V! - BOW BAT TAI fVR HIGH. " I'm" youst gon't dellt you of a dcitbr girl,' Vot I meet tb ouderday, Van right away ejrrick I fall U lnff. ' 9 Ad rit tn m b My ' 8b wu walking fcy sis Praewsy down, 8b t Unit bar yy " I mtkM BsitiBsj baa fnlMi t Bat ibo My 4 '6koo Fly." . , . . (fwoaca Ob, Tab) Eha I inch a Utila dewx, "End tba likapooty valt soot Lager Beer. 8s tm da yeotiaat luetlw deateh girt In ail dot tow..-r -mH ' .:-.'; TJnd got racb pwoty plank y, , -, Vao ber I ewe, aba Tick of ma TJd My to dm "SkoFly." Iter dress It waa looped up Denial t n II tui so ale and loose, ' ' As she rent aeroM tb sy I seen, 1 -' So bad oa rodeo saoe f By ehaaoa rba dripped, and fell right down Und dea aoaaneacad to gTy, I roont right away and ptrkvd bar p. ' ; But aba aajr to at 8kow Fly," ;- Caleb QI, jahlshaja ant;) eto.!t r I Talked Mitt bar to bar biai dot day, V. Vot ve said I dell's you bow,. . I ask her oil aba would gonrent .., To become my own dear frou, Sh boring ber baad alewal ailo,' l'nt dca via a mit her era . 1 1-.. De amor aha goe tbs "Tab,1 Xuw how dat va for high. Cnoxra Oh, Tab t ha is oeb a little dear, Jnd ah tikea penry reH gootLage Boor. Sh? at da pootieet lu.il. deafest girl in all dot ton, -Vnd got mob pmtjpHek tyt,T Ven bar I tea. aha ma tea Ux tut, , Now dat Va for High. Tkt laualilsaat vwatraaasl. FOB. TW TATtsIA. ' ' ' Tm yean ago it wu maaater and ilara; Six year ago it was; coma bo be bra re; And help u cloan out the rile Yankees; We're your friend and protector And ynor true benefactor ...-"- Your freedom's all right so stay with ns: A ad sboald (run desert Oar feelings 'twould hurt And to hill yoa wsjrald ha rary griaroaa. Bat tba hrav. oontnband Bailed a anil that wu Maud And aaawared; "wby Bun no thank" And left than to flea from tha Yankee. Fimr years art rtwwe, "Take a back aeat" In tim f UswaMw y aw.' araved 'a basa And tua darkies wera worae tbsn tbe laoaeea. Ts yawn aga it .' huty tba past,- ' I And yr rotes for east," And they begged them to do so with thank. But tba bold contraband . Smiled scaila thai waa bland, - Quito mt bad aa s IiMthan Chinee. And all the reply It a blink cf his ey ', ' Thai My plainly; "dis darkay am free.' We mentioned aocna tima aince tba' there tl a prospect that the Uorern msnt would withdraw front market aad from leitlemeat ft largo body of land ru South Eastern ' Oregon tor the aor posa of locating thereon all tbe Indian tribe of oar State, and prorlding tbem with home is n eosntry Isolated from travel and from white (ettlemeata. Tbia plan baa many advantage, and it will te teen by the following letter from the. CommUaiooor of - Iodiao Affair, to the Superintendent here, Eon. A. B. Meacbam, that the ment or i resolred on, and Mr. kleachain is instructed to make the (election. A glance at tbe map of Oregon will (how that tbe region . reeerved comprises bout a hundred (qnare mile of the loutbern portion of Grant and Baker counties, bordered By Idaho on the east, or rather leering a atrip of 10 or 15 mile between it nod -tbe Idaho line, and on tbe tooth by the State of Nevada. It doe not take any part of Jackson county and the Klamath eoun try, and lie entirely south of the tel tlement and mine now worked to Biker and Grant counties. Tbe letter i as follows: - . , , i -. Waihihotok, D.C., March 16th. Sir: You are hereby; informed, tbat npon report of this office and reeom- mendaiion at 4be Hod. Secretary of tbe Interior, .an executive order baa issued, dated 14tU Instant, directing that that pcrtion of tbe State of Ore cos Uine between the forty-second nd forty-fo'jrtb prfrllet of north lati tude and tbe one hundred and seven teenth and one hundred and twentieth decree of west iocgitnde, (excepting ro uineh thereof as may bnv been or mar hereafter be frraoted for military or we goo. road purposes), be with iino f. oa market a pabhc lands for ihe space of tighteen , months, with a view to the av lection of a reeervatiou upou which to collect alltbe Indians in tbat 3 late east of the-Cascade mouuUios, except those, who may l'ect land in severalty, npon the res ervatioo, on which they are located. Yon are hereby instructed to pro ceed vo (elect (ub aeservation with out unnecessary delay. v Very Respectfully, Sor Obedient SermoV - , VV, c"- 8.-Ptm, ""'-' '' GomtxtiMivDer. To A, B. f(4Bw,' - Superintendent cf Indian Affair. 1 Letter rroa Captain John SnUk. wits Sraisos AoBKCY.V i - March S2, 1871. Eo. VoexTAixisa: I desire space in your column for a brief reply to some of the statement made is the letter of T. Merpli to tbe Commissioners of In dian affairs, under date of. Washington City, Jebruary 13, 1871. ,5o h.r-M relates to this Agucj there if a palpa ble snis-etatemeot, made with the it- tea tioo, erideatly ef misleading the authorities, and tbe public aa M the true state ef the ease. - ; When I came here In 1866 aa, Agent for tbe Wasco, Tinlnoe, Upper and Lower Deschates, known as the " Con federated Tribes and Bands in Middle Oregon," a more degraded rascally set of bamaa being did aot exist oa the globei I do belief e: Whisky drinking, gambling, polygamy, the cuttom of baying "aad seUlag women, asd all known crimes hid fall sway nOtwithV standing tbey bad been under tbe eon trol of "T. Mespite, Pariah Priest and Adminis'rator of the Diocese of Monta na aad Idahe Territories.'', ,-During my temporary absence in the summer of 1867 tbe Agency ; was viitd by a a Priest who he'd eerviee with the . Indians. l",' , ..,"'. On my return, ' tbey informed me that they bad bold a council immedi- atel after the service held by tbe Priest, which was largely attended, and in which: they unanimously re- sol red , to request me to write and in form tbe Priet tbat they preferred to dispense with hi further service and giving as bneof their 'reesoat fVrr thi course, tbat they had bo faith ia his professions, end were afraid of a repe tition of the Whitman Massacre under bis teich'og. I did jiot write aa r quested ; but io tbe fall of 1868 tbe samrfrieBt returned and held services with the Indians., who again immedi ately failed .a council and again re quested me to ioform the Priest of their wishes. This action of tbe Indians was known only to themselves until it was conaumatsd j asd U a onclniiv refnt'atioa of 5 the statement "of T Mepplie. Parieb Priest t4 Admiais trator of the Diocese of Montana and Idaho Territories", tbat a 'great m jority of these Iodiaas are Catholics Very respsctfullytXonr 00' erant i, ;-.y JOSK SMITH. V Kt Bridgeport, Ct., possesses the himpion mean man ia tbe person of a oi' f who S'olc the crape from the dor kn b il the botre Of a CiUxeu wboe son lay dead within. " - J-: A I'-ohvibst passsd over East Sag ii, Mib., j a local het, took dnewn 7od share ef tbe sign ai ehimney. and or op the slate roof O the U-ihodist Cnurcb. Fre ficnooU. .- , Th ,TOerii of thii' School District have resolved to raie ft Uk of two and a, half villa for the tnpport of publio cnoff In (om .Bi4t- , Tno.Bioterof this reioluUon mrgwed tbt, Jfbn pro ced of thhi tx,dde4 to the Amount coming to tbe District free the) publio rand wosM be (ufficient to mslnUln otlr chool for the year, but Mr. Jos. Hwimaa, tit oldest school director, a 1 gentivmaw who has lens; filled tbat po rtion and take a molt praiseworthy interest la the Common School Srtem, inform n tbat the revenue contem plated wilt mot fully nwr tbat par pose, bnt ft "will reduce the' fee for tuf- tiou to a merely aominal sum and en able tbe directors to make tba schools practically free for ebadrea whoso pa : renU are poof. r ir' :' " " .'J': ".. " ;!; his Idea of school ha ialway been bUterly opposed by a few of the heavi est tax payers of aar city, aad the ob jections bV been publicly mad that to. mks our school free, would in dece many to come here jo t to impose on! o by moving to town to kt a school tbeir cbildrto. This is very narrow minded view to take of aa Im portant safest, Wt have reached an era when te neaemes eeeasary to show enterprise and progre.' Salem oceu pirs'an important position a the see ood, city of : the State, and. If .we 'wish to maintala dt we mast knp jUph wit!t " tbe times," 'and a little ahead t utkm certainly w , must not drop bhiad Among the thou., and of families who wilt com her to settle Hi our towns, a fair proportion will be uaueoced, in favor pi the place wlero (ree seboola are ably mainUiaed, and we beTieve tbat a mere money inveitm'eoS tbe rott' of free school will fnily repay tb xpaditure.. We view tba actio of the- District f oters, there iofewlllt saMslasttoo, o4 anticipate there'rom results tbat will prove 'bene ficial to flureity and advance Its rat terial interests. j '; Best KsUte TrMsftn.. t . 