Lijrht, io low. apea earth, Yoa trad flunk te tin taa. Here U the golden close oi lore,, ! All bdj wools g it 4on. ; O ln wood tmdtfc meadow VToodi where ere hid from the wet, 8tile where we stay'd to be kind, Meadewt ta which we met T Lights o Hw la the vale,,. You Saab aad ltgbte a tier j For thi U the roldea ncralog of We And yea are his morning: iter. , - J i i f . .'; v -i ; i ' ' Flash, I am eonain r I cobm .' 3 By meadevjod stile end wood; O lighten into say eyes aad tow heart, Into my heart aaa my Mood i Heart, are yea great eaoaga For a lore that aerer tire T -. 0 heart are yoa great enoogh for lore I have beard of there and Brian. : Over the than aad briars, Over the meaeows aad etilea. Over the world to tbe end of tt Flaah for a milHoB Bailee. Tsxwyso. Wv-J A-wM1Il( wvr. - Dee it da aay good te cry , i When Bene litis eareleai word Make your heart grow hearj aad beat lu ban like a prison bird t Core it do aay good to err . If aobody lore yoa at all And nobody know how faithfully Yea hare girea your life your all? ; ' Doet tt in any good to ery When yoa art dowa alone Aal think of all they eaid and did an.. n k. X cloud part after a rain, . , t . So thiaU a weeaaa's way Of making light the beery heart . Aad brighter the ibady day. After (he thower of teart The tesder light wlU dawn Of aiweet eonteot that tea lire aalored And toU to the end ankoown. What, new, do I eara . Whether they praiie or blame T Whether they giro me a erou to bear Or the laurel wreath of fame T . ' Rorton Transcript. Litis Bay Blvxe. IT ABBT aaaa BicaAinson. Under the haystack little Boy Sloe . j Sleepi with hia head on hie arm. While jroiee f men and rolcea of maidi Are calling turn orer the farm. ' T Sheep in the meadow are running wild, When poleoneae herbage growl, Leering white tafti of downy lleeae On the thorn of the tweet wild rose. Oat in tbe fields' where' the lilken eont , , lta plamed head nodi and bowa. Where golden pumpkine ripen below, ' ' Trample the white-faced cow. But no load blasts on the abining horn Calls back the atraying aheep. And the cow may wander in hay or corn. While their keeper lie asleep. Hia roguish eyee are tightly shut, Hii dimples are all at reat ; The chubby hand, tucked under hii bead, By one roay eheek ia preaaed. Waken him T No. let dowa the ban And gather the truant sheep, Open the barnyard and drire in the cowl. For year after year we can shear the fleece, AnA cora can always be eown. Bat the eleep that risiU little Boy Blue ' Will not eome when years hare flown. A. Pwesse 1841. We giro below a poem, written here ia 1848, homoronaly describing the rush of the early pioneers to the gold mines of Cal ifornia, which' was then published in the Oregon Spectator. It is a creditable pro duction fa rrrae, aad deeerrei te be re published as a pleasant renin ieccaee oe the early days : " wimn oa ril aaaoo stictatob. Come hither Mass and tell the news, Nor be tboa a deceirer. But sing in plain poetie strain The praaent " Tofliw furor." . Hot long ago I laid me dowa, ; .. To rest in quiet alumbera ; And whilat I alept I dreamed a dream. And coined it Use numbers. I thought t saw on erery head A mighty congregation ; , A heterogeneous mass of men, Of erery name and nation. And each pursued with keen delight, ' Some honest occupation,. ' Whilst rosy health, the laborers wealth. Filled erery situation. Aad '.hen I looked, and lo I I saw A Herald bright adranoing 1 A being from some other elime, On golden pinions dancing f And as he neared the mighty erowd. He made thii proclamatioB ; In tones so clear, distinct and load. It sterteld half the nation I " Why do ye labor here," he eried, -For merely life and pleaaare, -While just beyond that mountain grey Lies wealth beyastti all measure I Tbe road la plaia, the way is smooth, 'Tie neither rough but thorny j Come leave this rugged vale and go - With me e California I There wealth is bought aad sold I And each may be partaaor I Where ftfty tons of aaest gold Are dag from every acre 1 I I" At soon d of gold, both yonag and old Forsook tbeir occupation ; -And wild confusion seemed to role . Ia every aituatioa. . An old eordwaraet beard tbe news, Aad though not much elated; , He left hi pile ef boots aad shoes, " And just, evaporated I The cooper left his tubs .and pails, Hia buckets and hia piggina; Tbe sailor left hia yards and aaila, - , And Started for the diggins.' ; The farmer left bis plough and steers. The merchant left hia measure ; The tailox dropt bis goose and shears, - And went to gather treasure. A pedagogue, attired Incog, wave ear to what was stated ; Forsook his school, bestrode a male, And then Absquatulated I - A boatmaa too, forsook his crew, Let fall his oar and paddle ; '. Aad stole bis neighbor's iron-grey. But went without a saddle 1 i. ii .? '.'. The joiner drop d bis square sad jack, The earpentor his chisel : ' The peddlar laid aside his pack, - Aad all prepared to miule I The woodman dropM his treaty axe. The tanner left his leather Tbe miller his pile ofsaoks;. . And ail west ot together 1 - ii- ' Tba'dootof eosaed bts tye aakafce, t-. " Tha nromiaad wealth deSCrviaC S Than wheeled his borae, and off he prane'd Ana lert nis paweun uui( . .... .,,.' - . ! " The preacher drop'd the holy book . Aad grained the mad illusion 1 , The herdsman left his flook aad crook, Amid the wild eoofusun 1 Tbe jadge eonsiga'd to cold neglect, The great Judicial ermine 1 Bat just which way his honor went, , -1 I eould ao( well determine. And then X saw, far la the rear, , A fat purse-proud attorney, Ceileot his last retaiausg fee, s - c o t Aad then start apoa his journey. And whea each brala ia that vast train. . Was perfectly Inverted l. . i,, My al ambers broke, aad I awoke, Aad found the place assarted. - - O. P. Q. Yam Hill, Ko,10th, 1848. Dr. Oliver .Weadell Holmes tbaa ulaatrates tba meebeuieel movsment of suecessloae of thought: My bu eelre friends tell ma .that oar horsed Battle, always .keea a cud ia their mostai. .whea -..they.. swalUw aae another immediately replaces it. If tba exeat ere bappaas to loose its cad, it meat aare aa artificial oas give a It, r, they 'atnts mi, it wUlVlw pethaps dVe. Without eomittiag myself w ins exacts! aid tba later pre tatlon of the statement, I may ass It as aa illoatratioa. Jaet la the lame way ao thought replacee another; aad la tbe sameway the mental ad is some l"eV?3M,,.-M i'Wk'ng.aadae suaLAsk -his eompaoioa to ..ply it. !'