was
delivered at the Salem Milts. Returning
to Beuua Vista and putting on board 60
tons of freight, leaving there eame to
Salem loaded with 45 tons or flour and 200
hogs, and started for Oregon City at 6 a.
m., yesterday, twenty-four hours after
leaving Albany
A PlbasabtTibb. The children ef Miss
Carrol's'school in North Salem, with their
friends, had a fine time yesterday at their
picnic bold In tb grove, upon th grounds
of Mr. Penter, a farmer living near the
city limits. AU sorts of spring time sports
were played "under the greenwood tree."
Every one enjoyed themselves, and if aay
one went home tired, they went horn happy.
Rai.b op Town Pbopebtt. The firm of
Patterson k Thompson sold, day Before
yesterday, a riece of eity property for
$3,500 cash sale. Yesterdsy a sale was
made for $3,000, two-thirds cash, and bal-
ianca on short time. . ir Messrs. P. k T.
push their business as they have done the
few weeks they bave been ra opevatkm, we
will soon be called upon to report them as
one of the leading real estate firms of the
Oner his professional inn lis te tba
ehiaene ef Dallas aud vtoiatty.
Nov. ldwtf
. r. casus, J.O. iwn,
Attorneys at Ha w,
OtBce, p stairs I. K. ootsmt Freat aad Wak-
loftoa euts fee, n. isej'aa
A- Bt. BELT, BL B, .
Offios aad iwsidaae cjusaSB laioa aad
lBuro suweta,
Orders e be Wft at oWbar's DrT Mora.
atler Btcys asid, I aaMlwr 4 Law ,
a Bid. s.ieltr la Caiaaewrjr,
Collection and onveyaaecs sswpUy attended
Attorney at Latsi
DALLAS. OREGON. sutntksnen ai(sa
OoUmUous aid transection la I
Offic p stairs In the Court ttea,
1 Sauu.
S. a. asBUEa,
Notary lubUe.
Omo ever tb
SUCH, - - - . '
and CoUeoimE Aieut. Seal ISHaM la
lb ctty a OMBBirp ta sale.
Aasoract ol an iiue m m inc. i.-u..
8aleai.De. 4, 1870. aAwtf
&a.vBBBT, .
AtaorKT a
T El R Y
w. nor ax.
Fasti at Htoea, sales.
' CHv Pronertv and Pana for sale. Brasw ks
rent aad real sillsets. UHI .
JOUU . at AVI. Y
Attorney k Counselor at Law,
WITI nraetlce tn Polk and anjobiln?
garcolleetioDS aueaded a arr.
.a van., a. mna
ForBKfif 4 Bains
Attorneys tonnse4orwt-iaw.
Win practice m rcdtral eat Btate Owarla. ,
OSncw IV Flrat St., (over rVwt
entce), Portlaad, OriBoa. .
, , tablOdaw ly ;
Wft4 Imp-tot iwm WkHls
tardav Messrs. Ja-
d.y School Convention, which is to be Conw Abiom Smith and M. L. Cul-
eoovened In Portland, Tnursrray stay incorporated th Beaver Hosiery M an
il, 1871, at 7:30, P. M . , aad continue Bfu!tarinK Company at Jefferson. Capital
through Friday and Saturday, and clof- ltoc $11,000. Th Company will pur
i.o ,,nnn Snndav afternoon MT 14, -. -nd remodel the old eardinc mill at
with a chtldreos meeting on Sunday Jefferson, enlarge it, and add sufficient ma- I YaggOfiS & DUgCjCS
afternoon. Tbe session or tne uooven- i eowery to maae euu uoseu socas pot
tion will be held in the Presbyterian I This will prove a valuabl enterprise to the
BasBBte eanaeMa al Oartwrtr's warehoas.
Albany, aud at th factory, mr Oesa erela
street artage, Balea. TMs at ha lake lb
nr i at tha tsregea BUI Wit, aad ss astasj
wun euur
church, and the ehildrens meeting oa
8undayin the first Methodist church.
The Rev. J. H. Viocent and Phillip
Phillips bave signified their intention
to be present, and this secures beyond
peradvenure tbe success of tba Con
vention, as the former is known to be a
chief in this department, and never fail
to create enthusiasm la this good word
when be is present on occasions like
these. Philip Philips, u is no neccs-
city of tb Saatiam.
Manufactured te srdsr with Dura" ' tree
wheel, considered the (reaua aaiSira mveaeloa
la that Haw.
Orders received at me shea, ppoM BV Mam.
