WEEKLY OREGON 8TATESMNA. issced kterTwedsisdat. 8. A. CLAKIeT Pabllther. j U. S. OFFICIAL. PAPER. , I BOiWCKlf no! fr annum. t3M; 1 tt-W- j DAILY STATESMAN AND UNIONIST, j PolUhad ever morning except Monday. .u-cripUon, b, the 8 W. ASvertlslns;, -r square of u Inch per m..nlh. J 00. aJJert mm i Dailv and Wwu, W per rqaara of om Iscta per aioath. pp-oinc ra Stewart' Brick BM, P stair. The Salem Flouring Mills. Daring tbe preterit season, and In deed since the Flooring Mill passed into present bends, tbey have been doiog a heavy and successful business, id building up nn enviable repntation as for snperior quality of products manufactured and for good business management. Quite lately Messrs. B. C. Kinney Sons, wbo were tbe prin ciple owneM nd managers, have be come sole proprietors. One of tbe eons remains in San Francisco attending to business there, the Agency being kooirn as Kinney Bros., and with sucB success has the manufacture bere been carried on and the Agency there been managed that Salem bakers and family brands of flour command tbe best and most reliable market in. that city, the shipment being generally engaged be fore ibeir arrival, by the heavy baker ies of San Francisco for their own use. Only one-tenth of tbe floor manufac tured by these mills is. consumed in Oregon, the- remainder goes abroad. Tbrea-fonrtbs of Che entire product are tbe best brands of extra grade flour, and command in San Francisco the! very highest .figure quoted in that market., W hate taken some pains to ascertain luo tu 1 " - - or tbe Salem Flouring Mills Co., siuce last harvest, and learn that the amount of wheat purchased during that time approximates two hundred and twenty thousand . tuisbels, fifty thousand of which is still on hand, either in store bere or io warehouses up tbe river. Tbe Company will grind as tepidly as possible, nigbt and dy, until tbe 6 ret of July and will be likely to use two hundred and fifty thousand bushels by that time. An estimate as to tbe product in flour of the amount of wheal already ground al in band shows a great in crease of business over any other year's work. Tbe 320,000 bushels will realize something over 50,000 bar rels of flour, amounting to 5,000 tons, and that is much less than the entire capacity of the mill, as io case that it should run night aoJ day with a con stant supply of grain for tbe whole year, tbe product would amount to 9,000 tons. This year tbe Salem Mills will manufacture nearly, if not quite, as much flur as both the Imperial Mills it Oregon City and tbe Standard Mills at Milwaukie, which we believe to be the largest in tbe State next to those of our own city. During the past year several cargoes of Salem flour have been shipped to markets io foreign countries, where only the best grades find sale, but thete is little in ducement for tbe proprietors to seek a foreign market for their products so long as tbey have a certain demand io Sao Francisco from a reliable cash trade. The Company has lately re fused two good offers for cargoes on that account. District School Meeting. It seems that for purposes of levying a tax, tbe meeting of the voters of this District, lately held, was not legal, the notices not being posted according to law, tbereforefore the Directors Have bad other notices posted calling for another meeting to be held April 24th, (next Monday). We call attention to this faet for the purpose of making tbe : voters ol the whole District fully nns derstand that if they want free schools they most be present on that cession and act and vote understanding. It is a matter of vital importance to the people to have education general and free, but there are a few men wbo have tbe misfortune to be heavy props erty. owners and upon whom tbe wegbt of taxation comes wilh tbe more force because money is thei i Go1, and tbey want to keep it convenient for frequent worship. These men will be present and have every , vote -there they can obtain control of, an 1 they will favor a . tax of about one mill for the purpose of nailing up the fences around tbe school houses and no more Turn out tbe meo of Salem, and If you want 'free schools rote so and say so, and pul this vexed, question , at rest. We cannot have good public schools any other wayj ' uos present aenoois are not as efficient as tbey should be, be . cause tbey have pot a reliable support. Turn out then, aod so set that the ex periment of free schools can" be fairly tried.'- ' -;" DoLLiDiV'S Piior-osiTioM. The folks at Harrisburg sud Eugeoe are exercised over tbe railroad question, as tbey are off tbe" direct line by the best crossing of . tbe Willamette, wbicb is to tbe east, near Spores' ferry.- Holladar offers to run to those 'places, however, if tbey will raise bim sixty thousand, Collar, as a "subsidy ,. This will'not be easy to raise io that part of the valley, but may be tbey can rush around and secure it Tbe faet is that tbe railroad cannot af ford to go back from tbe river far, as i, will Jose a great deal of business by so doing, and not be able to compete with wo ooais. narrisourg is one or tne greatest shipping points la the upper cuun'ry and Holladay shows remarkable '' good sense in striking for that point, and if be can persuade the people of Eugene and Harrisbarg to raise sixty thousand dollars bonns, bt will be do ing a very clear thing for himself. The true plan for the railroad to pursue is to operate as centrally as possible through tbe upper part of this valley to win all the business possible. "! Colttmsia Cocktt.' Columbia eounty has made more rapid progress than any other eounty in tbe State within the past - twelve months. . During that time it has almost doubled " its "population." " About a year ago tbe number of its inhabitants was 80S to-day is is 1,500, and is, besides, constantly fining up. There are not two sections of State land to be found for sale in tbe eounty. From a gentleman who has long resided there, we learn that possesses the most . productive land in the State. Of the . settlers seeking homes there, the major portioa are single men There are only about 120 families in the county. As a proof that', even in pioneer set tli men ts they do not enjoy that domestic peace and tranquility which they are snp roeed to de, we ban that six diveroe eases are to be beard at tha next term of the Clr ' eait eeuit, which will convene there in short time. Taking all things into consid- ' eratioa, Columbia county seems to be a good place for those seeking homes among be wild roses and pines. Herald. The tbaiu. vf i.abil are generally , t0 tma'l to be fell till they are too strong to be broken. . 1 VOL. 20 NO- 38. - City and Cvant Items. Temple or HotfOR. Articles of incorpor ation were yesterday f Ud for the Temple of Honor.' ., ' " i. PcrsaaKD.