1 " L f .'.) ; Deeds Bled for record for tbe week ending April Iitmi : "-' ' ." ' 'V. Thomas' lfJ White" to' Martbe H. Ab: croft, 23 acres land, T 4, S B, 1 t est ; con-.iUiatil.a&tfn.- '-i. .?: .i !!- Ji.r'T John Huaard aud wife tJ John How, lots 7. A 81itT)lock IT, and lot t In block 8, Salem; consideration, $3,350. " "" ' , ,( ' Saa'l Brewa and wifa to Wl M. Kiser. 1 lot iaGervnisj ooawideratioo, $75. -. ' ' State of Oregon to Silas Jones, lota 2, 4, 7, T 8, 8 K, 8 West is See. 3, contain ing 126.87 acres; consideration, $342. A. H. Cornelius Jr. to A. H." Cornelias Sen, the undivided half of 480 acre of land in See. 7, I 9, S K, ! Westj oonsi.ltr ation, tibi. . Absolora Cornelius Sen. to Newton 0. Parker, 200 acres in Sec. 7, T 9, 8 R, 2 West; consideration, $1,000. 0. H. Pi Cornelius to George Cornelius, 60 acre in Sao. 5, T , S R. 2 wait; con sideration, $604. , George Cornelius to Newton Oi Parker, 12 acres, See. 8, T 9, S R, 2 West; consider ation; $180." " ; ; George Cornelias to Absolom II. Cornel ius. 10j acres in Sec. 8. T 9, S B, 2 West ; consideratioB, $157 50 Oearge Cornelias to O. H. Cornelius, 140 acres Sec. T, T 9, 8 R, 2 West ) eon aideration, $S09. " ." ' ..' . George Cornelius to A. II. Cornelius, 1.80 acre, T 9, 8 R, 2 West j considera tion, $12. - W. B. Fordjoo to Beajamin Eimsey, lots 11 sk 12 ia block 2, 8ablimity ; considera tion $26. - t" '- "i '- A. B. Smith A wife to Geo. P. Budlong, lot 8 in block 60, Salem consideration, $1,500. John F. Miller A wife to Stephen Frost, 59 acres, T 7, SB, West j consideration, $U00. ,' ,V , Alfred Staatoo A wife to-Louisa A. Woods, 93 acres in T 7, 8 B, 8 West '; con sideration, $5,600, George L. Woods to Alfred Stanton, lots 1 A 2 in block 87, Salem; .consideration, $5,ooo.- . . ' : . F. M. Shepard to Douglas Parker. 59 acres of land in Sec 36, T 6, S R, 1 West ; consideration, $370. Alonso Muser to W. W. Saunders, 100 acres, T B, S B, 1 West ; consideration, $1,000. 1 W. W. Saunders to Alonio Hoser, lots 17 A 20, North in SilTerlon ; consideration, $5oo'. '., . J. H. Bolin A wife to Alonso Mosar, X E J of lots 20 A 23, SUrerton ; consid eration, $75. CoseasustAi Bowk Obtaixb a Di vorcb is ConsscTicot. It ha just been ascertained here tbat Christopher C. . Bowen, tbe member of Congress from Charleston, S. C, obtained a dis vorce ia New Haven at the last Octo ber term of the Supreme Court, before Judge Phelps. On Saturday last A D. Osborne, Clerk of. the Courts for that county, received a letter from George P, Fisber, the District Attor ney of the District, of Columbia, atk ' log if Christopher C. Bowea bad not obtained a divorce In New Haven. Coon examining tbe record -it was . found that a decree wa .granted Bow en oa the 23d ut November last, divore Intr him 2 from France Bowen, of Augusta, Georgia.' ;Tbe petition was dated Sentemher 7ta; 1870. and with it was) a return showing that oo J. B i Williams wore before a notary named Samuel Iron, in Brooklyn, New York, i tbat ha served a copy of the petition ; upon France Bswen in Augusta. Oeor ria. a the 26th of September. The : attestation beers' date September 27th. , Tbe petition was granted upon tbe evi dence of Bowen or a man personating . h!a, and tbat of tbe man William (The petition wa brought by, tbe at- i torney, unarie n. owier, wno oKurca ! io the IUndolpbe case. It is supposed i that a copy of tbe decree is to be used : in the next trial of Bowea for bigamy. -JT. T. Herald. " Many persons suppose tbat the word ; bop, used for a dance, 1 an American ism : but that i a mictske. a appear ' from tbe following passage ia a letter from Mr. Delany (an English lady) to ber sister, dated January 10th, 1745, "Odr little bop which 1 promised Bell wa apboiated for Wednesday, but tbat proving the fast day, it is to be this evening. .,-, -.'a c ..-i Workmen putting the Springfield (Mas.) City Hall bell to right, the other night, were tbe innoeeot cause of a great deal of anxiety for some. body's baby supposed Jbj tbe public to be lost, as the strokes on' ihe, bell re sembled the ebild-loit" alarm. "Mr. Smith." said a lawyer to bis landlord, ('if a man were to give you Bve hundred dollars te keep lor hi and be died, what would yoa do 7 would vnn pray for him 7" "No. sir,' replied Smith "I'd piay Tor another like him-" Prominent at President Grant's last reception was a cilisen of Croydeo, N H . who resolutely kept bis bat on tellies! tbe usher that be bad beard bow fellows at Washington stole trn (ten bate , and be dida't mean to have his ttolen. A vein of caonrl coal, eleven feet thick ha been discovered five mile outheait ot Mansfield, Pike county Indiana. Yellow Dog Landing is a new stop pine place on ' the Cumberland river, and the 8wagglee House is the prinoi pal hotel there. - ; Ta Toronto recently a man bad hi wefe's coffin carried ihrooah tbe back wrhdow, . for fear of scratching the paint off tbe front door. A Detroit merchant, having diecharg ' I a porter, is receiving semiweekly jittl'e irons himJ pleasantly ioferos- g bim tl at the x poi t r is bo nod to urder yew at tha let favcrabl chioce detb i on yore trale." '.. 10FFXCUL.J t , ' OF THEUTsTIXD STATES. riaus at. thi TarsBSswJoa orm foarT- AN 'ACT to provide h government for the Diirictof Columbia. ; ... Ut u fmtrftjhy Olt Sctalt atim Jlovte of irf Kf-miUtt i Cniird ' Statu of Anur4 it Vumjtkm auembled: r "That all tbat part of tbe territory of the United 8totes included within the Heniot of the District ol Columbia be, and tbe same it hereby, created into a government by tbe oame of tbe District of Columbia, by wblcn name it i here by constituted a body corporate for mu aicipat purpose, and may contract and be contracted" with, sue and- be sued, plead and hi impleaded,' have a seal, and exercise all other power of a mu nicipal corporation Dot inconsistent with tbe Contitutiou aid law of the United Slates and the provisions of this act. , Sao. 3j Aad it it furtetr tnarttd, Tbat the executive power.; and authority ro and over said District of Columbia obeli be appointed by the President, hy and with tbe advice and onseatet the Sen ate, end who shall hold hi office for four years, and ontil - his uccesaor (ball be appointed sad qualified. . Tbe governor shall be acittsee of and shall bate resided within said District twelve months before bis appoi-itmect, and have the qualifications of an elector. He may grant pardoa and respite for offenses against the law of aid Dn triet enacted by tbe legislative assess, bly thereof ; -be shall commission all officers who ehaU.be elected or appciat ad to sfioe mader the laws ofitbesaid District enacted as alwsaid, and sbaU Uke ear tbav the laws be faithfully ex. ' 15C. 5. And te ft furrier enucted, That every bit! which ball bare passed the council and house Of aeirgate soaii, before it become a law, be prented to the gbvernor of ,ih District of Col umbia; if b approve, be (hall sign it, but if not. be shall return it, with his objection, to the' bouse-in which it ball have originated, wbo (ball enter tbe obiection at Urge on tnetr journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration two-tbirde or all the mem.brTt apppotnled or elected to tbe bouse "shall agree to pass tbe bill', it (ball be sent, together with the ob jections, to tbe Other bouse, by which it ahall likewise ts reconsioerea, ana if approved" by two-tbtrds Ot air the member' appointed or elected to tbat bouse, if shall become a law. ' But in all such eases" tbe vote of both booses shall be determined by yea and nays, nd tbe bames of the "person voting for aud against the bill ihall be entered on tbe journnl ot each bouse respect ively. ; If any bill (ball not be returned by the governor within ten aaj (Sun day excepted) after itball have been presented to Dim' toe same enau do a law in like manner