!,C; . IV" 7V 1 ?7tor' times lost aid .our friend furnishes us ,i h ' a last wofd,. or lis equivalent, aod tba jw of cooraUoo begin grinding avaio. Old DiSgooa'a Dot Old Dad good came into the ar-room the other day and took rest among the idlen there aiiemWeu. The do qaeatraa wai wader ditCutiloo) and af ter Hstealng to a few wonderfal stories, Dadreed ehinweflta m lollowi: Now, boys yoa may all talk at you please aboat the smart things dog! her none, eat l can jest vea you that sritt lay over an year stone, i doa't expect you'll believe ma ; yoa tarnal huskies around nera nr " k.1Ua a man when he's tenia toe truth. Vint this ia ai true as Gof pel. Ytuall know that 0i(t yaiier ocg of mine T Well, that uoft ii the s.u.r. at dor on this dlTide. lie's SO 10'et lectaal dog;, be is. now, auow ju won t beliere me, oot tna sr been learning to I ttg." " Learning to sing T Git out 1" to tarrnntad ana of the listeners. te v.. that's ao arerr word of It ; and I'll test tell TOU bow it was. 'Tother mgbt we bad some singin at at our bouse. You know our Sal s han wninw to the siasinz school lately, and she and the other jrals and tbe rounsr fellers that so ber got so that they can iquak like biases. To saot eTery night tbey meet at somebody's bouse and practice. Well the other nlgbt there was a whole crew on 'em at oar hoaso and the bad a bio- time. Such a screech in' and a screechiu and sooalin' and belterfa' too nerer beerd ta all your liree. You'd her thought by the noise a whole gang of torn eats bad broke looie and tackled Squire Jone's big ball aad wfcr jest harin' it hot-end hear. Well, that ar doc was la tbe room while they were itogin', and b wan the moat interested creetur I erer saw:. Be watched em beatin' timeand going tbelr manoorers, and 'peered to understand 'em all as well as they did. At first tbey snog lively tunes, you know; and nuriysooB, when they got tired of tbeie, they commenced on psalms and byms and other serious thingi. The dog, be 'peered to like these betteriu' be did tbe lively tunes, and sot down as close up to 'eat as he could while they sang. " At last the gals coaxed Jim Blow bard to sing Old Hundred.' You know what an old tfarin' base voice Jim bas. When be commenced, the dog seemed to getHread fully interest ed. He pin ted bis nose right op at the ceilin', and every time Jim came to tbe low votes he'd sorter bowl.". -Who? Jim T" - . - - V " No, blast you, tbe dog. Blowhard be song away for awhile, and jest then be turned ' round and kinder -bit his hind legs." " Gosn a mighty ! Blowbara v " Mo, yoa all-fired fool yoa, tbe dog, of course. Tbea sea I to the old wo man. 'Nancy Jane.' sea I, 'you jest bet yoar boots that dog's got somethin' in bis bead.' And Nancy Jane sex sne, 'You git out 1 sbant do it.' Jest then the dog picked up somethin and slid oat of the room quicker'n greased lightning. I didn't pay much atten tion to it, and nobody else notieed it. "When Blowhard finished, all tbe gals crowded round bim and com menced tlalterin on him, ween sudden ly we all beerd a noise. It was tbe or fullest mixed op noise ever anybody heerd. Everybody was scart nearly to death. Six of tbe gala fainted away into Blowbard'a arms all at once. Tbey wor hangin' on all sides, like string beans onto a pole. Biownara sot still for a minntt or two, bnt it was more buggin than be could stand, and be wilted rite off bis seat onto the floor and tried to crawl under the sofa. Be fara he got more'n bia bead and shoul ders under, tbe gala 'came to and caught bim by the feet and tried to pull bim out. Biownara nang onto the sofa-legs and bellered murder ; aad the gals screeched, and some on 'am run around tbe room nineteen times in a minnit before they could find any thing else to faint ooto. " I picked np a caadte and rushed out into the back yard, with two or three of the spunkiest men, and what do y oath isk that ar intellectual dog was doin'T He'd got a masie book spread out before bim, and be was a beaiia' time with his tail on a tin pan, and a bowlia' 'Old Hundred' like all possessed." Another Sew lerk Scandal. The social ethics of New Tork life are beeomijg sadly complicated. Tbe Cross scandal baa. hardly died away I before aao'.aer equally as bad comes to tbe surface- A beautiful and inter esting young lady, one of tba belles of society, goes with ber parents to Sara toga. There she meets one of tbe pro ; fessional fortune hunters who frequent those plaees.aod la the ardor of youth, falls desperately in love with hi The parents oppose the match, but tbe girl la self-willed, and tbe lover un ceasing ia his attentions. Tbe pa rents' eoneent is finally obuined, and the two are married. Then tbe char acter of tbe man shows itself. Almost rbila tbe orange blossoms are on ber brow be demands money of the yonng rife, and throughout long weary years of persecution be continues bis de mands npon ber exchequer. At the end of the first year, a child is born to the unhappy couple, and the husband introduces to his wife a. young lady ot great beauty aad accomplishments Tbe two become bosom friends, and the youog lady stands as godmother to the child. During aU this time the persecutions of the husband have not ceased. He has, it is alleged, forged bis wife's name to a check for $20,000 stolen her jewelry, and ia every way Imposed apoa her. Wearied, at last, rlth the wretched life she is leading she flies to ber parents fer protection She is taken to Franca and placed in a convent for safety, and ber mother, re turning to this country to obtain divorce for ber unbappy child, learns rlth horror that the "friend" whom ber daughter's husbaad had introduced into tbe family was in reality bia wife and that the man had been guilty o bisramy. A'ew Fori Ezprtti, Feb. UK Tba circulation of tbe London Tele graph is Dearly two hundred, thousand a day. Since thewar tbe Doiy Jvtws has mads great strides la Consequence of of the superiority of its war correspon J itac9i Lately it bad thirty-elgbt col umns of advertismnts. The Standard. the only Tory morning London daily declines ia estimation. A popular American poat utters tbe following warning to the rising gsner- tioa : la going te parties, jnst mud what yoa are Beware of your head, aad take care of yoar bat. Lest yea and tbat a favorite sea of your mother Has an ache ia the one aad a brick ia tbe . j other. Tba new city of Dulnth, at the bead of Lake Superior, still strugglss with some of tbe difficulties of savage life Recently a citlsen shot a gray wolf weighing ooa bundrsd pounds that was rowlins? eboet the Second-strett Preebyteriaa Church Jasr Lisa a Wosua. Women are said (With how much truth wa know ot) to be nothing unless they are con trary. Wa saw aa Illustration jeeter dsy. Thewire of one of oar State Sanatora I himself . leader ia the . , womaa's suffrage movement) was ia the Assembly yesterday when tbe pro posed amendment granting tba right of suffrage to . women was voted dowa actually applauded tba aotioa of tba House by clapping ber little baads together repeatedly. She kept tally ,,. ta, oa th, propoaiti,Bf expressed approbation or displea. expressed approbation or displeas ure as each member answered ta tba affirmative or negative. Carson State Kew. Mr. lalsbt'i Lecture Wa take the