-'-Tbe new advertisement of Messrs. Breyman Bra's arrived too late last evening to find insertion this mornings Look out for it to-morrow. . ? On tbi Bites. Tbe Reliance came down yesterday bringing about a thousand sacks of wheat for Salem Mills, and she took on fifty tons of flour at the same to carry below. Diluoimi Tuts. Sheriff Matheny says he will soenj be on the street looking up delinquent tax payers, to whom due notice has been given by publication. A word to the wise Is sufficient.1 " ,s Ghkistiah Chcbch. We learn from the Monmouth Ifeenjtr that Bcv. L. L. Row land will return from the Dalles to resume the charge of the Christian Church bere, on the fourth Sabbath of this month. Rather Good. The Wett Side remarks that while tbe llmiUlm took pains the other day to say there were no items of interest to be found in that paper, it afterwards cop ied two of them from another newspaper published iu Salem. TB Bkebivc. Lawson's late porcBase s changing (runt and being built upon the liae of- Court streef for purposes of business. Somebody says there is to be a wing put out for a butcher's shop and a win- Win thrown across the street to catch trade and turn it that way. . - Lixso Paor-ERTT) The sale of the Lingo property, corner of Court and Liberty streets, 32 by 82 feet, with small building thereon, took place as advertised. It was purchased by Samuel Brown, of this city, for $1,800. The Waite-Breymao party, from Salem, left San Francisco, bound East, on the 1 1th inst., all hunky dory. E. M. Waite sends back the bill of fare provided for use on tbe railroad, which shows that a severe turn of sea sickness made the party hungry enough to digest almost anything. Siletx AoEMcr. Gen. Palmer was in town yesterday and called on us last even ing. He informs ns that be expects to move over to the Siletx Agency and take official control there en the tirst of May. lie found his commission as Indian Agent awaiting him here. Police. We had almost despaired of any more Polios matters ever turning up in Salem, but ' one more unfortunate" be came so supremely drunk and ridiculous the other night that the gallant nightwatch had to make au example of him, and the Recorder fined him $5, with costs, as much more ; so we have another practical proof that tbcre is law in the land. Commo fro low. A gentleman who came up the river with his family yesterday, says he U right from the State ef Iowa, life says he knows of sixty families whore intention was to start from there on tbe 20ih, (to-morrow), and sixteen more cxpe.-t to leave for Oregon in May. That looks a good deal like business. To be Released. It if probable that Tom. Scott will soon be released from the " durance vile" into which be has been plunged by his own folly. Tbe sum now raised by the efforts ef O. A. Brown will about meet tbe remaining time of his sen tence, and has been subscribed out of re gard for bis family. Tom. himself is not a bad fellow, and will be apt to choose the path that accords with the law after this rather sharp lesson. Admitted to Probate. Tbe last will and testament of Stephen T. Church was yesterday admitted to Probate. Tbe ex ecutors are Mrs. Chnrch, A. A. McCully and C. P. Church ; appraisers appointed were David McCully, T. McF. Fallon and T. B. Rickey. The will shows a consider ate remembrance of many relations and friends. The homestead is left to Mrs. Church, and the property is to-be equally divided between the widow and three chil dren. The estate has been valued at about $75,000 by those best ablo to judge of it. - The Salem Musical Union, at their meet ing en Monday evening, elected a board of three Trustees, consisting Of G. W. Lind- sey, T. J. Babcock and J. L. Royal, to file articles of incorporation. Prof. A. L. Francis was elected eonductor of instru mental music. Misses Lizzie Jordan, Anna Froman and N ettie Cooke, Mr. Barr and Gray were elected members of tbe Union. A New Thisg. We are gratified to see that Salem merchants are beginning to open their eyes as to the necessity for doing business on the most favorable basis. We allude to the fact that Warner Breyman, after purchasing a twenty-five thousand dollar stock of goods for spring trade, has gone East to make arrangements in New York to send goods every steamer, so as to be enabled to sell at more advantageous rates thaa ever. EcosoHY. Mr. Tom. Reynold's, the effi cient Jailor, Deputy Sheriff and Port War den, lately concluded to make economy practical at the Hotel de Crossbars ; so be is said to have spent two days this week, with the help of Charley Gall, on of tbe boardess at laid botet, manufacturing soft soap. Alter tour aays won laiioiuiiy ex pended, the assay turned ont sixty eents worth of a very soft article, which is not for sale, but is to be' carefully saved for the nse of the Sheriff in the next electioneering campaign. Plenty of lye was found at the adjoining Court House. Cbem eketa Hotel. We have under stood for some time that there would prob ably be a change in tbe Cbemeketa Hotel. Tbe house is rather too extensive and mag-, nificent for our city in ordinary times, and its capacities need to be drawn out by tak ing every advantage for its benefit. Mr. Cutting has succeeded in making bis guests in every way comfortable and has com manded great praise bom high authority. Our friend Hinsdale from Scottsbnrg wbo loves his own comfort as muoh as tha trav ellers of old who Inquired " may I not take mine ease in mine ion," grew rapturous to us in' praise ef the elegance aad eomfort of the Cbemeketa, on his late visit. But it is believed that the magnificent hotel wbo needs a boat who is also " a best in him self" as knowing everybody, having an Oregon history dating from early times and possessing the peculiar lsavey'' fef the characteristics of ear. " New Northwest," which should charm' the complacent Web Feet into earning every now and thea to stop a week at a time and bring thehr whole fam ily to stay all summer. Now such men are not a sleety sis t lack berries evea here ia this land where red apples and strawber. ries. " Are emblems of deeds that are done in their clime." t r , ( o And yet after profound study and deep meditation, and considerate persuasion tbe Directors of thev Hotel Association have dissevered aad, scoured him, a fact that we hare bad eecsdawsee M from the first, but we don't ro off. oa a tangent and tell all we know without leave, or we should have mentioned H sooner. Ws are inclined to predict a very successful administration of me cnemeKeis unaer ias pmiuiK gt-mve ef Mr. R. P. Earn art, all of whoso antece dents, whose genial ways and affable mea ner, and' universal and popular acquaint ance, leave no room for any sane man to doubt that he can " keep a Hotel." LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. e-tghtlaa; at Paris Med BecwbU. eaa Reports Paris, April 15. Yesterday shells fell In Avenue Wagram. There ! a general exodus from that quarter of the city taking place. Crowds are demanding passports to leave Paris. Hundreds are disappointed. The streets leading from Porte Maillot are ia ruins. Issy and Vanvres are firing .'hells and bombs, which are terribly de structive. Rochefort demands that Vinoy, G alii pel. Favre, Picard and McMahon, be brought chained couples, to Champ Elysecs where the relatives of the