as if he bad signed it, unles the legislative assembly by their adjournment prevent it return, to wbicb case i (ball not be a law. Sxc. 4. Id6 tf further tnaettd, 1 hat tbere ahall be appointed by tbr Presi dent, by and with tbe advice and con tent of the Senate, a secretary of taid District,' who ihall reside therein and possets '.be qualification of an elector, aud shall boid bU office for four years, and until hi successor shall be appoint ed and qualified ; be ahall record and preserve all law and proceedings ot the legislative- assembly; hereinafter coastituied, and all the acts aad prt- ceedings of the governor in his execu tive department ; be shall transmit one copy of tbe laws and journals of the I-gislative assembly within thirty days after tbe end of each session, and one copy of tbe executive- proceedings and official correspondence semi-annually, on the first days of January and July io each year, to lb President of the United States, and four copies of tbe law to tbe President of the Senate and to the Speaker of tbe House of Repre sentatives, for the use or Uoogrees ; and in case of the death, removal, res ignation, disability, or absence, of tbe governor from the District, the secreta ry (ball be, and be is hereby, author ited aod required to ex-cute and per form all tbe powers and duties ot tbe governor during such vacancy, disabil ity, or absence, or until another gover nor shall be duly appointed and quali fied to filieuttb vacancy. And iu case the office oi. , Koversar. end secretary shall both become vacant the powers, duties, aad emolument of the office of governor shall devolve upon the presi ding officer of the eon cil, aod in case- that ofhi-e shall alto be vacant, upoo tbe presiding officer of tbe bouse of of delegate, until the office snail be filled by a new appointment. , Sxc. 5. Ad be u further enaeata, l oat legislative power and attbority in said District thall be veated in a legislative sstembly as hereinafter provided. Tbe astembly shall consist ot eleven mem bers, of whom two (ball be residents of the county ouUide o tbe cities of Wasbipstoe and Ueorgetown, wbo snail be appointed by tbe President, by and with tbe advice and consent ot the ben- ate, wbo shall have tbe qualification of voter a hereinafter prescribed, five ef whom (ball be first appointed fcr the term ot one rear, aodsn for tbe period of two years, provided tbat all subse quent snpoialmenis shall be for the term of two year. . Tbe house of dele gte ibsll consist of twenty two mem ber, possessing tbe same qualification prescribed for the member of tbe eobncil, whose term of' service shall continue ou year'-' An apportionment shall be made as nearly equal as prac ticable, into eleven district for tbe election of delegates, giving- to each secttoo ef the DUti ict representation ia the ratiy of it population as nearly a may be. And the member of tbe coun cil and of tbe houke of delegates (hall reside in and be inhabitants of tbe dis trict from wbicb they ere appointed or elected, respectively. For tbe pur pose ot lb first election to be held un der this. ac, the poveroor and judges ef tbe supreme court of tbe District ef Columbia shall designate the districts for memb -rs of tbe bouse ot delegates, appoint a board of registration and per sous to' superiuteod the election and Ibe return thereof, prescribe tbe time, pUcernd manner of coed tiding such election, and . make .all needful rules aad regulation for Carrying into effect the provUioo of thi act not otherwise herein provided lot: 'Provide, That tbe first election shall be held, within sixty from the' passage of this act.' Iu the first and all subsequent election tbe persons having tbe highest number of legal vote for tbe house of delegate, respectively, tball be declared by tbe governor duly elected members of said boute. In case two or more person voted for (ball have en equal number ef votes for toe same office, or if a va cancy (bll occur ia tbe house of dele gates, the governor shall order a aew election. And tbe person tbna ap pointed aad elected to the legislative assembly (ball meet at curb time aod at such plaregwiibia tbe District a tbe governor ahall appoint; but thereafter the time, place, and manner of holding aad'eondaeting all election by tbe people, and the formation of the dis tricts lor members of the council aud house of delegates, shall be prescribed by law, aa well aa well as Ibe day of tbe commencement or the regular ses sions of the legislative astembly : Pro tided. That oo session in any oue year shall exewra tbe terra or sixty day s ex cept tbe first session, wbicb may coo tioue one hundred day. Bsc. 6. And be it further enacted. That ihe lrsrialatire assembly sbalt have power to divide tbat portion of the Di trict not included in the torporatelimiu f Washington or Georgetown into townships, not exceeding three, and create township officers, and prescribe the duties thereof; but all township officers shall te elected by the people of tbe township respectively. Sac. 1. Bud he it further enacted, Tbat all male cilia as uf tbe United States, above the age of twenty-en year, who hall have been acioal residents of taidJ District for three months prior to tbe passage ef this, act, except sash at are nee compos naentis and person cob vicied of infamous crimes, tball be en' titled to vote at sai4 election, in tbe election: district or precise ia which Vaaball thee reside, and shall has o resided for thirty 4t immediately preceediog aio eleotioo, and shall be is- M to any tffi within the said District, and for all subsequent elec tions twelve menihs prior residence ahall be required to constitute a voter; but tbe legislative assembly (ball bave no right to: abridge oT.tiait the right of suBrage. Sec 8. And be it further enacted, That no person who has been or beieifier sbaU be convicted of bribery, perjary, or other infamous Crime, nor any per son wbo has been or may be a collector or holder of publio moneys , wbo shall not have aot accounted, for and paid over, upon final judgment duly recover ed according to iaw, all aucb moneys Jqe from him, shall be eligibl- to tbe legmlative, assets My or to any office of profit or trust iu aitid District, " : tsEU. 9. -And it it further ennctee, That member of lb, legiclalive assembly, before tbey enter upon their official du tie, shall take and subscribe tbe fol lowing oath or affirmation" I do sol emnly swear (or affirm) that t wll sup port. tbe Constitution of tbe United (Males, and will faithfully dUchargetbe duties of tbe office uoa which I tm about to ente; and that I bave not know iugly or intentionally paid or contribu ted anything or ; made any promise iu the nature of a bribe,' to directly or in directly influence any vote at tbe elec tion at which I waa cboteo to fill the said office, and bave not accepted, nor will I accept, or receive, directly or in directly, any money or other valuable thing for any vote or influence that I may give or withhold, on any bill, res olution, or appropriation, or for any other official, act.', Any member wbo ball refuse to lake tbe oitth herein pre scribed sbaU furfeit'hi office, aod every person who (ball be convicted of hav ing (worn falsely to or of violating bis said oath (hall forfeit bis Office and be disqualified thereafter Iroiubolding any office of pfufit or trust in (aid District, and (ball be deemed guilty of perjury, and upon conviction shall be punibbed accordingly.. . ' '.",', ,. , ," Sxc. 10. Ad "be it further enadetl, That a majority of ibe legislative assembly appointed or elected to each bouse thall constitute a quorum, The house ot delegates (ball be tb julge of tbe elec tion return and .qualification, of its members. . Etch bouse shall determine the .rule of it proceedings, and shall choose it own officers, The governor ahall call the council to order at the opening of each djw aembly; abd tbe secretary of tbe District (ball call the bouse of delegates to order at tbe open ing of .each new .legislative assembly, and tball preside oyer it nntil a tempo rary presiding officer shall bare been chosen and sbalt bave taken bit teat. No member (ball be exptlltd by either bouse except by a vole of twu-ibirda of all ibe members appointed or elected