following from Wednes day's Bulletin: Tbe lain lecture In the coursa of six for the benefit of tbe Young Hen's Christies Association of Portland was given at' Philharmonic Hall last even ing, by tbe Rev. P. S. Enlgbt of Salem. The fall coarse bas netted tbe Anocia cia'.ioo $ 300, and bas been very inter esting, from first to last. The lecture last ten'ig by Mr. Knight upon tbe lit jf -.t 'A Corrected El'imate of tbe K ;" i -ird "' was rendered iu the hap py -.a oner tor wti'co toe speaaer is no ted, but it was not equal in extent to what be would be able to make it. It as very Interesting and bad tbe vir tue of genuine originality. It was pre sented la a very pleas tnt way, and as tbe lecturer said, at tbe start, tbat bis views would doubtless clash with the opinions of moat of his bearers respect ing tbe Eagle Bird, be was undoubted ly correct. He took tbe view tbat tbe Eagle was cot a fit bird to represent the free, progressive America, that we all boast about ; tbat there is not a single element of true nobility in the character of tbe bird, and be pointed In proof of this assertion to tbe many ugly traits in the bird's character, and referred to the many uses which bad been made of bim in tbe world'e pest history, for robbing and murderous designs, and to tbe many tyrranical governments which have placed him on their banners consistently, coticlu ding tbat for American character we want more than consistency we want progress; we want an emblem that will will go before us all the way; we want a standard of greatness and goodmess that will not shame ns in the clearest light, nor fail to lead us on tbe loftiest summit of our journey. We want the brazen and iron ages of vice, and crime, and war, to be remembered only as a dark record of sorrow and warn ng. We want its swords beaten to plowshares and its Spears to pruning hooks. We want its emblems buried ith its instruments. We want its using serpents, and its snarling ear, and roaring lions, and scream- log eagles driven back to their native ilderness, to follow their savage in stincts if they mast, until geologic changes are to usher in a more decent race of animals, as moral changes are to usher in a more decent race of men. If we are in tbe business of dethroning ings, we should discard ' their em. blems. What tbe Celestials Think of ns Chinese of Christ! avssitjr. From tot Methodist. A book which is said to be in eiten slve circulation in China will go far, it is thought, to account for the excite. meat of hostility which prevails in the Empire against foreigners. It has been made known to tbe Christian world by the translation of a mission ary at Yaogtecheou which was printed in Shanghai last Summer. The book is called " A Death-Blow to Corrupt Doctrines; A Plain Statement of Facts Published by the Gentry and People." It charges excessively corrupt aod in iquitous practictices upon tbe Chris tiaa teachers and people. Many of its allegations are of such a character that they cannot be published in this paper. Those which we can quote are atrocious enough to stimulate the worst and most savage passions. Among them are the following : ' Adherents to this religion whose bodies are dismembered after death are called 'Saints of tbe first class.' Those who have their beads cat off are Saints of the middle class.' Those who have their ears and noses cut off tbe 'inferior saints.' Children dying in Infancy are called 'virgin genii.' Wbea the woman who are keepers of the chest die they are called tbe 'chaste genii.' " Ia case of funerals, tbe religions teachers would eject all tbe relatives and friends from the bouse, and the corpse is pot into the coffin with closed doors. Both eyes are secretly taken out, and tbe orifices sealsd up with a Blaster. This they call 'sealing the eyes for the western joaroey.' If any are uawilllog to conform to these buri al customs, tbe teachers regard tbem as rebelling against the authority ot the church, and lead a crowd of men to tbeir dwelling to insult tbem in every possible way. The reason for extracting tbe eyes is this: from one hundred pounds of Chinese lead can be extracted eight pounds of silver, and tbe remaining ninety-two pounds of lead can be sold at tbe original cost But the only way to obtain this silver is by compounding trie lead with tbe eves of Chinamen. The eyes of for eigners are of no use for this purpose Hence tbey do not take out those of tbeir own people, but only those of tbe Chinese. " They nse different methods to ob tain the brains, hearts, livers, etc., of children. It is impossible to enumer ate all their practices. If we seek for the general motive which leads to foul our people, aod, under tbe false pre tense of religion,, to exterminate them Thus they wish to take possession of the Middle Kingdom. What infatua tion to embrace such a religion as thisl I have, by an extensive searching of ancient books, and by accurate obser vation, been able thus to disclose their wickedness, and to sound tba alarm so as to give you timely warning." Thb Fibst Wsik or Sraia's Nsw Kiao. A letter from Madrid of Janu ary T,says: Theyoung king is winning the hearts of all by his simplicity, generosity, and good nature. On Mob day ha took possession of his palace. On Taesday ha aent away all tbe can non ia front of it, and all tba guards iaside axeept 60. The dinner carta o 34 dishes he has cat down to four, aad ha baa shut up half the apartments in tba palace destlasd for the use of tbe royal family. Ha refuses to be driven with more than two horses, or with snore accompaniment than an outrider in front and a lackey behind, with but oaa or two of bia adjutants inside with bim. Fearfully cold as It is and bas been, be insists on aa open carriage, He rises early. The first morning be ealled for bis breakfast at 7. It wis aot ready. The majorodemo told him they had not expected bis majesty would breakfast till 11 or II. Off goes the king, with one adjutant, to tbe Hotel df Paris, and breakfasts there Aa attorney one asked Lvmaa Beecher, "Supposing tbat the parsons and tba devil saoold litigate a eanse which party do yoa think would gain rr "The devil, no doubt," replied Mr. Beecher, " as be wonld have all tba lawyers ob bis aide." Sojourner Truth usee this argument " Did Jesas eves aay aay thing against women? Not a word. But he did speak awful bard things against men.' Yoa know what tbey wre. And he knew them to be true. But be didn't, aay ntVI-- ' i . Cltj and County Item. Jadge Collins, of Dallas, was in town yesterday and gave as a call. He reports things healthy bat not over lively over ia Polk. Oranges and lemons muat be ia season somewhere, not far off, because Ferrer Bros, havs a fresh supply of each looking as if the were just picked from tbe bough. Glasses. W. W. Martin hss received another supply of those especially good spectacles,- - with