Nationals killed should be allowed to do what they pleased with them. It has been decided not to demolish tbe eolamn of Vendorae but to displace tbe statue. Paris, April 18. Desperate fighting, re sulting in victories for the Commune are reported. Five consecutive attacks made upon Vanvre were repulsed witb great daughter. The loss of the Government troops is dreadful. At Neuilly the combat was fierce but tbe Communists gained stead ily. Their liopes are now raised to a high pitch. Paris, April 16, a. m. The Cinmunist reported that Fort d'lssy repulsed suereM' ive assaults of the Tersaillista on Friday and Saturday with severe losses to the as sailants. Dombrowskt attacked the Gov ernment forces at Neuilly, yesterday, and took 4fl0 prisoners. The engagement con tinued through the entire night. Dombruwski enforces strict discipline among tbe National Guards, aDd is doing much to render all branches of tbe military service more efficient. Another correspondent telegraphs that he saw the fighting which was furious, and only four thousand yards from Paris. He ras subsequently arrested. Several Royl ists were shot in the morning. It is reck oned that during the last two day the Versaillists have lost 1,000 in killed and 1,500 wounded. All persons who aro known are permitted to leave the city with out a permit except between the ages of IS and 40. Paris Sunday evening. Cluseret, in his official report to the Commune, says Van vres was attacked by Yeraiuilists five times in succession en Saturday. To-day an obstinate struggle is going on at Netti ly, where the ground is disputed inch by inch. Tbe Versaillists army has been concentrating for the last four days, and a general and formidable attack is mo mentarily expected. The Germans at Crctuil have been rein forced with 18,000 men and are preparing to intervene. The price of fresh meat has been doublet. A well known American banker has offered to buy the column in the Place Ven- omc, to take it to the Central Park in New Yolk. Versailles Reports. London, April 16. This evening's dis patches from Versailles deny that the in surgents took 400 prisoners yesterday, and declare that no important military events sve eceurred. They ssy the insnrgente in the forts waste their ammunition by firing at eight to no purpose. On Saturday night, though they kept up a continual cannonade all night, only one Versaillist was wounded. Thiers' circular of the 18th says the in surgents are emptying houses and selling tbe furniture. The Government continues to temporise and collect irresistable forces ; also to allow time for the Parisians to reflect. The in surgents say we shoot prisoners, and intend to overthrow tbeHepublio snd suppress the Nationales. It is false. The Idepet)dmc Bchje't correspondent says the end approaches. The Asnieres sffair was disastrous to the Communists. The lilies are filled with dead. Paris, April 17. The night was all quiet. In the fight yesterday at Neuilly, tbe Communists were successful and captured some colors." London, April 17. A' special to the TYrnes from Versailles says tbe Prussian trenches on Terrace at Meudon are now oc cupied by the Government troops, and six teen gnns pointing towards Issy and Van vres have been placed in position there. McMahon succeeded In surrounding tbe insurgent troops at Asnieres, with a strong force from the the Versailles srmy. New York, April 17. A Tribune Paris special dsted Sunday, Gays firing was in eessant ' during the past forty-eight hours The Government at Versailles says Paris is completely invested and that a summons to surrender in six hours will be sent. There is great exeitement in the city, and the Commune suddenly allows free circula tion in the streets and at railway station without passe. Most of the eity gates are opened. Reports are highly colored. Cluseret says the attack was extremely vigorous last nigbW-principally against Vanvres Which was obliged to sustain five consecutive assaults. Ambulances were seen carrying off the dead and wounded of the assailants. . The combat continues foot by foot, each house having to be besieged. Troops have ordered to storm them. Tbe Versailles Government talk of rednoing Pari within tbe next 24 hours. General Eudes, commanding tbe southern forts, says all seems finished. The night has been terrible, and the battle incessant from 6 o'clock in the evening. Fort Vanvres bore tbe most violent assaults and the Royal ists loss wss enormoa. They were re pulsed along the whole line and a complete victory has been won for the Commune. California. The United States steamer Newborn was sold to-day, privately, price not stated. i ts understood she was literally given away to the same parties who purchased tbe Mohongo. She is one of the finest vessels of her class ever on the Pacific coast. This afternoon Joseph H. Moore, a law. yer, called on P. R. Rodgers with a notice from Rodger's wife, between whom and her husband a divorce snit is pending. Roberts drew a revolver and fired at him, the ball passing through bis bat, peeling a long strip ont at his scalp and leaving K hang ing like a ribbon through a hole la the back of his hat. Moore had Rodger arrested for assault with intent to murder. A heavy rain set in at eight o'clock this morning and continued uninterruptedly en til noon, ever half an inch falling. Dur ing the afterncoa there were occasional showers.-This evening tt appears "to be clearing up. The wind is fresh from th south end wsrm. Win. H. Seward, Jr., Messrs. Osburn Knapp aad ether members ef the party leave for San Diego to-morrow. San Francisco, April 17. The hotels eon tain more Eastern viators thaa at any previous time since the completion ef tbe Pacific railroad. ' The number is steadily Increasing. , ' ' Biihop CI ark son, of Nebraska, re ports that, of the 75,000 Indians in tbe Dciaods of bis diocese, 19,000 attend religious services. He tbloks tbe ef fort for their civilisation bas been grand success. - A Frenchman Is eon'ent with on sixth of a pound of animal food per d y ! au Englishman consumes not le 'ban a a f a'posnd, and an America demands from half a pound to a pound SALEM, OREGON, State News. Portias! " From the Doilies of 18th: The Bulletin says the Oriflamme brought 580 tons assorted cargo, and she will leave for San Francisco on Thursday evening. The steamer Owyhee when 40 mile above CelT.o last Saturday, was disabled by the breaking of a crank pin. The Estes k Stinson Mill propery has been delivered over to the O. t C. R. R. Company. Tbe Oregomia learns that arrangements have been made between the Cosmopolitan Saloon of Portland, and Dion and Rudolph at San Francisco, the great billiard plsyers, to come to Portland and play'matcb games in the new building putting up for a (hat ing rink. Mr. Brouilette has brought up specimens of coal from his mine on tbe Cowlitx, to have tested at tbe gas works. It looks well and is from a ledge six feet thick. Capt. Gillwrt, of tbe U. S. Coast survey has come to Portland to procure a comple ment of men for work on Shoalwater Bay. The