to that bouse. Each bouse may punish by Imprisonment any person not a, mem ber wbo sball.be guilty ot dtsresptc: '0 the boose by disorderly or contempt out behavior ja its presence; but ni such imprisonment (ball extend beyond twenty-four hour at one time.' Neither house tball, without tbe consent of the o;br, adjouru for more tbau two day?, or to any other place tbau mat in which such huue sbalt be silting. At tbe re quest of any member the yea aod nays bali be taken upon any question aod entered upon tbe journal. Sec. 11. Aud be it further enacted. That bil e may originate iu either bouse, but may be altered, amended, or rejected by tbe other : and on the Goal passage of all bill tbe vote shall be by yeas and nay upon each bill tepatUely, and ball be entered opot tbe journal, aod no bill shall become a law without tbe concurrence of a n)j mty of - the m m berg elected to each bou-e. Sec. 12. And be it farther enacted, Tbat every bill tball tie rend at large oo tflree dtflereot dys in each bouse.' No act h Ol enitrace more tbau oue subjert, and that tha I be expressed in It f t e; but if auy sutje'jt (ball be mbrced in an act wbicb tball but be expressed in its title ; rut if aoy ruhiiile, such act hall be toil ouly as to so mucb there' of a sbalt not be to expressed Io tbe title ; aod no act of tbe legislative as sembly (ball take' effect until thirty days after its page, unless, in cae of emergency, (xbicb emergency tball be expressed in the preamble or body of ihe act,) tbe legislative assembly shxll by a vote ot twc-'.buds of all tbe members appoieted or elected to elected to erb house otherwise direct Bed. 13. And be it further enacted, That no money shall be drawn from tbe treas ury of tbe District, except in pursuance of an approyriatioo made by law, and no bill making appropriation for tbe pay or salaries ot tbe officers of tbe District government (hall contain aoy yrovidon on any other tnbject. ' Bsc. 14. -dad he it further enacted. That each legislative assembly shall provide for all the appropriation necessary for Ihe ordinary and contingent expenses ol tbe government of the District anttl tbe expiration of the Grit fiscal quarter after tbe adjournment of lb next regu Jar session, the aggregate ainouot oi watch sbaU not be inrreieed without vole of two-tlrds ol the members elect ed or appointed to each bouieas herein prjndtd, tor exceed tbe amount of revenne authorised by law to be raised io sutb time, and all appropriation general or special, requiring money to be paid out of tbe District treasury from fuad belonging to tbe District hall end with such fiscal xuarter : and "oo debt, by which tbe aggregate debt of the District shall exreed Bve per cent. or the assessed property of the Dutii (halt be contracted, uolest tbe law au thorizing tbe tame tball at a general election bave been tobmltted to tbe peple and bave received a majority of tbe vote cast for member or le g'lative assembly at sucb eloction.' 'The legis lative astembly (ball provide for tbe pubtieatioa of said law io at least two newspaper le the District for three months, at least, before the vote of tbe people tball be taken oa the me. end provision shall be made ia the act for the par men t of the Interest annually as it shall 'accrnej' by e tax .levied for tbe purpose, or from other source of revenue, wbice law providing for tbe payment or turn internal hy sorb tax tball be irrepealable until tocb debt be paid : Provided, T fiat the. raw levying tbe tax tball be submitted lo tbe people with tbe law authorizing the debt to be contracted. Sec. 10. And be it farther enacted, That the legislative a mbly ahall neer grant or aotbonie extra compensation tee, or allowance t any public offioer agent, servant. oV contractor, after ter. vice has been rendered or a eontraot made, nor anth. r t the payment ot aoy claim, or y a' r thereof, hire. fie created agaiust , ia District aud.r any contract or - agreement mide,- without express authority Of law f and all so -b naautborixed agreement or eoutracis tball be null end void.''-' i flaCY It. And be it urthet Itturted, That tbe District sbalt neves pay, ease me, or become respoasible for tbe debt or lia bilities of, or in any manner give, loan or extended it eredit te or in aid of aoy public or ether corporation, association or individual. a-; !'." Sac. 17."Aael be it jurleer enacted, That the legislative assembly shall not pass special laws ia any of tba following caset, tbat i to ay : , For granting di Torcet; regulating tbe practice io court of lattice ; legulatioe the jurisdiction or duties ot justice ef the peace, police magistrates, or swearing and impanel ing jurors; remitting fines, peaaHies, or forfeitures tbe sale or mortgage of real estate be ODgiag to mitio e or other uoder disability ; rbMgiog tbe iaw tbe law of descent; increasing or decrtatii g the tees of puolio officer during tbe term Vit wbn-h -id officer! are elected ot appo nter ; granting to any corpora tiou at: O.a-xiun, or individual, nay tptciai or exclusive privilege, immuni ty, or franchise whatever. ; The legi. lative assembly sbaU have n- power to release or exitniraisb, in hole .or in part, tbe indebted, liability, or ob ligation of any corporation or iodtvid ual to the District or to any municipal corporation therein, nor abalt the let;' islativa amenably have; power to ettab lib aoj bank, tt eircnUlioo, nor to authorise aoy company or individual lo lasue note fur circulation as money or carreacy. r -. Sec. 18. Ane be s fwrther enaeted. That the legislative power of tbe District ball extend to all rigbttut subject of legislation within td District, eon sts'eut with , tbe Constitution of tb United Stales and the provisions of tbis act, subject, nevertheless, to all the re sirictionsand limitations imposed npon States by the tenth section of the first article of the Constitution of the United States; bat alt acts of the legislative assembly shall at all times be subject to repeal or modification by tbe Con gresi of the United Statot, and nothing herein ahall be construed to deprive Congrer of the power of legislation over aaid District in at ample manner as if ibis law bad not been enacted. ?E0t 19. And be it further enacted, That no member of tbe legitlative assembly shall hold or be appointed to any office which (ball have boen created or that aalary or emoluments which shall bave been increased while Be was a , member, during the term for which he wet appointed ot elected, and for one ' year after the expiration ot secb to f aed no 'person holding aoy omce oi trast or profit ender the goveranteot ef ' tbe United Siatee abaft be a snetooer oi tbe legislative assembly.- - -. . 5 Sec. 20. Aad be tt further enoctrU, xnat ' the aaid legulativ BMembly shall not have power to pan asy est pot facto 1 law, aor law Impairing the obligation or cootracit, nor te tax the properly ef j tbe Ceiled elates, nor to tax ibe Ian 4 - orolber property of aoe-reideatbigb ! er tban the land or other property of .1 reeideou; nor (ball lands or ether prep . eny in aaid district be liable to a higher ' ax, ta -.any one yar, for ail geaeral . objects, lerritorial aad municipal, than -, two dollar on every hundred dollar of tbe cash value thereof i bet tpeeiel ; taxes may be levied in particular seo-.f lious, wards, or district for tbeir par ticular -local uoprovemeD ; nor tfaaiia said territorial gozerament bave power,! to borrow money or issue stock or bead r tor aaj obirct whatever, eolesa peei-ii ally eutbortsed by an act of tbalegisla-; live assembly, passed by a, vote ol twe . oitwoNthird of the entire,' number of -each bsanch thereof, but aaid debt in no ee to exceed five per centum of tbe , assessed value of Ibe; property -of said Uittiict, unless authoriaea by a vote f -tbe people, as bereiuafier provided. Sau. 21. And belt farther enacted. That . the pto party of that purttoa ot the Die trial not included in tbe corporation of Washington or. Georgetowo, (ball But be laied, for the purpose either ot iutv proving tbe tret)H, alleys, public square, or other public properly of ibe. said cities, or either of tbem, nor for any other expenditure m a local nature for tbe exclusive benefit of (aid cilia, or either of tbem, nor (or tb