pebble g lasers. Also opera glases, r l'orgncttes, and reading glasses for old age. ' . '.' Kawsrarxa Cbaxob It is rumored tbat the Dallas Republican ia to be sold to the M. E. Church, South, and taken to Cor vallia and run there ai a church organ. We giro it aa rumor. Dairy Stock The steamer Aetire came up yesterday with about thirty head of cows for Mr. Henry Ankeny. They were purchased from some dairy ranch near Mil waukie, that ia what we hear. Dr. R. N. Bell who was engaged ia min ing for sereral years in Idaho, and who was well known in Oregon, was murdered in Central America in October last. His brother-in-law, Dr. Ledyard, waa murdered at tbe s.ime time. They were killed by bandits for their money. OitsAHKSTAL Sbadb Tbees. Mr. Alex. Miller rcceired by steamer last evenings lare lot of shade trees from some nursery below, intended, no doubt to 611 hia eon- tract for improving Wilson s Avenue. Tbe pleasant weather, which seems to be eome at last, will afford bim an opportunity to do that work up speedily and well. Stitxel A Upton's Heal Ettate Gatetle for March, eontaina an excellent map of this State, and a great deal of information as to where the best investments can be made in the line of real estate. It atatea many facts which Ihow the rise of real es tate ia tbe city of Portland, whioh has been really wonderful within the past year. Ttfookaphical Errors. There were a number of error! in the decision of Judge Boise as published tbe other day whioh we now call attention to. "Inrersible" is used for irrteerrible; "caused'' for enrei "value" for Harare; "conclude" for eoa- eeee, and aeveral errors of a trifling nature occur besides, and the words, "while in lieu of a mandamus," were misplaced towards the close. Fro Idaho. Ous Sehwatka, who learn. ed the printing business here and went some three and a half years ago to Idaho, has found bis way back, though we do not know if he travelled by measeurement or weight, nor would it make much difference. He disguised himself, so thoroughly up there by the acquisition of avoirdupois tbat it has been bard to identify him, but his family and friends at lost conoluded to take his word for it to aroid tbe delay, trouble and expense of sending to Boise City for satisfactory certificates. The least that can be aaid of Qua is that he ia "some." An Old Newspaper. Our State eotem poraries are talking about old newspapers whioh come to their kdowledge, and this calls out H. M. Thatcher who brings ns a copy of the Aeic England Contain, dated February 11th, 1723, at Boston, nearly one hundred and fifty years ago. It ia a quaint affair of only two pages, 8x12 inches each. About one inch of this space is devoted to advertising of "Philadelphia Town-boulted Flower" and another offering to dispoae of a servant boy's time for 4 years, a small boy, too, who eould keep "Accounts." A paragraph at the close quaintly announces tbat the paper had met with genial accep tance in town and country and a greater nnmber waa required to be printed, besides it being read by "a vast number of borrow ers." the test sign of its value. Tbis jour nal, we read, was "Printed and sold by Benjaman Franklin, in Queen atreet, where advertisements are taken in." It would be iotsresting tbis weekly Cottrnnt of 1723 with the daily iuoes ia Boston of this morning. Ben. Franklin promised to furnish his reader! with a Latin motto each week, and a occasionally a Greek "scrap or two," was to be thrown in. The dailies of to-day don't venture much into tbe motto business, but they do up the news department In a style that would bo astonishing to Ben. Franklin or any other man who lived in the eighteenth century. County Court. FROBATB BCSINESS. - ' . March term, Marion county, before Hon C. N. Terry, Judge: Linus Brooks, administrator estate of Stanley Buggies, filed bis account for final aettlement. O. W. Edgc.r, executor estate of Moses Edgar, filed bis accounts for final settle ment. John T. Denny, administrator de bonit non of estate of Miles Winchester, deceased, filed his accounts for final settlement. Estate of Jefferson Chitwood, deceased, ordered that administrator proceed to sell land ia Polk county, described in petition, at Court House door, Dallas. H. L. McNary, administrator estate of Palatial Chappell, filed accounts for final aettlement. Mary J. Keitur, administratrix of estate of John B. Keiiur, filed her accounts for final settlement. The 10th of April next b set for the hear ing of any objections made to the settle ment of the accounts filed as above for final settlement. couJTY coumssioxxa's court. Before Hon. C. N. Terry, Judge, and Ai , Coolidge and Juha Geisy, Commissioners : The report of viewers in the matter of location of a county road, commencing at Peter Rosin's, Jun., to intersect county road at J. W. Taylor's, waa unfavorable and the road was aot granted. Tho report of viewers oa location of county road, commencing at Smith's bridge aesr grave yard, and terminating at Peter Rosin's land, was read. The petition was not granted on account of informality in the papers. J. W. Smith and others presented a pe tition for county road to be located, com meneing at Butte Creek bridge and running to the Parkersville road acd John New- som waa appointed by the Court Surveyor and Willis Dunnegan, John TX. Davis, aad Tbi-maa Sheppard were appointed viewers Samuel Brown and ethers presented I petition for county road to be located from Oerrais to Parkersville, aad tbe Court ap pointed S. D. 8aowden surveyor, snd Alex Esaoa, Milton Young, aad J. A. Master- sou viewers. ' : 8. Browa an ethers petitioned for change of location of county road Irons Bntterille ta near Waconda ; the Court appointed 8 D. Snowden surveyor, and the same view. era a last above mentioned.' ' In tbe matter of tbe location of a county road from the flooring mills, South Salem to Keville's Hill, the remans trance bad more sigaers than the petition, aad tbe matter was dismissed. Thirty dollars was appropriated by the Coart to nay expenses of witnesses ia the matter of Marion county re. Liaa county, It was ordered that the salary of the County 8cbool Superintendent be fixed at two hundred dollars per annum, commenc ing January 1, 1871. A petition waa presented by Jessie Par- riah aad others asking fer a ehaaga ia ooua ty road leading from Salem ta Jefferson, by Parrish's Gap, aad the Court appointed John Newaom, surveyor, aad H. A. John son , Ralph Walters aad 8. B. Addams, viewers. , ' '' l" '"' "".,. " ; ' V; In the matter of the license, for Salem .ferry ; the Court granted tbe same for five years,' at 10 a year, conditional to tbe adoption af a scale of prices fixed by the - Tha u i t"" are nxarlr the aa me as bow charged by the Company. A lioenae waa granted Wm. M. Daria t keep a ferry on tbe Santiam river on tbe road from Salem to Scio. Tbe following accounts were allowed and ordered to be paid I For keeping orphan child, 'for a year to come ............ ........t 60 Sheriff'a fees 78S 80 8 7J 5 00 T 0 12 32 8 00 17 SO 21 65 9 90 10 20 31 86 35 10 18 50 23 30 8 00 373 85 Breymaa Bros 8. C. Simpson Jackson Borter.. .......... I. N. Lawrenoe John Ncwsom Dn. Carpenter 4 Chase. Satn'l Parker. J. P Witness fees D. L. RiBB. J. P J. J. Murphy, J. P J. D. Taylor, J. P... Herman A llirsch Dr. P. A. Davis H. A. Johnson Clerk's fees.. IslssslMsl A 6erap from Barman. In tbe happy days when Karbathan Parahwas King of tbb Bnrmese, a pot ter formed in his heart an evil plot against the prosperity of bis neighbor, a wealthy washerman who lived in tbe same village. Tbe envious potter, bent on iojuring h'.s good neighbor, went to tbe palace of the king aad thus addressed : " Ob, illustrious prince ; is it not well known in the mountains and val leys ot our land that all tbe calamities which have come so severely and sud denly upon your kingdom of late years, have arisen from tbe fact that your majesty has no longer the charm of the white elephant, since the unfortunate death of the lucky white elephant which belonged to your father, wbo now' reposes in rapture in the seventh heaves of tbe blesed immortals T Do you know, 0 king, tbat elephant wbicb now carries you is bat a common black beast, which brings only black lack to us 1 Having, therefore, yoar prosperity and glory at heart, O king, and kiss ing tbe dust from your golden feet, I ventore to propose the following plan to your majesty ; There is a washer man in this city of extraordinary skill in washing or dying white everything brought to him, however black it may be, and however difficult to make white and beautiful. Let now my lord th king consider well the word of his ser vant, and bid this skillful washerman to wash your elephant white, so tbat tbe white days of prosperity may once more dawn upon your blessed majesty and ovj tbe realm." The king, wbo was weak in mind, beard tbe potter's project with delight, and readily consented to it. He sum moned tbe skillful washerman whose fame was great, and thus addressed him : " Command thee, most loyal subject, to use thy skill ia washing my e'e pliant white, that I may enjoy white days of prosperity even ai my father before me." Buttbewaiherman, wbo was a shrewd man, and ready witbal, suspecting tbe plot of the potter to-raia him by so vain a project, thai spoke to the king : " O my lord king 1 that I may wash my lord's royal elephant white, a suit able washing-boose must be erected, and also a pot of corresponding size must be constructed, and then I will wash yoar majesty's highly respected elephant white, and feel myself thrice blessed In having carried out my lord the king's wishes." On this the king sammoaed tbe pot ter, and enjoined bim, on pain of his royal displeasure, to construct a vast pot of sufSciect dimensions to bod the royal elephant, as well as a sufficient quantity of water and other constit uents for tbe ablution. The potter, In fear and trembling, collected an Im mense mass of clay, oat of which be constructed a pot large enough to told tbe royal elephant. When, however, tbe elephant stepped into this bogs pot it broke into several pieces. Anotner pot was maaeoi con siderable thickness by the potter, who, do as be would, could not, even by bis largest fires, bake it thoroughly, so as to make it both compact and strong So the unfortunate potter was jn this dilemma ; if he made a tbia pot it was broken by tbe we'gbt of the elephant, aid if be made it thick enough to re sist such a weight, he could not, with all his efforts, get tbe pot sufficiently baked ; and wai obliged at last to give np the task as beyond bis power, and to brave tbe royal displeasure, which consigned him to a piison for tbe rest of bis life, and confiscated bis goods " Plot not against thy neighbor," says tbe Burmese proverb, "lest thine own property suffer by tbe plot" a proverb which is here well enforced Tbb LiABiMTrKS or Ioformbbb or thb Pbbss. The Cincinnati Enquirer says: In a case before Judge Cox, a few days ago, it was decided that where persons give local reporters items fer publication, which prove to be untrue or libelous, tbe informer is liable. Tbe libel appeared In the Cincinnati Volke- blatt concerning- Daniel Jacobs, of whom it was published tbat he bad committed suicide, out of remorse for being once a bushwhacker. Tbe de fendant, George Frederick Wamiguoi gave the information to Captain Lag owski, tbe local reporter, aod tbe tes timony at tba trial disclosed tbe fact that tbe parties lived next door to each other, on anything but friendly terms, and did not commit soicile, and never was a buihwbacker, but was a respect ed. honest maa aad good citizen. Tbe jury, under the charge of Judge Cox, found for the plaintiff, in damages, on the ground tbat tbe testimony showed tbat tbe information was maliciously given, for tbe purpose of having it pub lished, to bring tbe plaintiff into pub- lie ridicule, contempt and disgrace. Wa are glad tbat this deelsioa bas beea rendered, as it will make those persons careful who desire to make the aewswapers a conduit of their spite by giving false news to the local reporters General Powell, who appeared for the plaintiff, brought his action against the ioformer and aot against the news paper, and succeeded ia establishing tbe first precedent of the kind tbat we have ever beard of. One of the results ot the German Arctic exploring expeditioa is the dis covery of immeosa coal beds ia the north of Greenland. ' Mountains ex ceedlog Mount Blauo la height were discoveted, aad tba botanical spec! mens found indicate that Greenland must have bees covered at oaa time with a rich vegetation. ' An Abingdon, III., lady, who found a barrel of wit ia ber way in front of a grocery store, lifted ber little boot and kicked it into the street; it was as much as two aaea could do to pat it back. " A Hew carriage factory, ealled the Iron Ate. bas Dea started la Boston for ths constrnctioB of vehiclee exclu sively of iron. - : .. A four-year-old boy in Westport, Pan., cries for his Bine and tobacco, aad gets tbem', aad smohes with evi dent enjoyment. A Good EeeoinaeBdatiM. A patent medicine vender laneof our principal cities was dilating to a large crowd npon the wonderful effi cacy of bis iron bitters, pronouncing bem the great panacea, and all potent . building up an " Iron constitution." . " That is so that is so," said a by. stander. " What be tells you is a fact, gentlemen, every word of it." "Hear tbat, will yoa?" cried the delighted quack, " here is a living tes timony right before your own eyes a man who has used tbe bitters and can recommend." " No, not exactly tbat," replied tbe old fellow ; " I have never used tbe stuff myse'f; but you see Sieve Jenk