steamer Pacific was detained to have her hull and boiler inspected anew, and as she bad new eopir of her certificate posted, she was fined $100, according to law, and the Herald says that not having her com- ' plement of boats, she had to wait and bor r w some of the Oriflamme after her arri val, also according to w. Rev. John Monteith of Albany has ar rived at Poitland on his way to Lapwai Reservation, a Agent. He was accompa nied by Dr. Wbitmorc who will be physi cian at that Agency. The Oregonian says ' eighteea families were cabin passengers by the Oriflamme nd nobody knows how many were in the steerage. Tbe death of T' J. J-hnson of St. Helens is annouiccd, cause consumption. A laborer at Clinton Point wis badly hurt Monday by tbe overturn of a dump ear, on which he rode. The Herald assert that six-toed-Pete, alia Peter Adamwn, i to eae the eity for lamagca, on account of being called a monkey trainer." There is more talk of bridging the Wil- imette river st Portlsnd, but, unfortunate- talk " is not a capital thing to bridge the river with. Tbe Oriflamme brought up 350 passen rs, the largest number brought by any steamer since the mining excitement c 1862. Tbe railroad ferry boat resumed running Monday. There ia talk of forming a Celtic Society at Portland. The new steamer Dixie Thompson has bad a test of her speed by a race of twelve miles up the Willajiette with the Orjeonta, snd the Dixie came out half a mile ahead in twelve. Mr. James Cook is to have a goose race against tbe tide on the Willamette river. which shows that " tbe fools are not all dead." W. 0. Parlor stole a gold chain and re volver from Clara Jones, on Second St., and Clara had him arrested. The steamer Josie McXear has been launched after being rebuilt. Tbe Portland Hotels have been crowded. Tamalll Camaty. The TTes( Side says I. M. Johns sold bis farm across the river at McMinville, to P. W. Gillette ane Dr. Watkinds of Portland for (6,900. A new M. E. Chnrch is to be built at McMinville the present season. Mr. Reulx n Harris of Lafayette has bad a leg taken off by Dr. Peyton of Salem. He had been suffering from white swelling. THURSDAY. Hauseatlng. California is baring a first elsss sen sation to gloat over, in the long drawn out trial of Mrs. Laura D. Fair, for the murder of a prominent lawyer named A. P. Crittenden. It seems that Laura was as frail as sbe was Fair, and bad for several years been be " darling" of Crittenden, wbo, by the by, was of advanced years, bad a wjfe of a third of a century standing, and a grown up family, all of whom live to enjoy the remarkable exposures which result from tbe efforts made to defend tbe murderess. Crittenden bad promised bis Fair ooe to obtain a di vorce and live with ber, and had not kept the promise. His wife bad beea absent at tbe East for a long while, and oa ber return be went over to Oak land to meet her, and as tbey were crossing tbe bay on tbe ferry boat, to reach tbeir home In San Francisco, a veiled woman shot him dead as be sat by his wife's side. Tbii woman wss bis mistress, who could not bear to see him sitting alive by tbe side of bis own wifs. By a tort of poetic justice she shot bim with bis own pistol, and be claims to bave been In a phreoty when sbe Bred it, for sbe tells tbe Court that sbe loved him better thaa life and caonotlive without bra. Poor woman I She has several husbands yet alive, and this erring 'dead man was the husband of another woman. Tbe sickening feature of this trial is tbe reading of tbe maudlin love letters received for years past by the mistress from ber lover. These are read and thea published to the world. Another feature of this remarkable trial is tbe presence of certain strong minded, woman' rights females, wbo stand forward a the supporters of this mur deress, and who utter exclamations of approval when the prisoner passion ately asserts tbat in tbe sight of God, tbe dead man, whom sbe slew, was ber husband and belonged to no other. It is evident tbat mach sympathy bas been gained for Laura D. Fair, not because sbe deserved it, bnt because) the bas so thorougblj proved tbat sbe : was for a long time the object of the passion of the man wbo at last became the victim of her nngoveraabla temper. Society cannot afford such sympathy to exist, aad the whole matter is cause lot regret and disgust regret that tbe wife and family of Crittenden should be humiliated by each expo sure ; and disgust tbat such social eTili exist in connection with what ia termed the best society of our large cities. Perhaps an exposure of this kind may work good results ; it may at least frighten such men from placing' themselves so entirely in tbe power of such women. : -. -a Anna Dickinson told the CM -ago fol-v when tome of item, got up and got" before she was tarjugb.lbal sbe regarded it as a sign of very uonr breeding. But the folks did not tee it ia tbat light. The sales of Spiritualist literature In tbe United Slates amount to 100,000 volumes annually. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 26, 1871. City ud CosMtj Ittou, Marion Square bas been mack improved by the thinning out of the trees and Wel ling tbe ground. Yesterday even's g a heavy smoke showed that the surplus timber and brush was being burned up. - , FpaxiTrnn. Mr. Van Wagner returned by last steamer from San FraaeJsso, where he purchased a choice stock ef furniture and furnishing goods, a partwesat descrip. tion of which is contained in one ef ear new advertisements. ; .... . Breyman Bros, have an important com munication in our. advertising eolamn th morning. That firm is ia a swrioas fx, having purchased about twenty-ire thous and dollars worth of goods that are com ing by every steamer. There is a fooluh ness about their determination to sell them. . Fisu Mabkst. Glover A Mattaea have established a market north side of State street where they will keep fish, game, poul try, vegetables and such like articles. Yes terday they received Chinook aalasea and ballibut, snd they expect regular install- ments of fresh fish from Astoria hereafter. Scrqical Opehatioh. It seems tbat the report we copied from the II 'est Side that Dr. Peyton performed as amputation for Mr. Davis, of Yamhill, was incorrect. The operation was performed by Dr. Chase assisted by Drs. Littlefleld aad Jessup. It was an amputation at the knee joint. . River News. Tbe Fannie Patton yes terday brought down another thousand tacks for the Salem Mills, and beside had a good freight for below. The Shoo Fly passed up last evening bringing a fair up freight to Salem. A raft of log came down, also, and as Baxter was in town be probably owned it. Goiico To-Dat. The medical gentlemen of who'u we made mention the other day as intending to be present at the meeting of tbe National Medical Association, are to leave by morning train and take the steamer Oriflamme for San Francisco this evening. George L. Story, the extensive dealer in paints, oils, varnishes, brushes and wall paper. Front street, Portland, we notice by tbe Portland papers has been receiving large lots