paynieul -of aoy debt bertotor contracted, or. tbat may hereafter , be contracted, by - either ot (aid cities while raiuamiog . under a municipal goverumeut not co exteoatve with tue Dwtricl. , t Sua. H And be it further enacted, Tbat, tbe properly w.ilti ia tiic corporate iiuitts of- Georgetown ,aball not be taxd for the payment of, an debt, herelotore- or berwatierafler te be contracted by the corporation of Washington, uor sball -f the properly with in tbe corporal e limits ot WaauiuKlou be taxed lor the pay ment of aoy debjt hmotofore or hereaf ter to be cuutrected by the corporation -of Gnorgevuwn ; :aud lot.g at said citiv ahall (euiaio, under dwiioct nia . niqipal goveromeettUeb property with- -in the corporate limit of either of said cities tbaii ml.lii.luad tor the local , benefit of the olber : oor shall said cinoj, ot either of them, be taxed for tbe exclusive benefit ot tbe country out- , side of tbe liunls ;tb'ereof : ,:Provided, Tbat the eialjiive assembly may make ; appropriatiout for the, repair of roads, or for iba coosiruciiou , or, repair of roads, or for the conetracuou or repair ot bridgei ouUide Ibajiuils uf said cities. ' . - Sxu. 23. And be it further enueted, Tbt it shall be the duty of said legislative assembly lo maintain a ijsutn of free schools for tbe education of ibe youlh of said District, aud all coneys raised by general taxation or arising from do nation ty Cougress, or from other sources, except by bequest or devise, for school purposes, shall be appropri ated for tbe tqual beucfii ot all tbe youibs of said Dts'rict between certain ages, to be defined by law. Sec, H. And be U furthcrenaclld, That tbe said legislative assembly tball ba e power to proride lor tbe appointmeut of as many justices of tbe peace aod notaries public tor caid District as may ie deemed, neccessary, to define tbeir juri.-diclion aod prescribe tbeir duties : but justices of the peace tball not bave jurisdiction of any controversy in which me title of land may be l'l dispute, or in wbicb the debt or turn claimed tball exceed one hundred dollar : Provided, hoictver, , Tbat all justice of tbe peace and notaries public now iu commission tuall contiuue iu office till tbeir present commissions expire, unless sooner re moved pursuant to existibg laws. Sac. 2t. Andbettfurlhereanacted, Tbl (he judicial cnurta of said District shall remain as now organised until abolish ed or charged by act ot Congress ; but such legislative assembly sbaU have power to pas law modifying tbe prac tice thereof, aad conferring such addi tional jurisdiction as may be necessary to the due execution aud enforcement of the la wa of aaid District. - Sac. 26. And be it further enacted, Tbat there tball be appointed by tbe Presi dent of the United Slates, by and with ibe advice and consent of toe Senate, a board of health for aaid District, to consist of five person, whose duty it shall be to declare what (ball be deem ed du isaoces injariou to health, aod to provide. for tbe removal thereof ; to make, aod enforce regulation to prevent domestic animal from' ronbiog at large in tbe cities of Washington and George town ; to prevent tb eal uf uewhole ome food in said cities ; aad to per form sucb other dulle at tball be im posed upon laid" board by the legisla tive arembly p.-:.- Sac. SI- And be it further enactor. That the offices aod duties of register of wills, recorder or ueeas, ioitea aiaiei a -.torney, ant United State marshal for (aid District shall remain aa doder existing law till modified by act of Congress; but sai'i legislative assembly shall bave power to impose sucb additional duties upon said officers, prospectively, a may be aeceetary to tbe due eatorce meot of tbe law of (aid District., Sec. 28. And be it further enacted, That the (aid legislative assembly shall have power to create by general law, modify, repeal, or amend, within said District, corporation aggregate for religious, cbarailable, educational, industrial, or commercial purposes, and to define tbeir power aod iata!ttie : Provided, That tbe power of corporations so created ball be limsted to tbe District of Co lumbia. ' .,. . , . -Sec. 29. And te it further enaced. That ' the legislative assiembly shall Uetaoe by law wbo (bell be . entitled to relief a paupers in (aid District, and (ball pro vide by law for tbe support and m tins tainance of tuch paupers, aod for that purpose s bali raise ibe money necessary by taxation. Sec. 30. And be it further enacted, That tbe legislative assembly shall have power to provide by law for ibe elec tion or appointment of such ministerial officers as may be deemed necessary to carry into effect -the law of said Di. met, to prescribe tbeir duties, tbeir term of office, and. the rate and man ner of their compensation. r . Sec. '31.' litef le it further enacted Tbat tbe gsvernor, secretary, aud otber offi cer to be appointed purtuaot ta tbi act, tball, before tbey act aa sucb, re-, speciively, take and tabteribe an oath or affirmation before a judge of tbe su preme courlof tbe District of Colombia, or tome justice of tbe peace in tbe lim its of taid District, duly authorised to administer oaths or affirmation by tbe lawt now in force therein, or before tbe Chief Justice or some associate justice of the Supreme Court ot the United Slate, to support tbe Constitution of tbe United S.ates end faithfully to discbarge the duties ot th-ir respective offices; wbicb said oaibs, when w taken shall be certifi id by tbe person before whom tbe ume thall have beea taken ; and tuch certifi ait snail be received aud recorded by the taid secretary, among tbe executive proce-diogs ; and all civil officer in (aid District, before tbey act a aucb, shall take and tuba tcribe a like oath or affirmation berore tbe aaid governor or leeretary, or aome . judge or justice of tbe peace or tbeDis tricl, wbo may be duly commissioned and qualified, or before tbe Chief Jus tice, of tbe Supreme Court of tbe United ?S tales, wbicb aaid oath or affirmation tball be certified aod transmitted by ihe person administering tbe same to ibe secretary, to b,ty him recorded a aforesaid aod afterward tbe like oath or affirmation tball be taken and sab scribed, crrtifitd and recorded in such maooer as may be prescribed by law. Sec. 31 And be it jurthtr enacted, That tb governor ahall receive an annual salary of Ibree thousand dollar : end tbe eoretary shall receive an aanual alary of two thoosaad dollars, end tbat tbe said' salaries shall be -paid qaarter-jearly, from' the date of tbe respective appointments, at tha treasu ry of the United State; but no payment ball b made until aid officers ahall have entered npon .the dutie of their; respective appointment. The mem A bera of the legialative assembly tball entitled to receive four dollar eaen per day during their actual attendance at tee aessiou.ihereof, aad aaadditional allowance of four dollar per Cay (hall be paid to the presiding officer of each bouse for each day be shall so preside. Aod a chief clerk, one assistant clerk, oaeengroaaiug aad oneenrolliog clerk, aud a sargeaul at arm mat be cboteo for each boute; aod the. chief . clerk ball receive four dollar per day, and the aaid otber officer three dollar per das, during the aeioa of the legiala tive assembly : Provided, That there ball be but one session of tbe legisla tive assembly annually, unles, ed an extrordtnary occasion,' tbe governor shall think pre pet te cell iheJegislalive assembly together. Aod tbe governor and secretary ol tbe' District tball, iu tbe dubursement of all money appro priated by Coegre aod entrnsted to tbem, be governed eolely by the inttrue tiou of tbe Secretary eif tbe Treaiury of tbe United State, and stall aemi enonally account to tbe laid Secretary lor tbe manner in wbicb tbe aloresaiu money shall bare been expended ; at.d no expenditure Ihall be made byMbe sad legialative assembly of fund ap propriated by Coagreee, for object not especially authorised by act of Coo gresi making ' the appropriations, uor beyond the torn tbu appropriated tor webbbjeett. 