ins did, and tbey jest saved bis life." "How's tbatT" questioned tome one. " Well, you sse, Steve bad taken tbe bitters just one week before be was shoved in prison for murder. He was stripped of everything in tbe shape ot iron about bim, and yet be made a bar and worked bis way out." " Probably he had whisky enoagh la bim to furnish a bar," suggested a wag. "No, that be didn't," retorted the first. " He bad been taking tbis man's iron bitters, d'ye mind T and what does Steve do bat open a vain in bis arm, and take iron enough out of bis blood to make a crobsr, and pried tbe gates open with it, and let himself out Fact." The " medicine man" subsided. Plant Exhaustion. A correspondent of the Mobile Regitter says tbat common lease teaches, tbat, after a plant bas exhausted itself in tbe production of a crop, it needs recu peration. It Is a demand of nature that cannot be disregarded with impu nity. Therefore as soou as tbe straw berry crop bas been removed, every thing calculated to rob the crop of its legitimate food must be destroyed, aod an additional supply provided. Either remove or plough or spade in all tbe grass, cultivate thoroughly, apply a good drening of some appropriate fer tiliser ; keep the grounJ mellow dur ing Summer, and clip off all the run ner! as fast as tbey appear. Tbe next Fall the plants will be stroeg and healthy, and the reward will be a heavy crop of fruit tbe ensuing season. Elspbasv Dibt l Pabis. A letter of January 6tb, said: Tbe via ordi naire is giving out.' It bss already risen nearly CO per cent In price. This is a very serious thing fur tbe poor, wbo not only drink it, but warm it aod make with bread a soup ont of it. Yesterday, I bad a slice of Pollux for dinner. Pollux and bis brother Cas tor are two elephants, which have been killed. It was tough, coarse and oily, and I do not recommend English famil ies to eat elephant as long as they can get beef or mutton. Many of tbe res taurants are closed owing to waat of fuel. ' They are recommended to use lamps; but although French cooks can do wooden with very poor materials, when they are called apoa to cook an elephant with a spirit lamp tbe tbiog is almost beyond their ingenuity. Castor and Pollux's trunks sold for 4$ franci a pound ; the other parti of tbe inter esting twins fetched about 10 francs a pound. About tbe only person tbat we ever beard of tbat was not spoiled by being lionised was the Jew named Daniel. The microscope shows that an oyr. ter contains multitudes of small oysters, covered with ebelle. A poor man, who less than one year ago, bad only one suit of clothes, went into tbe newspaper business aad n.w baa eight suits. Seven of them are for libel. The very latest Idea of ullra-faibion- able ladies, is to bave their boots and shoes padded at tbe Instep, so as to give the foot, at that point, a high and graceful curve. The conjoined capital ot all tbe banking bouses of the Rotbscbilds in London, Paris, Fraokfnrt, and Vienna, is said to be, in our money, not less $ 500,000,000. It is proposed to cut a tunnel under tbe river Severn, for tbe Great West ern Railway of England. It is to be four miles long, at an estimated cost of 900,000 per mile. "Well there's something in that 1" as the man said when be tried to pull on bis boot with a kitten ia it. A young couple In Bristol, Va., were so affected at a recent meeting that tbey went forward" to tbe altar, and Insisted on being married. A roll of tobacco forty-seven years old, was examined tbe other day in Louisville, wrapped up In an old paper of Shad Penn's, printed iu 1823. Tbe average salary of clergymen is $ 700 a year, while tbat of skilllul me chanics is $ 1,252, according to tbe late report of Commissioner Wells. Ths moss business in Florida ia as suming profitsbls proportions. Tbe article is procured ia tbe forests, cured, packed and shipped to tbe North. Srorcrirs, etc. E. JL CORNER, Commercial Street1 Baleaa. DEAL'S IN GROCEKtKS PRoviaiosta,:: tTKBO TC, Keepa a lull stock at O'eeerlee eseetaBUyJea nssfl. JALM)' Divoci oir, CLOTHES WRIWOama lALTO'TAHIDO KIXOS. AIL, CORD AOS, TABLE AID P0CKIT CUTtlRT, And ether urti.-W tan aa aerous la mention. Al lor saleeneap far etab or marfcetiMe pnxlaae. . A Choice Lot of Tobacco efc Oigrars ALWAYS ON HAND. fT fleot dfOrerea teal part ef the ray free ar enaraa. sbpikb FARRAR BROTHERS -ttns-i ; J?of3t-Office Htore ! Bare jest recelred a rTEW STOCK ef GROCERIES, Crockery, Glassware, . BnenaVlsta Stoneware Plated and Tableware -. ntx, , no t.i Y9 Goods 4el:Tsre4. free at ehvte te aajr penes wie eaty. Baem,Joly SS. ; Boots and Blues. Capital Boot axi hoe Store. STAICER &BIER, Keep constantly on hand ' A GOOD STOCK 0 California and Eastern . Boots eft; Slxoes. ALSO Manufacture to Order Men's Boots & Shoes. We bare .the Itsl uf faciUtlis tt are eat IN TO. 1 WORK ... . V. i. i -l la the Market wDl be nsed-1 REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. 1 DorBmtli tfCndr avaewfacte aepll:xa ly.lsnvcrci.l Sued. ST . H A. S, State Itreet, lean, Orearem, Fashionable Boot - Maker, DEALER IN . CTJSTOm MADE BOOTS. late Hi(keet Price flat Ceab Paid DF TT H Salesa,Nor. a, 1870. ewtf 8ALEM' ! I Boot L Shoe Store J Three Doors from Oregon C'niidr Hanufao toij on Commercial atreet. T. 33. mosoisS BAS JUST OPENED A Full Fall Mtoclc, Of all Articles la hia Line And has a Fine assortment for Gents, Ladles & Children's Wear, Lately purchased in Sau Francisco, For Sale on Moat Keaonaole Terms. ALSO Boots Made to Order IX IT LET STYLE, AH Repstlrlstfr Dsm at S Start BTaXlce. Nor W-dt Miscellaneous. AMERICAN BROILEE. The finest fullnarj Invention of the Age. Emb-dylna la a plain and ehrap utensil, (aa simple aa a pot or skillet, and weighing less tbaa three puno4s. alt like prlnrlplee Involved tat the perfect broiling of auais elik lite (reatcal eo-ra.laneea and aSr- at with at rapidity mere than) It anoids to (he poor and rich alike the first and only relief erer oflerrd from the tedious, trvublfsome, juice eraporatlnf. Iji.xpaia pro ducing broilers ef the past, from me dedif foe u naaian neaitn, toe iui ins rn, ana irom MKVT COOKING ABOMINATIONS Of ALL DKGR'EA. It renders broUine, heretofore so relations, the QCICKU-T AND KASlkdT Or ALL MODSS OF C.miKInG, nd me-ts broiled by It MORE PL- TBLE AND KUTRIOIUUS tbaa aay other node ot cooking them, became It prerenta the tnn of nutriment by evaporation or omerwise. It seta on tea of the store or range, erer one of the openings; requires no prearauon ni nre; no Coke or Chare al; no pounding of 8:eak ; rcn Irrs t"ura meat tender by lu action ; does aaray with all smoke and smell of grease ; broils equally wen orer Coal ar wood ; answer- tor an sited t .re or ranee openings, and Is KO.U LI.Y GOOD r BKKF-TKK. CHICKENS, HAM. CHOP. FUH AND OTaTERB. It broils steak orer an areraev are within Sre tnlna'ea. other meats In pr-'Porilon; and retains ALL THE JUICES AND FLAVOa, which no other broiler does. Sixty-Five Thousand ARB NOW IN TJ B. AU sold under standing a-id oacondlttonal guar antees, and hare glreo aa unannoty or satisiae- tton unnreerdmted In culinary nt'enilons. We guarantee thent whenever sold to fulfiB th aborc siiertftcauo.