of goods lately. His advertise ment will be found in another column aad he will be found an excellent sua to deal with. A bovine, of wild temper, lied up in all imaginable tbares aud unmanageable still, was a candidate for passage by ears yes- terday and disagreeing as to price of pas sage the owner negotiated for transit to Portland by river. How tho bull is to reach that place we can't say, bnt they need such an animal badly at the tbe emporium and and we hope he will get safely through. Citt Taxes. It will be seen that the City Fsdiers have raised the eity taxes another mill, making seven mill in all. This has been done on account of an exist ing eity indebtedness of about $3,000. Tbe expenses ef improvement on Willson's Avenne amount ts ner (1,100, and on Ma rion Square $200. Tbe city wis put to SB expense of about' $1,000 by tbe smallpox prevailing bere as it did, and these are items more than sufficient to account for the eity tax. Laud Applications. Those who have bad their applications for the purchase of State lands on file without remitting one- third of tbe purchase money, and all those ho make such applications hereafter, will see by the notice published elsewhere by the Board of State Lands Commissioners, that no application will be received without such remittance and those on file will be considered void in sixfy day unless one- third the purchase money i remitted within that time. Medical ad Siroical Repostrs The first quarterly is:ue of tbe second vol ume or this journal is received, containing as original communications an article by Dr. Fiske, "The Footsteps of tire Epi demic," which is an interesting sketch of our last year with smallpox. Variola snd Varioloid," by Dr. E. Y. tha'e, bow ing bow these occur eotemporaneouIy snd after successful vaccination. A sketch of late practice among smallpox eases, by Dr. Carpenter ; also by same an article on "Examination of Recruits and for Life In surance." Tbe editorial notes are interest ing and the selected articles are well chosen. The Journal is under charge of Dr. Fiske, Carnenter and Chase. aI gentlemen of ability and under their management and with their literary and professional ability it must succeed. Frank A. Cook i the Publisher. - Drake's Foundry and Machine Shop is doing a fair business. Casting goes en about every five days, and there is consid erable work on hand. The sill for th door and window of the Penitentiary are now being made. We'notice a Pitt" thresh er and separator which is being altered for Mr. Hawly, of Bethel, to form part of bis new arrangement for threshing the grain a the header cnts it. Drake I also fixing up the Urge force pump which was purchased some time since to be put np in the flouring mill aa a sort of local water works, which was never done, but Is about to be done oon. " Responsible Busisa." Tbs iferewrjr lately asserted, when discussing th object of brass band, and the faet that w have none regularly organised, that "where it oome down to good responsible blowing through brass horn w ain't there," which eall out the remark from Mr. 3. H. Haas, an accomplished musician, that last Fourth of July he did soma "good responsible blowing" en Democratic promise to pay, aod . loose promise are repomible for twelve dollars balance that remains unpaid. The fact is we have a good band here hut that sort of encouragement has lessened it arder to keep in practice. Council leetlsc 'On Tuesday sight tbe Cewseil met In regular session, all the members being pres ent except Messrs. Miller and Dickenson Several bills were reported back frem the Committee en Accounts aad Current Ex pense, aad ordered paid. - ' Mr. Wood worth, from the Committee ea Streets and Public Property, reported pro gress with the improvement ea the public avenues. The Street Commissioner submitted recommendation that an Ordinance be passed Io eoarpel parties to etssa np about their business premises. Tbs matter wa referred to the Committee oa Ordinances with instructions to report an Ordinance oa the abject. Oa motion of Mr. Wssdwsrth the lax for tbe present year wss increased from six to seven mills ' t - Chief Engineer Wrighl, Mag present railed atteatioa ts ths neeecsity for a bell tower for Engine Co. No, 1, and a h tower for Engine Co. No. J. The subject wss referred to tbe Committee n Fire and Water, with instruction ts report oa it at tbe next meeting. " :'; !: . A Chicago girl saye sbe does not get married for tbe reason tbat she does not know whose husband she might I marrying.' Dr. Hertmuller, n German physician avers tbat ia this country nnweddeo women live on an average eight or tea year loegtr than wives and mothers of families. Democratic Iuaet. The Southern element of Democracy always aid aad always will rule th party. ; lis leaders go in for success, and bave always bad ts rely on tbe chivalry of the Southern Slates to achieve it ; and to-day if tbey bad not tied to Ku Klax white supremacy, the bark of States rights Democracy wonld be drifting helplessly down stream. It is by the aid of tbe ultra secession South, tbat Democracy bopee to sup plant Republicanism ia 1872, and over turn Grant, and tbey stand about tbe same chance to do it now, that tbey did when tbe late lamented Lee was tbe leader of the opposition in 1865, just six years ago, when be led tbe best or ganisation Democracy ever led out to wards Appomattox, aad thence over threw Grant's plans, for. the campaign by an unconditional surrender. Coming events cast tbeir shadows before, aad so tbe Democratic platform for another Presidential election is be ing forahadowed by the words and acts of tbe Southern opposition. Frank Blair struck tbe key note, when be declared for the setting asids of reconstruction, aud tbe overthrow of tbe constitutional amendments, and the echo, not at all faint, but louder tban tbe rallying cry, came back from Alabams, and Missis sippi, aod Kentucky, sounded by every truly Democratic organ, clamorous for the recognition of tbe platform under wbicb tbe Confederacy was organised under which Jeffersin Davis governed ; under which Confederate Generals ral lied tbe Southern armies to make fierce raids across tbe northern border. That idee as plainly expressed is that " white supremacy " be a cardinal feature ot our government, which means, in Democratic logic, tbat civil rights must be taken away from the colored race aod tbey must lapse again into a condi tion of servitude. Tbey teem to fear that white supremacy is in danger from fair competition, and can only exist by special legislation. All Southern Dem ocratie organs claim tbat the party is sue is, aud must be, opposition to re construction, and this was tbe text of a recent speech delivered by tbe immortal patriot Ji Oeraoa Davis himself, only a short lime since, when be touched tbe earls of Southern beroes by asserting tbat the "lost cause" would yet be indicated, aad predicted tbat be him self would yet live to be again their representative Oa, Democracy I to the rescue I Jeff. Davis and liberty your watchword, and be your