1KC. SaV And ha further enaeted, That tbe UgulaUve aasewoiy ot tbe District ot Columbia bll bold, its first sessiou at sucb time and piece ia said District at the' governor thereof (ball appoint and direct Sec 34. And be it further enaeted, Tbat a Delegate to tbe Bouse ut Representa tives of tbe united States, to serve Tor tbe term of two years, wbo ahall bave tbe qealiicationa of a voter, may be elected by tbe vutert qualified to elect membtrs of tb legislative assembly, wbo shall be entitled lo ibe lame rights and privilege as are exercised and en joyed by tbe Delegate from tbe several rerritorie ot tbe Lotted States to tbe House of Representative, aed ahall also be a member of the Committee for the Disirict pf Columbia ; but tha Delegate first elected thall hold bi seal only during tbe term ol tbe Lous' rest to which he shall be elected. Tbe 6ri election eball be held at tbe lime aed place and be conducted ia sncB mabi ofr a tbe eleclioos for member of the House of Representative are conduc ted; and at all subsequent electinn tbe time, aed places and tbe. aseaner ot holding the election, (ball be pre scribed by law. Tbe person having tbe greatest number ot legal votes shall ... 1 tt i be declared by tbe governor to be duly elected, and a certificate thereof ibuii be given accordingiogly ; and tbe Con slitutlon aad all tbe laws Of tbe United Slatej, which are ' Dot locally ioappli cable, shall have the aaaie force aud fleet within tbe laid District of Co.'uut bia a eltewbere within the United Staies. "T Sec. Zii'Aud be it further ermetmd, Tbat all onuert to be appointed by tbe Pres dent of Ibe Coiled States, by aod witi tba advice end conaeot of tbe Senate lortbe District of Columbia, wbo, by virtue ot tbe provisions of aoy law now existing-, or wbicb may be enacted b Congress, are required to give security for moneys tbat may be intrusted t tbem for disbursement, shall give aucb security at sum tiuie boi iu suco man ner as the Stcrelary of tbe Tretsury may presenile Sec. 30. And be il further enacted, That tbere tball be a valuatiou takrn in tbe District of Columbia of all real astate belonging to the United Stales iu said District, except Ibe public buildings, aod tbe grounds wqicb have been dedi cated to tbe public ue as parks and squares, at least once in fire ypari, and return thereof rhnll he made by the governor io tbe I'rt sides t of the Senate and Speaker of the ll iuse ot B. -presto tauves on tbe first dat of 'be session ot Congress held after suub valuation (ball be taken, and tbe sggregata of tbe val uatiou of private property in said Dis trict, whenever made by tbe autboritr of tbe legislative astembly, shall be reported to Congress by tbe governor Provided, Tbat all valuations uf proper ty belonging to tbe United Stales shall be made by such persons as tbe Sec re tary of tbe Interior iball appoint, and under sucb regulation as he (ball pre eribe. Sec 37. And be it further enacted, Tbat Ibere snail be lo tbe District ot Colum bia a board of public work, to consist of tbe gove nor, who shall be presiden of said board ; four person, to be a- poioted by tbe President of the United Males, by and with Ibe ad nee and coa sent ot tb Senate, one ot whom sbaU be a civil eogineer,and tbe other eit tens and resident of the District, hat Ing the qualification of an elector tbere i one ot tb aaid board (ball be a cil-is-o aod leoiifeit ef Georgetown, and one of said board shall be a citisea aod resident of tb conntr outside of tbe cities ol Washington and Georgetown Tbey shall hold office for the term of four vears, unlets sooner removed by the President ot tbe United Statet Tbe board of public work tball Bave entire control ot and nuke all regula tioot which tbey tball deem Decenary tor keeping ia repair tbe HretU, areu net, alleys, and sewer ol the city, aad all other works which miy be iutrusttd to their charge by the legislative as -em bly or Congress. Tbey shall disburse opoo tbeir warrant arr moneys appro prilled, bt the United Suits, or r District of Colombia, or collected "from property-holders, in pursuance of Uw for tbe improvement of atreets, avenue aod aewers, aod roads and bridges, and shall assess In inch manner a shall be prescribed by law, upon then property adjoiuing aad to be specially benefitted by tbe tmptovemeou aolhoi ized by law aod made by tbem, a reasonable pro portioa of the cost of tbe improvement, not exceeding one-third of sucb Cost which om (ball be collected a al otber taxes are collected. ' Tbey ball make alt Beary regn'ation respect- lug tbe construction of private bkild ing in tb District ot Columbia, sub ject to the supervision of tbe legislative assembly. All contract made by tb laid board of public wo ks tball be in writing,- and bail b ligned by tbe partiee making- the same, aad a copy thereof shall be filed ia tbe office of the secretary of tbe Di1 net ; aod (aid board of public works sba.l bave no power to make contract to bind laid Diatrict to the payment of any auma of money except to pursuance of appro prialioni made ty Uw, aod aot uet such appiopriatioua shall have been made. Alt Oat acti made by tai.i board ii wbit b io which aoy member of laid board shall be personally inter ested shaft be void, and no payment shall oe uiada tbeieo by laid Diatrict or aoy ntficar thereof.- On or before tbe first M mday in November of each year, tbey ihall lobmil to each branch of the legislative asstt tubly a report of tbeir transactions during the preceding year, aod also furnish duplicates of tbe same to tbe governor, to be by bim laid before tbe President of tbe United States for transmission to the two bouses of Congress , and shall be paid tbe sum of two tbousaod five bnudred dollar each annually. Rapid Pioosiss It I raid the Northern Pacific Railway track is now laid down and ear traversing it from Dnloth to and acres the Mississippi river 113 mile. Beyond tbi point tbe grading- ia complete for 150 mile, ready for lie and rail. The will probably be lain by Jane, end the pros pect I ihat the road will be In running order for 500 mile wett of Lake Su perior before tbe froit of next Fall. Tbat front preeenta ao nch foreaida ble obttaelet aa bad to be overcome la tbe Sierra Nevada and Rocky moon tain. From Duluth to Clark' Pa tbe country it almost a dead level, and tb mountain are passed at an easy grade. Tbe hardest and elo wett work will be eocooMered or the Columbia river. It will not be a great aapriaa if ibe road ia finished to tbe beart of Montana eighteen month. from tbi date. Sae. Union. ' ' One Andrew Knaioa, of Xorridegs wock, lately coughed np a bead of herd-grass, wbicb had beea in bi lung more than tblrty-iz year. The bead bad become at bard a stone bnt tiili retained it shape. Mr and Mrs. Buchanan Reed, Mr. BntI r, Mrs. Lalnir aod Mi Anna Brewiterer ot Gen. Sberidan'a Ital ian party. . ' - Peter Cooper ha given Cooper Ins atitnte $ I Oil, 000 for a reference library. . A aaehia tbat force eotd air be tween the bide aad -flesh of animala baa beea tried in BuenoiAjrta. It aire. t bide off in on minute. : :1 1 1 Miscellaneous THE CALIFORNIA POWDER WORKS, 314 CALirUOJIlA ST.. Han. Francisco, . . ELArnJFACTTJRE AXD BATS COSSTAStlT 03 ' 11ASD Sporting, LV.in.ng, and Blasting POWDEE or sursRion quality, raisa from , , . . . TUE MILLS. It being constantly received and transported Into tha Interior, Is delivered to Ihe consume! witbin a ft w days of the time of Its manufacture, an.l la Inl very way superior to any other powder la tha market. ' We Lave been awarded succeeslvdy TH REE GOLD MEDALS Mf the kl ECU AS ICS XSTITUTB and the STA TX A HUiCVl TIRAL HOC1E 1 1 lot tin superiority oar products over all eOitrs. Wa also call attcotioo ta our HERCULES- POWDER which canibit.es all the force of ether strong aav p&MtMf note in ue, and the lifting force of the ' KST MLAS:iyO eo WDBU, UU mating tt vaetty vnperior to any other compound now iu was. -. . A circular containing, a Full description of this p ider ran be obtained on application to our office, oref any ot.'ear agents. ' JOHS r. LIIHIB, Nov. 9w6m Secretary 1) Y C II M A . C V A nv Lad r or Gentle aaaa can kul-s tl.ooa a monlH, secara tbelr i.wn hapi'tliefla ami Independent by readirig l.ychatnanry. Fast iritrltia or frml Charming, w pages. Sail turiraltoas ta a- this power uVit men or animal at will, bnsr to Mesmerise, bscouie Trance or Writing MeataaM, tkvriokB. rptf llailiaai, AkifeiMiiy, Hiil anptiy of Omens, and lrcama. ariham Young's Harem, 6utde lo Mar rtage, he ; SuO.Ooo' aoht Pent ay man In elota lor 1 1 paper oovera $1 OS. The l'hiia-1'a Star spraklr g of tha ber k says I t auttinr is Hull r llaanj a, b. a , tbe eatebratrd PsyebalQfteal lemorer, aud Uie pub.iaiier T. W. Evaa, ore of tlx oldest ea'allihd Perfumers and fublUhers in the city, the mentioa of whose aaaie m a sam cienl giiMraute ! tha nwriu of Uie witrk Ma vaa, nas tfiaat til,HHl already, .n adeertjsm i and grtllnf out Utia nrdluary book. lkrpucs In Ptyehloy rea l and oour aced at this son dertul occulei pnw'-r NOTIOK Any p rson altllnf tn act ts Agent srtB reclv a sample copy VUr-K.' aa no capital Is required, all drstnut of geowel employment houll send forth wnrk. inclosing it) cents for postage, ie T. W. gVAt, 41 i. Ufiith et , faua delph a, i'a. marl5-lm maylo-lm julyl-l m C.EO. II. IIIME8. JOB PRINTER. 