-s, and authorise all dealers to do so with their customers. An universal teat Is Invited on these lernis. and to any not satisBrd after a fair trial, the money will be refunded, with ehargre both wars. Each broiler will have the authorised label attached wlih the trade mark, " Aaiericaa Broil stamped thereon. This Hretler ia also aa uneonaled Bresdunrr aa I Corn roper, and a good CiirrbK KUASTaa Retail Price Only One MUSH CRATE lor Corn Popping and Coffee Roasting, If dealt ed. thirty cents exit a Liberal DUconnt to the Trade. Por sale In Pan Francisco by the house below nmeo,ln half dosen and dsen packarce, at the minimum rates, who wiU be responsib e tu the full extent of the above guarantees lor all broil' era sold by them. Russell &. Irwin Maniif g Co., ao lANsona strsckt, SAN FRANCISCO, atanufactuiera and Dealers In OF EVfcRY DE;CRIltIUN. And at retail by all Flore, Tin and Boose Pa naming dealers evcrywheie. feblilAwlm $20 A DAY TO MALE & FEMALE AGENTS To Introduce the celebrate I tlB Barker ShSMiia wla" Maehlae. eti'ch alike oa both side, and Is the .dv Bcms-d Shuttle Machine In the United Stab for less than $4 that uses the celebrated WILSON FEXO," and are aikoow'edged by all to be toe , BEST FA.HIL.Y MACHINE for Heavy aad light sewing, la the market. Outfit free. Address PI IN It dk PStARSOfr. General Ag nis, Albany, Oregon. febS,6ot Wheat I Wheat V T Wa win pay the lushest Market Price 20,000 brshels Good Wheat, SACKS FTJBM8HED. OOX da EAKHAHT-B Salem, Row. S, 1870. dwtf HARNESS AND SADDLERYI The fina of Jordan A Downer having beea Cle solved by esataal ao limit, tbe heal esse ss now serried on at the old stead ay . J. 11. JORDAN & CO., Who will asaka ta order aad sea . SADDLES AND HABXESS A n tie better aad cheaper than eaa be boeant elsewhere ra this Hty, of wMch fees alt wba was these articles are leaeested ta take notice. These knowing theesaetrea 1- deb ted ta the old firm are reejeeatas ta eatt end settle Immediately with J. D. Jordan, who la aathmlsed to art lor aeis rfipiTtt iiuansx. . JOOX i. JOKOAll. Baleaa.Pab.t,dawU Diaselntlon. ' ' XTOTICK ! hereby girea that the arm hara- Xl tnfvre ealetleg a Oder the name of Gosllnet eraST la deserved by snahaal eaawesi. The lta elllttee will be assumed aad all aeeua- tt eo keeled by a. OuaWaer. who will carry aa tm- k ail n sat at their eat ataad oa Wieamarclal atreet. B. G-fl-lHEt, tia.6susr. JanlTdewlsa. ""IIS '' . S"Tt r JS1' ,-; Helmbold'i extract Bnthi. II T. IIELMBOLD'S C0MP0UI1D FLUID Exiact Catawba GRAPE PILLS. Component Parte Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Fluid Extract Catawba ' Grape Juice. tor Liver Complaints, Jaundice. Mnoee Afeo tloas. Hck or Nervous Headache, Cos Irencsa etc. Purely Vegetable, conmlning ao Mercury Minerals, or beleteiioas Drugs H ' Three Pills are the most delightfully pleavant purgatives, superseding castor oil, sails, atage sia.eic T.ier. is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. . They give tone, and eanse neither nausea nor griping pains. 1 hey are composed e ttitjtnttt tnaredinte. After a few daj's ef use them, aacbaa uirigurallon of the entiie system lakes pi .c as to appe r maeuloua to the weak and snerraied. whether arloli g from Impronence or 1 sease U T. B. lboli's Compound Fluid Extract Catawba Orape Pills are rot sonar ooated from the fact that aoearoated Pills d not dissolve, but pasa thrnagh the stomach with out d'ssnlvt f, eonaqarat'V do net produce th desired effect. THE CATAWBA GRAPd PILL being pleasant rn taste and od r, do not necessi tate their being sugar coated. i-RlCE fiSTK CETn PER BuX. E Henry T. Ilrlmbold'a HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EITtUCT SAKSAfAEIUA. will redVe'ly exterminate from the system 8-rofnla Syphilis Fever dorcea. Surca Ulcers, 8 or. Ere, rore Legs Sore Month Sore Head llronrhitls Skin Diseases. Salt Rheum. Cankers. Rnnags from the Bar. While Swellings Tumor Caneeroua AffVctiona, Nodea, Rickets, Olaadnlat Hweiilna Nigtit Bweau Rash Tetter. II nssorsol all Kinds, Chrooio Hneumailsm, Dyspapaia,and ail diseases that bare been ettabliehcJ ia the ayslem (or years. L Being prepared expressly for the abore Cwm pla.oti lu Brood-purifying I ropertles are greater than any other preparation of Saraparille. Il Sires (lie C.imi rexloa a clearer and more halhy c.lor aud restores the putlent to a stage of nealih and purity For P rrltyipg the Blood removing all Chronic Constitutional Diseases arising fr an luipare staU cf the Blond and the only rrlla shle and rff.-ctaal known Remedy f"r Hie Cure ot Pains and Swelling of the Bones, 0 eerattons of the throat and Legs. B'otchea, Plrnn'es on the Fce. Erysipelas, and all Sc .ty Eruption of the hkln. and be otl lying tbe Complexion. Price II SupcrSolila. - M Henry T. llelmbold's CO NTE STATED TLTJID EXTRACT BTJCHTJ, THE tiRKAT DKIUtTIC, has cured ev-rv case of Diabetes in which it has been given I rltaUon ef the Nee nf the HI -dd. r ami lull mimatlon of the Kidneys Ulceration o i he Kl -fiey aod Bladder, Me'ention of rhe Crlne Diseas-a of the Prostrate 6 and atone in the Bladder Calculus Gravel Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for En. Ichiro aim De lcate Cenatttutkio- of both 9ea s. attended with the following sym turns: Iudispo sliion to r xerllcn Lo-e el Pwer Loss ef Mem ory Diaicudy or Breathing, Weak Nervea Tren otitic, Hnrro- af D seae. Wakefulness limners of Vlalon Pain In ti e Bark Hot Hands Fluahing i.f the Borty, Dryness of the Bkin, Erup tion n the Face, Paint Countenance, Universal La Itoneoflhe Muscular Cj stem etc Use I by persons Irom the ages ot eigkteen to twenty fire and from thirty-fie to fifty fire, or in the dec lne or change of lire; after confine mtnt or labor palm; icd-wettlng la children. B BTelmhold's Extract Bochu la Dtnrelie and Blnod-Pnriiylng and cure-all Diseases arising from habits of Dissipation and esorsars and Im prudence of Lite te..a-ltte at iht Blood etc snpersedlng 0lba In aBectioas for which It ia used aad Syphilitic affeetirme 4a these Diseases used In connection with Helmoold's Rosa Wash LADIES. Tn many affections peea'lar te ladles the Ex tract Banna la aoeanaied by any ether Bmedy as In Chloro-le. r Re eotloo. Irarg danty, Pale fa news ar Sunpreaslow at 0 -.stoma rv Evacua tions, Ulcerated or Schirra state ef the U'eras Learorrhoe or Whliea iHerillty and for an com. plaints ineedeat to the Sea whether arising tram Indi-crrtinn or dl-.lp.tloo. It la preaerloed ea teneieety by the saot eminent phyrlelana and Mldwtras lor enfeebled and deilraW