leader, for Southern men are not such a callow brood as to tamely submit to any leader ship than such as tbey prefer, aod the time is close at band when the party most assume i's true colors, sud sum mon Jeff Davit again to the (rent as its champion. S tate News. Psrltaisa. From fne Ilollelin of the 19th: The many frirnJs of Mrs. F. F. Victor will be pleased to learn tbat she returned to Ore gon by the Oriflamme on Mondsy evening. The name of tbe young man drowned at tbe Caiapooia bridge, on the Oregon A California Railroad, wa Richards, lie has a brother in this city, who ha gone to tbe front to aasist in the search for the body, which had not beea found np to Js terday morning. The Overland Circs Company la having it wagnnt and outfit generally prepared for the Summer traveling. The painting of the Band chariot and baggage wagons is go! nit on In lb eity, while the horse and mea are traiaiag st the eamp on Switiler's. It is expected tbey will perform in this city sbout the 12th of. May. The real estate agents of this city will meet at the office of Messrs. Russell, Ferry Wo lward, for the purpose of mutual benefit ia a business point of view, by adopt ing plans to be pursued lor the protection of tbeir interests against outside interfer ence. From the Herald : A man named James Lamb, whs srrived in town s few days ago from alem. hi seen missing sines Satur day, and no trace of bim can be found. The Annie Stewart, which is to run In opposition Io tbe boat of theO. S. N. Co., to Astoria, is expected bere by Saturday or Sunday. She wa Io leave Ban Fran cisco on the loth. A female magician, wbe bas been pay ing in San Francisco for some time past, arrived here on the last steamer. She has engaged the Oro Fino Theatre, and will give a eerie of exhibition there, commenc ing on Monday next. Tbe Oregimian learns that Mr. J. L. Hallet, tbe present Assistant Superinten dent of tbe O. k C. railroad, goes to the front to act OS Superintent of construction. His place on the line will be taken to-dsy by Mr. Hildretb, late of the Central Pa cific road, whs arrived by the last steamer. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Ksstsrm ajsrs. Woahingtoa, April p7.Ia t'je House, Mr. Ksodell moved to suspend th rules. so a to adopt a resolution requesting the President to have the eass of th Fenian prisoner in Canadian prisons presented to the Joint High Commission, with a view of sffssUag tbeir relaete. Negatived: Yeas, 4; nay, 90 leas than two-third affirma tive. - Apslicatioa was received to-day at the Treasury Department, .from St. Petersburg, for an agency for negotiating ths new loan. to be established ia that eity. Tbe appli cation wss accompanied by a subscription ef ten millions to the loan by the house ap plying for the agency. Washington, April 18. The Democratic members of Congress met sgaia in caucus to-night, but the Committee to prepare aa address not being ready to report, tbey ad journed until to-morrow night; but if .Con gress should adjourn to-morrow, the ean eus will meet immediately after tbe close of lb session. ' - ; It is nnomeislly stated by Serena Sena tors that the President will convene ths Senate in sxeeotive session about May la, by which time it is now supposed the Joint High Commission will have concluded its labors. ' ' -it.. The General Rermbliraa Committee ef the District ef Ceiambi waited apse tbe President te-diy and preseoted resolution sdopted by the Republics Coaveatioo, ia sever ef th appoin Latent of Fred. Dougla.s as Secretary of the new government. if a vacancy occur by tao ejeetiss) of Osaersl Shipasaa as Delegate ts Congress. ..New York, April 18. A 7Vsae dis patch from Pari (the 18th) says Versailles troops are spreading around ths city. Teey hsv been discovered ia strength at Genoa villiers and arc extending line to St. Den nis. A new barricade bss bees erected near tbs centre of Place Vendome. The .demoli tion of (he eolsma ha been postponed until sfer the eeatLn of Hri!tt. - $2 60 General Wclff, from Neuilly, made a re eoonoirfwars to the walls of Paris and cap tured many prisoners. Boml'i eevalry has occupied three lines of railway toward Paris, rutting provincial communication. Paris, April 17. Evening Cannonading and rifle firing is heard toward Neuilly, and the sound seems to be near ing the city. Neuilly I till firmly contested. Rumors are afloat that the representa tive of the United State and England are jointly urging tbe Commune to agree to a truce. Mennotti Garibaldi has been elected e member of the Commune. The elections were a fiaeea, few person voting. The Commune has instituted a general court martial. Csllfsrstla. Ban Francisco, April 17. Dka beat Ru dolphs ia the 600 point three ball game, French carom, last night, en ths 108th in ning, scoring 500 to Rudolpbe's 487. There was constant wrangling aad quarreling be tween the panic during the entire match. Admiral Window has bsd manufactured by Tacker, on behalf of tbe Government, a gold watch, aad chain, easting $500 which bears the following inscription: " In testimony to -Capt. Tho. Long, from tbe U. S. Government, in recognition of servi ces rendered tbe erew of the Sagioaw." San Francisco, April 18. Wheat in Liv erpool, 12s sd. The Convent school (St. Catherine's) at Benicia, being hopelessly in debt. Mother Louis O'Neil has volunteered to male a tour of the Pacific States to solicit contribu tions for its relief. Mooney's Bank, or the California Saving Building Association, will pay about 75 per cent, to depositors. A dividend of 25 per cent, will be paid within ten days. Petal urn a, April 18. A meteor of great sits and daszling brilliancy was seen here this evening at 0:45, having all the e-dors of the rainbow, and leaving a train behind. Its course wa from aouthwest to north east. Visolia, April IS. A rainstorm commen ced here last evening and continued during tbe night, accompanied with hail. Showery all day. Bevada, Eureka, Nov., April 18. Last night, about o'clock, Jos. Funk wss shot sod instantly killed by his wifs, Hattie Funk. Cause, domeatie infelicity and whiskey. Coroner's Jury rendered a verdict ia accor dance with the facts. Mrs. Funk is in cus tody awaiting examination. Citj and Coanty Item. H. D. Boone has received some fine pi ano and organs and eaa sell them on tbe most reaaosable terms. Call and see them. Weatherford is getting in pile of goods He is establishing quit a haadcom job bing trade with tbe npper valley towns, and needs a large stork. Drmo oa Dead. Last summer wa one of ueh exeesaire heat tbat many of the young maple trees suffered so much as to be either dying or dead. Ws see many sew nes being set out. G. P. Terrell really bos beautiful goods nd many more to open. Tbs ladies are n raptured wilh the elegant style of dress roods he shows them and he can hardly Ind time to open his eases and sort his ;oods. M. Meyer k Son, Gri wold's old corner, ficr a great many inducements to pur jbasers. Their stock inclulc a general assortment of merchandise and they are prepared to suit the country trade with