Hodge, Calef Co., of Portland, are
among the most successful druggists oa this
coast, aad hav built ap aa extensive whole
sale trade because they do business with
facilities equal to any house dealing ia that
line of goods on this coast. They are able
to supply patent medioin on tbe most fa
vorable terms to be obtained of general
agents. Ia the line or paints, ens, var-
aisbe aad all material used by painter 1
ary to aay Is a host ia himself Bird bis j they keep a splendid assortment.
sweet voice will contribute la sang to
At tbe RrvEB The Reliance eame di w
oa time,' with a large lot of freight aad a
good trip of passengers. She took oa tea
tons of bran from tb Salem Mills all she
could get aboard. Tbe Fannie Patton eame
ap from Oregon City at S P. a. with a big
trip of passengers and a miscellaneous lot
of freight. 6be took on her about six
tons of goods destined to merchants between
here and Albany, who were replenishing.
their stock from oar wholesale aad jobbing
Pio Nic AU who wish to spend a de
lightful day, will bear in mind that tbe
Soath Salem school bave tbeir pie Bie to-
number of persons, and a variety of I jay. It will take place In the beautiful
exercises will be provided tbat it is la-1 BaaT tD school house, where arraage-
teaded ahall create a aew interest ia menti k. m for My 4.y
BiriTterVand Sabbath School Super- --h T'Tlt
... nn.(.d to lav the pale, who wul recollect that 10 clock U
B Hwvaawua w v I "
matter before tbeir duoday Schools on I tbe bine fixed npon
tha success of tba affair, and give aa
oppertanity to many to bear such slog,
ing as tbey may not bave an opportun
ity to hear again for many a day. Be
will lead tba musical en raises and will
probably giro one extra concert during
bia ty-
Tbe committee will be prepared to
entertain all tba delegates who may at
tend. ArraairesBenta ara being made
and pretty much ooasamated by which
delegate will have but one fare to pay
oa tbe various transportation line lead
ing Into Portland. All are cordially
invited who love Sunday School work.
Short addressees may be expected by a
Wshave th best skirted
aad all eastern work win receive press atisa
loci m a. Bsuuuas a a.v.
Salem, April T. Barer
C tot atr, BaJaae, Oragsjm,
Initial SUtlonery, Etc,
I a ba head a tB mk aa
, arise! aad waMaatly rs salves aldiuia
direct frees Beater ataaafaetarea, aad at aM t
aU at th lewvet posslbl rate.
Com aad prta BUT
next Sunday, and endeavor to bare a
representation of tba Sunday Schools
Examiribo Commumios. The Committee
to examine and rcaadit accounts of Peni
tentiary aad State officers ara again in see- I against Sears aad ethers, from the Supreme
skD, wita aneea days usee ten as
I their disposaL As they have a judicial de
cision to go ahead on, w trust they will
make all tbe better headway. Messrs. Bon
, ham and Amis are at work, but Mr. Burch
is detained at home a few days aod will take
hold again on Friday.
Court of Michigan, contracts were fur
livery eX a specified weight. of gold re-
nsovaabl a coined mooey. Th Court be
low held that they were discharged by pay
ment of treasury note equivalent in mar
ket value to the value of coined money of
tbe stipulated weight of pure gold. This
Rot-en Oa SostsaoDT. The JJulUtml
mi! Tba follawinsr. enclosed In a
greasy envelope, seemingly wora a few
day by haviag bee a carried ia a dirty !
packet, bas reached ns, wjth a post
mark we will not name, aad with a
note that it was found and ia sent to
be printed; .
. .. , April 24th. '
But, Wmas: Tea hava't done tbe
square thing by me. Wbea yaa took
tbe from joa aaid yoa J
give me a good day's start. I see yoa
i pat about ma ia tba papers the aext
day. that waaa't lb bargain. Damn
tbat Hissoart race of yoara i ll smssn
It ia if I catch yoa, to offer, part of
what give you to let me go before
tbe time set. Too mark time. Tou
I said you'd say it was Charley, not me.
Yow won't get me, but If 1 ever get
yoa I'll, worry yoa.
to eommenee the fes
tivities. Baskets and hampers will be .
opened aad luneh spread at 1 a'eloek. lee
cream at two; lemon ' or vanilla which
will yoa bavet ' ''"' ' ' "
AebiaL StJSPBirsioa. Tbe most aston
ishing feature of Miss Cora's magic enter
taiumauta is tbe feat of areal suspension,
la Ibis act she suspends bar sister ia the
air, with no visible support but a standing
bar under the right elbow. So suspended
b repramnU ia tableaux, love among tb
rose, the coach of th angels, Ue sappliaat
ia prayer, aad other positions, with rare
effect. Tbe closing tableaux is very beaatt
ful, so pronounced by all who bave seea it.
This remarkable feat seems te be performed
.entirely independent of th laws of gravita
tkta, hw Miss Cera manages to do awsy
with the natural obstacle 1 hid from as
by her pleasing magic. " -I
"Nasby" claims tbat be Is nervous
every time ba attempts to' deliver bis
l.C'ure, aad never face aa aadieaee
with any assurance ol success ia pleaa-
. BBSAD, y- ;'
CAttatB ASP Pima,
C05ST1ITLT I Mill.
; " ; also ' ' '
lTttmily- Grooerlea.
The ndersHmefl wttl hereafter I a Ml sapptr
f ttKOUIbBtntS) at hat aid staal, aad te
V BL. W. SITU, SHat Sttraat.
rK 7,1871 , . 9
Gas, Water k itean Fitters,
S i raseVe Btectt.ewaaiSMi-ciat Strt
.. BaJeaa, OrssBW
JaaS&f ..;, ,
to enormous fat.