Onaet I ra tions of botrrVieo .nd all agee i at tended with aay of the above diseases ar ey myxoma o H T. HJXWn"5LD"g EXTRACT PCCBU CURES DISEASES ARISING FROM IS! rarnawcg, a Asm or ataaiPATioa, etc. la alt their augee, at Note esswnee Muat a aa change In diet, no Inexsoveaiewre end aa ex pense. It canoes a fr-wawt dselre, aad gvevw strenvth to nrauate thr-sfr m mntsae .sai a rt v r Prerentt-( and ferine trtetarw at la. Cewha Allaying Pain and InaaasKa, , s .,i this class of dleeaaea aod exawthag aS . Mini mat ' er . Thousands aba hare brew the af i etetrt isrrsiHM. swd wwe l avs. awM baas-y Ms be cured lo a shrt tte, b re thae hare been decreed, aad the tba psa . - i by tba aae ad - aaaartat I Ha mis t dried op In the eya-e a. i We w a wwr, arrraeatsd Iwrwt and .nw . Wee I'ae Hclo bald's Extraet aa asw ttnm and D'seaase at I'rtaarr itnjsM, i i n exist tog la Mate FevaaK easts. w, originating, and a. mt.e at a w nr. is Price, oa Deiiar aad PMlf Caam am i HESRT T. HKLMBOLD'S IHrBOTID R03K WATI. cannot be surpeaaed nr a Pace VsA a4 am be foaatl tbe sale eawria nsw ty l cle o Cutneews AaVcttoa ft a.B, nry eatra rsnpn, rpoa. t in in yasae. tlons of the Cutaneous MfwirtM, e e . -t-sss, Rclnese and Inrlpleht I, Sassmaiisa. b Rash, MnU Pstcbea. Drrweaa at ta t-ei aw P in. rrret nite aaa sar,ns W waarb Bairee ar munenra ar wa. j rss. s,.a wa to a stsL. of partly and ar ftaawa aad i" ami at tinned hex thy action ta the taassa af a. ,ei on which depend th th i ssalls eararaasa and rlraotv of eotnnlexiaa ao wrveh . admired. Bat however vshsable a. a timig. im existing eateote ef the Sksa, . H.lmboid's Ron Water has long sustained lta principal ctaKa to unbounded patnaagrs patroasge, by sj.i ss Ing which rend-r If a Tullet Appendage af Um t?ufei iKM.e mnv vnsroiisi rnsrsrvr. f Il II , an,eletant lorm-ii. those prominent taaatats. Pafety and sfflcacy the tnrarlaoie ar-ompaai. menu of lu use a a Preservative and ftsfi sak-1 ot the Cemplexl-Mi It Is ao ezcellent Lett, In. diaeasea of a Syphilitic Hater and aa aa In lee lion for(dlaeaaes at the Urinary Orgi.a, arising from habits nfdiastpatlon. aaed in connect to witn Extract Bochu Sataa partita, and Catawba Ora Pills In aoeh dlsea ea as rervimmeade I, eaaoot be aarpaaaea - rnoe, ue vouar pr Bottle, D Fall and explicit directions accoetpaay Iheea aiedlclneo EWtene. of th avast respnnashle aad reltahle character farnislwd en appHrailoa with han- dredsnr ninesanna or I vu g wimtsss and ao Wards of So OOti aosollted certlAcetes and reonm saendatorv letter many at which ar mss th. hts'ie-l aueree. iBchtdtaa eminent Pbatatelana Cjie'gymea, faatesmene to The proprietor ha . Barer resorted to their publtetua lo th news paper; he does not da this frost fart'iaat hi ar ticle rank as Staexlard Prep .rat ton. r d de I at aeed not t be propped ep by oartifleates HESRT T. IIRl.RB lLt OsCeTJ. laai rntranav sosra. Dearerad te aay addresa Sen rstio . ... Established upward of Twenty Tears Sold by Pi uggtsts every wher. A ddrevs lei ter for In rr- mauon, in eonnew, t HhBBI T MKLMBOL Dturst aa.1 Chemist Only D-pota: H. T. HvLaJBOLD'S Drag aad Otemical Warrhenae, No f4 Broadirar New lore or a t. HBLW rXILD. Medical Depot 104 South, Tent! strv. Phuaaelnhta. Pa Bewara of Ounter fetu Ask for UESXT T n i Take ao etaec. i r Mlscrllancwii. THE CALIFORNIA POWDER WORKS, San Francisco, EANUFAOTTJRE AND BSYK CO&'STAlfTLTELOJr Sporting, Mining, and Blasting POWDEE or svrsBioR qvality, trksr rsou TVS MILLS. It being constantly rreelred and transported into lb Interior, Is delivered to th consumer within a few days of tbe tin of tla manufacture, and la lol rery way superior to any ether powder In th market. - We Lave been awarded.aocceaaleel THREE GOLD MEDALS -By Vit HKCn ASICS INSTITUTE and th STA T AdBCCL TUBAL JSOCIM i T tor the snperlt rily of our products oyer all ethers. W also call attention te our HERCULES POWDER which eombli ea all the force of other strong em plate note in ue, and Ike lifting force of t BEST BtASimO PO WDEB, Ola making it tattlf enperior to any other compound stott in use. A circular eontsrnfnt a roll deeerlpllem ef tils p wder cao be obtained on application to oar office, or of any of our agents. JOHM r. LOB SB, Ifor. wem Peereterr THE HEW rOOi., For a feir cents yoa can bnj zf your Grocer or Druist a package of SEA MOSS FAEINE, tnado from pure Irish Xoss, oi Carrageen which Trill make sixteen quarts of Blanc Mange, and a liko quantity of Pud lings. Custards, Cream-s, Char otto Sussc, Ac It is the cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world. It makes a splendid Dessert, and has no equal as a light and ilelicato food for Invalids and Children. " ( A Glorious Change ! I TIIK GXtEAT WORLD'S TOXIC i .antation Bitters. pk ' w i m amrammaJt mrfn wravsrssdeatslai restorative Is the" ahcot-an- chor of the feeble and dcbUt latcd. As a tonic and cordial for the tiffed and languid. It has no equal amour sUom aehtes. As a remedy for the aervons weakness to which men are especially aatr- eca It Is aaperaedlag erery ttUser sMimnlaak In all Cli mates, tratsical temperate. r frtxtd. It arts as o speeide erery spectes of dlaorder wvfcsVIa ssraadefvlswes the lodlly strrwarth sasad hreaks atom the a set aaa a I ap4rt. fr tvalo by all Dv-mff ted. a , aw i, rj fiaattEi; It! Thr Diamond (a'ta., J. E. SPENCER k CO., 5. Y., rThk ar new r4 as rh aaana. ar pe mwm-ww wj - er-waw HfllSUl th Wrt-t as n ta ZkXosBt Porfoot. Hataral, Aru&c'.aJ kelp la ths bamaa sr. rr trasa mlnat C. vaj PrbM,, sn.lte) t"fvther, aad S-nv. thetr nasa. Dt.-wood, ee aceeaot at their haraaeaa sad brmiaarp. Tbe Scientific Princin1 Oa which they are onatmeteel brines th ear or oral" at the k-ns sueeilr sa front at lb aym, BrtBe1nw a eleae a.a skshwit wii,. - - i .k . aataral. healthr slirhl, an4 preraouax au r "' m-m aa awseasj aarl wa-erti.f of sietit, diaaioesa, sW , peculiar to alt ethers ha aaa. Thrt ore Mounted in the Fmret Manner, In fra -a wf th beat awalttr. at a for V at Mimss. THEIR FINISH AND DURA.BILITT jAnirr be suapAitsco. CAW KM.aaaafVaUlak BV1 .! X SB 4 . . lrd nftrk -o tutnpesi on vcr fr. Vf W. MARTIN, Jeweler aad OpUelaa, Sole Afent Scrr RALlisM, OREGON, Frora whom they eaa only be ebtomS. Thee i ar sw upp.ten u reaiera at any price. ' tv" ahiSdewi. rf.r i - W. VVt MARTIN frtf tlcal Watc.mker t Jeweltr, Caaaaaarelal atreet, Bales. (' ...-)-. - jsiaamm. " NEW GOODS FROM THB KlffT. A FULL Mock of 1 OLOOKS, PLAISAJtO ORltASKXTAX. : TOHEO. i ' " 1 OOLB ARD tTLTOL JEWELRY OP ALL. KINDS. ': Ware. KNIVES ' AND PORKS, , . , r HIUVT PLATXD. Solid Sllrer Card Caaet, PORT oaaia.S, aM ska. Clocks, Waichea a, Jewelry atepatred tn th bsa xaaaaer. Solid Gold Jewelry sU.DC TU OKBOU leaelSoawSea ;oiyioiy. setts, aWrWm s'"A'vt:rrSj Ps WmtseCteweretsriBaashwaeaal, '' SIBOKI IK CDS f aJI KlsieU. PJTATtlBS. ',aM. AT . JUhkM Atrje) Mt. Uhttt