every thing that ia seasonable at reasonable rates. Just So.i-Whea we bad written that weather item, we took a glimpse at the weather, and it had commenced te cloud belors ths ink wa dry. Who care. Presickxt. One well known individual of tbi city has had the 511 luck, so the re port goes, to have his fortune told by tbe Gypsy witch with emphasis. She told him be would be hung next November. We in tend ts watch and report if I bat item comes true and give the witch credit. Worse aho Worse. A correspondent from Jefferson gives further particulars of tbe career of Mrs. John Tice, who seems to have broken loose with the sanction of a jury to go mad on. Things are out of joint hen a female dragon has ber own way to that extent. Froat mads tho earth white in North Salem night before last, and effected tender vegetation, while in South Salem, at least on the hill side south of the bride, there was no trace of it. Delikqi-eut Taxes. Mr. J. IL Reyn olds. Deputy Sheriff, can now be seen any lay traversing the streets in search of de linquent taxes, of which those interested will take due notice. Abbtvals. Judge Boise is is town hav ing nnubed holding sprint; term of Court at Yamhill. lion. W. R. Denbar returned last evening from Portland, goes back to Grand Ronde soon. We notice Mr. Oard ner Elliot.of tbe Canemab saw millsmong the guests at Chemeketa last evening. Arrest. As Mrs. Collins and a msle friend were traveling through the bridge at a faster pace thaa ths eity ordiaanoe provide for, tbey were arrested by police man Hamilton and this morning at 10 o'clock the important eass wili bs tried be fore Hi Honor the Recorder. Rivbb Bfbixbsb. The Reliance eame ap last evening with a hags load of freight for Salem merchants, who seem to like tbe riv er as well a la old times, before the railroad depot was establised onl toward the Waldo Hills. , The Albany eame down from Ef- gene with a heavy load. She made the trip from bere,'there and hack, inside of three days, which is about tha best trip on record. Fbbb Schools ea No T-r-Tbat Is the ques tion to be answered asxt Monday by th tax payers ef Salem School District, aad we eall attsotion to ths fact so keep is prom inently before the people. Let as have a fair vols sa that qsesioa, sad let tho In terested tan oat and set a they mean. We believe tbe District favors free schools, snd only a fair effort is needed to secure them.- --- Importaxt Lastj 8albs. Messrs. M. Fisk and W. B. Walker have lately par chased 690 acre of Merri weather Brows, situated on the Mill Creek Bottom, at tbe edge of the hill, abont'twelv mile south east of Salem ; price, a trifle fees thaa twelve dollars on acre. This land is two miles from Marion Ststioa and among th best In thi eounty ; of course it was bought at a bargain. Tbe same two gentlemen have purchased 1,217 acres of land on the Lockiiante, near King' Valley, in Polk eounty, for tea thossaad dollar, including S9 head of cattle, nine bead of good hones and about 80 bead of bog,' with consider able hay and grain aad farm implements. Half ths land is good bottom load aad the remainder good ttoek range." Splendid improvements, aad land all fenced. Mr. John John fob makes the title, and he bat tha rspatation of being sa excellent stock rafssr. He bas given those gentlemen a good trade, however. There 1 bnt one Unitarian coBgreen I..I, .ISJ,! .,f., per Annua in Advance No CoHVesierce. It is a faet which be come gradually apparent to ths people sf Salem that ths rail rood as now located is oo convenience to them. , If it went three miles from town it wonld be as handy for their purposes as It is now when the depot is a mils from lbs business quarter. Now there is mutuality about business ad a the river presents a monopoly by any railroad, to secure business and satisfy freighter and travellers and bave -a popular good will ia its favor, the railroad must be oper ated in the interest of tho wbe are ex pected to be its customer. What ws desire here i to have the railroad nearer the bui nera or tbe tows, and it would be greatly to the advantage of the road to be o. To talk plain about it, the building of tbe road is a present injury to Salem, and it does us all the harm it can by "being built at all. The river freights to sad from this point are great, and will alway be preferred un less the road sees its own best interest and deserves our patronage by working for tbe interests of tbe place. Tbi i a faet that will grow more evident as time passes, far we are not obliged to ass tbe railroad aad won't use it unless we are satUled with it auuMgsawot. Baptist 8. 8. Cokcebt. We give belew a programme of the exercises which are to take place this (Fridav) svening at the Opera House for the benefit of the Baptist Sabbath School. ; Judging from the char acter of the entertainment and the well known ability ot those who take part, to gether with tbe fact that a supper is to be given, and all for tbe sum of fty eentt, we are safe in saying that no one ean foil of being satisfactorily entertained. Here is the programme : Duet, piano and violin ; Song, Eve's Lamentation ; Declamation. Similia Similibus ; Solo, The Tree Calls ; Declamation, The Moneyless Man ; Quar tette, The Lord is my Shepherd Dialogue, The Skeptie ; Quartette, Night' Shade no Longer. To eloss with " America," ia whioh all are requested to join, after which upper will be served. Concert to com mence precisely st 8 o'clock. Admission, fifty cent. No ebsrge for supper. Statu Depabtmekt News. The ifem ry learn i tbat ths Governor ha pardoned Benj. Butterfield, sentenced for arson, ou recommendation of attending physician. Col. Caan will make no more deeda this month, as bs is to open a nsw set of books. Geo. Curry, Deputy 8wmp Lands Com missioner, has filed his selections for Mult nomah eounty amounting to 12,055 acres. The Oregon Central R. R. Co., has filed another map showing tbe surveys between Portland and McMinville, and Forest Grove and Astoria. We gave an sscoant of such a one several months ago. Wssr Grperree. The local of tbs liti igant organ, saw a knife grinder aad heard ef a fortune teller, and he west after an item. He had read the novels where tbe Gypsies are made to play romsatie parts, and be had, perhaps, sung the beautiful song of the " Days when we went Gypsy- i ing," aad he went with these rich roman tic ideas aglow to where the dirty tent and ths sqsalid crew, and tbe wrinkled faced hag wanted to tell his fortune for eash in hand, aud he eame away disgusted, leaving hi fortune in the hand of tbe old beldame un told. Tbs probability ia tbat thi vaga boodish race have never beard of the ''free dom of tbe press " from demand for coin, or she would have appreciated the value of a good local item, and give a first rate prognostication free. Scbvets Ordered. We learn from Supt. of Indian Affairs, Hon. A. B. Meacham, that the Surveyor General of Oregon has been instructed to bava surreys made on tbe Indian Reservations of Umatilla, Klam ath, Warm Springs and Siletx, preparatory to allotment of lands to