94 Froit Street, PorUand. Oga. JOB PEIKTINQ CF All KINDS Promptly Executed. Portland, Sept. H.ISTD. zstf . H. CIsATJGHTUR. NOTAKY PUBLIC AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, LKBANoe, O3W50N. IILL(3Ive PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO asgoilanral sales ef ivai estat Hi Line coaa tjr, Oreaon, alao to making ami acknowledging o'. IXals and Mortgages and otli-r conveyances, a u tb pruespt ooUeeUon of aft dalma taal may b. entrusted to my eare. flic- in W UIBce batUtmc, Mala atreet, Leb vnon, Or. fou B. U. CLaUGHToN. feWwtf jiiii w. ri.KiR. Vttornej" at Law Ami Ileal Estate Agent. Oelleetlera la Cee and Carry Casus ale prsmpily attested to, VAI.CABI.K AND DrSIRABI.C LANDH OF fered for sale, Inclading, Improved Farms, Stock Rneaes, Timber Lands. T wa rnpeny. Information fumish d, and (real Inducimrnte offered to tiiose d--almu to settle In Coos and Curry coantlea. Office, Empire City, Oregon one door tfoutli of Post Office. augltf. SALE?! Boot L Shoe Store Three Doort from Oregon Candy afauufao toiy on Commercial street. T. 13. NICHOLS BAH JL'ST OPENED A Iull JF-all Htoclc, Of all Artlclet la his Line. And hat a Fine aseortmeut for Gents. Ladles Children's Wear, - Lately purchased in Sau Francisco, For Bale on Most Beaonaole Terms. -loo- Boots Made to Order IS KTKRT 8TTLE, Repairing; Dwna at Sfcart Hatlea. tft.iv 11-dt TOWN LOTS IN 3NTOX tlx Salom, THREE HI USES AND LOTS Xrx Salom for eaue v U. D. BOO r,b5.i itBGSisvoicaor CIIOIfjK TEAS, AT COX a KAHUABI'l. MarStf ONION SETTS, V kit C'ewee Tlaaatkw lee-a, OiBDKI BKKDM ef all KJasU, PJTATOCI. save., -e., at juiii hub aca. rsbttf 1IAY! HAY!! Twin stall-var bay est ahert ttetlee. Those who dee re ta poiehaae can apply at Pioneer and Saisas tirk.'i DAN CLARK aaarStf aoaarrnowa BoaSBTBltl.. FRUIT AND PRODUCE. HOWE 6l IIALla, CCMM1SSI0N MERCHANTS, And Wholesale Dealers In -. - i , i. California & Oregon Produce ' ' CF ALL KINDS. a. SOS, aaiit 410 Da-rla Strsat, Ssvsi serawclaaw. rpHS aBOTl TTRat B4TINO HAD TOIRTtE!! 1 veara experience (in connection with tha Arm of J w. Unix at tu. are! of disposing of e't-ryihinsentmsceiltoUieireare, lo tbe beat puss.bie adrautace. rjy-AU. MLB waswaatead, end FruBanUy aiade. , Refer to DANIEL LOWER, Portland. Dee30dwtr Bet Ilelmbold's Extract Bacbn. i : S t- r. .-" nli c t " i ' II T. IlELMBOLD'S COfslPOUHD FLUID Extract Catavt ba GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Juice. For Llrer Complaints, Jsaudiee, Blttoas Affec tions, s les or Nervous tieadaeh; CeaareDeas. eic. Pural Vegetable, containing do Atcrcurj, Uiaerals. or Dclrtertoui Drag ' ,;: II -::. These Pills are the racist dellehtfbttj pleasant .nrrstises superseding castor oil, aaita uinge sia.aio T lore is aothing snore ac sept a la to tlMr stomarh. They give tone, an cause neither t ansea nor grlptne pains ihej are ooinpoaed ot tlt JineM tngreUitute, After a taw day's of use ttieiu, such an luvigoratlon of the enure system ae plica as ta appe-r astracalosa la the weak aail nenrated. hUierartiag from laipraieiice nr I sease. II T. Uibold's Compound Fluid Kitraet Catawba tiraa Puis are aot svpar coatol frura the fact that sucaroated Pills do not ilissolve, but pas through the stomach with out dissolving, eonseqaeaits do aot pradace thi desired effect. THE CATAWBA GEAP PILL; being pleasant In taste aod od' r, do not necessi tate their being sugar-oattd. sUCj UTJ CaNTa PBS B-X. . E . lleni-T X. Ifelanbold'a H16ULT CONCKNTBATCD CtiMPOCKD FLltD EITK1CT SIKSAPlKILLl. Will rmiftr! evtenDrnst from fh ytm Scrofula ajrpitilU Fvr borce, 0orc liicajrs, iore Kea, f orej Legs, Sore Mouth go-re Head, l.rotvcf-.k.a, 8kin Dsifriin tU Hiwtrasi, Cankers, Runa'Dfra from tbe Krt While Swelling.. Tumor, Cinceoui AffVctlont, Nodt-, Rtckitf Glandular vehlrtfra, Nttrht Bwaata, Saaa. TcUer. Ilaafwratsi all Kittda Ouruwc hticumatUfn, ljrppU and all diatrasca Uat hare beea eatabtaheJ In the ajritem fur years. Be In i prepared expressly for trt a bar Coro pla.oU. Iu Kiood-purifjiDK I ropea Uet are fttmter than an; other preparation of farraparilla It virts the Conptexioi. a clearer area mere halthy c.tor aud reaiurta the patieoi to a stageof bealih and purity for P irliytug Uie BlooU, re rr or ing alt Chronic ConsitUittooml liMmaea arlatag lr m an toipure a; aw cf the Blood and the on It rr.Lv- ahle and etTrctual knoo Remedy for the Cure of Pains and tfweiilt'g of tha Bones U ce rations af ihe .hroat aud Lega Blotches. Pimples oa the cc KryslpHa. a.d all trtly kruption of the Mtln and be uuiyiag Uie Complextoa. Prtos l W per BoUlc. M , ., Henry T. Helmbold' CONCKNTATf D FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, THE ORKAT DKICETIC. ha cored every ease ef Dtabetes ha which II hat beeo giTeu Irritation or Ihe Necs of the HI dkr and Inflammation of the Kidneys, L'lceratmn of the KMttey and Bladder KetenUoo of the L'rlne Diseaaes of the Prostrate Utand, rjione in the Bladder. Calculus Uraeel Bnck Dust Deposit, and Mucous or Mibkr Macharges, and for ao-le-bleu and Delicate CenaiiuiUofia of both Sea- s, sttended with the follosrlng syroitoms: Iudlspo sHioa to S.acrtkta Lo s of Pvwer, lxs of Mem ory Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerve,. Trembling Hnrro- of Dsea-e, Wakefulurss Diaioaa of Visino, Pain lo t- o Back, Hot Mauds Slushing of the llorly. Dryness of the Bsin, fcup lion n the Pace, Palld Countenance, UniTersal La aitode ol the Muscular system, etc Use I by iiers'na I raw Ihe aces of elekteen to tweuty flee and from thtrty-fise to fifty. are. or ia we uec tpc or coanga of me ; arter conoae mint or lalor pains; led-wcUicg In children. B HelmboM't Kxlract Bucha I Diuretic aod Blnod-PVrtfylog. and cures all Diseases arising from habits of IHasipatloa and ewssai aad tm prudences or Life. Impuritiea of tha Blood etc., snperaedlng Copaiba In affections for which It is need aad DiphiHilc affections ia thee Dlseasra used In connection wiUi Ilelmbold's Boa Wash. LADIES. In many aSVctlons peculiar lo Ladies, Ihe Tx tract Bkm at aneqnaled by any other Remedy at in Chloro-ls, or Be enlisn. lraegklarity. Pain fa nets or Suppression of CuttomsrT Eescut lions Cicirated or feVbiriat stale ot the L' erus. Leucorrhoe or Whiles etenlify. and for all com plainla Incedvnt to Ibe ees ahetber arising ircmi ind'tcretlnn or dissipation. It Is prescribed ex lensieely by the Bintt eminent physicians and Midwiees or enfeebletl and delicate Onnstlto tlons of bote Bxes and all ages (attended with any of the abera diseases or symptoms). H T HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BCCftTJ Ct'RES DISEASES ARISING FROM IM PKI DE50B, HABITS Or DISSIPATIOM, ETC. In all their stages, at Utile expense, little or no change In diet, no Inconvenience, and no ri pens:. It caniet a freqnent desire, and giers strength to urinate thereltyrt moving bsuructions Pn-ventli and t nrinr Mrictures of the Uretha Aitaying Piln and Infiamiaat n, ao frequent U tbis class ol dircaaea, and cxpeliz.g all k o-aoooas matter. Thousands who hurt beea tbe victims of Incom petent (persons, and who tare paid heavy fees to be cared hi a short tine, have found that they hart been deceived, and tha- the ' PofarD N baa by the use of - powerful astringents," beeo dried op in the tystera to break ent tn a mors aasravated form and perhaps alter Marriage. L'ssVHeltiibold's Kxtract Bucliu for all