Indians, aad sur veys will be made after July at Grand Ronde. At Umatilla the surveys will show th value ef the lands to be purchased ia ease negotiation can be made with the In dians there, er tbey will serve for purpose of allotment in esse the Indian remain there. At Last. During the last tws day w have had a sample of spring that judges pronounce to be the simoa pare ar ticle aod no mistake. We didn't like to mention it yesterday, because every weather item we have made this winter has produced a change for the worse, and we bave been threatened with bodily barm if we interfered again, but as we are bound to assert the freedom of the press we shall say something now if it rains ever so hard. Tbe advent of spring w hail with grati tude mixed with fear that it will go back on us. Oar eat and dog are basking in the sunshine; everybody eat and dogs are. Some of our most talented fellow citisea may be seen on these sunny days leaning against the lamp posts, whittling aad whistling the sunny hour away, whioh Is the genteel, hnman style of basking. Rakes are more popular at this season than any other .especially garden rake ; and th gen tle ladies possibly neleet te make np tha bouse beds, lb - flower beds bsving the preference. The moon may or may not hare had something to do with tbs present summery aspeet ef affairs. The moon has been very ehsngeabls all winter, and the weather has not. It could not change for tha worse aad It didn't change for the bet ter. Perhaps whsa Lady Luaa gave the matter ap, ths weather changed jast ts bs contrary. We advis everybody te plant and sow, and perhaps yoa might buy a sewing snsehins to save labor. Wa kaow the clerk f thc'wsather will be down oa us for thi item. . hot wa hsv become desper ate and defy bim. That Monty Foaid. SraixariELD, April 17, 1871. Eo. 8TATr.au ax: I see that you adver tise for a Mr. Howell tbat h ha found in a brash pasture in Marion county some over (400 gold coin. I believe I knew tbe owner of thai money. Some IS or le year ago, Yinoent R. Rickett (now of Son Jose eounty, California,) wss mining ia Southern Oregon, and while on his way te Portland with a small pack train for supplies. Somewhere in Marion coanty ho lost a purse of gold coin of somewhere betwsea $100 and tS00 ; hs had to borrow ssoaey afterward to bay his provision ; V I a eoaia to my wife sad (topped with me a fews days going down and a be returned. Ricketts is now ia bad health and not mach means, and if it really is his mosey and bs could identify It, It would be ef great benefit to him.' Tours, ' M . H. Hablsw. African diamonds, over tbe fading of which eo srrsst an excitement was raised reeeatly, after dao eeiseUBe ex amination lam out to be Inmps of translaceot qaarts. . Kef the least eerioes lose to tbe French arising from the present war ts tbat of tbe timber which has been so rotblessl) wasted, aad which It will take many a loaf year te restore. Ice boats on tbe Hndsoa river make s high as sixty miles an hour ens mile a minute, beating tbe railroad rains easily. Ten thousand acres of land ia Fje were recently parchssed by a Scotch man for six pence aa acre. An aboriginal nsnrper has assumed be crow a of Abyssinia, coiling Lie Persons rem'lUlef fet nbecribtie or adrertUlnf ere isrety ftotif e4 net to Mad money 1st open' iilUii If snail under nay clnsnmetaaces; Stfi to H mit by pott office order If possible, and If not, by registered tetter. 'iiU Med will always stand tbe cost la iitk easei. ' ' -.:: i Tbi notice It glvsn oa aeeoaat ef frequent losses iacarred ef lata 14 money sent la open letters. " JTefeuUBai Card. a. rATToa, a. s. , a. anus, a. a. ... FATTOI BKLJa. PiaJtlciaai and Smit-ons, sXsOUOOM. OSes a OrlswslsVs asla, an seer s tbs kss Q.W.RHODES, (Omce (a Ossra il!dlafj LIBBRTT ITIK1T, UUI. PLAM8 AND ePBoTIcATlOirS, AND 40CTJ rsts Detail awswlsss isisHBea Ssr a l ses crlptiou of boUdmc sad seysrmtendsac trtc B.eAarsrrxa,a.v a. . cassa, a. a. DR'I GARrEITIH sfc CHA1I OSMos em t.lsst-tr at- SALEhf r i t i. t OHEGOI Sstem, Ces. tts, lfltv . JAMBS a. KICHAHDSOaT, M. D PhyRiciannnd Mnrgg-esoai! (late of Bcurrae Beapttal aTtitln Ossssjs N fork City., OSBse la Mf Brack. BsScaa, rsa re ares. JLs-wsvmaa. IBPaOA WATBIBB. Attorneys At Za.w ALUS, 'OKMON. Office la FaUoal Wtcs,a slabs, las ream oa too front. asvMsswtl J. o. oROBBa, ssurx, - Late si sslesa, Physician n 11 1 HurgcGou, Offers bis professional service to tbe citizen of Dallas and vicinity. Nov. ldwlf 1. 1. casus, .o. aneavASS, Metary PssH . .CAPLKI SV lOEKLAID. Attorneys at Law, roHTisviTD, oazaoar. Ofllee, up stairs a, E corner Prsc aad Wa,s Inftoa streets Dept. si. lSm 'A. at. BELT, U. Dn OSes and rssidenes eoraar TJnioa and caarsa streets, -8ALEM,ORKUOX Orders can bs left st SooUmt's Drag Mora. POW KU. as sTtalBB Attwsrys mm CsssMlersl Law aad acnJeltare la Caxaassry, ALU AM V OKEQO ts. s-LIM-AOTAKT rt7Bs.lO. Collections and csaveyasce promptly tt cased J. L. COLLI! a, Attorney at Xa-w. DALLAS, OBGOOB. - Prompt alii nttoa srvea -s tsawm. cVwofuiwj. Ciittecttons are transaction at Best Estate. Oo so stairs ts IB Com Mas. seslStf B. S. BABUEB, notary Public. II A MUM E R o.. , j . Attorney st law. T fit BY Orloe evwr the Bank, aALKM, ... - lOBBOOB RBAL aal BAL KSVATE, 1BSCBAMCB OeHeetins Agent. Krai EstsU tat the eity acs coup try for sale. Abstract t ail titles In sf irlon eosaty. Baiem. Dee. 4, 1S70. SAwU rABBias A Aiwmaaa, Portiaae. O. W. BOTAL, rattan Block, . C W. ROYAL, Real Estate Agent. CU? By ostrtr BBS Par far sals. rent aod nan oatlaw4. Boaaa to 114U , aSOalB J. HALT, Attorney & Counselor at Law, BUESA VIST, 01EGOV. Win practice in PoBj sn4 sdlolslas; eeasjUss. . (argsllecUons sues44 Is Breasti. fcvlstf W. LA IB BILL iitbs. a. wnxiisa. Pw surly el Salii, k W1LLI1BS HILL, THAYER Ittorarj roielort-at-Uw. Win practice la Prsrsl osd Puts Ossrta. USBes Its Wlrst Be. (sear nsU Bee), Portias, Itrefsa. feel uU I y E. J. NORTHRUP, (Bucceaeor te I BKvlhrsp A 0 J IMFOETKR AMD DKALU 1.1 I A. XL r W A. Tt E , IRON ARO STEEL, Dubs, Spokes, Felloes, etc. lsllrA.I HaTlMSs asCsWtrs Basm Hsahwiann,saa raaclaaa, Csl. H. E. Th attention of th snstls Is sspsdalty called le th fact that I bava reessMd ths ssis s( IRON AND STEEL, Bavtop; parehssed th 4 0. is ef A. L. tanswa E. J. NORTIIBUP, 13 1 Sraat at Vi PvMSdswlm mm I. S, a, V aa statu , rerttaaa, Ortfsa. BOOK AND MUSIC STORE I Hs D. BOON, CsaasaersAswl atresSa Salea BOOKS, aTATIOaTBRT, school xtooxce. at La. a K BOOKS, WAU..PAPBS, kTASCY SMSJtMl rUatjej, , OMUI. MUSICAL 177ST11UIIEITT3. , Initial Stationery, Eta, Takes pisASUKS is Airnouncisa twat a ass aaaS s faU meek sf the ti a. direct n-e Eastern mssafaetarea, aad Is est ts aeU at ths ttwsst rstea. A.X WHOLESALE- At Untie Whits) Leael-Pnre. Vsrasj she ssr erases st wmto: Pa cross's BssS-sa OssU OU, Ctemslassrtal OwalOU, aC MhlBT m4 ttBdadlo OU. Lard OU ware Had Unseal OU, BVaw LLas4 OO, Tarasatlas, Shu, Wormian law (llakaaS a assets a rnaaee sj htaaa. TsUew Oeare, : , WlsAsw lass, Fsstcw asasrlste;'. wr Baa'ss -Ccwasssa ax 4 ratsrtod. Mrs v.. MBw. (