Affec tions aad Diseaaes of Urtnary organs. Whether existing la Male or Female, from whatever c sua originaitng. and no matter of hrw long standing. Price, ob Dollar and Fifty Cents per Bottle. ' OESRY T. HELMBOLD S IMPROVED ROSE WATER. cannot be surpassed for a Face Wash, aid wtll be (band the on Iv tpeeifie remedy la every Spe cies ot Cutaneous Affection It siiee-lfly eradi cates PimpH-s, ots corbotlc Dryness, Indura ttona of tba Cataneaoe tiesnhrana, ei, dbtpels Rrtlness and Inclnicril Inflammation, Uives, Rash, Moth Pitches. Dryness of the Scalp or Nsta, Frist Kite, and all purposes for wbicb Halves or I lntmenis are nsed ; rcsioret the skin lo a state of portly and s tineas and Insures con tinued hea'shy action la ihe Usaoe of iu vessels, on which depends the the agreeable clearness and vtraa.ly at complexion so much sought and admired . But however valuable aa a t eniedy for enisling defects of the ("kin. H. T. Helm hold's Bine Water haa long aaatalned Its principal elalsa to onbouoded patronage, patronage, by possess ing which rend r It a Ti tle! ApienJsge of th Superlaltve and Congenial character, aombtne ia an ereaant formula ihoae prominent teeotsites, Safety anl efficacy Ihe Invariable arrcmpenl meata el iu nse as a Preservative and Retreahrr oi the Corcpiesl-Mi It is an excellent Lett, for liseaaes ef a Fypbltttle Natare. and aa an Injre too foe diseases f l La Urtnary Orgai.s, arauog from habits of dissipation, uael in connection witn Kxtract boeha. BaitapariBa. and Catawba ttraiw Pills In aacb d 'Sra-.cs aa recommende t, canoot be surpassed. Price, One Dollar pr Bottle. D Fall aod explicit directions accompany these sTjedtclnec Kvldewce ut tba saost resnonsHala and resUbia character turnishasl oa appltcatloB with haa dreds of thooaanda of I a ins; wtlaeaaes and up ward af to WW ae-soltte eertlAeasa aad noans nendstorv letters many ot which are from tha htfheit sovreee, toeladina eminent Phaistctans, Cierfrrraea, Btatasesens its - Tbe proprietor has avver resorted to their poblfcaitun In the news papers ; he does aat do this from fact that hit ar liclet rank aa ataadard Preparauona. ai.d dc rot need not lo be propped op by certificates. UKURY T. IIKl.InBOLD'S OsCOO lRaS PHEPAHA1 lOHS. Delivered to any address St cars fraai oboes estton, Kstallatied npwar af Twenty Tear. Sold oy Druggist everywhere. Address letter for lalor. aiatton, la confidence, to UaNKT T HKLMBOLO, Dfugtet an4 Ohewfst Oaiy Isrpott : II T HKLM HOLD'S Drag aad Chemical Waret ease. No. b94 Broadwty New York or to U t. HOLMKULO'd Medical Depot, IO South Tent!- aireer. PhHadetph a, Pa Bewar af CouMersstu Asa ar alKNKY T aUJiBOLU'o I Taktar Vef ' , HlticrMlaneoBi. TEE UEW'rOCL; For a few cents you can . bnj of your Grocer or Drngglst a package of SEA X0S3 FARIXE, made from pure Irish JLoss, or Carrageen, irhich ill make sixteen quarts of Blanc Hante, and a like quantity of Pnd dings. Custards, Creams, Char lotte .Basse, 41 Ac. It Is the cheapest, healthiest, , and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has - no , equal sis a ' light and delicate food for InTalids and Children. ' ! ' A Glorious Change .1 1 , THJE GBJCAT -WORLD'S TO SIC j .antation' Bitters. Thi wonderful vegetable restorative Is Ihe sheet-anchor of the feeble and debili tated., As a tonic aad cordial for the ag-ed nnd langn.d, It has no equal among stom achics. As a remedy for the aervons weakness to' which women : are especially sub lect, ft Is npersedlngr erery other stlmalant. In all Cli mates, tropical, temperate, or frigid, It acts s a speclfle In ' every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength nnd breaks down tbe animal spirits. For sale by II Pi-ug-gists. HoviSwly To Whom it May Concern! . FilcALPIN & DODGE, (Store f.j-meriy occupied by 0. W. 0. Gray A Co. DEILER. I X2?3T Gt-oocajsi, Cboniiiso, BOOTS) aV SnOKS, UlOrKHlKB, HARD W ARK, caocKxar. AT RKDUCF.O PRICra. Give XJs a Call ? Coffees, SuearSa Teat, pices, JJrooms. Coal Oil, Lurine Oil, Aails &cV Sail All kiads Plaster. Faleiu, March 12th, tSTI. tf aTGoods IcltvereU Pre to al part af tba Cil. Wheat! Wheat!! We will pay the Highest Market Price 20,000 brshols Good Wheat, ;SACK3 FCRM8UED. COX da BAVH.HAH.T. Balem.Nov. 8, 1ST9. dwtf ST. HELEN'S HALL. 'I' nB KKXT TE' M OF THIS SCHOOL WII L 1 befia en erlnesday, the 1st of renraary. For admission of popils applv to MI RODtfET. er BUliOP MORRIS JaoS-dAwSm. Portland. MEUSSDQFFER & BROTHER, rnatltPcrUaaa, Aobance that tbey hart rsc aired all the Late Spring Style3 Hats txxxX 0axsu Tlio Palmcto lint Belnr the leading t'.vle for the ensuing Soramer all old style llata re st Id at a reduced prsra. Cat) oa them at St . CTiartea Hotel Corner, Port land. apr.l,lawdAw J. A. RIPPERT0X, Commercial St.. Salem, HAS Jl'-T RKTrRWlCD FROfg t Fraads-o with a fall ssssilmial of goouda a FOR SPRING TRADE! INCLUDING Ladies' Dress Goods, IN RABI VARIETY, AND ALL HEW 8 ML IS. MILLINERY GOODS. Also a Urg sssnrtasaot of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHINB AND FURNISHING QOODF. ffalem, March T5, ISTt. ; J - i BLACKSMITH SHOP, RER.QYEO. BASH 01 IVE NOTirBTHiTTHETHTt KEslOVTD T their skew to the new building asseagM of of the stable of Morris tt Bean, below Ihe Cta me, eta Hotel, Bearlv appeal te tbeir esl sund, wttrra tby will b preparaa t da All Sorts of Blacksmithins AT SHORT KOTICt Btlem, March tl,18Tt. WEI st.Il P.ROX S ' I830CD KVKRl 8 A. ClAUK - U. S. OFFH JOIMCUtl'nOS Pera HAILT STATES M PbHsherl every mm " It Ascription, bi the y -p-r square of oe Inch Adrert Semen B l rquar of one Inch per PfOflce In Stewart'i Tbe Salem 1 Doring the pre deed since tbe F ioto present ban doing a hsarj and id buildiog up as for tnperior . 'manufactared and uianagement. Qn C. Kinney t Sons ciple owner and come sole propriet remain in Sao Fr buiiDess- there, tJ known as Kinney ucc.es ba tbe m. carried on and tbe managed tbat Sal brand of Sour eot most reliable mar; bipmeot being g fore their arrival, te of San Franct. Only one tenth of tured by these n. Oregon, the rem: Tbrea-fonrtb of t tbe best brands o Dd command io ery bijrbrst, fig' market.,, V havt aceriHtn tbe ex . of tbe Salem Flo last harvest, aod of wheat purcha i'proiitnate tw thouiaod buibel which i still on "bere or in ware Tb Company wi postible, night a of July and will I hundred aod fifty that time. Aa estimate a flour of tbe amou ground j)l in b crease ol busin year' work will realise somet ret of fl'jur, auu and that is much capacity of the ni should run night slant supply ot yeat, the produ 9,000 ton. Tbi. will manufacture a mnch fliur a Mills al Oregon ( Mills at Milwauk to be tb largest those, of our off past year e,veri flour bare been t foreign countries grade find (ale, docement for tbe foreign market I long aa tbey bar San Francisco ' trade. The Coxi fnsed two good tbat account. District bi It teem that f - a tax, the meetin District, lately bi Doticet not brio law, thereforefor bad other noti another meeting (next Monday) bit faet for tbe Toten ol tbe w derttaod tbat if tbey mast be pr and act and rot i a matter of v people to hare free, but there hare the miefor erfr owner at.. I of taxation com , because money wast lo keep it worship. Tbrs and have ever obtain control o a tax of about v of sailing up chool boute a tb men " of S free schools rot pot tbi rexed jjannot bar go ' other wy. Ot "tsot a efficient . cause tbey fcT Turn out ibea, perimeot of ire tried. ' ' rjoLLtbav s J at Harris burg over the railro off tbe direct ) ot tbe Willamc near Spore' fe . ran to tbos j wilt raise bim at a tubsidy. raise in tbat p be tbey caq ru Tbe fart is' the. ford to go bat 1 wi.l luse a gre doing, and not tbe boat. il greatest shipp Cfun'ry and H good tease io aod if be can Eugene and thousand dollflj ing a ery cletl true plan for t lo operate a through tb u "to win all the Colcbbis. las made mr - other county in twelve months, almost donbkt year go tbe nt H0 ta-day it constantly filli sections of Stai in the count j. . has long resid missflies tbe ii i State. Of tl there, tha ma. There ar onl cout.tv. As t set tk moots tbi peace and trt rocdtodo,w are to be bear cuit eouit, wh short time. ration, Coin good place furl be wild rose Tbe thai to rma'l tn tiroug to be rnuunJeZjr : ,